The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP035 Conception Pregnancy Womb Infancy Genes

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Transcript UnP035 Conception Pregnancy Womb Infancy Genes

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 35 - Conception Pregnancy Womb Infancy Genes
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00:00:00| double notifications baby poop I just started I shouldn't should stir like that I started together yeah and I'm Dan we form the unn mmm unn panderers nurse write down a
00:00:23| business there's a disclaimer somewhere and we like you and ER we like you lot do like it we don't pander we are a tad oldish podcast yep
00:00:33| I'm not 18 and older but like 16 over no we got any clarifications Corrections last time we had it we did disappointment and I'd like to say I was disappointed oh yeah in the podcast
00:00:51| clarification about the topic that I picked no I think I know clarification I did tell the audience I was drinking a fizzy pop I was not I was drinking a bunch of Everclear in hip hop Wow
00:01:07| that explains very little but that's a lot really you would think you'd hope the way they ever glare and it's the same pocket kind of is I'd like to clarify that yeah
00:01:23| last time the episode about disappointment was you being disappointed fortnight but I think we changed it around and I think you're mildly amused by it but not thoroughly
00:01:33| entertained okay that's fair I agree with that yeah it's growing on me I won't love it but I do like it for free that ratio is fantastic you're
00:01:43| absolutely correct about that mm-hmm time isn't free though we've discussed that before yeah it costs money lots of money lots of it folks I might attain when I'm 60 65 some kind of gliders yeah
00:02:01| a little money glider and I wanted to point him on disappointment yeah a little tongue twister star song parallelism through the powerful parakeet power fairy power arc you
00:02:13| I can't power key you want to say the power key parakeet powerful parakeet powerful power key unless I go weird yeah strange you gotta turn off your brain and just stare down the barrel and
00:02:27| just it's like you it's like that's the reboot for your mind and like you say one more and you're just like you black out I'm wearing a snow hey Duke Duke took that was I call what's the ball on
00:02:47| top is that the Duke it's called the Duke that's like in Canada in Canada it's close to so the stuff you put on top of ice cream that's like either multicolored or chocolate what's with
00:02:57| that called sprinkles jimmies or jimmies I cooked it on ice cream shop yeah your problem no we call them jimmies and at some point during our work there they said we're gonna change your name to
00:03:12| sprinkles cuz insensitive and I actually didn't know the previous use I didn't neither did I until I went to my car til don't really see it especially a rainbow I guess but she means that Jamie cap is
00:03:25| a condom yeah yeah I'm not sure probably related somehow someone guy named Jamie screwed up for the rest of the people who were liking Jamie's before that I guess frankly soon not to be insensitive
00:03:38| now now we're a sprinkle group yeah as a sprinkled world here every strong flavor land rainbows spring gold everyone anyway I'm wearing this in honor of the snow that's outside you have snout door
00:03:51| oh yeah it's April what 50th April what is it 10 20 s I'm like done with them anyway it's snowing outside yeah I was just grilling in the snow it's 39 degrees it hasn't broken
00:04:08| am i right yeah that temperatures gonna stay the same it's three bits awesome then under scientist yeah it was it has never changed in the past and will never change in the future
00:04:26| that's how I thought cough for the record dan is a on on certain websites he will be a scientist who dispels global warming I'm actually a weather scientist I'm in
00:04:40| the point O three percent of people who don't believe it's happening scientists and the earth is flat the jet stream wraps around the flatness of the earth so well that you can't tell
00:04:55| that it's actually blowing because on earth it would try and global eat a cookie you can it's flat [Music] I did the speaking of flat what would
00:05:11| you say about things that are pregnant that they are not flat is that what you're leading me into we finished each other's presents I'm normal sandwiches some oh yeah their DNA testing babies
00:05:30| boom so we're gonna talk about pregnancy and birth in general yeah in pregnancy in general and women in general yeah shit on women for like an hour women turn up I guess it's shit on women time
00:05:44| yeah do it since we're a couple men we know exactly what pregnancy feels like so we're gonna tell you the video a lot of women out here trying to tell you what pregnancies
00:05:53| about but we decided a couple of white guys in their 30s perfect for the job so yes bear down get out your notebook do this yeah and I don't know that I ever want
00:06:06| to touch the topic of what it feels like cuz even to other women women talking about it to other women they're like now that's that one it was IQ now it's good yeah cuz everyone's different is aren't
00:06:18| they uh-huh some people someone we love being pregnant if I'm not mistaken I think some just like their boot they're done like whoa yeah go baby easy another ones like I have the hardest
00:06:29| time ever and there's how about this like the really really obese people pregnant I didn't even know it and then like they had oh I don't there's this show about it
00:06:45| now I know because there's a show about I think there are people that feel so bad like physically probably emotionally as well that they remember they never really feel worse because they're
00:06:59| already feel like shit for long long stretches of time and then they come out of it they're like oh I felt like shit for two reasons so like I thought that was heartburn oh I thought that was my
