The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP010 Fake News Social Media Echochambers

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP010 Fake News Social Media Echochambers

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 10 - Fake News Social Media Echochambers
Click to read the episode transcription below.

This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:00| so your Nick object yeah that I'm doing together we are the untanned Erza you know untether isn't Laurel definitely are plural there's more than one of us so we are plural and that's
00:00:22| the sound of adult it just breaking into it now took Ohio which by the way all our viewers we should have it known that safe for work 18 and older parental discretion is advised all the opinions
00:00:43| the other things the things we can down the new today all the notions or notions all those I wastes are sexual innuendos innuendos they all don't represent ourselves the opinions of our employers
00:00:59| family members our neighbors our male men and women or anyone else for that matter it's all strictly a coincidence yep doesn't reflect anything that we mean and would you like to say what we
00:01:12| do here yeah I think we're old friends catching up over podcasts good kale or fuzzy yeah well and friendly friendly discourse we're catching up so hard your thoughts is so so hard
00:01:25| we like to nail the topics one at a time until we're all done and then we get to our main topic and then we just hand off on all this information until we just first all over your screen but there's
00:01:37| no more more information first it's refreshing yes it is I was like to start every episode a little something with all smirk or smile yeah did you have any smokes I most certainly did I
00:01:55| had both actually in the same day are you showing it in my face Oh spite of the be really happiness so so today was a pretty nice day and drove to work you know I parked pretty
00:02:15| far away from work because it's set up like a college campus and it's like I'm like maybe two parking lots away so I have a ways to go and I really got a P so I think don't go in the bushes
00:02:28| it's work Dumbledore joking back in the front were you ever gonna the back door you pee out the back door if you're Park really close to the car next to you you open your back door and you open your
00:02:40| front door is P between them it's a tailgate move try that so it's like it's like a stall you put yes ah in you're peeing okay I'll be peeing right on the right on the ground at facing your
00:02:52| vehicle you know to me so your vehicles cut so it looks like you're fiddling with something in the car so good move looks like you're given your seat the old heave-ho you know what I mean like
00:03:01| cold those guys open his door he's giving this car the business let's not bother you think he's public your name we can arrest them then I'm definitely giving this car the business let him
00:03:09| have it just let him go till we finish so I did not do that okay so I walk up I go to the building second floor I put my stuff down and then I go to the bathroom but
00:03:21| the bathroom dip like the the door says it's out of order I'm like huh so I go upstairs I do my business I'm sitting there and I noticed you know those little flossers for your
00:03:33| teeth the triangle ones the ones you find all over the ground nowadays I like those closers there were there's a stack of them it like in the door jamb like right where like you know that the door
00:03:45| meets the wall I had like a little holder and they were just stacked up nice and neat and I was just like huh who would put those there and also who would use them three take one free take
00:03:59| two I couldn't I could imagine that like some guy prepared his week and he puts like you know five of them in there what a day well I'm sure that they weren't like somehow helping the jamb so now
00:04:13| like keeping it from slamming or clicking or something I don't have to be if I do only because I can't see someone future storing their different disposable dental for future reference
00:04:27| for like that like they're so like precisely and neatly stacked I was just like there's no way it's not a pullout thing so someone's really think yeah all those pencils stacked you take one out
00:04:41| and then like it unlocks a secret door and you're just like wait a second yeah I've been looking at these for eight years and finally finally pulling well you look at the great years and never
00:04:51| touched it or never would you know I'm just forecasting oh the time I the next job I have which will take another eight years that was the smart because I was like maybe my lost right now
00:05:08| how many particles would be in my mouth this the smile came a little later when that there's this nice breeze and like the college campus the setup for the the place I work it's nice has like these
00:05:21| fountains unlike water and like deer like walking around ducks as like random crap like everywhere and I'm just like they're real deer there's like families I don't really call a group of deer hi I
00:05:34| believe hot a beer it's actually a murder of the area look it up people to go don't be an idiot well this is a new location for me and I have not been on the campus so this is like my first week
00:05:49| so I actually sat down and like all this wildlife was like chirping away I'm sitting on the water and like a nice cool breeze came up and I was like damn these people are these people gonna rain
00:06:01| and I felt the nice calm serene feeling just bubble up inside me in 12 weeks you'll flip off the gear like you literally give a deer the finger deer and I'll shake and so if you like don't
00:06:16| you love nature if you like tell this shove it up its own fist hole what's up this hole really I could see like the first employee that gets fired and is just having the worst day ever
00:06:27| they're just like shoving the deer out of the way they're throwing it in the water and like chasing after it do you think they're playing the acute something I could save sure that's my
00:06:47| smirk in smile I really thought the smile come through you feel more relaxed already it yeah I'm good well mine is I guess a smirk smile so you know how girlfriend your wife or whoever you're
00:07:04| always hanging around and you got to do stuff together yeah well it's always with their friends and then their friends are either married or have their boyfriends and
00:07:13| then like you're like supposed to just forced into this we're friends because we're both male we try it like I brought my husband because you guys can be friends now is what those I can do right
00:07:24| and you have to you always start with sports or whatever and like yeah usually it's my physical stuff you're like oh you had a cool drum set so there's this dude James and he dates her friend Fran
00:07:39| and I'm like I know I'm for like four years now he's like really tall and hard to talk to I'm like because he's tall Oh Mike it's like it's like I'm gonna lead up a
00:07:49| little bit breaking your neck he seems like he just looks nice looking normal guy and I'm like there's nothing interesting about it no not even possible
00:07:58| he said is anything remotely interesting oh I mean I don't really hear him talk like he doesn't talk a lot so I'm like this is so I see him all the time I finally see him at this party over the
00:08:11| weekend and I was like yo James what's up and we started talking Eagle sounds like oh that's right he's like a fairly intelligent Eagles guy like he gets next level he's not just repeating stuff he
00:08:21| hears other people say oh it's having some fun combo and then I was like forget you fliers guy and he was like oh yeah so Nolan Patrick I was like yeah this is cool I got the job with this guy
00:08:31| now I'm feeling a little better he's not as tall anymore and then um I remembered he worked in electronics they lead the stereo stuff and I was like what do you know about headphones he's I
00:08:41| previewed into Bluetooth or this and I was like oh my god set me up and we started to learn about this and then I was like depends with my headphones what kind of our tracks I want to listen
