The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP002 Ancient Rome Italy Republic Empire

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP002 Ancient Rome Italy Republic Empire

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 2 - Ancient Rome Italy Republic Empire
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00:00:00| well it's another episode today oh yeah it is I didn't prep anything that good or bad my intestine I guess we can't do this episode that we're not gonna pander
00:00:14| that's for sure folks yeah but I'm Dan Nick over here together we are young painters yep okay good pretty good folks it's gonna sell tickets gum it up folks Elm it up at home hmm
00:00:38| very take a nice nice breath nice relaxing inhale we're gonna turn this into a meditation podcast for a minute think about all your failures think about everything you've done wrong
00:00:51| think about all the vices interview down we're talking about yoga pants I was going with the vices but yeah that's a lie Miami Vice baby mmm-hmm I'll say it about all those bad things in your life
00:01:08| and you're anxious that you might not get something done where you're not doing something right in your life for somebody in your life is sick and just think about that for a couple minutes
00:01:16| dwell on it dwell on it really let it hit home that's called meditating folks you feel that yeah that's good welcome to the unban doors folks welcome you just got meditated on toes I like all
00:01:31| them folks just gonna be a good episode tonight books gonna break a record for folks in a podcast oh man hi Matt I don't know if I can match your folks no you can't because mine are flowing
00:01:47| pretty natural folks I'm not even kidding look at it some notes here today's episode folks you're in for a surprise I think I've met a world record by now
00:01:58| oh they're great but what folks per minute how many can you say and I was looking at uh what we do next what I can't figure out how to navigate our favorite app check it
00:02:13| the local store with cold it's called done panderers all over the place calm yeah right our socials do that every oh we can do it before - with one we can do it seven times or in a
00:02:28| subset we keep every five minutes we just find this one there are no rules we are the rules I think good unpaid or calm is probably the one we want to leave them to they'll find everything's
00:02:39| gonna fit everything everything that's a lot every day we will huh nearly limber folks is it may not be suitable for you so if you get frightened or scared find a safe place
00:02:57| listen to this with the lights on if it really offends you not gonna pander to stop listening now these opinions here in tho are representative of our employers or us as individuals I'm just
00:03:12| spouting some louses opinions here mm-hmm it's how many small cryptid it's purely scripted we're just actors actually uh there's a third party he's he even told
00:03:23| too much away here he's larger than us it's like we're the corners and he's the top you may refer to this as a pyramid but he has all of our lines all of our opinions all the things that might get
00:03:35| us in trouble and are bad all the things that are good here folks that's us we're the base yeah and the base is it looks important it's rooted in music actually think about
00:03:47| that it's really the connection between the drums and the guitar I mean the guitar would look like an asshole without the bass and the drums would look ridiculous without the bass you
00:03:59| know what's connecting the two that really need to be Saints the most important this would have been a good time to have that one shirt on that says drums and bass but just kidding folks
00:04:14| we're down panders good night oh no thinking I can stop this is what I have to do that's this is being a parent folks yeah I it's funny I'm not even his parent we found this kid in a park
00:04:30| he looked lost we just took him put him in the van and we're raising him crazy yeah it was in another state so I haven't heard anything yet but I'm here across state lines does that make it
00:04:42| more bad I think there's a statute they were like they were like he's a Duncan a kid whoa he's a tough to the kid across state lines kind of line how many full-grown adult women do you think you
00:04:55| could plow through if they realized you're stealing child is this a sexual question they were stealing my time knowing I'm Judy a child and they're in the park and they're in the way none
00:05:11| because I don't need to care that bad really kids are awful if you had if someone had my kid and I had to plow through women to get to my tile it's good oh seven dozen whatever the front
00:05:24| end would give out you know anything just you'd be assessing yourself on all these women I'll be worth it you know and there's no way reflects my opinion of women I actually love women more than
00:05:37| men they could be people too but I'm just trying to you know give you a size range they are welcome to the unders we think women are people I think that's actual I hope it is they're also duped
00:05:54| or whole life is this they're also animals yeah that's part of the - you didn't cause nails you'd have all sorts of stuff that you would not expect I think the cool thing to do hold
00:06:07| on I told her this in the shower today so that's all I didn't take a shower thing I don't know what I thought of this but I thought of this today say you got a group of friends and you gotta get
00:06:17| everyone in order but one and everyone's gonna go to the one you gotta be like yo TJ you ever sex with an animal and she goes no man everyone's gotta go women are animals you know and that's not what
00:06:31| you mean everyone's got look I'm like it's costing nothing make him building we have collect yeah I think it'll be awesome that's my branding you
00:06:42| that everyone likes that brandy humor exact hmm no one likes a brand humor that's that there are certain people who do but wait what are they suggest huh are you calling yourself a sick girl I
00:06:59| guess oh no it's happening the podcast is falling apart one of us is a sick-out mm-hmm it's out there it's new book I have to research for the record I don't like sick things like you
00:07:14| were about sick things there's a distinction right I should yeah you drunk comedy from hopefully things that will never be answered Oh dope mm-hmm well this does lead us to
00:07:31| our next segment yeah I know it's a new one hope you smirk smirk or smile Oh tell you what that sex with animals - had me smile literally not a lot of you at home
00:07:44| that's fine they they make you smirk horse month you know I did walk by two people today that didn't even acknowledge me after I said hey how's it going where they coworkers are stranger
00:07:56| or higher like their co-workers so I knew these people oh that's rude were they talking they were not talking that one was smoking cigarette and the other one was even I
00:08:08| mean the one was inhaling the cool cool fumes of nicotine and probably menthol so they were probably really getting jacked off on the stuff so I can understand right
00:08:19| hey they probably didn't even see they were a whole nother world although smoking cigarettes is real cool everyone knows what I've said is not Hitler - our opinions that's not my opinion folks
00:08:37| I didn't lose here it's actually pretty gross but I can agree with your coworker right but your coworker who was smoking was probably busy enjoying their smoke or whatever you do you handle it or
00:08:51| enjoy it or do a link I don't if you get a high from smoking I'm not really 100% that you don't get you don't have to eat or don't find out and you get a little bit of a buzz need a little bit of
00:09:02| energy you think really you get energy so like he'll be so it's like slamming a quick energy drink almost that's gross for your breath and body yeah sure and by sure like I'm not gonna stand up I'm
00:09:21| not going for that I'm gonna stand up but it made me think like whatever that happens in there I don't get a response did you think they're purposely ignoring me for some reason or they didn't hear
