The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP045 Underdogs Longshots David And Goliath

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Transcript UnP045 Underdogs Longshots David And Goliath

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 45 - Underdogs Longshots David And Goliath
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00:00:00| so I'm Dan get on Nick folks and together we form is crazy dynamo known as the unn unn and ER no sir we don't pander yeah especially not to younger viewers you're under 18 please get your
00:00:20| waiver signed and come back yeah go listen to some tinier pockets to disappear we also you're an employer you cannot use this podcast against the employees
00:00:31| only because it's for infotainment that's our fun entertainment purposes only I really understand nothing can be used against us an overall mmm so would you say we do here again I'd like to fit
00:00:45| in the groove and just flow yeah a fuel atomization let it rip couple old friends just going over some really interesting stuff so why you tuned in enjoy thanks folks
00:00:58| so I'm damned so Nick so I'm new so and your dad all my words run together together we are the others yeah you are listening to episode 46 yeah it usually don't know how they're
00:01:20| really gonna come out but we'll find out man we don't but it's recorded and this one is about underdog underdogs everyone's favorite things we're gonna talk a little bit about the origin of
00:01:33| the word that's a great thing we're going to talk a little bit about some underdogs that's a great thing we're even gonna discuss some betting odds sports facts some interesting tidbits we
00:01:46| might touch on some movies we're just kind of a good old time here yeah feel free to tag along add as much as you want we're not checking we're not reading along today or most days so
00:01:57| it'll be like you're silently adding to work out a lot fine Oh fill you in spirit which like to clarify hitting from our last episode dripping blood Oh
00:02:12| actually yes I would the one thing we didn't really talk to him very deeply is vampires we kind of skimmed over a little bit mm-hmm they didn't get a fair shake I think that's true we're talking
00:02:22| about boys I guess vampires a little bit of a deviation and what we were talking about he's not shy away from certain certain aspects one of the most interesting facts was that people
00:02:36| thought that vampires were really uh OCD and they couldn't they couldn't not count something so it's called a RIF Romania ritmo mo mania okay and it's an obsessive compulsive disorder where they
00:02:54| have to count everything so people would throw sand or rice in front of the doorway or in grave so when they came near them they'd have to start counting every individual grain of sand or life
00:03:06| it seems really bizarre idea what to throw right you're not superhuman if you brought more like four that's actually all I needed I'm just gonna yeah I gotta go interesting
00:03:24| well underdog which is Latin for under and doog doog at all fact it was first coined in the 18th century I got the Year 1859 without some text for all of those who want to know but it was used
00:03:42| as the beating dog in the fight the underdog like a cockfight a little bit yeah your ice cubes on strike house for them I'm really sorry I was getting my drink ready it's like the most important
00:03:53| part of the night before we really get another dogs I like to tell everyone I'd be getting fat and as I'm you an underdog now it does cuz I'm fighting against a larger opponent
00:04:06| myself so I started last week night jogging you know what that is it's a new trend uh-huh it's where you jog but it's at night do you wear reflective pieces of
00:04:19| clothing so that you know good hit no kiss think about it every car that's coming has like super big high beams and it's like pitch black I'll be able to see them from a mile away they don't
00:04:29| need to see me I need to see that evolve and if I can see them I'm not gonna stand in their way like some kind moron so he excuse anyone listening in the podcast who got hit by a car and late at
00:04:38| night you're not a moron so I'm not gonna get it are you running on the sidewalk or on the left side of the Rosalie mostly on the sidewalk and then everyone then I do a left side of the
00:04:47| road because you can see things coming at you and veer off the road people think on the right it seems more dangerous trusting the driver yeah trusting the driver I'm gonna do it so I
00:05:00| look a little sweaty we're in some athletic gear made with unkempt but I'm losing some weight and I'm gonna put it back on right here folks
00:05:11| yeah did you have a scale count how much do you weigh right now you're gonna I weighed 202 a week and a half ago oh wow I was never above like 188 like was we do yeah I'm up around probably 200
00:05:28| around he's afraid of the scale but off I'm beefier and meteor than Nick so mm-hmm the more gangs got some haunches so started running my first day it did like
00:05:41| a mile and I was ready to die okay I think it did two months to two and quarter to two something no feel good I feel like I figure that day where I actually start running to lose weight
00:05:52| you know it's funny I've tried different things I used to run like six years ago I did broad street it's like ten mile run huh it's kind of a thinnest I was and you get thin from running there's no
00:06:05| denying it it's the fitting to me it's not like no one ever looks at a runner and says oh that's sexy runners body no my I don't know I mean I don't know no I think the
00:06:16| runners bodies are golf Li and weird and Gong Li yeah there's a girl I used to have a crush on she's our Iron Mike she went to like she's a its bony
00:06:26| looking and it's all like veiny and all like gritty like healthy sort of but it's also well here listen um if you're any of the people I know in real life we do this just turn off right now but
00:06:41| there's like this obsession that comes with running that's unhealthy to like people who do over like more than marathons like you know people will like post I I ran like 30 mile or over the
00:06:51| weekend or I did a hundred mile for two days so they put on their back of their car yeah well if you did it I'm you might as well put it on your car I'm not against
00:06:59| putting it on the car I'm against doing in the first place if you're doing a race it takes like six hours that's what just a weekend right there right do you know you have to train for them you have
00:07:11| to like run at least an hour a day like I don't I get the fitness aspect but I don't have an hour a day to do nothing you know so you seems you're saying that makes you an underdog right so we have
00:07:21| so little time to do what we really want to do exactly and the thing I'm going against is huge its 202 pounds much bigger than my ideal self so I'm the underdog and I'm going to I'm gonna beat
00:07:37| it about your diet actually I used to eat real crappy like all winter I've kind of cut back but I still eat kinda crappy yeah no I thought last three months of eight even a lot of crap on
00:07:49| tons of crap more crap that I've ever eaten in my life yeah cuz it's time times a big thing people don't realize it's not like oh I'm just lazy it's like it's like I have
00:07:58| five whole minutes to make a meal and eat it I'm gonna include this gonna be nice a mini ice cream cone and and chips and hummus I can eat them to ending up how mac and cheese says sure we hand
00:08:10| down two seconds boom I'm good eat it while you're standing and then you're hungry later because it wasn't a real meal so let's have some more stuff later
00:08:17| double down on the fascism and you're lonely way of it exactly we get it so like I said we're underdogs we're real underdog chance we're not like a dog
00:08:31| whoa we're not like the bigger podcasts I was listening to uh This American Life and I sound like a bad one actually there's good tidbits the ones I've listened to they've had like a
00:08:43| three parter and they go through like a theme if I listen to one about breakups and one about starting over from scratch and the one about starting over from scratch it was a guy who retired early