00:08:51| to and I was like streaming only does under 28 get KB per second and he's like right so you only need bluetooth for them if you want some high fidelity stuff you've got to go to
00:09:00| this excess website and it from those will use some real wired headphones that really get the highs and lows something yeah pick your brain all day and he goes what kind of music do you listen to you
00:09:12| know I'm like well a different Punk and it's for metal metal and stuff he's like but have you ever heard of like hey I could feel it happening he's like have you ever heard uh try to
00:09:22| remember what group it was that he named it was like wow my favorite groups because then we started talking I was like you knew this group and I was like dream he's a river to Dream Theater I
00:09:32| was a kid and then he's like I like this guy plenty and he was like you know plenty which I didn't mention on the last big a deal that you did and then like we just started hitting off and we
00:09:43| were uh we were best friend like next like 20 minutes we like escape from the girls and like and he was getting in trouble for being away so long and I was like you should come up with me on the
00:09:52| mountain gym I was like way over the top Legos yeah and I was like ooh I'm slowing he's beautiful home and a new man well hold on so then I was like just here can you sell number because I'm
00:10:05| gonna probably I told him that the Google music I just signed up for I told him I do a podcast he's like that's awesome I was like tell him chat not did you job I didn't yeah I'm gonna cuz I
00:10:16| don't wanna stop the question then had his cell phone number and it was during the Eagles game or something I was like I was like I drafted a text like had finally run the ball right and then I
00:10:31| left it nothing I understand that that's so stupid who cares so I texted him something about football and then like he didn't answer for like
00:10:46| back like lol and something else about the game and I was like yeah and then I was like when you get a chance check out lettuce it's the punk stuff I listen to and then
00:10:55| like old day went by and I was like I didn't check him out and he tricks him back and he was like oh not what I expected blah blah check out this I was like best friend it was just best friend
00:11:06| it was hard to tell should I text should I not tax check relax a little bit coming over the top and then if he sees his podcast is gonna be like no I can't tell oh damn anyway it's not good to
00:11:24| smile you know pretty cool do you think your mutual girls are both like hey I have this boyfriend that's actually gay a me too and actually they secretly don't want this to happen
00:11:40| Oh cuz you'll be better friends than they are to each other they get real jealous and then either of them said that but you could sense it a little bit like whoa they're hitting it off - good
00:11:51| let's let's corral that yeah did you know James thinks your nose is really stupid he said well in a manner of speaking else he did not really it can't be true
00:12:05| my nose does he know I broke at an open concert oh because I think EC nope Wow best mates porcupine trade oh yeah what and right now we're in the dating process it's very scary your heart
00:12:24| flutters you'll know too much made too little relaxer he's not answering nobody says hey not to bother you but I texted you last night and but you did post on Facebook four hours ago
00:12:43| so in see your lips ceases bubbling it's bubbling you're about to say so wait you're not saying anything so that was smiles pretty good right very good yeah feel good
00:13:00| both those let me see I have one correction from last time I was well really you wanna hit me you hit me with yours yeah yours first please so my the card game that you ramp up and
00:13:15| get coins no points keys from the city was San Francisco rush oh that wasn't good it was awesome heaven Destruction Derby down like the bottom like it would like you drop down and then you'd like
00:13:28| destroy yourself and then that's why it made me think of it the destruction the earthy part mm-hmm good correction they're good I'm glad no one at the comments got that right but most of our
00:13:37| listeners are actually idiots I have a correction as well last episode when Dan was asking me a series of questions he said scientists and I had to pick between white and black really
00:13:54| I was thinking black and you know how I know this anytime someone says scientist I think of the scientists from half-life who said it's in the test chamber Gordon the test chamber and then you meet all
00:14:07| three scientists and it's too old or white nice my favorite is the black scientist because he kind of boogies you have these weird animations right so when Dan said scientists really I was
00:14:19| thinking african-american okay go black we focus on your correction we forgive you I also have one clarification Oh a prior occasion yeah it's a different direction this is a the fact knowledge
00:14:34| that I gained so there's that that one girl who I played words with friends with who's in Australia that yeah well actually I found that via google analytics I can tell that she watched
00:14:49| six minutes of an episode and unfriended me entirely since and hasn't said anything pretty big bone chia did you know her I didn't like to find gear like this
00:15:04| I don't you ever seen you speak and heard it and all that like seen how your face were she didn't always scraps think I don't know did you think for a 21 year old Swedish no she knew I was like a
00:15:18| middle-aged oh you just imagine a younger version of myself looking at myself now and being like who is I don't give a shit what he says like a breville podcast or he'll rebel oh oh
00:15:39| knock him right in the kisser come on you and say I will take the six minutes because I thought that was more than she would have normally given me so in other words her computer froze up she couldn't
00:15:49| get you off the screen no no she ended it intentionally but he was trying to find words about herself mm-hmm she got she didn't hear herself and she figured better state sorry yeah
00:16:00| so it is Emile self-centered divide yes I'm sorry um the podcast would like me say something oh good night buddy night okay thanks turn off the light he's gonna light does it have a website lock
00:16:52| on your door I have back back scratch it doesn't look like my ass though this is my ass this is banking ass back yes back well cut we're going to cut that out
00:17:43| anyways them so what do we jump back in now yeah sure I'm not gonna cut it so rude your thought rating Rome I thought okay we're doing something we
00:17:59| don't do on adding a new element oh and we only do it on Thursday it's literally brand new to our show if anyone tries to use it we'll sue them to infinity so what's our copyrighted
00:18:15| material right here where we go it's old Thursday throwback oh I heard that on the radio today really it's like pursuing FM 100 whatever whatever who cares 95 7 I'm
00:18:31| gonna sue them personally I know anybody coming for your ass I just had a random thought today when I was getting ready for the show on safe remember you had install games on dos hmm I mean yes in a
00:18:46| way get this like you yeah you had to be so much more tech-savvy than you are now now you just kind of click and play back then you had to be like CD slave dir /w open up the drive and then be like I've
00:19:00| done the ileal test setup or install buddy and different ones man it goes pretty uh and stuff hey mom what's the how do you do this and she'd be like oh I don't know
00:19:11| yeah and my mom was pretty savvy Oh was she I'm on with my dad no problem and I guess as a kid as soon as you see it once you're like this is what I want I know how do I gasps I feel like maybe
00:19:23| was a couple times but either way why did my neighbor come over so my neighbor growing up in the Northeast who was like a real real heavyset cop but it was like really high ranking and very popular top
