The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP026 Human Concept Time Perception Clocks

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP026 Human Concept Time Perception Clocks

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 26 - Human Concept Time Perception Clocks
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00:00:00| so I'm Dan no they're folks and we as together as a duo form always in perfect unison sigh hit the sync receipt would be on panners I'm panderers that's us folks
00:00:21| I kind of you're listening you're number hmm doubt that I remember our first dumper Alaska keep it I love it yeah I don't think he's her she's there anymore
00:00:35| Thank You Louise the internet went down from yeah they'll pick up whoa a winter hit and they had to go indoors for a while mm-hmm they'll be back then I'll have Internet indoors only afterwards a
00:00:44| lot of catching up in Alaska well I'd like to tell everyone what we do here it's a conversational podcast we share giant ideas well you know when you go to sleep it's just dark you know there's
00:00:59| room where there might be a snowstorm and you wake up and you can see the glow like it's brighter than it should be when you open your eyes oh yeah it's quieter than it should be just no
00:01:10| but we're even look it's snow is everywhere whoo oh ho ho like this podcast except with word yeah I do I do I like this Oh like you can and there it is you smile
00:01:26| anyway hmm you gotta be 18 these opinions aren't ours yeah you can't show us you just can't and see hostile you cannot avoid us and I like that employers punt infotainment
00:01:39| try us will sue you we're gonna win we're gonna win cuz that disclaimer I love it mm-hmm so what do we win I don't even remember it's been a little while it's
00:01:52| been a while we do a lot of a copping out as we call it me on banners holidays gaming it out women am i right video games am i right those damn video games man mm-hmm taking up all my time
00:02:07| wanted me to push their buttons so it was like the women uh happy uh how would you rate the three games we played with entity two dead by daylight maybe thirteen forced force had
00:02:25| a unique feel to it but it was very basic yeah dead by daylight and I thoroughly enjoyed it but the last time we played it was just like missing something and couldn't but it was I
00:02:35| think it's missing like the safe zone like the jumping through the doorway to be like haha you get the killer they amp the killers we know yeah yeah and then we were not dead they cheated they yeah
00:02:47| they cheated us and then destiny to I I liked but it was empty hollow very very hollow well they're gonna have the folks were video game experts right here yeah broke it down for you yep do you want to
00:03:04| hear something terrifying I talked to dill Dan about oh sure startled let's go with video games we call it a smirk smile I don't know I wasn't even planning on going here but I
00:03:12| felt him today he plays destiny and his problem is he never gets people it'll really join him Hank used to like a nightfall or raid or whatever he's nice to people
00:03:23| yeah we just try and randomly just like you know invite people and then write something like hey I'm just trying to do a raid real quick you know whatever and they're like have you done before and
00:03:32| they're like no no no he doesn't get any was not anything like people don't have bottle and I thought that's crazy and then I was like well what if I was 16 17 game every day like I'm grinding I'm a
00:03:46| master and someone in perfect English messages me with the right punctuation and like at the capitalization can you help me with a raid real quick for China be like I'd be like is this dude 30 and
00:04:02| I said that to go then on the phone and he was like you think and I was like I mean maybe he just can tell you all these people are like literally old dude I ain't helping the old guy and like you
00:04:12| wouldn't know would you ever I mean I don't person it doesn't know they're old that's true to you and do you think you just there are ways you don't know you're old I think I'm still like 25 in
00:04:22| my mind like I've got an arm since college but all a little bit funerals can find you online they know they'd avoid you they'd uh yeah they'd look up my handle daily
00:04:33| Dan and behind chemical let's get away from this creep out we've looked at his YouTube channel we've seen all those websites there's been a hangouts before we've seen we've seen his history we
00:04:42| know what those guys into yeah we could see his passwords written on the note of path a piece of paper next to him because there's a reflection in the room somewhere but I mean we wouldn't know so
00:04:53| that's kind of weird they were re old they were already already being left out of things times passing by hmm yeah I look at my my son who's very young he's a toddler and he
00:05:09| just enjoys everything so much and it's just amazing that he enjoys he thoroughly enjoys all of his time and here's here's my smoker smile go for it is that I let him run wild and free
00:05:21| completely nude like the first time I just like you know no diaper just run run dude do the first thing you want to do what the first thing he did was went to the softest stuffed animal that he
00:05:33| has and he rubbed his body all over it oh yeah it was a giraffe oh yeah mmm the giraffe is ride the drive yeah taken after by the year that's the gravy town oh yeah then of course if he's looking
00:05:49| back he's gonna hear about this and yeah a lot of seven year olds are doing that so so uh yeah hey well I I feel like I have this the adult mind which is the mature mind I
00:06:02| have the childlike mind and then I have it it's over yeah it's over here to left I guess which one looks at adult videos this is yeah there's three of them I didn't this so there's the it's like
00:06:16| it's a try hemisphere and so when he grabbed that hemisphere when he grabbed that giraffe I just thought like he had it right by the ears and I just thought oh deep throat that's the longest
00:06:36| yeah we're gonna be a band yeah pervert channel and well I don't know if any of you know but um oh nice shirt that's quite classy did you try to climb that pole but it was
00:06:59| greased and you fell off I would've the Eagles one half we're doing this the day after uh going to the Super Bowl baby yeah it's still a little in disbelief but what's funny is continue all our on
00:07:14| this subject I know you could like football is kind of in my life like that really but like it's engrained everywhere else I go so I pay attention to it there's news job there oh yeah you
00:07:27| got like I like that no no what the way I'm used to losing I almost enjoyed them losing their little losers like well like cuz then your fandom is more real I feel like you feel like that one's like
00:07:45| I'm gonna be an Eagles fan like an outsider like I can't wait you know what I mean I'm like you're very there's no faking being in Eagles that's what they're
00:07:53| talking about in locker room they they're talking about us fans and how shitty they are because they of course oh yes shit on people like almost literally these pro shit ad people and
00:08:02| it might actually be a little bit they're just extremely passionate but they they're so used to not winning that it's almost like a badge of honor but it's almost like I suffered worse
00:08:15| than any of your hand bases hence I'm better is the feeling that they get mm-hmm because I mean most people have a championship or two or three or how many goes won any championships at all they
00:08:26| wanted 1948-1949 and then 60 okay they're a good team but they didn't change it to the Super Bowl till 62 I think okay they're few years old and they haven't won sense so in
00:08:37| terms of recent victories its Phillies oh wait and before that was 83 the Sixers mixers and then flyers and then well there's an 80
00:08:50| I think the Phillies won an 80s Lobby huh so go one every ten years if you break it down yeah and ask for more silence not one square so per sport it's probably one every
00:09:03| forty anyway so you get to see one in their lifetime oh I guess maybe maybe we'll find out this thing is the Eagles won yesterday and it was such a good feeling like you'll love winning I love
00:09:16| everything about it but I guess when you're losing everything feels like it lasts longer like from catch-22 Dunbar says to us Arian he loves being bored because it
00:09:29| makes the time go by so slowly everything so he's he never wants to be too excited because then before he knows it it's a week later or a year later or a dozen years later so if you leave like
00:09:39| a crazy fun-filled life like you blink and it's over it's gone so it just wants to constantly be bored this way that the time drags by just staring at a wall and what's interesting is this Eagles
00:09:51| postseason is going quicker than any postseason I can ever remember like I'm any to watch a game but I haven't well you should I was they were good games but like now I can almost picture the
00:10:05| Eagles winning this game and it's not like I went out and raised holy hell like six years ago I would have went out that's what all the people were Frankfurt in common and raised hell
00:10:14| gotten drunk from bottles places given us a bad name punched a horse I don't know I would have done anything someone punched a worsted punching a horse wow that's awesome
00:10:29| shoutout actually guy who punch doors but but it's like time's going by too quick for me to even soak it all in it's like I can picture us winning the Superbowl and me not even having a
00:10:41| chance to get so drunk I forget my name and binge for nine days and like go crazy and drop to my knees and scream and break something hello and that's almost like sweet justice will win it
