The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP030 Hurt Pain Injury Busted Broken Bones

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP030 Hurt Pain Injury Busted Broken Bones

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 30 - Hurt Pain Injury Busted Broken Bones
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00:00:02| it's that time of night I'm damn ready Yemen horny out of here and we were the others together we're just this unstoppable two-person whatever group of two is couple is that
00:00:19| it yeah mmm mmm all right yeah magnificent couple fabulous magnificent glorious drink relax this is our our dad time I would say our there are time not being dads since it's the only time we
00:00:43| have alone to each other our dad hold him from our dad hold to your dad ears although I'd like to think we didn't find the chilling with you and children over 18 yeah nobody over the age of 65
00:01:00| retirees probably can't survive it he will die immediately you're not responsible for then phrase what else for our employers right hey you say any cause they didn't legal finding
00:01:12| something for anything that skippity they yeah I'd like to see you trying to sue us I said it we're replaying this in front of a courtroom yeah clearly hear what my client said
00:01:26| the thing we're being sued for yeah can happen if you listen closely you would call it yeah what do you want to do you want to start off with ah happy birthday Nick don't tell in the
00:01:45| day cuz they'll find out your shows you cutie card and you won't get the only thing coming near retirement age okay joke's on dad I won't have any either and let make it well folks I think
00:02:02| birthdays I think like it's that one chance we get like it's a palpable time of the year where we turn it all around yeah how old are you going to be it's a palindrome yet yes it is it
00:02:16| rhymes with her de um I sweep my dad got me a case of growing up have 30 so I think looking at is it come on I mean it was like ah I've never I've never bought rolling walk in my life he's like I was
00:02:36| like oh the beer with 30 high come on Nikki getting slow in your old age that was like awesome and I was like shout out my dad got me here I'm just thinking again what good
00:02:55| on him and it's the one time a year like people used ears people use other holidays and say hey you know what I'm gonna stop in and leave the night I'm gonna start
00:03:10| applying for a new job or hey you know I started smoking I'm gonna wait til this holiday I'm gonna stop smoking we're like yeah I'm like I'm gonna stop drinking all that can't do it is you're
00:03:23| perfect it's like a whole year is going it's an arbitrary day put it in its a chance to stop drinking shout out my birthday do you think feet I choose to come out when they do there's probably a
00:03:37| little bit involved you think they're mentally like I'm done I want to I want to end it now let's begin the shitty life by handing it beginning it could be I mean it's the life that they know
00:03:53| right there like a nine months of this now I can't live this getting cramped they just rather die and then they probably don't have a choice they want they don't this is the saddest
00:04:07| you thought what was the was the earliest that you could possibly like you know butterfly effect they had an alternate ending yeah where the baby decides that it's life is gonna ruin
00:04:17| other people's in it umbilical cords itself yeah I don't think it has the dexterity or the strength don't think you can do it that way because you pass out and wake up pass
00:04:30| out wake up to really be determined it's gonna take a while new your die of starvation what people say that as we're leaving yet to get into a movie like a heartwarming movie
00:04:43| of success and suicide suicide so sad that's such a sad topic we're just gonna skip right over and not talking about it yeah please don't it's illegal it is it is illegal you
00:05:00| know I'd like Armored Core deeper you get find they find the corpse for killing it so that was you dinner project Lawrence suicide like high school with the problem whose suicide
00:05:19| and suicide numbers and incline to decrease who it's most likely and how it affects family stuff like that and at one whole PowerPoint slide because we're the generation of PowerPoint slides but
00:05:30| that was react with project when the computers was around uh-huh hey use the computers it was like came into the side it was a slide and it had be jail bars and it made you go clink clink it was
00:05:42| like suicide is illegal well hidden like haven't Lehrer member this wasn't that was that morality class morality class what was it what somebody had it that they like instead of actually doing it
00:06:03| they did a I think video I think is one of the first videos you saw that was actually like a presentation he went to fast food restaurants and was buying random stuff and he pulled
00:06:15| through the window and say what do you think of capital punishment and they'd be like oh I know oh I forget his name it might have been Brynn no Brynn Brynn is uh he's actually got a chain of
00:06:31| restaurants I shouldn't say oh shit even it's really hard to find yeah and it probably it's surviving I'll give them I delivered to him personally he only ordered one time he didn't reorder no we
00:06:50| get the free of first order free that's how he survived it you get first order fries every yeah now like he didn't like my stop he wants like super fancy pops and smell into this it's a fancy clay it
00:07:03| takes a super fancy take up and I was like I got styrofoam good friend see for me I just envisioned you delivering toilet paper to everybody just like all it's all you got I could try but I could
00:07:18| see him like bein like it give me five minutes and then like he comes out of the bathroom I got I need nicer stuff he gives it back you like three weeks later he's that let me out of it kind of weird
00:07:37| oh yeah so suicide bad touched on a couple things touched on a couple things I said things any Corrections for you let me see what are we talked about last time I don't
00:07:55| remember I said that a person can breathe oil if they were submerged of water and have to be the oil for a while it would keep them alive going meat is I mean I can see understanding because a
00:08:04| bitch does that right yeah that's not oil that's pink air oxygen oxygenated oil no no don't try that breathe your lungs right away so if anyone tried this to be cool at a party I apologize deeply
00:08:23| and it's technically not suicide because you should have researched it now I'm curious if you can drink liquid oxygen like I know liquid Junction it's really really cold but it was oxygenated water
00:08:37| or something yeah oxygenated something some solution you good greens like you could breathe in like your fish tails I did I imagine that if it was real by now
00:08:46| everyone would have it like in their house hope you just cool that they can to fill my lungs with water with this under pretend to breathe I'm gonna go on the reservoir go right back babe he just
00:09:05| rolled out the lake just think of dad walks into the water like if we get a Burnie see he walks in man like 15 minutes no one knows what he's doing that he's goes back up and it's like
00:09:20| you'd have to keep it the water in by like taping his mouth so he gets like gulp it down and then like yes that's a good point you get regular water in there we all know you can't breathe
00:09:31| regular water just to make sure it's making any correction to the future episodes yeah it clear here on the abandoners you can drink regular water yeah and breathe it good clarification
00:09:46| you know you caught me in a lie there certifications and corrections already done for this episode and the next Boat I mean stamp it anywhere you definitely get that on the others yeah we're good I
00:10:02| mean it was seen from Indiana Jones where he has to break through the floor of that library in Venice he's got the he's got the post that's like it holds up like the line you know like a big
