The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP016 Eye Color Perception Sight Photons

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP016 Eye Color Perception Sight Photons

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 16 - Eye Color Perception Sight Photons
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00:00:00| we are together we are a forum that's now I were the on pannier great books purposely watch it right it screws up your number yeah you know a number your number right there
00:00:21| does it not down here you know Andrew Slater's is there's a good some globe are not like Ross signed in the vertical direction so it's hard to see well we take our job very seriously in seriously
00:00:36| that didn't pop up builder I know that the brains focus things are about to get crazier and before they do get crazy everybody just got pulled over by a cop because weird I heard a beer moving in
00:00:49| your car you know I missed the other burgers haha I listen nice big fan isn't in the Collins episode won't squalor alert we are oh yeah yeah so real quick precursor though keep your driving um be
00:01:09| weary be careful driving windows up I did not mix it properly the ceremony which is you need you strong I tried to last all the other night I was so upset you don't clean your straw
00:01:22| doesn't reuse them no you get this is someone who I live with upstairs I said um many more stalls she said no you drink them all the time for your podcast and I said yeah but I don't have any
00:01:36| warrants she's like what do you think the end a secret room with all these multicolored straw laying around did you take the last one it said yeah the last one in the column Wow and
00:01:47| others like to use me this posed to be that's like the triggers the other they forged a further no to want to say there's a closet feelings no I wish at once right now I'd be ball out I was
00:02:03| trying to get to our disclaimer anything we say here is not an expressed written consent opinion or okay they're in or truth what we're saying is all lies you can't use it in court this
00:02:18| is I don't I get worse at this every time you can't disseminate our opinions yeah you can't disseminate disseminate the good stuff the bad stuff don't think II in today's from us and it's not we're
00:02:29| discrediting it and our employers and our showed you have to meet you have to be 18 or timelessness double-major bunch of fifteen year olds for watching good most gracious awkward legal wandering
00:02:43| although oh no in Alabama that's like legal age isn't it took people especially if you're a senator yeah if your last names we need a new one there's a new senator that's this
00:02:58| guy you don't live with the range every day the latest there's a senator who um a girl came forward and said that she was trying to date he kept trying to date her was like pushy he was sexually
00:03:12| advanced he was like he was like we're so he came out and said well yes she was something this is his argument it's not no I didn't do it this is a lie it's I think I did but I had her mom's
00:03:29| permission I make sure that anyone whose consent and he's for he still he's still a senator well there's so many things coming out now about people doing what it's just like sexual harassment let's
00:03:41| see that's a perfect sexual harassment panda I think it is the Panda they need to bring that back just start teaching people right and wrong or black and white but not like a white people black
00:03:54| and white as it right and wrong right and wrong as with panda Peter I like representing either one I have a tongue-twister sure did it i of all people under 18 or he turns away it's a
00:04:11| little sexual danger that makes that drink so poorly I was just swallowing does that thing is that does having real life for a guy will move and the weird noise in your cycle
00:04:27| the groomer slowly pulls back and disperses see this well long coats a helmet you can say it we will literally send you a dollar worth of nerds you got a paper of shipping handling up
00:04:44| yeah man IRB seal in the bag or anything loose someone's on the wind so that he had a box filled with other peanuts these are the seven sexy singles slithered let let less lesser basically
00:05:02| in the swimmer see seven sixty singles Felicity flip base just love Asia ever that we did somewhere in this summer so you just summer say this time to be sexual if that's say that would not sexy
00:05:21| enough I can't even remember what it was seven sexy singles slather and slither slither slither there's sunburns asses in the summer see problems I can't visualize it I can kind of see it but
00:05:35| then it has too many beaches right key we were at camp rails quote prevents you mean against the hard part is because you couldn't catch your own sure that I couldn't kind of ruined it before it
00:05:49| started that's like someone playing an instrument like just follow me and then they screw up anyways are like to it better you know what I'm you know still quicker and better loveless we did I -
00:06:08| we're all off the rails we can do better that age bomb we want so there are some modifications from last time oh I want to oh god okay so Mike pre-baked there was a there was a movie that we
00:06:18| referenced that really bothered me because it's so she da never said the name of it I don't remember the name I wish I did maybe next time I'll remember the correction injures though it was
00:06:31| interstellar there was another one was interstellar the what we never figured out but there was another one but Kevin Costner was ended father due respect Waterworld
00:06:40| no it wasn't world world I've never Robin Hood I got his filmography I just keep you on no please do not do that you could say any movie he was any plays the same character
00:06:53| he kind of does he plays himself yeah it's not a lot of actors like that and the thing is I'm sick of it because a lot of sexually harass women no all right
00:07:02| I'm forgettable specie to get out of the White House needs a new blood just like the other previous presidents a head or a pimple that's right it's marker smile because mine's not good but it's happy
00:07:20| for me I guess okay I've got a nice one yeah okay mine's pretty boring but it is exciting to me okay give me your gentlemen that's it so I got something
00:07:30| in the mail today it's this oh wow is it a colored piece for your original oh it's an earbud thing that makes it so doesn't fall out hello I know I've had that it's a hotel
00:07:42| yeah and on top of that I got there were best buy insurance for them and if they don't last two years I'll get my lay back I don't think that's about you and have you ever had a pair of headphones
00:07:57| or less than two warriors you have to physically have them in your position just say yeah keep the box you can't lose them they can't get like ripped in half
00:08:06| as long as they die but every pair I've arrived dies eventually that's weird well I didn't appear in headphones dive had these four oh my god these are like daily users like mine probably get four
