The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP005 Duality of Drugs Healing Addiction

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP005 Duality of Drugs Healing Addiction

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 5 - Duality of Drugs Healing Addiction
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00:00:00| I'm Dan on the neck folks together we form the and/or earth I'm panderers and ersatz house folks and yeah if you're listening your your number what we like to call you al pers
00:00:18| views now aliens is that incorrect y'all's I thought you say you'd that bed like your problem part of Pennsylvania that kind of the trash old news guys yes no yen's yeah obviously users up oh
00:00:34| users that's what the call whole yet oh these anything they are I never heard him called that before actually oh yeah Pittsburgh Penguins fans hmm they literally a lot of eat trash not
00:00:45| because they're like poor I mean they are poor but they can afford food they prefer the taste of garbage it's fascinating Wow that doesn't surprise me actually I
00:00:54| know it's kind of a Western PA thing they they actually say they they used to filter the three river beer if they're what's called now that they don't even filter it's like it just comes in
00:01:06| through like a garbage can they stick it in there and they throwing bottles interesting yeah I've heard they have void chloride on table and then back to table restaurants that's that's when
00:01:20| their families get together their dad let's uh keep it PG here to plug dis how he's having some fun out there what we get started at we would like to say your team is dying
00:01:31| don't worry in five years there will be over to Pete I give them great Henry years ok salary habits yeah yeah well we really creeped up oh I like it we would like to say before we get real serious
00:01:44| here is that we at the offenders we don't condone anything said in here in any of the opinions and yet disseminations what add to this any other things hmm we can't give you any
00:01:57| inflections no diseases this is diggin we're gonna share everything we can through this medium everything but it doesn't look like anything we think or mean no and we're not all media
00:02:13| oh this medium though yeah this idiom that's girth they calm the magical tree tree tree trunk tree stump no no which today is there a um an in-between like if you lose the top of
00:02:37| the tree what is that still the that's cut the stump it starts to branch off that's good that's good I talked about this in the previous podcast you dream up the guy with two oh yeah
00:02:50| good friend of the podcast actually yeah we don't shout out and I blow Carlton die close is a sample die so I begins with P doctor - it begins and ends with P doesn't always another thing we like
00:03:06| to say here the Alexander's not for the young uns I mean that was clearly obvious yeah he stated it if you didn't hear and there we go that was stated everyone every single time folks at all
00:03:21| and if you don't hear it it's going to go through every episode just to make wizard work just don't use those views on top of both of us we really need it I would love to get covered in views yes
00:03:36| sir yes sir so maybe honestly I haven't been following the the Flyers too much and I didn't realize that oh they had the second pick to pick in the draft
00:03:46| don't Patrick yeah yeah which is the big news today yeah he's the best pick from what I are guys he was consensus number one for like a year and then I hear that sports
00:03:58| hernia and he missed part of the year and uh the black horse showed up the Swedish Nico hurshe at least on Swedish he's like 30 pounds lighter and not getting shorter okay real good yeah
00:04:13| anyway he showed up out of nowhere you know what's funny is um because I I ruled out that we weren't going to get the guy I wanted I really wanted all and Patrick and I was like they're gonna
00:04:25| take them because that's he's number one take they're gonna do it and he's very stronger he probably gonna have a better career so I said I'm gonna pretend my hardest that Nico here
00:04:35| Hershey egg is gonna be the better player and I read all these articles that were Pro Nico and I'll be like hmm yeah but I was like faking it and so when they picked Emperor I was like oh
00:04:46| this is like a thing I'll have to pretend they have the right choice whoo we got the number one thing no votes have you ever been in like a red box and pick out a movie and you're like you
00:04:58| don't know if you want this one or that one and then you're like okay I'll just all flip a coin yes by the time it lands you're like I don't and then or the other one he goes tails and you're like
00:05:10| I should play best out of three and then you flip again and you're like yeah there was no reason for the coin flip yeah it was the decision point that really made you push yourself towards
00:05:22| this direction there's probably a word for that there's a word for everything is it no one's you think that's on the deep sorrows or whatever your sorrows you're mentioning probably in there do
00:05:32| friends of the podcast actually to reach it blood them hey if you like us check these guys out they're a little known podcast I know but I hope they get a lot of overflew overflow views from us
00:05:46| looking I made a list of all of the dictionary of obscure sorrows because I want to do that as one of our episodes so I'm reading if there's anything sounds like telling you of a mental
00:05:57| disorder but yeah that's like yeah I'm doing all the research here are they alphabet does not help to materially tongue folks I just came back from vacation number three or something and
00:06:17| they're well they're not all week long vacations they're all like four-day pieces so that's how we have so many of them I guess I just got finished like a three-day weekend or a four-day weekend
00:06:29| a week ago and then I did four days of work and then I did five days of vacation and it's just messing with me because it's like drink too much do this too much guided by
00:06:40| I can do an awful podcast with somebody or even like ah I do a different one yes love this chemical that one sucks yeah that one's garbageman so what brother all the podcast he's
00:06:54| like yeah he's Justin you know oh yeah yeah he occupied I know yeah way to go so he's actually watching them so dead like 5-10 minutes we're we're all drinking it was like lovely
00:07:11| pocket nine and then we talked about some of our favorite podcast he's the one who recommended one of the guys from the lead it's in a podcast with a couple other guys and they do what I texted you
00:07:24| they literally just watch bad movies take notes and come back and talk about the movie in super depth and that's but that's what their absolute I don't remember the name of it but it sounded
00:07:33| really good and I would check it out friends and podcasts actually yeah if we had more time I think we would be able to do that right right it requires a little bit too much time and it's been
00:07:43| done before now so it's you know like sloppy sec I kind of want to try to do what we do right now but do it while we play the new games because I don't think that we've missed that much we might be
00:07:54| layout might have pauses but we'll do want destiny to fake it so yeah not for the video I've never played the Destiny and never played it neither vine and a bunch of people this guy trying to make
00:08:15| me buy a ps4 I was like really and you also realize you're between systems almost yeah the same system is gonna come and build press I mean we're already cresting those you know don't
00:08:27| need unless you got super deal on ps4 unless Sony like to sponsor the on patters in which case by a PS or ps4 man words now you'll be a dancer me chrysanthemum chrysanthemum 700 epic god
00:08:46| of what but you can say there's a few words I can say and third there on this pocket I said all four five all directed to Dan at the podcast let's do a smoker smile break it out there
00:09:00| just lets just got one load ready yeah sure I got it's a smart like an old person smart person smart Adam a person that was like do you feel like a horse me I'm okay here we go
00:09:14| so that eight years ago however the hold I wasn't that been in my 20s hanging out with this guy on the river he's got a cool boat it's like a riverboat right the Delaware River I
00:09:28| figure this is a pig stop can't handle I did it it was pretty awesome you're always chillin on the bow he's got a wakeboard everyone's doing it you got like Jackie fest I've never done
00:09:39| anything like this before he says try it I try I can't get off because like when the boat takes off you're supposed to just like hold on to put your feet out and I'll just work on rushing at you and
00:09:50| I don't know what the hell to do so I just wing it and eventually you lose grip because you can't hold on when the boat goes bad stuff it was like I've never done it before but I would assume
00:09:59| you tilt the board straight up maybe that's what I think and I think you get that bar and then at one point you're supposed to press the word down while you're straightening your body it's it's
00:10:10| one of those things where you can describe like skating forever but you have to do it you just do your feet to the side and right you also there's angles and weight shifts and stuff you
00:10:21| can't even explain just naturally do it it's like they try to tell them to stop when you're like you gotta turn sideways and then like try to touch your butt by ice and it's like that does it that's
00:10:30| not how I do it man your head anyway second time around I did it and I got up on the board and I was like it was just hanging on for dear life like smiling at people waving just hoping I didn't
00:10:42| tripping eventually easy stripping you go down well my other brother in law we'll call him Jim he was out we were on like the Chesapeake Bay you know walk dollar one of the bays off to over go
00:10:57| get linen and uh he goes you know who wants to wait for it I was like I'm wakeboarded before who's like eight years later but one time I wakeboarded so he tried
