The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP031 Digital Self Artificial Intelligence

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP031 Digital Self Artificial Intelligence

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 31 - Digital Self Artificial Intelligence
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00:00:00| I'm Dan again did you start it again yeah as I'm digging it yeah we're decided to make some adjustments because we are professionals here at we are here at the competitors and I just got the
00:00:16| elegant road ahead of min but yeah really excited they did it myself yeah because we had an admirer view our podcast and said he looked exactly like one seven roll admirers call on me
00:00:28| beautiful 90s video I think music video when we as you could use existed if they think yeah our music video is still a thing like I know they make them for really really hit songs but I was trying
00:00:40| to explain this to someone the other day someone came over my house my uh my girlfriend's uncle and he was like so any big music videos you're into I he was just trying to be conversational
00:00:51| yeah I was like they don't really do music videos he's like yeah I think they do and I was like gonna look for like you know top ten hits you know I mean there will definitely be a music video
00:01:03| it'll be produced like a small movie look it will cost a lot of money it'll be great camera work everything we exceptional but they don't really do it for b-list songs we're like you know
00:01:16| what I mean like doing art with you don't say hey I'm gonna break into the music the music industry by making a music video right so I think take the same music videos are deadish deadish
00:01:31| Dada deadish the arm team and Paula one's crazy yeah and the cheapest one to produce is probably I think Arctic Monkeys I mean though was just the sine wave from another song yeah yeah yeah I
00:02:03| didn't know them shut up friends of the podcast all in all all typical in Arctic Monkeys is a big pandering hmm yeah we made the music video we helped we're using the frequencies right
00:02:19| now some of them I think we've used them all actually over the course of our podcast so if there's a few we have it we'll have to cover them in the future podcast that's um screeches look but get
00:02:35| dedicated towards screaming each of us take turns so make bird noises screech yeah we'll make all the human noises possible which ironically is a lot of animal
00:02:46| noises out of everything I'll combine it boy a fern fern and uh but I don't they make a dinosaur again they made like a lion's roar and like a peacock or something the visit Beverly wait uh-huh
00:03:01| scientists inventors that was your job we have recreated dinosaur roar yeah I'm gonna get high at work and we're gonna use that I don't know like leaves and porcupines but like also a big animal
00:03:15| we're gonna combine them all hmm I feel like um work no I like the music producer is the past the CDs or vinyl or some other medium that was not in one location so they always have like a
00:03:29| giant wall behind them just all these CDs I could imagine them having like a volume of like animal sounds just like dreaming it up in their heads and being like picking on that CD and another CD
00:03:40| just mixing it together pretty heavy dude animal mixers like the number one scientist of all animal noises on this wall and he shows it off to all his guests he's like dear one here foxes
00:03:58| show you the brackets or one more toted hmm he's got one of those 80s keyboard so just you tap it and it makes the bright hair sort which is more over here that makes car sounds it's my kids
00:04:12| favorite thing to do I know it's like dissident I'm getting loves to push all the keys that are next to each other I am feeling compelled to push those keys right now now that you mention it yeah
00:04:25| goodsoon all right so where are we I hope yeah hmm we got a little distracted there take a nice breather this is a relaxation segment yeah I do
00:04:38| this every time today stretch in through the nose what's that Nick just jerk your knees out as hard as you can try to pray just slam the doggy look at what's there don't know look this is all part of the
00:04:54| relaxation yeah that whole school knee circles nice and wide and then full expansion yeah arch your back hard as you can mm-hmm and breathe out so who gets a tongue twister and tongue
00:05:10| twister no I don't they had when I was making it up and do a ginger ale it's a ginger ale ginger Zelly you know I was like that's just a rhyme a bad line that is true I don't want to
00:05:21| make one up on the spot so let's just get over that you really want to do on dodging I could see it face you're the kind of thing about you're staying at ginger ginger ginger ginger ginger Lee
00:05:30| James James ginger Jane Jinger Jana Jana Jinger Jana Jinger Jana Jinger Jana Jinger Jana Jinger things do change into maybe I haven't warmed up my mouth yet I haven't done my normal exercises you're
00:05:49| gonna cut Beauty oh I got this headache and I thought maybe it was condition from drinking condition from having a kid condition from accommodations until but I think it might just be the man boy
00:06:05| it's squeezing my brain make sure you don't have like glue Gilly oh go quick glue glue I don't know I say it all those cancers are all the same glioblastoma
00:06:16| it's our blastoma I reckon is that word I didn't recognize the first word though I think that means it's like spreading along your nerve endings or something that's awful yeah it fucks with your
00:06:27| voice your smells and your tastes mm-hmm and your vision starts to blur and it's like but it's like it tweaks you and then people are like like with one symptom they don't really know what
00:06:36| it is like maybe you should try this medication and then like a month later it'll be like but I can't see that well either and they're like because it's really fatal so the baby should get
00:06:47| that checked out if you get another symptom of anything like a headache ya know if you've got a headache head to the ER nin if you know these assurance or not depends was in the ER
00:07:02| recently they tell you this you were the I was I mean it wasn't for me it was for my girlfriend hmm she was very contained and we went there and it wasn't just regular pain we're in the ER for like 20
00:07:18| minutes everyone has a horror story I was like this isn't so bad back he sat in that room the back for 48 minutes and I'm it like seemed like forever so now an hour has passed right
00:07:30| like the arm was falling off who knows and I'm like finally here comes a doctor we're gonna give whatever and as the person comes in there James in come in I was trying to combine you ever read an
00:07:41| English tonight I tried I tried they came in would like this piece of paper they're not cool your bill comes to 580 dollars for an ER visit or whatever it was you know something ridiculous and
00:07:51| yeah really how do you intend on paying and I was like we have even sued dr. haha and she's like she's like well you just have to put a minimum on there it's no big deal
00:08:00| $5 $10 no I was like yeah we'll do 10 bucks we gave him $10 I know they're gonna bill us for the rest of their $600 for I feel like if you had a one random like a
00:08:14| random person off the street and have like a just a fake piece of paper asking for that exact thing that you probably get a lot of money out of people you dressed up like a nurse a little bit
00:08:23| good but I think it would help if you were in a hospital setting I'm talking about you walking oh oh okay go to someone's room and just say well your bill came in and we'd like you to really
00:08:35| pay a little bit of it I don't know what you have on you but it'll help us do you think that cameras and hospitals they most certainly do but if you're like if you're good you're only at ease okay
00:08:47| we're crafting the perfect crime for all the homeless out there watch the unban ders yeah huh just steal some phone oh wait okay steel fuck cellphone go to your local
00:08:58| local free internet hmm type in on panderers and drew there are we that close to the Internet is a life necessity yet didn't they didn't they decide that in America it in the world
00:09:14| and where they decided that cell phones were I did it but I don't know if you get a smartphone with your Obama Obama plan in the past Trump little bit I think you do get a
00:09:25| smartphone I think Internet is essential for job searching to be a big factual with us I mean I can't compete you've got what cold calling people offices or something
00:09:35| do you have a job available okay now call me back at and it did get email if I'm home call this landline just email me in the mail the regular mail the regular old yes how much is it to send a
00:09:56| letter now is it 50 Cent's yeah did you hear that they do like direction in him birth I had a honey I'm trying to be more positive the device talk to wait until
