The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP123 Women Sexist Double Standards

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Transcript UnP123 Women Sexist Double Standards

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 123 - Women Sexist Double Standards
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00:00:07| this one is for the fellas guys stay tuned we're gonna talk about something everyone's talking about we're gonna talk about them broads and dames chicas the old bag a couple of miles
00:00:22| I'll see you squalls hag babes bimbos dines floozies gals arm candy the sexy mama the [ __ ] the biddy the tart the hussy we're gonna talk about them pigeons gals
00:01:09| so I'm Dan and I'm Nick folks we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology me we've got it all covered each discussion here deep dive into our unique perspective taboo
00:01:24| forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion and with Mike you can get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and
00:01:35| sexual content and it's for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes your father [Music]
00:02:00| Cary's baby alright once again I'm Dan you know Nick Oakes took us over a hundred episodes to get to a topic that is near and dear to our hearts
00:02:15| widespread fifty-fifty split if you were to toss a coin you'd probably hit one of them a man living in my hair right folks yeah or am i right I'm right the holy grail kind of did this is it most the
00:02:33| most specific topic and the most broad topic we've ever done yes it is literally the Holy Grail that's what it was yes women feminism and the ability to give life thank you when I'm
00:02:46| beautiful thank you women oh feministas over here my Nazis we've been referred to as by some circles hmm where do we push we begin you dude stereotypes you do
00:03:00| feminism you want to do how much we love women how much we know women good is a good whisper maneuver like women it's good I don't know where to begin with this one this one I have a lot to say
00:03:19| and so little I want to say you look like you're reflecting fondly on your moments with women or maybe just ya know general well we'll start this way because I think this is what we should
00:03:31| do come full circle we should talk about just how weird it is that you just mentioned it touched on it like 50% of the population is it 51 or something like that yeah mostly women majority
00:03:43| with it but that's 51 I mean slight change yeah like if aren't the chances equalled you'd be born man or woman not good enough or the whole extra chromosomes and different things
00:03:56| and all that but I mean by sheer number automatically I don't know if there's like hormones or this is like the wolf howl thing right like if a wolf doesn't hear how
00:04:10| the night she produces more liver really actually realizes we're missing one so we got to make some more so it's like if it's imbalanced you think maybe something's in our genetics to make more
00:04:20| of the one that's imbalanced aren't I lacking I would think there has to be because there's no way that you have a 50% chance and that we literally have 50/50
00:04:29| just about i mean fifty one forty not wherever it is but that's ridiculously close and then with like you think you think that women have a better chance of surviving like they have a longer
00:04:40| lifespan but also women aren't as stupid as men I mean and well in in historical times they also didn't do as many dangerous things yeah battles and yeah there'd be more women right yeah weird
00:04:54| so I guess there has to be something that keeps everything in balance yeah we're a hell of a coincidence we don't believe in coincidences here though coincident ago scientific with it sure
00:05:05| it's like what I didn't want to touch on the whole who identifies as a man or a woman on then I get into that yeah that's another that's another other so we will actually do one on Mike trans
00:05:15| and stuff like that but this is not that sexual reproduction right okay advantage us know what's the bonus is that sexual diversity you get genetic diversity you get a variety of people a
00:05:32| mix of people it helps you because you're resilient you have people that might have an anomaly that continues to progress the human race I just did I'm sorry I did I had no clue we were told
00:05:44| we had one whole second I was like with humans but you meant just in general sexual yeah the whole sexual having sex to reform sexual reproduction wow I was so hard to say going keep going
00:05:57| sexual as you say conduct as opposed one of those reproduced things just started banging on the door I did it um kick it out bang well just still can't get over to the 50/50 split and I'm sorry picking
00:06:13| up a scab from my hand you're not supposed to talk about that oh I did there I did it like that you're one of those people I like likes to I like to pull knock
00:06:23| skills that well I mean I like to pull them off when they get dry and harder right now it's from an axe I've been chopping up firewood lately oh then it of the
00:06:32| handles it's just like a little real real hot no Sykes's I can use my fire pit now but I bought this axe a while ago I haven't been using it so I let it sit in a hot hot Sun and that poly
00:06:44| whatever material it's not metal mine's like a plastic composite no it's like some weird composite it got real real hot sittin in the hundred degree Sun for like 30 minutes
00:06:53| yeah this why I think that I was started using it I don't care how much of a mainline man's man and it started really hurting my hands and it hurts like hell it's my hand took it off huh but no
00:07:08| women can't chop wood isn't that amazing every sexual stereotyping ember one yeah I can't do what men can do right that is a stereotype then you have to go into start of it yeah
00:07:21| sure we do right away men are stronger generally they're more aggressive men right generally all right yes they kind of are in again generally dude this runs the gamut no one would ever say that no
00:07:34| woman could be strong they used to be like women who would get in fights with me about it I'd be like I'm like no I just think more men are strong they're like a woman could be just strong as men
00:07:42| I was like yeah if she said that's you could not remember she wanted none of you obviously behind us none of you rip you apart but like they would be people get someone my girl I'm like I'm not the
00:07:52| kind of person who says a woman can't be strong I would never say that like I was never like I love making misogynistic jokes yes but like and people were saying that I'm an [ __ ] for sure I
00:08:02| don't care but I'm not like actually a misogynist like does that make sense yeah that's like you can laugh at death it's there's terrible things that you're funny yeah that yeah yeah
00:08:13| lightheartedness helps in the situation other people take it too seriously and other people take it to say yes yes what's a butt of a joke or whatever I don't know but the whole strength what's
00:08:25| the other one like caregiver yeah caring nursing loving emotional feeling all those mm-hmm like heartwarming like saw what's gentle and we're jumping
00:08:42| around but like I feel like that's changing already I think there's like more stay-at-home guides than there ever were before and like Dad nanny or I don't know if that's a term I think I
00:08:50| just made it up but like war dads or doing that at women are making more money in the workplace some women support their husbands in the workplace and some like like I've seen paternity
00:09:02| even not maternity like do you know I mean it's like yeah slipping but that's just because Evan flow I read that women are now majority breadwinners in the home ok that might be related to like
00:09:13| single mothers and stuff cuz a good household income right right family income but yeah it's there's a lot of sexism in regarding I guess stigma work these people will never reveal so like
00:09:30| if a woman's making a lot of money I don't know that she'll ever say that cuz most men would probably believe that they're not making more money than them because oh no no my what would makes way
00:09:40| more money to me yeah but I'm not talking about like a relationship I don't like you know a relationship like in your office are you ever gonna assume that like if a woman at on your level is
00:09:50| making you would assume that she's making about what you're making or less right I think most men would yeah yeah that's that's an assumption and I think it still holds pretty true but hasn't
00:10:00| the gap closed a lot or I don't know if it's still working towards it like this is a branch of feminism if we had a woman expert who fights for this kind of stuff and has been another episode
00:10:09| before she could probably set us straight with numbers yes any of us that perspective it would be amazing to have that but well you gotta we did not we did not have that guest on hmm well we
00:10:21| thought we tied with it it's like the Google thing where Google had sexism oh yeah they just said over like 16 million a pop right or something like I don't know how much they sell a million total
00:10:33| I read that they did an analysis and found that women were actually being paid more than men on average in oh they may be a different lawsuit they just settled some lawsuit where they settled
00:10:44| out of court but I did hmm I'm trying to look good for the women out there i-it's it's tilting upwards style is it thank you as you because all the women have stopped
00:10:57| watching at this point oh yes that was her like these guys are a bunch of jokers yep Tony's not watching it at Molly or a mall maybe tart Holy Grail chalice of life Holy Grail yeah come on
00:11:11| we're going in the wrong way you because you don't want to talk about personal women because you feel like no maybe I do here's the epitome is I took notes I was
00:11:20| writing down a few things I wrote like five things down I got down to UM qualities that women are or perceived to be I lost the sheet somewhere in the house and the first thought is she's
00:11:33| gonna find it he's gonna think was there anything Dan England no I think I wrote LA before oh good emotionally Rajee and something else I could word women hold grudges like no
00:11:48| other I think they do hold them better than men I think they do get various individual to individual we're not anyone who's like no they know everyone relax that was a man's voice a weak man
00:12:02| but come on talk about grudges or argumentative about stupid things I think men are arguing about where you put your shells no I think men are you about money what about us maybe what do
00:12:18| you use the wood socially well down to the difference between men and women is there a real difference it's not just an X and a Y chromosome there actually is a difference yeah there likes either
00:12:28| because toddlers growing up and boys playing with trucks and like inanimate objects and girls going towards dolls like there was a study that showed that early in our own youth the sexist matter
00:12:41| they gravitate towards certain aspects of life but don't they aren't they copying what they see on TV and like in their lives or they could very well be but these were like right two-year-olds
00:12:54| three-year-olds I mean you've been around more three years you're two years you've seen the world for two even if you don't accept it absorb it all you you you have norms already right
00:13:04| yeah so I'm just venturing here to guess yeah that the toy thing I think like by the age three you only seen TV shows were men are driving the trucks it like constructions actuated stereotypes yeah
