The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP024 Getting to Know Us Become Familiar

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP024 Getting to Know Us Become Familiar

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 24 - Getting to Know Us Become Familiar
Click to read the episode transcription below.

This transcription was generated using YouTube's voice to text captioning method. Hopefully, Speech-To-Text technology will become more accurate in the future.
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00:00:02| so I'm Dan I'm still neck folks and we are in earth we don't panic and we don't pander because we form a giant panda earth it does thy care don't pander time and okay check our
00:00:20| disclaimer somewhere written we don't feel like doing it right now it alone it's somewhere there's gotta be a certain age to watch you know the routines limits and shit man it's f dubs
00:00:28| we share those we're cool with every pool buddy else pretty cool pretty cool we're gonna jump right in and face tongue twister because I'm ready to go you are you sure okay I made this one up
00:00:41| with like a an hour ago see ah it was online the other day you know I'm on LinkedIn guess what Abe Lincoln linked in a be linked in profile I think so that right Abe Lincoln LinkedIn immune
00:00:57| LinkedIn profile yeah that's it that's pretty easy they believe you said in being a LinkedIn profile yeah that certainly liked him to be in a great LinkedIn parang I feel like he's an
00:01:08| extra syllable in there I'm forgetting thanks though I think so hmm those good as I thought but when I wrote it it sounded better hmm someone else could spruce that up
00:01:16| make it their own yeah come just learn it out there you can make a million dollars of it I won't even sue you just enjoy a nice milk product that I um might rush
00:01:27| close your tech nug seasonal guide in the house boy for a big party I had the other day no one drank it over the way you're getting it it's one of those things
00:01:40| that's bipartisan yeah so you know we even brought it out hey well I'll try to get done spice it up everyone's like yeah it's kind of late we're getting ready to go no thanks
00:01:50| okay hi jokes on you i okay Carnegie node now to have an ID to find you I divide you nutmeg nutmeg it was like I guess when you let it sit for like 10 years it does long so it sticks together
00:02:06| now we got that bag in egg nog that's what we're gonna do folks it's fantastic how much more those drinks here how many I could do seven more today I'd be in good shape
00:02:17| do you remember I had a one Christmas holiday event at the step step in-laws hmm and they there was a brother so what was he makes him like an in-law uncle or something no no yours but he had eggnog
00:02:36| he brought like three gallons of eggnog cuz he like mix well okay how about links he doesn't like any cakes business he he makes skin suits of women his buddies thanked by the gallon I just
00:02:48| gonna that goes hand in hand patch right here things young so yeah he brought so much eggnog and no one drink any of it okay I only bought a car so I'm fine hmm did your second 200 any Corrections we
00:03:06| go over some stuff from the last episode we may have said wrong or anyone or did you called you the day when call you this is a universal symbol for call help you I don't think anyone called me text
00:03:17| be emailed me I had like eight eight of my friends affect me it was weird as all the episode dropped it was from episode said James Bond was the voice of Mufasa is that it's James Earl Jones it's clear
00:03:39| that up I don't know how I thought James Bond it's a movie thing people are in movies other people in movies I'm not supposed to remember everybody it's the guy from the Bell Atlantic commercials
00:03:49| there's love James Bond so it's difficult when you can't so I could have been right Disney James Earl Jones ever played James Bond his entire life even with his
00:03:59| friends let me give you a situation here yeah what if you could take one character from any movie and put him in another movie to change the pot what would you do what would you pick who
00:04:11| would you pick in what movie would you pick who got two from Zoolander but I'm in like a really really serious movie let's see like a documentary about murder is Elizabeth
00:04:27| running around the kid I'm sorry it might be in the way of your ass that would be him saying it not okay let the record show we got too much fun spilling food all over them the guy whose
00:05:06| assistant quivering no it's good stuff hi I have a smirk or smile now that we feel so good I do feel enlightened and endorphins and in gorgeous I had to finish the triple
00:05:26| entendre it's strong there yeah I know just fall oh I need you can feel it from Oh strange I do have a smirk but it's a little bit long when it's there's a story associated with it I know if you
00:05:47| okay yeah I love it prepared so I finally got to run playing that destiny to game and playing the Leviathan raid which is the night you know I fell asleep like 15 minutes after
00:05:59| I said I can't do it so it was good it's yeah I felt the same way about three hours into it three hours yeah he yeah it's the game is so that I don't know there's like four parts we did like I
00:06:13| made it you made you guys have we had all Swedes you need six like the way it's set up I'll go through how its set up after the smirk I get but um and I'll go through why it sucked to start it
00:06:24| took life certain is a story but the smirk is that there was one guy on our team that was like the team leader cuz he had done it so many times and he had the best computer which had four video
00:06:34| cards each a thousand dollars a piece all right his break was so much more expensive than all of ours why was he in playing with me unveiling all this what is that I don't
00:06:47| know it was weird because he had two children that were like running around and his wife was in the background like hacking lung and he's like are you okay honey he's like like still are you are
00:06:57| you right so he was really yeah he sound like such an asshole but he also was like the team leader so he was like deliberately like I knew nothing about it but he would go like really into
00:07:08| detail and he'd be like you to l1 l2 r2 r1 r1 you go are on again are wanting it go no go no hole and like you'd be like be like I don't know what you're talking about cuz I don't even like have the
00:07:18| dinerral like general like what's going on layout yeah so the the smirk is that this guy was so into the game and so into helping that he completely missed everything about the game that makes it
00:07:31| awesome and he's like you're not you know learning you're not understanding what to do you're just a freaking robot and he's just like pushing buttons on the robot trying to make it do what he
00:07:40| wants tell offense is that what something becomes when you get good enough at it you've been playing guitar like imagine it's not like you're making cool sounds
