The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP021 Despots Decimators Not so Great Rulers

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP021 Despots Decimators Not so Great Rulers

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 21 - Despots Decimators Not so Great Rulers
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00:00:00| great think you've already lost greatness because I'm Dan and you are taking a sip for the drink taking a sip for my drink I'm the one and something else
00:00:17| Nick so we are together in form this group called unlikely duo yep it's this astonished ivory and ebony are you talking about my eyebrows and the whites of my eyes or the unhandy
00:00:34| yeah we're the unpainted folks eat bubble you know we're trying to keep pace we're trying to keep pace keep the pace folks well as you can tell we're a the drinks and the topics and innuendo
00:00:52| inappropriateness any of that isn't really what we mean inside with us who employers or people we see on the streets for anyone who knows us or anywhere doesn't know us or anyone who
00:01:04| wants to know us so you can't disseminate come grow up about yes you can add the seven eight weeks that disseminating and for educational purposes on and entertainment purposes
00:01:16| also only entertainment purposes both onlys always that's it folks I think we covered on we did cover it episode over I can roll the beginning make it fire down in it alright I will error message
00:01:36| pop up now we're screwed so I think it's I I think well I think we can look I think we can go through it it's alright make sure we'll be alright to lose
00:01:43| episode 21 inch great rollers I think it's 20 I knew this marks our 20th episode I think 21 because I noticed we numbered a couple of the playthroughs mm-hmm and I think we didn't number that
00:02:00| last playthrough who the agent so it might actually be 21st we can drink alcohol now we made it we made it we're old enough to drink some alcohol to summarize this channel Pam would you
00:02:14| say we're just old dudes also say two dudes with big dreams and tiny microphones yeah my tiny dreams and big old microphones up my microphone is about this big odd blowing it's big as
00:02:31| you get that checked out yeah well I got a stand for it so yeah you're stuck with it you got it for life now modifications from last time hey dude I had one quick correction
00:02:47| kazoo these ropes at 19 to episodes ago okay I send it on all Chinese children were born with the ability to fully speak the language I did a little more research false they actually have to
00:02:59| learn a language just like English speaking children I thought you've been math last time so I was in agreement I like you both I love it and have you checked out our previous podcasts math
00:03:12| is a type of language that's fascinating you check out episode we'll edit this later to fill in the number I think it's five hundos eights five mm-hmm check out language and I did have a correction
00:03:26| last time I said nitrous oxide goes inside of your gas it does not it's actually sugar if you put sugar in your gas tank you lots of energy lots of pep and it's gonna survive a long time
00:03:42| sounds like someone's gonna be showing someone yes some yeah somewhere oh maybe it's reversed maybe you can put nitrous but not sugar maybe you got me there I went to researching folks before you
00:03:54| just listen to it on either Anders don't write Dibble on the internet that's what I said we're teaching you analytical skills here that's the that's actually what the sections called we put the anal
00:04:04| and analytical let me say that whew sharp and I didn't want to bring up oh go ahead I'm sorry about Chinese births one thing we forgot to mention was that there were a lot of tourists births the
00:04:17| country to have a second baby or they wouldn't even document it they'd hide it and be under the cupboard and then they'd pull it out when they needed it
00:04:25| all these linked coffees or show them you have a second baby it's like a shawl ha ha look a second so there's a Chinese hidden generation law to pop it was a Winston 40 years good point
00:04:41| I have something topical I thought was very good I read online oh yeah where did you find it they didn't apply it anywhere I just read it online you have to bear with me my smirk of smile
00:04:54| will explain my condition but um but of topical things I can't think of words now and got me all messed up all flustered and okay just on pace this really happened boy Roy Moore Alabama
00:05:08| senator oh yeah did he do something ludicrous no this one wasn't even bad I heard he was dating a 24 year old and some people like it was in a restaurant some people
00:05:19| coming up to him saying it's kind of disgusting she's over 21 he kept saying leave us alone reporters are coming up way too young for you you have allegations he said leave us alone
00:05:29| finally he stood up in the restaurant slammed down his hands and said please we were having a nice 10-year anniversary dinner I want you to leave me and my that's awesome yeah shout out
00:05:46| Roy Moore I can't believe people are voting for you what orders real allegations dating 14 year olds often Act the story I just heard was he um has a 34 year old man he called the school
00:06:03| of his role for the elementary oh the hell it was a high school freshman I guess and he called and he actually had her taken out of trig class come to the office and he asked her to go on a date
00:06:15| with him and I thought what a guy and sweet what a fellow love story start that way don't then he called her pseudo parent the principal think of that huge weight that's older than we are I'm
00:06:28| calling up the high school like hey can't you come out and talk for a little bit pull up in your Mustang yeah the other funny thing was I read it
00:06:41| I think it was on one of the girl channels the view or the the talk or the - or the something God hasn't gone yeah they did a poll according to them in Alabama 71 percent of the population
00:06:54| doesn't even believe the allegations against poor Roy Moore and it's like they have like video texts pictures conversations him saying I did this one time but it's okay I don't think they
00:07:08| had it all but it's okay roll tide Alabama you love you Alabama quick well we have to be related to sleep with them okay you know Emma but you're it's okay to love anyway anyway
00:07:38| shout out our listener from Alaska do we know be still Leslie I don't know I haven't seen any hits him Alaska lately must have offended him he's the first unburned
00:07:49| through you know he's like it's a shame I thought I thought I thought he was gonna make it right we don't know there was allegations mmm pee-wee Herman was over the kid footage see ya I enjoy
00:08:07| pee-wee Herman as a kid so that's kind of disturbing I'd like to remember him in the dimmest light possible which is inside of a movie theater come with us today
00:08:21| mmm you're gonna you're gonna be leading the podcast because Mike smirk or smile which will segue into nicely he's that I've had awful hangover no real bad one every weekend them no just last night I
00:08:37| watched the Eagles game and it was Sunday Night Football and they stayed up till whenever the hell was and you know the happy drinking where you like
00:08:46| like this is bullcrap this is garbage and I need a drink real heavy because I was like this will show someone not really sure who or what they think the process is ten and tenon's
00:08:58| really like I predicted tend to just like you predicted all day left they have several more games won many games in 64 more games for I want to hear your prediction I rather not even
00:09:15| know it mm-hm every week I don't wonder right you guys should bet on another one should bet on you although for the record there is a way to tell if someone has a gambling problem and I know this
00:09:30| because I know some people who do this sort of behavior I know sure those awkward thing is when you talk football with some of the guys you barely know and they're like yeah
00:09:39| well what would you say about this and they pull up their paper and it has all this big I go over all the lines I read lines I read in the lines I know who's gone but I get into that it's kind of
00:09:49| interesting mental play but I don't actually bet I've never bet okay I've ever bet yeah I don't think so so anyway you get a guy and he's like yeah which game would you pick if you
00:10:02| had to pick one it's like kind of weird you're like probably this one he's like definitely and they scratch their head or like their face and you're like and you're like I mean I think so why and
00:10:12| they're like woo could you Circle it on this piece of paper and I'm like I don't know he's like nah man it's cool cool just would you pick them and I'm like I think he's
00:10:23| a definitely right and you're like it's getting weird he's like oh boy he's throwing it and he has the pennies like so you're telling me to circle this number he's like
00:10:34| looking at you like I'm gonna get you you're like okay I would but you know what his eyes are like a vaisya until ya make a decision and he's like really on you
00:10:44| he's will then went but then after the decision he seems fine but you know like an hour later he's like looking at it he's like you don't know me I'm gonna race that you know anyway my pic was
00:10:56| right so hopefully not gonna throw but what was your prediction did it already happen yeah this is like six weeks ago five weeks ago I picked the Eagles over 49ers are you gonna see that
