The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP027 Olympics South Korea PyeongChang

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP027 Olympics South Korea PyeongChang

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 27 - Olympics South Korea PyeongChang
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00:00:00| some damn we are together for this powerhouse this dynamo the podcasting powerhouse known as the under anther folks you know you're listening you're probably an under we love our own purse
00:00:20| hmm numbers yeah I'm for suckers under what we do I thought of a way to summarize it oh yeah it's like you're uh you're on a date or you're on a job interview somewhere where you're real
00:00:38| nervous it's your first time hot day oh my god 98 but because it's a job interview or a date get dressed a little bit you're overdressed you just feel sweat pulling down your
00:00:51| bag you were in the store dad it's fine oh you Rio that's let's go right crack and he's in the middle of the interview because I did sir another one of my strengths moving on with it hmm can I
00:01:15| borrow your ice cube thank you the glass from your drink and you give it back blue so I'll drink to that we are a 21 and older podcast anding we say think of talk about pretend to talk about almost
00:01:34| reference not these against us in court wall whatever we may imply are you may infer it does not really liked upon our own opinions it's merely preparing to live her own mind
00:01:47| that's osmosis yeah we're a nutshell you want to talk about the to start off with the so we've been adjusting our sound levels trying to figure things out
00:01:59| several times mm-hmm and Nick came along and found something called Harvard sentences which are almost like tongue twisters just like it but a little different yeah read one really good one
00:02:12| yeah it's a phonetic balance sentences so open the create open the create but don't break the glass saying that for reference people at home you can actually use these
00:02:27| sentences they're often used to test microphones and settings and sound equipment because I guess it's the in such a short sentence you can run the gamut of human sounds that's the best
00:02:41| way to play inflections syllables long vowels short vowels everything it's right there and these short sentences me with another one I don't even understand what
00:02:54| it means like phonetically balance this uses specific fiend Finn Eames phenom Dena enums because because I'm like you use like um long hacks at home like eight times I said on that language I
00:03:07| use all A's and diphthongs and different sounds with your tongue your mouth your lips your teeth so uses all the different muscles in your in your face Anna correct and then probably flesh and
00:03:21| stuff huh Thank You combinations there in oh in the shortest amount of words yeah the honker old under the high fence I guess that does that uses different parts of your mouth so it's not really
00:03:32| it's the opposite of a tongue twister if you really think about it it's a tongue relax different activity right move the bat over that hot fire was that the one with friends and robbed you thieves who
00:03:57| robbed friends deserve jail we stand heaps that rotten friends do deserve jail hmm so we're gonna get her something rabbit lolz perfect if we could just be Edwards so what's going on
00:04:15| in a your life and break it down for me so they think deal it should I start to start off of that because it's elemental block it is a mental block so I'll rewind a few days
00:04:27| so last week we got some furniture my wife and I and I put it together in that's pre time that I had which is very little and beautiful three-piece calendar yeah yeah it took it it's like
00:04:41| it's similar to it a brand that everyone knows but I can't say we did it's it's similar to that it's not that cheap it's slightly cheaper than that we could say we can cheat on their products I think
00:04:56| it's a value brand and I put that together so then on Sunday which is like yesterday we went out to a local place to eat and I noticed that her flat tire symbol was on which it happens every now
00:05:12| and then she's gotten fixed before and yeah we also stopped the grocery store came back and I unloaded all the groceries and then she said I'm gonna pull my car in so write that in there
00:05:24| you know she knows the indicators on I told her I go inside she pulls the car in it's her responsibility it's her car most of the time okay I usually do it to be kind if I if it's me pulling the car
00:05:38| and I go I mean I'll take care of this right now which I thought maybe she would do so fast-forward to this morning and home yeah just so I wake up and she's already pissed off because she's
00:05:55| dealing with my son she takes him in the morning and sometimes he has a fussy morning and he doesn't want to eat anything but the one thing that he loves and we're out of it
00:06:01| so she has to deal with him for probably about 45 minutes so she's a little frustrated I come out I seem well-rested because I stay up late and then sleep nicely probably like seven hours a night
00:06:14| which is decent or less which is not that easy so she's already pissed off and then she goes out to get in her car and she sees the indicator lights on and she just like blows up she says like I
00:06:28| have to take care of it like like what what if it was your car like she's like making all these references that don't make very much sense like yeah I would take care of it as my car even if it's
00:06:38| your car like I would take care of it I knew my the stuff around you it's mechanical electrical physical I'll do that I'll do all three of those things pretty much
00:06:47| video presence if physical things you did I noticed I did yeah I did see that so I did notice though yeah you said call that setting up for Cooper fucking bag where we're gonna put it and we're
00:06:59| gonna hit it over and over and over she just been pissy all day she's been pissed she did good she stopped out she stopped out and then she forgot something came back she had
00:07:10| to fill a milk bottle and she spilled it over like all over herself mm-hmm and I was just like did she look you he was almost her fault she did not look at me she was right next to me as I was
00:07:22| pulling my Eggos out of the fridge and she was just zoned out so on she's still pissed she wants me to probably apologize for something that's not my fault which is how it kind of I guess
00:07:36| it's kind of kind of feels in the marriage normally sounds like a relationship yeah you set up this man woman economy I wanted to get into uh-huh and always in charge of car stuff
00:07:48| and physical labor and women are always in charge of signing the kid up for daycare at the right time and figure out when you're supposed to meet selling to his parents and writing down the
00:07:59| schedule more or less I don't know that's kind of sexist it's our word wait a sec sister we put the sexy in sexist hey gang I guess it's the way it was supposed to I mean the way it was
00:08:18| naturally can't say that I'm being sexist way it occurred uh-huh yep yeah it occur and it endured and should have it and naturally evolved I would say if you believe in evolution
00:08:33| yeah hit on another point all the I'm painters who don't believe in evolution get fast for about a minute from now and you'll be good you'll find the Flat Earth discussion and you can skip past
00:08:45| that one again and then you just kick it bad as the next a lotta it skip most of the bucket now what I was thinking about how so this is a little separate this is a
00:08:56| this is me divulging well I divulged I'm going to diverge here so women take care of like everything in the home usually let homemakers that's the standard thought and it stems back with a
00:09:08| literate larger than men I'd say it's about equal in today's age interesting but but one second I want you to tell the audience some a new CD a new movie you got into or video games