00:10:20| you get over your hump is an alcohol I think is it I don't think so because I just I started um like a minute before we turn on the cameras so you know go outside get some pressure every start no
00:10:31| no if you don't know we're gonna power yeah we're gonna power through it so uh I had my own hospital visit mrs. is pregnant so we did an ultrasound and they do like genetic counseling it's
00:10:46| where they try to figure out like they try to figure out if there's anything related to you like your family trees that would cause issues with a baby and I know he's no cop he's fine and um
00:10:57| she's going through all these diseases and I talk about all the different genes you get you know 46 and then you two pairs of 23 you knowledge as well my wife has an interpreter who does
00:11:08| ASL and the ASL interpreter they have to spell like half that stuff because it's like not there's no common words for it or they switch it so though there's a like she's saying like the chances for
00:11:21| having this disease it's like like 5% like 1% so she's like a 5% chance 1% chance but she was using like you have the chance to execute something so like you have the opportunity she's using the
00:11:38| sign of the page you are opportunistic have one what an opportunity again doing the cash in today here's your chance for Down syndrome this is every time man every time you like if you saw that with
00:11:54| the UM besides of the baby and stuff - right mm-hmm they measure all the different parts of their body and they if they're proportional it's probably okay right
00:12:03| right that's the scariest part about being a parent no one talk to them because hospitals scare the shit on you to take your money from you it's the same way they try to tax you by being in
00:12:12| the room before you actually saw a doctor right for 40 minutes yeah tax Izzie taxes it's all you're going through Sherwood Forest yeah taxes some go to rob those mothers honestly that's
00:12:25| one of my biggest gripes and said they charge you a fuck ton and then insurance depending on whether you're a slave with your poor or middle class or your ultra rich I mean you get charged very little
00:12:40| or an excruciatingly painful amount right well it is funny because the same procedure does not cost the same across the board you know it's well documented like what
00:12:50| is it my cost well anywhere between five dollars and three thousand dollars no one's really sure we just fire that baby up and throw a number out and hit with it we throwing coins and see what sticks
00:13:02| and yeah hundred bill oh you've got $10,000 good luck with that ever right yeah boy that's sort of bullshit charge nuts and then if you get a bill like my the
00:13:14| previous child's birth was like fifty thousand dollars reduced down to like $5,000 and then if you wait three months and then say I'd like not meet anymore yeah
00:13:23| yeah after that you gotta wait for it's like a big ball of money and you just throw the sweaty ball of money or in their face and say twenty percent off let me go so it's a little bit like
00:13:33| Cole's business model that's cold on we are busy models no I've ever been in the Coles right yeah yeah there's one near me I've never been in a cold for something wasn't marked off like 60%
00:13:45| like 30% for 40% huh and I'm like wow babe we're losing money to not buy this right now it's 40% off it's something like socks there's something it's so it's like $11 for a 12-pack of socks or
00:13:58| six pack of socks and I'm like babe usually it's $21.99 we got to buy it right now so right and right time for you right in the more you think about it early wonderful $29.99
00:14:10| ever whereas it's just a made-up number and really it's just the regular price it just saves on say all that much and show you the price that it would be if it wasn't on sale
00:14:20| I understood you thank you they didn't describe it perfectly they definitely replace those tanks with ones that mark up the price right like no one's paying twenty $1.99 for the socks I sell for
00:14:32| $7.99 or 11 anything the only times I've been in Kohl's were buying online with like stackable discounts so it's like of the store and they're like hey you want to scratch off for another 40% it's
00:14:44| like shaven hey how can you do it it's like this place must be losing money it's like well maybe everything's marked up to make you figure saving that money so you have a pad right there's that
00:14:58| hope you dead I don't be dead by the time I walked upstairs yeah yeah well like I think it was like Petco or Pet Smart you know they charge a ridiculous amount for their stuff yeah
00:15:08| they had a coupon that was like dependent like you're supposed to be like scratch off like when you show up at the register and it was like five ten twenty or forty percent off but it had a
00:15:19| specific code if you were five ten twenty or forty percent so naturally I've just got the one that was 40 percent and at the register they're like let's see what you got and then I gave
00:15:30| them the coupon and she's like Oh 40 that's amazing and she literally had like a co-worker behind her that was like the commentator he's like I wonder how that happened
00:15:41| weights and what is it they always booty if you pick it out yeah cuz you could just like online like yeah the pamphlets show that you could pick out either one so you always pick the higher yep so I
00:15:54| scam them I don't know they're really you're taking them the taking of the town baby that's as guilty as I felt getting a coupon applied unless it's like free
00:16:07| like those people that the ultra savers they stack like all these different coupons and it's like you pay two cents on all of this stuff there's the people behind them in line or just like fine
00:16:19| we're told okay see I'm the opposite of you if we're talking about sales and things like that like sometimes I see stuff for sale and it's across the street for like four dollars less for
00:16:31| like an eight to forty dollar item so this is thirty six dollars if you go you drive five minutes away and go here and I'm always like rather pay more time it's almost like a Nebuta sales now cuz
00:16:43| like all sales or somehow I don't know I guess I'm super anti capitalist where it all feels like it's all a scam it's all a trick it's all an illusion Michael and sometimes I'm just like I wish I could
00:16:57| pay more for this item and just fu to all the people who love sales I can't explain it and I don't do it all the time because I would just go broke well I am broke so maybe I do so if there's a
00:17:11| store that you can literally tip the manufacturer like everything at a base price but you could pay more if you chose to would no I wouldn't in that case stuff like I'm okay with the
00:17:22| manufacturer charging more I think it seems more honest to charge more money sometimes I don't know I feel like there's like capitalism works so that everyone wants everything for the lowest
00:17:35| price possible mm-hmm except if it's a juice maker called you Sarah that wasn't less was it I think that was the one that like a thousand dollars for it yeah you know what it was doing is
00:17:46| either the past using the pack and it turns out you could just be to the back yeah and it was a five I connected he had to wait for it to like my song for updates or
00:17:56| something yeah yeah although we're update hold on didn't you juice it already got on five hours that's one minute it did because then think of it all like we're like oh is it worth slow
00:18:10| squeeze honey uneven juicer ooh it's up I like my juice when it's slowly squeeze over night so I J's are the best but you know you spent $1,000 I like coffee geez no one else touch it the juicer is going
00:18:28| to be the only one squeezing juices around here it'd be great if it was fueled by juice so you had to pour the juice back into it so they feed it yeah I saw a juicer ooh at
00:18:40| a what's the name of the section Sara - Sara - Sara in a secondhand shop uh-huh like $6.99 oh I just saw this tweet suggested I know for just six dollars and no six hours 99 oh yeah because
00:18:56| think of it what is the use for anymore they can't get the software update to function well and and I don't know if that companies in business anymore after this enough it definitely shouldn't be
00:19:06| odd you'd be like a cryptocurrency scan or something then now made a coin or token who knows hmm clarifications Corrections just one I thought it every year
00:19:26| the president of your local library has to get struck by lightning it's gonna turn by holding up a sword and and then they all fight and there could only be one anyway I was gonna be
00:19:42| gone I'll attract enough but and you kind of messed it up Artie oh never mind no no Corrections I was entirely correct there's only one library did you see that that ready pose to the person
00:19:57| holding the umbrella up and under the rain spout now getting pummeled on by rain and you thought the umbrella was gonna flip upside down and spray him well they walked out in the yard and the
