The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP022 Respect International Women's Day

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP022 Respect International Women's Day

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 22 - Respect International Women's Day
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00:00:00| and I'm Nick folks and together we formed this group all the Olivia and pander Peggy payment that's us folks through there live tonight in your kitchen the absolute bliss in your
00:00:17| kitchen I'm gonna say the theme of the day with this terrible that's terrible I'm an awful person that is an awful person we're gonna teach you how to cook today we sure are
00:00:31| cook up some good ideas hmm I'm favorite it it's an over 21 podcast everything we say as a joke or its true or you can use it against this it's not legal we're not binding it's on our opinions and this is
00:00:45| the script it's all big joke and they're fully fictitious are wholly true which makes it so he cannot be undeniable podcast for the people I've had people come up to me if you like that podcast
00:01:04| you did less whatever they was incredible yeah that's my shirt and they have beggars clothes and they asked for a father and I always say keep the change chap and I flicked it silver coin
00:01:17| in the air that flips and lands with his little dirty little and he's got mittens where the fingers are cut out cut up I was gonna say that most people they start to get really intimate and
00:01:33| physical and then they put on one of our podcasts and they realize they don't really need sex they just mean philosophy a heavy dose of philosophy and they just leave their woman there on
00:01:43| the bed and they say I'll be back honey give me an hour and like sting they just think about sex for like eight hours and wave after wave of orgasm hits their body mm-hmm without physical stimulation
00:01:55| that's just called podcasting beautiful yeah having some me at work every day whenever I've listened to those podcast your employer gets to see this yeah I have a little sheet
00:02:14| now it just encircles me glowing light and they deeper there oh no no was Wizard of Oz the Wizard of Oz ah I don't want to follow the agenda or not I feel pretty comfortable I think we can just
00:02:35| ditch that if we want so I'll tell you a quick funny thing has to do with The Wizard of Oz oh yeah my mom co-signed throw my school loans because I couldn't get a free form Wow and I need 50 60
00:02:53| straight payments 60 months of payments or up whatever it is 48 something like that senator like a gold coin her silver you uh I just don't like about 100 1,800
00:03:04| attention yeah still paying them off who put it that way patreon would probably take care of that um modern-day slave yeah anyway yes but um she needed to do stuff for her
00:03:17| finances so she's trying to redo her finances and they all these loans kept showing up for her she's like no it's my son he's paid everything wrong he's like paying it he's never defaulted
00:03:27| he's never had never had a late payment you know your ceiling space unlimited ceiling you know it's about her she couldn't get reevaluate not like he doesn't know loans and apps for me
00:03:37| uh-huh so they were like you kid improvements so finally she's like calling this company and getting a hold of Sallie Mae oh I'll name drop hard dude Sally making suck my we just I
00:03:52| couldn't get a hold anyone like they would always just run in circles and then click y'all and then like the rule was legally I think 24 straight payments uh-huh he would take off a cosigner no
00:04:03| yeah that was up to 48 so it doesn't I'm while ago 36 was five three years after a certain yeah my mom's going nuts and she would call and like I feel like press here to press here again and then
00:04:16| then may not be like would you we need to talk to the person in charge of the loan so it's me and I was like it was like usually Indian people and I was like okay like I'm making Posie yes you
00:04:25| can talk to my mother I give her full permission she's gonna yell you hear that's my mother yep you called her she and she would ask the talk to someone and the manager was
00:04:33| never around so I was always around and it just got to be a thing and one time they really call back out we might bill to eat you all so she goes and they were like really sorry mom we uh we cannot we
00:04:46| do not have a party and she was like I just needed to talk to someone behind the curtain and the guy was it excuse me and my mom I'm swear to god I'm like listening to my mom in the room and she
00:04:58| just lost her mind she's like I want to talk to the man behind the curtain you know Wizard of Oz I want to talk to the man who's back there pull it all these strings I'm laughing because I can't
00:05:11| believe my mom's like The Wizard of Oz thing and swear to God this guy's voice gets brolo and he goes listen look up something called an ombudsman my mom said excuse me he was
00:05:24| like right this damn ombudsman look up your ombudsman something and she said a bunch of words he's like I have to go and he hung up and my mom looked at me I'm like sounds like we're looking up at
00:05:36| Ombudsman and I was like mom what is that so we google it and it's like apparently soldiers make sure the loan companies don't prey on innocent people huh we called them and said we didn't
00:05:48| even get a person we got the answering machine we said you know my name my social or not my social or my account my account number from the school wherever it was and I was like I've been paying
00:05:58| for this many months I thought they could take me off whatever did you know 24 hours later I just got an email and a phone call with a voicemail it was like we've released
00:06:06| your parents from the cosine and I was like I was like I didn't even talk to this person it was like a super secret code word we found out wow but it was like it was just so funny my
00:06:18| mom screaming at this guy who's probably never seen Wizard of Oz Show be the Green was like oh that is those people drive me nuts something ah but it's also not their fault I mean it set up that
00:06:36| way it's a system oh ya know there's you know a field of these people they're like grass they're just springing up everywhere and they just pass them notice our yet to the
00:06:46| right like Boop it's like the next guy it sounds exactly like and with a tweak of a different act and you have to and you have to tell the story again and he says well I can't do it and he want the
00:06:55| trance for you it's like a thousand Indians are just like one Robin Williams reincarnated oh how you doing are you doing hey what are you doing a debilitating disease he that
00:07:10| might have been the better way out which that brings me back suicide is not illegal it's illegal to aid in a bed people who are going to bed suicide no I'm pretty sure they repeals an
00:07:21| experiment I did is experiment in 2002 so you have to check the laws whatever they may have changed to allow more lenient suicide walls what I do know is that there was a that criminal show or
00:07:33| this kernel show or just Christmas show this is criminal baby the podcast they know yeah good friends fine Anna sort of and so she talked about that one lady who would help in assisted suicides and
00:07:48| it was like a team of people so like if someone felt they wanted to commit suicide they would call this company essentially you never know who did it well there's no the nuance there was
00:07:58| that they would tell you all of what was going to happen and how it was gonna happen and what to do that he's like crazy helmets that would just pump in carbon dioxide and you pass out so you
00:08:09| they could go there sit there and talk to them and help them through it but they weren't allowed to touch or provide anything so they can watch them commit suicide and help them through it and
00:08:19| most of the times it was like the family was like this person is in horrible pain like and they were choosing to pass away so the family was there like helping and supporting without physically
