The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP008 Video Games Sex Trump North Korea

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP008 Video Games Sex Trump North Korea

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 8 - Video Games Sex Trump North Korea
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00:00:00| so I'm Dan he's dead folks I certainly a.m. I'll Nick I'm welcome Nick together we form this unlikely duo that just won't stop doing you
00:00:12| we are ambiguous on panderers and here it is at toss Kobe are the offenders well young panders anyone doing tonight I think you have a little sippy dude all right so that's a settle in Seoul in
00:00:25| have a nice ship of your favorite ale mm-hmm Oh tell you what I'm gonna drink tonight no specifics of course so I'm opening one of those ginger beers you get a long time now okay there's like
00:00:40| seven different companies that'll make them not your father's Coney Island crab e's there's like two or three good local or making crab uses for your clam crab he's a drummer one well folks a little
00:00:53| bit of a vodka a little bit of ginger ale and a little bit of that beer ginger beer and let's see how it tastes mule Wow like a mule it is like a meal very mule e'en so I'm not sure if I'm
00:01:11| doubling down on my alcohol though because the beer has alcohol huh you get a high pastor I guess so well it's a good time to mention to the podcast ends yep that they have to be a certain age
00:01:25| yeah there's a limit on what you can listen to it it's mandated by law that you can't be under 18 election dating one of us one of us adults yeah plus it they'll still authorize the listening
00:01:39| but if you're not please switch or like we always say leave it running in the background on you yep make sure you hit refresh about a thousand times because we need those views and we can use them
00:01:51| we can do them yeah this podcast we really dive deep into the unanswerable questions of everyday life hmm interesting we do yes I'm buddy all right I just like
00:02:05| ketchup over you know a nice yes video cast you know just relax discuss the future the past the present it's a relaxed cast yeah nice easy dancing anyway that's my word of the day
00:02:18| everyone relax cast it's a relaxing podcast which is what we are here at the end panderers I'm sure are we sure as hell don't pander but we will say our viewpoints opinions bad words we say all
00:02:35| the correct information and incorrect information we give is all just hearsay not our opinions the opinions of our employers companions of our spouses or the opinions of our pets no
00:02:46| entertainment value only do not take us seriously talented us but if you do put commas there because we'll find hilarious all the series comments type about angrily I want to see him I bet
00:03:02| you no one can insult me so much that I want to sue them I mean all right we're here we're rolling I think we have to kick it into the corrections from the past you ready for that I think I'm
00:03:17| ready we made mistakes in a past episode and we're here to correct them before all the jack-offs in the comment section yeah yeah right I was I would say it's
00:03:26| more of a clarification and this isn't the fact the fact that you find out of out of my mind elsewhere tynin in one of the previous podcasts yeah you mentioned there was a some some father that was a
00:03:39| boy at school he was upset that we were clacking our boxes or something out of yes yes so there was an assembly I would like to clarify that I never went to any assemblies and then I dodged them at all
00:03:51| costs did you go to masses I would try to skip them as frequent as possible did you like well what's your record in uh like school masses it's like a
00:04:02| learning set no it's more like more like number pretty good yeah I mean you have to pay attention when those where the teachers are looking right because they'd always bar the doors they have
00:04:13| their hands up they'd always be like looking around but they never really paid attention like if you just no not really ducked behind them the door would shut
00:04:22| and they would never be able to catch a a surprise sixteen-year-old boy you still dream about that surprise sixteen-year-old boy don't you yeah boy yourself that's indeed my future son I
00:04:37| can't wait till he's surprised the gunman 10:16 running through that high school yeah I'm good to see lol over security were working sucks and Sports is smaller than all the kids in this
00:04:49| class so he's gonna be beaten up on what you said well does that give him strength to beat up people later in life I think that's how all great and the made fighters reformed so alright
00:05:03| I mean you pick a good profession for him as long as doesn't want to avoid concussions and thing yeah he's gonna be a really scrappy the scrappiest you ever seen they're gonna have got he do in a
00:05:13| news new area like on the stat chart scrappiness I'd be like tenet ironically an ATL 98 or 2000 or 99 in a stack called stick-to-itiveness wow this is a real stat with actual numbers I always
00:05:28| put 99 for my guys yeah alright let's say you were a team of all stick-to-itiveness guys I think they do pretty well now let's say you're in NHL created character we're putting all the
00:05:41| points were you one of those guys that really gave link someone 78 year 87 year alright or were you one of those guys like myself who were just like checking stuff at like 40 like I really did there
00:05:58| it was like offensive awareness it's like who cares he put likes negative numbers for passing because you're just gonna make sure you can shoot that exactly and then
00:06:07| you see how that plays out in the game I made I made it work but you know you like make icons of the people that way like even not like in the NFL games I always made to I always make two running
00:06:19| backs and I make one it's really tiny and super fast guy and I make a gigantic fat ass plate if norm sent out yeah I go back at his nap and then I'd be like I'd see how their line was and if the line
00:06:33| was like all kind of like smashed in the middle I just I go wide and if they're all kind of loose give it to the fat guy who's like boom like bodies just like falling backwards
00:06:42| interesting ngo5 animals can't I play the game a lot yeah yeah how's mad I think it's over here like 96 ASI this is what I was like 11 as well think about this man 96 is years old is
00:07:08| that possible that games old enough to buy beer wow wow here I've never that's weird when the video games get old so in college and Ichiro 7 there
00:07:29| wasn't any child we played every day our junior college and it was a real season like we returned the minutes so that they would really have some real time and he played all 82 games yeah it was
00:07:43| NHL I want to say Oh 604 of 305 was one the coolest thing about that game is the hit I think they were trying to revolutionize the hit and it stole it was still a but it was before the hit
00:07:59| step because they're going to decided like a hip check or a shoulder checker right kind of which way you were skiing but what was awesome is the computer wasn't smart enough to understand what
00:08:09| interference was away from the Popkin tirely so anytime the punk scored it added for the Gunners oh like oh he would be skating right through off the zone he would come beat him to it and
00:08:20| fishhook around and just come straight up so you're both going as fast as possible hit that big hit button and there'd be no penalty and the crowd would erupt in a projector it was like
00:08:31| it took over the whole wall or one college buddies house and he bought a sound system so we would crank it because you know he just lived in a house we're in college we're getting
00:08:40| wasted playing any cello for and the thing is I think it was it was pretty new we were all three controllers or four controllers were playing on the same team like walking into positions
00:08:52| and we would there was also a weird rule we're always the pliers that's right and we always had to have Michael on Zeus score anybody else know he so the idea will
00:09:09| have the non non player controlled he was computer no no no no no we tweet usually my buddy Dan not you would always control what was awesome is we would always just force in the puck
00:09:20| because it was like a running gag and we would win games like 72 or 74 usually funny he would have four to six goals a game he can ended the season with like something like hundred and three goals