00:11:08| and first time I couldn't get up and everybody's on the boat and you know I'm like oh I heard like it really hurt my shoulder and everything and I was like do it again do it again do it again so
00:11:18| I'm doing it and I'm holding on and I decided I wasn't gonna let go like that was my thing even if it just dragged me in a weird way that's also that's also in pop so I can't just
00:11:29| let's go yeah so I can't do it we tried three four times now everyone the boat like feels dead for me and I'm wearing it so alone all okay right but they but they don't want their funky day out
00:11:41| there like this look you can do me it's just time and I'm like but we're always being so nice you have to to do like a fifth time or a sixth time and I'm just I'm just trying but it just at this
00:11:54| point I had no grit in my arms I was like oh my guess Sue's they think awful like oh no I can't do it so eventually like the shame of failure kicks in and you go over everyone still
00:12:05| have a good time and everything and I was like sucks five days later now I still no grip strength so like Lady Sings but it was funny I knew I messed up cuz I'm on the
00:12:17| boat no one like snapchat or like text someone or do something cool that I always do on my phone and I was like I really hurt the first time I did it seven or eight years ago it lasted for
00:12:32| like two or three days but I feel like this is worse and I'm eight years older and I didn't even get up but I didn't have that that feeling of victory to buoy me so now I'm just like my lower
00:12:42| backs or because it's like it's like one of those activities like could be snowboarding for the first time in like eight years like also in your abs hurt your back hurts you leg hurts all the
00:12:52| weird muscles I've never used right right right so that's I got I got old it up real quick and I can't play bass yeah girl from the on panders wanted me to give her the old hand
00:13:04| business I couldn't give her a right but like it sucks I can't do anything like huh nothing okay that's interesting I was really really I was gonna bring up
00:13:16| snowboarding because the first time I tried I felt repeatedly backwards landing my wrists uh you did really your backbone what yeah well I I knew how to
00:13:27| not fall forward so I did Oh backwards I was falling for a lot because I was trying to punch over to stay up mmm did your abs and stuff there no no it's just my hands at the same
00:13:38| thing that you're saying your hands did allow like we would pain like right like huh it's got to be in the wrists like that's got to be all the nerves get like kind of tent
00:13:47| puffed up the same thing happens when you box if you box without wrapping your hand like you do it too much yeah and then you can't like get a bad beasts finger yeah first like the outer yeah
00:13:59| that's weird yeah this is the ones that I have the most trouble right now yeah weird interesting know the physiological thing fuck behind it but it's probably like
00:14:08| the nerves or most sensitive or something yeah I'm pretty challenged the indent will snowboard against lower tea challenge it's a liberty challenge everyone it's
00:14:20| that instead time of day folks bring in your family bring in your loved ones you're gonna hear the one and only celeb challenge you're me you dig me folks well here it is the guy who plays Newman
00:14:32| in Seinfeld as we hi who may have been called racist in Seinfeld Kramer Oh Kramer okay Michael Richards anyway it's like a redemption for him and it's also like coming out for you for Newman me
00:14:46| and Dan challenge them to a snowboard off I don't think we never getting kind of old I don't know if they'll be able to do that that's the only reason long challenging
00:14:54| um come on well so we'll be on snowboards but they can be on any medium like okay inner tube they want your snowmobile don't we so beat him no man snowmobile I was just
00:15:10| done without adequate on it snowboard wait I can go down a mountain without looking like a jackass you were going down a mountain on a snow Biel I don't think you can turn because it's gonna
00:15:17| roll and crush you so they got to go do the same humans use Nicolay's fat I'm saying they could both because they find folk the mold show now thirty years old when did it originally air 97 making
00:15:32| that up but it sounds like a really early yeah 97 91 look up miss a 91 someone in the wish man is please clarify who is more right yeah give them this is many
00:15:45| my shoes right rules by the way cuz I would not favor me it would actually no it's not anyway so we do a lot of stretching it's because I tried to wakeboard folks
00:16:02| although I did paddleboard oh I've never done it no and someone you stand on and you have the paddle what's a long man's paddle it's like a surfboard you know when I
00:16:17| did it it was real funny I have no balance whatsoever so I fell the first two times I was trying to stand up on it and the third time I just managed just the whole time I was just my whole body
00:16:29| was shimmying forward and backwards at the same time and I was just holding on so this thing and I was like thirty forty now fifty yards away from where I started and like going into the ocean
00:16:40| and there was like turn around I'm like I'm just trying to balance don't worry about me so someone adjusting you know with a kayak and he's like can I just attached
00:16:51| to your thingy monthly yeah I've been fine dude you've heard you back towards Shore and at that point I figured out what else don't quit like but the whole time I was just like standing still but
00:17:03| the statue just letting the tide take me wherever the hell it won't that's like the first time getting back then like skis yeah same idea I guess you get off you have to get off the lift
00:17:12| at the very top and you're like oh my god this is embarrassing oh my god that six year old girl she just felt she go hmm I don't know they like what's the legal precedent for it
00:17:41| like if they were charging for the murder you're just like I don't you guys they like they'd have to make you ski to prove please put on the globe and then
00:17:51| he'd be like them and the poles it doesn't cost a quick wasn't him I don't know how to ski music somehow you ski and you convicted to life in prison I guess if you'd like some kind of man
00:18:08| cuz I mean if you don't know how to drive but you brought someone over that's pretty much murder - unless you're you're saying let's put in the comments comment section below lawyers
00:18:23| out there all those Boyer lawyers we're looking at on the table themselves refreshing real better as we go let's draw get it moving loosen up your blood vessels mm-hmm stretchy going on
00:18:42| actually very tight little band now it says oh heavens gonna be athletic and then you'll be like you're doing great and you'll be 20 feet behind him losing now I'm gonna be the dad trying to uh
00:18:54| try to beat him the other things though and anytime he does squarely beat me I'll play he's cheating or something hmm no I wasn't ready I said said shoot it shoot it ten times in a row yeah I was
00:19:11| gonna shoot a lot of time you shot oh it know I know the people say that's literally my favorite in GL I'm like a naughty with people shoot I yell it anywhere and people that or ignore you
00:19:31| if you brought our team for more than like three games yeah I do this thing where I kind of like rut I get excited my god all the guys on the bench you like that guy oh I just I just love what
00:19:50| happened out there I was gonna mention and curl up um smirks did some smiles I could do a little smile a quick one oh yeah so at work they were setting up the
00:20:08| microphones and they because they have like a little like auditorium thing in the middle so they have like one microphone and they're trying to get a second one to work at the same time so
00:20:16| the group of IT people were conferring and I walk up and I say you know you can do like stereo mix where you could have both playing through the stereo mixing just listen to the stereo mix and then
00:20:26| they're like oh look they're like well it's a good idea and then at the end I said I podcasts I'm fighting a most people don't know no I well think of it um six months ago yeah six months ago
00:20:44| would you someone says oh by the way I podcast really oh that's good for you yeah that's what you think like that is yeah you didn't ask for the name of it no I know yeah I know
00:20:58| good for you yeah I guess most people don't believe that they I guess they believe they're not gonna be interested in whatever you're saying cuz I ride energy think older people probably don't
00:21:10| care they know what they know and they don't need to know anymore hmm well they're not interested in the link would you be interested in the podcast by 16 year olds probably not but
00:21:23| if it was right maybe we don't know it's about I'm just estimating probably not the odds are no but if they were like us I think us at 16 would be a little more immature we'd be talking about a lot
00:21:35| more survive things but I think it's still die interesting hmm it would be alright but I also think we're outliers as far as at 16 then maybe even down to yeah
00:21:46| maybe now also go to point is your hair still hair still going out is this like a hair my bar we dive would the flood actually took out the person's house that does my hair so touchy subjects we
00:22:06| go so we have to let her come back this when we can go interesting mm-hmm I was picking up the pieces down there people are they picking up them pieces things ever go back to work by now or
00:22:22| now well it's a weird dichotomy because you have most of people at my work are fine there's a little like a few might actually had their houses just and but
00:22:30| like certain sections of town and really fine too but other ones like there's mile away if you go a mile north and a mile to the east like that whole town is like
00:22:42| elevation wise like five people of mine every single house you just drywall wood floorboards all sorts of stuff carpet all that stuff is like all the curbs you're like dodging it in the street