00:08:30| interacting or providing any of the supplies to do it I'm not sure how I feel mrs. sue if I'm always like do it to one I guess how my life you know I'm not trying to yeah I guess most people
00:08:44| can't conceive of the pain right I come around here imagine a life where that's the way out yeah some of those diseases like eating your body alive or shutting down parts of your body like ALS I think
00:08:57| at a certain point you're just like if you could just blink and you're about to stop being of a blink I'm gonna try to kill myself with my eyelids keep trying to keep your eyes open so that they dry
00:09:07| out and then you could die of thirst thirsting for your eyes yeah splash water on them no he has a note he wants to die dark yeah we do go there though we do so the other I'm gonna start with
00:09:30| this one because I have like a small story I read today that was overwhelmingly positive in the common comments comments countenance that's a rare thing on the internet today yeah it
00:09:41| was about a daughter providing a kidney to her father that seemed pretty positive yeah pretty positive but as a father myself I wouldn't want my son to give me
00:09:51| a kidney one hipot you have limited functionality with one like what like you colostomy bag or like you're always walking around or you guys do dialysis every six weeks well I don't think I
00:10:04| mean like if if he could give me functionality to keep me alive I would say no I'd say I wanted I'd want to die and I don't want your kidney because I've already lived life like the guy was
00:10:14| like 60 or something so like does that does change it how old I mean but you're saying like your situation your kids way too young wouldn't you want like harmless little baby kidney your kidneys
00:10:28| gonna be small that's why I don't want them I want to I'm a big man kidney older man for me that son you punch them in the one kidney that United but ya know it reduced functionality and it's
00:10:47| not a pleasant trip but I wouldn't want to take any part of his life away and I think by going down to one kidney it does take your life away if anything I would want to save my kidney that has
00:10:57| like maybe 10% life left and say I'm gonna save this until you're older and then you can use it when you've got sort of an ice-fishing box sure
00:11:06| keep my my corpse partially alive until do that Queens with electrodes or something Anais could have blood pumping through it you probably could it's probably highly illegal name cuz they
00:11:20| they hate it I would say God hates it but I don't think he does I think he'd just be like you him and do crazy humans I didn't mean for that to happen evil order this guy's so yeah I always
00:11:35| surprised that no one brought that up in the comments there are no trolls that said you know I I wouldn't do that like I said he giving her a kidney blood so good bear her father so you're saying
00:11:57| you would take a kidney from your son yeah it didn't like effective life I think Cherie you're fine with one kidney I'd have to research it thank you I'm pretty sure I'd you if you're telling me
00:12:08| he just has to go for a check-up once a year to make sure nothing's wrong yeah kidney filters like everything out of your I don't say blood but it also filters out so your reduced urine so
00:12:20| it's filtering out all the contaminants right yeah so like you have limited filtering ability which would seem like a prop might not be like scientifically provable but it's gotta be a damaging
00:12:31| thing if you overdo it on the toxins just make the other one harder yeah the advances in technology but like kids I'll make him another role I'll have the same thing with stem cells and like cord
00:12:46| blood and all that stuff they can harvest it from your children and then they can inject it back in your children if they have some sort of disease but they probably could do it for you so you
00:12:56| can ten more children so that you can harvest harvest yeah yeah it's always making jokes recently and I'm sure it's conspiracy theories but a lot of the multi billion years like the cock
00:13:10| brothers or the Koch brothers no and onto others and Jeff Bezos and someone else started like talking more recently about the blood of young people has been
00:13:21| mentioned and I was like who cares it's coincidence almost like the uber-rich are artists in the blood you have to make up John girls like that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard I was
00:13:33| like theoretically it might work Joe Rogan add podcasts about this he in it himself you hold on what he did blood doping his own blood I don't call it doping no no blood doping is where you
00:13:45| inject your own blood you know know what he did there's like so your body has stem cells all over it and you can sense the synthesis damn it another effort synthesize them I'm having a bad day
00:13:57| synthesize them into more stem cells so like the older your stem cells are the older you are and the slower they multiply so like if they harvest it from an old person then you only have like
00:14:08| maybe like 100 stem cells at the end er well like a younger person it multiplies that much faster so yeah like a thousand and the younger you get the faster they multiply sure so like the blood of the
00:14:18| youth multiplies down to like you know billion stem cells oh boo mm-hmm good until you it heals you in the way that they become new fresh cells and then they also secrete this thing I
00:14:31| don't know what it's called the juice of the stem cells it causes other cells regardless of their age to respond like they were younger so no get give my Mel Gibson's father was on Joe Rogan's
00:14:44| podcast for that you're talking about him he was like 93 seven years ago got stem cell injections all over his body could use about to die and now he's a hundred and something and he's Mel
00:14:54| Gibson says he's in fantastic shape so stem cells who knows human body used to healed and fuel and propel the human body who would have guessed yeah bodies are good for bodies huh
00:15:09| makes sense I guess to though we believe with romantic mushrooms and herbs and spices and drugs that we can create a lab but really maybe it's maybe the answers in here in our organs our
00:15:23| replacement organs in a cloned interesting mmm-hmm sounds my kidney story stem cell story used thousands to stories and one it sure was
00:15:36| yeah I'm gonna talk about Redemption this is sure off topic so I don't follow me again at all so there was three things that are so redeeming this week that came out one the fire festival yeah
00:15:50| what's interesting is the only negative I got from that is who was the guy responsible he doesn't he who cares about him isn't he the one that's getting sued yeah he got hurt okay all
00:16:01| the years right it's like it's like an Irish name a thing Mike Farley Reilly McFarland like no no I think he did something with software and then decided to make a card
00:16:15| so he made a luxury card which would let you into like VIP areas it wasn't a credit card and he paid like $250 for it or some absurd amount it's called the Magnus card or something no did you have
00:16:28| that with Magnus card to go to the fire vessel know that no no he just made it so that it was like an ultra elite preying on like people who are dumb enough to think that a card will let you
00:16:39| ended all various places and yeah so that guy decided that he was gonna sound like an old dog sold jingle yeah and jingle e dogs all the needs in stem cells
00:16:51| I don't think won't get any stem cells from this one but I just wonder what percent that is one stem cell please coming right up sir but anyway sorry that's alright
00:17:11| I mean mr. MacIntyre McFarland with Billy mcFarland waiting for that dog to get closer so I can snag it's chained office you're gonna snap its neck terrible sign has a suicide brought live
00:17:27| yeah I wish I'd have stopped to add on just feel like telling you I think the audience needs me to hold this no no I'm gonna play it it's gonna hold it all that you played it no I just
00:17:42| oh yeah I was waiting for the dog thing to happen I thirty seconds uh-huh ooh that's awesome yeah very uh place for cloud okay yeah Billy mcFarland