00:20:08| lightning bolt just like explodes behind them they didn't get hit but it makes it look like they did because the camera shakes and it's Christ faking and it bullshit but you see the car gets
00:20:17| wrecked by lighting it the white car the white car is it driving at intersection and there's no flashing trout it's in Russia or somewhere anyway this just happened internet video a day or two ago
00:20:29| oh so funny how the internet works like you'll probably come across it in the next 24 hours yeah really yeah everyone has their time and my time is about 37 hours delayed
00:20:42| thanks for the original post it's a reach you yeah it's pretty from I know we usually have a format but we could probably jump into our subject a little here because it does tie it I one thing
00:20:56| one thing so there's a correction from last time for the nephrectomy is removing a kidney mm-hmm so I went to kidney org to find out if it was beneficial to give away your kidney if
00:21:11| you could live a full and happy life and apparently on kinney org you can you can love that great life on continuing on didn't enjoying it until you look at other websites that say you can
00:21:24| understand 5% of your functionality left and you have to watch what you eat you have to do a blood tests urine tests blood pressure you also have to watch your salt you can't smoke drinking
00:21:34| alcohol is a questionable your cholesterol your stress your waiting your exercise all have to be in the cnidaria and yeah that's pretty much it you have to watch out everything you do
00:21:43| or else you're gonna kill that funk but functional kidney and they say it really shows up takes about 25 years but it's probably gonna happen fool 25 year lifetime on my kidney you're gonna have
00:21:57| a great and happy life so no no I'm not giving my kidney and my dad screw him there I would still do it for you dad for whoever I can't wait to die see you've already see I think some
00:22:14| people think I think I'm gonna live to like 90s you probably have a target that's like 40-something holding it fully in 40 you're the live fully in 45 years type yeah Oh hundred percent
00:22:27| yeah I'll be I'll be done doing everything I can do and then I'm like [Music] I'm just sitting and sitting waiting for your death
00:22:36| that's what this podcast is about the happiest have these podcasts are do it something with something but I can't remember I'm Tonya heading podcast it's really lame you know I wish I could tell
00:22:58| more jokes be funnier we're gonna call this episode dan and then yeah I have to do the whole thing all the heavy lifting check his shoulders some give them Asajj let my man go on my left side tonight it
00:23:11| was killing me I'm sorry to my neck I swear the guy no he must have elbowed me in the neck at the same time he need mean elbow and knee a little weird illegal decision it's the last time I
00:23:25| ever jump out of an orgy from the top rope yeah well hold up right is ready to swim so you hear about the duffer brother brothers you know they do it there yeah directors on stranger things
00:23:42| Netflix okay the apparently allegedly yelled at a female cast member and then she got upset and posted on International Women's Day that would Jay were meanings like a camera man or woman
00:23:58| or I'm sure didn't really did not one of the actresses don't think it was an actress I think it was like suckin a stagehand or something so like she said it was abuse and I liked it
00:24:11| I don't those stories are always never easy this your siding yeah I'm not trying to specify okay but they do generalize it's annoying when people
00:24:25| like they roll it up they didn't say what happened they say like I've been wronged and I don't say anything really about what happened they didn't say he said this and this is what he said and
00:24:35| it's like this is the exchange we had I'm gonna copy it send it to you legal documentation they don't post that on Twitter especially not a Women's Day and using all the hashtags that relate to
00:24:47| was it was a movement me too yeah it didn't do the me to one but I think they kind of trying to fold it into the media people that's how it goes I am used to feel one way when I was younger like
00:25:02| more Pro male was I was younger like super pro male like like just watching the movie Fight Club over and over yeah and then I think like a year or two goes and super pro women where I was like
00:25:14| came in they they need more opportunities and now I'm at a point where I'm like I really like the movie Fight Club though and I think women could use more opportunities so it's
00:25:28| gonna kind of stay out of it it's like a woman thing I'm like let their voices be heard so I guess I mean bein generous I'm not gonna I'm not gonna pretend to process like the cause I can be like
00:25:39| when it need more voices people and be like Bernie Sanders or something just be like yo let other people have the stage let them have their say okay so you I think you really want to understand what
00:25:51| being a woman is like which sure should entail going to a gay club and being hit on right I am used to deliver to gay bars yeah I wasn't like oh my god hey there's only two but they really wanted
00:26:06| me that was the best feeling in the world could be it's great they follow you sweetie call me honey said I was the best looking if I ever turn gay to call them and I was always like you guys and
00:26:17| then I was like this is great huh are they bigger than look how they muscling no they were like 70 and old so it's like but it was cool I did go on a tour of the gayborhood and Philadelphia mean
00:26:38| my other buddy dan went and uh we did a whole night in gate him and you know I I don't know it was like gauge like all the famous gay bars like they were super gay super gay
00:26:51| you gotta know people to get in we got in and didn't have to pay covers because we were with someone and I can mention his name because I was help you he's an ID down there he's gay he's awesome I
00:27:02| can say they've Tom but that's all he was that he brought us around me and Dan we're straight O's and um we went to all the gay bars it didn't pay for drink people were buying US drinks they were
00:27:15| happiest thing in the world people were smiling everyone's clapping each other back people were hung in I was like this whole of the world owes no but this is great I wish I was gay so me and Dan
00:27:27| were outside really lip and having a good drink it's only like I can tell you two or a couple of stray toes and I was like what did you say who's like a couple of stray toes kinds but yeah mile
00:27:37| away and I was like wow I am but cheese I'm telling you I think it's the time to be gave up I know I'm sure about that I can't do it it's not my nature but they had so much fun
00:27:56| such a cool community it's such a and do you know what gay people always pay for stuff in cash what sure I always have cash all right this is a fact gay people who always have cash on them
00:28:09| that it's always enough cash to cover whatever the bill is so when so pretty is exactly in cash the next time I see that happen I'm gonna be like huh all right follow my prescribed like excuse
00:28:21| me sir can we mandate are you I wish I wish I could hike those gloves now I'd have to pay for my drinks of a little older yeah now on your Italian that I guess I'll I
00:28:56| don't know maybe I'll tell the story maybe I will I think okay so if this is not on gays this is on the single guy who's a creeper whoa
00:29:10| so I went to I think it was a Sears because they're going bankrupt anyway it's probably little bit better than Sears will be honest a little bit better of Sears
00:29:18| but uh I was buying just pants for my first real job is back in college and I got a pair of pants I tried them on they're a little too small because I was getting a little bit more school feel a
00:29:31| little bigger back then decent bodies the muscular and the woman I can dunk a couple of trunks so I was putting the pair pants back and I was picking out the bigger ones so I went back in and
00:29:46| I'm trying on some clothes some reason are my shirt off or here not go excuse me I go I crack the door open a little I work I work yeah I crack the door a little bit like yeah
00:29:59| I think I forgot my wallet in here sounds like you left your wallet in here he's yeah yeah so I the room is only like maybe three by three maybe two points I'll look
00:30:10| around no no I don't think so no no no so then I showed the door he leaves I get those pants and I was picking out a second pair of pants I go back in and I made eye contact with a guy as I walked
00:30:25| back in and I think that was a mistake I was just looking around I was looking out for him to make sure he wasn't like really and then it's like he's just like right on me and I was like fuck right
00:30:38| have you heard this story before just yeah one the next line comin up yeah yeah so II didn't know the height all these details yeah so I'm changing and I put my like I
