The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP009 Luxury Unattainable Wealth Happiness

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP009 Luxury Unattainable Wealth Happiness

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 9 - Luxury Unattainable Wealth Happiness
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00:00:00| ah well I'm Dan Abnett folk song look away and we are Reform be on on and render with Tedesco yep plural untanned er untanned er er we've to war on the pan yeah we have to warn
00:00:24| you that we're illicit and we Melissa really gotta be over 18 to listen to us I'm highly getting anything and it doesn't relate to anybody we know nope not even these opinions not even
00:00:36| ours now nor our employers yep virus yeah and what's our Channel about Nick I'd like to know anything it's like two friends connecting on a level that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside
00:00:52| you're not even our friend we don't even know you don't know the best part you don't need any room at all could be a serial killer oh are you sure you want to transition
00:01:04| into a topical topic there oh well no no I wasn't gonna go that although what if the serial killer did subscribe to the channel he was from Alaska and he loved us but he was also serial killer my
00:01:19| sympathy would be skewed a little towards him platelets let's hear him out I feel like we might lay out a plan to like do something to somebody and then he might execute it and they come back
00:01:30| to us like he tried to pin her on us would we be guilty how would we know we wouldn't know know what if they caught him and then you know they were like why did you be killed
00:01:42| yeah no no no no he's in Alaska he doesn't even know us he's never made contact with us but he loves the show so much that through hints in my podcast he found out the guy who cut me off and he
00:01:55| chose him he's like they probably would have wanted that and they all but people are like why did you tell the story about that guy he'd still be alive and I'm like I didn't do it like a little
00:02:06| for telling the story for creating such fervor and that man's heart a stranger who bothered me that's like if you had to superpower to will people to do what you wanted which I think this
00:02:20| is definitely like this is Jessica Jones Jessica Jones has that that guy who could talk people into anything so here's all these servants and slaves and he makes them do their bidding and then
00:02:31| they like ass yeah they snap out of it and they're like I don't know why I did that and then they shoot him or arrest the person because they they committed murder I
00:02:38| feel like that's a real easy way to make money I don't even know how I just know you could oh yeah this guy was super powerful super wealthy it's a pretty good show I'll I'll I'll plug Jessica
00:02:48| Jones because the first heaven first season was pretty good actually I don't know how the views worked on the last episode I think she might have watched the last episode right okay well she
00:02:58| might have a there's no one know for sure what's her name slippin Ritter yes that's as far as I eat miss and Ritter its Ritter I think I'm very bad - one of us is married come up in mmm I'm trying
00:03:23| to get them comeuppance come up and kid I'm baby again you know it's on the docket today huh do we have corrections from last night I think I had one critic precious isn't did it
00:03:37| what I figured I didn't write it down puzzling yeah it's okay I think I maybe he choked my correction yeah no probably know why not I was talking about Indy 500 and I said 1896 which is
00:03:48| before the Indy 500 actually started okay so it's probably wrong I was probably wrong yeah oh now that was definitely on my ass so I would like somebody to correct me because I think
00:03:57| it was after 1916 which is probably also wrong it's already here right now continuous correction I do find one of the more interesting aspects of relative time yeah
00:04:16| to be a spy right there and it's not gonna fix itself any medicine relative time is an interesting thing where if I think of my life time when something happened in 1980s
00:04:29| like it's important to me I'm like whoa I was alive part of that Excel yeah even though I was a baby I didn't know it happened right but then if like someone's like Oh in 69 they invaded
00:04:41| so-and-so and then it was a bad war and I ran like a father and I'm like who cares that was before anyone's around it's just weird that that's where it starts and then someone says like the
00:04:58| at a whole world I've in between but I'm like those are the only difference oh that's where I'm going with this so then you go back to like 1400 and I'm like that might as well be 1600 and it
00:05:08| might as well be 1200 and it might as well be zero I don't do this it's all before way before me or anything like close to me like no one I know knowing I know no no
00:05:20| no I know I knew I know no check that but your gauges knew a person a hundred percent and it probably is every year back then was just as important as every year now right yeah and that person's
00:05:34| impulses and emotions you're probably the same way which is real weird because I think time passed like that for them I'm like yeah you know like couple million people died back in 84 BC and
00:05:46| then I'm like did you hear yesterday - god I hit by a car and like it's a bigger deal because it happened in my life and my time it was near me and it's just weird I guess that's time
00:05:57| relativism I made that term up but it's probably going relatively okay that's my word of the day folks time relativism its time relative to yourself and as you speed away everything gets faster and
00:06:10| faster and faster and faster until it doesn't name shit to you that's the scientific terminology so uh I kind of saw the same thing like I kind of made the same realization in Reverse about
00:06:23| Pompeii because like Pompeii had people who died instantly but they were in case forever so it was the first like you know the hug citizens like they were you know
00:06:32| they were yeah they're hugging there's some business so deep this lava covered them there it was like a picture not a selfie a picture of it was lava it was more like a plume of ash tannic class
00:06:45| Huayra plastic oh yeah oh yeah look at that look at that were jocks for rocks baby I was at GE Oh 107 it was a great course ooh wait real quick story okay I took rocks for jocks cuz I heard it
00:07:01| was pretty easy and I loved that geology stuff I'm in college senior or junior year did some electives I do see some credits throw me to end credits and it was in loans big classes like 60
00:07:14| people lecture hall me two times a week and I think I saw a professor and he was like playing Geraint Iranian or something and I was like it just seemed odd that he played
00:07:28| it before the class I was like I was like yeah that's a cool Duran Duran song and he like took me to the side he was like don't do it no no that's obviously that's Frankie
00:07:36| Goes Hollywood thank you that's not corrections for this podcast begin right now and it was five seconds ago when Dan said relax too far in the past and I care about it
00:07:50| anyway so the teacher said um I'll have you know my son used to play for Duran Duran so that's awesome he's y used to he died of a something cancer something big it was their bass