00:17:53| so here the Magnus card was a bunch of bullshit and then he set up this festival knowing that it would cost more take more time and that the price point was to way off so he was purposely
00:18:05| sabotaging it mm-hmm and he was like he was signing up these people to play like all the artists and they never gave them any money he never gave him any money to build
00:18:15| anything or say anything up and he had like limited crew and it was an island in the Caribbean for what they say were rich kids yeah like the price was like so the
00:18:25| price points were $250,000 for her for a specialty pass which I don't think anybody would so wait all these kids that were stuck eating um cheese sandwiches peeing in like porta-potties
00:18:40| and stuff like living like living living a live like regular inner-city kid and they were screaming and crying about it yeah but that's super justice in a way is this one of the only instances where
00:18:54| every party lost and it's okay that's right is name good the one thing the one drawback is I read that the price point was was originally $12,000 but most people paid $1,200 for a two-week
00:19:07| vacation in the Bahamas to listen to artists so it's like that's more reasonable until you look at the infrastructure of the island or the people producing it or the fact that
00:19:17| they didn't really have anyone coming or that jeno hotel you had no way to get there so awesome so that was the first Redemption is that guy guy sentenced so
00:19:28| like multiple years in prison someone said the only reason he got in trouble is cuz he did it to rich people yeah because he he did it to poor black kids in like a roll film said roller
00:19:40| burn community like he probably went away with a moral community like a bunch of hillbillies yeah but um if he had done it in like inner-city like a bad area I feel like he probably would have
00:19:55| gotten away with it they were like ah he's a he's a big get producer just didn't work out for these poor kids you know like you know any mean that's the only downer I guess
00:20:04| and I don't know that's true but it's it's pretty cool that he did get busted for twenty years yeah he got those it for like wire fraud which I don't guess he was sending money
00:20:12| somewhere they never get you for the actual crime they get you for moving money that's the the Jared from Subway thing it's like we have him on tape saying he did exactly what rifle thing
00:20:24| is but Oh fine indirect child porn yeah we busted this other guy that showed that he had child porn and it was like oh we got him finally we're waiting for this piece of
00:20:35| evidence it's like you dicks you're just waiting for a slam-dunk I mean they have to though you mentioned they moved on it and they nail contorting again stuff right because
00:20:47| then you can't charging for the same thing and now he's all India so it's like it's literally like playing basketball and you sitting on the bench and you're waiting until they pass the
00:20:56| ball on the offensive side and no one's there and then you come off the bench pick up the ball and just it was like Andy said like have to have that open shot because if you imagined you miss
00:21:06| like terrible at the game-winning shot like it's like ooh you forgot to read Jarrod your Miranda rights and he's free to go and he's like ha ha ha ha he's carrying them big old pain so you
00:21:19| going for your kids it's like that you're gonna change tells that pac-man all the ghosts are gonna be giant pants yeah oh she's been a babe oh that's so polite do you think she did like she was
00:21:35| bitter yeah I love you too hmm intense so I said there were three redemptions I don't I'm just taking too much time it is a lid I guess once I hit three it's a list Marlins Martin shkreli
00:21:51| whatever his name is they took a small tank yeah it's okay they declared that he had to pay I guess reparations or something and then they had to take his wu-tang because he
00:22:02| didn't have any money I'm sure he did I don't know he distributed so he he if I'm not mistaken he was the dick he was a super Tom let's start from the beginning he did the AIDS
00:22:16| drug thing mm-hmm yeah his pharmaceutical or any other aids he was one of the only companies who had rights to it proprietary rights like he you know is patented I guess
00:22:27| some drug yep so he jacked the price up four thousand percent yeah oh there's an $80 no it's three hundred ninety the most bitmap that's there are three thousand
00:22:37| nine hundred honest right for you to stay a lot to take your anti-aids drug and nothing changed with the drug he just figured no one else makes it this is a life-or-death thing I can cash in
00:22:47| here correct pretty much pretty much yeah what a jerk he was trying to mill it he'd be millionaire billionaire Oliver bomb jacking up the price of drugs for AIDS girl not cure but prolong
00:23:02| it whatever weird thing there is that I think he gained his money through some sort of like stock trading like he was like a hedge fund manager or some BS and like he was defrauding people there so
00:23:12| he took defrauded money to buy the pharmaceutical company which then defrauded more people so it's like it's hard to follow the waterfall of bullshit but that guy's full of it so you're
00:23:23| gonna get him with something but it's not gonna be the whole scheme he's still gonna have likes million stashed away somewhere right so he in dead in turn bought the wu-tang album then they
00:23:33| released yeah those were on auction and leaky and only he had access to it my question is if now he's losing access to this the only way to combat that is to make millions of digital copies and just
00:23:50| spread them all over the internet here it is I'm sure if I don't judge will just declare that needs to be burned in a fire and then you're just like ah yeah we'll never find out I guess blue tang
00:24:01| doesn't anything are they allowed to keep any copies of their own salt if they sold one copy and you're buying the only I'd be hilarious they have to like remove all their digital copies off
00:24:10| their computers and whatnot they can't listen their own music play it so they were selling it as the only copy do they have to do that I wonder what the contract would look
00:24:20| like I'm so crazy and how to prove it you can't hum it along in unison together if several of you were in a room together there will be no humming of the
00:24:32| unreleased wu-tang album you're right feel like one of those like Jimmy Fallon's gets where they play on all sorts of crazy instruments children's incidents played on like beer bottles
00:24:43| ukulele give it the redemption songs or whatever it is oh yeah I do this one's real simple 50 shades the third film came out and I didn't have any clue whatsoever and I
00:25:00| was forced to watch the first two Fifty Shades freed and then second one it's a load of crap there's just so much crap on it that people are even the Patil and diehard
00:25:11| fans were like oh my god this is what yeah I don't think the movies are doing that well but what so the third one was in theaters yeah apparently yeah I saw this checking theaters and there was
00:25:22| like one showing of Fifty Shades and I was like what apparently came out for Valentine's Day oh did you go wait you're saying he went already never saw it
00:25:31| I know whatever no one ever knew about it because it was such garbage third one went like straight to DVD Ted deals almost I think they just have like one showing in each theater just to prove
00:25:41| that it was a trilogy like we have trilogy the UM scene actors and actresses yeah the people that had no emotion and no fire whatsoever yeah I didn't although my girl tried to
00:25:55| get me to read them all and I read it unless they 40 pages of the first book it's just sorry she's trying to find your the fetish you'd like maybe but it took more than 40 pages and uh the
00:26:10| writing is just very bad terrible no I mean because listen to actually write a book I give anyone credit even people write short erotic literal fan fictions and all that and it's they stopped or
