The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP015 Destiny 2 Introduction A New Beginning

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP015 Destiny 2 Introduction A New Beginning

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 15 - Destiny 2 Introduction A New Beginning
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00:00:00| and I'm Nick walk together we formed this unlikely group called be on panderers yeah hell we're gonna try to figure out this damn game because we just started playing actually I have a
00:00:16| play for recon I'll be honest I do haven't claimed an hour earlier but the first thing we had to do was figure out I have to get to the goddamn clam and friend page which is not in the game
00:00:30| it's not socially friendly I'll put it that way yeah if you're not like burr friends with the person you have to enter their name followed by their user number and
00:00:41| if there's no space this is paid and the pound sign better be there and better give a number right I can't believe interest enough though on pandered and non pander Nick are exactly 100 digits
00:00:55| all this range it's very strange I I decided I'm gonna join you at the farm since joining oh my gosh I just want to see Mike and I have never died on the farm yeah I can't believe you
00:01:07| have to like text a friend like your your username it up and and your your date of birth and where you're from and some of your parents has joined your fire team am I on your heart team no
00:01:23| maybe we're in the same one and I just okay wait a second okay I'm ready I'm in space I'm gonna lay next to you okay the first I'm gonna play this game I was in space for two minutes waiting and
00:01:33| then oh he had hit a woman I don't even know that you have to hit a button do you think stuff I cuz it seems like a long time so I always hit a button and then shortly thereafter it changes so I
00:01:44| always pretend to me I thought it was a glitch because I did on the ground and there was a waterfall of people just flowing on top of me and it was just like a hundred people spawning into this
00:01:53| is crazy paying very little bit in part of the glitch so where Nick's running around it's called the farm it's the first area where you actually meet up with people as a bunch of vendors and I
00:02:06| just drove me there all new people one of those is you or me like move on you like that body try muscular yeah I nicknamed mahogany side squeeze no good old friends here yes if
00:02:30| you're act your arrow keys or emotes right so yeah I believe so wait did you not wait with a black guy is better moves wait he does that okay I'm not waving to non-human trust me oh
00:02:46| that's a little bit prejudiced wow I think I just got that one he's got a lot going on man I barely got anything okay so he's like like a goth or emo or something so you know did you do any
00:03:04| missions whatsoever I don't even know if I signed up for me yeah I didn't want her to and I was like trying for what a mission is what a weird thing is what uh this guy is he's multiplayer yeah
00:03:19| critical yeah it sounds like whatever it is multiplayer it is I tried it and it is kind of weird I shot a guy like six times of you didn't die and he shot me once and I died something like he's
00:03:32| better than yeah there's something unfair there okay so the glimmer is money I think I figured it out now yeah glimmers money you get like machine pieces or something when you destroy
00:03:43| things if you hit em is the map well here's a weird thing I am played for an hour with the keyboard mouse but it's just easier to play with I forgot I have the Xbox controller that goes through
00:03:58| windows so I'm trying to switch the controller and I haven't decided if I'm going to keep it or not but now I don't know any of the buttons and I can't try out any my attacks because we're in the
00:04:08| fun okay so let's you already have talked to the person up there the chick I talked to pretty much I got all the what I mean okay now I think I'm the leader so I can go to earth which is
00:04:24| going to draw the desire to you trust land which is the beginning here that's where I was supposed to go how are you the leader all right you could make me the leader
00:04:38| no hold on let's just do a return to orbit bring the whole thing notice no just make me the leader that's all it takes how do I do that you click on my name
00:04:49| and they say he's more important than I am verbalist goes answering my nature why are you hit hit em and they I can see that you're not doing it I just did hold on
00:05:04| well roster the other line left hand your dad left oh oh you can actually wait you can do it there too okay Jesus the little arrow the little bracket means we're together we promote
00:05:17| to leader there we go seems like a lot of work just to make you a leader yeah yeah it's okay oh so I'm gonna open director go to earth and then I'm gonna drop us in the Trostle and I'm gonna
00:05:30| launch it so beans are gonna change once dude one two three blue one it's my first kill you did you it is but for the record did you have to redo it twice or something I redid it because I wanted to
00:05:44| enter my parent liner own ship yeah you're on my ass and then we it bothers me they're not like the Blue Angels they do some sort of different and you're on skype behind me and you're ahead of me
00:06:01| and game this is weird well that's gonna match us up perfectly yeah I'm gonna be perfectly out of sync it's this game is kind of good but it it's too serious like I don't know if
00:06:16| you you haven't Debbie played through a mission or anything um I started one we got here oh yeah okay this is good it's good I did yeah this is exactly what I did I just did this
00:06:32| so really maybe that's why I was a leader cuz I'm already ahead of here a higher level did you do a mission and this I did wherever we land here and
00:06:42| there's like a public event it's called the ever heard of citizen I get a public event with like a bunch of people and I had no clue it was don't long I just started shooting yeah I felt the same
00:06:53| way I actually met some random guy who told me everything about the game and all the pieces that don't make sense he started telling me like you know oh yeah like
