The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP013 Vivid Lucid Dreams Reality Narcolepsy

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP013 Vivid Lucid Dreams Reality Narcolepsy

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 13 - Vivid Lucid Dreams Reality Narcolepsy
Click to read the episode transcription below.

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00:00:00| so I'm Dan I'm Nick and we are together the before on panel on tender he has got a perfect asynchronous C's chick Hayden's cadence is everything folks yeah and I'm Kay and he did did you ever
00:00:20| have like music class and they make you singing around so they they have one half of the class saying her Michael rose is boat ashore and then it's like Michael rode a boat it's like I don't
00:00:33| know I know you're they gets a call and answer kept saying yeah but I feel I know that every time in music and it was just embarrassing Danny Boy that's interesting that's your name because the
00:00:43| only time we've ever had a singing class of any kind in my entire life was in like sixth grade and then he was like a rainy day and teacher had no clue what to do and she made a same Danny Boy
00:00:53| Danny pull the Chevy cookin can he soon Danny Boy and I was like oh like this is like I guess it was still the nineties the sixth grade but it just seemed very like this is 40 years old and no one
00:01:09| knows the song no one knows what we're doing we never sing what's going on here like he and he stuck with me it's juice an old wait was one of your little dance friends one of your friends named Dan
00:01:20| were they doing a little spin a sure way he wasn't rooster class for six period so otherwise a who knows what he was doing in the other classroom probably drawn pictures of you guys
00:01:30| you know anyway any 129 any 136 what's the real number here odd numbers 21 and under 18 in of 18 and under art advise not to listen to this list of materials that yeah course
00:01:59| creme and all the materials in there and too tight a bit both yeah hey there it's like making sausage sometimes you get the nasty bits in there and just it tastes good but I think it sausage folks
00:02:13| um some of your upgrade team click that follow button click that subscribe button but do not watch the video thank you we appreciate your view yeah and you website wwww on pinterest
00:02:25| calm is it via banners that's harder to remember now it's just on panders it's easier to remember yet fact it's very simple in fact it's here yeah or if it regions up here cool
00:02:39| also for the record we like to tell the kind folks at home that none of these opinions statements jokes impersonations or stories are actually real yeah it's a whole opinion there in not based on our
00:02:51| employers or friends or relatives anyone we've ever met and if you're listening in on the podcast whenever i wink it means it is my opinion but not on the youtube channel interesting twist on
00:03:04| something though it means but I imagine it will cover it illegally make sure to wink with both eyes as a blink and not a wink Your Honor my client Dan of the Amanar
00:03:16| who's chugging lemon juice when it got in his eye and he repeatedly blinked for the rest of the episode oh man I don't even think you digest that much lemon juice it was pure you can see cuing
00:03:28| lemons and be serious when life hands you lemons sit on them it happens well I actually have a new tongue twister I was excited to try this one out for your line could I made it up it didn't read a
00:03:41| line here no I'll say it this is my tongue twister only builders I know it is because we have a titty Club oh nice women because I'm not going to name names but they they order fryer oil
00:03:57| Leah and I have these be dirty I hope the whole time go sir I apologize but um every time he says I want one firewall I have to say it back to him so I say okay one fryer oil and by the time we both
00:04:11| said it it sounds like a little different words so I'm like how many times do you say that we're in a row I would like you to try for the podcast and give us a fryer oil
00:04:18| come on oil fryer oil fry out if you do do it you sound like your son somehow I hear like whoa our old front roll barrel it's like you have marbles in your mouth exactly
00:04:31| that's brought our oil pretty good at home try to have one that's mine I made it up I get all rights or money or legal fees let's move myself in the camera here I'd
00:04:42| like to say there are some clarifications from the last episode you have a correction yeah cuz I have as well okay good cuz um last time you asked me if I'd want to have a threesome
00:04:53| of my choice with my wife involved and then a threesome of her choice I did wait right did he involved I would like to say that not for one moment did I consider that I like having a you know
00:05:13| comment and thought no scenario no further of it I didn't even consider I wouldn't yeah wouldn't even consider it honey mmm interesting this is your press
00:05:22| conference the next day just against I know I did not even consider a threesome pulling out layaway random women's clothing like dripping with various oils and sediments that's a dirty rat welcome
00:05:39| dirty dirty Craig you roll around in the dirt well I actually also had a correction in our last episode something we did wrong yeah I discussed a little bit about fighter planes and I said
00:05:52| something about the f-16 fired a certain missile a lot of people were probably gonna jump with me the f-16 could actually not fire a I am 120s am RA am sam-7 sparrows that was the f-18 they
00:06:06| didn't have the block 15 ATF installed so all my dad another quick clarification the f-18 is the one uses a probe to latch into the drove for three fuel systems oh yeah he's a little
00:06:18| confused when he went over there laughing so I tripped you up and I I apologized so much so our intrepid viewers listeners out there I just didn't want to vent trust the f-18 when
00:06:33| I was talking about the f16 Convocation I apologize move on folks and move on there's some sleep over that one but I didn't I had some sweet dreams so it's uh smirk or smile like this is a little
00:06:48| say now this is a fun one it's a good one mine short but it's pretty sweet oh really go first it's sure without me to go first cuz it's short or we like you to go first cause it's just it got
00:06:58| this great firmer smile I'm gonna Dan half of the podcast I have two so I'm gonna sandwich you smooth I almost hit a deer the other day while walking he jumped out of the bushes are you really
00:07:15| you should've led with the whole story and then said I was walking jumped out of the bushes I swerved left moved my one arm to the right we almost hit it's it's the
00:07:26| beginning though they were on the right they're getting a little wild and freaky and you know those bushes are right by it's a bike isn't that funny is it brought in time I think it is because
00:07:37| this one there's it's in a deer get it if you're listening in your deer hit that like button hit subscribe got my gear getting some mmm I hear that the deer like it when you get on all fours
00:07:51| so if you really want to be friends with the deer just saunter up next to them on all fours if you're the submissive type yeah I grabbed deer right the hell if I give it film that's when I taped it was
00:08:19| legitimate I almost actually got hit by one I was surprised because I only heard the bushes rustle and then it was in front of me and then I was like what that they do this and they do this what
00:08:31| do you actually do sprint by you and he governor looking me like 20 miles an hour he's like left out of that bush towards me I don't do business with that I'm gonna be that guy that punches the
00:08:41| deer is what are you doing man SPECT didn't hear if anything goes my my dad's part I think that a little bit of both because I was like what the hell what
00:08:57| the hell man life lepak Oh made these animals God holy mackerel mine's a little more decadent so unloading the truck out there I'll say the name of the street folks tell Dad
