The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP012 Peak Human Physical Mental Pinnacle

Thursday, June 28, 2018

KeyItems UnP012 Peak Human Physical Mental Pinnacle

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 12 - Peak Human Physical Mental Pinnacle as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | conversation intrigue
00:01:00 | ran rings, roberto ran, roman ruins roberto
00:02:00 | boat toy boat, shot yourselves, times real, fast send, one-pagers
00:05:00 | workplace, mister healthy, bikes
00:06:00 | bikes, going give
00:07:00 | bike, my scheme my, mine bitch, sense exactly
00:08:00 | hopped everywhere, feet straight
00:10:00 | bike, dan here's
00:11:00 | area corrections, harvey, prowling predatory
00:12:00 | brothers means, hollywood must
00:13:00 | mom job, fade
00:15:00 | five minutes
00:16:00 | five minutes, head half
00:17:00 | carry aspect, devil
00:18:00 | million bucks, devil, kids welkins
00:19:00 | five minutes, devil, buddy ten, million bucks
00:20:00 | weinstein fan
00:23:00 | wait crowd, seagulls
00:24:00 | my word, invigorate
00:25:00 | dan thanks, masculinity, see amy
00:26:00 | my word, knowledge
00:27:00 | expression
00:28:00 | sound waves
00:29:00 | peaked eight, human, lab
00:30:00 | lab, human
00:31:00 | needy succulent, god understand
00:32:00 | nhl, reaction time, reddit page
00:33:00 | simple reaction, brain wants
00:34:00 | stays, simple reaction, peak, playing counter-strike
00:35:00 | past my, batched, sprinting, world records
00:36:00 | past my, sprinting
00:37:00 | business insider
00:38:00 | chess, lizbeth, peak, penalized, inside article, younger age
00:40:00 | bone mass, awesome people's
00:41:00 | knowledge
00:42:00 | god bring, vision, important elements
00:44:00 | vision, steroid era, eye muscles, man biceps
00:45:00 | nhl, attorneys solve, defenseman goalies, forwards my
00:46:00 | decline, forward one, reaction, vision, reactivating well, defenseman positioning yourself
00:47:00 | peak human
00:48:00 | mario, tape sir, peak human condition
00:49:00 | gets sick, peak human condition, considered, warrior princess, mario
00:50:00 | inched, peak human condition
00:51:00 | mario
00:52:00 | juicy, italian meal, broccoli rabe, gotta prep, especially cooking, recipes, degrees one
00:53:00 | cloves, worcestershire sauce, reaction, broccoli
00:54:00 | pepper artichoke, sharp provolone, aged sharp, broccoli rabe, crushed red
00:55:00 | mario, cooks
00:56:00 | tastes change, cool port
00:57:00 | combination recipe, one shit, workplace
00:58:00 | publishes garbage, uk paper, lansing
00:59:00 | deeper voices
01:00:00 | pocahontas
01:01:00 | peak human, pocahontas
01:02:00 | nanoseconds, slow fade, knowledge, declines
01:03:00 | decline, average age, fix problems
01:04:00 | human, sees fit
01:05:00 | peak human, next phase, regarded, years couch, brain, buying things
01:06:00 | physically able, knowledge, constantly reaching, civilizational
01:08:00 | boat, levels associates, stays, writing wise
01:09:00 | peak, knowledge, sexuality
01:11:00 | feel speak, nicole nicole
01:12:00 | handicapped, stalker mary
01:13:00 | florida
01:15:00 | nasty well, nhl

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