00:11:08| guy again and he's gonna give you free money is that the expectation well no because I don't even want the money because imagine when he would give me if you lost his family in an asset his
00:11:16| children's money and everything's like you may be okay but there's like a gambler fallacy I think where if you do it too much or like it's become a problem you want
00:11:26| other people to pick so it's their fault sort of I can understand that reasoning like I didn't pick them this isn't my fault like you know what I mean it's like I feel like gambling is now into
00:11:35| the mobile realm for mobile games it's like oh yeah they make the packages sweeter and sweeter and then I kind of like I hit the accept button and I really like that did I lose it I hope I
00:11:45| lost these gems is there a way to lose just enough Internet where the credit card doesn't get charged but you cut off just in time glitch I wish but the dream oh I didn't give the tongue-twister oh
00:12:08| is it Peter pics of pack of pickled peppers clothes it's the word war lawyer over and over lawyer' lawyer' lawyer' that's tricky like that one you know what's the nerd game every we used to
00:12:24| make fun of it online and the world of warcraft yeah there was a game that came out did they redo world Warcraft I never played that much they kept adding expansion packs so did that a billion
00:12:37| expansion packs but was there a game that came out like eight years ago that was old Warcraft made it or they release it or something either way my character was a giant barbarian and I named him
00:12:48| war lawyer and I thought was the best name but I loved it was like level point on war lawyer it's funny cuz I could see a guy with a giant axe just like and then he like sits down to a table and
00:13:00| everyone now tell me where where the yeah the deductions were available at the time of your pillaging or no yes you can write that off you know you I don't even know they call anymore I
00:13:14| would call them perps but that's that's a lawyer speak the firm's all the perps sit down all the peasants mmm NPCs but the smirk smile is my hangover
00:13:30| no no I feel good at the time I've had hangovers where it's like yeah if you lose whatever I feel bad everywhere this one was like it just kept getting weird throbbing sensations and I didn't want
00:13:42| to be around my kid it was it was daddy bad Sunday and we were all know we spend all day together because she goes to work it's just me and him I'm off and then do you have a day where you spend
00:13:59| all day she goes she does stuff and then it's mostly mostly me but you have more responsibilities because you don't take care right so I mean no day care just me and him all day like you loves it I
00:14:11| think he thinks it's fun to stay in the world but like he's like blowing a trumpet in your face while you have a hanger-on tube like you wouldn't get it I definitely know I had that one wedding
00:14:24| up in Baltimore about three months ago yeah it's the first time I mean you'd really like hammered smash because other people are watching a kid but really the day after good when you're feeling
00:14:33| terrible the day after your kid is just like you can't sleep at all and it's like man I wish I was back in college but I could just close the dorm room door and I'll be done for the day
00:14:47| yeah yeah yeah you know just call it a day you can't take off as a parent like you can't just be like what's that commercial was it Vicks or tissues or cold flu virus it's like you can't take
00:14:59| off your a dad or a mom a champion because we're pretty commercial yes you can the mothers smiling as the kids are asking what's for dinner baby worried may cause a nuclear war
00:15:15| it shows Trump shaving an ambien into his nose did you know he doesn't drink or smoke right I've heard that day on a certain podcast which I've been listening to for a while
00:15:28| how are you listening the same episodes I'm listening to yeah but no I just said it's weird to seem that like he's he's clean like he's one of the clean people well that explains a lot
00:15:40| I don't trust clean people entirely you know I'm pretty clean he doesn't drink is he drink drinks for enjoyment huh hmm exactly and I mean there's clean and then there's like unpardonable plainly I
00:15:53| uh I won't kiss you if you've been drinking cuz it might get on my lips and who knows what I'm like due to my system it might compromise me you ever hear that I
00:16:01| mean like I guess the coming of age when you're in high school is like you eventually go to partying you get drunk the same thing kind of happens to certain people in college like they've
00:16:11| never had a drink it's like and then they go why here yeah yeah nuts they end up like pooping in the corner of your apartment and just you have to cut that tile out because that's dirtiest clean
00:16:22| anymore it really happened yeah yeah or the girls will not see on you and you have to tie into a chair and tape him to the window till they stop it was another guy you give me some initials or
00:16:34| something - I know you never met him I don't think he's ten who was cut out of the Friendship Circle pretty quick yeah there was one point where we're grabbing her him - time to the chair I went down
00:16:45| to pick him up and I was in front of him near his knees and someone passed him so I looked up and there was an acorn staring me right in the face did I hear great like sexual experimentation here
00:16:58| we're gonna call it didn't like poke Mindy hi or anything sure it wasn't an accidental pantsing but that stopped right I don't know if it still exists a real funny I was talking to someone
00:17:22| about this the other day irassman Nick that's my old nickname did sexual harassment Nick we used to call panting something in Northeast Philly maybe it was just in my area shanking
00:17:38| I've heard shanky oh yeah oh let's before her that is stabbing in prison yeah that's the kiddos the ones that were doing in high school and haven't been to prison yet mm-hmm but the kid
00:17:51| version you also got shanked and it's like a 13 year old bleeding on the ground yeah like it's like four twelve eleven year old over here and they all do in head
00:17:59| signals and something goes like this and they pass a guy something like a five dollar bill he walked up to a guy just real slow it was pulled his pants down and everyone screams and he goes I'm
00:18:10| picturing like a gang scene so just selling just panting some real slow pantsing that's like a sexy baby there's I was listening to some of the day and someone said like there's
00:18:26| certain things you can say and like a normal voice like you have a nice blouse but when you change it down to a whisper it becomes really awkward good good good see you know what I trick though is this
00:19:10| that's proven false but you can have eggs and butter and dating and that's open to be true but get it are you sure it's not curing it it could clean no we're going to look back at one of our
00:19:26| previous episodes where we talk about the shampoo effect I don't even know you're talking my shampoo effect what is that so for the podcast glowing I think listen stop with your stop I
00:19:41| don't like it this is my zit but I haven't bathed in like two days usually I'm every day and today's the other day so I should have done it by now but it was busy and they're doing
00:19:51| after the podcast her rinse my hair is getting all greasy so when I go to shampoo today yes I shampoo folks tradition yeah of course ever since my hair got long but this is the
00:20:04| idea if I shampoo like it won't even suds up because the shampoo is attacking all the dirt and then you wash it out whereas if two minutes later in that same shower I shouldn't put again it
00:20:17| would suds up like holy hell like like it gets back its its vitality no but like so if you so rinse entreated yes it would come back super frothy foamy and crazy bubbly it's really
00:20:35| because there's no dirt in there so it's just something in the soap coming out but the idea is it's called shampoo effect with drinking so if you did a whole night of drinking and you're
00:20:43| wasted and you wake up hungover and you had a real bad day it's it's like hair the dog you just have one beer I'll so I'm you're like like you're you've went from zero to a thousand like it's pink I
00:20:55| guess it activated some of the trunk that was still inside man that reminds me of like an hour hour have you do do power our God yeah we should do bow her out with a
00:21:06| watch 24 but oh yeah yeah so early and we would have a timer goal every minute and we do shot a beer mmm yeah that's right okay good nice no one that was so awesome that was like season four and it
00:21:19| got ridiculous but I'm pretty sure no one ever made it past like halfway plant up oh no you mean you get lost all you lost well there's our people our uh playlists
00:21:31| here do them oh yeah yeah you get my nothing loose on you and Zuma shit and then he heads I mean I guess I guess we should pick a day just to do all of these drinking games actually two months
00:21:41| since we need to recover like three days I feel like at our age in rates we wouldn't be able to party time get into a Power Hour what's the drunk of someone you get on camera
00:21:56| eventually we just stumble out of the room at it's gonna record all night and fill up my entire hard drive I do have a smoker smile go ahead I hope it's not a hangover with