00:08:19| hours of use a day or six days will your ears are pretty rough pretty shoddy ears you don't have lots of the crazy bodies please tell us behind mine or personally you say I belong at the kitchen okay
00:08:32| better any good thing let me turn the volume up way out anyway not only did I get them back I found out that only at best piracy they are covered so I'm gonna get through Best Buy money when
00:08:44| they die in to get like eight months if I can't see the last eight months I just got out Lou them Oh little thing co2 USB C adapter yeah it shouldn't be you know all the new
00:08:55| poems they put this lets me plug it in and it means Donnell who needs an honorable well I do I'm sure that dongle cost you it came with the phone but it would usually cost ten to fifteen
00:09:07| dollars so hmm reminded the USBC Dumble sorry anyway I'm excited I got my dongle that's back good fact is that folks when I was a little kid with my pillow my favorite pillow in a hotel room is
00:09:27| getting plowed by a bunch of sweaty guys he'd be right now just a room full of dudes just leave I'm sorry thirty years 14 see usually take turns pile in it there's a I think it's
00:09:47| Netflix or tuna called big mouth and one of the one of the lady loves to the teenage boy is a pillow so interesting it's a commentary on the Japanese way through pillow would it be reference
00:10:01| report that might be actually they deconstructed the way food into a regular pillow which is the best Lexi and made it a character yeah which is sexy you know I sort of sort of I'm just
00:10:15| gonna write that down I'm not gonna tell you about so I gotta suffer separates Merkers Milo's not the wave ooh so last week I was sick so I was home my wife comes home and we have
00:10:36| a it was his bath night for the kiddo so usually the routine is a month until I can smell and then so she jumps in the bathtub I wait 15 minutes I bring him in they do a little bedtime stuff from
00:10:52| their night they she gets out and I jump it and I was sick she's like I need to get all this stuff off of me and I need to get warmed up because I felt I've got all the sickness because it's already
00:11:03| hanging to didn't ace and I get so she jumps out and he's sitting in there and I'm just watching them and I'm about ready to get in and do it and he's over there and
00:11:17| just yeah don't do it they did it when it happened did it like become impossibly big three' like I didn't giving birth to a baby in water somehow a little bit it's I don't know I don't
00:11:37| know resistance the only um monkey had one bathtub poop and news around 2:00 or so and he never died before and all of a sudden he's sitting in there he had to poop for four days and he's got some
00:11:50| bubbles going smell like a fart and I thought that's weird and then it was like it is impossible long turn just came out and I was like oh when I play a bunker at urge in your
00:12:01| air or just to grab it and put it in the toilet but you can't and honestly so well so luckily it wasn't while she was still in there - yeah luckily so I wasn't I was sitting I was sitting there
00:12:12| watching looking at it was you know I really want to take a bath so it was a hard one Boop so I was analyzing what she decided get in there put in the toilet
00:12:29| did you I have worked I jumped in the bathtub afterwards and especially splits I don't care yeah real hard dude I'm talking a rock it was pretty solid he gave some effort
00:12:49| on that one he can pull out it's a good neutrinos house this is the first piece to go by there I got three pieces of clothing today they're coming out one just came off I got this good I feel so
00:13:05| good get that off my chest like a cleave of the steamer because we're on I never got behind it and I have to change service because I came to help
00:13:19| the den did his correction I actually made a mistake in the last episode we were playing and referencing some things with some villains and some famous villains and we
00:13:31| came across Vigo of Carpathia ice I offhand Vermont how he was born 15:06 know right as well 15:05 died in 1610 I also said he was stabbed shot hung stretched disemboweled drawn and
00:13:50| quartered incorrect he was poisoned stabbed shot um stretched is about drawn and quartered nominee meeting guide hundred five know a lot of people know getting emails and text alert as people
00:14:04| called me into Gideon a moron a jackass you got offense it might to turn off my notifications so game clean folks Viggo born 1505 died 1610 not old age and poison pepper not wasn't - yeah I should
00:14:23| have gone shown that when I count on in the heart let it slip you're talking to tough sometimes you just stop you're playing the game to other we were playing the game really engaged do you
00:14:38| have anything you'd like to know about me I do want to I say a goal things scenario oh you have a scenario it's specific to you is that bad this one I took it easy on you tonight I figured
00:14:59| got a lot of meat to get into I like to get my teeth in there and really just grab that need to just tear into that meat yeah it's just that's what we call almost I'll come to see if this is what
00:15:10| this is nothing if you had to podcast and do the up Anders and I wasn't available but had to be someone you could realistically do it what he can take Joe Rogan are the President of the
00:15:22| United States or you know if you had to pick some last would a bit I'm gonna pick someone that we both know because I think that's we're just very I've been doing like like I don't like
00:15:34| you know it's mics in a group text for the band right text blows up like once every two weeks and we're really bad like sometimes we won't even respond to each other but then like you know two
00:15:46| three in a row go by you have to respond to team leader all right yeah we'll just yeah team leader to arrive he's always pushing stuff in that and lol you throw you
00:15:58| throw an elbow out there it's covered you're good for like six weeks you don't even Mike your podcast buddy kill he's written anything in the group text in like three months he might be
00:16:10| dead throwing up so then there's like a big one like my buddy's old Gavin Harrison played drums live with King Crimson it's like a really big deal and then he mentioned in progress and he
00:16:20| mentioned the drums and I was like Mike has to respond here what's he gonna do what's he gonna do he threw up a penis so if it Peter said well like you're eight number eight and
00:16:31| the people go past and the day yeah that was it that's the only thing I've heard from like in like three months didn't follow up but I know he's a lot I just anyway um how would you feel if I told
00:16:45| you we employed it we're doing a podcast what if we did and we became like pretty popular people at least times are just funny would you actively root against us so it
00:17:03| put like secret but openly be like guys okay your fames gonna somehow come back to us first is your half of the group maybe a little after this one no the end he was so hurt I'm not leaving the