00:08:00| player and I said oh that's awesome I play bass - I love Duran Duran songs I said to him I've never played a Duran Duran solo bass but I probably could have coos I had a few plans
00:08:11| what was your date again honestly it's Nick he burned down he votes I'm Danny's like all right I got you Thanks and then like I skipped like five classes in a row this didn't go and I
00:08:24| showed up for the test I think I did okay thanks remember woke up the piano I was like yeah I've been looking up some of them to render an songs they're hard to play he must have been pretty good it
00:08:33| was like yeah thanks anyway I did not show any courses I'm pretty sure he did bad on two tests and I didn't do a project on he gave me an 8 - wow it's pretty good and there
00:08:47| since I actually it worked in Reverse or I pretended I love Duran Duran back then to get the a but now that I got the a I'm like I owe it to Duran Duran so I kind of looked through their videos
00:08:58| enjoy the discography a little bit yeah and it's almost like shout out to the ex bass player thank you I mean that's pretty cool and I did come away with a pirate pyroclastic flow and
00:09:11| that was the one class that you went to no no I didn't go do it was on the tests near like oh this is gonna haunt me unless I know how to play bass for Duran Duran huh well I was going back to the
00:09:27| Pompeii people were frozen in time but guys and they can you know they chopped away at the volcanic rock and then showed an ad agency that can - and pyroclastic flows and they have these
00:09:40| like broughal like one of the things is like they have this pristine brothel back then it's a tiny little smaller than my bedroom but they have these little tiny like similarities and little
00:09:52| looks so were they were though I guess you'd call them PC word is the horse ad would be and each of each one had their own little symbol and they had like a notch like
00:10:02| for how many times they've gone at it so like that don't really get up so they have more like you know 5 out of 5 this is the greatest tour in this war house like it's like the chapel a thousand
00:10:15| years I don't even know how this is probably wrong a thousand years ago years ago they still had the same basic human needs to plow yep thank you feeling my words it's the old ham sack
00:10:31| hard from behind but a really prone position so they it takes you back because you're like you're like wait a second like these people were just as immature as we are like there's penises
00:10:44| drip drawn everywhere and it's just the only symbol that will outlive us all and began began the alien rocket ship with balls that aliens literally if they if you can somehow boil down every picture
00:10:59| painting sculpture everything the most wrong thing might be I did it might be a penis I could see my name's rolling their eyes like culture but then in their background there's totally like
00:11:12| a three-prong sex organ but you know yeah they'd there's not an amorphous blob where their crotch would be it's driven somehow even though you can all right yes drawn everywhere in their
00:11:23| culture that's the word of the day by the way a more mature a nice a table is amorphous ever before any word Pablo don't you could use it in front of anything really
00:11:37| what are you trying to find it so there was this cheeseburger aim or purpose cheeseburger but like there's a slice of cheese that were obviously different so they put two different cheeses on the
00:11:50| cheeseburger I'm certain Wolffe they called and went into shapes and kept in their shape and other ones that just melt and become amorphous they just oh I need described as alarm amorphous blobs
00:12:05| of cheese where does are you - I'm not gonna say blobs you thought about it you were like they're just these amorphous blue things of cheese the weird thing is that the the cheese that can stay in
00:12:18| slices it doesn't taste as good a state Amorphis cheese they may be morphus Jesus like pure fat I guess so it's like constantly changing form as it enters your mouth near some moons that's good
00:12:30| fat delicious and that sounds like a sci-fi sex dream I ate more of this getting in that mouth and just I wouldn't taste your dream tastes worse than my burger very delicious Oh doc oh
00:12:54| no Tom Petty died wait the next time go to the hospital anyway this is real thought folks my least favorite artists on the radio the old favorite is Tom no he's my least
00:13:10| favorite I hate his guts Tom Petty I always wish the worst on this is argument free fall and all of it yeah well hold on what I was when I heard this news a few hours ago I was
00:13:24| terribly terribly destroyed and so might say why hey Tom Petty no because now he's going to be all over the airwaves for the kind of honorable this is leyla boy I don't want him to be dead
00:13:40| it happens regardless of my feelings - are you wearing one white glove are you playing Michael Jackson yes that's Tito right there Patito it's our tribute to rock and roll and is good
00:14:31| old oohs I'm gonna go glass him please do it very fallen see if you're Tom Petty and he knew you're dying wouldn't you try to jump over a balcony or something so you could be free fall yeah
00:14:47| if we keep this in the budgets which I care less notice that I was shook with terror good ol sank on sideway Club business right out as well well I was more worried that it was gonna attack
00:15:02| all my electronics or something I was like oh my god what did I do and I was like thinking I was like thank you something really terrible and you're like a Tom Petty I was like
00:15:14| that's like what my girlfriend calls me or my wife either one and cause you watch her why do you think my wife calls me it's like it's like something awful has happened I know it cuz like
00:15:28| more than more than 50% time it's terrible something terrible's happened you don't want to talk to your other it's just regular today you're having a good time that would ruin everything
00:15:37| yeah skip right to a call no texture like you start to sweat you don't even hear that of the word hallo and you're just like for the podcast I've been wearing these shoes
00:15:53| tied all day relax in about one second folks could just feel the steam coming off so then you're his model in a right there your smiles taking the shoes on it's a smirk or smile let me tell you
00:16:14| folks it's a little about good I have a universe smile interesting that we call that a frown in some administration but that doesn't sound as good as this murder smile or reverse it so that guy I
00:16:30| changed offices and I'm comfortable in the office I have like a little nook to change everything around so the furnitures awkward so if he had not just an Amish any times been late never ever
00:16:39| and none but that's maybe in the future hauling the penis oh wait 30 years or something because then I could retire in a blasted glory mm-hmm but so my previous office had a
00:16:54| window and I could see out of it and I could see when it was raining so I I love rain and I love like the weather and all that jazz no dark brooding no rain so this is kind of like working in
00:17:12| tight inside of a submarine and I don't know anything that's happening outside of my little office because it's all encapsulated and the walls are actually middle for some reason they hate austere