00:13:17| exactly so I really do I think there is something to that what I would tell you in differences though and that's true too I don't know all the differences are just based on how you live your life who
00:13:28| you're around and other guys you're with or girls you're with like like could it all be related to social statuses norms cues and everything in your everyday life like if women drove all the trucks
00:13:43| and worked all the construction sites and men always stayed home and then we raise children that saw that and let them pick whatever toy they want with the boys then like play house more
00:13:56| because they want to be like their father who played house and the women would play with the trucks more so out really saying like this so good a woman definitively has to carry a child if
00:14:05| that was different than maybe this that's right in fact can't argue this one so a woman is gonna by default be home with a child at some point maybe she's not capable of caring for him in
00:14:15| the very first few weeks who she's recovering but she will be by default home at some point the kid before the man I guess cuz of breastfeeding to also breastfeeding so there's a natural
00:14:31| rhythm of things that we fall into and if it was mutual like if a man could carry children and and breastfeed them to recipes it's so creepy to think about so hot do you think the roles could I
00:14:46| mean they could flip do you think there would be even like any notice of gender do you think there's still be sexism we're like so this is a this is a perfect example here that I was reading
00:14:57| something on a forum about how women were freaked out when there was a man taking care of their children at the daycare they had like there was one male I didn't care worker I mean women didn't
00:15:10| like it at all yeah I could see that it would be it might weird them out that like someone's working with their four-year-old or something why just
00:15:18| because it's not normal so here's here's one thing I'll tell you one reason that this actually holds water if it's something unnatural and not unnatural on unnormal like it isn't normal
00:15:32| I don't know I'm trying to find them a regular if it isn't something I rank you your um killer if there's something irregular sometimes your brain tries to find a reason for it and learn a lot of
00:15:42| reasons why you would find something irregular about a teacher at your four-year old school like it's never a real good thing like he's gonna teach him to be the greatest piano player ever
00:15:51| and if you don't I mean like you only think bad things about your regular things I find so you're talking about like tribalism like if you're only around your own people that look like
00:16:00| you and saw somebody that was not like you you would assume that this person is diet by default different no but um but your point is a hundred percent I can go with it yeah I was originally just
00:16:14| saying because it's just different which I guess okay I see you're saying but it's you would assume the worst because you don't trust that that person is going to do what usually write you or
00:16:24| you don't know and you have to err on the side of caution especially children this I guess the thought process yeah so where we going yes they you know don't trust women don't trust men I
00:16:36| think women don't trust men to rear children because it's a gender stereotype but reverse think men don't trust women to do like job stuff like engineering like she's like this is the
00:16:51| weirdest thing because it's like very specific he's like I don't trust my wife to think like two steps ahead unlike risk analysis and like technical things mathematical things finance this
00:17:04| is she hope she doesn't hear this one like chopping stuff up which is weird like sharp knives like really there's a delicacy that I do it with because I'm very particular but that might just be
00:17:13| me but like I get worried when I know she's not as Katie's doing it yeah interesting i over overextend myself and try to be interesting a little pervasive when she's
00:17:26| that's weird that's like not weird I mean I make sense from what you're thinking like if your woman's shopping a carrot do you pay attention to her chopping it or does she's like no you
00:17:36| know K I say go to town chop off your fingers hunker know um no she because she cooks like that's what she so that's like something she does she also works with her hand she cuts hair like did I
00:17:47| mean she is now that's a real that's gotta mean ang yeah she uses sharp on pixel yeah he doesn't around my head all the time I'm still here I think I guess the thing is if if if she were a man
00:18:04| then well I might still have those fears like they just might be the personality of them I'm I'm with around this changes everything if she were a man right yeah and you
00:18:17| were still married you still loved him her yeah um you still would probably feel the same way because I'm Nietzsche whoever you're you and they're still then like she he would have those three
00:18:30| might have expertise with the chopping up the food anyway yeah he'd be like well now that she's a she's a man she can chop food so so it has nothing to do with the gender I guess that one's
00:18:40| almost entirely just but do you think a male handles pain better than women I want to say yes and stress situations I guess it does vary so much though I think they handle pain better because of
00:18:55| playing sports and stuff growing up and again he's a super in general if I had two men men yeah men they handle pain better I think I know everyone's gonna say childbirth isn't as painful thing
00:19:07| well if you've experienced childbirth every week that's weird once a year ish no I get it it's you know we can't compare someone's gonna say period pains well I've heard everyone I've ever dated
00:19:23| compelling about their period pains all the time so it's not like they're taking this in and just being like God is a 10 on 10 on pain and I'm just not even tell you about it I just I'd roll with it no
00:19:35| I hear about it I it's painful to me yes it's none that I'm sailing it my oh my gosh so wasting my most valuable resource so these people yeah is it
00:19:47| um admirable that people have to go through that and I don't then I don't understand that sure I I wouldn't know what it's like to you know deal with that once a month like it would be a
00:19:55| pain in the ass it would be terrible but I heard today that there was somebody that had a shark attack and the shark bit off their arm and you would think that would be excruciatingly painful but
00:20:07| they said that there's actually a dopamine and adrenaline rush that happens that makes you so you don't feel it at all it's just a vertebra bad injury like even my leg injury yeah
00:20:16| where the thing went through my leg didn't hurt that bad yeah I broke my ankle and I I knew it was broken I was looking at it and like it didn't didn't hurt until much later yeah it's weird
00:20:28| how the body handles that so so is your body reacting to pain human or is it sex based because we just talked on something two totally opposite things which is wild today yes like how could a
00:20:41| gender experience pain differently or deal with pain differently if it's a physical release of chemicals and stuff do men just get used to dealing with it or something or on our men forced to
00:20:54| repress their emotions because their emotions are not validated a little bit you touched on something that's legit I mean it's not it's not like a man will go to another man and say oh can you
00:21:05| hold my loo yeah yeah no man would never do that that's weird uh-huh that's interesting I was playing hockey and a guy broke his leg in like three places and he knew it he just looked around and
00:21:20| said get me a [ __ ] chair and then he was sat on that chair and skated off of this one good leg it's like the first thing you think man that's a man that's a man yeah but a woman can do the same
00:21:34| thing I just haven't Oh hundred percent she I can't not that I can't imagine it it's just I've never seen a woman break her leg in three places and go get me a [ __ ] chair I could kind of maybe I
00:21:46| mean I could see certain women yeah two of them yeah a few that so then so what I keep thinking is that most of the differences if not all of them are based on the way we're raised
00:22:00| how we're expected to live in what we see every day not all of them but like I would say 95% of it is what which is it's based on the way you really bless you just touched on it if you raised a
00:22:16| girl - not really express her emotions as much and please just anytime you get hurt dust it off and like listen you're gonna have to work harder like yeah you can treat her like you would treat a boy
00:22:28| who you were trying to break into a man yeah she would 100% probably just be what we call manly like a tough girl tomboy really Tom man Tommen yeah but I mean I was not a man he never made it to
00:22:47| manhood either god bless him sadly at window drop is the funniest thing in the world the best exit at framing um yeah well very good friend but but what I'm getting at is I don't think there's that
00:23:03| much of a difference huh I really think it's so minimal on the biological sense up until puberty even then I mean think of this see I'm arguing
00:23:20| I think we're arguing two different things a little bit like if if if I hit puberty and I'm myself I'm a guy you know and for whatever reason I got extra estrogen boosted into me wouldn't I act
00:23:32| the same like your tuck would I'm like you're all different chemicals different hormones would create you a different way it would make you into maybe Sal's your cinnamon being makes them what they
00:23:45| are that's what yes and how you react to it yeah and that's why I think that there women aren't different than men I mean they are because of what you said the
00:23:55| way they're raised they are because of what extra chromosome now X versus Y no they have two exes I'm sorry dude but the via the physical physical form doesn't wrote this shouldn't really
00:24:23| matter I mean if I always like you I guess when I was younger I always like thought they were very separate but it's really like ya hundred percent genitalia that's like not really a thing Amorphis
00:24:34| genitalia and it just it it either sprouts or it sucks itself up and that's how you could get either sex and yeah very generic oh so it's like it's a wins weight if it goes left or right it's
00:24:49| either one so it's like you could have the female body and feel like a man we've got into it or a male body and feel like a woman and it depends on the chemical balance and how you feel your
00:25:01| mental state a whole bunch of personality and all that raised your fries nature or perverse nature sure but I think there's a key difference what is that a difference here Elena I guess
00:25:15| sexual aggression it's like for a man a man is always ready to go he's always looking at women and thinking they're attractive he's rating them okay that's going on through them you have that
00:25:26| times a thousand yeah I think I agree with that actually it's the one thing the one difference between men and women that isn't based on society or anything yep if I was raised to do that um I am
00:25:40| raised to that but even if I wasn't I can tell you like men wants a plow yeah I was a polite little child but I would look at those I can't you say that without a weird
00:25:56| yeah beautiful women when they were younger but when I was a little boy and even as a little boy it like I I didn't have those thoughts until I hit puberty and then you're you're constantly
00:26:13| thinking about you know like woman's thighs there their boobs and how they rock and like if you want to like it physical with them and like you want to you want to