00:22:55| going left and right run weave through it can you give us a sad humanitarian thing is there like uh still posters of like lost kitten lost dog and like they're like it's like you can say that
00:23:09| to them but lay it's like Blade II it's blinded for like days I I hear stories of people finding puppies and kittens and understand they're like this place by the storm but the way I hear it is
00:23:24| like they just there's their street kittens and there I need to find them a home and then they take them in and they steal them essentially because I think there were someone's pet oh I think they
00:23:35| just got out of the house they got the storm something having it now there's someone else's pet mm-hmm yeah interesting that's wrong I'm gonna pause here for station identification this is
00:23:47| not an envelope do not look at it but it is aren't ah boats would you like me to know a little something about what I do with my everyday life Oh everyday life this is a new segment
00:24:00| what's going on here no no this is I'm a guy a lot of you were guys a lot of you could be girls to you guys not a problem of the population has men I know it's 49 you think it's
00:24:14| more female yeah maybe that's just the us feel that way now I feel like it's 51 maybe it is more I feel that more female now let's party changes every year come do you think that's my wine do you think
00:24:31| it's really not a 50% chance it's really a 51% chance if you know people cuz that would make more sense right I guess is the odd physiologically ironic elite ironic alley they so Wilson
00:24:46| make that word well folks at home that before I was sidetracked for myself I apologize this could apply for men it can apply to women sometimes you just really feel them dirty yeah you know
00:25:03| that feeling bees alone fire your fingertips get that weird electric buzz mmm the light behind your eyes intensifies you've got the human horn and the only cure Trojans got
00:25:17| it what I've noticed here these Trojan makes a little column called ultra ribbed this bad boy expires in 2018 let's just say it's not gonna make it ah well folks
00:25:33| when it comes to protection from the other sex and from your own sex nobody beats trojan the triple-layered it's a latex most of its hypoallergenic can be totally fine you put this pin in
00:25:47| line slip it in line you give it the old Evo mighty mighty moe one two three safety first let's go I'm saying it really is the finest brand though I
00:26:01| mean you can trust it it's the highest rated contraceptive and it's affordable folks just go to your local store I picked up an 86 pack for $39 Wow bucks um I've probably gone through four yo
00:26:19| once they I'm kind of a lucky guy next week I plan on using one with a girl [Laughter] that's great like I'm saying folks trumpet in Seattle's most trusted
00:26:35| condominium on the market get a chat find them a little pricey so I have a discount method that I use it comes in a roll and all you have to that's a figure is a
00:26:48| saran wrap duct tape you the sound sleep at all that sounds awful well sticky side out is that the catch a totally get out there we're going to bring back a natural delivery kit that's natural
00:27:22| lubricant super addiction that's part of this two-step process and to say now for real I have to find that kind of Midas room so we held a race if someone ID finds a condom in this room it doesn't
00:27:39| feel right it's goods my greatest fear right now once you move past a certain phase you can't have random comment laying around [Music]
00:27:50| way that's random Tottenham playing around hmm first questions go meet whose is this that answer becomes extremely extremely poor hey my friend Jorge I guess it kind of revert back everything
00:28:08| kind of a cyclic right so in like you know yeah you'd be all nervous my mommy doesn't find it now you're like oh Christ my girlfriend now you got my wife my wife of 15 years blame him son you
00:28:26| have to hold on these for a while when I ask you for one don't mention that yeah no I was no not even get they get over it no we're good we're good okay we're good
00:28:40| holding up an envelope again so we're gonna know an excitement called you did a scenario or situation oh that's interesting I'm back somebody in Texas I wish I can
00:29:03| make any anti hustle so it would look smaller than even it usually does man that would be like it is it is interesting though than early cartoon world that was literally the whole thing
00:29:17| for strength if you're strong your bicep had like six biceps on top of it and if you're a weak your bicep went in the wrong direction you best way Falkenhayn yep you know what that tells me a lot of
00:29:31| cartoon artists or glam muster the glam muscle fools do you need like a traditional warm up into the make someone's gotta come over here and just be near here oh yeah over here a little
00:29:52| sloppy here no get me all week just do those condoms have model numbers on them ISBN I did have expiration in like a lot number I don't look the lot stands for where it's made so they know who the
00:30:09| culprit is and so I don't really have a situation where scenario I did Oh hit me okay I mean this is a straightforward one this is literally rock jock in Delaware
00:30:26| radio question so it's it's like cookie cutter if they probably heard it somewhere in just rabid it it was question of the day folks do you rather be really ugly and a genius or really
00:30:39| really I but here at Oh II and I was like that's the dumbest question ever I'm not sure let's see so ignorance is bliss what are the odds I mean it was in pair the to eat it
00:30:54| exactly attracted a what got to write super attractive so it's like it wasn't like super MA what I gathered from it it wasn't or it was it was I gathered that you were so
00:31:05| attractive that you could probably make a living from it and you're certainly also gather ill right so it's a male's dream well it's a question to anyone but I'm asking you
00:31:15| hey that so then I am a male I think the odds are what you all have to say well you can also parlay that into jobs and summers oh you could just stand there and people could take pictures of you
00:31:34| and they pay you sounds like a statue and the colas yeah very sketchy I'm sorry statue eat it was a word for that yeah actually hanging around
00:31:53| younger women so that sounds pretty good actually and the other was a stupidest question of all the question but the another one sounds like you're really ugly like no one's even gonna throw like
00:32:09| people are afraid to throw rocks at you because the rock might come back deformed well it's not genius see the problem is you have to here's the thing I looked at it this way first I looked
00:32:24| at it career wise you could probably make good money either way right yeah that's really good a male model easier path to being the model I think I don't know if you're really a genius you'll
00:32:36| probably just play the market or do whatever but really a genius you'd find some way Matt I don't know and and you don't have to be seen by the public who really gives me like the number one
00:32:46| genius so you're the smartest guy in the world let's give you top ten sure I'm not gonna give me the more you'd be bad you're now the other geniuses though all
00:32:57| those geniuses all the dudes on the Discovery Channel that show up for all the interviews the Chinese guy the no I don't know what he is gray hair dude Asian is long hair she's a lot of
00:33:10| star shows and then there's the woman who like it's way too excited for stars and then we realized it was a quasar I understand the notion of who they are yeah yeah
00:33:23| they all make enough money you know I don't know they draw six pigs come on didn't I work in a very sciency environment and I smell these people that essentially have flaws because they
00:33:37| believe in science more than anything so do you think so there's people that I'm gonna say this in like a very general way most of the companies that are like
00:33:52| engineering wise they seem like they're searching for people who are personality wise driven to just keep working and keep chugging and not ask for raises and focus that science of things like if
00:34:05| they can find those people then they're golden so ant worker yeah terribly smart and yeah so if you're that smart you might actually be driven to not work for money and try to achieve something but
00:34:18| you can still fail at that so that would really crush you right are you saying like Newton I guess smart I don't know if you come up with the dude theory like like touring like we did but didn't
00:34:31| Newton fail in a lot of these other guys fail because their theories not accepted for like 50 years by then they're dead I think that's another things like being an artist like you you don't reap the
00:34:40| benefits of anything you do well then it's been again that says a lot of what you want in your life sorry to say the podcast that Dan here wants immediate gratification in his
00:34:51| lifetime I'll be wearing an ultra ribbed but uh it's harder to get off all right but if you maybe the smartest guy in the world you could make a bunch of money but that's not gonna drill that's not
00:35:17| shit that's not gonna be what drives you you're gonna want to be like the forefront of something but then you'd still be teaching them your office you don't believe you so you're like
00:35:27| you're talking to the male model who's getting played all the time and you're like you're an idiot you got to do this or you'll die and then then I'm so what you're saying
00:35:35| is the male model will be happier he'll be happier yeah so I think I'll pick the male model interesting no he's dumb as hell so he doesn't even know he's reaping benefits - he's pretty
00:35:46| happy but he's not necessarily happier than everyone else I'd rather be the size of a guy cuz yeah you like that pleasure dizzer he didn't closing my feet getting fuzzy it's uh no it's okay
00:36:00| well I got a connection our own hold on I'm trying to get the call back you're still you're still there too much here now well you hate breaking the episode up and now you know yeah you need a