00:07:14| food kicking around because we had bad bridge didn't do that how good huh they're right on the farm and they're killing it and even live animals I don't know so I am just confused so pregnancy
00:07:27| either way you look at it is a biological experience that happens at fertilization correct are you ready yeah that's where I got it I don't know if I agree with you on that
00:07:40| one now I don't know if I want to skip right we can skip around it's not like a real pregnancy we don't have to start it yeah we don't have to do it linear election and go yeah we round what do
00:08:01| you got here so conception of a human being okay when does that happen well how many days into pregnancy oh I don't put it at dates because that would be weird cuz then what about the day before
00:08:13| the law put against a law puts it days whoa is it end of the first trimester mmm earlier than that it is yeah I felt roe v wade was um you can have an abortion
00:08:26| voila it's dated I guess for the audience roe v wade the first official court case then had to do with pregnancy woman wanted an abortion 1973 her name was Roe she was going up against Wade I
00:08:39| don't know that I I know the case but I don't know I didn't research this one at all we're talking about pregnancy not working she right although we're touching on it we're talking on it we'll
00:08:50| talk about I'd like to know your opinions on it but anyway oh really scientific I'm not gonna I'm a scientist I'm not gonna talk about emotions here that's why it's
00:08:59| important we'd like all voices to be heard here at the old patters um Roe wanted an abortion and she couldn't in Texas interesting state and she had it went to the highest court Supreme Court
00:09:12| and all that and they ruled 72 in favor of before the first trimester she should be able to decide what she wants for her body hmm and she could terminate a pregnancy up to the first trimester
00:09:23| again this is 1973 it said a huge precedent cuz every other state it was illegal it was actually very creepy scary hard to get abortions because you had to do it through like back-alley
00:09:34| dudes well they actually had like a network of people that would do it you just have fun can we plug another podcast mm that you Rhett you you listen to the cremone show that one was perfect
00:09:44| this is criminal yeah our friend Phoebe yeah Phoebe judge she people would actually like fly on a plane to go to I think it was Chicago or New York there's like two options which everyone's closer
00:09:56| to valence and they had doctors in this circle that would perform abortions because it was safer and better for the the mother well albeit religiously taboo it was a better medical legal and
00:10:09| illegal yes illegal so they'd actually want you in that guy out in the same day not going in the alleyway to get one you flying to New York Chicago one of the
00:10:17| bigs one of the bigs you know do you remember who organized it and helped run it purge it was like the minister Church yes a lot of nuns actually yes it's like unbeknownst but I figured they figured
00:10:31| it best be happened through their watchful gaze and their help yeah through certain channels make sure all these women were taken care of because a lot of times they go to the
00:10:40| priest to confess right and the priest would say like you you know out of wedlock you can't have this baby he's not even you know yeah it's surprising because it's like the religious backing
00:10:53| of people that are not open-minded we're deciding what to do and the priest there is saying well there's another option like right it's like it doesn't matter what God thinks you need to be good
00:11:05| for you I think he was making his own decision there what God might think what's better for her health and her life might be better than what he might be a better source of information
00:11:16| godly information it's like God why is abortion illegal via the Bible it's not written anywhere like Jesus didn't have no no abortion commitment did he I think it's because when you're back in the
00:11:28| Stone Age you're trying to produce more people so you can use them to fight in your army I think that's really the logic behind it I mean it makes sense logical plus well I'm going to get to
00:11:38| mortality infant mortality rates and all that little time together is people are people are more prone to being societal if they have children because they're happier more plugged in and they're
00:11:48| forced to commune with people there's also a mortality rate that - did you see the one in Frei was oh my gosh that was my potential that grow that was yeah it was 1770s phrase 99 we can come back you
00:12:05| you skip right to it why by accident it's all connected is it is it's that's why I wrote it all down we could just skip all the way around it's a giant and a great all the way around so it's not a
00:12:16| pedigree for the folks at home flipping around anti-religion here yet yeah but um just like 30 personality trait is that what it was 30 at 16 live birth yeah 1770 so there's like every live
00:12:38| birth there was like a 30% chance that the baby who passed and an infant mortality was a past age one right so it could also dive like six months in or at the birth I only looked at the graph I'm
00:12:49| gonna be able to know if it's an infant mortality rate fill them in on your stat because I want to tell the audience whether this is um you get up what's the exact definitions like any infant
00:13:01| mortality rate who's up to one like if your baby died at six months is a victim under one yeah yeah okay so you had to keep your baby alive for one whole year the most dangerous you're its life yeah
00:13:12| what do you think is when mortality rate was back to like cavemen times do this guy be like half like them it might even be more do you think it's our 60% of them died 70
00:13:24| that's crazy you have to have two of you in order for you to survive essentially that's crazy and easy nuts we don't know we're making that number up for me 1770 is not that
