The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED034 Delusion

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Transcript PRED034 Delusion

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 34 - Delusion
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00:00:16| wow quite a good one there took a while for me to actually use that one that was good it goes in my brain sometimes i'm done
00:00:25| over and over again over and over deeper and deeper so what's this episode about as a predator we have to have a predator correct yeah and this is ourselves
00:00:37| so a lot of the times we treat you just wow you choose the word we're gonna use i feel like like that's like really tricky they're like tripping on us delusion
00:00:49| disillusion dissolution oh [ __ ] i looked up the wrong thing yeah you did you most certainly do that's gonna be a problem
00:01:01| ah that's okay because i'm gonna drive good i'm glad you will well dan could you help me with delusion yeah you believe something is a fact without
00:01:14| any veracity with not any truth well there's some truth to it isn't there like you can create tiny truth nuggets can't you
00:01:23| it goes against logic or reason does it is that is literally that the definition of delusion i actually don't know yes yes it is interesting so it's literally
00:01:35| something you believe so hard even though there's there's no real fact to back you up you just keep pushing at it
00:01:42| contrary to any evidence that may appear wow so delusion is like believing a lie a little bit yeah exactly and i think this kind of like in in my own life where this has
00:01:55| come up is kind of i guess the outcome of what i hope my life will be is that there's a giant like piece of delusion there like the
00:02:05| american dream and the happiness you get from you know having nice [ __ ] it's like that [ __ ] doesn't really matter that much when you get to the end it's like
00:02:14| once you achieve your goal it's just kind of like oh like i'm i'm i was or maybe still am deluded in that that respect where like
00:02:23| the goals i have don't really make me happier but they seem to maybe the pursuit of happiness is what i'm after which makes me happy we're good lord
00:02:33| this is gonna get so deep because like that's where i was gonna go like is it the end goal or like the pursuit of the end goal that makes you happy and like that's like
00:02:42| literally the last 10 minutes of the episode but let's just jump there now like so what's the goal we want to pursue things so that we can be happy
00:02:50| like our hobbies uh knickknacks things we like uh things we want to get into collections we want to have a enough money and time to pursue those
00:03:00| things correct make sense right yeah free to do what you want to do it's the this is a true goal but i feel like and be able to afford like cool
00:03:08| versions of that thing right yeah like you don't want the shittiest version you want a nice if you're in the audiophile guy like you want some nice speakers
00:03:19| yo you save up your money get really nice speakers now you're an audio guy you get really nice speakers and a really nice audio player and a really nice
00:03:27| audio collection right yes new money and time to pursue these things yeah and on a small scale you can do that i think when you get to like the grander
00:03:38| schemes once you achieve all those little ones you realize that for like 99 of people it's gonna take them until they're old until they're too old to enjoy things
00:03:48| then like the happiness gets sucked out so the delusion keeps you going until you're like probably mid 40s when you realize like i'm already
00:03:57| declined i'm already on like maybe you're on a plateau but ain't getting any better so so what do you do like is i'll put it this way is delusion just
00:04:11| a part of life like you really will start to believe something so hard because what else are you gonna do for 10 15 years i know we all say life is short
00:04:19| but life is long like you add up all those times you're sitting in a dentist chair or like sitting on hold with the company or driving into work and sitting at a
00:04:28| red light life is long so to fill life i think there has to be this weird thing where you convince yourself you're doing a thing
00:04:37| yeah like you say like all this waiting all this sitting around all this doing stupid [ __ ] that you don't want to do is for a reason for purpose and that's
00:04:46| delusion yeah yes you're building up you you oh don't worry i know you're waiting a long time but it's to build to a thing and then what if there's no thing so
00:04:58| there was a movie uh what dreams may come which uh has uh robin williams in it and the female actor her name is annie in the movie i don't know her real name
00:05:09| is but the whole premise is that she's a family she loses her family except for robin williams and then she can't cope with i guess the reality of the loss of her family so
00:05:21| she becomes delusional and believes that the only way to like escape her pain is through suicide so she commits suicide goes into like the
00:05:29| an after world so like the whole movie is like uh i say like a monet it's like it's like almost like it's painted and it's very like offsetting so it
00:05:39| shifts your perspective and you're kind of like off kilter every like every scene it just seems like a little bit skewed and the whole purpose of the
00:05:49| thing is that his wife was so delusional and the only time that she was able to break out of her delusion was when he was able to be in the delusion with her
