The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP029 Advanced Weapon Technology War Machine

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP029 Advanced Weapon Technology War Machine

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 29 - Advanced Weapon Technology War Machine
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00:00:00| and yes I am on Nick and together reform yes we do yes we did we do one together we form a duo made up of Dan and Nick that forms a group known as gun handers it's my word I love it we're good
00:00:24| oh yeah we always finish each other's sandwiches and with this mm-hmm everyone watching at home your number you just one of this end that around since the beginning you know how you know the
00:00:37| routine can't use a this against instead of job you can't legal something court of law I'm not gonna happen nobody's gonna come after us we are wholeheartedly kind-hearted Teflon Dan
00:00:55| and Teflon Nick coming at you folks just filled with Teflon really because frying pans and nonstick mmm my butter just slides right off someone asked me what our podcast was like what we do here
00:01:07| oh yeah well it said it's like it's like a Teflon coated pan it's like beautiful everything slides off but if he heated about 450 and knitted up and look yeah you're um you'll be raking that stuff
00:01:18| off maybe so dipping it in the sink for weeks I think I'm not gonna like this as I said yeah sometimes we stick and you can't get this off of you sometimes you overeat the bunch of
00:01:31| chemicals get in your food mmm they say Teflon is cancerous luckily we're not the Teflon we're just a metaphor mmm for stuck on food so I don't even know where we begin we have it we have
00:01:47| an agenda which is a standardized agenda everyone so we had an issue with the call quality and that is our tongue twister of the day call quality call quality call quality call quality was
00:02:00| pretty awesome Coco fall they caught Bobby like it cook call the cook quality cuckold cuckold cuckold call call chuckles got old everywhere Coco call
00:02:15| quality from the goalie get the the big in Philly all right correct yeah I call them idiots because they just accept what happens to them right that's right mmm I think we went over that in a
00:02:28| previous episode we did we went over everything increases right now rehashing yeah do you having shout out people who mined bitcoins and drive up the price of super yes you're the real heroes out
00:02:42| here all we want to do is play video games and all you want to do is make it so that memory cards that are used and old cost like $800 mm-hmm you have to own an idea stop great yeah
00:02:53| Oh nvidia stocks so you can pay for their video cards it's the only way you know the logic behind it the logic behind the price increase for the stock or behind the oh the met the math
00:03:06| involved in crypto guardian why does a video card do better than say general purpose CPU well they initially they initially started with Bitcoin which so this is the technical as they have these
00:03:19| Asics machines which are designed to do hashing correct so that's for Bitcoin the other side of it is that they developed this other currency to use GPUs called e3 which is becoming bigger
00:03:32| than Bitcoin in my opinion and that is designed to use the GPS what does the GPU happens to be better it's solving the puzzles that are breaking it down into smaller pieces okay that's better
00:03:45| guys if you don't get more technical methods that's good let's get yeah I was gonna get way too technical and everyone's Quincy's lost so come on now I do need one further step why is video
00:03:56| memory better at breaking it down than say like a processing core or anything like that so if you're watching a video you're looking at like a lot of like a thousands of different pixels right so
00:04:09| those are more information per second it has the process it's like parallel okay so that comes to a CPU is doing its threading a lot of things together but it doesn't have as
00:04:20| many threads essentially okay that make sense the threads might be bigger themselves but it's not as many threads you can do a multitude more because it's
00:04:29| used to doing that many pixels yeah it's it's a more functional more Universal method of calculating things whereas GPUs are set to do a specific thing but you can appropriate it for other other
00:04:41| uses that are like Bitcoin mining or each interesting well we've lost um ninety percent of you checked in on this episode nap so thanks for joining folks we're done so I'm yeah so I'm Dan and
00:04:54| you're Nick and we are the under thanks for joining us the real episode has started we try to get those nerds yeah I wanted to stay out of here but I guess it doesn't make sense they would have
00:05:08| finished already in a video we just wanted to keep the dirt I guess yeah we got the normies I guess hmm freaking out have one here got one here oh yeah little nervous she got some gone no one
00:05:22| of those days you know where everything goes awry as we were to say know where everything sucks and everyone just one of those days where you don't want to wake up
00:05:35| everybody's to break a shoelace you rip in someone's head off any no contract and if you disrespect you get your own you best bet is to stay away mother effort it's just one of those days no I
00:05:51| feel like that's good just you got to say it with little thanks Paul I was a little bit like you've smoked too many cigarettes maybe and cancer all right well there's a thing Vietnam my old