00:09:32| something very media friendly a very back deck there you all for me oh he's gonna bring down a laundry basket I think that's a bottom I wonder if his lawns laundry is almost done
00:09:45| he I did not expect him to leave me hanging right there I had something I was gonna unload other than laundry I wonder if he can hear the beep it's a terminal start whatever he's good he was
00:10:01| crying when he started this podcast we hadn't restart because his tears were just filling up his eyes cuz he's back well she's eyes are over read what I was going to say is it's interesting you
00:10:13| bring that up because I'm doing laundry for the house I knew her laundry oh I'm really doing laundry that's why I thought this is a good time in fact there was probably five minutes left for
00:10:24| the dryer but if I waited it wouldn't have the impact so yeah and it's how nice and hot and it makes sure you don't have wrinkles it folds perfectly yeah [Laughter]
00:10:36| you know that is the QB yeah but do you know the symbol wah wah yeah it's not kind of cool I feel cool yeah that was pretty sweet right yeah it's not technically a name random it it is but
00:10:50| it's not one here so it's yeah I think it's legal exactly breaking copyright without breaking up here so where did you go with by the way oh I was going to go on a direction here so men were
00:11:06| together hunter-gatherers and then women were the homemakers right what it's almost like a puma symbol it's deer anyway yeah they were that's literally how it evolved I
00:11:19| yeah men were stronger let's say let's just say it I believe they are these days they are oftentimes they generally but I wasn't getting popular but yeah right
00:11:32| thinking why aren't women more in charge of like building furniture like wouldn't they be like making things for the home too like where does the line get drawn that's a good question but I almost
00:11:44| think I guess there is no line it's just arbitrary like um my girlfriend makes more money so I do more homely things often times ah not all the way like she still has to cook because I when I cook
00:12:01| it's like not that good is she quietly bitter because of that because of that hard question I guess the answer doing all in the house dichotomy were a man and a woman you're living with someone
00:12:28| do you end up doing the jobs you're best at you try to do my jobs you want to do regardless or how good your crew but and what do you settle on like kind of what you're best at like they wouldn't be
00:12:40| good at trash and recycling you kidding me they have no clue what they're doing they don't break down their body work they they're afraid to get dirty like I'm taking the Wi-Fi garbage yeah Majan
00:12:51| if they tried that it's like and now that will be different in other households I'm not saying that no women can do these things I'm just saying it our households you don't think mmhmm
00:13:01| yeah it always kind of have to like find the things that you want them to do and just slowly neglect doing those things over a long period of time so that now you're well there's a what's that
00:13:15| preface the guys who were technically can do laundry just as well as anyone else they like they don't know what they're doing and they do a bad job a couple times
00:13:24| woman says no you're doing it all wrong get out of one I'll do it shrink her shirt once yeah yeah yeah and the cash I thought that was iron the bull that's uh shit but that was throwing the dryer on
00:13:37| super hot huh you're right I mean and then you screw up once and boom maybe you're off the hook forever yeah you're deemed completely inept from one moment in time forever
00:13:50| hmm interesting I feel better though she didn't want to talk to me this tonight she was trying to ignore me you ignored harder that engine yeah man I wouldn't call it ignoring I just existed
00:14:04| peacefully in my own serene bubble see we're turning this episode in a man and woman cannot get into it I'm not gonna get full we're not gonna what I'm doing really gonna get anything saving up for
00:14:17| an episode where we keep it private and don't let anyone find it now um I smirk for the week because I think we don't have a Episode two posted up but I'll be agels
00:14:30| folks they finally did it they won the Super Bowl babies were had I'm actually sick of party and don't you're tired of it it's exhausting you got a drink
00:14:45| you gotta celebrate you got a party went to the parade with my three-year-old terrible terrible birth I know I already mentioned it on that other podcast which probably won't air but you know yeah too
00:14:59| many people and as I grow older uh huh huh it's opening up the bundle means that it's cold out there right yeah I was lying I went to a live 8 concert bambina
00:15:13| yeah like 89 see you were more than like five or six no that was that was when I was uh 20 there's one ah okay maybe there was a redo I'm sure yeah no it was terrible there are so many people
00:15:30| and it was mid summer and everyone was sweaty and people didn't have shirts on so like you'd slide through the crowd and just slippery slippery
00:15:38| oh nice 20 did you go with relatives or anything I went with a young female named Kelly had a blast back a lot but not much yeah we stayed up the night before with
00:15:51| friends mmm doing stupid stuff that just made us tired kids go it's exhausting a party man it truly is folks now that we're adults like do you think you're being very
00:16:10| selective with your laundry I'm not seeing any sensitive items somehow you have all the creative custom customer I'll be stretching the truth really I just do my own laundry what I mean at
00:16:22| least I don't make make her wait for the dryer oh you're no no I'm the only dude laundry to me just a happy coincidence so no I don't really do laundry for the house or the sound altruistic for a
00:16:34| while which bring me to my word of the day ulterior like ulterior motives interesting you say that is there any other word that's attached to ulterior
00:16:46| can even say okay Ruth another word I get me one I'll use no no what how about this one vulcanized vulcanized rubber can you say that about any other item you can do it
00:16:57| to other materials apparently imagine I couldn't find it what does vulcanization is like what you heat it to a certain temperature I guess and then it it freezes back to a solid or something
00:17:09| super thawed I don't know hey it was Oliver and equivalent curative or accelerators so you can do with any type of rubber skirts just vulcanized rubber or polymer
00:17:21| so I think we did that for a piece of date of something that went into space we made it we vulcanized it before we sounded up there that make sense but it's like a
00:17:32| material no one ever heard hears of unless they're working with it no Aaron oh it's like here that material oh we're smart we know what gentleman and I started looking up words that are only
00:17:41| followed by one other word but I couldn't find properly a word that oddly no huh and if I might a search carrier ulterior meaning ulterior Synanon ulterior Epicure no this is that
00:18:00| I might bleep that out that someone else's blog damn yeah no means no their panders their good thing I think I said that wrong thankfully my word my word was a mandible it's actually play your
00:18:16| jaw yeah but yeah ants have mandibles so it's exactly why I brought it up because I was like now I didn't want to really bring it up until I read the sentence I talked about the jaw or our birds beak
00:18:31| but they called it either half of the crushing organ in arthropods mouthparts smokes not yeah she read an erotic novel oh yeah pretty cool and then they had like close-up pictures of like ant
00:18:45| mouths and I was like freaked out like is the first I got on like spiders and this is like this probably the reason why I don't like spiders it's weird mouthy bits oh you froze