00:08:54| and then he wanted to make a TV station about puppies just puppies all the time and it just he gave us all ready I feel like he could be a millionaire I mean I've no idea his name bill yungay doing
00:09:10| end with that the best part was he did like a promo and he made his own music so it was him singing he made the song he just had puppies playing on a couch he recorded the puppies - yes he did his
00:09:22| own puppies and has gotta be the interviewer like sat down with them as they watched and she's like oh this is kind of nice and then there's like a challenge like the puppies are jumping
00:09:32| off the couch and they're all watching waiting for that last puppy to jump off the couch and what he does oh there's like they're all super happy and enjoy it like this there's it loved it so much
00:09:43| and that was the whole point of the channel it's just a place to go relax and be sounds really over simple bye oh yes genius cuz that's what people want yeah do probably one of the bigger
00:09:55| hitting things on YouTube right puppy videos kitten videos he was ahead of his time he that was 10 20 years ago so so he's a billionaire now okay cool no I never got picked up because the the
00:10:07| over dogs the large corporation said well we came with a puppy channel on this network kind of a disgrace yeah a guy in our corner everyone remembers Mouse an underdog yeah
00:10:25| underdog yeah gonna be you this thing right yeah I watch that it was literally a Superman ripoff I didn't realize it till right now I mean in back of my head maybe I did he um he was a nerdy like
00:10:36| pencil-pushing like pushover who had a regular day job like a jackoff and his girlfriend who he had a secret crush on sweet Polly purebred that's the Polly purebred was her name
00:10:49| sweet name and his name was shoeshine boy which is a quite a name maybe a little kind of aggressive but then again he does Choo shoes so I guess I don't know
00:11:01| anyway um she was a reporter at like one of the big paper and every time the bad guys would come for her at riffraff it was one of the bad guys Simon bar sinister and over cat good play all
00:11:15| words yeah any any time learned them will come he would go to the nearest phone booth and turned into underdog and in the process destroy the phone booth you know everything would always break
00:11:25| around them it's like right on the fringe of when my memory actually starts to kick in I have the sense but I can't really our generation saw a lot of these because nowadays kids wouldn't see a
00:11:40| cartoon from ten years ago there's cartoons now that are new and much better and nor a like garbage right it's it's a little bit to do with how long it took to make them back in a day probably
00:11:51| by how many different one one guy's slaving away houses that poor guy Mel Blanc had to voice them all you know yeah good stuff he was very very interesting a financial piece but
00:12:05| actually I prepared all day for what we're all about to talk about for a while underdogs 2013 sports slash romance movie starring ariana grande ahh I'm the cartoon Pixar type movie like a
00:12:25| aired in Argentina underdogs plural plural who is the other impairing underdog with I mean I have two pages of stuff here I hope that's what we're doing on that Coco
00:12:39| okay well underdogs got a 6.5 on IMDB and a 38% on Metacritic I didn't think those were very fair because it's Argentinian film I think Johan Miller summed it up best
00:12:53| when he said while it isn't a pig our movie this film does an entertaining take on a by now familiar Pixar informant Pixar formula 3 out of 5 stars pretty good so I thought we could talk
00:13:06| about that for a while most of our audience probably seen underdogs yeah we wanted a niche and that that could be your niche from that one we only talk about this one movie from 2013 that was
00:13:17| our charge and in Ian I believe what's in Spanish I don't know what language Argentina speaks I imagine it's I don't have to learn Spanish then I'll do it yep spanning I believe um I actually
00:13:31| read this not Viacom someone made an English translation for it in production will research it out be in the correction for Olli but uh I really came prepped for that I hope we're all ready
00:13:42| that's it that's the episode it did it did earn sixteen thousand wait sixteen million pesos and its opening week I was floored yeah flabbergasted you could have said yen at
00:13:59| the end Oh to really edit though but Sebastian mm-hmm it made more than it hits Ben well good good on it you know another movie that made more than it spent
00:14:10| commando rocky oh yeah yeah the original underdog story someone from Philadelphia like no I'm pointing to me because you moved it doesn't count yeah I'm more a Texan now than I ever I
00:14:28| can't deny that did you know rocky won Best Picture in better picture play Oscars isn't that cool huh check this out it made 225 million that year it's a little better
00:14:42| than underdogs well let's see how much it cost to make probably like million dollars 1 million I'm so good man like what's crazy is he didn't even win he tied and lost by decision do you
00:15:02| remember any of the Rockies III so like one three parts of two parts of four and the one that came out cold rocky Bubba some lanes pretty good which one does he battle the Russian and which
00:15:13| one does he battle Apollo I haven't written down so one is where he loses to Apollo on kind of decision to is a rematch he wins against Apollo 3 from Heights clubber lang aka mr. t or he
00:15:27| fights Ivan Drago Drago punches dude yeah anyway he knocks him out and then five I didn't write down with five was I think it gets ridiculous and then we have
00:15:37| Rocky Balboa and then Creed which came out a few years ago I think everyone said I should say it I didn't it actually was nominated for Best Picture I believe and then Creed 2 is actually
00:15:48| in production set to release this year it will be the 8th in the rocky Canon huh ever seen the wrestling I did that's very depressing it's in the same vein I think when I see Sylvester Stallone as
00:16:02| an older gentleman who can't really do anything unless he's about to pee himself not oh is in the actor yeah yeah but it's the same thing funny but in the Rustler yeah it's not Nick Nolte it's uh
00:16:14| it looks like Nick Nolte but it's uh it that guy you know that's everyone's turning on was it I don't know his name isn't showing up I know is Nick make macaroni is that no oh Rooney yeah and
00:16:33| um Rourke Mickey Mickey work that's the one I was close and maybe Rooney yeah but Mickey Rourke he's so beat up in that and the best scene is when he has to work a bit supermarket deli and
00:16:46| he's like singing and he's like he's like his finger getting hyped up he's going through the plastic like he's going out to a crowd and yeah they just how do you like meat
00:16:54| yeah I've been enough man he's winking at her with this like busted jaw and crazy-looking face well you've touched on something interesting without knowing you did it it's incredible I'm handling
00:17:06| sink we are you've touched on the American idea of the underdog it's an American idea that's tied also to the Cinderella story yeah we'll tie
00:17:19| into sports later because he's often become sports metaphors but they're also metaphor was for the American condition like America sees cinderella story rags to
00:17:28| riches pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps and islands and assholes so far that's a always sunny quote I thought you're oiling with your nose now I could it I know someone's shinier than
00:17:42| myself that could do that there I look right in there is a thinner lighter man look like Garth um so do you know where the origin of the oh here was hard do you know why American is so into
00:18:00| the underdog etc sorry all that it kind of begins with Jewish Christian ideals judeo-christian roots huh because most of the people in America judeo-christian yes they're like the record into the
00:18:14| religion area that they're sort of slaves and then they have fought back against it one of the biggest stories the oldest David versus Goliath big one there right definitely