00:17:23| phobic like yeah it's like cladding or some bullshit so I'm I walked outside to go to lunch and it was pouring I go damn it now I gotta walk back up to my office and get my own bro I said I just I had a
00:17:35| little moment like me inside my body I felt like a tier 4 even though your body the water just kind of come together and form a tear right that's like knowing that distraught about having to walk
00:17:50| back up or your office or I'll never see rain again because I'm stuck inside that office until I return her did we just do a podcast on the rain that destroyed your state yeah when I was fine I'm sure
00:18:02| other people thought that starts to rain and they have flashbacks but I'm just like okay that's fine with me interesting that's a pretty I guess upside-down smile yeah yeah it is that
00:18:16| office but hopefully the jobs okay because it's a different job interesting so jobs honor or next whoa wait a second wait a second got it we got to react to the situation or scenario yeah you got a
00:18:29| situation or scenario like you know I do actually okay maybe it'll jog my memory so imagine if nothing bad could happen to you nothing bad could happen to you specifically I have sex with everybody
00:18:44| okay but Happ so the question is really how would that affect other people and how would you feel about nothing bad ever happening to you Oh in general Oh
00:18:55| looking like your life yeah you could speed through a red light and you'd be fine but other people are like a lock thing almost like a luck thing the opposite of cursed yeah exactly in oh my
00:19:09| god we can make this a movie and call it hashtag blessed and what's ironic is you're like dudes bless you can do anything but really it turns out that that's the curve yeah it's like finally
00:19:19| codes for everybody else not necessarily but not blessed like you obviously so eventually they're going to get the bad end of the stick yes we say yeah it is eventually the
00:19:32| movie like most movies I'm relating it to a movie but it can be applied to real life because most movies are biographies only Kurt Russell in Waterworld ah Jesus if you're doing to escape from
00:19:46| Atlanta Kurt yeah haven't tossed our Warworld no Kurt Russell and sky high the kids movie that's like really what he did for a day don't ask in college we used to get a
00:19:57| University of pizza cost five dollars from full pizza I think I had that future full pizza University University and pizza slightly better than a Leo's yeah okay I was gonna say worse but it's
00:20:09| about yet slightly better because if I thought for a whole pie more the nonstop but they would always come in the boxes for the movie skyhigh starring Kurt Russell huh
00:20:19| it's how I knew so much about that child's movie well that's a little sidebar for you all mom do and expound yes just on the movie premise sorry I think this movie would start out great
00:20:35| he starts like not even lying to really take advantage of it he's like I don't know if shy yes were raised from like us and everyone's like nervous around he's like I'm gonna do I'm gonna do it and he
00:20:44| asked for a two dollar raise and the boss is like sure why not you're very lucky today Joseph you know then he gives them the raise and he's like then like you know ten minutes down the movie
00:20:55| he's wearing shades and he's like walking into a places like can I have a watch for free I'm like yeah you're the millionth customer I was no incident he gets a free watch take a Rolex he's you
00:21:07| know he's got shades and Rolex is this new money he sees an attractive girl he's like you want to sleep with me and she's like yeah his wife kind of finds out but like she tries to sue in court
00:21:20| for some reason like all this stuff is exposed about her like she's a I know she has impaired taxes and stuff and the judge is like I'm sorry we're rolling in favor of him and he's like sorry like I
00:21:32| win I guess I still win everyone's like I think you're still going pretty good for him and then like the next scene he's like ham he can an erection someone's like I got these pills and I
00:21:44| like he gets all these pills and you're like this is weird I guess he wanted that one but I couldn't get interaction and then all of a sudden like he's like you said speeding through red light
00:21:53| she's trying to feel something and all these other people are getting in car accidents and he's like terrible I'm fine thinking I mean I think getting out of
00:22:01| tickets he's like please arrest me make me pay for my crimes he's screaming and they're like this guy's let's give him a TV deal and I think he's famous he's winning more more money
00:22:12| but more and more bad things are happening to people around him and he's just screaming pulling out his hair everyone's like this time Joseph is it genius
00:22:20| he's artistic and now I really if you're going insane and people are donating money to you and everyone around he's just falling apart and you're getting more more money more and more Fame and
00:22:30| you're like the movie got dark in it for as much happiness is in that movie anyway and then like as he's screaming and like he's covered in blood but it's not his own blood somehow someone else
00:22:44| died right before he tried to kill himself he's covered in their blood it just says like list anyway that's how I'm ready to hurt be going that should be her slippery challenge to her oh so
00:23:04| we set it up yeah can he just pour fake blood on himself and then hashtag blessed I don't know he's got the guts for it these get the guts for it come on card and like Hollister lately
00:23:17| wait help Kevin Costner versus Kurt Russell who it's a blood order now looking blah blah and I'm like bloody bitter bloodiest what bloody wrist like the more bloody wrist the most bloodiest
00:23:37| that kind of favors Kevin Costner because he doesn't have to say anything are you saying they're great friends anyway except either it's pretty good it's pretty good I like it small tear
00:24:00| was it clear inside your heart slowly rose it slowly risen during the podcast to fight its way up here well interestingly enough huh well we're here at the unmannered
00:24:14| well I saw a little flicker of metal right there what do you think it was oh is shiny I don't know I can't focus take my attention off of it here at the young handers we don't
00:24:25| usually pay in her but when we do get serious about something it might be something like this that's Dolce and Gabanna like we look I can't even read that
00:24:33| because it's so blurry but I borrow a hammer so thoughtful and we'll take a blind look the other way because you oh don't change my Oh fantastic look at that it's reflective too
00:24:46| anyway this dead boy is made from like they do not a scientific study on pheromones this is literally supposed to go into the olfactory bulbs of your female
00:24:57| friends and Oh right up in here we got some sensors can directly to the brain the pleasure centers of the brain they connect download yes they do
00:25:10| erogenous zones folks one guys tell you girls look away you buy this stuff a couple sprays here called space here comes crazier couple sprays here space here couple sprays here squeeze up here