00:30:50| felt something like wrong was about to happen so I put my shoes in front of the door so he couldn't just like slide it open because those doors had like a little like magnetic thing and just
00:30:57| those if you can't lock it so it was like shitty door with the slice that's yeah so he just pushes door opens slowly and I'm just like what the and he he'd just pantomimes he
00:31:12| pantomimes and I go um he's like I'm like duh is it blowjob blowjob he said it he said job that's awesome I go no I just kind of like sit like
00:31:30| stood there like shaking my eye in it I've never been propositioned like that before so I was just like like what's the I don't I don't know how the proper way to say get the hell out of here cuz
00:31:40| like I guess I could just say that Raj is like no no no no and he just kind of like I could he slowly like slid away and like yep he did exactly the heads what else can you do I mean you you got
00:31:56| the begin oh I mean in in retrospect I took a lot of guts on his part yeah I mean it's like I never do this handsome gentleman made eye contact with me and we dad and then I go and just shut him
00:32:08| down I knew this and he's like this out on the limb he's like I don't this is I don't well now what do I I gotta okay Billy's give you see it
00:32:24| like I don't like but ask him the stats like how often do this Sami people say yes what is it is it always this same room do I should I come back I'm not gonna come into the story no good thing
00:32:37| is going bankrupt so that's my story about creepers who happen to be getting one guy one creeper my life I'll transition to the next topic which happens to be no I read
00:32:58| something today about men men are really like dick salesmen and they go around trying to sell you their dick all the time and once you get on the ground floor they try to upsell you I try to
00:33:10| make it so it's like a bigger better model they try to get you really into it what are they I thought so but what's bigger better than dick baby I got a fist there there
00:33:27| no no it's it's their dick that they haven't sold yet so like you tried once you get them a little interested on the ground floor you just kind of pump they actually better it better we have I've
00:33:37| been saying Weiner a lot on the podcast because I think they call it offensive well no no when I die and I leave this digital imprint all the people would be like wow they kind of like decorum
00:33:46| Jenkins named dick yeah but Nick Nick he was like man that Weiner with the V is so soft so gentle yeah well waiter is the like a Platina is the less is forceful to dick and penis doc dick
00:34:01| penis cock all three of those things are really forceful really manly to say it um hard bells at bar huh which comes here's a hard and I just I've sold you know digital imprint gonna have to cut
00:34:20| it right here and start up again what I said the three holy unholy trinity dick penis cock well what is a topic this is a really good topic chances but doesn't go to waste
00:34:39| how about self in the digital self and the progression itself and all of that imprint that you leave behind gonna begin how do you know your let me cut right through the core sometimes I think
00:34:54| that we over share we have too much information we make podcasts we make Twitter's we make tweets we have Facebook posts about our dinner on December 18th at 4:00 p.m. when we had
00:35:05| our early dinner and we put a picture of it and talk about how we made it into friggin oven and I'm like that it's too much but how many know about well how much you know about let's say your
00:35:17| grandfather almost nothing I mean I met him he was lying probably wrote letters ready to die yet but he'd be at his job well he had a job right I mean I mean he had no likes more information than he
00:35:31| shared with me I just shared with you guys sure if you really really wanted to he was his famous as Elvis to crying out loud do you think you'd figure out way
00:35:40| more about him you definitely could I mean not not even much like yeah you would figure out where he worked what years he worked who he dated kind of like maybe maybe some letters he wrote
00:35:52| would you have anything he used to always use this little wooden pipe oh we found the pipe but you don't care I mean not to be rude are you really looking for all that information once you get to
00:36:06| this point in your life it's not really about figuring out what you're gonna do with information anymore like you there's no hurdles that you have to jump over really so like the people that he
00:36:17| dated maybe it's reflective of something that you were doing when you were dating people but that's gone now so sure maybe one of the other topics be like health problems later in life like that really
00:36:27| is pertinent to you right it is yeah that would be but I'm still not gonna research it empty post no one on my best shares that socially for some reason right no one does do that yeah you can
00:36:40| probably figure it out yeah you're gonna have the you're gonna have a 35% opportunity to have a heart attack in the next ten years I'll take that admit it oh yeah but I just think people are
00:36:56| worried we share too much but I I imagine the pattern keeps going in the same direction and sorry I moved the car which moved the camera he had like a Rube Goldberg machine back
00:37:08| there my son's toys are all over yeah so a car was sitting on the flyer but um I imagine my kids generation will be sharing more than I'm worried sure yeah so do you think that we're gonna look up
00:37:23| each other's parents and make fun of them probably on for a little bit but like even that gets old because everyone's parents are corny they're everyone's parents are doing stupid
00:37:31| corny ass crap Plus do you think anyone has the attention span watching 55 minute high and generation I don't think nothing so I think they're like your dad had a podcast whoa
00:37:46| your mom Heather put the baking ingredients for her casserole and it was brawl it doesn't mean it's like unless you're like mom was like carnold like church somebody like that right right
00:37:57| right that's why I mentioned if you were your grandfather was Elvis you would know one mm-hmm okay here's a crazy thought it had the
00:38:04| oh that what did you let's take pictures on the Internet oh did you ever sent a nude picture anywhere I I don't remember specific events I'm sure that it might have
00:38:20| happened when I was like young and younger than I am now but that was back before the internet was like a real thing Sheriff or people could you laid out your dick cheeriness on everybody so
00:38:34| I'm being honest I love this Elvis thing here or Mozart uh-huh if you were as famous as Elvis or famous as Mozart you literally are one of the more famous people on earth alive and you died how
00:38:48| much information do you think they could get do you think I could finally get a way to act AOL ought to figure out all the people you chatted with and the things you said
00:38:55| humanly possible every other human on earth is working towards this end do you think a wall has the causes that says they get to keep all your conversations and then sell them well what did they do
00:39:05| with them I don't know but they the half I mean I had it set so that I would store all my logs of conversations I had that make any sense to me as a 32 year old man I was like what the hell's my 20
00:39:18| year old self talking about but you say honey I'm gonna even like 14 now that it records it since you're like the smallest of things as soon as you get type on a keyboard it's gotcha
00:39:29| there's gonna be many question centers in the future that like you were eight years old and you write write you did this interesting your parents said you don't like Hispanic people and you left
00:39:44| it's like I was seven I didn't know that word but I mean it's like well interesting because when you were six your first grade teacher tell you about Hispanics what do you say now senator
00:39:57| that's like damn it's got me alive but damn it then the eight-year-old conspiracy well what I'm getting at is um how famous is the most famous person in the world penny how
00:40:12| weird would it be if you behaved Bette Davis hmm so you're delaying the most famous in the world is like maybe a Jesus type and yeah if I were Jesus then there's no way
00:40:28| that Jesus could happen like a real Jesus and not Second Coming I mean like a new Jesus this day a day and age because he would be recorded in every which way and they'd say like well
00:40:40| there's the parable where he made food out of nothing and it'd be like I gotta have a picture right here he's got loves bread in his in his pants he's just pulling by those pants
00:40:50| sherry I understand you're just proving miracles I'm not talking about disproving anything I'm saying who you are all your horrible mistakes then you're oh yeah semi okay air and your
