The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP001 Houston Texas Harvey Flood Disaster

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP001 Houston Texas Harvey Flood Disaster

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 1 - Houston Texas Harvey Flood Disaster
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00:00:00| I'm dan I'm the echoes together yep we make the unkind Rouge come into your living room no computer or your little sanctuary where you do all sorts of weird stuff you don't tell people that
00:00:20| so you turn the cameras off that's where we belong it phones up with yet yeah right near we are near your earlobes grab your bottle that can be alcoholic it can be a lubricant I think the third
00:00:33| thing pick any water all right get ready it's gonna be a good one yeah and disclaimer we we're adults you may not be or you may be a genomic Jim an adult he not 18
00:00:47| I mean you're over like 20 we whatever we say is not representative what we actually mean nor our employers our co-workers or loved ones our pets our neighbors our mailman at mail women or
00:01:04| director anyone else we see on the street they're not even our opinions we bar you but over that actually feel like is gonna be a good podcast so I'm already gonna open up my beer also I
00:01:19| have nothing to do cuz everything is flooded did you say is there a hurricane is that oh not anymore he's been downgraded Al Gore once that's not dangerous it's not even yeah not
00:01:34| even cat one but then why might even make a deal of it really nothing yeah so shall we start with how I got my security my safety let's do it yeah I'm amazed that I have power I love it I'm
00:01:54| on the same grid as a police station so maybe that helped pop boom right yeah so maybe that helped I'm also located in a neighborhood that's newer so it's higher up then
00:02:14| so when I see other people's yeah when other people's neighborhoods on they flood this is a Texas thing because they they use make streets as reservoirs which I had never seen so that's
00:02:26| intentional that's intentional because they expect it to just like dissipate mud yeah dissolve in the ground so most of the neighborhoods you see like I've seen
00:02:36| them flood before where the entire like roadway is covered in water and it's up to like the you know your driveway that's pretty weird I've seen it a lot it's I guess semi
00:02:49| intentional because at least it's what's there it saves the rest of the people yeah they make like can you buy a house there or is it like kind of all houses clarify your question are these like
00:03:01| poor people houses that purposely Floyd or like I think yes partly sometimes there are houses there it's just like no one wants to necessarily live there you know they're probably cheaper than most
00:03:14| and that's not that's an excuse but it's economic saying there's an economic portion of it that's people buy next to the Bayou or they buy and low-lying areas or houses that are flat or even
00:03:26| with the ground elevation and my house is not that way it's like five feet off of the street for that purpose nice excellent yeah and the houses that don't do that I don't know why because I've
00:03:38| seen it so many times the first week I was down here I borrowed a friend's car and I went to the mall which is like 30 minutes away it was a downtown mall and when I came back it was raining it
00:03:49| rained seven inches in like a matter of a few hours which is on par for what happened last night night before and well yeah and that the area that they're showing you picking people up it was
00:04:02| flooded like not not to that level but the feeder roads they're like the highway does the same things that the feeder roads are like a reservoir they're below grade for some reason
00:04:10| don't make any sense to me myself yeah this is all somewhere has to plus we're doing it the Selma you're protecting something else right yeah Peter Road isn't as important as the highway I
00:04:21| guess yeah yeah I suppose so and the first time it flooded I was like what heck like why would this flood because I wasn't from here and this is stupid
00:04:32| yeah hey I got to do the one thing I really always wanted to do in someone else's car which I I will some big ol puddles no well technically yes deep you shouldn't they say not not to but I uh
00:04:45| the puddles but that like the on-ramp was there's a dip so the water was probably you know one foot deep maybe a little more and you don't know I don't know folks at home now but the ditch was
00:04:58| deeper and I went through the ditch I went right over the curb and bougie and I got stuck on the other side so I was half at the water with my friend's car and my girlfriend current wife she was
00:05:14| in the passenger seat as the water was coming through the door screaming at me Tania I was yeah so I had her jump in the driver's seat and she's pumping the gas as I'm on the back of the bumper
00:05:25| like pushing it bumping it up and down so that we can like slowly like weave our way up onto the highway did you lucky yeah engine you would have a I've been in deep oh yeah II been in
00:05:38| deep yeah but I calculated it right because we just like hit like and we stuck like right on the side of the bank and we're enough enough that I could weasel my way up lucky you look you and
00:05:51| when he sees this podcast I'm hoping he doesn't know who it is just like air that bad boy out oh yeah well good smell it felt bad feel pretty bad but it was an older car if it
00:06:09| was a new car I would have been like before well I'll give you like whatever it's worth out I died yeah I'll give you a dollar I have all of us on a factor of the highest driving clearance of its
00:06:25| class it's amazing that that would be useful down here we'd be driving around doing crazy stuff I imagine people and you're driving a lot of that vehicle mm-hmm very American patriotic we play
00:06:38| it oh yeah because when they get big tires they take the doors off let's say vehicle but I think you folks know yep say seems like the Cajun cages in the zoo's Navy's Susan what it was the Isuzu
00:06:53| remember that it's a real car company one I had a teacher who drew the ugliest corn world it was a purple it wasn't Toyota Tercel it dealings it makes between Suzu something and like a
00:07:07| normal normal SUV I think this is nipa I think okay she might be dead nip this yeah picks up now I can't remember it was hurt now I'm like it was a second-grade teacher really it was a
00:07:19| third grade teacher I mean right it's gonna stand out nope now you all had lipice if you did shout out this niphas i made it pretty far make it a video podcast i got at least six viewers so
