The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP003 Nazi Conflict Charlottesville Virginia

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP003 Nazi Conflict Charlottesville Virginia

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 3 - Nazi Conflict Charlottesville Virginia
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00:00:00| oh so I'm Dan and mile yeah you're on oh good and we're in pander yeah I'm Anders Anders yeah yeah eventually we'll get it right maybe like thousands of thousands
00:00:14| but that's an episode off to a good start yeah we'll invent a tongue twister of ridiculous notions well first like to mention that all the opinions a lot of
00:00:33| the words you'll hear today even some of the slang our nut hearing representative our employers our wives children daughters neighbors friends or people we interact with on the bus and they may
00:00:47| not be suitable for younger audiences right then wherever we say also might not be a good idea for anyone under 21 or older than someone so exactly 21 if you're 21
00:01:00| got it I guess it would be careful yeah exactly it's a wonderful day here we're here to a not the pander we would never do that nope you're to do is talk about the
00:01:16| first thing we always talk about is no it's a nice personal topical fresh ha to speak about with not self is I think a go-to birthday and then someone puts a lot of money it popped up all control
00:01:35| and it was always a great party paw Patrol a big performance show is Ryan's toy reviews from YouTube he's got five or six and he reviews toys his mother called it paw Patrol Brian you're out on
00:01:56| panniers do not approve put shout out to Ryan Ryan stories not feeling it buddy he's gotten against gotten cut from the lineup of your son's watching list he I think he's one of the highest viewed
00:02:08| youtubers he's only six years old or five years a while he's probably paid for his entire life he could retire I pinky is and looks funny as he just
00:02:16| plays with toys and other kids let my kid watch and play with toys it's the laziest generation ever to be born at least when I begged for toys that I didn't work for as a kid I played
00:02:27| with them but I want to watch him play with them again it's like this its generation this is a real thing real thing they find YouTube videos of kids playing with toys these videos have
00:02:38| millions of millions of hits and as a parent I'd say that's terrible but I'd also say that's much easier than buying you the toy and it also keeps in Bakke mind and you're all those poor children
00:02:52| out there it's a perfect way to pretend like you can do something well isn't that what adults do with twitch you watch someone play a video game you pretend that you're that good of a gamer
00:03:02| I don't know really bad so it's not like you watch for skill level right I don't like I honestly I mean I've seen some of them but not like a bad one being played it's usually like one that has risen to
00:03:14| the top it's the cream of the crop see I may be underlying the patriarchy here but I may have watched some attractive women who have really bad video games play like dude and stuff like that I
00:03:26| have is energy I handle a cold plate eta you've ever seen something like that I've seen like old people react but I can't say my age that's copyrighted yeah and you can't say react it's the word
00:03:41| it's bleep they took it but I have seen youtubers or twitch twitch errs I guess that we look female and actually male and it's very they have a deep robust voice when they speak and the third time
00:03:59| but they're attractive so it's fields confusing I assume to most men that's what I say some people have environment and facial features just love them while they're playing their video games it no
00:04:20| yep stroke the keyword stroke yeah I'm not looking at my phone see what's next our list Wow done with my topical topic what topic at
00:04:28| the Holts keep getting popped along he's actually fresh more fresh because today I was today was sitting at a light another's construction and everything is you know all these lights have gone off
00:04:40| from Sweden there wait there and unluckily for me one of those Road excavators goes by and starts actually resurfacing the road I next to your pot right in front of my car so these all
00:04:52| these rocks are like going everywhere and he's like digging a trench and then by the time he was done there's a cop just like come on come on and it's like boom like it's like if it was any deeper
00:05:03| I don't know if that it would be it'd be safe through the heart yeah it would be but I was doing a delivery near my oh that's are deprived it interrupts who are working on chemical reducers yeah of
00:05:15| course naturally the the future pop yes I know the I guess the question posed to you is if a cop was waving you forward even though you knew it was a bad idea to drive forward would you would you do
00:05:33| it would you be like now now dude now I'm gonna I'm gonna go around I am I Drive for a living you live in a truck I did the only the only way my girlfriend will let me see my son and
00:05:49| the way your your reporting out of a van right now this is actually now got some beautiful windows or doors seeing my bathroom my drum set and my front door once nice window though I need to get ya
00:06:04| and matching curtains but what's interesting that you said that is that I was at a delivery today where they were doing consumed construction and he does a really deep hole and put two cones
00:06:18| nearest lookup hole was really wide so it went to the middle of the room it looked like you could drive through them yes and it's a 25 mile an hour where everyone does like 30 35 and there were