00:09:14| shout out child NAB your listening folks and an ambulance is coming we're it's a busy street it's a mean thoroughfare and we all got everybody slows down I want to see what the
00:09:27| impulse is doing I mean I check this out he's doing like 60 he screaming legs are going and like by our work is spread so I'm like is he gonna do it is he gonna do this slow slow down wasn't gonna go
00:09:39| just plow through some engine holder you hold like this and you're like don't crash and then you're like please crash don't crash senator be right you just want to see
00:09:48| something so he slows down he's looks down a lot slows down a lot and he turns off his lights and goes through you at intersection like two mile an hour and he's cruising he cooks really bright up
00:10:01| past us and I hear him yelling right and now he's passed us don't like who's he yelling at it's it's a nameless my dad's over here he's looking I'm looking and then his legs snap back on and he
00:10:14| goes off at like 60 MA and I was like no my dad because me elbow and there's this middle-aged woman with his big old butt right down the street and he's like I was like having their booty back to life
00:10:44| [Laughter] EKG anyway I thought that was awesome I mean who's gonna tell him you got me I just I mean that's like we're watching the unders mark as you're out that day
00:11:05| he died news 10 it's to wait I don't know what he he delivered that story so well that you could clearly figure that you were in that story mark hey your license oh
00:11:21| won't you sit with my experts mom of the ESPY days this is gonna be a roundabout smirk smile as I had this book called All the Pretty Horses on my desk and it's actually what my mic sits on you
00:11:39| probably heard the old tap today in the movie version of the book yeah this place is fighter Matt Damon and Penelope Cruz who mmm yep and she uh she looks a little I should possible - right is she
00:11:57| oh he's a nice guy must be something about she's married heavier Bardeen poor then by the way who said he was in the James Bond movie which one he's also in Paris the carrion the new one you've
00:12:23| never seen any of these [Laughter] so this is the jump in logic I had a dream that I was I started in the back of a car it's like one of those old
00:12:36| style gangster cars and I was only into Columbia so I was being held hostage by drug runners and in the front seat there was a healthy Cruise look-alike who kind of looked like Kamiya kebaya
00:12:55| do you know who that is no gone that's interesting so she gave me the kiss of death because she jumped on top of me and it was getting a little physical but whenever I
00:13:05| have dreams they get kind of sexy it was get kind of strange and weird and nothing ever happens and I'm always disappointed tells me something but yeah that's life and so she gave me the kiss
00:13:18| of death you know it got kind of interesting and then she jumped on our yeah and as soon as it as soon as like it she she marked me I
00:13:27| decided like I needed to get the hell out of there so I bolted and it was in the middle of the jungle and I'm literally like going through the going through the bushes going through the
00:13:37| trees and I find this clearing and these guys are after me with machine guns they're chasing clothes behind me and I think this is my spirit animal this is what gave me the smile is a cheetah came
00:13:49| out of the woods right at me he was sprinting directly towards me and the moment he saw the drug runners he diverted his his attack line and went right after them and I survived because
00:14:01| of the cheetah so you were kissing another woman in a cheetah you're a cheetah there's nothing your Titor my chichi the cheetah or Tina they aligned those three line to my enemies
00:14:20| interesting that was one of the best ways to wake up I don't know how to respond to people screams and you want to hear the coolest reason why sure okay I need room ated with a guy for four
00:14:35| straight years at college name was tom oh you you room aided him yeah I grew mated with him in the room I hated with him okay he was a fairly average individual life well
00:14:48| but the reason I say averages for this reason oh my god whatever um one day he was arguing with me he says computer we would just look at CollegeHumor back to back not even like not talk to each
00:15:01| other for the hours of the time his back in the heyday yeah his neck when coaching he's headache and they had come and do he was on there to those before videos of just
00:15:09| pictures mostly huh there's like Facebook wasn't even around anyway believers like look at pulling I'm telling you I'm remember looking at videos college healer they did get
00:15:19| videos this is free video this is like literally will be like someone's cool Halloween costume like someone writing the word slut over like a dog or something in their own laugh and like I
00:15:30| know just goofy things I remember in high school kids watching porn on college humor in a lab the computer lab huh well you couldn't do any work in the computer lab because
00:15:42| they care to be like hey hey do you see this one and then you turn around and be like full-frontal and you'd be like oh yes I do see it hell yeah right now I do I do see it you're
00:15:52| absolutely correct it's hard to avoid eye contact with it well Tom one day he said isn't it Wednesday or Thursday and I was like no Club oh god it's I always do chem lab this day I have a paper due
00:16:07| here but it's definitely Thursday and we argue if you look at our blind book you get these wrong a lot so I asked I said why are you just you stupid answer how are you stupid or something
00:16:19| and he was like he was like no I just dream of a day and I'm like what do you mean did he explained no no no he when he dreams he dreams that he wakes up ants to brush his teeth he's tired and
00:16:34| asked like check his phone yes check the watch he has to figure out what to wear and then he has to like figure out how he's gonna get to play us a little time you should really leave and if he
00:16:44| shouldn't breakfast and then he slowly walks to class and then yes it's me like a 50-minute lecture and usually doodles and usually though those Elson wait tom are you describing a dream he's like
00:16:53| yeah and I was like what Anthony's like it's just like a regular Tuesday and I'm like so be like you don't fly or shoot people with machine guns or Z's or anything say no it's like really boring
00:17:08| it was like that's the worst dream ever so then he would wake up they get into the next day it really has to relive Tuesday that's terrible I never went to relive a workday why would you dream of
00:17:22| a workday or like a regular Tuesday this is the oddest thing ever but it it sheet is coming out of the woods way cool oh definitely I do know that I do know this one woman who has
00:17:36| narcolepsy but I like a very soft version of narcolepsy and something's barely it's barely a man yeah people people confuse it with cataplexy which is like absolutely
00:17:51| losing your like in a moment you you're like paralyzed with narcolepsy bit but he comes time you fall asleep yeah narcolepsy is like an overall tiredness so you take stimulants to stay awake and
00:18:06| then when you do fall asleep in dream you're like REM cycles messed up so you kind of go in and out at a dream us and it feels more real thanks estimate so we would take an ambien and stay awake and
00:18:19| be tall you say take it in I didn't give ya it's a common theme I've never done it I don't know I guess I'm just I don't know what I've done is I've taken Indian before but I did you go to bed effort
00:18:33| people do talk about like really vivid dreams from ambien and I don't do random decisions whose Nations if you don't like yourself go to sleep this is what I hear enough here never done it
00:18:46| people standing around like full conversations I read about this before I took it I was like just sounds pretty cool and I took it on an airplane so I was like I was completely out and I was
00:18:58| wondering if I would chat up the person next to me what if he did what if he literally had how crazy with this big you wake up with your your wrist zipline together because you're