00:06:02| college roommate Ben always wanted to do was to speak words to songs at like job interviews and stuff like like especially Rage Against the Machine lyrics because they're always screamed
00:06:13| and sung and it's strange image and they want to add I'd be like why stand on a silent platform at the dorm the dorm or whatever the I forget the actual line now you know just anyway you say we
00:06:29| should started I'm to start off with just speaking lyrics but then it sounds like a beatnik poet exercise it does but it sounds kind of funny anyway that was our
00:06:40| great idea it's more fun if you know the words but I haven't been listening to much rage lately or limp sorry London I don't say it's all about the nookie something-something it's all about the
00:06:53| Nets issues to keep repeating that over and over again though what the cookies you can take that cookie and stick it up here yeah I stole I don't know where she's putting this cookie but yeah yeah
00:07:03| I just put the cookie in her Nikki and you're just all about the nookie mm-hmm both of those I mean they both sound good I guess lead-up can't deny mm-hmm so one
00:07:16| yeah what's what's going on your life break it down for me then you want the real or you want to persona it's a question with a question sure what's that mean it was very vague there's a
00:07:37| lot going on there's tons going on it's very boring very long drawn-out the key to being successful I guess but it's so sad tl : d are too long didn't read yeah I'm good Nick how are you yeah it's
00:07:58| passing how are you how's it going you could tell you you could really break it down and tell you we're hurtling towards death everything I do seems to get fainter and fainter
00:08:08| nothing has color anymore I'm fear for my life and you know I don't get erections the same like someone could say that at your work you wouldn't want to hear that you just feel
00:08:17| like okay you could just sit upon I wanted to do an episode on happiness because I started listening to uh Flaming Lips like do you realize yeah it was beautiful things did he talk about
00:08:34| himself we're like us the listener or an individual girl or I don't think it would be a girl but I guess it that's that's the key to lyrics though as they
00:08:41| make it so ambiguous they could relate to anybody who's either super vain like super into a girl or with flaming lips seems so nice I feel like might be singing it to everyone
00:08:51| listening they give off that vibe like they like everyone they're like do you realize that I'm saying that everyone did you have the most beautiful face there's the only two lines I know that
00:09:02| hold it what's the other line is a that HAP that what happiness makes you cry that's celery yeah which they have a lot of lines that make you think like duality of life all that stuff there's a
00:09:17| lot of lines that make you think if you don't need your brain essentially just say offices yeah I did one right there yeah no but what I was thinking about today about just discussing other people
00:09:34| and saying like hello it's weird because you can tell like there's probably maybe so I probably see about 10 of them a day cuz I don't leave my desk but you can tell the people that are genuinely nice
00:09:50| and probably interested to talk to you even if you don't say anything to them you just like hey like you just say one word and you like the way your you communicate it's like you you can see
00:10:01| them you're both acknowledging each other and then there's like a not like there's like a spark I guess not like a sexual spark even though there might be but it's a more conversational spark yes
00:10:12| that's a thing because I mean think about it I guess by the time you're 14 had to be conversational and sparkly and fun with everyone can connect with a lot of people you're not gonna have to
00:10:26| change that anytime soon I mean they just you go into your job your career your relationships and people know you is the curmudgeon or the dude who doesn't really talk much or whatever
00:10:36| like you don't have to change that so if you have to tell you have it for life I guess right yeah I like me unless like something terrible it's in your life it's like your limbs get blown off and
00:10:48| now sudden he doesn't want to talk as much you're like yeah I could see why mm-hmm or the reverse or the reverse right like maybe he discovers something about himself
00:10:58| yeah herself maybe he's a coward and then his parents get killed outside of the theater and his mother Perls just drop on the ground crazy happen too long a superhero a Superman
00:11:12| so bad or their laptop their phone we thank you for watch is the flash right moment applause for our fallen flash friend yeah all for our fallen followers on bended knee they closed our podcast
00:11:38| an arrow to the knee I do have so I've been doing a lot of doing a lot of programming I've been listening to a lot of podcasts I say podcast because it's only been one it's the same on one name
00:11:54| draw maybe we'll hear that this time I do want to name drop because I listened I was listening the recent ones and he mentioned Danica Patrick I was like ah he interviewed her and I always thought
00:12:04| she was a hard-on for Danica Patrick breacher who me no guys it's weird because he's he interviewed her I listened to the whole thing probably twice I'm gonna say
00:12:16| probably because those portions uh and uh I really liked her and she wasn't like she was more into him she's single he's married she was more into him she's gonna say 48 50 I thought I have no idea