00:10:13| wooden metal thing and then he's like trying to break piece of slate and then he got the bookkeeper the librarian who has a stamp and at the same time he just happens to hit the stamp when he hits
00:10:24| the ground it's like Capone on the bookkeepers like looking at his stamp okay yes yes yeah that's called Steven Spielberg doing his best for ya a little bit of comedy in the middle of that huh
00:10:36| yeah that's a good director mm-hmm not really different genres I believe is referred to as really would you like to educate me on this no but um I did notice that I'm actually
00:10:49| fairly cognizant of what happens in film I'm gonna make the most entirely well just I understand that sometimes perspective plays an important role in what a scene says like if it's from
00:11:01| lowdown like it's like a foreboding yeah if it's like from a weird askew angle like no in the room was going that's from Anne Askew angle this is awkward it feels it
00:11:13| feels unnatural strange right hey alright I I think I get more what the director is doing than the average Joe but I'm not like with a pen and paper like writing things down and be
00:11:23| like did you see is omage - uh Trainspotting - you know I mean Vince it but uh I'm good at that and English major stuff like the story Lim hmm that's one of the things that like well
00:11:40| I only had like one elective class and it happened to be film bill yeah I did a class on film in college I wrote a paper about Shawshank Redemption and it was so good that in a class of like probably a
00:11:51| hundred students the teacher was like whoever did Shawshank Redemption is amazing thank you and I was like that was me how did you say that no I didn't I did a little like awkward
00:12:03| hand raise where I'm like oh I don't know if I should maybe um yeah I'll take it I'll take it guys everybody it's like a room all these people no one's paying
00:12:13| attention everything's great dad's like okay have you did y'all side you know you could tell you you were the only one clapping you know like I'll take all the cut it was somebody else's paper
00:12:31| probably I'm you're like yeah so did a great job whoever was the look around them really first you're just like your hair like l1 the person actually knows that and then you're like read it every
00:12:44| word twice every day at word please huh meanwhile the lowest grade class was English for some reason my practice name one sounds like getting revenge for when someone got a ten a lot of paper is
00:13:02| certain English but we head together I got a 9.5 I got one of the only tens that sounds like you're ten have it later in college in Phil best if you weren't taking some sort of
00:13:15| mind-altering drugs shree didn't change one to attend he was trying to write one and then he wrote a zero like this was garbage waking up hours later it's a ten or one
00:13:31| I can't remember if it's lash the 1/0 somewhere between you didn't want to give it a 0.5 hmm that brings us to the next area of our podcast which is in this it's over here can't read very well
00:13:50| because I drank quite a bit but I think it's something awesome Oh daily grind I do how I do have something ooh a good one okay I went to uh there's a donut place called Shipley's and my
00:14:07| wife wasn't have you've heard of them I thought I don't know strange oh maybe you know a short excursion to Houston you were able to find Asha please well as the it was coming down as a plane was
00:14:20| taking off again and I said that's the ship please yeah I could see it probably there everywhere anyway my wife was in the car she asked for a latte and I was like yeah I was like oh boy so I had to
00:14:33| order it and I pulled over the window and I say do you have a lattes and she's like uh-huh what do you think yeah why would you ask you anything are you asking it is that so wait did that make
00:14:48| you go so yeah they were so incredulous you believe oh damn it I don't know I don't know if I could trust like if it was a young person I might like I might play it out but it was an older person
00:15:05| it was just like huh what why would you ask that it's like I was offending her so I so rape girl Hilda but still making me you're all I'm on the edge of my seat
00:15:14| hey regular coffee and then she's like mad and then she goes back there and gets a coffee but I was like oh that's weird that they don't like lattes no no I don't know what they'll so weird I
00:15:27| thought she was laughing for the other reason like of course it's a coffee place ya know it is a coffee place with coffee and donuts o leary I never felt so alienated
00:15:37| in my life as a girl what you'd what are you are you trying to order but that what is that I don't know what that is how you so last night I went to the casinos whatever room and want some
00:15:49| money coming back we went to McDonald's yeah it's a whole long story it's actually really funny but um we were like let's do McDonald's as a joke because we blew
00:15:59| off go into a restaurant we reserved seating we're gonna buy expensive steaks uh X you've lost all your money I'm thinking Cena I know we won like we were plus 500 together oh how nice it is nice
00:16:10| but for everything plus 500 you usually five trips of minus 100 but anyway I digress hmm but we ate so much before dinner at the bar
00:16:21| and that we didn't eat dinner so we had a good time while all this money and we were happy we decided to stop playing don't go back it's money let's go home but we never really had dinner we just
00:16:31| had a big pre-dinner we're whole doesn't compute do they try to keep you there by feeding him shrimps and yeah we're not that high rollers like that thought you know they active Elin you're up five
00:16:41| hundred dollars man yeah it was putting plenty of the Dollar slots and they're like we gotta keep these guys here we need some lobsters and some steaks to keep them rolling the 1seg tableside
00:16:52| like shrimp frying that'd be great yeah a little tiny likes nhi like they feed it to you Homer Simpson move very yeah it was a homer sound I'm you know but so we go to McDonald's on the way home
00:17:17| because we were like let's just grab like a ate dinner because we don't need a full thing yeah and I roll up to the drive-through there's not one person there all the lights the pennant in and
00:17:26| the only thing lit up is that sign that says McDonald's on their menu or opened and I was like it's 9:05 do you think they closed it I know in Sunday here like is it local yeah since one lunch I
00:17:36| waited and I said this to her and I was like maybe and then she goes well we're off should we go in Sydney who shoot at Wendy's I guess is everybody close tonight who
00:17:47| do you seasoned it was well it just seemed weird and we're talking about it for like 30 seconds and I go why are you open and a voice is like yeah call me so really clear as day it was like yeah I
00:18:13| was like he's like do you want to order no like Oh Mandy got you good good but it was like a 18 year old kid huh you didn't have a lot of humor in his eyes I don't know that's all right
00:18:28| you can resurrect the soul at some point it just takes a couple years now yeah where'd you order hope you can get chicken nuggets cuz those things are not I don't know what they are but they're
00:18:39| not chicken I think there is what it seems to be all I got to do it was a grilled chicken sandwich with pico de gallo and the lettuce and all that crap well good prison sandwich yeah it's a
00:18:51| signature sandwich artisanal seasonal huh do they answer wrong every time to make sure I pronounced it different every time so play my cards at your plebeian play
00:19:03| bein butchy Oh like some kind of quarter pounders all right but extra fries for buddy it tasted delicious after all those winnings and going home it was like for $100 bills we put them
00:19:22| all over the table when we just rolled on them you make sure you check it a chip stuck in your butt crack and he's like waddle away with it I mean whatever you can do to get make money right
00:19:36| whatever you can do it was good it was good but this was on leading to another sentence about something we do here but however we do what do we do here ah watch it off show up at the right time
