The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP032 Entertainment Video Games Schools

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP032 Entertainment Video Games Schools

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 32 - Entertainment Video Games Schools
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00:00:00| Nik folks and where the on in verse does folks we we mean what we say when it's factual when it's not factual we don't really mean it at all it would be all right and blessed be that we
00:00:21| didn't say yeah we're never going to call anybody out directly unless they already know it's coming and if a name actually applies to a pronated real life it's a joke this is a fictitious podcast
00:00:31| nothing like this really happened it sure there's other warnings and stuff but they're below or above or Alvin 21 over 20 long 21 yeah because we recovered everything episode over thanks
00:00:46| for watching uh catch you next time we also we see dirty words ooh like cock penis balls dick all those cut them all out really I have to say on that note we've been deemed demonized
00:01:07| I mean demonetized both of them probably even demonize yeah so none of like a moment I post a video it says I can't make any money on it I stress I as in we I feel personally attacked hmm we I
00:01:27| don't know how their alga the other dammit I didn't do my tongue twister their algorithm algorithm works if I can't do it but I don't know if it's an actual person that goes in and like
00:01:38| listen to and use like yeah no I don't think these guys are they're not gonna be what floor looking wrong or right in fact if you want I'll prove them right keep watching and saying nope they're
00:01:52| right yeah and uh so to follow up there's a precursor talked to or where I wanted to bring up so being D monetize means that we pretty much need to move away from
00:02:04| this platform it's just a means of storing the video so we're gonna eventually have our own podcast that is just audio that would be interesting yeah
00:02:15| especially as we get older and uglier Wow HN use the what's the tipping I'm freaking out so I don't know if that's called puberty or what but you know yeah I have a second child coming so as soon
00:02:26| as that how the bags under the eyes will be coming in there yeah I'll probably have to get a haircut look like I joined the military it will make sense no that's you're a pretty lucky you're here
00:02:37| your earring history so the beginning of part of the end of the beginning commander yeah we're starting up right here guys you you're seeing us in the pre pre phase right now and if you are
00:02:52| you're kind of lucky it's like you're seeing a dinosaur birth into a regular bird it's a growing feathers as you watch comes out huh I can only plumage coming out of us mm-hmm are those all
00:03:10| fuzzy feathers what they have yep look ego that can hear I'm running I heard a little light pitter-patter he directly above you my coworker he thinks he plays joke tell people hmm he's still being
00:03:26| played oh we get it oh yeah till they you do that you know we've away from the gorgeous supermodel porn star girlfriend coming back from Africa back to the United States the data she's needs some
00:03:42| more money yeah Napoleon Dynamite special hunt there luckily it's really a real but he really got a friend of his one time were a fellow coworker back in the day he said what do I hear and then
00:04:02| he says I'll tell your girlfriend the Pantera feet and I was like I answered what would you do now and he says haha I really got him I told them he'll hear Pantera ng feet and I
00:04:15| was like I don't know what you how did you get him would use as a joke and he goes you know they're gonna have a baby panner feet and i said the pitter-patter of little
00:04:27| he said that's it I got him real good it's not an turn did milk powder there's no joke there got anything emit he's the only person in the world who makes me many oh my god
00:04:44| yeah he says that he's always getting I'm always like got me does he ever say he thinks he gets me does he ever say that you got me though does he ever like admit that no no he won't admit him one
00:04:59| day when he's home like he gets the wrong item and I'm like you've been working here for a year dude it's this is a 46 super it's over here he goes that's right I I was right next to it
00:05:10| though I almost got it and I'm like thank it but he's still trying to get credit and I'm like you were wrong he's like but then I got it the second time and he's like smiling and I'm like yep
00:05:20| he's a mentally slow narcissist like you know his issues and I'm like I hate his guts Zoi Tonya you told you Nick he is always telling me and I'm like
00:05:42| what are these like a Rollo Tomassi wait what's that Oh what if he's it's a long time yeah exactly really woman's like he's like people people have no idea he peels the
00:05:58| skin away and he's Tom Brady you're like oh no how did you play in the Super Bowl and how did you do that Wow he's like I just got it he walks off into the sunset with two supermodels from Africa one of
00:06:15| the neat aren't covered in oil and them sliding all over the place mmm-hmm no whatever Michael who's a sleepover have to get into any further inter patter of little feet or whatever Ranger answer
00:06:28| pea nari feet ha have any Corrections or clarifications from last time I don't know yeah I said I used swab I hurt my hair purpose or no / I'm making this up actually you swab he still make
00:06:50| a correct digit when I was like a five year old but I chose her plus was a pretty big ticket item back then solid purchase yeah I think I think it's what the family used and I think we had one
00:07:11| bottle else supported out of it was that how did that work growing up in your house is it uh which part of it like shampoos and soups I feel like they've come a long way that has twenty
00:07:26| to forty years I will say this that look did everyone used one back in the day because I can't remember a hundred percent but I feel like maybe there was like a mommy soap a daddy soup and then
00:07:38| like everyone shampoo and then a conditioner that no one else uses but maybe like the women I think so there's uh four plus and selsun blue oh that was for yeah and then when I was like 12 or
00:07:55| started using that shoulders a good one and that one stuck and the the revelation in my mind was when my wife brought her conditioner and it's like a special conditioner called like hawa
00:08:09| buoy or something like that sure it's all fancy of hair weird care tank primer in its yeah and like side by side you had liked resume conditioner versus this stuff and liked resume felt like you
00:08:22| could feel like the greediness on your hand after touching the Holly one and olive oil and it's like you feel like a malleable moment you put it in your hair you can't get it off you
00:08:31| they're like listeners yeah did yeah that's one my hair came down to here oh I can feel it you really know what's good we very hair out you notice things differently I will say that yeah you
00:08:45| have to like push the hair out of your eyes first before you can see them the amount of time it takes to dry a lot of things that go do it and some concerns like if you don't set it
00:08:55| up right on the drive to work then you you're gonna have like a wet mess yeah through bosses are male audience there unless they have flung hair while the women were tuned in oh yeah they're
00:09:08| focused right on who didn't since we dropped that women episode trim we pro women as this was clearly obvious sorry I love women oh yeah we do hmm so well kind like a little uh we see smirk or
00:09:26| smile maybe nope I have a minor one I sort of watch it um it's like Indian War epic movie called baahubali have you heard of that one no it's literally like this is it Bollywood yeah