00:26:24| date women you want to be near women you want to experience the things that your body is telling women to experience they do it so you'd say enjoy you want do it a new person agree with you
00:26:35| I actually think and women will literally if if you tell them this they will look at you and say oh my god no women want to have sex just as much as they'll say uh-huh
00:26:45| no no no no no no no no I don't feel I think that the magnitude at which they want sex is the same yeah I think that's easy more or less there you go I think you just hit it perfectly I think women
00:26:57| can totally want to bang totally want to get down totally want to freak totally want to get it off well yeah women just like men I get you but not right now give me yeah exactly you can offer a man
00:27:10| sex and if like any time in the day anytime in the night you could wake him up at 3:00 a.m. and just say hey do you want to do it I think it's like Gandhi 99.9 I was
00:27:27| going with 90 because I was including people over 80 who might say no and people you know but give me sir 10 minutes says the nine-year-old I need to pop up over sex aged men who are normal
00:27:42| I don't know don't have medical conditions which yeah probably 99 percent would say Yeah right away and go go to plow town yeah if you did this survey with women less than five percent
00:27:53| would want to do it that true yeah I think I'm rolling yeah that I present somewhere maybe five or ten percent so what does that do to your your mental state it does it affects you you're on
00:28:05| your side correct yeah because you you're always women though is offense talked about this in an episode my favorite thing that men do that women will never do is bite their knuckle when
00:28:15| they see a hot woman oh yeah that's like an old guy trick she had a booty on her like I can't even do it right don't you bite this part of your knuckle or this part thought it was
00:28:26| always like that the first knuckle it might be yeah there you go it's something like that all I know is I don't ever do that but I get that feeling and the older I get the more I
00:28:39| think it's going to affect us looking at like a 20 year old gorgeous still event over to you Oh still incredibly attractive and physically what I could do to her but like it's like I'm like
00:28:56| whoa I'm an adult I have my own life I don't know her I am a gentleman thoughts go away and then I'm like like you can't stop that part of your brain yes I could always there I guess there's always a
00:29:14| weird sexuality that occurs when you see a really attractive like college-age woman and it's it's you can't I can't avoid it as a man you could think about it all there and then you just kind of
00:29:27| plot like you mishear around there really okay I'm an adult idea move on here yeah I were no intentions with this ha damn whoo holy [ __ ] and that is the one I think that's the
00:29:42| one difference I will 100% agree with you women don't get and again this could be I mean could be hormone based yeah but like conversationally I think that makes women into something else because
00:29:52| men are always attempting they're always being like the ones who are offering trying to eat knocking yeah Pete Hawking it and then women are just kind of sitting back and like being receptive
00:30:02| and then shooting down various men I feel like that happens like you women have drawn a lot of shooting down yeah they're like no no no so it feels like ease they could be extremely passive in
00:30:14| the way that they go about life as long as they are like good-looking I mean not good do you feel more they probably have to be more guarded yeah more guarded more like I don't have to be guarded no
00:30:25| one's coming up to me a man like oh can you pick up this penny mm-hmm like you mentioned like when you eat your old woman asking me to do that and like or her pen or something yeah everyone
00:30:36| imagine breaking through your space leave me alone and someone will literally watch this episode be like what that's because when and have more self-control than then I
00:30:43| was like no no you don't so again what you're talking about is it's in your balls right is that where this is your testosterone Todd Stern yeah yeah right ball creation leaves the
00:30:56| test on trend if you if you don't get off after X amount of days library three days is where you start to like be like I didn't think you were sexy before but you're kind of high
00:31:11| did you see the Charmin commercial the Mama Bear mama bear I can picture her without her pants tonight I gotta go to the bathroom move Charlotte I don't know that's a
00:31:26| joke with Mitch okay yeah there is something that happens to you mentally physically biologically and it's not like it's not a game it's not a joke it's not something men make up so it's
00:31:37| it's real I think and women kind of like approve it by like saying that's just how men are but they don't realize with like it's a thing it's not like we make you I don't like a disease or like a
00:31:47| thing you need to get out of you a poison a venom and you just like cloud your judgment it does the value of a buck raizy it makes you not know how to act properly or like form words good
00:32:02| sometimes maybe did um what's I felt illness although it's I'm George backwards George became very educated because he had ignored sex entirely I guess he reached a point see I think
00:32:16| it's backwards I think it's comedic ly backwards for intentional purposes so like okay if you could if you if you did not have sex and it was you're completely a eunuch
00:32:27| like sex meant nothing to you then you'd be super educated I think that's what they were trying would be I a hundred percent iron who doesn't agree with that because then the alone is nothing you
00:32:37| could focus nothing I distracted you got so much of our goddamn time you're right yeah how much time do you think women think about men I think most of the time spent thinking about other women
00:32:47| does that make sense they have a competitive nature to them that's like oh look what she did today or what look what she's wearing or how could you be a lord this looks
00:32:56| what's she up to grain doing not even is certainly bad like you're saying competition the competition is probably a healthy 50% of it the other 50 might be like oh good for her oh my god I love
00:33:06| that picture of you and your friends like it's both it's like competitive and friendly and hatred and it's like now it's like the TV shows that they watch I guess oh Lord
00:33:16| no sir it's a little little big lies chief why oh yeah she watches that I never saw so really those days of dialogue but I never saw it the flip-flopping is like I've never I
00:33:28| guess there's a man like if you if you don't like somebody you generally don't it's usually yeah what it is I'm not talking like fighting somebody like sometimes you'll fight somebody and then
00:33:38| you'll be like oh you're not so bad but there's also people that you like know you hate my side with hate help gossip about that kind of stuff I'll just talk about like a man's choices like his
00:33:51| inclination is usually the same he's usually not I know he's unwavering in his decision whereas women I've seen women be like [ __ ] hey like days do it was such anger like I hate that [ __ ]
00:34:03| she's so and then like they go off and then like an hour later they'll be like I was it was fine it was nothing so what they like yeah she's great that's really I just I just had to get
00:34:14| some emotions out it's really kind of scary cuz like I've been pissed off along with my wife had some person before and then eventually she swung around and I was still like but you're
00:34:27| you're mad you're who was it it's a relative of guy or girl it's a girl and it's a relative who you her her and she changed her mind also you the Flynn oh it's not that bad yeah what this so
00:34:43| that's that's as good as it gets a quote from Jack Nicholson it's like she Helen Hunt asks him how do you write women so well cuz he's a writer uh-huh he says I think of a man and I take away reason
00:34:55| and accountability that's correct and nearly comes down to like women can get out of a lot of things it's like they don't need to leave you have a pop as much they don't have to be it's what
00:35:07| we call you're not to be as much you're absolutely correct but the expectations of damning to I hundred percent agree so with every stereotype with every um every bad thing
00:35:21| that happens to you there is a good side like there's no there's a coin for everything so let's say they made our less advantaged in the workplace especially scientific builds
00:35:31| mathematical fields you son they literally don't have as much opportunity there are more abusive relationships there in more there's a lot of things that happen to women that suck we
00:35:39| understand agree I don't disagree with anything they fight for yeah but on the flip side they can control situations with just being cute or sexy or hot they can literally change their mind like you
00:35:52| just said it's weird like you you have other avenues that open up and you just touched on two of them but the one being like you can change your mind and everyone's like girls silly silly Sally
00:36:07| she's always go around flip-flopping it's wild to me it's it's there's nothing more commanding than a woman who's beautiful intelligent and strong-willed if she walks in the room
00:36:22| and then like lays it out I don't think that anywhere in the room is going to be we described it in any way or them not gonna stop her they'll be like wow she's gonna battle here's something you don't
00:36:34| think about I probably don't think about um women can only be beautiful for so many years I guess that's yep beauty is fleeting like that's weird for most see ya right I will everyone
00:36:48| ages I mean eventually everyone's going to age even if you age beautifully or I mean at some point your beauty which is your greatest weapon will fade that's gotta be scary and weird I mean like
00:37:01| your one value in life is you're beautiful and everyone likes you like what happens to that in 15 years like do you have to use that in 15 years I mean there's something I know about my own
00:37:12| life like I I'm at the fleeting years of my physical peak where I can play with my son I can go for runs I can jog I can workout I can do whatever the hell I want like I won't
00:37:22| always be able to do that like huh at some point that will fade and that scares me so does that happen to all women I mean because their beauty Judy used to be one
00:37:33| of the only positive qualities they can use to advance in the world does that mean yeah that's that stereotypes like mandible secretaries there's something wealthy I understand it's a stereotype
00:37:45| but it does they can actually use it yeah right there's the you're leaning on as we age if your 30s and 40s there's a strong-willed handsome man quote-unquote it's like if you're ambitious and
00:38:00| striving to do something as a man a woman will be attracted that but a woman men are attracted to the physical beauty more so so as they a yet men is the introduced interest then maybe that's
00:38:13| view it oppositely it's a provider that's wild because you know we just discussed on the whole sex drive thing that's exactly it isn't it like men are constantly wanting to have
00:38:26| sex with well I think that's also the the thing too is that older men are looking at younger women and it's something about like the way they are the way they act
00:38:37| they're like skin it's just like the physical beauty they're attracted to so it concentrates the attention on women when they're younger and I think it flips entirely when they're older when