00:09:31| me because my volume level is too low and it's like did I whisper that I think like I can't practice my whisper start hating yourself you know you're like you blame yourself yeah yourself blamer
00:09:43| you start muttering I know you haven't heard me hey you son of a bitch you're screaming at them just to prove a point I'm not afraid my wife sent me a text she's leaving me this morning I what
00:10:07| were you saying nothing I think things were me that's what makes Bluetooth really confusing nowadays I mean that's kind of an old technology we're kinda diseased do it go into
00:10:19| bluetooth a little bit because I did like the bring our sponsor of the episode into the next section and it actually has to do with Bluetooth technology
00:10:30| man I wish we had Bluetooth headphones suddenly just Boop right in it would be good and then you wouldn't even know hold on how would you put there zu p say oh I'm in Syria kept Fitbit I think they
00:10:43| have a little receiver like a transmitter and receiver this is what I was talking about last episode I know is they almost walk confused for some reason I understand why you are anyway
00:10:55| folks at home like to take a moment to say I was surfing on a little website we all know it they got delivery trucks around the United States fingers are doing the type
00:11:05| any type of trying to find something need something for the beach it's not just for me anymore it's for the family are you getting a giant beach towel well nice like him across the
00:11:18| anchor sound blast mm a little Bluetooth speaker here looks a little right packs a hell of a punch it's called the saddle core I like the sound let that not be a reflection on how poorly I advertise it
00:11:36| have you listened to yet I have um Bluetooth capabilities up to 60 feet IP how was your first one but her proof bluetooth speak my first real and I got one when and my son was born but it was
00:11:51| like kind of like a 15 dollar piece of junk okay this isn't too expensive thirty dollars and trying to connect it right now I think I did and it does look kind of hefty in your hand there it does
00:12:05| it's not big but it packs a nice punch as the Russkies would say we tell you that folks and because we share a YouTube page a little bit this boy you can crank it it's 60 feet it's
00:12:28| waterproof oh it holds a charge for 24 friggin our spokes anyway you can pick these up for from the under the summer I like to make someone straight for summer those are
00:12:55| the buff for everyone on YouTube watching this right now I discovered the song back in May I started playing it don't love with it good proof I do when we did my logs my friend um maybe late
00:13:10| night but uh cyle we went on vacation for a week in late June played it everyday kept telling people this is our Jam you know I was forcing it because those I mean out why are people
00:13:22| receiving it was I have to crew like uh it's stupid and then by day five and six and seven everyone else is requesting and people were getting in on it and I was like
00:13:32| there comes on you hey Nick can you play that in your two feet away and you're like sure I just look it up on the YouTube I got right here but um they started playing it everyone refers to me
00:13:43| when they play it like it was like cool it's like our little secret and then I recently heard it in like a Ford commercial I heard it in another commercial and it's playing one like the
00:13:52| pop like q102 around here so I'm kind of bummed that it became popular does that ever happen to you like where something yours became mainstream and you're like it but then you can't take take credit
00:14:03| for it it did I don't think big credit for it no one says stop me from that but like you knew that was gonna be the song of the summer but like there's some song I love so
00:14:15| many dimmed songs and they never become hit hmm when I talk about songs you love talk about songs you know that will become super popular even though you hate them like loves and sure like one
00:14:29| song of the summer like Shakira it's don't lie that was a song of a summer in college it was I have another great but I mean you didn't discover that and then all of a sudden like a month later I was
00:14:41| like whoa did everyone find out that song jam likes Shakira hips and she was so he was popular in high school right so keep going uncle but have you ever have you ever discovered something that
00:14:54| was yours and then became really popular like did you like on Star Wars before it became like huh soraa's mainstream yeah but no that was way before me one day maybe
00:15:06| you're right you're right but it was nerdy for a while now it's like everyone does it feel like Zoolander had like a poor reception in the beginning and then it became like super popular yeah make
00:15:17| sense I don't know for that mmm of course music I don't have to think about it this is one for a future podcast okay you don't have to answer right now would you like to sponsor anything go ahead
00:15:29| I'm gonna save my sponsorship for the next round I think you did a good job right there okay I like that good job gang we're here at the yump Anders will help you yeah and let's move
00:15:45| on to a fresh topic like the whole game is spinning in the Gulf right now that's about to hit a town near me actually don't know anything about that really it doesn't been showing and flashing on the
00:15:56| news no I oh yes what's a call Harvey Harvey Dent is it toothpaste the front wall it's gonna go it's gonna insert itself into the United States pull out and then spin
00:16:10| and go right and drop about 20-something inches of rain that's a lot I ran it once and like the entire coast of Texas and it's gonna be like a major hurricane boat on his which I discounted entirely
00:16:27| because I it hit the U oh crap I love that word Yucatan hit the Yucatan Peninsula inissia yeah are you breaking up you break it up on me I'm sorry I was trying to ruin the
00:16:39| podcast oh the thing is I was waiting for you to be like what is that and like stop the podcast but you kept getting more excited about Yucatan and all the way to shit shit he was getting really
00:16:52| into installs like I better abort so folks don't play practical jokes hook your Bluetooth speaker up and then put pornography on your phone or your horrible horrible ex-wife Janet maybe
00:17:04| she makes a phone call and the Blue Goose is so on and it's her boyfriend Hector and you every dirty deed anyway back to the hurricane I'm really sorry that's okay no I really only know that
00:17:17| it's a large storm it's the same thing I am oh these fuzzy caterpillars man you name it that's what makes your money make money
00:17:28| mmm yeah so so hit that Yucatan Peninsula and then you know I see these things all the time and they always like sputter out or they miss well this one I'm legitimately like worried about
00:17:42| because people around me are panicking like you think we talked about Doomsday Preppers the last episode a little bit and hurricane is like pretty far away but
00:17:52| it's gonna flood everything and people are already like stealing like all the water is gone there's no stores that have water really could you go to your local like CVS type store and non-work I
00:18:04| got the last one and it was at like noon today Wow I was like what when mines landfall just happen in about 12 hours I think Oh word
00:18:17| okay so you we're gonna find out real so this is the last podcast huh yeah wasn't my record I'm please burry me I leave this or cremate me and throw me in the ocean throw me into the hurricane
00:18:31| actually that would be if you could find the tornado actually that'd be great you you personally Nikki I will try but this is the thing I think it'd be incredible to actually have you found dead just
00:18:45| rush to the crematorium like I'm fucking screaming 80 miles an hour two wheels I pull out I know it's illegal I don't have to stick that's I don't have any will and testimony I will pay this guy
00:19:00| ten thousand dollars to just cremate you right now this is very important she does it how long how long that takes but he hurries it up maybe like four hours two hours mmm what do you think I'm
