The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED037 Undermining

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Transcript PRED037 Undermining

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 37 - Undermining
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00:00:14| foreign wow so you're running out of time and i don't know what do you do do you rush to try to fix things or you just give up
00:00:29| i'm dan i'm nick folks thanks for joining us tonight i uh i don't know i feel like you get to the middle get to the middle of things little age
00:00:42| and you're kind of like uh okay like this is a i guess this is a life so like most people probably i think like i'm content i don't know
00:00:54| that most people are though i feel like most people they get into stuff and then they decide they don't want to anymore they just kind of
00:01:03| never do it and they just kind of relinquish themselves to nothingness so what's the get into career yeah i guess career going to college taking some
00:01:14| classes get a good job like excelling at a job or like maybe it's even just like his purest like passion like people like
00:01:22| this dude starting a is family you passionate about your family could you i think i guess that i guess technically i am i know that sounds stupid and i hate i'm generic
00:01:34| yeah yeah yeah but i love my family like you say that it sounds like yeah that's you see that that's what you're supposed to do yeah but also i mean what if you didn't love your family
00:01:44| where do you put that are you allowed to say i hate my are you allowed to say i don't really like the family thing but i started it so i have to finish it
00:01:52| you're not allowed to think about it you're not going to say that but like think about it that's a thing right yeah but you could be like everyone
00:02:01| and you could be undermining your own happiness by just like being like i can't really believe that i'm happy and i think a lot of people do that
00:02:08| so what do they do if they undermine their own happiness why the hell would they do that i don't know i find that like some people are just like not
00:02:16| either not motivated or they like can't be happy like it can't just be like the happiness has to be short-lived whatever they have they can't just be like
00:02:25| i'm content for a month or a year like i'll do this i'll do this casually for half a decade and get through it but but then like what is that like it
00:02:39| you're saying people who are unhappy or not letting themselves be happy i'm just trying to figure it out to make it more concrete is like finishing college like there's
00:02:49| an abstract feeling of like this is what i'm supposed to do or somebody told me to do it or like i genuinely find that this is like somewhat interesting
00:02:59| or you don't you generally you don't have anything else that you're like passionate about that pulls you away i remember this guy freshman year that was uh
00:03:12| he said he like he didn't know what he was going to do like he like he started college like this is like the first week and he was like i don't know what i'm doing
00:03:20| and he said like towards the end of that first semester that he was just like i just want to be a chef and i was like okay like that sounds good and
00:03:29| like he just left like he didn't like he and he knew he started something that he was not going to finish and i don't know how you get to that point where you just like okay let me
00:03:38| just throw myself in here and hope it works was that life a little bit i mean yeah you have to you have to try new things to know i'm i'm
00:03:47| what i'm not this i'm not disagreeing with you what i'm saying is you try a new thing you don't know if it's going to work how long do you wait it out and then at what point are you
00:03:55| like i'm not going to wait it out so what's the fine line between undermining yourself when you probably could have made it
00:04:02| and damn you were on the wrong path for three years and you didn't stop yeah what's the dividing line between those two things like you didn't stop you have to follow
00:04:11| your passion until you suck at it and then you have to stop immediately is that what it is i was really great at doing cocaine every
00:04:20| night but then i realized it was ruining my life and it's like yeah it was you're the how did you not see that but it came to an end and it's like yeah
00:04:33| it was going to come to an end it's i'm pretty sure everyone knew that end of a chapter and then it's just like old age shutting the book right next to a fire
00:04:42| yep opens a new book so how do you know when you're wasting your time and when you're not putting in your time what's the difference i don't i i honestly at this point
00:04:53| like there are certain things that i do that like they're not necessarily soul sucking i just feel like they sh like should be but when i get into it i
00:05:01| just like lose time i think the things that allow you to lose time are the things you're passionate about like if you if you focus enough on
00:05:09| something that you lose track of other things like that's probably a good thing to do even if you don't feel happy doing them like
00:05:16| no this totally makes sense i mean if you're if your body slash mind slash whatever is capable of doing a job very well you probably do lose track of doing it
00:05:27| like you're just naturally doing it it's a natural movement and yes a little bit of zen and that is probably the best day to be in when
00:05:36| you're doing work which is funny i feel the opposite way when i do my job that's precisely how my old job went is that towards the end of it i was like