00:09:45| okay everyone yeah it's huge and it's actually has decent CGI it's like comical CGI but has CGI or it's not the only the guy with all the guns this guy is like a medieval warrior and is like
00:10:01| family line is like a mixture of like super strong God types that are like inheriting the earth while being like moral and all sorts of stuff and kinda good kindly godlike folk yeah yeah
00:10:14| god-like folk yeah yes yeah and then it has all sorts of comic battles were like it's it's like comically done but the actors are serious about it and my wife pointed out and I think she nailed it
00:10:28| perfectly she said it's like home alone like he sets up all the traps and like they're like comically placed but you like you like that they're happening so you're just enjoying watching them it's
00:10:38| it's entertainment very good at aiming and it's a continuous continuous entertainment and it's massive sets and lots of people so it's like your eyes are constantly like trying to figure out
00:10:48| like listen sometimes the plot does get in the way well think of it if you're not gonna have an a-plus plot and like really good writing and all that like what if it was just C plus B minus
00:10:57| material and then you're trying to make it action movies all that look if you just cut out the B - because I don't care if it's okay plot or whatever it could be crappy plot
00:11:07| could be just whatever plot if she was a movie then he'd spin all the extra money focusing on the intent of the movie and go for it yeah Plus this baahubali movie it was
00:11:17| all in Hindi so I like I couldn't really follow a lot of titles anyway or no yes subtitles so I wasn't really like reading them but like you could tell exactly what's happening just based on
00:11:25| yeah the situation sure it's a love story so it won't be trades alone yeah sounds my smile fight is actually good and it was recommended by a one of my office and like I read it I think read
00:11:38| it was like check out this movie and I'm like okay hole is your thing I'll do what you say I take that out do you ever watch on other movies that are like other languages and all that like farm
00:11:49| film cod no like ever do Kung Fu Hustle I may be a long time ago that's really old right yeah like yeah 2030 yeah she has a one inch I would say uh-huh I had two there there are some movies
00:12:08| that are like the top tier movies from other countries like go for it like check it out did you run mobile run yeah I did actually that's also very good it's dated at this
00:12:19| point is probably 2001 it yeah the ones I don't really like her that I give you old timey movies all the time he's different because I was just talking to someone about this the other day they're
00:12:31| shot so different like the scenes are like four minutes long before they change cameras it camera cuts like you know any mean now it's like I need a camera cut every eight seconds or else
00:12:41| I'm like what the hell is going somebody fall asleep here and I need like whooshing sound effects in like and like I attached a diamond later before you start the movie yeah I need my
00:12:54| adrenaline pumping during every scene even like the boring see someone's pouring a cup of coffee but it's like right into camera it's like Shh I think if I spray yeah it's gonna be like
00:13:05| beautiful and artistic and thought-provoking all at once every shot in every scene it's got every emotion going there like brain everything whereas like an old movie they're like
00:13:18| well just we're moving the pot along have Humphrey are talking to the camera for a few minutes like it any mean what an amazing actor people are like me I'm like come
00:13:27| on we need someone to die I need something crazy to happen I want I want a camera on a crane lowered at zoom in on his face it's just difficult yeah and you know there's no CGI and
00:13:42| there's nothing they can do to make it really dramatic right well it's almost like telling someone in who's 7 years old now to play a game from like 1999 to graphics and you're gonna love Mario
00:13:57| Brothers to like they're exactly sit there and play it I mean I think the game holds up for us but for them you literally take away all the graphics all the directional freedom all the cool
00:14:11| controls all the design aspects and you're like just check it out hear me out of super Mario's who's probably like 92 okay no no no no no but basically the world when I come out 96
00:14:25| what wait 64 and 64 came out weird I was thinking about the first game that did Super Mario and n64 right was because I'm watching it in a misdirection blockbuster you run around in the living
00:14:45| room good times that was groundbreaking and it was actually well done - you're just doing your pose it was adjusting my glass but I wonder if stuff was more well done
00:14:58| because there were fewer options if there weren't 40 games being developed back then there's probably 12 yeah in that time I think it was back then that wasn't sure of gaming consoles would
00:15:11| survive so it was like make-or-break for these guys right it's fewer products at higher quality nowadays it's like each any one person who's good at a game has a team of people and they're making a
00:15:25| game for Activision or so and so or this company and there's like 18 companies and they all just try and poach people and make a game real quick that's flashy and all
00:15:34| yeah get your Call of Duty's routine in the bundle for 832 dollars right is that with it hold on tell a tell the audience what you saw so there's yeah the steam bundle for call duty has everything that
00:15:48| ever existed for call duty and there my phone duty game yeah every single one every downloadable content at four five black ops black ops to infinity or something I would do the affinity Wars
00:16:00| infinity this and call duty every downloadable content for every game yours for a super low price if you buy now three hundred and thirty two dollars ten percent discount losing money - yeah
00:16:20| believe the games hold there's no way it holds its price like that I can't not e the worst one no the first one so it's got to be free by now you think so what do you think your price point is for
00:16:30| someone to sell those games to you cheap in mind you're not getting physical copy so you have to either download this so you need the hard drive space for these games a terabyte of space right for
00:16:42| games that you may or may not play like my actual enjoyment value for those games in that series and that everything and how much I'd really isn't he the same game over and over again almost so
00:16:54| wait so do you know my number is 80 bucks 60 bucks somewhere in there I buy all of them for that much that's like Oh in that that's pushy it's like hacking game system so I could
00:17:06| Dreamcast you could load it with every game Dreamcast ever had and like people would pay yeah people would pay like 100 bucks for it and they just like and play different games go for it that's almost
00:17:17| like you spin a dial and just like randomize that'd be impossible Dreamcast had it built into this system I guess it was easy to hack but a be but still I'm very confused oh so then you would um
00:17:28| you could download files no download by its own big smile yeah hit the internet cuz that is the beginning of the internet right yeah you could do a Playstation one right I don't
00:17:39| even in fact games I think so there was a way I mean I knew of people who did it in fact I think I actually broke college yeah I know that but I think my roommate had a
00:17:53| jailbroke PlayStation on or something it was old as crap at the time so I don't think we played it but he had only Zoe laughing they were popular Mike takes him like two or three years to
00:18:04| break it at least right the time of bliss was also lasted longer back well I don't know well like the retail availability of n64 is 96 to 2003 so like that's heaven is