00:13:33| far away I know so neat seventies fairly recent that's why I said caveman times it's probably ridiculous there weren't even communities well I guess there were slight communities there's no doctors
00:13:43| I'll tell you that [Laughter] yeah I go back just to prove you wrong they price lay egg like no you know you're doing it wrong they'd like word
00:14:05| he'd be dead he'd be gone but the thing about that graph that amazed me the most was that it had spikes like there's like a world war and like the mortality rate would spike or like cholera bands
00:14:17| referencing here was a graph from 1600 and on so a 1800 issue mm-hmm and the infidelity rate as affected by outside forces you know like it is it made it quick decline somewhere do they say what
00:14:31| happened I don't know why the decline happened 1700 maybe at the end around the turn of the 18th 1809 real century is that correct 1800 thank you it makes a sharp decline probably because the use
00:14:45| of midwives and stuff I would imagine like they becomes its own medical practice it's not only run of the automobile and they could drive the hospitals not I have no idea
00:14:54| so anyway children were dying at if less and less pace that's the worst yet were that yeah it was like 30% and dropped down to 20% but what's interesting is you can see when certain flus ran wild
00:15:06| certain plagues certain events we're happening like you said the World War what was that franco-prussian franco-german war sure 1871 there's kala kalah Reza
00:15:19| World War one you tell him the the craziest one of all I thought it was crazy because there's 1911 it just says very hot summer that's insane actually because it was too hot in for Mitali
00:15:35| rape I'm not mistaken is judged by the per thousand if I'm stay young yep so it jumps to 34,000 that's only 3% great right third no this is in the hundreds this so like the very hot summers around
00:15:49| like 160 her I thought per one thousands per 100 it is per 1000 but at the numbers in 160 so that's 16 percent damn because of a very hot sauce it because of a hot summer can you imagine it
00:16:04| that's like 7% more because it was hot well that's crazy cuz I'm having a cold summer when my house is safe but geez maybe that's what the dips for the dips are of cold summers either way that's
00:16:17| just nuts that the weather in general a relatively hot summer could result in the death of your baby it's just giving proper birth or whatever it is pretty unbelievable it is not something that we
00:16:29| would never consider no it's like no yeah oh oh your baby didn't make it yeah it was hot last year that's why we shouldn't mention it someone telling you like oh it's okay it was hot yeah oh
00:16:43| yeah I remember it was like over 90 for five straight days and you're like yeah if it's not that's I can't I can't be rub my head on that anyway along boom good down to all those 80s
00:16:58| alive yep like down to one percent what is did you at the United States mortality rate if it were tally rate uh there's only where we had precedents around like 1900 we're right now we're
00:17:09| like at one percent is still one percent doesn't sound great have you ever seen the graph of like your odds of dying in the first uh actually the odds of dying throughout
00:17:19| your whole life okay it's like it's it's high when you're little obviously and then you get some knowledge of what's going on and you're able to protect yourself in take down
00:17:28| bikes when you're 16 yeah and then it spikes back up when you can drive and when you can drink and then it gets down when you're like 28 or at that point then you got your locket
00:17:39| and into boring town folks too got a lot of life live so you're trying to protect it and as slowly goes up until you hit the end of life type of thought stuff all right 60 or 70 I
00:17:53| thought the other day has not do a pregnancy babies or anything huh essentially everyone who graduated the year we graduated not everyone in our class everyone in the world
00:18:04| mm-hmm graduated high school warrior like there's tons of us a few of them have died you know I'm sure that ton have died but percentage-wise it's very low when do you think that number gets
00:18:16| so small that you find out about all these people do you think it ever does like let's say we're all 98 do you think you know about the other 98 girls like just whether they're ones from PA or
00:18:27| whether the ones from local schools or whatever look do you know about them now you start to look at who's alive at your age like you're the oldest person well is there 5% left less do you know
00:18:38| enemy here's you old and lick them - you can't drive you can't fly well I guess back in the day whatever now we have the Internet yeah you can Skype with all
00:18:46| those people I don't know that you'd want to I don't know that I will you know but you would want to know they exist that it's possible to live older than now because you're precious all the
00:18:57| same things you did at your age like he'll be weird if no one was left it was my age so all the things I did at the years I did no one could see the what the hindenburg go down really I don't
00:19:08| even know that was like 1940 was it I thought was even before that but why were they using the goddamn hot air balloon a game Zeppelin my spelling has gotten so bad that was 1937 so that
00:19:29| would make you pretty good guy he has a pretty good one huh that would make you what 90 no no 112 years so eighty eight eighty years yeah sure so you'd be 80 which time baby's not actually not that
00:19:44| old now so maybe a little bit but you'd have to have a recollection of it so you'd have to build at least ten thirteen seven or eight yeah so you have to be 90s in there 90 so yeah so so the
00:19:57| Hindenburg so it's always like people that's like of their chair but like everyone in the family talks about them it's old Pappy and then they're like he was alive when