00:26:27| whatever but to sit there and write a whole book has a beginning and then you gotta have an editor producer look that's a full-time gig let me give you props to even do it so I won't say it's
00:26:37| a piece of shit because like you could read something someone who writes on reddit or something that's a piece of shit okay so she's an author she wrote something it's probably more than I'll
00:26:49| ever do with my life as far as go get them and attitude it's just it's it's a great word not good what eliminating limited vocabulary and repetitive yeah and all the tropes that themes were all
00:27:04| done Alba or like eat it we've seen this all done before you're just inserting crazy sexual themes to make it seem edgy but really it's the same story over again Oren how's it going anyway
00:27:18| kind of like a novel that a computer should be writing now so may I would be right smut need to do that a nice the reader slut I don't
00:27:27| I want something maybe the AI is gonna think of every possibility they give me like ah that's just it I think like you don't you don't foresee a future where it's in tension and emotion of having
00:27:43| sex like AI will be like I mean at her it is so high I just like all over and it's like woah thrusted myself into herself she was having like so many orgasms man like how we're like making
00:28:04| AI cylinders maybe it is human maybe no we don't think it like humans always have um it's a cool thing humans always have the AI don't in like the movies and dark future
00:28:25| stories like ran tae flexibility yeah like that human spirit I don't even know what it's called but to out-of-nanoose stick-to-itiveness that's what we got contains don't got that
00:28:38| stick-to-itiveness honestly I will say last time we're talking about what injuries and how certain people were injury prone injury injury you said beefiness the opposite of prone
00:28:51| resilience is what we're good for silly haha did we just say I don't think we said Eugene penis we didn't say resiliency was it later in the episode we're drinking now yeah
00:29:01| maybe maybe it was but I did write down to remember that was a clarification I wrote beefy resilience and when I look down my ease kind of turn two O's and my f kind of look like a tea so I don't
00:29:13| look like bootie resilience and I thought it'd be great to have a recorded prison yeah like if it was like a chastity belt for your bowl we're gonna chassis bells let's good try that's a
00:29:31| good segue or is it saying what is what is a chastity belt so there's a whole bunch of myths that went around I've heard what they are know what they do they keep you from having sex or
00:29:42| erections yeah is it a real thing you can buy is it made of plastic is it leather is it like a does it work the ones they just wiggle out of it I've you probably slightly yeah I was reading
00:29:54| about it today cuz I was like for some reason I chastity belts boom let's look so uh yeah these things are like it's like it sounds like years of research but I have this finely crafted leather
00:30:07| bound book that you can buy for 1995 check it on Amazon dude I felt like the original print money little charts what are right it's called Watcher cornhole bud Vader so it literally looks like a
00:30:26| shark's mouth like he got all the teeth and like it would go right over the VV JJJ vagina I had to say it because I can't oh dude I was thinking about four dudes well dudes have this I don't want
00:30:39| to throw it like a cage look at the Weiner age sorry I'm getting there I am getting winner it's good I'm sorry good non-expert just know they exist I don't knows the men men could figure out a way
00:30:52| to get out of it it's women that was ready to tag themselves or men trying to protect their women women's a lot of them or take it all for something how does it stick to you that's the
00:31:01| thing is I don't that's why I think they're fictitious I don't think you could work it cuz hey you get slide it left or right there's no like fasten it to your hips human body
00:31:10| in fact the hips or figure above like the private area aren't they so you couldn't lift it above I get that but you could shift it yeah there's no way it's too much there's to Miami around
00:31:21| that area but the one I saw I can't wonder for the vagina and had one for the butthole that was the same thing it was like a like utt looking thing I was like you can't you can't wear that for a
00:31:32| full day like you caddy wipe you can't wipe it's the point I didn't think of it and so people who use chassis belts don't what I mean it's the prison defense right it's getting incredible
00:31:46| don't ya you're getting get it infected penis but trying to go after that ball cutting right to it heat round we didn't beat around that Bush we went right into it oh oh man
00:32:03| chastity belt bush right there about the male chastity belt that's originally what I thought oh dude I didn't do it so they have like the thing of them now is that their their BDSM right which is I
00:32:15| don't even know what that stands for sadomasochism I don't know what the Bedi in Sado there's a D though and there are yeah I know I think go ahead no I couldn't think of it real quick so
00:32:25| domination nómine dómini there you go so it's like they have one for men where if you you get hard like the end of it has like spikes on it so you're like oh I need to stop awesome
00:32:37| yeah you would get even harder and some play glue in there now bike for your wiener this sounds ridiculous I think it would - that's I mean that's the whole goal is that is like I have a give a
00:32:51| bodily function meter that someone else is trying to enforce pain on you because that's the domination part eight injury I'm pretty sure BDSM does not do it people getting threatened at we're
00:33:04| losing limbs including wieners so the you know there's so many black holes in the internet and I fell into one today and I clicked on this page that had chastity
00:33:17| piercings so literally someone had a body thing that couldn't let you that's a the one I saw was literally a lock that was pierced into a person's penis into their penis so you
00:33:33| can unlock it and take it off if you want to had sex but if you didn't you slide it right back into the piercing Halling really thought I'd be happier you know there's like weird things that
00:33:47| make you squeamish a weird place that's what bothers you the most it's just I feel like like if people get metal tubes like someone gonna bail in the stomach I think that would make me feel really
00:33:59| queasy - don't ask why I think of hernias no the movie where they all die and then death comes back for them they're like Han Alyssa nation yes thank
00:34:11| you like actually it was a crazy movie or like the sounds bizarre yeah cuz there's one more like all these pipes and tail this dude who's driving mm-hmm that makes me feel like like when I see
00:34:22| that I feel sick and then when you use for a bet it's some image no I'm with you that's awful so I'm not feeling it I feel like that's the opposite of sexy and I guess everyone has a thing that's
00:34:34| sexy but rocking a bolita yeah well BJ nah man let them let them breathe a little bit less oh yeah this is a new millenia here autumn roam free do you think like fetishes and stuff
00:34:51| change over generations imagine people a hundred years ago having fetishes right or a good day so wait didn't have the Internet do they like how they feel like big booty black chicks who like old men
00:35:06| like you don't I mean like it's like whoa where'd they go for that hmm they have like one in the town and they're like oh I'll talking about it and the one guys like I mean it's not my thing
00:35:21| but where would you find this thing the old cornfield my friend oh yeah that's the one thing they were talking about chastity belts is that most of them were claimed to be around the 16th century
00:35:33| and of them actually were like all the relics were from the 19th century so it's like maybe in the last hundred years people had the same fetishes but
00:35:41| four hundred years ago no people I don't think people were thinking about it you know people could add dragon I just saw something yeah no that is probably it's not like our