00:36:13| pause oh I'm good though I don't beep no you're you're still fuzzy though like really fuzzy look you look like less than what's under 240 lady 8 thing huh that bad huh is it yeah yeah I see you
00:36:28| okay how you keep going yeah so does that mean it's my connection or yours I have no idea probably mine it's probably because they connection your get back oh good you're back I'm gonna have my
00:36:46| address on the back of that shit oh let's bring it back to the word of the day actually so what are the ones at the moment actually because holy crap cuz that's copyrighted yeah I think it is
00:37:12| copyrighted plus I like we're a moment more forward the podcast actually I'm - so I hear one mmm I came up I just said one both out there I was I said I came up with this
00:37:27| today so I was thinking about like forecasting like before you cast you have to forecast so it's kind of like foreplay before shirk it before you podcast so it's got to get Yeti ready
00:37:39| for the podcast which I forgot I was going to tell you get into it get into the zone see all the words you can't say and spit so instead of or test for whether it's
00:37:48| the word past before you podcast mm-hmm did you make it up words will work I made it up oh we have to make up these words no no I don't want to lose it cuz it's so good
00:38:01| I like it I like the don't look you want to keep it forever and it's important to you and everything else and I just think it's okay it's just average no I like it I do like it got he's good in a sentence
00:38:13| but I'm not going to but the real word I was gonna say guys obsequious you know obsequious means impossible to see through I'm not sure now that's what we're really gonna okay yeah okay
00:38:29| I'm see quiesce is like servitude to liken it like a ridiculous level like you're beyond adventure to somebody really mm-hmm so what I was thinking about those
00:38:41| scientists they're working really hard for a goal and I could oh well they're obsequious cuz they're they're not working for the money which the company should be paying thanks s thanks I like
00:38:52| that word well is that the proper definition like is it like like to the point of forgoing your own future health teacher livelihood for the good of the greater good of them so it's corrects
00:39:07| interesting excessively dude soak in there you got another word you thinking won't work no I took a BDSM test like the bondage whatever the sex test I know I was just bored I was looking at
00:39:22| someone so when I Paulo posted they're like this is my results I was like what are you and they're like oh boy or something and I was like this is stupid so I took the test and you said like
00:39:31| servitude of some weird amount I think and I was like maybe it's regular questions and Nicki see if you're into different things like sexually look like those boards yeah I'm gonna let me take
00:39:43| this test it was like do you like getting yelled at and demeaned incredibly go have sex without respect and something it was like a really long sentence I was like not really true
00:39:54| now and then and then like it would be like well yo he's like do love watching people have sex without their consent and something and I was like really and then like I realized that it wasn't so
00:40:06| much a quiz allege it was just the definitions of the sexual perversions being asked oh I'm glad to do anything for me and I was like yeah but one of them was like do you wish to do to obey
00:40:18| willing servitude to a master and you know be whatever or not really what do you say I have pictured somebody wearing like a leather mask behind like a little red pin drops down on your house to see
00:40:39| like the questions were like usually you try and rope someone in like do you want to get whipped or something it's like hoo-hoo some girls be like yes this was like do you want to obey your master and
00:40:50| be servitude toward the high is a bit much again I don't know who's answering these questions yes but they're already there they don't need the quiz yeah baby have you ever heard of that website
00:41:03| where you fill out a form of what you like and it's directed at somebody and it it obfuscates it doesn't tell them what you like but they answer the same quiz and then the answers that match up
00:41:17| it'll like summarize it and just say you both like this which you did no sleep for it's almost like tinder isn't it I mean it's not about meeting people it's not somebody you already know so you
00:41:28| know I'm married to the person and you're just like trying to find their inner like desire so naturally I check yes on everything to see if good you didn't like any of it
00:41:41| so wait wait this a cheap check you know whatever she knew that was wrong on your part I wouldn't even you have to find it out Gaetano like literally you really set up the home run it down the middle
00:42:06| you never know sad they were just the picture weird the bulk yeah I know we don't always do this but this is a quick celebrity shout out who shut up the challenge - a shout out
00:42:24| to our boy I think he listens to the podcast I can't prove it either way he'd be welcome to appear on it once whatever restocks khun's billy's nobody's done no no no so he's been in the big leagues
00:42:39| for 38 games now 39 tonight I don't know the game's not over he's hit 18 whole months it's never been done and I'll be history to my knowledge I think the the next
00:42:54| when he his 15th it was like 31 games in or something and the next closest was like the person like you know once they Ted Williams and I don't know they have all these names baseball SATs are crazy
00:43:06| but there were like three Hall of Fame players who who hit their 15th home run by like their 58 at bad their 60th or that and he's like 31 games also computed so I guess the stadium is
00:43:23| packed and what's the record there's a hundred now 82 games right so like the number yeah do you know that the controversy I'm looking at wedding people could see the light is like a
00:43:35| fish boy didn't look what McGwire and GA bond aren't sitting there so suddenly be a 72 - I think it is 72 people in like calling us idiots but we're baseball guys so honey our country 70 Sosa
00:43:55| finished was 66 that was breaking the record so you have probably ended on Tuesday I need the whole story yeah it's just um Bobby boy I'm looking for okay
00:44:07| let's say it's just 70 I thought was 72 as well we're we talked about the like favorite record right the rookie goal record nice yeah I don't know that I could be
00:44:26| defeated oh I just talked about Solon where's the whole season then a whole season like 81 games his name's Teemu Selanne well I guess how many goals he scored here blinds up
00:44:41| around like one for one close the gate e something goals that 72 goals is revered either way that's my favorite hockey better than it cuz it's well because it's not a Gretzky record
00:44:54| because he once we did discuss the Gretzky once I remember being like to to thank your son yeah he's actually 215 with the wolf seat near doing most to Salani
00:45:07| did they have fewer games back then I think he did 80 and that's easier 81 it's amazing what they could do I don't know if it was like an easier way to score back then they always review their
00:45:17| goalies Folies were worse I imagine they didn't even have a butterfly today no they're not kind of coming in it's easier to slip them drugs before then well a lot of players will get drunk
00:45:30| like the data for like any nice cheese in general that way there's also like the Delta from being like a regular athlete so Pro and then a pro who can actually make money in their sport
00:45:42| because like although like my grandfather when he he played pro ball he didn't make any money playing pro coming wait I didn't know he played played pro ball mm-hmm that's pretty
00:45:52| cool position yeah thank you shortstop all right we have some shortstop blood yeah so he I don't like figure it out but like they never made any money so I feel like the
00:46:06| moment your sport takes off and you start actually making millions like when all the TV deals came in that's what warm people come in to saturate that market and they pick the
00:46:15| best of that best yeah and then if you're a star that and you just start pounding whatever drug of choice you'd like I'd be happy to millions well not only that look at it this way law of
00:46:26| averages says that any more people will be approaching it be with those more people with a freakish athletes are the ones and out the natural good ones and ee of
00:46:36| those naturally good freakish ones the ones that worked the hardest and spend the most time on their crab probably be the ones picked and while they're that three is going up you also have the rate
00:46:46| of money that's given to them so your grandfather your rates being like money through in of them so they could become for usually right but that helps them when you think about it because if
00:46:58| you're an eight-year-old less to worry about regular stuff or even a 28 year old who has to worry about regular stuff and have another job it wouldn't be as freakish at about never going to be a
00:47:06| master right because you're you know another job you should literally if you have school you have a home you have a life white kids but they aging four million dollars
00:47:16| don't worry about on a job that's for damn sure you can forego your immediate your far distant future for four million dollars right yeah plus it mean it actually the
00:47:27| returns might actually be there someone like you're gonna like this name oh my god really laid out man awful ozone yeah anything season and then I don't know a out in the playoff time yeah he was
00:47:46| almost like a usually point for game player almost and he actually did it against Buffalo that's why up it fires and then in the offseason he was a free agent for a
00:47:56| restricted or whatever he was in Buffalo a big bucks or twenty seven million over sneakers score like one goal there's four here he did terribly and he got let go after three years good number so yeah
00:48:11| so that's like nine million dollars a year pretty good move yeah sure for export I think one or two of seasons let's say a little worse to play in the NHL