00:07:46| you're just shredding to your memorization core abilities when you're playing a game you're manipulating the the challenge do you know what I mean so well that it's not even a game you're
00:07:57| just timing it's all about timing getting just repetition I think so but the smirk is that like if you playing a game you think that it would be less robotic yeah you think you'd be you
00:08:11| could name things for what they look like like l1 was a grove of trees and the trees were the only ones like on the map area he could just said like trees yeah
00:08:21| all right side left side you know that right Shirley fun yeah that's the that's the part of it was that I thought was playing with a like a group of all my friends I would understand how people
00:08:35| could enjoy it but I'm with a bunch of strangers and people not talking and not learning together it was just that one guy mentioning how many times as video cards yeah he's uh I don't know I don't
00:08:47| know I'm kind of curious what his background is and what he does and if he's just that is not my job in Arrested Development where he wears the expensive
00:08:55| suit to work yeah like I'm gonna talk the guy wearing the $300 suit and every time he tells someone else about it hey the meeting still he's like yeah that's the guy in the $500 suit he's in
00:09:06| a urine so it's like yeah $6,000 suit he's screaming loudly and like humble bragging that his suit cost more every time you mentioned that mm there's more there that's bubbling to the surface
00:09:20| I'll just let's do anyway did you guys did you do it we'll take six hours the game doesn't sound like fun to me that might six hours I mean three but though at the description of it is so
00:09:37| I'll talk about I don't know how to describe it I'll do the generic thing that the the general idea of what you're doing there's one game that you have two sides three person to a team and you're
00:09:49| pretty much rotating like you need to like carry the ball to the middle and then carry another ball to the other side and then you just you you swap positions you constantly go back and
00:09:58| forth or killing so you always need a team to be going you gotta work and you yeah and if you drop the ball you like screw everything up so that was one one of the team so that is obvious you need
00:10:07| six people there's no way you could do it with less great it'd be very hard and then the other one was like you are in like this forest area and you're carrying again these like balls and you
00:10:20| have to hide from these things that are running around so you have two spotters up top that are calling out where the dogs are and you're depositing them into these flower things to get bonus points
00:10:31| until that you're like she almost got killed in one shot entirely ridiculous and I played the game a lot yeah I tell em you never play the games probably doesn't make any sense but if I played a
00:10:41| little bit I probably figure it out no no no several hours into it doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard or seen in the game yeah and there's no explanation so like the whole game is
00:10:50| missing pieces of it so like I got there I was like okay so you put the ball and the thing and then you'd kill these things but like you run out of time like instantaneously so if you are there
00:11:00| trying to figure it out you'd be like it'd be fun with everyone that know how to do it that's first they all be looking around in but there's a timer
00:11:07| that kills that and then you die instantly at the end so like you'd be like how did you I don't know I don't know that was I was cool good again let's keep dying and dying I can see
00:11:20| people dying about 30 times before they're like oh yeah you each have to split off in your individual groups and do like sicknesses out though crushed so you literally needed to be with someone
00:11:30| who's played the game before and it has multiple video cards yeah that make sense to me yeah I don't know it was kind of it was interesting but I don't think six people was needed like to do a
00:11:42| game like portal 2 did it best with two people like if you had like a portal 2 with 3 people and like a little bit more complexity well there's probably math reasons like you know two people two
00:11:54| portals to different demint like to you know red and orange that make sense you know versus you know you had a third person there's only two portals so yeah a lot of that was like mirrored so you
00:12:05| could have a team of three doing it it's like they don't laugh with goal couldn't see that but I actually still the screen and I gently wiped up the dance face where was it Chitti to my dog on me you
00:12:20| got you think on my face sorry not on your face was definitely the nog hat hmm it was definitely like you they took something and they I had like a three person idea and then they just said
00:12:33| let's just put a mirror in the middle and reflect it and have the same team doing the same thing on the other side I was like can I cut down the chase here consider that yeah I'm just telling you
00:12:47| what I feel I thought maybe I needed to run around and be like more interested in what it was but it just doesn't sound fun I think I figured out what that's what I don't like about destiny no
00:13:01| literally I mean cuz I was thinking I was trying to explain it to somebody like my other friend and or something I was like it's cool like the graphics are really good it's smooth I mean it's tons
00:13:11| of guns there's tons of replayability like there's yeah different events to keep you occupied the interfaces are kind of confusing but you know what I work but it's just
00:13:22| there's no a lot of fun to that game yeah it's no Grand Theft Auto like the king of blood well the first times we played we jumped in the car together we're driving around
00:13:33| and we come to a train track and someone is it was trying to wait waiting for the train was patiently waiting for the train to pass which which I still refuse me I don't like it just sit in his car
00:13:49| waiting the train be across nothing and we just ran him so far the train and the strip to the car off yeah so yeah that's like the hilarity they game is so simple and so much it's so obviously fun you
00:14:06| involved at any of the times that this is real early in the Grand Theft Auto days like when it first started and you can ghost out of a round hmm like if you were getting bothered by everybody in
00:14:18| the level you could turn spectator mode where everyone could still see you but the bullets and nothing can hurt you and you couldn't interact with anything like I'm gonna get into a car I had a bunch
00:14:28| of cool ghosts on us because we were bothering them so much and then we just walk around but you know eventually that's not fun either so we would follow them just wait for them
00:14:37| to hunt ghosts and they'd be walking around trying to ignore us for really long in like ten minutes to go by and they're like well you're not doing any of the game you gotta come back to life