00:19:12| thinking he has a business on the side and he gives you this special coin to do it like that's like gotta be an assassin something like a game of Thrones yeah I think it's like a secret point only a
00:19:22| few people have you're allowed to period in person let's say you could I'm trying to do timeline here two hours to cream it over to the body yeah I don't know I did a second fluid so it's gonna take a
00:19:35| while I mean five hours your only molecules Nick worried about you you're dead it's like well here this is the best part let's say I can get it done in four
00:19:48| hours I paid this guy under the table he's hiding your death stick that whatever it takes I get back in the car with your ashes and drive towards the hurricane can we drive faster than
00:20:00| hurricane blue yeah eighty moderate hurricanes no hurricane move slowly sometimes when they're 15 mon our land uh-huh I catch it dude the one that killed you I can catch the
00:20:10| exact and throw it back in and say I don't think so he's back and what if you do make what if you put it in your will like I want to because I didn't put it back I've
00:20:20| ever killed me Wow that would be a rush job what if you're a lone body killed you what would you give you had like a stroke or like a heart attack I know
00:20:31| what I would do I would totally turn you into a like a Naru Burris aruba's the snake the TV it's a tail that'll teach you that what I'm a little actually I think that I think the pop made your
00:20:49| volume go down a little bit but that's okay I think your backup I hope so folks freaking cool stuff so yeah I'll see you on Monday if I'm still alive it might have flooded I'm gonna have lost
00:21:02| electricity in that time frame all my power would go out you might have to you know try to find something to do without electronics what would you do even guitar an acoustic I do have an acoustic
00:21:16| and I do have books I talk to my wife guitar so far I'm solved all your problems here yeah you did become a master like that one guy in Australia you can play the not to guitar but it
00:21:31| was a piano like that's all he had to do it was like farm or play the piano and the guy was a master shook up that's Chuck Ibaka I look them up yeah see like a did you just guy what guy like a
00:21:45| boring guy awesome he's a white guy old farmer type that we don't look like up here no he's yeah but but it it made the judges weep like they're uh did you check out the in my youtube history the
00:21:59| Nils prom peace toilet bowl brushes toilet mold brushes for the precious many it's called actually no no no what I will say about that is I'm not a big I love brand-new use classical pieces my
00:22:16| brain doesn't work where I'm like those beautiful and all this stuff like at all I'm like pseudo fancy I'm not really fancy I don't really weep you know I mean I'm not I don't feel ya know pieces
00:22:25| that often don't get goosebumps or anything not really not usually thank you for the goose bumps goose bumps and listen for goose bumps no but this guy needles prom toilet bowl brush the first
00:22:39| result was actually a live one he did London I believe when I watch it he uses piano some kind of organ and that third piano organ type hybrid Harmon something it's like 11 minutes long and it's it's
00:22:54| literally one of the more beautiful things I've ever heard in my life and I don't usually like classical pieces but it's super emotional and super it's almost like he's not playing piano he's
00:23:04| creating a percussion like he hits the keys in different volumes and he every note is I can't tell if it's all laid out or it's halfway just his emotions just his fingers moving with like his
00:23:18| spirit and his energy and by the end like you really get swept up and it sounds a little bit like if the planets and the solar system were just dust when the star first was born and then they
00:23:31| eventually formed the accretion disk and it's like when the solar system formed that's what it sounds like except the most beautiful thing in the world and while you're hearing it happened and you
00:23:41| can see this guy he starts sweating and he's like slamming Keys he's going over here and he's playing three different things at once it you literally look at him and you say
00:23:50| that's really cool because that's what human genius looks like like it's it's cool to actually be able to see genius happening in front of you hmm I mean that's the only way I can describe it
00:24:01| and again I'm not a big classical music guy it's home watches it is like he's no Tchaikovsky was it you're sure he's no Tchaikovsky or whoever but what he does is bringing beautiful amazing and I
00:24:15| guess it's just cool seeing the human mind reach a potential I'll never reach I could never do what he does it's like he's connected to it in such a way that makes it part of him right and
00:24:27| he's moving so fast that I think if I were to do it would just be hectic motion that I could do that best but I think he literally is thinking ahead and purposely pressing
00:24:39| all these keys at different notes and different like like some notes he presses harder during when he's pressing softer and it's just you gotta listen to it but it's like if he does everything
00:24:49| intentional which I think he does because I think he does it's an all I of performances it's frigging genius I just I don't know I don't know what that's worth like I'm driven to talk about this
00:25:02| a lot I don't why sorry touching you love it yeah yeah exactly doesn't deploy yeah but what is genius worth like he can make millions sure but I'm trying to way genius against the
00:25:15| average human life do you think his genius is worth more than someone's life and I would almost say yes then we're like like little drastic I know well it's just his deed is his rest it's
00:25:29| drastic I just think if there's like budget there could be like idiot savants or geniuses out there that are have really mundane things like you're a genius with spreadsheets like I'll do we
00:25:39| talked about this you're the best at spreadsheets make the world's greatest spreadsheet but no and that was it yeah cuz it doesn't care it's like spreadsheet a part of your print image
00:25:48| just what it looked like Oh world's best grass cutter to get underneath his ear genius because he cuts it like Kermit dangles he never doubles back cut he never emotionally brain spots no never
00:26:00| dude he's got waiting his blades and everything no he doesn't even he doesn't was sued really it's been a curved cut he can flex Stabler just thinks he's named hold up
00:26:14| so a by the dark secret though well not happen I wanna call it a dark secret cuz I would ever like Yanni I didn't live at the Acropolis yes that's one of the really conceited
00:26:26| it's amazing because he he doesn't like you don't notice it's live until the end the keys that good that it sounds like a studio recording until the very sound really super guy loves Yanni but he just
00:26:40| does piano right mm-hmm so all the other arm is human people he has especially at the Acropolis or all just studio guys who he knows or like hires or how's that work for those
00:26:51| friends or okay I only hear like strings maybe in the background a little bit no the Acropolis one has a base because there's a sick bass solo in a song a Yanni song hook this up while you look
00:27:02| up Niels prana Berlin Yanni until the rain the rain must fall that's a real song anyway he uh there's a violin solo and a bass solo again Basel is a slap bass solo any Ani song
00:27:18| and you're like what then there's a Croix Yali standing still that's badass that's like - dude that's that's cool why not man hit thrown out the hitter yeah I'm not gonna talk okay there you
00:27:32| go all right no I agree thank you I agree okay there's something awesome about it that I just can't I can't put in words genius can call genius on us cuz I he's
00:27:42| genius yes he has awful or great hair I really don't actually know this is hair all for a great sometime line isn't it it's like bad hair but it's really good it better I guess when you're really