00:06:01| and accept it so they both accepted a life that was completely flawed but because you're with somebody else you both agreed to the reality that you
00:06:13| made yeah and it's okay because i think majority of human life is is like dependent on another person to validate what you know
00:06:20| what you think what you believe but i don't disagree with that at all that's kind of weird like as long as you're like could you imagine if you've done the dumbest thing in the
00:06:31| world like push a button every morning at 808 pm or 808 a.m excuse me start my initial and like people would people would cheer you and everything
00:06:40| like yes a little bit yes so weird that's funny i never finished lost i didn't finish lost i i got like four seasons in five
00:06:50| minutes okay cool i kind of thought that might be where it was going but uh good show i liked it up to where i was um
00:07:01| but how crazy would it be if there was some weird non-based on anything value you had to do and you did it every day and you were
00:07:12| adamant about it you worked hard at it and people were like whoa and everyone's like yeah you do it brother and someone was like oh my god he's so brave he's still
00:07:20| doing it like is that enough value i mean does it matter i have no idea is that what you're striving for unless because like if
00:07:28| you're a star hockey player like actually playing a game doesn't mean anything hockey's stupid when you think about it genuinely
00:07:37| running around blade skating on ice hitting a puck at who picked the size of the net who picked the size of the box who picked the size of the pads like it's
00:07:45| all arbitrary but we all agreed on it and now you're the best at it yeah and you have all these people sharing your name you probably become delusional keeping
00:07:56| your sanity when there's people like cheering you on how do you not love that your life is already dictated by it you wake up at a certain time to practice for this thing
00:08:06| and like meet with certain people and you train with the best trainers and you have different devices that no one else even has to be better at a game that someone made up that's arbitrary
00:08:18| it's nuts i mean i don't disagree with you should do it if it's going to pay you right or give you a lot of praise but it's it's insanity and you push it to
00:08:30| the nth degree you become so good at it you become so obsessed with it you can become obsessed with anything so this is where like delusion gets
00:08:40| weird is that like i've played games where the game starts to warp your mind in a way that you like the game so you like letting it
00:08:48| warp your mind so there are a few games all call of duty for one that we both know in a way that i doubt most will do
00:08:57| yeah we worked it we worked that game were i knew how long the sprint button lasted i knew how long grenades lasted i could move in a certain way that would dodge bullets like let's just be honest
00:09:09| but it had nothing to do with the game itself i just learned the game in a different way feel it you don't have to think about it you just yeah you know it's going to happen this way
00:09:19| you can tell by the way things like feel around you that oh that guy's going to show up in this corner 99 of the time and you're going
00:09:27| to be able to get them like you know otherwise you're going to play it differently so that was one game there's also for me personally it was like
00:09:35| everquest which i played way too much of bioshock which was like way immersive there's katamari damacy if it's the one where you roll up all the pieces yeah yeah i know i know 100
00:09:47| did they did they ever make different versions of that game i feel like they should have or did i don't know but the music in that i know the original is so
00:09:54| good wait and how about just the dude smiling with his hands on his hips and like his package clearly visible i love that game holy crap yeah he was wearing his tights dude
00:10:04| i love rolling up like smaller things getting bigger doesn't that mess with your mind like i can't draw like after playing that game for like a straight week
00:10:12| i would drive around town and be like oh i wish i could roll up look at things right there i actually yeah i i agree with that so where does it even tie into
00:10:24| disillusion like because a delusion excuse me so i love that game so right now like we did an episode a little bit at the beginning was
00:10:34| factorio and like that's one of the games was like even while i'm like you can save during the game and my saves are like please stop like don't play this like you are
00:10:43| addicted to this game stop now and is that when you name them that's hilarious it's like please help me someone help and you're like ah
00:10:56| today having a nice one meanwhile someone is screaming stop please stop that's hilarious help me version one two three four five six seven and you just i mean you didn't rename to help me save
00:11:12| so i mean but there's something in that so with like coronavirus all this stuff going around around and all the different like logic
00:11:24| that just seems so flawed like i see these other people that are obviously delusional and it like it makes no sense to me so like
00:11:33| the sanity that i'm getting from this game is that like i can like add and remove things and they're very precise and controllable you know the
00:11:43| results yeah i also like i feel like i'm almost like like a borderline autistic because like the way i'm responding to it is very
00:11:50| like has to happen it has to be this way i have to check this i have to like oh wait this thing is miss oh i gotta go check that