00:12:34| don't even google it I want to Google I want to google it but I'll hold off my impulses are strong with this one I'm gonna say 52 but he yeah he didn't throw off any vibes like he I guess is a
00:12:46| trained comedian and he knows to just stay within his boundaries podcaster yeah he's done a thousand ways more interesting people think of some of the crazy stuff
00:12:55| no I'm dissing her understanding you okay crazy stuff he's heard Travis Barker from blink 182 he believes that UFOs are real and oh
00:13:06| yeah that's right grandma he was on his podcast saying how he was in contact with like the NSA he was in a special group he's got a contracted group of sine wave
00:13:17| you heard this episode yeah so I got a don't Travis Barker when he's 19 he's in Blood Money - he's kind of goofy he's doing his thing wherever I think it was Travis barber of those a different
00:13:30| member of the group pretty sure it was him I mean he wouldn't come up with that name by coincidence oh okay but no no no he's weird whatever he still talks to
00:13:38| people he still I don't know like we're talking you tell us on his conversation or not you could probably tell if he was you could tell he's funny you could tell he has personality you could tell he's I
00:13:47| don't know he's a happy drunk there's a lot of things you know that guy did that much change when he becomes you a photo because I feel like you gotta be and telling people you contact the NSA it
00:14:02| can't be the same person you almost have to be one of those people that doesn't engage in conversation anymore because like Joe Rogan what does he do what he stopped him does he like are you sure
00:14:12| like you can't call someone a liar and they say I said that's that's exactly what he's good at because he didn't hate it like Travis Barker was talking about some really crazy shit that didn't make
00:14:22| any sense and he was just like like he's just like how does it have any sense like he wouldn't say it like in a critical way he was just like well if they were doing this and why would you
00:14:32| do this and then like most of the people who are talking crazy shit will just circle back low round the wagons and they'll keep talking you know the city start the whole story over again yeah
00:14:41| like they immerse in there from the planet and you're like who the questions at all I understand that so where did Travis Barker ducked he circled the wagons he was talking about how like he
00:14:52| was at yeah he was that in Airport and this guy came up to him he was definitely a secret agent and they started talking about some crazy shit they can't mention on the podcast
00:15:00| because it's classified but I was certain that he was part of an agency that was controlling alien life it's like you didn't tell me anything and that sounds super so stupid like
00:15:13| there's no way a government agents gotta talk to him in a public space about anything real Oh though I guess if they were going to and and and have complete deniability it would be the best
00:15:24| possibility but I don't believe it at all under saying boo be such a good the craziest place to be like a fast-food place somewhere in an airport like you imagine the movie line is
00:15:36| easily possible yeah yeah I was like there were other people around so it's proof right right but anyway Dandeli batteries no I don't think what didn't he didn't the guy commit suicide all the
00:15:54| guys did I thought maybe wasn't one of the other guys maybe the different band all right well there's a lot of in the world I have to search this because it's pretty heavy topic plus you screwed up
00:16:12| your mic so it takes a minute for it to refresh brings a little the volume way down and slowly brings it back up Chester Bennington oh yeah that's Lincoln Park
00:16:28| I knew that Lincoln Park Lincoln Park there were some reason they came in my mind ah sorry big into sports but I was I was going on Dana Danica Patrick so she's only like 35 she's raced she's won
00:16:49| like once I think yeah I was like she's in my range you know yeah and she's Irish physical and hmm so she she's the only female racer and then she was talking about I don't wanna go off on a
00:17:10| major tangent but she was essentially talking about how she's not into cars and it's obvious that Joe Rogan is so she was like he like kept bringing up like different types of cars that she
00:17:21| should buy and she should like you know I got a free one from these people so I just used the free one it's like but you're a race car driver like he's like so that it's used tangent itself yeah
00:17:34| could you do something for a living doesn't mean you do all of it if I give you our programmer you might not know like the architecture of a CPU he might sure like wait you might not know
00:17:45| anything about computers in general would that be crazy you just do the language it's almost like which parts the processor and it was like the part that goes or like speaking English
00:17:57| you're not knowing like where anger english engrish is - I can't say it not it fucked it up yeah I don't know where it's derived like the origins like whenever you watch like a spelling bee
00:18:09| it's like what is the origin and like everyone I bet everyone watching is like I'm is it let yeah like it's French when you're like yeah no that you don't have to know
00:18:19| what to say to speak English but like to know or know in hell right yeah it doesn't help but most people don't know I need this specifically you know I need the Pacific one give me what do you mean