00:10:54| and I won't even enjoy it as much as I enjoyed and kept the losses yeah like I was getting ahead of myself we didn't win the Superbowl but we and it's a very weird feeling yeah
00:11:04| there's nothing like almost winning it Arctic when they went in Oh for mm-hmm we played the Patriots yeah I remember that getting pretty ironic lay down and Justin Timberlake did the halftime
00:11:14| he didn't go sure oh no Samuel Eto'o's could be revenge if you live it woman yeah or just anything but it's sick like I am so for my ex-girlfriend Megan her roommate was a huge Patriots fan thought
00:11:30| we were egos fans so I was watching it in her school in University of Scranton and I remember we lost and I was so drunk and so mad I picked up her roommates vacuum cleaner and just hold
00:11:44| it at a wall and it shattered hmm I threw a bunch of bottles that night and broke them everywhere I was an awful person yeah so every terrible every few years
00:11:54| we'll call her Kate messages me on Facebook and says lol you owe me a vacuum because I broke up with Megan I know it's not like a friendly lol it's like a she's gonna come get me for a
00:12:05| back in the Honda uh-huh every year it gets a little bit of the interest if I put money only used to win and I win money I should buy her vacuum probably should but make sure that you can like
00:12:20| each an Eagles emblem on it oh yeah or I just give her a crappy vacuum I don't really feel bad more she's got one Landry guy anyway that's sorry that's where well with that I catch more fish
00:12:33| the dark dark despicable place huh that's okay I kind of wish that I remember watching uh same thing in college watching what the Flyers they beat they beat I failed buddy they
00:12:45| beat the Penguins or Tampa Bay in like seven games on River primo was it no primo hit it off his foot and then came around him slammed on eBay as Tampa I don't know any Marwan yeah and I like
00:13:00| the communal area and that was the most excited I've ever been about anything I think in that in that timeframe of that we're surrounded by fire no no this was singular enjoyment by myself everyone
00:13:14| else was like kind of far - better for you cuz you had you had to revel in it beyond what you could do because you had to encompass the group's happiness cuz you know the happiness but
00:13:27| by yourself yes and I almost broke a window by launching myself at it like a cannonball did a good way though in a good cannonball way and nothing broke but I think it would have cemented how
00:13:38| much I loved hockey if they had one like that would have been a pin broke in that window yeah oh be a great story if it was a family cup and I fell out of a second-floor window I've been only
00:13:48| telling that story right now maybe a lot I yeah I regret but that makes it makes a glass shards are probably pretty painful and to fall you'll feel pain in the past dude hmm hinting hinting
00:14:07| tugging pulling long chain a tie any corrections from the last episode right there you know hmm I don't think I I made any mistakes Norley ever dude and I'm perfect why I
00:14:24| like it I'll correct that later well I did say in our last episode 106 or so Mussolini the dictator he was a fan lowest yeah he loved manga and hentai they were around at the time it wasn't
00:14:44| correct yeah just really though he did way Fuu he had his little Arsenal way Phil away yeah except it was in the shape of an oxy Nachi Nazi Cross he liked hello yeah it's good like I would
00:15:04| like I kind of hold on sad to see if Amazon has that not a Nazi body pillow if I feel like it might be a thing you're coming back I kind of feel like they might yeah uh just a regular pillow
00:15:18| it doesn't fit around your body I feel like that's like for like maybe like two or three pregnant women like it was a giant they'd share it yeah they're all hated by Nazis
00:15:28| yeah there is a picture of a guy in between alcohol to stop I'll just stop I'll close that window before I get there too distracted wow sounds to strike Fullmetal Nazi garb into anti
00:15:44| picture body pillows full-size dreams I have a scenario scenario for oh yeah you're walking your dog it's like Wednesday it's Thursday I don't even know let's say it's the morning walk
00:15:58| slightly the late that I want it's like and it's still cold everywhere you didn't want to be here dogs annoying but you have to do is you're walking it's it's sniffing around like it's about the
00:16:11| poop and you're looking the other way when you turn back the dog is sitting on its butt like a human and staring at you and it says go into your office and quit your job tomorrow mmm it looks
00:16:21| you know says this and you stare at it for a few seconds and then it goes back to sniffing and it Fuchs eventually and you're talking that you're like Hello did you say something hello doll doll
00:16:32| you rub in your eyes nothing else happens huh you do anything I don't think I can do you think that's a message from yourself do you think it's a message from no idea Irene I don't
00:16:45| know I'm just saying would you be freaked out enough to do anything I mean you know if it said quitting your job - pretty big deal what if it said don't take Sully pound pike like a plague mint
00:16:58| yeah is it you're like that's a street down the road I sometimes take that to work would you totally be like I didn't hear anything and I'm just taken Morris Road today does it go in in your voice
00:17:09| do it in someone else's voice is it British because the British people can have more sweat more veracity to their statements I don't know I mean like you would you would not take the road though
00:17:21| right that day maybe for a day yeah I think I'd avoid it but now what if it's a quit your job you wouldn't quit your job right you know like I seeing things it's probably uh that's got a lot of
00:17:29| weight to it Oh different path what's it what's the different what's the middle middle ground it's like stop eating stop eating meat pretty month or something you're
00:17:42| just damn don't pick a month that's not something that's like like an instantaneous thing like don't do this or make sure you play this number no
00:17:54| lottery I play a lottery number I would - yeah if it doesn't tell you - I mean whatever yeah what if it says push your wife down some stairs uh-huh - watch that stair that
00:18:08| connotations what about mm-hmm I can't I can't Oh instantaneous grief pain it goes back to what you said about memories like are there any memories that are hurt and
00:18:22| there are memories that hurt it just it usually doesn't involve you because I think you've healed but like the memory the possibility it's not I don't know a memory can't hurt you I think a memory
00:18:36| allows you to access the hurt part you know feelings associated with the hurt not the actor act hurt correct the memory I think act I guess memory here it's uh-huh if you can separate that
00:18:46| though well maybe you can if it's like super traumatic I think I've been through some traumatic things that I still could remember when you cry right now I know I
00:18:56| don't cry it's not it's not a possibility I'm human but if I go back to your dog analogy if your dog said like you have cancer of pancreas would you go ahead and get a scan like that's
00:19:13| that takes some time cause some money I got it does even set it up though hey Doc x-ray yeah do all that yeah I don't know what you're saying my dog it's funny makes you say that
00:19:34| I just he said get a second opinion cuz you're not gonna believe me a dog I don't I think that's the threshold though if it's like dollars out of ya not a procedure a check yeah I can go
00:19:49| with that interesting I'd like this exploratory surgery doc I don't know what I have but I know I have something hankerin against me stuff moved up and you're the remover to do it I just want
00:20:02| to take pictures put him on YouTube whole thing inside and out hmm I just feel good today I do you feel good good yeah there's a lower there's a unique circumstance that
00:20:19| I think I could bring up because the government's shut down it affects me you do whatever you want no but the so if I was a civil servant I think so they usually just take a
00:20:30| vacation they're not allowed to like do any work whatsoever and they get when you take vacation as a paid vacation day mmm they don't use their vacation in this okay what do you say take a
00:20:42| vacation I thought that wasn't hurt no they well they they are not allowed to work and they're don't get paid until it gets retro actively changed - okay they never don't get ready for that well
00:20:56| the last time it happened they got retro pay for like a week so I assume a day they're probably gonna give it to them why not make sense but I'm sitting in a federal facility and I'm pretending to
00:21:07| do normal work while all these civil servants are leaving and like mass exodus of civil servants there are the most people I've ever seen a team to work on government shutdown day they're
00:21:18| allowed four hours of government shutdown time so they shut down whatever they're doing and then leave so they at four hours everyone left here and I'm sitting there my contractor is telling
00:21:29| me to keep working like normal and use all of the federal facilities that you can and I'm like isn't this like illegal well not only that is it like is your boss or whatever kind of be the
00:21:41| cheapskate being like really we can't we can't do everything we should probably let everyone take it easy but he's like hey just keep working really hard yeah yeah
00:21:49| it's a corporate corporate shield mentality where you're just like yeah and the best you can it's like what that doesn't mean anything do it with anyone else here
