The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP014 Sports Athleticism Heroes Idols

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP014 Sports Athleticism Heroes Idols

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 14 - Sports Athleticism Heroes Idols
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00:00:00| if you did do that you'd be like in the middle of the field they did we live Morgan for you and then you'd play it and they'd be like all that poor fell out is me looking so beautiful what do
00:00:11| you think people have to stand for it I think it would have to to show some respect you would obviously probably players the meal yeah Toma players still kneeling during it people are doing them
00:00:25| so I'm Dan do we start yes we did oh hey welcome to the podcast polls yes we're the offender's sure our boats unloaded that one quick did car there if you if you would like you can
00:00:41| go to our website on pander calm not hey on panders no just um panders much easier yeah they've already spun that off into a porn site it's it's us yeah it's quite automatic should check it's a
00:01:01| couple of guys talking sports tonight yeah talk about any table a actually we don't have her no talk about anything we're gonna hit hit it right in the head we're gonna nail it down mmm-hmm I think
00:01:15| you'll really enjoy it mmm-hmm what we do a quick disclaimer the under-18 they probably shouldn't watch us without your parents so call over mom go over dad with three years
00:01:27| get together and just watch us on pander I think it would really help the family there's gonna be some awkward moments you know but that's okay I didn't think you got here you know other thing to
00:01:39| note and mention and reveal is it all the opinions hearsay thoughts and likenesses to celebrities that may be mentioned or talked about on this podcast there are all just fabrications
00:01:53| clearly just not our true opinions or beliefs not anyone's just getting out of the way 20 do I have but I'd have to agree with Nick oh wow what a coincidence or did Lee oh we got really
00:02:10| odd stuff folks our chests yeah let's get in there we're just gonna grind this one out folks little sports talk before you a little sports ball hooked up some sports
00:02:23| cliches we're gonna use them for the rest of the night yes I'm gonna give 110 percent how about then I sure I'm more of a mental gamer so thank you
00:02:36| could make you think you're gonna win and then I have the other underdog here well we're on the same team so I tell Dan takes it yeah like I don't think his own teammates
00:02:46| it what a real jerk we're gonna lose but I'm gonna look fantastic compiled some great stats yeah we lost by seven yeah but did you see my stat line did it quick tongue twister no a new one I love
00:03:04| to try out tongue twister sure we didn't do a warm-up yet no like what's doing right now yeah I got a little prig into it probably let's find out twelve twins 12 12 weeks 12
00:03:19| twins 12 12 twigs 12 twins 12 12 weeks twigs I'm just started cracking up I actually said I actually think he did say it I can't say it in my head let alone out loud so that's that's cute see
00:03:32| you don't get focus I had to blow it up and put the beer down a little bit my pores get a little oily I know that's called pressure and here at the Amanda's we kind of know exactly what every
00:03:47| professional athlete feels on a day-to-day basis because we're clutch that's a real thing you know yeah but stat nerds are hiding from that one hey standards describe clutch huh on
00:04:04| the spreadsheets column for our next Accorsi yeah stick to it right next to waa are some war points we depth replacement so what topic do you save a little warm up maybe
00:04:19| a little oh I I do have some Corrections and clarifications actually let's do a correction because I want to so last time we talked about these these beads that were that
00:04:31| actually still exists I think they started in the 80s okay they're called Hama Hama beads you like melt them together and you can make little pixelated art oh yeah I've never
00:04:44| heard of that and I know you're talking about it now yeah one thing I just completely missed it no I got it oh thanks for getting that back out in the open
00:04:51| ooh this one's real important folks at home I gave you some tips on how to make pop delights last week if any you try this have to get a lot of emails really problem apparently dogs cannot eat the
00:05:04| delightful snack that I described which is avocados and cherry pits dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with onion powder please do not give it to your dog the pup delights just don't it's better
00:05:18| off just to not do it I apologize there's a few incidents not a big deal we have lawyers working on right now so just so you know we do not condone pop the light sight I named all the long
00:05:29| ingredients in fact every single greeting was wrong yeah because all of those are like death yeah right well we don't know what caused the dogs to die and yeah our lawyer told us it's spirit
00:05:43| help it be anything old age laughter he added up the light I don't know just correction eat clean that up the bucket rapid aging a guy right around the time that he had to puff delight wow I can't
00:05:56| believe he got old right around bed yeah it's nice you tell a jokes on the podcast and I feel like the rest this episode to be very jokey so I do like it something semi-serious out of the way
00:06:11| sure I went to a charity fundraiser for a guy who long he lost like all of his limbs accentuated arms and legs yes like up to like elbows in heaven well okay so he's feeling sick his once pregnant if
00:06:30| he is with her second child and she's like eight nine months in like whatever so he goes and they realize his blood poisoning and sepsis of the blood substitute visiting and I'm not sure how
00:06:42| I got its name to Clark zero you love the mom he's I strongly supportive but they call him iron dad 23 and what's crazy is he was in the ICU for 80 days think that put him in like a coma follow
00:06:54| it all the stuff is gone it spread to his limbs he they had they imitate his elbows and his legs and everything else and I think while this is all going on his daughter was born so like he wasn't
00:07:06| even awake to see it early so he was when tiling comes normal here I being and then this substance hit him right and now he wakes up and it's like the order could be weeks old at this point I
00:07:18| can't remember the exact age but then like you wake up in a hospital but you don't have your limbs and they're like placing your newborn daughter on you because you want the skin contact but so
00:07:29| we went to a fundraiser we raised like and he was he was air he seemed like he seemingly was a good mood I mean I don't know what the word to say isn't it you don't mean like yeah right so it's
00:07:42| it either way like that was kind of uplifting any kind of sucks no matter how good the fundraiser is it already happened kind of sucks yeah but you know right my positives taken away I will
00:07:55| clarify that at one point we we challenged megyn kelly to dance and brush she actually danced the next day that's interesting so are we making differences I think we
00:08:09| are plus my we contribute a little bit to charity so we can contribute a little bit to this guy I threw 20 on top of my ticket into just
00:08:16| what are some random thing and then another 20 independent fifties but we didn't hear them call our name just I got this wristband I'm on watch this is for a refund just look it now but it was
00:08:31| a wonderous cause I'll match that I'll give the guy 40 bucks one of the interesting things about what do you give it there was some sweet as you 20 and 20 or do I have to reduce my 40 20
00:08:49| was like a donation type thing a raffle there you go I was looking with fake raffle for me and I'll put my twenty bucks in lose and it'll be fine no somehow he wins I set it up for him
00:09:02| to lose you Oh hints so much it I can't believe it get a pixel two you get two picks off the bottom of the screen which brings us to smirk their smile yeah actually want to rewind for two seconds
00:09:20| because there's one thing I wanted to cover yeah we did an episode on toxicity and like rat virus things that you could take into your body that would kill you like you could drink too much water or