00:35:54| fetish need is going up or down in this one few years has it more free time if it's a fetish maybe I guess it would make sense we have more free time now we have more fetishes yeah blame the Roman
00:36:08| Empire for free time and fetishes I blame the Roman Empire for everything let some it's actually dabble in our last subject of the night I'm gonna skip right to it I was going to because you
00:36:20| know what I think they're important to me they're important to you everyone else did you want to do a smoker smiling do you have one just I don't I know you think it's probably gonna cut into it
00:36:32| right you're trying to cut out the whole episode so that I only have this yeah well folks oh you bought a new one no no this is the same one that really this is my baby this is my beauty huh right so
00:36:43| see this big this one before looks new to me it might be new to a lot we could put anyway gold hardware she's a purty Bobst Renee anyway um I bought this a while ago but I don't I
00:36:57| don't treat it the world's best buy treated as good as like I treat her pretty well right you know the ice pack or I'll give her the business that gave her a little this little er around when
00:37:09| I started on doing stuff with my band the it's got two active pickups right here yeah I'm jealous look at that that's sweet humbuckers well um there's two switches on here right one so did
00:37:25| you figure - no no one turns on just this one turns on just this there's a way to turn it both on and both passive so it's badass right like a week before I did on my live show with my band and
00:37:39| the one went and I couldn't do active on the back one and that's weird and then like it started acting weird for passive and like maybe I broke it it was very
00:37:50| expensive it was so six months later right now I D strained her I flip all the strings I did my thing I was cleaning off the fretboard giving her a little polish breeze and honor you know
00:38:04| I mean they all actually opened up their back and I was looking at the wires I was trying through out what was wrong with it so I'm tightening everything I'm playing with all the buttons like
00:38:14| googled how to fix your switches like googled what your wires should look like how do I solder like I'm googling everything I'm ready to solder here I'm ready to go to town I'm ready to I've
00:38:24| never done any of this well I kind of gave up because it seemed like a lot of information all at once I cleaned it up I put the new strings on she looks good as shit yeah
00:38:39| never near the best I could put it by go on I fucked her in in both pickups work fine and I was like damn something which is a new battery and taking it no it wasn't the battery that it's having me
00:38:52| before but um 9 something must have been loose on the inside and when I took it apart looked at it and tighten everything back up and put it back together I think it makes the wires
00:39:01| fraying so anyway I got active pickups pants and pickups I got pickups for your mother I got pickups for your father
00:39:09| I'm pickup City and I'm so happy so you got a new base what's up I'll give you that my son pulled off my guitar in the background there then my old Ibanez from
00:39:25| strings on that are like semi rusted yeah but it still works it's a little bent it's a little chipped in parts because I you know dropped it I held it over my head like rocking out and hit a
00:39:35| fan so it's a treatment so there's a lot of dents and stuff on it but you know I was holding it and he was playing it like trying to strum it and I was like hey just hit it they usually hit it as
00:39:44| far as they can hate the harder they think they're going but there's something with something there there's a nice like I don't know there's a feeling X gets a vote like right around like
00:39:54| this area ship yeah is it widget it's like exhaling like which you keep exhaling and just meditating on it almost what's out something innate into primal my kid did it on the stupidest
00:40:10| drums back there he hits the yeah it's the harmony oh hi hat that's all I does I love it too so zips it over we didn't get to talk in the death I don't know depends did you're
00:40:26| gonna be guilted by your girlfriend oh no she's gone okay shed finally I hope they're put on a helmet drugs all the buttons herself and all this apartment outside you have to talk a
00:40:38| little louder River oh she's thinking about it oh here she comes again but yeah female or adult about female well is a female and a dog she knows that she's sitting like she's guarding
00:40:51| everyone in the family by taking the point position folks it's International Women's Day oh yeah I wanted to be the first to say it because I care about women more than anyone else in this
00:41:03| podcast oh no that's true you don't know that it's falsi I will say I will review your statement with a factual statement on my own I so I was so kind women we got yeah
00:41:23| so the women in my office had an International Women's Day so they bought doughnuts and everything for for everyone in the office that was a woman and it was only me and one other guy
00:41:33| that were mentioned emailed to say we know you're not a woman but you're so nice that you can have a doughnut as well so I naturally was like jackpot I'm gonna grab myself a doughnut I went over
00:41:47| there took the pink one and I was like awesome mmm this is the best doughnut I've had all day there was no chance in hell they thought you two were getting the fattest welcome in million not not
00:42:00| were the fat yeah we can't look better than them what's the problem I know I don't even know the other guy but I know I'm fantastic so so you studied the other guy to find out why
00:42:12| they message I'm gonna have to stalk him yeah that's what I mean if he looks real weird and nerdy then they were thinking you were too nerdy if he looks like Fabio
00:42:22| holy shit dude they think you're stud cities they wanted you to show up you gotta know who the other guy is he's he's your um your answer he either yeah either he's my comparison
00:42:33| or my what's with Saddam not a doppelganger but what's the opposite of a doppelganger so someone who's I was going with I was with the other way ones a control group one hey X Factor yeah
00:42:44| I'll take the X Factor your nemesis nemesis but what really happens is I got them doing on some Wednesday and they felt sorry because I gave him doughnuts before pretty good anyway quick shout
00:43:05| out women yeah this podcast this podcast is often man centric I'm Gillick I don't know if it's my testosterone rubbin off I apologize to all the ladies if you want to come slip into my PM's
00:43:17| give me a private message maybe you want to snap me maybe you want to give me a message on somewhere vertical private no one else can see I feel safe doing it yeah and I mean I feel the same way I
00:43:28| mean I have eminence my vibes you just going everywhere you know they don't really understand physics but quantum physics is a real thing and that happens quick ladies it happens quick yeah all
00:43:38| the way across the room but anyway the unpainted ears will give a shout-out to broads Dame's dolls floozies all then missus alas ease all the gals trollop sluts harlots doxies honey's chicks
00:43:55| bimbos babes mall skirts a Biddy and all them ladies just how you are here the Amanar ultra lips you know the only time I ever heard trollop used was against area gras ariana grande and I swear was
00:44:10| an older woman and her little one was like hey the tree no one's good sage-grouse hey like what what would you say is like 1920s 1930s I don't I never existed during I don't
00:44:22| know feeling I might have been always flapper floozy and trial all nosy trollop I do happen to know where Dame's got it started oh yeah they're 13th century France
00:44:36| Dame's and French I'm trying as a dame meets a ruler a feminine ruler so it was originally a term of an like honor it became the term of endearment and then it came to replace women huh no
00:44:51| trial provide well go ahead I looked it up you know how they have that like word usage on Google sure I put in trollop in it its highest usage was back in the they know that but it spikes in the