00:25:23| comes breeze neck area couple sprays on your nipples and couple sprays in your boom tell you what they're gonna start crawling towards on all fours like so gonna zombie movie through the comfort
00:25:36| in the blood they willing to be able to see straight their eyes are just taped over they can't see their combat agate or come at you it's like old people young people underage girls way too old
00:25:47| women this guy who looks like a girl they're all calm toward you and they just can't control their bodies oh my god you're gonna get some you're gonna get
00:25:56| more than you think you can get this one's actually made with deer Musk oh dear Musk some kind of arsenic come I mean don't drink it but it's beautiful make you smell like something great guy
00:26:08| now I'm telling you you're into that anyway folks still take a bat up light blue yeah Wow for you wow that's pretty fantastic just telling you what am I here
00:26:27| and I'm a guy needs some refractory time right here Ellie need about 30 seconds folks I'm ready to go again does he answer yeah I yeah okay let's move on a nice topic
00:26:58| then we've already we're gonna we're gonna cover it with something I can't remember I'm so shocked really that was fantastic Wow what's really awesome is you can't
00:27:12| even smell through the the speaker electronic take your hand away its luster I'm pretty yeah breathe some more than pheromones here man so find you one I could do a sidebar
00:27:28| that I really actually firmly believe it is something new to me and something I am way onboard when I'm nervous seonhwa um I listen to music more than you know
00:27:43| this is a fact you can't and what I did I apologize because I can listen at work I wasn't homeless I'll work out a listen what I'm just playing whatever no big you froze I did not freeze it's good
00:27:56| going ok thought you were frozen we have all stone-faced so I never paid for music subscription I illegally download all my music put it on little guy by hearsay
00:28:10| here's that there so yeah ok an evil legislature in Italy anyway it's getting harder I'm getting older and all the time to do this but I don't want to sign up for like Spotify or uh no I don't
00:28:25| want to join any of these stupid things I don't get maybe I'm getting old the other problem is I I don't believe in the quality the song is when you get it from like beasts trading website it's
00:28:35| kinda like 96 maybe 128 software doesn't it so I broke down and I paid for my first one 30 day free subscription removal hmm so now a Google music I'm in and I
00:28:52| did a lot of research it is free for 30 days so whatever YouTube but better well the other cool thing is it came with YouTube's ray I was like at both what I used to do is watch all music like
00:29:07| Michael Cuba not to watch the porcupine song and program entry zoom yeah okay whatever whoever I want to listen to I would usually google it and then look for the video the problem with that is a
00:29:19| the amount of bandwidth you're using for a video oh yeah and on mobile oriented at lunch 44 P pictures right and I never think to do right right the other problem that is battery it's
00:29:31| like the full screen is on hey you can't minimize that you know a name like your if I minimize it or go to text someone or something happens it's always on Club no no no not at all sound clouds all too
00:29:45| little bit bad ways that's how we will always denounce but um all that was going on and I was just like battery bandwidth all my data is YouTube videos of literally listen salt so I did Google
00:30:04| music and I friggin love it they have what the weirdest rare stuff I can find like I'm sucking fighting sounds by plenty I don't know who that is he's like a solo guitarist who goes like
00:30:13| ridiculous stuffy is like a GoFundMe page type stuff but these are like guys who barely even have record labels and I can find him and all CDs since I was like what I looked at all the rarest
00:30:25| stuff to make sure I'm getting my money's worth three 30-day trial I looked at like Racer X like some weird it his stuff I'm like okay I had trouble finding something something so good but
00:30:38| of all my favorite rare stuff and so far I haven't not found anything I even looked up for my dad I added him to the plan because it's a family planning for 30 days when I
00:30:50| roll and Randy oh dude 100% will be there guaranteed so yeah your fibro by looking glass huh fake Idol idol is the more music
00:31:01| I told you but what I'm finding is just I can minimize a screen I just hit play all these guys I can make my own playlists I can import all my music if I want I haven't done that because it's
00:31:13| Google my figure me out but I'm digging the hell out of it Google can predict your life well the choices that you're making right now on there but I don't listen to the
00:31:27| recommendations those recommendations for music is both amateurs you'll die at and then it's like well they're they might be on something I'm deciding but I love Google music I don't even care if
00:31:42| they pay me it's awesome and I when the time comes on let pay $9.99 a month for it house that's it we'll see what happens when you have to pay money for me in 28 days I can't
00:31:54| stand it it's garbage Carol unbelievably although why in this free 33 cents a day I don't think so I do it yeah I wish there was an exhale click the eggs
00:32:08| let's close this ad so sorry for my sidebar but I love Google music everyone do it for free it's weird because in college one of our classes was neural networks and one of the one of the guys
00:32:26| in class actually made an oral network to figure out what you liked and he broke it down by like as it actually did it was they figured out like the different instruments inside of the
00:32:37| music and then broke it down by like rhythm and like ah ah it can sort of stuff and Dora I don't know if he ever worked on that eventually because do you know what he
00:32:46| did years later he did not work on Pandora I can guarantee that okay because pandora has something where it'll say like just once Pandora though right well that
00:32:57| might be going to do it who they have in the database yeah zoomy they might not have access to everyone so they have to give you whoever you know that you have a really they have a pretty sweet
00:33:06| breakdowns like you like songs with minor tonality in the key of E with heavy percussive drums and it's like whoa that was pretty deep it's like you like things I'm like I
00:33:19| guess I do yeah yeah Dora what are you guys and then it's like here's another debut song really it's not where I was going I'll let this up finish your don't
00:33:29| listen I'm not giving it not giving it a thumbs up I'll let you finish but I'm like college for you Wow sure yeah for me yeah so one shift let's shift things got a curious but double
00:33:53| standards thing about sliced double standards old innards they exist I definitely think so I'm gonna hit you up with a quiz to start which is gonna summarize everything
00:34:03| oh so I'm gonna say you're gonna you're gonna say male or female and I'm gonna say like a profession or an actor something and you tell me what you think like the most predominant person male or
00:34:17| female would be and that one that was slippery so let's go okay homemaker real bad homemaker what would a homemaker be okay who's the computer thinking about inner woman male