00:48:23| right now and we're toast yeah and the coach will play you every game you know you're not getting all the ice out of the world let's say your third line player my current school oh yeah yeah I
00:48:34| mean you also should make it slow all right but you're also playing every day right that's right those mutant yeah this is all closed but let's say you uh you have to get played
00:48:54| he's not gonna cut your time the coach whatever fans can scream all I want you're not necessarily getting paid buku bucks and you play every game you're getting better because you're also
00:49:03| playing with pro athletes probably training with them you're eating better and you don't have a job you're playing hockey do you think by the end of the year you'd be able to score a couple
00:49:10| bowls well you got it by oxen come on you scrimmage in front of the net let's say you survive I don't know if you'd survive but I think I would get a couple I would hope come a couple are you
00:49:22| hanging out in front of net getting some garbage for making it there do you think you do you think your drive and hunger will be greater than a lot of them because you're like an average Joe yeah
00:49:32| all these pipes again now that folks I feel like your your muscles only have such a limit like you okay so you wouldn't be able to you get halfway you probably wouldn't be there five hearings
00:49:45| in before you sure but it's not all muscle I'm look at Wayne Gretzky he wasn't the muscle machine Karen let's if the answer was so you gonna hope to be we know who the rookie was who scored
00:49:56| the most goals now that was misalign yeah team oh no no I'm saying Wayne Gretzky was not the most muscular guy yeah he's getting a little goodbye you know you could get a
00:50:10| couple no no you gotta know you have to be able to just be able to see the ice and not be able to focus on anything else so you got to be able to avoid people so you were talking about muscles
00:50:21| while you just work on your focus on vision and you not learn vision yeah no that's I suppose if someone gave you the shot to say you could make this work but you
00:50:32| have no skill right now give you one year you won't mean if you just continuously skated like if they gave you the option nice you know and you're training with professionals for free not
00:50:42| like you know it's up to you how hard you work and everything else and I know your body has limits but I imagine you can become an almost serviceable but can be the worst player in the league still
00:50:53| but you almost bees are level because I think you rise to your level to then people will be impressed impressed by you first impressed young enters go dark
00:51:05| Roque until then maybe they'd be impressed because you'd have a huge it'd be like Rudy like Rudy was undersized when he probably sucked everyone knows that but he indeed play you know I
00:51:17| didn't see where he was told with what I think happens you weren't Peaks applied you I who we glad we watch this we had the guy come in high school I know I didn't go you
00:51:28| can go to that cuz that was the one of the most that was a crowning moment of people going nuts really yeah that was so really was don't all the whole the followers just click
00:51:39| unsubscribe we love it I just never I didn't like I just remember and they were solid we're in the gym they gave us popcorn to watch the movie it was the entire school and like almost throwing
00:51:51| popcorn yet for me I'd seen everyone was just going nuts and this was great just the ring ceremony I didn't go to apologize I never got a class ring because I couldn't afford them that time
00:52:08| Brandon really yeah at the third year everyone was clapping their boxes that Brotherhood way did you remember this one was closeted that's it is it caused a ruckus
00:52:20| and once like 10 kids start doing a thirty kids deal and now the whole schools doing it and you're clapping the ring boxes of the guy and he couldn't talk over them and it was an Irish name
00:52:29| for him so there's an assembly the next day in the entire school was invited and he just laid in everyone on how it was embarrassing you're better than this you're gonna be
00:52:40| men of the world we're teaching you to be men how could you do this I raise my hand I was like I just want to apologize for the rest of the class and he was like in thank you and I was
00:52:49| like well people who didn't get into the ring so I was just laughing with all my friends like that's classic Nick folks classic Nick it's one of the things you forget like I don't remember the father
00:53:04| brother whatever for that that was speaking but I'm pretty sure nobody liked him that's my assumption it was heavy shit Starlight Express you know it's not like specialized now
00:53:14| if you google Starlight Express it's like I want to say it's a musical about a little boy who comes into realization that he could be a man or something I don't know but it's it's it's got some
00:53:28| overtones to it let's just say at one time he he made a whole bunch of he bought America it was in my homeroom or somewhere else music let's just listen to the music
00:53:38| gentlemen and he played like the beginning of the song Starlight Express like any one of us does the whole song what's interesting is I think everyone has this innate ability to know when
00:53:54| other people in the room are not enjoying the medium whether it's TV or music someone's in your car and playing a song and they're not enjoying it you can do feel them their energy yeah but
00:54:05| anyway he did not get that at all he really thought we were all diggin it he made us listen to the whole song I feel like it was like five and a half minutes long I could feel like maybe it
00:54:14| like a like a chubby heavyset priest or brother or whatever he is like kind of like lean towards the window memories of a past that didn't exist so I guess we'll where I don't even know where we
00:54:41| were in the topic chain I'm sure there's a missed question or a story that dick move one of the main topic yeah I was gonna say wrap it off because the text I got but what's you want me to play the
00:54:54| gamble the other way you're gonna we could pause it for the ten seconds that you're gonna be maybe told no where's there's a kind of I don't know it's behind the computer of what does it do a
00:55:09| behind a computer it's hard to explain it was our sponsor you sure you good cuz we I mean we could try come now let's just do a little bit of the main topic let's see how he is
00:55:26| the text text said I'm sure the listeners are curious too okay I was calling you but now I'm going to bed and there's it's weird she never feels like oh where are you I need to know where
00:55:44| you are like see it so the fact that it was like where are you I'm I was going to bed wink wink with more other winks and I know that's why I'm like if i go down to
00:55:56| intuit my gamble is over I think you lost your damn boy yeah you think so and I well then once take it this then what's the point in the text make me feel bad
00:56:08| probably right it can we need a weapon odd castaway focused in pod friggin tastic yeah we should do a podcast about women and then never let them never publish it never ever because the women
00:56:25| in the world are gonna be a cop what did they say kids say that he's these men just won't pander will they stop it just like all the rest of them what's funny is uh do you think there's more women
00:56:44| with that or men who think like women they belong in the kitchens but they'll think you don't I made like the the overly sexist guy who like what does she know about sports you know than just
00:56:58| like way over the top or you're like men who feel like women should be in a certain place and then the other ones women who believe men eight being assertive boys right do you think
00:57:08| there's more of one or the other actually I bet you there's more men more sexist like super sexist I'm talking overly sexist not not like a little bit like over the top I think so I think men
00:57:20| would be more outwardly sexist whereas women might be quietly passively sexist right well there are some that are just like that you know and they want a certain thing and they're just hoping
00:57:29| and hoping and hoping for it and what it doesn't happen their wives get crushed in Hampton do you know you know that's you know how I said I was also that shot radio
00:57:39| if Delaware on my way home today from vacation folks they had lesbians on and their this is entirely for the shock-jock purpose and I was totally listening the whole time because I was
00:57:51| kind of enjoying it two lesbians one used to date men one never dates men engagement only used to date men and everything was like I love my new girlfriend we've been together
00:58:04| for two years but she won't try new sex toys which is whatever like I know the relationship news 1x2 is like different ones just bull sex with them and the other girls argument was all well I
00:58:18| don't use sex toys because they're too reminiscent of men and I wasn't I was like what if she's like walking into sex toys are shaped like men and I hate them and I was like who seems like a real
00:58:31| winner here lesbian feminist he's right and I don't care if you are but like she's literally saying I won't use an item that semi resembling of a man which they all
00:58:41| aren't by the way Arthur like butterfly things and they ever yeah so and on top of that little lady she didn't want to please her own like her significant other the person she cares about most of
00:58:57| the life she didn't want to pleasure her more than she did want to be angry at man like she was like she was like I'm gonna show men but really she's just showing the person she loved and she
00:59:09| didn't care for her I thought it went on for like ten minutes and they were trying to argue with her and she's like what about what if one was shaped like a woman's parts but she's like we just
00:59:18| don't need things to make us feel better I know what I like and I think she should like what I like which is not know it's like such a cause like I can't imagine be an average so you know yeah I