00:17:19| audience I was just and he's well if you did a podcast with someone who I knew was more popular I'd be like I don't leave room for you guys but then secretly hope it failed miserably at
00:17:33| that point you might as well just combine them with them I'm trying to get in our sweet sweet gravy yeah hit the point you as I Dean it's just it doesn't work it's started
00:17:51| bring them down guys I really need you were up we're having a good podcast here and just ruined I apologize back to the best podcast on or theaters even outside earth because radio waves just they keep
00:18:05| going yeah well we don't know if there's a better one up in the universe then I'd be tough the aliens might have one knows I have a scenario for you which is a scenario that happened to a guy in a
00:18:20| movie called 127 hours if you had your limbs up yeah sorry but he was a cameo essentially in his own hell I want to be trigonal hate him do you think he's I get the
00:18:36| impression that he is on the no but he's useless he's part of the joke maybe yeah I don't think he's oblivious me thinks he's cool I think he's awesome he's like then I think you go go to supplement
00:18:50| ations and equal but I think I think he gets the joke then he is the joke but see I mean mm-hmm I think I could be wrong guy to beat oh dude I mean if you're in any way I can I
00:19:01| didn't see it right good point so I didn't see the movie but I do know the premise and Lizzie of assault so that your armor that gets an arm so I think it's like he has like a pocket knife I
00:19:14| think to cut through his own arm even the bump does that work I would say I think so I think metal will cut through bone no he will wouldn't you pass out or lose too much blood
00:19:27| I think he he was there for so long that he passed out and woke up again and like if you have a tourniquet on it's not gonna kill you it's gonna be extremely painful and I
00:19:36| think the body reacts and shuts you down yeah I'm not much of a go-getter I probably just died that's just divine is to know so we can what stand is one final hurrah twenty
00:19:57| eight hours clean this office before we pick him up no one wants to see him you got like crusts millions of years your hands of these aliens uncover this this is its
00:20:15| preserve perfectly the strange glow is liquid in carnate you and you're like yeah I knew that would happened yeah just keep this up a lot of these viscous fluids there's all those tanks
00:20:30| where they have a little breather on and they're floating like you can't simply puts his hand on the glass thick one from us they're pretty early into the podcast
00:20:53| politics start good start pop it is time for one of our traditions people always stop me the street is it the language I get so excited I didn't really excited only flowing through my veins right oh
00:21:23| man I suppose you have one locked and ready to go into james van der beek they concur on IDs Hilary Duff big star from the 90s and both of them did a little something against us called the
00:21:38| piss bucket challenge it's an all-night event we just toured ourselves a liquid and one 5-gallon bucket would fit and we liter up online and I would get there first okay my word on it
00:21:58| I thought of that and I thought it might not be recovers I want to do it at YMCA because I think we should raise money for kids so he said water just once it's no no we're raising money not piss
00:22:10| raising piss but if it was too inappropriate because of all the children that we're gonna ask to attend I'm talking like age five seven nine
00:22:19| everybody one all the camp a lot of kids that come together underprivileged kids all the reason I thought the piss bucket challenge in work we could do solo cup stacking instead yeah
00:22:31| I'm just gonna go with accuracy but you picked a man and a woman so I think that's not there so let's do solo cup stacking alright I noticed I'm gonna bring my celebrity challenge to the mix
00:22:45| oh yeah I want to see if I don't see how it compares because I want to challenge hailey Joe Osmond and Macaulay Culkin yeah keeps one important yeah let me say
00:23:03| goodnight blanket okay you should put in the podcast until now in the future of the school say goodnight you tell them the slipper challenge make joke about me everything
00:23:13| this disruptive thing going on get his shit together I'm an hour behind him and I don't have any of these issues know how to control my family so they go to sleep when I needed to hold drugs very
00:23:29| useful breeze no I wouldn't do that sure his son is up there jumping on the bed pretending about to fall asleep oh no what if they get older and they're just unwieldy my son in the next room is
00:23:40| gonna wake up and I won't be able to do anything he'll be knocking on the door it'll be the same scenario except there's no wife or girlfriend involved I'll just be him
00:23:49| I put a lock on the door keep him in his bedroom it's gonna be weird so it's already doing tonight I feel pretty good last podcast we've really talked that much playing destiny - did you check it
00:24:01| out I think it's a pretty interesting game at first first eight hours or so don't make any sense there's a storyline that doesn't I don't care about and make you wait to do things that are
00:24:12| entertaining just boring but when you do finish it's pretty fantastic it starts to hide behind it gets ramped up we're gonna do another episode after this one tonight hope to see you again
00:24:24| here on the unbounded and I think I successfully filled the void that Nick has left in the wake of his child waking up in the middle of the podcast he's sick
00:24:36| so you know he's asked for his father I was the person the world got a wonderful you know it's pretty easy being the favorite parent I don't know it's not it's all the time involved from the love
00:24:47| there's someone like that of you since I've been pretty hard where's your celebrity challenge any good yes Haley Joel I was into it okay did you
00:24:58| tell her well I didn't tell him but I had to share with you you have to even give me honestly thank you I thought I was going to be the darkest absolutely yeah yeah sure
00:25:06| Haley could name is great but in the acting world oh yeah and Macaulay Culkin I am I'm challenging them to paint a picture of the happiest moment in their life and then we're gonna judge who did
00:25:26| who's happier who was happier I was happier so based on their current self and the picture that they painted whoever was happier back then they're gonna win I did it's pretty good yeah
00:25:38| draw a more happy representation everything you know bright yellow Sun I'll be standing next to their painting looking depressed sad that they're acting crews from know sad and bearded
00:25:51| think you those guys that was a money I'm pretty sure they both I mean how do you not put in like a trust fund that you don't touch and then blowing cocaine and hookers when you get of age I wish