00:18:25| so do you want to know some crazy I did a little research how big do you think Elias was its right like 639 there's nine accounts of his height oh yeah do they do it by a smallest shekels
00:18:34| smallest yeah they did it by cubic whatever they have so it was like three feet is a cubic yard or I forget six foot nine was the original account okay that's pretty big like it's a big honor
00:18:47| so Dino Chara yeah that's he is he 69 or six eighty six eight six nights tomorrow night yeah I would have said six eight internet the internet has told me that it will take some more time to read this
00:19:00| page six nine nine is correct is that on skates it's an on skates that I mean they probably do that anyway right anyway one of the next accounts have been seven foot nine and there was an
00:19:14| account that had him at nine and a half feet by ocean Dever skeleton give her here like Abraham he was honored and sixty years old when he went out of the desert and then like it took him a
00:19:24| hundred years to die wait yeah yeah you know he was like good three hundred some kinda rough if there's a famous Reverend who figured out the age of the it's in inherit the wind when my favorite
00:19:37| that's pretty good bug though right on the lawyers questioning the Reverend he says well actually they know the age of the universe we did it by figuring out Abraham's
00:19:45| Noah's everybody's age and then when they were born etcetera etc the earth is cetera of years old and what's crazy is oh my god here it is I read this story of my time
00:19:57| off the other day for those who don't know time off shows you what you texted tweeted or Facebook this day in history wow that's creepy keep gone wait I bet you thought you
00:20:08| signed up for it Wow so I mean you can opt out or turn everything off I have things turned on so I know what I I don't have texts on I have what episodes recorded Facebook I'm good
00:20:20| oh because it'll be this week think about it right but it would be on today June 4th in it says one year ago you tweeted this two years ago you may Facebook this eight years ago you took a
00:20:30| picture the Flyers game or something yeah self-assess so something a hundred percent I love it you have to see how you've changed over the years well let's say this I saw
00:20:40| there was a senator who um he was saying the age of retirement shouldn't be lowered if anything it should be raised he doesn't understand why there should be a mandatory money for anyone who
00:20:51| retires because as we all know Noah at a hundred and fifty-eight decided he built in the Ark or something he literally said this in court all no we're like what and hit like well everyone else is
00:21:03| kind of just lazy if you were like I want to say senator you look at how US Senator you know Noah or Abraham probably figured out but I I need a comment about him I believe this day in
00:21:17| history or yesterday uh years back one or two years back so the oldest non person to ever live is Jean Clement I don't know was a year hundred twenty and twenty to take legit that sounds fake
00:21:30| wait what year was this they lived to be you know I can kind of believe that then if it was like five years ago be like it's bullcrap yeah well anyway Noah and Abraham would
00:21:43| be three hundred and ninety two pretty pretty amazing genes they had and I was a woman oh my bad trench away you said it improperly I thought maybe maybe for
00:21:56| your correction for the next episode you can say it more properly I have to learn this over wheeler honor the oldest person that ever lived could be different by tomorrow when or I
00:22:05| can honor no off or Abraham make room for Abram but the real I felt interesting David and Goliath story did you hear um he threw them he slung the rock and it hit them in a head right
00:22:23| yeah that's like the whole story the kids most people yeah to me that's what I know I don't know like that scene in Troy where one on one they go and fight for the two sides of the war I was
00:22:33| thinking like the snakes or whatever in Game of Thrones he actually poisoned him beforehand oh I'm following no actually what they said is he was even wearing a helmet Goliath
00:22:44| and the stone went through the helmet into his head and he fell over and while Goliath was on the ground good old David walked up and cut his head off and then carried the giant head
00:22:57| back to his king and said looky what I got it's his head and he took all of Goliath armor and set it up in his tent as a shrine as if to say ha ha look what I got and it was all giant sized armor
00:23:08| and I thought that's weird I never heard that part of the story that's weird yeah that doesn't really meet her Christian values right but it was in the story I do we just kind of stopped at you throw
00:23:19| a rock at the big dude and the little guy won yeah yeah not little guy won cut his head off sever the veins he stumped back to the king and then parade around in his dead body armor we can we skip
00:23:32| over that part so that's weird so do you know any other underdog stories through history maybe or uh trying to save sports try and save sports for the end so gay movies the movies that came out
00:23:49| in 2004 with true underdog story in the title I could see oh darling it's an athletic movie but not really starring Ben Stiller Oh Norris Chuck Norris is in this one
00:24:08| it's like the oddball or someone yeah dad boy oh yeah it dodgeball the true a true underdog story I think about replacements because that was around the same time no that isn't in that bed
00:24:18| Soylent that's no it doesn't but that's also an underdog story um when I was reading it says um it was either Wikipedia or Webster or someone was like trying to
00:24:29| say this trope is in every damn sports movie but they said it in like the nicest way possible they're like you'll notice this trope is in almost every movie about sports it's like the ragtag
00:24:42| bunch gets together and beats the overwhelming favorite dead villain character I was trying to think how many movies like is the the team that's favored go on to win and then that's it
00:24:54| like that's it though Wow incredible are there any I couldn't I couldn't think of marry many I know Rudy he doesn't really he's like under sized and he only plays for five minutes of the
00:25:06| game or something I think with one play am I mistaken what do you know what that's somehow huge in the movie but that's very minimal in real life I think you only played one play you wouldn't be
00:25:19| talking about not even a little bit um you want to get to one of the more popular underdog stories people of all time and one that you may be familiar with the Oprah Oprah's on underdog story
00:25:32| no I actually didn't know this we're family won a scholarship to be a broadcaster how poor is poor you mean average income report like I have no idea I'm literally asking I don't need
00:25:43| to are okay you do research I wore potato sacks because clothing did not always fit into the budget for her poverty-stricken family there you go potato sack clothing Explorer hard core
00:25:58| but hold on what year was she around nineteen Slate 60s early sick she's like is when she was born somewhere I guess I could see because I can't even see a pro like they couldn't like that wouldn't
00:26:13| even make sense huh like did she wear it like to school one day is it joke there's no way she's like mom I don't have clothes I apologize it was just she was just projecting her
00:26:30| life out and she said if I if I wear this Halloween costume as a potato sack right now exactly then it do become successful we're coming back to the potatoes all I have a potato sack is I'm
00:26:40| gonna picture me as an underdog well because anytime you write a story you have to denote an old teacher we had we'll call him Nicole woody he always said the power of a joke or a story is
00:26:56| in ways he respects the dollars of the outcome the dolls have to change so I think that that holds true to most writing today yeah the bigger change you can enact like say he's starting out