00:45:08| and then everywhere else it kind of fades in the 1950s and then regains its form and nineteen probably late 1999 interesting regains it's warm and troughs man I have a thing for Charles
00:45:23| broads is popular twentieth century England I believe with broad hips oh really that's what that's a definition as the broad hips well it was one of broad hips broad interesting yeah
00:45:39| something you use every day you never thought and actually meant something I didn't and I don't use it every day use every single day every one thing every day take a broad hey do broad I just
00:46:01| used a tomorrow shout out my ex friend Ryan who used to be school every year all broad no not the Ryan you know what lighten up my ex-girlfriend boy beat it for 10 years when her good friends
00:46:15| husband now but Brian like he was always like cold girls bras I was those funny yeah they did the same thing in college girlfriends of it always say your broad whenever they talk to a girl they're
00:46:29| gonna get slapped or endear yourself to women yeah well it's a good it's like chopping the block you know your understand also funny right it's there's different ways that say it right
00:46:40| value things yeah the guy who six foot four so he wasn't gonna lose the smaller you get the less you can pull off the well I guess it starts to get inverse when you get that small actually yeah
00:47:00| because that's probably cute funny but everything does Dan I'm average height and it's never worked for me because I've never lose it so here's a question for it did you do your study on women
00:47:09| authors sure I did Jane here and you talk about I didn't do any research so hold on so I looked at women authors and it literally has a million on live but yeah they're the worst
00:47:25| prey and Prejudice yeah women authors are the worst they're all full their trash Virginia Woolf Charlotte brontë what taught it's not a trash novel so hold on hasn't gone gone
00:47:39| maybe I'm sexist and immediately after I saw three women authors who were actually bad at JK Rowling I'm JK Rowling showed up who I've heard she's kind of a jackass now because she was so
00:47:50| healthy right right so but with her world she created is pretty cool yeah I'll give her that right and I you know I appreciate that Mary Shelley Frankenstein
00:48:02| oh sweet that's a kick-ass book right yeah Emily Dickinson her poems were always dark wood like she's a she's a badass I can tell I think it's always weird when there's only one book by an
00:48:15| author that stands out the one who wrote to kill a mockingbird she was a hit author I forget her name actually I didn't read it down Mary back Adam is that I don't know is is a woman I don't
00:48:34| think that's art but it could I could be wrong it's where the Harper Lee there you go Harper Lee guess I was really different no he's right and it was I think that's her only big thing and then
00:48:46| I saw three authors that struck me as like oh there that's interesting because I used to because I'm a sexist I totally for a ministry little men none of my favorite little men s he hidden the
00:48:57| outsiders what se Hinton the outsiders I don't know the outsiders did the book resurgent Ponyboy now zero do you didn't I must have skipped that one on hello Debra Lee clearly beverly cleary
00:49:15| Clearlake stories were like creatures were the main characters I've ever run ounce wasn't me like eighty late 80s early 90s like books for kids how okay how about this one Suze Orman oh shit so
00:49:30| financially but yeah thank you so uh one of my college buddies Ben his grandmother was like senile she's like crazy she would send him stuff on his birthday what like three times a year
00:49:41| was it was very bad one time she she sent him we still don't know how he got it a signed copy of Suze Orman's book something Suze Suze because it was Susie okay because people we can
00:49:58| always ensues we didn't know about she was it was a signed book it says to Benjamin my biggest fan Suze Orman where did his grandmother meet Suze Orman why did she think Ben was into her books
00:50:11| there are so many questions surrounding this book but it she was in our house and I was like Ben what is it he's like my grandma got me a book no but what is it
00:50:19| Suze woman and I was like who is that he's like I don't there's any way for him for two years it was like as soon as you walk into our front door there was like our little catapult suze orman book
00:50:33| sign and a lamp and many people asked because she was on the cover doing this financial advice and it was like how do you like this book and it's like I've never read it he did the Suze alum and
00:50:45| she's he sponsored our house shoutout Suze we really have a little tray with with possible money in it so that people could donate to we didn't even know who was financial advice for like a year
00:50:58| we had a gue gonna read the book we should hope you did not uh yeah she has pretty fairly practical advice does she okay I figured it wasn't bad advice it was just boring
00:51:10| advice oh yeah definitely definitely boy right any um female you would do FEMA actresses 2016 money wise money wise top grossing I'm gonna say yeah Jennifer Lawrence is probably up there
00:51:22| everyone number one number two I feel like a comedian oh I hate this woman then bond she blonde Oh cubby yeah train wreck yeah I don't like this one skip over Amy Amy something okay
00:51:50| she's okay allow her yeah like her was she in charge she wasn't a train wreck train wreck was the other Amy Schumer's wanted mmm going he's gotta be a bigger she didn't make a list yes National
00:52:04| Women's Day Amy Schumer you were not involved Oh train wreck was that movie that's right okay I got ya Wood Johnson AAA I actually thought that was pretty funny didn't she like yeah I don't know
00:52:18| if she's still there number three Scarlett Johansson yeah she's done a lot of nerdy things she did a ghostin show and did she oh she did like it's almost insane it's like they like she was naked
00:52:30| when she did it and they like superimposed the bodysuit on her because it's like so tight it's ridiculously tight like just watch that movie and try not to get a boner and it's just not
00:52:39| possible keep that in mind I got a chastity belt I can send via Amazon to see what I work jennifer aniston still still going I feel like she's a robot
00:52:52| like she's if you get number five I will pay pal you $208 she part of Batman I can't tell you you might be only Jimi Hendrix who knows fan bingbing she's big in China
00:53:06| hahahaha fascinating Vega check her out dude fan bingbing really hot I mean I couldn't tell mentally I'm really attracted to people's brains I will do a podcast with me she's yeah
00:53:24| she's very elegant refined she's kind of Guth interested is Jerry couth you know what if someone said Dan you're so cool like I think I'd I think I'd go right at it right there and then like bang your
00:53:40| head no I mean like conjoined twins fighting like that's how I'm not going further down Charlize Theron Amy Adams Julia Roberts still on the list she's a hundred
00:53:57| illa Kunis and number 10 on the list you all know her you all love her deepika padukone Bali Bock yeah I don't even know what who that is attractive girl I am asking a lot of body part movies with
00:54:16| her Chopra no no I do come back I do cup EI d UK o ne oh ok Liger you take one good photo and then you make millions I'm so jealous women
00:54:35| can do that yeah but how many women can take a good photo your group this is my thing that women have to do it like there's always one day never always go better just this is not fair
00:54:47| every picture is better than the next ya know we're gonna see if people see any better pictures of you and doing it for free I think there's actually genuine pictures in here from like fans
00:55:00| and cheese's like she's got somebody some people got so many angles so many features and it's just like oh it's a new feature oh man I don't know what the competition's like over there she's got