00:09:34| and one assist which was an accident really funny and I just remember we would always say things like that my buddy he learned the bagel move with this stick and we would just set up Zeus
00:09:49| on the breakaways all game there'd be lying changes but Zeus is on every line yeah it was really fun but it's just it's cool when you remember individual games and I remember leader l99 he stays
00:10:05| oh no you couldn't change his set so let me just slow down once the first period was like halfway done I'm gonna just force the game though just let us do it and one time he scored a slap shot from
00:10:17| the red line and we thought that was hilarious and then another in the same game he um he got hit in the head with a puck and he just did like the stagger motion and
00:10:26| it went into the net and a third goal in that game this is this is the hat-trick game that I still remember was he got tripped by an opponent and while he was in the air something held the shoot
00:10:38| button was being pressed so it just shot from like him being in the air any scored he scored the hat trick but it's so funny I still remember individual goals from a video game season we played
00:10:52| the memories being before we won a Stanley Cup and Randy Robitaille remember him in our event yeah for 500 scored four goals and like a Stanley Cup clinching game
00:11:11| all of that went out the window for me I mean I'd remember that fat guy who laid out on people I also remember the Hail Mary cuz I made the one guy super fast with good hands
00:11:22| like if I'm losing him just like screw it I'm gonna do the play I know it works oh yeah that games on sale too over-the-top violence I feel like that game would hold up the test of time like
00:11:38| you could see that in an arcade game today I think it would certain games would um did we talk about for burnout we did not but I that games with me that's there hasn't been a game that
00:11:52| just cars break each other and blow up like that since I did see sometimes like a reddit about I don't know what simulator it was was like NASCAR 2003 which I wasn't familiar with but I
00:12:04| remember Indy 500 I had that game and the whole purpose was to get pissed off because you weren't good at it and drive backwards as fast as you can at the lead car take them out oh yeah you do tires
00:12:18| and everybody's blue I just like ball one it's the only game that you would start up and it would ask you a question from the booklet like the manual would have like the winner and sure yeah the
00:12:39| winner of the 1896 Indy 500 was and you have to flip through the book so I was like you said oh three that's like just when the Google is getting big huh you know this was way before it the Indy 500
00:12:53| was waiting for it so it was like you couldn't who the answer so like it somewhere in the middle there I lost the book and I keep guessing cuz like the answer is recycled but right at some
00:13:03| point I just couldn't play the game because I didn't have the stupid manual anymore yeah asshole game who does that it has a bit of an a-hole but burnout games definitely fill that hole where
00:13:14| you're they were awesome just because slow motion Enix they were beautiful do you remember there were certain levels where you just had to blow up as
00:13:25| much as you could quick Destruction Derby della levels Cottonelle like your car was a bomb so you would drive and hit as many things you could and then go into that slow-mo crash mood and there
00:13:37| was a button you can press as soon as you were you can still move while you're crashed loading it would explode right all right and even I didn't cause so much damage that you know you want a
00:13:45| gold medal or whatever restart or something you could yeah it is beautiful that didn't better than me pas means I love the need for speeds the one with all the the keys Hamza city no I didn't
00:13:59| play that one but I almost bought it the other day probably which one was that you know oh I don't know I think there might have been like an original one I had all these ramps a little like
00:14:08| alleyways in the city that you could cut through and even be like driving on top of like skyscrapers to get these keys I think Need for Speed 3 was on Sega right about right action needs to verify or
00:14:24| it's this OP games hiria cuz everyone knows that the trolls and their basements love games so much they're gonna answer other questions in fact I can't believe they had enough time from
00:14:35| jagang on their games to listen to us and correct us but I'm glad they do and I hope they hit like and subscribe for the kiss when I can love you but will like it a little bit I like it yeah
00:14:46| trying to remember if something out game related because you know we could spend a whole episode on video games yeah and upcoming we're gonna do it casually we do destiny - I'm gonna talk all about it
00:14:56| what what I did do those I bought the Wolfenstein game and I can't play that around my kid so I bought dishonour mmm and I can't play that around my kid but I did get playing some of it that's a
00:15:09| really cool game did you like Pete or deus ex did not play that game either Oh Deus Ex the Philippine original not thief I might have played deus ex but not remember go wow it's
00:15:24| pretty ok it's pretty cool it's worth it check out yuge it's always worth a video review of the game because
00:15:32| when you've read reviews like I've read reviews in this game and it was like really good it's creative it's different than anything and I was like Hello this might change my mind this one changed my
00:15:42| life I'm getting good reviews on PC websites and everything boy buy it and I'm like oh it's pretty much like whoever made the thief must have made this game and taking ideas
00:15:52| effects now it just so happened I like these but if I didn't I can see where I'd be like bummed because it controls like it like to look lean maneuver and shadows and whatever but it's I happen
00:16:05| to like that game so it's it's gonna be awesome it'd be interesting to review games based on what you thought they were like right because that's you can't describe
00:16:14| how like you know we love do right you know we love doing 2016 yeah it's it's almost impossible for me to describe why I like it but it's very much in the movement and the way Luud and kind of
00:16:26| write draws you in and then it's up to the pace get you writing the baby keeps going faster faster ambassador and then when you only kill that last guy with the berserker fists and then it's like a
00:16:41| feeling that catharsis is at the end where you you enjoy just ripping someone's body open and like spying everywhere and you're like well here's like a physical size for some reason
00:16:54| it's like if there's a moment I waited world very interesting yeah I feel that could be a channel I could be worthwhile right we're not going to do any more video game talk here because we could
00:17:11| talk forever about video incident I think the most of our viewers are good hard-working American people yeah mm-hmm we're in their booth ace fixing their college selves up by their
00:17:22| straps yeah yeah okay their mom Murphy I think we took care of this Merc in the smile that was pretty good unless you got one and now I actually did and I feel it was it was a different piece of
00:17:36| paper uh-huh okay you have a smirk or a smile no I think the video games covered it the guy was a John I'm Wayne Gretzky's head bleedin that's
00:17:48| good levy yeah NHL 93 sorry I said 99 remember the bleeding talk about the brick wall is the goalie yeah that was on when Gretzky Wayne Gretzky's Wayne Gretzky's right right
00:18:02| my buddy always says he knew the trick like if you took a slap shot with one second left exactly he'll score no matter what because like the game was it was designed to make a highlight you
00:18:13| know to mean so I shoot how much time it was like it's just like wow that's crazy when really you're like no I just did it because there's one second left like I get it then you played the game
00:18:23| manipulating you isn't that what every video game is I think so that's why I keep playing these stupid mobile games oh we need to a whole level and called it for you though
00:18:33| yeah definitely we're gonna save it we were talked about when we do get us new suit do you think we were like top 200 in the world all right top 500 I'd say as a pair we're probably
00:18:44| up there cowboy okay that's interesting I would have liked to have perspectives like with us against them you just like size very like a flash because when you play this fabric though it's like you're