00:19:56| the next one is small smile and I only see here nope my empty sheet of paper says I don't have anything remember smiling I don't I don't think I smiled today or yesterday
00:20:10| or the day before Mike's worker smiles gonna be pretty easy my birthday is mom I've been to this one triangular I'm an adult now at the casino they try and keep riprap out so
00:20:26| the heap security right at the door rasca see I walked in and I don't look blender 80 I didn't think god bless and any card in me it's not the regular carding it's
00:20:40| like they check your ID they flex it they try and break it and scans a number who when I'm just database bring it over to a machine it's not a regular scan machine it actually goes in the machine
00:20:49| the machine closes thank you there there's that moment where the card doesn't come out and you're like huh oh yeah I was like what am i these things like these things go through your head
00:21:00| even though it's a real idea I was like uh-huh and then it like runs all these lasers over your ID and I'm like look in here and he's like folding his arms at me like this kid's gonna break it's a
00:21:11| kid it's a kid with a beard and any other hand it is chaos Thanks he's like good luck and I realize you say that to everyone
00:21:22| exceeded when he worked there but um I went out to go ask the guy wore my free money it was for my card because you get $25 free play money on your birthday no just for the first time you gamble
00:21:35| there ah I hadn't gambled in 12 years at this place so I wasn't in the system anymore I was like do I still have a card he's like I can't find you and I was like okay and he's like I'll make
00:21:45| you a new one I was like okay he's like if you're new you get $25 and I was like okay it so he gave me a new card and I was like oh shoot he must have figured out that I've been here before
00:21:57| so when to complain to him he goes no no you just have to gamble 20 bucks or something pretty kick in and I was like sure so I walk back and the same guy asked me for my ID and I was like I just
00:22:12| I saw you I hid it at home and he did his whole thing and he thought it was fake and he cleared the Machine everything and then a later on I was getting coats or something I went out
00:22:25| again and came back and it was not the same guy and I was like oh the guy already got me he's like sir we need to I was like I need to give him his three times like I'd be three times yes sir
00:22:36| you think in the beginning they say like every middle-aged white guy needs to be scanned and if they have a beard and brown hair I guess um there's probably a look of people who try to look older but
00:22:48| they caught the facial hair and try and look scraggly and homeless and ugly and stupid you know Here I am and they're like this is a faker there's no way this guy really looks like this my smirk a
00:23:09| smile getting carded three times mmm like ten minutes each time so they card your girlfriend at all hey Carter when I came in with her originally just yeah but you're right though yeah I
00:23:24| don't know how women actually feel when I get carded I think it's like a little bit like thanks but mostly like listening every woman's thought as like it's like oh he says sweet but I wish he
00:23:39| could do more you have to keep the thought process alive like like oh my god you're so lucky got carded in like someone was like you got a car that's so great it's like someone was like pick a
00:23:52| card it's a thought you're under 21 that's amazing and then like really you hate it but like if everyone else like that you're like oh yeah I got carded and they're like oh my god they're just
00:24:02| like like really like it even the people who are bragging about it probably didn't like it but everyone brags about it so it's like it just keeps going so yeah it's one of those weird social
00:24:13| contracts that everyone understands that it should be like cutesy and they play it up to be cutesy but it might be like one two sentences and it's over because you don't really do well on it
00:24:23| yeah you can't be like a Tenzin's Leonard Billy can you believe Lucy got carded at going in and it's like oh my god and then like five minutes later she's like screaming my volume meters is
00:24:43| like you know yeah there's a woman in my office that's turning that turned 40 today and like people are guarded toward random girls to make their day you don't let her inner cube excuse me
00:25:00| yeah this might be the ultimate catch-22 so we're talking that's a social contract to really pretend to enjoy being parted totally just our carding random people when they're not even
00:25:13| buying anything's when you don't even know anything Billy hey you see her I did have you're 21 but I'm not buying any I'm gonna do anything ma'am ma'am ma'am
00:25:23| which is funny because ma'am is a signifier that you're way over 21 miss miss miss miss do you remember twink did you have to learn that in school I don't know a shock about maybe not when I was
00:25:41| in grade school I went to grade school so long ago folks I had to learn the difference between miss miss mrs. is reportable I don't think so maybe you today now they're a
00:25:54| transgender mister I think Miz is their non-binary they have like a Zed like a murse or something MRSA episode we discussed Marissa folks you know it's ruining
00:26:15| hospitals yeah but no no there's there's there is an appropriate way to specify that you're talking to someone who's transgender and non-binary it's not like no it's like Izzie you like have like a
00:26:28| Zed or something in there god I really want to look at this up but there's no way I can prove listen and wait can you call that to a have to be just you know really man or
00:26:39| something you think they're non-gender but they actually are they're like hi Missy open the whole bucket of worms again here you have to just someone said we should embrace a singular pronoun I
00:26:55| don't okay with that and I honestly know what it would be a mags and xmx do you pronounce that me yeah mixer mix so I think it's kind of in between though if you think about it
00:27:11| like missing misses one hmm this is for speaking out loud isn't it it's not writing people letters maybe there's a death pencil called M X which is actually pretty bad as there's
00:27:27| another song called MX missile proof which hmm comfortably listen to that one maybe it is about being transgender and having people call you transgender when you're not yeah prone unseat I can't
00:27:46| spell that when I'm drunk pronunciation oh thank you google Oh told you how to pronounce things mixer max foot Nix Nix I don't like it makes me sound Irish it does all right I
00:28:05| don't like it yeah we're officially anti try an X here who is buckets I don't know how you're supposed to know beforehand and then you might tend them anyway exactly
00:28:15| so I was just discussing while you're googling so don't do it yeah we should um go by a singular pronoun for everyone all humans yeah I know get into what's not human just call him human that's
00:28:27| like no sir human who's Hughes used he used guys you see yeah what are you guys the galaxies guys who use hey you haters who will use this call and you is you know yeah yeah now that makes sense
00:28:43| though I mean you're just an orderly Oh think if you called them the ins I feel like that would be super offensive kids is like the ultimate offensive thing it's like calling someone mail if
00:28:54| they're female or female if they're male or just if you're a hinder or bad person what does that really mean though do you never again I have heard it before but only in the new it is it's Pittsburgh
00:29:06| speak yeah that's what what does it mean it means they eat it run it's same as used you what do you enjoy you're not part you're not us like insert no no what are you doing later I can't do it
00:29:19| exactly her career so it's almost like he had a video the capital of heroin I'm sorry that's Pittsburgh tall folks it's like gotta roll though it like my some of my organs are really displeased