00:19:09| arrested on the flight to Italy no well that was your trip over later to Pompeii huh episode in Rome reference episode miner owned a videos by the video yourself you piece of dough said lifting
00:19:28| wwm Vader calm I do have something because I want to come to dreams again but I don't want to flush it out entirely right now oh no I'm just these are potpourri yeah potpourri what
00:19:41| I wanted to ask you it's like what would you rather scenario the question earlier let's say you have the ability to do one of two things it's big one you can either on influence and get men to
00:19:56| extremely like you but when hate your guts or vice versa which do you do it lasts your whole life first the answer seems obvious I would like to introduce a clarification here
00:20:11| got it oh yeah you know in a previous episode I think it was I feel what I said it's either men or women take over the majority the globe and I know I was wrong because I looked it up I'm pretty
00:20:24| sure I was right I said women make up be five to eight years old and in that five to eight your time frame its flipped really so if I wanted an army of the majority of the world I'd go for men
00:20:38| but I'm not gonna do that do you know what the percentages is like not only swings like 51 to 49 percent hold up as inside could it ever go to like 70 by chance or is that impossible
00:20:55| so I'm gonna yeah as another aside critique your side is go right man let's get in there there's a good one this is going so the Joker Joe Rogan experience and he was talking about I
00:21:10| knew that by guess under the pyro guy Rogan he had some fun there he was talking about how they took away wolves and then reintroduce them and the Wolves directly eat coyotes so the car you
00:21:24| talking about deonda habitat thing you probably listen to the same one no no I solved the special oh really is it where they reintroduced wolves into the Yellowstone yes exactly yes I
00:21:34| did see this car good that's alright sorry to interrupt this is cool because oboes salt is independently yeah so the wolves really impacted the coyote population and the coyote population is
00:21:44| unique because they all how to each other so they know who's out there the female coyote will listen to the house and if she doesn't hear enough house she will become more fertile and
00:21:56| have more more offspring you know that good deeper than I they put that yeah so the population of coyotes actually rebounded after they were decimated and now there's even more coyotes and there
00:22:10| were originally so now there are less yes well but what's interesting is on top of what you were saying I believe that coyote population affected a lot of the other animals of deer chicken small
00:22:28| animals mm-hmm the Coyotes would attack now those animals a fewer vegetation it makes sense it's an ecosystem that's fluctuating sharp yep so I think more vegetation made for more plants growing
00:22:42| in certain spots and less and others prime organs like the ones right now where there were more insects and plants had changed actually how much water float down the river beds so literally
00:22:54| like rivers formed where there hadn't been any and some rivers divert into other areas and those rivers brought with them more animals to come down and drink from and the wolves that
00:23:05| originally started this had more food so introducing wolves back into Yellowstone and apparently not only changed the species Linsky its it changed the physical landscape which I thought was
00:23:15| badass yeah well you change just everything change there's not a river over there oh yeah we introduced wolves I mean the Wolves did it and they really they made
00:23:26| water pathways and your dad prep they did that's crazy to me I think that's feeding back into do you think that like the the population of the world needs to be kind of equal to keep us going so if
00:23:41| it gets too out of whack there's probably some process that brings us back to normal and we probably I would even know it right oh that balances counterbalances and all
00:23:50| that and like too much of one thing results in too little of something else yeah would you say too many even thing to which carbon dioxide would make too much global warming which could kill
00:24:01| more humans which with lower carbon dioxide levels would you I mean we disability possibly I don't friggin know I'm just saying that would make sense right yeah
00:24:09| one way to cool beer isn't everyone's did it let me know no we're not so bring it back I'll take a tangent back to our tangent brands affected area I didn't I was just buying time
00:24:26| time it almost got away with it so I'm gonna use it so I think if I could sway all women it'd be like swaying a woman is more difficult than swaying a man because a man can be logical sorry Oh
00:24:40| [Laughter] earn it up over here but I didn't say that Dan for the record I know one just listen to audio only Dan said that haha clear I would like to use via there's a
00:24:58| quote from Jack Nicholson and as good as it gets he's uh he's an Arthur author and he writes about I guess he's kind of what's what's the word
00:25:08| that's like spat but he's like oh send me about things he's self-centered eccentric yeah eccentric I said thank you thank you feel my words well so he's talking
00:25:18| to Helen hi Helen Hunt and Alan Hunt says how do you write women so well and he goes well I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability not my words pretty good awesome that's a good
00:25:36| burn so I think I'd want to sway all the women because there's a there's obviously a sexual plus there and of course and it's cool like yeah even if
00:25:49| you're not sleeping with them yeah and you can use all the women to control them in you could that's pretty that's pretty long-term and baby I need you to make your husband who's the CEO of a
00:26:00| company make me lots of money yet and yeah and then she has to do it what do you believe in her ability to change her husband who's the CEOs opinion of you I wasn't exactly the woman's name early to
00:26:14| changes you can give me all the money honey hey hey I'm just telling about this guy damn it today Dan who he's becoming a powerful CEO who is who's very insecure
00:26:27| I will crush this bug and Plus that was part of the thing men will hate you if the women love you but they have to do they have to thank you shoot us ie if they'd ever met me though
00:26:42| they don't know to hate me they can accidentally they ever send you money yeah that like it exhale I give you the job I've never met him I don't know who he is but I'm gonna give him the job
00:26:53| trust you based on merit alone sweetie and I trust in you a female yeah exactly two women I'm going with men because I'm a sexist pig of the podcast and I just think more job opportunities and stuff
00:27:11| like that and women already hate me that's hey ladies like this like hate me hate me women you know I think that because I keep that's pretty unreasonable and I'm accountable all
00:27:27| these ladies so you see which scenario I was near to you so say you were literally like that already half your size so you're a really tiny person look at that small
00:27:49| know that you're oh three foot one body that's incredible but you are incredibly strong you're the strongest man in the world okay how do you use the size and gentle
00:28:01| no for everything YouTube videos I would go on there's a my favorite show to be on panderers all those guys or I would just lift things behind them at all times
00:28:13| pinvidic maybe hanging out in the drums playing the drum is really small would you uh you get a job doing something or you just enter Olympic athletes get money don't think that's true so you
00:28:29| could be the strongest man in the world okay dude low center of gravity I'm frigging tearing it up mm-hmm and I'm and I want everyone to know on the smallest cuz I'm a little insecure
00:28:38| because I'm three foot one on what I want everyone to know how frigging strongly because if your Olympic benchpress over whatever's water power lifter cares dude can't mess with him