00:59:31| feel like that woman who is with her would come on and I get people hate men like cool I hate men I would never date a mesh there solutions out there I wouldn't date a
00:59:43| man would you date a man am i right [Music] but but I would never be like so against one or the other that I would like didn't control my life like that you
00:59:59| know yeah I just assumed that something happened in the past you know what she said hold on when she said I didn't I wish I caught it was like a 30-second blip
01:00:09| where they were cutting in and out I think she said when she was younger she walked in on a relative of hers who was naked and she immediately closed the door and said it was the most disgusting
01:00:20| thing she'd ever seen and she would never date men and that's where her in time they all started how crazy is that how old do you think the person was like over hungry she said no she's no no I
01:00:31| mean like a person he she uh no I think was like up her father or her brother or something I don't even think they were doing anything himself I think she just saw a penis and was offended by it
01:00:43| it was disgusting offensive I think that's where her memory blanked out then maybe tree took over a bit anyway folks if you are a lesbian a gay straight then in between use whatever to help boys you
01:01:02| want though as you're deciding that's fine with us and choose whatever you wanted and bedroom out there you can use shoes you can use no prophylactics you use flip-flops you can use flip eateries
01:01:15| the lettuce you know that's saying it could be your fetish hold on it's weird that you came out of knowing yeah and then that's the first thing you gotta take off I don't I
01:01:38| don't know how you really get into the sack with stilettos on it just feels painful I made love on Lowell it's a little bit going well we're sorry I wasn't like sitting on them I was
01:01:50| wearing but the giving yo I love rollerblade ah there's a back five bare smooth I just breathe [Music] so we're gonna move on to our next topic
01:02:12| here which is the main topic of the day and hey folks get ready to get dirty got something for you called medic in medic medic imitation medication and drugs should we try that again we got
01:02:31| some new topic for you it's called the medication and drugs I wrote it main topic today we're all stoked for it folks none of us are just counting down
01:02:41| the hours minutes and seconds okay so have you ever done a challenge like the cinnamon challenge where you try eat a spoonful cinnamon now I did saltines how many saltines and uh but you're
01:02:57| supposed to get aid I got like four I couldn't breathe what's the tricky if this was done without water in a minute correct yeah it's a timer I couldn't do it even close I got to like
01:03:09| even halfway of what the record is I there's also like the the milk one get milk right your stomach Campbell mm-hmm so there's there's inherently toxicity in everything right you can't physically
01:03:27| eat certain things not water pal not water strange to pick that up oh here we go let's dive in yeah so you actually can be time you can die from drinking I
01:03:42| think it was three or four gallons of water and how is this the frat thing well there's I think there is a fret thing he's in the hall and then pH when they make it up with water to balance
01:03:52| out the alcohol but there's also why I was under the impression that they weren't allowed to use alcohol because they were recently in trouble so they were hazing with water so they were like
01:04:02| chug monkey chug pledge whatever they call people I was never a threat and they were like screaming at him and I think they made him choke so much water that he had a brain and ilysm he died
01:04:12| litter this happened like seven eight years ago in it somewhere PA I thought I don't know there's like a big deal because like you can die from work yeah you can't done from water I don't know
01:04:24| what they have symptoms that would be he had a seizure I believe there was just so much water I guess his maybe his brain was growling I don't really know the scientific term for it I think that
01:04:36| would mess with your like salt balance in your body and then like things who started a be crazy right like muscle disorders and then blood would start seeping in that weird spot all right
01:04:44| blood would give love with you some weird stuff though didn't say I guess yeah well I mean Andy Warhol actually was he died in the hospital and they say that he gained something like 20 pounds
01:04:58| of water because they had missed judges IDs like they kept giving my fees so he went in at like 160 pounds and came out like 180 pounds dead and they they say you can't gain that much weight unless
01:05:12| you that much water's put into you so they say instead of the surgery whatever he had he actually died from the amount of IV fluid since they gave him so nurses killed him not doctors
01:05:22| interesting nurses are the bad guys in hospitals so you're saying yeah well it's the nurse listeners yeah that's prison road so that delicious probably so what you're saying is even good
01:05:37| things can be toxic totally getting in I think so yeah eating sweets to being diabetic everything in moderation right I mean maybe that's a good like good metric it's probably good metric for all
01:05:50| things even mental you can't go so deep into something but I imagine it's there's got to be a sickness for people in like weightlifting forums on like page 832 of should I use carbs before I
01:06:01| run and then workout versus a guy who says it's always proteins after a run bro but before you run and then like or after workout but before you run and there's like page like 14 of the article
01:06:13| the triglycerol level gets too hot I notice I gave always point for point % more muscle mass when I run after a protein shake and like if you just go too deep down any road I was picking
01:06:27| weightlifting program ever is it it seems like there's a sickness involved there's always like contradiction and people just ignore it right once it's a mental you get you're
01:06:38| so deep you don't see when you're that deep you can't see wider array of thank you the bodybuilders with the shake you know they have some sort of protein in it they've got some creeks like creatine
01:06:50| and then they've got some rails and you know if you think that like I can always envision them like drinking from it after they pump some iron ordering but you never see them like eating anything
01:07:02| else like somehow that I wouldn't say it's a myth because it's probably somewhat true but you never see them eating like a steak mitt exercise I don't have like a piece of jerky like
01:07:12| shit like the gonna be getting muscles is eating beef jerky while you exercise like you never have a piece of Georgie's why you might buy them though I'm not sure because there's gonna be someone
01:07:23| questions posted says I eat eggs in between mud reps in order to me like well okay shot a beer or something straight egg out of a blender no I just feel like any time you go too deep into
01:07:37| something you gets weird because you're not know I want to say shallow enough for words broy you don't have a broad enough array of intelligence or review points to make sure you're not falling
01:07:50| into a pit bull like I don't know like there's so deep of great but lean right you're in it too deep oh no it becomes religious you you become to boiled down to one point and
01:08:03| all your points are kind of in that one thing so the rest of you personality the rest of your life is kind of flat yeah you're trying to culminate all them I guess the the myths that you hear it
01:08:16| gives a science of how you build muscle but no one really know hundred right people know what they don't know and there's probably different for every person too which makes it you always
01:08:27| change different body chemistry's and stuff and you're the like it's not like an instantaneous thing when people visit Nestle overtime and it's just like you're providing your body with these
01:08:36| things you just don't know really the proportions that you need so people just go overboard all right getting too into bodybuilding because I did not plan on talking about
01:08:46| bodybuilding I was just picking bodybuilding at random because anything people seem to get too absorbed in even if you could deepen up on hockey forums or something
01:08:55| and you're like they're talking about guys who are coming out of high school right now who score have a Fenwick's score of like 2.8 3 and their their offensive zone drawers are always
01:09:04| resulting in a 1.9 or back check point anything like you're like whoa we better relax this guy's like school we might start jail in the anime and quit idea no no yes this person game ever and he's
01:09:18| like oh my gosh what a Carosa score of like I'm sure he does and I'm sure whatever but it's just people get to get way to August right you become you bring the piece of papers so far up to your
01:09:34| face that you can't see the rest of the paper you won't get again I'm gonna have a little a minor sidebar here so I was looking at like these creatine drinks in my local smoothie place and they say
01:09:46| like they have flavors on them and one was like berry which is generic I think another one has like champagne on it and they had like they had a bunch of names that were like some of them were
01:09:57| trademarks so an asterisk so they had bunch of different symbols to say yeah they're old Tori noise has like a cross up yeah yeah like this doesn't actually help you and then like the one that had
01:10:08| champagne on it was like this is not actually champagne so I was like for the muscle I said why would you give your drink that flavor and then also have to have a cursor that says like please this
01:10:20| also is not just champagne and I just thought that was weird that was probably my smirk or smile for the day oh god television I just got I had to get off my chest
01:10:30| it was there and was gonna get lost I don't want it disappearing because it's for you guys either mmm-hmm disappear back neither but on the flip side so people are trying to do