00:26:06| I'd wasted on women then we have fun while you just ask them and many famous comedians yeah that's probably what happened then well we won't know for sure till they got word of the day which
00:26:24| will be the 0 decimate I do have the word of the day okay so decimate so that's like destroying a lot of people right I said I said this is their last podcast yeah
00:26:36| yeah didn't things that turn phases hard easy to demolish that's nice a destiny we're going to look back on the tape I'm gonna use this as a clarification huh right
00:26:45| now he didn't you said two molecules so decimate is literally that you take every tenth person and you kill them really because it's a yeah it's a
00:26:54| decimal Desa desert said by disseminating a population you're just like having all of you people you're conquered every tenth person years ago you're number ten
00:27:03| you're done it's pretty dark yeah yeah the darkest part is that like the Mongols would do something much much more awful by eating the person to really so I as a pert as a people I
00:27:18| would not like to be decimated that stop my word was way way just as dark but not the prospect darker again grew what he gained grew what what he gained group define it please could use in a sentence
00:27:41| yes it is the what happens to your eyes when you're in a bright room and you hit the light switch and it goes black and you know there's a gray Paul that falls over everything before it goes clearly
00:27:53| black yeah but if we move yes yeah he gave her Wow you must become within your research it did because because it's like a look at for a while you see the funny others later flash and
00:28:07| then it turns study yet but that was interesting I'll call duty dad the flashbangs and you know I've never been flashbang so I don't know how it feels blinking for the teenagers fit they
00:28:21| often have flash mobs to show up at your house and give you what's referred to as a flashbang has anything in the future we're all gonna meet up and so-and-so's house we're gonna flash bang him
00:28:37| [Laughter] surprise him inappropriately sexual Oh that's going better cash tag groping inappropriate touch man so but I wonder like the video game producers like did
00:29:04| they just guess or were they actually flash banged and like put that new video game it's like this is entirely accurate because I was flash bank and it gave me those army
00:29:12| games they call it on the experts because anything you had to do two measures they made the mp5 brawl in a million nerds across some world or other you know the people that flag off the
00:29:29| guns you know him they'd be freaking out right then for the record if you were donating money and you whack off the guns that's cool if you're not donating money and you wipe off the guy dude
00:29:41| you're kind of weird yeah shooting blanks so would you like to talk about we hit me like a wall of sound but it was a wall or visualizations of synesthesia right there what is color
00:30:03| what is color the colors of photon so it's like a a wavelength of light but that's that's light yeah it is light so different wavelengths give you different colors it's color mm-hmm if you were
00:30:15| like the scientific the one that I've always heard in the physics class is that the colors that you see or the opposite of what you're actually it like the item contains it's like the
00:30:24| reflection of a collection what color what frequencies reflected off the item yeah because everything else was absorbed here's a real crazy question what is it about all strawberries that
00:30:35| they reflect red light ignore the economy and that pigment it only it always reflects that light like why I have no idea I didn't get that bar I don't know where you're going with
00:30:47| people on going no I'm really curious I just thought of it because I did my research and I didn't come across this in every strawberry is it went born with like these pigments and all of these
00:30:58| pigments are inherently reflective red light whenever this pigment is red paper as we call it might be like for birds to eat their seeds so that they spread like
00:31:08| a certain type of bird is associated with it I guess well my question becomes does to all red pigments always reflect red right is there a signifier on them like how do they how does one reflect
00:31:20| certain lights but not others what is the reflecting link process does anyone know yeah I know this one it's the question for our future clarifications I guess we'll get into it
00:31:31| oh nice so what happens on a microscopic level I can't figure it out is it the shape of the object so that only the frequency goes in there and bounces off at a different angle no no
00:31:45| this is that like the spec experiment with this person that likes little light maybe they're just right and slice splits or you know atoms or shapes you know that only bounce back certain
00:31:54| colors bounce through Gustav see right and so you may be stupid it's all brother if C squared well before we get too deep into color which we just did without giving you cancers sure it's
00:32:08| still at the favorite color is if they did a study in 2009 one like a hex something perhaps I guess for color like the text like the favorite color picked on like a website well they did this
00:32:22| study so I don't know what their qualifications were in 2009 or how accurate it was but I did like the results the favorite color is drumroll the green blue or pink blue and this
00:32:35| forty percent all right because no one wakes you up that's like one of the most vibrant colors not according to my research we're talking about violet oh well do you know what the least favorite
00:32:48| color is I enjoyed ocean blue blue robin's egg blue is Willy down down on my list yeah they just did the primary colors of purple Indian lands blue hidden first
00:33:06| well that's odd they're like the same color I practically thanked purple ice to energy some people like they can't look at it purple like purposely purposely program
00:33:16| if they discuss this in actually the senator what we were playing together well a lot of like GTA has been yeah purple a nice little pay a little flash of purple wakes you up
00:33:26| because it's got the most energy in it well where I found the best description of color was please be poetic I'm just trying to but like the definitions all I have the word color in them for color
00:33:42| and then colors so people it's funny that like colors aren't there's no simple way to describe what a color is it gets like immediately scientific it's like photons and wavelengths and like
00:33:54| right but even then I feel like we didn't get a real answer it's true like we don't even understand everything and I know we went into this thinking ah hell is my red your red like that type
00:34:09| thing that whole big argument say me my mom always says like the green that she sees is my like light green like bluish color and it's we always argue like now this folder is this color well across so