00:07:36| every movement she could use its abuse right it's three apiece was ever yet now there's someone out there yet if you know other person if there's always some
00:07:48| hacker some spy well the videos have to be viewed for youtube quality control correct or is it a bot we figure this out is a bot videos alright doesn't does the bot counties of you should I mean
00:08:06| you gotta check it be real folks let's get real if I was a little if I were to make a bot I'd say it was in Alaska I mean then you'd be able to track which one no that just ruined hamper of your
00:08:19| ship and most a bit I'd say most of it we're gonna dig deep the other question actually add for you do you recognize that in these places that are like before-and-after shots
00:08:31| yes that I've seen on you're seeing it on your news so I guess you don't know what I've seen with my news but yeah probably the same spots there's one like all that section along I 45 like that
00:08:43| scenario that I Drive through like I would take a back road to get to work some days and that would be where I would go and it's like just underwear right now what's that
00:08:53| right now yeah they have areas like they don't three or four feet underwater well like here's a question because I don't know not there like is it fluctuating in water volume like the
00:09:04| news will show it and it's like whoa this place is totally underwater but like now like midnight is it kind of hit lowered a few P and then tomorrow might go up and then down or how does it I
00:09:12| have no idea how it really works there's everything just like still filling up and nothing's going down everything's getting higher I don't think it's getting higher cuz like puffs
00:09:20| weights yeah she was a little bit like my street it floods a little bit it's like like down the end of the street it has like ass wave like a foot in half which is actually like the reservoir
00:09:31| level so last night it was probably like one of the foot one and a half feet above the street right yeah and that that went down this morning and then went back up but I think the max is
00:09:45| probably like 1.5 because it's rained something some crazy amount like almost four feet of rain in the matter of three days which is makes my house pretty much whatever I would assume because yeah
00:10:02| this is the test of the century well and also like yeah you got a tornado warning every five minutes about a different County because the line of storms would go straight up and pull all the air with
00:10:15| it and cause my spins right yeah and that's the computer-generated tornado warning system looks at that so so without that mean your jobs fairly important but fairly not important and
00:10:28| you haven't had work like everyone's like yo no stake yeah you physically can't go anywhere because every like almost every intersection of the highway gets flooded
00:10:38| like right so you're really putting everyone risk if there were jobs going on yeah yeah then there's people that have mandatory evacuations near the rivers now like what happens with that
00:10:48| homes well it'll be homes that are just like ruined and then look does everyone have flood insurance dude no one have flood insurance because
00:10:55| they don't offer it or is it like I don't I don't have flood insurance look in your up so you're kinda you looked it looked at the elevation and said you know it's like 100 they my area is 100
00:11:06| and in 100 years it's supposed to flood this flood is like a 1 in 500 year flood which means but they were wrong good shape you feel it literally you went out
00:11:17| in your backyard and they kind of looked at it we're like no flood insurance when they when they asked if I needed flood insurance I asked for the survey and there's a survey and it shows this yes
00:11:27| you man you're telling us all the secrets here you're a secret and the secret is you look at all the people around you and you make sure that 30 life was before you I mean what what do
00:11:40| you do if like it's still slowly rising and all the people didn't have flood insurance you're laughing yet but you're like just like getting closer you like oh now do can you call someone be like I
00:11:52| need that flood insurance I need it right now you play insurance now I think it's no problem it's gonna be done it'll be huge to be great we're gonna build my house and he's
00:12:05| gonna pay for it so I think if it were to actually flood and take out my house it would take out everybody which it's almost doing now so if it were to destroy everything and be like Houston
00:12:21| is one huge disaster zone I think someone would probably cover my losses I hope someone like someone just comes in is like hey you know you're living there like better something don't do
00:12:34| that but man my flooding is definitely not gonna happen in my house because it's it's still like five feet above where the maximum amount of water is flooding seems like the corniest natural
00:12:47| disaster if we had to write them honestly right it's not as like fires pretty extreme lavas awesome tornadoes or wicked nuts but like you go down the list even blizzard is like that's okay
00:12:59| but that's like snow then you're like water is slowly gonna just like kind of creep into your basement it sounds stupid but it is one of the more dangerous because it's gonna ruin like
00:13:09| the flooring the wood the electric but it ruins a lot ruins Fiat but a bit you have to tear out all the carpets you have and then you're basically we'll each the wood or something to make
00:13:22| sure you don't mold up but it's also like the worst it's like flood it's so boring you have to watch it happen so slow yeah I could think that's why it's so boring
00:13:34| is because you expect water to be really dynamic rushing through when crashing through doors really does you're like oh my god that's probably the coolest way to give way to get like that much your
00:13:51| household but flooding is just like you know slowly the worst yeah right so I will tell I will tell the pod cases so me and Dan a friends from way back I'll even say high school who's that bizarre
00:14:08| screen for responsible comments good friends whatever and eventually I realized I don't like the he moves you know another state we didn't really talk that much that he is once every few
00:14:24| months to get one of those phone calls you know you're an adult you got adults we've been alerted for like two years there several I would say will say several give-and-take
00:14:33| you know lots commuters stuff going on visit you know but not that I don't care about you okay I'm busy dan I'm busy back off I feel it feeling on the but tell me you felt this once