00:18:18| real I'm especially on hold on do you think it was viable in 2003 though or do you think the last three years it was shadowed by a Playstation and um to the X well what came after 64
00:18:31| it's a PlayStation Xbox cube gave you that degree like who is the next one I think I picked up the Gamecube in right right before we turn off which Nintendo products did you buy I think I'm systems
00:18:44| system system so I got did you get away I got a Wii yeah you know where the I actually went through a friend's mom who picked it up like Christmas Eve or something and I paid like for her
00:18:59| dollars for it yeah well I guess revolutionary at the time right right but then it I don't know I faith like it was good for a year because everyone
00:19:08| wanted to play and figure out how the motion sensors house and motion sensors play the play the sports game only the sports game on a bowl let's bowl did anything ever get better than sports
00:19:18| games that opinion really not that's a damn shame they didn't take advantage of anything there's too much time involved in actually figuring out how stuff works so
00:19:28| the developers just kind of like okay let's use the stock sword swing or a right right the sword swing that whatever swing yeah but that was the last one I bought but I probably bought
00:19:40| every system before before that I Steve look cube and 64 and super and freighter a night a game Game Boy lieutenant game is an attendee and then I had the DS you got the DF huh huh I was in that was my
00:19:57| first co-op in Florida when I was like a freshman or sophomore in college I had nothing to do and I didn't want to like by system to hook it up to the person's TV because I live in
00:20:06| like with a bunch of people so I just bought my own handheld thing and I was doing my own thing independence that in my acoustic guitar it's the one that's back there and yes on those back there
00:20:19| some things last huh yeah well my D s is over there somewhere that's a sad thing with the gaming systems is that they have uh if you keep them around because you spend so much money on them but they
00:20:33| die okay the last time I turn on the Wii I was just to make sure that it still ran and that was like three years ago everything I hardly know I argued this with everyone someone's like oh the best
00:20:44| is if you want nowadays here I'll put it this way this is a big argument I am I don't have because I don't argue with people online but I see it all the time the new thing about buying video games
00:20:54| even happens with my friends who grew up it in our age bracket I think it happens with you you son of a gun it's someone goes is this game where it's $60 and they say it about a lot of
00:21:06| games with the mouse and don't get me wrong I don't know what were Sega games kept at 40 bucks I think there's only $40 yeah right PlayStation games for like 40 to 50 they
00:21:18| were 40 as well yeah I think the schemes that made like 50 or 60 were probably Xbox games yeah I feel like Halo could have been 40 or 50 R not only was 60 was it they've always been from 40 to 60 in
00:21:33| might I'm ever I in your lifetime and you sometimes you buy game you don't know how it's gonna be you love it for a day or a week and it's over I mean sometimes you play it for
00:21:42| four years I don't know my thing is the night of heavy drinking at like a place it's those expensive beers people wants six expensive beers at a place which I guess I don't do anymore either you
00:21:57| spent like six bucks a pop like you know a nice brew or a nice meal a couple beers that's all right but you can literally played with the whole video game and that that meal disappears next
00:22:10| time you you shit if you don't literally if I go down the toilet literally whereas whereas I see people argue all the time really oh this game was really cool I like the
00:22:24| graphic design multiplayer was really cool but I feel like the DLC won't live up to the $60 hype that everyone's making it out to be and like I read some of this stuff and I'm like people turned
00:22:34| into elitist assholes oh yeah definitely and and I get it there is a price point it makes sense I'm not even arguing with whether they're right or not it's just like I
00:22:45| look and someone's like I refuse to spend $60 on it when I know in nineteen months it'll be down to twenty two dollars and that in the stale and on sale and I'm like again they're right it
00:22:58| probably will so is the argument of like entertainment dollar per hour if you play get out ten hours six dollars an hour's not I'm surd yeah and that's a shame game like that you right yeah
00:23:12| right he's like thirty to forty hours on the game what is that per hour it's like two dollars an hour bunch of awesome right and so I mean it's not that bad especially compared to
00:23:23| again the nice dinner where you're tricking you get out I don't know it's just it's just weird that and it happens in video games a lot because like the new thing not new but because everyone's
00:23:35| connected to the Internet at all times it's I'm thinking you getting it but I want to really see the reviews you're trying to yeah fill the water house how warm is this
00:23:44| they always put their toe in the water and be like man right right and then yeah I'm gonna hold off on this one I'm looking at these games they're coming out a few months I think they're gonna
00:23:52| really good reviews and ironically I'm not actually talking about you yeah this is not available there again alright no there's you dabble in this sometimes on the cheap value of things yeah but
00:24:06| that's more your value that's morbid you also time released the right one game I can really play loosely over the course of a month or two I understand we both want no minutes guy that was great yeah
00:24:19| I did play the shit out of that game I did have you played it recently no I don't imagine it could have gotten better it got a lot better really now better
00:24:31| doesn't mean it's great they did a lot to it to change it and make it actually affects you if it came out like it did now I would have played it more hmm like it's it's almost too late now no I don't
00:24:45| feel like dedicating time to it yeah well I did a lot to get to like the max level I think it is yeah the best ship yeah but it was like this Center really I got to I don't know if I got to the
00:24:56| center of the universe but I want to like most of the those floating castle things you know I'm talking a pyramid yeah I think that was almost the pinnacle of the game and yet the most
00:25:06| disappointing part of the game cuz it the visual is amazing yeah I think it was procedural generated like the whole point of it was how diverse it was and crazy weird and random that was so that
00:25:18| there's no progression the progression is to lift this implying thing in the whole game yeah you could go to one island that's number one island one one planet that's right there and the next
00:25:30| ion it's completely different but you could tell that it's like one of like three completely different visions the time you see the fourth planet yeah and not a scene at all after you figure out
00:25:43| what you've seen what you have it the problem is so I want to make a video game and part of the planning is that like everything has an effect so it's like a watershed so there's like a
00:25:53| watershed of food shed everything that you do has an effect but in that game nothing you did ever had an effect you could leave and come back at the same spot and it would be exactly as you
00:26:01| found it so like their head there's no no water there's no like streams there's no gathering of animals by streams there's no real population anywhere there's nobody traveled yes in their
00:26:13| defense and lives each it would be hard to keep track of all the streams animal populations and habitats yeah but that's not on us the view of the game player