00:34:23| you would always think blood is red which is a simple earnest strawberry which you said which is red and loves to joke this example because it's blue third time she's great that's at your
00:34:36| body if I caught myself and we all saw the color we would all say that's the color red after it gets oxygen oxygenated yes Jesus Christ yeah when your body yeah you've never
00:34:48| seen mass amounts of blood sorry we all see this part of this thing right here it's right right let me prove it to you I'll just wish Lots this is red right this is all get a shirt rip keep go we
00:35:02| all see it well my brain might be saying well your brain sees is below mmm or green why not thank you I don't know if it works that way it does no one knows what the hell my brain is actually seen
00:35:15| all I know is it's consistent across the board this is the same colors blood it's the same color strawberries it's the same color as all these other things whether it's the color you're seeing or
00:35:26| not is the argument it's it's for people the colors Calabar yeah I would say color blonde or color color limited it's like their spectrum is shifted or its I guess if
00:35:37| it's shifted it could be the different color but most of the time it's like shrunken don't think usually have one damage to all other color receptors is not working for court as well I thought
00:35:48| it was a lack of color cone but it could be a lot of different things I mean it could be a mix what's the name of the glasses oh there we go enclosure glasses you know those are colors color color
00:36:06| fixing glasses yeah so people that are colour-blind in a certain way they can put on these glasses and then it like spreads out the spectrum so I guess it blocks the other colors that would make
00:36:17| them see gray and it only gives a bridal window that then spreads out and they can see colors again wearing these glasses I'm seeing like YouTube videos of people walking around like a home
00:36:27| depot and being like they start laughing because the colors are so ridiculous like like oranges and purples they're like this color doesn't this is ridiculous like this can't be this can't
00:36:37| be a color and life yeah it is like interesting whoa it does Rimini Rimini it for me to me so I played hockey with one of my best friends Dan not the weird one and not
00:36:54| this one a third dan from college yeah the other man third day and I played hockey with his like two years and he was one of my best friends we used to tripod together who we certain even
00:37:10| glasses together we do lunch together we get drunk together like your best buds so it's like a year and a half two years later and were playing citigroup or something and their uniforms were green
00:37:20| that green black an army of horns were the drop-in clamps we were red and black we had the drunken clam symbol and I was like we're always a line together so like we're like that's mine it's like
00:37:32| yeah and he was colorblind yeah and because he goes it's just so hard to talk way apart like I like dude it's bright green and burnt bed and he's like yeah I'm colorblind and also
00:37:46| like one of those things were your whole life flashes before your eyes I was like I never knew it did strike me as odd that he always dressed like an Abel would I dress like an angle and I was
00:37:56| like oh my god maybe maybe did I just kind of anyway that was crazy and I was like so all you see and then I would like start asking more questions like what you see here and he's like it just
00:38:08| kind of gray writer if you really mumble off I was like but blinks this became like a tour that's tough I have had so like Jersey sometimes look the same like you live like the one guy who wears a
00:38:24| different Jersey and then you just like going to Jersey starring game s per day those that's reality or they wear like pants or like a helmet that's like the scissors and you you see that glimpse of
00:38:35| color and you think it's your own teammate I have a red hockey helmet yeah do they pass the puck to you you get more oh no it's like the most recognizable
00:38:45| color so I guess like no one wants to pass me that jackass yeah my sister got it for me in Canada as like a joke because it was like 10 bucks there's no more red how little look at that
00:38:58| it's kid whatever the file oh no this is a big dome but uh yeah I started wearing it with mine green yeah with my orange ovulate didn't matter what color of my uniform laws or my red helmets is it
00:39:10| enable you ever wonder what percentage of population is like males have a higher percentage of being colorblind than FEMA paid to because the color receptors wrong eex growing yeah yeah I
00:39:25| do do that I'm red it was 1% is it true emails less than 1% okay what is it pronounced maybe it uh I didn't look at the I did actually didn't lose the source to tell
00:39:35| the real it was like 5% that makes sense because miry percent if I read from people it's 1% then 20.2 percent for 15 females and then 5% for males with equals while presenting right I have no
00:39:53| idea what you're Matthews it's 20 20 % weddings over 0.2% % point is the point he says lasted yeah he said less than 1% of females right yeah could be 2% mm-hmm did you add it
00:40:06| with the males with 5% and they divided by 2 is well high for whatever you but then I mean I think it's kind of weird that a male would be like you think about there okay so there's I heard I
00:40:20| heard the story on all sake Joker over podcast he's talking about he's gonna leave my podcast for that podcast if you interview I would do it just us us were you I would do it someone from Texas
00:40:39| area named Dan in a podcast can't bring her over podcast me know to to time I need to do it Monday and Thursday oh yeah good something came up you wouldn't even tell me who it was you'd
00:40:54| be like I just I'm busy this is real busy I'll say later a couple things but he was talking about months and he's talking about how like genetic diversity so in London they had this one type of
00:41:06| them off that was white as well okay god yeah and the smog started to cover the trees which they would hide on in this is what I mean smog no it's the residue left by smog
00:41:21| it's not it's not smut but that's a smog and soot slide the old slut tree you can just walk up to that tree and put on one of happy old Playboy's in the smut that tree yeah still be covered in
00:41:41| pornography so what trees used to be white and then racial diversity got in there just and then the swamp came in are you doing shit so is it hit some depending the moment arises for shit
00:42:00| deposit the dirt on the tree I made it gray so these mods didn't have any were hide so the white moms got eaten by all the birds but in their own like bio diversity there were some that were
00:42:11| already gray so like they had already evolved into a different type of moth so then that gray moth existed as that moth from then on because it was different than
00:42:21| all the other months the only one that survived that it had lots and lots of moth clouds at Central you only male moth and like a time group flash bang so so there was something interesting I