00:55:11| it all not to demean women and you jogging by them but she's working one-woman invention physical attraction um no I see but uh one-woman invention didn't Marie Curie didn't she do didn't
00:55:30| she invent cures or something she did something you're only away but that crack he's my number two but she did not invent and she it cure she was uh yeah she's a lot
00:55:43| in radio - the rear - oh shit I put the bass away I was like ready to sit here for 15 minutes yeah yeah radioactivity she um she helped split the first atoms and forgot
00:55:57| they were dealing with radioactive elements etc I think she won a Nobel Prize actually yeah the crazy thing is that she has a really like a famous name but there's probably many more people in
00:56:06| the group that didn't have very many names like my name if I were to send an email it would probably go into junk mail so I probably would not be in the search engine to figure out who was part
00:56:17| of the like like I cured cancer but I wasn't aiming at famous enough like someone named grace steel if they were on the end would get exactly everything hmm
00:56:31| they would like take my picture and then put his name under mine and I just be like before I get into really get to other inventors I'm not going to get into video games and not to get into
00:56:45| athlete none of it you got all day oh my god I'm ready for a little nighttime real quick athletes do you know if someone has more Grand Slams and Serena Williams her sister no I I picked the
00:56:58| better one Serena's the oh I know you know her sister she have a better name best me up Venus what mean is you know that is good news she's not yeah Jupiter rising no that's
00:57:14| just that skinny white girl after her name is now it's Steffi Graf really I was 22 grand slams that's ridiculous how come I haven't heard of her she's Germans probably 1980 yeah she's older
00:57:30| yeah they got Lindsay Bond on there who I is that that is that the other one on peanuts she's sliding tired and injured to Tiger for a while
00:57:47| oh yeah I heard about that she's really milking this last Olympics she's trying to she did some in 30 she met oh yeah she did she did something yeah yeah hold on this is crazy so I'm watching her
00:57:59| event right uh-huh she goes and she almost got gold she like comes in silver and I'm watching and in the downhill like it's the last event it's the last run of everybody
00:58:11| she's sitting in the silver area and there's like nine people who have left to go she's nervous she wouldn't juvie I think that's the work spot to be I would ride there almost go last because you
00:58:25| can't do anything you literally ran your run oh yeah now spoke other girls stuff like children's mean that's crazy I think they choose their position though right so they could they do or
00:58:35| they do and she picked that it's off you can sheep right and I think someone said there was a girl in the competition who followed her in many events and tried to copy her moves and like did better
00:58:48| versions or her runs so her idea was that she went after that girl but before whatever girl like she wheeled whatever there was a there's a mental game going on that I didn't understand yeah too
00:58:58| into it sorry I was like over cursive so she shin you know and after the person picked first fun right she's she went after yes so she had to go after right
00:59:08| anyway um Hope Solo Ribera uh-huh yep like that she's of what goalie correct soccer Simone biles you know she's just turned 19 she's so young his health yeah she's in gymnastics it's not is she wait
00:59:28| she she's the base to beat I didn't know about Katie libecki know who she is name sounds familiar she's swimming yeah good I think you're a feminist if
00:59:46| anybody and I do support women's rights I certainly do you know it's weird I don't talk to anybody in my normal day-to-day and I have very little sources of
00:59:56| information but somehow I know things I don't know how intelligent individual how did you listen respect women focused on women most of the day alright I'm gonna go through the list of
01:00:11| women comedians you tell me if you would hit it force split it leave oh okay great okay Ellen I know it she was like this is like a murder death kill like or no not the what Mary Mary was it Mary
01:00:28| kill a yeah you know I think I think she would be a nice person to talk to and that's all chat could get along with her personality now she wouldn't get along with you but I'm just tell me no I
01:00:41| yeah she would probably think I'm a toupee oh definitely yeah all of that Sarah Silverman I feel like her she built like kind of like a was it nanny was it was a woman's name lamp Fran
01:00:54| Drescher she reminds me of friend ray he does but the voice voice is worse on Drescher okay you know Amy Schumer who okay Amy Poehler she might be okay Parks and Rec I will give it to her yeah
01:01:12| Wanda Sykes I'd you know it's funny cuz like she's a median she's had a lot of jokes that I've listened to but I don't remember any of them no I mean well can you name any the other people's jokes I
01:01:24| mean they're really Tina Fey cuz I kind of had to think for her like a lie I'm not gonna bring it back to anybody in the previous area of the list but Kristen Wiig she's kind of the same area
01:01:38| of Tina Fey in one short agat Kathy Griffin like believer I feel like she's unmarriable I think she would really annoy you after time cuz she's got the
01:01:53| same mannerisms and they're loud they're really yeah I could see that as a good point Janeane Garofalo she's like um did she do the voice of Daria she the voice of
01:02:07| Daria she I feel like she might have oh my god take this out now I'm curious interesting she would be the perfect analog to Daria I don't see her name in
01:02:23| the all right no maybe not well I only got two other people so Betty White would you give it to her I mean if given the opportunity you're kind of forced to the galaxy would frown upon you since
01:02:40| that's how old she is and last not least Roseanne Barr Oh God what was the question I'm sorry could you repeat that question and finally did you actually do any
01:02:57| physical study on women and men's brains physiological differences like factual ones not just like women are better nurturers I mean for New Year's there are results show that I want to say 90%
01:03:16| of our preconceptions are cultural did you hear that so like the language thing on women are better at language than men and so what they came up with in the
01:03:26| most recent study which is actually still being unfolded it happened in 2017 unless it's Harvard I can actually write down I just read it they did 500,000 people which is a good base summer most
01:03:38| students really don't out to people gonna get liars outliers people who turn into Beverly Blair be Liars benighted that was my word and in the product that's trying to bring a full circle
01:03:56| anyway women in general have a bigger hypo campus info campus oh yeah typically have occurs typically brain often resolved with memorization really erect I think I think names and stuff
01:04:15| like that but I'm being prejudiced right there but I mean generally they do know name's better than I do but I'm not very good at name right right I'm not sure a motion to center of motion memory and
01:04:26| our nervous system will check out this men had bigger big dollars I'm a gala amygdala oh I think so I'm big Dillon okay what's amygdala my problem is when you say yeah
01:04:44| its aggressive aggressor right it's like I thought it was actually great emotion and something else but you know I thought of star wars princess Amidala experiencing of emotions it's only just
01:05:01| mention right isn't that great almond-shaped correct I thought that it drove my reaction to emotion it might but I could be wrong huh I'm not enormous scientists we can have
01:05:14| to bring one on I'll sit do you know I uh I know a couple podcast yeah we're going to bring right end it we're gonna have to write that down for the future doesn't make it recommend it right now
01:05:26| it's too early it doesn't have a name yet well nevermind so this study is not conclusive enough it literally has to be unfolded more they want to do more tests