00:27:58| trying really hard like it need the end product is uncontrollable it's just that big like name he has flowing behind him but it's like Jionni Greek he asked a bit feelings he owns a
00:28:13| diner near me actually what a zit that's a racist joke against Greek people did they usually own full blown restaurants nerds that are our restaurants like place near me that makes like really
00:28:31| great food it's it's in a strip mall like most places around here but it's like a full-blown meal like you can get like a steak with like delicious lemon potatoes and like a salad Landon Haden's
00:28:41| is that a thing it's a thing and there we have good I'll buy it I'll buy it I give it a shot so like that's us that's way it's a waste more and more than a few steps above the diner
00:28:52| okay I'll give you I'll give you that or it's just a really good diner how how long is it open I don't it's near work so I don't know it's late hours let's call it diner call
00:29:06| I didn't call them right now on the pocket sir you open at 9:00 9:00 a.m. of course we have a mistress of course I am I mean I'm a guy in a restaurant speciality some lemon potato sir yes I
00:29:21| do quietness just drive up to the bank okay you shoot a lemon you should ride up the back well folks we did have a big topic time yes I go the celebrity challenge
00:29:38| [Music] and we don't we haven't thought about this honestly no but hold on but I do have one I I was thinking about a couple actually actually the home do you want
00:29:52| me to do this one I can take this one I think I got it okay I'm gonna save these for later see that's fine there's a really song that it's home to all our hearts Celine
00:30:04| not selling Jesus so I'm gonna do Stan oh my heart will I will always love you I was like okay the bike a beautiful song I want to know who can sing it better
00:30:18| John Cena from WWE Hillary Clinton nail that let's take money bet no one will ever hmm she's gonna know Lesley think she's gonna get a majority vote but still lose some trumped-up troubling
00:30:48| anomalies and so she will never sing it but I want you guys to vote 51% and John Cena yeah John's gonna quit the way it's gonna go maybe he would do feel like he wouldn't
00:31:05| today in the notes but he'd try way harder than her I think you would I think he would definitely own it but he would not hit a note something would sound really bad but he's like
00:31:14| it's persone that would really flow in that one yeah do it I'm gonna forget about mine I swear my celebrity channels you like to whisper to me and then not let the
00:31:24| audience hear would you like to write it down because I can go on my log what he reads that has to do with someone that's like really usable for Slover challenges like I feel like feel like the rock
00:31:34| would do would do this he's too big now you should I like literally one year ago when he was like on his ascent to doing everything that's ever been done now he's just who here's a quick
00:31:45| question who's the best action fighter in the movie this this only came up can you set the rock and I feel ready to move the rock I could be long there's art there aren't that many people that
00:31:56| are muscly and there are no sports makers anymore isn't that funny it does change there's no band dance or some there's like all this guys used to just kick ass you know
00:32:07| I snap people's necks all that ya know there's that you didn't even remember true yeah there's a little there's no no really there's 100 Tony Jaa it was he who hit
00:32:19| the Crouching Tiger no he um I don't know what popular movie have you ever seen a protector he's like yeah he's like Asian yes I actually don't remember his exact nationality
00:32:35| either way Umbach is like his movie came out in I don't think that was very Americanized but then he came out into protector which is like the exact same movie but done more American he saves a
00:32:48| baby elephant and there's a scene where he he's really good boy toy is what he does which is more elbows and knees striking people consider heart you know a lot of those yeah that's it's genius
00:33:00| right he uses your own energy and then a lot of knees and elbows like to your face go ahead and like neck and stop it like he does all of them stop he's like super he's a badass but he's probably
00:33:11| like in the movie the protector I'm like he's gotta do more cry he's gotta do more crying I keep more dudes ass kind of like pretty just flippers everything well there's a scene where they kill his
00:33:26| pet elephant I don't care my spoilers for the world I hope I do it's like his pet and like he loves it and he's chasing after it and if he sees the skeleton covered in like all these glass
00:33:37| ribbons and everything because that's what they they went up to the ivory and everything in the decoration he's crying in the room and I'm like because it's poorly acted and everything then all
00:33:48| these guys and I think they're black suits they represent bad guys they start coming into the room and he's so mad and so crying that he just goes and there's a scene where I swear it's either eighty
00:33:59| ninety or a hundred dudes he snapped something every single the like yes and it's over the top like it's hilarious because one comes in and he just pops this and pops this and then he pulls a
00:34:11| third move and like you hear a crack it's like it's the studio crack but it's like his armpit cracks and then the next guy he lays on the ground next guy like two guys come out at once
00:34:20| he's hitting two guys with once he does this he does a flip lands on their crotch and just Yanks a leg and you hear a crack and then you hear a crack and he's correcting the dudes neck and the
00:34:28| funniest thing is he thinking beats the hell out of a dude and you hear a crack there like holla you got him and he's like kneeling over his face he just twists his knees and cracks his nose in
00:34:37| half and another one I'm pretty sure he's standing over his crotch after he kills kills them late knocked them out and he just does one more move and you hear his crotch make the crack but he
00:34:51| doesn't he doesn't like 70 guys so the point where after 12 you're like this is a lot and then after 30 you're like they still doing is like a Kill Bill kind of pride right it's over-the-top comedy but
00:35:03| it's really funny I'm recommending a lot of stuff to the pot yeah you definitely arms people are gonna be just all over the place not know any of the Stratton new neurons mm-hmm dendrites babies wrap
00:35:17| some new morons out there folks but that's what all the superhero genre well superhero is different but the super strong man genre well do you know about the Marvel stuff now people
00:35:31| complain because it's so green screen like you got you're not fighting anything you're gonna users and like your you know any mean mm-hmm
00:35:38| so it's not the same as it was I guess yeah I was gonna talk about actor bladder like they're not built anymore there's like a Ryan Reynolds or uh yeah galaxy um we sound like idiots
00:35:51| yeah yeah we do definitely do Jesus looking at him looking at his picture I get my breath it's not even 8:00 his name is Jim we have to move on because we'll look like in ten minutes it's a
00:36:07| blanket of fame I think we're I think we should later you think we should figure this out we should all right he's the guy from yes he is good because he's way not in shape in that show but it's a
00:36:21| little more cut he's also in dressed as old yes he is he caresses the rafters yeah he was married that blonde girl who was all human actors really yeah I didn't know this they're so sweet - Jim
00:36:36| Pratt Pratt Chris Pratt Chris yeah like that Chris Pratt only took us a minute zone but there's I mean if you like that genre kind of like scrunched down to a generic white guy which is weird because
00:37:03| it's like I could I could get a little buff and then play like his character - no that's a saying I'm buff but yeah right well I think also moving Manhattan yeah exactly camera cuts and like the
00:37:15| way they depict these guys and Photoshop and everything works together I don't think you like him do you oh it's all about angles everything hmm hmm I was gonna go to my next point