00:14:44| come on buddy and I could keep good feeling of waiting like I'm just gonna wait the mill and there were many a times where eventually they just leave the server and I'm like damn it but a
00:14:52| few times they eventually like tournament why don't we just blast their chairman you could feel it you've got a tension UPA you feel so much about the other player and destiny to its isn't
00:15:04| you don't get a deal that like free blanket not fun yeah well done game I mean really graphically done well it runs smooth as hell I mean I don't have for video cards but everyone's great
00:15:16| yeah I don't think you need four for the top ones maybe want to become a millionaire and just buy it so I could be like this soon that great I spent ten grand on up at the end of four years
00:15:29| that'll be $800 for yeah I'll need buy another one Aldi moves on yeah mm-hmm hmm my smokers well is much easier than yours sure for what I fried a turkey those badass keep rice
00:15:45| eat oh yeah I didn't do it mostly girlfriend's brother did it mostly work he's done it before though yeah so I gave him yeah could feel a little dangerous when you put the turkey
00:15:56| absolutely and it we accidentally added a little too much alone not a lot it's too much oil like a lot like it goes over the edge when catch fire ice with just a little bit too much so like every
00:16:07| on that it was spurting oil everywhere else a cop one of these hits a flamers honestly it's pretty far down too hard yeah but uh Juicy's helmet Thanks good old bird
00:16:19| crispy skin crispy oh yeah delicious loved it and that's my hex mark smile the real sport smile was I think that night or yesterday I decided to watch Rick and Morty episodes I figure out
00:16:35| what they think I've never seen it I've seen bits and pieces but not enough some of the funniest damn shows I ever seen I need to watching it it's really funny like I um if you look at our YouTube
00:16:48| history uh-huh spring up later but uh oh yeah dude oh yeah cuz you can find him on this youtube or whatever um they're broken into like the partial episodes so you google Rick and Morty season 1
00:17:02| episode 1 and it'll be like a video that has all six but it's six videos that are like three minutes long each on that then I got two episode 11 and it's funny as hell it's like really dark twisted
00:17:16| because it's a cartoon so I guess it's like Family Guy meets and I don't need something maybe only like white 30 year old 20 year old guys think it's really funny in them you know everyone else
00:17:30| disdains it right maybe in which case you peg on it for what I am before I get too old to enjoy it but you just watch it well we'll come back to it but I think
00:17:38| you'll find it addictive and very good it's it's fairly clever and maybe because there's some science to it I guess and philosophy was interesting
00:17:47| philosophy it's interesting anyway give it a shot put that out there a super fan the show oh my god I love it many people hate it oh my god it's a
00:17:56| dump but I like it your joy don't let you enjoyed it I I laughed out loud like a bunch of times I don't usually do that when I watch shows more than good one good one show what I was like huh oh we
00:18:09| have a couple of that movements a couple of real singers think I give a shot you know you're good friends of the podcast writers of the show brilliant writers have something we always do I try and
00:18:29| subdue it I'm not trying to get too wild here and hide it sick to a new level it's a man we have whispered started to yell at different times it's awkward
00:18:46| don't worry be more awkward when we have to do all these challenges well I have a go on yeah it's two people who I thought were the same person but I was like six years old what is it an hour the movie
00:18:59| stars they pop stars Bill Paxton and wait he's gone yeah no no one asked him to do anything I was gonna say bull mix step best in peace their names somewhere I I do reserve
00:19:12| that no this one's own way night you know is comely referred to as Newman do it from Jurassic Park remember he was like stealing look we got that your dad didn't see no one cares anyway who do
00:19:29| you look like though who's he similar I was 6 or 7 years old so I wasn't the most the brightest fully I'm joking in it name's Mike Haggerty he um you know from overboard you ever
00:19:43| see the show friends yeah do you know their landlord who dances with Joey he's heavy said he has a moustache kind looks like Mario a little bit I see a Google and gonna have to click anyway
00:19:55| they don't bill they don't look alike at all I think they were just to that heavier movie servers that struck me when I was six or so I guess so know that I don't think they look
00:20:03| that much alike it's just when I was six they I confuse them for some reason it's better he was in so many things that long exactly a lot of these because they got a gadget yeah a cruise control
00:20:13| all these things that was just well there on the boat I think that was the boat what are we gonna how are we gonna slow down this but there's a bottom of the boat oh no we can't go under five
00:20:25| knots there's an awesome powers really like all these things that are like lately yeah right do trees anyway there are a couple of great guys and I know they love to donate to charity so I
00:20:40| figured this is the big opportunity put your money where your mouth is or should I say put your money where your butthole is Oh sister don't you challenge me oh did you finish it I want to do an eggnog
00:20:59| chugging contest with these guys anally yeah not alcohol I could just it's like by chugging that's what those kids were doing in college a little you can absorb alcohol through your butt right
00:21:15| absolutely you can do what they're doing in like using London a few years ago keeping kids were soaking tampons in like vodka what yes they can do it in school good on you kids
00:21:27| I heard that it's not for you yeah I couldn't you heard anyway for every ounce we can get down will donate at least $1 to charity so this goes on my search search record but tampon whoo
00:21:47| [Music] alcohol enema colloquially known as butt chugging hey you want to see how wait dangers I know there's a danger associated with this of course you're
00:22:01| absorbing it's like putting it right into your bloodstream like your body slows it down when you drink it you know your stomach all that stuff you're not you're just
00:22:10| throwing that like in this be Clark like whoa yeah hits lever too quickly and then you don't have enzymes to break it down in your butthole hmm where things are not supposed to be oh
00:22:21| boy crazy good yeah anyway I let's let's see if we hear from that's all time it's almost like vaping alcohol the thing they take like a
00:22:36| little tiny like like a half a shot vaporize it and then inhale it because it's like boom you've met like smashed yeah instantly killing all your brain cells soon wait'll I tell you word of
00:22:57| the day nation whoo nice Nishant nation oohs - na na odo and e SC IE @ t that's him it means lacking knowledge dignity Wow your nash's to this word who is quite obvious that shit's or Nisshin