00:26:28| yeah on then making a trillion planets yeah they could have had just maybe like a thousand planets and that project it was suffice it probably would have been they could have diversified and gotten
00:26:38| deeper that's the why is an ocean deep is puddle right exactly they went is why is maybe humanly possible in a game yeah and that's the the SIA thieves that's
00:26:50| what people are saying but I would like to say the CDs a little better in places because that one's based on fun yeah there's something inherently interesting and relaxing about it that makes me
00:27:04| think about it what I'm not trying to think about anything it just makes its way in there the crack you seen the crackin I saw the tentacle coming over the ship
00:27:11| that's pretty cool oh you whatever again it could be the corniest thing in the world that's why they only show you one second of it it could be could be the UH it's like a co
00:27:23| like open space or something on it but I I do believe that the the past there's an xbox pass that covers a PC from ten dollars and you get a free trial to two week free chop prom I'm gonna jump on
00:27:38| that to use it on see if these if I can make sense so I'm gonna get into that I'm gonna deep into that because it's not worth I don't think it's worth $60 right now but I think they one of the
00:27:50| things they don't write is the base game it doesn't write like it feels good it looks good okay it's got any elements there that make it possible that it could be much better game right okay I
00:28:03| can see that it could it has the very possibility of turning into something pretty awesome it has the essence Yeah right right right stops in place will sit yeah a little deep stance here join
00:28:17| our swashbuckling crew here I wish you gotta have a fleet you get a fleet of ships are taking another fleet of ships I saw I saw three ships sailing harmoniously in the YouTube video I
00:28:33| don't believe that they I mean the clip was 18 seconds long so it might your time together right right right well but they didn't right away so the point is they wait at least 20 seconds so someone
00:28:45| broke ranks that's the fun you can imagine the whole situation you just say one sentence and it's here right there and you understand exactly what's going on now if you're
00:28:56| all did solo jobs and could join the same server you can do it I guess yeah you could I guess there's no way to guarantee you're in the same server yeah I bet they randomized it so you never
00:29:07| together why not I don't see why they eat for you guys to be together I wonder if you could I saw a video of someone had someone got 700 chickens on the other ship it was 700 now they're in
00:29:22| cages but like it's just a carriage the whole hilarious wow that's gonna wait glitchy they keep going if they sunk the ship they would have lost everything so they were
00:29:35| avoiding people and just piling chickens on I want to find that you have an attack it that's what well so they showed what happens when it sinks when it sinks all the cages with their
00:29:46| chickens sink and then when the when the ship is gone they slowly float back to the surface in the same shape of the ship but it was like mere glitching the game because there was so many so many
00:29:58| items in one spot like doing the thing was free from the open anyway yeah the basis of what I was saying is that many people now are so driven by I will set capitalism and Brigitte and the IGN
00:30:14| effect what's the idea of the ratings oh yeah I think you someone can play a game that's like I am I am lady affectingly right you like it you like it and then you read the IGN review it was like
00:30:25| pretty corny pretty shallow 4.2 out of and then you liked it you're like yeah it was good you're right I think that's a thing I'll say I watched have you seen Black Panther no I didn't
00:30:43| say it's getting good reviews yes and the cultural aspect is really interesting and I like the colors and the visuals the plot is the same standard plot that they applied it like
00:30:53| almost every Marvel movie right I imagined that I didn't actually think it was groundbreaking yeah yeah no they're just there you know hailing the unique all-black
00:31:03| cast which that's that's fine it's a new lens yeah it's a different way to look at things and it's enjoyable to watch and I like the you know what one of the better done Marvel movies I'd
00:31:12| say it's about average somewhere in the middle they're all good I don't think they're bad I was a kind of America Marvel favorite one yet the matter was I enjoyed everyone says it's
00:31:24| garden got yeah I like that one too everyone talked about a former that's pregnant or regular Ragnarok yeah have you seen Alan no Ivan side now don't see me you should see that one because it's
00:31:37| its comedic visual and all parts always comedic yeah we'll give you a shot it's this yeah there's some there's multiple parts for a you know it's good comedy solid comedy not trying to plug it I
00:31:50| just enjoyed it I shot I rewatched it probably like two times just casually just like you know I'll just put it on cuz I look over I laugh a little bit and chuckle alright I'm done with that but
00:32:02| some of these things hit dpor and straight to HBO and all that's when I usually get around to it huh Redbox you're on red box near you you do isn't it cost money and dollar weight is a
00:32:15| dollar of loot dollar fifty I think for DVD LD f7 membership yeah really yeah you never used a red box that once they wanted my submerge it you never know one stopped and click there I don't even
00:32:30| know I've never used it I thought yeah I don't like a membership or something I thought was like red to to go very great just a machine that has a hold on excuse me man that's a red box I know you get
00:32:59| the hello the way isn't busy rocking that red box there's an old man like pulling off of the next one he's like this one's the best demonized we are oh boy that'd be great
00:33:14| no I think there's actually exist there have you ever gone to a porn store and then gone to the theater like basil and a meat eater they always about them I've never been to the
00:33:25| theater part do they all happen no no all have them but the ones uh I can rochester had one and like you get like the moment you it's just like this like not a stench but it's like a humidity
00:33:37| though that's gotta be a stain it's got I mean that stuff whatever they spray in there kills the stench and changes it into something else but like no you know not to sit down don't put your hands on
00:33:48| anything you're not gonna see any further it now you stand there pursued attendant so hold on legally are you allowed to pound all if no one sees you if a tree falls on the woods I don't
00:34:04| think what what are they officially for in this so like the new moms can breastfeed in public right as long as you have a sheet on top of sure okay if you had a sheet over you you could do
00:34:21| whatever you wanted in there right and hence my private areas I think one's different cuz one helps another human being live and the other details fill in the billions of future candidates and
00:34:36| it's a political issue it could be it they're actually a very much probably is kind of the only thing about it no no at like the porn so I really want to go over this so the back room is for what
00:34:51| in their official statement creepers then you know in their official state was previewing movies that you're wanting to rent or buy which I think I bless them rent I think it's more than
00:35:03| pie okay so they're saying before you buy it check it out back here in this room where it's says I really just Lexie glass everything's a plexiglass and like
00:35:16| now it's a routine I would like maybe like ten seats in it and like pretends to a movie theater theater oh that pretends to be a theater so who plays the movie I didn't get that far