00:41:02| one time your hockey's on TV and everything you've ever done is on TV recorded it it's whatever let's say um you become so famous that people can figure out a way
00:41:14| in 20 years where they can literally stream your life for an audience like a true man of deal like if yeah but but it's this so they're like well the most famous person ever dan from the unders
00:41:29| we're gonna do his life we're gonna make it a movie so you can come to the movies any day it's that day of his life and they like have on the screen all the things you type that day all the things
00:41:40| you may have looked at the reporter graphics I've got a news feed all your news feeds you read everything you texted cuz oh yeah everything yeah seriously - yeah everything and and you
00:41:52| had such a following that some people were like I'm gonna fact that the same thing Dan fat - on the same day and you really claiming you're dead it doesn't matter but like how we were that did how
00:42:03| did I what was the last question I was imagining my dead death just how weird would it be people were so absorbed with whatever you did you cured eight cancers and did whatever change
00:42:14| the world with Google I just need to know his whole life inside man always feel like I couldn't run for president now that I've had a podcast because I probably said too much already heinous
00:42:23| cock one of the other ones I think a current president is said enough so yeah there's still hope for that but he grabbed a boob or something I don't even know how he'd feel I mean him did so I
00:42:36| don't feel about I feel anything it towards it but right that was happening lively I don't know I don't know that it would affect me either people were like Truman showing my life
00:42:48| he imagined it could be your birthplace and do like worshiping at where your workstation was and you're like nah just used to eat lunch there once a little offer no no it's normal so becoming like
00:43:01| a modern-day Jesus but hmm people follow you around worship you they dance too if they could like drive your car for you they take you places and I'm telling you though they would they would people work
00:43:13| at AT&T or t-mobile River give up your phone records of a second so you could never do anything wrong you're ready for you yeah see that's the flipside of it that there are tons of people out there
00:43:29| that have no notoriety whatsoever and they're trying to get some and then what right everyone wants to be famous have the hits the likes of retweets the hearts the Facebook likes that
00:43:41| everything but really if you had all of them in the world and you were the most famous person on earth it would probably suck doing weird it would be weird people like knowing you before me and
00:43:54| that's what celebrities deal with Alzheimer II but people come out of the Vega they have certain expectations of them and it's like that was a character I played on a movie show like we just
00:44:04| saw them walking up to him be like hey thanks Henry talking to Nick reminded about what you did in eighth grade and say I didn't go away I don't know you yeah I'll do my show leave me alone I
00:44:15| don't know you I'll talk about what I want me on bedrooms do you have any idea who I am you get mad at them with someone's recording you so you can really
00:44:26| right right I know there's a camera here yeah I'm waiting for like degenerations that have had like recording like viable like are growing out recording meant that you held a VHS recorder right I
00:44:43| guess okay order we came in like a mini VHS tape right the one you a mini get best so like it was gigantic so like if people recording you you knew it you could see it they're like give me that
00:44:54| camera but now it's like you have no idea what's like you probably get recorded in 10 different ways so you can't if if that they said um by now where there's 100 cameras for every
00:45:07| human I think really they think in 10 years I'll be like 250 cabinets for every demon no be doubled more than doubled thank you for the map but yeah so your chances of everything getting
00:45:22| caught on camera or much behind I was like I'm are watching like road rage for people like they do stupid things they get out of the cars like punch of window and then they like cut each other off or
00:45:31| they ran each other and then it's like all filmed from like three different angles oh you're just like there'll be a time when people just be like I never recorded they're gonna know exactly what
00:45:40| I'm gonna do like I can't blow my stack and get really angry at anybody blow my stack you've watched a new shows know what that fit into altered carbon oh maybe it is as you finished it I just
00:45:53| finished that you finished the whole goddamn series yeah I did where do you get this guy where do you get the time I saw three episodes I'd is your son let you watch
00:46:02| it probably not I said oh well no I should alter carve around my son it he gets literally freaky toward the end and I was like does it there's I'm gonna remember this is a spoiler little ruined
00:46:12| don't be as vague as possible huh there's some like really erotic scenes that involve lots of dead corpses that are naked in the house of whatever I know it's like not a bit but it was it
00:46:31| was like hot and disturbing and like like got your like nerves going because it was like really intense yeah and I was just like oh this I don't I wasn't sure how I felt but I was like
00:46:42| I wasn't keeping it but it was good show overall you give it a good grade yeah I do I do it got really like too much for younger viewers okay I don't know what it's raging because I want to tell you
00:46:56| the radius on Netflix it's just pretty sure it's argue for the first episode oh you ain't I think it's much more than sex and yeah towards the end that's exactly what gave
00:47:07| me the thought that I was gonna jump into a whole different area let's go into it if you could store your consciousness all this stack it's not even your consciousness it's all your
00:47:17| nerve endings and all your connections cuz I even talked about that if you put it yourself in a different body then you have to like relearn how the body works you get that are they a sleeve sickness
00:47:29| I didn't get that far yes no I'm sorry first episodes edition I finished the first two I think I started a third but I was drinking heavily so probably watching third with this series
00:47:40| they do they tie it in multiple times so they loop back and they bring back other people that are experiencing what he felt the first time through when you're like what is this show about
00:47:50| and they just like to fly through the first episode so like you get that's one of the things they create a good world we are Blade Runner meets uh something yeah like a Total Recall almost we get
00:48:03| different sure Tori called me play brothers yeah yeah they um so if you could store your consciousness and save yourself and the other everything that's you yeah you get in your consciousness
00:48:16| what about your strengthen your speed I feel like they change with the sleep and I guess you could if you have a human it's called a corpse you're the human clone you could make them stronger you
00:48:28| can give them upgrades and stuff you've got that Friday but yeah so you can if you're super wealthy you can never die unless your stack gets shot through and you don't have a backup but they make
00:48:41| backups for the super rich so that's the rich people can always afford backups comic stem cells it's a good make you're good body new again but and instantaneously usable
00:48:55| yeah pretty happy sound like Tron does the same thing the new one you see the neutron so like three quarters of it new job that I did you didn't finish well
00:49:08| the whole premise of that was that like you could break down the human DNA in the whole buildup of a person and like convert it into a digital world where you could pretty like do digital surgery
00:49:20| on them and then fix them and then put them back into the normal world is that what the Oei did finish it that would the other guy was the bad guy was the bad version of what the thing
00:49:30| he's a digital version of him but the bad Jeff Bridges where do they call a really attractive serious actress Olivia Wilde she was the three or they call them oh shit
00:49:45| you're like robot partner but not robot indigenous you had the addition his people of the digital world yeah they showed up one day he was like he showed up one day in the digital world the
00:50:00| digital life the beginning is devoted to the life which is crazy because that almost seems like how we begin going that but did you know self sometimes there's topics where I think
00:50:20| there's a ton to talk about and sometimes it well there's there's definitely a lot of meat on this potato oh there definitely is just nowhere to go conversation was every sleeve in the
00:50:36| show a sleeve was treated as a sleep-like not a human life in a way say hey how you define a sleeve is different I liked it I'm gonna ruin the show for you game show all right move off the