00:21:56| yeah there's four people in the office when there's usually 100 I don't I don't know what the hell's going on so you know I'm I am working and it's just weird it's just weird
00:22:10| who thought hmm you know you could say to them right I know I do not as they walk by the word of the day what might that be Pinker t-tom Pinker tick-tock it's an old-fashioned way of saying
00:22:25| goodbye tinker tea tonk all right now I'm not sure what nationality started it or whatever but ten coup d'etat it sounds funny hmm dirty talk I had use that in a sentence
00:22:38| you just like you just like say it like a one it's just a your fingers like very finger is right a finger sentence you'll give them the old tickety-tock they're gonna be like me granddad see the
00:22:55| problem is that if I do that in the office they'd be like is he your fire yeah unless it's like you do it to the oldest guy in the office and he's like particularly this like okay now I gotta
00:23:09| do that every time I see him every frickin time can you talk yeah there's no way to say it in a masculine way which i think is what makes it fun
00:23:23| yeah exactly did he talk real quick for the podcast I don't know the people at home use Pippins good are you wearing to right now oh my well I'll be Dan well it turns out I'm
00:23:44| wearing the new Sony WH 1000x and twos huh just came out about a month or two ago Wow Sony's a big first foray into wireless noise cancelling and wireless noise
00:23:59| cancel that's pretty good thanks and the uh you know Bose is that a stranglehold on the economy with the Q's CQ 25 yeah it kind of just no one can match that that noise canceling its active
00:24:17| noise-cancelling really well so you may have actually one of them here it's the same price point except this one has wow its engine it looks like I just want that what's
00:24:31| that did you just buy that yeah it's going today Wow convenient how much they lost three fifty three dollars and fifty cents keep going up three hundred cents and you
00:24:49| just went down you literally went down no I had a hundred and eighty eighty nine dollars and best buy money oh so you paid half price so what you're saying yes exactly I haven't decided if
00:25:02| I'm keeping them but they're actually really through like here's the issue I'm having mm-hmm I think noise-canceling is really cool I didn't need it but like I got money to burn those folks it's so
00:25:16| good my son was taking a bath tonight right out I couldn't hear the water filling the tub I couldn't hear him making noises in there I couldn't hear anything I was like just humming along
00:25:30| closing my eyes and immediately like four seconds I was like he could be drowning nothing he's good and now they do is gonna he's good you're rocking you're so he asleep but
00:25:40| like but I couldn't enjoy myself because and then I started doing the dishes with them and I couldn't hear the TV in the background and playing and I just kept picturing my nagging awful girlfriend in
00:25:52| the hallway screaming are you listening today are you smiling clean and dish is Amelia oh my god but like it's almost like they're too good for me huh they might not be too good for other
00:26:05| people they're too good for me maybe Wow who are you gonna put him in a box and ship in me they might be good I really want to zone out my entire family just be able to really enjoy my time on LA on
00:26:23| earth if I'm being honest I actually bought the Bose um CQ 35 oh yeah which are the exact same price and I came home and did all my reddit homework which I had kind of been doing for a
00:26:34| week except that it was like if you're on the fence by the Sunnis they have a better sound quality the only thing that bows when offers is there they feel nicer on your
00:26:42| ears but this one has like five hours more battery life really cool equalizer you can customize it matches it and pretty much everything else and then it has really good like sound quality like
00:26:54| it sounds like really expensive headphones where's the Bose is like everyone's like it's kind of weak like yeah nice base Bose losers so is that direct bluetooth where you
00:27:02| can just dial your phone in and just play correct it also has something you can input if you want it also is future-proofed because Bose runs on aptX Bluetooth Manning in all the words and
00:27:14| listen when you do as much research as I do with every piece does but um these also support L back and the next one which is gonna come out it's just a higher fidelity Bluetooth string so like
00:27:30| it isn't out yet but it will be where it is I'll be rocking the Wow those will last you a lifetime or most people say they keep their like really nice 300 plus at those for like seven years for
00:27:42| years like five years people will replace the cuffs before anything else it's like a house people stay in a house for seven years I was going with mutants to read that yet anyway this episode is
00:27:56| brought to you brought to you by Sony WH the product code on Pandor for a 0% off and we could also see ya okay tall though here the other really cool thing about these oh yeah if you if you're
00:28:14| wearing them or you get your thing like an annoys canceling zone I can't hear anything like you can be talk to me I'll be like this I have no idea my Cecil and talking to me there's its motion enabled
00:28:24| so I do this hold my right hand over the cup right here uh-huh it turns off all music and turns everything into a microphone for a couple seconds so it's like yes that's
00:28:33| pretty awesome it's like someone talking and it's like it's cool check out a review of all I know you're pretty awesome it's just again I don't know we're gonna let some noise can't clean
00:28:42| maybe off trade off but let's hear you say yeah yeah I'm on to the other end of the spectrum the color visual yeah and also cost because I bought I wonder these sets and I wrapped the third one
00:29:03| as a gift from my my wife for a Christmas so I checked a box on that one as well you got 11 months to get him huh no this is this is a little bit old I want to do this last podcast but we've
00:29:15| been dilly dallying Oh Pazuzu us tinker tinker tattle time over here yeah tinker cattle and fingered Enoch and Gertie talked tankard ad hoc that's punk punk ain't goody tonk but I
00:29:29| wear these and I thought they'd be too flashy but I get compliments every day people like I really like your sunglasses I'm like oh really sorry matures yeah complete strangers I
00:29:43| don't wanna wear the red ones are where I've like a blue tint cuz these like looking at myself it looks like doom like this is the coloration that doom has interesting
00:29:53| yeah fires a hell I feel good though yeah um do do everyone a favor put them on the camera put them on the camera because it does tint it doesn't work the other color I can't do both because
00:30:06| there's two cameras actually but I'm asking this one yeah thank you let me give you the feel yeah you can see the it has a blue tint because this one's red but I have a blue one that
00:30:14| gives you red tint I want the red but it's a hundred percent you you IV uva/uvb all that jazz i L yes baby it's very light waves gear they float in water which I never go
00:30:27| into so I wanna be used for but I'm like a vampire or something I don't know Texas could use them a few months ago yeah I should have got him before Harvey but luckily I didn't go into any water
00:30:42| luckily yeah but yeah they're nice I like him they fit anybody's head what named Brent its waves gear oh I heard the weight but no no no Thea the symbol right there because we're not sponsored
00:30:58| in any way by ooh but if we were imagine the sales for these company yeah they would have a few thousand dollars our way they're gonna give us
00:31:08| some money in retrospect after they've already made their money millions premium leather good lord homeboy premium leather okay that's we pandered enough on the end panderers
00:31:20| yeah we're not selling any of this crap we're just liking it so we done the absent baby right on time it might have run out of time and I think I closed the window I was using so
00:31:36| dang it I gotta go all the way back waste my goddamn time folks furgus use a word a lot this episode shadow him mm-hmm feel like this is gonna be a pee-wee
00:31:51| Herman so what are the days we missed one yeah we miss mr. celebrity challenge but uh we can go pack hi you totally skipped it if I have one
00:32:05| it sounds a bit earlier terrible is it peeing in a diaper or a cop or something while acknowledging it was a celebrity challenge everyone scream but it was lighter a building where you build
00:32:22| something I hope bothered you have to turn it yourself because that would be a check no no no you buy the sticks Oh Lord we're not animals find sticks that can
00:32:30| be salted or unsalted your choice and I wanted Celine Dion to take take on share see there people turn back time if I could yeah yeah no get all her songs but you
00:32:43| know I'm saying make it they could butter off and the crazy thing is you have five minutes ago you build the craziest sculpture you want to build a house like a Lego house whatever and
00:32:54| then you have double the time to build it to eat it all wow that's pretty good I was inventing a side by side by side by side celebrity challenge with the trick no don't let them know they're
00:33:07| gonna eat it till they're done making but I want this to happen on a beach alongside Mario Batali and Emeril Lagasse and their butter challenge is to rub themselves
00:33:16| and get the best suntan here's the cook-off version it mines the sing-off version yes oh wow Oaks Holy Smoke holy smokes folks a bead that would just be a ridiculous Larry