00:07:02| who's do and once what news and bad guy yeah and I'm like why are these people showing up for just as one thing and then opposite you turn around no one's good no one's a superior everyone's gone
00:07:11| I'm scared of losing somebody Centauri stuff real quick because I the interesting is that I don't think there's any pot any please so get it I got this side make some decisions I
00:07:29| don't think anybody does is a double screen game walkthrough oh we're the first of our comment we might go out there can't do anything so I'm just including anything that has a high
00:07:47| number and I think yeah it's kind of where I go yeah I'm just trying to be quick about it you're here of I enjoy the feel of the guns they do I was saying this is kind of Borderlands Ian
00:08:08| yeah I would say so - I think Borderlands do better actually difference probably that this is first first I just offered cheese's now little these little pieces these chunks right
00:08:25| here dusk light yeah I just got what is it talking with my magic yeah I'm student charges and nothing if you go upstairs to the out of the church yeah guy up there so let's go talk to
00:08:36| avoid the sniper dude yeah yeah I don't haven't done this yet on this characters and I don't like this jump thing that tight doesn't speared well they all did we don't know it's an even though that's
00:08:51| a jump and then a floaty it's yeah and they all think they all know the bomb looks the other character the warlock yeah I have it as well so his reputation okay
00:09:08| new adventures available where is that on a map right behind me so you did the intro maybe start it I think they like a qisas a gamer like mentality will really help for like people who are like oh I'm
00:09:28| not seeing enough happen like it'll be a cheap people no left right it's like all man okay so you got to inspect some bullshit yeah dad I did okay you finish this mission no I like the Borderlands
00:09:52| humor is fantastic right this game does not have that humor ah yes double gunshots is weird okay so it's only really when he talks but those NPCs talk right there should get tab you can see
00:10:15| where you yeah you're supposed to go over there I got you so trying to figure out all my buttons again but change floors for those have you gotten a chance that's up here yes I did do that
00:10:35| just make it your business making sure oh yo check this out like so all these guys are dropping way back here on the distance there's all these people attacking them and they're crazy
00:10:44| someone's role my power yes and I think it has something to do with you there's so there's like two public events that happens and the public events show up on a person's
00:10:55| screen but what's going on right now what's going on back here this is a like a localized event it was the bottom of the squeeze it says like the enemies moving against itself
00:11:07| yeah what's that mean that means that this is happening so there's two different races that are attack each other this play part of the story almost yeah this is the immersive story right
00:11:17| here this is a hey let me see if I can figure how to use this well I did this yes well do literally on fire yes sir and what does the forever it's uh I changed all my buttons so oh I
00:11:38| died Jose I'll revive it all right I'll just you don't have to you that works they made my grenade but the middle click on my mouse otherwise it's really frustrating uh I'm so low
00:11:55| level right now that it's fun I'm gonna have to bribe myself and I'm used to playing what people were like level 20 and stuff not like you yeah oh dude I did the whole mission except for going
00:12:15| down those steps that are right there you guys gonna lose the next kill these guys real quick because you get more experience I can help you but them over exactly how much go oh I've got more
00:12:33| boring stuff honestly like the guy that leveled so quickly that got me up to level 20 the other character and yeah he went from this event to a public event that's right next door and then another
00:12:54| public event which is next door right hold on yeah we ended up getting some vehicles and with the vehicles you have unlockable yeah so you're just firing both of them the other way who may know
00:13:09| does anyone involve the meat halo with this yeah I think it's same because there's a halo art design it's like with the colors of the blast you know I mean doctors right then they're probably
00:13:22| corporately on shield we have probably finished the mission we saw okay because they're all over there Jo and yeah and there's no like a little ball Scott it comes out actually this
00:13:39| guy who are we the only two fighting these people in here let's go fight your number phone yeah you like this little edge yeah exactly guys run behind ya that's all here you
00:13:53| go oh it's one off here okay so he has purple shield beating purple lasers earning more or less I don't understand that part yet yeah ghost hearing
00:14:10| something that's better fire and head shots do count them more appreciate that anything anything looks like an eyeball to eyeball insects answer gonna depend over yonder
00:14:31| kind of a level-3 with that kill and there's a bunch of you so no no I get it do I get it for you no no these are all yours so there's like these white box white hexagonal
00:14:43| things they're the money they're items the muddy just automatically goes to your box okay the boxes are ammo there's like purple green and white okay and then
00:14:59| there's these like orbs of light which refill your supercharged okay that doesn't look that and I'm gonna scan this thing you've already scanned it I think yeah I see and that I didn't do
00:15:10| the part right after that I go down the steps yeah I did not go down the steps I was going around with all these public events and the steps are ending Sheriff
00:15:18| Jack please anyone else right here yep all right so I've never done this this all-new like so there's these things like these mini missions that are on the maps and this is a mini mission yeah