00:35:28| into it I just there's a movie planes identify questions I hope we can take a trip back to that one if it still exists we can figure out how the buttons on the VCR work and then go to town Rochester
00:35:45| so you see you see you go in there yeah are people just pounding away loudly there's always one person in the corner over the front that you don't wanna there's a player a plane that you don't
00:35:58| want to cross cuz you don't want to see what's going on seats really high like he could be I don't know I can see his head yeah you can see his head he looks like he's looking at the screen that's
00:36:08| all you know yeah he's always laughing I don't want to you don't want to go too far because you'll see everything else yes yes which could be nothing could be everything gotcha gotcha okay yeah no
00:36:20| wood if I really will enough did their receptacles near here or is he is everyone going to town and just so a trash can at the end I don't know I watched this one Vice episode of so
00:36:34| these two women that were reporters quote unquote they they became strippers at this truck driver stop in the middle of nowhere so her yeah but in that instance I can understand that the
00:36:49| truckers are like lonely they're alone all the time and they just want some Mannion ship not necessarily a stripper just a female sure enjoyment of some kind so like I could see a place like
00:37:02| this theater working in a place like that where they don't have anywhere to go it's out in the open it's like there's miles and miles of land
00:37:11| this is Nowheresville only you people coming through make sense to me hmm basic human needs mm-hmm shelter food water back wagon I cannot go one two three four as we call really sets what
00:37:30| we called the Boy Scouts hmm jazz my boy scouts were you in the Boy Scouts no I never did I did I did how dozen are you an altar boy too I did not do the altar boy thing did you I didn't do anything
00:37:46| okay we're even public school the first early years now I went to eight years of Catholic school really so this our lady ransom God look it up folks
00:37:59| ah perfect transition this brings me to my one so last episode you said like do you make any posts on reddit do you talk about ready at all like what do you what do you say and so I was like I changed
00:38:11| my feed to look at every like every the top stories of every hour so I got like fresh stuff all the time so one of the right one of the stories was uh that Sweden had was trying to pass a bill or
00:38:22| going to attack they already closed homeschooling down so they don't have homeschooling in Sweden and now allow to you're not allowed at home selectivity it's illegal kind of weird and it's
00:38:34| weird the next week look at the next thing is they're trying to close down religious schools so surely public schools so they want everyone to go to the same schools yeah
00:38:46| so I started posting like crazy on this one thread and I was at it what kind of in Sweden thread or like a it was all that's a world like to read so okay so everyone look okay and
00:38:59| there's people you know you never people from all the world so I was saying like if you're if you're taking away the religious schools like you're you're making sure that they don't get an
00:39:10| ideology of that religion but there's an ideology of the state and the school that you're going to be forced to be into so there's gonna be right there's you're literally not given options yeah
00:39:22| even one option the state's options whoever they chooses the curriculums they tune yeah so people were jumping all over me they're saying like you know the state will provide it'll it'll it'll
00:39:34| give them everything they need and like people are being like really socialist and dependent about it mmm well I will stick up for you but before I do I want to say two things against what you're
00:39:46| saying huh one is that I was very super Catholic super Christian super or whatever I went to a Christian Brothers high school actually and I pretty much left it most
00:40:01| of the TV laughs that'll this is ridiculous I love Satan but I formed my own opinions I had you know their bearing didn't really like say well you shouldn't believe in God and I
00:40:14| was like right I better just do that not think of anything else like no matter what someone taught me I could think for myself I yeah I feel that too I feel like there's certain Peter level Angie
00:40:25| we think those are geniuses anyway um I will say that maybe you can argue it down to Jesus whatever the other thing is I guess having a universal curriculum in a state is a good thing in that now
00:40:51| our base low levels there are base things that have to be covered because I think if you claim you know overly just evangelical whatever school and we don't believe in trigonometry we don't believe
00:41:03| in evolution we don't believe it like they named like seven things you're like Jesus Christ these kids aren't gonna know half of what the other kids in the post war go down like there should be a
00:41:12| bare minimum and maybe the public school would have that bare minimum because a lot of them say to that I'm not learning that's how much for how high the public school goes or if these people are
00:41:23| trying to make to college or what correct at some point you have some sort of standardized testing I would assume that proves that you know what you're supposed to know at that level but well
00:41:34| we're not going to get into who makes dinner I said yeah cuz a whole load of crap to another one yeah my cousin I'm gonna research that so I can rip them up yeah but I pretty much had that same
00:41:48| thoughts that I mean I had the same background as you and I don't think that I could understand that they allow you to think freely and maybe people do people don't it really pushed me away
00:42:01| from religion in a way so I'm look like it doesn't like it doesn't make me feel like I should be a certain way and I could see that for other religions being more forceful I gotta say which one's
00:42:13| not any of the militant ones that like to use explosives but you know I could understand homeschooling because that keeps you around the same people all the time but
00:42:24| if it's like a private school that requires you to have a minimum number of students or a curriculum that matches a certain standardized test like you're gonna have to teach some things that may
00:42:35| allow you to move away from religion true so these are all through things now maybe the job of school isn't though religion shouldn't be for or against religion should teach all religions like
00:42:53| the world religions class we had sure I don't disagree with that so then what's the problem with defunding religious schools that's a school based on religion so it makes it more expensive I
00:43:06| think they're actually on top of defunding them they're gonna ban them as well what the plan was which is weird because yeah in the United States there's inner-city public schools which
00:43:17| I think I would never go to because the like I wouldn't want my son to go to the inner city really go you're also you're over 30 yeah luckily you might not be able to a slow this most yeah I'll just
00:43:30| think of my GED and do it again but but do you need the other option like if you kill the other option then you're forcing everyone to be in the same bucket which yes there were people
00:43:43| defending saying like the public schools will provide like they they had faith in the public system more so than like people there's also the argument though that without the Catholic school there
00:43:54| to take away some of the wealthier or smarter or like you know you mean if you say a Catholic school kid is more well behaved or a smarter or you want them to go to a better school our school was
00:44:11| ranked for like our grade point average was a four but people added a 1 that's what this the I don't know if that's entirely true but like if you had a three point out it was like you got a