00:27:07| here and he ended up here you never say like most of his life was here and it kind of ended up here because that's a bad story you have to say the very worst thing he ever did and
00:27:17| compared to the very best thing he ever did like you have to go to extremes cuz it's a bigger story it's a bigger Delta folks at home that's like but uh there's a
00:27:27| Russian guy named Reuben Brahma vich he was born penniless because he was mean in any family he was in an orphanage children or boy yes by the way I know that's why I stuck a bunch of dollars of
00:27:39| my my son's diaper leaves right in the crotch kicked him out the door and say good luck but um yeah he was B was another rags to riches story but he's one of those opposite ones where it
00:27:50| sounds really good until you find out that he was all like black market esque and like right after the collapse of a certain country then yeah I started doing sketchy stuff so you can be
00:27:59| despicable and still get in your way and people will hail you because you started out but they don't see the middle portion or the hard work that goes into being an Oprah because that probably
00:28:09| took a lot hard work to you there they probably did I am I command over I mean she through marketing through sheer branding through she made herself the like she was the first one to make them
00:28:23| so hey she's she's a woman and B she's african-american like that's like two strikes that how's it gonna work for her and she won more successful people ever in in media
00:28:33| in general yeah like she nah I guess it's a little bit because she owned it you know to mean like she didn't try in a kowtow which by the way I saw spell today ko
00:28:44| WTO w Kyoto I had no clue what the word was for a second I liked like hotel discount it was a Serbian manner yeah like you Cal towel to like rich whites whatever let's so you can get their
00:28:59| money kind of obsequious right look at this guy on fire he didn't come with the research how you sure I got really no I got a brain but Oprah has three billion dollars now three bill and it's up there
00:29:16| it's pretty good um we'll never have three billion yeah well this podcast could be worth three million we are an underdog when I saw their
00:29:28| podcasts they always say and our team of producers blah blah blah blah blah blah I'm serious what this is all wrong we don't have to guys this is our producers yeah we're you to my left or my right I
00:29:38| have to point your point I was correct yeah I'll take it I'll take these are our bruising folks just killing this there you go okay you don't take all the credit
00:29:52| please do it's the only thing that makes you feel good now keep giving me more I need more I need more that's it it's all I got for the night one of everyone's favorite underdog
00:30:05| tales there's actually a miracle and ice that a little bit Oh eighty exactly stop talking 1980 in on the money Lake Placid where's the spat I have here we go
00:30:29| so the Soviet Union after their bronze medal finish in 1960 pathetic anyway after that old on after this is 1960 from that day onward they went one seven one and one in olympic games move
00:30:48| they won five of six next goals Ivan Drago a little bit they were the the giant of the sport like they they shadowed Canada everybody all the big all the bigwigs everyone in these
00:31:04| countries had professional players Russia mounted Bale is familiar with Russian Circles and I'm not talking about the post pop metalcore instrumental awesome band from
00:31:17| Canada Judith no Russian Circles Russian supposes actually yes that's the name of the band they're one of my favorite bands hmm they're really awesome I see she asked everyone check them out right
00:31:29| now in fact they used one of their songs on Olympic commercial I thought you're going with the perfect circle Judith no that is good song no thank a group anyway um these do Russian circles at
00:31:40| each five I heard which is worth five to six to seven players skate backwards around one of the red circles and the pucks in the middle and while they're skating backwards around the circle in
00:31:50| unison they have to pass the puck to each other and stuff lah five mm-hmm like that's hardcore stuff anyway the Russians were so hardcore about hockey and finesse and skating and passing and
00:32:01| shooting it was insane they said they they went twenty-seven one and one Olympics they were cutthroat professionals they were favored to win all of these Olympics and they did they
00:32:11| crushed everyone um that year believe it was shit a massive dragon who's Jimmy Carter President Carter I think was Carter threatened to not even do the Cold War issues he did it I mean they
00:32:32| but there was like chocolate oh maybe we won't even do the Olympics with Russia how do you feel about that Russia well that was year we decided to go all amateur yeah we didn't have any
00:32:46| professional players coach coach Herb Brooks who like don't remember what team he was an NCAA coach for a while and then I think he did an NHL team I can't remember like mine anyways is that
00:32:57| like if you're playing on his team you is just say that your legs are the wolf oh I don't know that hunt a component that's pretty cool anyway he um they were the youngest age
00:33:09| group on average age of 21 I believe in the tournament they were whatever the opposite of favorite is let's go over some of the scores underdog so sorry numbers yeah yeah check it out cool is
00:33:22| this um regulation and regulation running in regulation there's they did weird stuff in their preliminaries some teams wouldn't play a lot of starters and stuff so preliminary game could get
00:33:37| out of hand I don't know which ones are these are they look a week I played this all week okay alright then that's probably they're all legit good Soviet Union versus Japan I'll just say versus
00:33:46| the people they won 16 nothing first Netherlands 17 for the first poll and eight one and it gets better for two to burst Finland and then 6 to 4 verse Canada and then United States 1 for 2 3
00:34:04| wait Barry yeah nice good job that wasn't even the final game though no so hold on I'll tell him real quick do you know they were down in that game no so the best goalie in the world for the
00:34:19| past six years they actually there was a lot of saw him coming to the NHL he was so good it stretched niak he's a beast like he was just the the war machine like he was
00:34:30| just seek and destroy and stop and kick and he I believe um yeah I don't think he was butterfly but he started a hybrid style goalie they actually ended up pulling him after the first period
00:34:42| because United States scored two goals we have his shots ah the Russian machine got angry can't believe they scored two goals so in the second period USA did not score I believe and Russia scored
00:34:54| two times so now they were ahead back is between the second and third period the Herb Brooks damaged speech they have the kid give it in the suit you may play them 9 on that 10 times and know when
00:35:09| but not 10 you know yeah everyone memorize that speech it's a real good speech anyway they went out and scored two goals in that third period one with ten minutes
00:35:19| left and I it's crazy because I think the Russians had to I had the puck in the zone for the last like two three minutes were ripping shots I think the goalie who is a Rochester
00:35:34| player there's no way right okay Callahan time oh yeah sounds kind of familiar he could be anyway just a college kid I mean these are all just college kids we
00:35:44| think about it because they the United States would not use professional players these college kids beat the shit out of the greatest team but I'd be the shit
00:35:51| one barely hey we'll take it and held him off and clear the puck with like 10 seconds and Al Michaels said do you believe in miracles folks and everybody's going nuts and throwing
00:36:02| things and then they had to go and play Norway or Sweden and beat them pretty handily like five two or something I think for two you got the number I go scored it okay and won the gold but I