00:28:51| feel like you public eye yeah your public eye Olympics I know that's a freak show a little bit but it's like the power of being the strongest in the world over Trump's
00:29:03| freak show and if you three foot one less a contest we actually like you're not rich yet but if you're the strongest man in the world and three foot one maybe maybe so many
00:29:16| picks up I would just love to use that to egg muscle men on like the guy that's like 65 like yeah he's like hey little man and he tries to push you out of the way and you're just like a big screen
00:29:32| would have this would be the interesting yeah yeah would I pick that it was that light from my life no because I don't know that life I'm feeling this law at work
00:29:47| Natalie if you know you can win a gold medal and it was just like you just have to do a lot of work to get there like you're gonna win it you just have to do a lot of work you probably lacked a make
00:30:02| it easier now what year is it that was the year I like Summer Olympics better be a kid sick I just not do it this year oh he's got a cold it might get me and then I'm sick and he's sick and some
00:30:26| good scenarios there I think I'm doing that clearly hopefully audience you to do cheers it ready for the best part worked out I think I am I hope you're gonna skip right to I can't believe I
00:30:44| come so quickly to this area of expertise is did you have one I actually had one it's really good I have well I have like I have this the celebrities I think I want know a celebrity challenge
00:31:00| but how do you do the whole thing then Christina Hendricks loose Oh so much liquor did she was that I don't remember but I'm into that liquor hold on
00:31:12| and Penelope Cruz I want them to go up against each other you know we like with them girls you know what I'm saying what kind of challenge can we get them to do hold up
00:31:23| dizzy bat oh we gotta go on the bat and then they're all dizzy and maybe I haven't told you what they're wearing it daddy excited great but there's already picture it yeah they're gonna do it in d
00:31:38| catcher gear cancer here that's the sexiest thing to do it for Black Label whiskey your attention back to the black cast sorry this is left so there's something on this screen over here that
00:31:55| I just hard to resist luckily I know she loves me because any blame in the world is hatred Hendricks is Hendricks her face miss Cruz Halle Penelope come on down and do dizzy-bat with us and you're
00:32:14| gonna wear those big ol be me caretaker masks and those be outfits that make you look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and you're gonna spin around on that back and you're gonna swing it that
00:32:25| wiffle ball like damn ladies that's hot yeah it's sexy as hell it's exist thing I can think up those two I'm biting my finger now I can't close team ladies we do this we're gonna
00:32:35| donate so much to charity 80 cents in person per person I'm talking 180 60 cents all right that four bogeys so what are the rules exactly had to spin around what three times six six times I want to
00:32:56| dizzy they have to his with all these voluptuous women gonna be high then these masks oh man there's no bees involved right just to make just clarifying we'll do it with the bees how
00:33:12| about that it's just to make it fair you're releasing a stream of angry bees at these women so they have to hit a wiffle ball off of a stand and then it involves running around the bases or
00:33:36| it's got to travel at least 45 yards as they gotta do it here and then they have good then they have to do the bases so it's just pretty easy and if they will if they care about charity yeah the book
00:33:48| though yeah let's see if they care pretty sexy you know I'm saying mmm B outfits I'm gonna have a weird fetish now I just created I love these whatever a challenge
00:34:06| Wow we call that one honey for you oh nice like that is enjoyable good where do you wanna go next I guess I'm easy word of the day it's pretty well you could or if you go to
00:34:23| the Thursday throwback I had that I think I wasn't making sure you the agenda it's a little dark oh I love dark it's sad hmm I think I don't know this obvious comes too young
00:34:40| but I'm looking back now and I'm thinking this is sad and dark okay great yeah so I don't care no longer there max Myers used to be my camp that we went to okay you've never the police next Meyers
00:34:55| with who this was called a know is in Philadelphia as a park not a lot of people went there those are summer camps up this is the one that had spray-painted penises
00:35:05| everywhere yes exactly it was very pretty everybody well at the end of summer camp at the end of every day you either get in your lines or walk home where your
00:35:18| parents pick up whatever mm-hmm well there was like a 380 pound man it was like 40 fish or more glasses and he would ride out to everyone with his big old duffel bag out of breath of his fat
00:35:32| - eh and all these kids come out like twelve eleven eight nine seven five you would go to right where we would all exit and he would sell us GIMP you'll give this you know give this is a GIMP
00:35:46| program but that's not it and uh the little plastic spools on colorful string but it's like string but it's plastic and you would overlap the strings to make like designs like you make box
00:35:59| design zipper you crisscross it you do there's a five string he's typing again folks holy God I don't know he never had a game called my sister Handy's there you
00:36:14| go and you can make him yourself yeah we call them the in demand because he would sell GIMP for like 80 cents is however hollows cheap man hold on I didn't realize that I just thought that was his
00:36:25| job like that was like his career is you know he'd be like oh there's an engineer he's the give man he um he plays professional basketball and my parents were always weird it was like did did he
00:36:35| follow you guys home didn't really know he stays it that he stays at the camp mom what's what's wrong in a they wouldn't tell me but like looking back like just recently I'd be like holy shit
00:36:46| man was probably trying to live her kids or something that's a little it's a bit much dude you can ask him how to make the different designs whatever he would try and help you he had all these spools
00:36:56| of colors like he was like he went eight feet of green and give me a B to be measured out with his little ruler and cut it and charge you like a dollar thirty or it all was huh I also thought
00:37:10| maybe that is the only way you can make money and then I was like nope I can't justify this oh man anyway the only would make per day eighteen bucks I made that up but all right that's
00:37:25| kinda scary that's pretty scary that is scary so hold on so when mom was like one time he was like talking to my sister or something again she was trying to buy green and purple game shoes I may
00:37:36| go wherever a friendship bracelet um prep bottoms up what is he talking to you so certain I'd be like she's boring purple good it's good long yoshi and she was like
00:37:48| she was like tell him to leave your sister alone because my mom is too embarrassing welcome tell the guy you're a fat pervert get away from kids tell that fat pervert to get away from my
00:38:02| children pinky okay mom go over be like bubble just to go and she said anybody and I was like ooh but I thought about him and I thought about again but I was like it
00:38:17| was pretty funny like and get man was probably in the luster or wanted to be I feel like he was too cowardly to go through with it I don't know I don't know he could be he
00:38:28| gave me a brave powerful super strong Tom Lester god bless him my guess is he was a power and he may have died this morning the children's lives that much better and then I thought that was just
00:38:43| a really good guy and he like was a firefighter going today just a fat one and then it and the afternoon break seems like also colorful string that children and not oh talk other parents