00:29:34| right now I could feel them kind of moving around first exhale didn't like meditate or something just get that nasty ins or out ah it's ticking oh it's terrible hey my hair was
00:29:51| clean I've always said that word no it's like oh Jesus anyway moving on to the next subject we're not gonna do celebrity challenge this week in relationships recent shootings and
00:30:03| school stings we're taking a little respect here take a page from our book other podcasts we're the only podcast in the tri-state area that actually is doing taking away from our brochure to
00:30:13| promote awareness so keep that mind everyone else mm-hmm I agree thank you anyway moving on to our next subject because we are forward thinkers celebrity edge that was like being on
00:30:34| professional for a second cut my legs out word of the day what do you got oh we're going right to the topic of the night oh no I've ordered a word like galactic cogs
00:30:48| you know that is it like beer goggles from the galaxy novel factor guys are Galacta actually means milk and gods are like things like cream milk they'll beg mmm yeah
00:31:04| Teddy Davey titties go I produce my craters and say yeah some of that promotes creation of milk so it's actually for like pregnant woman to drink tea or he's like special cookies
00:31:15| or whatever to help the producing milk yeah like a galaxy is actually don't eat way huh yeah exactly I thought of that but then I was like there's no way everything revolves
00:31:28| around Ted bill yeah everything's tits in college the tits tits way her boobs boobs galaxies realize the only way you can be centered on at it is on the girl from Total Recall she's triple yeah you
00:31:45| could be centered directly yeah just fans eyes do you think you would go for the one in the middle or maybe you go right that way right yeah that's the only way to mimic any other
00:31:59| way to be a savage what if know a nice habit husband um that's probably you would think that would be out there already right like maybe there's like a surgery for that well I've never seen
00:32:17| anything that was like a sexual video I yeah sure it's gotta be it's probably her though like it's based on her not a women in general with three yes I don't think that's could naturally happen I've
00:32:33| never seen it and you've never seen it and no one's ever like oh look at this and then think and if we're offending you because you do have three we would like to see let us know put in the
00:32:46| comments below we have a show below please yeah here's a question before we get into the main topic of the night um let's say through secret channels through many dollars funneled in your
00:33:02| direction through really secret channels for weird stuff going on and you're entering a whole new world and soul goes there's one thing that no one ever captures on camera phone one thing no
00:33:14| one ever tells other people one thing that once you see it and keep secret this is it what do you think a little bit so you're saying like the ultimate private thing
00:33:24| something real either top secret or like perverted or cool or like we don't want to row this with technology or something what what could exist that no one would even want to ruin it with that because I
00:33:38| can't it's a catch-22 because I'm on video right now how come the money would be on panders you think we should never release these to the public and then people were like oh well what do you
00:33:50| have on your computer and we're like oh it's nothing it's just a little podcast to do with my friend here it's it's Nick and Dan's oh that nigga Dan I've heard tales III think it's I would lean
00:34:01| towards like people people who died you don't want to say like petty things about them feel like you would never see your own little different direction and I don't disagree with I'm saying what
00:34:12| out there I think aliens look if you're brought to some place where aliens existed and they were like they did something for you oh no they made your Johnson huge but
00:34:23| you could never tell anyone about them otherwise it would shrink back and you would die and then a lot of people started being like I don't know I let my son free room today and he was just like
00:34:34| oh he didn't know what it was he was just like how penis and now like my wife was there like you know like trying to get him to leave yeah would she like worried about it she was she was
00:34:45| concerned and what are you itchy like I was like it was playing with his penis like yeah I tried to give him it yeah I was like I know exactly how it feels and it feels pretty good so just let him go
00:34:59| like I wanted to say that but I was like now I'm just gonna let you keep going on let you be concerned about his penis like I call my son like sitting in bed like in the morning he came in our bed
00:35:09| put both hands down there on it it's like she was just like sticking his hand on it uh-huh should we talk to him about it Chewie whenever I'm like no he said he's never
00:35:23| go to school he's funny he just he should check it out she's like should we stop him before he does this make sure we try and physically sound he's not going crazy
00:35:35| and whacking his Jesus none of me yeah alright but as men we want to know exactly what would that feels like another thing would be worth like somewhere there was like the face
00:35:52| of God and you couldn't videotape it for some reason people would do that right now someone would videotape it ruin it you're right there'd be the jerk in the background and be oh whoa what was that
00:36:03| was a hip-hop star knowing what I call one that videotapes fights world world start out a world that looks what the hell's I get all right yeah those fights are brutal man yeah
00:36:17| dude some of them are and so I guess people don't realize what they're getting into when they're fighting or they don't realize that they are fighting yeah you don't plan on it like
00:36:28| you don't when you're picking out your underwear for the day you don't plan on it but they're gonna show up on the YouTube let me tell you that and people are hitting each other so hard not in
00:36:35| each other over cameras right there like some underwear are gonna be chilling so every day where you fight like you're gonna show up on worldstar like online like and get your ass kicked
00:36:44| you never know I don't know which direction you're going but there's a lot of stuff that probably there was and it doesn't matter because move on to the main topic tonight which is injuries
00:36:55| hurt and pain which ironically enough yeah get allies pack oh yeah oh boy did you get rip player playing casino all right let me put this away I am volunteers help move some furniture
00:37:16| oh no volunteering at nothing I'm onto your own time I'm like the furniture guy I hate solitaire I work bands so like people are like these bring your work man no matter what just yeah huh just is
00:37:28| the worst word in the English language hey just write me a program that gives me money hey you just put him to bed real quick and can you just it's just like just it's like no anyway anyway I
00:37:42| just was going move some furniture I had nothing to do with me on either end so great volunteering great was great move furniture all the time I'm the guy
00:37:53| everyone calls physically moving boxes kind of guy they do yeah I will say yesterday I also blew some huge like 250 pound it's called a vanity dresser yeah it has anyway it holds the TV and
00:38:14| clothes and also you know we aren't fame so we don't really know what those are right no I get I've moved many before whatever horrible situations we're moving this down a nice house and it's
00:38:26| way too heavy we're doing it anyway it's me my girlfriend's brother he's Jack he's strong-arming the neons yeah yeah yeah yeah I give him props
00:38:38| moving stuff down the steps and uh if we consider bottom and it I thought there was room to lay it down and turn it so you get down the landing and move down the story I was trying to tell