00:14:46| this blood stuff started happen and I are you in danger I'm not worried and I think it's because of the podcast you know am I going on a podcast well just not as a podcast like we're back to
00:14:56| being we rose again yeah I mean we are again now we talk like so many times a week yeah I know you'd like to see me talk with my hands so you know I'm like look ends in distress and I was like was
00:15:11| really worried I was like oh shit later I can't there's nothing I could really do but I would like feel terrible and I felt terrible texting me being like what's up here it's flooded do you at
00:15:24| the in like and being like it's just a picture of you crying and be like I lost everything you know the car the house because you're working and you're dicing it up
00:15:33| is like then what was I say to that like ah sucks man and maybe like oh my god the best the weird thing is like of all my friends I don't think there's a friend that lost everything
00:15:47| but I don't know that because if they had lost everything you wouldn't hear yeah and he--exactly and that's the other thing I was texting you to kind of feel out because if you're in the midst
00:15:57| of losing everything and all this water's coming into your house and you're going insane and you're trying to figure out what you can salvage what you can
00:16:03| maybe you're forced from your home and you got to go to a shelter or something it's all good podcast huh don't get me wrong okay but you don't think to go hey Nick by the way my house
00:16:15| is totally up and up right now we're moving everything out of the basement oops there go my guitars thinking up like there's no time to text and communicate your yeah you're in occurs
00:16:28| you're rapidly trying to save everything you can text and texting your podcast partner about the conditions of all this going on you like that your bro so I was worried in we've feel
00:16:43| pretty close in the pocket I think we're best friends now and I think three months ago maybe one of my other best friend sees this oh they're like I hope I hope so what does one of the perks is
00:16:59| I've been watching the news via YouTube it's like a livestream of someone's streaming if you do know cable I don't do cable but you can get it over the air but the air you only get maybe
00:17:09| one or two news channels right and over YouTube you can quickly flip when the YouTube air is done it's constant there's like four channels that are covering all all this so I get to flip
00:17:23| through them okay and the churn my YouTube oh did I did I was like I was like did I look it up when I was drinking because I'm worried about been imported and because he's
00:17:36| worried about that about me I thought that make sense and I'm finding that the News's already was antiquated but I think it is even more
00:17:47| or so well the speed of the Internet is beaten it not only the speed is just like the amount of information and then like the personalized lovable information you might wind out like
00:17:57| what's happening in your zip code its Linden is live tip you know I wasn't five cents and something that happened dear you and then like New York meteorologists right they do they're
00:18:07| very um generalized they they do like a whole city and a half yeah stay like this area this area over here is gonna get a lot of rain and then this one down here that little less that's much but
00:18:19| maybe we'll see stay tuned to eleven yeah they all they do a gimmick in Philadelphia now I don't know which station it is so I hope so they use you a random guy no they um they give you a
00:18:31| neighborhood by neighborhood forecast this will you two didn't like ito seven and minute no no no like it no it they'll do all the neighborhoods at once like it's like a zoomed in of the map of
00:18:42| Philadelphia it'll be like long crust is gonna be seventy six and rainy and then it's like moves over very slowly it's like Oxford circles to be seventy four and not quite as rainy and then it's
00:18:53| like I'm like this is they're really just big they haven't arranged and they just plus 1 minus 1 plus 1 minus one just to kind of make everyone feel like they're really involved but it's totally
00:19:04| great it's like Baltimore does like these weird interviews with people and it's like a random person who owns a greenhouse and they're talking about fertilizer and then they use the same
00:19:14| person and they talked about like chrysanthemums and I'm like what's going on it was chrysanthemum payment and they don't look at the camera either they
00:19:24| have an awkward conversation where they're both like they're both are talking to one over there and they're trying to look at the camera but they're not supposed to
00:19:31| so the helping is better than a bad camera facing you know and kiss me go it's like it's my hormones loan and you the one disappointment is that there are so many online resources there's
00:19:46| probably four that will tell you you know where where the storm is gonna be the possibilities of where it's gonna be how strong it will be and how much rain you're gonna get now eighty yeah in a
00:19:56| day in two days and in a week and like those resources are federal for the most part and they're just they're shared on these four federal websites so I'm astonished that
00:20:08| the news never goes if you need to look at more information because this is life-threatening so check out these well I will do them all you know what I use for my own minute two minutes why it's
00:20:20| probably the social media platform among the most Twitter only because it's minutes a minute oh we're getting rescued via Twitter they would tweet by that nine or
00:20:29| something right because it's literally I mean it's a minute minute thing and it's a platform where everyone can sit that's I was watching a lot of since I still have internet in power
00:20:39| I was watching Anthony Bourdain mm-hmm he was talking about Libya I think he went to Libya and he was talking about how the Libyan government Gadhafi got caught toppled because they had a
00:20:54| Twitter they were at NATO and NATO would bomb the places they would say to task he said via Twitter cuz I was their own it only means of communication ah the only argument against all of this
00:21:06| and the news angle is very much because I was a journalist by trade actually little-known fact goes one of the big pipes against journalism and newspapers was not quick enough people need their
00:21:20| stuff now they don't need it the next day it used to be these people come out once a day but you can't it's not the speed of news anymore it's much quicker but