00:42:42| really thought you'd come across that you didn't oh yeah what's that hey baby did you hear monkeys can see the blue cone of vision and the green kind of vision which allows our for most of the
00:42:55| middle light sensations I think it goes from like yellow to green to blue the purple they could say an orange yellow green blue red red an orange red and orange er ripped off they don't get
00:43:06| written to love right so the whole spectrum of like gamma rays x-rays UV that are made even less than us that's the top so they can't see anything okay they see less than us
00:43:17| there's like reds and there's another color and orange after here with the other color walls anyway anything kind of see yellow regardless there's colors I can't say it's less colors and weeds
00:43:28| it's like four colors they can say okay they did an experiment in 2009 where they injected out virus into these monkeys and it was man-made virus I thought this is crazy for 2009 the virus
00:43:42| would then attack things in their eyes their cones and it would implant a red gene into the green thumbs they were trying to see if they could change the vision so took away the middle range and
00:43:55| just give them reds and blues well not all that will only attack some of their icons so that so that now they had like these extra cones that were infrared which they had never had before the
00:44:06| reason they can tell it worked it literally worked is they would do this experiment with red dial on a gray background and the monkey's blue be able to see it but the monkeys they infected
00:44:15| after a few weeks they would shown the red diamond lucky would be able to trap it find it so hey that's insane that they said that the he's brain didn't have to do anything
00:44:27| mentally knew it was already wired to see it just didn't have the physical capabilities for it they were very surprised they were like it just picked up like it was a whole new color they
00:44:36| just added a color in Mundy was like okay I can see a new color so then they thought maybe this will be able to help people were color blind people have colorblind issues and they think they
00:44:48| might be able to add you because I'm gonna have like bad yes-huh happiness with it what would you see like that's the craziest thing is like you don't know what you would see when that means
00:45:01| none time would look cool let's compile it I'm trying to motel rooms would become very creepy all of a sudden you'd be like looking at like a UV light oh my god yeah what you said ever Oh God you
00:45:18| go ahead at all times you see where is it down and you'd be like oh yeah help the homeless homeless someone fetch subways yeah that'd be a whole new phobia you wouldn't be able to you know
00:45:36| that is right chroma phobia it's a fear of colors or a certain color is that even bigger case yeah often times it's associated with a traumatic of that though like if you
00:45:49| were raped in a rape by a red clown probably earning power would watch somebody bleed out you covered you red I guess that huh or in your blood isn't always rode your with the oxygen
00:46:01| business I know you'd see it who's looking at blue blood where do you see blue blood are you cutting people open and right before the oxygen incidents its YouTube account I'm not doing it
00:46:21| whatever it is you can plug it out there lots of blood because I've never watched a videos I just heard this real quick speaking of plugs something came in this week really so I
00:46:35| got my brand-new pink slot cell - it's gorgeous it six individual no one can even I can't even explain help you light reflecting off of your eyes on this is the front of
00:46:48| it it's great it's very month you language I know you're going that's you edge touch it has three I didn't know this is gonna happen guys oh yeah I don't know I'm
00:47:08| past man anyway there's like a phone I've ever seen I love it's gorgeous camera super crazy battery life usually I can cool battery because uh internet loser
00:47:22| but um single last forever and it's it's gorgeous it's not as blue as everyone says bullcrap fingerprint sensor is awesome it's
00:47:33| awesome phone so I went and got something for a DD brand skin they're the finest skins you combine well on the entire internet type in deep brand skins use coupon code after yourself but you
00:47:46| have to spell it out I'm not going to learn on the pump anyway use it good no no network that yourself it and then at the end put on panders calm movie one percent off but anyway go there tell
00:47:59| them we sent it and they get these skins that are like it's like a holy fact you know I know you started to see it I was trying to is teaser I'm gonna let you see it in the end man dude that's the
00:48:12| Google can you protect your phone at all no no I have a case for it too this just makes it look cool like I like those on the green link read it it's it feels a little grippy in your neutrals
00:48:26| it keeps like the underneath safe from scratches and stuff and like I guess whatever I mean I have a confession that G is so awesome though let's slow that yeah those are the Jeep that's nice yeah
00:48:40| and you can pick what color anything is like I could have gotten whatever I also have an orange an orange Jeep when the Flyers are hot the playoffs in this which well right now it's Eagles too so
00:48:51| give yourself a deep breath tell me one painter sent yet use coupon code after yourself and on panders I found you might be able to get one percent off I've discussed all the old
00:49:03| logistics try it just shot this seems a beaut she's a beaut are you planning to go to a game or tailgate and you're gonna whip out your phone and say hey let's check out the stats on and be like
00:49:14| slowly show them the colors on the back side everyone pushing each other all the way I gotta see that phone skin then that's what you hear a lot of tailgates but really I do do that but it's pretty
00:49:29| cool I think whatever I couldn't pick white metallic that would a little different student stuff but I just just keep it black and relax that color will green pop pop pop pop pop pop pop
00:49:43| that link go to pop and like those mmm that's we're trying to do in years so it's back to colors where we were yeah where we were where we were gonna be gonna strip shipping down as the episode
00:49:58| goes Oh check out my background folks right there there coincidence no anymore sound friggin le1 infinite take slim say there's everywhere I look it's like colors pop it and do my question is go
00:50:18| for in the past like like one of those blocks made of like what kind of color do you think like where do they get that color where does it come from well it's plastic is it a code yes sort
00:50:30| of die it is code it's like they make the block out of ice it was the whole block that weight elastic is red or blue so it's so it's a plastic a process yeah yeah and I think