00:50:53| show like I said you can ask the question though they certain sleeves they are no they know our actual humans that will be humans again so they treat certain skins as
00:51:05| you know not gonna not gonna row in the skin because it is human and it will be used again okay that's that's the the gist of the religious I would say aspect of it there's the people who hate people
00:51:18| who yeah reskin themselves it's a world that needs a follow on I will say that you could recreate another show in that same vein and you can do a different job but same well yeah there are three or
00:51:35| four characters that I could see playing continuing on that's sexy yes cow oh yeah Kristen Ortega thank you and if you look at your name up I knew it I don't know
00:51:49| her real name is though that's Joe character hmm how do you think people do i podcast I think they're like hold on dude go into specifics I love that show this is the best show I hope they'd say
00:52:07| so and so about something in here like [Music] I'm really waiting for someone to actually watch it and give concrete feedback
00:52:17| alright I'm close close all right if I get three times a month of I guess or raising a child it's talking about our own podcast not altered well we can talk altered carbon when you're done but like
00:52:29| even our own podcast like I don't know how people take it because I feel like most people don't respond with it and don't respond with it but I will say mmm there hasn't been a while according some
00:52:42| people and in fact they know that they're quiet listeners through stock up uh-huh what's the other word for stalker lurker heard lurkers that's what it is I'm good lurker so how do you leave this
00:52:58| digitally I don't think I'm very big of a footprint like I don't have I'll talk about the social medias like when you're on reddit you post uploading are you the name that I post under Jean panderers
00:53:12| YouTube so it's really I I'll blame it on you if it's a shitty post there but do you do post I do every now and then I gave a guy I gave a guy props today because he went
00:53:23| through a story about how he was looking for a new job and stuck in the same job but he loved his job and they upgraded and then like two years later you upgraded again so he boosted his salary
00:53:35| literally by like 300% oh yeah so I'm like he went through the phases and detailed what he was thinking and feeling and like how like my did not worked out but it actually did and he
00:53:45| could see like both sides like he's one of those posters posters that it's he's not dead set on a certain opinion heshes blooding he's on clinical analysis wit a critical analysis barely home I found
00:54:00| this but then this and then I noticed this these are the numbers of this uh-huh which is almost like an overshare in one degree yeah but I think he was self aware of not over sharing he was
00:54:13| just sure sometimes they're like you could feel overshares this is again like digital personas that you read in through just text you can you could reveal how a person is how
00:54:22| they I think you can especially if there's more than one cooks obviously yeah and everyone's type of post someone post mm-hmm so someone's always posting in cryptocurrency but doesn't know that
00:54:32| he puts anywhere else like that's like one sided right right like I know what you're here for relax pal so like the overshare is usually want a response so they're like
00:54:43| they don't post things are very long so they're just like they'll like finish it with a question like like this isn't this is the internet like you're not gonna get a response to that question
00:54:51| that you want so mom very royally I agree so what we're being asked are I was gonna say what that um digitally print just I'm on Twitter all the time like
00:55:05| that's right oh I don't are these you just paste would quit once a week I mean you say it's just been once a month maybe well hold on news is just I check it usually you look I put this that I
00:55:17| won 36 months or so Instagram Twitter use Twitter a lot these Twitter open and then tumblr I don't even know if I have a tumblr account how they I did what about things that like track you on
00:55:30| track your movement Guga Maps um yeah it probably used Google not to go to them as a delivery guy it's like useful to go from stop to stop yeah so people could probably track your
00:55:40| movement they can extract my uh what my delivery route can see where they have one is worth billions yeah took a dump at this bar yeah there was a murder around the street around
00:55:54| the corner it's possible maybe it is mm-hmm implemented in crime actually on did you hear the new Alexis they're releasing have a direct line to the police really honestly like an emergency
00:56:09| or God it just came out it's more 9-1-1 emergencies but also you can report crime if you want huh but if you just can only yesterday or today so that I was like yeah I want the
00:56:24| police in my in my living is that as I'm Alexa covered under like the UM I give you talking to a priest that is supposed to be confidential I don't know I don't know they're like I just murdered
00:56:35| somebody they're like the Alexa is still on like the police say but wait the priest is like that I have an Alexa he's not even in the pew it's just like i absolve you thank you Peter
00:56:49| that's one thing that a show is not has that has a show done that where it's a robotic priest no that's a good idea [Laughter] he has someone made books if you've
00:57:00| waited to the fifty minute marketing Pandora's both yeah yes where the ideas start coming they do we should make men robotic religious cult once once we find robots that can understand religion
00:57:17| [Laughter] anybody can understand religion would be great if they give you all the options like depending on how you feel you could do any of these options because they're
00:57:30| all in Scripture hey penance be not penance you see rejoice yeah you don't rejoice today Alexa pop up some guide songs that celebrate rejoicing
00:57:42| okay I thought you might find this one real good thanks Alexa yeah I knew that was the wrong time to take a sip of my beer beverage for your flavored beverage the
00:58:01| old h2o we heard like that'd be another thing is that yeah so they have those like Coke machines that have all the different flavors of coke it's like if they had like the terrible flavors like
00:58:15| to dissuade people from becoming an alcoholic maybe it would help I don't know I I don't know if I'd to sway people like beer kinda taste it it's not bad but that's what when you give it to
00:58:26| a kid the kids are always like bosses disgusting any of you drink this is like to get drunk and then like an hour later they're just like yeah give me why that and think about it when you're like a
00:58:41| teenager you're sneaking beer you're like keep drinking so crusty the clothes yes for a bright print blue my background today is actually a whoo I did it to the Yelp backgrounds appear
00:59:04| Yelp Oh big is it bigger Yahoo is the fancier certain it yeah it's for food I'm very nice he's the big um it's the background of the day it makes it like a comeback like how many employees are
00:59:19| there later 37 dogpile Hyksos play mama I was trying to get the old ones I used to know a bunch from LA I misjudged great yes jeez there's so many different was Yelp could be food right the
00:59:40| background would be blue because I saw the big bright blue screen as I write her face it was the Bahamas with some beautiful ocean view caught it my fears are being lives
00:59:59| yeah yep that means it's cut good night babe love you so much she said I'll make sure I have to do every air into the either phone list she was thinking of laundry dishes mail
01:00:19| trashley do all that let's go through all just dead if she said make sure you kill but even 15 spra where I am is very thoughtful I'm just saying I would love it if if
01:00:37| they knew what we're doing in games let's talk about thieves how do better so I hope I like say thieves I loved it I know you do you're gonna get I'm gonna I'm getting it over
01:00:46| I will give it that you can sit on like the bow of the ship and just look at the waves and like let other people control the ship and use sail and there's a feeling like you could almost put your
01:00:58| feet in the water and you feel the Sun and it's just swaying like you could just keep swaying the they spend all the money on water the ocean the way the word looks the way you move in the water
01:01:09| the way the water moves around you the way it looks at night the way it looks in the morning the way Norm's waves are crashing the way it ed the way it moves your boat the way you move in it the way
01:01:23| it's a very fluid yeah cerebral but not not harsh like I almost uh feels very natural like there's a nature aspect to it but just as undeniable with like the little white caps that come during like