00:09:30| milk and then it could kill you what if you sit in water for more then I think it was like six hours that your skin starts to actually become like worn away and absorbs everything and sepsis can
00:09:44| happen that way because you have all these bad bacteria and viruses on your skin and your skin actually starts to like crack and bleed is it because your skin become so thin like you know how
00:09:56| you get print places yeah you just start to like loose skin and if the teacher around the corner ends up in my house unconscious or whatever and I put them in a bathtub and I don't do anything
00:10:07| forget about it overnight or twelve I'm not responsible for anything that happens to her man i right am i right in rapid aging people she has pup treats all over uh-huh she
00:10:25| talked to like he's really hungry also yeah I returned to pup delights it was the substance of the killer the judge trying sepsis in court along everyone everyone is guaranteed they
00:10:46| have antibiotics after that that trial by ruling Beth's murder smile Hey yes Marcus smile let me see you're gonna have to go first I have one and it's floating around there tomorrow
00:11:05| last part oh yeah and um I found a new band all right so I don't know if you're like me but like I'm very music centric so I'm always well a lot of my life is about music musical like what he's okay
00:11:20| I personally put acoustic guitars in the background to make myself like woo they're always looking for old stuff new stuff listen to different stuff you know and not like like I listen to everything
00:11:31| except country like that joke or whatever it's a popular joke right you know everything except country and so I agree what do you think now do you think those
00:11:42| people are listening to like speed metal or like classical jazz or like whatever like no they're not then they literally just mean pop and they also don't like country but I really like tons of stuff
00:11:53| and um every now and then I text one of my old college buddies or music buddies and we send each other musicians who I think you should check out so Collins buddy then he sends me a link
00:12:05| hey so check out Grails and I was like oh who cares sounds stupid you know mainly thanks thanks man now I gotta waste girls so I knew he was a big stoner rock guy and I was listening to
00:12:17| Somali rock house Somali bogosity wood house in smelly boathouse near smiling boathouse Somali boat teams Mali both something is the group but they're they're decent stoner rock did leaving
00:12:32| you listen to it feel it that's cool it's cool and I sent him that like I was like and here I did when someone offers you a banjo somebody back it can't just empty handed take a van so then I listen
00:12:44| to like girls and this is from like 2004 or maybe 2010 somewhere in that span but it's like more than four years ago and I was like I was like wow this is awesome I was like I could get deep into their
00:12:57| catalogue and everything and I was thinking ah I sent Ben like a note a van sounds like cheese Doyle them like another okay bandits - Oh havens work for them like
00:13:07| in you I don't change I'm gonna match it up right and I'm still but I text them almost like it's like you gave me a five dollar bill and I gave you three dollars and 79
00:13:17| okay Somali boat whatever they're cool but like I really like Grails and for people at home checking out Grails their hit song up all night you know I'm saying
00:13:27| Dani taking me seriously Bri get interesting I don't know if you're we know the series you're orbitals or your cheekbones oh my goodness and as she did
00:13:42| it I was thinking that's a curvy delicate is curved I was like you're not making me look like Bryce Harper's or feathered edges with pricing Harper or something come on
00:13:56| babe come on please let's do this come on anyway develop myself look much better let's play masculine that's good works less good would be more good you
00:14:08| know I mean probably but it's true overthink it nope and she did upward of that so I remembered my smile good was actually has to do with my son who is young and gives me an age group he
00:14:26| doesn't give me a numbers to use too many months to remember - yeah okay cool cool I know what you're talk about like you go by months yeah it's weird bringing who doesn't pay attended until
00:14:41| like I guess one but then like it's almost like oh is he - I'd be like no telling such a jerk saying that I think he's did you not know good do not know but anyway good what did your young
00:15:02| child dude he he doesn't really make full sentences yet but he did the other night where he said oh please I'm sleepy I want to go upstairs oh that's awesome - that's like I put me
00:15:16| to bed yeah put me to bed and it was just like wow it frees up like half an hour of confusion where he just kind of flops around and once there's hundreds if he's tired alright that's pretty cool
00:15:25| and the fungal okay - follow the important fact okay you go I mean you can play more okay I'm just saying I just want to inject here into by my armor
00:15:41| conversation thanks Dan so I heard today that there are actually four babies there's baby massage yeah sorry they let the baby get like you know they work their cash yeah it's like just like you
00:16:02| could make sure it's an Asian person right it has to be because their hands are so tiny it's the only thing I could have perfect unless it's other babies [Laughter]
00:16:15| the greatest massages so lady you see its rear old lady sign me up Sammy oh I got tiny glands that'd be fantastic but I've also heard there's baby chiropractors as well it's like
00:16:34| they're born their bones aren't even formed yet what are you doing I did research on that exact topic when I was looking up if chiropractic chiropractor E is real kind of rectory yep okay like
00:16:47| I wanted to turn it into what readers reunited meet or actress yeah if I wants a really good chiropractor is real and most of the people were like it's not really real it's not like harmful and
00:17:01| the universal Lucius right and usually the only harmful thing that can come from it is um big weird advice because they buy into like weird circles like they're not based on a real scientific
00:17:14| base yeah they're brutal either below is club right so I think the only time chiropractor has ever done bed is where someone was aligning like a five-year-old and messed up their discs
00:17:24| or something that like purple don't move I mean I mean I mean from their sake one time isn't that bad just like one time and the five year old probably had issues before they went to the
00:17:38| chiropractor right I have no idea unless he was just so bad and if he was just like eight seven maybe I should use the 38 year old or 30 quality month year old Christian so let
00:17:53| me do some research probably looking at connection section city you getting it done no no I just heard about it I thought it was fantastic the children actually get
00:18:04| massages and then the chiropractor part was now no I don't think so I don't see how he would need any sort of chiropractor Hey I mean work and he's always staring down
00:18:15| at his phone all day is that a problem or not yet constantly a TV let's fix that neck ears hmm so there's a new segment but I think I I would like to interject no health or else
00:18:37| yeah I'm my supposed to keep up with this folks I think we should share some information about each other so in the previous podcast you mentioned you were in a car accident so I'd like to hear
00:18:47| about that what happened I didn't even know about this actually we're finding more about each other as we saw this so the cool um I got tickets to a perfect circle when I
00:18:56| was in college I didn't really like the perfect circle but I love tulle so like everyone assumed you have to like the other that's one of the bands I listen to and then it faded away from existence
00:19:05| which one you say everyone he listened to today okay a long time and I was just laid to him and audition song I need to know lateralis schism and then post it a
00:19:19| couple hits from Etsy did but I've got the disc and plugged in my USB and then I don't know what what album they go off that's cool I'm down with the clown knows a terrible revela that transition