00:38:47| nobody's interested in them and they go like what the hell like I think it I think it happens to women and then they like wonder like what happened like is this I wonder what your perception of
00:38:56| the normal world is at that point because by the time you hit puberty as a girl you're probably given a ton of attention if you're attractive and then there's a point where they you don't get
00:39:06| attention at all in your 20 years later thirty years later right what I wonder like oh well here's what this is scary this is even scarier what if you know it's coming how do you know that you're
00:39:19| losing you're losing your attractiveness or you lost it they look at themselves in the mirror every day the same way I look at myself in the mirror every day but I'm not judging myself on my
00:39:28| eyebrows or my lip color or not I don't know her eyeliner that's crazy dude is like makeup and like to my like on 100% but I guess they have to because once it
00:39:43| started you can't stop like you can't be the one that doesn't shave your armpits and has hairy legs and like a unibrow because then I wouldn't want to say I wouldn't
00:39:55| treat you different but I don't know that I would like do you know what I mean I'm looking up sexiest unibrow to see if there's she is it Anthony Davis who's Anthony Davis there is a bonfire
00:40:13| okay I'm gonna get her name because she does have a very interesting Darrell is a good-looking give her it's a Sofia had Japan on telly that's
00:40:29| what I thought it was yeah kiss yeah it's weird I don't know her the chat I feel like the unibrow is preventing a boner no extended the chat so I can see it alright I will I will
00:40:47| twenty-one-year-old Greek but it's really like she has like maybe like blonde brownish hair light brown hair and her brow is really dark so it's like almost black and she's pretty like if
00:41:01| you were to take the unibrow out of it I'm trying to block the unibrow now yeah she's gorgeous and then it's unibrow you're just like but again that might be a unique feature people might be like
00:41:13| it's woman the gorgeous she's making human brows the new thing that's not a fetish right it's more like I want to trim that unibrow with my teeth it's not weird cuz it's a unibrow it's weird cuz
00:41:31| you want a biter of of her nose really worried about it's for sexiness yeah I don't think the far head is sexy I guess she can't really write or live a sexy woman's forehead and like a man's
00:41:45| forehead I would like to have we should do this as a competition like just weird pieces of people it's like showing an armpit and when it looks like a vagina and
00:41:54| you're just like all of the jobs look at the a team it pulls out difference in differences between men and women on like weird by like your ears or something do women have different ears
00:42:07| the back of the knee knee pit can you tell a man versus a woman knee pit so where are men women and women different physically like that we do have different Chin's right or does that made
00:42:21| up - I obviously facial structure is different there's no I don't know the eyeball like the actual eyeball might be yeah okay is the eye size and I might vary a little women definitely have
00:42:41| different person it's like though they they pluck the skeletal skit anytime you're showing like skeleton I think this is the male skeleton is more pronounced oh dude I
00:42:51| got to check this out now man versus a woman skeleton I think it's the testosterone I think the testosterone me right it does tell me you're strong but I didn't think it is your skeleton
00:43:02| does it plus she also male body fat is lower than women so like the woman's feet right I understand with that and that makes sense and the whole boobs and the joint and penis thing I get that so
00:43:14| it's gonna change your chest area what about like stomachs wider hips you're gonna know from the below if I guess that I've been bottom the bottom okay what about your thighs and stuff women
00:43:24| have like hot eyes and they're like your butt like the hairy guys but that's men we don't put the hair thing would women grow as much hair as men on the legs I don't I don't think so they have some
00:43:40| little fine hairs man hands woman well memory whatever they don't what until never shave and their entire life I know I don't think they're that hair I've I've dated women that were hairy and it
00:43:51| was not it was not as hairy as I am but did they shave at one point in their lives I think just once but I know I know hit Lutie a year ago what if I shaves and then like six
00:44:03| months later someone was like oh you have barely any hair maybe like give it a full year so you're talking about money drink really if you wax your legs and you have feminine features
00:44:12| can you pull on us can you wear a dress and pull it off lemon then there have been things where like men's but like I have a minute I would actually sit I have beautiful eyebrows I've never
00:44:23| touched them with anything so I don't know it's eyebrows on pleats Riyadh oh and actually you know what's crazy I actually have beautiful eyelashes they're really long for a guy I've never
00:44:34| done any product or anything but let's also like sober you put on eyeliner said you had definitely that's right and put a eyeliner on me on my uh I forget where it goes under elbow oh my guy I look
00:44:49| good I was wearing a sari the open shirt it was a good episode yeah so let's segue into drag real quick cuz I actually think I don't I don't like the look of have you ever been fooled by a
00:45:05| man and thought they had it was good physique and then realized oh wait that's a man I don't think I have but you definitely have no you know why I don't like this is a real thing and I'm
00:45:21| not um racists or exercices to trans I'm not transphobic or anything like that I'm not you can do whatever the hell you want I don't care I don't find men and drag attractive at all it it looks ugly
00:45:35| to me is anything like without being mean I'm not trying to be like transphobic I actually think it just looks ugly like I'm like so it takes there was one person that I knew in
00:45:46| college that had very feminine features for a man and he could look like a woman like he could okay you take one look and a pretty pretty woman yeah cuz like the way he was also gay so maybe they had
00:46:00| something to do with it some sort of body chemistry I don't know that made him look more feminine but he had very soft features so if he dressed up in drag which I had seen him in drag one
00:46:08| time I thought did he look he pulled it off yeah like you wouldn't know that he was amazed like to use a good-looking woman yes really okay but it's not like I think you as a man you
00:46:22| know like you're not you don't feel that like guttural pull towards that sexiness it's like it's like I thought like he looked like kind of like okay woman like it's like curiosity it's not like a I
00:46:36| see I'll saw him and was like oh yeah it's not like I think that's like a mental processing thing and there's something within the chemistry and the pheromones or whatever one can tell what
00:46:47| if we were like what if we were 100% gay do you think we'd have the same sex drive towards a different towards the same sex yeah probably bro I assume that's how it works but we
00:46:59| don't want to plow all the time with other men yeah I mean isn't that the definition of bears I mean no grizzly I thought they were just hairy guys who are eating tests and we're big and I
00:47:10| thought that was a very I was like a bear was like an aggressive male I was going after other males yes well there we got a brush up on our terminology yeah well I'm just going with what see
00:47:28| we're touching on what makes us horny you know what I think it sounds so weird to say it like that this is so what what are the features of women are we gonna touch on here um they're all hot their
00:47:43| own way is that we know there's definitely unique things mannerisms female mannerisms are different than men male mannerisms so it's like yeah the way they talk the way they hold
00:47:53| themselves the way they walk hey honey percent agree with that they but this comes into what you mentioned about makeup and how long they spend on it and their hair and everything they do this
00:48:03| it's a passive do attract the rest of it weird because I I don't like it I don't like actually either I don't and I don't care that you spend four hours with your hair I'm like just be you like if you
00:48:15| spend less time on it you whatever but it's actually sexier yeah it's like I'm Who I am also enjoying the taunted them either way like whether they spend a long time like I do appreciate that I
00:48:25| think so consciously but also would be attracted to them with out does that make sense right yeah yeah in a day-to-day so this is also like the perception of who you want to date
00:48:38| versus who you actually do so you'd rather be sitting on the couch and Ripa departs and they're both laughing at each other as like not at the time but that 1% of time that you just like
00:48:48| flaunt what you got you're also like in awe of that person like yeah I got that right trophy wife you did yes I got it yeah I got was ex a mama mm-hm
00:48:59| got that arm candy and that's really what men talk about they don't talk about the moments that you're just like laughing about something stupid with your wife it's not like you're sharing
00:49:08| this is also going back to like how men don't like console with other men they're like aw it's okay buddy it's like they don't share those moments that are just like naturally good like
00:49:18| casually good moments with women like they don't share with you we don't know I wouldn't be like to my friends or whatever we giggle a friend yeah yeah we're watching - did she - did and we
00:49:33| both laugh but we kept that we kept going yeah and we finish strong and then we watch the notebook afterward who would have I mean would you do that I don't hear I haven't but she's been
00:49:46| wondering what can I sat down and was like I'll watch okay it's okay yeah sorry yeah I have no problem is it that's the other thing has changed in my life I think there was like a an
00:49:57| attitude to be manly there's anything yeah don't watch the notebook you don't cuddle and stuff like that and that's I always would joke along with it but I never really some miss person ever
00:50:08| practice yeah I never practice what I preached anyway or practice what other people preached mm-hmm I think some people buy into that though I think so other people don't would really do it
00:50:19| and then like they're like I'll have sex but then I'll make her make me a sandwich and I'm like dude you're like not we're not 16 new drugs yeah what like grown adults will say it and
00:50:30| if it's like a 40 year old saying it you're like Jesus grace you're stuck in this aren't you yeah it's the same thing raising kids like the amount of time I spend raising kids it feels like I do
00:50:41| equal or more and that seems abnormal but I'm a dozen in recollection with your parents yeah do you think I don't read my parents my dad men and women in roles have changed already and one
00:50:55| generation removed from us I never saw my dad come home early make dinner for us wash the dishes I'm not none of these things or like I gotta remember wrestling with them but I
00:51:07| don't remember him like playing with you yeah doing life there yeah I don't remember him reading a book to me like there's some things like he'd rather go outside like because I mean
00:51:19| you think you were selective memory years old well if he did it less it would be none even selective memory like if he did it ten times in a year and your mum did it seventy times in a year