00:18:37| it was Pacific Pacific one we got a lot of Pacific at my work give one Pacific one so moving on I'll tell you mine let's see where did it actually be no no beginning well my kid he uh he's
00:18:58| potty-trained oops uh well I hope what he wipes you know I mean I want to make sure he's don't so does he just stand there saying like dad I need wipe and then you're like you
00:19:09| come in and just anytime 801 cuz so just pull up his pants and not wipe and then you're like no I mean I don't usually know once I see him go to the bathroom I like I don't go and ride
00:19:25| the roof I like hanging the doorway I'm like no you all right but I want him to feel like he's a big boy yeah I mean you try to eat try to give him what current let's go is no event exactly sure it
00:19:36| depends so for this 24 hours maybe 36 hours whatever it is he's had like diarrhea every time he goes to pee no mic so I gotta wipe them every time and now I'm like diligent about it and
00:19:49| everything like everyone then there's like a new pair underwear on my teeth because like I finally moved past all this stuff you know I trained I'm like this is awesome
00:20:00| now I'm like back to square one we looked at a pair of underwear keep the road like a window I the first pair it was all messed up I was admit we didn't it was like uh restoring it out right
00:20:15| she's like why he has like he's got underwear he's getting big now Mike Rinder like can you do hand-me-down underwear like I'm having a second boy so can I just
00:20:28| you can these loans no good shape don't give me the poop yeah yeah anyway it's just naturally color brown I'll just stay in the brown join him then so uh so there's a couple pairs on there and the
00:20:44| best thing I can do is I put them in the the basin next to the washing machine uh-huh yep and I scrubbed a little soap and some water on that stupid thing just left them in here like I'm gonna deal
00:20:54| with it right now yeah the Teflon method sure so today rolls around I'm arguing with Tom you won't listen bill my thing trying to do this and try to do that trying to ten things at once I know I
00:21:08| have a podcast and I can give that most important and uh so I do three loads of laundry so the first load goes in the wash I'm billing it and go upstairs yeah my kids being to be in the but I forget
00:21:22| I think they yelled at them for jumping on something whatever and now he's upset you threw a toy downstairs ooh so I meant you don't don't throw toys now it's like I'm having one of those
00:21:34| days where things too seemed to go wrong I forgot that the pretzels out of my bag would I buy pretzels every Thursday whatever a throne but every Burnett pretzels now all the pretzels were
00:21:43| ruined go downstairs get this toy like teeth clenched and I look like why is the water basin all the way home he's freeing underwear that I left in there
00:21:54| clogged the drain and the washer overflowed that I was doing watch now I'm like no big deal okay pull his underwear out everything drained fine there's a little wet on the floor little
00:22:06| wet here no big deal I go upstairs mother gets home she's got to use the potty upstairs I'm like all right go go that's fine now he's got to go and I'm like Jesus crisis kid at diary every
00:22:16| five seconds let's go downstairs I'd go downstairs little to my knowledge that when the washer machine overflowed it sank into the other part of the basement and I carve it so now all the carpets
00:22:28| wet and I'm like what and he's walking he's like dead ends but I'm like I know it's wet like yelling at him he's like having trouble going to the potty and I'm like let's just go potty
00:22:39| everything's gonna be fine so I sit in with a potty meanwhile I have to figure out how to stop this water flow situation he wants to stay downstairs we just made dinner and I'm like we can't
00:22:53| play down here it's not allowed so go upstairs I'm like just give me a plate of food I'm going back downstairs with him and I take a bite of the foods I eat as quick as I can it burned my goddamn
00:23:04| tongue I'm like and I was like this is the worst day of my life so it go downstairs I throw all the clothes that I put in the dryer into the stupid the bin I have I usually looks like my
00:23:16| hamper my regular clothes up hmm I go over and Dom my tongues burn I'm asking him what he wants to do here he's upset because the grounds wet everything is wet everything is wrong when
00:23:25| everything's just going wrong and I'm looking at him like I don't deserve this my tongue needs to be better so you know what I did I said hey let's go upstairs let's have a good time everything's
00:23:37| gonna be perfectly fine I go grab my bag I forgot when the washer overflowed it wet my entire drying bag so I just put all these dry clothes you know a wet bag and everything's wet from the floor
00:23:50| being overflowed wet and I just I just I just dumped it almost the word I was like so did did did Dom go to the bathroom or did you oh yeah he had or diarrhea
00:24:02| everything's great but you added to the pile of your wet clothes I guess and then wash all that matters is podcasting you're free easily sleeping like an angel I have all my clothes finally in
00:24:18| that washing machine and they're all gonna be dry soon that's where that's at my tongues burnt but I'm speaking perfectly eloquently but but anyway what
00:24:29| I was getting at with that rant was that do you ever have those days where everything goes together I mean I was looking at the pimples we're all getting ready to come on and I was like this