00:22:11| a kid on now this is kind of in different pieces so the weirdness is how cold was it there is it pretty cold that's like 50 wait to get your cold streak coming yeah it's actually not
00:22:24| cold here it's like 80 degrees so they're like thunder stresses in December which is for the record maybe I think statistically it's like a couple degrees goal of global warming
00:22:36| but that might be a cyclic event for the earth it is over a global demand it's a company degrees the grilling of your interesting but I mean not to act the earth but I kind of like Twitter like
00:22:48| this I'm down yeah except this Spurs up more hurricanes and then they hit me and then except mean everyone fun two most important me alright we're good alright Houston strong right here oh I'm
00:23:09| is a dad shirt it says guess what and it's pointing to a chicken's rear part that is dad shirt guess what chicken butt alright bad thing I guess shout out
00:23:23| dad's dead so there's a thunderstorm and then we went to get a Christmas tree and we actually got it on the car and the moment we got in the car boom started raining like real head tree on the roof
00:23:35| or if you get fitted in it was on the roof I don't think I could squeeze in the back but he got zapped and needles blur it's not very big it's about as big as my microphone a little bit standing
00:23:48| really far away from it ok so we come home it's raining and this is the smoker smile the garage door broke so like the spring broke I don't have you ever had that happen but I know I told me yeah so
00:24:02| I tried to lift it up initially and when one of the springs is working and the other one's broken so that just half of the system's working it weighs about 80 pounds so I
00:24:11| could lift it up I could let my wife go to work and then you made her lipstick yeah she's pregnant she's like extra we she's more power so I lifted that up I got it stuck
00:24:24| up there and I was like you know I got to keep it up and work on it problem problem of your balance yes so I yeah yeah I actually I have excellent lift excellent lift and girth and so we had
00:24:39| it up and she drove away and then I pulled my car out and I had to like I worked on it while I was open which i think is a mistake because of you know well the springs don't matter anymore
00:24:53| because the ones broken you can't you can't mismatched Springs so I took the other spring off which could have probably made me if I didn't I kind of did it
00:25:02| slapping sloppily hey guys this is a badass alert right here we got a bit of a pair up yeah I need your danger Unleashed it knows a goon and I'm like huh should probably phone about that
00:25:15| that's a lot engine mm-hmm it's the same thing for having the door propped open I mean think of the podcasts if you're all maimed at everything well the pub are you looking at day but
00:25:24| I got a pimple today so they're probably checking you know yeah if I lost my arms and legs you wouldn't tell I mean you wouldn't know cuz let's go on I just have my wife wheeled me and push the
00:25:38| hello game but apparently you're supposed to have it in the down position to work on it so I'm like shit like it's already up and now of the I took the other spring off it weighs like 160
00:25:52| pounds and I work that thing for about an hour like I put like a little like block down and I have dropped like an inch drop like an inch and I got it down to like four feet halt liked I like high
00:26:05| and I didn't have any more like wood pieces to put in there so I had like a four foot drop so I was like maybe I can like juggle wood pieces on the fly and I put a tire there just in case and the
00:26:19| first thing I did was like I knocked the piece of wood out and I was like boom I put it in there but the door bounced and then shot the piece of wood behind me and then I like step back and there's a
00:26:28| boom like right on the tire the tire I think that Empire yeah that tires saved my ass save the door protected everything and I spent like thirty minutes trying to get the tire out from
00:26:38| under the door but afterwards seems like everything's okay and I'm gonna put the spring on there and everything spoons good hey you should work on them when they're down all right should texted me
00:26:50| I told you that's pretty common oh yeah five YouTube videos I'm like well shit yeah that's that's the way to go now YouTube videos I'm a plumber of a maintenance guy an IT guy does YouTube
00:27:03| it mm-hmm they should really have like teaching tools that show you like how you fuck up at every stage they write that really good did you notice this you're doing a
00:27:12| problem stop now because you'll figure it out like one of those adventure books for like 90% of the finishes are you fucking failed I yeah I know I got it uh-huh first thing mom not to move too
00:27:29| far on any work feeling great about ourselves there but uh I was trying to find out like scenarios because I hardly give them I give everything else well really good but did you have a goal
00:27:41| oh no no I'd like whoa I went to so I was looking around the website said a lot of it boils down to would you rather okay which are simple and most of them are really corny but I did find free
00:27:54| that I think they're pretty easy to answer I'm not going it's not too deep these are just well things to let us know who's through here okay very innocent they're very PG I could
00:28:03| have looked up dirty with your others but I was like that's not our authority would you rather be always ten minutes late for everything you tried to get to or always end up half an hour early ten
00:28:16| minutes late there's the introduction it's perf your kid and Alan hmm I mean the other thing like job interviews like everything like a c-section takes about ten minutes I'll
00:28:30| be right on time if she was looking around I mean she was out of it anyway so they don't get me wrong no early you got play on your phone you're wasting phone battery I get it I
00:28:40| should really go all right chicken satay I just beat this guy this one I saw was stupid but I thought what would the India give up bathing or give up internet for a month
00:28:56| wait what the effect you not like nothing you watch your hands watch again come wash your hands and your hands extend to the wrist action can I bathe myself like a cat I think what wipe the
00:29:14| soap on my face yeah they're so basic I've never I don't like there was some longest time you've ever gone without bath shower five days seven days and learner feel
00:29:27| like after a week and just be like you'd be yeah after five days I was like craving it I felt like dirty like look at me now this is like two and a half days like if I want to pull three days I
00:29:37| probably and it won't play my life I did five to eight thanks I stepped out of the shower today and it was like a daily colder than I was expecting I'm friends with someone whose birthday
00:29:47| is right about now and she used to say that if you got into a pool it counted as a shower or bad I mean I always look and do that really yeah you're good you're clean and I was like so over the
00:30:02| course of this summer what if you like swim every other day are you like going two weeks yeah and that's not accounting for all the chlorine bromine and all the other chemical that are cool these just
00:30:13| kill the germs and just dry you up I guess still it covers you with other chemicals up bleach it laureen's week yeah pretty much so what is keep going without bathing I
00:30:26| don't know I guess I must be like when I was a little kid like before I even entered high school like it must have been like maybe you if you 20 wrote everyday gonna go um I'm like an
00:30:35| everyday my wife like it twice a day type of person so she lives bath water and I'm like what I mean I mean you use a poop bath or why not like I mean is there's no particulate so I mean I'm
00:30:48| it's fine it's not contaminated it's not contaminated it's not contaminate it just keeps a few times and make it true you picked up the boat so night
00:30:58| but I stepped out of the shower today it was like a degree colder than I thought I was like oh it's cold to the floor Oh imagine how much our evolution will change when it's like a
00:31:10| degree really matters and we're used to we'll become this like worthless oh dude oh honey I was just thinking of it as you said that like a mentor ancestors who like bathed with woolly mammoths and
00:31:26| like scrub themselves with a porcupine and like eat raw fish because they did have a fire and then you're like who 71 who it's a balmy I got put this towel on interpret the space heater gonna get rid
00:31:37| of the shower it's too cold I think I think I'd go that's kind of a tough one no you know why though you're going with no bathing because that would affect other people more than you this selfish
00:31:52| son of a bitch well I remember the street hawkers in like Rome like you you walk by these guys that would be selling like big pins and they'd like trying to sell them for a dollar they want to
00:32:02| sound big pens it's probably an agent on the inside oh you're talking about Rome Rome currently oh go ahead so I think there are transplants I think they're actually
00:32:12| like refugees or something so they're selling like pitiable pitiful stuff for you know maybe a little bit more than it should be but it's like these guys like probably don't have anywhere to live the