00:38:54| at all because I'm afraid of them and and we would ride that bike I still remember his weird using the quick car get a bike who got his bike there and it is in a duffle bag
00:39:08| all these GIMP products so like this is before the days of Internet I mean you couldn't order GIMP anywhere who the hell knows what store sold yeah you flipping through some catalog to trying
00:39:17| to costume the number is it right so I mean it was convenient I guess and a summer camp is where kids would use it Thanks maybe the counselors are still outside it's not like they would just
00:39:26| leave them be like get men's Aaron let everybody go but anyway I thought to him when I was thinking of old school stuff like oh they cut camp was funny and I was like oh the kid man huh these two
00:39:40| have other things like the I know those like Snap bracelets that we made of metal I don't and then eventually one of them like started we were in and then all it
00:39:50| the person's wrist that's the zinc would that ever happen to you I'm not doing dog steak dinner it keeps getting better now heaps it keeps cuddling everybody wait a sec
00:40:00| it hurt me hurt me it keep doing it it hurt me how is tiny cut loose it's bigger lips to bigger oops I'm bleeding oh my god I'm gonna die reuse this around my neck there's so
00:40:16| many little things like that there's just pure plastic bullshit oh yes that's putting one now - I guess so these were not experienced I mean maybe in 10 years when our children finally get involved
00:40:28| in that crap he'll be like stay away from the GIMP men no actually I probably like hey get man I have you on Instagram I have you on Twitter is we're tracking you step outside I'll step to you well
00:40:45| was your throw back but mine was pretty dark I'm gonna just say it was the bracelet things I also have those huggable wait plus there are these little like take things I my mom my
00:40:56| sister like the put I like that right not like right no no they're like these little plastic cylinders that you would arrange in this like heated tray and you can make different patterns out of them
00:41:08| and then when you heat them up they use together and they form a pattern interesting something get mean slight right thank you how's it a bit saying people making like
00:41:17| Super Mario and Yoshi out of them that's the ones I've seen today that maybe they still exist they got a man they're still making like the get man could be that's a perfect name for like it the creepy
00:41:29| villain good man they give the giver quick shout out to a big listener in the podcast who's one of our faves build a until then six nine I don't know you said his name they were all gonna look
00:41:50| long please good he's seriously he loves this podcast II he he listens to us on an old ham radio that's Hugh W each I said oh man 69 okay good that's what I said anyway
00:42:11| anyway he he told me the other day that he found this girlfriend's journal like her diary which Patriot flipped it so exactly I was like you didn't open it digitally I did don't do the middle only
00:42:26| one of those pages that's very creased he opens it up wouldn't become probably Ryan Gosling like that's you would think a normal girl whose picture crossed out early pentagram
00:42:41| she wrote this fiction if she's the main character right on and she finds his rare amulet it's ancient and she unearthed that she at least enters the Flat Earth hold on she it
00:42:55| gives her the power to shrink any man on her huh so what she does she keeps it's all the same paragraph just with a different person so she's like she grabbed the power amulet and she turned
00:43:09| to Hitler and she said he i'm shrink and she would shrink hitler back in time and step on his balls those are thing so then he found two stories where she shrunk him turned to him and said hey
00:43:23| dil van I shrink thee and he shrunk and I stepped on his balls she does is really tons of people through history there's a George Washington I shrink thee George Washington and she steps on
00:43:34| his bones I shrink thee Ben Franklin and she steps on his balls he's no clue anyway he literally pretended he didn't read nothing close the book back up put it back under hello
00:43:46| what are you doing at this point I don't even know you can't bring it up headed how do you how do you find to bring it up hey babe is what I'm doing to step on me tonight anywhere can even see your
00:44:02| Halloween costume would be a shrunken version right pretend pretend you're a giant where you would step on the doll oh that's what you do I want you to be a bigger person yeah hold on drop it down
00:44:14| low in front of her just like you and see where she steps on it with your with your nuts hanging out buddy I dropped this dog did you pick it up yeah pick it up and you would use shoe instep
00:44:28| lines balls because that's our thing again the visual from stepping on balls is just anyway good luck build and we really root for you here at the podcast thanks for listening
00:44:41| hopefully she ain't listening show about the numerator that's all that will be left just to do and she will step on your balls yeah she'll get her way I guess really sad
00:44:54| actually yeah I hope people related that to what argument he had with her but he Frye isn't that smart to look bad he's built huh I can't read we got a picture picture
00:45:09| crap we have arguments that I draw pictures and she gets even more mad diagram I don't even know what I'm drawing so that moves us on to uh to our eye or the day oh you do you didn't I
00:45:27| actually I have a good one actually dude all right how do first good lights out that girls nice minds literally a word that has been in my head since I was an English major in school indomitable oh
00:45:38| yeah you know they were yeah well William Faulkner wrote a book about some kind of bear and I don't remember it seasons steamboat or something there's a steamboat or a bear involved trust me
00:45:51| Floyd Faulkner okay Arkin Oliver 1941 shit twenty anyway he uses the adjectives in Domino like four hundred times to the point where I ignored it all the time because I was a much major
00:46:04| I can just pretend I know that means and it wasn't what does this word mean because that's how I would do it most words I didn't know the final exam all right I looked it up and uh it's been in
00:46:15| my head ever since because no one else uses that word except William Faulkner in that book there are certain words that just don't get used in right and he used it so much that it was like wow
00:46:26| buddy let it go do you think he parented normal speech all the time and people are like God he was trying it out and since he's like ah the freight train coming this way I find it indomitable at
00:46:37| most and people are like bill bill don't even make that joke he's a designer I'm writing in time that Bill's here I love those in dumb little french fries
00:46:52| please you're just regular they're gonna sear my insides and remain French fries throughout the process my word is a little bit more awesome and sexual or non-sexual it's actually close
00:47:11| Murphy Lea pure pleasure not Billy Oh Billy enjoy winter pleasure was that was a pleasure that's a certain type of pleasure it's actual it is definitely sexual clitoris and this is from mine
00:47:27| hunter which I've been watching on Netflix and I'm almost done which is pretty good but clues are philia is the enjoyment of enemas yeah how can you want them uh yeah I think you it's
00:47:41| either way you give them or take them which is I guess but I don't I don't see how you perform a normal sexual act after enjoying an enema because that's gonna get messy that's just not I don't
00:48:02| know how that's fun I don't get it enjoying the enemas Tavian and then pooping it out right I don't know I think they didn't specify what happened first it has to be there's no way you'll
00:48:13| enjoy that putting whatever into your butt and then when you have to prove with two minutes later no it's probably all part and parcel an animal huh and then it's probably the beginning and me
00:48:23| so you're saying this is completely logical then I don't know I don't know with them some think there's no either like they enjoy the first half of it they're like this is great and then