00:20:08| the Cubs won and o3 and like he was born he doesn't we're talking about that guy who was so old that they invited him to the Cubs playoff no I didn't see that sir probably so I probably did I forgot
00:20:20| about him now he was forgotten do you thing he's dead I mean did they they won didn't I yeah it was like my that's why this the months ago I don't pay attention but
00:20:31| yeah what do you think he's dead this one's asking you I mean that's probably was one goal in life right so I think he cares again I'm saying I think we we
00:20:41| place all this emphasis on someone because he was probably like six months old when they want do you think he cares probably not right but he's 103 he's gonna argue with people know they're
00:20:53| giving free tickets care yeah he's getting free stuff he's getting attention no one else talks don't otherwise he's just pretend Cubs fan guy doesn't even he couldn't name five Cubs
00:21:01| that's the cent part of nursing homes is that it's like a fucking college dorm with the Rihanna to see inside the ant I hope that's rough let's get back into birth yeah we took it all full-spectrum
00:21:18| all the way in the back so let's go back to what makes what makes an embryo human oh so they can grow embryos yes this is actually a philadelphia thing so chop Children Hospital of Philadelphia they
00:21:33| were able to grow an embryo up to 13 days in a test-tube outside the body what um did these real sperm in real egg or this you can visit what did they do I make us one of those I don't know and
00:21:44| then what did they do create a fake uterus essentially I'll I'll skip to that but they're just beginning life so there's a reason they went to 13 days and then weeks I had two weeks an embryo
00:21:58| can no longer split into twins so at that point they I guess the religious community says that a soul is applied to that embryo because I cannot split like a soul can't split into two so it's like
00:22:13| that's pretty cool like that's hilarious it's interesting shout out the church yeah it's like a scientific religious spin on how far you can go like if it could split that like say a baby could
00:22:25| split it like six months would they allow an embryo to grow six months and then by that logic they would right they'd be like you would see how far we can go but to me it would be illegal to
00:22:35| go farther than six months whatever thirty days that is interesting I actually didn't do that it's very mm-hmm I like going through the research and eventually there's a little tidbit in
00:22:46| the research that usually what really yeah you're like hold on interesting well a lot of it tied into nostalgia and old rules it's still old etc etc etc yeah and then the politicians they're
00:22:57| all cooler than 35 so they hold on to the growth angled ways that's how they got there they're Jo V if we were to say so mm-hmm so you're talking about living outside the womb in an artificial womb
00:23:11| yeah there was actually oh it's a scientific study it's more than a study they actually took a lamb they took eight of them and they were born or born premature I don't know if they took them
00:23:25| out they might have taken them out at 23 weeks and they put them in an artificial womb for four weeks and they actually flourished inside the artificial womb did they they were born and everything -
00:23:37| I don't know the definition of born when you remove them from a womb and put them in another room but yeah they survived no no but I mean they survived they came and they said they flourished they are
00:23:47| actually like growing like wool and like opening their eyes and like being okay they were born Lambie I don't think I'll the damn second whew yeah they survived outside
00:23:57| the second okay okay cool that's what this interesting it looked cool because it was like a giant plastic bag filled with fluid and they just like had all these like nozzles on it and you'd like
00:24:06| plug a thing of like oxygen in nutrients but food just a little bit here it's like Wolfe Manor not that far away from just replacing limit exactly which brings me to my ha ha ha what would you
00:24:22| do so I would I would sex with the bag there's naked I'm wearing there you're just like oh there's neg there's an egg in there
00:24:34| [Laughter] which bag there's like this tree banger I did all I did all that was that was for the other participants they had already participated in the study you're
00:24:51| like where was I going with this one oh so my question is well I asked my wife this one because she's eight months pregnant I said if you could have that baby but didn't have to deal with the
00:25:09| stress on your body because she's like it's just it keeps kicking me all sorts of stuff going on if you just decide to just like hold them in a bag next to you and you could just carry him around
00:25:19| inside that bag until he was done and then nine months later just open the bag and be like perfect baby boy it's good would you do that would you hold a baby for for your wife or girlfriend or
00:25:30| significant other or you know would you would you have a baby in a test-tube continuously like just do not put inside the uterus like I've IVF oh Syria guess but I mean but I don't see mmm like who
00:25:46| where the nutrients coming from Eli buying them from damn Walmart dewdrops vitamin pills and now say it's completely controlled so if you were to give it to somebody else and to say grow
00:25:56| my child for nine months and then give it to me after he's done because I'm a busy man I have time for this child feed all of my nutrients yeah my wife said absolutely not
00:26:10| she said that yeah she said no I wouldn't give it up her that's weird if I were capable of having a child myself like as a man I'd probably do it just to see what it's like it's like on
00:26:22| let's try it let's go right hey you're digesting it I'm not a story agree with you I'm trying to think of a way to explain it because there's not a lot of equivalence for men so I