00:33:37| challenge Lucia will donate to charity I don't even know what you donate at this point but I know there's two charities involved one of them has to be for hunger the other one has to be for
00:33:49| sunburn I'm hungry for some fried chicken mmm biscuit challenge mm-hmm okay so main topic time run it fine folks it's time mm-hmm
00:34:07| it's time for what sign for time is a big topic we got to really break it up into chunks and chew them down to nothing all right you're gonna kick it off should I kick
00:34:18| it off you need so origin of time because backward it started 13th century they started making like crazy cocks where they just the sundials go back way way back so the origin I'm gonna jump
00:34:34| around a lot because there's a lot of different aspects of time you can yeah so that I'm gonna start with the day so like the day is 24 hours in it because of the sundial is broken into 10
00:34:45| different segments and then they added an hour before and an hour after for the day so and then the night yeah right they make it yeah how did they know the night was passing as long as the day was
00:34:58| passing that's get you messed I don't think they did I think they just knew the day was because that change changes yearly because the lunar cycle well we're not getting on the lunar cycles a
00:35:10| month though so if you want to go from hours to days they judged a month by how often the moon rotated the earth way soon actually is I think it's the snow is the shading of the moon right thank
00:35:24| you yeah thank you yeah or we get corrected for the boom not being open sign to folks or do hmm just not CSUN a lot of games are good they're good bad guys I love shooting Aziz yeah
00:35:45| not in real life I just hate to admit it anywhere I'm not gonna edit that out oh well that's how we get our viewership edginess yeah courage well um soft as a pillow I'm not
00:36:05| see pillow [Laughter] so let's brick time down naturalistically not every windows there's a night and day right yeah but
00:36:19| if you don't know they're exactly the same length or not the same length or whatever yeah you're telling your friends down there cycles a month right yeah and you also understand a year
00:36:29| always happens because that's four seasons always repeats right mmm you never got out yep is there anything after that that's naturally occurring that you can see I
00:36:39| don't think um beyond a year see this is where somehow they knew because I was researching about different segments of time I don't know if they're just multiples of a year but they used like
00:36:53| Olympiad like the Olympics is every four years somehow they knew that they wanted to break it down into four years so maybe there's a cyclic element to four years that well four years maybe because
00:37:03| four seasons like they figure each maybe in their idiocy they figured one year winter was the longest one year fall or the longest one year summer as long as when your spray was longest by a day or
00:37:16| two and then it would just repeat possibly because some tears some seasons do feel longer that these are primitive folk without calculators sundial is trying to figure things out I don't know
00:37:31| what those would be obvious ones right yeah it's a certain point it becomes more of a mathematical exercise to figure other elements out about the world like the physics about world or
00:37:42| judging how long it's gonna take for something to happen ironically do you think more more time realization or time science it is using the date number a night time because I
00:37:54| feel like when you start having that years and stuff and seasons they use the Stars a lot didn't it mmm-hmm right because you know there's only certain celestial positions that
00:38:06| you can see at night you know I mean Janet is a very seasoned the earth is wobbling right the 23-degree access pills at 23 and a half you know come at me experts 23.6 is it i didn't research
00:38:20| that range I won't do that I know you say three point nine or twenty four point five 0.4 0.9 that's a lot no it's 23 2020 three point five I was real days hmm
00:38:34| let the record show he wins its cause we do what deep friggin dude so yeah they could they could tell by the yeah celestial beings bodies that it was is wobbling mm-hmm and I don't know what
00:38:49| that told him really just did it repeatedly the seasons I mean is that a yearly thing that it rotates like a wobble or is a wobble and rotate maybe that's how they got more years out of it
00:39:00| first should have researched this a little bit better yeah because there's there something that it top does called percent recession right on there yeah that
00:39:11| happens because the wobble is so slow like it can be spinning but the wobble goes slower have you ever seen the procession of items on ISS International Space Station
00:39:21| no I didn't is that pretty bad as the watch yeah if they I forget what object it was but they spin it and it's like normally spinning and then the procession comes like ELISA gives a
00:39:30| little bit out of whack so it kind of resets a little bit yeah well it doesn't it changes a lot it changes like 90 degrees and then start spinning the other way and then undoes itself and
00:39:39| then spins the other way oh no I did not see that interesting I did not see it mmm I've been sorry let's break it down in the different direction sure it's gonna
00:39:55| seem like them do you know what one second is so there's a lot of ways to define that I others where you like which I find credibly fascinating average just incredibly what everyone
00:40:08| knows normal timing saying it one Mississippi that's one second yes it's really close um you ask any kid on the street hey Billy hey Bobby
00:40:21| hey jihad whatever whatever kid you're talking in it it depends where you're from we have a lot of jihad here Jack one second and they always say that's just nine million 192 631 thousand 770
00:40:37| cycles better radiation between two bowls of cesium 133 it's exactly where I was going but it was like yeah and then I always look at my paper to make sure they got the number right then usually
00:40:49| they do it is 9 million because you're super smart yeah this is cesium atom changing states so every night but it's actually the the your the radiofrequency hit frequency they hit it with so where
00:41:04| they do they hit it with a radio frequency in it what yeah so the frequency is like exactly time so that the cesium atom gives off the right amount of energy and they measure the
00:41:13| energy to prove that the frequency of the radio is timed to the cesium atom I am a month is agree with that at all did you shake it or you get into this I don't know if it's arm yeah it's all
00:41:27| your arm on the day of death for that here's my question so which came first our second or this second because I don't think a lot of the Greeks or anybody were measuring cesium 133 atoms
00:41:42| definitely not I don't know where the original second came from well what would be the smallest like the only things I looked at were different version of clocks and it seemed like
00:41:53| they were just trying to time even intervals of time they're trying to figure out like you guess your best bet was to find out an hour or a day I guess a day is almost
00:42:03| easier so every day's different lengths but if you broke a day down and then tried to divide the day and the twelve hours and then divide that into 60 and then do I have that in a 60 like that's
00:42:14| you would get a second that way right I do that math right yeah yeah and then we start modeling different types of clocks like there was a water clock where they just kind of let water water water water
00:42:26| pull out of thanks cue Philadelphia's we're going to some bolts are low yeah they let their wet water want to pour out of something and they figure out I'd like the amount of like distance it
00:42:39| takes it was like telling time or what I thought was more fascinating was that they started creating these like crazy like spring-like clocks and they don't really know who made the first clock but
00:42:52| the thing was like ingenious like the way it kind of like spun and kept time like it was the precursor to the pendulum clock where you like like pull await and it just swings is it just um
00:43:04| did those clocks work on the principle that the the length of the pendulum is such that the momentum will stay the same and it's always the length will keep it yeah keep it tires they didn't
00:43:19| do that did you go into the measurements of time and their smallest and largest I went to a plank plank slat length which is what yeah this is a distance it could travel on and like my travel in a plank
00:43:33| point which is I don't know about the size of in the nucleus a nucleus roughly there's an actual it's called affirming wherever the whole fermius huh sharmee early shoutout he watches the podcast
00:43:46| yeah he's definitely on panders he did yeah he doesn't wander than them or wherever he is so that one's like a theoretical measure so like we're starting to get into like the physics of
00:43:58| things like if you wanted real measure isn't it it's true theoretical what the hell's in our second three nuts if you want to be vertical to do if you want to project anything out in time then you're
00:44:08| using like pure time to judge it which is I don't know how to say it it's like it's no no no I've no idea I'm not even saying like travel time like you say
00:44:18| like one year from now I'm gonna do this thing like we already have a preset amount of time and that's sure measured on the atomic clock how do you measure it in space how do you measure time in
00:44:30| space yeah like if you're on the space station or if you're not near an atomic clock like you're there's an ocean analogy and we're talking about something happens on