00:48:34| afterwards really this is terrible like you just did this to yourself there's no I think there is that seem even it's better at me this before that's an interesting individual close
00:48:48| Murphy lyac mmm-hmm hey close Mose click that like button subscribe down below Anders uh if you will that was a blink that was a place one eye at a time blink or a double wink
00:49:06| sever you want to take it guards good words I do want to say something ah who do you get there you get there yeah make sure you make sure you're in the
00:49:19| light you're not in the limelight there's no limelight in there oh I apologize I apologize Martin that's too close george george RR martin dude
00:49:27| Gamzee oh sorry there you go perfect that is perfect I'm moving well I don't I want to talk no no I want this book take everything anyway guys george RR martin Game of Thrones oh that sounds
00:49:43| like the hit TV show everyone's talking about of course everyone knows the show does everyone know the book I know everyone knows it isn't book I know everyone knows it's a good book actually
00:49:53| try and read it everyone home i i've been instead the sturm I think this is great for $18 in the USA if you're in Canada its $21 I want to get to do the disparity and I'll give it damn it
00:50:08| anyway this is the paper record it worked as well as the hardback version I can't put this book down right now it's just glued to me and the thing is you think you've
00:50:20| seen it all when you see the show we'll check the book look at all these pages know what you're getting in here more characters more stuff more drama more nudity everything and it's just what it
00:50:31| is it's simply incredible it's it's spawned the TV show so if you like the TV show chances are you're gonna like the literature think people anyway I haven't read a single pages
00:50:43| frigging book reading is for nerds if I did hook me down on this book I really think everyone should give it a shot I will not I don't even know what book of the series it is middle who cares
00:51:00| reading is for nerds anytime season when reading don't coffee on their book I'll teach him a lesson huh you know what you really need to get the audiobook and
00:51:10| if you got the audio I think use some Bluetooth headsets because these things are fantastic pretending you do work while at work while listening to a podcast or
00:51:20| audiobook where's the wire oh these ones oh they do have a wire actually that meant the wire oh there's there's multiple wires who I mean who Wireless why what well actually I'd like to bring
00:51:37| that up because I have two of them oh and this one I kind of don't enjoy does it falls out when I'm running when I run I'd rarely run I made sure I ran so I was disgusted by it and the one time
00:51:52| that I ran in the past month it fell out and I was like I can't use this ever so then I got this one which it has this weird earpiece thing which I'll put that up there that make yeah it's like sticks
00:52:05| in your ear and make sure it doesn't fall out but then you got this other one that's like flailing around which is just like I think I need to be in your shirt dude look it just starts to drip
00:52:15| like drag down it's just annoying it's just annoying yeah that's why I that's that's exactly why I recommend this product it's the the to run m26 oh shit it's fantastic whoa I can't believe this
00:52:33| actually existed and I I might look like my grandmother from 10 years to go but he said let the hair the facial features the wrinkles on the eyes the earpiece the shirt he's home with the whole pack
00:52:47| but actually uses today for two conference calls at the same time it was amazing I was doing twice the work of anybody at where I work it's just amazing Wow listening to a
00:53:01| podcast it's strange how that I could do so many things with just a simple Bluetooth headset D to run m26 sounds expensive so the o 16.99 that's it
00:53:13| that's it I can't one today maybe that tomorrow cuz the day's running short absolutely it is all yeah it's happy good I prefer this one it's good it doesn't even hurt my ear my tiny
00:53:26| little ears folks what are you saying is so true that I have to relieve my bladder okay leave the goddamn podcast running tonight to piss you go do I tell them about something I don't care I
00:53:38| really thought the man you cut it I don't care never leave this talk to the bitch but you talked about this oh man he talked about how good he was peeing the last episode where he was driving up
00:53:51| to some cabin in the woods and peeing in a bottle he obviously has cups nearby so he could just pee right into the cups he could do it on camera because it only sheets
00:54:00| above his nipples he has a thing with his nipples so it has to stay right above his nipples and he just he could have just let it go he could have just been peeing right now you can almost
00:54:10| hear if I'm gonna do a silent for a moment let's here let's let's listen in whew that's that's tough he's probably shaking it he's probably going to his woman and saying hey I'm gonna be a
00:54:21| minute but you have to stay sexy cuz I'm gonna be back in about I'm gonna make it gonna make her wait because that's the way they have to really you have to really have a nice long pause for them
00:54:40| to really enjoy it so he's back well how was it it was really good but it was anything really isn't the episode oh you probably did but you're gonna have to listen the
00:54:48| episode at on panderers at little more that's how we do it I'm panders calm I'm gonna go there you think I'm kidding yeah is it beyond patterns or just onion
00:55:01| just on panders it made realize easier that's easier way to go there folks okay whatever you say is a lie mmm-hmm probably it's really had to pay it disagrees all right what do I do I
00:55:14| have to get to the website you click on everything more clicks equals more on panders that's the truth really I love this stuff so I would keep doing it I had oh yeah brings us back to
00:55:34| all right all right got it is aligned with that looks good nice you seem like you're a little hesitant no no um I have something we'll go out on okay so dreams for me I know it doesn't
00:55:48| learn to make Tom and his are indistinguishable thoughts every state important work daily life because the word life is manageable mine is the opposite my dreams I have
00:56:01| trouble remembering because it change phases of matter they change time they change location so much mm-hmm seem like you're addressing the unpredictable in tryna learn from the under time I don't
00:56:16| know I'm trying to learn from its and what he's just saying that's how my life is maybe well I'll have to get too deep with when I dream like I'm in an old house that I used to live in and I have
00:56:27| a toy that isn't mine it was like this girl I dated once named Tara in when I was five and she had a playhouse of wheat I didn't have her name we were supposed to marry her when I was
00:56:39| five anyone did you give her a little game bracelet no this is before get man tried to molest him huh huh you could have married she give me she had this like sink cook combo and it's in my
00:56:53| dream somehow in my house which it was never there and it's opening and closing like a mouth and it's like weird cuz some people were treating it like it's not doing that but I am and then like
00:57:03| all of a sudden I'm also thinking of another part of the house the upstairs and while part of the upstairs might be weird and then I'm also thinking how that house is weird because the driveway
00:57:14| is from my house where I moved to in the suburbs and I'm like but then I think how there's like a superhero movie I saw recently and like it's Wednesday and I have to do this Wednesday thing it's a
00:57:29| ladies man oh dude it doesn't even make sense the Kingdom follow it and then like sometimes I'm two people at once sometimes I'm everyone in the room
00:57:37| sometimes I'm seeing through everyone I have to get past them all to become my true self and then I have to find out what time it is but time is changed already and then I'm like