00:32:23| private bathes and like weeks and like you could smell them like for a good like 50 feet after you passed them like look just got all up in you I might actually lose my job if I didn't
00:32:34| shower that's a good point I didn't think that would you lose your job with that Internet done if I couldn't send an email oh yeah boss a minute would you rather I
00:32:44| can't use the internet I'm really sorry about this but I hope it doesn't affect company policy arrey hurrah camera you slide the piece of paper with the email on it I'm gonna here's my CC email on
00:32:58| this road yes at the bottom yeah like a hundred copy credit card machines just like shooting chunks and there's my copy here's your's please sign
00:33:09| all right well um and the last one just it's a throwaway would you rather have all your taste buds for me the exact same right now but you have to poop at your mouth lose all your taste buds and
00:33:25| they're all located in your butthole so you can eat foods though we have to shove it up there so but are you pooping out of your mouth continuously forever no just whenever we have to poop
00:33:35| [Laughter] excuse me guys gotta go bathroom here's my toothbrush my washcloth mouthwash that would be afraid to smile from then on I have a routine down it's
00:33:56| like the neutral loaf thing like if you can't taste row your food I mean you could also still eat food you guys do you'd have to stuff it up your butt bone you have a fine dining restaurant you
00:34:06| just like you take like the little white spoon floor needs be like to go big soup just send my compliments to the char I think I taste both of the alloy then go dig that one so be interesting yeah I
00:34:31| think people are more accepting of that one oh man if you were I need to you could also a some pretty funky stuff yeah that all or no anyway philosophical questions here would you like to move on
00:34:58| to some oh you kind of think that everyone talks about yeah I was actually I was taking a dump the other day and I was installing some who goes hey Dan again yeah you got a piece of paper no
00:35:10| Joe napkin I need to any did tonight I was like okay he's good he was out of toilet paper so I gave him a paper I think that paper paper no no I was French Canadian system times si
00:35:23| napkin and so it doesn't flush but he he hands back and he says I open it up there's a little heart and it goes are you doing that segment called challenge did you tell him yet did he have any
00:35:39| ideas I wiped I get back home here's your challenge buddy yeah we brought a way to use this put Ryan Gosling in the shape of a turd mmm about I guess he's a well-known actor he has probably squeaky
00:35:57| clean I hope he has a really dark past that comes to light 20 years from that kills people yeah so what's the celebrity challenge Nick slow I did I didn't have one today
00:36:08| Oh hmm so we have to work one out I think we do we do can we do spider-man spider-man like Tobey Maguire and I don't even know that other guy's name yeah I know you don't let the newer why
00:36:25| did the newer won't who's not as I guess they're equally he's better-looking than usual newer one yeah and he's got many attractive qualities we they both have the third
00:36:34| thing going I guess but he's at least attractive nerd the new one yeah but who gets the better chick is it christened Ernst Dunst I don't remember the new chick Emma Stone ooh
00:36:43| let's weave through both redheads was Mary Marianna Riddick reaching say she was but I'm making that up maybe because the movies have colluded
00:36:52| my my vision my past vision hmm so they should probably just what would be fair what could we do kiss upside down are they both upside down since they have to kiss for charity yeah
00:37:21| women they could run it they can do it individually and women it shoes yeah and then how about like it's an hour long he hangs up lay down with his mask up to hear a bunch of women line up or men and
00:37:32| whatever kisum and in for every kiss he donates $1 cherry and if he gets more kisses than we do and we donate the equal amount ha ha ha
00:37:43| that's pretty good how many people can you kiss and not an hour 10 minutes every time really no I just trying to try to live in our losses here you can rapidly kiss a lot of Lada Pierre yeah
00:37:57| throw their design a nap no five-second pisser yeah minimum five-second how much rope yeah just keep doing $4 okay we okay so we're we got a look at the other guy's name
00:38:18| cuz uh also yeah I mean I go we had a call mount properly you know seriously he's not gonna do it eat good from cancer who carry oh my god they change out the next spider-man
00:38:37| already yeah they already um have a new do one but that's not that guys now we're talking like 2013 it's called homecoming your talk how come he's the newest one yeah we don't Andrew Garfield
00:38:51| it's the way you're talking about Tobey Maguire yeah sure I didn't I didn't even recognize his name but yes yeah car feeling seems like such a boring name that's fake he probably changed the name
00:39:04| is Garfield how would you want to know he hates Mondays publicity onion Jon Arbuckle this is dad so because we've gone on a little bit I think it's time it's such on the mean well wait a second
00:39:32| here oh come on you have to say that I've had the pleasure the ultimate pleasure of enjoying some delicious gingerbread snacks Diggity Dog whose are they
00:39:44| oh that's a game right there yeah this is a low cool grocery store called sprouts I don't know it might give your sprouts is that a team it might be a gene it's it's
00:39:53| you sale so my topic these yeah it's pretty generic the packaging but the gingerbreads they're perfect they remind me of my youth they brought me back to being like six years old munching on a
00:40:08| genetics dress as a youth looking about this gang and used to look like that when he was a youth that bow tie a little bow tie yeah the little cream all over his body
00:40:17| a little white stains view it is why he has them when he gets out of that van he's a good kid my parents thought I was gay and I was like you made me this way what are you talking about you made me
00:40:30| wear a bow tie with white cream all myself hmm they're good everyone said it could've been a food model when I was younger
00:40:45| everyone you can name one person I don't need to you're enjoying that food and I can actually feel the enjoyment through the cameras Wow yes something's something's really focusing words real
00:41:05| good words cannot explain well while you're plugging your product I'd like to plug something of my own so a lot of people are dads oh my dad your dad mm-hmm they're saying something like
00:41:25| could be dead this is your network number look what I've seen I've seen it posted I don't know so we all wear one thing non-stop one dad's say socks shoes oh don't you get that close that was
00:41:41| like a funnel I really left her in the dark oh hey you got close anyway New Balance came out with something pretty new and it's for dead it's called a used shoe program you can buy a shoe gently
00:41:55| used by another debt it's verified but it's definitely that you know what I mean because the dad did that shoe see that that's a bad Jew folks anyway please mmm
00:42:07| we got dad written all over it but you know what I don't have time to check out new shoes enough time to break a shoe in on time to get comfy with my shoes so the program is called dad - dad chair
00:42:18| they give you a shoe that's been gently used by another dad they give you his name and his occupation so what am i why am i rocking right now hey gang when I play b-ball on the courts and be cool
00:42:30| hump rockin these new Balance from chef Keller oh what's he do oh he's in used cars he's not a used-car salesman he does a lot of the paperwork he's used car salesmen paperwork guy but
00:42:44| damn Shep you know I'm saying how much would this cost you 4,000 bucks a day something crazy uh-huh and here balance got down to eight cents a day folks can you afford a tents and you rent shoes
00:42:59| good well I broke it down that's twenty nine dollars and 20 cents for the whole year pretty damn good for dance no no it's just you got to pay and they give you your shoe but you get a year to pay
00:43:12| it off so that's pretty cool yeah and the thing is I don't have time to find out if I like a shoe on time to find out if it's gonna stand up to the rigors of day to day dad
00:43:22| Shep did he'll be a chef I'm rockin the chef's credit I love that you did the math on that one damn right I did eight cents a friggin day now I did a regular year where you already was thinking
00:43:48| bleep worried yeah how was it gonna add that extra day oh shit that's gonna skew the results someone owes me most of the time do you make sure it was on the what sleepier you skip the leap here right I
00:44:02| don't know when that is I feel like it's coming up tell you what though a lot of leaping going on with these bad boys I do like the bottom did you like that yeah where it's the middle a stick
00:44:13| difference my sticks are emerging because I'm Aaron through baby some of that come on this is daddy I wear this for one part gonna let you know yeah I can see there's a
00:44:24| little dirt in it a little bit shut up that pound pound manatees oh I'm coming sir found daddy's it real soon I don't know what we'll find but I can't friggin wait my eyes now daddy
00:45:25| folks this check hashtag get a big one tonight no the old good this is bigger than the world actually I think it technically is the whole world sometimes occasionally if you look at the pastor's