00:36:15| mean that was a row game hell of a hell of an underdog story pretty badass so that kind of leads us into all other sports you want to open any sports underdog who you see here and they see
00:36:30| here we got lists a mile long so I know the crap was literally a mile long if you were for this one the pavement so there's basketball teams I like what so I looked at everyone's wins over all
00:36:45| time okay which which is crazy I saw that something that's so unfair buddy got best tickets calm this blog is pretty amazing so the top I'll tell you top three teams so what makes a dynasty
00:36:57| first of all like a three years in a row or play out of five I say two out of three is the beginning of a dynasty three out of five is a dynasty I were exempt you I would agree okay and these
00:37:09| teams you know the Lakers the Celtics it were done he even gets done Spurs yeah yeah prelab Ron Khanna as Ron so those are the top three not in that order but their win percentages is around 60%
00:37:23| and if you were that's crazy because who's to say they weren't losers throughout the whole the 70s 80s and part of the 90s like you know II mean deliberately flop like the Penguins to
00:37:34| make a better pace language yeah so they probably have 3/5 I think that they're yeah I think they already won to you know you have stats on that in nuclear research it probably I didn't do the
00:37:52| Penguins I just was looking at winners I know they didn't happen to come I did but I think it's also three in five years it's four eight six years or something
00:38:02| remember the one against Detroit day one let's not look it up yeah gloss over that piece of garbage alright so any other dynasties you wanna touch on because I will tell you an
00:38:16| interesting thing that happens with the word dynasty the word Cinderella word miracle you can hit it because I can keep comedy stats alright so apparently back in the
00:38:33| miracle at the Meadowlands or the miracle meadow lands to or things were the miracle and then they become the Cinderella team a lot of times and then underdog Eagles on their dong underdog
00:38:52| or big swing and like the Eagles were kind of one of the biggest underdog stories of my life yeah I'm sure it's me centric I mean if you were alive in 1948 each year for the friggin underdog
00:39:07| Celtic team that was up against the Bill Russell I don't know after like they're like what like why are you cheering for the Patriots like it doesn't make any say they've won like how many times in a
00:39:18| row I know you say that but I will say he might be one of the ultimate underdog stories Tom Brady because he was drafted was seventy eight six six round you actually must put his number on here
00:39:33| except every committee loves Tom Brady drafted this is a six round I'm pretty sure back when they did seven rounds no brothers 199 nevermind that's round so
00:39:42| to us yeah so that was probably one of the last ones right and the only reason yet he was one of the on the very last day I do that that's crazy and then he only really got to play because drew
00:39:53| let's have got injured yeah and then he dominated so there's only seven rounds so there's only what how many people thirty teams having teens yeah seven times thirty-two ten yeah so because
00:40:05| yeah so he was yet for me it's more than adds like 230 something probably and then now he's like the winningest quarterback of all time right of all time right he probably will be better
00:40:14| the best of all time interestingly enough then we can talk about this 2017 equals I thought they were a long shot to make it because I as a Philadelphia native who delivers to all the poorest
00:40:26| neighborhoods and fed up yet the one thing I can talk to with everyone is the Eagles it's a crazy Eagles town everyone who's from Foley Souza's knows it
00:40:34| it's like people will talk Eagles talk I'm talking about today who's in who's out right we talked the draft we talked about who the coaches assistant coaches offensive coordinators who's helped me
00:40:45| up as a coordinator who's gonna be back it's a very Eagles town it's a football town I always joke and say on he doesn't assume bulk so I like to just get people to higher up you don't I mean I don't
00:40:55| really believe it I say last year toe they actually did really good car someone did his thing slinging he's a high pick so I get it people expect a lot from them I didn't
00:41:06| know if they expected what they got from awesome everything's going great except that they lost their starting All Pro left tackle Jason Peters they lost the return man Darren Sproles he's a third
00:41:19| third running back wide receiver tech guy third down guy they lost their middle linebacker who's the playmaker Jordan Hicks and they lost their special teams Pro I forget what his name was his
00:41:31| the safety they lost a lot of guys and then on top of that they lost um Carson Wentz at week 14 yeah and literally when that happen it says ACL was torn I throw is a long shot
00:41:42| they could make the Super Bowl or something like that I was like this fat ones I don't care I just did calling the guy that had been there and there are battles yeah Nikki Sixx Nikki
00:41:54| Sixx baby and uh Nikki Sixx came in and I am I like Nikki Sixx good guy what else I can't play football like Carson Wentz can he's gonna get eaten alive he had a good game against the Giants I
00:42:05| believe that's where he goes kicker went down I'm sure someone else went down - I think we lost the D end anyway we're playing with a bunch of people who were
00:42:15| not backups but whatever and uh week 16 rolled around they played Oakland in his scored a touchdown and week 16 was Dallas this week 17 or whatever it was and they didn't score any points they
00:42:31| lost seven zero to Dallas hmm now they already had a playoff spot locked up and I think home field locked up so they're just looking real bad you know they're never many motivations so check this no
00:42:42| but you wanna be beat Dallas whose do you hate and score more than zero points zero yeah pretty bad pretty bad but anyways um they open against the Atlanta Falcons
00:42:54| as like a minus or a plus for underdog which is kind of disrespectful because it's it's an Eagles home game there's the number one seed and they are an underdog and I was like this is kind of
00:43:07| crazy well they won oddly enough last play in the polls look pretty good and they played the Vikings at home in Citizens Bank Park her she's the link and they opened as a I believe it three
00:43:21| point dog again which is crazy because they're the number one seed and they're at home again and they just won the last game will they demolish the Vikings so the point where I couldn't believe it
00:43:32| and then they went against Bill Belichick and Tom Brady Tom Brady being the winning his quarterback of all time Bill Belichick being probably the smartest coach of all time and they
00:43:44| opened as a five point dog if I'm not mistaken five and a half points on my pan and I thought Dan we're gonna get knocked mention I I don't know I was real nervous I thought we could I didn't
00:43:56| think I just didn't think it would happen and then they started doing the dog mask thing I thought that was really cool and I what do not know this underdog mask yeah
00:44:10| no I don't know just yeah so they beat Atlanta Falcons as an underdog were Vikings know is the Atlanta Falcons so Lane Johnson offensive tackle he's a beast he came out after the game and he
00:44:24| must have bought one from Amazon just leaned Johnson underdog as soon as the game was over he put on this I have one in my house I couldn't find it for the episode he put on a rubber dog mask head
00:44:35| and just walked around with the mask and there's confetti flying everywhere and he said y'all thought we were underdogs well we wondered good like you don't need no Oklahoma boy yeah it looks
00:44:43| pretty good it was cool well anyway they went on sale on Amazon and they sold I'm sure thousands have not tens of thousands of war and people start wearing to that
00:44:53| Vikings game we replayed the Vikings some guy with a warehouse holding the masks oh my god someone had but it's the perfect storm like Tom Brady threw for five hundred yards Bilbao low tech coach