00:34:28| a man or woman yet I'm thinking about man singing about male homemaker okay all right hold on Omega oh okay cured come over okay over I'll take you home okay
00:34:40| athlete it's no offense it is a man anyway go breadwinner I think that shifted I was thinking man now I'm like I answer the damn question man I still but it's getting dad with those things
00:34:55| in it we'll get back to the scientist it's a man intellectual man I'm sexist but spiritual leader man what about like a group leader like a
00:35:08| manager man what also yeah it's our writer man a little more I think you got reported woman director now if it's biased men amuse woman
00:35:27| lover that's wise man connect this piece instead ok creator I'll say woman because I'm flipping a coin and I haven't said woman more than like twice yeah yeah and god yeah so I'm thinking
00:35:46| of man that doesn't mean I think he is a man that's true in fact because he's more about society that it does about they push you're a guy so it's like certain things are to
00:35:55| be biased in certain ways right I'm not saying women can't do these things at all I'm literally the most woke person in this podcast I don't know see folks I'm low but I get lit yeah I think some
00:36:13| of us say a lot of the things are changing so I think homework you so eager and breadwinner that could easily hold on do you think um so my answers were the this the society norm the what
00:36:26| we've been people our age group probably think of those answers the way I did right yeah probably and probably most of the raise that goes most of them were Lance now would you
00:36:36| say at the time of this questioning that that is actually accurate but did you get some studies like I have known it actually Jesus so we don't know because I think right now more women are like
00:36:48| are more women making those women in position of manage I would assume so because in like cuz I know it's changing pence women can't even drive until no when they actually passed it in what
00:37:01| Saudi Arabia was the Saudi Arabia that they allowed women to drive for the first time this is gonna be a big old correct yep haha I believe so but what's plenty is the joke I heard was they're
00:37:14| finally letting women drive over there about four years before robot or cars drive themselves I'd ruined the joke but hey you know what I do think if I had to say the ones that are changing I want to
00:37:30| say God is a woman like that's the name hot belief isn't it believe yeah I mean I've heard that in like different songs and different narratives like just the one song Oh God
00:37:45| cuz I'll go in there - yeah really 90s narrative yes exactly yeah the nineties provoke and we do I feel like there's a ocean breeze salty was that who sang that one
00:38:05| they have another song that has like his room songs though his model believed in a female God okay and it's like I guess for me growing up a Christian ish yeah that's fair you never see female gods
00:38:21| which is weird I'm just kind of weird huh I even did last supper if you dig into like da Vinci come in like they form like the chalice like they're always looking for like Indiana Jones
00:38:33| and the Last Crusade simple just say which are one okay that's crusade yeah correction that's Masood a hundred percent believe they're always looking for the chalice I thing you drank the
00:38:43| wine and the chalice is actually supposed to be you know the female womb it's supposed to hold the cradle of life which is not a cup which is lentils that stupid literal like why would you look
00:38:54| for a stupid cup well hello Fionna you chose poorly or wisely well he does both right there's a guy that turns into an ability and melt soon as wax away you choose classic like Indiana Jones
00:39:12| now do you think that guy could get a job at Gap Ilse Ilse no stop lying the shitty goods that gap no no no do you think his his skeleton body could get a job at like retail is what I was getting
00:39:28| it I pick a cab right through the clothes no would they let him work there I feel like they're like they're so like you know everyone's body got it is it's like anyone can work there but like its
00:39:39| bones are you let him mark here let's say it corpse dig it Briana believe me I really wanted that job well what if he wasn't now what jerks
00:39:47| use gator just your bones disgusting yeah it's like just a skeleton peering over you asking if you found everything you wanted today and you're like I'll take my business elsewhere
00:40:00| I might actually prefer that because then I wouldn't have any like bad breath they wouldn't have any body odor let it stink like hell dude they're completely dry
00:40:11| hmm not gonna disagree with you because I don't know 100% but it's not grossing you out you can't even see his eyes it's eye holes then we don't have to make eye contact that's perfect he might be
00:40:24| making eye contact the whole time it's not much perspective though and notice it too he such a sexist yeah whore you guys gonna be she huh she's still your crotch doll God you have to
00:40:36| look at the width of their hips and be like think that skeleton belong to her at some point he's like no but thank you you're like you know wonderful childbearing news for a minute there
00:40:48| beautiful huh so I wanted to be like that I want to go back to the list actually and do the same thing for race okay so black or white okay which is limiting but now see I feel bad cuz I'm
00:41:04| gonna go with what I think now for the black boy thing because I'm gonna like picture a black woman as a manager or something because I've seen like that's a new thing like everyone's like listen
00:41:13| not that it's new but it's new and in commercials it's new in society it's new in pictures and magazines which is what go ahead good I'll explain later got you're looking at the postcard with
00:41:24| the heads like you know yes that would Hawaii the Asian the Indian of the black and like yes Oh percent diversity everyone's diversity right you know they caught the picture of everyone in
00:41:34| college laughing and having a video that's that clearly come on guys we have hot women and every nationality and race and every nationality right but I feel like that's a sign of the times I feel
00:41:45| like you wouldn't see a commercial for Cheerios isn't that the company who said the gay couple it's like two guys are like it's dad and dad and like it has like an uproar in
00:41:56| the community because how can how could gauge ads be happy do that one but I'll believe you yeah it was Cheerios like a year ago but like it's it's new to pop culture
00:42:07| commercials okay good I'm sorry so I'm grading with that yes um some of these are I made through music so homewrecker probably doesn't matter but I think still think it's a white guy
00:42:18| when he's got those that belt and stuff it's white or black not thanks oh excuse me it's white like this wine it's a white caregiver but I don't I
00:42:36| don't know I'd never really I'm kind of and you're asking me to picture rapid fire so yeah everyone in the podcast thinks I only think black not racist lemonade or women I know him he's not a
00:42:48| reason I know him he's not because I know it is unable to be Ashley black I think more sports I mean I'm hobby yeah I mean Salmons was pretty good Michael I so is PJ the kids