00:05:45| why the [ __ ] am i doing this like why the hell i don't like even trying to start something i just get frustrated i just get angry and be like i gotta go for a walk like i can't
00:05:53| start i can't do this like you that constantly would come into my brain and that that piece may be like maybe that's right like maybe i shouldn't have
00:06:02| been doing that job or maybe you need to like redirect your energies into something else that will like actually build yourself into something better
00:06:10| that's an interesting way to put it i think that's it's actually a good that's a good way to look at it so naturally you should be able to tell whether it's something right or not
00:06:18| from just your natural instinct if instinct is the way to go the only thing there is to catch is that you have to know that certain pieces of you don't want to do work at all
00:06:28| so you have to like feel out of the procrastinator and what's the lazy part of you and what's above and beyond that like normal level of like i don't want to do
00:06:36| that because how do you do that sometimes you zone out and you just do it and then you're once you're doing it you realize that this is okay
00:06:46| and other times you realize that this genuinely sucks balls and you know they've been calling it for days in a row and months in a row i think you also know like when i
00:06:56| started a new job and the new job wasn't that great it only took me two days to be like this doesn't make sense but i already committed to it and i
00:07:04| wasn't gonna like back out of it even like sure you wanted to put your time into it yeah i i basically said like this is a new
00:07:11| experience and i need to learn from the experience and going back to my old experiences at my old job like i already knew the range of
00:07:19| emotions that that would have brought me and like i needed something new so i feel like a lot of people especially the people that have like career jobs lifelong jobs
00:07:29| like they're left in the bubble like a welder yeah if you're a welder what else are you doing freaking you're welding are you like oh i also do computer
00:07:39| science no dude you well we get it you have memes i've seen welder memes i'm not even gonna bring them up here but i've seen welder memes okay anyway yeah um you're
00:07:50| in your box but like you're in a bubble this is your thing dude do you do welding maybe do some like offshoot welding maybe do this kind of welding
00:07:58| like it's not just welding i do this kind of welding but how how would you describe this undermine thing like how do you do that so you give up
00:08:08| on yourself a little bit yeah there's like so many different projects that i started and failed at that i don't
00:08:15| like you can regret spending a lot of time on something that doesn't it's not fruitful so the way you shape your mind to see like what is what what is value like there's an end result
00:08:25| like maybe you have a goal of making x amount of dollars doing this one thing but you never make a penny you actually spent money doing it lost money and then spent
00:08:34| so many hours so you lost time and you feel like maybe you've yeah you're regretting the cost yeah completely and you keep making maybe you keep doing it or maybe at the
00:08:45| end of it you realize that like why did i do that do you learn from it like you kind of do i think let's say you did something stupid for three years and you
00:08:58| hated it and you were done with it you'll never do it again like that's a pretty good lesson you learned a damn good lesson you will never do x
00:09:06| again even if it pays double you're just like nope i'm done do you think certain people so like the most common thing is that some people take a minimum wage
00:09:18| job and they stay there like indefinitely they'll get like quarter literal quarter quarter raises yeah quarter dollar an hour
00:09:31| this is like i'm progressing it's like no no you're not like making waves baby inflation is like 50 cents you've just gotten a
00:09:41| quarter you're literally regressing but this comes from like i think i think some people can't and that's a whole nother episode but i'm talking about the people who have
00:09:52| the ability to have a learning have everything and they undermine themselves they decide not to do x y or z they choose to either regress or
00:10:05| not fulfill something and you're telling me that like it's just if you endure a little bit of this you'll succeed how do you know that path
00:10:15| that's the only thing because i'm kind of there so you want you want sage advice for me sure i would love some sage friggin advice give me some sage baby
00:10:28| is this what you're waiting for you want to give me sage advice it's what the entire podcast is about nick sage advice from dad i feel like you make one step towards something that
00:10:40| you're like genuinely like okay let me try this thing out like it doesn't make any sense at all there's no reason why i should do this but i'm just going to do this one thing
00:10:47| and see what happens and sometimes that like you you make one step forward and you you can look left or right and you start seeing different pathways
00:10:56| and some of those things are necessary and i feel like we have a mutual friend that had a lot of possibility and he just wasted his time
00:11:05| getting into drugs and wasted like he shouldn't smoke so much pot or taking so many pills and you just look at the guy and like this guy's genuinely like
00:11:15| i wouldn't say he's a genius he might be jesus i don't know he used to be a genius because when i was well yeah when i was in high school i thought he was like definitely on par