00:18:54| feedback you get frozen up you okay there yeah you just froze for a second I think it was that might have been me okay that's better because spiders have crushing mandibles I don't know
00:19:09| something about their mouths are different than like any other animal you think about it so is their eyes though so there's a lot of parts the spider I'm not a big spider fan something bounce
00:19:18| hmm um I might be out of this world do you think there's any how crazy would that be if there was a species on earth that was alien in origin someone said it was uh what sweet mother animals
00:19:33| mushrooms I think I've heard that before which makes sense because they don't fall into the plant category yeah and they they can survive in space and have a different like structure for
00:19:43| the way they store energy how do they survive in space like they can we come an irk they can be a little like spores Oh interesting you could land on a
00:19:52| meteorite as a spore and then throw it and then hmm through space and time interesting aliens all around us we just don't know how boring what can I say someone had to
00:20:08| say um ooh a scenario for you this is a real one you gotta go in yeah so my friend's friend uh he's dating a girl for like five years and she was like super flirty mm-hmm with him either
00:20:26| yeah everybody she's attractive girl flirty my other friend her boyfriend doesn't use Instagram whatever okay it's a this is important so a friend of the couple
00:20:40| was looking on Instagram one day Anne's like she posts like pretty much practically like nude pictures of herself and like it's lots of likes and lots of guys comment on her Instagram
00:20:53| you have to have examples do you have examples ideas this is a yes so it actually didn't turn out but he was like I'm best friends with the dude I see his girl he has no clue what Instagram is
00:21:07| and she's like posing like mostly nude provocative pictures like all over the place like that hang out like talking to guys and the mentions but not like anything damning like meet me at 5:00
00:21:20| p.m. we're gonna bang like not like that nothing like nothing like that but his thing was like he didn't want to show them to his friend he's like what do I do
00:21:30| what'd you do do you want like a chronological order or what man I would show you immediately I just took the friends not like if it's a co-worker or something I'm like probably not so we'll
00:21:51| see you let that ride you're just like he's like me and the Misses are going on date night again and he says it's gonna be swell and you're like holy shit like I've seen her pictures pal I mean if he
00:22:04| wants to believe that he has an imaginary wife and it's fine everyone has their own little paradise they're saying their life they live I guess I've got one for you God bring me a
00:22:18| scenario we make don't want am almost on laundry so I track man smoke yeah it's very concise so you have a superpower that allows you to form a bubble of serenity you feel perfectly happy in it
00:22:29| and nothing can come in your bubble you say no this sounds like my new headphones oh and there is one person that ruins them all the time yeah so if you're a wife or girlfriend is screaming
00:22:44| at you do you use the serenity bubble can they see it they can definitely see it and they can see how much get you out of it though right now the way you out but yeah they didn't wait you out right
00:23:01| [Music] you be said then that's Freddie bubble feeling great but she would remember that forever so yeah so I got these really nice new headphones I probably
00:23:18| preload them somewhere yeah there's noise canceling I downloaded FLAC files to my phone and I can like transfer stuff an apt ex HD and it sounds so beautiful and sometimes I'll
00:23:34| be sitting there like this like really getting into it and my kids bed so technically I figure in my head my responsibilities are over and I can see someone over in the corner of the room
00:23:48| like motioning to me and I try and ignore it and it's like it's like what do you want me to throw something out for you do you want me to go check on something
00:23:58| that doesn't need to be checked on sitting there yeah and and it's one time led to an altercation now you keep your headphones with you forever you know normal stuff do you think if
00:24:32| there was an app that women could file everything that they needed their husband to do and their grievances do you think they'd use it I don't think they would use it now because they think
00:24:42| of them on the fly I have to do them immediately it's imperative that it happens right now right it's not like a list that you can get to it your leisure has nothing to do with your leisure
00:24:53| it's the opposite I'm gonna vacuum right in front of this game forever I could feel it quick shout out I found the new CD you then people know really digging it's a
00:25:13| three piece jazz group they're instrumental but it felt like avant-garde jazz were like different yeah shit yeah it's very um real deep fairly mellow but upbeat at the same
00:25:29| time huh here nom nom mellows or a word tonal I suppose I don't like it sounds real eggs like it sounds good it resolves good notes not like supposed to blow your mind and be fast and weird or
00:25:42| something I don't know what a tall means a tonal is when people purposely play like notes that kind of sound bad soy sauce no no mom you should do Orchestra or like the Mars Volta does it a lot you
00:25:58| know then there jarring yeah I certainty and it's that there was decision like yeah it gets exactly but um the name of this group is go go penguin go to a penguin right now town they just release
00:26:11| their new CD a humdrum star and you can listen the whole CD going straight though it feels pretty cool it's like background music like if you're studying or doing something or chores around the
00:26:21| house or something it's good nice nice my fancy headphones be like it's good feels good to get away for a little bit you know no I'd like to clarify something from last time I said that uh
00:26:41| scrod is haddock but a squat is actually young cod yeah it's I was very confused and was way but you know I thought well we correct it yeah I didn't want to piss off anybody
00:26:55| it's always the you know you got it I didn't want to have to avoid any wayward seamen well I just did laundry I got river is it water soluble I hope I'm checking out your laundry there's a
00:27:13| white mark on your on your what's that a sock is there a sock right there blue sock down lower uh-huh that's inspect that's too new yeah and no one would use that
00:27:25| song for that purpose but I know I didn't know that squat can actually someone caught one that was 93 pounds that's a big scrub held by a big massive mayonnaise which interesting you bring
00:27:39| up something so vicious something so powerful something so visceral what I think is next is everyone's favorite part of hockey yes people be screaming on the streets
00:27:54| oh man yeah Andy we're ripping the flat horizon down scraping their neck Tyler bleeding everywhere rip it apart each other to land the audio is so good you don't need any other senses they're
00:28:11| just screaming celebrity Oh folks it's time I got a go one oh yeah clear your throats hey Kevin Sorbo oh and then hold on Hercules let's see and Lucy Lawless huh Xena Warrior Princess interesting go
00:28:44| head-to-head and find out who really has it a little something we hear in the states called jell-o punching hmm make a big mold of jell-o mix several we depend how strongly look when they come into
00:28:57| the studio and I don't let them to punch it as hard as they can will do like super slow-mo cameras and whoever bangs up the most jello wins talk about like most vibration caused I'm talking about