00:18:57| like what we're talking about yep we'll talk about in the future though you will get there folks we're just gonna trust this little a rule is all I'm saying
00:19:16| ooh so we got scenario here we go react to this oh can you react to this let's bring it home yeah I've got a good one for you so then so I'm dying and you Dan yeah yep but I need I need an organ
00:19:33| what organs are you willing to give me the ones I have two of my kind of game that I maybe give it so here's a pen so you're saying I could use to your skin I don't want two skins you can we give a
00:19:46| lot of skin you makes us cut one organ people are gonna brag about how big the skin organ is then that's one okay you can't brag about it being like 500 skins so but yeah you know a video game would
00:19:59| slice about the I sit up so you give me one of your eyes no okay you're changing the your answer now what if I didn't have any eyes some of the ones I say I'll describe
00:20:15| everything just keep this ear bud and I'll just explain everything to you there's a beautiful sunset you feel peace what about see the teeth give me any can
00:20:33| I get it city teeth yeah would be a decline how your friend Dan is that of teeth I'll give them a view thanks but no thanks
00:20:49| awkward so what about things that can regrow it like the liver and bone man yeah I don't care take my liver bump ow so you forget all the pain you'd be like oh that's fine give me all the forgiving
00:21:00| tons of drugs I guess the the healing though right yeah you'd be down and out for about a month or two with my liver only deliver hope liver yeah and there's no drinking you can't drink alcohol when
00:21:12| you're on recovery what the podcast is an area I love medical stuff see what else what else you got let me see you got heart which you're not gonna give me yep yeah you're not gonna give
00:21:27| me any shoulders or arms no fingers what about like if I lost like one crucial like the pinky get rid of right I have a PA for thumb yes Thank You cricket I'm I'm like literally
00:21:42| no it's not weird I never check this out I just I've been the knuckles everything's fine nobody knows what's going on I'm a regular guy and then I straighten out
00:21:51| one of my pens so I don't want that rose up I'll take the other one oh no I was gonna say that's a but just the crookedness oh I guess I'm taking that one it's the functional is the thumb I
00:22:04| think you support my bed pinky it look kind of like a thumb since it's weird yes spleen no one cares about spleen intestines I was gonna help you with this you were gonna give me this
00:22:18| bleep yeah not the whole thing it grows back rights I don't know this bling grows back or bet on Peter Forsberg hair to spit explain I think they can take out the spleen and you'll
00:22:29| survive actually I think it just is a like a immunosuppressant or something it like takes care of diseases somehow I thought purified to blood somehow you could be right the blood okay in the
00:22:41| comment section fo do some Corrections they probably filter out diseases from the blood how about this what if I had to give you my testes hmm if you were out of them we'd ever lay out my
00:22:54| children your children here's my question would it make me half as barrel real I think I know a 75% I know you can function I don't know if you need like testosterone shots or anything right
00:23:07| right but I'm saying um I'm worried about me but you've got my custody not you oh good I would have become champ is manly sort of like you know the hormones where do I still get the same around
00:23:18| other less manly not possible I did use a hair a blow dryer all those where everybody nice conditioner I can tell it's a seven in conditioner look at the glean some sparkle and shine in there
00:23:35| should never have brought this up I'm gonna just be staring to my bottom right the whole podcast permanently distracted let me see let me see what's on here toes listen what needs any toes GTL here
00:23:48| - yes you don't need to yo so I played hockey twirling my first teammate nice hockey hmm well clothes dos he uh he still like pretty much smoke weed every day but um he ran a lawnmower service so
00:24:04| you need one name no keep going oh okay well II um he ran over his foot and lost like three or four of his toes so he was really really good at ice hockey but after that it was just like good at ice
00:24:18| hockey so if anyone who's really mattered in hi sake today I think they affected his balance and the weight and the way it fits in the could he have like prosthetics just like
00:24:29| little weights it's my place to talk I guess you could oh but he never did and I he wasn't gonna go pro pro hockey anyway it was just it was much better he was incredible
00:24:42| well what's funny is on because I never had ice skated up till three weeks before I started playing ice hockey they stuck me on the line with the two best players because they figured it would
00:24:53| neutralize my being Sam right oh it did dude I would score goals like crazy cuz I would expect skates prison net awkwardly and stand in front and those it was Brian and Stowe said
00:25:03| they would just dish me passes all the time and I just doing smack and I screwed up they were escaping back to get it anyway but I can't even tell the one story I can't tell that story you're
00:25:17| gonna say you keep it but by your intestines do you so give me something you're just large or small like poop makers or the large you have less of so it's kind of more important so I guess
00:25:29| would you give me your large part of you large for the whole thing in anything awesome is when do you give me your large intestine you'll die but I'll be fine
00:25:40| yeah be part of that I think cuz they're my girlfriends and had her bowel replaced and she's sort of fine today like there's certain foods she can't eat she has to just always be like yea
00:25:56| focused right perfect and she seems like she looks a pretty happy healthy life in this you would be all right so you'd be good giving me all the stuff you listed not legally yet now what if I wanted
00:26:09| that all at the same time like I had some gruesome incident where I had pieces of me missing hold on then no need to Queen Nick to better starring Nick and so the follow-up is how much do
00:26:33| you think these things cost in the black market honestly I'm guessing like 20k for the lowest price Gorgon and 500 K for the highest price organ so
00:26:43| like the kidney the heart and the liver or the highest priced ones so in what order do you think they are like when I think kidney lung heart but all that kidney liver heart yep okay it's
00:26:55| actually pretty close and the kidney is I don't know how old this is but it's like 250 K the livers like 150 K and the heart's like 120 K really so it's really it's reasonably priced organ organ I bet
00:27:10| those million and billionaires out there I bet they have these stashed away however they have spares there's a friend of our podcast it's Branson and whoever it's a comedy podcast I think I
00:27:21| mentioned before but they always do they pretend they're making a podcast and then it's the first episode of that podcast Paragons of truth or anything and what the name of the actual podcast
00:27:33| is anyway they really love us we're really best friend I'm great but their most recent one was they pretended they were billionaire tech guys making a podcast so for an hour they do a podcast
00:27:46| they pretend they're tech billionaires and that's the whole premise all joke next episode there they were anime guys next episode they were difficult how it along it is but you should hear it
00:27:59| they're very good at what they do they everything's tongue-in-cheek what's funny about the one I just heard because I just did my lawn I listen to those guys they pick councillor make
00:28:11| references to how as billionaires they are they drink the sweetest sweetest blood and it keeps me sodium and then they have a friend who owns a favorite company it was I think it's the lighting
00:28:22| dear real person he owns like some super mobile company and they're like I can't believe so so it always gets 15 year old blood I can't even get plenty of old blood
00:28:32| yeah I know and half the time you can't tell if they're Croatian I know I never liked going I was like good stuff but maybe would you go you'd buy it right that they really like bathed in blood or