00:24:37| this is like hell I will so that I have not had like a terrible day in a long long time most of my terrible days have happened already so I think I'm uncovered there
00:24:52| will be more but I will also say it don't look better no get over my chest you know yeah just feel relieved and really rolling anymore clothing I think so yeah
00:25:04| and that story you probably can't tell to too many people just the internet yeah just the Internet which is actually I don't mind it's just one of those things were it all started with the
00:25:14| drawing those stupid poopy Underpants in the if I didn't throw them in that sink Basin right there I guess none of that happens right but you love to sink running is how it works there you know
00:25:27| when you run the washing machine I'm not sure if you notice I'm insane to it yes and it was that sink and it the underwear fell into the you know basin and yeah went : clog bit so then all
00:25:38| that water just kept filling it hmm and I don't sit there and watch my washing machine drain yeah but it should be connected down below not up top Goody's down below if it be underwear
00:25:49| fell into underneath we're done an underwear is it should be connected to the pipe it is what it is is it overflowed over the top of the sink filled the basin all the way like the
00:26:02| basin should still be able to should not take on the water from the washer is what I'm saying it's like the water shouldn't dump into the basin it should dump into a pipe that's below the basin
00:26:11| so that it never has to get clogged my poopy underwear I like in general yeah but people have washing machines that have the hose that dump the water out into a basin I think I knew or fashioned
00:26:23| one gets hooked into the floor whatever but we're not new or Heidi thanks technology hadn't read she yet you northern desert highway mine pipes run from your washing machine into the
00:26:34| ground yes [Music] okay yeah I hope there's not even a basin there's a separate little like receptacle that accepts water from the
00:26:43| water that's essentially the basins job you don't put poopy underwear in there well I shouldn't have either but I did again and I it is what it is hmm we learned a lot today so I've got a
00:27:00| scenario for you mm-hmm so see you watching sure sure yeah so it's say you're having a party so you're you're maybe sharpening some knives or you're trying to fix your
00:27:12| lawnmower maybe the hedge trimmer hasn't has having some issues and someone distracts you and you look away and because you're working on all these like mainly Power
00:27:23| Tour tools you have a I can't say right you have a um you have a big boner just a massive boner cuz you love power tools [Laughter] so you look away someone's talking to
00:27:36| you and the power tools or the knife or the lawn mower just boom clean off from the mood on the base you can't even make a vagina out of it the remain you can't not money but but you have the manhood
00:27:52| and everyone's over your house and someone calls mine on one and it's land your manhood laying on the ground and you're about oh no no you're about to pass out so you're fainting but you have
00:28:06| one last choice to make there's a fireman policeman your family some reason I'm standing there and you have to make a choice on who holds your manhood until it gets fixed back onto
00:28:18| your body I think I think good girl your wife or your girlfriend yeah huh boy she's freaked out what's she screaming she's yelling she says between a stranger is a stranger in our your dad
00:28:34| uh I mean I've known her my whole life it's real funny I'm like I'm like my dad never saw my waiter I really that's gay I got a feeling in my childish brain like as an 18 year old
00:28:49| yeah but like I'm raising my kid I'm like I see that stupid wiener every day yeah good lord kid tuck it in clean it up so if kids get chopped off I believe just
00:29:01| give it to me Tina before doing it I'm gonna lose it when they give it to someone else like I've seen a hundred I'm like you know today my god I'm gonna double so I
00:29:13| almost say I would give it to my dad but we don't feel that way about my dad I'm like I need you my waiter yeah no really don't give it to my friend Dan your annotation do you think I hold onto with
00:29:27| my hand or do you think I just like put on my pocket put it in the back pocket you gotta hold it in your hand robbery's a blanket oh nice I got to get ice I guess Mike is gonna shrink that's
00:29:41| when I chuckle like I hope they could retake reattach all of it I'm really sorry the mushroom has all we could save well we're way above the rest there is no rest
00:30:03| okay yeah much mushroom get one of your friends it's Paige for the extra length [Laughter] yeah hmm good tear in my eye well that brings us to our topic of
00:30:23| evening almost yeah almost if you want to go over it right there I mean it's which is yes the sentence widgets wishes we talk about weaponry over the over the ages could start with that let's start
00:30:48| with it up in G with it I'll do it yeah just do that yeah anyway um for all those waiting for tonight's topic finally take yes recorder before tonight's topic is weapons oh yeah
00:31:03| we're talking ar-15 or Zeus we're talking about swords like when you defend a woman daughter or lady then we're talking about cudgels we found my baseball bats we're talking
00:31:17| about handguns look at my long guns we're talking about sticks the first weapon is it that truth I don't know if it's a stick I think it's a it's your fists and then a rock and then you
