The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED036 Shallow Friends

Thursday, November 18, 2021

KeyItems PRED036 Shallow Friends

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 36 - Shallow Friends as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | work friends, work husbands, work wise, worked everything, wise everyone friends, tight acquaintances, regular friend, brew, grab, outside of work, friend outside, different subgroup
00:01:00 | work friends, close friends, close brew, gotta stay, budweiser frogs frogs, meet, hat tip, change, gone blast, started working, nasa, postal joke postal
00:02:00 | work friends, floor, important, old adage, exposure logistically, proximity is everything, people you see, race, drama
00:03:00 | watching this podcast, happens weird realization, few months, started looking, my friends, second one, work friend, spent
00:04:00 | biggest work, gravitational, hardest work, real life friend, miss, moons, work friend, years, meet, whatever or joke, lunch, fries, anymore covet
00:05:00 | break people, my smoke, break friend, greater friend, reflection, number six, number three, number four, home life, older, happen way, shallow friends type
00:06:00 | grab, responsibilities, breakfast, whatever my family, time years, note, spend one, dated, real life friend, period of time, blah all change, years party
00:07:00 | retiring you're done, still weird, good job, friend good, job retiring, even talk, retiring good, companies same company, companies twice, feels really weird, brought experiences, takeaway, floor, period of time
00:08:00 | kids different trash, ups trash, bags different, going back, trash bags, grew, downplaying, large sum
00:09:00 | people work, hang, years, life relationship, develop, outside of work, presbyterian church, tourney's tavern, friend, base was black
00:10:00 | knew it made, my dad, stuff always carry, older black, time but __, still give, my brain, church delivering
00:11:00 | stories back, always meet, real life, text friends, miss, pretty much every, certain jobs
00:12:00 | interact, different type, hang, interplay, different walks, work, people from different, sometimes walks, pagan motorcycle
00:13:00 | shallow, forced friends, force to call, kids two, literally affect, grew, jingles, certain joke, leaves, break room, ones, real friends, meet, hang, my olive, here's my, olive branch here's
00:14:00 | lunch, years, change, force, corner, disappeared
00:15:00 | here's here's, important which ones, favorites, guys identify
00:16:00 | tell people, older, crazy stories, crazy jobs, __ i stories

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