00:44:37| Betelgeuse Sun so yeah so you you don't have a real Sun you don't have a player me sort of this day of three times yeah so I don't know like usually when we talk about like how long a planet takes
00:44:53| to rotate around some random star our roads our time I get their reference time is completely different so via time dilation and then physics isn't their time could it be different I'm gonna
00:45:06| jump into like animal time so oh okay interesting do this so they say that like things with smaller like smaller hearts they think perceive time slower so they live a much faster rate how many
00:45:23| heartbeats how many heartbeats what the average thing does is it similar is it similar no oh yeah hold on check this I literally just read this two days ago
00:45:32| awesome when I was drinking or something at night had nothing to do it any of this podcast the reason larger things hearts beats slower and much smaller creatures like a
00:45:43| shrew or a hummingbird their heartbeat much value now what they realize is that if you spaced it out over the course of a species or an animal or an individual creatures like they all tend to have the
00:45:56| same amount of heartbeats her life span which is I love those 10 million 1 million hundred million I I forget the number but the number was similar in all animals try it out I
00:46:06| don't know how to do the math I have to really think about it can you figure I don't want to do it though well just type in what I was talking about but like a Google search I'm good at Google
00:46:17| searches large creature slow heartbeat small creature many heartbeat that might show what what I'm talking about so doing like 62 beats per minute which i think
00:46:32| is like a resting heart beat over the course of a hundred years that's a lot that's a lot of years yeah that's like 3 billion heartbeats could be a billion because your number might be
00:46:44| flabbergasted well our our heart beats our slowest of all I think except for like turtles which I think turtles have slow heartbeat soo but they could live a long time they'd love to be hundred
00:46:54| years yeah I think so anyway um we're getting a little off-topic but what were you talking about with animal time are always about to say pretty much the same thing actually is that their time could
00:47:05| be a lifetime like their life time could be our life time if they perceive time faster than we do well I might only live like a day but a day to a fly might be a hundred years
00:47:17| right but then did they have seasons so they don't have seasons yeah so they're they're gauge of time does not involve planetary observations which is interesting so are we the perfect time
00:47:30| notices what do you think if we span that our life to let's say a thousand years we would notice other patterns that happen very much and we just don't really pay attention because we live to
00:47:40| be like 80 years it probably started noticing like certain comets come by you know like I don't know I guess I get it again another decade but that doesn't affect your weather does it I mean or
00:47:49| like your earth wait I'm talking like flies don't know that seasons happen seasons are pretty big deals it changes the earth like everything
00:47:57| about the surface of the earth right mm-hmm a comet gold why you might miss that I'll say you're looking at the ground for like a week straight well maybe you could be like coal canna
00:48:06| corruptions or something like maybe those are cyclic and we just haven't figured it out yet I don't think some geek figured it out though you don't think I don't know all these numbers I
00:48:14| mean you might be right I have no idea you go back to the 13th century where they made the first clock and they are like they just made a clock I don't know who did it
00:48:21| but it exists so before that we have no recompense of time yeah we had no way of measuring that beforehand how about species in like extinctions and stuff that would be a crazy thing to like if
00:48:33| you if you could exist longer than almost every species you'd be able to tell how soon as now be shoes who died here likely like a couple thousand years yeah give
00:48:44| them ten bells long every day let's place bets place your bets now I don't know whole speech Oh God it's a crazy thing to think about though that'll fly is like having like so many
00:48:54| thoughts every like half a second he's just like do you think they have more thoughts or II think just there's more waiting their thoughts I don't know when I try to swallow it out of the air I
00:49:02| swear it knows more than I do this is gonna sound weird and then we brought this up before warm our very first podcast I'm really good at swatting flies
00:49:11| I think I'm incredible but you would be like you can't hit that and I'll use like a piece of paper or like a rag or a hat and I'll get a fly because I try and do killed on first strike or is this
00:49:26| something that just knock it down but I didn't step on it afterwards oh it's confused toots flailing around it's on its back it's like I just got hit if your trick is I try and perceive
00:49:37| that pattern it's doing which isn't always a pattern it's more like what we're talking about picturing something over a longer span of time yeah perfect in my mind like certain way
00:49:46| and the movements are erratic but it's always moving in one direction and when you swing at it you have to figure their senses or such that they're gonna see it before it gets there you want to be
00:49:55| where it's going to go yeah so it feels movement it like it's near a wall and you're swinging out of here it's going to fly away from the wall because it's where so your thought is I want to smash
00:50:06| it ahead of where it's going so it's gonna try and get up or away or move and you you maximize your chances of destroying that piece of shit clock excuse me I got all in because you
00:50:21| finished sketching on a notebook where it's gonna be it works yeah you just sketch the entire fly's family and it's tear here I got it so here's something a little interesting
00:50:34| that has to do with what we're talking about sure a plunk time plunk the time it takes for one time the boss covered in a this big light in a vacuum
00:50:47| uh-huh which again this is smaller than a little time with it's the smallest distance you can pretty imagine yeah it's one times 10 to the negative 44 which is not a measuring
00:51:02| point but know by your ethically possible 0.44 zeroes 1 correct yeah yes I think so that's that's how many seconds so there's so much happening hold on so what's interesting is for
00:51:22| reference on the millisecond which is on thousandth of a second uh-huh it's 10 to the negative 3 make sense point zero zero zero one or point zero zero one I think it soomi Cervera I was crazy
00:51:38| it was and move the death no I moved to death yeah do you know what the largest measurement of time is it's called a yoda ii did not know about this yoda sec wise some seconds I don't know it's
00:51:52| anyway Saros oh and it used to be called a Yoda second they changed it why Oda they changed the y ou t th I'm not sure I think of Star Wars that's
00:52:04| like they think that yottabyte or whatever like Tommy Nixon white well it's one septillion so it's 10 to this plus 24 24 it breaks down that many seconds breaks down to thirty one
00:52:20| quadrillion 556 trillion nine hundred twenty-five billion 445 million years that's insane when you think that many seconds that's a lot of years right yeah so let me break this family's going on
00:52:36| what we talked about right there so that number of seconds ten to the plus twenty four seconds which how many second to think of a year shit-ton right you're making me search this thing don't just
00:52:50| under starting to give us before years it's not that important but it was it's a lot seconds in Yingling summers think it's three point five for e to the seventh seconds in a year okay this is
00:53:05| like a million seconds okay it's 30 million second second theory okay that's I don't know somewhere around there anyway what's crazy is that trillion years think about that so then
00:53:25| think about this applying length is 10 to the negative 3/4 that's like multiplying the thing by 20 look you know how big of a number we just talked about yeah by ten to the twenty ten yeah
00:53:40| it but it'd be like 10 to the 60 it's like we don't even have a scale for understanding plant the size of the small amount of time is mind-boggling like I'm kind of curious what the size
00:53:55| of a nucleus is and then multiply that by I can't even I don't even know dude your computer is gonna say error error so it's just so easy what we're getting at though is that the smallest and the
00:54:11| greatest lengths of time are immeasurable all right and do you think it's interesting to think of time if you thought of it as a physical medium like if it wasn't abstract let's say it
00:54:29| wasn't let's say time is real which we can't prove one way or the other could you explore everything going on in a 1 second time frame could you explore everything going on at 2 second time
00:54:40| frame for you explore everything that could happen in a negative 10 to the negative third time frame like there are all these time frames where things could be happening and we don't even know I
00:54:49| find that fascinating it's almost like it we can't be in a simulation because there's no way a simulation could account for all of the things that are happening I guess that's
00:55:01| a good point is it so it's time infinite until we die those species so till we stop measuring it but I think if a species were to come along they'd probably have to adopt time wouldn't
00:55:15| they they'd figure out that ICF happens over time and language I give props to English Li years and time in general huh time so I changed change gears here okay I'm sorry