01:05:39| on it do more whatever on it they probably put it through a thousand different databases a thousand different algorithms what they came up with is that there's slight physical differences
01:05:49| between the brains of men and women but most of the time like men tend to be better at language women tend to be better at this because they're very much here but there's too much overlap from
01:06:01| the others it's like they find that all of this many women are better at this but a good portion of men are actually better at this - and a good for you so they find that it's very Nix there's
01:06:11| nothing concrete evidence most people who find the evidence are looking for the evidence like saying like the men are always better at so and so Matt look here I see several men
01:06:22| better in that one thing that is interesting is actually disease so men and women to diseases at different variant ly oh yes
01:06:38| did you know autism spectrum disorder affects men five times as much so autism itself are like a business a ASD which is autism spectrum which is the I think it's looked most commonly diagnosed
01:06:52| autism like OB it is strange the few people that I've met in life that are autistic were mostly men interesting right they think it's because men have extra chromosomes because the whole Y XY
01:07:05| thing we had spares because we're prepared for the future yeah we sure are but we don't so that's an extra baggage apparently yeah and and the way um I think I read is it Alzheimer's affects
01:07:18| the brain is different in men and women lasting right because they have a different path I will say also that um so when a woman has a baby the baby more than it affects well let's see it men
01:07:33| could have babies it would affect them that way but they can yeah so it only affects women in X way and yet it's that way so when women have babies they form honestly a child asylum that has stem
01:07:45| cells the stem cells are not contained within the child they actually get spread within the the woman so I'm supposing here and as is this is our reach there may be some part of the like
01:07:55| the birthing processor being pregnant allows you to gain some of those stem cells and then maybe you long get your life there's a possibility that there's some sort of like you know relation
01:08:06| between the two that symbiotic relationship that extends life it's possible but I will see having children ruin your life painful and exhausting and destroys your
01:08:20| body and thank you for your life yeah thank you for is it evening out really hmm no no so you're gonna go on the social roles where you came and I guess now it's getting similar some water that
01:08:34| you can compare men and women it's hard to focus on you're not looking at is that I was just curious yeah yeah but I'll bet I forgot I was gonna say to you shit yeah I miss you a big time you
01:08:47| certainly did power of the mind you for how we're gonna say - I did you're done it's me up women women women last longer where you say they're more emotional do you know why I'm gonna this is actually
01:09:08| approve aback most Jewish women outlive their husbands the only Jewish women yeah this time like Jewish husband Jews I before their wives this is the thing you know why no is there actually a
01:09:23| definitive answer because they want though there's a joke that goes in there that's the joke we want to they want to outlive their no no the most Jewish man died before their wives you know was
01:09:37| they wanted men I was thing about a woman's side okay I said it wrong the first I corrected my time you call it on but it was too late you're like the killing will work I killed it anyway now
01:09:48| I have to succeed under and they were gonna doing that back so it's okay fine the one study that I did find interesting about men and women growing up his children not giving them toys
01:09:59| just letting them roam around a room and letting them pick pretty much between like dolls and trucks so female babies will pick those men autism we got female babies will pick between most lifelike
01:10:17| toys like a majority of the time it's like 60 something seventy percent of the time whereas male children will pick between like inanimate objects most of the time yeah so like it's in its
01:10:31| inherent inside of our genetics or our brains to be wired towards something else so I count fingering a face right I'm sorry do you think he can utilize
01:10:41| genetics you mean over years of breeding like men are always hunters men are always hunters do you think it women were always hunters women to grow each other's our genetics routine so music
01:10:51| away the necessity over time people become more and more like I don't know do you think I have no idea inaudible I think so yeah but again we would have to be able to give birth to children I
01:11:04| think that's the main differentiator right we can't yeah yep so I will say that I think I'm a sapiosexual I knew it yeah parents kept saying yeah yeah they think they must have known from early
01:11:30| age that I was really attracted to someone's mind and how it works I guess maybe maybe part of it I don't know but again I'm gonna bring it back to Danica Patrick who's on said persons
01:11:42| podcast podcast yeah tonight yeah yeah she's a female driver the one and only female driver in NASCAR that actually is one race one reason I don't know of as you want to race but she went out like a
01:11:58| season or every huh would don't call doctor min shit don't diminish it she's still blood plenty but she's very chill you're not yeah to the podcast she's very chill relaxed and she was a typical
01:12:10| so do you think that she'd really care about driving in cars and all that stuff and she was totally like you know I'm like err they gave me a car I Drive it it's free I was like man I love that one
01:12:23| cuz she's cheap she's super value oriented baby oh yeah turn me on I love that when you save money do you think so we're up to a minute 15 if you want to multiply it by 60 I wrong in that number
01:12:50| cuz an hour is based on 60 minutes procedure nursing multiplied by 115 it would have to be by 108 don't try to math this is my third two and a half from two and a half deep I'm several
01:13:08| deep what I will say is that all oh shit sarpanch dil e filled-in dilly dilly dilly YUM he says that he plays video oh no please
01:13:26| any character except the female mm-hmm sometimes I switch it up she's got cheese people never I listen I like to catfish it's okay he says he plays portal who's the main character is it
01:13:40| female robot then the main character not GLaDOS hmm the one you are I guess you can select yeah cuz you're Jenna you're always you it's a woman with stilts her legs so she takes no fall damage trust
01:13:57| me on this are you gonna trust your shell shell or Shelli or Chell something up anyway um one of those Amy please portal he selects the game he's made he can't pick a woman you just put the
01:14:09| controller down and leave it I meant to leave it for five days six days don't even get past the first level so I said that's ridiculous wood used to do when you play Metroid he said I got all the
01:14:21| way to the end Marie Osmond takes off her helmet and it's a woman like surprised famous yeah he a powder one with Nintendo her right off said I don't need this shit
01:14:35| the finish line is right there you just need to walk one step you said no no thank you in one hand I respect his dedication on the other like dude like Dolph it's the 1990s right yeah huh I
01:14:52| wish we could all take a step back and think about the nine council play a little riff have no you're gonna go right into it everybody fluid guy I was like like it's a Seinfeld fit because
01:15:09| that would be the perfect to play right there yeah it's a shame we can't relive this moment and do it right no I don't so I think that brings us to the end of episode 9 and Nick has the classic
01:15:30| saying only it's in it yeah he'd ruined it but it's okay I allow him he's fading away now it's fading quick [Music] like a vengeful gopher oh good night

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