00:23:22| what's Nason how you nashit then I am fetchin to such a thing Oh Mason coming into existence in beginning to display signs of future potential just like that's it I'm like
00:23:43| nation' people new folk we're Nations mm-hmm oh yeah I was watching them talking about YouTube history I was watching this is Dan bell and he waited yeah Centralia you know Centralia no 100
00:24:03| miles away from Philadelphia there's just town that was an old ghost towns are scary shit was it a ghost town it's now ghost town because it was a coal mining town there are whole mines caught
00:24:15| fire are they still burning and they're still burning the couldn't turn yeah yeah yeah so is it still burning today I think it now sits it's bad it tries rely on the internet to tell me
00:24:28| whether Centralia is still burn I don't think the Internet allows why it's kind of all Trump past 50 years continues to burn 53 years that was two years ago seems true I'll take it like a lot of
00:24:46| you saw I was watching the one about the townspeople getting upset this is also another smile so they all had different types of accents that were I was familiar with like pittsburgh media it's
00:25:00| really backwoods Alabama yeah it was great like even my my pop-ups from there so there's the one guy that sounded like my pop-up and he used the same kind of rubbage no she's
00:25:11| like how embarrassed I think kids of the future will have that problem because it learned from YouTube I'll have a variety of accents because these people are was like back in the 1970s 80s they didn't
00:25:24| have any you know I'm pretty sure that's that's that's gonna be a no point because I think of all the things that we were supposed to have because of internet or because of the TV Oh kids
00:25:34| these days they have TV they'll just try any channel and learn any accent it's like know your flaws just click click click there you go it's like a wet you know it's the only one you get the only
00:25:48| good news is well I'll be awful no matter which generation we are so we'll take solace in that ah no longer Neeson well it was 23rd episode right yeah yeah I think it is
00:26:04| but I don't know I'm gonna blast income it's gonna suck you but that's alright okay we'll figure it out with ruthless no bad bad audio that's what sucked um so I thought what
00:26:19| better way to celebrate our 22nd 23rd episode then um if I ask you just a few questions for John Berman he may come up this is more of a um kind of it's like a couples
00:26:36| compatibility quiz now oh I was looking for the ER many questionnaire I was gonna ask appear but I can't find that goddamn thing anywhere they like lock it down like Fort Knox I
00:26:45| get some kind of secret yeah pal for $13.99 I can get your whole questionnaire and print it okay yeah I didn't want a pony up or sign up I started to so I looked up some of the
00:26:56| other popular ones this shit's not free in the beginning it might be but I didn't I didn't wanna get roped in and then have to explain to my girlfriend hell I'm signing up for you
00:27:04| harmony Oh Dan on the UM pen or as an answer the questionnaire because I just look bad you gotta like you to your Twitter your Facebook and your yeah it's like it's like hey I'm looking for
00:27:14| people in the area to date anyway so I thought we'd just see if we're even a compatible couple okay yeah this is this kind of process I mean there are a few questions that I literally didn't even
00:27:27| scout all the questions it's 50 questions we're gonna wrap and fire them and you see it we're or we gonna stay together as a podcast okay let's see if we can stay stick through this our time
00:27:38| what is the ideal number of calls a podcast should exchange tune in a week okay I'm with you I like that fun would you compromise your personal happiest for success of the podcast I'm pretty
00:27:53| tired right now so yes good answer I was a great time here huh what is your idea of romantic vacation for the podcast I would like to go to Colorado I thought you said one of your down along at
00:28:10| houses because I wouldn't go you guys let's what's going with somewhere didn't like an abandoned building you want to check out it from an old meat factory nothing says romance like an old V
00:28:25| factory folks take it to Luigi block the single most important thing for a podcast to be successful focus rumination that's not the single thing but I'll
00:28:39| take that same ladies what would you define is podcast cheating hmm talking to another person on here in general recording and releasing it yeah this cheap what if it's just like your
00:28:56| guest starring in a podcast and promoting your podcast at the same time that's that's fine I would allow job promotions you want your ogen you showed up as long as so you can do what if you
00:29:07| spent hours on a podcast which over ogen as long as you plug the on painters it's okay yeah I'm gonna do that as soon as it lets me do it okay friend of the podcast your Road route if I podcast you
00:29:21| Don you would you ever forgive me he doesn't have to why not okay would you ever say sorry to me even if it's not your oh ah I I thought I can never admit guilt the character flaw
00:29:39| three friends with any of your ex podcasts see are you like I don't know if you stole a pod with them time to time you guys pod up no I did it but the battery guy I can't admit to this one
00:29:53| moving along don't kid I should finances be planned in a podcast one-sidedly okay I know what you are it's okay our ad promo bonus just came in and evened it all out hmm I saw yeah do you
00:30:18| think celebrating Valentine's Day of podcast is Corey I have to believe it lands on Valentine's Day and ask you are you going oh it's on a Wednesday the world odd kiss day we could have about
00:30:33| we go to Valentine's Day pocket ooh get more personal what was your first impression of me maybe she did you're talking about back in back in high school yeah remember you kitty -
00:30:52| cracking up in English call it maybe you might have been in French class - yeah probably sir are you quiet in the beginning I don't remember you showing up until like
00:31:05| Midway freshmen you sure maybe I won't even though the shine did we sit in the back of eighth period English with see doc and everybody who's he back there an M doc yeah yep I think there was a back
00:31:24| row going on there I think it was three or four or five was that make sense Wow can you avoid flirting with another podcast it's an attractive podcast ie Joe Rogan flirts with you when I'm not
00:31:36| around if I'm already podcasting with him I gotta be flirty talk it up how would you spend a special day with each other Cole Duty for ya well that obviously destiny to if it was yeah oh
00:31:57| what's the most special memory you hold of both of us right to your door I was gonna cut that it right to the add just do like the the next add that I do is gonna be that I was gonna cut to pound a
00:32:26| DS but I didn't want to I don't want to get the wrong idea whoa pretty dark oh I told you to jump off a tall cliff and told you that you've land safely because there's a net