00:57:49| back at this like I'm at my desk in sociology feeling for some reason I remember a desk and so she had class I had the word about sex carved into it or something anyway my dreams are so weird
00:58:02| they don't they don't usually impressions on me because they're just this fluid weird liquid odd I don't get it thing that as what there's almost no es one's a yeah I treat my mom had sex
00:58:17| with my bully thing like a girl I'll say that and it's like hmm that's interesting expand on that and you know again it was my mom and she was sleeping with my boyfriend of eight years and
00:58:27| they're like going in my father's room but like that's like weird like I can never have a dream where people I know do something like that because I'm like dreams are easily with possible actions
00:58:40| minor mine are so weird that I can never do that mine's always like you're just like about a movie that is mixed with another movie that's mixed with real life that's mixed with different
00:58:50| perspectives like sometimes I'm seeing stuff like happy stuff but I'm seeing it through a sad lens unlike everything that I see it's happy and I'm like imagine if it was sad and I'm looking at
00:59:01| and like you're going to die in eight years you're going to live forever you're a vampire vampire movies are bad and it's like my brain is content like it doesn't slow down and I'm like I'm
00:59:10| like I'm just along for the ride it's like one of those you just start scrolling words so I've seen your pages where you just have random words yes that's like the reason everywhere
00:59:19| all at the same time and just never gets anywhere it spreads that continuously it right because it won't stop because you can just build on the previous word but something's weird or something
00:59:28| I will sidebar how old do you think terror relay is this one's terrible she was in American Pie 38 you would be off by about five years but I was just seeing she's that much older she's ten
00:59:47| years old no so I think really yeah I figured four to six years older as well as kind of pretty good-looking and I said Tara that's the immediate error I thought of so I'd pull a pretender
00:59:59| white trash Tara terrified spike - like BB up at home here mound smokers would be good for the podcast just film it and drink down and then be like before to beat me up just come into my drum room
01:00:21| why should I do that penis testing pop sizzle penis yeah believe the putt were as real as you you know and my my dreams are always kind of like a movie set and I think of
01:00:45| situations that could happen and then right at the end they either end like they stopped and I'm like what the like why did that stops you dreams have part ends like dumb
01:00:55| end scene or like this kind of stuff like II wake up I usually wake up like I feel like my brush size we're getting close to waking up so I'm just gonna slow this down until out you're awake
01:01:06| it's like I wanted to finish anything out with comedic Kibeho because I only ever get to do that in real life so that's recent I mean um this is the back of the old
01:01:24| or she'd they all all those all those female pop stars early Thompson anyway Louie oh yes good so here's our movies in areas that you insert yourself and then either a celebrity or someone else
01:01:43| you know yeah like the time I watched a drastic old number two or three and it was the entire movie in a fat huh Chris Brett yeah he was actually one of the I think they're really doesn't cast and it
01:01:56| was pretty good it was involved so I if they follow my dreams playbook you should watch Jurassic elaborative so so what do you think dreams are physically actually scientifically it's
01:02:15| either like you have unexpressed fears which are probably float around in your brain maybe it's realizing Express what do you need to express up here this is really
01:02:25| I'm just asking I think you're learning from it I think you're understanding because you're CEO here really has basis in reality right so you're trying to understand why you feel okay I don't
01:02:35| disagree with that so what you're doing is you're confronting these fears but in a safe environment your brain yeah well it's all in a simulated environment I would say so that's so that's what a
01:02:47| dream is a simulated environment that you can do what it when yeah some people say it's training for bizarre scenarios like if I were in a burning building it but you could do any number of things
01:02:57| and maybe you don't even remember the dreams where you're like going out the window you're going down like that train for it you thought of it before grabbing the parachute yeah maybe you maybe you
01:03:06| have thought about it before it's just stored somewhere in your brain so when that scenario happens you're like wait well I mean is ooh as simple as something stupid is on swinging a
01:03:15| baseball bat if you've never done it in your entire life but you at least did it twice before even if it was like jokey like ah I'm gonna pick up this wooden stick I'm a caveman and you will get
01:03:26| armor yep see if we get there but anyway it gives you a leg up on circumstances you've never encountered before I guess yeah yeah I think it could be also like a recounting of the day which is what I
01:03:44| think some of the because I I was influenced by certain things prior to falling asleep that probably stuck with showed up that dream now what about things that show from like 12 years ago
01:03:55| well in 18 years ago or a weird desk you sat at like I said in the fourth grade and you somehow remember that desk but you've never thought of since you probably love it because when you say
01:04:04| that desk I remember playing pokemons inside that desk with the little edge marks and then the my dad Sheen's next to me yeah it's like I remember playing my own my own world inside of that
01:04:16| little tiny fourth-grade desk right but like but you didn't think of that for see I have a theory that dreams are a little bit like deep fried on computer you're throwing out old memories no
01:04:31| that's wrong a mouse just you're moving things around because you're rushing them yeah that's right you could be moving you can be a story and somewhere else maybe pick it up here move it to
01:04:39| here maybe move this to here maybe this is the forefront maybe this is here maybe even stack these three drink together because they're all related maybe you can you know I mean because
01:04:46| like we've discussed this many times that you've never come over solid answer we don't know how the brain works works on the minutest level like when I think of chocolate and I have a picture of
01:04:57| chocolate and I have a taste idea of chocolate and I have a generic idea of chocolate and I have my favorite chocolate and I have spelling of the word chocolate and other words chopped
01:05:07| up looks and how chocolate looks and the best chocolate I've ever seen there's two unrelated right there's the they're all related right yeah they are so when I say top lit and my brain has to pull
01:05:18| up chocolate does it go to like this chocolate neuron and then all these synapses are connected and it didn't I just mentioned and then more like the first time I kiss the girls in chocolate
01:05:27| first time I had chocolate syrup pour it on boobies and I hate it like do you mean like there is everything related to chocolate is connected to that to this chocolate syrup is not good on boobies
01:05:36| for some well I guess depending on who you are yeah but Dad Alexis that's like oh what Korean is not good either right right it's more the it's the applesauce it's the dreaming of it that really
01:05:51| matters dream bring the bracket is everything and actually most most dreams are kind of idealistic and like perfect you don't have her you don't have the messiness you can't get down to the
01:06:03| detail you never you know you're never reading a book in a dream you're never Tom does Tom you gotta study I didn't already know [Laughter]