00:44:20| perfect score and a public school and from what I heard that make sense I can understand that because it was it was kind of hard and there I think ours were shifted like like the
00:44:31| radical method was like what 92 to 100 was like an a right yeah it was 92 so I think in public school 1 I think it's like 90 to 100 a it is there's 10 points per public yeah so they go down to 60
00:44:46| where we went out okay what I'm getting at is that all the kids that went to these Catholic schools and higher education grade schools were forced to go to public schools it would also
00:44:58| increase the quality of public school women I don't know because the independent school private school those people are already still paying taxes they're just not utilizing the taxes you
00:45:08| know but I'm saying if they banned them let's say they banned them so now all these kids end up in public school didn't you just create an influx of pretty smart kids to public school so
00:45:19| the points in the public school go up because you you move I'm just saying and those kids aren't in their own schools by themselves right they didn't bring them public schools down did it I don't
00:45:33| know they definitely I don't think they will it's just that you now have to spend the public dollar farther to spread it you do but you're also saving private
00:45:43| dollars I'm again I'm not area for I'm just saying this would be the argument in the other direction yeah there were ample that yeah we're adamant that had to be a certain way or
00:45:54| that it was never wrong or and I was really priced and like you had people that like we're rallying to the cause and like backing me up and then like slowly but like one by one they're like
00:46:05| of a one comment that I'm like yeah and then the next comment I'm just like what the hell are you saying why like why do you think that's the way it is and I just I don't know people on
00:46:15| the whole don't make very much sense or they believe too much in the system or like did you go up against the gang mentality and were other people getting more likes up votes they were yeah see
00:46:27| that's a weird feeling where did it feel like we're like no you guys yeah I was like I said I want to pull up what I said because I said something about you know you're removing one option so that
00:46:38| you can enforce an ideology and like people read ideology as like a religious ideology but it's like there's another idea that says you become one with the state
00:46:47| and one with your government right at state has to have its own ideology oh I understand yeah people I don't think people read it Fred read it right into that far enough to realize what I was
00:46:58| reading well people definitely didn't read it and they just skimmed it and said boom you suck what softening people about red today actually what reddit posts you
00:47:13| subscribed to many multiple do you lurk most of the time I'm saying the base yeah whenever I when I'm gonna take a dump I always flip open Reddit and I read all
00:47:21| the stories and then like I think of one that I might respond to and I think about what I would say and then I gave it like 30 seconds of thought and decide whether or not I'm gonna do it so you're
00:47:33| uh what's add a comment and then after the land argument you go into it I added yeah after the last one I posted probably like maybe half a dozen times Rayo that throws off the average you
00:47:46| were in yeah you were engaging an argument I understand it but usually you lurk and then if you see something really like I can say I guess it I hate that sometimes there's jokes out there
00:47:57| that you really want to nail and you're about to tell me my like it's a second and it's like damn it will read it's famous for their puns uh-huh I'm getting uploaded and then this and there's a pun
00:48:08| after the pilot is usually there's a joke about the pond it's like yeah it's like what what's the breakdown is that they continue the thread of puns and then they they have like a meme or they
00:48:20| do it like a meta and yeah yeah yeah what else is there there's the the classic ready to rue or something or they swish around oh it's which wording around yeah yeah
00:48:31| okay to read get the joke yeah there's very uh there's a joke format if there's a precedence and it's real funny that the uploads follow that format they do like how home will get the most and then
00:48:45| like it'll be like a thousand thirty like or up boats and then it's like 870 for the next one and then it's like around 600 even for the next month and then you drop to like 310 negative and
00:48:56| then there's like four in a row they were like negative 20 64 I think my is my highest rated comment was uh like Parks and Rec they have that one character those Gary
00:49:11| or Jerry or gergich you know that guy no no that maybe I didn't say I only sold most of it oh well yeah every season they give him a new name because they forget his name if ever there's a post
00:49:26| about him and someone says what his name is you always say classical and then classic Jerry and then classic whatever his name was they they go for like six
00:49:36| versions of his different name but what kind of number you get oh I think that was in like this car like almost a hundred uploads I'll take it yeah yeah I know you it was only the only the one
00:49:49| comment comment like 5 pounds oh he's got one slam dunk for some reason yeah and then yeah oh yeah I want to surpass that but you have to get on the way if when it starts oh you have to get lucky
00:50:03| it's all yes timing luck and placement yeah it and BOTS you have lots of boxes and can drop the same comment there's tend to be nothing like the uh I
00:50:16| don't had one as she said and then right after that can be like a that's what he said and then like after that can be like that's what and then if the stories about a dog the dog said like you know
00:50:25| there's there's a there's an order all those a eyes trigger and things out well I guess we did our video game and school episode didn't we yeah that was what we planned right okay alright so to end to
00:50:45| wrap up this episode let's just name some really cool video games or interesting video game facts or video games we played or video games weekend I will say a game that was really cool
00:50:56| that no one talks about maximum carnage for a second there bullying it no it's nothing by a 32x for a second no I don't think so so you've what to say so I'm like
00:51:08| twisted metal now that was a spider bang I'm looking at the screenshots now to judge like you could on like an RPG then outside scroller it looked exactly like Rambo know exactly like all the turtles
00:51:25| schemes The Simpsons game caronian I have the turned an impact right right there wouldn't be to all girly side schoolers I don't know what the heck what I was supposed to do in the turtles
00:51:36| game I couldn't get past the the one level where you have to go out of the sewers but yeah there was one that was tough everybody gets long enough yeah so what about that game you're about saying
00:51:48| I'm actually rated but 32x so you bought the sega system right a little black box would you put the cartridge right where the cartridge went there was something shaped like this like the cartridge then
00:52:01| on top of it was like this weird oval and you would plug it in and you could play the 32x games on that and apparently it made a more graphics or something I guess it sang it was a
00:52:18| crossover you got to look up 32x I'm looking at it right now it's weird because I had the game genie but I didn't ever went to this well this is this wasn't for cheating games this
00:52:28| is for it need games more graphical something I'm leaving sounds like bullshit it kind of was but but there were games you had to buy with that I want to say American Graffiti American