00:21:28| the argument against it is that it's unfounded it's not fact-checked it's not backed up yeah that's where a lot of fake news would come into play there's if something's coming up five
00:21:41| minutes ago there's no way for you to verify it there's no way you have to fly a reporter out to somewhere bring a scholar and historian and someone else
00:21:50| and then fact check the sentence you just heard if there was a bob to get fit and wherever but you and there's police reporting to the place like you just run with it I mean what can you do well hold
00:22:01| on let's see if it was really a bombing I want the team to check on the explosive the incendiary Oh what you know that would be like two days so this is always going to be a battle between
00:22:12| how how true it back is and how quick you get it easy at one of the other true but if it's right justified accounts and then so you know it's that person like that person
00:22:22| doesn't have an agenda they don't have an editor that's putting some totals at the time but where are they getting their news probably from someone on the ground who's that oh you first
00:22:31| first-hand accounts which would be most realistic so wait are we saying like Bob McKenzie of TSN is showing up on site to make sure that these stories are breaking oh I told it I'll bottle he's
00:22:41| Canadian Jensen yeah but I think it's like a trustworthy source and you know he's filtering it oh he is and I I totally buy him but he's still using another source right he's not I wouldn't
00:22:53| doubt that he has so many connections you just be like hey he calls fools one of the main or he's this real and then Gretzky's like hey wait yeah 92 goals in here do you know that record 92 forget
00:23:12| he only played 80 games out here that's that's pretty good judy hopps you know what his students point total record was I believe I'm right per year per year almost like to 212
00:23:25| damn it was 212 I think oh shit I got it again I could be wrong but I was thinking 212 so I don't see that yeah certified trustworthiness right there yeah yeah blue checkmark next to that
00:23:40| right there yeah that's unanimously I was like what 40 but it's in we haven't said the name of the podcast someone's very confused at home then let's move on a little bit because I mean we could
00:23:55| spend all day I'm the problem but we had a few P's and Q's to get to I guess there's one thing that I want to bring up okay I like the Doomsday Preppers oh did you get in this is finally
00:24:09| doomsday I didn't watch the show but I experienced it firsthand as the people it's amazing how many stores ran out of water at first so the order went up water milk and Brad about the same token
00:24:25| Brett is yeah the Joker let's make it french toast yeah yes I'm stupid and ramen ramen was gone that was gone peanut butter and jelly there's no
00:24:37| cheese it's like all those things are gone like it's crazy every store where they're like awesome fillets on sale I did look at a pack of steaks that Joe
00:24:51| or 12 bucks and I was like you know I could just broil this but I have to have electricity so I don't know if it would go bad I was really craving a steak and I should have bought it steak without
00:25:01| electricity yeah that's how you know I have I have a gas gas stove so I can I could grill it over the stove it'd be great if I was chopping into a porterhouse right now are you gonna say
00:25:14| topless doing it in like the dark like just in your jeans just cooking a steak on the old girl in the darling and he found in that deal that's what we do here over at my group out are just get
00:25:28| in there make a mess of things and just get your face in there and do the rest yeah so I don't know where ever like if everyone prepped you would think that the majority of people would but there's
00:25:41| always gonna be those people that are like I'll be fine I'll just pick up the stuff later and then I bought my last hurricane I think sandy up here but I still love flying super awesome
00:25:52| flashlight it's a really good one like I spent like 38 bucks on it hmm oh dude led the troops if you can like hit a plane with it and it's like [Music]
00:26:05| blood supply's that's how you get supplies she deal lasers at the planes going by that's a federal Vincent oh it is but I'm saying in yeah yeah Armageddon everything's actually I found
00:26:20| out that crimes are crimes during a period of emergency escalate no there's actually a heftier fine and after your jail time to it sorry that's why I'm my escalate they become more heinous which
00:26:34| I thought was yeah I yeah I mean I guess it's to stop people from doing it for fun but what people that have to do it but they getting pleasure more because they can't
00:26:43| find food yeah I don't know that's probably a hairy area where if you're like I just need this gallon of milk till I get him on the ground nice try buddy that's a federal offense
00:26:54| aromatization get there [Laughter] take this mother to jail he's really a Gatto we don't know these guys just hungry
00:27:16| sitting in the back of the paddy wagon I know oh that would be amazing if your super hero power only was only began when you ingested that because you were intolerant to it so this guy's like
00:27:43| dripping with milk and finally like a drop like hits his lips and then a bitch hooks up breaks the jeans so really he's a hero who's worthless in an emergency there's no really anyway it's like I
00:28:00| just need milk you see it's all she electing you please you come you go quickly you must find your pregnant woman our son our son is three but she's still like hitting a
00:28:18| little we have to try it had a future honey she's crying and squeezing it if you drop those ceilings are just about to crush you like a Jones in the Temple of Doom you must do it now
00:28:34| lactate baby you know I can't lactate baby you know I can't of your foot it's getting weird in here the villain on the other side of the wall with the giant lever he's just like
00:28:52| these people they kind of killed him of satisfaction if he got horny from watching people do sexual stuff oh he's having a good old time he's a lawyer he's I thought you said he
00:29:06| was a lawyer lawyer lawyer with a V no no why actually there's a wyan lawyer too you know there's someone online with like the name Boyer lawyer who comments on
00:29:26| all the porn videos soon okay pic of his attention like he's like I have a brief for these set of things like easily that looks important I would charge a hundred and thirty dollars for this I would like
00:29:50| to see her become an existence a sign an affidavit before you prove they own the STDs please please sign these forms as they're signing the forms she's just like well that brings us to our next