00:43:03| ridiculous yeah and I'm not even talking about the ones that are actually sports that are peripheral proliferated breadwinner what ya know I just feel like it's like that the business he man
00:43:19| I said man again I know you're not asking for it but that's what I'm picturing guy with the suit it's like not only a financial bias words like white would your innocence as one
00:43:28| scientist true what intellectual think boy but like sometimes I think wait I'll say what you guys I think you're gonna flip him he'll spiritual leader black yeah yeah yeah
00:43:45| he's got soul brother yeah and you care about your soul man what yeah black again but writer that sounds wait isn't it a picture them at random
00:43:59| we're gonna talk to you to say something about group leader manager that sounds like a witness said manager black years ago like feel like now like yeah I could see anybody actually
00:44:12| reporter diversity white on the theology in the field test B questions but you haven't been able to give me fifty on any of these and now you can demo is that that's a day that's the best part
00:44:28| EMU's black that's how we're know I know you can see it's a woman yes of course that's cuz we're biased love your lover I said s but I see black yeah okay and with creator one who creates this will
00:44:52| say black and gosh and God what this is I guess this is whatever some of those questions are like not whatever you are and then other ones are and whatever you are you I you know I'm picturing so I'm
00:45:07| picturing we're making a TV show what is the creator what is the house guy what does the bread what are gonna do and I'm just picturing what I'm probably gonna see the most that's why I think it's
00:45:17| different than what I grew all thinking yeah I will give Hollywood credit they've also changed the lines a little bit I'd say it isn't it isn't even yet obviously but before like I said with
00:45:28| that the Cheerios commercial like people were flipping out when it was like two dads yeah it's I feel like it's older people I go to people feel bad about stupa huh hundred hundred percent but
00:45:40| that's not the point the point is even if it's just older people that doesn't explain why it isn't it commercials more do you don't I mean yeah which is an interesting point so I guess they're
00:45:51| trying to maintain some sort of standard that they they uh they don't talk about but maybe they do radicals closed doors maybe maybe it's almost like they want it to be the way they remembered I guess
00:46:03| which is understandable but to the point where they don't want anything new is like keep the stereotypes that don't make any sense and hold on if certain people didn't have certain rights or
00:46:14| weren't on equal footing back then they almost want to keep doing that right to keep their their dream alive yeah which like here Peter so are they that sure good Peter English doesn't take any
00:46:29| roles that are solely defined by being fidget small huh there's a small person what is he I really don't know is that I don't know I don't know his better food condition either cuz it shouldn't matter
00:46:41| as an actor he's good you know he's hit or anything to watch regardless right do you was that role made for a small person I don't think that it was the he does have goals in like elf were right
00:46:55| that's almost a cameo though yeah that's yeah that's like so that's a comical on himself but being bright Syrian cheek don't you yeah what's interesting now is in Game of Thrones I wonder if that was
00:47:06| written for now he is known as the bastard and the half man so I guess he was always not perfectly visibly formed or something yeah but he not be disabled enough another way you know right you're
00:47:19| right that's interesting I guess it wouldn't be fair to be like missing an arm because he already has a brother that's missing so maybe know double the missing beyond you can't have two
00:47:30| brothers with the missing hands that's just something say at this point it's like I guess it was it just ended for her so maybe he could just be like a short person you know or like short ugly
00:47:43| but he's like he doesn't have a loaf is all beautiful you know just so that kicks back into expectation pop the X for what you believe and like what people should be so now my expectations
00:48:00| are what do you believe you should be at this point and what did your you know parents golf wife girlfriend what are they trying to levy on you for what you should be hi Susie questions do good
00:48:12| because I well you go first because I think you know which direction you'll go but I'll say like I know for a fact my girlfriend's like always mad at me she said you shouldn't even have more money
00:48:22| and I'm like why I mean you make really good money that's you know does air that's did a bike so service and she said you should be a lot more I'm like based on what like what she's like she's
00:48:37| a little old of you being a man one that well really think a little bit I think a little bit of his that make more money they just do when you know I mean meanwhile I have very feminine
00:48:49| traits with my beautiful hair yeah glistening I probably spend like a ridiculous amount of time like raising when you saw like it's very like I probably spent three to four days a week
00:49:01| just like me and him like you don't I mean yeah change a lot of diapers like yes been nice or like a mile asleep on me like 95 times so it's like you know I'm the caregiver in that situation
00:49:15| right is it not that there are juicers you give care please don't don't destroy us but I'm a big reason for me I should make more money because I have a college degree
00:49:27| I'm always like wow everyone kinda does man plus I'm still 15 years later mainly $500 a month for it thanks wow that's expensive you're telling me my wife in the same
00:49:44| surah like sheesh like well first move down here I'll give a little facts when I first moved down here she was without a job that's a year or two and I I was making a decent amount of money was kind
00:49:58| of small back then but still I was supporting her and supporting the future so they're in a period where I said like what if I just like took off a work and like she could probably support us on
00:50:09| what she's making cuz it's close to what I was making when I first started it's like she was like no you gotta not he kind of can I have a job you got it and I'm like what I you know for that year
00:50:18| and a half or whatever you know I supported you she's like I don't know about that like I kind of like take it you're almost a no not not really but it would be by choice whereas her decision
00:50:30| was not not technically by choice right but I would enjoy myself you find me outside in the backyard on a slip and slide and I'd be like ooh and she'd be like this is not acceptable
00:50:41| this is pretty kid free well I could they'd still be go to daycare so I I be home let's get into we didn't do date yeah why might
00:50:52| dunno I might have to if I became the man at home mm-hmm I would probably have to decline day care and do it myself and that's it yeah cuz it's like 10 grand a year or something ridiculous
00:51:03| I heard same thing have you saying no and your favorite thing deals that's not a deal that is not a deal there's a not a deal I don't know how you met and then you get to guilt like