00:26:35| will I will give you an equivalence here but it's not a true equivalence so there was a transgender man who was a woman who became a man who decided after not being able to have a child with his
00:26:49| wife or her wife the transgender person they decided to hold the baby themselves and actually we're able to get pregnant because their head functioning organs female organs are in they gave birth so
00:27:01| I was like the first man who's very very very so it's like but then they talked about how they could transplant a uterus inside a man there's some doctor actually said it was coming down so if
00:27:15| they were able to I don't know organ donation who knows I don't know how this would work it's this science fiction at the moment no where's this baby coming out when it's ready literally I mean
00:27:26| they could stitch it to Uranus and then get everybody baby I don't know they produce a series since Harrison I can't say it I don't know I couldn't say it cesarean section cesarean Samantha
00:27:40| cesarean Samantha's cesarean Samantha so they I guess they could why doctor actually said it was within ten years of possibility if they could connect everything up right that a man can have
00:27:52| it but I don't know that a man would ever subject himself to that because it seems kind of ridiculous I rather just adopt it does but rather just I don't hmm do you know what the pregnancy
00:28:08| regulatory zone is I don't is that like Anna cycle or no it's an age do you know what they consider average ages for a human pregnancy they can go outside this range their time I like your high risk
00:28:21| high risk is like older cover you got right no just H wouldn't consider a pregnancy possible person so there's a wait wait a pregnancy possible person the time-twister itself it is what they
00:28:41| do is if they they take a census of all these people outside of the answer it's did you look up the oldest and the youngest no no because they get younger and older in
00:28:57| that but when they do a census of the population they want to figure out what percentage of the population is pregnant they have to do cut-offs okay give me the damn younger no I'm gonna start the
00:29:08| youngest is their oldest the youngest is depressing so I'll start without the I'll bring you up and I'll bring you down all right thanks so we got we got ram ram chip Raghav he was a 96 year old
00:29:20| man who's able foster father I'm a man it's about men he's still got yeah yeah and then we got Maria del Carmen boo sada double yeah Laura Miller she lives down the block
00:29:42| yeah she uh 67 she was able to have a child it was like it was like a weak shot something look older no I guess that doesn't make sense but whatever I will say this that hold on your kid's
00:29:55| gonna be 20 you're gonna be 87 you're making all the time by the time your kid can drink your 80 something like 85 you can't even you can't even drink yourself because you're on all those meds trying
00:30:05| to keep you alive so it go younger let's go the younger side of it good his father you got first yeah Sean Stewart this guy's really Sean there's pictures of him holding his baby and
00:30:17| he's just a child and he looks like his life is over because it actually is it it 12 that hurts yeah I feel like the next answers can be even worse yes it is it's much worse
00:30:34| well it's worse because of two things for one this person had a some sort of weird medical anomaly that made them so that they hit puberty where he would lightly yeah we go up period early how
00:30:47| early do you think they had they hit their I'm gonna ask you two questions how early do you think they had their their menstrual issues all that stuff big men menses guy yeah
00:31:00| seven no I won they had pubic hair at three months old yes look this is this is so there were things that were scientifically like I was like now but this I had good person
00:31:15| and a picture of the Parsee in school I understand glands can go off things and go crazy your hypothalamus could have kicked in early it's a free thing but when did she get pregnant she got
00:31:25| pregnant when she was five she gave birth when she was five months and seven months five years seven months and 21 days I had our time saying it because it's it's hard to believe but they had a
00:31:37| picture of her and the pram and their life birth yeah did it live yeah too small I can't figure out later Linda Medina what that name did leave Lina Lina Medina
00:31:53| so that's that's the depressing part is that I no one's gonna claim that they had a baby with so awful yeah they did so Linda Medina is actually 84 now so that was 80 years ago she lived a hell
00:32:12| of a healthy life mm-hmm yeah she's got a picture of her her with the baby but yeah what I mean who knows what happened it's an awful but it's crazy to have a baby when you're five you don't even
00:32:27| know I don't even think I was capable of having my own your thought oh yeah well you could be in the same grade school together yeah I was I was trying to see she's 17 she's 15 gentle let's just
00:32:44| trying to do some crazy man I mean you could let him into legitimately get drunk together when you're you're probably contagious science like your sisters I don't even
00:32:56| know if they told her the truth of what happened so wait are they both what are retiring with it yeah like the same year or two that's very easy that's it anyway so holy crap um you
00:33:11| know maybe people had babies in 2017 No you got three point nine four five million it's a reasonable amount was how many people on the world seven eight billion billion correct down they are in
00:33:24| the United States this is the United States study I'm sorry hundred something million great and we gave birth to three point nine million so like one percent of the population you can also see the
00:33:34| population just like poop like as soon as we figured out how to keep babies alive I think the population exploded yeah kya versus the the amount of people have
