The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP012 Peak Human Physical Mental Pinnacle

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Transcript UnP012 Peak Human Physical Mental Pinnacle

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 12 - Peak Human Physical Mental Pinnacle
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00:00:00| well I'm Dan huh that's so weird cuz [Laughter] welcome everybody good evening Nick and everybody else welcome fans of the show this is the
00:00:15| undead roars of course yeah I'm panderers WWI calm well so would you say here ooh we are a couple of friends we talk about anything anything that you know flights are fancy and everything
00:00:35| and everything that goes off on a tangent is crazy of tangents listen if you're worried you're not gonna like this you're getting a bit so just stop listening unless you're into drama
00:00:53| conversation intrigue and you're over 21 for 18 just taking yeah there's a gray area it is between 18 and 21 as oh yeah if you're not adult enough but a lot of the opinions here say the things we say
00:01:14| feel like it was worse every time yeah and they're not representative of the people around us our employers yep all those hear out do not represent here in all tails are probably fiction ish
00:01:28| unless they're true but we're not fiction for you make sure they're all pictionary those so we're gonna dive in let me give you a little something right where you'll want it yeah we're gonna
00:01:42| give you just enough that you're smirking and you're smiling just like us first segment is that do you believe it we're already here yeah fresh my newest tongue twister that I repeated a couple
00:01:56| times before yeah like that one Roberto ran rings around the Roman ruins Roberto ran rings around the Roman ruins Roberto ran rings around the Roman ruins Roberto ran rings around the Roman ruins
00:02:09| it's not hyung Gosar yes this is who easy it's in it's it is it's not as it's not as hard as toy boat which was that stars one can you get with us toy boat toy boat toy boat toy
00:02:20| boat toy boat toy boat [Laughter] buh-buh-buh-buh I think of the brood brew sullen yeah give it a shot yourselves mm-hmm if you can say five
00:02:35| times real fast send a video in to us we will literally PayPal you a tea set yeah there's no way there's like millions people local show bankrupt by to Evo phenomenon on panderers liars
00:02:51| one-pagers pandered at last yeah so uh a smirk or smile for you this week gorilla I do have quite a smile actually Oh quite us my mind short I'll go first cuz
00:03:04| you something you got a big one I can't follow but it's his self enjoyment and fun on that big so mine's a smirk uh I don't know if those yesterday or the day before I was getting gas in my car and
00:03:17| I'm one of those few jag-offs that's moves over eight no no talking about I guess agent no one's do jag off she still pays with cash Ola and I walk inside and to pay before ID fill up
00:03:32| everyone else just swipes the damn card so like I went in and no one was there and I was like below and I felt like a jerk because you know I'm not like five years ago we're just like let's steal
00:03:44| all the money you know you might know my responsible adult I'm like there's cameras everywhere don't be in the key and then I literally walked into the back of the garage I was like pull up
00:03:53| and a guy looked at me and looked away and then you look back here people we're almost like there's one buy gas just gonna it's gonna pay you guys for gas and the guy came in and he looked he
00:04:03| looked maybe my age maybe a little younger like I was thinking 25-ish I don't know it could have been 18 I started to tell with white people but he went and I made him cash and uh I did
00:04:16| he's like alright good days thing and I was like like you know women say that like that bother somebody's name and or something it's like I'm not old well we hit me right now I was like Sarah
00:04:27| dude uncool we're bros and he was like like in his head I could hear him answering like yeah whatever sir but it was just weird I became old the other day I'm a sir
00:04:40| I won one day did I wanted to listen to Rodney's a great problem and dance you don't how cool I really was like that day like going he's the new co-host mm-hmm take my job onion pieces my
00:05:07| language so that was a smirk of yourself for being old this is working him for being wrong but yeah pulls up where were you going my smiles have been centered around like my new workplace so our
00:05:26| workplace has these bicycles so you get around campus and they're just thank you mister healthy granola all of a sudden your smile on it water fountains and like mr. outdoors no but I mastermind
00:05:43| schemes so it really feels like they have these bikes everywhere and every time you pick one up it feels like you're stealing a bike you should like look around and then it's not is it
