The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP043 Fatherhood New Dad Birthing a Baby Boy

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

KeyItems UnP043 Fatherhood New Dad Birthing a Baby Boy

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 43 - Fatherhood New Dad Birthing a Baby Boy as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:01:00 | allergy, memory episode, weren't firing
00:02:00 | done extra, special guest
00:03:00 | pictures bring, butt my, nice pic
00:04:00 | upstairs, record books, eating dad
00:05:00 | take care, turn old, dragon, data shut, bigger attached
00:07:00 | wife, baby pop, babies born, open boom
00:08:00 | born, babies, world god, mark billion
00:09:00 | ad people
00:10:00 | crooked, saddening lifestyle, people's front, mama bear, officers female, gun
00:11:00 | cd look, vehicle looks, gun, walks, camera see
00:12:00 | five seconds, billion billion, born, queer membership
00:13:00 | child
00:14:00 | my wife, babies, born, five seconds, gun, mama bear, beautiful baby, blood vessel
00:17:00 | kids crime, nutrients, babies crying
00:18:00 | cold though whatever they're cold, doc
00:20:00 | knicks, my wife, hobby
00:21:00 | my stupid, dada, birth happens, distress
00:22:00 | doc, my wife's
00:23:00 | different story
00:24:00 | room, hallway, woman gets, hospital
00:25:00 | medically, studied, medical salesmen
00:26:00 | brakes, evaluate
00:27:00 | c-section
00:28:00 | technical terms, inches wide, almost circular, trained
00:29:00 | change camera, my wife, damage things
00:30:00 | wife, medically
00:31:00 | studied, trained folks, room, chip sir
00:32:00 | room
00:33:00 | room one
00:34:00 | side long
00:36:00 | icu, oxygen mask, body slowly
00:37:00 | making dinosaur
00:38:00 | room, evaluate, nicu team, stop crying, sexist environment
00:39:00 | beautiful baby, forth talk, baby factual
00:41:00 | baby's, babies
00:42:00 | main things
00:43:00 | diapers, nurses, hospital
00:44:00 | baby hammer, babies, inside even, wiped
00:45:00 | wet day, diaper change, probably teach, stay asleep, second baby
00:46:00 | my wife, video hold, boob traction
00:48:00 | breast, child
00:49:00 | hospital people, nurse, c-sections c-section
00:50:00 | seat works, driver's, nurse
00:51:00 | my wife
00:53:00 | factual part, literally billy, nutrients, take care
00:54:00 | em thank, swaddling, second baby, seat, courses
00:55:00 | child, whatever nurse, hospital, sued later, room
00:56:00 | mother in quotes
00:57:00 | swaddle, babies, three hours sleep, diaper change, child
00:58:00 | guaranteed, three months, maternity
00:59:00 | republic
01:00:00 | reform, together totally, my wife's, check it check
01:01:00 | ride mower, wet
01:02:00 | goddamn giant, payments coming
01:03:00 | wet, hate babies
01:04:00 | maternity
01:05:00 | child, hobby
01:06:00 | child
01:07:00 | guaranteed, drums, three months, ready perfect, lots hurt
01:09:00 | acknowledges
01:11:00 | my wife hold, tertiary
01:12:00 | reconnect, sleep runs, squat each
01:13:00 | take care
01:14:00 | upstairs
01:17:00 | drunk barbecue, anyone's weather
01:18:00 | beat going, child
01:19:00 | extra harnish, child
01:20:00 | time guys
01:21:00 | kevin kevin

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