00:11:24| and you wonder like how how are you resigned to be like just like an like a an i.t support guy and i i understand like yes there's comfort
00:11:38| in that but there's so much more and people don't see the like the more part of it i don't know i feel like
00:11:46| if you if you miss the boat you feel like you're behind the boat and you can't swim to the boat so then you don't want to yeah right you don't want to put the
00:11:52| effort in because you're behind the boat already and you're behind everyone else there's also like an idea of like if you're the like the wunderkind or
00:12:00| like the prodigy like you're you have to do it in a certain age range so that people see you as that because you can't be a like you know you're not you can't
00:12:12| because you can't be like an up-and-coming prodigy at 40. i'm trying my hand here at a new profession i i agree with you 100 and all these
00:12:21| things strike true but i also just say at the end of the day rhyme i mean a little bit of it it doesn't matter aimlessness that oh it doesn't matter
00:12:38| i don't know you so there's the financial thing it does like you should go for money like sure like you could go for money and then do everything you want to do after that if
00:12:48| you don't die trying or fail and then keep working until you die uh or die of a disease who knows it's true you don't know what you got your cards
00:12:57| are all different um i forget where it's going you're probably gonna die so you should just do what you want to do this is the
00:13:06| jim carrey so then hold on so then you do what you want to do so then what if it's not probably no yeah i don't know buy yourself as much time as you can
00:13:15| this is like a startups like startups that don't spend any like a dime and they start like couch surf it's like they have so much time to actually figure out
00:13:23| what they want to do and then focus it's like you can actually like change your focus multiple times because you don't put any money to it also jim carrey i think his father was
00:13:32| like an accountant and he didn't want to be an accountant but he worked for like 20 years and he figured that like this is the path that i'm gonna take to like fulfill like
00:13:45| my family's needs sure but he said like you can still fail as an accountant because his his dad was fired from his job in his like 40s or 50s
00:13:54| and he saw him like hey he wasn't happy and still he failed so like even if you pick up right it was like he picked a terrible thing it was like well do this for the damn family i
00:14:04| freaking hate this job also i got fired yes so nothing safe so you might as well take risks you might as well do what you love you might as well try everything try and fulfill something
00:14:18| you might as well try and succeed i don't know is that what you're trying to say to me yeah get off your ass and try something even if it makes no sense
00:14:26| even if it seems it's worthless you know if it's like not motivated by anything at all other than just you like no outside forces you're just
00:14:34| like i wonder what it looks like when i photo photograph lightning like you learn something from just like trying to do that it's very weird the most it's the most exact thing
00:14:45| you've ever done have you tried to photograph lightning i have not tried to do this i tried to film thunderstorms which is difficult i do
00:14:54| actually do this on the roof i have it out the window i do have a little gopro camera if you put it on your roof dude less obstruction it is difficult
00:15:05| to photograph lightning and i didn't know that going in but now i'm like it is oh strange kind of cool it is a weird type of thing that like
00:15:14| technology is this is the size change it sorry it's like technology goes so far what's so funny with me what if that's your calling to be the
00:15:24| best lightning photographer and be like i don't know people see pictures of lightning there's like is that is that a dan like all your
00:15:33| all your know-how and your ability to like propagate things and like make all uh camera taking procedures and like point to which direction the
00:15:44| electrostatic electricity is the most and like and then like which kind of camera and then it takes three before pictures and after pictures and everything
00:15:52| like you might i'm just maybe i could you'll never know i don't know yeah don't give up on yourself because i think it causes regret if you give up
00:16:03| fail fail hard and learn bill likes that's better [ __ ] think that's a a good one i think it is i think what's the predator here the president yourself
00:16:17| letting go of what you dream so but what if you bring what if you dream to be a ballerina and you're a super successful accountant maybe like 150 a year and you're like i
00:16:30| wanted to be a ballerina and it's like everyone will laugh at me because i'm a man and i just have thick legs and i can never be a ballerina life is not linear that's
00:16:40| the fail like the golden handcuffs of continuing a career it's like you should stop you should stop midway and be like it should be normal to restart and say
00:16:50| okay i did this for 10 years let's do something else be like you should you're maybe yeah i mean you have zero years experience how you're gonna get a job at a ballerina
00:16:58| school because you have zero years experience and your resume is filled with accountant garbage oh i managed several multi-million dollar
00:17:07| firms like oh who cares this is a ballerina school pal okay be an accountant for a ballerina school segway slide right into maybe
00:17:16| maybe yeah a lot of child clearances they have to go off here well it's that time thank you

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