00:37:27| which is a segment I like the gay anyway no no I think I'm I was gonna there's one more guy but I'm not gonna remember who he is because it's so faint memory now it's fading Liam Neeson well yeah
00:37:40| he's got the same sort of thing he's not like he's like like it's like your neighbors dad [Music] he's like what are in his stuff like all
00:37:50| serious he's like try not to get your weeds on my weeds you see like a dandelion and then that get like just like tilts down and then ages like it gets it gets down on all fours I have a
00:38:01| certain set of skills I will find your root and destroy you I wish I could do a voice I really would for the podcast but I can't hmm if you could they'll be great then
00:38:13| it-- I have no voices just my own speech and that's an awful voice yeah I've been ice crews doing a pod please grant me with a better voice please tomorrow I'll stop doing the podcast if I I'll start
00:38:35| doing your voices if he really does oh I won't need you anymore Nick it's just my voice being reflected back at me yeah dammit and then you start copying me I wouldn't you had my exact
00:38:46| voice you start saying everything I said I think my mom would explode I think you'd go insane because I wouldn't I would no it's not an echo but my brain would just perceive it as an end up mmm
00:38:59| what the hell what the hell stop doing that stop doing that you're an idiot you're an idiot that's I hate you dad that's not like the time I uh I was having a conversation with somebody and
00:39:15| they they said something like proof is in the pudding and they told me to do something like I was I was wrong on this one fact I their pudding pudding I don't know but I hung up with them stop
00:39:29| talking with them and then I I picked the phone call somebody else and then I didn't even have the same conversation with that person but they told me the same thing like they they literally like
00:39:38| copied the same phrase even though they're not related and even though I didn't even bring it up so Elliot agents where do you think like yeah they're running the same subroutine
00:39:48| yeah yeah something's going on mm-hmm I think that broke my mind for about you know a couple nights I had to think about it like am I like I must be wrong on this one
00:40:00| topic because they both said it in the same way but you would have given some kind of signifier for them to both answer that way especially that none being like telling each other that's odd
00:40:10| that's when my distrust for the world just new level just kept rising start buying more and more guns more and more weapons stockpiling strange stuff trying to buy houses sold out did you buy like
00:40:23| six copies in Quran - you're into that now I like to throw it at the people who are trying to bomb me do you think they would stop if you're like I am fought like they would knock it with big
00:40:34| estates there yeah on here's something about here's the thing about super fanatical religious fanatical folks the people who are where they're fanatic but they go to the next level of fanaticism
00:40:47| right like the bombers and like even on super hardcore Christian you can get it any religion but I think they're to the point where they know they're not even believing their religion anymore like
00:40:58| they're so consciously aware they're almost using it as their vessel for whatever the holiday lined up they're predisposed to something that is right they want to do something and they're
00:41:08| just saying it's the religion like they're so far gone that like the that's why you can never argue the religion with them because they don't care about the religious aspect they actually
00:41:17| either like yeah contradictions in the Koran they're like don't actually care about the Koran I just wanted to bomb people or I don't actually care about the Bible I've learned the molest kids
00:41:26| like whatever the deal is I know yeah but what I'm getting at is they they're no longer a religious figure they're just doing their own thing and they're using religion as an excuse yeah yeah a
00:41:38| lot of people hide behind some sort of greater scheme of good but it right yeah oh just makes it easier for them and do whatever they want to do each do you think you discover that because I feel
00:41:49| like everyone in like high school that what with me was like man religions actually been you know what I don't like the adults they're old example there was a group or something but I feel I knew
00:42:02| already you give people I know I'm saying what age it's like thirteen fifteen see even when I was probably you know maybe yeah ten or eleven like I don't
00:42:14| object like people trying to tell me how I should think like you should ever tell somebody how to think you just present material to them and say decide on your own like there's there's things that are
00:42:25| good things that are bad what about a serial serial killer yeah I don't know that they feel like I think they might have talked about thinking though I'm thinking I'm thinking they rewires their
00:42:39| brain mobit you've heard that they rewired their brains and your frigerator holds all these organs don't have any hope in Flynn for the crematorium he's living with them and I'm getting hungry
00:42:55| or everyday no so what like they always fascinate me serial killers people who do really bizarre crazy things they because I totally different brain than you there's like a section on fix a sure
00:43:09| is nothing killing people hide you go like I help we I think we talked about this on a previous podcast I don't I'd like to follow logic steps in another person's mind even though religious back
00:43:20| thinks they're doing good thinks this is the only way it works thinks this is the only way thinks there's a good guy boom-boom-boom-boom that's why they're doing tax oh go ahead so when I finished
00:43:33| a finished criminal show finally Oh Lots I see 19 of 30 looks a so actually how many are eighty of them so maybe nineteen of eighty probably seen 32 of eight okay did you hear that
00:43:50| there's one about homeless people and one of the homeless people kills another one oh no I know I feel like I saw the picture and the head yeah wait Philadelphia yeah actually I did
00:44:02| um Philadelphia local yeah I'd like to take full credit for the murder apprehension and the guy who visited sure sure so the guy let me see if I can summarize this one up okay so there's a
00:44:13| soccer player that traveled around and finally got a job in Philadelphia who likes to help homeless people and what an interesting yeah but God better I'd you know he didn't kill anybody
00:44:24| apparently yes you just pinned it on a homeless guy but I thought read yeah that was named her yeah so he meets red and his girlfriend who are both homeless and she seems like she doesn't like the
00:44:37| soccer player and red sticks up for him and Red's got like a really nice like boastful English savvy voice ex-professor I think he described me like it used to be a professor like but
00:44:48| homeless but you know yep yep so he trusts this red guy and then the girlfriend ends up dead she's friends also had department yeah she's like murdered knowingly awful waiver her guys
00:45:00| are like hanging him from a tree or something and then you know yeah that's she's a hoarder and the police are worthless because I guess the oh it's also investigate these things yeah it's
00:45:11| like who lives here maybe's girlfriend maybe some of the other almost people no unsure who's Alicia no one knows who goes in who has a cage like eight people no one has a record it is tough
00:45:23| don't get me wrong please could do better but they it's it's almost like that's tough yeah it's it's impossible but they let this this blue lives matter blue lives
00:45:32| matter guys matter by God met so oh I'm at covering all our ground I want everyone to like this fight all colors matter we got inside everyone message please can't figure this out it's almost
00:45:52| impossible at this soccer player guy he like figure it all out for him and it turns out that she had an aunt or relatives or somebody that died and had sixty something thousand dollars in a