00:29:08| jello flying launches on the hit yeah should build a kick to Philly convenient kick pretty well yeah does she get to use her little lie on a circle thing yeah that's an unfair advantage
00:29:21| so Kevin Sorbo and Lucy Lawless I knew you guys are bigoted charity so we're gonna come down here the offender's don't match you up every ounce of jell-o I thought a Rihanna mikkel oh yeah those
00:29:38| are for now extra pounds of jell-o punch fucking proof he's doing it for the kid man crying open his wallet maybe $40 but I'm talking about the difference of the amount of jell-o uh-huh whoever does
00:29:59| more will take the difference I'm the lesser yes yes all right I do like the knowledge that's very you're gonna pick the car then the sound of the yellow we'll just record the sound of that
00:30:17| jello hittin the floor but the jello with the flow yeah that's very nice very nice let's leave this almost to our next one Hercules Xena wave in common the Olympics Greece I have the note there's
00:30:39| nothing in my notes about that one hmm well they watched a little bit I'm sure they did are do or are watching because they're happening right now the Winter Olympics really where Jung ko Chang good
00:30:57| time you have won the Olympic started originally there's like eight 73 BC I'm gonna say almost nine yeah I think so I think it's right damn photographic memory for one number all
00:31:17| my life I just used I just wasted it I can't write my only one part of one podcast somewhere that may or may not be forgotten let's go be the good one up you know into our lives yeah good good
00:31:28| thing eat 73 BC it's pretty good I read that they did it just to kind of like practice warfare they're just pretty much trained they call him games yeah but they're pretty much training for war
00:31:41| I would say because they had like chariots and horses and they'd throw Spears at like a pole it's sweeter some are Olympics that we do now it's like shake it like gladiators wrestling
00:31:53| that's little are they ready yep right uh-huh but they would do it naked and sweaty and oily kind of like a live 8 in Philadelphia anyway do you think um we would go by the records but athletes
00:32:11| tend to get better every year at all these do this that's the weird thing that I'm watching now since we're right up the cusp of not being Olympic athletes that's true everyone who's like
00:32:26| twilight years this is the last year this isn't a last-gasp is Brett before he dies you're like okay Olympics off of it there's certain sports that you can last a while I was just watching the
00:32:41| women's oh my god horses kids do that yeah the halfpipe they have that pipe freeze dollar is there yeah yeah yeah freestyle so you go back and forth of the pipe and they do
00:33:00| little flips like 20 at 10 eighties and whatnot right there's one that's uh her name her name is Kelly Kelly Clark I don't - to the women I was watching the dudes he over there
00:33:10| well she's 34 and still doing it real hey yeah that's exactly she did she came in fourth so I was like she's a pretty she didn't that'll no that's cuz she's past surprise but just like us
00:33:23| but you're looking at it you got to say for certain sports like the the prime age is like someone like gymnastics like you the Summer Olympics is like 16 yeah it's like before you even know what
00:33:35| you're really doing in life and like you have to hit it you have to be born in a certain year for you to be like really competitive at it I think you can make miss your window like if you were like
00:33:49| right because summer to winter right those prints but and then yeah next time you could be like in a growth spurt you'd be too large to whatever - right so not necessarily born a certain year
00:34:01| you have to grow a certain time that's a good point most of the ones I'm better competing and like 18 year olds 20 year olds how about the swimmer is like a Phelps
00:34:12| element closer was he an outlier two years ago when he got old gold again I feel like it was two years ago Phelps is the same age as we are is he went to high school with my wife actually yeah
00:34:28| played the pain right another friend it was like I had the most gold medals in history yeah yeah I could just feel those good medals I was gonna buy some off eBay and bring them to work make
00:34:50| people believe and then say if I could do it you can too and then see if it motivates the middle a cup like a meter - 40 meter - earn 100 I have the meter - it's just everyone
00:35:08| waiting as a starting player ever has the best reflexes wins yeah do it right super super slow-mo camera right whoever has the most reaction time they don't even do they have an Olympic sport that
00:35:21| it's just purely action time half a meter - you just created the best event I would watch that like people train their whole lives [Laughter]
00:35:37| there's the guy with the gun and then standing there and everyone's on the block just waiting and it's like yeah and they just take two steps they're like people are going insane yourself
00:35:50| ready before you cross the finish line which is witness history did you see that did you see that oh my god oh okay good super slow-mo and it's like someone just barely pulled ahead with the shin
00:36:02| or something these outlets are incredible you trained for four years with you know sensei so-and-so okay I could I could definitely see it there's definitely markets that are not
00:36:19| they're not ever they should be part of the Olympic Games or like gaming and reaction speed and all that stuff but you can't I don't know if you can capture it into like a single moment you
00:36:29| know so that yeah like what things like their different reaction speeds for different things different mm-hmm plus you can't I don't know if NBC would really support it because they wouldn't
00:36:39| hunt they report on all like the gamers and have all the wrong facts and then talk about something stupid did he he beat or thrown him in under an hour it's like I guess I mean Oh
00:36:51| so what he kita there's something uh I think it was I think it's Jonny Moseley who's doing the announcing and the halfpipe and he's you know all the moves I don't know anything about snowboarding
00:37:01| but Hall moves are pretty much spins and like flips right there oh and on the ninety seven percent of them like almost all of them there might be like two or three moves that aren't or skateboarding
00:37:12| is exactly yeah and then your degree of rotation mm-hmm which because of their height and new or force of friction yeah they reach higher heights and everything so they can get more rotation mm-hmm
00:37:30| like someone did a sixteen something I was like that's a lot of turns 14 Young's man working for you that's crazy why don't I can't even yeah it's got to be right it could be but then the one
00:37:43| after that is the one that I was attempting and I think he just didn't read it and he crashed a half spinard full after that yeah hmm so that's what 180
00:37:54| time plus 1440 do it on the goddamn I guess I've been drinkin yeah it's difficult to do if it over thousand folks you heard it here first over a thousand my I will go over a
00:38:07| thousand um so here's a real question about the Olympics for you sure do they suck you know I I enjoy watching them do I don't I pick this up well I like them because my there's like there's an
00:38:25| aspect of it like grace or power or agility or something and they're kind of good the way that NBC presents them an awful it's really like American rocks and how do we rock morn
00:38:37| now do you interesting that you said that next hmm do you think Olympics was greater and let's say 96 world was it in Atlanta was it Atlanta Atlanta Georgia why do you buy do you pick that earlier
00:38:55| time when you were younger or I remember my buddy Hank was really into the Olympics and Google my best friend's the time I was in grade school so this is Lana with a 96 yep good guess um but he