00:19:44| [Music] holy shit anyway first cursed and all absolute man we're fuckin good oh my god we're good yeah people we gonna be for 15 and under
00:20:03| yeah it's probably yeah the first 15 minutes or 15 mm but that period you gotta go you're out of here you kicked out no but also you drinking you're not 21 yet
00:20:15| you're done right here yeah I was driving from the University of Delaware to Scranton area to watch perfect circle play no and uh what's real funny is um I brought our effeminate hilarious
00:20:34| interesting sidekick who we all made fun of Wang I remember Wang yeah playing cheddar everything everyone has that in the group there was everyone right he was lonely made fun of the most in the
00:20:47| world and like called names and made fun of them this sidebar being injured right but we made him something called awesome points which you would get for doing anything Alerus funny breaking something
00:21:04| do it regular college guy stuff like able oh yeah they would made something called sad points stat points were more to anyone who would like cry over spilled milk or like wanted to stay in
00:21:17| and study looking at mean terrible awful stuff you know whatever playing cornered the market on sad points he would just accumulates have points on the daily and we would all get awesome
00:21:29| points I couldn't figure out why it was all I realized it was rape against him and I I would like to apologize tool and if he's listening yeah but you know so many sad points it was like I feel like
00:21:42| he was going through a major that allowed him to be like a state trooper slash constable slash park ranger at least high poly tense he's gonna get revenge on us all eventually he's gonna
00:21:55| nuke worst laws that have banned all some points it is a bit yeah however most points out people can't blame possible and uh anyway actually I have been on a
00:22:14| good a good guess that mine's actually really good guy and he does really good in the community and all that we were the a-holes yeah but where's the fun in there oh no it's already had fun
00:22:27| hilarious but uh I was driving on the blue roof and I was almost at the interchange that whatever it's called and everyone would slow down like five mile an hour and then speed up to 40
00:22:39| mile and slowly I was like bakery in effect which is the weirdest traffic thing ever I get traffic but yeah speeding up slowing down my shirt I can't believe some computers just just
00:22:49| cut that all out stop I'm not for computer driving I Drive better than any computer ever would so I slowed down to five an hour because the car in front of me was and the guy
00:23:00| behind me did not he just plowed into me but I wasn't thinking I was looking at my rear view I didn't think it would happen so all of a sudden I still remember a young fuck as loud as
00:23:11| I could because suddenly there was like all this energy in the car and I was not where I was a second ago like literally it must have hit me to the right because I ended up in the middle lane and moving
00:23:21| like 15-20 Minar from a zero so like I didn't realize I got hit I just thought somehow I transported to the middle lane and I was freaking out and I was just trying to make sure I didn't hit any
00:23:33| like I was like driving and they're always car stops so then I eventually was like why and what's real funny aswang was asleep in the passenger side of a guy-guy journey inside points so
00:23:50| he's never met my family or whatever and I pulled over to the side of road and I drove a teal Firebird in 92 very noticeable blur in 2003 whatever the hell was and a pickup truck pulls over
00:24:05| and it's um my neighbor cuz Kev's ya know my neighbor's dad I went to I worked with he was like hey I saw your car are you okay I was like I think so and I was like I was pranking cost I was
00:24:19| like I whatever anyway the guy gave me sorry the accident dude gave me his information his name was the same amount of letters as my roommate six letters for his full name I'll say it I'm Kirby
00:24:31| sued maybe we did it he in not be in the box when I was like I was like your whole name six letters he's like I have a middle name it's three letters like this relax buddy my roommates name is
00:24:42| like six letters for the whole thing you're an institution so we exchange information I told him I can drive except that was wrong so him in the cop drove off and I am I was like we have to
00:24:53| get this concert in three hours and apparently my car the the back end was forced it healed so wouldn't it was like lining up huge so I had to call my dad and while I was waiting that's when
00:25:05| Ken's dad came over and he like winched up the back he's like soy yeah pull over here and I was like thanks where did you come from Leo's is cool so I was like you're my
00:25:14| neighbor at home we're like 30 minutes from home he just recognized the car and he drove off he was like you good at like yeah I'm good and then I was like I didn't work so dad
00:25:24| had to come and this is so funny cuz Hwang is very like feeble and like holds his body like this he always said I was manly which I don't think I am but like I guess compared to Hindi character we
00:25:37| didn't like a golem or like get gone exactly a golem that's a wow that's incredibly we said God we used to tell him he was gone just his face of calm get him sad points for it yeah mmm at
00:25:49| that point all right so this is in in his voice he's never spent real-life time with me just in college and my dad shows up and pulls over a didn't say anything to do it just walked over
00:26:02| no he won't go he looked at the tire and he walked back to his car and grabbed in packs back over and he turned the Exide way so you know the back end the flat end of the end he just hammered the car
00:26:13| for like six straight minutes well I'll even say hi to me and we finally got the metal part wedged all for the wheel and he's like I think you drive home it was like thanks dad and we got in the car
00:26:26| and he's like was that your dad like dad and he's like he didn't really talk to us like to the color be great if he just grabbed it with his hands and just like Zach for the record my dad is
00:26:43| like six foot four and like huge and used to lift weights and stuff it was - hey as a mustache he's like me what bandolier I guess I wonder if he shames you every day what happened it's like
00:27:00| you're altering and you're like they're gonna be just like my dad said he was like 200 pounds at like fourth grade and like six-foot muscle I wasn't like super mostly give him a
00:27:12| muscle come on don't give the guy so much credit come on do you think that your dad had more pussy in his life that needed no no he fell in love at an early age and he
00:27:26| stuck with grade school turned into high school of turned into they were sweethearts they got married and had me so anyway that was that's really the personal
00:27:42| story yeah and we did see we made it with like 45 minutes to spare for a perfect circle and I still remember Maynard's big joke which I'm sure he told a
00:27:51| million times so it's not as funny but when I heard it it was funny he said nah nah never went who it was there he went little boy blue everyone Michael Jackson James Maynard I'm sure for a thousand
00:28:17| times it wasn't really good it's pretty good you know he told it like 400 times oh definitely so it's not as funny it's funny if he thought it up like an hour ago that's
00:28:27| real not like Gus we're on the Prophet I don't know which one is on the cup which is a correction I think the action can read off their cuff to figure out their own lines or was the cough the lines
00:28:44| always maybe off the cuff is that you're ignoring the lines in here I'm gonna think about well this is really crazy hold on we're talking about celebrities it's our favorite part of the celebrity
00:29:01| all right I waited all week for this I can't believe it's gonna happen I got one ready and I know you love these so much just get it I get I get I get my mind
00:29:15| all right listen I already got it all planned out who's everyone's favorite musicians if you name two at random had nothing to do with it sorry Andre of ocelli and Stevie Wonder right just I
00:29:30| mean if you're just asking the guy on the street put your two favorites Bocelli and Stevie Wonder Pacelli this is a singer yeah anyway the fact he's blind I challenged