00:19:35| huh it ain't good money and he would buy all the electronic stuff before came out so like he had the first computer they had a beggar bite is that possible no yeah
00:19:47| is it yeah possible because either way like usually it's gonna revolutionize the world and then he like he would tell us like all this crazy stuff and uh like I just knew who was skip he was the
00:20:01| man but um I never really just about him he uh were you clicking was the opener for the beer on the other day there was a rule and if I know it's driving you nice guess what I pissed anymore except
00:20:19| you got to be summarize everything up no I got everyone in the podcast can follow along except you okay because they're all drinking one beer exactly just like myself and you're not bitter behind I
00:20:35| don't say about you yeah um but skip would always come over and he told my dad what if defragmentation was for a computer um he got Windows 95 it was like the big thing like it was just
00:20:48| crazy stuff and skipper come over and show us and he was always playing games and using the computer it was nuts it didn't occur to me till six weeks ago his name came up I was talking my dad
00:20:58| he's like you know that guy was like the biggest porn hound in the world that's why they say the driver sold pornography you wouldn't believe it I was like skip he's like oh
00:21:09| my god you had woken in our living room and they had like whole box is a cassettes just of porn nothing will hold their living room as in he was married and his wife yeah
00:21:19| and he had two or three two kids Wow like your age a little bit older so like it's weird you know what he wasn't uh the older one John he was into guns too much and like the Cub Scouts it was
00:21:36| heavy huh but that does Drive something where technology's really driven by sex and other people yeah that's all who's ray versus on the other company right Oh
00:21:49| agent Lee DVD right the regime on the war so anyway you pose the pornography did they they get better porn yeah blu-ray is this I know no I'm Sony backed pornography yeah I'm
00:22:04| HD did her didn't have anyone on HDD has decision come on up but like Sony and raised it they were like well it's a little girl Oh God let's go today where Sony was very funny
00:22:20| it's getting interesting in the scene and you're like oh oh oh and then it's like check it out on blu-ray all right in the middle of the HD DVD but uh yeah apparently that's what
00:22:30| killed the HD all this the other one yeah the other one that became junk which brings me my scenario for Dan Oh awesome I get a scenario Matalin on wide open I'm love it
00:22:47| hope I don't blow it or hope you do no come on for promotions anyway scenario you're walking down the street they're doing the newest Transformers movie or the newest Avengers movie little save
00:23:05| Anderson's I think you hate transform yes that's great they're gonna stop you today can you come in and do a nude scene for $150,000 now keep in mind this is how the nude scene goes down like
00:23:17| you're a regular guy walking on the street addresses like whatever the bad guy uses powers grabs you all your clothes fly off right and the whole audience gasps and then like her comedic
00:23:27| relief your tiny wiener just goes like it moves like and then everyone has a laugh like two seconds and then you get blasted off the screen but it's your they want your real Johnson showing and
00:23:40| they want your real weird tan lines and since I told you today you don't time to work out so you probably look like you do right now huh is it worth 150 I realizing that this is the movie that's
00:23:51| going to be seen by most of the United States come on fifty dollars no thousand thousand okay yeah 150k I was I was intrigued because I thought maybe it was a sex scene and I was like well who's in
00:24:07| there just Scarlett so who's watching is it Scarlett everyone's the Avengers seen the Avengers all the Avengers are gonna see but I mean like in person though who's gonna be there there's probably
00:24:18| like 60 stage crew who cares about who's gonna sing literally they show your move your junk in the movie it's all filled Kiki like why do you care what the 60 people other there what about the 400
00:24:30| million that are gonna see at home money that's why I'm worried about like your boss gonna be like is it worth 150 K I mean you can always lie to me like it's not really big but like you know they
00:24:43| get freeze-framed and check some tan lines Danny Boy the penis double no nope you know that double and yeah it's only frontal right you don't get spun around somehow no just a problem you know like
00:25:05| blowing me everywhere what do you think I think 450k I could do it I think it would do it yeah I obviously can't retire on this money so your next employer is gonna have seen your penis
00:25:20| yeah I sure okay I mean that's whatever I'm not talking a b-rated porno movie no one will probably ever see The Avengers but and it's also you're the butt of the joke like the joke is like you're you're
00:25:37| not the most attractive whatever and you're now a businessman who's been stripped naked and everyone's laughing for about three seconds then you get whisked away by the way the wind takes
00:25:45| you step our I think I'd be okay doing that now at my current age if I was like Canadians if you were ten years younger you ain't know or ten years older would you be like no hmm whose you have hanger
00:25:58| ball that would be more than a joke hey Dianna you could 250 I definitely that's a quarter mil just like the dog thing a little bit but this is I think I definitely would do it 150 I'd be able
00:26:19| to do it oh they're just realize for the rest of your life like I think people well I guess if you're going into a random Superfresh no one's gonna know right if you go into the super fresh in
00:26:28| your hometown bill Knapp's Kroger's room by the way but you might give super fresh grocery store it's there i deduce its grocery store
00:26:38| this music agitates to describe a grocery store not a particularly yeah I was thinking of a grocery store you're thinking of something that was actually super fresh my grocery stores or not um
00:26:48| yeah I I don't I don't I think you get a lot of unwanted attention and people would probably could they fire you because you were naked somewhere else I really don't know that's an interesting
00:26:58| question like once your boss sees your pecker is it like you're terminated greens nor does he not like you the Phase II Network he's walked by Dan you're the
00:27:09| papers here I feel like that that'd be a good submarine or does he make extra content yes hey hey hey dance that she's alone yeah dude that was amazing you have such courage
00:27:23| he puts his hand on you're such character and we should get together sometime and talk about your life you could tell like the women in the office might be like disgusted and then other
00:27:35| ones might be like reaching out both hands cradling that bad boy I don't yep okay that's not good well everyone knows what part of the show it is right now yes
00:27:54| site so every challenge yeah I am wild with rage because I have this vision in my head they called me a visionary they call me the future they call me the rap star it up a lot of us the bottom is a
00:28:10| lot of wasn't that's because you don't when they know me a lot of a lot of us I pounce and I get a lot of you know I'm saying I'm sure they don't sure that yeah but if not it's Mawson that I just
00:28:22| made it up copyright to the country month let me challenge you got alright hey you know that girl Hussein toxic Britney Spears uh-huh well do you know that other girl who acted in Golden
00:28:44| Girls Betty White Betty White wins two of our favorites will hold on you're not gonna that's true if it's physical it's in underwear II wrestling podcast I want them to get to
00:28:54| a big ol inflatable pool and just wrestle some eels and let's see who's got the most eels in their possession at the end of one minute so you feel that inflatable pool with a bunch of