00:55:29| that's gonna like a philosophical yeah well this is more philosophical there's a meaning meaning of life it was more like so you hear all the terms I get waste of time
00:55:40| like if I could turn back time and then all times to have a fulfilled so like people's value of time is really really high but also very very low at the same time they wish they could do
00:55:55| almost nothing while having all the time in the world which is at the same time even if you're anywhere in the world it's a weird farm girl yes here on I literally want to read my um favorite
00:56:11| lyrics okay right it's like fish oh yeah first Enders I don't approve of their activity or their songs or the dance or their culture huh but I will say I will say fish character
00:56:35| zero has more my favorite lyrics I was taught a month ago to bide my time and take it slow but then I learned just yesterday to rush and never waste the day well I'm convinced the whole day
00:56:49| long that all I learned is always wrong and things the true that I forget but no one taught me taught that to me yet and she's interesting cuz you know people always like slow down so now the Moses
00:56:59| yeah enjoy time live like everyone else is like that this in the same breath you have to hurry up like this bleeding you know we have what you have take advantage go it'll be over before
00:57:11| you know it you get conflicting messages about time all the time yeah and I think that's I'm gonna go a slightly different direction but there are I feel like people like to get on a like a certain
00:57:24| track and like the moving fast is good maybe if you're trying to get to a destination but most people probably aren't getting to a destination they're just doing the same thing over over
00:57:32| again really fast and they don't realize that you can just stop and realize that there's another aspect of life or a different direction to go into and it'd be a happier path I
00:57:44| don't know that that's time though I agree with you like um people tend to just want to do the same thing over and over again quicker more effectively more efficiently yeah I'm thinking about
00:57:55| better thing would be to just stop and do something you know sometimes yeah like a corporate environment like you like today there's a shutdown which is completely different than any other day
00:58:04| and if it were just I'm gonna break you down like weeks like if weeks were five working days in two non-working days every single day like every single week was the same
00:58:18| exact frame of mind there's no holidays there's no difference there's no days off by two by two but yeah I feel like people would be stuck in a different kind of rut and
00:58:29| they would never find something new grow and change and become better happier I feel like we'd go crazy if it was the same like if we had the same day back-to-back like Groundhog Day we would
00:58:42| go holy nuts so I'll you with two things sure one of which is let's I always assume what if nature was transient and awake and conscious and we didn't know it mm-hmm
00:58:57| why they always do the same four seasons every year why rotate the same speed well I do the same things every year you would think the same thing like they it would go mad
00:59:08| right what if every year I mean the entire year had the same season no no no like why does the earth why does nature tend to become cyclical then like why do we want to break cycles and nature wants
00:59:23| to create cycles I say human nature thing eating humans want to do we should do different things my person is a discrimination I'm just saying buddy okay okay my perspective is different on
00:59:35| this one I think because we have seasons as the reason we're alive sweet doll sure if we don't have seasons then we're not gonna we're not gonna have the tilt of the earth or not gonna
00:59:44| the spin I'm gonna see the greatest and then I'm good for nature it keeps repeating all this stuff oh yeah it gives time for certain areas to relax certain areas to grow so
00:59:53| what are us working five days and then two days vacation five days two days patience for every day for the rest of our lives was better for us how'd you know well it used to be that
01:00:04| they had six days work and one day off right mm-hmm it's like there's probably a period in the industrial industrialized world where they just had everyday work
01:00:14| hey I got I couldn't conceive of that because there's just too much to do and that's what about like early early early when you had to work every day to just survive I guess yeah if you were
01:00:26| constantly trying to get food you had to constantly hunt it's weird because then you would think of life much differently because it'd be probably become a pastime like you would probably start to
01:00:35| enjoy every day because it helps the same kind of thrill and excitement but you can do it different every day as long as you did the same end result ish yeah you can gather priorities one day
01:00:47| together this one day do this one day hunt one day I wonder how many of those natives back then we're just like God get me out of here please I'm tired of this get me a computer with
01:00:58| I think the ultimate quality of man is uh unrest that's this I always thought that was the scariest part of other people like crowds of people if they're bored and tired of what they're doing
01:01:14| and thought that they're hungry it's not that they're looking for like a greater meaning it's not they're just bored like they start doing things that don't make sense and then you only em I don't know
01:01:25| there are other animals that play and they try to enjoy themselves but I don't know that another animal is just like oh not again like I've never seen an animal like they're emo teenager and yeah this
01:01:45| go off and do their own thing and I like screw it I'll starve who cares I just watched a lot of Planet Earth and like none of that when you watch to both of them first then see beyond the lizards
01:01:58| roar from snakes oh man so many snakes in that Valley I just saw it last night a good night to go whenever I watched it and I was like it's one of my favorite videos I feel
01:02:21| like it really for yield they're like the lizard's perspective he's just like I think to set that up because I just saw like 48 hours ago was really funny because it's like all he has to do is
01:02:35| not move these snakes are notorious at bad and vision they can only see movement he should just keep his Chi and there's like this moment where he's looking and the snakes are like right
01:02:48| Bravo but he dies in the end doesn't he he doesn't know it makes it he doesn't manage to the clips he jumps up the rocks and they're like the slow-mo him jumping up the rocks at the last minute
01:03:04| flailing now they do show like three to four to five of his brothers that you know yeah it's probably one memory right but that's a 20 damn video but anyway I'm sorry you know those animals are
01:03:16| already bored very very they're all completely honed into the moment it's crazy it's weird but fighting for your life and survival every minute is entertainment in in itself
01:03:28| I guess entertainment for us not bored I mean unless it could be like you missed your chance and she's like ah there goes that lizard I would have saved my life and then you just wait it out to your
01:03:42| dead I don't know but there's a lot of was that that was the one thing in Planet Earth I thought was not scripted at all like the amount of snakes that come out
01:03:50| of that Canyon it's like oh my god this is think around every like every little nook and cranny there's like a snake coming out of it it's like it's like a nightmare they all show that one so like
01:04:00| this is a snake party where the chicks they party so I kind of go to uh like the Greeks they had chronos protocol which is like the quantity of time it is like every minute every hour every day
01:04:18| every month you can quantify it and they have Kairos which has a special meaning which is uh yeah which is about perceiving time and deciding that you need to do like act upon it like you
01:04:34| it's not that time is act upon you is that you're deciding what to do with your time and making yourself better because of it the time but it's your life uh yeah I guess it's life or like
01:04:44| what you're doing day to day you could decide to do something more interesting or grow you know some sort of physical mental decision so yeah I don't know if you want to die overt into what Kairos
01:05:00| was for us I know it's too personal you could say that because once I started I'll start saying everything and yeah there's a lot to it and it was then just what uh Jenkins what he film would be
01:05:16| told everyone it was they just hold you at down and Everland punching you in the balls to cry they told us eggs like how fertile emotionally punchy over the balls yeah and then people start crying
01:05:32| now people are gonna be confused about what we're talking about phased to say there was like yet it feels like almost like an intervention but with like 30 of your classmates when
01:05:41| is school early you know later once so it was like one of those things that like last year high school there's probably like five hundred guys that are seniors graduating
01:05:52| we all cycle through like maybe once a month it has to be quicker than that every two weeks they must had a Kairos where we all try to like find each other or something figure it out ourselves out
01:06:04| but it was like a secret Catholic schools have this really says different names yeah I think father judge had it and stuff huh I thought it was now there's different degrees of like how