00:51:20| if you're not the have your child it's like how could you spend you know X amount of money on yourself and not to send them away and then spend more money Center kid away from you serious stuff
00:51:34| which is heavier so let's shift over to luxurious stuff oh you're ready for it unless you have some comments no no I don't and I have a feeling novel listen for the podcast sake and for dance sake
00:51:49| and for everyone's sake you can qualify as poor I think under 25,000 for eight I think it's around 20 okay then I'm about four but I'm not you're borderline you're borderline
00:52:04| I'm borderline and I paid five hundred eighty dollars a month in school fees which you probably didn't need right I really plastic hello this podcast day's work done we're in good shape and a hell
00:52:22| of a good time but um what I will notice is I look at money differently than most people some people listen the podcast will recognize this look at things
00:52:33| it's a not to sound negative it's like a hopelessness like you're in a hole you'll never get out of so that's directional right there people that are losing money and will continue
00:52:44| to lose money until death or something awful people share maintaining but not love sure and then people who are excelling and enjoy right then what's interesting is they'll continue to
00:52:56| accrue well well I will say they go through spouts where I'll probably losing money for several months at a time but I also go through bouts where I'm
00:53:08| holding level with several months at a time okay so I would think it's bad but I think as soon as a couple things are paid off he's just gonna turn around and I'll be rich that sounds good to me and
00:53:24| I was being I'm gonna make you rich with us podcast we're gonna try if we do it would literally change my life give me lucky hold do it but um what's really funny is
00:53:36| like everyone sees me now they'd be like wow two years later he's his whole personality changed yes Dan I'd like to say screw the poor people I'll keep my yacht in the room with me it's just
00:53:50| filling up these moods McDuck his he slides throws like gold coins w I really wish you could swim in money like that that would be badass and yes I would I wouldn't share my wall so don't I think
00:54:02| I'm a good person at all so the question is like what things of luxury have you actually gotten that you you you you know Google music well it's free every day just about that luxury what do you
00:54:16| tone that like out things you been gifted or fall for yourself I'll go through either cars clothes watches style but I mean things I'll buy for myself or I've been gifted trying to
00:54:28| check here a I guess gift it doesn't count because it's not a good okay so things I would spend on myself yeah things that you don't I don't find
00:54:37| you I don't buy new clothes clothes are like this weird thing and it's also cool because I'm a dad so there's like this aesthetic like heads don't grow up by the newest title anyway baby but they
00:54:47| weren't like an year old well even just wow that t-shirts I think I made this joke want my dresses but why's her giving it because I bought it ten years ago or put like one of the best
00:55:00| commercials actually it was enjoyable that's what commercials pink then that is yeah yeah maybe a few years after like Super Bowl commercials we're really close but they since going down right
00:55:11| yeah there's only I mean now cheers has two guys kissing or something I don't even know that's not commercial nautical versus though sure the old curved waiter
00:55:29| home a runs anyway so like would you complain a pure luxury it is it's above my pay grade which also I'll never be out of this hole but anyway this is a brand new vehicle Wow 2013 its newish
00:55:46| its new age so it forced you to buy it I had a two-door Jeep and it was the hardest thing in the world to get my kid into a car seat because he's the 98th percentile weight height so I bought up
00:55:56| Bordeaux you know area here's here's a good stat like all the luxury vehicles you see on the road call the Mercedes and Range Rovers yeah Jeep Wrangler it's not a luxury it's nice it's nice it's up
00:56:12| there it's okay it's I'm high-end but it's nice right it is especially do they wish but like you get in that next tier and 230 two-thirds of all those vehicles that you see are not owned they're not
00:56:26| even there literally for they leases Garth you know or there there's attrition oh podcast and discussion to be made on continued leases people will if you have
00:56:41| had a leased vehicle you spend your money on your vehicle every month right mmm-hmm adding to the debuted on in collateral hold yeah right and then when it comes time for
00:56:51| that lease is up you lease a new vehicle because you didn't put $7000 decide to put down to purchase one yeah I mean it makes sense it's one of those traps that the bankers and all I guess all the car
00:57:04| industry wants you to get into work but I guess the banker the car the dealership they all bank on the vehicle not losing that much value I know that was trying to hit you abusing it up but
00:57:16| let's just say Honda Civics go in the tank as far as the industry is concerned they've been renting now it's off their hands the money you accrued from the lease if you're the dealership or
00:57:28| whoever you still are taking a risk we're now well this honest it is worse jack-shit down the cars drive themselves her now the new Civic is out a different body type so you do take a risk I assume
00:57:41| you know I mean there's a base of the fellowship or anything for sure sure for the most part they're they're winning yeah plus I think if if honda comes out with a bad car so to speak there's
00:57:55| something that happens I think that there's probably a warranty or something that protects them it's probably somebody insurance everywhere yeah I mean I'm pretty sure they're covered in
00:58:05| every possible way because they they own the hardware that they're trying to sell you for the lease to you for a period of time plenty yeah so that goes to I guess what
00:58:18| what is attainable luxury and what is like out of your reach like if you were to envision yourself in the future enjoying Maya checked out check out cellphones how about people who make on
00:58:27| their twenty thousand dollars a year like we said legally or government or whatever recognized poor people do you think any of them purchased cell phones that cost several hundred dollars this
00:58:39| is I live in a Republican state so most of the people are at sheer like outside worth Obama when is there supposed to be like I hear that they're like smartphones you get like a base
00:58:53| smartphone just for being a citizen of the United States okay I kind of agree with that I'm still a whole time hundred dollar phone that you have to pay data on and stuff I think it's living beyond
00:59:07| one's means but that is the new means of everyday life that's true the food the bottom line is very risen so much that you kind of need it because you try the internet imagine oshel it's an everyday
00:59:20| necessity right yeah and you don't see I'm I'm not around a lot of poor people but I'd I never see them with flip phones or you know just talking on the path now smart phones they have smart
