The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED035 Brownnosers

Thursday, November 11, 2021

KeyItems PRED035 Brownnosers

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 35 - Brownnosers as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | dan and nick, today i'm dan, scary, office, virus brown, losers, brothers work, anytime, hits up email, back rep
00:01:00 | well it's fake, mole company, csr customer, my company, want company, send it garbage, certain level, hell knows, manager who cc us cc, literally take garbage, sending garbage, request, given
00:02:00 | totally sorry you every, time sorry, request, sending it trash, yo dude, reason you send, copy, ignore time, coffee, funniest thing employee, biggest brown, tommy's office, my office who's boy, front and pour myself front
00:03:00 | sent, tommy, potential, quote, told cynthia, couple hours
00:04:00 | day-to-day basis, take care, going b, pretend, cool customer, quote, pretty cool, line, people act, good just drop the good, tommy guy dissect
00:05:00 | customer, deal didn't want, copy, wrong email, sending, job
00:06:00 | brown-noser, quote anytime, line, tries way, my boy jake, ain't gonna work, my boy quote, wasn't even, rep goes yo, sick went home, email, sent jake
00:07:00 | footing, people's
00:08:00 | my co-worker dropped, co-worker newsy, ball co-worker dropped, job dude, pointing, pry, people's business
00:09:00 | forth company, balls, number one, government contracting, pay anybody, merit-based, my job, somewhere going, my own
00:10:00 | literally cutthroat, piddling and battling, __ people below you __, people directly, random, bus, higher, always never tell
00:11:00 | job, start a company, guys gonna work, guys that's balls like guys, crush, goodbye __, brown nosers, __ you __
00:12:00 | bus, throwing, pretend, theatrics
00:13:00 | life their work, one percent, scary, two tattletail, older they people, tell this person, startups, brings it together, bunch of __, whole bunch, __ and bunch, effort, reward, keep going
00:14:00 | job whatever, exact your effort, jazz, b-hole, line, tricking, watch yourself
00:15:00 | pump, job, email, fault __, leader people, quote, people suck, take responsibility, relax week tommy
00:16:00 | send, proud, minimum i sent, rapid, five days, garbage and sent, rep at allied, junior, email icc, going sales classes is going, together even

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