00:45:04| team and the Eagles won Tom Brady had the ball in his hands with a minute whatever left and we won it's truly a crazy underdog story that a backup quarterback just won the Super
00:45:17| Bowl against Tom Brady nonsense and a coach who Doug Peterson second second-year coach after the first year there were people talking about firing him cuz like you hear this talk every
00:45:28| day like I hear it all time it's crazy so that sin in my life against a Eagles team it's always screws things up there's never won a Super Bowl in my life probably never say anything under
00:45:41| doggie like that again now on top of that Philadelphia is the definition of an underdog city we touched on rocky that's like they have a statue the guy at the Art Museum steps
00:45:53| he's our national mascot we're the only statue statue a fictional character rocky like photo P eats the underdog story they they need it they feel it photo P hates being a favorite fidel fee
00:46:08| hates being a prohibitive favorite every team in philadelphia loves the underdog role we love to pretend everyone hates us and when we love to be disrespected it's like a it's
00:46:21| a thing in our blood I can't explain it prize something do with blue collar probably something to do with we're not as big media markets as New York do you know any mean like New York to North DC
00:46:32| to the south like of bigger cities so kind of feel like the slob hey yeah we used to be the the seat of the nation and then they took that from us yeah they took that too
00:46:41| past history so I think there's just crazy stuff but like that was a perfect storm under dogmas and I don't think I'll ever see one that good again maybe in my life no sports is crazy stuff
00:46:54| changes every year were you around for the 2010 Flyers here are you talking about when yeah they went down emo wrong yeah after that um down 302 Boston Bruins oh yeah came back after Richard
00:47:12| yeah yeah Krejci was it his wrist it was Thomas David crazy I remember the hit yeah center ice and then ship the whole series he went up against the Montreal Canadiens and he
00:47:23| had that goal where he just washed the gold yeah and you went through the Loch Ness monster haha I remember things oh my god he'll just remind me I was at that game I
00:47:35| think you were yes I I was at it might have been this game don't quote me because of lawsuits gonna happen so we had the very back seats in the entire building like the very very very back
00:47:51| seat the last row yep so literally I do see on one okay stand if you want the ceiling is like right above your head you know it's like a foot away for a ball yeah I was so
00:48:03| pumped so drunk and so out of my mind I started punching the roof I punched holes in it this size holes on that building thanks to me you just jogged my memory we're good for that could even
00:48:20| feel pain in I I'm getting lit up just thinking about it yeah it's a damn shame they didn't want to go yeah they were 70 coke it's hella drug oh my god huzzle cookie
00:48:34| I would be dead and in jail right now so you'd be an underdog coming out and the jail try to get a job as an underdog program you'd be the underdog so everyone at home news your favorite
00:48:57| underdog story and I'm gonna bring it up oh yeah I'm gonna bring you back a little bit it's kind of when you were a baby but I'm sure your family just non-stop talks about it 1989 mm-hmm
00:49:08| the Saskatchewan Roughriders come on Canadian football I know it's in your blood is this where they they scored first downs in every first play I don't know
00:49:23| you might be ready you might be right they were nine 19 they went up against the Calgary Stampede set year ten and eight uh-huh they were like they were probably lose by two touchdowns they
00:49:33| thought nope they won next round Edmonton Eskimos no way to beat them they're 16 into hell there's no bass they still talk to the background would say your family still taught us this I
00:49:44| can feel it smash them I can't believe this but everyone still didn't believe and then they went up against the Hamilton tiger-cats mark my words folks they're not gonna
00:49:56| over walk over Hamilton like it's a joke these other two games were fluke they went up against them 12 and 6 that'll ttan tiger cats out here here the Rough Riders they showed up would you know it
00:50:08| last minute 26 yard field goal are you believing this from Saskatchewan said you guys talked about that thought maybe you guys did I don't think the only time we ever talked about Canadian football
00:50:30| wasn't when I brought up I was in a Canadian baseball league oh challenging that we were underdogs that day in the gym the whole sport was an underdog [Music]
00:50:48| well there's one thing we bring up about movies and being an underdog it's like usually they define someone is not coming from wealth or being ill or poorly educated or area D 5 D 5 district
00:51:09| kids were rich kids they all have the uniforms pay for it's like the whole black matching you nice D 5 is like whatever the hell you had in your garage yeah yeah
00:51:18| patchwork not to mention something a coach was an alcoholic with a DUI coach Bombay so he's whatever he's upset with his life for something he's drinking that
00:51:33| cop pulls him over and he says have you been drinking he says a widdle get over here and the judge instead of sentencing into you know fifty thousand dollar fine two and a half years of prison
00:51:46| no license for 18 months he says instead you have to coach a bunch of misfits in district 5 ice hockey bangbang sentences were rough back then he showed up at his limo to work with
00:52:02| children adjusted DUI huh that was it's what justice meant something back then yeah at least it was a mentally handicapped like some of the stories we worried about our watchin TV such as
00:52:15| like Forrest Gump like he never really had a chance are you saying he's not gone it was he was throughout his whole life you didn't even have a clue what was going on most
00:52:25| of time yo I bet you that's why it was such a successful movie because America loves the underdog because we believe they do it we believe that we can do it individually you don't without each
00:52:35| other you don't want me to be all conspiracy theory dude do it rich people want people to believe the Cinderella story because then they won't try and change
00:52:45| the system they'll just try and work harder and you should get ahead and pull yourself up by your bootstraps type stuff if you're on the wrong side you're screwed
00:52:55| yeah you're not gonna win in that system in fact it's a little bit like gambling Oh one in a million times you will win a billion dollars most of the time you will lose all your money that you are
00:53:06| already poor and you cannot afford to do this and you're losing your family's money good job asshole and your kids out in the car that's so strange because I know that this
00:53:15| American life the other part of the starting from scratch it was some guy who earned earned he inherited six million dollars when he turned 50 well that's an interesting age to
00:53:26| inherit it but yes because his father spidered him because he was a gambler a heavy gambler oh uh uh with the child and now he works in Las Vegas yeah he works in Las Vegas as a limo driver
00:53:38| makes money and then his brakes he'll go in and Gable and the gamblers always talk about how they're winning X amount of dollars to never talk about the long-term they're losing you right well
00:53:50| no no no the long-term I want 800 over the past three weeks they will never mention the egg - $100 each day for her and if another infamous gambler move is the plus 400 this year yeah like I doubt
00:54:04| they kept a ledger for the whole year but anything's possible I don't know we gotta do an episode of gambling there's statistics out there maybe we could find out who actually is
00:54:14| aware yes we should do some research on that and subject yeah - anything else you wanted to touch on tonight no I just love first go that's all just love a champion yeah and running