00:28:46| drink it or have it injected and stuff how about plasmas I I know that other people buy their own losses they use animal blood they drink it and they make food out of it so human blood
00:28:57| you know these are pretty much the similar head and that mean human blood will reproduce itself so it's not like you're killing a person to do it technically I guess if you could get
00:29:06| extra red blood cells you'd feel like pump every bit P um you get an extra oxygen it's called blood doping yeah and you like they're actually your own yeah the Russian hockey player for the
00:29:19| Rangers yeah he's gonna be a star in the knee past he won't on the band yeah that's how crazy would be to get his name hitting with his name some of the see something
00:29:30| with our at the end here Churchill Aslam Aslam check this long Oh Trump I got I know that yeah I could picture it I get I sir members like falling down on the band excuse ago six years ago was that
00:29:43| more I'm just trying to test time here as I grow old or like time moves weird but yeah it we're gonna do well on this little pop in in the middle of a segment will just share this this is really game
00:29:58| come up I kind of feel like searching boo oh yeah I know that [Music] we got next one of our favorite segments which one it's the craziest part of the
00:30:19| whole job we literally we challenge celebrities in the community some of them are like a listers some of them are people you won't even believe Dan tell me we got today
00:30:30| ooh I get to pick the celebrity you either pick the scenario how about sure hmm I don't think it's gonna happen but I want to call out Stephen King who have been on it kick
00:30:44| recently there has been a tweet kick lately really made it sweeten his storm wall so you should tweet at the end panderers okay well which of these to me well we should tweet because he's
00:30:56| probably a little busy right now but would you get his attention hmm tweet at him and then he'll respond to us saying how fantastic we are how poignant are
00:31:06| her dialogue is how salient leads to jail who's he going up against first off hmm this is a guy-guy challenge this should be a guy-guy child I'll tell you why
00:31:18| could it be like who's the writer of Harry Potter but I don't even know she's she was homeless right is that the old I don't remember her name but I'm sure everyone's gonna slip you want to skip
00:31:31| to the other guy guy yeah do a guy because I RL shine still alive so he is there's guys in the world guys we challenge you to what's called the Super Soaker baby pee we want you
00:31:50| both to drink a full gallon of water wear a diaper right and see whose diaper can weigh the most with urine there's a drink at the the most amount of water the canners is said about a warrant
00:32:06| water so it's one gallon and then however much even turn it into is like that's the winner that's the water everybody right so oh you're saying you're deep sure no no no
00:32:36| I'm just making it up direct coffee shooting calm down I'm gonna drink this gallon of water right way chewing on a coffee bean disqualified get out of here anyway you guys ready for it you horror
00:33:03| they have to be driving a story at the same time though I mean how are they going to pass the time well these horror writers that have made so many of us pee our pants over the years with their
00:33:12| temper horrifying visions of of crazy nighttime ters I keep now you're going to pee your pants for charity we should donate like I'm going down the amount in my head like a
00:33:35| hundred dollars ten dollars the American bed-wetter point is probably oh yeah targeted audience for bed-wetters how would you page that money we do a trend off yeah nine dollars if this is
00:33:55| actually under the bed wetters rubber rubber sheets listen I'd be really uncomfortable on your ass off I think that's a sexual thing is it really pinging and rubber or
00:34:08| something I don't know huh that seemly weird because I think all the fetishes are cool and then like get to a point where they start getting so specific it's like you must be like well I almost
00:34:21| feel like it's gonna get to the point where it's like I'm looking for a girl called Sarah Connor that's born in 2031 and she has to have blond hair and I need her to suck on a lollipop while I
00:34:32| you know jerkle wearing blue underwear or something then you're like this that's gonna team it man had one of those I Van de Graaff generators so you can put your hand on it terminate myself
00:34:46| into you but I mean huh see I was going the other way like you'd pull out like a manual and it'd be like putting together a piece of Ikea furniture to figure out what your fetishes Oh like we're just
00:35:00| different things you figure out like just by inputting data dater yeah and Dave's dater that's what um I think a teacher at our high school is to say he's on my college roommate Tom he
00:35:13| always made Parliament those David dater so I started doing it what's interesting you should bring up sexual things because so some people have this weird fetish which I never got I'll say I
00:35:26| never I never come over did folks at home I'll be in enjoy some pretty good gin judging being sec honesty sexual honesty sexual honesty level
00:35:37| so now key word here key words sex dolls they're like miniature versions of people but I think they're like four or five feet tall and you can they don't really look like real people but you
00:35:50| could imagine they are they're made to look like real people with Super Troopers where he puts the sex doll in his roof is that like a full rubber like full body thing or is that a blow-up
00:36:03| it's a ball so I'm wondering do they make something that's crazy way better than them yeah it's like a skin type resin and then they make it so it you could actually do your whatever
00:36:14| you're gonna do to it like you pose it again I think it's flexible so how many actresses customize your doll with extreme price this guy that's gonna be doesn't want the third hole you're
00:36:38| paying but if you get one hole I got an ear dog might be perfect for some people but what when I truly found disgusting was that there's a company in China that that started up and they they even sent
00:37:00| up pictures of real people and I'll do it oh no it had been a rental sex doll business on the blackboard it was laid use once you rinse it off it's good to
00:37:21| go do is only do you have to rinse all no in fact we'll clean them all ourselves so strain with Lysol yeah I think they already closed that closed their doors after like two into business
00:37:36| they probably got the first one back and we're like do whatever work [Music] now that's wall over there interesting stick it so Bob Segar
00:37:53| what's good this isn't there another thing with sex dolls is it where people pretend they're dating them and sir pillow my way through waifu is that a real thing as a pillow I'm pretty sure
00:38:06| it's like a pillow with like an anime girl in like a scantily dressed is that like you'd lay you lay like a ei way are like it's like a full body length pillow it has so you just say so quiescent like
00:38:20| it's a stuffed animal or it is like have other things involved I know if it has poles or not I mean you know this yep thank you I know what hmm now knowing most men in the world today nobody needs
00:38:39| holes they're gonna they're gonna have sex with a big map sex to it I'm gonna find out god bless them those euros out there they break good neck line the whole Oh
00:38:48| anyway not virgin anymore this does bring an interesting point you know my friend huge big listener the pocket fit into the storyline I hope he does he has sex stop what he does not he has a sex
00:39:12| doll and sometimes he's never sure if he should give it to the sex doll or his real-life girlfriend well she doesn't know what she thinks about the planet and its shape will say
00:39:24| this oh yeah so sometimes in anger he gives it to the sex doll whenever when a human being is willing to have sex with him he opts for the doll you know why she texted me one time because
00:39:39| afterwards he can feel it anytime oh my gosh are you some kind of doll and he said whatever you do do not get Jose on the podcast
00:39:48| oh geez where they just do anyway it's not it's not the huge I apologize he said that's all I hear anyway so that's what he does what is hello everybody named it uh Cherise optical
00:40:12| Reese yeah Laurita Cleary smooth it out much freaked him out if it was actually Clarisse though that's why it's named Cherise like that my bed so that was the huge segment of