00:32:42| you can't see yet would you blindly trust me did you know this is a real question it's a real question would anyone say yes to any I would never say yes I'm talking a random match person
00:32:54| that won't might been casting for a little while so it's not like a random but it's funny because I wouldn't like if my wife said that I believe yeah no get down that's going to jump there's
00:33:09| it's a clip if I told her she would look over the edge and if there was a net I'd push her but if there was oh she would just be confused in people looking did you ugly push yeah I would not love her
00:33:25| mmm a little bit more than pockets Wow do you think confessions make a relationship stronger or a podcast will cross some lines broke up with my girl for a long time ago the only thing I'm
00:33:47| right now is this podcast you have recordings over feet stomping on how are you dead Nick oh the next one's perfect here let's skip this next one is it fine for a podcast partner to use the toilet
00:34:05| with the door open oh yeah I think we're okay with that or a okay yeah I think the moment have children you can't pose the door I'll just be standing there banging like ah can't Oh
00:34:22| after a breakup what would you do with the podcast really keep it up I probably just turn to video games spend all my time playing video games but you would leave the pocket stuff right record
00:34:35| myself I'm so by myself oh you continued podcasting interesting would I didn't know that about you which which sold best describes our podcast crazytown butterfly good come my lady come come
00:34:59| lovely that's good folks you're too young for that one oh my god alright that was that the same summer that Len steal my sunshine came out no way it was earlier I feeling that
00:35:13| I always wear suntan lotion enjoy the happy days the one more guy just talks for like eight minutes that's just advice so little pathetic lyrics please what about the sneeze we'll try that you
00:35:36| can't you can't relate nope no really I tried I tried that's these is relentless whoa alright feel better now let's get some the good ones
00:35:45| I love some yes yep mm-hmm wow it really matches perfectly on this Oh what are some annoying habits of other podcasts that irritate you click the link below subscribe that it develop me
00:36:04| we love you all of you everyone watch it folks don't forget that that like button and definitely subscribe to the podcast here on Joe Rogan oops he was like like these guys I like he said what this Dan
00:36:35| guy he's off my list mmm who would you prefer in a podcast partner a good-looking person or an extremely clever individual perfect duo of the two you're welcome oh my god this
00:36:57| one's really good when was last time I came into your dreams three beavers like two weeks ago you mentioned think I did but I don't was very sexy I think I was just helping you go to the stores you
00:37:10| know I had one dream that was like very realistic with real people and like you may know it made sense in Fantasyland but not in real world but I don't think I think it was a different set of
00:37:23| friends all does we're different set of you you could've been different hmm they're all me essentially so number 31a 50 where's configure is sex about
00:37:35| constantly pushing the boundaries or playing by the rules question through both standard look so it's I think which the boundaries in the podcast right up the boundary but chode
00:37:55| yep okay shotgun you could shotgun a beer every bottle didn't dumb jackass the movie only did yeah I'm pretty sure you like I think he was fun everyone was
00:38:09| laughs as soon on early same as he was before let's clarify hmm when was the last time you disliked me earlier in the episode but all you did skip last podcast they did these near you so I
00:38:29| guess I had to put up with some random guy L 1 l 2 L 2 3 4 what lady oh good Molly's video ooh would you be open to disclosing all your health issues to me all the time even number 48
00:38:52| will I have to pay for your insulin medication I don't know let's find out I do have this lump on my back and it just gets boring that I make people go into their medical issues I need kind of
00:39:04| crickety Oh wonder why people do it is that because they have comfort this is so common at the age that they feel like again it's a bonding experience in the next phase maybe we'll get there certain
00:39:17| folks know if you're having a bad day would you want me to leave you alone or spend time with you and cheer you leave me the fuck alone number 50 50 50 my lesson what's more important sexual
00:39:38| chemistry course spending time together for the pockets depends if I'm in my 20s sexual chemistry oh yeah headed towards spending time on
00:39:58| the podcast yeah I'm right in the middle you know oh and lastly what's your obsession with tow lo I don't know she don't look to her she's not that great but so you
00:40:12| watch youtube videos for the look mmm yeah I know more about you she's notorious ly flashes the clock the crowd and she s uh yeah I'm sure that doesn't show up any of these videos that have
00:40:23| showed up they are you Tintin and what's left last with the YouTube history yeah for those of you don't know we end up sharing YouTube history mr. makes it
00:40:36| interesting to see what my embarrassment side oh you brought up some life but escaped the Pina Colada song oh I love that song he just wasn't do it like during the day we're gonna be like
00:40:50| Wednesday at 4 p.m. you're like I can do some your scooper both uh lime in the coconut that's no it's not that tongue I don't know I'll have Lucille the song no
00:41:11| because I really thought that's what it was I was like that's so baby's kid likes it guys the guys up late at night and Boredoms Leila and he looks at an ad in the paper if you like pina coladas
00:41:22| and sex and going out in Lane yeah that's all yeah yeah yeah I know that's on - that's also not very good I don't think but I it's funny because I thought it was a jiffy song yeah I thought it
00:41:35| was as well actually now that we're talking about it what's the guy thing I didn't know remember no one knows it's your multiplied guardians of galaxy okay Bert's tape I don't know which one makes
00:41:50| take the first movie I had I was listening to the YouTube of both first or second yes oh dude so glad we did this so I don't get to see movies anymore cuz
00:42:00| the kid my life whatever yeah it's just I don't don't know attention yeah right and I on time you a movie theater everything else wherever so I end up seeing things like four years later six
00:42:10| years later no one wants to talk about anymore hey I just saw guardians of the galaxy like three months ago there's one yeah I am the second one let's not even talk about that yet the first one that's
00:42:20| a really good movie I liked it yeah I enjoyed the hell are those just funny enough just action-packed enough this is really good little bit mixed so if you want to see your guardians of the galaxy