00:38:50| instructions to how to move it and not yeah and he always it's not everybody's on the same page no one knows where the X we're just gonna we're gonna go like this and then this is your sister turn
00:39:02| up all right yeah it's always happens well we get to the base of the steps and it won't really fit where I needed to stand up so we can turn it so move it over I'm not gonna let him and it weighs
00:39:16| a ton like a ton of time and I move stuff that weighs a ton like the real old call bathtubs I've moved how a bunch of them that's that a ridiculous yeah well all of a sudden I'm trying to move
00:39:28| it and I'm like using my body when were trying to twist it and it's running into the wall here and it's not our house and I felt something my knee do something weird
00:39:36| I lost all strength and I've been hurt before I've been done this before I've never had this happen and I'm like I'm like sweating and the girls were there and someone else is there and I and he's
00:39:49| asking me what I should do and he's trying to lift it again and I'm like hold on so I'm gonna power through it right I'm doing putting on my legs like it
00:39:56| only and i i've never shaken well I've never been impotent before I've never not been able to do physically what I want to do what do I like I know G I have two stories that make me look sure
00:40:12| but I finished soldier so trying to do this stuff and I'm like I'm starting to sweat I put my hands through my hair and all these people are looking at me and I'm not I'm like I'm at the dresser I'm
00:40:22| trying to lift it and try to tell people what to do because usually just bark orders and stuff and I'm doing this looking to the side yes I don't think thank you all right I'm like yeah I just
00:40:32| I was like I was like going into a litter zone and in my head I'm hearing your careers over it you're done stop this is it you just tore your ACL and all this stuff and like trying to ignore
00:40:46| it and I'm like sweating and my hair is weird enough I don't know what to do and it's still on the steps like it's not even somewhere where I can rest I'm leaning against I'm holding it up still
00:40:56| and I was just like I'll try again and every time I try my knee has no strength and it was so weird and I hope for sure I tore my ACL and my MCL or my PC o or meniscus or I don't know
00:41:10| no so one of the other guys shows up who was outside he's like do you need me to help you and he's like older guy hasn't yeah I'm gonna ask for help I was like yeah and we eventually pushed it back to
00:41:21| Paul the steps steps it and sat it there and I'm like sweaty there was a okay I'm like yeah I'm fine I'm fine and I tried to move some more stuff in my knee pops whoo and I was like I
00:41:32| couldn't put weight on it and I was like oh god you're done you're done so the rest of the day didn't move much more I moved the rest of the furniture but we've left that stupidest vanity and
00:41:43| people were coming up to me they're like um I'm so sorry is your leg okay and I'm like yes it's good it's good and I do physical labor kind of for a living and I thought oh my god like what do I do
00:41:57| it was the weirdest feeling like I was like everything in my whole life is over like whatever I was like and then also for the podcast I don't allow money so when I sign up
00:42:08| for health insurance I sign up for something katastrophe plan yeah my doctor was like $10,000 Monaco anyone before insurance paid wait until next year oh I'm not in
00:42:17| to listen huh so I was thinking in my head I'm like what's an MRI like $3,000 what's that which I'm calling $400 what's a surgery for an e like $14,000 a yeah what's not being able to work
00:42:30| because I move boxes for a couple months that's three months that's and I was just thinking all these things and like sweating and I was like and it cool playing it cool and for the rest of the
00:42:41| day my knee did weird stuff I couldn't put weight on and everything but by the end of the day I was like going the casino and it would help me I would lean on her a little bit she's like you know
00:42:50| are you okay and honestly yeah I'm good well guess what folks put ice on it and now I can walk on it I can help my son get around I think and this is not official I think it's not a
00:43:05| tear of the ACL MCL or PC ah it's just a crazy weird string huh okay my question is when you deliver stuff to these places do you get tips at all almost never
00:43:15| you literally almost never get tips would you get tips if you're in a wheelchair did someone to hold on someone was doing a special or I thought of this a
00:43:27| delivery guy in a wheelchair okay here's all your stuff goes up and it's like someone help this guy someone help this guy and you help them and then you tip them on top of that it's like it make it
00:43:42| easier on them and yeah double whammy when this all happened I've never had this feeling before I just thought of injuries and people have them every day right ones it in our career and your
00:43:58| whatever some of them are so stupid do you make a mistake II trip down steps a little bit or you like you say I've heard like trip downs just like in a regular Wednesday on your way to work
00:44:08| the phone getting out of the car people like step one like the pay but wrong just cuz they're not like timing it right they pranked our ankle it's like what the hell are accidents one of the
00:44:17| more common things happen in America right mm-hmm like this stuff could throw into your life and being y'all in under 30 you think you're invincible
00:44:26| but as you get older you realize there are things that could screw you physically like I have a make it worse who I think he hurt himself in a job and she's shoulder hurt like the next day
00:44:38| you had like some nerve disease that never gets better oh it's a nerve damage that never getting better so not disease and um McNelly like he like has morphine
00:44:50| lollipops and liniment like he has to always be on the team it's because they can't officially cure it it's just always gonna hurt descanse being come never late great like you
00:45:01| can't do job anymore and also you're on team it's for the best really like that scares me it's okay addiction it great I I don't know so just think that stuff and I think we
00:45:15| should dive into in a more fun way one of the more hang one injuries yeah well I'm gonna start with some of the non fun once so I'm two thing wears a tree yeah I've got two things that Creek
00:45:29| is that when I was playing roller hockey and my went back when I was like 12 years old my my dad used to like the wheels you know the wheels on a car they go right on around but he would used to
00:45:41| spray like the silicon stuff to make it look like it was like wet you make it fancy well that silicone stuff like falls on the pavement and then like makes a permanent slippery spot yeah oh
00:45:51| my goodness she's checking it out borrow it big mark said her brother I didn't touch it I don't know hmm her and all Sarah brother her lols ours they are they over
00:46:13| there right now oh my god no they down good what you're doing no no are you sure you want to be doing this yeah yeah yeah yeah slippery so slow come right so like idea it would
00:46:31| be right next to this like row bricks that would line the head jury the landscape so ya know so I hit I hit one of those in my rollerblades I slid like me first
00:46:45| right into it I just laid there for about you know 30 minutes as I contemplated like what I just did as a kid you don't feel it but later on in life might like that same knee kind of
00:46:54| creaks a little bit more and then it like gives whale every now and then it's like I probably seriously damaged it but as a young lad I was able to like jump right up yeah
00:47:04| it must have fixed itself a little bit but not all the way and that brings me to my second Creek which was indoor soccer they made I'm gonna calls that this is an excuse is that they made a
00:47:17| brand new indoor soccer area that was like the the tackiness of the mat was like super tacky and it was like the first game we played and was like a tie game so I wanted to win so the ball came