00:52:44| History X American something X maybe that came with it I'm gonna add bullshit to the end of my search to make sure oh hey it was but Nate turned all your games 32-bit home
00:52:58| saying here's an underrated one that I spent hours playing flashback for second hear play that no no there were some games that I loved that we're off the beaten path but not the regular
00:53:08| favorites how about Nintendo Bubble Bobble and dinosaurs I feel like I'm the only one who got to level 100 okay no one play that guy
00:53:22| I've levels that are overly doctor Mario no no the best quote I heard about dr. Mario is that people bought it everyone thought was going to be cool everyone played it for like five minutes but it
00:53:35| felt like it was trying to make you learn so it was bullshit and nobody really finished it we wrote our own come down I think they listened not to pocket come
00:53:47| down come down come down in force I guess never play a Sesame Street Main Street huh it was interesting because it was like a carnival I need filter in game part it was a game
00:54:03| yeah you'd learn how different words went together it was like as a learning game but I'll but I remember that the theme to it the musical theme was Bob Seger Main Street and Main that that
00:54:21| song is about him yes about him being admiring a stripper and not having the courage to talk to her as she was leaving the club he warned you to talk to strippers hey
00:54:36| which is my fascination to age to play uh Ciara made the game learning wise Ciara made it was for computers we called turbo something turbo yeah just type in Sierra or motorbikes yeah I
00:54:52| played that game non-stop of it it probably was my most influential learning piece because you could measure the votes of anything on the screen the temperature of anything in the
00:55:03| screen kinetic energy would like quiz you science questions and then you could use those questions for fuel if you got them right - like progress your guy weird I remember there are like three
00:55:17| four games I'm gonna say that blasters soft I was gonna say that he felt like learning game yeah it's up in the graphic stuff that it loops slow it was just stupid
00:55:31| yeah and I get it was supposed to make kids learn I'm sure some dumb ass kids selectively does and now there's a I think my mom she started early she showed by a they trying to buy
00:55:46| you that crap yeah she bought to hell there really want some tell me what's wrong dis SEC dissection it's medical she might both my parents are medically related to yeah
00:55:57| I can almost picture the box that game is it a white box with a frog and like you wouldn't remember it's just like the Frog laying on its back and then like they can drag things out of the out of
00:56:07| the frog right I would tell you where the legs lungs are yeah yeah yeah I never played I also get played a game I'm trying to picture the box used to have to go to computer stores we don't
00:56:16| want you know they didn't plan it EB like trying to be Pony baby yeah I remember that what's a vegan ice and Mad Catz controllers from there controlling it never didn't fit anybody's hands and
00:56:28| the button it's like one but still like I'll tell you a game that role of smelled you're solid that's like overrated cuz everyone loved it but it really was so good and I remember you
00:56:40| play Psycho Mantis he's one of the bosses and he would literally be like hey I can control the slot on your Playstation controller like the slot one who kind of say that and then he would
00:56:53| say here I see you have a memory card there they'd be like you're into racing games if you ever had like a crane for reason to save like he would tell what your save was and it would tell you it
00:57:03| would make like ah you're big enough fighting games there's something that I really want and then he'd be like watch this I'll make your controller do it I want and he was just library it enemy so
00:57:14| every time you went to punch him or shoot at him or do an action towards him he would teleport and disappear and reappear behind you and throw something idea and it was like the heart you
00:57:25| couldn't hit him so everyone I don't know how because we didn't have the Internet at the time I was just brand new it was just you unplugged your slot from plate from slot one and plug it
00:57:36| into slot 2 and he couldn't read your mind you just kick his ass first and there yeah he was like why can't I read your mind and use a kick kick punch or punch punch kick that's awesome but it
00:57:48| was like it was I was like that's so real the games don't do that the other thing though your Scala did was on you would contact the colonel on a frequency and like talk to him and
00:57:59| he's like contact Merrill I forget her frequency it's on the back of the game box maybe like what everyone calls a game and like you had to find the box she bought the game on to find her
00:58:13| frequency I was like what the hell let it just tell me yeah like like straight like that I usually 500 and ask you questions from the manual to give a logical and literally to make sure you
00:58:26| perky them onto the ham ham which is bullshit that's a karmic bid so you hated that mm-hmm the what I played of it was actually pretty innovative at the time
00:58:40| it's fine you could crash and there all the pieces could fall apart in your car the cleric the crashes were actually like slow-mo there like burn on Paradise back in the 90s the best crashing game
00:58:53| ever surprised didn't make another one or it didn't there's there hasn't been a game since then there's no like wet no nothing will ever match it I'm looking now to see they made they stopped at
00:59:10| burnout paradise and then they made a burnout paradise remastered this year I'm thinking of buying it but paradise isn't even the same is on there's a burnout crash which is a spin-off what's
00:59:23| the burnout loser burnout before that rampage and sure was it revenge takedown point of impact good page dude takedown how do you stop making because the Brown paradise game I remember how it's the
00:59:37| only one I played out of that series and it was it was so good yeah cuz usually these games are for doubt like they're like burnout remains the same or engine you just are they just right right so I
00:59:49| don't know why they don't just up the graphics they didn't for some reason and the graphics are amazing same thing was like well Need for Speed Horde itself out right yeah they still make games I
00:59:58| believe I almost bubble with my kid the other day and I was like he's gonna not care intended if I just spent $30 yeah there's for need for speed games and they all
01:00:09| released every year or every other year the Need for Speed three or four was the first one where like you could run from cops I thought that was really cool that like started the whole calm pursuit of a
01:00:22| pursuit hot pursuit yeah I remember I had that on I won the earlier ones need for speed that didn't have the cops I don't think yeah one or two it was a Playstation and like the disk was
01:00:36| scratched so every now and then I'd go around a turn and it was just like crease and I glitch out I'd like I'd like try to adjust at the glitching and they've just totally off me up but it
01:00:45| made it really challenging it's like I like my games scratch Need for Speed scratch another good one did your play Silent Hill that's one I always wished I played
01:00:58| because back then it actually just fuck with your mind it was really scary you had to die in the beginning of the game what they didn't tell you you had to die you just like trying not to die for a
01:01:09| long time and then you had a big open space to run around it and you needed to die how did that they didn't they stopped making those than me they went up to three or four that's when I fell