01:06:16| real it gets and what they do on these events velena I don't know over the new Regis sitting back home religious retreat like Lansdale Catholic had one thing
01:06:27| personally I think this you just let use like live out in a college dorm for like a week like like they have the same name results yeah yeah you start bonding with people you'll be like I don't even know
01:06:37| you are but now you're also so yeah right just put some hash on the table and just look let's just play some guitar oh yeah hey I got the feel you get it is
01:06:48| definitely a feel you really find like yeah which doesn't happen very often doesn't allow you the time to take a break and soak it up and make a Kairos and so it doesn't allow it
01:07:01| hmm whoa do you know why um time always goes forward supposed to backwards or freezes or goes up or down I don't know I've been doing a lot of programming lately and the way they keep time is
01:07:16| from the epoch which is like the 1970s they do milliseconds from the 1970s so every equation that you do revert back to like when the OP epoch began so if every every time I do something I always
01:07:31| noticed that time grows and I have to decide whether time is remaining a growing second serve one milliseconds how many milliseconds are we from the epoch oh I'd have to look up what do you
01:07:44| mean you leave copy and paste it or something every time or does it not show up every or you don't deal with it you just type in that POC and it does the work for you or what it's part of every
01:07:51| per every computer that you are on it's measuring time from this sure and that's why - kale is gonna be a problem because some computers weren't programmed for four digits in the year right that one
01:08:03| yeah and then it was gonna confuse which days who your low back or yeah which was almost a hoax until you like start researching about the companies that went under because they couldn't
01:08:13| reprogram that code or we bought computers like a 97 uh-huh our health and they all died so we're about 1.5 trillion milliseconds from that Bach Oh some people say epoch but I don't like
01:08:30| to celeb so little besides interesting oh yeah issues crazy it's crazy to think about that that measure of time will go on and like when like when will that measure of time
01:08:47| die hmm I'm gonna have to search that one is gonna take me in a while so you have to fill the dead silence of typing I will the reason time moves for in perception
01:08:59| and everything else is entropy did you know so they're they're trying to measure when things will exhaust or something like that right a little bit just in the physical state of things
01:09:15| things tend to stay together until they're either broken down or mixed together or fall apart so that things are created as much as they are mixed if that makes sense when the universe is
01:09:31| headed towards one they mixed so the heat death of my neighbor over everything becomes the same because space is gonna mix with planets is gonna mix with this like all these molecules
01:09:41| that we talked about like we make a plan in here and we have this here energy here we got this here we got a forces here or ups or here or gases here this over here but eventually it all just
01:09:51| becomes understand all spread out and all these molecules go where and now we got just one big jerk thing that's vibrating at 1 degree Celsius and nothing's going on folks a lot of
01:10:07| nothing home no life whatsoever in fact my big hit on reddit as its referred to as 2 point 5 thousand it's two point five five years ago that's that's a lot it's a lot of it's it's pretty good I
01:10:22| quoted me on panderers min and edit and ever and I got two responses lol no way pal and L and just no metal health' a little bit okay then I don't think our reviews went up so but if you type into
01:10:39| wiki the timeline of the far future yeah this is my big hit I said things you can check out they're cool huh it's a geological biological particle physics
01:10:53| mathematical technology and culture and astronomical timeline of what they predict will happen with fairly certain be nothing like specific specific what will happen and what year will have like
01:11:07| for instance ten thousand years from now the red supergiant and Taurus will likely have exploded in supernova will be able to say it it's nearing the end of its life cycle they're pretty sure
01:11:19| and will pretty much be able to see it with visible yeah cool twenty five thousand years from now the northern Martian polar ice cap will recede they figure within fifty thousand could be
01:11:33| twenty five to fifty thousand years the per iliyan precession aspects of the militant can choic cycle happen cool like I don't know but some of these are really cool like Oh check this one out
01:11:50| earthworms such as mega whatever will naturally spread north through the United States Upper Midwest to canada-us border recovering from warrantied Ice Sheet glaciation which I guess happened
01:12:03| during the Ice Age chase them all south like they wouldn't grow north of a certain spot America but with temperatures going up and this is assuming a migration rate of ten meters
01:12:14| per year so slow procession northward because of the recession of rice correct anyway these aren't written in stone it's just a cool list and you look and you started looking for all them and
01:12:27| you're really cool like check this one out youngest volcano and the Hawaiian and Percy melting will finally rise above the ocean and make aloo island for
01:12:40| Hawaii so those are the lot of things you would see if you were not restricted of years you'd be a real seal ACK I don't know that they're cyclical or like you know anything but they would be cool
01:12:52| to City I guess yeah I'm trying to find a real badass one I will get I won 1 million years earth will likely have undergone a super volcanic eruption large enough to erupted 32,000
01:13:05| kilometers to the 3rd volume of magma an event comparable to the to a super Russian 75,000 years ago hmm juice the star we referenced or a while
01:13:22| I did say people dues I mean Beetlejuice the star okay Beetlejuice just it will explode in a supernova check this one out the explosion is expected to be visible in
01:13:36| daylight that's pretty cool that's scary it's like I feel like so many people will look up at it and just sear the retinas well no I mean because the explosion probably lasts like months I
01:13:46| think it's just gonna like look like an exploded thinking this guy that you can see there in daylight that'd be so crazy if I everything won't washed out with sunlight you just couldn't even look
01:13:54| you'd be like ah for like years you could even see I hate this Beetlejuice people who's peel these beauties so though I'm gonna bring it back to y2k yeah so talking about that I got ipok
01:14:07| and milliseconds if so if programs used a 32-bit integer which it's programming they are limited to the year 2038 when they have a similar problem to ygk where they have to reprogram what they did so
01:14:26| with a 64-bit yeah so they have to go to Y 238 238 no but I just named it that pretty cool yeah I'm panders Y 238 yeah you're looking in the future we're talking about like Beetlejuice and you
01:14:42| can see in this guy shout out these guys honey yeah send us to our heirs which will have no I don't care about them for us go back in time you know the Messiah they
01:14:58| usually go back in the future and give it to us right now one time when the time travel was invented so do you want to talk about time dilation at all we could I don't my favorite thing about
01:15:13| time we go ahead folks me off big-time good go so anyone who's seen interstellar starring Matthew McConaughey big fan of the projects that's gonna piss me off why I hate that
01:15:28| movie go was alright it type of one of my favorite things which is time dilation huh when you travel at a certain speed time passes differently for you then someone else at a standing
01:15:43| reference point or reference points lower than noon so this is one of the things in physics that drives me nuts this is my favorite thing this is this is the exact reason it drives you to hit
01:15:52| this is probably true but the faster you move it's true they put atomic clubs in spaceships that go around the earth and they have different numbers and the ones that sit here on the services yeah I
01:16:03| believe that's true but the counter clocks are traveling so fast that the vibration has to travel farther than the clocks on the on the ground sure I don't care why you're getting at is that time
01:16:18| will pass differently I don't know about if you go in space you come back grandmother's your grandfather our percent our measurements of time will become slower it's what you're saying
01:16:31| yes you're travelling faster it become slower because the vibrations have to travel farther which makes the time slower sure especially if anything go why do you mean
01:16:44| I hate it because they perceive time as something that's changeable and it's I don't think that it is they're like trying to cheat time and I think time is the same everywhere like you shouldn't
01:16:54| say that time is different because you're moving faster okay so you don't think times you change with a reference point or something moving yes do you think you're looking at a grid and all
01:17:05| the stuff in the grid is our lives our planets or physics or whatever and everything across that grid you should be able to read great one is one or two is two or three three so anything it
01:17:14| moves it's moving through grids in however time it's moving in for its it's standing still five grids that see it's hard with time because yeah it visually locks in a cent and there should be no