00:06:31| many people who slowed down to almost a stop and would just go into it while I was at work talking my phone in my friend and not does that differ while I was supposed to be working at
00:06:42| least six cars hit that billing 35 and one time I saw sparks and from the Beamer and I thought oh man he's ruining that car and I don't know the legality of the situation's they're putting paint
00:06:55| cars and pork art bottom down and just like really hit because they didn't even know it was that people there know there is interesting there's a legal precedent for how far and how ahead the cones have
00:07:08| to be depending on the speed so anyone listen the unpin is who's driving along upsold road or name-drop sang a video of a Comcast guy or maybe it was a different cable guy I know but I don't
00:07:29| like Comcast so it's fine huh so Comcast was repairing some line and they put down this like one cone like right after this hill and it was snowy and icy and there's guy recording it all
00:07:42| saying you know you're an idiot you got to put the cone at the top of it put the cone up and then like mobit the moment he says that just a card she flies over just smashes into the back of the truck
00:07:50| and then it's like he's still arguing with the guys like more cars like Shh little snowy road new client have you ever had to deal with it was snow once and it was about maybe a half an inch
00:08:04| thick they'd everyone go nuts I think I saw one snowman before all melted I meant more driving in like freaking out blinding the scary part is the ice and
00:08:14| actually does rain and ices up it's like it's almost like Apocalypse style like every juncture at a highway since we have all these overpasses yeah there's just people crashing and cars on fire
00:08:26| and like you just hear people screaming even though it's probably not actually happening yeah yeah are you maybe that's just you just like beautiful human life a woman scream am native from that area
00:08:45| I'm sensitive to others hit I have empathy I'm not I'm not a psychopath here's a nice let's take a little pause now to listen to it our sponsors Oh who's the sponsors today once once here
00:09:06| beer terrible actually one of our new favorite sponsors is actually ant mobile they make AC adapters for different things and happened to have the BD v o bass pedal but I didn't have the power
00:09:26| strip looked everywhere and you need the right polarity either at AC the right number or the voltage I don't know those fancy things folks I talked to my friends at interval and delivered right
00:09:38| to my dang house there's no problem I'm sitting pretty playing bass with a new page pedal so oh it's a slam dunk dan and Dan will never get sponsors with this you ruin my plug we were going to
00:10:04| kick sponsors we were gonna I'm gonna go blaze anyways in oval is if it's good enough for me it's good for you what happens when you see yourself in the corner of the screen good oh nice straw
00:11:00| you went back to the straw I see it brings out mean hot does give people something to look at and wonder it's what their sexuality my book no shit
00:11:20| all you YouTube viewers right now you we're supposed to cut that out but we won't because I'm too lazy so yeah I think that's personality I think that's what it's called I hope I hope so hope
00:11:37| is the best of things okay so uh celebrity challenge today right yeah ya did it so what's the challenge it's gonna be you know help I have no it's some fun out there - Pete a horse
00:12:08| centaur and Icarus centaurs what I think we were divorced when a Centon I believe of course riding a centaur yeah because it's like ironic that horses riding a person with wings into the Sun you kept
00:12:23| saying Icarus I agree with it yeah I guess yeah if you had a Kuras and a horse on his back it's like a man riding a Pegasus but backwards it's crazy yeah and then we got to call out some
00:12:35| celebrities and really think great celebrities have a drawl you know I'm saying just do you think it's artistic is the question so I think people could paint who could name their like an Anna
00:12:47| Anna Kendrick maybe she looked the agnostic Christopher Walken they would be really good dancer I think if someone get a hold of I don't know if anyone watching has their phone number or good
00:13:01| cell on this link and send them this link and they can get 17 each minutes in dish I'm sure they could fast forward I'm sure they can to click once on the would go out of the counter don't tell
00:13:16| them that it's a 13:25 time flies when you're having so much fun here and we lost four minutes of our lives so they goes crime wherever those I want to say to you mr. Walken mrs. Kendrick I
00:13:29| want you to do the best damn thing you can about a horse please yes and no you kind of want to make it look like it Led Zeppelin - right a little yeah so you know that's that's what I only
00:13:47| get tattooed on me oh really with a decorous what a devil - what part of your body would you tattoo I don't know I have two lives up on tattoos here yeah I don't care if I get arrested and
00:13:57| you'll find out who I am mm-hmm but I have the one symbol here the ones who live here so yes you have to get a kiss on your chest doing this move this up maybe an armed number yeah I think you
00:14:10| passed the prime for getting it in private areas you can't put it on your butt cheek and be like hey girl it's like no one's gonna ever see that Wow angel yep that's it caress you naked as
00:14:27| all hell the Sun be burning off his clothes so uh we'll think about sorry I was cleaning off my pup swag Sealy weather here oh yeah I am so we're