00:30:18| subject stroke or smile oh man I was trapped inside all day I don't know that I have a smoker smile it's pretty awful yeah I did I did stand out in the rain and I mean that felt pretty good
00:30:35| you know for once there's nothing you have to do there's nowhere you can go screw housework because who cares about that and you know as that rain just came down I was just like ah this is kind of
00:30:46| relaxing but yeah hey even under the old or was it cool cabin fever yeah I'm actually fine it's my wife who can't stand to be inside longer than a couple days I guess that's who she's with
00:30:57| probably or they [Music] try my best to annoy her [Music] what's your smirk or smile like I did
00:31:12| there were three of them I didn't want to get too deep into them because if I do personal kid sneaks into my bed like four five in the morning I don't care like whatever I definitely he slept
00:31:28| through most of the night yeah has he ever snuck in while you're no no help me all kind of people or pro-feminist actually interesting you say that because around 6:30 hands near
00:32:01| each other oh he'll sleep hangers I even eat some crazy lock your door when you go to bed I guess he's already in the room mm-hmm but so you figured nothing can happen
00:32:14| here but maybe you can leave the room I don't know listen thoughts going through my head so he starts stirring right he's never done this in his whole life he's stirring he's staring everyone stops and
00:32:28| that's a bitch don't off the bed the bed it is like he just falls hit I look and I can almost see it in slow mo like where is he going that's the end of the bed and he just
00:32:41| goes crying and I was like who killed my game over hey yep I had to pick him up we build little teeth it's like we did that know if you're watching this years from now son
00:32:58| you did that anyway that was smirk on you that reminds me so when I was in college kdo has had pepper the dog and you know we'd be getting getting
00:33:15| busy getting all excited get into it pepper would always be very curious so I I wouldn't we both you know my face was going like facing the wall and there's a cold wet nose that would come and just
00:33:30| like poke my butt one time and oh the first time I was like wow and then I could felt like a lick and I was like oh this is yep it freaks me out like with you smelling pepper was oh yeah who's
00:33:44| getting bill the action so you have to really add an extra sense for like when the dog is coming close and you just gotta swing your legs like really quick so it's like a it's like a winch all
00:33:52| right bro that's just like knocks like dog am comin oh oh baby everything's official to another friend of mine this is soo good friend of mine good friend of the podcast and he listens every day
00:34:15| she cleans her first child was conceived by a dog licking her boyfriends but the moment he so they're doing it passionately on a couch living room who's recording that's my history and
00:34:31| the dog snuck up on him and lift that booty his and he went so two fathers wow that's beautiful sometimes I just think that's that's got to be oh I see out there here those work the raindrops sure
00:35:14| that wasn't pepper over more but started salivate cause they're good time take a breather hey rotate how actually is the next because I have a couple things written
00:35:32| they're not always in order I got a pause pause multiplayer pause doesn't exist we got layout is that a short short Walmart does that count as the warm-up
00:35:49| look people don't know arbors full of us hmm it's okay did you say pause doesn't exist for multiplayer yeah yeah did that was incredible
00:36:05| but I thought that I know everything you're talking about and yeah you're absolutely right but it shouldn't can you imagine if it did how is thought you'd be at everyone else 32 people I
00:36:19| was like what the hell dude 32 people never get more than 5 seconds in guarantee it's always controlling the whole time what was the game that you could speed up the menu like you'd have
00:36:30| a majority people vote and then it'd be like up game started I feel like it was like a Call of Duty or maybe like help set call 30 but that's because we have a history of altered is that all that's
00:36:41| the two notches not too much of our lives yeah we don't out there that you can select you can definitely fast-forward past levels that you didn't like but I
00:36:50| don't know if you could agreed to all play that level and and would just jump in there's a madness agreement it would probably go quick I'm not sure well we'll get into it but
00:36:58| I'll I was gonna talk about her cell focused at home take it off of this I love it a lot of people but it's a favorite part of the podcast yeah take my friend huge he said quote unquote I
00:37:22| like what you guys are doing move it's really interesting hold on their coats here and could do more each other like I was like that's what I said he
00:37:44| isn't getting like a celebrity man couple could heat wool you know when he did say he said something like let's say um Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are in the room right and we don't want people
00:37:58| going to leave the room until someone kisses the other one on the Weiner who's kissing him he was like who who would be the one that can see other one and I'll say I don't know and then I didn't think
00:38:10| of it but I'm bringing it up now I think Brad would eventually kiss Tom because Tom's like house to Fulham so he's never gonna do it Scientology I just see him jumping on
00:38:22| the couch Oprah's couch and like laughing like that you never see the moment do these no kiss Brad's leader himself someone said he had a butt double in the
00:38:35| new Lummi movie coulomb that guy's not kissing anything hmm Brad Pitt seems like he works more well he's like he's like someone's gotta do it I got a shovel let's go like I got work
00:38:46| to do I've done let's go come on but that's that's Brad I think that's that's really what damn dude the who knows what he wants well we gotta do a real celebrity
00:38:57| challenge though oh I have one if you didn't know the last episode I started giving when you said oh okay remember it Oh remember it Oh remember E and this is better rob is about the rock I'm not the
00:39:08| rock to arm-wrestle a little girl and let a little girl win oh you gonna say break her arm off like a zombie are blood and guts everywhere I would pay to watch oh I think you might do that
00:39:23| though I feel like it's already might might have been done maybe I'm influenced by past memory I think the rock would do it too that's why I want that's why I wanna challenge