00:50:43| the dyes come from like natural things like there are certain routes of trees and complaints big stuff now is out the numbers aren't like if they say red dye number five or era I think that probably
00:50:52| does the probably does because it's probably universal right more red dye number five today to the same pace agree where it is well as reprove whatever you know collaborative no well I got certain
00:51:04| points in history they probably didn't have certain colors right because they didn't just have they didn't have the materials to make that color like Cheryl Williams
00:51:12| all right Sharon Williams before sure I love Sharon Lyon existed I mean that's possible I remember going to think it was right outside the like this is Sistine Chapel
00:51:24| that had so I think they allowed you to walk through the halls but they protected this one painting a little mural of tiles on the floor because it was made of blue and who at the time was
00:51:38| like extremely illegal it was illegal to use if you are a licensed painter yeah so I know this and you know who they reserved it for Michelangelo well he was of course famous Dino and he also had to
00:51:52| be drawing a famous subject oh really you couldn't use blue for anything religious unless it was Jesus or Mary is that crazy that's why you see Mary's like blue is help yeah she's the first
00:52:03| person to use blue people have she got she got so blue that Mary she's left and right below and blowing blowing that's eerste that's why you got here a lot little uber like a month like and you
00:52:17| better use it for Mary or Jesus because you should just put it on Peters like ro fossils throwing random Roman in the background okay I don't don't do it the interesting thing I wasn't supposed
00:52:34| to get blue is it still it's not like just like a thing that you can just like make it's actually made from and this is this is googling silica lime copper and alkali and then you heat it you have to
00:52:48| heat it to I'm going to use the English units almost fifteen thousand degrees Fahrenheit say have to get to a ridiculous level for all that's way wrong it's that's what says fifteen
00:53:01| thousand or 1500 1500 sorry okay I believe it's easier you said this he does I did how I'm drunk yeah like it combines a whole bunch of different things and like the Blues are too
00:53:19| extreme rare interesting I do they're rare I didn't a lot it's the same thing with Purple's like royalty and where these like cloaks I think it was the one of
00:53:29| those like Persians the Persians figured out that if you take certain crustacean shells and mash them up and then do the same thing you heat them up in a certain way in a certain fashion you get purple
00:53:40| out of them and then you can dye cloaks in purple and then they give them to the royalty because it was so clearly reserved and for royalty that's very interesting make sense that ones
00:53:50| well Royals blue bloods it's all very fine and dandy but lose the purples or the spectrum do you know there's actually two colors that make you hungry accomodation live red and think of every
00:54:07| fast-food logo you've ever seen yellow see out red yellow Burger King I was thinking all the food Wendy's Burger King McDonald's chick-fil-a chick-fil-a oh I think Arby's might even be Hardee's
00:54:23| I think is Dairy Queen they variably it is Carl's jr. I think I've written it maybe it gets red yellow yeah I think they're already elevated type in red and yellow best food something are they all
00:54:36| there I see you logo song on a song don't work then just type in red and yellow class to do that right bright yellow star yeah see right as line of your e-text then ever notice I've told
00:54:48| today she looks like you're hungry yeah no idea and I actually I don't believe it either but I feel like if there's a point one of a point one percent chance it might as well do it again yeah it's
00:55:03| interesting that it's the opposite side of the spectrum though because like isn't that really games like checking this out I'll write you up well check this out apparently the first
00:55:13| color you see is red because as your eyes are just into the real world it's the easiest wavelength because the they say that for tourists you know alarm clocks are red because
00:55:22| there's a member state agency or in in emergency situations everything's red because your eyes can adjust quickly to a change in color intersect but that would also be sense whites of
00:55:35| food color because it is your most primitive color plus the next color that contrasts that color because rain orange wouldn't contrast much but red yellow does and they're your first three colors
00:55:48| right yeah yeah I guess so what you did um yeah understand weird we're just some things left and right but did you know unlike what you're saying well none like what you're saying they
00:56:03| found the balloon results mostly at a calm state of mind and most people focused it could be I was going to come for a reason and red orange and yellow are usually associated with excitement
00:56:18| so like we're in nature do you find these colors is the role or that's small that's why they say it's done this way they think it has to do with the nine-day life cycle mm-hmm that our
00:56:28| color receptors started way back like before or humans and our eyes and all that it was just animals and creatures and anything with any kind of visual stimulant with those different sweet
00:56:40| night or a time of dormancy and calm and day a time when life would happen did you know most plants and things tend to photosynthesize better at yellow light it is do its but they're more active
00:56:52| that's interesting just interesting stuff and when it does is in humans findings of something called melanopsin in our bodies know something like melatonin cotton well
00:57:05| mela like I guess Sondra something sin piece in penis penis that he's in penis anyway but it uh these these all once it hits melanopsin it breaks it down into what colors I guess the active colors
00:57:24| are not active colors and it attaches it affects our circadian rhythm like it has nothing to do with our feelings or anything I'd like be like man this makes me feel all awake it literally goes why
00:57:35| is there and it actually affects the way you feel awake alive asleep dead tired all that's up but it was interesting it's like a almost if your video game like clash plans
00:57:46| the worst is that your background is all green and bright so it wakes you up because playing it last night a little bit and I was like man hard time going to sleep
00:57:55| the flashes all the greens like a white cloud to give us like almost as bad is looking at like a bright blue sky thinking you middle of the day hmm that's the fakest puzzle it pumps it all
00:58:06| that light and sound yes oh yeah yeah was that Paris hotel the one has but they have like the skylight that makes it so it looks like it's daylight Oh interesting
00:58:20| no I make sense up or like the neons a lot of them yes let's wake you up well here's an interesting fact that doesn't have as much to do with color so watch is the English spelling of the word