00:14:43| using a new product to kind of lead us through this episode here to guide us so it's called us asana like Oksana Baiul yeah this is incredible but I'm sure I see Belding a completely different I
00:15:01| don't even want to tell you how to spell it but here it is a sa na what does it do I gotta hear this it's essentially project team building thing so you get to spread out tasks and then list them
00:15:16| in a nice way so that everyone can see them everyone can get them and yep we had an earlier in the podcast yeah I'm sure to use saying that it really works for team
00:15:33| building for keeping notes organized and new letting everyone and network see something at once yes it's fantastic that sounds too good to be true how much
00:15:42| does it cost I don't know because we're not pandering here it's like a QVC channel give me the whole month I know you did I'd be really Robin but it is render to expensive
00:16:02| products unless they're offering us money lots of money and the only thing people pander to actually ironically is money other than that else really we were senators yeah connected to a
00:16:26| piece maybe you maybe you maybe if really do you think senators become sexually weird things that a thing I don't know no what do you think it's like it's literally 100 senators and
00:16:44| they get caught those weird it's not like there's always like a polar aspect to it that like you do something weird once in your life like record yourself on a podcast and then people remember
00:16:53| that forever like job I didn't like does like he's doing he's a cool guy and obviously I think I think he was a decent human being he's younger cool awesome the internet lobster Biden
00:17:09| what'd he do isn't there like a lean in like he's like awkwardly talking to like a girl that's too young like and then someone like snapped a photo is like they
00:17:16| captured it something else and then that's possible but I think that's just called old man yeah I guess we're screwed well it did remember from my youth my youth Camila eight years ago I
00:17:28| worked for a farmer I worked for very heavy physical labor jobs and have these guys you know them I other job by having joke but I notice it in heavy labor it's the over-sexualize guy you mean
00:17:43| muscular guy that's like lifting at be padding we're ridges does visit the labor and I noticed a lot of physical labor guys will see a girl walk by and she's my
00:17:55| only in fact every way instruction worker clothes it's not always a Wizzle sometimes the elbow you'd say man I would bought that wrong till the honey came home and he say things like I don't
00:18:06| know what that sentence means I don't know what he's talking about she's okay lookin and then you're like just you leg up you don't mean usually as an anti patriarchy Pro feminism guy I
00:18:19| tell him to watch it pal instead I let him go once always once and then something happens we're like the waiter will or the Dunkin Donuts personally give you a coffee and he's like I would
00:18:30| give that the bee's knees up til them da son came home and do this I'm like okay maybe he's maybe there's no thing and then you'll say like so what are you doing with your girl give her the old
00:18:42| elbow cooter and it's like you can do that but do you find that guy and you wonder is he wrong am I wrong is is sex the only thing that matters then I guess sometimes you want to agree with the guy
00:18:57| but you got to use it innuendo back to it right but you don't want to you don't want to have to create some old person slime like yup I gave her the devil's screwdriver one night
00:19:09| and you know I really made her moan for more oh you talk like this she felt like a southern preacher hmm and then she was crying for Jesus the problem is he gets awkward because then he usually has
00:19:27| another one cuz he tells I buy every color right ready for more taking a skin bone to tuna town taking them log to the beaver then you're like and then he always winks at you and then you're like
00:19:44| yeah coming back or else you're like now you always have to reciprocate no matter what it is [Laughter] mail see otherwise it gets awkward as I
00:19:59| can stop you but this is gonna be awkward let's just finish another second which is quietly leave this establishment will never see you secretary good-x that out Thanks
00:20:19| thank you just a little bit but no thank you for so while we're on the subject people disagree with ya because we don't condone that at all we do nothing of that conversation is
00:20:34| complete the unhand er is undoing I would say I think we condone but I condone your yes yes just just to make that clear and well there's a group of people out there right now I would draw
00:20:54| their sand boy look I'm like call the heater so we are you each other they're gonna screenshot it and then show you hey this this guy he don't answer our religious and he knows I'm not trying to
00:21:05| make a big surprise entrance here and you everyone think who was he talking about who's poking about sorry I ruined it oh no you didn't really the people were gonna screenshot me and saying oh
00:21:15| yeah they they would ruin it yeah anyway folks I'm talking about that famous dead good not screechy good I'm screwed what's the deal I'm giving you the Jerry's hanbok so what's the deal with
00:21:36| airline food Nazis light-hearted some light-hearted hmm so it was what generally there's a statue that the liberal townspeople want to tear down because it's Confederate and Nazi ish
00:21:54| was legally not seen enough wasn't which is in it's just a container where there's a Venn diagram of Confederates and Nazis and they lastly tie together there's something right then then