00:45:45| resume big conquerors big rulers four countries so can I tell everywhere I named this segment on paper oh yeah I wrote not so impress these
00:45:58| great rulers freeze holy smokes folks ah you'd be a great food 80s or folks I like it your only warning good for year only well if I was born between I probably would have been one of the
00:46:34| ha oh wait did you hey you came across me shut up what do we have the same list I like did this one list and I was like man there's a lot of Asian Emperor's on here and there's a lot of like me mean
00:46:44| ones and last one was like one I'd never heard of I was like wait a second like I looked at with you author of the site was he Indian pasta I don't even have that one on my lists he's Turkish come
00:46:59| pancha or posh ah yeah yeah good old advert something random was 1913 in 1918 if I told it tonight in 18 what so reason that's listener years ago well so let's break it down for the viewers here
00:47:24| we were just talking about great leaders powerful leaders big empires and horrible rulers like dictators murderers the whole the stuff that makes you feel good at night right mm-hmm
00:47:37| reasonably bit yeah so there were a million ways to look at this and I broke it down I went realistic these were the not-so-great rulers and I went by the numbers
00:47:54| murderers I did the murder number I figured you'd go there so that you do good I figured you had details on some other people I hope you did it type let's see see they need this but like I
00:48:13| went through listed top 10 murderous dictators rulers and everything mm-hmm which is weird I feel like there are people in Africa doing this on a daily but oh you don't have to back it up
00:48:23| that's one of the weird things is you're looking at these kind of real people that have kind of become fictional so the the retrospect is like oh these people did horrible things they're never
00:48:34| like this is happening every day in Africa right which pun is yeah but hey I could get I didn't I don't know enough yakked no one does because no one hey folks I'm
00:48:46| Cody you know I'm saying fine Coney pine Coney ko and I I'm gonna get you country Evander's are gonna find Coney that the murderous African dictator
00:48:57| yeah well video going around like eight years ago was a big thing just watch the Hotel Rwanda and be like anyway I'll go over a few of the hits on the murder list yeah
00:49:11| so these are all leaders who are credited with a boat ton of murders shout out shout out whoo and for Pasha he's Turkish I got Kim two Sung Kim twosome and North Korea must be
00:49:29| related I guess 48 that people meet 1994 lived a long prosperous life took one point six mil well top ten murders dictators of all time I mean step it out so yo ho Chi Minh made it next 1.7 tell
00:49:50| me he's got none he has a toddler can you hear that good he's upset another dictators yeah I would be too specially but keep your whole got your thing good do you think I
00:50:04| finally Barry to death and if sometimes I got a little bit you're fine Jesus Jesus he's back I think Briana shut her door let me take you spine okay bye he does this every night hmm he's gonna get
00:50:24| attention you know about I need some guide the dead chair program and boom I guess Pol Pot coming it okay you go he's between one point seven and two point four I mean these numbers aren't
00:50:40| crazy anymore I got Saddam Hussein weapons of mass destruction not billion hmm I got Yakka Khan he's Pakistani Jimmy feel like details I got
00:50:53| like Saddam apparently like mustard guests his own country now I have some other stuff for that but not this I mean if you do know that we did hear a lot about Pol Pot and then but here's where
00:51:05| the list gets really the weirdest one is this guy from Pakistan it's yah-ha Khan or Yahya Khan I did yeah so his number is between 1969 and 71 it's crazy how recent that is it's like almost 1 right
00:51:20| what's easier is the number so it's an ascending list of murders than people he's credited with killing he's 2 million question marks base 12 million well well that would put a minute in
00:51:37| between I don't know how you don't know the difference between 2 million people and 12 million it was the biggest gap I got all my covers think the government is responsible for chicken on their own
00:51:46| populations is we lost 10 20 million be pool next time the Japanese guy get four billion Toho Hideki shout out given years on that Japanese yeah 41 to 44 he killed 4 million people
00:52:05| guess the tail end right oh um I got USSR hey Vlad Lenin shout out 4 million you know his his next of kin their predecessor no Wilson where he come
00:52:24| after it Stalin to stalin action yeah buddy fellas number 2 on the lip how about this one from japan 1926 289 sits that's because he was alive for like 70 years
00:52:36| or something yeah however that long you're gonna be down by years really you're gonna kill six million people here in power that one yeah I mean it's good to happen and anyway the top four
00:52:46| were good it's yeah hang on a check 10 million he's credited with Hitler Hitler coated with 17 to 20 million but I've been doing some reading recently probably close with a four million and a
00:53:03| lot of the numbers we hear our lives the Jews actually weren't killed the Holocaust is kind of fictitious anyway hey there were 17 to 20 million which is terrible
00:53:18| how did 17 20 million the ridiculous number people but number one and two on the list Stalin between 41 and 53 is credited with killing 42 62 million I was
00:53:30| listening to something about him today he got into this like a lot of the dictators had this idea about like this is the way to do it you know this is the right way so he actually took people out
00:53:41| of like industrialized cities and then forced them to work on farms and another Chinese guy did that didn't he yeah I've read the thing on this too and they they were like do you know it was based on
00:53:53| distribution of wealth yeah there were too many poor farmers who were doing all this work and then rich people who live in the cities so these rulers I'm guessing it wasn't just Stalin as a few
00:54:02| others we'd get all the people in the cities that had all those money and said get out work on the farms everyone's gonna work on farms or make food everyone's gonna be super happy ok in
00:54:12| doing so those people had nowhere to live no farmland no anything oops the Chinese rule that was right about the time that they started the one-child
00:54:28| only rule or something because they had to write the premises precipice well was that Mallove's a dog he's no whose 45 to I think Stoli here's my question how'd it get such an either number like wasn't
00:54:43| it 75 million like twelve you know people just like the babies but this alone one he tried to industrialize his nation at the same time he was like imprisoning everybody right angle and
00:54:56| trying to get food and so he ended up like killing all these people because they were like kind of criminals and he didn't have any food so it's like you get like a double whammy have like a
00:55:07| dictator trying to do stuff in bad times and they just ruin everything here's my other question so let's say Stalin sends you out of your city and you have a heart attack cause you had you ate
00:55:20| shitty foods you had black in your heart everything does he get credit for that kill no I think a lot more people die of natural causes than the company the guy was
00:55:28| alive for 70 years you to accredit him every death that happened in the country Hey these numbers are inflated I think we should go back in time and really count how many people died no every soul
00:55:42| would say do you feel like he caused her death he caused you to die Wang okay patty oh yes if we did bring the food back filling a whole bunch of chick-fil-a just like fried chicken
00:55:57| sandwiches how do you think people in the past to react they wouldn't get it all of it they would just keep eating it yeah it'd be like giving a dog like certain food like you know like they
00:56:06| just I think they would eat a like throw up and then they'd eat it again I'm often brought back to uh Rocko's Modern Life oh man his dog spunky oh yeah so spunky would sit over his water bowl
00:56:22| which was empty and he would look to Rocco to fill the water bowl and he would look and look his bowling with Rocco and as he's sitting there he's so thirsty he drooled and his drool would
00:56:33| fill the water bowl and he would drink it all in to its entirety and then woke up Arauco and just look at him and it would drool or fill it again and the cycle would
00:56:41| repeat and I always thought about that saying dang don't even have to water your dog hmm huh hey you see one of my favorites another good show it was so it was so on point actually for the for the
00:56:54| it's weird that was geared towards children - like Ren and Stimpy friends that be Rocco all these are kind of weird it's changin weird but don't like for
00:57:02| the conglomerate like cheap solar how weird is that that not only did it do great rulers and buy their murderer numbers I did great evil corporations because I figured the biggest ones dude
00:57:20| I was going to start with the Pinky and the brain quote you Meg take over every night every night which could be the biggest podcast one day I wouldn't be surprised I would not be surprised to