00:40:23| the podcast yeah it was a good segment for up to hmm prompt would you have sex with a sex doll there have to be circumstances and probably
00:40:38| not it's never been used and your Locka a tolerant okay you're on a deserted island and your only companion is the sex doll yeah okay in that instance I would
00:40:52| probably get bored and try something like when how much time is it like four days three days are you like looking at everyday be like this ridiculous it's a sex doll I would never give it to that I
00:41:11| have a happy fulfilling life and then it literally cuts the camera and the next scene is just you on a sandy beach while coconuts lay everywhere what if that was your ear redemption like that was the
00:41:24| only thing that floated on the island and you had to use a wrench the only the only power head would rest was right behind you if you kept going I'm so tired
00:41:36| and then they'd find you drifting in the ocean we have to save those two and you use pointer head up it is you got a mustache right here thank you saving mmm it saves a sex doll instead down by the
00:42:09| seashore for sailors with seamen up to theirs thank you good seeking transition on the bird but it did want to bring up here dampener is
00:42:28| always looking for new things we're always trying new things we're always we're edging antique on the world and what I think as a partial millennial like I'm not full millennial but I think
00:42:39| I represent wool it's 84 and on oh I have a so nice story with this one but you didn't keep going because you technically a girl I thought we weren't I was like 91 I don't identify with that
00:42:50| group but essentially a port older well for the podcast we are Millennials so we if I ruined your giving up we did you did all right so we're not Millennials though here we are my name O'Neill's our
00:43:07| target audience right now they're the next ones to take over yeah finally sure yeah yeah get all those not jerk off generations out of there what if I told you I had something that was
00:43:21| you learn something that would change your life forever forever really only 11 inches inches uh-huh are you counting the curve oh stem to stern it's 11 inches
00:43:38| it's the Playmate trumpet learn and play wow I thought myself who needs us I'm going to just play insurance myself well no no it's 11 inches it has no buttons but as the phone buttons we call them
00:43:50| hurry it's an ergonomic hand picture so if you or your child or anyone wants to use it on something it's pretty easy to pick up that's pretty fantastic it doesn't teach
00:44:01| you to play trumpet exactly but at least it gives you the basics so now once I'm doing this get your guns ready yep make sure there's a good suction [Music]
00:44:12| that sounds horrendous anyway why's that kid it teaches people proper technique how have you not donated there ya think proper proper oral maneuvers yeah and what can I say folks it only plays the
00:44:32| one note over over again I thought this was gonna cost like $39.99 because I'm trying to teach my kid about music I'm trying to just trying to find anything good as lungs going yes we're really
00:44:57| good then blow muscles go go well folks it can be yours all patents on type in plain 8-iron play trumpet blue model hello 99 how much crap 1199 wow that's about what I thought it would
00:45:16| cost that piece of crap how annoying is it when your son uses that he stops the uses about as long as I just used it right there it's awful isn't it shit it literally doesn't even change
00:45:30| notes it doesn't do anything I was looking online for the same price I can do to get other models ones that are ready to die trumpets yeah I could hold a real tumbler for a dollar or there's
00:45:40| no it trumpets clothes like their Dean but I've no idea so is the downselect where you like well it's a cheaper and you're like super good hundred ninety percent works he's not gonna know any
00:45:52| better he's a notice trumpeter he'll think that thing is a trouble for his entire life and then what what he dies would just be like I could've loved could have been a
00:46:01| trumpet boy so the word at the moment you got any words any words to use it only used earlier for out about Artie after you about are all ready to but I have one I have a band that I really
00:46:24| like also like the name of it the word of it Thank You booth like suckiness yeah the female version is the succubus just so missus are male yep thank you mrs. are this the
00:46:36| sexual desired male it's like almost like interview of the vampire those vampires were like irresistible to women that's been an incubus same thing with the succubus except for you know the
00:46:47| dream intercept made me think of Brandon boy it's grim goodness yep I know then I know my grandfather useless lab qubits right yeah how'd they come up with anything since like
00:47:05| grenades they did they came out with nimble bastard which whoa I don't even know the name of that one that was interesting I think they're losing their touch but sometimes it's like think
00:47:15| about it dirt Lance the bass player you left the group around Lake grenades or a crow left the murder one of the time really both of those were good right now I'm down with that well actually I don't
00:47:26| remember like grenades that much but I'll pull up the murder what's gonna head boil and wood or whatever oil and some not sure anyway I enjoyed a few of the songs on that seed am i didn't like
00:47:37| grenades you know cuz lost their kind of funky age right well when you get rid of a funky bass player what happens it's interesting as you bring out music - but what do you think the root of music is
00:47:49| the noose oh like little I guess so like music is your muse so they call it something that would be like a muse with her own emotions and feelings so a music would you like yep kind of curious if
00:48:05| that is linked together or not but I see news mm-hmm-hmm like it was logical to me it did sound it while we're on the subject like give a quick shout out to black
00:48:24| soulful music music that's why I've been into protests we could tell not sure why huh I mentioned them before on a previous pipet podcast but Kumasi Washington and it is
00:48:38| truth while this CD Omni just kicked off it's pretty cool that's one that one's like jazzy ish yeah that's more jazz I guess you don't ignore that folks unless you're in jest it's not quite my thing
00:48:51| but that's okay right sure but what is your thing who you don't know well you do know about Leon bridges I don't know him oh you do I think he um some of his
00:49:02| stuff has made the radio it's just very bluesy old-school there's a touch of hint of loss and a touch of small motion on a blues blues gets me one big Zeppelin guy cuz they like the steel
00:49:18| blues like I'm cool with that but when I was checking out Leon bridges and also into River and a few other songs which I love I found a new guy who I absolutely loved his like his name is
00:49:31| Michael he would not COO it's a lot to say he should change his name it is I agree then except his song love and hate it's friggin awesome it's like blues with a little bit of
00:49:45| church eNOS and then like there's a little bit of like gospel touch just a little touch because I had too much I like preachy stuff he even has a couple songs they're kind of preachy but like
00:49:56| there's a time in a place for everything I'm you know I'm totally cool with it but the song you love and hate and a little cold and hard I believe live friggin unbelievable
00:50:08| and if you get a chance you want to check out some really good sa time to be good we don't curse on this podcast okay check out our a little bit there Michael Kiwanuka love and age check that's on
00:50:22| the outside eight minutes long but it feels like it's gorgeous anyway I've been on the black blues so lately nice no good sometimes I listen to heavy metal that probably is by some white
00:50:38| supremacist some windows the old school rock that's what America's about freedom your expression baby so here's my question for it what if you find out your favorite music group
00:50:51| supports an awful political side or like like um I don't know the side he takes K pink floyd's guitarist David Gilmour he's either like super Pro Jewish or super anti Israel now so he's not any
00:51:07| lower uterus to remember which is good with the podcast um you know I I actually don't remember which he is because I think whatever it is is over-the-top ridiculous