00:15:37| it's pretty much showing you the first mini version it's very short they have people at home that don't like video games and you're like I want it to stop we are probably not gonna play metal but
00:15:49| you know energy weapon it doesn't stop depends what you're using there's I don't like any of them there's like I figure what slot you're talking about but with the face hurt like most people
00:16:10| yeah pulse rifles and additionally though too slow oh no they have those impacts feeling feels not like the gonna B's right like 2 to 3 to recreate I like big the fin little cool Portuguese
00:16:27| garbage function is based out punch the space up so there's a boss over there damn he is you guys see that's where the energy are important and be knocked out for the shield again this correctly
00:16:42| I got hiding behind them yeah do these bosses are real huh so you take out a shield then you just start you're doing a face and then you gotta keep fire on him cuz he Jesus she'll bang right right
00:16:59| hey well yeah yeah they're like revolutionary destiny like this is studded whirl and play yeah yeah well shit just get a shield back don't get out there you're not Deming I just yeah
00:17:20| I just I don't pander to other people's personalities really wait I miss a little box yeah did you get that one did you get that one out what's up dude Twiggy suit yeah oh there
00:17:40| you guys see it now it's kind of uh it's kind of cool I could look over and see you're doing it's kind of interesting that I can see what you're doing Shep to screen if you have two screens
00:17:49| we could do it thank you I don't know what he's trying to show you but it tells me to do this you I that's another annoying thing those things don't go away just go away
00:18:01| yeah so you want this to go back to where we know we need to go but give these ladies how I disciple through weapons actually I've no idea and uh yep scroll wheel yeah I just saw
00:18:15| no it's an Xbox for oh shit I don't know how you do that then disabled he looked like he almost did it now I was looking at Mike wherever that navigator on your hamper where Lance had
00:18:39| a different feel for every weapon it was like useful whoa this could get there and I'm not to judge it and partly that way is people are they through thing yeah don't don't don't disagree with the
00:18:52| attics which you know there could be a heroin addict or a cook I'm not gonna disagree with that but they could really like their coke and it really in them could be really important legend cut my
00:19:04| onion oh wait did you go talk to me afterwards no I'm doing it now he gives you peace booster that's the thing I always pick the hand cannon has a good feel to it yeah it's like a revolver the
00:19:22| auto rifle against Lauer's submachine guns are good so I like to I would just buy probably one gun that you like you have better options than idea by that don't buy that
00:19:42| the shotgun is looking at one of the shotguns don't have very much ammo so it's all about alhamdulillah shotguns and cannon you think it's a little sick self are my walls your I can't see you
00:19:55| your bar isn't showing it's not you it's going on here these guys not supposed to be in here who is it Vegas yeah six minutes although there is um I think that's a
00:20:11| spawn point sort of like to the weird walls have you seen them this so it's a talks will begin no let's go over to the mouse and keyboard is just I don't think I'd be centered but let me said that's
00:20:31| fine maybe not why didn't do it yeah it's it's warping us to something I don't know what I'm oh that's you can you see me early not centered I I can see I can see you're not centered
00:20:43| but it's fine wait this one you're on the very edge of the screen I could see myself to probably playing right here I don't know what he's doing he's on this new mission
00:20:57| concussion maybe made like it still looks better like something happened in the environment is this guy captain vlog [Music] yeah the captain's I think you going to
00:21:19| the yeah you got here if you're gonna have you see where you go right all right I just switch back to keyboard/mouse feel much better yeah it's that's gonna
00:21:27| be I know I just thought because the camera is setting and whatever have you if anyone's watching at home without hearing let me know if I look more fluid or quicker with people or mouse cuz I
00:21:41| feel it already more natural so one thing that I wanted to say was that the other character I have is kind of stabby and he feels like a Call of Duty stab oh the hunter so what is this like
00:21:53| yeah the tightness looks low yeah I don't know what the difference is just super super I don't like for this guy really it's kind of strange what does he do look it powerful like on
00:22:07| bullying Thank You tank it off he's like a football player you gotta tackles okay so he stalks the other guy just like whips around at this destroy yo that's awesome
00:22:19| I forgot I had Jesus oh this is clever uh if you're under 18 maybe you shouldn't let's go baby is Wow we didn't follow the protocol here but we usually say that oh we we always say
00:22:38| say they must have missed it for leaving right here somewhere yeah I seen the red or his little red noses there's one right here he's dead see you play did you play borderlands
00:23:17| with bateman or is that I feel like you should always the berserker dude always then I loved activating a special and laughing that's sounding something you played with yeah they're relieved that's
00:23:28| everybody that's okay this is a great that's a great I always did the symptom one those are all disappear yeah the barrel or her name pushy at double I would do double mashita all the time I
00:23:50| made you bro all right I think you're back let's go let's go oh my god captain captain suckling this not a guy up there yeah I guess what gonna talk to his
00:24:11| family about this once oh I had shot him before he got I'd their vineyards crisscross will make you jump all that here matter restricted right do that leg tells us the noxious flames all over
00:24:51| your your height display oh if you got if you are running and you hitch I know it's it's a weird angle have you are using keyboard yeah it's weird to have it use your pinky not as good as a