00:31:31| probably go to stick and then you realize that you wave earlier than you think you think it's takes before a rock this wood kids play with them they're like
00:31:40| two and three crab with you outside well okay four or five I can say for the rock first in the comments below we mentioned what do you think kids play with rocks first or sticks
00:31:53| I think sticks are more rare where I mean rocks are more rare how does the song go what breaks your bones sticks and silent I had to taste it first because it stones rinds of her
00:32:06| bones but I think it's because stones and sticks may break your hips [Laughter] oh that's yeah 26 year old female teacher she was super hot but she did
00:32:32| something really ridiculously awful sex with a student fourteen-year-old what she white she was so she's gonna get a really reduced sentence and probably be out in
00:32:44| about five six years told me all the teachers that have sex with students usually like middle-aged white women and I was like that's not true and then I was like it's weird because if they are
00:32:57| mostly like twenty or thirty right you don't find too many like elderly women doing weird funky stuff but elderly men fucking like I'll be all over men mineral yeah men are weird and then are
00:33:11| having relationships minimal Astin I hate man yeah it's not like an emotional connection it's just a mentor compulsion through 22:30 wife in the pot yes and you like another student like
00:33:23| shoutout you can act right please you know shoutout talking to the FBI and yeah are you chatted to us we'll just retweet it I love my student oh this might be a different episode than we
00:33:46| think because I was watching this uh oh my god last night I mean read it's all over this stuff because school shooting and in school Mountain molestation and so they're like
00:33:56| I saw a thing about subway Jared who who had that he had a campaign to bring his old pants like his plus-sized pants to schools and then kids would get in his pants and yes and shoots and all that
00:34:18| crap yeah so this one teacher I think he might have suggested it if you've I the video of him so I'll say this he met a teacher who he confided in and then she had a sting operation with hit with the
00:34:37| FBI and him over for years and she got him to say things about loving children that age because they're manipulative you can manipulate them as much as you want and he the way he says it is the
00:34:50| creepiest it just makes you shudder and it's just like oh my god and then the FBI couldn't act on it they acted on him receiving child porn and not him saying that he loves children that age
00:35:04| physically so this was prior obviously yeah this is before and God bless that teacher because she was like she it was a he's mentioned to her that he wanted to put a camera in her children's
00:35:20| bedroom so he could watch them casually somehow anyone else wrong with you man what is wrong with you wouldn't be funny if we just you kids room yeah said that to me and I
00:35:37| was like that's like I was like yeah we keep an eye on my son but I mean he's old enough they be like wouldn't it be funny you know really you have to whisper the last few words even if today
00:35:48| I'll be crazy well just put cameras on our children's room every two octaves lower a little bit of though change the decibels yeah yeah it becomes more throaty and bacey
00:36:00| yeah I was just wondering if you had their dirty Underpants and a sink basin I did Jared and it ruined my basement ruined everything it's like did you happen to smell their
00:36:14| [Music] [Laughter] reach new highs and lower lows Oh gross oh we have to go up from here so let's go towards weapons why laughing do you
00:36:32| think everyone should watch this video bye Jared oh it's just so I'm like freed I think those people are crazy so sticks and stones sticks and stones stick was the first weapon stone was the
00:36:46| second weapon when did we move into swords and stuff whoa you didn't you skipped over axis which was a combination of a stick and a stone we act came way before sword
00:36:58| yeah there's axe well the sword what are you gonna make the sort of wood might as well just be an axe I'm not in the minecraft nerd whoa I don't know the patterns I don't know how they fit
00:37:09| together I just know that I built the most majestic castle ever known to man and you just happen to be part of it I think you've seen it I've been a part of it I
00:37:19| don't know well majestic it was awesome I don't lot of mechanical working yeah the glass stands for under the sea yeah we had like a lava yeah yeah an entire lava tube it was as high as you can make
00:37:39| it so we had a mob would come down to the water out of the tube in glass yeah and it would light up the night sky that's pretty badass yeah yeah I'm waiting for my son to get to that age
00:37:50| where he can play video games and I could be like no no make it higher make it run uh-huh and I don't do anything I just command him to do it and he does make it bigger
00:38:02| yeah I see two lava tubes oh my god what they spiral around into it oh man it'd be crazy because I couldn't even do that myself I would be too lazy I wouldn't finish right thinking how the effort
00:38:19| making so I just love my son do all the work and I'll be like it counts because he's part of me that's my genes are in there somewhere they're somewhere Jared's genes are in
00:38:31| there something he wore khakis it's physical jeans no his khakis no is his jeans you would bring around no no I think was khakis I'm fairly sure it's her I'm sure he wore more more than one