00:29:46| both of them to a celebrity cook-off and it's like the Hell's Kitchen type scenario where they have to use the secret ingredients let me give them a things and they just gotta do it in like
00:29:57| under an hour it's what are the eat things I'm gonna shove do it I mean we can do it if they if they both I didn't we up your bucks for charity yeah pony up and match right
00:30:11| over and if they do it live in a studio like one of the Iron Chefs videos on one of them like hot skillets and they got this stuff going on they got jars and stuff it will help tell we might do one
00:30:23| but either way I want to see them to go at it and they can't have help does seem enjoyable I would like to see that see and if they do to this we are willing to contribute to charity
00:30:36| otherwise we are not going to contribute to charity dollars I mentioned earlier [Music] so do they have to sing while they do they probably will I know that birds no
00:30:54| but my jerky for wondering how they're going to do a blind they could sense to eat right so they could since the hugest means your hand on the
00:31:05| flame how would you know you know all the other celebrities that are eating the food will just say it's delicious they're not gonna say all this is I just wasn't really doing people Paris up in
00:31:15| the kitchen all the time I I do I mean I think they probably know exactly where everything is that's like denominations like sure our countries have figured this out that
00:31:25| like they're their dollar bills with different sizes or their even though I kept Braille on them but us being the number one country in the world hasn't figured this crap out so all our bills
00:31:35| are exactly the same with no Braille good point yeah so I mean why the hell is it they come on Donnie yeah come on closer pray oh I'm gonna grow these bills other
00:31:48| people remember that's our POTUS you say yeah three years three years but I believe blind people know the order of their bills so like they will they'll have like a set number it'll be like
00:32:08| these are ones fives tens and twenties maybe they just use great part who cares I told them I think when they get from the bank they say like give me exactly this because I have issues seeing and
00:32:20| they'll be like are you blind they'll be like I guess so how do you bring that up sir I can see you're staring to your left slightly well like I said I guess he's playing the piano I don't
00:32:36| understand and you're cooking ribs to cook in here so fire well good Scott I have a couple things we didn't say what I think the interesting is we've on to the main topic we're gonna skip all over
00:33:10| yeah I burned the main topic no you bill hello's oh you think I don't trust me I got some good stuff here no I don't know I don't know if you I got some good stuff too I
00:33:22| just want to let you know that you sure yeah I'm positive well recently I bought my Stein 24 piece from Les and Doug it's literally one of the better and of using one of those
00:33:37| today actually steep they have one of the better-known kid programs they always a spot on it's usually packed I'll response visual response 100% ton of things or it is a little bit alarming
00:33:48| yes it is anyway this one's a twenty four piece floor puzzle he has trouble with puzzles because it's just the tiny little pieces it's a three foot by two feet the whole thing thing takes up tons
00:34:01| of room look or and it's his favorite stop bus train taxi ambulance playing cop car train abs it's everything so you can set it up and do whatever it's for ages three and older he started it to a
00:34:15| half my kids a genius anyway when I say started I mean we just got the box I spent thirteen ninety nine is the lowest advertised price opposed wonderful the only problem is why I open
00:34:30| it Melissa muscles like you're dead whoa two oranges thanks you just handed my kid life who's that the scenario is that the joke Thanks my kid will not be putting together your puzzles anymore
00:35:02| some disgruntled employee at the Miss Mullen Doug story I'm going to give this kid lemons he's gonna make look I made quite an Italy huh more than my family like it didn't make lemonade and still
00:35:15| make it's pretty good I myself do not have a product because I don't and ER do not under are the opposite of had an ID pandered Nick you should see it but I do have a word of the day
00:35:40| dangerous are you ready for this word of the day I hope so the team I guess is this the longest word of the day we've ever had I don't know I think you know what this is it's
00:35:51| a characterization ilysm are you familiar with this onee people characters or characterize them the act of comparing ourselves to our everyday lives and mechanisms to characters
00:36:05| receive in movies and TV shows oh wow that's hello where the bidet thanks yeah are you sure your booze isn't picking it I mean I understand how it's bad funnier you're loving it I don't get it it's
00:36:19| because one of us is laughing hard or the other it's dad yeah because you know where I got that word from someone's blog in March 2009 Jagga jam yep that's it no that's a really good poem funny
00:36:58| cuz you're mentioning last time we should talk about blogs they have been abandoned it did is for the record folk when we were back into blogging it's sad because this dance look better in our
00:37:10| stats but there is one familiar one common denominator myself do you want me to read what you wrote I'm interested though I'll read the first paragraph and I'll try to make it snappy
00:37:38| you can't make one of my paragraphs snappy we just compare yourself non-stop we watch the Jackie Chan movie and go hey that Jackie Chan guy has my she termination and intake engineer hey the
00:37:54| villain here expresses things about myself i diss luck like and it's like greatly for that matter and how about wow she's hot and she's blonde and I appreciate her aesthetic value but she
00:38:04| has no she in no way shares any characteristics with me unless I could care less about her pot ass that's characters in the 90s yeah okay something up yeah the do
00:38:17| characterization ilysm characterization ilysm one thanks liquid molten funk blog from 2009 obviously the current day funk doesn't know I thought you like wait a second
00:38:40| episode 9 page we need to talk about abandoned blogs and what it means for the economy the world in a later episode hmm we mean blank space filled up space yeah junk people trying to be in space
00:38:59| litter garbage my word of the day was actually simpler and it was because it's one of my favorite sounding words it's Jezebel oh yeah it went on ladies colon and Jezebel yeah
00:39:31| she's a real gem the same as trouble it is trollop yes can't get a little stamping their noses old ladies are jealous though they are they hate what you do China ain't you this is the
00:39:48| happiest I've been alive real talking their manners is there an age where the vagina can stop having sex if if I were to pick an age its labor
00:40:01| I mean menopause probably does it to you it's probably just like oh dude it's that true is it not true I have no idea but today we have you know up herbs and STDs no I'm just gonna say like
00:40:21| additives and all that I mean you can make it into anything you want to make it into search school opportunities get a little deep let me tell you that is backing off getting scared of the topic
00:40:42| no I was referring a tiny penis and scrolled on that if they did it probably isn't as big this is some size it's the same questions viagra stopped working at a certain age
00:40:56| there's always work all you know liable on the show please fill us in because we have no idea post a picture of your penis in the comments 283 and older only please yeah
00:41:10| we believe everyone else just eight because I think I'm gonna be zero until off yeah that's one of my greater fears not to get into it yeah wouldn't like it no longer works I'm putting mm-hmm what
00:41:24| do you do with it when you do with yourselves get rid of it I guess I could depressing in fact that was a sad moment you know panners both share they both love penises we're sure they're the
00:41:39| bigger stronger one single ones shaped like biceps always thought a skit where they get the party mansion that's bullshit dude to muscle a bicep well then why you got all the mains on