00:29:06| non-toxic not electric eels and then I want them both just whatever if you can use your arms your legs you use your teeth you imagine Betty White Wow I want them in there wrestling's meals that
00:29:23| whoever gets the most wins and you can come on the show and you can have all over us well you know what I'm saying yes people if we do get one of these celebrities done just hold a meal we
00:29:35| will make our own contest between each other to wrestle eels press will want you if we can afford an eel yeah might be expected yeah and check with PETA we respect animals and entirely too much
00:29:54| you just trampled some sort of eel we yeah we just hold it you pick it up nobody else will be harmed in the filming of that segment to our knowledge yeah or maybe they ate consent
00:30:09| so to summarize you don't compute consent sorry to be hurt would be to have to back me up all think do you think Dave's can do that dangerous they can't good future so we've got Britney
00:30:33| Spears and Betty White in the eel off or eel eel on they're not electric so I feel like I'm blowing a really huge opportunity feel like there's a song joke or like it'll come to me later
00:30:50| yeah it sure it will bring it back in my dreams reasonings back ah so interesting that we should move on to our next segment here huh do you know what that thing well as nervous as I am
00:31:08| about home security you are you always say it yeah and as cheap as I am we hurry cheap I found the cheapest camera I could in the father can have 189 10 w oho you got the 10 dubs and it stands
00:31:30| for widescreen folks widescreen no are you green well certainly is it's pretty awesome actually I have a bunch of these I have like six of them they're all over my house we can see
00:31:39| everything that happens I know exactly when she gets home and when she leaves no it's for my child cuz he is skinny person and it's also lived into my yeah he
00:31:56| escapes the basement haha basements and some fixes yeah so I can't get caught in that one so but these are pretty good you know they're cheap because they're really hard to use but I'm text Andy
00:32:15| also so I get to use them all the time and they work in your phone and you can look and see what's going on you can see when your package is delivered and who's stealing it and you can curse your
00:32:25| neighbor because he's a bastard I'm dare you now this is interesting I would imagine something like this costs in the thousands okay hundreds hundreds hundreds for the whole thing
00:32:36| maybe for one camera there's no $59.99 for all of it for all of one camera yeah Wow it's incredible isn't it oh oh the most certainly is good yeah I think you're gonna say the cheapest security
00:32:57| camera money can buy and talk about the camera you made me buy for the podcast yeah it does save 300k pixels wow you can watch in HD but the signal might not be so I might have
00:33:11| lied there oh he might have put it amazing product it's quite good I enjoy it thoroughly yeah well thank you did yeah you got something good something on your back
00:33:35| sorry I get something off your back or off your chest no no good indeed with it naturally looked at my hair i shampooed for the first time in a few days don't like it's
00:33:45| longer you notice those things oh yeah so we're gonna do the back it starts the mullet and they're like that mullet is that for uh season well certainly is since that just got started up and the
00:33:57| Flyers are a number one baby actually undefeated at this current rate I believe Wayne Simmons gonna have somewhere around two hundred and eighty goals of it'll hold up pretty good
00:34:09| pretty good number I did say it was a fantastic player in the previous episode did you actually call such a thing you know he's on the second line red eye okay so hold on I'll just give you a
00:34:26| quick breakdown Andrew McDonald somehow still plays for the defense no one sure how does he does he get cut how do you make it happen money he makes like five million a year so like it
00:34:37| would be they'd have to eat the tab and the other interesting thing is they called up both rookie defenseman San Haim and Morin hmm but either dressed for Game one as we speak the next game
00:34:51| zone so maybe at least one I don't know why you call them up if you're not aggressive either foot huh it's on the coach other interesting options keep you another announcing but there I think
00:35:05| you're gonna be good both those guys and you have to be able to play them over Andrew McDonald what's really there wait what there's not hockey podcast both so just
00:35:14| break them down a little the top two lines so it's like you can set it down and they could get experience to the minors right well then why why keep them up if you're not gonna
00:35:24| play them but maybe there's a any experience by just sitting on the bench and watching are they even on the video game yeah no if you're not dressed you don't you hang at a press box and you're
00:35:34| in the press box mm-hmm that's a joke that's a joke folks here at the on pandora's we think Dave hakstol is a joke you come you come get me in my face David didn't like your tie
00:35:46| the other night either hmm but a bit orange what I will say no it wasn't what that's exactly that's class terrible coaching that's gone that's what's a scum I want
00:36:00| to mention to you though that the top line is couturier centering new winger Claudia rocks oh and Jake overpaid for time interesting which is that line kind of sucks it's kind of good sorry
00:36:16| the real line to look out for is Nolan Patrick centering Simmons and wheel Jordan will I listen huh but another guy that treated tiller who uh machine bring uh mr. mr. skin yeah did I tell you the
00:36:35| funniest interaction I ever had with him in real life no so I saw Braden chin and it wasn't my great rooted me and no this is like three or four years ago may have been jvr the ghost and I wake and I see
00:36:57| them in Rittenhouse Square and I was eatin we're on the pavement so they had to walk right by us like they're walking down the street I was like I was like yo guys and they kind of looked at me like
00:37:08| oh Jesus Christ I hate when people try and talk to me that I don't know and I couldn't stop myself and I was like Jamie are shin and I was looking for the third guy like
00:37:20| pros you know I said morena even said Braden I think it's a jbr Braden and I look down and I just froze I was like you guys and the guy who looked at me and he got real close they were just
00:37:32| happen to be walking by me he goes it's Luke then I was like oh it's Brayden Schenn brother Luke you know they rimmed him right after that right
00:37:45| Oh immediately they were like hey what are you he was like shut up that guy's an idiot and I was I don't know how I didn't recognize his own brothers oh that's me hmm yeah was there uh use love
00:38:01| that line the new years really have been new it's pretty sexy buried here on the UM painters first folks it's a sexy line no Patrick's of future he's good have you seen of humans no I haven't
00:38:16| really seen him cuz last night was the first game and I fell asleep cuz it started like 10:50 p.m. so he just looked good highlights it looks like he's uh trying to describe him like
00:38:28| he's good at everything but he doesn't have anything that makes me go oh my god it's incredible like certain guys are like Jesus Christ that's the fastest human being I've ever seen
00:38:39| we're like this is a hard shot I've ever seen like like someone I'll put in an example of hell Nolan Patrick is good is on Sidney Crosby like when I see him play I don't I don't go do the Francis
00:38:52| quarter in the world or he's amazing he just got polluted everything do you mean I don't like actually one thing sitting cause was really really good at not everyone knows his back his back end is
00:39:01| ridiculous he passes off it he shoots all of it he just he just dangles off it but I heard he uses an almost flat stick so that you know you can't keep the strength and you're back in that way I
00:39:15| wonder how you abused your child to make him have a better backhand you can you can take away his left hand or his right hand how do you make him so he can't shoot forward you stick them to a wall