00:39:11| was very into like he were face paint American tasting huh like a sticker for the American flag everyone the family was wearing like red white and blue shirts and they all watched it as a
00:39:26| family and I thought that's cool and like my parents weren't into it but they were like it was on TV I mean yeah yeah and I feel like more people were talking about it and it was like you're proud of
00:39:37| it you're like yeah did you we have 18 gold this year Germany's got two I think Germany was the bad guy in 96 don't ask me how I think that way or whatever maybe because I was learning about you
00:39:51| know then you checked up all time Gold's soldiers all time metals is it winter it's Norway isn't it it probably is but like overall no I'm not as u.s. pile on us by almost double
00:40:03| I think the next thing I know we get a Germany I think is it interesting Russia I think they're both up there well here's what I'm asking back in 96 like it was here people loved it I feel like
00:40:19| I really rooted for people and whether that's because I was young or not now I'm like I feel that too I think I work jaded and older right yeah and we can no longer compete there's no way you'd
00:40:32| think that you were gonna make it into something future I own a tional ISM spin and I can't get over I feel like we as a people are less nationalistic now huh d'etre
00:40:54| think about it I'm not gonna know American there are there are still people who are very American flag profile I love the troops like I pray to the Troops I pray for the troops I pray
00:41:06| with the troops I think the problem is that you envision someone who's like a soldier and like they're perfectly a soldier in your mind when you're 16 you know when you're young and then you get
00:41:18| older and your neighbors a soldier the guy you work with this was a soldier and like those guys are imperfect like people are imperfect even these athletes that are winning golds they're
00:41:28| not perfect people a good set Jeff Ryan Lappe let the record show go hey I'm sorry Ryan Mike you talking about the other guy right Cope's he's a criminal
00:41:40| perfect person I'm not gonna talk about but yeah these people aren't perfect so it's like all of a sudden it's like your vision of everything in the past is now skewed because you realize that they're
00:41:51| just people it could be but I also feel like um we hate our own country a little more yeah does that make sense yeah the - is that presidential thing a little bit and I maybe I don't know I thought
00:42:06| but like a little there baby deep in scarred and marred because it's all there's no if there's no pure there's no pure angle you just walk straight and getting to your
00:42:20| solution in general also interesting I was watching ice skating last night figure skating yes beats are no bigger nice beautiful Asian American zone was filling her move
00:42:37| and I was looking at her thigh and I was like she's a tattoo on her thigh really she did it was like in her inner thigh so like when she's doing her slow spin I was like staring at it like American law
00:42:47| so hold on so she's she's definitely Asian descent I'm not sure which nationality and I was saying it's a good clean landing like I can tell clean landing I can kind of tell little Lutz's
00:43:01| versus a an axial versus a no I don't know much if you find her this is to us a tattoo yeah and hold on so I'm looking at this tattoo and I'm like this is part of bird
00:43:13| I'm booing out of because I figure you see her where's Diego who's in her crotch he's always going to the crotch let me go sir a so I'm rooting against this woman not not because I know her or
00:43:31| anything because I'm patriotic for America I figure she's scoring points for different country I'm steering you know like I think this is USA and Michelle Maxima she goes yeah look in
00:43:43| the top left to the screen it says USA they're cheating fuck I'm like that oh Jesus I didn't know she was oh go go and I was like I started rooting for her but like she's branded it's a pretty cool
00:43:54| brand it really catches the eye you kept my saying it's so weird positioning because you can't see the whole USA you and if she's doing one of those slow turns with her leg in the air let me
00:44:06| tell you that I am I did she did break a historical record or something right for the USA team they never paint landed a triple lutz oh she did no triple axel triple axel I don't know what she did it
00:44:20| the other thing last night - not good yeah I saw it live and all the way she landed that clean good job but I don't go with the first I had no clue the announcers flip and shit he's like
00:44:32| like okay alright that's good but it's just weird like again where do we draw the lines as - he's us who's not us do you know enemy yeah I was rooting against her almost like hoping she fell
00:44:49| and then I found out she was you say no stop don't fall I window there's a they also crossed alliances like okay what the heck is this stupid baby back ribs the head of a
00:45:02| dude the baby back ribs song there was something else it was the to check out her tattoo check out the US but it blurs the lines is these people that are like playing for
00:45:15| these other countries because they couldn't get it in their own country it's like he was East Korean American but he's playing for the Olympic Association of Russia what is the deal
00:45:26| with Russia they were caught doping like most of their athletes so they're not allowed to use their flying but they're allowed to still play in the games as the Olympic Committee so they don't get
00:45:37| medals attributed to their country they hit their own medals attributed to the Olympic Joey here the later they win a gold what's that they live in Russia so they still play for Russia yeah whatever
00:45:53| um two four years down the road they're back for Russia do it a previous gold medal winner so-and-so from Russia do they recall our winner do they refer back to that person as a gold medalist
00:46:05| from Russia yeah I don't know I mean what are you gonna say well she won gold your gym when she was she was in the ethers now that she's back she's in Russia she's a new person she's never
00:46:19| won gold but we have a feeling she knows how to win gold let's get to it let's go today really they cut to like an older person who can't quite remember and I'm like one of them Gold's from and then
00:46:30| it's his leg cuts back to normal announcing a little bit like the you remember Joe Paterno the whole thing came up where he silenced you talking about the thing with the other guy that
00:46:41| was really creepy yes yeah so turned a blind eye on a bunch of second yeah use yep in this camp yeah and after he died they um posthumously removed his record of having the most wins in
00:46:54| college football ever by coach they were like it doesn't count we're taking the award and I was like why well here's my question so who has it now the guy who had 400 less whatever it is
00:47:06| it's likes already doing cheering I don't know if he was but like what's the point he really doesn't have the most wins in college here Joe Paterno a word remanded that's the right word coach
00:47:21| that's John Gilardi so thinking with the John Gilardi right who had well no John glories number one Joe Paterno's Oh - did they take away the wins which he had that assistant coach and subtract out
00:47:37| the window estranged maneuver yeah but I mean same with a Russia thing what if the person wins the person wins you didn't label it however the hell you want yeah Barry Bonds the homerun record
00:47:50| like you put an asterisk next to it it's still the record right if someone hits to less than that record but they beat the old record to someone say this is the new record it's never been done
00:48:01| before the new gold standard 68 or wherever numbers and it's like someone in 70 looks like come on we know you need to like measure the thickness of their neck and then divide by the