00:47:30| to me I made a pivot and I like broke my ankle and I yeah broke my ankle I was laying on the ground I was like what the fuck and like I just started sweating profusely yeah I
00:47:40| was sweating like crazy and I was oh how how old this is the college friends who win freshman year I think yeah you never know I don't recall the the ankle injury but on what was it why does dislocation
00:47:55| we're like a hairline fracture or what no is it going to us like a spiral fracture you know a spiral fracture yes right yeah because I twisted as I tried to
00:48:03| kick that I tried to leave my hands up a little higher so I was running this way and I tried to kick the ball around the guy and I pivoted like this and then I died I remember waking up and like
00:48:15| moving my arm like this like I was in trouble but they said I was on the ground for like a minute like doing almost nothing I just did like skipped over a minute I was like there's a
00:48:25| problem here like if you can't give me on I can't keep going that was the worst semester of my life man and I had to like crutch everywhere and it was snowing couldn't even do my laundry
00:48:38| because it was like half a mile away I'm like wait for like two weeks so wait would you mama bear helped you out or what my mom did come over at the end but only for a
00:48:49| little bit no one really helped me the best are okay the best part was at the end women started to really feel like sorry for me and they felt a lot of pity and I'm I'm an okay guy how about a
00:49:02| little over average I'd say a little bit touch so I started to get dates with these girls I would like you just want to like hang out because I couldn't go anywhere but I got a girlfriend from
00:49:15| that almost two maybe three I'll see you all right yeah so I just kept the crutches all you know College crotch every now and then pick up some chicks [Laughter]
00:49:31| spiral ratchet yeah that thing that is brutal you look at it maybe you get up you're like terrible how are you standing like a good real bad yeah you just give me the energy
00:49:44| just stand baby oh boy yeah it's funny I got an ankle injury for one we don't mention ease but it leaves Jannetty ah and it's beastly it was well it was in high school um in our gym class maybe
00:50:00| the one you were in reading it checked into the board on it no no that was management her mind on purpose cable and I came down first and then he came down my ankle and um pair or anything like do
00:50:13| this hurts so bad for like a full day eventually I went to a doctor and they were like it's a hairline fracture like we don't cast it we don't you know whatever you just have to like wrap it
00:50:22| for six weeks and don't frown on it don't hurt it again don't do whatever I did it was my first ever broken anything so one of those things we're looking at real right no surgery if you're looking
00:50:35| at the x-ray you're looking at your like huh the spiral is completely different because you can actually see is like yeah there's like oh yeah I did break that I knew immediately the other
00:50:51| freaking thing yeah so you're like when they put the cast on and it comes off like three or four months later it's like you're something happens to your leg we're like I guess it's the moisture
00:51:03| being like compacted I don't even know but like the hair on that leg is like maybe two or three times more hairier like hairs that don't even exist like when I put my feet up
00:51:13| it's like one of them's like Lord of the Rings Hobbit foot and the other was a normal foot it's not like you shave your feet yeah I've been Amin on name yeah that
00:51:27| brings me to my the third injury that I I didn't happen to me but I thought was the stupidest thing with the most painful thing I would think is that uh Shadle you know Shadle
00:51:40| he probably met him mmm-hmm well he was part of the rugby team the rugby team did stupid things all the time one of the things they wanted to do was to lift a car as a team so they all
00:51:50| lifted a car 45 degrees and then as they all said okay let go Shadle didn't hear them say let go and he stood there trying to hold a car up and it it fell right on his leg like he
00:52:03| was like like it's just like terrible it fucked of his ankles so bad everyone with the body is dumb as hell until they reach a certain age I mean he get in groups of like more than two or three
00:52:19| and then it's just like idiocy just takes over you all drunk together just like is do know I can they if I could call it away from the pack drunk injury I sold one that I'll one mr. Parker o
00:52:38| course no we did not have it was to me oh yeah won a playoff series against the team a nice hat and he was the always crap talker and he would always - don't go asking I'm sure you're well aware
00:52:51| yeah they were shaking hands in lon and literally I was two people behind him and I'm pretty sure he said that good game good game good game and someone said good game to him he said sorry you
00:53:04| fucking lost the punch just enhancing like my life just clocked them and after that like someone else clock something else someone's grabbing someone yeah so I was like pretending the you know if I
00:53:18| was somewhere like what happening and dooms like so I will away and I'm like looking around and there's this guy trucking at mean is like an adult League
00:53:29| well it's like this full-grown like 40 year old man with a beard like trucking me all the way and he ran right into me and just blasted me I fell over else oh my god so I got up and for the next
00:53:42| like two weeks it's strained my ass muscle or something something that went from like my ass down to my thigh and I pulled it I literally pulled it and I would just
00:53:53| live around like with my right butt cheek like this and at the time I think it was working so it was with my father he was like really pissed because he was like you're so the hockey I don't say
00:54:05| yeah I gotta take off for a few days I mean he was like heard you went to the bar that night no I said I went up with drinks cuz we want to playoff series it was like that's fine that's fine they're
00:54:20| like one thing I don't know the I'm fine he's my keys and I was like I had to go to drink all the victory and the blood Sheik injury well initially you don't know how much bad it is it's just like a
00:54:35| pain right I know so and and a playoff victory so shout-out mr. Colin Lake partner yeah good job mighty that I got in variable light just for being friendly
00:55:02| oh yeah he pushes my argument do you think he's still doing it oh yeah no he's in my he was in my dad's leak he went they went to put him I understand and you know him as we know how he is
00:55:14| yeah he just talks not like shit believe it yeah and he's not the biggest guy at all no he's not been some defense that they they're a type they're overconfident I super overconfident they
00:55:31| leave their boat the lien post just play offense defense uh Haley think we leave the team in gold which also leads even leaving your defenses I hate those guys there's the
00:55:46| one thing so I've got like maybe three concussions and I'm surprised I didn't get it this time so the guy he's in his own zone he's pretty much by himself but I'm busting ass like I'm going after
00:55:58| this guy as soon as I can so he crawls around the net and I'm coming right at him and I'm like he'll dodge and we don't like none of us make a move and I'd good yeah I nail him and he he flops
00:56:11| he's probably as concussion he's got like a cut on his nose and I'm fine like I would I like he weighed probably half as much as I did he was very light tall skinny mother-effer
00:56:23| and um I'm fine and he's like flailing on the ice and I look around and they like all four of his teammates are just converging on me so I look up and I go I have to I have to make sure I don't get
00:56:34| hurt so I faint like I have a concussion I'm just like oh and I fall one or you never know yeah no not when you're not one like all four we're beating all of your teammates like you're gonna get