00:58:30| color I was trust the ones that are with you mm-hmm soul English old British do you know why we have different spawned in them in
00:58:42| these words I mean honor her little digging my friend mr. Webster had everything to do with it really good it started with the word color I love calling in color when I see the you and
00:58:59| it that's how British people should say what color do you think yeah you might not sure if that's good or if she could um see he claimed that by taking me you out of a lot of these words he could
00:59:15| save Americans dollars as a printing press oh I just know dude is taken out right he said it would cut down on 1/16 of a say steam and save one-sixth of the color six letters well he was he was
00:59:31| stalling with overall typing all these words what's really interesting as we accepted it so we think he did with like suggested we go with that were not accepted when he tried it it took him 28
00:59:49| years to write the first dictionary which i think is ridiculous well it's just 28 years of your life running he's there oh he he he damn well made
00:59:59| may we damn well may better get his name on the damn thing then at that point the next hundred years I mean at least you know you there's like a competitor there this
01:00:07| is sick I'm not gonna waste 20 areum's Merriam's bump it in they're all asleep look like notice you took nap yeah I didn't get that but anyway what's real funny is he tried to take the key out of
01:00:22| the end of a lot of words like doctrine take that eat out discipline take the eat out medicine take the e out they look so funny without it the funniest one I thought was um he wanted eight
01:00:34| monkey over they campaign ACAT he was like stoic a ke and they were like yeah no another one was tongue you always felt Tanya it was like giving all the letters just t when do a good idea out
01:00:50| of like the Asian countries use that kind of logic right and that's what I would think he spelled women W I and II and no one and it's more letters that way too when I was a good enough he cut
01:01:06| up a and whether or they cool that could that would the grant is what her is a on two things a castrated blue I think locally see different castrate that bull lab so the last one I saw was made me
01:01:25| from laughs and I don't know why he's I don't even know why he wanted us to change his feeling of soup s Oh ope baby but there's no how would you change that's you know Inc I don't do he did
01:01:41| most of it was related some of them was maybe they said it was political we spent twenty years making in dictionaries prior like every particular about certain words like I just on and
01:01:51| they said they said it was very political to like had to do with the climate of the pie and which I didn't do that kind of research but you know I mean like really yeah and I get yeah
01:02:02| like words become like people like Josh like you broke his bag Zuzu what say you I think just hey didn't be you you're not anything really just tries to cut out be half a bit so
01:02:23| useless lighters like an ex could probably get rid of bleep regular routines we probably like Z Z xenophobes oenophile silently link X right cuz it ain't worth shit
01:02:36| why didn't we even need to be that beveling hmm not to leave color because I think we had a great episode but I have a sad story about a friend of mine Oh No dil din mm-hmm for the podcast you
01:02:53| know he's been getting real big anime as you know Oh totally big he's trying to tell me over the phone I don't even know what half these names are manga um hentai there's some cold war
01:03:08| he's into now whether the differences between those I don't know I really didn't do the research for the podcast I'm afraid my searches through be flagged I don't even know anyway it gets
01:03:17| a little weird so he's not supposed to look at this skull fragment whoever doesn't she frowns on the sort of stuff I get it I would took colored well in this culture he wants physical copies
01:03:30| instead of digital copies one can't get him sent to his house she'll find it that's ridiculous so so he got a bunch of magazines DVDs and stuff sent to his parents house
01:03:43| where you can see pick it up once a week no big deal except that his dad has the same first name as him so he got this Sailor Moon once if I get this right high school full moon
01:03:58| cheer squad it's like Sailor Moon she's rolling back saying he got it sent to their house and his dad thought it was his it opened it just say fireworks going off easy to get him back back with
01:04:22| a cease and desist from his own parents don't they ins not well folks please stop sending us only punch out a little poll so we're hoping the best for a little ban will do anything
01:04:37| to help him accept accept any physical packages yeah as a no-go from me boss yeah and you know his girlfriend isn't gonna get any physical packages his own way he's flying his own way I think it
01:04:56| was the plan the whole time like his life will find a way in real quick kind of bring us to foreclosure we do do quotes from the ether yeah on our list and he was like three episodes ago
01:05:19| about the comment I think now I mean did you do it again no no this is someone entirely different which hey we brought anyone was to check out the website posting our comments will dress Nathan
01:05:33| and anything nothing's off limits between respect all people all opinions and we're here to listen to it so for keV or twenty nugs with a zoo hey this channel is for
01:05:49| redacted f word gay people we don't use there if you came here for some real fine redacted this is a word for Regina we don't use their be able to pay come over to my channel and there's a link
01:06:04| here I'm not gonna say the link because I don't know lose any traffic at tinyurl it was it's a URL we have to click on to find out I mean anyone want to click on that's my less or equal opportunities
01:06:17| here yeah but we let it sit it keV or play notes when you give our episode of color war shots maybe check couple more you like it might just enjoy it it's all I'm saying keV 420 notes something I'll
01:06:35| take a look at it at my special computer he's got that wraps it up yeah I think that's about it you can check us out on the social we have a patreon we have a website up there on panders calm we a
01:06:49| little muzzle use it all yeah with Twitter Facebook pretty much we have a cover-up myspace to one last day we're coming back from the past right in the future
01:07:06| I space so like since corrected look the only thing we didn't talk about was why people have different skateboard version but only has to do with vitamin D yeah didn't take it was controversial it's
01:07:22| really simple actually and that's all I had to say thank you thank you daddy really was nice plug folks we do we do like it I like it both I'm me and Dan we knew we liked it long
01:07:47| you like thanks for this [Music]

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