00:48:13| centimeters extra mister you starting to split hairs you become whatever yeah it's no longer it's no longer human capability it's human capability with enhancements which is where I think
00:48:27| we're going in the future that you will be assisted by other things all the nations yeah and then the Olympic athlete will be the basic human form without all the upgrades robot yeah
00:48:41| robotic ai electronic Olympics that would be kind of impressive to watch I don't don't like robots you know like the the drones the to 1,200 drones and though did you watch the opening
00:48:54| ceremony know where they do they were skiing down a mountain and they had and the drones do like a person skiing like above them so they're flying down the mountain as a like a logo and
00:49:05| there's a bird yeah so I mean that's kind of impressive considering that we're probably less than a decade away from them doing anything you want I thought we were less than a decade away
00:49:19| from like moving into space and like doing all sorts of crazy stuff and like having floating cars that go down the street like a Blade Runner or like The Flintstones / excuse me the Jetsons oops
00:49:32| I think whether it's capitalism or favoritism or Neil ISM or just the economy in general I think a lot of times progress is stopped it's like this rubber band effect where we're like whoa
00:49:50| we're making so much progress but then it has to be checked by the FDA and which one's cheaper than which one is this etc etc I just feel like we're so far away because like the microwave
00:50:02| someone made there's comedian there's a whole bit on this if you invent the microwave today we didn't have long before we'd be like it cooks shit and it gets hot in the middle and sometimes the
00:50:12| other parts are cold so it's like this isn't a finished product yeah I shouldn't sit around for like 70 years I said 70 I have no clue 40 30 I think in like the 80s is when it came
00:50:23| out I thought it's like 70s but maybe I'm well for 62 or eyes will look this up now you yeah Mike Boyd but like the comedian's like yep you can't put metal in there it'll blow up yep you got to
00:50:37| Center it on the plate even when you Center it it's gonna get hot here cold here sixties Wow more in seven years they called it they didn't call it a microwave they called
00:50:51| it a radar range like radiation maybe oh that's a terrible idea brain but the point being that it's like wow the futures here this is crazy but sometimes it's stilted or it's it
00:51:07| halts suddenly for no reason I find that like I find that kind of interest you mentioned that because like my field is electronics all sorts of electoral stuff and most of the and software as
00:51:19| well but most of the like innovations they were are either already made in like the 70s already like patented in the 70s and like things that you build on now or just like building blocks of
00:51:30| those initial patents tied to a brand a brand can't release a new Bluetooth technology the thority out because it would make older other objects obsolete I'm not even talking about that I'm
00:51:42| talking like the the basic understanding of like how things work like people already take those and then mash them up and make their own version of it it's not even a version it's like the
00:51:52| extrapolate what it's going to be and they make patents on it before you even get there so these people like generate ions before you can help technology how does that slow it down I thought you're
00:52:03| saying like people already have patents on everything that's going to happen in writing on the wall it degrades your hope and ability to make it your own so like if I oh if that wasn't out there
00:52:15| now and then people couldn't have a patent on it or didn't have a patent on it then I'd probably be trying to do it myself but people would be reaping profits on whatever I could make unless
00:52:26| the patent expired patents are destroyed they might be actually but that's another discussion hmm interesting I don't disagree yeah Oh will we diverge when they're out on
00:52:40| the Olympics a little bit yeah it's back I'll go to the cost of the Olympics per this year or every year average um I have two that I was surprised by like Sochi and Beijing sure well tear 40 or
00:52:58| on everything infrastructure mostly so they say like actually holding the event is probably about a billion dollars a billion and a half and the Olympic Committee will pay about a billion
00:53:09| dollars to the host country for for doing although like the organization and having the athletes there and all that stuff but like all the infrastructure everything you need to build in that
00:53:18| country it's all part of by that country pace so they have to figure out via their tax payers whatever new streams how they're gonna pay for you know the dorms they stay in any
00:53:29| changes they make any transportation all that stuff which place or is it all where they're not even build up towns that are going to have these like the Russia one like the Sochi one yeah that
00:53:41| was like you saw a lot of like they kept talking about stray dogs oh yeah they have having wolves attack their their athletes or something and then they'd cut to like the unfinished buildings
00:53:53| that were like supposed to be like palatial but they they're I guess they need to get funding in time to finish them I remember seeing shots of that cuz I guess America wanted to crap on the
00:54:03| Russians but I guess that's where their forty billion went as they put it into these like little like villas on side on the side of the mountain and they never got used how much does the country make
00:54:16| from an Olympics is it all TV money because there can't be that much I don't think they make any money I think they put it all into the infrastructure and then sits in the infrastructure money
00:54:26| every time you have an Olympics pretty much which brings me to my next point so there's only one host city that was selected for the Olympics to turn it down that's awesome the weather Germany
00:54:38| no it was it was in the United States really it was 1972 Denver swabue Denver yeah so yeah they won the bid Charlotte Olympics and the the taxpayer is voted to say that the taxpayers weren't going
00:54:56| to split the bill for any increase in cost which the projected cost was like some of their on like 30 million dollars right yeah and at the time that the vote was passed they spent 1 million dollars
00:55:09| on nothing they were like forming committees and stuff before that they even spent like three percent of the budget they were like we better stop now yeah we're gonna lose this one I can
00:55:24| tell you you limping is boring it is all whole it's the worst thing on TV folks but do you know how the Olympics is fun mm-hmm sexually oh yeah you know I'm going to the Olympics 1988
00:55:44| and soul it's well known the Olympics are a belief that's that later later fest yeah there you go as a joke in 88 Seoul had all the caught all these condoms given to the athletes
00:55:59| except that they were put on the roofs of their houses like their little bill or whatever they're staying there from the roof yes so started having wild sex on the room
00:56:12| nice which is almost like what they thought would happen that year they been outside sex at any Olympic event now illegal outside sex you mean sex with people are not athletes a band with sex
00:56:27| with people outside of the outside in the open outdoors its frowned on oh yeah sorry else I'd like a word public spaces public spaces it's I know they're
00:56:38| defining who you could have sex with a little group purebreds so did you see this number no what's that number of condoms given out for this Olympics it's gonna be in the booklet no no no no it's
00:56:56| just for the athletes oh just for the athletes how many athletes are there I'm gonna do my math backwards yeah figure it out wherever they hit Korea well the winter is smaller than the