00:42:28| review folks check in here at the on manners maybe 2017 going on 2018 but we know what's good yeah forty years ago so then I saw another movie that I DVR'd on the win no that's not a little drinky
00:42:46| drink stayed up and watched it Kingsman reduced it there's only one funny part at the end the church scene I'd like the church scene I remember she was insane it was one of my favorite
00:42:59| action scenes I've seen in a long time where they sent out brainwaves or everyone becomes violent wants to kill each other and he literally he kills like 30 people and it's such a well shot
00:43:08| scene like access flowing through people and dude it's beautiful and he's just mowing people down I was watching it and maybe it was HBO or I DVR'd I can't remember but it was very gory and I
00:43:22| remember what I really enjoy something I do the Cabal laughs oh my gosh [Laughter] jumped over kicked them pull the knife back out and stab someone else I'm like
00:43:39| oh hell oh really that was gonna be my Smurfs earlier I forgot about it thanks for bringing it up somehow you didn't but you thanks I'll take it that's good
00:43:51| love a good action scene there's a good one well done so made a good point most of the ones nowadays are so many camera ships like too quick you don't really have to see anything if we John wake
00:44:03| that's great yeah John looks pretty wealth on the end Vic yeah I'm saying it was a benefit okay cool well I thought you're saying it was too quick because that one all
00:44:13| his moves are pretty realistic and I love the actually just saw John went to like two weeks ago Molly dude all right read reviews yeah yeah so John went through two weeks
00:44:26| going how many head shot through their goddamn movie I've never seen that many you know he had shots everybody kills he does every single one Oh every single person he kills he shoot some of its
00:44:39| once or twice to the head at the end of every kill so that if he shot them in the heart to kill them or something at the end he shoots him in the head and again anyway like it's like I hit move
00:44:46| or something and it's so badass but he's like and then like he'll be kind of done with the two dead bodies in the room but he's about to leave the room but instead he's like just making sure there's
00:44:59| nothing coming back like no one's gonna be behind them no one's niggy up no one's getting up amid like wow he just got my heart everyone's dead as hell it's kind of gangster that is
00:45:11| pretty awesome he but terrible like there's so many headshots it was gratuitous I felt bad watching it like I'm like ah I'm committing sin I don't even know if sins a real term or not
00:45:21| really just but it felt like something bad but Keanu actually legitimately likes guns and it was had a like drawn fire gonna take time some martial arts as well right he's kind of it is his
00:45:34| career is the weirdest when you think about it how old was he for the matrix I just found out he's way older than I thought things I've been hearing is he's probably mid-40s
00:45:42| I think he's like Cole's 50 dude well yeah I'm looking up Keanu Reeves age cuz I cryed - Aquarian age years younger so he's like dirty show like
00:46:02| mid-thirties when he did he does crazy dude we're not even a chance to make the matrix one normal day did you didn't click in my brain Oh what did I click on here man hit man
00:46:19| in the video game like the one of the now I really always wanted to get into him I never really got into any of them like he played them and didn't get into him or you never got a chance well I had
00:46:29| one of them rhythm downloaded illegally one never really worked right one the sound didn't work and one I just never really I don't know it was like it ran weird cuz my video card or someone else
00:46:40| this is stupid hate the stupid seriously I got tired of it though I got it just when I got a new computer and then I got the surround sound speakers and it came tour I mean it was like would be the one
00:46:50| that would came out like PlayStation 3 type hitman or like like like so you give me an audit geez like it was a sound card that came with it okay he's like a six point one system so it was
00:47:00| completely yes that's good I know they do fix one do you know what the point what is this one thumb over oh why do you say why is it it's stupid though like it makes rubber seem like it's a
00:47:14| tenth of a are you gonna put me you were but that game was amazing because of the sound because you couldn't like they knew it like the the other NPCs characters knew who were looking at them
00:47:31| like they've become suspicious and alert other people so like one of the things is that you're walking in snow and you can hear the person crunching behind you because the guard was getting suspicious
00:47:41| and following you but you couldn't turn around if you turned around he'd be like he blows whistle and everyone would go after you so you turn the corner and you could
00:47:50| hear him get close and then what as soon as you turn like like turn the corner you grab him snap his neck and dump him in the in the alley and a lot of things were like that you like you had no
00:47:59| visuals you're just listening to things and there's some ridiculous stuff in that game like you're at a party and it's like maybe like a hundred people and there's the bathroom and my tactic
00:48:13| was to kill everyone at the party saw exactly something I would do one at a time so it was easier every time you kill someone cuz there's fewer eyes uh-huh
00:48:22| and then by the time you even need to get a target there's like 80 people left at this party and you're like they just snap their neck throw them in the stall and then be fun really like the f-35
00:48:33| Oh way to go I'm pandering way to go I like it yeah you just twiddling your fingers waiting for that next person and then hit shot cuz I've heard really good things about the newer hitman games I
00:48:48| want to get into but I'm not paying money mm-hmm the multiplayer I don't think so it'll be so awesome doing it making they'd be so boring for people to watch though you'd be like oh
00:49:01| dude the best they'd want to see what we did with all the bodies uddaka babies sitting in the bathroom and then like you just feel like the walls be covered in blood like his susan cutscenes and
00:49:15| you just be a I need to be wearing a clean suit and just walking to the bathroom well it well here's a couple would you rather to our Oh cuz this episode's all
00:49:27| that us folks yeah we're pretty good we need to reflect on each other how we're doing here would you rather wake up 500 years in
00:49:38| the past or wake up five hundred years in the future the future yeah I want the my plague dude yeah but you look like you're like a shitty present in the future who doesn't know anything
00:49:49| yeah but I'm a demon which in the past they're like keikain or and what she speaks weird English where a god no they always bring a lighter back yeah wouldn't be the same Scott would I be in