00:39:31| the rock like a little like a little little girl like bowing her hair ah slam the rock down act like a skirt not vertically in age little in age just to specify almost offended somebody
00:40:01| goes re Brad Pitt Tom Cruise they're all their public figures Tom I just kind of little though [Laughter] I actually discusses with of their
00:40:14| public figures they'd have to prove that this wouldn't happen so to prove us wrong all they gotta do is lock both of them in a room and Tom's gotta do going to do it anyway
00:40:36| what is cool mmm-hmm here at the UM panders to turn it off through the mic a call to me everyone dance coughing all cabin I can't stress this enough didn't die if I'm on camera I'm off microphone
00:40:51| take him in now he's laughing alright folks at home here at the UM panderers yeah I might attack off again I know it that's where I go to the beer that'll help here at the um painters
00:41:03| folks do mess around we also let down damn good time and me actually happen to have Whitney one of the products that helps us go round and round are you don't are using right now light
00:41:24| breathe I jumped ahead I got a little excited folks down electronics check that out here Reid makes a little device take my word for it okay I worked by working
00:41:38| with him down electronics makes this little device it's a two-in-one Bluetooth adapter it can act as a transmitter it can act as a receiver the TTB a zero seven it's a thing of your
00:41:52| dreams kiss non bluetooth life goodbye so it's real easy okay the model numbers there's something really good about the model numbers when you say that that's
00:42:05| around 3.5 millimeter jack we've all jacked off you know I'm playing time Jen jacked in back in knows and clarified words jack in we've all jacked off huh please work anyway now you can jack in
00:42:22| folks see this little button right here I'll just that's as easy as one two three four boom and blinkin oh god what does that mean well folks were in pairing mode right now I can pair with
00:42:37| any Bluetooth enabled device headset computer phone you name it you aren't Bluetooth let's go crazy just do it folks this is not right here flashes blue and red like none other I'm
00:42:53| not using it right now cuz it doesn't work I mean it flashes blue and red that means it's ready for input they just can't buy it like them so I try with my PC I couldn't find it trial might buy
00:43:07| headphones I've glued to that fence couldn't find it huh am I trying to receive a mood transmitter mode turns on and off tried the hard reset the soft reset I did a little research is qabil
00:43:23| min it relies on a2dp Bluetooth profile well me I'm thinking maybe my phone isn't a2dp well if it's not this is all my fault so I download the a2dp
00:43:40| my android device and I tried it again guess what folks still in work call customer support they are very lovely people got right on the phone they told me to try and download a to DP support
00:43:55| so it did he told me to reset it I did he said are you sure it's working I said that's why I'm calling you it might be defective no one's sure you
00:44:06| know send it back but I'm telling you blink well any this little thing consults very soon can I see the blink again good I could like I say this isn't a few
00:44:23| minutes max this is the TTB a zero seven mile folks and it's kind of the answer to all your dreams if it works of mine here Dion panders we're all about convenience and you're all about jacking
00:44:39| in like that that's my product it doesn't work I am a little bit no one's thought it's funny because I have different Bluetooth transmitters and I can't get them to work either I don't
00:44:58| know what the hell like I don't try that hard but they it's not putting to play it should be like you have a Bluetooth straight that you can see a long from what I've read they make different
00:45:07| profile like it's not just Bluetooth Bluetooth there's like different profiles and different ways are set up like two point one four one three two whatever anyone future compatible should
00:45:18| work with one backwards compatible and then there's a different profiles but the fact that I downloaded and got the right one and it's those that work needs it might actually just be an effective
00:45:26| model it just it sure is all blinks it would be so cool if they didn't have this wired piece here I'd be like part does the Bluetooth headset come with a long wire but oh all the way to the PC
00:45:44| folks that's my wireless focus here what's our main topic we didn't have one we could eat a gun oh you want to do the wrong thing but I do say I like to keep it so real here okay
00:46:06| I'm dinners I don't even like to pretend to keep it drilled it's just real there's wrongness we're we're all dogging right here folks mmm but on that note do have unfinished
00:46:17| business from this morning aside from podcast you have to play these cards properly as an adult and the only chance I have is if I in the podcast just a little early
00:46:33| just and even that's not a guarantee we call this there's an old tale you can look it up on Twitter or Google I believe it's called the husband's gamble the husband's gamble is thus does he
00:46:50| think he's getting laid tonight hmm does he I'm not sure I'm not the husband just does he so he has two decisions at this point he can jack in himself no no he jack in by himself stay
00:47:04| gently and we're trying get lucky with his lady right you have two choices he says my chances of Jackie game with the lady below for me this to his bonus all right can't have both yep okay he
00:47:18| does that the husband's gamble is less as the day's progressed at seven days nine days 10 days you're due for a jack in you better not oh so he's gambling here oh so you sweat your building up oh
00:47:36| boy you better not pick the wrong entity right there but you cannot pick the wrong choice because you just lost out on the good choice hmm this is also the husband gable if he has been laid the
00:47:49| night before Lou I think I might as well just call and the chance tries but not exactly how many years six or six yeah that's not even the husband but that's the gamble
00:48:06| it's like what should I do it is if it is more rapid than that it's quicker and there's something going on you better be squeezed scared cuz you know she's planning something
00:48:20| Oh something's going on it's your birthday with she spent a lot of money on the credit or key again let's get go both ways guys this could be the whites Campbell for all I know she wasn't more
00:48:32| child support for next baby baby on the way got another baby we break this in the pocket no no no no no I don't know but the one thing is I think is a myth is