00:57:39| a little surprising to be honest also like how many people like Apple really owns like how many people work for Apple it's a good question I'm not sure that was pretty deal evil eyes and they sell
00:57:55| everything prunings over price and they expect you know you'd be asleep they lock you in the other economy I have to use their headphones have to use their iTunes software you have to use their
00:58:04| other sulfur you have to use their phone have to use their Max garbage their ego cysts I think it's been referred to us see like Walmart has like 2 million people
00:58:16| so it's not that much weight that's false very small smaller than I thought list of largest employers regularly with Department of Defense and then People's Liberation Army in China it's 2 million
00:58:33| people then Walmart so if Walmart and China right so wait I also did you know I did the murder list like greatest leaders like yeah yeah I got something wait to bid 1 bye-bye area
00:58:52| they ruled like actual cross filtering huh right and I looked almost none of them cross it's kind of weird that there's like maybe like Hitler did where he crossed into he was number 6 on the
00:59:10| most land area own they did by square miles hmm well here here's interesting so since I wrote it out model use the damn information online he's using lots of
00:59:20| all the murders the top three guys for guns you do it like three five percentage because like some of the the world was smaller back then some of their wasn't like right percentage of
00:59:33| the world like okay I didn't kills to do it like more than one percent that's pretty crazy crazy how much the Black Plague kill what is it like 20 percent but I made then as our forty meaning
00:59:43| live it up keep going do you % okay well what was real interesting is the first four people on my murderers list of great rulers even Pol Pot and everybody and sit on the same everybody fits into
00:59:56| that category you had the bottom five it equals like the fifth guy you add four or five and six and it equals Hitler actually it doesn't even equal it I think all of
01:00:08| them you have to add to equal Hitler Wow and did you have to add Hitler and all the others to equal Stalin and for Stalin you just have to add some more to get mouths or done more it's but it's
01:00:21| but either way I started the list at one point 1 million and I ended up it's like slope folks crazy the the Chinese one was exacerbated though because they had these three pests right though they
01:00:36| killed like I'm gonna make this up I know why no the third one they killed Lucy mosquitoes they killed something else in the middle and they lit sparrows because the sparrows were eating corn or
01:00:47| whatever you know all the rice some like very kind of logical way but they never factored in the sparrows also eat locusts which then eat the crops so uh quadrupled like the number of kills like
01:01:02| he thought I feel like I'm playing call of duty like you gotta kill the sparrows don't kill them don't shoot at the enemies yeah I would Oh classic I'll take out the trash don't worry I got it
01:01:16| don't worry I'll do it yep yeah so that he ended up having people like paid to kill sparrows which then caused locusts and then caused star yeah he's like oh I guess oops oops for 40 million
01:01:30| wait 70 million people's lives yeah I mean a the numbers ridiculous how do you go yeah yes the black plague or bike death yeah yeah I wanna hear it was so they
01:01:41| estimated it was 50 percent of Europe's total population that's seems crazy yeah we reach out to everyone you know you've got some real power with you right there that's this crazy and it really said
01:02:00| it's a the world's population from estimated 450 million down to 350 million so that's like a 30 percent 4 percent no dude it's like a 5 percent no no you know the math wrong dude read
01:02:15| something more than 50 million down to a quarter I'll give you a quarter yeah I did the math problem originally but I thought was 400 350 was a 36% 33rd would have been 150 million people dying it's
01:02:39| a little bit less than third Connie be bored I'll give you quarter agree to disagree on how many people that quarter of the world died I love to play the game played common ink oh yeah
01:02:53| oh yeah mad at outdoor is difficult and there's some of those Canada even sometimes too it's hard even colder there they'll interact with you I'm like tell them to go did you kiss and hug get
01:03:05| a handy you know spread that play get a hand you know they're all robots hmm and that in Japan Japan's difficult because they don't have all right I just the death count can I give everyone a square
01:03:20| miles count oh I got this list cool so no individuals ok individuals a person it's an actual person's name karashi I get to cross Stuart W Bush what yeah he owned at one point four hundred and
01:03:38| twenty three thousand square miles the original I'm guessing is all our properties or everything added up in twenty thousand square miles it took all of Texas I guess cuz he you know on
01:03:48| Texas you know here in the United States something what you said yeah that's way more in Texas oh no how many square miles Texas is but name 425 damn thousand miles everyone from Texas
01:04:02| thinks Texas is so big how big do you think Texas is is the question forty thousand square miles now hold on a hundred thousand even now 90 Texas is two hundred and sixty eight thousand
01:04:18| square miles really yeah that's ridiculous I know it is isn't it that's what everything is bigger they're even mileage Wow
01:04:30| alright if the list isn't important I just want to get to in the lip but you said the United States leave use the President of the United States square miles in the United States is I guess
01:04:44| the United States I guess nobody owns that there must be like persuade me are we doing square miles is square miles maybe it's what he took cuz he did attack Oh
01:04:56| maybe could have been when he took like parties check anyway Francisco Pizarro I'll carry it for 80,000 and Napoleon seven twenty thousand square miles Hitler 1.37 Attila the Hun 1.45 bill
01:05:15| cyrus the great never heard of them sounds really great to middle and Paul's hammering good it's weird that some of these like we had the same education essentially essential I think somewhat
01:05:26| like the history teachers might have been religiously based we might have gotten a little perspective like we did have classes that were like hey you're not the only original religion out there
01:05:36| so here are the other religions but you still got biased perceptions of the world yeah it's like Asian leaders Middle Eastern leaders Persian Greek like you didn't get very many of like I
01:05:50| guess the full background of the world so like people like Cyrus the Great and this other guy know her Tamerlane family my next one like like you didn't hear about them
01:06:00| like Tamra I held them and I look this up Tamerlan killed 5% of the world's population yeah I'm sorry and they didn't make my kill oh that's probably the world's
01:06:08| population less well seventeen million at the time but it's crazy you never talk about the Mongols and there's two Mongolian leaders that really they kept trying to take over the entire world
01:06:20| I'm Genghis Khan yeah right yep who's my number one but number four point eight six actually and I had a one egg right under Genghis Khan I had duck dynasty you're that dynasty thanks for e
01:06:34| four hundred million dollars okay Wow duck thing about dynasties right folks you need to create some stupid thing actually sells like our podcast and then become internet celebrities so I think
01:06:50| it's a you're talking about you saw Mary some backwoods girls and then don't tell our girls yep were famous well go ahead and do your other historical thing cuz uh the last section I got is fiction
01:07:07| which I were you know the only thing you didn't so the ones in order of size that I actually got were Portugal which range from Brazil to Japan see I'm as individuals which I got level Francisco
01:07:21| Pizarro Amy's Portuguese he sounds Portuguese a big book but most of these are like see nations like it's either like see nations that could travel today right boats baby boats the most because
01:07:35| the middle east brian has a giant deserts that no one really talked about so as a I be Sid Cal it was just Middle Eastern ok have just not written it but the guy yeah I guess this depends worth
01:07:46| like what I'm listening to because some people like the Indian person is like oh this ruler was definitely the best sounds like one right I don't I care about an Indian guy French the French at
01:07:56| Canada to Vietnam at one point and then Juan hey I get I saw this list as well at you're talking on yeah yeah it was great it's a country's list and it's at the biggest the size that they were the
01:08:07| biggest at their biggest yeah so like the French naval they did somebody and yeah countries in the Mediterranean everything still speak French it's crazy if you think about like the clang gouges
01:08:19| that people speak there's like we could have also spoken Chinese if the change i'm china didn't go into like a little bubble right where we could speak French or Spanish I think the Chinese actually
01:08:30| shake come out speaking the language perfectly clone but every war yeah no no yes I think it's almost it again crunch get into it you on and you get the chain those two
01:08:43| Chinese dynasties which we never learned anything about because we're sheltered or something the use zayed consulate from Spain to poised and yes hey and Spanish they pretty much took over the