00:57:17| summer just have a good number I would say an estimate was probably around but enough number they gave out 110,000 condoms so even after every one of my over one
00:57:34| mates do you know they they did the math this equates the 37 condoms per athlete so yes wait I almost tried to do that for you but I was like I I'm trying to do the math and I'm failing so I think
00:57:47| there's actually more like no I think I was on point right yeah 110,000 yeah / a37 / - yeah information were you looking at it and you decided not to care I was I was I
00:58:06| was waiting for your official I didn't actually didn't search it I was ready to click on link and I just avoided cleanly yeah yeah so apparently they're having out like all these columns and uh all
00:58:17| these athletes are going on tinder from right here I'm good get their bang on but like tinder is very location-based so it's like your neighbors a little bit and your
00:58:28| neighbors a little bit like and you're trying to weird thing a celebrity bang fest a little bit but not celebrity but Olympic athlete but you got to think that most of the
00:58:39| people are probably like 17 18 19 so it's like a college like any Asian probably all the British right oh man the private they're in their private prize don't worry I just call it the
00:58:53| time from now on like athlete on athlete action is the prime they have direct quote from Ryan Lochte here oh she had he had a girlfriend
00:59:04| his last Olympics and he really was ashamed of it because now that he's single I'll tell you the truth 70 to 75% of all them athletes may be having sex mm-hmm thank you ryan lochte words of
00:59:20| wisdom and now he plans on you know there's so much tension built up over the course of trained oldest yeah someone's gonna loosen that out though do want to make a shout out to never
00:59:36| being a nod with athlete ever it's fantastic we could actually go to college and just do that normally true potentially we could have a different life to the chances we had so let's go
00:59:57| to the cost for like each one of these athletes what do you think it costs for them to train and to become the best million dollars uh for two years so I have the money here
01:00:07| like them personally yeah no more than that like most these people have like side jobs like the one guy is like a plumber just to make it don't have a side down
01:00:21| something like if you have recognition if you're marketable then maybe you make money that's like an icon but most people don't so like for figure skaters they estimated that you spend fifty to
01:00:32| seventy five thousand a year just to be competitive the yeah I was thinking differently like it like Phelps feeding him in housing him and training in probably cost 500 thousand
01:00:46| dollars they kind of sounds like a farm animal when you put it that way well he's never easily won gold it doesn't matter I think if you that's it that's another thing I don't like about
01:00:58| the Olympics is that there's like a thousand different varieties of the same sport like swimming swimming power meter side and really living in a thousand stupid you shouldn't have that many
01:01:10| Gold's it should just become normalized like you've won 70% of gold like 70% gold it's like it it changes they give you one medal but every time you lose you'd lose a little bit of there's a
01:01:26| little bit ago that goes back it's like like the Boy Scouts you get a little you get a little bit badge an extra badge and his Ribbon says that he's 176 percent gold my god either something a
01:01:44| nagging mother the 36% Cola balloons pretty good yeah yeah how much the gold medals are actually worth like physical you know no way to go about 500 bucks oh I'm gonna get 3,000 they're not they're
01:01:57| not pure gold and you can buy them on eBay 30 bucks imitation they look pretty good I want to get a couple now yeah my uncle is used to say won gold because he had a
01:02:12| fake one and as his children always looked up to him up until the time with a real heist that he was you know buying it eBay for 37 hmm hey well huh
01:02:29| good how you feeling about the sports real like they say winter sports where I had a tab open here I lost it though you fell about the hockey thing oh the NHL you gonna talk about that one really
01:02:43| it's disappointing that the NHL can't see past money to just let the one though I'm gonna actually side with the in detail really yeah I mean I paid a guy four million dollars a year to be a
01:02:58| defenseman for the Vegas nights and he says my country Austria we have a good team this year I'm gonna play for them for two and a half weeks and I'm like okay and he buys his way out so I don't
01:03:12| pay for that's great and then he goes out there and busts his ass more than he busts for my team because it's patriotism in his country he's blocking shots he breaks three teeth here he's
01:03:24| busting his ass he comes over oh he twisted his ankle he's out six weeks with my team oh thanks dude congratulations Austria did you guys win gold no we won the bronze global like
01:03:39| you signed a contract with the NHL if you want to be guiding an Olympic athlete go do Olympics don't accept my money and then accept Olympic accolades only because they line up like if they
01:03:53| didn't line up that was your offseason guy go crazy now what happened some years the years that it did happen did on it line up almost with it's called the Olympic break I guess from the NHL
01:04:05| that used to do it well the NHL dinner for several years right what was it called the Olympic break yeah they'd break for two weeks so that people can just have weeks later I
01:04:15| think it would mess with the flow the season plus you get people that would get injured in the Olympics and then it would just disrupt disrupt things right and if a player were to do that now
01:04:25| where they said you know I'm not gonna play in the NHL I'm just gonna forfeit my money and play in the Olympics they put their money I mean but they're like gotta be a they have to
01:04:33| be a star on their team right to be Olympic I know this to be in Canada or us yeah yeah so like if if the stars are some flyers were to play in Olympics then I would like really hurt the Flyers
01:04:49| they would they be missing probably like their top line right a lot of teams missing like three to five players that are good players so like I don't know I think there's got to be a middle ground
01:05:02| there where you can like like they have wooden football they say like you have like a franchise player maybe have like an Olympic player you like you designate one guy it doesn't have to it doesn't
01:05:12| have to be a certain guy you just say one guy from every team can go play for the Olympics oh you have to be a certain nationality that's a problem yeah that's tricky and you've earned the promise
01:05:22| what if you pick an Austrian guy because they were like there's like no one else that's good as Austin and I'm like he doesn't make the officer in team but you already designated up you're on damn it
01:05:31| I don't even know that you could plan for that like that's I guess that's the good that's that would be the fun part of it is you'd like who wants to screw it and then you have to pick Team Canada
01:05:41| and then on that guess pick who stays her over goes I don't know I guess that's the hard part the hard work is the any chance to figure out like they're not gonna send a majority of
01:05:55| yeah Canadian it's Americans and then he said lose any of those guys then the whole the whole team is probably screwed so you're really weighing one person's gold versus like 20 other people's well
01:06:08| you're also saying you're taking an aside and thing I know this is the NHL season this is your job you would ago all would represent your country that's what you care for you're saying oh the
01:06:18| Olympics is more important and it only comes around once every four years this is just the NHL if every year you know you're making yourself less important oh yeah and the Olympic