00:33:44| the babies has been going down no no that's like the industrialized world or first world stuff yeah isn't it is that a coincidence is that just because does it affect so many things in little ways
00:33:58| that it all comes back to feeling like whoa more babies now I think people get plugged into a system and the system forces them to be like financially solvent so they realize that how that
00:34:10| more children makes them so they can just right so right babies become more expensive when society is able to have too many babies so it's like listen now let's make babies expenses so people
00:34:22| stop Sara Lee and if you can keep your babies alive I give you pad like there's the statistics about having miscarriages and like miscarriages are actually pretty high up there like like some like
00:34:35| fifty percent twenty to fifty percent it's like no it's a wide range but ok but it's a it's a significant percentage so if you're in like a third-world country where you've had a miscarriage I
00:34:44| bet the net stings you like if you if you have a baby then you just let's see it going this I just want to keep pumping them out and eventually you probably just reach the end and you're
00:34:53| just like okay and then you have a little population of people to protect you and save you right and older you don't have that much time so you're just gonna keep going keep going white and go
00:35:03| Plus you probably don't have podcasting and internet might as well wait now it's like bulgy hold on check this 2017 do you know what the mean age for a woman having her first child is put it like 25
00:35:19| higher 26.6 26 this is united this mean yes the United States isn't crazy that's pretty high you can push back from Harlan you can push it back as far as you want but your first baby at
00:35:36| thing it was when I was in grade school do you have it over in the ears mean me no I just sold 2017 Tryon type United States it begun right good work I can preggers Nancy put on images right here
00:35:58| Oh mean age of mother first births United States so we gotta go in to got a good one stat can G C decks so this is Canadian sorry where was their skirt is a 49 or 18 so they have average age of
00:36:19| mother at first birth from 1946 it starts around 25 and dips down to 24 at seem kind of old I mean only because the mean is I guess the mean is torn off by people having their first at 35 38 but
00:36:44| they sit figure more people are having them in 2022 throwing off the other way you know you mean it's a misconception maybe that's what the media wants you to believe
00:36:52| maybe you're absolutely correct now do you know how many people in 2017 gave birth to their first child and were unmarried that's probably a higher statistic prime more than 50 percent
00:37:05| forty percent was there exactly that's wild when you think about like 15 years ago could you tell people 15 years ago that's supposedly yeah the Mad Men where
00:37:16| have you seen Mad Men predict rappers there with ya she gives birth and the only person there to help her is dick Draper even though I think for you whose debut diapers dr. Dow is dawn sorry god
00:37:30| yeah okay good Don Draper dick Draper do you know how many what percentage of births in 2017 in the United States were cesarean I would say it's a lot because the doctors like to have control
00:37:42| that's my right Zebedee know Jesus Christ hilar okay that's that's crazy it's 33% okay roughly okay more than three I think they prefer you to go natural but any of the reason so yeah I
00:37:58| would assume that doctors are just more cautious and they probably want to schedule it by just let these people have birth whenever they want I think they are they're not doctors you know
00:38:08| the baby and you think nature's gonna tell you I'm gonna put you down for March 18 yeah my favorite day I think your baby's gonna yeah it's not gonna make it
00:38:30| yeah that's right little baby like right after dinner I'm gonna have steak that night some good ones yep yeah you never replied to my private text view with my video I did I listen to it I do agree
00:39:06| with what you said and he's a little more spunk that's fine I had those literally when I just reported last week they're like but it was like the flowers were there flowers come on here good
00:39:14| talk who's the snapchat thing thought you couldn't save snaps oh my god yeah I see it every snap safe snaps I don't even said oh here's what I wanted to say so a
00:39:29| woman during her lifetime she'll she'll start with like about two million eggs and then her body selectively chooses which one to drop each month which will down select and throughout our lifetime
00:39:44| it's about 500 eggs so what happens the other ones did you get destroyed there just let them go they're like these aren't good enough good hmm I know they were they
00:39:56| out of the body I don't know they just let me go but I mean like I don't know maybe reabsorbed or if they just drop out during them Oh during this evening yeah so the he yeah and a guy in
00:40:12| comparison he creates about five hundred billion sperm yeah about a billion times proof but let you be think about like the personalities of men and women like
00:40:26| women are more like cautious I guess we're caring and man five hundred billion I mean you could be extremely wasteful with water billion I don't even have that much in anything pennies I
00:40:44| don't have that much in Vinnie's I might have made atoms how many atoms make up my house use up some of the host body I thought it was really low actually a museum like three billion
00:41:06| there's too many zeros it's like oh it's a lot of atoms I'll give them that okay I'll give them that still I guess it I guess there's a atoms make up your your sperm so there's gonna be a lot of
00:41:21| them uh so that takes up human pregnancy oh yeah the only ones I looked at were I like I like the the end ranges it's like elephants six hundred and sixty days pregnant Jesus that's too