00:50:02| the same location because it'd just be good question actually I don't even think I'd be able to walk out of where I am because he'd be a small might be I'd get eaten by a gator I'm let me go I
00:50:14| could do that well I didn't know puppeteers know well just a bird crisp you don't know you're playing some cards here all right that's fair here's another scenario let's see would
00:50:30| you rather be an amazing painter ooh but Picasso early enough what I loved you or a brilliant mathematician next one is really good probably genius go for the
00:50:46| one that can get recognized because mathematician ah yes oh wait could not get recognized Wow you let the opposite way I thought you were going if you could just like paint
00:50:56| something that was like stunningly gorgeous like everyone would just be like like you couldn't do that with a math equation it really be like a big boat tons of money with math though I
00:51:06| think you cope I think it'd be this is the model collection like you want to be like a beautiful model order like a genius right I cut it is I good point I think I want to be the the guy that can
00:51:18| while people in an instant we're gonna make a nice fluffy cloud over this mountain range and oh I'm already done and everyone's like Bob do that he paint him with the bristles on his
00:51:28| forearm is heavy he'll it'd be great if it was like a picture of like Super Mario was like real-deal beard Oh actually saw the guy play the Super Mario did you come across that recently
00:51:49| the guitar no one up yet yeah I love the Zelda ones the orchestra Zelda's now I do like them no this is a guy he's like a really nerdy I don't know you never played
00:52:02| video games he was just like a composer picked that hmm I forget his name now they just showed him if you looked it up it was big old reddit like last week yeah
00:52:11| played Super Mario themed piano just try that ragtime but he's like one of the more famous a so they handed him the note what the musical path written in music or whatever and he sight read it
00:52:28| and just played from from looking at it and it's ridiculous now it's not quite as fast as the original he said can I get it a second time and he plays up to speed but just the fact that he sight
00:52:39| reason it's pretty pre verdict didn't show up and read it I think I searched the wrong things Bennett read it Mario Brothers piano by the way I'm really good at figuring out what keywords from
00:52:51| what you need usually usually your brain is now conforming to the internet on your person but I need the Internet to answer my question so we are using the editor does he play
00:53:03| with the giant marimba this is that guy I don't think so it's a regular piano into Google I would have typed read it no she is pretty good now that's a sad makes me happy this copyrighted riddle
00:53:24| no because someone's playing it with a marimba it might be copyrighted by that guy can you copyright a cover version I don't know they had to get laid out
00:53:37| right so this guy famous making a song right what she just did just doing the film video recorded him and it got 10 million hits can he make that money you make money of that I saw I was
00:53:58| disappointed I saw some girl playing tool on drums yeah you probably know which one yeah it went wrong it have been shared YouTube no no I actually don't think it was but I go down that
00:54:14| rabbit hole a lot no no I don't but but she wasn't that great like she was off on her timing great but she was attractive so she had like ah 20,000 off forevers oh dude I probably know exactly
00:54:26| which drummer chick so I could know that that's one of my rabbit holes where I look up a blonde ruling she's like a fucking sweet setup to she had mama she telling studio setup she's yeah actually
00:54:39| I floor off a it was dark hair but maybe who knows either way I probably still are because I go down these rather holes where I see tool drum covers and I look at like all the ones with big hits and
00:54:48| recently five years recent women tend to get the top bizarre like attractive and he's smoking hot and it's like this girl covers it with her guitar and it's like she's pretty good like a month knocking
00:54:58| her but she's like she's got more hits than everyone then she's smoking hot I'm like retracted this might have something with us yeah and then that I was reading about the girls of twitch tree over
00:55:10| there cold they probably like twitch bunnies or sometimes just need the but um the ones that have like they literally don't like they play video games fakely and they're just kind of
00:55:21| like scaling it one girl did like jumping jacks like if you donate $2 to me I'll do a jumping jack I just have a weird gaming porn channel it's just evolved into doesn't always devolve into
00:55:33| yeah we did we're really low cut shirts and show off their boobs and then complain when people donated them like oh I don't need another donation I hate I hate you for donating to me that's
00:55:45| genius god bless that's American rewriter and merely a chore to do um friend of the podcast two things actually friend of the podcast Gil ban didn't do anything new nothing
00:56:05| crazy like 24 years ago almost today was in December I feel like he's told me a story um he was just fresh young at a school used in New York he was gonna get a job on Wall Street it was like the big
00:56:21| new thing is he was already slated for it I told him it was pretty much his just had to show up just show up at 3 o'clock wherever I don't even know 65th Street hi no friggin idea he told me
00:56:32| story a long time ago he's hailing a cab to get in there and another guy's got on the cab and the cab stops for him and he gets to go fight with the guy right you're a piece of shit I'm telling you
00:56:43| back up off me Do You Know Who I am this is building my friend to being a real big shot I'm gonna make so much money and you're a little nothing piece of shit he's
00:56:54| telling this guy off this is an older guy he don't look to put together he's like swear his old jeans he has a piece of straw he's chewing on those my country bumpkin finally he literally
00:57:05| grabs the guy pushes back and says I'm telling you I'm smart you're dumb I'm big you're low do like Mathilda thing till you know Minter finally goes home hey old man back damn Evans set it back
00:57:21| down gets in the cab he wins no big deal turns out he didn't get the job I think that's the funniest part about the whole thing that and uh he kept you saw that man again on TV that
00:57:37| man Tom Petty and he released his hit song six months later April 24th 1989 well back down check it out full moon fever anyway till then didn't
00:57:53| get the last laugh so on little guy named Thomas petty did until he died Govan threw a party I didn't go are those in poor taste but anyway not crazy right you never know who you're taking a
00:58:08| cab from so maybe back down maybe back down they could be your son maybe do this cab if you listen you can hear it if he crazy so that's laughs you never know folks