00:51:29| guess what you're probably gonna remember that one what do you think he did or do you think he just didn't but men are very like I feel like men are more objective oriented goal-oriented
00:51:38| and waterways so like a man is gonna do something with definitive purpose it's not gonna be the casual moment where you like go to the grocery store together like dad and his son go to the grocery
00:51:51| store that's not a thing that is weird - I am the two of us and in this podcast maybe in the world I am so a woman in this room I used to go to the grocery store with my son on Mondays when I had
00:52:04| awful Monday and it was our thing that was a year in heaven IRA yeah I do that with my son too but I don't recall ever doing that with my dad when I was little on any sort of regular basis right um
00:52:18| it's weird I I give them all those bats part of its because their hands have like whatever that disease is called where you get like chat psoriasis and all thank you yeah it's like like
00:52:28| psoriasis not exactly but like I I kind of tuck him in at night like give him his stuff like his he get some medicine and teeth brush and all that stuff mm-hmm
00:52:42| probably give him more hugs like I'm like more like mr. mom I think I surprised people when he comes up to me he says I hurt myself I say where's yourself again I kiss a little
00:52:53| yes I see I think I see like the daycare workers look at me and they wonder like I don't think I ever see another man do that I really don't it is funny but again I
00:53:03| knew we touched on this earlier I think gender roles are changing just in general because eventually if you're in a room of people and there's a hundred people if everyone starts going to one
00:53:14| side of the room like everyone's doing one thing and these are gender roles everything the people who are doing something different or otherwise will start attracting more people because I
00:53:24| mean people want something unique new fun fresh they want like women are attracted to people who do things different like that's like mating that's like attraction 101 what sets you apart
00:53:36| is what makes you unique an ambitious outliers values and of that crowd which is so weird because it's like stay-at-home dads seem more ambitious than like a guy who's working a
00:53:47| construction job did any ninety nine to five sometimes not always I would say but oh just that the gender roles will change so that like now it's like shifting to maybe all the dads who do
00:54:00| that stuff are more attractive and more evolutionary advantages to their mates or look better or like will attract more females I'm gonna say I don't think so like women who say they look for like a
00:54:11| caring and gentle man but I think that's a whole crock of [ __ ] I think they're looking for the guy that's like entertaining them and like active and like an aggressive aggressive aggressive
00:54:24| in a nice way of course I think you touched on something weird because there was also a racial thing no I'm going with this I think you're talking to a generational thing the generation right
00:54:36| now who's coming out is constantly being entertained they have access to all the information in the world they have smartphones since they were five they have been on dating websites every
00:54:47| website they can order sex they can order food they can order weed at this point so at this point they're looking for whatever what you just said will entertain them whether it's a man or a
00:54:58| woman but both have equal access to this I think it is it change roles in general like it's kind of equally in a playing field I guess then what then it's equally easy to find you see this where
00:55:14| I don't agree it's like if you're on tinder and you're a man it's probably very hard to find a woman but if you're a woman on tinder looking for a man you could probably dial up a dick and
00:55:21| like find it a little bit but think of this how many women are having sexual how many dicks do you think there's only like five dicks and like 500 women that are [ __ ] the same dick use my
00:55:31| language I think there's like ready to go there's probably a ratio of like 1/10 to 1 like dick saving that 10:1 know at any given time one dick have this is the whole thing with dating websites
00:55:43| insights can't bring in enough women so they create fake robotic AI women to keep you entertained robot and doesn't know it until what happens man check this sex dolls how many women have a sex
00:55:58| doll it takes this many people to have sex correct sometimes more sometimes less one on one okay and one white guy I'm not showing you two who are the women having sex with when they go on
00:56:13| these websites one man may be okay but all of them what who how many women do you think sign up first a tinder or sex website it's probably a fraction of the number
00:56:28| of men men are always looking like it's this even if you're jealous you're saying but you're you're disregarding the point equal amount of men and women are having sex from tinder yes and then
00:56:39| the other men are talking and wondering where they were made is well there's gonna be there's probably not as many as you think because I think I think hooking up is much easier now now it's
00:56:50| you think that it's becoming more equalized yeah because people people are gonna die of loneliness we're not gonna get into this this episode but like we're so connected that we're
00:57:01| disconnected and I think that people can just order this [ __ ] up I think like we talked with um past guest someone who's been on the podcast and she said it was like ordering a person yeah and she did
00:57:13| it and you hook up I mean that's what you do um so [ __ ] line it is kind it's weird it's nice well not that I understand that but I'm just saying people are having sex men and
00:57:27| women and men and men and women and women so most frustrating aspects of women I think were ooh when I was younger it was always that the women weren't as interested as I was so I'd
00:57:40| always go live full war into something they liked try to experience my physical interesting both actually I don't think women are as they are sting is men I knew you were gonna say it dude I knew
00:57:51| it was coming here that's why you do a podcast with a man isn't it I feel like men men try to do a lot more than women try to do in general I'm gonna keep saying that what I will say
00:58:03| devil's advocate yeah I don't necessarily agree or disagree I've shared more of a life with you I mean we've gone through a lot of the same things we've played a lot of the same
00:58:11| sports we've done a lot of the same things we know a lot of the same people we went to the same school similar background not just background like our life audience yeah the hobbies a lot of
00:58:21| things which is also shaped by how we were raised or how we lived our lives I think it's harder for you or I or anyone to connect with someone who didn't have any of that like a woman is raised
00:58:34| entirely differently like they live differently and maybe they're more passive aggressive is that what you want to say maybe they're more competitive maybe they flip-flop more but I think if
00:58:47| you did that I don't think they'd be less interesting I think they'd be it's a different interest point it's a different perspective it's a different it's a different way of life and I don't
00:58:57| think you like that way of life I think you're glad where you are but I think I don't know you're thinking if it had flipped the other way where they were way more interested in me I would
00:59:05| perceive them as Nene I would say oh I don't want to be this with this woman because she just seems kind of crazy what do you think all women say men are more interesting I don't know I think
00:59:16| dude here's a fear zone this is very weird here's my sexism I think men are funnier than women yeah I think how most people would agree yeah isn't it weird I think women are more credit critical of
00:59:29| other women so it's harder to laugh to another woman it could be and I think this I think men are funnier most of the time right oh dude there are tons of funny women and
00:59:40| there are women I've dated a girl she was already funny like there are funny women I'm not saying that but I can find in general men are funnier so think that might also be a
00:59:52| generational thing could it might also be that it could be my perspective in sexist or whatever you wanna call it I don't care yeah mm-hmm yeah I was gonna use a specific example
01:00:08| but good it's not yeah it's not worth while I don't know not applicable it applies but it's not I don't know where it goes like okay Joe Rogan podcast I was looking to Wonderware
01:00:20| Cummings and she was definitely with it she knew like she had the same train of thought that Rogan had and like most people would have and she was funny I don't know that I've seen her stand-up
01:00:31| but I think if I did I think it would be equally as funny you just don't have as many Whitney Cummings out there that would balance out the number of men you think of The Comedy Tour because the
01:00:42| number of men what we just added the generality where you're talking about individual they're definitely individuals that will break the mold and be funnier the men etcetera etcetera but
01:00:51| I and it's a different kind of funny too I think the women fall into a type of funny that is like the setup type of funny a stereotypical type of funny which is easier to do I can be white
01:01:02| like a Betty White has a comedy that comes with her right because she's because she's old and innocent and she's like this white old later that's 86 so any time she says anything outlandish
01:01:11| yeah that's hilarious I don't [ __ ] care like I could see her say gay people with crap right because she's 86 and that's a white lady from wherever she's from and like it's
01:01:21| funny that you know someone would say that yeah I agree with you but you still have to be funny to deliver funny funnies a whole episode we talk about funny for it to want to do them with
01:01:35| what the Famicon funny no no comedy funny episode I'm dead serious and the episode will explain itself about your frustrations with women I just hate that oh here we go check
01:01:50| this out women are planners somewhat yeah okay well their scheme reps like schemers is the better word I think I don't like schemer I like planner because I think it has to
01:02:02| do with planning the next trip the next vacation the next day care visit next I have a different one for a different perspective because my woman always
01:02:11| wants to go on a trip I always suggest a trip but she will never plan a trip really it's the opposite with me and I find that most men have my problem where they're like I don't even know I just
01:02:22| signed up I was like yeah we'll go yeah yeah drinking with yours here well not just that like um I'm like oh what's what's Wednesday she's like I told you three months to visit my cousin who goes
01:02:35| to so-and-so and they're gonna be in town on Wednesday and I'm I told you that's right and what do you expect a ssin that you care and would remember something that you heard off hand yeah
01:02:45| heard three months ago and then I'm like I signed up for I was like yeah we'll do that in three months that's forever and then three months shows up and also I just like remember I told you we're
01:02:54| going to so until I'm like scheduler is really what it's that it's a dictating control over your life plan planning but yet they they tend to be better at that or do that better actually ever do you
01:03:09| ever notice that like when your woman perceives that you're into another woman or another woman is into you like she will try to dictate what you do so that you don't interact with that woman not