00:05:54| bike share programs like a bike share but these are credit card that's fair enough no they're just there and other ones are labeled for certain buildings but
00:06:06| essentially whenever you pick up a bike it's the same model a bike essentially but everyone's adjusted it differently so it feels like you're riding a whole different bike every time so there's an
00:06:16| awkward like five seconds of like can I penalty rather ride a bike yeah relive it every moment every time you jump on a new bike so I was like scheming how can I like keep the same bike can I go lock
00:06:29| it down but I don't want to be a dick like that that'd be a dick move Dom this is a real thing you could visibly mark it with a knife it sounds terrible like like world
00:06:41| you got a pocketknife or something mmm actually uh just like two lines on it near the somewhere near the handlebars ish it's not enough that's all would return that I do this with stuff all the
00:06:51| time I going give them all felt like marking it's your name it's it's Marty you know then I would say you know I got yeah there's no way to Karen there's like a thousand bikes and one place
00:07:03| looks like it's gone it's gone forever well you can I guess uh guess you'd know it just by paddling and this is I always feel like I'm stealing it whenever I get on it so it's kind of like the GTA bikes
00:07:14| Oh so if you saw somebody with your your etched bike you feel like you should run up to them because that's like that's your prized possession even though you
00:07:22| don't own it knock him off the bike and then he triangle button is mine bitch so my scheme my scheme is in the beginning of the day I park as far away as possible with a predestined bike in that
00:07:38| far corner that no one ever would go to because it's too far away so every day I take the bike or all the other corners keep all the other bikes that take a better close to the building yeah make
00:07:47| sense exactly so I take the bike to work and then hopefully no one steals it while I'm working and then take it at the end of the day back to that spot could you
00:07:57| buy a button that's exactly feel like people would steal it all a community biking it's community biking so we're just my life you know who you are yeah there's some community bike program
00:08:13| scheme if you're happy I don't like it it's just going in the podcast it's coming between us yeah don't worry I'll get better later on just give me a week that's very interesting
00:08:25| and it's interesting he did say grand theft auto and bicycle because in San Andreas where you're CJ if you did something along enough you got skills in it which made sense you play long enough
00:08:39| jump far enough stabbing going off the ramps the first thing I did in the game was just drive around on the bicycle like the world Chiti Chiti and i just biked everywhere
00:08:51| and bunny hopped everywhere so the point where i maxed the bike and the bike abilities so I can jump almost like 15 feet straight in the air and I learned how to do kind of like
00:09:01| stunts where I bounce off buildings and like change things and all and what I would do is I'm still very famous for my college roommate for this is they would always say like sayings as you like did
00:09:16| stuff randomly like your character he just says things like like like oh thanks for that money and like you know like well that's how you've messed with me if you kick people and stuff and I
00:09:26| still think these question I did like a full with gangsters and I headed easy and I just was like thanks today and then he said blame society and I drove off and did like a 15 foot thing and to
00:09:47| this day Ben's always like let's assign anything but like it was really funny tonight I also managed to get into secret areas that you couldn't get into because the bike cop was like sitting on
00:10:01| the bike yeah yeah dude I could just jump into the protected army areas and then we get to give you five stars automatically and I missed the bunny hop and
00:10:14| friends with named Dan so it sounds like you're a little insane dan was like yeah Dan was like dad was like my grade school Dan is like my best friend through grade school he says I would
00:10:26| watch her the podcast actually have a terrible story about him later on but anyway mom to where there's high school Dan we're talking to him right now and this is high school dance
00:10:36| I can't believe it those guys and then there's College Dan here's my drinking buddy of my hockey buddy he was he is a mess and they will open it anyway those are mine three Dan's like that's my
00:10:53| that's my you know it's like the Pep Boys logo except with all our faces on it and maybe you're all kissing more that's the base on your dream real quick for the episode actually oh
00:11:12| yeah or you own the next area Corrections here the on panderers we pride ourselves and always be an upfront and honest with you guys and we did make a mistake in the last episode yeah we