00:25:11| really shitty actually no wait should we use them no no I'm not the sniper I believe she got that I have to be Lou is powerful but it's not good at all beautiful I should have picked up ammo I
00:25:27| didn't pick a terrible standby it told me to pick up a sniper on visit to pray yeah if I pick it up I let me sleep there the game keeps freezing on up it's
00:25:53| I guess cuz thanks going from Steve in a little window screen and because the connected in the game Oh was that grenade ears no there's okay supercharged
00:26:09| I feel like I'm cheating with the supercharged March excellent how could it be easy for them oh shit Oh what do you call that Mahal I did but then I I liked planet hell and
00:26:32| now I'm looking there's like either lights please overhead no okay there's a door right here she's a good ship maybe not maybe it's that way it means that way uh I think we're ending up down a
00:26:46| lot of red on my radar I think red is very your enemies are maybe a it's down maybe do sit down okay it's all those I know a shotgun that's not weird do you like you you
00:27:07| know what are these your shot calling and I don't even look at what your shot calling yet I mean I have the opportunity to those things are just garbage but you can scan them sometimes
00:27:19| [Music] [Music] well gain weight our fries right there what okay don't run too far these are explosive traps Oh
00:27:51| sand-like farther back than you would think okay yeah actually why I look better without it it's plain with this guy good lorry you got eyes on one there's one right here didn't blow up
00:28:42| onions let's skip that I'm gonna get it alright feel a little better now rebels kick it in a little bit baka I think I don't want to let me take a drink good I'm just staying here for a
00:28:59| minute so after this mission we can start talking about other games late we can do it right now but it's gonna be mindless killing so I guess we could
00:29:14| - killing said the best time is it a boss it's a mix of random low life characters thanks it's my card action I don't like the purple eyeballs yeah like that they're snazzy kind of
00:29:38| dangerous well he's gonna do love mo and see this is McKean that does get it right though and then there's no better feeling than being outnumbered by a lot of guys and just mow them down
00:29:58| like it's not like you killed one or two guys you kill like 400 guys satisfied just the pop-pop-pop pop-pop-pop and there's like two or three guys fall it is good and they they make a really cool
00:30:09| sound when they die actually you guys that sleep at all like you just inhaled so I went to a wedding over the weekend party was actually sort of in it um I gave my best man speeches on my book man
00:30:34| Nick can you take the best man well you know Dan and I do wear it speeches they aren't quite so is this guy invincible well purple eyeballs by now okay it's like I figure first green item I've
00:31:04| never used a rocket launcher hell are they bigger than this game I don't think I've been actually oh okay great I like you yeah you have four shots Rose come on
00:31:18| thank you I think I got you did I'm still mad I didn't I don't know how it works with that null square oh yeah I'm superpowers my line is that using it went huh I don't really know
00:31:45| how to use it effectively say you know you smoke that guy it does feel pretty good to run in things smash them yeah Oh actually Neal supercharged on Hey
00:31:58| look you need a gold bar just shot it the elevator is opening what's on it anything cool for relief yeah doing a horrible job at killing things trying to get that guy yeah I keep saying this is
00:32:40| like we're lands and Borderlands but did better it's over land halo and a third game oh there's one more eyeball out there they keep spawning as we go up yeah I
00:32:52| get to spam like oh dude I figured out why my game he's freezing because I'm in a window display but it doesn't um it doesn't show where my mouse would be when any coming mouse goes off where the
00:33:05| screen would end oh you need to you can stretch that I can i yep no not right now I can I had that problem because I have multiple monitors and I ALR there's full but my mouse away exactly I'd no
00:33:20| idea so I just saw beyond the punchy weapons has a great punch land a hit shot you're gonna like the hand cannon I think I don't know what the one because I didn't know if I'd be
00:33:42| level five soon enough maybe they are in for six where is nice romantic interest Thanks so do you think writings for those games is like really bad all yeah this is there's a few moments where I
00:34:16| was just strangely cringe yeah why can't I I guess I can't friend there are a couple jokes that were not jokes I just kind of like looked around it was confused a cycler is that an attempt
00:34:30| like graphically the game looks pretty good though because that's what you get for 2017 flagship you know what I mean yeah you get like very beautiful sky boxes haha
00:34:42| oh man you see that oh it shows you yeah I was like no it's showing me what you're here guy looks smoother yep mahogany side squeeze his middle name is leprechaun II looks gorgeous like so
00:34:55| gorgeous man that green eyeshadow really pops it's interesting watching both at the same time is that they didn't do anything different of course not well that's what I'm just
00:35:18| thinking like oh these are throw aways entirely like so one of these would you render just different characters with the same background so it's the background all one setting yeah then
00:35:32| render I'm just trying to physically think of how they because recently I've been following a lot of people on like Twitter and stuff make video games like actual indie games and stuff and they're
00:35:42| always showing up like Dom hitboxes in video game where you see where things get hit we're like the edges are on things like being shooter guy he has hitbox for his arm
00:35:51| and hit boxers head chest etc usually thing cause with polygons him right right because it's not like you hit him the arm is just his arm it's that's a piece of and then if you're doing like