00:39:28| that's house tape on his back and he's just like now back ok so you think that's what happened to sit the kid big Mario tape them because they live together and that was a weird living
00:39:48| right then right yeah I think that's behind you know me the promo where he's always shooting all the possible to drive yeah nothing back no no it was you didn't came up against
00:40:00| the wall this brings us to our main topic he's ashamed of his forehand do you ever think about that yeah because I also saw a special Mikey scores on the forehead so much do you know I know this
00:40:20| is legit thing 95 percent of players you get all your strengths from the Plex and the stick like you available is torque when you pull back and you yeah yeah but it's like a whip cushion right so you're
00:40:34| put your weight down on the blade and you pull on the puck and it's cradled in a position where the curve isn't used you flick it that's like we're all your strength come
00:40:44| from if you watch Sidney Crosby doesn't even flex when he shoots he shovels everything he does you know why there's a goalie right a goalie is always goalie looks at the small movements in your
00:40:58| your weight the way you shift your weight before you shoot because before you really shoot you kind of you blini into a shot and then lake up with Sidney Crosby he'll be going for hand back at
00:41:07| four in the back went and and before he's even go back in it's all part of the shot so he doesn't lean right so it's not as fast as a lot of shots but it comes off the stick much quicker and
00:41:17| the goalie he didn't even know it was being shot because he's looking for visual cues that's why he doesn't have his eyes either he's got dead eyes he just kind of sinker got rid of him as he
00:41:25| shoots right and he doesn't so three he's dead inside I would be too if I loved the Pittsburgh area don't go Sables yeah and pandering uh I'm panners can click unfollow right
00:41:40| so after you click patreon help us get you out of Pittsburgh will donate $1 for every person hurt that gives us $10 to get out of Pittsburgh what kind of fun with that go to get out
00:41:58| of Pittsburgh free what I did sorry we didn't say where they would go so Pittsburgh suburbs that entail and it's genius this is get out of Pittsburgh car we
00:42:14| didn't do the word we do have a word I got one real quick I kind of have what do you I have a word if you've played Borderlands you have and I feel like probably but I was on the game all the
00:42:29| time but what there's one enemy that just ah there you go scag I love that Scaggs the best name for that I know enter to you immediately know that it's worthless and you want to
00:42:42| kill him that's a good point we scag was the word a guy yeah you did good one pander was good set up that's awesome good job Dan's good good finish good job there so you gotta work too
00:42:58| apparently oblique Ettore there's a few stalks of gating moments and flaming bags of poop and a judge there's an obligatory cleanup an obligatory appearance in court I think it's a
00:43:12| stupid word it's a stupid idea I think the judge shove it up is able unless he finds this video in which case I'm really really sorry I didn't mean any harm by it and I will make society
00:43:25| better if you don't punish me so you got a obliged the obligatory mmm-hmm can't unab lodge it we're not obliged you can oblige you that's I thought it was a much I'm
00:43:41| looking oh sorry it'll link that okay next segment aim pabich and you're gonna run this one what is the main topic is it fake news is that what you said before
00:43:55| sounds like you gotta take a minute yeah fake news because I listen to so much of it all the time but what do you know is real what do you notice that hey you know I just ignore every piece of news
00:44:09| that comes out so any know them still live in our hearts he is yes I think uh but I guess I would never know I don't really know well we'll take it as a simple fact that you never know
00:44:25| anything firsthand dude I mean you almost have to assume a lot of things you always get that like certain stars have passed away and then you have to wait a period of time before you
00:44:35| actually know that they're dead there's someone even man I assume you don't know no you just it becomes like so preposterous that they lie then this many people would be lying were fooled
00:44:47| that it becomes ridiculous right yeah but you've never met them so if you believe in solipsistic you wouldn't really care okay we don't know anyway but we most News I
00:44:58| receive wherever it's problem I think with the ones I really believe I think with like 98% facta to like for the most part chances are its real unless a hell of a lot of coincidences conspiracies
00:45:11| and people are involved it does make me not react to this new stories I'll read them and I'll just shove em in the back and say you know I'll come back to that later
00:45:19| no come on sit through saying news you get right away could be paid but as time progresses you believe it more and more okay I don't disagree with that will actually do a quick researched thumbnail
00:45:35| panders I said it folks research Wow Thanks I know facts and ax send it to my fax [Applause] I tried there's a lot of facts anyway so
00:45:59| I found this article in the New York Tim's mystical types Eric Tucker gentleman in Texas right average Joe when he worked for an ad company something else on Twitter he had 40
00:46:16| followers it's hard to have that few followers yes eventually good pots whatever I don't care she tweeted out that three pictures he took a picture of buses driving
00:46:30| buses parked somewhere like near a park in Texas and then the buses in the distance so three pictures of buses and eat he claims that he saw them then they were all like the same bus it was a
00:46:43| charter bus like four of them in a row whoa what's going on and today it was the ninth of the election and Donald Trump won and in his town there were protests as well as many counts and he
00:47:00| sent out a tweet that said interesting I saw all these buses come in right when the protesters arrived it seems like all these demonstrators are fake news get bused in to protest Trump and it was
00:47:13| like Trump 2016 or ever hashtag now he did not see any protesters he did not put two and two together he just he claims that it was just well that's pretty coincidental
00:47:24| it's probably true it's what he said within 24 hours actually six hours later it ended up on Reddit on the front page and someone ran with it said can you believe what the Liberals will do
00:47:41| anything they're even faking protests to take down our president it got 300 comments already so that made it one of the higher comments of the day right yeah then it got retweeted on Twitter it
00:47:55| got shared or retweeted 16,000 times it's a lot especially for a guy with 40 hours incredible actually then it don't Facebook scream pact and everything with how the fake media is sending in
00:48:10| protesters to protest Trump but they're all actors now there are six o'clock news showing you how ah three hundred and fifty thousand shares on Facebook Wow good number right bonds it gets even
00:48:25| a little better Donald Trump won the presidency wha-wha-wha it started circulating on some local news and the news reports said we can't
00:48:34| verify but it seems to be that we have so and so we're wheeling in fake people were protesting and then they said we can't verify Fox that night or rather than next night
00:48:47| Donald Trump tweeted about it where did it defeat out he said I'm glad I won the election exclamation point how sad some people had to send in fake protesters to protest me in Texas
00:49:02| exclamation point sad I don't know soft like that full guy who tweeted it originally he deleted his tweet once the president did it he was getting too much heat
00:49:12| reporters were calling him and asking him where he sold his stuff happened he said well I didn't see it happened and they said oh it's news now like where did you see it he said I didn't see it I