00:22:06| Britain shaped like this people who don't like you other people wouldn't wish they had slaves between every party every email do it nice very many there's not much of
00:22:22| quality there unless you're part of will we know we are sort of well we're we're white mouse but I think it would it is because we're open-minded and yeah we think her so I have an Italian descent
00:22:34| and all that would fly but here I was raised Catholic you'd have to shave all the hair off all of it the kid mystic but I just show the hammer some I don't think I could do
00:22:45| that did you physically sorry guys no one no one Nazis are like you good you can join you're like you see this I could have enough and though we'll say you're a moon we are cool yeah we yeah
00:23:07| you're fine with that we're saying good Nazis yeah those Nazis the good guys get that dude fine urban public work if anybody had missed it on the podcast I had waved my
00:23:20| hand effeminately in the air which is totally cool uh-huh yeah what interests me is the people who want to be Nazis it's one thing if like you heard about World War
00:23:35| two when you got the and the other side was pretty cool pretty dope but then you heard they think they rewrote the history though to say you know they kind of almost won and they still exist out
00:23:48| there alright so we're gonna try and do it getting ahead of a mountain see because I really think it's the most ridiculous thing in the world it's like pretending I don't know what
00:23:56| it's like it's little bit more get into what it's like so you're saying did Nazis think they they never lost they're still mad with the South always thinks they're gonna come back the south as in
00:24:08| the Confederates right we're trying to combine both because we both seem to think they run up there an easy to relevant they should be they should it should should be where you can do and
00:24:21| unwritten do but there's going to be a mindset that says like I'm oh I just think they're oppressed like they never lost they just were oppressed for a while and so they're
00:24:36| fighting back and this is their back against that political correctness and people want to mix their race they always kind of come out of the woodwork whenever they're kind of they think
00:24:49| they're slighted right so maybe they in their minds they have control maybe they think you know every really is as it should be and then when you start to take from them they're like wait a
00:24:59| second we won that war you shouldn't be able to take our statue down well here's the other thing do you think any of them anyone came to that rally that was a Nazi or Confederate or what's
00:25:12| frustrating do you think two weeks prior to this event and even knew that statue sir I don't know about the statue but they definitely it could not any famous model you see them in a military gear
00:25:24| like I thought they were police like aks and like ar-15 know that something and I got given right in America we don't get political here the offenders but our African American fellowship had been
00:25:42| carrying around ar-15 assault rifles and walking around yeah that pretty sure they all would have been fired upon that would be scary he's now I'm fired upon not the other yes
00:25:54| the Nazis privilege coming port you know what we usually don't get political you don't pick a sigh and dick hey are you doing hey I'm panderers here we're making an official stance let's do
00:26:07| it but he has to go right over you're talking gonna go right to that no I was gonna say we disapprove the Nazis oh yeah definitely oh okay make it official yeah we usually
00:26:18| we don't pander we like your Nazi and you listen now hit the stop button in we're coming to your house we're gonna make you listen to Jewish stuff and black people jazz then Christian rock
00:26:31| and feminist propaganda and you're gonna lug it out because I like all that stuff except for Christian I'm free Creegan I was influenced by a high school teacher who absolutely loved
00:26:49| greed who don't get new this I'm gonna call mr. cheese very close to his actual name he's very spiritual with his music he was very spirited oh
00:27:10| yeah that's cool I like him yeah and a guy is good guy as we reminisce I don't know if we could really share I don't know if I could convey the stories about him enough that's the problem I should
00:27:25| just let it go let it go maybe in future when we hit on that when we hit 100 subscribers on all of our social media like every single one has over 100 subscribers will tell the rolling story
00:27:37| so like every hundred will tell a story about Lupin in a thousand one hundred thousand overnight we're gonna be rich now that we like money that much but we do but we will tell how many stories is
00:27:54| that that's a lot of stories that might be about whole life I might have to write a biography and make up great story for mysteries yeah this is here should have happened I
00:28:04| did a story yeah a story you're gonna tell me now we're going to create oh my hand if we have that many subscribers and we can actually start going places where we can create these stories right
00:28:16| do you go to anywhere in the world oh oh which I have been Pompeii that doesn't seem like a regular thing yeah we can make stories about maybe you've been there huh yeah what was like two years
00:28:35| ago what just to go to Italy yeah I went to Italy went to Pompeii cuz I thought it was awesome and it was awesome didn't even know you
00:28:46| I guess is there sorts of place yeah oh yes I am I didn't know there was it's we going to say that for another another podcast it's
00:29:00| gonna be my room I pay all about that it will be well researched by the authorities uh-huh and the podcast will run like a well-oiled machine received we're dead good dude yeah yep it's magic