01:06:27| community said that they weren't going to support the financial element of supporting the NHL so like the NHL required that they pay the certain amount of money and the
01:06:38| Olympic Committee said that we don't do that for other athletes why do we do that why we go do that and that's why the NHL another reason yeah I'm on the NHL side
01:06:47| like any John I think it's a stupid organization I think it's stupid sport but I don't like ever since they instituted the cap the cap has really been like dissolving teams personality I
01:07:00| feel like every team is kind of almost the same now I don't think that it's that we have amazing team when we had one we had one they started to Institute Institute the cap we had to take the
01:07:12| head like personalities are not in the NHL anymore I guess that too is really like most of the people are generic oh you know I'd like a Jeremy Roenick no you don't have
01:07:24| anything yeah like the PK sue Vance who are fun and crazy everybody's either to buy it on them and you've got like a few others you don't even name their names cuz they all income I know you the rep
01:07:39| so let's go back to the sports you let me experiment it's like the winter ones I can name them because they're very short there's like 16 of them there's alpine skiing biathlon
01:07:50| bobsleigh cross-country curling figure skating freestyle skating skiing ice hockey luge Nordic combined short-track speedskating skeleton ski jumping snowboarding and speed skating so they
01:08:06| like folks like a lot weaker I have a good yeah so yeah I don't like lists I'm sorry that I just read those off because half of those are bullshit it's like some of them skeleton that's like
01:08:19| partner with the home check that's where you do lose but you do it front-facing oh yeah I like I like watching perfect the idea that I just don't know that you could do that for four years to train
01:08:32| and then you do it and like I like that you picked that one out because I was actually curious about the rules and the rules are that you have to be a minimum weight because weight matters a lot if
01:08:44| you're starting in the top of a hill and I think that most of the gold medalists are people that are like taller and heavier than most people so there's like a certain like profile it happens for
01:08:57| every sport that they're right we have been hyper you're the shortest and heaviest or even so like luge and skeleton in the same way if you are heavier you have more
01:09:12| potential to have more speed we just have to control it like the skills there where you have to control it but like I I will I would though I do you know the cutoff is it's like 196 pounds or
01:09:25| something for luge so that means like most of the people that I know are not 196 pounds like the average person is probably not well shuwei yeah I'm usually between 180
01:09:42| and 190 exactly you would hold it I've been getting fat for the best three months I looked at myself today in the webcam I would grow fat I'm over 190 secondly I got into it
01:09:53| I'm Riley Freeman - it's the 720p need to high NAD+ know what Isaac is but like there's no there's no like there's a certain physical element to it that is just your body type which is not what I
01:10:12| would want from a sport it's interesting to watching right all right I agree with that but it doesn't apply to real life like when when is there ever a time where you're like oh I need to jump on
01:10:23| the sled and go faster than everything else it's like you know no more than what is hockey then I mean your favorite sport it's like when would I have to oh my god
01:10:32| blades are on my feet now I'm on ice I have to get across Lake fun oh my god but I've got a stick and I have to move this rubber vulcanized rubber right the team sports I would say are different
01:10:45| than the solo ones I love team sports more than soldiers yeah like the biathlon makes sense because you're like skiing and shooting like if you're trying to hunt something maybe you're
01:10:57| skiing and shooting in some 50 kilometers - left we have to go and it pulls on it you're killing a squirrel yeah it's a tiny bullseye yeah well I think we should wrap it off
01:11:14| you're after you playing a drink there are you trying to loot it is that just root beer now I brought down some rum you save some literally I'll show a bottle no one can tell what that was
01:11:29| sure that's illegal something I was gonna go through the summer sports but there's twine twice as many oh I just love hockey there's still hockey and summer food real quick I am
01:11:49| so I was looking at our YouTube yeah and Ted stoppable but he had good coal buddy yeah but he's talking bro where do you guys get your shirts hmm
01:12:10| and he's noticing huh and leave some money Henley huh come on baby but maybe some of us so we'll both answer you stink um Ted stoppable 17 the store dan you're
01:12:26| up I just owned out what do you say we're going in the store what do you get yours from online cool see hey Pitt stoppable Thanks for writing in anyone else who are right in you want to email
01:12:42| do you want to write on youtube you donate to our patreon what's the can you read that I can't read it old maybe Wow Wow speak about breaking name brands yeah
01:12:57| old maybe we're gonna have to charge you money for this shirt you can depending me it was it um so yeah if you guys like the thing just subscribe whatever unless you're dilled in in which case yeah God
01:13:16| you got Oh congratulations sorry he tried to get any job didn't get on the congratulations Aeon he needed soup executives who suit that one huh Barbara Brenda is didn't
01:13:38| turn fit for a well he thought that's odd he even read the tag to me it was called the executive my business business my right nowit viz there was these so my
01:13:54| business is one more turn I thought that was weird and he didn't he said there was no sighs I said go for it dude get the job here's applying for data entry and uh
01:14:04| secretary let you sweat mmm dripping down his back down here to the butt mmm well it did he um he did one of these he was wearing a stripper executive out of it and it ripped away
01:14:21| Carol the interviewer just like and the sweat coming and then it occurred to end it well my buddy might be a night time male stripper why did I borrow executive my business get open my business and the
01:14:37| package looks real big here anyway uh made itself here's all I know it's he did not get a tip he did not get the job so shut up till then try again know that and if it is from Ralph uh that makes
01:14:55| you look like your business savvy before your strip the executive my business go for it sometimes I wonder I see women at my work where things that look like maybe blankets things that are not that
01:15:12| I would I don't know if their business etiquette because it's different so like if I could wear anything that I wanted would they fire me or that I I be excluded whether I allowed yeah I don't
01:15:24| know where silk I want to be draped in silk hey if I was draped in silk and came in just like swished and I constantly did this with a hockey pants yeah
01:15:39| well they say dan I we're gonna have to write up a meeting and I'd be like and I just rip it off is this a type of meeting you were looking for guys dat meeting Lori yeah are you ready to get
01:15:57| me dude god bless we're going to yoga well folks I think we like it we can't go I don't like you a lot guys don't like a lot we got all the levels you could ever want
01:16:17| and the tals calc alignment yep well don't let all our socials you can read them yeah well we have some but you're gonna line them they're very difficult to find
01:16:33| as long as you don't know our name all your heart we're the unplanned errs and we're everywhere and no wanna be good night folks

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