00:38:45| pair of pants but he has an official pair okay I didn't Jared's pants he did me and my turn looked on the hotel oh wow you're always looking crap up okay Harris great
00:38:55| hands other jeans brother what you owe me an apology yes no way check this out oh man Jared Peter learns and jeans looks like are using Bing or Google I actually it did
00:39:10| faulted the bid incumbent oh shit I think your words in janko's baby picture of Jared Leto the cheered up like a piano and I can't even explain I'm crazy it's weird I guess it's weird because
00:39:31| he's holding the jeans and wearing khakis at the same time hold on uh keep going down your page Yeah right Jared literal Jared Leto over my feet Oh Jared Leto I'm sorry yeah yeah
00:39:49| I was like did he replace cherry that's okay those won't happen anyway so we moved from taxes that we go to stores excuse me there's two steps so there's spears
00:40:03| makes that after axes yeah after axes and sounds first we good yeah I would make a spear first but I'm not I played yet motherly we're okay yeah
00:40:14| Spears and then bows which thinks it's kind of weird watching or reading most of these articles because they try to like highlight jumps and Technology rather than like the like the ideas of
00:40:27| Technology which is you're making some I don't think you knew because you don't know the mindset and the exact timeline back then true you don't know well you might know the materials that they have
00:40:37| I didn't know if he no longer son yeah it is going back to like the thousands of BC's yeah you didn't there's nothing saying to record it like a Bible passage right so
00:40:50| then they go from bows to speak swords like those speakers anyway this stores good link out Zelda link to past bows and then there's watches stuff that doesn't matter because I don't care
00:41:04| about it but they so like there's there's essentially like the vehicle to get you there and there's like the weapon you're using and then there's like the effect so the the different
00:41:18| effects are that like you can set people on fire you can like pierce them you can explode them and then you can like blood in them yeah yeah so it's like physical horror and all that stuff
00:41:30| or you can poison them yeah kill them what shock and awe by suppressing their nation with a much more powerful nation that believes they have weapons of mass destruction hmm skip over the end
00:41:48| because I was tired of it after you just wrapped up axes yeah yeah I skipped right to it he's cooked a few he's trying to help you because I know you were getting tired
00:42:04| I am getting tired yeah you know what you helped me I do appreciate let's talk about a new clue and the only thing about it you saw the video and I'd for a minute
00:42:13| um no I don't know he had a video where you could launch it from Russia and go either up or down and either way he can hit anywhere in the world and then also there's a video of like you know we have
00:42:25| these defense ballistic missiles that I'll try and shoot it well yeah coming in coming so he calls them like defensive nets so the missile literally like dodges the net and goes like right
00:42:37| around it I was like that's not that's not realistic it's not possible and he had a picture of Florida that's Florida getting nuked with like seven warheads wait would you be honest here right he's
00:42:49| not gonna cease but simply a jackass yeah I think there's a certain point where it might not be syphilis it might not be a sort of mental disease but I think he had old enough you get like a
00:43:01| wolf senile and then you think that you know things and then you just start running off your mouth start doing stupid stuff here's what would mess up Putin the most I think he would CD with
00:43:11| his guards and like his high tech people I really what's up food gonna be like I really got okay he'd be like and he would say something like why you not quickly beer
00:43:25| or something like that I'd be like cuz I don't care to do I listen my kid he feels poop in his underwear I had the throw over floor was covered in water and he'd be like I feel like he
00:43:35| would be honestly shocked that someone wouldn't be afraid of him being there and like his presence and his bullying power and it would make him real man that may be mad at me but I'd be like
00:43:45| he'd be my own tune I'm a parent I've seen more than you can even imagine maybe like you do not know my power and I feel like he would try and like had people strong-arm me or something that
00:43:57| would just be like in us all I'm trying to figure out how many kids he had and how many kids he's raised well I don't think he's any of them of course that means less system free and a
00:44:11| little pile he deployed now I haven't raised by expensive rich maids or whatever there's a lot of relations but they're with other countries man banging country's CEO suits in spam
00:44:25| so weird for like a leader to not have any like family is less than like three sentences two daughters you got a woman either hey do me buddy yeah alright yeah but his missile system is told garbage
00:44:49| apparently they made the same system back in the 70s and said this is run realistic and the same thing is that if you're gonna shoot somebody with nukes you gotta kill like every single person
00:44:59| of that country the same huh you gotta kill everybody and to kill every major city every launch site and then every every submarine and then you gotta have like all the allies be killed