00:11:56| and it's just like a giant cascade of things that have to take something ocd type reaction where ocd isn't so much a disorder as it is a ability to predict long-term events
00:12:10| chain reaction wise and when they don't go that way it it messes with your mind so you're like if i do x it does y it does z
00:12:19| it should do a again then we should trigger b and c and when it doesn't it's like [ __ ] [ __ ] like what did i do [ __ ] it's like i gotta do it again so that x does this
00:12:31| but it's almost like a grand play like a rube goldberg machine where like you've created all these different things and you've literally fought them out so you put some time into it you put effort
00:12:40| into it you set it up perfectly it should work perfectly why didn't it like an angry thing like it's almost an angry thing you know what i mean like
00:12:49| i think that's what you're feeling which isn't is that ocd i i guess it is but not really is that like borderline autism i have no idea they're related to it
00:12:59| like do you know what i mean how they touch it yeah weird so this is where it's predatory on yourself is that like this game
00:13:07| it's procrastinating it's probably not great for me and i get way into it and i'll spend you know i'll ignore important things to do it and this is
00:13:17| borderline your children i think your one kid starved to death right that was crazy it only took him like three hours i don't know that's
00:13:24| impossible i don't know but you you can let yourself be delusional if it makes you happy so this is the point where like i think delusion is actually like reality
00:13:35| because when you realize that you'd rather be doing something else because you're happier doing that other thing which is not real but the the fact of the matter is that like how
00:13:45| much of what you do is real so doing the thing that makes you happy even though it may not be real it might be a good delusion it's real i mean what's the alternative oh
00:13:56| instead of working in the coal mine is that real i mean you're doing that for someone else to make money i mean you never would have went to a coal mine to mine
00:14:05| coal by yourself casually so yeah just going to the coal mine honey thought i might mine some minerals you know what i mean like shine it up shine in the pickaxe honey
00:14:24| so whatever you're doing is almost like in a video game sense acquiring skill points acquiring raw materials and you're doing that in real life too
00:14:35| so what's to say it's more real to do it in a video game form versus a what your boss wants you to do it for him because your boss is going to ask
00:14:44| you to do some [ __ ] mining on salesforce or [ __ ] calling out on these accounts or [ __ ] like there's always [ __ ] it
00:14:52| doesn't none of it's kind of real yeah which which layer of [ __ ] do you want to buy into exactly which one which kind of which
00:15:03| layer are you comfortable with which layer of [ __ ] are you doing today what would you say though to someone who's
00:15:14| there's an argument to be made where i'm utilitarian i think the greater amount of good for the greater amount of people greater amount of good for the greater
00:15:22| amount of people is the greater good the argument against utilitarianism is a matrix machine where we're all in these matrix machines that insert into our brain
00:15:34| and make us live these really good lives but we sit in a chair and we never move sounds great if they're half if they're happier that way is that the better way to live if you
00:15:47| can avoid reality is it better yeah well if you're still providing good for other people nutrients yeah overall no they're tied into a machine i mean
00:16:01| that machine's literally just for them it's an entire universe built into a you know database who knows cloud it's the matrix
00:16:09| yeah i don't [ __ ] know yes it's the icloud no one knows 100 how it works it's a lot of networking and you know coding yeah a lot of magic is it is it better to leave the person
00:16:22| in the matrix machine or wake them up and have them experience life for real this comes back to you needing other people so eventually you're going to come out of the illusion
00:16:31| and what you put into it will be you know it'll evaporate it'll disappear but if you can share these experiences with other people multiplayer games or actually have a
00:16:42| significant other jesus just goddamn say hold up like i thought you were gonna say fall in love with other people and like human touch and you're like
00:16:54| multiplayer games you just blew it out of the water that's amazing i think i know your answer that's incredible
00:17:06| [ __ ] multiplayer games it is a multiplayer matrix and we got it we don't need we don't need people that's that's pretty good they're looking in there
00:17:17| no damn but yeah you can you can make a life you can make a real life aside from playing video games but aside from being in whatever like belief system you are
00:17:29| in i guess you could be delusional with some other person uh and that's okay as long as you're not hurting other people
00:17:38| but eventually i guess you have to realize that there's like a base understanding and if you're ignoring that it's probably not the best course of
00:17:45| action because it's probably going to make you more delusional in the end yeah multiple disagree multiple games it is we're all playing multiplayer folks
00:17:58| whereas my son calls it minecraft to match so nice wow thanks for tuning in uh to sum it up i would say everything's bad and we're all
00:18:11| share the excluded predators

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