00:49:21| just think it might have happened so he thrown a big apology he wrote that it was fake right uh-huh he's got paid an Austin Twitter well sure whatever reason okay he wrote that it's
00:49:34| fake he got 29 retweets and 27 lights wait a second that's it Oh 29 and 22nd someone else took his thing and then made it big it wasn't him maybe bit weak other people did they ran with it and
00:49:52| when he admitted it was fate like he he said it wasn't a fact it was just what he thought kind of it got 29 retweets that's fifteen point nine nine nine thousand less Bates degree got like it's
00:50:10| almost like everyone saw the same account say sorry guys it was fake and everyone was like I don't care I liked it when it was real like dude I mean I would have believed this exactly but
00:50:21| like he admitted it and it only got 29 shares essentially versus 16 thousand shares on Twitter or 350,000 on this and I'm universities I'm you're a city you don't care and it's just crazy um I was
00:50:36| just looking up paid news and how it spreads and how it doesn't because of the recent tragedy in Las Vegas do you know they were running a Google was running a front-page story it was a
00:50:46| second result if you typed in Vegas shooting it was a fake story made up by fortune huh I'm trying to exactly Media well think of this how does Google work it's an algorithm system wherever
00:51:03| is getting shared the most on the most reputable sites what's a reputable site so it was like a box or a people site and BuzzFeed and like they're reputable but they're not
00:51:14| fact check newspaper you know I mean but they don't take news sites that show up on Google right which are they may not be oh do you have this researched no no i'm he pulling this on my i was thinking
00:51:30| about like that i'm gonna go back to trump there's that one trump I guess rally where people were like hitting I guess a woman who was diverse and ethnic and they're saying that the
00:51:48| people were bused in also that were causing fights inside of rallies which you don't know you don't know who's like starting the contest and who's being a jerk because you only see like the
00:52:02| middle portion or the woman's getting pushed around right you can see that medium you can't see the history you can't see the aftermath usually and no one seems to care
00:52:12| yeah about the history or the aftermath they just want us to tell their story or moved it right they want it more push their narrative yeah exactly well so the top five fake news stories
00:52:26| that were shared on Facebook were all about trauma actually the number one wasn't I lied number one fake story from last year was Obama has banned the Pledge of Allegiance in schools I don't
00:52:43| know who made it up I don't know where it came from it was shared 2.1 million times on facebook and it was as an article like this is an article was really happened and do you think the
00:52:55| people there's actual people that are deciding they're like you know I don't like Obama so I'm gonna I'm gonna share this retweeted myself or do you think most I've imagined seventy percent of
00:53:06| those shares were just like if you're Pro Obama you obviously don't share that and if you're neutral you're probably my chair you might not have your anti you got my
00:53:18| chair right yeah do you think that people are legitimately liking it or do you think they're manipulating the system like having BOTS finally I think a lot of it is BOTS well
00:53:29| dude I didn't do any research into the recent stuff it seems like every week I read a story where the Russian propaganda the election yeah I don't know that it affected it but I do
00:53:41| believe something was going on right I think Putin likes messing with the US and making it seem like he's got some sway right right so he's ego by saying I can control the world
00:53:51| I agree so I don't think he's technically stealing the election for many what I mean people still voted and I actually think it hardly influenced the election at all I can't see myself
00:54:02| I'm different than those people looking at the sidebar on Facebook and then changing my mind who to vote for I think you're about to vote I'm going to vote today you look to the right
00:54:15| you're like my goodness Mildred did you hear Obama is banning leader Hillary Clinton's band involved in pizza game sure about pizza me no I didn't but do you vote I did oh you
00:54:29| did oh I do I don't vote really I'm neutral and most but the next one I will vote because I just see all bunch of bullshit go on what about this you didn't vote on this one you didn't think
00:54:42| bullshit were going to help I didn't lie to you either compliment sure I I didn't think you'd win that was ridiculous that anyone thought he could win but he would get like 30 percent of
00:54:52| the vote if that interested and that's why you voted for him twice I actually you have the dead soldiers foodies may already know like and in Social Security when I went and voted for Trump not once
00:55:06| folks was his name Lieutenant Dan yeah yeah no actually I write in my own vote for every presidential election I've been doing it since I could vote you bring your own
00:55:18| crown I didn't say it was me I'm not going to share that that's private information I don't have to share know you type it in and write my note close it twice um
00:55:36| do you know the pizza cake story though I don't know the pizza gate story okay this one came out but I think this is before the election also um the idea was the Clintons and someone named Soros
00:55:51| some multi billionaire who you know the tank oh sure he's the puppet necessary pull strings I don't know I'm not for the record of this podcast not very liberal or
00:56:02| conservative so I don't think we or international keep going so I think we're international let's artfully with here Australia babe but up and she's all like minutes six minutes as well as sex
00:56:19| thank you you're done with me most of your college like plan yeah hold on pizza gate okay spit out come on I think this became big on reddit what I noticed is a lot of these are started on
00:56:42| internet or drop truths we don't know there are some things that are true there are some weird neighbors there perverted things they think it's unfiltered there unfortune bubbling with
00:56:55| like weird people of basement dwellers but also probably some people who were in the know I don't know so it could be like Anderson Cooper no I'm just going with someone who literally saw an event
00:57:07| happen like someone like first reporters like not word-of-mouth like someone who actually saw something messed up or something crazy or something you did sir you were there he's like yeah I was and
00:57:17| then you could you describe it they were organized hits for tens anonymous that's true so I mean you can say wherever the hell you want which is dangerous and you could probably tell the truth sometimes
00:57:29| there are no nasty things that come out of fortune fortune attracts right so then I think it makes it in a like reddit twitter area and then I think it's stolen and
00:57:38| screen tap for Facebook what I also find interest has the biggest community obviously prayin most poet do you think Facebook's also the dumbest video just by proxy it has the most people if you I
00:57:57| don't know because there's there was a point where Facebook started though it was just like it's a college hookup right website and then my family got in there and then only people that post or
00:58:08| people who are trying to sell themselves or promote something they're not legitimately say yeah the average age of Facebook is much older than probably like in the 40s now notice right maybe
00:58:20| even I forties probably no telling like some seven year olds and stuff they're joining I knowing a 94 year old guy who jointly he's always tell me about it he's like how do you get the like button
00:58:30| and stuff that I'm like who cares and he's like well Mildred just had another grandkid I don't know and it disappeared I'm looking at this page you all said all aside Jimmy from watching the calls
