The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP032 Entertainment Video Games Schools

Thursday, June 28, 2018

KeyItems UnP032 Entertainment Video Games Schools

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 32 - Entertainment Video Games Schools as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | see dirty
00:03:00 | fuzzy feathers, played, girlfriend coming
00:04:00 | ng feet
00:06:00 | hurt my, pea nari, family used
00:08:00 | flung hair, wet mess
00:09:00 | heard baahubali, epic movie
00:10:00 | god types, god-like, wife pointed, sets, plot
00:11:00 | love story, kung fu
00:13:00 | game, cool freedom
00:14:00 | developed back
00:15:00 | game, duty, ops black, every downloadable content
00:16:00 | every downloadable content, dollars ten, game yours, price point, games hold
00:17:00 | people would pay, dreamcast, pay yeah people, download files, fact games, jailbroke playstation
00:18:00 | playstation, xbox, system system
00:19:00 | motion sensors, games, stock sword, boy lieutenant game game boy, steve look
00:20:00 | argument, game
00:21:00 | games, schemes, wants six, video game, nice brew
00:22:00 | literally whereas, graphic, price point, dollars ten, entertainment argument, shame game
00:24:00 | game, both want, played, dedicating time
00:25:00 | one island, video game, watershed, game nothing
00:27:00 | open space, base game
00:29:00 | chickens, cages, ign
00:30:00 | pretty corny, plot, almost every
00:32:00 | red box, f membership, loot dollar
00:33:00 | stench
00:34:00 | political issue, official state
00:35:00 | movie theater, vcr work, movie planes
00:36:00 | truckers
00:37:00 | sets, altar, boy scouts, jazz my, public, school
00:38:00 | fresh stuff, allow, religious, next week, surely public, thread, sweden
00:39:00 | school, super christian
00:41:00 | seven things, public school, bare minimum, whole load, allow
00:42:00 | school, allow, religion true, defunding religious
00:43:00 | public schools, argument
00:44:00 | per public schools, private school
00:45:00 | public schools, dollar farther
00:46:00 | votes, ideology, religious, people read
00:47:00 | argument
00:49:00 | comment
00:50:00 | video game, school, games, played
00:51:00 | schemes, game, sega, box
00:52:00 | games, american want
00:53:00 | game part, come down come
00:54:00 | ciara, turbo, my fascination, played, votes, game non-stop
00:55:00 | games, graphic, dumb ass, frog, box
00:56:00 | game, box, played, slot
00:57:00 | slot from plate, read your mind, punch kick, games, frequency, contact merrill, game box
00:58:00 | perky, played, crash fine
00:59:00 | burnout, games, played, speed horde
01:00:00 | playstation, pursuit, scratched, games, always wished
01:01:00 | games, boat well, xbox, mastermind
01:02:00 | sports game, interception, remember definitely, sega
01:03:00 | sports game, back bills
01:04:00 | defender sudden, interception, funeral
01:05:00 | played, duty, x to pay press x, game call, single-player, casket, warfare called, pay respects somebody's
01:06:00 | pay respects, press
01:07:00 | press
01:08:00 | listen bill, public schools, anti vaccines, polio
01:09:00 | vaccinated kids, polio, crippled, pay respects, press, jerkily, young panthers

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