01:03:22| um the way you said it but I can tell she talks a different way yeah she says something different about something and she thinks she's being like she's hedging ins to make sure that you're
01:03:33| yeah way she's totally like well I knew this you talk to so-and-so and then I'd be like like because she's attractive and I'd be like listen we've been together for years and you've never
01:03:45| started a sentence with I noticed you talked to Jon the other day about the car don't say that so I know he has come back roses it's weird that you did that and I'll be like yeah back off
01:03:58| it's all good did you pee what do you think cliff fell to the floor I hope you noticed I think cross spot ice pink sprinkles in the buckle even what we're talking about right now is
01:04:19| salt so you knew sorbet is soft yeah really good friggin the other day I saw him that's this generations BAM Emeril Lagasse I am yes and he's been yeah yeah
01:04:37| the other day I saw him put a piece of meat like a giant bracket race or something that ever it just beautiful right and I need to meet the video oh one cut so this is a video perfect him
01:04:48| walking with his legs into an elevator he went up the elevator cut never stop he went out to the balcony and he drizzles salt and it landed perfectly on the meat that he left down two floors
01:05:01| down and then a little bit of some kind of cheese sauce and it landed on it and the camera work was great and I was like to put salt and cheese onto meat so our army we are men more creative no
01:05:17| actually I don't agree you don't think so women do creative crazy [ __ ] I mean they make stories they make art they make songs whatever um I think there's a large percentage of women that hark on
01:05:29| their beauty and use that as a tool and that distracts from the women who are genuinely creative I is agree and I also think that putting your time in one field or activity will preclude you from
01:05:43| being good at another field or activity and women are often doing X Y & Z so they don't do as much crazy stuff as men but could you say that's because men are affords the opportunity to not spend
01:05:56| time on makeup not spend time with catching up with girlfriends not could have you ever seen a woman in a wingsuit yeah I want to say yes but but you want out of a yeah I can't actually identify
01:06:08| that now could you also say that stupid yeah cuz everybody who started that quote-unquote sport is dead these years yeah like everyone who originally started wingsuit diving or flying or
01:06:23| falling laterally I don't know what you want to call it they died falling yeah they died from being in a wingsuit and hitting the ground at the wrong time in opportune moment I kind of want to do it
01:06:37| now you want to get in a wingsuit yeah I would do it but I would do it from a mountain yet I would like jump out of a plane and be like I'm just gonna wing
01:06:46| suit cry and then be like by the time I got near the ground I'd be like oh parachute parachute parachute oh yeah yeah we call they don't like sound like grave landing have you ever jumped out
01:06:58| of a plane I have not I don't I can't do that now cuz I've kids like I just feel like if it sailed to be awful it's one in like a million dive hmm no I'm gonna risk it you should do it you've done it
01:07:12| and he's great training yeah I'd lived believe it or not yeah but it probably wasn't that great no it was amazing I still dream about it this is off topic but I have to bring it up
01:07:24| okay I paid the extra money go to 10,000 feet I think it was a higher higher falling rate a terminal velocity extra 40 bucks whatever none of your terminal velocity
01:07:34| is your terminal velocity to reach it probably like five seconds ten seconds after you jump out of the plane your tandem you're with somebody so an expert you ask the parachute dude's got
01:07:43| to be doing these legs he's got only day's part of it right it's weird because you don't realize that this is not Carl because I treat it like a carnival ride
01:07:55| like I said on a merry-go-round or a roller coaster unlike everyone constantly you know many people have done this and literally tell myself a hundred times million people done this
01:08:06| it's fine you're good when you start marching towards the door and they open the plane door this weird thought goes through your head no one's ever done it from right here this exact XYZ
01:08:19| coordinate on the earth no one's ever jumped from where I am and to my knowledge I'm pretty sure no one ever has so you look out in the sky and you're
01:08:31| you can't even see the ground there's just clouds and [ __ ] and the planes going and a guy is yelling to you and he's telling you instructions but you can't hear because your stomach stopped
01:08:39| all the acids dropped that feeling on the roller-coaster we get to the top and you change your mind you don't want to do this and you want to tell him but it's oh you can hear is a scream of the
01:08:49| wind and you're like this is a bad idea he rocked you one two three and you drop and all you feel is wind and the earth coming at you and it's the weirdest feeling no one will ever tell you how
01:09:05| loud that is - it's a loudest thing that's ever happened to him it sounds dumb Wow no it's [ __ ] wild I so dreams about it rushing to the earth at like 600 mile
01:09:18| an hour is that terminal vaz me let me know he might see me it's 160 I was fatter didn't have a six-pack now I can go I'm more slim don't touch any way up women are you are we more critical of
01:09:35| women or men who are overweight underweight I think it shows more women overweight both but keep in mind I think it's easier very critical overweight men - like I don't think it was like oh we
01:09:51| love overweight men no I think everyone judges them so we're like Oh daddy's out of breath something like that I think there are more assumptions furled upon an overweight woman than an overweight
01:10:01| man cuz like an overweight man you could imagine that he doing playing games or doing something that's unathletic went over everywhere woman you imagine her just like at home watching TV eating ice
01:10:13| cream or something like you're making up I don't value this more than the other though that is true you're discounting the other origin story is completely different between a man and a woman is
01:10:27| it a great ice has ever been a fat superhero of the Thor I didn't see that don't bring a nice eye but it's generally like his thing is like he's he's too fat like there's our
01:10:43| she's too fat yeah I'm not gonna be sexist here mm-hmm like a super person I think check this what if your faddish and boring and not that intelligent and
01:10:56| you're a woman like do you think there's not a lot of room for advancement in your life versus if you're fat you're fairly boring and you're not that intelligent do you think of that man
01:11:07| could make good money I think of dependency in that yeah like I feel like a woman would be more dependent on whatever versus a man but that's probably not true I think men can
01:11:18| be just as dependent and just as maybe emotionally damaged maybe in that case physically damaged yeah yeah I could see that they could be a wounded wounded puppy when are we cared for they could
01:11:33| be that defenders here's the thing that stuck with me ever since I was like seven eight nine somewhere in there somewhere between seven and nine my dad had his men's league softball and you
01:11:46| know men's league they drink their kegs they drink their beer I knew all the guys but they would be drinking and talking we is looking you know the women would drink to trust me they were
01:11:55| sailors it would hearse and drink etc um all the men always had the same jokes hey buddy don't get married women am i right you can't kill him you can't do this the old ball-and-chain got me going
01:12:11| back home little guy good luck there hey pal you know what women oh dude damned if you don't and it's so weird that was a very recurring theme from like 7:00 and 11:00
01:12:25| every guy who is like over 30 who talked to me and I had no clue what that freak they were talking about I was like yeah yeah man okay like they would just say things but it was always a anti-woman
01:12:39| yeah like super like like to the point where I thought it was weird like Deuteronomy yeah I get that yeah I got entirely those exact cliches I feel like a man when he doesn't have a
01:12:50| woman he's aimless and meandering and he's there's there's a hopelessness that sets in that like you are not doing what you were designed to do and I think men almost require a woman at that point
01:13:04| they like have to have somebody that will be a companion sexually and when it happens is it regretful a little bit I think it's a whole lot more than that I think women provide a whole variety of
01:13:17| things companionship and and men are clueless as to what they provide until it happens and they even when they have everything from that woman they still kind of resent it because they still
01:13:29| want to be actively doing the thing actively searching out whatever it is that they can never attain that's it's interesting you put it that way I never thought of it that way that's really
01:13:40| good like they want to still be looking for women like the act of yeah peacocking I'm showing your stuff newly dating the freshness I think that means as you're always trying to spread your
01:13:52| seed and if you could you would but the social norms don't allow you to do that plus your effort and energy are only going to be trained by having a variety of women that you've had kids with
01:14:04| multiple x/y I was like how happy are the people that have like five ex-wives oh my god that sounds awful hi ex-wives that sounds terrible do it's like yes your guide five marriages
01:14:18| yeah good lord are so there's a there's a core part of this that I think people women in general have a lot of the same qualities and I reason this like earlier on when I was like like do I want to go
01:14:35| off and find a different woman the pieces that I'm annoyed with in my wife are the pieces that I'd be annoyed with in like 99% of women I think they all have the same basic core pieces that
01:14:48| would be like oh god like she's gonna do that again like I feel like they would all be that way check this this is gonna rock your world what if you like as the into constant joke is it um gay okay
01:15:02| think I'm gay you think it's a joke I'm uphold by men that's the only problem and it really the only thing stopping me it's that of an action you're just like
01:15:13| oh oh how did I get in this position which I was yeah it's the joke because I think I like men better because men are more interesting or funny or stronger or cooler and they have more to say and I
01:15:28| think if I was just gay I could just get along with the guy isn't that like like I'm running judder more banks or whatever yeah I'm like ah dude I would live with a guy we could be
01:15:37| married we would never have to worry about the dishes he wouldn't yell me about where I put my shoes he wouldn't do this over like that without like arrangement but would it it
01:15:47| would sink to a certain level where one of you would be I would hate him silly yeah no I would hate him too so so again we just it's almost like we we keep hunting the same problems whether it's a
01:16:00| man or a woman so what is the different suite men and women I don't forget know I still don't up let's say you could be gay you find your partner right you'll ask which one of you of it yeah I do
01:16:15| let's say let's say you dated a woman who became a lesbian because she dated you but that's a woman yeah but why did she become a lesbian after she dated you Oh once you've had filet mignon you