00:58:42| over here I'm like God you change pages I don't know but those people are sharing like I have an uncle actually he's super super Republican Hillary's I says because that's how he defined his
00:59:01| life he's married he seems here and he's like um yeah that's the first thing he tells you is that he believes the Constitution and he's super Republican you're like I was just asking for name
00:59:12| he um so he's new to Facebook has over a year ago maybe two we think a year and a half and then he just posts all the obnoxious thing oh god he shares everything that
00:59:22| comes across his table and like it's like please but do you think that's where most of these shares are coming from some BOTS and then some people will just share everything they kind of agree
00:59:32| with if you want good luck for the rest of your life please pass on to ten friends chain letters man I remember Kane emails used to get so many of those and I still
00:59:42| do so now and it's all from old people cuz yeah I get chain with Agostini do that's all sold people I am for a while face my life where I would literally send them and be like
00:59:57| something to be like lol just kidding but like really I was sending it to 15 people huh wishing for luck or that I didn't die now I almost welcome them I'm like
01:00:07| please please please and let's teach English if it isn't like yes and then I hit delete and be like kill me kill me kill me god I need to make a bot that will email that person back 15 times
01:00:21| yeah I can't believe it it's not a thing maybe defining the chain mail is tougher for a thing a bit you know they all have like the same format right yeah they pretty much hurry yeah the Sudanese
01:00:32| prince wants all of your money but he's gonna give you most of his which is a lot more than what you have it is donate it all right now so you can get money back and for deterrence as you know yeah
01:00:45| well I did want to read we'll see the same thing yeah it's a lot of reading for uninteresting facts keep going now this is an interesting fact so we were just saying Facebook might not be the
01:00:58| smartest place on the internet yeah but it has the most people which I think the more people is stupid or something goods but anyway do you know what the five five top fake crime news stories on
01:01:11| Facebook work as is these were reported as crimes that you could click the article read but they never happen there is no credence in fact they never huh it was just a made-up story that was a
01:01:22| crime they just have to be crimes that will share the most it is one point seven six five million shares on Facebook this one headline and there's no the article might not even exist
01:01:34| woman arrested for defecating on boss's desk after winning the lottery that's awesome I would share that yeah I would share that I enjoy that I would defecate on I'm reading so on all the big news
01:01:48| stories were political very trump anti-trump proton anti-liberal where in these fake news stories with crime stories have a different theme number two with 760 thousand shares cinnamon
01:02:02| roll can explodes inside man's but the that's really good how do you know as a soon he's just he's just walking out in the back classic pop like classic head pop oh boy
01:02:29| it's actually kinda before I cut to his side too far I just got a text from someone interrupts podcast I don't know his name's to whom huge text me about my non-fantasy
01:02:41| oh I it's a game that's been out for years what I will say about real quick though is this last story about the cinnamon bun do you know he pays girls not to eat cinnamon rolls out of his
01:02:54| butt but just sprinkle cinnamon on his buddy huh his be whole do me I thought it was because Nick hold on he's not they're not doing anything to it he just wants
01:03:05| him to sprinkle like heaping tablespoons of it onto his blood and then he lets it sit there like an hour I don't know the girl does it's an herbal remedy it sure is it's taking it orally yeah you tell
01:03:21| you about what he did cinnamon not like the sticks right he's fixed there's the cinnamon stick and yes fill it with nutmeg she says not nagging he says yeah I said
01:03:37| so anyway it's the thing it is I wasn't supposed to share I know we try and keep him out of the podcast anymore you know he gets him cope with his girlfriend who doesn't even know about these other
01:03:46| girls giving them nut bag jobs it was anyway that's the huge for you interestingly enough the third highest shared crime story on Facebook was Florida man dies in meth lab explosion
01:04:00| sounds cool too drunk one after lighting parts on well I got number four and five folks number four police find 19 white female bodies in freezers with black lives matter carved into
01:04:20| skin that ones dark I thought they were all feel really dirty there's nothing tell me what I won at all it was dark I skipped that one and the last one which had 440,000 chairs but
01:04:34| was not a real story at all woman stabbed her husband to death because he wouldn't eat her ass and asses and all the exclamation point how do you share something like that I don't
01:04:49| know but what I notice is our crime stories seem to want to be comedy we think that's funny if a real lover is very well know these crime stories we want to share the community laws when it
01:05:04| comes to politics we want to share the most polarizing thing well I think it the crime ones are there's a pretense there because you're concerned and then by the end you're not a holy lady like
01:05:15| women found dead because they like but the political ones are just pushing an agenda so I thought an interesting thing that ties it all together is almost gossip like word of mouth we almost
01:05:37| can't gossip anymore over the phone you know I mean old ladies would call each other and gossip this is our new gossip right yeah they could I mean they could be sitting next
01:05:46| you on the bus and they'd be texting each other like hey this guy he's got a cliff higher sticking out his nose they're not gonna be like yeah the other weird thing is it just the polarization
01:06:06| of politics is getting ready all right give me signals it just seems very polarizing okay that's all were you trying to date they didn't work I really had no I was
01:06:35| telling you about your clipping you can see it so it's like it's funky better when you drink more yeah yeah more yeah keep going Oh people nowadays even interestingly
01:06:55| enough did when I was growing up I feel what you want the news station that you like the look of the people the most he did ago she's smoking hot i watch channel 6 oh dude I like I like a look
01:07:08| at that awesome reporter on child ten like you know I mean you picked the hottest weather girl you picked whatever because all news was essentially the same story just different people were
01:07:18| giving it right mm-hmm sure nowadays it almost seems like you watch the news that pushes your agenda the most like Fox is very conservative now like almost openly so yeah in like certain ones are
01:07:32| super liberal now like but they can just open they saw the hot anchoring or hot weather person oh I wasn't denying that but I'm saying it's changed you don't just watch it for the hotness you you
01:07:43| probably watch it for the lien if you want to hear pro-trump you you listen to Fox you don't listen to like you know I'm trying to go who's super liberal who's CNN is yeah we call it the Clinton
01:07:59| news network right oh do they hold on CNN yeah but I mean you watch what you want it here yeah there's so many sources of information you could just be like nope nope yep that one down right
01:08:14| so all news in a way state news because you're feeding yourself what you want to hear and before it used to be you would hear from four to five mediums and you'd have to pick your favorite or the
01:08:28| hottest anchor or whatever now there's literally thousands if not millions and with that track you can almost find exactly what you're looking for they do notice that like if you