01:09:02| all Americans like all the America top tip I read bit rip Britain really got mad create Sun never sets on the British yeah that's damn cliches absorbing everything that's like Bonaparte he's
01:09:17| short and then it's like it was not sure he was just average and like whoa he was sensitive but the one thing about the Spanish she didn't touch on was Cortes is really in Fergus go huh he pretty
01:09:32| much waged war on the Aztecs and the Athletics had all these enemies because they were killing like 250,000 people a year from the surrounding Indian communities in the Americas good numbers
01:09:44| came over and he not only used everyone against the a staff yeah he rallied them gave them weapons and then they took out the Aztecs then he enslaved everybody and by the time he enslave them they all
01:09:56| got diseases and about 90% of the entire population died in slavery this is crazy numbers with these people like you don't even hear about these details like these details are so ridiculous that it's just
01:10:11| like that's why slavery's banned like you're injured reciting like Mounties crochets how they issues they've had all these slaves let's say they weren't gonna help them anyway but you this guy
01:10:26| owns 40 slaves this guy's fourth as it were a number safety but and then out all these slaves get sick and these people are just like oh hope they don't die they're not strong enough but but is
01:10:41| it crazier that like cuz I'm trying to slow it down I look at history is a big four hundred year span and I'm like it just crunches into one fact you're plugging
01:10:49| alright I'm looking at on a day-to-day basis so like my slaves are getting sick and his slaves are getting sick and my neighbor over here his laser getting sick and no one thinks damn I can't
01:11:01| believe we don't get sick like this like just weird stuff like even like stuff like that like huh I mean it was like five years ago and I'm fine it's just and then like you lose like ten people
01:11:13| like they died and you're like uh that's normal business as usual but ninety percent so everyone they're all dying and you're like mom I go sucks it's the old dang a slave plague it's
01:11:25| getting them you're like well they're looking at like a business right they took you know like a bunch of boats over to a different country there but not over right the end users think of this I
01:11:36| mean I feel like it's like buying the microwave my thoughts three months away and you have to pick it up yourself sure but I'm saying that baby it's a baby it's only thanks Louis
01:11:46| has no but I'm saying they're they're wrong but I'm saying they think like it's just in live they must equate them to uh like a proof of concept like the people that like the Cortez that goes
01:12:00| across the country he's bringing back almost all these yeah right so he's bringing a good idea of like these people exist he's bringing back the idea of like corn and different types of
01:12:09| vegetables as well spices like the spices were ridiculously pricey so he I see for what people yeah he brought back like one or two ships of spices and it paid for his entire trip just the spices
01:12:21| they didn't care about the slaves at that point so it's like that's crazy that's nuts so spewed the real game-changer hmm that's one thing is like that
01:12:33| surprised me is that Italy didn't have tomatoes back then tomatoes are an American thing no kidding now they turned it into something that's better than what we make here oh yeah shout out
01:12:46| Italian for the podcast or our viewership of the Italians goddamn birth or who New Jersey where tomatoes come from it's like those treating roosters is crazy like this so great well and
01:13:01| then if we break it down even more trade for based on currents and stuff hard day for boats yeah or that I think I hope Grodin's actually like a path through China to Europe right and if you were a
01:13:11| angles you were in the way so you could control it interesting so my list I'm gonna finish off my list the Russians who cares about them there they managed to tundra made the Mongols we had Silk
01:13:25| Road and it was the Genghis Khan and then Tamerlan where did tell the Hun is he I feel like I don't know Beach five up I left but yeah he was in the region though right
01:13:37| he's like yeah yeah I'm gonna call him a Mongol but it's probably wrong and then British it up I'm wise right there and both do it's almost a naval conquest at the time right and this path in the
01:13:52| world hmm that's what China did the China Chinese people made a giant fleet they weren't gonna battle with they would just show up at people's ports and they just had
01:14:01| like ridiculous mo boats and people would just be like we don't want to mess with them we'll just here's a here's your tithe well you're really right enjoy don't bother
01:14:10| well I had two directions left they're fairly short straightforward I have the richest like the most powerful rich fictional no no fictional fictional I love fiction and then I have a fictional
01:14:28| bad company's bad powerful organization they're like a Lex Luthor in there there's on that okay they'll go into people like Luthor was number one Oh God want to hear the funniest thing this is
01:14:40| open one web site at Kennedy remember it was like BuzzFeed or something it was like they figure out the wealth of all the fictional characters and rank them which is the most positive thing to do
01:14:50| if we do not contain as a baby I don't know where the numbers number like 9 or something Lewis Game of Thrones Tywin Lannister I was like that's pretty cool because he they were the wealthiest
01:15:04| people right they always repay their debts they bought all their armies they bought all their land right yeah check this one watchman Ozymandias the guy from The Watchmen
01:15:15| yeah remember he on he learned how to control the stock market and everything they sit and he build a lair in like Alaska or the ice and I figure and I think it was Nikolas
01:15:26| they're calculating all this stuff he kept it in his wealth seven billion dollars I like how I came up with it up alone this gets better Star Wars Jabba the
01:15:35| Hutt eight point four billion you know they look at the all different comics tune like countlessly they were probably arguing about it and I'm screaming at each other studio Simpsons Montgomery
01:15:52| burns folks he's worth eight point four billion also being the merciless which I thought was interesting he's a arch-villain OPA flash and he very much looks like Genghis Khan in the
01:16:12| picture I saw and I think his nickname is even Asian and I think he's based on like all those Asian conquerors I never even knew this guy I mean the most feared why I'm not if someone who
01:16:24| corrected me Dora - like I'm just gonna buy it looks like either ripoff of all the Asian conquerors we're twenty point nine billion corny who I don't forget now here's my favorite one no the next
01:16:37| two of my favorite their number three and four or two and three number three from The Hobbit small the Dragon either dragon there's no stock market he's just sitting on gold
01:16:59| I don't even know he owns it you could take it but there's no 51 billion and you guess that's number three and everyone was Lex Luthor seventy-five billion she not sure where the number
01:17:12| two folks buckle up we'll take a guess a gander that's a hint what's a gander looks like a birds right huh Walt Disney really yeah you know who'd be rich what gonna be duck close his cousin
01:17:34| Scrooge McDuck gold and all the coins on the screen and just man that list I enjoyed that list but I don't know where they based any of it on at all
01:17:56| even a little bit pretty how lightly we could take all that stuff well again our teen stuff sure because well crack me up and just real quick I was gonna run through a few bad corporations from
01:18:19| fiction well I got some that they quick okay so like most of the countries most of the people I guess that expanded rapidly so he doesn't really like races real life this is this is my take on
01:18:30| what I saw so there's people that like created a new technique like a different formation for an army or different way to manage things like or you know okay yep or they had like a technology like
01:18:43| they found out how to like armor horses or they shoot a bow or something like the wrong way yeah message banded and its really seem kind of interesting that like a lot of the surges occurred when
01:18:55| there was like a displacement of Technology and then these people most of them were stretched yeah they over stretch their bounds and then they started to crumble because they didn't
01:19:04| have like a means of communication like the internet like they couldn't talk to everyone in the country so they just right there's no way of spread the information I thought it was just
01:19:12| fascinating because like it's just in today's like the now we have so much technology that we've hit a limit that like you can't create a more powerful weapon than a nuclear bomb or and like
01:19:26| you can't communicate faster than the internet so I have we hit a limit are we now stopped and saying you know we're done that or we you know I would say this but North Korean but but I'm
01:19:38| thinking just the the timeframes we deal with are smaller back then it took six weeks to get news of China to America and then years later it takes six days with newspapers and then