00:54:33| exercising touch phone everybody so I guess I covers our topic of the underdogs what else you got that's everything yeah I didn't really have very much to talk about here other
00:54:50| than I like what you have machine these teams ever yeah yeah 76ers on that list yes of course they are but they're actually up there somewhere the recent model it's not gonna divas
00:55:02| only funny this is an all time thing I know and there's a recent team that almost broke the record fool Lucilius wins in a season losingest I think they won five or seven games a few
00:55:14| years ago until CMB a record gone on right there Twitty got in from the NBA NBA total wins is like 61% when when percentage overall time oh you're talking about
00:55:24| overall time yes 76ers RTC is 82% you got your Pony my favorite underdog story ride it mop pony was uh you guys familiar with Man O'War is that the Spanish man wore
00:55:45| clothes it's a racing horse it was free and undefeated this is a giant horse and he was like no one knew where he came from you can look up his owner Bill somebody III forget anyway he was
00:55:58| undefeated every race he went in he won he was just as friggin giant fast probably freakish beast punch hold on my friend steroids this is in was 1919 so there's probably just good old hot dogs
00:56:14| in beer like Babe Ruth I guess mm-hmm anyway um in the Sanford Memorial stakes a horse named ultimately upset won the race and beat Man O'War with the odds a hundred to one oh yeah good pay all
00:56:30| right there that's a good pair right there I have no clue how many people bet on them but that's pretty badass and shout out upset we like him I dig him you have any other
00:56:41| big upset chillin hold about no but I looked at a bunch of like gambling odds on people who had to bet on like 15 winners in a row they were putting down like they put down like 100 bucks and
00:56:52| the return was like 250 to one or something so they debts I believe it 15 games in a row it's like um flipping a coin it's like a little bit do you ever do the the card key higher
00:57:05| lower high lower higher lower higher lower yeah ha ha so you flip the card and you have to pick higher lower you say higher now the next card you have to flip
00:57:15| I'm gonna flip another card Horrell are you keep going and eventually when she gets like 4 or 5 cards it's like you're gonna screw up so 15 I'm trying to remember right I did an ESPN thing
00:57:29| that was less than 15 I want to say it was your offer less 15 yeah 15 flipping a coin 16 times in a row were the odds that it lands on heads all every time no but what are the odds that it would lay
00:57:49| odds I'm surprised I don't have like a gambling channel where they just say like let's watch these flips everyone bet and then I just keep flipping a coin that's like the addicted gamblers would
00:57:58| be all over that I guess so they have to wait but now hold on what are the what are the odds you'd get something right on 15 coin flips with random guesses not just heads
00:58:11| heads heads anything are you sure yes if you had to guess every to him right and I'm guessing it's the same 65,000 one is it yes he come better than that I hate to say who's better and the other thing
00:58:30| I want to talk about with gamblers is the on here TV on poor man war go with a min or or upset hope it bothers you are you OCD would you like to count my doors damn it you
00:58:59| forgot I could talk about the losing this teams please put this with browns the bottom six Florida Panthers starting off a measly forty Russia I was like 39 a between the Flyers in the playoffs
00:59:11| like twice in the 90s when I was watching the only time they were in the playoffs Tampa Bay Buccaneers Columbus Blue Jackets their new kinda but Tampa Bay up again table great lightning
00:59:22| surprisingly really for this year but Los Angeles Clippers which I'll ever I mean I guess I've heard about them but the Lakers just kind of overshadow them so it's like well that's kind of how it
00:59:32| happens in LA - yeah and then the Charlotte Bobcats which are I guess brand-new mm-hmm I haven't heard it it's kind of not fair I guess because they're new they have
00:59:50| low numbers they'll even out over time for everything evens out over time and then the people you hate the most winning pro sports of all time I saw it was of the Lakers if you could
01:00:03| Lakers are number four Yankees are number one can you hang keys were one another up there Canadians and then Celtics and Lakers and Packers and may believes somehow who is most
01:00:16| championships is it Yankees and then Canadians yeah that was an order of number went number of championships right I loved it both the Yankees who won most of the World Series before
01:00:28| anyone knew of baseball was it really kept good records good job guys yeah shout out Yankees and what do you know what my hair is well yeah in fact when people actually worked
01:00:36| in the steel mill while playing baseball so you didn't actually be professional players but anyway and then also in that vein is the Montreal Canadiens who won and they were the only ones who had
01:00:53| professional players they should have a percentage adjusted per the amount of like teams in the league they should adjust it for that and that that would be an amazing stat how funny these days
01:01:03| it's row the record out and say those guys are idiots I'm gonna put that on no that's rude that's rude they were kind of good for the time I guess better than work
01:01:13| wait they did win I mean in a way did you more romanticize it they won on beer and guts more than their opponent who was yeah doing a healthy diet of beer and guts
01:01:26| so beer and guts for his beer and guts they won yeah and they wouldn't one against analytical super healthy super technical extra training freakish athletes only highest-paid player type
01:01:39| regiment exist today but that's fine and yeah you're right 50 years ago you couldn't pay your own way through a major league anything because they didn't pay
01:01:48| yeah peanuts god bless oops rule in the podcast yeah yeah every time mm-hmm that's all I got so I had to huh weird are you an underdog in anything Missy I like to consider my my proportion of
01:02:08| athleticism to be underdog ish because I split my life playing video games 50 probably like 70% of time at my free time and 30% I do something athletic so like whenever I play a sport I thought I
01:02:21| was pretty good for the amount of time and put in it I'm a value oriented guy and I got yeah I get respect it to your answer I just think it's also weird that you say I'm better than people who are
01:02:32| better than me because I spent less time doing it who spent their time doing it are losers for the amount of time I spent unless you assume that time spent doing something is it some kind of sort
01:02:47| of curve so that more time spent doing it only yields a smaller percentage game addition diminishing returns diminishing returns again finishing returns diminishing returns diminishing your
01:02:59| transformation returns that's gotta be number Wadena which are we going to speak slower this episode so that our transcripts show up better you want to talk about that because I that's fresh
01:03:13| on my mind right today oh please no because I know you've been chomping at the bit I see if I get this right I'm just a horse man o'war lost yeah so let me see if I get this right so Google
01:03:26| uses a way of determining keywords by looking at documents within a certain family so if your document say your webpage describe a fam okay families like podcasts so this okay so
01:03:39| the whole podcast is a family if you were to look at our website and every episode we produced which is what I did okay and looked at each transcript and then figure it out like per each episode
01:03:49| like the number of times that word appears and then you compare it against the whole family like how many times it shows up in certain documents mm-hmm versus how often infrequent other
01:04:01| birds show up you take you take those and like divide those numbers it produces a mate an amazing set of keywords that actually match some of the topics like when we had episodes with