01:01:40| a well so a little bit breezy when you're gonna get the wind there's no so I will say that about it's very soothing the problem is that it's soothing and I wake up like five hours later from its
01:01:50| trance and then go shit now I got actually go to sleep and they were playing I literally like that it's like one o'clock I was like I got to stop now and I must leave for whatever and I
01:02:02| stopped it was like I looked at we thought it was like three enough good insulin it was like daylight savings three so that's what a clash of clans did is that
01:02:14| it it gave you like a bright green and blue background just like the background that you have the Bahamas right now and it's like it puts you in a trance because your body is wired to receive
01:02:24| blue so you're looking at a blue ocean bright blue it's in motion and you're constantly like what can I do and there's always like a little something you could do the other is always tidying
01:02:37| up or something yeah it's good but I think I we've done it I think we've done almost everything for like interacting between boats and stuff no I'm good I just think there's something called the
01:02:52| the truth situation yeah there's a channel - it's actually the truth and then both boats are getting closer it's like there's really a truth both boats are still getting closer you're like
01:03:02| it's a truce right and everyone that the end is like waiting you hear them talk guards yeah that is funny with you know you hear people talking like I snuck on board they really do a circle around and
01:03:13| kill these at the naps I should have hit below deck when I when I stuck on their ship and just listen talk you can I mean is okay that should be my goal it's like I wish I have a small ship that they
01:03:28| couldn't see or you can like have like a submarine or something what did one day yeah I feel like it's it could be a game that really has something to it if it adds like a couple features like your
01:03:42| progression is not very it doesn't I don't think that progression is gonna do very much for you he might look cool but you're not gonna be that much more powerful I don't think they can make it
01:03:51| too powerful though because then why would anyone do well play exactly so they keep it basic well apparently there's like a pirate secret hideaway you can only get two of your a certain
01:04:03| level and I don't know if there's pirate no captain abilities or something there's animals you can rescue I don't know did you read any of this weird I'm not interested in reading won't play
01:04:18| okay I will say that like the demon ship that we had when we played left the other night shout out red rocket it's kind did he was now he's great he didn't keep called
01:04:32| it he was like shells to half-mast or whatever and then way like New Zealand Aussie dude but he knew the right he knew Horatio yeah he knew not to go over over his bossiness and he'd blow a
01:04:44| while I thought he was gonna be the kind of the ball the kind of boss who was like no no we shouldn't engage another ship unless our top probability is above let's do it after all
01:04:58| yeah yeah into like an hour-long battle between us on this other ship and and the other ship sunk the one right yeah we sunk one and then I don't know that we were kind of half-assed night cuz we
01:05:13| were low on supplies I think it's just better to RAM and start shooting and what betta and all well you've never had a gunpowder barrel IV no I guess you could put that on their ship and explode
01:05:26| it right yeah you can carry it onto their ship and bring it below deck and then just wait for someone to come down and just blow it up cuz I think it blows up like a probably the size of the ship
01:05:39| but like small like widthwise so if you put it it like the bow of the ship like at the bottom level you're probably four or five or six holes instantaneous you can also do if your own ship but that
01:05:55| makes you want to play again see the game's not that amazing now breaking this is so much fun yes it's there's not yeah there's not a lot of depth to it it's all you can
01:06:09| really like dig deep into it but like what's there is it's detailed it's fun and I really wish off the pros I see you weren't on the boat so you know you kept trying to fix our boat that was going
01:06:24| around yeah so a tip relay with the the throws I call them we were like you dude you guys complete it as gay-looking earlier like I said
01:06:34| Holle bro I love your boat you guys should come onto our boat and we get we went onto their boat and uh everyone played musical instruments well when you get like five to six people playing it
01:06:46| like fills in with sound like you wouldn't believe it was the coolest thing ever and I remember being like I got like my hairs to stand up back on top and everyone was playing their
01:06:57| instruments and it like it filled in like a fifth layer of sound like that you can't get from three or four people I was like this is one of those beautiful moments in gaming ever because
01:07:08| it was cool because your teammates are agreeing I think they let up and your enemies are white so like I was looking at these people and your natural instinct when you see the white cursor
01:07:18| is to attack like I can kill this person two sword strikes that they're dead and like they're probably looking at me think of the same and to my right is a guy in green and he's like Mike my ally
01:07:28| so I can't hurt him it was all these people in different color cursors so we're ending racism if you know Ron had but we were all playing music and it was beautiful and like the Sun was setting
01:07:40| and you could see it on the water and I was like I was like this is like I didn't want to be the first person to stop playing the instrument put it that way
01:07:50| do you guys could have kept playing because I was gonna circle the ship around them did you circled around a little bit I was kind of randomly it's not my friend he still might I don't
01:08:00| know him but eventually they someone turned on one of us and everyone killed everyone yeah and we chased him down into the world and and if we had just killed him do they had no idea and red
01:08:14| water started flowing everywhere there was blood in the air and the sea so mad we didn't kill them yeah eaten by sharks and they literally their voice chat picked up in ours they're like now these
01:08:27| motherfuckers are gonna kill us dude these guys are gonna fucking kill us bad and that's what they're saying they rode away and I was like damn I missed then we die this is one thing that like if
01:08:40| they're off in the distance it takes I think it takes a little too long to catch up like they have does you have Mario Kart rules where if you're in second place you match up
01:08:51| that maybe this is their trick but they said they're doing a major update three months if you did any reading - no you're not they all buy it in three months is hundred you're telling me
01:09:00| problem is at the Microsoft game they don't go on discount do they do a lot of GTA Grand Theft Auto five is still 60 dollars in the store it's not a Microsoft Office no it's not but I was
01:09:15| just it's Rockstar but to the point of that's I'm sorry I mean if you're gonna devalue a game what's there's nothing preventing you
01:09:24| from keep keeping to devalue it like you're trying to hit a price point to bring your people you all right - plenty more people but I guess if you if people are buying your game and it's good you
01:09:34| don't have to yeah good on you I get if you give it a 60 bucks and you're gonna wait until people age and if it's a ageless game which some multiplayer games are true
01:09:45| you're gonna keep playing like Call of Duty remastered hmm did you like that remastered video there were it looked way beautiful but actually my only gripe would have been
01:09:56| they changed it too much but didn't look like it changed at all like the level designed everything was still there it looked like it moved almost exactly the same but I couldn't verify that my
01:10:08| growth my head was but he he was using different weapons than I would use and like I found gone yeah sprin around that's better than I do but even like the times he would go into certain like
01:10:22| I would say like hot areas like you'll get shot if you're standing in this one spot he's still there for like maybe a second longer than I would I was like there's no reason standing he already
01:10:31| looked around like get out get out and he's like died and I just feel like that's what happens man now did you see the one where he would 30 more than done no I didn't check the scores I just
01:10:41| watch it and run around he did really well at picking people off with a sniper rifle he was really fast with that now I this is a level laying on camera needs any of the levels but I remember the
01:10:52| level very well and I was like Dan it was a fun level and had all the same perks like at seven you get the helicopter and all that five the airstrike through the UAV