00:29:20| it sure is um real quick to close up the nazi situation we went over a few examples of what someone who wants to be announced he is like one of them loose it's like blunting because Nazis not
00:29:35| only lost lost terribly they were also very the bad guys like everyone it's not like it's not like 50/50 some people say it Nazis were kind of good it's like 110 percent even Germany disavowed all Nazis
00:29:52| they don't have Hitler statues anywhere it blows my mind yeah it's like trying to be the Emperor and Star Wars after he's already dead right why would I understand if it's 50/50 if if we
00:30:04| discuss this it's like hey I like Ken no dude I like Ryu it's like like dark it's like whoa blows my mind it's like 51% 10 which is the right choice 49% Rio the wrong house would you
00:30:17| follow me that's like pretty close Anil and Juan Dillon lost its northern battle Nazis we lost they're losers idiots they all drool and control over their stupid shirts that's why they were like so many
00:30:30| shirts and that badge is all over here that it's like going to be a foot soldier you tease with midget girls or a Goomba 35e Shetty submerge expected a cliff Super Mario yeah so we get stepped
00:30:44| on that would you want pick a coal bag guy like what if they want to be robots now be kind of cool they want to be what robots robots Leslie I talk about terminator sure I'd be cool with that
00:30:59| I'd be like home these guys are wrong but damn that's a cool outfit he's wearing like all metal matt gear know what if there was a group that actually believed that like they didn't have any
00:31:08| basis in reality but they were like millions like literally millions of followers that believed the the term inner sword huh well they would have to believe Steinem
00:31:17| right I guess so they could believe that their this is the only problem I hear what you're saying if a million people believe something it almost makes it real right you start to like lose your
00:31:27| sanity because you're like wait a second like how come all these people believe in this thing then they start writing books about the thing they start making food that resembles a thing mama
00:31:36| presumes they believe their own president into the hierarchy ooh I like this the only problem is when confronting from from the outside realm under me I think have so many people to
00:31:53| self support right there are some you're a load of money well they would have to geologically pulled together then and skylab book lovers break off a piece of the united
00:32:06| states and just like all florida that could be then I go into Florida it'd be a date album how would they move it though would the u.s. just be like take it at this point you guys are freaks no
00:32:18| no no just take it well they are all the beleaguered is that what a Manchurian Candidate is it's someone who's what controlled by another person or is it I thought it was Morgan
00:32:30| Freeman movie but now I'm not sure I feel like I'm gonna research this and then correct whatever I say right now but I feel like he's an implant like he's intended to be like robotic and
00:32:41| controlled by another party think you're right but I didn't see movie so like Trump could just be like Florida uh we don't need that okay with them do you agree with some point so so these these
00:32:59| Nazis they went after the statue a property league yeah Robert Lee hello loser of war though they're holding in these these flags that say you know it's Confederate flag and a Nazi flag and
00:33:12| what do you did you get Nazi flag mine I suppose someone's making money off that it's the only reason they were unless they believed it but both of those lost like
00:33:23| we went to war with both of those maybe that's makes them camaraderie chip leader like homeys it's like you lost get lost back some come up we're gonna really get in trouble with this one
00:33:36| there's many people offended or Nazis know it could be a splinter cell small group that's just like knows where the videos of anti-nazi law they're gonna attack Google because I understand
00:33:51| technology they take their servers to have not to say they're idiots yeah weird rules just it's hard to believe that someone in this age believes all they believe I feel like
00:34:04| it's it's acquittal on maybe if you don't really believe that almost like flat-earthers I don't think communal they can all agree with yeah now and it's counter or culture you know I mean
00:34:16| if you have to pick something counterculture you literally pick the thing that's most doesn't make sense is the most against common knowledge ISM against common morality which exactly is
00:34:28| the platter thing right I don't do flat earthers have pep rallies and marches and stuff what are they I don't know that there is long I think one day off they want NASA to
00:34:38| resign or relinquish all the money they've been hiding and making take photos of the Earth from space with quick shoutout my friend Dan who watches a girl like
00:34:51| letter hopefully if you don't catch you watching this and hopefully you don't go to sleep tonight cuz she knows in fact I can't text your girl Oh chicken or podcast Dan's all about it yes it's
00:35:12| probably probably but will survive he'll be alright now hold up do you think is she's better looking than me some gone like she might be well crazy
00:35:23| yeah I'm saying I love this all super 30 ones it's always a super huh that's right there's something sounds just a little just a mile of growing up I mean this
00:35:40| never happened for any of us I assume it never happen for you you grew up in that you have everyone helping you doing everything possible and everyone privilege you say my