00:46:03| safe that came to her mm-hmm and they found this homeless guy red he was carrying around in his cart but they level it and like you you're walking around the $70,000 everything I was
00:46:19| gonna put it at home you know hey he did yeah that was his home but it's yeah I mean I guess he can't do anything with it because I'm gonna be like you know rags to riches like when to most people
00:46:32| start dating do they say if you want to go to your place or mine and they they pull the cart exist around both of them they each have their own sleeve so they listen you
00:46:44| should just went down maybe great it's like we want to buy your podcast for seven hundred and eighty million dollars but oh we feel like you're not a really good candidate for homeless do you like
00:47:01| cat it all sitting in the carts sorry guys yeah I did read a story about how you're supposed to set up a podcast exactly like this right now huh yeah you're supposed to not do what you love
00:47:13| don't enjoy it at all and so what are the bullets and I'm like yeah I guess it's treated like a business by the way I don't have to put on B's last budget don't enjoy doing it don't drink beer
00:47:25| laughing you know yeah don't live your life like you're a corporate shill see yeah yeah hear that we don't like shills we don't like happiness here good show on
00:47:38| yourself yeah so yeah don't enjoy what we do and then telling it what were the other topic over the crack now forget don't forget I'll say it's a sickness oh I'll be remembered oh crap I thought
00:47:55| porno up the way so another thing was that you have to target audiences with a lot of money essentially there's like people buying houses they're worth so much more listen that's I don't think we
00:48:07| should target anyone because I don't think so either I don't think it matters do you think people who are targeted and then find something stick with it or you think they just are targeted for
00:48:19| something else and find something else dude I mean they don't bind their own stuff do that I don't know if they intend to plus I think people change they grow you know eventually people
00:48:31| will be our target audience they already are I think he already is here I always had this argument with my ex-girlfriend she works at an ad agency and she was always like well this is what
00:48:46| commercials been here here here here and I I assigned the slots and everything and I only like commercial older Delmas hell they don't work on the because I'm not on there and she's like
00:48:57| well commercials actually work more than you think bow I'd be like I don't care if celebrities using the greatest hand cream in the world I'm not going to use it and immediately after are saying that
00:49:06| I've much like a commercial for a toothbrush but it was like scientific and I could see the waves coming in and I was like that's the kind of toothbrush I was like your celebrity crap is BS was
00:49:17| that the celebrity using a toothbrush or just a normal person no not at all it was just like it was like it was like slo-mo and then she liked their bones and it's like this toothbrush uses eight
00:49:25| point four times more force I'd be like oh I think I think I appealed with scientific commercials but they get me look at the whole sonic commercials like we're selling dog shampoo this is the
00:49:43| dumbest chloro ever and it zooms in real small it like shows mites on a dog's back in slow-mo it's like this kills in my hair and then it shows like some weird chemical come over them in slow
00:49:57| mode it's like killed ninety 7.4 I'm like that's the best commercial ever we need that shampoo you know I would agree with you I I do fall for my scientific right there more up killing
00:50:11| right it's like it's like that's cool I Simon - I simultaneously think that the rest of the audience just kind of fades away though like the people who don't want science at all they're just like
00:50:21| well that's probably how we are with the celebrities like if if Khloe Kardashian's using like the newest hair product I'm like I don't even I'm not even seeing the commercial and like
00:50:32| looking through it I'm like no but really someone might be like that's awesome she's my favorite my hair will look exactly like hers I'm also thinking
00:50:43| about the celebrities that like get caught out in the open by the paparazzi they're wearing all the designer fashion stuff my favorite is the who is it it's Ben Affleck like celebrities have a
00:50:55| thing where they always catch him eating crappy foods near a dumpster and like he has a beer does like really pictures have you respect them we've yeah he's like he's like sneaking into
00:51:07| his car and trying to smoke a cigarette and he looks ugly and he's like you know and someone catches the picture of him or like he's like taking out the trash but he's routing and he has that beer
00:51:17| gut again and it's like anyway I look up for the folks at home folks folks bad Ben Affleck pictures they're really good really good he's like an unhappy dad I think that's
00:51:33| cool cuz he's like a millionaire he makes movies does whatever the hell he wants but at the same time he's a dad he he has like a little bit of a gut now and he like AIT's his life I think it's
00:51:43| awesome I can relate it was only relatable to Big Island he shows how Mimi I mean I can't intention for her line but another segment of the podcast things you do
00:51:57| bi-weekly because we're by here the UI by us like that is a doula is the the Dan segment the other Dan should come in for fully avenged I don't even I don't even need him to
00:52:14| come into huge I just want to talk about him hey talk about a friend here and they can about him it's like everyone's giving them an iceless girlfriend and everything else so you know it's ever
00:52:30| gonna work too many people know is it sahat say you're in a relationship right okay let's just say yeah I know that's crazy talk what would someone else have to say to get you out of it I almost
00:52:46| feel like it's impossible someone else to tell you to get out of a relationship realistically if someone told me that she got an STD from some other guy it's not an opinion that's like an actual
00:53:00| that's a new fact introduced like how do you find out how do you know it's affect you'd be like can you will hate this blows up how about it I know how they could prove it watch your blood it's
00:53:11| just like now like a hundred pictures like and each one zoos and closer and closer and she's with someone and and like we get so close we can see every day and
00:53:19| like that's like whoa well that's a hundred pictures I don't know what to say you covered from here all the way to there you're right so I think that's how
00:53:30| you can prove it right I feel like she would deny it and say hey we actually accidentally touched it bounce parts of every bumped yeah it looked like you're in our bedroom babe yeah he was helping
00:53:43| me fix something but you know that's photoshopped it can't be but the stain is still here all good no that's your open-air bread and I'm like that goes on there right right it's quite a nice
00:53:59| establishment my back that happened at Panera Bread you can have a sandwich in the soup for like 595 yeah open floor plan there's nothing you can hide they say your first name when you order your
00:54:19| food there's no way there's no way I feel like you can really get away with anything you wanted to as long as you were quick about it which if I were to have sex in bionaire play to be real
00:54:30| quick are you crying you're turned on by bread or something or soup or that you with work isn't doing a quick piece while we're in subjects okay next topic Greece Rome Rome yes yeah so hold on I'm
00:54:53| gonna do an outline here real quick we actually want to do a little bit history the podcast or for the viewers at home it sound like a good idea right yeah we're trying to new topic here we're
00:55:03| gonna strut up we're trying to get actual more than just opinions and stuff like that yeah I don't know if you want to put in the comments you don't like this maybe you do like this was new more