00:51:15| I don't know things either like I think maybe the Jews on liars and blah blah blah except I might be wrong in which case I'd be miss Corey maybe he's Jewish
00:51:22| evenings everyone aids Israel is going to hell I don't remember I just remember he made some ridiculous statement it's probably not true and he's one of my favorite arcs with new employees I would
00:51:33| say that that layout I don't care what your views are if you make good music I just want the musical part I mean right people in my everyday life only take the intellectual part from me and don't give
00:51:42| a shit about me stuff oh why what does it matter taking it your sexy part you know they never receive a whole package oh because you're super sexy only the one woman man
00:51:56| locked in did say how many men man you are for the podcast that's a wink meaning just one just you it's a double eyebrow raise that's what that is and my eyebrows are
00:52:13| super cow big caterpillar II so you got a paycheck for heavy for it I'm ready for it um interesting that probably leads us to our next segment
00:52:24| yeah it does it's the main topic is what are the next segment is it kind his I didn't research it research I've just been a part of it for a while but anyone who knows President of the United States
00:52:35| Donald Trump has recently been involving himself in NFL POTUS hmm where do they originally originally protested about they I don't he's brutality was that what the original one was for so Colin
00:52:52| Kapernick quarterback from the 49ers was taking a need or an e anthem to protest and raise awareness for police brutality against black victims like the a while
00:53:04| right that was a long time ago prey case I'm trying to think all the cases like say a Ferguson like overdid yourself there's a ridiculous amount where more so than
00:53:14| just like well that's just a coincidence so I I totally get it it's a good cause no problem it early on when he started doing it I thought it was very I don't want to say corny I
00:53:27| used to think it was like bothersome almost like come on third not throwing out it fell just trying to watch a game this is originally what I thought this is on talking but he threw years ago on
00:53:38| the kind of the downslope now he's not doing so well hold on so so I'll give you a little in and out here certainly I was in RG three that injuries cut into pieces do then they output Cleveland and
00:53:50| then uh we injured him again yeah because he was before Kaepernick right right okay you don't say but um he was on I don't think he was on top of his game
00:54:02| when this whole thing started I think he was on the downslide and he's not a great quarterback to my eyes like he has trouble with the short passes intermediate passes i he has a sweet
00:54:12| long long bomb and again I I don't do tape so you can check the tape but um he's built like Gallup like 15 nerds at a time and that would just screw defenses all a lot buddy McNabb right
00:54:26| all right exactly but eventually if you can figure out how to contain him that way and force him to throw I feel like he became less and less effective like either they were keeping him in the
00:54:37| pocket they were daring him to try and throw into coverages and I think he was making mistakes it wasn't he wasn't that good just still honey of an athlete yeah the bad guys
00:54:46| career is a shame no he's still he's still young he's like twenty eight nine I feel like so you know hmm in quarterback talk Tom Brees for him 40 before you want Morelia did he's got a
00:54:57| mental game he's not for throw well so that's what I'm saying so you figure a quarterback should be able to play mentally as they grow up hmm right true because physically for
00:55:07| the first half before you can really get away with anything later on you gotta start developing the mental aspects the knock on him was that he wasn't developing the mental aspects enough
00:55:18| and this whole protesting I feel like he was come getting booted out of his job mentioned lost his job and as of last year when he was done no one signed him and he was the poster boy for black
00:55:36| lives matter or all the other stuff and I think all the owners in the NFL I think are white like the old-timey white guys like you know what I mean like it would bethe money he secretly hate black
00:55:48| people but aren't like they don't on slaves but they're like they don't like black people like me I mean I could pay sure all those people sure sure the idea was that Colin Kaepernick was
00:55:59| not getting a backup quarterback job in this league because they were just mad like it was like almost like a moment I don't want your black lives matter and your protests and your all this stuff
00:56:10| like we're not going to touch it and there's rumor going around that all the owners blackballed and like they decided amongst themselves and don't hang their paint don't hire hey you don't even yeah
00:56:22| khalood is super legal right super people I won't go so far as to say they probably openly colluded it's probably a secret nod type thing like can you imagine being the one or who does hire
00:56:36| him like I guess you give them a cheap price oh no no I I would I have no comment on oh okay all right I think cuz we'll be cuz we're Millennials yeah their generation
00:56:49| different than the one prior but I think this one looks at hiring him like baby a be admitting a mistake and B be admitting that all 32 of us are racist you know what I mean so for him to a
00:57:02| higher is beaten sold everyone else and C to accept blame and it gets hard for them at that age with billions of dollars to admit all this hmm but what's interesting is around the NFL lately um
00:57:17| certain players have kind of been like hey we agree with Kaepernick our backup quarterback is pre garbage most of the quarterbacks in the league are really bad like Colin Kaepernick would at least
00:57:29| be one of the best backup curvex in the entire league he wasn't starting for you he began better than whoever else you got back there
00:57:35| so why isn't hired maybe is because this whole thing certain players around the league knows in black ones have been kneeling during the um national anthem maybe uh like I know for the Eagles
00:57:48| Jenkins he holds his hands up like this guys do different things to show hmm they're just going to show the racist commentary that yes forced him out or our commentary like a
00:58:01| Colin tarriest take on it the force out the commentary earth becomes interesting the people now are doing used or resilient are saying that they're doing it because it's the anthem and they
00:58:14| don't like the anthem so really the troops agent Neal and now I've become sub players versus the troops argument which kind of wasn't the original argument and then Donald J Trump our
00:58:25| wonderful president what we did he get retweets tweets from the Trumper I was kind of up speed it coupled with the Trumpster but what's I didn't see some ridiculous things I can't like he gets
00:58:37| involved into some of the stupidest arguments for some reason I don't even know on Twitter like it would make more sense if his account was not real and it was just somebody else presents anybody
00:58:47| it seems like a yeah and then Trump didn't even know about his Twitter account you would think but he's really doing it yeah I know that's the scary part a hat well there's nothing to gain
00:58:58| from tweeting when you're president United States right know any tweets a lot a lot every morning there's at least five a day it's so crazy so you're gonna pick one out yeah I'm looking for a good
00:59:12| one here do you see like the one about Puerto Rico after getting hit by a hurricane no that's a little above where I was right here Texas and Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico which was
00:59:23| already suffering from broken infrastructure and massive and no like the city for three days now right they're in deep trouble it's like thanks president of the United States we really
00:59:32| appreciate you telling us we're in trouble and then our infrastructure and massive debt are really crippling us to be giveth right again it doesn't become a
00:59:41| political thing like if I took politics strictly out of it and I was Republican super Democrat super or whatever I can still see this guy as a giant idiot baby we can't control his
00:59:53| emotions or his now and has never been in politics that has never worked a day in his life I think that's what people wanted they wanted somebody that was not gonna I think just once Oliver wasn't a