00:36:01| networked attacks like if you're playing like a Call of Duty it's like where he would have been if you were playing in real time so it has to be because they really have to do that
00:36:10| you have to approximate latency and figure out where someone should have been so that's why I was ever known it's both you have to sometimes if it's really Layton then he got a shoot where
00:36:20| the guy isn't because he's supposed to be there he will be sued which is probably why we're number one in the world fish president I've done it is
00:36:34| interesting because the arms the arm to stab motion doesn't isn't considered a emotional it's just instantaneous right button you're dead below it bothered my used to warn a game when integrity not
00:36:52| real gamer to be my next a little rickety we're throwing out peak age for gaming and the good pastor is that we passed it is that funny the 22 I think right rules we argued that 24 was a
00:37:09| physical peak the secular geek right reactionary peak was much later when 28 probably be the perfect human I thought the reactionary peak was earlier but like that the wheel right which wasn't
00:37:23| called reactionary or wisdom it's called up knowledge elderly states me action I should be surprised skip this okay we don't write because we were playing together I yeah I like how the important
00:37:43| cutscenes we're just like what do you talk we're just talking right over up yeah somebody's gonna watch this video later like what's he saying like buy the damn game you yeah honestly go out and
00:37:55| purchase your copy of destiny - how did you like the the intro like the very into the single-player part of the game it's like I'm not sure that's the planet they did it over my bed
00:38:13| horrible way baby okay so I just launched into this so I have to do anything behind you um I'm gonna update my gear and make it a little bit better alright
00:38:33| you got anything well I got stuck the glimmer and the items are shareable between guys but it depends on class so it really like all the armor weapons don't transfer but the money does so I
00:38:49| get the look and see what by all the shootings is cheap hi it's me Santini cheese no hand cannons these guys this on you I know these things are pretty cool one move faster with this
00:39:15| planet wait yeah are all this stuff really cheap for a reason you know that's better um this is Noah with the mission eventually I don't want eventually you
00:39:30| over a level and then shit is not I mean it's okay sort of useful but it's not that great and then remember if you go to your your character screen when you grow yeah you can I'll let y'all watch
00:39:46| it's all way to you there listen do a second I just curious what you're getting it for fire I thought there was a compare button requirements or whatever there's a cue if you hit cue
00:39:59| it's compared is it because it usually has that thing that prompt up didn't have a much bring y'all to look at the replay let's see anyway what were you saying
00:40:10| about etc etc lose see the the like your your taint golden symbol yeah like your your yeah don't blame on clear yeah on that you three points it okay mother
00:40:25| now this has nothing to do either look at my screen right yeah I could see you yeah this stuff right here where my subclasses bought in here and here so there's like melee there's grenades
00:40:36| there's whatever your special is and then I guess like I don't know what that is okay well how do I get like my sunglasses like what am i you could like
00:40:50| only build upon points in here you go through these like events here change you and they become different areas so right now yeah it's not right now and it becomes different parts of whatever you
00:41:01| are so you won't be able to use the abilities that you have here if you're switching to your other class it's not a subclass it's a different class that you can do that makes it no but I as I see
00:41:16| it oh it's like we're selecting between like one of three and you get to choose so it's you don't know about it's not like they I don't think they upgrade each other it's more like that you're
00:41:26| picking which grenade you want to throw well then some of them are stupidly stupid and some of them are almost agree do it later we don't have the levels to do many of these yeah everyone talks
00:41:46| about the power of your whatever later because power I guess is how you nice sweet stuff so there's a banner over here you come over here there's probably guys probably wants like a Hitler batter
00:42:07| sounds badass for us you have a minute so when you hit the banner your specials gonna be recharged oh yeah this premiere recharges though you're outside they're not fine mom show me yeah this thing you
00:42:31| hit that and it's gonna tell you when the event starts rally to the bike well so we're gonna do a public event with these fine fellows ya know the small bird ed lake so the public events show
00:42:44| up on people's maps and they just were been to do it whoo so this mor guy's going to ever ask so long yeah exactly where's that because it's the next year it shows obvious dude this is hilarious
00:43:07| it's garbage again I shot with the arm I can see how this game could do one two things growing you and make you like it would get a little bit I don't know but you know that's how
00:43:28| door slams was right if you didn't like collecting loot and get a new weapon to probably get old for YouTube as well I don't know Borderlands had actual like a storyline and then it it brought in like
00:43:40| claptrap and all the other like humorous guys that if you wanted to you wanted to live out the joke to see what happens Oh handsome Jack one of the greater greater balls of fire her there you go now it's
00:43:54| they're coming in here all right so it's time to go public event go yeah and I just watch like I don't there's to pray you don't you guys who was balling here do you know how much HP
00:44:05| do you get for watching at least make one shot you get an equal now that day it's what whoever you kill you get points for I think if you shoot somebody that dies you get points for that so
00:44:17| you're gonna die that's less these hello it's right here yeah oh yeah that's a good point they're all jumping up there to kill those guys get my hands dirty shit I