01:01:24| off the boat well actually they went to eight games plus swing-offs so they went pretty well I think four is where they transfer to this system I think they had done like a new
01:01:35| mastermind to it I thought it's very possible I don't think they made anything new since like Xbox there's no big 60 what did you own did you like any sports games better than others the yeah
01:01:51| well we started an era where the sports games were manipulative beyond I mean they were obviously too like a 12 year old me I was just like this game bullshit like immediately when you're
01:02:03| not hitting home runs every every pitch is a strike and then you can't like sink a bat I played every sports game I played every single one I think they my dad probably bought them
01:02:12| and the message there there's no message there so he like I like got home yeah and he I swear like the most frustrating thing was like not being able to do anything while the
01:02:28| other team scored like crazy on you to catch up because you would beat them early on I remember definitely out worse than a sports game where a bullshit interception or a
01:02:37| bullshit goal or a good sorry yeah it's frustrating so I remember taking one of my dad's hammers pulling a game out of the Sega Genesis and just hammering it hammering
01:02:50| it and those things those cartridges were made like they were made of steel man I was at 64 on Sega Genesis Sega Genesis Oh sagon yeah possible to destroy hit that you could do it after I
01:03:03| didn't get it I threw it out the window and I forgot about it for a day I've went back outside I'm like oh it's still here I plugged it in Stewart damn it's like this PlayStation game update those
01:03:17| things shattered like nobody's business put it in microwave so I was just thinking the best sports game was NFL Blitz yeah it still holds up cuz it's all entertaining even with effin you
01:03:31| over dude it was just because you could just I would do a zero blitz where no one was hanging in the back bills and all players were running at the quarterback at full speed yeah and I can
01:03:42| get to the core like 75% of the time so why do I a nail yeah you give them one play to actually figure things out and maybe beat you baby care it's like man
01:03:52| oh he's stacking their lines making the inhuman massive guy or the fastest guy or the madden again they when they tried to be more realistic they ended up being more bullshit they're like on interest
01:04:07| right and it's the passing feature of the game that being bullshit I felt to think about yeah well you would throw it and like if there was a jump button
01:04:18| I remember what year they stopped this but there's a jump button so you'd have to time the jump button and almost matter what your guy would just jump with his hand straight near and the ball
01:04:28| would kind of just hit you no matter what you did and then just like all the sudden somehow the defender had it and like the fuel would turn and I'd be like god damn it
01:04:38| it's bullshit that's where you wish you had Brian Dawkins just a nail the guy getting the interception oh it should just be like a murder button like either they score or you die like do you take
01:04:52| on this person's family yeah will you show up for the funeral or Baba's like I don't care ya know the five minutes is showing you the funeral guess you chose I know I don't
01:05:09| so one of the cold Duty games I think it's one of the ones we played in single-player mode one of your best friends dies and war or something and like you watch them die it's like sad
01:05:20| here do press X to pay respects just I bet it didn't time please press X to pay respects I see that I see all its look okay they were game Call of Duty just part of
01:05:36| stories called the advanced warfare it's so there's a casket there yeah so one of your best friend dies in front of you or whatever and as single-player game they make you attend the funeral so you're
01:05:49| looking for your eyes and like everyone's like suits and somber and then it comes to you in the game freezes it's like press X to pay respects and that was great they make you pay
01:05:59| respects somebody's dead but anyway it's a popular meme out there like kind of press X to pay respect that's so good whoever felt that up whatever designer wherever your jeans are you
01:06:15| watching the video I'm trying to nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh memes or do they say different things they respected stuff usually I change a word I mean you know well there's one that looks like there's
01:06:28| like destiny in the background the guys hold them like hundred dollars there's Mountain Dew and Doritos in there okay I don't even know and there's a guy at the end of the casket in like a wheelchair I
01:06:37| don't even understand maybe that was a timely meme that I missed yeah sometimes they're very very specific I get it then like they changed it to
01:06:47| like EI EI Zama on the picture and it says plus press X to pay respects $4.99 a did that mic transaction do it that way oh fuck this boy yeah yeah good good these are good I'll be internet it's
01:07:05| good a bed but you know enjoy the hell of it hmm yeah I think I think that covers almost everything everybody really no games but yeah yeah I'm the shit I have
01:07:21| to remember to bring it up and I I have this one topic that I wanted to bring out multiple times what I keep forgetting about it I'm gonna bring it up now I don't know if it's appropriate
01:07:31| no save it although don't forget it so look it's a lot of trust my pressure I don't know if I could survive in the episode whisper it to me whispers I don't know in your reaction oh that's
01:07:46| true text it to me but don't press send no no hair here you go here I'll just say it I'll say it good good so I want no no I want to see when it
01:08:04| started because if it started in a certain timeframe then it's not gonna come up in our oh it's right around that this is a juicy bit okay I'm gonna savor believe it that's it for later and
01:08:16| remind me that thing I forgot I was gonna say okay I'll try remember it all right folks we're done with games to dumb with schools we're done with indoctrinating
01:08:27| your kids yeah make sure they're listen bill for the future make sure they're all the public school and don't get your dots and don't let them a free think I don't know don't get their shots because
01:08:41| that's diseases and stuff all those anti vaccines getting pumped in here hey don't get your vaccines folks stand into public schools without vaccines they'll be fine just for some particular person
01:08:55| everyone else's vaccinated your get afraid of polio Asterix because you're gonna be an Asterix on this one verbal asterisks you have to listen to after the show I'm gonna say
01:09:08| kids idiots morons make your you idiot polio oh that's coming back yeah cuz of these more of it but really what's the deal against the vaccinated kids I don't
01:09:26| think it does anything I think your kids just crippled I'd rather not have a crippled kid so he gets the vaccine for polio I mean tell what I'm saying what's the
01:09:35| so an on back sir sends their kid to your home what's the downside to your kid yeah they have to press X to pay respects your kids hey coke with hat and then slowly like
01:09:53| jerkily puts it back on yeah yep yep well folks we sure do love you we like it quite a bit like a lot of the young Panthers I hope you had a good time we hope our
01:10:15| have team in about 15 minutes we hope it didn't keep you too long how do you listening keep interactive keep doing something and keep something something tell us your favorite video
01:10:25| game we're gonna ignore it tell it's your worst game we're gonna ignore it focus on your socials focus on our socials yeah let's let's connect our socials together all right
01:10:38| let's Circle up Thanks good night

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