01:00:03| politician in which stringently know I've thought about this if you're gonna hire a politician to do a job don't you want the guy that's gonna be this the sleaziest most manipulative most you
01:00:17| know you know I guess Leslie's doing that for you yeah he's doing it for you against other countries so he's being so deceptive that other countries don't know what's coming so you're gaining
01:00:27| against other countries in China and that's bad right 900 yep system like North Korea I spoke about North Korea hold on first off there's about one yeah if NFL Donald J Trump if NFL fans
01:00:42| refused to go to games until players stop disrespecting our flag and country you will see change take place fast fire or suspend exclamation point NFL attendance our ratings are weighed
01:00:53| in boring games yes but many stay away because they love our country League should back us great solidarity for our National Anthem and for our country standing with locked arms is good
01:01:07| kneeling not acceptable bad ratings it's almost a run-on sentence I don't understand he shouldn't get involved in them because it's an expression of free speech and it's a privately owned league
01:01:18| so they could do what they want he shouldn't be weighing on well anything doing it I think it caused all these players to turn against him like he's literally taking on the annika
01:01:28| which if you're Donald J Trump don't take on everyone's favorite thing the NFL in sports like it just seems like a no-win situation yeah don't attack sports because that's
01:01:39| just the people like the people's think well how about the people that love Donald J Trump lightly or let's say 24 to 54 and white and are in the sports probably right probably football's a
01:01:55| good bread like bread and butter right so why attack the one thing that your blind followers love but you don't I mean it seems like you see 80 like don't attack football but that's what they do
01:02:09| in the Midwest and like they don't want to hear your voice because let me go to watch their sports pages little sports and here you are interjecting your neil it's almost like he's a dictators and
01:02:21| then the domestic who will not bend the knee and what I think what I did like they think was interesting right after the two football tweets I read is this one please not pleased pleased to inform
01:02:37| that the champion Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL one will be joining me at the White House for ceremony great plays gee Pittsburgh you got it the Penguins truly Donald Trump's team
01:02:54| jerilyn will give congratulations the Pittsburgh you've won the Trump whatever it's called trump card it's amazing he's like well it's me because Trump he's he's gearing up to be a bad guy in a
01:03:12| movie I feel like oh yeah he's Biff right yeah well what's interesting though is that bitch team is now the Pittsburgh Penguins doesn't that feel like a bad guy team who does the team
01:03:23| with a bunch of dead personalities like their bag again three special inside the building yeah sudden death damn where is he you see me there I feel like very I was realistic yeah I feel like she
01:03:38| talked me through it suck I feel like North Korea might actually do something and Trump is just like you idiot dictator you suck like he just keeps tweeting out the like yeah will destroy
01:03:48| you don't worry about it and like over there are literally a million things unfold here who really is more powerful Ostler yeah right yeah so even if we had a good leader a bad leader and they had
01:04:00| a good leader of a leader they're going to get destroyed if they really start a war right but do they have enough power where they can ruin people even after a destroyed like if a nuke goes off can
01:04:11| then kind of launch a new as far as us they can launch new to silver or definitely our allies and some of our I think they might be able to make it to Hawaii and Guam but it's like
01:04:21| I don't think they're gonna be with California what do you think her you think their guidance they don't let ain't gonna be up to snuff they're saying that they possibly could hit
01:04:31| California and I don't think we're gonna let them do that they've been launching it over like Japan and if they have like a live missile going over Japan I think you
01:04:40| know everyone's gonna react and say you can't like no one can do that don't let's say he does it tonight though I mean there's no to think that this guy is I understand policy I understand red
01:04:52| tape I understand everything's tangled together like you know a hundred years of histories and political pieces and agreements between countries and everything else but if he just snaps and
01:05:03| does launch nukes what actually happens hey do we launch one immediately right back out and just pull oh man hello or like just destroy him like it's like we'll launch this and then forget about
01:05:16| him because he's probably dead in 12 hours or 18 hours let's then we focus on this New Kids on the air and towards us so I don't do them this is totally you know yes I understand is guessing yes
01:05:30| yeah I think we launch missiles to take out all those nuke sites because I think we know where they are I think so anything but you would have to relaunches so are you assuming we're
01:05:38| just guessing when this lunatic is with us yeah no I'm saying as soon as we know it so that's an ICBM and it's gonna have a live warhead which we might know we might have spies on the ground it might
01:05:48| understand that it has live ammunition on it okay we have takeout every launch site so you can't launch another one and hopefully we have missiles that can meet it and destroy it and it writes us then
01:06:01| all war all hell breaks loose I think we immediately launched a nuke right after that if it hits us with it if it hits some some part of the US with a some sort of nuke you can guarantee that
01:06:12| North Korea is gonna get railed it's like so more in a way I feel good like screw that but yeah but it's not any of their people's fault either definitely not you'd have to know where
01:06:23| Kim Jong is yeah and you'd have to land that Neutron on his head you just see this giant missile land right into him was he killed by the
01:06:38| missile now he's Coletti in that actual missile physically impacted on him maybe like maybe he would realize at that moment that he can't just throw nukes around and say you know I need I need
01:06:50| aid because I'm powerful and big I can control I don't know how many millions of people he has under his control but well what what what maintains his control over there because he's probably
01:07:01| like five foot five overweight that might not in physical shape see insanity and heredity Prince Harry okay now what holds that in place for as long as it does eventually there's a
01:07:14| breaking point all roles right maybe that what Helen generals make a general stands out it like steps aside and says you can't do that and then he just like Doulton yeah I think it's just you being
01:07:25| right on the edge of the brink of pre soaked in urine so if you're a semi general someone who could be promoted to general next and you're in a room with him alone could she just killed like
01:07:36| would never win cheerfully like who's gonna stop you I mean if you're maybe no one would stop him if he started beating him to death in front of everyone else I don't know you you'd grow up to learn
01:07:48| that Kim Jon never never poops yeah but wait so what I agreed that most of the people think what he scored four goals in the Olympics yeah he wins all his games he's the fastest human on earth he
01:08:01| broke all these records I get it the average citizens not gonna big he's a guy yeah but what if you are like his right-hand man do you know he poops you know he's a loser you know how his hair
01:08:11| looks in the morning you know he gets fussing with his eggs on the right way and then he has to poop again like you know I mean like they're like this guy isn't piece of shit you've got to think
01:08:20| that his inner group this inner sanctum has all of the amenities they would ever want you think he's bi okay some Tigers okay so there are there well and all sorts of Tigers and kid whatever having
01:08:33| other kids will well then uh whatever they want I'm not over there I'm not condoning anything I don't know any of this so again it's opposition if you sue us King Goblin
01:08:45| women challenged you to a celebrity challenge we want you to give all your citizens in let them travel the United States and see how it is they previously like it do you think if they did get