01:06:30| almost the details of the dream are not for me anyway they're not right you just do it you can't zoom it on yeah so you you have all these dreams that have yeah I think that's almost like a brain
01:06:42| defrag I think the brains moving different parts of ideas feelings but I think it's mixing places with people with images with smells with place times in your life with feelings with other
01:06:57| people's feelings and it's mixing them all together at least in my dreams and that's I get these weird jumbles that are like I'm having someone else's perspective on something I saw once when
01:07:06| I was 8 in a place that I've been when I was 12 well in a scenario where I've never been but I thought I can be when I was 18 I mean it's just mixing so many things
01:07:15| that it doesn't make sense to me and all the possibilities that you never lived just to feel fulfilled in some way I think you're striving Tom Thomas right here so I think you brought this up was
01:07:35| it was called vivid dreaming but what is it thank you yeah did you do any research on that is that a real a little bit yeah I can't at all I have no control over anything
01:07:45| hmm this way you can control you your dreams and spread them out and decide what you're gonna do in them right by the way more people just want to make love with concern hot model at the time
01:07:55| that actually if you could get to the point where you could pretend to do anything you want here and with a model whatever model you want or I'm gonna mention name an eye doctor brain is
01:08:09| going overdrive no no it'd be like this this man is clinically brain-dead he's in a coma but he's the happiest person we've ever saved that's the same thing with Will
01:08:28| Ferrell when he finally finds a way to suck his own dick like he comes up and he's got like a long beer and he goes he's like finally and then he just goes back down
01:08:50| classic Willie Isaac I would love this you're dreaming though that sounds fantastic it sounds awesome but I guess doesn't your brain run outta limitations like you can only experience so many
01:09:06| things you want in a row before you don't want that anymore yeah that's like relationships when sure if the perfect woman is the woman that actually kind of rebukes you and fights back you can't
01:09:18| vice the Italians hmm but they uh they're feisty but um I can't remember where I was going with that but yes so you can't fit in the parts that don't write that don't they're not compatible
01:09:32| well hold on oh we should do to the matrix so basis right remember they have the uprising uh-huh the and they're supposed to wake up they're supposed to realize they hate the major tent fight
01:09:44| it because they're with an another major yes I hope I didn't ruin a movement movie from 1990s it rewinds really apologize here the Amanar we only don't ruin movies you know those
01:10:05| before they're just waiting to see those sexy sexy twins we're sorry that the idea white hair didn't exist in 1999 you know the the podcast Paragons of truth or mentioned this one before I my daily
01:10:23| listen in okay anyway listen and their friends the pod guys they love us Branson and all the guys and it's called like first episode of everything and they do a first episode uh-huh managed
01:10:34| to spit in the twins from the matrix - I haven't seen every episode but yeah what rich people was just going your perfect person I don't know like this there's albino twins from the second Matrix
01:10:49| they're like the perfect human this was nice apex or a fixed twins yeah FX yeah I think so either way up shout out you guys that's really funny it's a funny bit and this guys are pretty sexy
01:11:03| the purpose Ella port around and like gays they were like I and they have like I would say look leather trench coats with their pure wait get ready to get your butt hmm one thing from anyway I
01:11:35| call it a come cake you remember that scene right Oh or she's the Kate you know the cake it has an orgasm because of the cake is like a digital India well I'm gonna say
01:11:48| that for a scenario later on you think about it that the give man's gonna give me organ guess to feed it to me with his fingers I could just imagine those fingers tasting really salty and dirty
01:12:04| and just like having all the soil from the previous corpse he had buried I mean shout out he's probably dead do you think he's like once you got it 80s like 300 something happened so yeah
01:12:21| that's heart attack waiting for you for open here the better yeah and shoveling dirt is very physical activities hiding evidence is very physically demanding either real quick
01:12:35| for wrap things up a little bit we really touched on dreams I don't know what the hell they are but um I did notice comment in our last video that struck me is interesting reliance on the
01:12:47| ethers I don't you saw you gotta check it out it's pretty new it's a picture of a table a dinner table or a lunch table longest you can eat whatever meal you want except for legs it's wooden very
01:13:00| generic ticketed yeah its its norm square shape and maybe they were none rectangular okay I swear take a table look square well all the comment says is how did I end up here
01:13:14| I on the table and the name of the is a table well that was pretty funny shout out a table so I clicked on their website their YouTube user account sorry it's just a picture of that table and
01:13:28| says hi I have a table respect me and always place a coaster on me and subscribers and I think it's awesome how do you found this wooden beams thank you from the bottom of our dirty rotten
01:13:51| hearts they're yummy we think that's awesome we've all people all furniture the I don't care what color you are on care what you believe in up there if you serve breakfast lunch
01:14:02| or dinner on it just click that one button yes ah you know I was looking at our website the other day and it's hosted by blogger but she I mean that's acceptable I'm
01:14:14| accepting it it has a button up top so it says next blog and you can click to any blog pretty much randomly so I was clicking on that rapidly to seeing like what kind of blogs were out there now
01:14:28| there's old blogs that have been touched since 2009 that's gotta be weird like a ghost blonde yeah we should go through some ghost thoughts that's a good idea there are those what kind of themes do
01:14:40| you think the blogs showed after maybe like 10 or 20 clicks because there were some common ones that showed up were tied to are they related to us I wish pulling from 2009 relating to the others
01:14:56| would you click something in your vein or just something more popular or how's it work it's completely random it's uh there are a lot of religious running hire resulting God to God it's kind of
01:15:09| like the on panderers a little bit yeah cuz we yep sure easel weeks whole like Elliott so thanks on the bathroom sometimes my girlfriend's on them i exalt it extra exalting
01:15:21| all the time so there's do it I can't do this side there's there's actually a tangent there save it I'm gonna save it for the very end so I can let's cut it if I really mean to giving them so much
01:15:37| content and I'm these people who are gonna if this is a sandwich it's a triple decker home so the unpin or is that they just want to go wow push down on that squish it down where your hands
01:15:47| a little bit they're thinking why should I stop this in yet quarters or eighths because I'm gonna share it with everybody watch the whole thing and cheered again
01:15:56| yeah but I'm talking you squish the sandwich - it taught unrecognisable just bite your eat this meaty just tasty this thing that's gonna it's good for your soul people just do it and then like
01:16:11| subscribe and then to everything we want we're not gonna pander but you better do everything we want just and ER to us we won't add her new pander ish that's the way this works
01:16:25| thank you for listening hey folks it's been a great guy I feel like learned a little bit about dad about that gift and even a little bit about there's so much oh yes thanks for
01:16:41| listening folks we like you you like you lot where the up haters check themselves

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