00:35:50| privilege oh no no no let me say what no no no attractive female that's what I thought about oh wait female privilege that's even bigger when attract privilege with big boobs with everything
00:36:12| everything that people find attractive like feel like people would bend over just trying to help you do whatever everything I like to say bend over but that's yeah you're absolutely right
00:36:26| but the problem is I feel like everything evens out and where they get everything handed to them when they hit his skills have they learned or whatever they're like how like over the hill okay
00:36:40| you're like like whatever so and then like they can't apply anything they've learned over the past 35 years because dude they've been get him only learned manipulation in the art of right
00:36:50| physically and that the window so implants and plastic surgery we just had a little bit like a football running back who he's hurt really really well let's just say he turns 30 and he has be
00:37:07| right and he's literally because given so much money and patted on the back and didn't they have to learn school they're like I don't go to class just you're good it's more like go be minor to these
00:37:19| minor leagues in the NFL College trying to say if you need a bigger ball but they might make money I think they make money I think it wants to I'm not sure wait let's take it 50-50 bet who makes
00:37:36| more money someone here the lowest because there's a league minimum in every sport I believe who makes Canadian football minimal or highest-paid general gonna be
00:37:53| Canadian football the gummy I space yet maybe there's a cheating janitor at their absolute monkey there's probably a cheating ten there's some little work for like CEO janitor who gates something
00:38:04| gates if he's not going to be a niche no no but that's it the trust a possibility that just kept his job yeah like the secretaries some of the secretaries are you know they're
00:38:17| invested from the very beginning and then their stock is like you know exponential crazy crazy money hmm what's your what's your number for if you could do whatever you know break it off and
00:38:32| never have to work again well you've working do what you wanted but what's your number on some right now uh-huh yes I'm making this pulling this out of my butthole you never thought
00:38:41| about this you know I have I haven't done the math fool million would not cover me for my whole life right yeah for now would that no no yeah you fine they say four percent did you pull four
00:38:51| percent out without ever getting hurt so you're talking about hundred sixty K a year which is probably well it's the poor percent well I don't know this I really don't you see some the world
00:39:01| these there's now finance finance so what you put it into enough stocks and divide it up into bonds of whatever and is it a market forever and then you'll get four percent back every year and
00:39:12| keep your number that the idea yeah you'll be able to maintain the amount that you have and pull out or motion and gain with inflation as well so you'll always be able to pull out four percent
00:39:22| continually for the rest of time in most calculations now what about one hundred thousand dollars if you wanted to hire you as and you'd be 2.5 million no no the other way
00:39:33| around you win $100,000 and I want to do everything you saying right uh-huh to me hundred thousand us we're whatever ridiculous even would I still be able to maintain the four percent or that not
00:39:42| buying up another you think that's a true amount but you wouldn't be able to live off for things in the course yeah okay but you would get for that I guess you would get four thousand back it
00:39:51| wouldn't matter that I'm just curious that the number changes depending on your amount as well no no it should unless you're like Warren Buffett and you have like billions and billions of
00:40:01| dollars and then you it is half a percent right would be enough to sway yeah but at that point who cares really honestly shout out Jimmy Buffett is playing right near my
00:40:16| home city Margaritaville that's the guy you know she seems a bar South Padre Island he owns the burger joint cheeseburger paradise
00:40:28| yeah the chief I don't think it's doing so well though he owns hmm I think that's a bar no no Jimmy buffer warm up I'm pretty sure Landry Landry's is like a dope and
00:40:44| charcoal and shark the the beer yeah it's one of the buffets I don't know hopefully into it put interesting sidebar I did do a lot of GB bump it because the next girlfriend of mine she
00:40:59| like to go to a shows I think his music is garbage listen I mean I'm not a yacht rock guy mmm yeah cuz that would call it like you're on a boat and you're just rocking
00:41:11| out that's what it's referred to as there's like a whole genre of Yacht rock it's like I did my notes in the sand I put my ass in a chair I'll drink a beer and nod just don't care cuz it's this
00:41:26| dude so then it's like a rich country or a major wealth that's kind of everyone to enjoy the island D conscious okay cool yeah Tikal thank you border type stuff yes hunted them
00:41:41| he's like the king of Yacht rock he's like the name he just music everyone Sam he's garbage so why do you think so many people follow him holding it so I decided to go with a certain Megan and
00:41:59| we took a bus at like 12 people or 15 people scratching my foot not sucking anything okay Kabir is your beer no I'm blue he's scratching my foot hold on we took a bus with also doesn't make money
00:42:16| people I've never seen debauchery like this it's like people bring so many props to make their own things someone brought wood and built a length our town someone