00:56:47| probably punch like three or four times in that exchange but the only way you get out of it is by feigning and I was like I think that was the right thing to do my older self is the worst part is I
00:57:00| got a four minute cuz you got a cut on his nose his own equipment gave him that cause he had a shield Hey shield I know exactly little was pregnant and he was a douche that's pretty much it
00:57:14| interesting what do you think the worst injury of ever seeded person was so you would like break their backer I've seen old neon videos or in person like know in person island we got only YouTube
00:57:25| injuries whether I'm saying like in person if you ever seen like a real name if the injury like a Nicole I've seen a guy break his leg but it'll it didn't look like anything okay well sometimes
00:57:36| it all but I knew that like he was going mine in it and somebody was pushing on and he just kind of like stuttered a little bit and then went under the board's awkward
00:57:46| but that guy was a badass like a guy like he like he was huge he was like six five he stood up and was like give me a fucking chair cuz I got a wheel myself off this ice
00:57:56| it's like what and he's like get me a goddamn chair and then like he sits on the chair and just like starts going and I was like you don't even want to like be helped
00:58:04| like he's like he's like it's broken it's done I'm going I'm done he like knew he was gonna play ice hockey ever again he was just pissed that he couldn't play ice hockey he's a goddamn
00:58:14| it I didn't see my place it was yeah yeah one more they won't have this but Oh fucker just a couple toes let's go don't count yes love it yeah but that ruined his ice hockey career didn't it
00:58:32| yeah well I mean who knows how far you go I mean it's ice hockey you got it really but it definitely ended up in men's league setting up me in skate for gold yeah alright you benefited yellow
00:58:47| you know the came across like an entire teachers I like the stuff I'm using dentist's office to knock you out yeah how does huh this is showing up at his truck the night we won the championship
00:59:01| huh never seen a party like the clams championship of money we started talking years yeah I did reference that we just graduated college like five or six years ago and I was like wait a second
00:59:21| I started counting and I was like no no no it feels like I said here's a quick question I think you always think you're that age you're referencing my 27 26 or a 28 I think by the time you're 60 you
00:59:36| probably think you're 40 like if there's a there is a schedule yeah it keeps getting further and further from the truth but it's yeah it's see look at the time you're 90 don't think you're 24 and
00:59:47| probably cure 71 yeah you know some guy was being filmed by his son he was 93 I think and he said hey Dad how much too old do you think he are and he's like 72 and he's like now now you're older than
00:59:59| that and he kept going up and up and then like as you get got near his age he was like right well I can't really 1990 93 and he's like I shit and he's just like
01:00:11| you must not know like after a certain point it's just the same you know over and over I refer to this multiple times I try and tell people this it's super logical and stupid and maybe doesn't be
01:00:23| much but when you're one here you well when you're one you're 100% away from being to you double your life to get yeah right when you're 92 I what percentage is that to
01:00:41| get to 93 is like 1.5 per system or one point yeah it's over one so it's like I gotta live what one point something percent more in my life it's not a big deal anymore
01:00:51| you know to me I know that's simple math but I mean really lean think about it that's why every year feels shorter right yeah and that and like after 25 if you
01:00:59| stay in the same job like every day is pretty much the same plus I mean we've had an episode on piki yeah hi paper you're splintered yeah we're both done but um so I mean you always remember the
01:01:21| peak I guess right if you really feel the peaks though hold up check this what if someone forced you to live a college style like play style does that make sense
01:01:33| click right now you were thrown into a college style lifestyle to care about other people did you make just as many new memories and have just as good a time and then eight years from now I'll
01:01:44| be like I remember college too baby so you're saying no wife no child sure yeah and people would have to be receptive of you being the old guy right maybe they'll take a guy do this again
01:02:00| it's not you obviously I think yes just to be a positive person you have to I think I'd really enjoy it I mean you would enjoy it but I mean do you think do you think you would
01:02:13| remember as fondly as you did your first college experience does getting camera I heard the act eight yeah does getting hammered hurt like you're thirty as short is it hurting it I think it does
01:02:25| and you skip and you lose like half your time then could see there's no way you recover after a Friday night drinking and like come back on anytime on Saturday Wednesday night ringing yeah go
01:02:37| to Thursday classes yeah you have to pass college too with that friends are everything he could you'd be smart enough yeah I think I could probably pass it you still before you drink then
01:02:49| save a day could you enjoy it I think you can enjoy it Oh Joella I just think that I would back on it is finally does it bring my guitar cheese look back you take a bunch anyone because that age in
01:03:03| human being I don't know you're invincible of that age which ties into the injury thing a little bit I think it really are invincible at a certain age yeah I mean there are people getting
01:03:13| injured but you're invincible to a degree I think some of the pros like realizes like it takes them till they're like till the end of the career until they get her major injury right and they
01:03:23| understand it a little more like did on the arm Yahoo ever really an ACL oh think so he's a beast I did to hear one of my co-workers played ball with Jeremiah Trotter was he said Jonah yeah
01:03:40| he said he blew his knee out early on I got like freshmen are senior not seen first nurse over a year and Trotter like his jeans or such as that he like heals very rapidly or something doesn't make
01:03:55| sense he was back out there doing like way more than everybody else after like two months yeah don't Acts he was like this guy's a freak of nature like he heals faster
01:04:05| than anybody I've ever seen it makes sense so I guess then here's a question are people or players literally injury prone that's a real thing right yeah they do
01:04:16| I mean they do GM's do give up on players that have repeated like concussions or like they nagging injuries I'm sure you have the person that's like oh but my my hip
01:04:26| uh I can take eight late at night yeah they probably like cut so is there so there's a value placed on non injurious beefiness so i just wanted to say beefy we love beefy Nazir
01:04:42| I would think so I mean there's certain people that last forever for some reason like they avoid injury or they like heal faster they distribute no injuries in a whole career you're like really and then
01:04:53| they were due to have all the talent that world our number one picks they're like you're like there's super time just wait he just got his wrist broken a weird really weird game just love going
01:05:03| oh dude anyone's ankle could turn like that you're like just give them another year he'll be back to the hundred percent and it's weird because that's yes that's
01:05:12| poor this port of sparts - yeah class kind for part our clients Gannon either way your glass cannon yeah hmm so people are all glitz and they don't really defend themselves leave them open for
01:05:29| injury just takes to the pro level but do you think that's a training pin or do you think it's just in the DNA like some people are literally no matter what you do to them
01:05:38| they're not gonna get hurt and I will say there is um I don't know if there's a science to it yet but sometimes when people get hit their bodies and you're flying into the boards or you're getting