00:44:48| just run in to get my loot and run out oh shit that guy looks like a fair so I won they decimated him he had a grenade there's a special earn a there's a couple stuff in the background so I
00:45:05| there's a glimmer drill go down over here now who's the public event get it some levels from to everyone involved it's a random it's always the same oh is it therefore the item someone
00:45:45| tossed I do he was garbage one glimmer make this board oh my god where there was the night oh there's new adventure over there [Music]
00:46:11| Poole is the first energy weapon I don't hate there's the third part of the heroic event Jesus oh yeah you gotta stand as a glimmer sorry I did this and I don't know how
00:46:53| much value glimmer actually has I have a lot of then I have like a hundred thousand already really yeah oh okay circle of healing right here folks that's all hang the circle of healing
00:47:28| but I play really yeah I got it's a thing like special level but I level up in that circle of healing this is your happy place so it's like the first video game that you ever
00:47:45| played actually I think was just Nintendo Mario and Texas desert to Carter or no Mario Don and darkness with it remember like the Zelda Zelda was the very first one there's a crate to
00:48:03| Ukraine first no I didn't move it so it was like the first game that was like an epic and it was unbeatable I don't think I ever beat it yeah I mean your snakes
00:48:17| first time I was scared into being with Zelda when like the hands would come out of the wall just grab you a random in certain dungeons do you remember those it was like really high up like a round
00:48:28| Ganon level and like it you just were wandering around so there's two missions that I see I saw one was like a castle something frame job of calling them home and then
00:48:44| there's poor reception but there's and we eventually run out a room full of stuff yeah you can do a max of nine innings line those up if you have worthless ones you could sell it by
00:49:01| pushing F whatever you're looking at it good I have stuff to the air you can sell to the air the air will buy it it'll give you a glimmer back this doesn't like ten
00:49:13| attacking like that's the lowest oh yeah I'm putting my like glimmer uh or my liquor fee T or wherever to the UM painters double it the other weird thing is that if you miss an item or like you
00:49:26| can't put it in your inventory there's a guy at the farm that says okay we found your shit and you get it from C never losers don't you settle over your stuff don't you have to buy a backbone you
00:49:38| know you don't spend anything like this just always doing yeah I'm gonna jump out to tell that yeah I mean whatever this is a constantly repairing thing so slowly
00:49:53| well you get a lot of experience from telling these guys or Ian did you think more than openings actually now we're about like this calling them homes and I'm right in front of Jesus Christ dude
00:50:09| [Music] yeah the calling them home is a mission that we should probably do Oh PS shout out for these guys for making gerbils okay guys I think that's hilarious
00:50:22| gerbils hamsters where we live home the incendiary dudes or whatever they call this group legendary legionary that's a gerbil right I think that's hilarious Lannisters list yeah and they make them
00:50:42| as big and bumps as strong and amazing as pop ones like dude that's a hamster no one's been a hamster a bad guy too bad beans or a video game pepper a little bit I have a little bit of weapon
00:51:00| that can actually is their heads hit hardened or using energy weapons no no don't do it what energy energy women thought I mean like the third weapon I got a green wet
00:51:35| green something out there they're fighting each other - right so there are different factions races [Music] [Music]
00:52:17| abandoned babies miss Barragan coming at you coming at me yeah big point I'll get you love getting over behind mm-hmm dude on my screen there was a dude like dying in slow motion is pretty
00:52:38| early lifting out run for me oh yeah number now no bullshit stay there I [Music] [Music] think as long as you keep up the pace as
00:53:28| killing they keep element they keep coming and then like a box applause see it well that's my take my baby did the math folks you got by - thank you that's a dirty dog lover
00:53:49| holy jesus you know that get frisky in there hot and heavy Oh nail it say Club Club for Men I'll stand by their stupid shields what would you do
00:54:16| yeah where's my shield Fatima shield so I think they back table yeah you got work that's nice yeah it's good it's good it's good it's good power weapon don't know what that means
00:54:35| so there's let me do the mini ones actually slavers skip that coin home so if you look on your map I'll way to you know start talking I will do it but you look on your map there's these little
00:54:51| symbols I'm not showing anybody right now but I will in a minute there's these symbols where there's like a magical chest gold chest and then there's also like the mini-boss missions hold on I
00:55:06| can use a sword in this game move Oh Sora's limited use button sorry yeah sort has ammo in this game so back here should be another chatter nobody did what you thinking that skiing something
00:55:30| that's my Stardust but all this dust right and then if you hit em yeah you see there's like if you go down you see the loop though like the double end with a dot in the middle you already
00:55:45| completed one of them so let's go to the one to the right you see above the dev room K yeah right there let's go to that this thing yeah that's us they don't align it's like a yeah okay wait you'll
00:56:06| even test this recording we know that works we don't know it doesn't work I was playing with it I did the single-player poor person great I saw that but you never did it
00:56:17| with like 80 things but at once sure felt good he's to the slide with my pinky yeah I always do the slides they feel good have a good good feel good
00:56:39| so slide it under this door right here we got over interesting segue from sliding oops I didn't do dope here's like I used to he's doing hey dude you better get out