00:42:02| it because that's a set yeah you wanna slide on over and shift into the research topic a little bit which we have because that like minutes full hour let's do 59 59 I just caught
00:42:23| ya if you don't like gadwal's can you edit that I waiting for more oh wait CV pictures you mean the podcast or video yeah and it does sports so several disturbing happen to me I guess
00:42:42| text messages from Dylan he hmm should please no not telling all my secrets shake it I was trying to turn sideways but it's not going sideways on us manager weeps listen he claims he's
00:42:58| found stuff in an attic yeah but hold on look at this thing in the front right or left or whatever that worry there's a guy falling off the boat that guy that's a Photoshop copy of his
00:43:09| head full moon those things hold on I'll show you another one he's hit me three this this is Brill disturbing he claims his father is the original Bobby teenager do you know who Bobby teenagers
00:43:20| know when you used to go to the movie theater they had a picture on thing said if you're not 13 don't try you're not 18 don't try after the age set and it was like you need an ID a valid ID cuz you
00:43:32| know because we're trying to sneak in underage I don't care I'm like I'm like this is the fake ID they had out there but that's his face like something's going on here so then he sent me a third
00:43:50| and final one and I thought I thought for sure he's joking right like these guys he's always telling jokes he claims that he found this little thing covered in dust like a treasure chest I think
00:44:03| and he's gonna bring it to historians and recognize anyone I don't see anybody that's gonna step on his tiny little balls look dude totally bit
00:44:18| anyway it's it's the audio versions of podcast it's a picture of Jesus as a Last Supper that name is painting but someone did a shitty photoshop job where it's his face I don't know what's going
00:44:31| on with this guy and that's all he sent me I haven't responded yet I don't want to let him down I wanted to say WOW here I'll try right now wow man looks cool I feel like there
00:44:40| should be a website out there that allows you to insert yourself into every popular mem I mean you know I'll be that'd be a good moneymaker I think so I think it would make all that happen dude
00:44:51| have to be free this is free everyone will do it advertising right awesome we hear a pretty pretty bright guy they might not be brutal let's try that and it might not be a real be real I'd say
00:45:10| get help but he might never talk like that so anyway I'm sorry to bring him up again he just it's hard it's like a bad rash where you can't get rid of a friend
00:45:20| he's not really your friend you don't know what the tone you hope to god he doesn't reach episode 14 and the podcast he keeps orbiting and landing and orbiting and landing pull up mmm sidebar
00:45:33| you want him at the prettiest thing I ever talked sure went to Westchester with music majors just a visit and they were all music majors so what are they doin a spot then we're weird drugs they
00:45:47| did we were in a closed room and they were like they had a curtain in the kitchen separate in the dining room was like their smoke room and we're in there and they're passing around these weird
00:45:56| things do you can smoke everyone's getting crazy and I remember working over to do he's doing this with a knife like a butter knife right and he's like he's like dude can you see the flambe
00:46:11| and I was like what is that like now I'm like in slow mode and I looked really close to the butter knife and there's an actual fly standing on it slurring his wings over a few seconds he's like he
00:46:27| can't fly dude and I was like what and this fly on this bird I couldn't fly he would do this but it doesn't have me on no it would just stand on the knife it didn't want let go because it was so
00:46:41| high being in the room I couldn't fly and the one dude was like whoa if they can't fly we should call it a walk and the fly was just walking back and forth the knife
00:46:58| someone threw it off and they just laying on the ground and start walking again all the way let's go in their mind over the walk and says they have been the best jokes
00:47:14| it was a longer fly right it's weird because I killed a fly the other day all right I hit it with the flyswatter and I ripped its wings off but it was still alive like it just magically
00:47:27| killed his wings and it devolved in my home yeah it's a walk for other reasons I feel like it's gonna try to sneak up on me when I sleep in its just waiting to rip off your arms burning blood out
00:47:44| [Music] tiny incision we have almost 11 whole minutes let's get it big topic today sports which is he loves alright by the room you can see
00:48:02| sports i Sport sport Sport sport he loves all of them I mess it up but it's worth it everyone who has a border like this oh yeah folks I love sports i friggin love
00:48:22| sports I like how its grain you can't it has every sport on the most generic order I've ever seen in my life we got a football helmet that tennis racket maybe a baseball but could be
00:48:34| volleyball oh that's a baseball there's a soccer ball a football a flag that has the S check this one out this is my favorite part of it this
00:48:45| that's that's like our kind is but I guess it's more for support they all folks here this house sport rules and once let's get into a little bit of sports there are any teams that have a
00:49:01| full grey jersey just a blank great blank boring right it is sports on the back big sports team here mm-hmm be the edge all if you wanted to buy Jersey and have to cover every edge
00:49:16| that's an old person's primary better folks it's a catch-all I did some frigging investigatory work but I know you wouldn't not sure as we get more men it's the best one those
00:49:32| could be a few a few also I did all my studies were in the US a hundred I have ear kids between six and seventeen 1.5 mil are involved in sports excuse me 1.5 mil six year olds or a bogman sports
00:49:49| that's the biggest jump five it was like under a million but once you hits age six one and a half million kids it says okay well and are more important later parents sign you up and you're playing
00:50:03| sports organized organized sports peaks at 13 years of age and they drop off they do 2.2 million at age 13 the u.s. just thirteen year old story so it's like I lost
00:50:20| oh and it's men and women it's everybody involved so ages 6 to 17 and this was done in twenty thirteen or fourteen so it's a couple years old but in that year 21 and
00:50:33| a half million kids were involved in sports that's bigger than the population in Texas where one of my podcast paints looks sure it's a lot of people what they did is
00:50:46| they broke it down after that so what's interesting is never played a sport in their entire lives by age 18 was a good style I'm curious here I know so what would
00:50:57| you guess the numbers it's higher than 10% I don't what's the what's the max never plays bort you're talking about the entirety of the US so like through any money yes yes
00:51:06| I bet it's probably somewhere around like 15% or 20% it's 13 percent of boys whole life which I find galleon I mean I guess if you were obese to begin with that he hated sports and you're only
00:51:22| into math or something like you really physically weren't able immensely you weren't into it and your parents listen to you and you're like I never want to do that
00:51:30| like again it that makes sense like I'm not everyone shouldn't have to play sports but do they normalize it for the people who can't play and people who are disabled is probably even significant
00:51:41| percentage that probably don't I feel like people were just able to do play in those leaves and stuff it's almost like you want to prove something and you work harder but do you know what I mean I
00:51:49| mean I guess it's to a degree 2 degree the population among people who have a handicap whether an arm a leg disabled foot as something they probably are more inclined to play sports because they're
00:52:01| told they can't you know to me I couldn't understand that they weren't proves that's why they have the list do you see the hockey one yeah they're on like this let's ask Bailey yeah do