01:16:32| can't have like little tiny steak little gummy escapes you can't have you can't have no flank steak carefully you know just what I'm saying mmm okay so what are you saying
01:16:44| can't have no flank steak no no let's say I I can focus which I'm gay boom perfect um oh your name is Travis excellent let's let's bait let's get married
01:16:58| I think I would eventually just hate his guts I'd be like you have the worst you don't get back to me ever you keep playing this video game and never getting back
01:17:08| to me like you know do you I mean you would run into the exact same problems the same annoyances and Zhi concentrated over time they Gayle DUP I need be like do you think it
01:17:19| would be any different than we do then and being treating dating a woman so the weird part is when I have fights with my wife there's that makeup sex that happens that resolves all issues and
01:17:30| both of you are like for like okay five minutes yeah yeah if you if you have a good marriage yeah sure good less less a lot longer okay wait I gave up sex will literally
01:17:42| fix you really should like a month yeah yeah that's how I think that's how you know say when you have a fight and you battle it out and yeah because you know how long do most recent coitus lasted
01:17:56| there's no way that's worth a month is it I don't think time is no object [Laughter] anyway so here's the question so if you are gay you have sex for your honor
01:18:22| right boom no sex is big I guess you could have the same emotional bondage bonding that would happen at the through it I guess you I don't know keep going so
01:18:36| then what I'm getting at is what's the difference we men and women I mean honestly so you could do this with a guy and you do your thing you both get off you're both happy I mean are you gonna
01:18:47| run into the same problems you run into with women like the jokes we tell about women they seem to do at some point I think it's just to people aren't meant to be together because they're two
01:19:00| separate friggin people so whether it's a man a woman a gay it straight a trans I don't care I think you run into this problem where you're trying to fit two lives into one light and you both we're
01:19:11| gonna hate each other I do have a tangent so you're not you're dating a woman that's a breadwinner and it's supposedly there's a lot of female breadwinners but of the women that I
01:19:22| know I don't see many of them as breadwinners a majority of the ones a a lot of marriages it's in equal and the woman will say like she's doing her part look whatever that might be
01:19:38| hold on good lord dude you're making this argument at me yeah what if I say I'm doing my part I'm literally trying my best so go ahead what are you gonna say to me
01:19:47| we're dating now I'm saying that there's like a career aspect that I don't see in women like the drive it's the aggressiveness it's the the focus on an end goal like oh I'm sure
01:20:01| that happens with a good percentage of women but sometimes women settle and then they just kind of exist and it's a weird type of thing that I don't understand like this stay-at-home moms
01:20:10| like not ripping on them but when you say like my career is a stay-at-home mom it's a weird thing to say because it's already limiting like see I disagree with you right off the bat like you're
01:20:22| putting so much value on a money be society's effect on money and bi understand money is needed to do all the things we need to do but it's like there's another [ __ ] like research
01:20:35| running me is literally 1950s housewife you know just think about it I mean when you get old enough to almost die what you're gonna look back on is your family like who raises your kids who how they
01:20:47| the house count is them yeah I mean that's ultimately the only goal I have left it's not my income it's not this it's like how I want my children to be raised how I want them to grow what I
01:21:02| want them to become and again I can't control it but I can help guide them I can help be there I can help I don't know educate them give them morals like stuff like that's way more important
01:21:12| than what I do and how much I make it a job in values in it yeah you can't even put a number on that so that if you make X amount of figures an X amount a job like that's respectable like that's good
01:21:25| work but you can't put a number on it's quantifiable yeah it is but it's income quantifiable we doing raise mollified isn't it like the the quality of we're like raising a person is like you
01:21:42| said it's a measure you can't put a number on it it's weird I don't know right I disagree do you agree I don't know like what's more important to you now
01:21:54| you keep in mind you have the ability to make this money like could she your wife go out and make the exact same money you could and do exactly what you could if she really worked hard at it for like
01:22:03| let's say six months could she make that money is it possible yeah so I also think that there are women out there that want to be stay-at-home moms and there's nothing wrong with that but do
01:22:17| you also shortchange yourself in the long run because you can't pick up a career when you're 40-something and be like okay I mean this is gonna be 14 yeah what do you do you're right I agree
01:22:28| with that it's a weird kind of setup that I think a lot of isn't all into isn't that isn't that heroic a warrior like but you like what if you designate realizes be a warrior yeah you're a
01:22:39| warrior for your tribe you literally train just to kill people fight people keep everyone safe in your tribe and this skill will have no value to what you're 45 so we didn't touch the
01:22:51| difference well I have you know I think that's that's definitely something to have pride in like you have the like was that elephants may seem bernieoh the matriarch like the matriarch has the key
01:23:07| they liked all the memory all the guidance I don't think it's the patriarchal ephant those guys the tribe it's the matriarch that remembers everything guides them yeah which is the
01:23:17| same thing a lot of like tribal villages it's the matriarch because the women live longer they lean on the matriarch in a lot of cases and then what I was going to go to is that there's also that
01:23:30| like hunter-gatherer versus homemaker it's like there are certain things that are are developed at like men like tracking something that's moving like in the brush like I feel like your your
01:23:47| skill at swatting flies I don't think a woman can have that skill because it's harder for a woman to hone in on the thing that's moving couldn't they learn it or you don't
01:23:58| think so I don't know it comes from like decades of generations of hunting like actually go after something versus lemon but be as good call of duty with knives and grenades only I doubt it as we were
01:24:12| but women are also skillful at like the color of their eyes like the like picking out different colors I think they have them usually like men are more often than not more colorblind than
01:24:26| women yeah is when it's literally it's yeah it's nice to be phonetically sex-linked no it's sex length right yeah cuz on the UM the Y chromosome because I think women back then would look like
01:24:38| look at berries and collected food and gather things and then inspect them so they're like the the resolution of the color of their eye the variety of colors so they could see the spectrum that
01:24:48| series is going on I don't hear well fifty-fifth both yeah I like it I like it so no they couldn't be very good at call duty they're gonna use guns these guns in a spray they're gonna spray poor
01:25:05| challenge us will beat you call duty Oh God I actually before this episode started I wanted to do a whole episode of called 84 just talk about it we should do that what happens it if you
01:25:17| wanted yeah if we could set it up so we could play a game while we talk about it and be like oh and if we could go through the maps do you think we could remove a mussel remember do you think
01:25:27| they would be interesting behind weekly we get it back the timing with grenades tinkin you know I could do I could time a grenade know I could time before even hits the ground
01:25:36| oh yeah but um one time I was in one of the maps I can't remember the names them all and it's where there's a floor and a second floor I held her grenade so long throw it in the air it exploded in the
01:25:50| air at the second floor and kill them you probably look this thing I'm like this is [ __ ] no it's probably like oh god it worked yeah I get this one oh my god do you
01:26:00| think that was the game we were the best huh yes collectively I a team here are you sure collective sure anyway women women gamers there's a tilt
01:26:13| happening I think that women gamers are actually becoming more prevalent it's becoming newer used to be popular because who wants to look at a dude gaming vs. yeah women twitch I
01:26:24| understand twitches yeah tilting the scales here the types of games see women play are different yeah I would agree with that women can't live with them can't kill him it's an old joke ex-wife
01:26:42| jokes women jokes blonde jokes come around guys so gonna start saying dark hair jokes about men yeah it's the sexy eyes sexy walk there's something in the way she I agree with you how do we round
01:27:06| it out I don't know that you can oh I can't I don't think you can capture all that his woman hear her roar you like the way they smell most of them most
01:27:25| do we didn't talk about vagina at all there's like correlation to what you just said but it is the the warmest I just it's just it so as men we should probably talk about actually having sex
01:27:45| with a woman without a condom is bar none the best feeling a man can have physically except for I think I went 26 and 4 and a cold duty night we're out there or a foot massage things like a
01:28:06| foot massage but honestly the first time you had sex no I was a awkward the first time you really loved a woman and enjoyed her company grosser and you wanted to have an
01:28:18| yeah good the first time she let you come in and you were like we are one whatever you want to call in the time you're trying to make a baby goes like with it yeah that's a good way
01:28:31| to put it that's one of the best feelings in the world yeah cuz it's like finals it's literally Villa Grantham in its emotes somewhere it always comes back to sex through the sex drive the
01:28:45| sex want the sex need the venom that's inside you just kind of pour it out pound it out I think that's literally one of the only things that separates men and women after this talk it's a sex
01:29:00| drive I mean physically the hormones that could change your body physically I get that but I think I would react kind of like they would I think I would deal with periods probably the same way they
01:29:12| would I think I would yeah complain and be like uh I feel terrible yes this sucks oh Jesus oh my god you don't have to deal with it I would totally bring that
01:29:21| up a lot right look at make sense yeah cuz they do you think birthing a child is really as painful as they say yeah I mean but what's there's a weird thing that I've experienced with pain like
01:29:33| what is pain pain is something you can only experience in the present tense you can't experience it the past tense you can't experience it the future tense it's someone who can set you up for how
01:29:41| painful it should be and then maybe your expectations are trying to meet what the actuality I mean even regardless of that like your present tense is weird because it's seconds that are ticking by right
01:29:55| now you can't turn it off and say hope that was too much you can't say okay they were right this is too much for a man we couldn't do it would you know like we're doing old anything should