01:19:52| nowadays takes six seconds so that I think there can be a conquest it's incredibly huge and technology and advancement but I think it lasts so short that you're right it's never gonna
01:20:02| get to be a big number anymore like huh it's the greatest technology on the world for five days you know what I mean I like to conquer five days five weeks back then it took dozens and dozens of
01:20:14| years to get out to all this at that point you can conquer so much it's ridiculous how quickly do you think like an ICBM travels like the space station travels around the earth every thirty
01:20:27| minutes so an ICBM probably takes only really if you want to say like I want to kill like you know how many millions of people China or in Pakistan so now it's like whoa it's like either it's mutual
01:20:44| destruction or everyone lays off and says we don't want to interestingly enough they that doesn't happen anymore yeah because people are actually logical it takes like one to dip or happen to be
01:20:54| and it's so powerful that if you're not oops oops oops yeah I can't wait till that one broadcast we're less like guys we uh we screwed up fired a missile hit some people they're gonna fire back
01:21:13| they're gonna fire back no no it's gonna be work yeah 15 minutes I move yeah what would you do the last or do impact other couple we have to sex really fast babe let's go three minutes ago three mins
01:21:31| ago so we're gonna transition they started to touch on yeah just the evil corporations I thought we lost Apple you start with Apple that's a real one big fish I actually started with something
01:21:49| that I don't even watch The Hunger Games oh yeah who's that president he's played by Sutherlands back Donald Sutherland presidents no no I was gonna say boy
01:22:01| because technically he owns the whole world I guess that's left and there's a resistance what's the clue is there's a professor white or is that Professor palm and it sounds like Professor palm
01:22:11| well I might be professor white but I'm just going through the list cuz I am glad well them have an avatar there's the RDA just operations are do you are a corporate into six alright
01:22:24| dinner right yeah what do you need they replace mrs. white with a black doctor work it apparently Oh got it let me place the crepe upstairs it will be exactly 30 seconds go through your list
01:22:41| I said resident evil umbrella corporation Mazzarella awesome and Gannon and Rocco Rocco Cuomo man I love I'm talking about women it was like those little tasks they like to
01:23:01| insert them themselves into whatever you're doing she's probably yelling at him right now are you really podcast you're fine which money do you make of that future
01:23:17| this damn dog my leg really recent Gannon I don't know how they calculated Dennett and then what was it what was that Gannon said umbrella Resident Evil is
01:23:34| one of my favorite gun games it's just a it's an amazing corporation if you could bioengineer anything and beat umbrella yeah they were on that top of the evil list here's one that I didn't think of
01:23:46| it's really good um by and large is my fault movie wall-e there was it wall-e in so they started the over company they eventually made all food products all
01:24:00| convenience products gas stations became so big that they made the spaceship that would take everyone away from the earth because it was filling up the trash where they had
01:24:08| on a hover chair and they would just feed them whatever I enlarged baby they can you it is pretty much fat obsolete just living in comfort baby sounds good like you do each for this future my
01:24:27| daddy's pound patties a quick shout-out to the Omni consumer products OCP from Robocop is my favorite bad company I love those guys they put put Craddock spring into a killing machine
01:24:43| that big yeah that's so awesome and they were like we're putting someone's brain in there and they picked the crack addict oh he went through users coming everyone genius so that's roars evil
01:25:01| corporations or as I like to say in parentheses not so great rollers fantastic I think we covered quite a variety right there we did we summed up pretty nice had a word of the day I'll
01:25:16| share it with it oh and dick ulation penned English perpendiculars and and and the universal type of dick ulation nope you know in the morning when you get up out of bed and you stretch and
01:25:33| you all at the same time yeah nope and Inc ulation it's your body like waking up and stuff it's pretty cool that your muscles and you're gone and all that stuff is tied together India chelation
01:25:46| and check it out folks and dick you late all morning long okay my word is uh like that we're panda chelation do you would why word is striated striated isn't that what rocks become when they
01:26:01| have different levels of sediment yeah yeah they call that it is the same thing for muscle like muscle is like different fibers I like it because they don't really know how muscle works know how
01:26:11| strong you can be you know they have these different things that I kind of interlock and whatever whenever they haven't the diagram it's like you just had these things that kind of like use
01:26:22| I'm attic for kind of do their thing but like strength of the muscle fibers like they're just like uh it's 107 you know it's really sure the good part if there's proof out there I invite all the
01:26:35| trolls just to comment like crazy just blow us up with comments I forgot I did want to get something off my chest real quick it involves my friend build in did he do
01:26:49| I mean he didn't even do anything recently I just was talking on the other day I was having a conversation in this Authority ism so I've been wanting to get it off my
01:26:58| chest it's a little weird in fifth grade he used to save all his Lunchables he always got the union of the ham and cheese one yeah they last through like two three
01:27:08| years good that's I'm glad just said that he would always save like two cheeses three hams three hands two cheeses whatever like I noticed it was just weird because everyone always eat
01:27:19| their lunch of all weird meat but like at the noon I always say that putting his backpack well that was weird nothing of it and he lived near me we walk home underlined so
01:27:30| look it off out there walking out winery line walked by his house but one day his parents weren't on just his older brother John so he said yeah I'll come and she's okay
01:27:42| so he go into lands house nearly push his dogs to hide my mom and I are only got chicken satay cheese and sound okay okay when to his basement but I didn't I really thought we're gonna see like some
01:27:55| daddy pornography is stack of Playboy's or something like I can tell something in the air sexual found a we go down there and he had his curtain they pulled it back behind his little wood board
01:28:07| move it to the side and get excited okay I'm feeling weird if he's like you promised not to tell it's been like 20 years I can tell whoever the hell I want till then yo dudes up and he had a a
01:28:21| meat and cheese sculpture this isn't funny of Willem Dafoe oh man do nice things yeah this is the sick part he means genitals look just the meat
01:28:35| and he made the big fucking baloney the only reason I knew it was along the post is he wrote Willem Dafoe something that meat and cheese it wasn't that beautiful and I don't know what he
01:28:47| wanted to do it he was looking at me like like just waiting for me to react like he was looking at me like this is I got it something else is gonna get it I was like dude what cuz we're in fifth
01:28:58| graders like this is gross and he got real upset and flustered and told me forget about it he locked it up and close it up I forgot all about it about six months later he's dogs snoops
01:29:11| licorice were down in the basement they must have bumped the wood thing aside they ate most of the thing they the dick and everything and they threw up all over the floor his parents came down and
01:29:23| found it and they they were really upset like it was a big thing he was punished for like six months I still don't know I did it I still love the way he got out of it
01:29:32| well why the general but every time I smell Lunchables meat they get the lands basement Dafoe I don't know just wanted to get it off my chest I hope he found help him we're Lunchables pathologist
01:29:53| his dog and yeah it was like eight lunches for justice Willem Dafoe's I mean dedication though when it's these parts of shout out for that I guess anyway we got one click on the website
01:30:15| someone commented in the user section that's all right this one well I mean it's not a bot I'm pretty sure it's force underscore X beaver underscore force X click my page to find the only
01:30:28| way to get e up in them guts and you will fully be in for a surprise that was pretty clever and it's good I didn't click the page but it's probably good I'm clicking later tonight yeah maybe in
01:30:46| well folks wraps it up for tonight I guess you gotta check our socials right yeah we got socials up here on panders calm and some Twitter feeds and some Facebook's
01:30:59| and some my spaces mm-hmm instagrams mm-hmm tumblers mm-hmm snapchats uh-huh and our website which already mentioned yeah I think I did get them all check it here
01:31:15| folks check it here folks just make sure you're checking it with us here at daddy pound didn't it um I'm panderers calm nosey

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