00:48:46| pregnant women like sex more or one sex more because I was not the case that's uh I think that's perpetuated by women to make you feel like you games moving when you've lost everything
00:49:04| watching this in the future yeah you cost us we were all conceived lower you who have lost everything he gained quite a bit lose you to lose everything time my son just Falls straight off the
00:49:25| bed onto his head don't feel like everything's gone right it's really there's Gamble's everywhere my friend impuls everywhere how soon do you have to end it you have a limit to go time no
00:49:40| there's no guarantee at all there's never raise though you get down to business and it's where it is not hey hey hey yeah yeah hey I'm at earlier [Music]
00:50:02| that's the thing that never balances out man and says hey you want to go just you like it's like I have a suggestion for that you steal yeah yep I mean it's just truth
00:50:32| it is just truth just truth we don't pander we don't pretend you don't do anything except hope one day for a corporate sponsor one day to sell our souls corporate sponsors little bit yeah
00:50:51| this one's corporate sponsors for me because they muscle like that folks I'm sponsored by phone today haven't showered took a run the little bench press e oh yeah prevent it takes on a
00:51:08| whole new meeting when you're trying to work out in the gym and you're wearing that shirt it's like sweating and just yeah person's an awful stinky individual
00:51:18| that's not the ended you're acting like I'm pulling the plug on your baby you are footsteps we still good when do you fill them across the threshold toward sprinting knocking you Joe if she said
00:51:42| right now she's peaked in like pink already would you be like Oh guys Dan's in danger I can't leave in part of a computer we have to go see you the problem is we can't go into a big topic
00:52:03| now I also don't think I prepared a huge good big topic let's do there was one thing I was thinking about what was the thing you were thinking about here watch a lotta Anthony Bourdain and like I like
00:52:17| he got like the one with the I think it's parts unknown that's what's called he knows all these different places and experiences like the glue culture the food but he like he's kind of honest
00:52:28| except when he's in people's houses like if he's getting a meal from the mom he's never gonna say you know was great yeah imagine if it's the eldership a Top Chef guy who's a table rubbish are
00:52:42| you talking about the British guy right I imagine you like his persona you imagine vanarin at Gordon Ramsay yes MZ give it up this is rubbish comments his throws with her face
00:52:59| there's this boiled water boil trash throwing stuff he never he never date yeah he never shits on someone's mom and then he never he never liked the the top chefs in the
00:53:13| world like the Michelin star people he never shits on them either because I guess they have like a unified front if you were a shit on one like no one else would you know post you right and serve
00:53:23| no easy ridiculous amounts of food that I'd be cool with that and to bring it full circle I'd like to say like Bob McKenzie Bob GSN I haven't talked about five years but like he seems like a cool
00:53:37| dude and he's not be like well I'll tell you what the GM for the Canadians is it so pile of trash I'm gonna do that it's like easygoing he'll tell you the truth for the most part but but he's also not
00:53:51| gonna he's not trying to ruffle stuff with a helmet you know I mean yeah he's not current he's not God he's just defending people I know sometimes they get attacked and I think that's that's
00:54:02| the way to go through life I actually think that's probably the best way because people who like you know shotgun yeah yeah shock jocks in general you give them in all fields but in sports oh
00:54:12| the guys who say like coach so-and-so is lying we need to have him fired and bah bah blah blah he's hiding something it's like no like they were guys just looking to expose much they can especially
00:54:25| interns and I find it almost disgusting British I guess it's newspapers in general we're always trying to be sensational in a fine you know so they they gotta try to be stand down right
00:54:37| clicks is to be ridiculously over-the-top what's your favorite um sidebar ad that's a clickbait mine's like doctors came it because he has these ten secret foods that save people
00:54:52| or you'll never believe with these celebs of like now it's like a Photoshop of like mr. bean and like a muscle pocket and like sure that's a bad photo show like the actress for precious like
00:55:05| you'll never believe how she had lost so much better release all this clickbait the other thing you do I think I clicked on that once and I was like she looks normal like you know I could date her
00:55:16| it's not so good for her but I know right all right I mean that's just to get it click play onyx worth like what two pennies is that what it is somewhere around the
00:55:28| center like a couple cents a few cents baby I mean hey those click we have a website here tanaris wo yeah Anders calm hands calm we get there to Twitter you have a
00:55:47| Twitter we also do I should I go through all the because I just looked at the list myspace yeah paint Rihanna do it let's skip that one on skip that one on painters that calm is where we really
00:56:01| want to go we have a face has a problem YouTube obviously this is awesome Instagram you tears I'm Spotify this is good this is we're doing pretty good here what we don't
00:56:14| have is a couple things that sucked when I tried to register for them and I'm gonna mention those later on and if you're an avid listener you'll know that those things suck when I mention them so
00:56:25| I'm not gonna mention that they suck at the time but you get it you're you're tuning it I don't even get it you'll get there well so the second thing I was noticing about Anthony Bourdain is the
00:56:41| one thing actually there's two three garlic there's a reason you always preface it with us practicing so there's there's he ate a meal that was and he he really disdained it he was he liked it
00:56:54| but he was didn't discussed there is a frito bag but they cut open lengthwise and then they filled it with cheese and then like some type of chili and then they serve it to people in a frito bag
00:57:06| so he's eating out of a frito bag like you know I'll sit I probably big that that would be great over like hanger yeah like a brain or something no but that's the opposite thing is okay
00:57:17| sometimes they serve them stuff that's just like you know like caviar caviar taste like crap to me oh my god you know at one beer cow beers are compared to heat something does need like cow brain