00:42:29| brought wood and built for it easier thank four corners and filled it with like 150 pounds of sand someone brought parents someone brought sounds a Burning Man a little bit yes people it's it's
00:42:43| such a spectacle people bring pirate ships somehow I don't know how people bring ladders people bring everything of those up you fill your pickup bed with sand you you
00:42:54| have those do you remember it be over and part of it on steroids it's insane that people get there at like even one for like a 8 o'clock at night concert well I've been to three of them and I've
00:43:09| eliminated inside the concert once and I just fell asleep on chair I've never seen to me bump it to this day but I respect the man a little more for what his fans can do in that parking lot
00:43:22| that's a little anecdote yeah I've never seen a real good show or really good crowd no I have I've really enjoyed a show but it's never been I never didn't to that extent where people are like the
00:43:38| parking lot creating things building things never did a Dave Matthews I definitely did a Dave Matthews and that's what I was thinking about the music itself was pretty awesome I love I
00:43:49| love Dave Matthews a little Carter Beauford on the drum stand you don't really have like a bad musician in the group that's the thing that makes now you're absolutely right actually the
00:44:00| worst musician is deep because he can't sing but he's the Manager so you give him some yeah right I'm cool dude and it's his band right it's his name you can't change the name you dance are you
00:44:22| none Jimmy Buffett not Jimmy Buffett I saw some good shows or anything one of the better shows at something interesting happen I will say metal shoes and something really
00:44:33| cool about them that's like both it's like it's really hard to explain without taking like an hour to talk about it but to follow Opeth or in flames or uh some Swedish metal band and he'll go see them
00:44:47| love their shows but there's something weird that follows the show like I still remember the Mic Check guy for open back in maybe oh six don't go back and the most embarrassing thing is to make sound
00:45:03| check at a metal show because the crowd is nuts everyone's angry who the band is onstage and metal fans like will say anything to a guy so like do anything to follow exactly so he has to go on stage
00:45:16| and check the guitar make sure it works and he plays like something corny and everyone's making fun of them or laughs and so we pass play something cool the pistil job is very it's a mind game I'm
00:45:25| not even I respect the hell out of it so he has to play a slayer rep that's like super obscure to get any respect and he has to play the drums for a couple notes get the sound level so you have to do
00:45:35| something super badass oh it was good we're gonna throw things at him remain calm and the worst part is the mic test he has to walk up and front all these angry people and grab the microphone up
00:45:46| close to face and go Chuck Chuck Chuck everyone screams things like kill yourself I hope you die wars over do research track like people just screaming some of the guy he has to
00:45:59| stand in front of you and check the microphones and this guy had the best but like he doesn't the cool thing is we didn't lose character he's way back way out of shape has long nasty hair but he
00:46:31| would just I you and feel like suck it [Laughter] I'll never forget yeah a little character to your evening did well I think we've done six hours of work I
00:46:59| mean having up would you get into our final topic well then tell me when you can tell them questions from the audience here haha yeah I'm done right now but we
00:47:17| pause reference my wife here saying what are you doing up there a loud noise who gonna read a little uh nope you got a message come to bed now this to the unders for our video it set the tank
00:47:38| name picture of the tank hey hey it's cobalt it's are you ice are f8g you guys are a bad word your stuff sucks with an X can't wait till you stop making videos we spelled that wrong the
00:48:00| videos go backward yourself next tank a little shout-out to and career we're gonna keep making videos but I think so common and uh I kind of think you're brevity and lengthen our spirit so yeah
00:48:20| that's really concise I appreciate like and cut letters to really just say you tongue yeah read it here on the podcast we have no fear we love all our fans yeah that could that could be like a
00:48:32| tweet I mean that's definitely a hundred characters did it on 40 yeah almost any of you could send tweets like that to us at any time at panders that's where calm you could yeah or any of our other
00:48:48| social media by the matter - yeah I think we got Instagram Facebook else we get website lose the website every handers are calm can you spell that line on panderers
00:49:03| it's a there's a watermark you're gonna do the hand motions and the hand motions yeah yeah god I can't do it cuz my screen is a this a nig I'll produce very small check it out noon on it that's
00:49:19| David's tape boy you didn't get the little butt end right there you got it all the way yeah there you go yeah that's yeah yeah that's us is going yep mm-hmm we have a patreon to be our
00:49:38| patron you do get the the silver the goals of the Platinum we're not you know mm-hmm you get this over the gold folks that's all we offer right now pretty sure you can meet us with one of those
00:49:52| levels but I don't know how much that costs cuz the airfare differs for them I think it's for us to meet the fans cuz we love them so much yeah we're gonna meet him in like an abandoned building