01:08:40| click on any news station it's always the same kind of category of stuff and it's never about something that's just small that happens somewhere like you would expect to just say click a
01:08:51| button say I want to just see news from places and it would be all different news and it's like an accident a killing a sinkhole in the local thing yeah it's this the slant on the big story that
01:09:02| everyone is already talking about yeah all the towns have all the same news now but it's all different sources of news filtered and then given to given their claim and any lien or they want a wheel
01:09:14| rub in yes I guess it's also because ratings drive money so at what point is it news at what point is it ratings like is it just something that makes money I don't know you care for your news
01:09:28| network I think if you're don't you have standards if you're on TV you have to have verify things because it's you can sue you for it I was a journalist major
01:09:36| so there is libel and libel is also arguable most things I can't give you the exact breakdown alleged like this is a alleged Oakland right but also there's a as long as they mentioned their source
01:09:51| then the source becomes liable not that where they go all the way down to that guy who took one picture and have a hold on exactly and if he's the source of them and technically yes and technically
01:10:05| if he never said I sold the people get off the bus and protest Trump he's not on the hook either way back so who the hell is on the hook all the people that shared it in a way whitney million
01:10:18| people right and they're not on the hook cause there's 20 million anonymous people who retweet share and like right hmm so we've changed a little news cycle so that now the most important thing is
01:10:29| the fastest the speed of news notice true and and in the speed of news you lose some verification lose some modicum of truth correct feel like we've talked about this a little bit it's probably a
01:10:45| common theme speed versus accuracy hmm Crosby has a little of both but you can't crawl mustache think about you great Liz with an older man I mean weird still now I think he moved out okay to
01:11:04| the Playhouse in the back this is a bull house [Music] do you think you would like him it um as a present person yeah like you just tell
01:11:16| him in a bar and he was like I know you yell up city Crosby I don't care you want a beer like yeah and then like you listen to him but he be cool he be whining I'm so Richard famous but no one
01:11:27| really likes me for me why can't it be normal boy he has a real boy problem folks I've really dark I I don't know if I've ever had like he's ever had an opinion that
01:11:47| he stated publicly yes he did I don't like him I just I just don't like him you remember that that was when he sucker-punched him and then that's right after he knocked his glove away remember
01:12:00| that he was going to pick up his glove and he swatted it with a stick that's bush league he's got this bush league real boy sandy Cosby has a real boy a real boy
01:12:12| problem I don't like make good use of Lights at vs. mmm whenever was give me a team in it for something uh-huh I'm just testing you don't pushing your buttons I would say 44 but
01:12:32| I don't think it's true yeah I think you're right you're right now I'm questioning myself I think it's 44 how about Darryl Powell it is and he was 36 36 and I just press
01:12:45| actor and although I could be wrong someone's gonna be like hey idiot face nice job stupid mother at a rapid-fire David leg out 10 I thought was 17 18 or it's so weird when players have the same
01:13:02| numbers and they know you start to they cross over yeah they're a race they wasn't 18 and you're right he's 18 ten eight about you'll never get this you know this one
01:13:13| I don't know I know I know this my sister my sister wears number 28 clogged rocks oh yeah I see wiped from memory they used the same damn girl aids every time we got a bunch in 28 where
01:13:25| you want kid Patrick show 10 please apply he was nothing was I thought he was nice you could be 10 yeah maybe who's Ted he was I'm giving you the hard ones
01:13:43| obviously yeah the ones I remember we've got like Billy tip is high up Kyle caught 43 well see you growing up I don't look it up Kyle caller I do know his number
01:13:55| guys sunny so bad after being such a hype he was a CCR line baby it was Calder or Richards Kyle Calder and who's the third one Cece Carter he's sorry at Carter Richardson Cobalt
01:14:20| ccr life I'll take over the lead okay because I know we're winding down people are like I don't give a shit about the Flyers were throwing now I'm keeping it I'm not these people to suffer through
01:14:31| it if you don't know if you read OPP with number 20 you can shove a fist up your own behold folks just did or the up banners um before we wrap it up I'm gonna have to go without my earpiece for
01:14:43| a second - okay so if you're talking just hanging hang tight I can do it so if you're screaming no no no it's gonna be an awful noisy noon folks I've been testing a new product
01:14:58| Fiola mesh it's made of 68 percent polyester and it's the most breathable material ever released on the market blind you're saying fuel up or out there done you know they don't even do it
01:15:08| anymore hey folks you're wrong they still do it and they do it better than anyone in the goddamn business the feel of seven seven one eight shirt
01:15:16| runs in medium/large small/medium size you want okay Brooks you buy this baby the most breathable fabric ever cray cold-weather running done warm weather running done it wicks sweat it's
01:15:30| unstoppable this thing just drives you to keep running some people say it's filled with adrenaline some people say cocaine all over this
01:15:38| the net part just keeps you running it keeps you running and it won't stop it won't give up and it won't take no for an answer so you get your foolish shirt and the store today they come in three
01:15:50| colors super lon lemony yellow super Lambie yellow all different colors three turns at your neckline you wear your hair ends sharp so I usually grow a little bit here yeah I was wondering oh
01:16:10| my future shave that bad boy you don't know all you brush it's all the same direction no that's natural turn it on Eagle on your chest
01:16:22| interestingly enough my first car ever was a Firebird right uh-huh Hugo just simple no no do you know the stable driver the links at the wings out like a phoenix almost yet if I let it
01:16:34| grow I get a bird's head it goes right here and looks like it's looking to the left and connects to the wings I don't touch it I don't maim it I don't do anything
01:16:42| that's God's literal chest hair he gave me is a Firebird Wow anyway I shave off the Firebirds head because that countless beard under my shirt so but yeah I grow a Firebird
01:16:54| chest hair who's a real story this is not a joke this is not a it's weird farmer to the Phoenix right exposing some it's an ant Firebird it's probably Dan Sabinas yeah if I didn't have rights
01:17:06| to the words they were like it's gonna fire her son Firebird so I'm firing that bird bird anyway folks it so creature pick it up today yeah how much was $7.99 at your local we're almost people from
01:17:27| hand-me-down shop second second use goods is your dad's from the 80s you can't even see no color I can't tell I can almost tell Stella that's a machine man it's like it's made of like
01:17:43| chrome gold or something that's when stuff is good man shirts will really mean you know yeah pure asbestos interested that's athili on the call today
01:17:58| well neatly wrapped up some eight news we racked up some smart smiles and romance Corrections questions fastened all I think we can say you check the website so everything or is the website
01:18:13| oh it's right up a bit I moved up here you like it up here website folks haters become my painters I'm not streams over that's incredible yeah what drives the lair folks yeah we do like it folks
01:18:38| we like it check us out on social see like I'm Nick and I'm dead we are the unhand or enter server earth see

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