01:30:04| anyway your wife has your wife ever said well I gave birth to your kids you should have you ever tried to do that yeah no no no because you're not Mary she's never done that no I have had that
01:30:19| well that's probably also not even true that's probably just like a trope or a Trump stereotype she's trying to Trump it just trying to start it Trump me come via me Trumpy oh she's crying
01:30:34| winning a hat winning arguments check this check this arguing gradient on Kerrigan Oh oh my god we can spend it at an episode of Mark going check this um but wrap it up who's more beautiful
01:30:46| women it's women women women more beautiful soft my skin but is that nice everything is beautiful beautiful a scientific thing or we just making it up right now they have more to see men are
01:31:01| flat women are curvy and 10 men have muscles and [ __ ] and women are more you know like physique it's kind of like physics like women have more physics going on like when they walk there's
01:31:16| more to it bounce there's bounce there's flow even like on the contrary I don't know why not yeah I know you're saying but men have a more chisel a card look write some oh yeah
01:31:37| they're more muscular in general yeah in general I mean I'm speaking in generalities because we're trying out women Ingenix like of rock like do you think oh what's more interesting to look
01:31:47| at a rock or a water balloon yeah I mean do we really watch a water balloon bounce versus a rock bounce like a rock skipping on the water it's not that you're looking at the rock and being
01:31:58| like wow it's skipping on the water you're looking at the water and go where you're right around its gonna water yeah all right man our dumbest rocks they are they are men or stupid [ __ ] yeah
01:32:12| predictable do you know I just engaged in something called a firework there did you hold it as my cheeks as it launched no it's me and six other guys and we um we set off fireworks and we drew a
01:32:27| circle in chalk in the driveway and we all had to stand inside the circle and whoever got outside the circles lost as a firearm was like him off in the middle oh yeah we put it right in the middle it
01:32:38| was like it was one of those tuba poppers or whatever but like don't want that we were barefoot all us so so it's like we're always in like eight feet of each other and we're all
01:32:48| kind of like not touching elbows but like right after I'm like a little family right yeah yeah everyone's in the circle looking in the middle we've set the firework off in the middle and it
01:32:58| was just so funny because my girlfriend opens the door saw me I have the leg wound and everything else and medical problems and everything and she goes you don't even have [ __ ] health insurance
01:33:08| get the [ __ ] out of there and all the guys listening laughed and they were like that's the quote of the night I was like set up a goddamn firework and we sent the fireworks you know what only
01:33:20| one time did the firework come to me and I did not budge I just let that [ __ ] burn on my foot it hurt but not like it didn't actually physically harm me uh her but it was like that's what men do
01:33:33| motherly women women don't do now that thing which is weird I don't know it's a challenge to the other to be more than manly yeah I would would have a womanly challenge
01:33:45| be like how would you challenge another woman to be more than womanly I have a better talk about it yes really I just um DUP sexism that on Texas but heels weird yeah and we summed up women right
01:34:02| there we can end the episode us a second what's craziest we're never gonna solve this problem we're never going to whatever now to the root of it I hope this episode like women are an enigma I
01:34:14| don't know I can't figure them out it's simply it took like an hour or whatever that will pound it to get to that point yeah yeah we didn't want touched it we don't understand them yes we don't get
01:34:28| them we can't figure them out we can't solve them we can't you can't push a certain number of buttons to get a response the response will never be the same
01:34:36| here's a question so we think we know could we make them a B no never no no I think we can Xion temporary happiness it's gonna think we could as we're if we made our lives miserable no
01:34:49| I think you could be miserable even then yes I don't know like Heisler require gave them great I never did everything I gave them all my I never knew did this function I
01:35:00| think their function is to drive your man to try to push you to do more and it will always be to eschew to do more do you think they think the same of us like why do women hate then women hate men
01:35:12| let's be honest I think they do is it this work dirty we are dirty cuz we seemingly don't care yes holy [ __ ] and cut right to the core of
01:35:24| that one it was like yeah is that because we're emotionally stunted we don't call yeah amongst each other and get emotional so that when we don't give it to them they're like wow he really
01:35:34| doesn't care you haven't seen Nick in five years have you talked to him recently no you can't call eventually so that's so wild that we do that with our friends like I'm
01:35:43| like like similarly like God and just like how do you have you heard from someone so it's been like a year now be like I have no idea I texted him dude thanks backfired
01:35:55| you didn't even follow up is he okay this is mom still have cancer how good his mom has cancer yeah he told you that two years ago I'm like oh I should probably text
01:36:11| it's like your best friend in the world and it's like oh geez I forgot it's like weird like that guys do that I know you don't know what that's called and I'm sure that it's not genetic I'm sure it's
01:36:25| just the way we're raised and the way we live our lives but I like the man way of living I will agree with hundred percent yeah I wouldn't want to be a woman because it's more laid back it's more
01:36:35| like who [ __ ] cares more like like guys can come in and out of each other's lives they're more easygoing is that it turns little hands off lazy fare lets us see ya and see how it goes it's like
01:36:50| let's let's just [ __ ] see no I think that probably stopped us from having some of the connections and women do like women probably have a BFF that's like their BFF they interact with every
01:37:00| day ten thousand times three times a week do this they go back and forth they know all about the drama and their sex life they know their love life they know all the
01:37:09| like that's cool stuff I don't I literally love gossip do you know I found that out myself you love gossip what happened to Jimmy oh dude
01:37:19| so my last job I used to just be the gossip cleanability and I try to do this job I'm trying to get the gossip like I love gossip I found that out about myself I never knew
01:37:30| it before I work these last two jobs but I love gossip you should man that I'm going to work with your dad and be like what did you hear like you know anything that's terrible
01:37:44| but like now I love them like I'm like so I heard Niko got a new car and they're like yeah but you know how many [ __ ] yet to bang I'm like a lawsuit settled and they're like didn't hear
01:37:58| this from me but so and so in accounting has been fired and I'm like Pluto like I love that stuff and then someone said a passive-aggressive email and I'm like like I love that stuff now so I guess so
01:38:18| I'll put it this way this kind of sums up the episode kind of sums up men versus women women in general know there's weird things that we are told from youth from our lives like women do
01:38:30| gossip women do childbirth we're gonna do this you know and you can't even I can't what you are the same with and your differences seem so yeah bizarre they seem weird and what's weird is it's
01:38:43| it's an individual basis I feel like I'm good at some women's stuff I'm like I love child rearing I love gossip like I love looking at myself in the mirror oh you're gonna
01:38:53| need like that's my thing I don't do makeup believe it or not these eyelashes are natural leave it huh but but it's weird that everyone has ideas of what a man is and what a woman is and they do
01:39:08| blur like peering to me mm-hmm would you agree disagree I don't know yeah sometimes you feel completely connected to a woman and you can't convey the ideas that you share for some bizarre
01:39:19| reason you can't communicate even though you might be the same per say it just doesn't work it's bizarre yeah weird can't get it across you're like I'm telling you and they're
01:39:29| like what do you mean and you're like no I'm telling you I agree with you yes so ultimately it boils down to sex it's literally the only difference like differentiator your sex organs your sex
01:39:44| drive and your sexual appetite like those are like that's it right yeah your ambition and your aggressiveness your sex hormones whatever it is when everything's sex related it wasn't for
01:39:58| sex we'd probably be identical right it would be weird to stay in that prepubescent phase because you really treat ever ever the same yeah us I think kid children treat other children the
01:40:14| same regardless of sex no my son hates women it's so weird really oh my god he's not even 5:00 yet he's like I don't like her - she's a girl I'm like oh my girls Jesus Christ
01:40:28| she's like she doesn't do funny things I'm like stop ecstatic Jesus Christ but I mean I'm trying to raise him to be as inclusive as I can uh-huh I think from TV shows from I was knowing that he
01:40:42| likes right he likes he likes me and I'm dad I'm the only guy in the house I'm girls everywhere good looks he wants to be like me he's like oh I don't like him he's not a boy I'm Jesus Christ don't go
01:40:54| be friendly with everyone so the elusive woman how do you capture them chloroform web and steal your girl wait you see that that mean is like three attractive men these are gonna steal your girl and
01:41:16| the fourth one is the white rapist man who knows all I know is honestly I actually do love women I do think sexist jokes can be harmful times and funny if we care
01:41:38| sometimes I friggin I listen I'm gonna do this whole time but I see like really hot women I can't stop I love them yeah Norway they smell I won't know we're banging them I want to hold the moment
01:41:56| just be friendly with some florists well think about this are you giving the same attention to a 21 year old dude who's not attractive to a 21 year old girl who's super smokin hot and is asking
01:42:09| they could be a the dumbest thing isn't IP address IP address the same as like my password and you're like no you're not you've been in the ballpark let me talk to you like do you know it's weird
01:42:22| like you have this weird thing really it's singers let's talk can you show me what you click on there huh your name again oh my god no no you don't owe it's just let's see if we can figure it out
01:42:33| together it has it effect on me I'm not 21 anymore but I still still drawn to women something old never on time I guess leading I mean it's a moment you
01:42:47| can't capture and then we'll always run my life I guess even if I hate them or love them there's nothing that matter they've run my life whether I hate them or love them is that
01:42:58| weird those are opposite emotions yeah you're a sucker god damn it I'm a sucker it's like people like you it's the alpha males that hard I'm not don't nail me right now about bigger
01:43:12| suckers dumber than you ah damn women were women canna have to yeah women folks you can't live with them you can't live without them hmm let's you're gay god bless you good luck

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