00:57:42| oh you got to hold on Jesus like that busy over there what the hell was that the gang baby well the game things everybody here right here you go it can probably
00:58:02| respawn I don't think it's very smart you get me a big okay yeah yeah I got you oh shit yeah this sword thing it's pretty badass
00:58:16| yeah the sort is badass that's why they live in it that's right fucking this guy so this is like mini boss deal we got as soon as you take out the yellow guy you can it opens up one of these so it was
00:58:33| like the first mission that we did what is the balloon based on your level and each other etc so there's like the public missions and things that are not story related they are up your level and
00:58:51| then when you do story live related missions they base it on your level so they tell you to do like not side missions but uh like the public events a lot to get your level up before you do
00:59:02| four dishes so let me see what's happening so let's go let's move quick we got four four minutes to get the well did you get the other yes so what we just did what was that considered a
00:59:23| mission I think we go a mini mini mission those refresh every day or so okay and you can keep doing so it's the same every time that's always here okay is it always so don't change the level
00:59:39| of the guys and our local tennis or not I don't know if the moment the guys changes but the reward chair okay I find it weird on YouTube that like people will say like these are the tips
01:00:08| tricks destiny too and like their video would be pretty mundane and I get like a hundred thousand views like well you know there are no concerns like a more accounts or whatever or like they've
01:00:23| given tips on all games and I'm telling you they have really really just high quality where every time I call beyond just video etc I saw the ones that put like the almost like pimp but it's it's
01:00:45| just them and I like the background the background off the game that's a word yeah clearly unnecessary but it makes it seem cool or something official yeah official that's what we go so you see
01:00:59| this little emblem I do that's public yeah hit the banner find out how much time we have I might take it this time yes there's no best way of cause there's no way to pause the guy that they squat
01:01:15| just yeah I'm gonna kill this guy and the other guys that are around here I'm gonna jump up here there's usually chest up here actually or at least a way to investigate jumping now which this game
01:01:31| is platforming pok pok pok I can't jump I'm retarded because it's like the other the other guys jump so much better wait I don't know that there's usually something up here but there's I guess
01:01:43| it's not here what you guys gonna do I'm gonna piss it Plus isn't it alright I think I can do it so folks or the piss hall and ER [Music]
01:02:17| folks I'm here to pander with me I'm not so there's a lot a lot of shits gonna drop on this mountain thing you not want to be eaten is it all here this public event it's
01:02:37| all in this little coronary so how many people are like can we get as many people as are on a napkin come here every right yeah I don't know how they limit it like sometimes I've had like
01:02:48| maybe ten people okay so that's like we require sometimes just use okay if it's just you I don't think you'll be beat this now so I'm gonna just hide it in this building because it gets ridiculous
01:03:02| where's the timer okay have you hit the flag you'll see the timer I don't think it hits a play where is it it's happening now so it's there you go so I have to primer is another yeah as long
01:03:13| as you shoot something wait a second a changed this they change this their get the hell out of the way I guess I'm Sicilian captain they change it every day feels that yeah so you'll
01:03:32| see I don't know what these things the Walker shoot its legs for that like show that I don't see no oh damn yeah wait till it's way you have to wait are now she
01:03:50| [Music] Jago special because i mean it i might build up another lifetime now there's two walker gonna come oh really
01:03:58| yeah and I might go a little bit you can do whatever you want like it's locked right not gonna cock so he's down when he goes down see somebody hit the legs again the warps and these like these
01:04:16| missiles I show over here shit you can grab these cannon things and launch him ethnics uh-oh she's a whore see you around yeah pick one up these things and then you can run and deposit them in
01:04:42| these fires are charged repels are charged Oh rocket launcher works scored yeah I just gotta cool if you fire and charge it hold it oh I'm charged it bubbled up yeah nice oh I probably did
01:05:09| that did you check the replay but probably I think that was dead there's another one no they're gonna drop her off right now so mad hey guys do a holy crap that little
01:05:53| mouse thing is killing me I do like the feel of that is really exaggerating it's good is epic and then they just look around see what kind of warp the guys dropped right so the trick is there's
01:06:11| these guys that drive up on these bikes if you can find those guys there's like usually come up on these two paths so if you can kill one and steal his bike you go back to the other place and then
01:06:24| where we were shooting all those guys you just sit there with a bike it's due to choo choo choo choo choo choo choo and I didn't realize like every day they randomized where the Jesta sauce so I
01:06:36| was like this your chest dude so there was usually chest up here I don't know I would imagine that they have to be stored in similar areas it really yeah otherwise they're not it's stored out
01:07:00| going right you can look on the map for oh there's three of those mini boss missions to prove a point all right let me show you what look mini
01:07:40| bosses etc well the one one where we went on the subway there's three of those around here take a look I know where one of them is seen if there's any chests or anything over here so you had