00:45:13| to doesn't every country have to go to every other country when they do this yeah so you end up launching like thousands of nukes and then the whole world's screwed so if you think it'll
00:45:25| happen eventually just because cheer possibility I think there's gonna be some idiots and then some people will retaliate cuz all wait does it only take one idiot right I don't know if they
00:45:35| like have to turn it key together and I say a passcode and then like for a country though I mean we have new who out North Korea Russia all these houses how they run their country
00:45:45| yeah if North Korea gets one nuke it's only one guy making a decision and that guy is petty small and worthless but North Korea not America yeah but Kim Kim Kim Jung : or even out it was a good
00:46:03| love a good burn I hope you hear is it you know what let's just turn this into a shit on gang down here over the next few minutes we're gonna shit on some leaders South Korea's leader he bends a
00:46:16| lot - Kim Kim Jung ko loser shout out brazil's leader he doesn't do much for his country corny shout out the canada prime minister he doesn't do is that salt rude up Trudeau or is that French
00:46:34| yeah yeah no I don't like he doesn't look good though you see though that video Ivanka talking to him and she is just like deeming alright shout out a heatwave family
00:46:47| right up the only one were shout out good job yeah good job looking physically beautiful form an America trunk [Music]
00:46:59| literally been cool world leaders well there's Germany at that woman who doesn't like Trump like a Chancellor shopping product you're making me want to look it up but I won't
00:47:10| you'd recognize her be solar Queen of England clean corny dude shouldn't do anything cool in fact I swear I was watching video I put in slow-mo her eyes blink sideways
00:47:25| the road top first I mean poor names all the Umbria although you know who tipped me off to that till then oh yeah honestly he looks for sideways eyed one that's like his
00:47:39| thing in people put a lot of effort rest get some off man whatever gets them all you try and find order yeah it'd be weird if you could control her eyelids like sideways you think there's one
00:47:54| person the world weekend or not they wouldn't tell anybody so I couldn't woman that could pop her eyes out you remember that yeah she did hide commercial his own the
00:48:04| laundries how good boy it's like she did her blood vessels were first there yeah hold up we haven't seen her in a commercial since the commercial she did right
00:48:15| she probably blind she probably messed up her blood vessels and stuff don't even Google or I don't wanna try really go vision copy reprise all for capitalism dude
00:48:27| yeah it's nuts and with that I think I think wrapping huh I mean that's a weapon you know this out wow he's kicked all the way to the human element which is
00:48:41| the greatest weapon of all so we talked about every weapon ever fridge we talked about every gun culture ever created and we just got every leader in the free world Wow we
00:48:55| summed up so much so much anytime oh man how do we do it I don't know I really don't I don't know what happened I blacked out I will say that I already store today about a guy who was on
00:49:22| vacation about maybe 500 miles from his home and he got blackout drunk and ordered nuber driver and told him to go home and he went to his home back 500 miles away charge of a thousand mouthing
00:49:40| ah flight that's probably like a hundred bucks it was West Virginia to New York City oh I like him and I like our audience folks like you we like you yep yeah all
00:50:10| right I got it check our socials not a nice check our check our socials check our socials if you get a chance check our socials can you make our socials for us I'm really
00:50:25| tired of making them all and spin-offs will probably be just as good for us who knows I'd donate to our patreon yeah yeah uh none pandas and allowed to copy the reap panderers don't the reap Anders
00:50:44| oh yeah try not to pander again sorry another snuggle you guys found it the jobs been eyes guys yes mmm terrible Wow your teenager again that's the erections
00:50:59| of Actos yep nothing to do with them because you're how many years in that relationship with one you might get zero right I mean way to end in an awkward note
00:51:17| trying to bring back together oh I have to know I have to edit this video no no no whatever new use this I don't know how many years I've been my relationship that bad
00:51:29| wait I can't shave this to pocket we don't have a bursary really how what do you don't celebrate another anniversary we don't know we do that you're just you're real anniversaries
00:51:43| unmentionable then right no we don't have not a dude I'm sharing this bucket how many years do you think it is do you ever surprise her with a gift and say hey it's sort of something special
00:51:58| huh crazy that pretty different weird hello I don't really celebrate anniversary stuff you do like a small little thing every 10 years you do a vacation or something that you already
00:52:15| want to she does a small little bit right yeah she yeah somebody else probably let's wrap it up yeah good complete episode full circle we have round the world we just discussed every
00:52:40| single thing y'all could want we might as well just change our name to the Science Channel thanks for listening gang we appreciate it we salute you we want to be you we'll be with you keep
00:52:57| listening

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