01:04:14| real topics focuses oh I didn't know you did that so you're talking on essentially you're eliminating all the articles and the small words and the non important words and it focuses on unique
01:04:26| words you found a way to isolate our unique words per episode yep and you found that our unique words per episode actually almost gave a description of our episodes a little bit yeah where'd I
01:04:37| text you one of them was a Valentine's Day and let's bury the leave your Valentine's Day train your butthole and your butthole and then it was a date dater cousins that's interesting three
01:04:54| in a row right there that's so beautiful that's beautiful that's beautiful dater yeah poor guy just really something until my head to the right all the time huh oh dear no not the overshift anyway
01:05:08| thanks for joining us today I'm pretending or finishing up but we always do a recap of the episode here in the manners yes what did we talk about I talked about the odds and movies life
01:05:21| sports we talked about some crazy odds we talked about some crazy stuff we talked about some crazy teams we talked about some crazy movies we talked about you name the movies replacements Mighty
01:05:35| Ducks miracle and ice near Robin underdog the TV show underdogs sorry ariana grande alright dodgeball a true underdog story we talked about some unlikely heroes like
01:05:52| Leon spikes snakes we never talked about golden knights yeah cuz I didn't research them enough and I feel like there's no going lose oh yeah did you see it's actually
01:06:03| happening now but this episode where this episode will air when the NHL curse back live and starts a new season so it might actually coincide with something worthwhile amazing
01:06:20| live or I hope it's not a sweet well I can't be really I read that the odds were like for her to one that they would win so if you put bets on them before the playoffs started you have a
01:06:32| lot of money if they could pull it out which oh my god they gotta do it Washington so they're there the definition of underdogs right because they have hold on you know if you
01:06:43| remember to do rejects yeah so each team is allowed to protect X amount of water live people X well unprotected that ended up being five people but they broke it down by position so you can
01:06:59| protect X amount of forwards AXA meta defenseman and x-men a goalies the people that were not eligible where people who had like more than two years left on their deal I believe so this is
01:07:12| all people who are either unrestricted free agents restricted free agents or people with one year left on their deal that you could unprotect anyway it was essentially your five for the worst you
01:07:23| have the number cut yeah so protected lists they could choose between two options there are seven forwards three two three defenseman or one goaltender or eight skaters so you can particular
01:07:35| forwards if you didn't give a shit about defenseman or all your defenseman if they were really good at I guess well you could take a multi year player I didn't know that I guess with the
01:07:44| contracts still existing I didn't know maybe I made that book interesting I make things up so no movement causes so they must be protected okay is that included in your eight so
01:07:55| like you have eight he has to be in your eight yeah that's in your eight yeah okay okay now I understand all first and second you're professionals unsigned draft choices will be exempt and will
01:08:06| not be correct its right okay and then there's a whole bunch of other ones that no one gives a shit about but I hope to your hockey team is how many players essentially so you have eighteen skaters
01:08:21| plus a goalie so let's to back party to Elise so you have twenty twenty-one yeah 21 I think it's 21 and we have time players and there's
01:08:29| essentially five to seven half you get to pretty much save half of them okay so you're over anything's you probably of a couple rookies and a couple second-year players or first-year players true sure
01:08:41| we'll say there's well say there's five players from each team you choose from a always a crappy goalie it was like four players right yep and you get to look at all the teams in the league there's four
01:08:58| players they didn't protect there are four worst players let's say and you've got to look at the four worst players on every team it's not their top ten guys under top whatever it's probably the
01:09:08| fourth line players most of the time and you gonna make a team out of that and he's George McVie that's not right yeah X um Washington Capitals gyah yep you heard that stats and I didn't know I I
01:09:23| heard this because they were gonna play Washington interesting stories like right yeah so um he picks all these scrubs and people who were unprotected by their teams get them
01:09:34| all to play in Las Vegas of all places where lights for the brightest and the Sun is the hottest and mmm the women are the finest yeah you know that kind of makes sense though
01:09:43| after watching this like Las Vegas is connected to the Los Angeles so you get big name artists that will play in fournier games you have a whole bunch of random people I will just show up for
01:09:55| your game record about their pregame their pregame this is amazing yes but it's because it's the entertainment capital of the United States right and then also you get
01:10:04| gamblers involved you put odds on these games and then the gamblers care and then they show up and then they're crazy about the game because they want their team to win because they put money on
01:10:12| the dam what about people who live there who love hockey just there's no hockey team who so anyway they literally take the scrubs of the league people that no one wanted the castoffs the Cinderella's
01:10:27| they get them all to play together and in their first cheers of team they're in the Stanley Cup final with all these guys who are nobodies what's Carson's first name Phil knows whatever things
01:10:37| William thank you William Carlson yeah he's courting how many goals last year six on Columbus is a whole year and six goals I don't know if you played a full scored six goals shout out 25 points
01:10:54| well shout out this year he's the goddamn leading goal scorer for the team win the Golden Knights and 43 goals [Music] ridiculous
01:11:05| that's insane now a little bit of that is ice time everyone talked about used to get like five minutes of ice time a night but a night okay night that's insane
01:11:17| production that's pretty amazing and I mean they're playing with cast offs nobody's guys and no one wanted wouldn't protect you can't stay on my team guess what these my left's in the Stanley Cup
01:11:32| do you think they're gonna make it next year no I think use a little bit of apply to the pan a little bit of catch lightning in a bottle a little bit of this someone said on an inside know who
01:11:44| is in the know of knowing things there's a lot of their home wins or because you know guys going to Vegas they're gonna party a little bit before they play it there until that authority and not that
01:11:55| their party partying but we're not as concentrated kind of how might they land it a little bit I mean like you're going to win it if you get a Winnipeg the night before game so well you probably
01:12:07| saying in some shitty hotel so that might actually wear on you a little bit a little bit I get a little depressed that you're a manic depressive sorry but it's a follower she's dropped off yeah
01:12:23| so that was good recap we covered something I mean we knew we missed I think we did that's exactly what it's for and that's what we did man good job guys and last but not least the
01:12:39| definition of underdog for those of you watch the entire episode and we're like humpin they explain this I hope they explain this Oprah Winfrey it's a competitor thought to have little chance
01:12:51| of winning a fight contest interesting and number two in Webster Miriam a victim of injustice of persecution it's very juicy we're gonna have to end there anyway folks we like
01:13:05| you like you a lot thanks for joining us tonight yeah we do we certainly do like it

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