01:10:41| these things with maybe overdosing overdoing methods for betterment I guess you'd call them so the strange thing is that so this is gonna get deep here leave also cancer terrible disease
01:11:00| hurt and you know the cures to cancer at one of them's like chemo yeah so it's like it's intuitive yeah it's poison through your body it kills the cells right or rapidly being
01:11:12| cancerous or generating right regenerating themselves really quickly so where do you think that came from how do you think they came up with chemo do you know or yes I do know actually okay
01:11:23| hold on let's see kill it was an accident yeah someone had too much cleaning solution interval I know you could think of it me it could have been like a
01:11:39| cocaine or some sort of like accidental drug yeah wasn't going there but God so but no it actually it became came notice during World War two is that people would get hit with mustard gas and then
01:11:52| the people who would survive the mustard gas they'd see that their levels of like I think white blood cells or something like something that would rapidly grow became diminished but they survived it
01:12:02| so they just had doctors on the side that were like wait a second like we could use this towards something and then like 30 years later they developed chemo out of mustard gas so something
01:12:12| that would have poison to kill somebody he came a heel hmm it's interesting I guess really inflicting cures on wool so the Germans were the good guys think it too deep on our our known Nazi
01:12:36| hatred it should be turned around wasn't really trying to heal people did with mustard I don't know it did go off on some spiral that I was gonna touch on but okay and they did some crazy
01:12:46| experiments to people just yeah because I didn't that Goebbels Goebbels or that was always there yeah all right then who is the um scientist they had a bunch of crazy
01:12:57| scientist just like Oh some terrible things I kind of want to go into it now that I'm thinking about it go ahead because I don't actually know so your ongoing blog so there's like they
01:13:07| intentionally and amputated people to figure out like if they could survive things so they did physical changes they chemical things they did my kitchen yeah yeah they'd like it I'm a different like
01:13:21| acids and stuff to see if it would you know do whatever I don't know cerebral so they hit him with like fire and then they would like lack of oxygen they put them in these chambers they would suck
01:13:33| out all the oxygen and then they'd see how long I could sink Deadpool yeah exactly a good bullpen mr. Stipe chamber yeah so they like trying to test like what the
01:13:44| human body can endure like some crazy crazy stuff that really I mean there's much more I guess sane and wouldn't say comforting but like better ways to do it but they didn't care because they had
01:13:58| subjects right well I guess this goes to their ideology that anyone who was in their group of ring of hatred do you know if they even had um differentiating levels of hatred under they hated the
01:14:13| Jews they were like they're they're animals pretty much they needed to get rid of them so as much as any wasn't it wasn't them right but hold on what about like some of them Dutch or something
01:14:24| that's that's what they're for you don't really hear about is that there probably was not just other groups sure and they probably dislike them but not linked to that degree right I don't know but do
01:14:34| they make delineations where this person's a Jew or this person's uh oh but they're from a neighboring country we don't like them but they're not they're not like that did they do that I
01:14:43| don't know or was it only Germans only purebred only like the white fair-haired types because what about dark haired guys in the ranks like were they like look like I don't know where their lines
01:14:55| Fred I don't know you get the same sort of thing or like history likes to take like one point and just like dry bowler ization yeah bones age a good guy versus a bad guy there's no in-between there's
01:15:06| no medium there's no right it's easier to tell the story that way I tell you to since we grew up in America we felt like I felt like America was like number one for the slave trade but that's the Lee
01:15:17| but I wouldn't say it's totally not the case but they're driving a lot of other countries during that time period involved in the slave trade and it's not only
01:15:27| from the African countries that they're pulling slaves row right I have heard this like again well I diminish anything that happened not at all just there is more to his story
01:15:37| mm-hmm so there's interest yeah so the Nazis probably hated anybody that wasn't them wasn't that and then they're performing at least like nasty things well did they
01:15:47| do all that that's one answer is all all Jewish people or no no no they're not a matter of different view they would like perform surgeries without an American no no on who African American it's a
01:15:57| variety of people okay so it was chances whoever it was just anyone this way baby I guess they would do this on children like they had twins and they're like ah jackpot we finally have twins like we
01:16:07| can do these crazy experiments on it's just like guys okay but when it tells me is that did they literally thought they were kind of like animals because I mean I can see people doing something like
01:16:19| that to animals what gets me is that it's not when does it become your ideology because you're clearly not born like that so is it just being a citizen or once
01:16:32| you join the Nazis you kind of get this or is it a whole I guess I asked the whole cultural thing right I don't know cuz I feel like maybe some of the scientists really wanna know like the
01:16:42| sign they don't I don't know that they care about like you could be my job and be a scientist scientist you're right so maybe there's so - that are psychopaths and they're like go ahead do it
01:16:54| now what if they ask the scientists who like kind of had a conscious that was like I'm gonna do that like does he do it or is he say no or is he risk getting killed you lose all you me were forced
01:17:04| another I did I did read up about with norburg trials right where they truly of littles there are some of the doctors that were involved in this that genuinely did not do anything really I
01:17:17| would said he didn't do anything but they didn't have aid in a bed so they they were let off and not found guilty of feeling war criminals or war prisoners of war okay this is all very
01:17:29| interesting but I guess it's also ties into today stuff like right now where you get groups that have polarized so much that it's like Dan was treat each other like not human
01:17:40| well which we're gonna get specific or he's gonna go back to her no I was being fairly general just because the most staunch let's say even in America Republican will hate the most liberal
01:17:55| liberal right regardless of the actual belief it's more like that group is less than human that group is always wrong whichever side but I guess the only way to justify what you're doing to another
01:18:10| group were voting against another group or whatever to another group is to think of them as less than human right because otherwise to do so would to break some kind of human code hmm like what I'm
01:18:22| getting that is anytime you do something extreme the only reason logically that you'd be able to do it to another group of people is if he thought that less than you visible and you were or you
01:18:33| were like a good guy do you know any mean I always I could see the good guy argument like you're doing it for the betterment of the human race by finding you're sacrificing one
01:18:42| for many right which I wouldn't agree with but again that's the only way that I can see them function as a logical being I don't know that applies to like left-wing and right-wing people though
01:18:53| yeah I guess they're not as extreme yeah could it apply to suicide bombers and stuff that they think that what they're doing is right it's for the greater good right I think I don't know I guess
01:19:05| they're like the level of drama is there they're like impact so if they have like the most dramatic suicide bombing that they can chew or hurt the most people I guess it's all fear that I don't I don't
01:19:20| get too far that I guess we're not the type of people who would ever be swayed well we're kind of more moderates on that type of thing because we're not going to go try to swing left or right
01:19:28| and we're not going to go crazy on people because we take things in moderation in a way it's like those people kind of go all in on one thing right which is unhealthy to the come
01:19:39| full circle right yeah yeah so if you're all in on ala mix in some Buddhism mix-ins and veganism a little bit of pet love I mean go to a golden retriever form and check out everybody
01:19:52| with the dogs don't know start weightlifting uh-huh dunno something else diversify your portfolio right diversify diversified diversify so if your suicide bomber our advices on
01:20:06| panders diversify check out the Sopranos I don't know watch some cool TV there's lots of good TV out there I could see legitimately someone enjoying something and being like I think I'm gonna do this
01:20:24| to people it could be a Tony Soprano out there that I don't want it yeah right Oh anytime you diversified you take in more viewpoints more lines of sight more opinions more differing things than your
01:20:38| own again there's people that are so uber focused on one thing and probably only read one type of information and one and listen to one type of leadership they become over overzealous
01:20:54| over-the-top unhealthy moderation moderation folks moderate the moderation we just broke it down did we solve the world's problems I think we did wholly should keep this
01:21:13| whoa I know folks I'm jealous of me also interesting you should say jealous oh I didn't buy the shirt in fact it probably appeared our previous episode no I actually I don't think I've seen they in