00:55:12| facts and stuff Greece came first Rome came second I also got Greece was the Spartans not Rome and they both did wine and olive oil so I'm done you got anything else
00:55:26| that this impacts Wow like that movies like I didn't know like okay I'm gonna use fact I get up on the Google Oh this fact source no I have I have more than that I
00:55:41| was just boiling it down for the folks at home did you like to add today I would like to add that tomatoes are America and not Italian entirely yes they were found in
00:55:52| America do it better than we do which is sad not really nothing beats a Jersey to me like an ugly Jersey to me what kind of meals are you make it
00:56:03| I'm telling you ugly Jersey tomatoes are really good don't like to go the ugliest fruit is the tastiest not always because this could relate to sex you don't relate it to someone you know your true
00:56:17| have been with for a while her stop down there is not pretty but it's also not the best Broadway no lordy no but there there is an old tale I believe it's in fact there was a he was
00:56:36| like 15 years old and he he's dating a girl he's trying to get real serious with her he's reading stuff on the internet he's all his friends are telling them to go for it go for 1890s
00:56:48| yeah yes okay so cheap all spring no no not at all probably because of this one key element his friends are Tom this is a way to get girls way that girls finally has an
00:57:01| older guy the janitors will creepy with whatever one old on janitor says tell you what kid kiss her words no funny holy smokes anyway kid gets in his car
00:57:17| picks up his girlfriend drives her to New Jersey kisses her right on the lips triple bang the brawler Jersey viewers I just burned you know what else funny New Jersey
00:57:39| dude was brought to you by the unban ders just letting everyone know oh man that was going I liked it you like to build up anywhere you go I just let you go unleash that these
00:58:04| anyway you like me anymore Rome or is that is that it for history oh you see if I can keep it straight keep it straight because I I'm almost done with the Romans sure did let's get into that
00:58:17| so they have one of the best histories ever like the starting of a place like what like fill down how did you fill don't you start what's me what's the capital the United State yeah but that's
00:58:30| not how it started that's what it became it's like almost wit started if you like Ben Franklin like sailed of ship & lamboy year and was like boom William Penn homie Oh Pam was like boom we're
00:58:43| gonna put city here it's not like Romulus and Remus sucked from a teat of a she-wolf and they were they were born of two gods and they said we're gonna do it this is the place we're gonna do it
00:58:55| in I thought they were gonna do it like two men but that's that's Roman - isn't that when I started I think it is actually I'm not gonna deny history it's probably real somewhere I don't want to
00:59:07| embrace history you kiddin me I wanna get footage but that's one of the best best pathologies really for a city repeat that I didn't from the teat of a she-wolf yeah they were they were
00:59:18| released into the wild essentially because from God's and tossed tossed into the wild there's a teat here there's have you never seen the statue of like the there's like a golden
00:59:29| she-wolf with these like Oh teeth asses yeah there's like there's not you can picture these on a Super Mario right yeah exactly and they're little baby humans that are just living off the teat
00:59:43| of the she-wolf Romulus and Remus and that's Rome and that's Rome holy crap is it because their names like they combine their names that was the closest thing they got right that does sound that may
00:59:55| be wrong yeah our yet an ro M equals ro ma sure sure I like it let's put that in history books and play myself Yun panders
01:00:11| persons discover Rome mm-hmm we created whatever she will she will like what mythology would you want other than I want someone bored of like lightning who's like I was thinking the same thing
01:00:28| actually really lightning the Colosseum Terminator kind of was born each one's body I think Terminator should be America's mythology we were seeing I'm sure you
01:00:40| have a child so I've seen mallanna yeah like yeah the body of a god that falls and makes like a mountain I think that's pretty sweet too do you think that was on what's her
01:00:53| name Briana appreciate look like exactly every other this singer I think she might be in there but that's not the mean the main character is uh Valecia then I'm saying the lean drew their
01:01:07| modeling out of gas oh yeah yeah it's like it's like you're like series I wonder if they purposely do that they try to like look at like who's ever whoever is popular and probably a little
01:01:18| bit and like model but like not enough where that they can claim any kind of copyright or anything through it just like oh that's a coincidence they took it I think I think sure he just started
01:01:28| like scribbling over it and then the computer just decided that this is what a cartoon version would look like if you could prove that could you prove copyright I mean we could probably prove
01:01:42| copyright on ourselves somewhere right generic white guy copyright to bandana white shirt gotcha royalties royalty take they go through like a hit it's very kami boycott we
01:02:01| cleaned it I'd like to say I'd revolt from King like that no time you with me I'm all about the people believed that the people start stabbing yourself just wait part what I'm gonna fall into
01:02:18| something here what part of you is not my soul dude I play bass like I feel like I've just the unstable part I mean in in reality I spend most of my days in an all-black
01:02:31| neighborhoods that counts for something right you're absorbing the the faden's well like they're all my friends like all my barkis is in my babies of the th e I don't know what that word meant so I
01:02:42| it glossed over it okay we'll come back to that when we talk about Scientology later oh I didn't watch the video on site oh yeah I do that cuz it's ridiculous I saw a baa video on
01:02:53| Scientology that was what's hurting the kia Queens girl is she in it listen that - she's not in it and.and okay so I told that what I didn't see this woman okay there's something I'm gonna say about
01:03:04| that but I'll save it for the it's just pent explode all over just like you're gonna start reaching maximum levels of excitement and just purse hmm I don't fuck my room as I'm so excited about
01:03:22| room listen this is a historical podcast so far yeah all that history so folks so these these two brothers they form a city right at like a like a I guess like a river delta near the sea
01:03:37| anyway folks that's all we have in time in the understand its historical same historical here it is getting late let's [Music] wait here
01:03:52| what what is our time line with him like cuz I love our pants I can do all night but currently at 105 I don't wanna give them so much that they think that they own us hmm
01:04:05| we have to come back to that I'm gonna have to redo the Romulan ring to Rupp do we do Romo okay I'll get better notes oh I'll get double plays I'm gonna bet this about to smash here we go yeah because
01:04:23| my barbeque anchor so far this baby baby hits all the right spots you will see your favorite pornography you can turn on dirty talk on porn MD and it's like the third result play it
01:04:38| during a podcast your partner will even know it's incredible I don't even like dirty disfigured it would jar the conversation in one hand the girl whispering dirty talk so it's kind of
01:04:53| her fault I expected like someone always say because I had missed that entirely she was like up and she was like grabbing this sausage and I was like okay okay and I was like you were
01:05:05| talking about the things I'm trying to pay attention to you and try and get some dirty talk so I could laugh about the podcast and she kept seeing I was like come on get some in here I was
01:05:29| expecting anyway turns out category dirty talk is not really not my cup of tea so there there there are so many topics that I have I have lined up if you can