01:09:06| Internet it would just crumble over there they'd be watching videos of kittens crying and stuff it'd be like bribe but you'd only enough people will look up like true actual events and
01:09:17| documents whoever or would think too long again they'd be watching movies and stuff okay right watch our podcast you can Nick it again I was swayed by the under it kind of brings me around to the
01:09:41| other topic we talked about last time which is urban exploring oh my god yeah I saw a video of a snowboarder going to North Korea to snowboard at their resort they have a really nice resort but there
01:09:56| was nobody there as far as I know I mean he didn't go to - he went to one so it was really creepy in a sense that like even though these things are completely maintained and everything was perfect
01:10:07| and clean and there's people that are attending to you there's no other snowboarders like the slopes were completely her scene so you got to feel like this is not right like this is
01:10:17| something strange going on here where's the money maintaining it that you know where maybe it's meant for the uppers you know and they come like once every three months
01:10:27| or something and then usually enjoy one single party to show how happy they are that Kim John is the is the ruler he's my man I change my mind what does he call our our present a
01:10:40| dotard is it doe chard yeah I think he calls trumpet dotard and Trump calls him Rocket Man would they ought to do is just have them Duke it out they should have them actually physically battle to
01:10:52| that would be amazing I think Trump would win but only because of his height and weight but I don't know do you think presidential challenge
01:11:00| how old is conjunct he's young isn't he yeah he's in his house raising our age maybe somewhere yeah then he's got he can take the old man I don't know he's I don't know he
01:11:12| seems very small and out a way out of shape yeah and and either loser but as our president maybe this is the way you end you know the regime squabbling yeah wrong you imagine respect Trump
01:11:24| would get if like Oh thud he's covered with scratches and like a black guy and there's a little blood drip in here bloody knuckles and he says well not very good was he brings down it was a
01:11:37| huge win for America like played uncle's there was like this is the working-class man we wanted I think we would get him in for a second term at that point he might win it because that's the only way
01:11:52| he can save himself he's got a battle kim jong on the field of battle Wow should we give them weapons like a stapler and a like office supplies yeah I think we should kill each other
01:12:04| with all the supplies paper and like a ruler [Music] big hilarious they televise it no and raise money yeah yeah Dan can't
01:12:23| believe we figured out it was obvious yeah you're a trump who would be the bad guy you don't like the WWE Bay a guy who like unbuckles the turnbuckle behind the referees back there would be the real
01:12:39| bad guy where they both throw sand at each other's eyes like what the other person wasn't looking they detect each other with the poison as soon as they met he just pulled out or the gladiator
01:12:51| yeah Anthony out of the lung right before Wow pretty good that's good we go questions uh any questions from the ether I do like to comment on our comments comment section let's hear it
01:13:14| yeah tips from ever explorers there's one that's a younger her explores these are the people that really just get in there they get up to their elbows and workmen stuff you know everything they
01:13:23| definitely do one one is called D rocks I think arrows I think I think it's D rocks he was Devon ste rocks so in a click I was a little occupy at the time as my kid was sneezing they call fit on
01:13:41| me but you know yeah I actually checked out his channel and there's one video where he's like walk around a complex who's actually doing it it's not spam spam I look kind of find it again
01:13:51| something I eat for lunch every day and Northeast Philadelphia and fried on a frying pan stick it on bread or a little mustard on that bad boy that's a spam sandwich folks enjoy it
01:14:05| did you actually eat spam yeah like a lot of days we were poor like it was just like canned meat me it was slimy so you would fry it so it wasn't a slimy real problem is my mom put it in a
01:14:17| ziploc bag and whatever and by the time lunch came around the bread was all soggy so it was really just mustard spam and bread almost and it's a bug bag it smells disgusting yeah sometimes I
01:14:31| didn't eat lunch you really is this honest you actually ate space I want to say like the entire seventh grade or something brings it to my own man may be Who I am today so I guess I'm better
01:14:45| than everyone because I had its ban came and so so what happened in high school you had real lunches um yeah we moved up to peanut butter and something called gel a guy like a High Line's I like it I
01:15:06| like horse pills a bit really really should jump on that John I Jenna it was it a pensive for Tom Hanks to pull like a perm semi retarded individual or as I like okay
01:15:19| well you compare them to other actors that did retarded people and are mentally disabled people sorry thank you and people do not do mentally disabled people justice they take one aspect like
01:15:33| a Gilbert Grape yeah pretty well but some people just don't they ruin it just do terribly right they go over the top yeah not appropriate for our podcast not appropriate for this podcast folks we
01:15:50| all have none of that and I would like to take a shout out to sleep laughs but they're the other urban explorer they're like I'm in some kind of yard they're like 13 or 14 that's cool I love
01:16:05| stuff and they are British I think so there's a bunch an extent of the child so I mean I mean it was watchable only discount them it's doable yeah what both of them need to do though is take like a
01:16:24| know a 360 degrees have been pretty cool yeah that would be really interactive yeah rather than no I mean it would be better than what good but do you think we could do that for the part I think we
01:16:35| could if we had a fan that wanted to do it maybe D rocks because I think he's American maybe possibly won't listen maybe I need to for when I pack this base I have bad news I have to go away
01:16:48| for a weekend with my band no no no it's terrible the drink smoke do whatever you want like no rules played out in the mountains no cell service
01:16:59| get this I haven't had this bass since our show like a month and a half ago and I know our as he's referred to as Nazi leader clearly right oh really he's the one
01:17:15| oh my god yeah cuz my could care less Mike Mike wouldn't if we're up to Mike we still wouldn't have a met for the first time so Nazi leader Ryan make sure we all get together and he make sure we
01:17:29| all do it make sure we all practice and the that whoever didn't practice hard enough and then my buddy Andrew which is always really good so he's good
01:17:38| so knee unlike the the squeaky wheel so I have to practice practice practice and um it's been like a month and a half two months since I've really practice and I'm going away for a weekend with them
01:17:48| and I'm supposed to bring my bass Shh better practice right now for like a week straight like hard it smell like you came play our songs we'd be like no I'm good man I'm good I just need to she
01:18:01| get loose fresh air no responsibility see a week a week end week end control for a week yep tell me a big trouble so say a prayer for me podcast say a prayer for me so we'd like to say check us out
01:18:25| we have website it's called I'm Pete Harris calm I'm not going that threaded oh whoa we have one down here too yeah those ones that they want yeah um belogorsk Oman okay other people at home
01:18:41| you are all first this is what I'm feeling it right here a chest mm-hmm just good since we got one like one like that thought it takes do we get one make the difference for some booze have it
01:18:56| all aged americans we need really needs an lig lake that's your likes not even love we just need like a little bit a little bit of like we're not gonna pander you don't care if you do it but
01:19:13| it's do it both just feels good friggin do it well good set I think I'm Nick I'm Dan together we just do this thing where we call the and panderers yeah we did we like you folks
01:19:29| like you a lot

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