00:52:11| that's badass that's what I would oh is it is deathful the one in wheelchairs or they roll around and just smash into people there's like no rules they're all in wheelchairs and it's like basketball
00:52:22| it does look pretty good because they they like strap their legs in so they don't like Ram each other's legs and then I can just smash each other because yeah right see you guys over Santa women
00:52:32| I mean 18 percent of women that seems like so you're talking about like obese women but I've seen women that like have absolutely no muscle whatsoever like their skin and bone so I figure like
00:52:41| they're like the polar opposites make you think that you're inadequate so we broke down some other stuff your money has a lot to do with it the lowest contributing member of any sports
00:52:56| organized sports at all is poor urban girls if kids are City black girls you know where to place why waste the money anyway the like dear to me only 11 percent
00:53:11| those kids are involved in organized sports between six and 17 years old I said it is and I mean it but it also makes sense we believe cost money you're not to spend money on something you
00:53:23| don't think whatever but price does pay an important play an important part so I have here where you grew up also determines now again this is a 2013 study code change where you grew up
00:53:39| also because a big influence I wonder if I should tell you the low number versus behind ever all right highest percentage of people who were enrolled in sports age 6 to 17 year North Dakota highest
00:53:56| percentage is North Dakota yeah it's all waiting here well I guess right and that's all I do you think although I'm more spread out so it'd be harder to make a team right but I think that's all
00:54:05| they do there's nothing to do a pair thank about it honestly so in North Dakota 104 percent of the boys play sports I mean so they play more than one sport is that
00:54:20| exactly that's exactly that's exactly what James is that so they must play to in three sports to all the kids that play zero so it ends up being under 4 percent girls place 79 percent of girls
00:54:32| who wrote the code of play sport that's pretty good numbers yeah North Dakota's who was like it's kind of it is right so Iowa they broke it down 95 percent of the boys play sports 72 percent of the
00:54:44| girls that's pretty cool so then I look at the lowest two areas no no I won't use it yeah no I'm New York probably pretty high I know it's rural or urban they have
00:54:56| mother's name they have some mighty the whole one it's a state Florida has the lowest percentage of boys and girls pop now it might have to do with age yeah there's a lot of valuable well force
00:55:07| none of the boys in Florida aged 6 to 17 play sports so it's longer than what you should like seventy something percent it's much lower it's like what North Dakota Dollinger much lower not much how
00:55:20| it is lower than 50% of people 30% of the boys play organized sports again this is 2013 so I don't know and maybe it has to do with all the operations on the donger organized
00:55:31| sports they just said like because I have something hey the girls 23% and sad like it's like drastically different exactly from North Dakota holy crap but what we said about North Dakota there's
00:55:44| nothing to do there's plenty to do in Florida friggin Sunday go do whatever play tag we still do business would that be an organized sport yeah
00:55:53| just enjoy yourself maybe so then I did on 2016 maybe the Harris Poll where they followed what your favorite score was they interviewed a lot of people who have multiple sports as a favorite
00:56:09| what's your absolute favorite if you only pick one and then they ask people only really follow one one so I just mediated the results I used my big old and sexy brain folks
00:56:20| they're all work for you number one has not changed from 1985 to 2005 for the number one sport category right this is up to 2005 the study was done in 2016 but a compiled data that was official to
00:56:38| football it is 1985 24 percent of adults this is age 18 and older who filled out the survey business thousands of people not everyone the world 24% loved football that was the highest percentage
00:56:54| because there's they went over every sport like WNBA got 1% now in all these years time through the polling which is truth I'm watching folks think about their parents their friends then their
00:57:09| husbands their children their cousins they'll make up a population right even if that numbers forty thousand people a hundred thousand people that's a percentage dude right right it
00:57:21| is what are you saying so that's the 1% one family what do you think number two was on the list all three years I'd say baseball or soccer baseball we think number three was Honors College book
00:57:46| college the big thing I now know whole shit hold on cuz soccer is in here but we gotta go down something we think number four is across the boards already no no idea automobile racing at this
00:58:01| encounter support hold on it beat basketball that's surprising that's what I thought now again this is 1985 1995 and 2005 and it fluctuates a little bit but they're
00:58:14| within one to two percent of each other number six or seven rather ice hockey what percent of the population well I love ice hockey but what percent of the population in 2005 said ice have used
00:58:30| our favorite sport alright like less than 10 percent 5 percent yeah it's a shame because it's the best sport analyzed this is the other crazy thing so at the end of all my stats and
00:58:45| everything there's another study done in the world not just here we want everyone take a knee no everyone don't everyone stand for this this is America hey folks
00:59:09| salute American salute everyone stand up I wish I had a button to play the goddamn anthem I'll play it right now terrible on the stand cuz that's respect people we own 35%
00:59:20| obese rate I think the next closest is like Spain or so I was like 19 and I was like 35 that's more than the day of third it's our think our technological cocoon we're slowly yes just as where it
00:59:41| is because also there are all these cool kids playing sports things in the past year now again this may be twenty fifteen or twenty fourteen years but child enrollment
00:59:53| Sports in general was down 9% again it's a different age group because the earlier age group was 6 to 17 this is 5 to 17 but they're down from 9 million a year to 8.0 hmm so it's down 9% that
01:00:10| year now again is more than 2014 20 her age range in him bigger drop was smaller just well yeah all right but either way and a bigger drop but I thought that was weird so kids playing well sports you
01:00:23| know I know I did I think there's more things that are considered sports now too because the video gaming is now mainstreamed is this book I think it has a sport now huh oh my gosh I'm pretty
01:00:36| good that's that's what I'm gonna touch on and this next little segment here there's bring us all real yeah see so like when I think you're sports I think of like the fastest moving most
01:00:48| intricate things are the most interesting did you know ESPN did a study on the tops or the plus 18 yeah yes it cited physical pain fear of getting hurt speed endurance dexterity
01:01:04| hand-eye coordination there were like three or four others I didn't write them all down you know a number one on the entire list was boxing her UFC and it was boxing good I knew the number to us
01:01:17| I would say they're hot here it was hockey hello yeah oh yeah it was number three that's a football oh yeah Oh more after that I think it's a wash I don't know that I could pick basketball you
01:01:33| really roll on ankle or something whatever yeah but there's six foot nine and 73 that is aren't normal people doing ankle all another foot that's what I mean that's a lot that's a lot of
01:01:45| didn't make me anyway um I will round out the bottom five Diaz pins was the hardest whatever this after sports yes perfect curling bowling was under that under that was shooting that magic with
01:02:02| guns guns under that was billiards and last place folks I hope you're not listening us a relaxant the nice rod sitting in the lake because ficient came in number like 56 or wherever although