01:21:29| Nice do you know the difference between jealous and envious no I dunno Brad it figures it out probably the end of seven but I still don't know what is in the box he obviously thought oh no that's
01:21:42| jealousy he obviously thought the The Simpsons actually Homer says the difference between jealousy me being jealous and envious so jealousy is that you're afraid that
01:21:55| someone's gonna take something from you mes you want something that belongs to someone else mm-hmm yeah something you don't have right well sure okay
01:22:05| so you can have envy because you don't have bars of gold but hold on Yugi jealous of people you're not jealous of your neighbor for having a better car is that called envy that's called envy
01:22:17| really so it's a misused word huh so if you have if you don't have a wife you can't be jealous of someone who has a wife you're in residence but if you have a wife and they have a better lies that
01:22:29| they're going oh hold on backwards in the bedroom this isn't this isn't any sense cell for one jealous all is gonna take your life huh that doesn't make sense it seems weird
01:22:42| trust okay I don't miss to because I found out like two weeks ago and I was like really are you sure Internet are you sure you're asking oh yeah sure doll doll okay do something
01:22:56| person Asians end up soon so you should look into that interesting I'm going to go back to the mustard gas though go for it I'd like to hear more of a monster that was like an
01:23:07| accident cure right and it was the same thing with penicillin so yeah I think it was like the Atticus name was Fleming he was working with something and there was a fungus growing on his samples like
01:23:20| he's ended up a petri dish and was like ah there's fungus on here I mean just oh wait a second this is right there lad this is curing something and then he made penicillin out of it this is curing
01:23:31| a disease yeah anyway he figured it out some metals I'm gonna I'm gonna take a turn here though so like he found a way to cure something by accident and that probably happens all the time it's kind
01:23:44| of like you think it does you're always making these random scenarios so that you can find a medication that cures something random and I'm gonna spin it so there's the there's people that have
01:23:54| in the past like searching for cures for I think it was like stomach ulcers when they came up with escorts or something no they didn't come with a cure they came up with fake sugar oh really
01:24:06| and the way they came up with that is because they had like a cigarette and they accidentally put the cigarette in the sweet so they're like wait a sec I like that to just haphazardly smoking
01:24:22| around the subject like while they're out of their cage and like just having a good time huh this is a little bit with some buddies I guess you were allowed to do this up though wouldn't it discover
01:24:31| it otherwise right that's true but I doesn't I don't know if that makes it right because it's not it's like a manufacturing I guess sugar yeah manufacturing sugar but it is art
01:24:44| good for you yeah there's no so an unnatural sugar yeah there's no there's no cure to it it's just unreasonable I guess makes sense I see you know it's gonna say oh
01:24:57| no keep going you got you gonna say something no I got that one second spin oh it was the the light and dark of all things you don't hold pockets on it but you're
01:25:10| making let's say penicillin I imagine there's a light side and a dark side to every single thing on earth recently I've been doing a lot of Buddhist research so a lot of my thoughts this is
01:25:22| the way I think Alan Watts so you're saying like the method that they found penicillin is there's the light side and the dark side is over you sir I don't know oh and if someone was a big thing
01:25:36| which was the one where someone was trying to make a cure Oh mustard gas the dark and then the cure for cancer the light like all things have a spectrum of good and bad and it really depends on
01:25:48| how they're used how it's overused House underused what it's applied to and so all things kind of have different values like something like good for you milk one small dose here could be deadly at
01:26:02| those here it could be very good to other animals that could be really bad to certain animals that kills them insulin like there's a light and a dark to all things so they all have you kind
01:26:14| of find a balance oh I like you just kick in there but mustard gas was my example when you were saying the man times it's kind of a matter of perspective
01:26:22| they as a scientist if you're testing something you want to gather the data and make it as objective as possible because our projected is I'm trying to cure something I'm trying
01:26:33| fix something science isn't that yeah science is just about measuring the actual data so someone later would come by and take your notes and say you know it shows like you procured cancer here
01:26:45| but you don't realize it because you're just trying to cure warts or something stupid like right I'm gonna use it to poison babies or I'm gonna use it it's the mega do sweetener for coca-cola yeah
01:26:55| Diet Coke what zero calorie is that but yes I guess it's all about light and dark a little bit it's also brings it back to moderation as I may say that word a couple times you can find
01:27:08| something in the middle you seem going too far in one direction tips the scale so to speak it's nice to be able to see both ends can we see it from the middle right on last the light gets so bright
01:27:27| it turns dark the dark is so bright in turns light and we got a friggin Sokol that's always known do some deep thoughts maybe it's too late at night maybe I did my vacation drive today hit
01:27:47| new traffic incredibly I'm really good driver though that's probably one let me bring up one more thing do it so I guess my gonna I was watching a Netflix show called chef's table I was
01:28:03| distracting people no that's fine I admit but Jeff's table one of the things they were doing in like the second episode was that so peppers are originally like their
01:28:17| goal is to get you know what a peppers what a pepper makes itself I guess I don't know if the word is born and anyone think that bored but when it when it's what it's made that has the seeds
01:28:29| and the seeds are intended to be spread by birds so they could proliferate make sense so the birds actually can't taste the pepperiness like the spiciness the capsaicin huh so it's it's like nature's
01:28:44| way of saying like birds are a perfect mate for Pepper's so is the whatever spices and peppers supposed to scare other animals away about his numbers they know the
01:28:55| birds can travel the farthest okay so they want the birds they don't want the other animals there get garbage or worthless they're stupid so there's some in neighbor religions there I like the
01:29:03| pepper which doesn't have any intelligence is trying to manipulate luteum evolution with evolution it but what what the chef and this one is episode was saying was he was using
01:29:16| chickens tea and they were eating like a puree of peppers and he was trying to make an egg that was spicy without adding pepper to it okay so he was getting these chickens to lay eggs that
01:29:31| were full of capsaicin and pepper that were or that the color red were they spicy yes so he got let's let's think yeah like no one ever tried this before did it so what every he's made a breed
01:29:47| of spicy eggs you just have to feed these chickens crazy Sobers pepper yeah like or inordinate amount that gonna be worth a spicy spicy yet yeah but maybe who knows how much that spicy
01:30:00| hey what it's worth is what's world so unique and it doesn't hurt the chicken so it's like wait a second like this it's gonna make sense I never thought of doing that and it gets enough of that
01:30:10| through the birthing process yeah the egg was actually red and they had the guy eat it on camera and was like ooh like I see weird he's like this took dozens of years and thousands of dollars
01:30:26| of peppers what do you think he's like it's like if I had an egg and put a little pepper on it yes yes my life's work but it is cool yeah the whole episode is about the manufacturability
01:30:42| of plants and the loom crops so they want like the biggest is something that fits inside of this box so they could package it and sell it to the masses and it right the opposite of that it's like
01:30:55| why don't you just like grow something that tastes workable Isaac and they're like despair EQ and supply and demand yeah and the farm that's like well no one's ever asked me
01:31:04| to make something good ask me to do something delicious yeah because it's the opposite of capitalism yeah so have lieutenant yeah in certain fashion I'm not and I'm
01:31:17| not anti-capitalist I just it does suck in some ways they also fire Asian folks yeah I feel like capitalism has this tiny little percentage that's like you know ingenious stuff that should be
01:31:28| happening and just showing the world what this stuff is self proliferative sure right sure messed up all those other words but then there's like ninety percent that's just bullshit it's just
01:31:39| like you know it just it destroys poor people it makes the rich richer like yeah it screws up the markets pro allocate all the wealth for those people who can dictate what happens but
01:31:49| otherwise we're it's hard to allocate wealth in general wrapping it yeah we're never gonna get that's do that yeah topsy-turvy slippery slopes yes
01:32:00| don't I have a hankering for that banker in mmm-hmm slippery slippery slippery hmm alright I think that concludes our episode I think it does I'm Nick and I'm Dan
01:32:17| together we are both beyond and check our socials because we have a lot of them whose website I'm painter sicom fingerblast this website doesn't go there hmm good deep deep deep folks do
01:32:37| it you know you want to check it out tell your loved ones they're over 18 and will not repeat a lot of the work that we say definitely because because we like you folks we definitely do we'd
01:32:48| like you a lot keep listening because we do we like you folks we like it a lot I think that's [Music]

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