01:08:05| like a Nintendo NES right I did do you have anything before that like Commodore or Atari er you know I didn't have any I think there might have been before our time plus my parents were not really
01:08:21| accepting oh yeah they thought it was demonic inappropriate I don't know really well not inappropriate but just like worthless you know like you're wasting your time yeah but I think it
01:08:36| actually develops more skills that they really like admitted like a lot of the business money aspect of my life it was really a few games saving up your money [Music]
01:09:04| [Music] you find where are you if I sent you yeah lalla there's that was an orb that he dropped did he drop a North for you too or that now Green Day this right
01:09:39| here I got the energy gamma energy wonderful yeah Green Great Bear yeah I thought I was curious about like maybe it's prey if we see the same thing so I picked it up sure look at you're dead
01:09:57| still right where your your screens alt light why is your screen white shouldn't I don't wait here I can hear you fine one if it's those pauses here can you see me to change the guys
01:10:35| aren't you get these guys know it's hasn't refreshed yet Oh a kill hunt but I got okay let me decide is not showing because I'm looking at it on my skype I could see me
01:10:56| pretty clear I didn't switch from tools call try stop sharing screen and the chair screen you can achieve that ago here it did stop can you see me now I turned my monitor off Michael go now
01:11:17| it's the white I don't know that is me it's sherry again I stopped the video we also yeah we also don't know if it's gonna work anywhere true whoa whoa oh dude you got a bike yeah so I killed the
01:11:35| guy so you go grab a bike now pause it I'm gonna go to the video editing thing does it matter my bike's I'm on fire don't get it didn't look like it was on fire but it is that doesn't mean to blow
01:11:47| up this means damage right yes so give me a minute alright how to reset whatever is going on here I can't do it for some reason I don't know why it's white well let's see
01:12:03| if we're any good at spending ourselves playing video games oh whatever they see they still see my screen so the other guy killed him stairs please point yeah and there's
01:12:40| good feel to them they're not off you know what that's what we'll say about this game it does everything pretty well yeah you should not like wearing visuals to feel the gun and since it's pretty
01:12:52| complex multiplayer stuff it's not you know cookie cutter perhaps taking all a lot of stuff the law wants to do create the lid though is this screw you um yeah run so I don't know everything some
01:13:08| static now it feels way better [Applause] much easier huh my guys like give you for free so if you getting any experience for us I don't know I don't
01:14:06| know if you have to hit the guy or we just be localized that's one thing I never watched the experience bars I don't care about it funny yeah you camp at 20 so it's pretty easy I got the 20
01:14:28| doing business in a matter of a few hours and I wasn't even a fishing addict if I didn't know Intuit what the initiative is they're just well I was like doing different things cuz I
01:14:43| thought I have to do storm running around yeah save your man dude thank you right there excuse me to save his name one shot on everyone
01:15:08| Oh grenade on you yeah okay yeah so watch out behind you my target yeah yeah there's something behind it though everyone's like fleeing like coming back I think they could take the heat then
01:15:51| they this is bail I would so damn it come on there's some dates back here right over there hey nice oh shit oh shit those don't want you I was worried
01:16:41| there's so much this is way more satisfying bullshit I get off the nails what the hell get back get back [Music] Oh yummy hold on my place my bike be off
01:17:26| let's be off provided yeah now you got to get sailing give me a bandage got any clothes I [Music] think it's over I think we finished it
01:18:23| might have keep it level on that I was even panting here you want it no you can say I'm biking can I pick up stuff to the decade oh yeah it depends on the ammo that you don't have don't fall out
01:18:38| it I take it then - chill out the mill in the church try to figure out why you off the video is stop breathe because I don't see anything like Falls grace probably the
01:19:18| biggest weirdo thing yeah they get the Skype because I looked at mine my name is fine can't see anything on that side its Creed wait your signs still showing yeah weird could be mine well I guess
01:19:40| most people don't try to do this how you get hit with a grenade no that guy business I feel like using my special and hit just him alone [Music]
01:20:01| alright I think that that pretty much does pretty good feel for the beginning of death see - yeah I think so you're absolutely correct dan we've pandered and not kill this
01:20:19| last guy weed through the garden [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hmm
01:21:16| folks at home if you like destiny to click that like button click that donate money button put that everybody you say just start clicking buttons those just start in abundance
01:21:28| I read that you're not supposed to ask from likes or plates oh don't don't do any of that but if you don't feel like doing something follow your intuition well your heart folks that's all we're
01:21:43| saying I think control this is kind of an introductory thing oh my god where is it right back at you oh it was very preoccupied oh that was very
01:22:22| appropriate love love just on the punch finish good visual she won charged thanks so I'm gonna exit to desktop what love level and the wonderful 8 yeah 7
01:22:41| so I need to sell some crap but well folks Sal goes here here with you and panderers check in there check us in sup I'm Dan we're at painters calm
01:22:57| yes we are folks we're on the social square on YouTube were your listeners give some love because we like it dismantle we like it we like it a lot dude I will feel terrible tomorrow
01:23:19| I got it exit confirm and then check this out my camera usually Green has a yellow like blind no I can't even let me stop this here alright good

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