00:58:41| you just never know yeah another interesting thing this one was real to me so I got a friend he's a podcast now I signed him up James x-factor right been my friends forever
00:58:55| I'll not be met him you know played drums for me for a while it's longer hair but looks like a rover a wanderer he's really awesome dude he's making a documentary did he like travels the
00:59:14| world and like using Mauritius for a while over there near Madagascar Mauritius yes Burgess anyway he's always doing crazy stuff the other day he was he was surfing and then went to a cloud
00:59:29| forest and volcanoes in Mexico City he's doing crazy stuff my god god bless him he's one of my favorite people I always try and stay in touch but he doesn't have he stays off the
00:59:39| grid so he doesn't for number always so he contacted me over the what's app right mm-hmm so I turned them on to the podcast he um you to read his comment it was very good
00:59:51| I randomly watched listen to episode 9 of on panders the other Oh which one Goods episode 9 I think it is it get Richard I am come here I picked one see you know jump in you don't want go too
01:00:04| far in the future or you don't wanna go to episode 1 let's see what they're gonna all you might not even been great it is luxury in double standards for the pic expect good pic yeah anyway
01:00:18| likes the mix of light and heavy with the show joking around but also good bits of philosophy and inquiry it's like hanging out with you all but having zero input and I mean I get it it's like it
01:00:32| was really cool I was like I like it right and he liked it he feels cool was like hanging out with people just wishes there was a way you could add to the conversation and I wanted I I was
01:00:44| overjoyed I do want to say if you ever wanna add anything to the conversation put it in the comments tweet mail us scream my ex-wife's name whatever I don't care
01:00:57| I'll be good like that we can actually read off how much people hate us real time oh and I did get our first fan mail this is in a real mail it's almost have
01:01:09| family I dress I don't put it anywhere I think is this probably is how check it out it says I'm panders equal shit dye underlined a bunch of times all had
01:01:21| rings domain they're not been as a sharpie saris are expensive compared to hold on expensive to a guy who spells you with one letter anyway felons we do appreciate it I'll put it somewhere
01:01:38| uh-huh I like it yes that's alright take care with it build it pretty good actually I was gonna reflect on what we've done here you feel like you've good hop of something absolutely not at
01:01:51| all but I think like week good eventually I look at I like to think of it as a this podcast is like the middle of a conversation
01:02:06| I don't know that afterwards people are talking about it or anything or they ever will concede immediately if you leave the room yeah right and I feel like it's kind of a downer for me but at
01:02:17| the same time I also don't know that people look forward to it like oh baby it's the it's the freakin weekend they're gonna release the new episode there are many but I think people do
01:02:26| though no no I absolutely like forget the bachelors but I do think when people are listening and I don't know this for a fact but there's some texts of people talking I think they when they're
01:02:41| listening they're in there part of the conversation they get we're saying some things yeah some truths some jokes some interesting around our heads as we put it I put three ads up there like over
01:03:01| I think that equated to like a couple hundred clicks and the hands that went to the website like no one like almost no one click through from what I could tell to the YouTube site maybe a few
01:03:15| minutes that explain what's that is it anesthetics I think I mean if I mean is that Connor looks very good cover look if it doesn't look like it's a multi-billion dollar website I feel
01:03:34| like sometimes people yeah I don't know I don't know but I did once that I did a third ad that goes directly to the YouTube and I like that look at the stat for how long they've watched and the
01:03:45| average is like 40 seconds or some ridiculous look at the material but yeah we always got a minute we're gonna get to the get to the meat of the episode in one minute
01:03:56| Edie episode I'm clicking quick ballpark you don't like it anyway yeah it sounds like you can boil down but three minutes you know we can't I'm feeling that it like
01:04:08| the style of the way Google presents ads is not indicative to a person wanting to listen to a podcast for an hour no probably not but you know another complaint I did have from x-factor it is
01:04:22| think I said author you know I mentioned it's awesome that's kind of the fuel we go for we'd like it to be even better if you had any advice and he just said um maybe visual aids or uh maybe shorter or
01:04:35| maybe uh audio because he I can't find it anymore but he was like I'm listening to it in his man mm-hmm hit clinic I ended up not watching it full-time it's not gonna stare at the screen no but
01:04:46| everybody was like just chillin laying down on the van he was like huh and he still had it on to the gears he's good audio that's good visual like a back of a VW bus just in the middle of chillin
01:04:57| he might spawn stars is kind of what that kind would be badass yeah I could I could go on a trip our listeners would pay for it and do exactly that and record everything
01:05:12| look I can't you say it I'm picking it up wish they would put it down yeah so this episode where we talk about everything yeah Schindler's List and we got to we
01:05:27| did covered up lighten it up a little bit come on guys it wasn't that serious and talk about this area right here folks are in also uh loose head champions advice hockey okay yeah
01:05:42| thousand thirteen you do that no no it's you didn't say it's the chin intended to be Killian at the logo they sponsored an event in a Delaware area 2010 baby last time a played ice hockey probably we're
01:05:58| a perfect match for the podcast and oh we didn't tell this cook 453 huh that's [Music] good and then we talked about random crap for a while people are always
01:06:19| asking me of that great sure is real real good-looking boy fully managed honey before I start looking at myself in the podcast look you were an Indian back 500 years ago feel like you
01:06:39| might lend in then Mike Lee has our feather or something when did that trend died out a long time ago you must have been embarrassed when that came around you know that came back did but yeah uh
01:06:50| women it like expensive salons we're getting a little feather piece Oh oh wow it's like a it was it was pretty hot for a little bit I'm new say hi everyone gets this year everyone gets
01:07:07| their film yeah what I'd like to say those be like you folks we like it a lot thanks for watching check us out socials website under Andrews a column you do also check up a tree on myspace please
01:07:25| wait we got them all nice now it means you always been shooting planks but we like you more like if I have a good night

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