01:02:20| bliss was out of feeling all of those scores at the bottom have limited outcomes like if you watched a hundred names you would see probably a majority all the outcomes yeah I think you could
01:02:32| get crazy shit happening curling and I had like before he has four bowlers on here and all sudden you're coming in with one and you knock off two and three and you summon moving to the Senators
01:02:42| everyone's losing their shit everyone everywhere I never seen the audience in curling it there had to be the best curling game ever right who's got have you had to be one had to be one man but
01:02:57| you would never be announced oh there could have been for old people there actually we later that I did I did you call curling less have you Israel yeah yeah it was a little bit trickier
01:03:13| than you'd expect but not really that hard that was Sarah its gauging speed and brusha quickly trying to put some spin on it we were brusher I did both oh we got to do both to play the big roots
01:03:29| really guess you're you're try ships going oh yeah thanks luckily I practiced a lot what you're emphasizing the air brushing em teeth and sometimes brushing two at a time and sometimes got
01:03:48| something behind them bro electric toothbrushes misnomer place that batteries wants another stroke it when he is it so let's uh so like fast moving sports you would
01:04:03| think like physically fast moving like that what it takes the human body to move so like you think hockey like you're doing a lot sharing Hawk you're trying to analyze and move and pass
01:04:11| you're using your whole body to balance and shoot sure so that's one of the fast-moving sports for the human element but there's also - debate sports for well I guess like
01:04:22| hitting a baseball is pretty bright because all the baseball's move really fast yeah pitching is 90 you know five miles an hour but there's all sort of like
01:04:31| gravity so like ski is really really fast they get up - well pine scheme was like number nine on that ESPN was it I was like what I wanted to see what the top speed and skiing is because it seems
01:04:46| like it's 115 miles per hour and skiing really are you sure about that that sounds Nicholas that sounds like it's Google telling me what it is right now that's insane that's ridiculously fast
01:04:58| dude that's driving faster than those cars ago without the car oh can you arms the border skate can I know where yeah oh I can ski snowboarding is I guess I can't do that full speed find out 150
01:05:18| miles an hour I'll tell you that anyone's going 150 all the dams that work and then like the like mechanically moving with an engine I think what a NASCAR and f1 they hit like - but the
01:05:32| money is yeah 205 ish I see him hit all-time 210 somewhere that's pretty ridiculous but that's only for it's for less than four seconds right yeah and I think you might be more entertaining
01:05:43| that way but I you know what though I'm not a NASCAR guy but um I do think the the drag racers are pretty cool in general it's just a lot of work and a lot of prep for ten three to five
01:05:59| seconds I mean like in your sex life is kind of like that but finish bleep you know it's uh that's one of the things that like the outcomes are still kind of moved you know it's like you could win
01:06:15| but gears and the other person literally I would guess like thirty percent of the time the other racer either doesn't pull out of the starting ring or like has to cancel right or like something went
01:06:27| mechanically wrong like it's never like two cars going to the end it's usually like one guy stalls one guy's problem one guy starts off his engine flares one guy has a you know I mean and the other
01:06:37| guys just is just right it's true that's boring as hell yeah so it's extremely short duration with middle limited outcome isn't alright uh uh you know I could watch that but I get it after a
01:06:48| few times those transition to like the longest duration sport which is probably like marathon not a sensei it's a small took so it takes a while baseball well the interesting thing about race doesn't
01:07:02| have a start and and let like he can keep going you guys I think yeah they did to go extra innings Astros and Dodgers forget baseball a soros over here
01:07:22| yeah it's actually that was the best game I've seen in a long time that may games to be seen almost none and I believe I've actually heard those the game but yeah I always liked
01:07:36| watching the abridged version because I can actually pay attention and not drift off and be distracted by like you know butterflies or necks I understand did you uh what sports did you play as a kid
01:07:47| organized baseball huh then would you played what position I was all over the place right the one is that I play a pitcher for one game and I've got so bored that I did not pay attention to
01:08:03| what happened after I pitched and the ball hit me from the catcher throwing it at me because I wasn't paying attention yeah and I would just be like this is dumb I would just walk off the field and
01:08:15| be like it might my parents be like dad what are you damn what are you doing what do you do a day and I'd be like fuck this shit it's like a and then the best thing was that my teams would
01:08:31| always win so like that team that a little league team won the championship played soccer do the same thing I was like man I'm tired of running around they won its
01:08:41| championship trophy baby this reminds me most Canadian shirt remember you should get t-shirts and there are 24x I do because it was my favorite shirts then we give you a red shirt and say Molson
01:08:56| Canadian and it had the would you rather or if and or questions written on the back and it was like he's the best player in the league on a losing team or be a backup player on a championship
01:09:10| team I was like maybe the question is that would you rather be though I've been both I don't mind being being a loser on a winning team I don't mind either actually sure so I think being
01:09:28| the the winner the best player on your team for the leek being the best in the league on the losing team probably more frustrating because you realize how shitty other people are and every time
01:09:37| you do something right you could today with that live in you you're just like God god you're the worst hate you I've had that hatred let's start hating your teammates and your brothers down the
01:09:48| back W back the bench so it's like I love you guys you guys but do you really feel accomplished probably not I just kind of take it my stride I would like to say that the longest baseball game
01:10:07| that was ever played was 26 innings oh damn a lot of them are like 25 innings Oh what did it have at a time of day or anything it just but no one like how long it took
01:10:21| okay well then it could have been two hours right I doubt it it wasn't of all those commercials back in nineteen twenty twenty 99 it's coming by into the market that's coming I'm telling you
01:10:41| folks it's coming I'm telling you folks see I have a few more topics but I don't know if he can withstand you could can you withstand the extra time I can do some just not let's not go crazy let's
01:10:55| just okay side folks we're going to say here heard music this is active little life chant we're gonna open some chitchat post in there
01:11:07| how much longer us to go yeah just we're just gonna watch it right over here maybe we'll come back to this episode in like a couple years so what's the like most hippie sport like
01:11:40| but the most a a man organized one I would say it's like froth for I can't even say golf there's because Jesus Christ yeah I think what froth
01:11:52| yeah I've never heard anyone say that but yeah Ultimate Frisbee works - dad - I give both same I didn't even think of either cuz I was thinking of sports sports but on the same tone you've got
01:12:10| like the most expensive sport which you probably is like the crawl across ryan ice hockey's fighting one of the more expensive ones based on equipment yeah I think that this bar is like ping like
01:12:24| greens fees and stuff like that but Pureland Nadal so bad Oh latest you have a certain kind of way to dress even though you don't need to dress in any certain fit sort of fashion
01:12:34| that's good point and I looked at highest-paid athletes most of them were actually soccer athletes which I think they factored in I think that's no no that's a world thing - probably