00:41:47| long no wonder they're going extinct and then the shortest woody what animal do you think is the shortest of the map with counting insects Oh Hannah insects I do have a statistic on insects though
00:42:02| it's oddly it kind of looks like a mouse with bigger shrew yep rat it's close its possible possum is 12 days was pretty close it's all about a baby in 12 days
00:42:13| dan that's quick must really like concentration oh you get to work on the beauty yeah whatever we got just spit out right now yeah I said rabbits they pump out a bunch hey
00:42:36| I read a story about New Zealand rabbits like rabbits normally breed during a certain timeframe like bring in summer which where they normally live is a small time small amount of time in New
00:42:50| Zealand it's year-round so I just keep going so it's like all this rabbits everywhere and they hate rabbits but they don't celebrate Easter no well I have to look into that fact check with
00:43:02| my clarification for next time I hope so and then ants how many in a month do you think how many eggs I don't really count because their eggs are like pregnancy 50,000 no more 3
00:43:15| million what month 3 million ants yeah is that a million a day that sounds wrong no it's a tenth of a million a day but well those are a billion in a month we're just every million 3 million Oh
00:43:30| more reasonable reasonable after you could use it with 30 million west and i have his mules mules what do you think about mules huh I forgot my sheet my stats back there I don't know how to
00:43:50| talk about I need to know about the mule yeah so the mule is a donkey a horse or hitting they're the true yeah and they produce so that's where a mule comes
00:44:02| from but a mule can't produce their own offspring they can't mate with another mule they sometimes say that like occasionally a donkey will get in there and then the mule will make a donkey
00:44:12| mule hybrid but that's very unlikely because fascinated by mules at this point yeah because the Olsons are bastards I guess the bastards of you to defer
00:44:25| their mutant best their species definition of categories a mutant bastard species yeah it turns out that they have different number of chromosomes so they can never match up
00:44:36| perfectly so like in the replication process where they're trying to line things up they're just like whoa we got a nice oh not too that better-looking sense fascinating to me yeah so like the
00:44:47| mule is forever screwed or blessed I don't know it depends on what you're looking for out of a mule how are there that many mules in the world where are all these horses and donkeys having
00:44:59| their you ever seen a horse yeah are you saying female donkeys are into it is that what you saying no you saying I'm we're strong it's huge man I know are you saying female donkeys like the pipe
00:45:17| don't all females like female donkeys like the pipe what else is there there are some female humans that like horses let's not disparage all of our viewers here cover my face in our face look down
00:45:35| and shame excited though I'm not ashamed and that's all the stats we have that's all the information we've covered quite a bit we went nice and star-shaped on that one it's an exact some of our
00:45:51| reddit viewers will wallet mm-hmm we've never done this before after this main topic really oh boy in the mic they did apologies so over 40 something minutes in I'm almost 50 you
00:46:10| want to hear a good Sports Club I do I know I'm looking right after that right at them yeah I am my son's been a pain in my ass lately mm-hmm whatever school things whatever it's interesting he's
00:46:30| been better that's 24 hours good went to the playground we play see a Thebes you play the game oh yeah Hugh loves to pretend he's a pirate while pirate ships he has as he baked bananas he makes me
00:46:46| drop the anchor he says our matey oh he knows what the hell means like we're having a blast we're at the playground we're the only ones there it's one of the ones a local it's like
00:46:56| five minutes away yeah I keep squishing them and I'm like dude to go to the bathroom you're doing your little dance like no kids but I train for like eight months like it's like clockwork to me I
00:47:07| don't care if he's really got to pay will go by train you know I mean would you be weird cuz it's like kind of near neighbourhoods houses but I don't care so he wouldn't you know it and um in
00:47:17| Spain they used to take babies that need to pay they just hold him up I'd be like no room there just be like a little planted tree they'd piss in a pot I'm just like oh yeah wait till you've done
00:47:27| fundamental right that's what that's what I would do with him my name is Tim yeah so all the sudden he stops and I've never seen this at least on like eight months to a year of my life and he goes
00:47:41| oh did I I'm pooping and I was like no you're not I used to carry around a school bag that his diaper is extra clothes socks like juice snacks it's got like the works it's got an extra toe in
00:47:57| there colouring crayons in case we go to a restaurant and now I just bring a juice cup sometimes that's all I had and I'm looking and I'm like no this is well the only player who knows I'm a porta
00:48:14| potti anywhere nearby so I know what to do they do that oh yeah he did he must have been holding it for like a day and a half and it just it just hit him well I saw an old
00:48:29| t-shirt that I had seen when I first got back your year old oh wait an old t-shirt on the ground mm-hmm so what she did he was eternal heading or was he already gone was he
00:48:40| gone well once he starts it's over and the kids probably been holding it in Bertram place so companies I pulled in I pull down his sweat pants and we're in his underpants so there's like
00:48:51| a thing sticking out the back now some kids there he's got the dog picker a plastic bag I didn't even have that and so I took that uh and like little peckers hanging
00:49:04| in the wind and I'm like oh my god I'm your neighborhood these people are gonna think I'm less than this kid or something or telling them to take off his pants I'm like if a cop sure that