01:05:49| hit on a football field and you're falling to the ground there's probably a certain way or supposed to fall or let your body go there's probably certain limbs you're supposed to keep stiff and
01:06:00| certain joints you're supposed to hold tight to avoid injury I imagine even it's not a learned thing some people are prone to injury some people can avoid it I say I feel
01:06:13| here so I knew somebody that uh got hit by a driver on the highway going the wrong way and the only reason that person survived because he was super muscly and he tensed up right when he
01:06:25| got hit so he was like super braced so like if you're gonna get nailed like the beef here you are the thicker your bones are the better off you'll be and that's contrary to some of the
01:06:37| things that I've heard where like you want to be like a little bit Lou like I guess if you want to be a little Lucifer like are some bills they like if you're loose it's better yeah he's that
01:06:45| I it is not better to get beat loose when you get hit by a car like if it's just gonna be a muscular thing and that's the max it could be sure be loose be relaxed but if you kind of like break
01:06:55| bones if you're not tensed up hence the fuck up it's the same thing for like maybe no matter what you say no one's gonna be able to do this yeah they won't one second before a car accident
01:07:06| is what the body does it's not like you could ha I remember the umph Anders they said don't got it got it yeah anything I mean it's like you don't don't have that time it's thing that's the same thing
01:07:18| when you're playing hockey though like you're playing against better players and you think you're trying to like save them by like softening up on them probably not a good idea like if they're
01:07:28| going strong then you need to go strong so that you both hit and like neutralize each other I've had it so like people are going full-speed didn't look up and I was just like I don't want to rail
01:07:38| this kid and give him a concussion so I softened up but like yeah he skated he skated through me enough to like my skate came up and like cut my leg and like I was like here you say that
01:07:48| because isn't a collision between teammates was always worse for a player it's like one of them is every speed only think about it um when guys are innocently skating or not it is aleem in
01:08:00| their skate really fast and they run into their teammate it's like half the time like oh you have a teammate is you might really be hurt where's him like he hit a guy he hates ten seconds ago twice
01:08:11| as hard ha again but when you get a teammates unexpected your body's not ready for no one like neither side is ready so it's like I guess 100 percent incident really did it
01:08:22| like is there unexpected completely unexpected his yeah they like seemed to hurt more I guess I guess that's one of those little news again so towards tenting yeah so towards tenting like you
01:08:36| would tense but expected it you don't get them what happens in football it happens at everything you know when two guys you can't expect anything that you tell each other yeah and you're like
01:08:46| both of them are down on the ground you're just like oh yeah yeah it's a del contact incidental her and then there is a truth teller not rumor as you get older your body's more
01:09:00| prone to just whatnot heal itself or well that's not what happens with the older you lose muscle mass lose bone mass and healing reaction time as well you lose all hug thinks it's terrible
01:09:14| don't get old just we'll bring it back to the original topic suicide yeah so have your birthday good job getting older getting injured you have two Klein x time they're like can we borrow your
01:09:35| truck you're like I hear the keys it's like you're just gonna sit in the truck running you got it you're good someone's in the back like oh my god it's like alright alright good good well actually
01:10:00| if my knee feels better in two days I'll absolutely be a hundred percent back to helping people move and everything haunted escalation yesterday I thought for sure I'll never help anyone move
01:10:10| again I'll never do anything again I won't pick my kid up and spin him around it goes picturing myself spinning like so epic just weird and that's that's the other thing I guess no one talks about
01:10:24| with injuries like Sammy sleeves Sammy Bradford previously it fell off the eagle huh tore his ACL on a weird play that no one even hit him he just wanted to impact a football after 11
01:10:38| months you know it's a lot of training it's a lot of weight lifting surgery Dodgers and I cups cast braces and he came back to play for the Rams and uh there's another play where he like
01:10:52| didn't see anything going on he's finally back in he's been three weeks in the league again he's finally made it back to football he's running out of bounds and no contact no one's even
01:11:01| coming out of me just throw it out bounce and he just neat and it was he's actually made he toured again and like he said I think it was him he said like hi I thought about never
01:11:11| playing football again like that was the living months I spent fixing this leg what it just went when I was running out of balance like it's Conda right and I follow this I was like what my knee did
01:11:24| go like I always spent 11 months fixing it so they can help people move oh yeah oh no I know I'm trying to be selfish but at the same time you feel like if your body starts to go you don't wanna I
01:11:38| don't know yeah I'm envisioning like the drum set in the background becomes a bed you don't want to leave the chair yeah my wrists yeah you're sleeping in there you
01:11:53| have a pile of food you can't leave you just like you're like a little troll mm-hmm the bass troll Wow yeah well that that's pretty comprehensive wrapped up in trees pretty good yeah yeah who don't
01:12:13| get people get them who don't get out people who watch my fields extra fast Wolverine get some Wolverine heels extra fast some people don't get them over in heels real fast nobody knows how old he
01:12:28| is I do like Wolverine to use all my favorites he's everyone's favorite yeah he magic someone Washington Pike is like telling Cyclops oh sorry no Cyclops d
01:12:41| subscribe D subscribe he's hovered over the 1 million dollar mark on patreon either oh don't want it down yeah we'll send you a Wolverine keychain for a million
01:12:56| dollars for everyone else watching we like you a lot and not as much as we can for a complete stranger we don't know I feel like an old very very closely based on maybe they leave a comment I could
01:13:14| understand their personality a little bit so leave a comment a jury might like you on one more want to hear some some good stories about that spiral injury Steeler
01:13:25| dancing yeah you know our mutual friend Dan guy he bug on which tan college Dan and uh he went and had sex with a girl who's even courting for like six months prior to that done it was a person
01:13:44| driving the car it was funny he got hit by car and finally got what's hurting that night Wow fate bounds layoffs kind of luck is that and he's like good luck yeah I was like yeah do you roll off the
01:14:01| hood that's what I'm picturing I was exactly yes yeah said he Paul for crossing at the wrong spot no Julie got out is it oh my god I'm so sorry okay he was like
01:14:12| Shh worry about it I got someplace to be and we know that was later he was pity sex you know he's telling me he got injured oh okay by a car there she's like oh god you're here now he's like oh
01:14:29| god he'll never know where you can get it like our one minute makes your plowin yeah MX both of them I don't even know mmm Oh would you like yeah I'm like yeah check us somewhere on the internet or so
01:14:52| check them socials boom bang bing bang bong just smack socials throw money at everything Kim is this come is that oh here go there yeah our big secret is we're here always
01:15:08| you're on our time times a week two times a week post check us out later

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