01:12:52| Ronaldo was really still yeah who's number two LeBron was actually number two okay is this considered this is in their commercial deals and all this is everything he waited well career deals
01:13:06| but most of the soccer players are actually making real salaries that are its LeBron Brian they a factor of just a salary and then there's tennis which is Federer really
01:13:20| what number is he he was like three or four actually not a pigtail I would have gotten to the soccer players LeBron and I figure if you go first I know there are a few golfers in there
01:13:33| McElroy yeah I don't either but I'm it in you and then luck Andrew lottery luck actually makes a lot of money even though he's good play an injured right now he's like this is a well you can't
01:14:03| blame for the old bolts right now Cowboys are one of the franchise's that make the most money of course they are they're America's Team most people find them in the garbage can and their team
01:14:15| you can find it in our house in the kitchen the size of speaking this the Eagles are seven and one and in fantastic it is shout out to the Cowboys I do a live picture a picture but I
01:14:31| don't think a dumpster fire would help this podcast would would you did you really he says so I have one final category will categories which is I guess it's a question really it's like
01:14:55| what takes the most skill these are series of questions if you're a play sport what would it what would it take how much training would it take to do that sport do you have it support by
01:15:06| sport they're gonna ask me or they have an idea of what they they should be but this is like a five minute thing yeah you know I'm you don't have anything like what like what what sport couldn't
01:15:16| you do it all like if you started from zero obviously nation was over I was always taller ever since I was a kid that's worried that those will be big and strong like it it will go
01:15:27| so and Max Mars we used to display pickup with a little kids and I was always like the one kid that was like super tall or those guys really great basketball and simply a big ol strikeout
01:15:40| couldn't layup quick shoot to save my life a lot of hustle blocking going on why when I almost trash ball comes and trash talk I guess I hold on
01:15:50| thank you good at that so later so fast that's all probably just I just can't do it the shot changes did you go golf was difficult never tried at Magnum life but like baseball is one of the more
01:16:07| difficult ones for me because I was I didn't pick it up right away and like sixth grade I kind of tried it when I was already kind of late and late and behind the curve very plain so there's
01:16:18| this deer the short guys already had been playing for a while and they were good so it's like well yeah so that's why I picked up hockey then I think hockey requires a lot of skill
01:16:28| that you learn how to skate how to shoot this to keep balance and really like the most training then you really need to go into sports I think it would probably be weightlifting because that's a full body
01:16:39| type of thing like deadlifting something right it's a diet lifestyle also goes beyond the thing I still think baseball's one of the hardest ones isn't our old teacher yeah who said that old
01:16:56| baseball boat mr. Morrison in all of sports is to hit a ball with a darn I also think that pitches are limited so like if you have the opportunity to try to hit the ball but
01:17:10| their placement is almost unlimited almost I mean they couldn't pitch eight feet above your head and you would know this but you know what I mean I'm talking about like opportunities to
01:17:20| actually try to hit like a real curve ball or a real sinker like if if you could pitch if you could have a machine pitch you unlimited sinkers you could get good at hitting that sinker but I
01:17:31| think everyone's sinkers different that's true there's a little bit of spin there's ways that like right there's sure you guys break some guys break later some guys have different
01:17:41| movement on the ball some guys creep up on your fists or some guys lose speed as they move some guys start higher and end up lower which is simply as it's too bad and the Dodgers pitcher last night he
01:17:53| was showing that like he has sort of like weird like leg flick that kind of like threw people off in the timing so like not only did you do the leg flick but he didn't move his hands at all like
01:18:04| he wouldn't pick his pitch in his glove hides the pitch well yeah and like his release was right at the same time so it was like as a hitter you don't know what's coming you don't know where it's
01:18:13| going and then he had a really high curveball that was like it looked like it was like gonna be way high and then it just dipped or the last second well there's a reason why hitting 3 3 3
01:18:22| always put you in the Hall theme that's one of every three times you actually hit the ball well I hit it into play whatever unit but I mean that says on the Bucksport I think I don't like the
01:18:34| sport but I'd give it credit it's pretty boring I will say um I ran a hockey in college Wow whoo League yeah roller hockey trevone hockey we would meet outside the roller rink a Trabant answer
01:18:50| i met your friend Travis he was avid there's an avid he was we wouldn't meet every Thursday and then some Sundays I think and I started a Facebook page for a backlund face but it
01:19:03| was brand new and I would post updates and I would have like I had 13 people's phone numbers like when cell phones were just gonna big and I would call and text all these people and organize the games
01:19:14| I would bring them always one goalie sometimes two and everyone hung on my word and knew who I was and I literally started this you can look this the hell up before counter-strike games that in
01:19:26| government says GG good game I started that to be funny because I was being like sideways about it I was even on please DJ trust me you can you can trust everyone there's guy who always worked
01:19:38| for 2-z Jersey to the games he was enable but he came to every game legally zambie no or whatever his name once again was a he played goalie every time because it couldn't play any other
01:19:48| position with god bless him there was Travis there was dudes who I would see Mike he can I do I did I can think of literally 28 to 35 people who come to
01:19:59| these games and 30 of the 35 were college kids that went to the University of Delaware and the other five were just random too nuanced and would always show off for games and we would play for like
01:20:10| two hours every Thursday or zone it was a greatest thing ever and I was felt cool because I was like here's the Julia Bell together and and then senior year kind of stopped throwing it I would
01:20:23| see guys playing right away though not the same as true bond Hakeem and salt well at that time again I said see ya next time and panderers here real quick we did our
01:20:40| product what we did everything this is a comment in the last video do 13 it was from I just wanted to impress it because it felt pretty feel pretty important my favorite bring it off and when you guys
01:20:53| comment we do really read it and we will really bring it up will respond so good I meant down there we really will like I don't care what it is so Dallas four seven seven VSK it might be BL seven I
01:21:09| asked for seven so again the hunter shirt bro yeah thank you xxx check on this side here or free follows this one rare trick they don't know guaranteed double follow forward powers xxx as it
01:21:25| says link and I thought that's cool so wants to double our followers yeah organic I think we need to click on anything or do chicken eases gurus or coats nice so thank you Bellus or 70s k
01:21:40| he's probably a big it's probably got like pictures of us at the basement I always cheer for the unpaid or is PI goes to the website every day yeah I've been or sucking up I want to tell him he
01:21:50| can grow up and do what everyone huh we don't need we don't need shortcuts folks we're gonna do this the old-fashioned way more hearts thanks for being there tonight
01:22:08| thanks for you check us next time on the unpin jurors next yeah adders we like you folks we like it a lot whoo I

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