01:11:01| that I will say like the way they set that up where you get what very good yeah three five five out of it yeah that's the right thing to do don't make it like real complex what the other
01:11:11| games do is where you get to choose so I get basic for everybody and then you you know it's exactly what's happening right and you know how many kills another player has by his helicopter or his
01:11:22| airspace or whatever no dude okay mmm makes me kind of miss it but that also was a video from like two years ago right so yeah 2016 love I for it what month late in the year and it's 2018
01:11:35| early in the year so no you're probably a year in two months what do you think the lifespan of a remastered game is like that first game lasted what four years before it started
01:11:47| to peter out yeah last a while do you think the server so up for the original original not the reinvestment I don't know that my xbox still works to play it then I did yeah it definitely does well
01:12:00| I don't have the multiplayer though no I just set up my xbox I see my kid I would try and get in to play some stupid a Lego game that came with it the system does it he doesn't understand it no I'm
01:12:14| he doesn't he's like you do it that I'm like set this up so I could walk away from you leave me alone five minutes doing it words he taking it call of duty for uh watching of all modern warfare
01:12:32| littler still active on see it too [Music] problem is that this February 2017 so I was a year ago they say it's still there I believe it is some kind of a weird
01:12:50| rule but it's probably one server that like most like six games or something yeah and now it's a little down to the people that are just like hardcore about it now do you think of this you think
01:13:02| that people are core par core people moved on to the other call duties the people on there are the people in like third world countries who are getting this game for like eight bucks huh they
01:13:12| don't even speak English look at that like the first multiplayer game we go on there and tear it up there's probably two or three people on there who are
01:13:20| super ringers probably hack the game they'll be an msi yeah if they're hacking the game they're cheating I think we usually want to beat up fears is that is that rank in your all-time
01:13:38| games by the way highest kills no no where does it ranking or your all-time games it's weird because I played I probably played Bioshock like two or three times up there for it it's up
01:13:54| there with Bioshock because even like I remember playing that when I was like three years after it was released like still having the same amount of fun playing it and it was like there's
01:14:05| hardly any games that you could play that much and still be like yeah sure I could go like oh like kind of like how the Jurassic Park graphics hold up like even today almost yeah they did an
01:14:17| amazing job with like the Tyrannosaurus Rex you watch that you're just like you don't you know see the defects there's no defects like versus another movie released in 96 or 98 whatever the hell
01:14:29| that was you could watch it and watch the special flexibility that's dead yeah some things date right away something's done another series is like the half-life series really those have a
01:14:43| feel to them that's unique I think and it's uniform graphics well it's because whatever engine engine yeah no I think it sure isn't unreal you know who those yeah you probably never played unreal
01:14:58| the original unreal was actually really cool so the one where you can like to work twice man you crash lay it on the alien planet you don't even have like a weapon
01:15:07| for the first 20 minutes of the game hmm it's cool like you can't play it down it's tough yeah it's like watching the movie from the 1970s or something look if I told someone they'd be like you
01:15:17| have to launch it by director so-and-so it's so good and it might be really good and it might be way better than some of the stuff done now but it's so hard to watch a movie from 1978 if you like the
01:15:35| guy you're like this is like shot like it's a movie from 1960 so that's how it is playing an older game I feel like you can't be like go back and play Mario Brothers but keep it
01:15:45| open mind pretend there aren't better graphics and it's like dude Bing Bing Bing and a Tigger forever right yeah now it's too hard the mediums have changed too much
01:15:57| yeah um Strangelove dr. Strangelove that's one of the ones that people like to always tell me to watch spraying I am like out handle bomb with making love through the bomb yeah and for something
01:16:11| I can't watch it right it's too tough to watch a movie that's way test you're you you're bringing frame yeah if you can it might be worth it but it's tough to get over that hope I do feel like I'm gonna
01:16:24| make enough money to retire early and then once I don't care about money anymore that's what I'm gonna do in the play all the games that I liked I'll be like probably disappointed with 95% of
01:16:36| them sure so try to figure out if I wanna play games or phone make games at that point so I'm trying to make it's like the rest of my life will be spent trying to make this beautiful game and
01:16:50| I'll release it when I die or something busy fighting your life and hack all the Internet servers of the time if you ever watch pornography on your food a little what it was what it was and will will
01:17:06| celebrate with you well that day of that year in a movie theater near you these are gonna get out live me oh no long dead there we the people the people hopefully your digital form can
01:17:19| get uploaded and then I'll just make sure you come back for that one day now I want to be going okay I see those things I just wanna rest forever at one point not now I'm not saying then you
01:17:33| don't think you want to just go sleep forever yeah at one point unless a cage Jesus guy God believe there's a dark Podcast at one point you don't think what keeps it the couple who are like
01:17:45| over a hundred alive I need to know you think like thank you I'm done I don't think they're thinking about it I think they just literally thought do you think if I moved so fast that
01:17:55| they like blink and they wake up and it's like a year later it's like the next day happy birthday I mean like there's obviously these waking up if you didn't eat until there's like your poop
01:18:04| was solid again you're like close your eyes you wait up and they're like no no John to the left you gotta walk through the bathroom by the time you're done you're tired you're like your knee looks
01:18:13| like it's in bad shape Johnson and you're like what it is then you wake up again and someone's kids are here and you're like he's over 48 times a champion of the people
01:18:23| mister and he blink again like a you know oh so you're you don't really have a choice you just keep living because cuz that's where you've done 400 years okay
01:18:35| I mean it hasn't changed it's not like it's not like you're saying they're like hmm I'll continue continuing on only it's really even conscious at that point not to mention your brain isn't that
01:18:46| Swift or clear you can't even remember half the stories you wanted to share with the world yeah it's like a spy one after all some dates later ranked it on the air you
01:18:57| mentioned trying to explain like how like the nuances of what happens in the in panderers or like who's in the line with a guy and he had one item in his car and I let him go first he called his
01:19:08| son and his son had 14 items is army knows like why did you do that I have two items you should just let me go and like you mentioned this guy thinking of it at a hundred one something to happen
01:19:20| when he was 32 and like for like 10 minutes and is super bright like he can who would lose call and who would listen exactly exactly it's not like interesting yeah can you
01:19:31| tell me what happened 70 years ago in a supermarket I die son pandered damn that's nice right Joe stand watch this video of me when I was 32 it's better this way
01:19:40| people won't care I can't wait until it's like I'm like a hundred and like the nurse is like changing my whatever's and I go ahead look at me when I was 32 and she's like oh damn and it was hot
01:19:51| and smart no think about this would you say that like you were changes on who's 108 and then like they should do a hot picture and you're like well yeah right you were
01:19:59| hot but I don't care you know doesn't change what I'm doing you know they mean keep away from my ass and this is my fancy name and you and you slide on a dollar and you're like not that far away
01:20:12| from my adds a lot of excitement for one night well folks a little bit more every night to check out our socials pay us money don't they have mine don't check out our
01:20:35| social you know we do this for fun don't even watch our videos especially this one

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