00:57:28| and go by balls guys I didn't like bored as I go villager like I love it is all the time and then like he's like do you think they're full of crap and it's like
00:57:39| something even day barely it's like this yeah they always tell that to the new guy huh you have to go you is to see your time to go uh I heard footsteps dude I've worked any this is a gamble
00:58:00| I'm not controlled by my urges I'm like into women who are women I'm a FEMINIST you need to get a microphone that is portable via blu-ray it's a bit it's probably the most boring talk she's
00:58:16| probably just like come on I'm right I sound like a little kid like chips so try and use that against me and you're an idiot problems future yeah yeah the ticker we
00:58:52| should have a ticker to like an RSS City there's just too much work oh yeah we need a third person he does all the work um and then taking their credit and
00:59:07| doesn't ask for money who they're doing work that's the thing I don't know how to edit these videos I think just giving wrong just send her some raw and you see how they're like them
00:59:21| isn't that your sexual motto we got a rapper folks this is where we take it in I got some time I got a lot of beer left look what the thing is it's what this is hurricane proof
00:59:47| one per day some things no I didn't get a text no just you know do it quick I think this is gonna break the rules and she's gonna come in and smack it might be hot that's dead air well I'll
01:00:08| just edit this out oh don't leave it I'll please let the pins know that this is Idol I should let me show you text individual fans but I mean you can you just have to respond via email text oh I
01:00:30| brought you some bag so I heard a vibration there yeah I got a response this is personal does she know the podcast baby she's the point is it's too late you will already spend your pop so
01:00:58| the husband's gamble when fished with a victory yeah and you've lost several possible victory you could use your victory I mean given the choice though that's the donut test right you have you
01:01:13| have a fresh mouth or you get or you can have more than three days yeah everyone yeah three days I'm gonna be hungry be somebody he told us where do you know weird diet come on I know it go through
01:01:26| this in three days and I wish I had a tone that would be a rude question I asked coworkers like when you're presenting them with their that's all and they say no you say well when would
01:01:36| you like a doughnut and then it's like hell you literally say hello coworker you can have a doughnut or if you choose you can have two doughnuts in three days uh just it's slow doing it that's are
01:01:51| you sure though of it please record your response here you know you should bring in length super like that was expensive best bomb master it's in three days and just
01:02:03| having you look at that you're giving as you're giving everyone else yeah just look at them the whole time and then you give them one get Dunkin Donuts like blueberry done it I wish it was like a
01:02:13| duck duck goose version of giving people Donuts you skip one person and they just they hate you through life nothing for the dough that vibration okay well I'm Dan I'm Nick that's at home and
01:02:37| someone's gonna get lucky actually still it's totally it always is well get sexy pop this bad boy will you guys think it along hair done big fan beard look like a hockey player me kind of do maybe
01:03:02| that's why she's hey yeah I got a couple apples in the second period who gives a fuck huh be good like that oh my god I don't know what do you think I'll be yelling at the rep I think the
01:03:16| referees oh come on man that's not to Pirozhki you started I hate trip me that shit is bullshit it's just bullshit okay I'll go in a box next time I got your number 42 I got your number
01:03:27| for you to know you are the best is base washing dude we're like your one guy in the league Gomez go away still play he's done two years ago that make sense my side here thanks alright get the romance
01:04:02| getting those aromas you got a permeating your body with them real quick shout out my friend Dan not this Dan not going in the third in I went to college with we would all play
01:04:14| place hockey and came to the game they'd be able to attend 11 o'clock but some thanks it was like recognizing wherever you're going the bars oh yeah it's it was single for the ladies I would say
01:04:26| again I had children I have let me go shower real quick we can do whatever like just he's like not gonna like it go like there trust me your mother I trusted stunk like hockey gloves and he
01:04:41| would get lucky I wouldn't know I think it's because he had like curly hair really good-looking guys like goofy dude did we tell them you know I know I stink or we just be the holiday we've seen a
01:04:56| little girl where you're like saying I know I stink what's up baby say that you're just like weird she's very like man maybe she thinks it's very moment I guess cuz I
01:05:08| cannot use this a testosterone is oozing from his pores literally maybe like she's just used to look like the standard could smell so if this isn't over years smell she's new in a jegging
01:05:18| scent this is amazing little did she know he just sweated his ass off we could bottle that and put it in Cologne man OH - OH - hockey
01:05:27| oh dude dan loves the worst we could sell it to our platinum in remembers hockey stuff yeah just get a nice five years get out there and sweat if they outfit you were your own hockey stick
01:05:50| yeah hundreds in Oda hockey perfume on I smell think you'd be like girl you're by the member' yeah I think I would I would be attracted to girls don't like that cuz it'll be weird yo you just
01:06:11| proved your point huh I guess so I don't know but I'm not a girl yeah I'm gross and that's Dan and I'm gross you know where the in space Taylor her they must eat
01:06:25| they stay in pander II stay dry now could hear the rain by the way you stay stay couplets I didn't wear a compliment they don t by the way that's well you're a child so you're okay but
01:06:42| no I did his ten years ago I would just stuff like Jersey in it it didn't go straightly save anything oh no no not at all it gave me peace of mind so they got McLean I get hit with the puck on my
01:06:54| bare arm and it took a chunk of skin off my arm so do imagine it will initialize the missing of Shona all right now I guess over yeah feel
01:07:04| like an eclipse up when rotating freely it to top let's cut done hit the button button is being pressed right

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