01:17:23| circles on the grid okay what's really interesting is that um why do you think the speed of light is the same as the speed of radio waves is the speed of electromagnetics as a speed of anything
01:17:38| that we can theoretically but do you know why they say 300 thousand meters per second is the speed limit for everything in the universe not really but I guess it's the smallest particle
01:17:49| as fast as you can go right correct it has no mass booyah right yeah the reason for is that um the way I've heard it described is you can't observe anything otherwise like nothing can happen that
01:18:07| we would know it but there could be like a sub layer to the universe that we just never see or interact with that's been inference and I think a lot of studies and things like there could be a whole
01:18:18| other part of the universe we don't even know about that operates above those beats but we wouldn't know because how the would we measure it we can only measure things using light which our
01:18:31| eyes use sound we can use whatever waves we can try we can use radio waves and try and measure something we can use ultraviolet light with use radio all these totals we use every tool we can
01:18:43| use on earth uses light speed nothing can go faster we can't use anything or measure anything faster than light and it's weird that so many things end up moving at that as their max speed is
01:18:57| that a coincidence that's um I really want to go in a quantum physics right now but I think it's a I know you do yeah I'm gonna get into like quantum tunneling or something
01:19:06| yeah I was gonna say that that happens faster than light but no one knows what the Frick is going on or entanglement quantum exactly the things George I know who that is yeah
01:19:16| things are changing across the globe but you don't know until you observe it that's why they yeah they have two people observing it in different sides and they can tell that it happened at
01:19:25| the same time but not physically connected there's no way you could see it change because you're not there but you don't get to observe it until vision correct
01:19:38| I don't know Sharma how do you measure quantum entanglement I think you flip a bit you make it 1 or side of globe says it changed at the same time so they're like it there's no
01:19:55| way that you could measure that because it's so fast I don't saying though is is there a possibility it changed between you looking at the answer and it being the
01:20:06| answer do you know what I'm saying like it still has to get to you the viewer the observer or whatever device you're using to measure it no comment all I know is only there was some crazy stuff
01:20:22| happen that's be the light and it's literally if I could do anything for it and get paid a salary it would be studied this stuff I think you could I don't think I
01:20:33| could I've taken no formal courses in YouTube videos yeah well you have a good college for like 10 years okay I don't know if you want to my meat is several dozen thousand yeah it kind of
01:20:49| leads me back to my like the use of time is more of a constraint now than anything is that I think they for the most part humans are bad with having a lot of boredom like I think that's the
01:21:01| worst thing for a human do to have a lot of free time that they couldn't decide awful things or good things with and most of the time it's awful but um so the corporate world and like the
01:21:12| standards we live in is mostly that we have a certain amount of time and we're spending X amount of hours days at work I just keeps going on and on this meant good you just said all this free time
01:21:25| ends up in bed yeah but time should be more freely used so that you can decide what to do with it which I think you said is gonna be bad
01:21:33| yeah but I think the masses would be bad like if I have a lot of free time I probably you do good then I don't know if I do good but I definitely wouldn't do bad I might do neutral where I'm
01:21:43| doing nothing I should be your platform for president I will do my Danah old either do very good nor bad neutral things in my time consumption I will make sure that you are neither
01:22:04| happy nor upset the worse I raise your voice huh how do you feel about that and everyone will be like I really just kind of quietly look at each other I guess so
01:22:20| yeah sure I sure why not that's the check mark when you when they're voting for people damning name name name and like sure why not like I guess this will work certain
01:22:33| teacher we had yeah helps yeah yeah sure yeah okay thank you so well but it's it's sad that it's more of a times more of a constraint than like a you know projection of the future like what you
01:22:47| could be it's the same thing with Chronos and Kairos is you could have a constraint where you fitness system or you could decide what the system will be I ask you what you do even if you did
01:22:58| good just elongate someone else's time elongate my time make me have some uniformity the make me have more free time make someone else have more free time well what's your ultimate goal even
01:23:10| if you do good feel like I to eventually find something altruistic so I'd find something that was good for other people here and what does that do for us give us more free time give you more
01:23:19| happiness from reward I don't know if I don't give me for our free time it'd be more higher thinking I think you're just giving us more free done by served by making people survive longer I guess
01:23:30| that's what yeah it was more free time right well within it then in turn if people in general we're good which they're not or which they're not ultimately you're trying to give us more
01:23:42| free time I guess we'd figure something out is that the point of like I think it's more like understanding and growing and learning and that's the whole thing about life is that your content is only
01:23:52| doing free time right yeah you can't do it while you're working or surviving it I don't know that you can if you're constantly doing physical labor and you can't think about anything else so to
01:24:04| reiterate here you want more free time so you can propose something good that would help mankind whether it's do more jobs or earn more money or survive longer so that they in turn can have
01:24:18| more free time so they in turn can create more jobs or more survival tactics to help us have more free time which are just make everyone live longer have more free time my whole goal is
01:24:32| that I'll be entertained by what they do it'll be like oh sweet they made a new bluetooth that could go into my wireless headphones which have advanced noise canceling technology on anc active noise
01:24:45| there was a so just be awesome if the world could progress so so much more fat so much more quickly cooler quickly gonna say faster but no I say quicker all the time people are like
01:25:03| you're an English major I'm like so I can say quickly I think this degree means I can do whatever that I want all the time interesting so I bring this towards the end of our podcast I think
01:25:15| it does times interesting I think we covered quite a bit hmm well what happened today Nick we ran out for the record build in it's okay till then we we accept you for who you are
01:25:40| his um join the circle tell his girlfriend his birthday was the other day oh yeah did she get on a terrible gift to not cook him what he wanted to be cooked no no no I don't know that she
01:25:53| cooks I actually don't it's weird I don't know that interesting maybe neither unhook maybe that's why I never hear there's no way in hell maybe she can he just doesn't think it's great
01:26:03| to mention opening every trouble she took him to the National Museum of American Indians why did he say those that wonder hey judges sounds cool come on he thought I was just different I
01:26:19| don't wanna be say it's cool he made a lot of Geronimo you did a few of these whatever ears he/she gets his humor and then they went to museum cafe it's a Native American
01:26:35| owned restaurant huh it's actually Native American was aimed like it's pretty cool so he made jokes he made a nice smoke um long time joke me hungry hungry joke old standard Gildan jokes
01:26:49| like you know I'm either going she's real answer this guy stop feels a Lanvin turns out on his birthday she a month prior took the 23andme DNA test uh-huh
01:27:00| found out she was Native American dad would like that luckily those are most and wrong that's okay are you serious yeah oh anyway he um he spend most that they make a phone eight
01:27:13| Americans and turns out huh I mean check out good news then bill ban I did mostly wrong mostly wrong she can laugh at herself or not depending on how the tester the rest if you're still together
01:27:30| look it's okay you'll find somebody off talking to people he's he's screwed I'm talking to her though she'll its American boy who works in Texas and a beard on keeping it for the
01:27:51| Eagles I hope so yeah peeping now I can't can't shave it now yeah when you're caught doing something illegal you can just shave the beard and no one will find out who you are
01:28:02| I always feel there were people based at his oh don't illegal yeah you're never gonna get away can get it like a job and like a small town in Nowheresville anymore maybe yeah times they are
01:28:17| a-changin and it's Bob Dylan's son talking about Bob Dylan so so thanks for watching thanks for listening we are the offender's we all has socials we got a lot of places you can donate
01:28:33| money to tell it let's pay for headphones yeah since the debt will kill you well I'm gonna head that's by my thang that we whoo-hoo that's a good idea
01:28:48| I like to uh likes a lot you we like it we like to tinker tinker you talk thank you

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