00:49:12| weren't we gonna say did you deal with this officer you deal with this oh boo I used a it old teacher that look like it was a guess a grease job like someone used it to clean their car or something
00:49:26| like grease all over it regularly they're wiping their fingers with it yep yeah so we'll use that like but a couple times wiped everything together put it all together and put his pants
00:49:37| back up and rolled out and I thought this is the worst moment of my life where did you put the shirt no there was I trashcan so okay okay with a bag so it's not like it was an open can that
00:49:49| someone's gonna go throw it someone's gonna grab the bag it's good but man dude you think you're over it it's been yeah the last time pooped his pants like a year ago but he was having so much fun
00:50:02| being a pirate I hope he's not watching us it was like his girlfriend ten years from now hey he's like you to my daddy shout out buddy thanks I was challenging me today he stands on the armrest and
00:50:19| it's there's a good fall off the armrest you know and you think they could bring his hit okay he's ha ha that's funny daddy and then yeah he'll sit down I'll be
00:50:30| like don't don't stand on that and I'll just put his foot I'll just put his foot right up now this figure out there like yeah looking at you a high and he's like I'm out you're done that's it done ok so
00:50:47| Lee he's on he's getting to that point where it's like is this gonna last how long is it gonna last for it cuz he's just like look back and forth he's eyeing you up he's like uh mmm maybe I
00:50:59| got up Oh yeah no he's getting a sibling no he died I don't know if he really gets out really goes it he says maybe in the word times the baby we have a name for him
00:51:14| but he you can really get it yeah he's like I bet I'll be really have a nephew when I had the nephew of my arms he was like nestling in there trying to break the bond between me and my nephew so I'm
00:51:26| pretty sure the same thing is gonna happen jealous he's already jealous as he was started yeah I'm gonna figure it out heavily years apart - little over - yeah
00:51:39| which is good good space that's good yeah that's why we didn't talk about is that once you have a baby you're supposed to wait like a year or something before you kick another out so
00:51:48| is it true okay a little bit Irish twins as oh it's within your walls Irish shirt completely different them normal human beings in the Simpsons have something like that they did like the
00:52:15| [Laughter] [Laughter] food catch catch a little offensive yes me but it's like a lot of their depictions of some of their character
00:52:32| yeah all right on the edge or on the edge of truth mmm that's it unless he's always doing awful oh can you see if he's even watching is he one oh I'm seeing I tried watch hissed which is he
00:52:52| doesn't watch mine busy talking to is silent playing video games thingies was silent tough guys you know but this shows you is balls for the record uh this is three straight days without
00:53:10| showering Wow it's the nastiest my hair has ever looked in my life my finger just got Clinton it but I'm also showing it off because give it a couple weeks it's going it's gone I'm
00:53:24| actually gonna wait tool I've got about a month left and then I'm gonna take three months of not understanding what's happening and then cut my hair so I've got probably four months until I cut my
00:53:34| hair this is your baby gonna affect our podcast you gonna probably be out of it and say random stuff so we're gonna have to determine whether they're so terrible okay I will like I like to say that we
00:53:48| are now posting all of our YouTube videos I every day for the next two or three weeks this is crazy I love this position the audio is catching up - that's awesome just audio you can see I
00:54:02| can just listen to us if it like too busy to watch the video yeah yeah got feeds us is good news WWN panders calm down I'm gonna go there soon as we're done talking right now on feedburner you
00:54:16| see burner I love them anything about feedly you still use Ducey's basada I'm actually looking at right now it doesn't integrate with anything but it lets me look at my nose it's useful
00:54:34| look at notes I have things on it I'm waiting for it to go private and to have to pay and I'll say like if you want your notes you're gonna have to pay 10 bucks and I'll just be like and I can
00:54:45| really shit on them I can't wait wait but we should be I'm trying to make it so we're everywhere iTunes Google Play now that we have episodes that I think will sound
00:55:02| beautiful perfectly perfect them with these fancy microphones new microphones recording software direct to twitch director recording I like it got some graphics the we got the way we record
00:55:22| things now it looks prettier Oh and then you 1080p I think I down select but live can your web my webcam definitely is I've been looking at it shopping some lip how you gonna upgrade
00:55:37| I don't know I'm just saying I did shopping say your next purchase a little just saying I haven't purchased anything in like a month so I am CJ yeah my debts going down I
00:55:50| gotta do something yeah you can't be ever free of debt you got to keep in debt over them new I'm American and I believe in capitalism so I'm gonna do it for the good of America and capitalism
00:56:02| well if it really sums it up let's see uh see what the people think yeah Casey cuz we flipped it around their house felt weird but I think people who want the information will be but we right
00:56:15| there front so they don't have to be like I have to figure out where it is just be like in fact they could turn off by now hey well I got all my pregnancy I'm good yeah I'm pregnant over I've
00:56:26| been wondering what it feels like to be pregnant okay well would you like it we like you a lot I'll go first as far as I can

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