00:59:31| phones yeah right it's a they might have bins restrictions or data whatever over it is yeah it's a new normal what's funny is I think a lot of on poor people actually get hit with data over
00:59:42| just more than the average person so because their plans are a lower graded plan and who just because you have a lower grade plan most people still use their
00:59:50| smartphone about the same everyday for their black you're way too rich and poor you probably use your phone most of the deck when you're bored everything else problem is that rich people have a plan
00:59:59| that gives them eight gigs or whatever they're fine someone who might be poor has like um one gig you know usage who the hell is gonna use one gig for a month like doing me especially that kids
01:00:11| is you're going over and now not only is your phone that cost more than you can afford probably you're getting killed on the other charges so that goes into a
01:00:22| perception we all these people have apparently perfect lives but then they're spending a ridiculous amount of money that they don't have keep up with the Joneses type deal yet thank you
01:00:33| imagine there are people out there without smartphones right what percentage of the u.s. population probably does not have a smartphone I really have no idea so I'm going blonde
01:00:44| we can look on Phoenix in Zurich for a living so I don't see like I've never gone under like lunch and same people with a an old phone like I don't even know they make well they wouldn't they
01:00:55| wouldn't whip it out I mean would even announce you know shame no what are you doing with it you're not looking anything up well you might as well call my friend Joey so I apologize that would
01:01:12| be pretty good i I would imagine it under 10 percent don't have any normal smartphone I could be well maybe it's like 50 percent but I would gather it's like in a 10 percentage I don't know
01:01:25| technology is weird because they start mass producing things and it becomes cheaper and like as they they shrink down the amount that they produce for the old flip phone it becomes more and
01:01:34| more expensive as you know it doesn't make it logical right no look right Eman of production find a minute folks you can't 101 I took that in college I'm
01:01:44| still here for that but Sussie Khan once claimed it sure mr. Singh moving on to our last subject of the evening which is it sure is uh-huh so I was gonna ship to the so
01:02:04| when you're when you're essentially like you start living life and become a consumer do it like what are you aspiring to because when you're when you go onto the college did you aspire to
01:02:18| have like a certain vision of life no no I'm a very in the moment individual you could tell I was I know Mr Dan over there he had a 30-year plan or goals he's make spreadsheets and he still
01:02:32| makes spreadsheets daily at work of where he can be what he attains to be how much money something cost how much you need to save for something very astute student of the game
01:02:42| I do like looking about I do like looking back at like my 5-year plan five years ago and seeing that like there was a period there where I just weld and I did nothing and then Alton's a booth
01:02:51| like I met while I wore my plan was going and it's like obviously the changes that were made were not you know they're not normal because I forced the issue and I was like I need a raise at
01:03:04| work and then all of a sudden my plan just realigned hey did would you say your life is hashtag blessed he starts crying single theory and that's a bad thing
01:03:29| yeah we've realized today folks terrible terrible so that's what I was going I mean um his vision of what you your life would be are like will be honestly my kid ruined every I mean just from the
01:03:49| time will put it this way um I thought my life would stay similar to how was in college I have my best friends forever a drink with them washed the pliers we party we were friends damn I had room
01:04:07| for you in my future a picnic I didn't say there is no Dan's allowed I just have two minutes is what several dance speaking went real quick let's get this out of the way
01:04:18| other Dan who was the pocket woody do he did something to me he accidentally bought a goat on the Internet oh man is he getting cheese and milk I don't know he's going to buy
01:04:32| think he wanted to buy an alpaca but um something laid off used for four clicks of the mouse and next thing you know they're literally delivering a goat to his house I mean it does provide he
01:04:48| named it designer hold on sexy Sondra they did here's the weird part it's a boy he's the neighbors call the cops on twice now for indecent exposure he claims as nothing to do with sexy
01:05:04| Sondra but yes there's literally right well yes and this is the other problem there's a school directly out back to his house wow they're saying he might have to register as a sex offender
01:05:18| because of this blend goat that Ebola Wow I can't even get a little detail Stokes it blows my mind you should come on the podcast one time but moving on yeah I can't I don't like dinner I mean
01:05:31| I believe it I believe it but I have all my Dan friends I've only other friends college people and I thought just as you get older you do the same things you just know you do them and your hangovers
01:05:46| or more and you make more money no no but it turns out you grow a little more distant your text messages aren't answered as quickly life gets in the way oh there's sometimes a podcast hate
01:06:03| their guts just everything drifts a little bit at a time but I imagine it will continue to do so until we are dead somber note you want to end on a somber note we should end on a Saturday don't
01:06:20| make it a people rule depressed solo holy I'll put it this way bring you up next time when you well that is easy when you were 13 12 15 when you started really having friends
01:06:30| you'd call them you hang out with them go to the ball with them like you were like friends are the coolest thing of the world they will be my best friend the total day I die
01:06:38| friendship is more important than anything like everything you just this is so cool someone who gets my life did you ever like look at your parents and feel like
01:06:45| why don't they have friends strength 24 years later I look back I go it was because of me you ruined their friendships you ruining their lives and everyone will drift a little bit like
01:07:04| the universe things hot dance move around everything sexy everything flying around new planets are falling and then eventually we reached static equilibrium and then the heat death of the universe
01:07:16| your job you're just a loser floating around what's uh entertaining in life just waiting to die blank void that's what he's doing wishing you would go into that void so
01:07:33| we're the offenders I like you to visit friends with Dan oh yeah first visit the old website oh and it click click e clicky clicky I likey clicking on panderers calm yeah go there
01:07:52| folks in the meantime I just want to say I'm Nick I'm damned we like together we like you analyst really get a lot more the unpaid you like you lot we are we're the openers
01:08:08| what matters we like you a lot really yes

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