00:50:07| at the top we can do yeah urban urban exploration what's one of our fans oh dude urban escalation is actually a cool thing ah it's off the end checks it on YouTube
00:50:20| I haven't but by sharing a YouTube account we can view each other's YouTube's which is interesting a lot of talking about the big beautiful Torquay that wasn't me that wasn't me
00:50:32| I don't know who's searching for that anyway damn really the other day dammit the other dinosaur wasn't the other day and he's ruining our yet but we should add on a question of the other
00:50:45| day and though big beautiful working really huh I didn't know did you know you're friends with him more ah he showed signs he did show signs didn't he
00:50:59| I feel like he's doing it on purpose one time he showed me my search history news after I revealed your history so gave him the idea and he stole my idea
00:51:13| he's a thief he steals all my good ideas all my bits he had plenty of play more bits though tons of it's more bits in it way bigger bits than Dan yep so he didn't it's nothing to me he has a bit
00:51:31| where he wants to do a trying to get one of his best it's awful trusting my bit good it's like top-notch it's amazing it's like it's like even an Italian restaurant
00:51:45| you're like lips kissing cousins boom he tried his shit it's like McDonald's he took on the bottom and there's hair on a mommy aftertaste on the bottom there's hair on the bottom is bounce that's the
00:52:00| other digital segment lets you buy new dan Leon panders if you're listening on soundcloud or we're gonna get an Apple account here or iTunes we also have the YouTube so there's videos of us but it's
00:52:18| not for everybody not for everybody does the ladies mmm definitely definitely Rizzo ladies and I think we also have a myspace which were just throwback we're just a retro like that
00:52:32| little bit friends with I think huh he could be you living in Alaska or Alabama I know I know I know but oh you're saying he follows a show he might he might he's my friend on MySpace so quick
00:52:56| question what do you think his work was it's ice clean with 400 million probably like billions who knows no one understands technology especially not back in the 1990's wait so he didn't
00:53:08| sound right no I don't think he did I'll do you want the toilet what's it worth now someone Google what myspace is worth right now google it sure here he'll be here I'll tell you this I'll talk weird
00:53:18| leave because I was surprised when I signed in and I was like whoa this still exists and you know what I remember from my space is that it had like I know the
00:53:26| song re music in the background and then be like twinkly stars and honestly that I mean that and what angel fire was that was another website that did like your own website and it had like two options
00:53:40| for what you could do alright guys you have to have a real numbers fast where that's pretty quick technology like a bro like my associate here yeah I'm not allowed to touch the
00:53:54| keyboard I have no training order against me and 58 songs oh poor Rico the News Corp brought my boy oh my news court ooh the ominous corporation you know our nazi listeners
00:54:19| definitely work for news for ya we just good can't find news somehow our owned were owned by them we don't even know it whose Corp has fired the undead yeah anyway it was worth five
00:54:38| hundred eighty million oh that's pretty good yeah that's good but that's like you could retire on that I don't know a it's Millions sure when it's sold the site last you in
00:55:01| well again it's been sold a few times apparent yeah the new owner specific media it sounds very little not big news for ya it was you know 35 million dad is just a lovely drop oh yeah custom 10%
00:55:21| yeah I get out wouldn't get out looking up manners right now we're worth really work others rely think we're higher than that and before box for the website huh uncle bread than
00:55:40| $30 and I include the microphones and stuff in that and then I submit to we're probably around 150 bucks wait you who are services what services are you including cycle hmm those are
00:55:56| not tax deductible are they non-negotiable cuz I lost my hair up yeah I mean neat peacock sexuality yeah that's I could yeah I'd say that's probably worth a few
00:56:09| bucks two or three whose nothing um which probably ground out the answer right should the price should this Lucy yeah we I guess I guess you're losing steam
00:56:27| so we're uh because we're the end panderers and I'm dick nah man Dan shit I'm Nick folks I'm Dan we are the unders you guys I wanted to say the s just know I'm you say I'm pander I say half of the
00:56:52| I'm pander as bold that's what people want at home uh-huh I think so things they'll find out tomorrow listeners do this for listeners I'm pointing to one microphone right now but listen I can't
00:57:07| get home to my kids I just need a few bucks to get on the subway scene like three dollars if anyone can patreon me a dollar fifty a kid needs medicine medicine grip doing the medicine bring
00:57:18| just a ListView and Aaron mobile home to the next Walgreens and just need a little a couple bucks days get the money back to you you send me email you send me your GoPro you send me anything is
00:57:32| worth money and I'll get it back to you I just need a little money from a kid and my kids and my wife's and my godfather going hungry right now they really they're starving I'm not here
00:57:42| right now but I need to feed or nothin anyway folks thanks for listening I think I love you hmm that's the fans I think the pants not there yep we pulled it all right
00:58:03| [Laughter]

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