01:05:41| if you withstand the mini topics for ten maybe five minutes all the mini topic first so on the topic of doomsday bunkers I actually was starting I started to search for what doomsday
01:05:56| bunkers I could buy and they're really not that expensive what's the doomsday bunkers one that has like thick walls yeah thick walls it's under the earth
01:06:04| it's a silo of some sort or was in the show do you even want to show you I know I didn't watch the show yet I'm just saying there there are the ones you should worry about like someone's like
01:06:13| my walls are thrilled enough than just good we're both two and a half it's like who cares the guy down the street just bought like a missile silo he fitted it with like super titanium everywhere and
01:06:24| he has like his own water supply that would last 19 years for 17 people and it's like that guy's a boss in a psycho you just made all the Doomsday Preppers minus one REE up what they're doing what
01:06:38| if our only subscribers are Doomsday Preppers and they're like shut up let's open explore inside their doomsday bunker does that that would be pretty now would be very sweet so
01:06:49| they're actually fairly cheap the ones that are not retrofitted and beautiful look up dude up your price range long time okay you're better more than three million because that wait is that the
01:07:00| price Ranger would know now my end was three million but that was like a complex make sense and then he said hippos they sweat red that's true they switeched they sweat clear but it's like
01:07:14| a material that changes color so it goes clear to red to brown is it because of their skin tone because they spend a lot of time outside in the Sun Paul takes them from the UV rays interesting much
01:07:28| like an eclipse you need protection does oh by the way I haven't gone blind did those that thing like 90 million times another and it wasn't staring at it but I did look at it a bunch microseconds
01:07:43| yeah I like seconds like total no no for every time or two every time I was like well you can react the rapper there's a rapper that did the same thing and he's bragging about it anyone blind he
01:07:58| canceled all his Tour tour dates and didn't see this I didn't lose a rap awesome so he was like we looking at the Sun we don't give a damn and then all said he's like I regret to inform
01:08:08| everyone I am can skateboard 87479 7:13 you use proper English so you know serious no his agent drafted it up yeah he just uses his stamp because he can't sign his own name I mean that's a saying
01:08:24| I actually want to see them the show that looks like it would be awful about the dude who runs from there he's a rapper he gets it because like it's a he does as a joke but he gets the job yeah
01:08:34| he's only one of those cats yeah yeah I would watch that it looks like it'll be bad but at the same time like hilarious on a really did that like I would get into that I wouldn't be like this is
01:08:50| great comedy this needs to be for the masses but it would be like I love it you know yeah I don't know if had time for that but if I did have time I'd watch that good point I don't have time
01:09:00| for it but a part of me will try and watch it so I see like a street search switch and podcast researching the podcast and helping the band just find me and just hmm look grab them all by
01:09:17| their hair by the way I decided I'm growing it out by the way Wow oh yeah it was yeah I don't see that every day there I know you did you know you did go over a run today and sweat Oh
01:09:36| stroking her by the way all the podcasters open it expensive the auditory podcaster yeah I will tell the podcast something fun that happened to me today
01:09:48| here's my spark of the day it just occurred to me mmm but you up I have an older dog he's half Maltese at poodle very entitled animal very aggressive very barks very
01:10:03| needy very growls and snaps of people very where's waiting for him to die well the bundle of joy I get home their leaves chillin I stayed a bike go for a walk the
01:10:18| hardest thing in the world is getting your son the dog everyone situated when he got home you know just everybody come on let's gather Collective lets you walk the dog it
01:10:28| makes it seem like it's his idea he walks a dog I'm out there I have to hold on both they get wrapped up around the trash cans I'm saying myself though you don't I'll kill you just forget wrapped
01:10:39| in trash can and then I say stepped over the line it's just a dog it's okay walk back in you just peed usually poops nobody go get back in about to give them this treat and I hear my son he's
01:10:52| overhearing this Oh Otis poop hey buddy it's probably just oh and they're the pioneers TV was three hard poops he waited till the expo it no no no this
01:11:11| is already there this is some time during today oh I just saw it otherwise they would have not walked him as nicely as I did and then over on this side were three soft coupes melted into I was like
01:11:26| who's awesome and he was like myself like goose dinky I was like don't touch it buddy I got it Lysol Clorox I did the whole because I can't I can't do soft poop says your son
01:11:43| ever touched it no oh my god I would you know what's one of the greatest ideas and Simon saw that simultaneously one of the worst is we have these automatic vacuum cleaners like Bob bath yeah poop
01:11:57| or puke did you know it automatically goes by so during the day it runs will it work so if the dogs puke or poop it doesn't it spreads it everywhere spreads it everywhere see where the robot went
01:12:11| out during the day that's yeah honey it always goes from the kitchen back to the bedroom so now in our Brits yep eat that dog we drink that so the last bowl I want to talk about is uh the mentioned
01:12:31| that react was copyrighted it was attempted to be copyrighted by the fine brothers the worldly fine brothers suck it yeah well they failed and then today I challenge them for media power Hey
01:12:47| Bruce and that's how you win that's right no no fans is how you win we crush those fools but anyway moving on yeah but a judge ruled today that another podcast
01:13:00| which are actually was YouTube heroes I guess but they not really curious but yeah the youtubers they they challenged they actually use somebody and criticize them and use their video and then that
01:13:14| guy sued them but he lost the judge ruled that it was fair use because they were criticizing and just educate education purposes and whatnot for use saying so
01:13:23| reactors still oh yeah I can say we've reacted to something and that's a pet watching the grandparents react to GTA we have make a show of people reacting yeah well you might be able to
01:13:35| interesting now it's fair use yeah people reacting to bed podcasts yeah check this old people this is something cool I am a Roman scholar I've been waiting to see this episode for 19 hours
01:13:54| let me see what facts you had polls will see next observer yeah we're gonna bring the heat next episode we're gonna bring the cold we're gonna bring the heat cuz that's what summer and winter was in
01:14:12| Rome the summer cold in the winter I love this up thanks for listening tonight yeah question mark we enjoyed telling you everything about ourselves
01:14:30| we're titling this episode Rome and Greece because we'll get some eventually we'll get there folks in the meantime folks stay classy that's yeah go check us out on social website I'm family
01:14:47| policy there's on panders comm check out our other social media hierarchies like beyond tender is that Twitter mm-hmm yeah and whatever else we have us get just get when I'm enters get Tweety get
01:15:01| get horny I don't know how that helps us unless we have a female entourage whatever up whoever as long as they're signing up get get shorty that's that's a movie movie got milk got jewelry is
01:15:22| that movie got shorty I have no idea you're reaching here I feel like you're reaching and I gonna slap that hand right down motor alright daddy did this podcast
01:15:40| folks they say fellow we love you I'm Dan um Nick we are the under said what

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