00:11:27| referred to him as Harry Weinstein me the last in raping all those women prowling predatory nature really disgusting topics joke's on its Harvey the other headers
00:11:46| like the denounce Harvey Weinstein Weinstock it's amazing how many people are coming out of the woodwork to say he did something to them and it's like the private enterprise of Hollywood is just
00:11:57| like denounced him immediately like they already knew it creates Dan was mentioning this to it he's like it bothers me and I was like why who cares he's like well it's like now people are
00:12:09| coming out against Ben Affleck because he squeezed his girls but I was like I get what he's saying like when something happens people tend to pile on people tend to speak up it's like a fashionable
00:12:21| thing at random almost they're starting to come all these different degrees right like you say come out of the woodwork and to some extent it's overkill its over-the-top
00:12:28| but sure most of its legitimate me part of the brothers means they must already know like the people who are the higher higher ups and Hollywood must already know he behaves like that because
00:12:39| otherwise why would you just miss it guys and my thing is if someone told you that story three days ago and it broken the news would you feel like wow that's surprising
00:12:50| you'd have flashbacks and when he did that to you no I'm saying to you a person not an ally were you surprised by this that probably like I could see certain three times of Directors tell
00:13:00| you later or yeah I think they're an innocent they get caught good ol member jag off oh they didn't cost it I don't get to do that stuff at mom job do i yeah baby you
00:13:11| want that you can do that toilet paper dance for it damn the paper either like rolls of paper towels which I do so me and the the POTUS have something in common it's called throwing paper to
00:13:27| house of people we do it well that was a terrible did like why do you think that's a good idea to show off his publicity publishes I can even say because he's so horrible at it skills by
00:13:38| throwing paper at people he shows up late he doesn't really want to get all the only wrong could help so he was just like the long fade truly a leader among men now I will say usually to move on to
00:14:07| uh different things we got to react to this go to a scenario or situation and I do have I have my electric we can trade it will create an already mine you started in mind so real life you
00:14:23| have five minutes of this thing happening and the five minutes is a cheat code that you could enable so like what cheat code would you pick in real life to live through five minutes mines
00:14:36| we're pretty boring it's like an invisible rob a bank you think and you know I'd have to think about it a little longer a little good look but the money would be good for me it would teach me
00:14:47| values like hard work and uh future planning I can use I mean only because the other ones it's five minutes five minutes of flying now I'm like flying around enjoying the hell out of it
00:15:03| I mean I did parachuting or whatever out of a plane I felt for like four minutes and then I parachuted really ten minutes so I can already had that it was awesome but like you do anything don't even like
00:15:16| oh really you wouldn't want like invincibility I would but but for what five minutes yeah I can't do anything like I'm also thinking private grand theft auto mine
00:15:28| today but am I going to like take on the police force tanks cops with tons of guns and just turn I'm in school for five minutes and then
00:15:37| when it's over and they're still shooting what like we got that crazy son of a bitch I mean it's crazy for five minutes it was like he was invincible he dropped like a sack I'm like I'd go down
00:15:51| in history is that hell of a who takes his plane he took some crazy bullets for Hawaiian straight it's 200 rounds in his body never seen anything like it and then what happened well like a minute
00:16:04| later he died they just drop what were we doing Vince of all the five minutes a boxing match with you'd like the problem is you have to save it for a moment where it's useful like it's like someone
00:16:20| was in danger or something yeah like a burning building he'd be a hero and see I also didn't think this was any power you want for five minutes on layaway I feel like really stretching I did give
00:16:35| me five minutes and like half an hour head start probably invisible Rabobank love something with money but like if she could also be all myself like you could make a save point before you do
00:16:46| something and then do that and then you just go back to the original save point so that issue minutes this time to do we would all go back in time five minutes yeah but would it only be limited to
00:16:57| five minutes not like five days five because it's a five minute power yeah so you can like get over any horse horse racing that's true see that those races last one for five minutes they didn't
00:17:13| carry aspect I'm always a lizard five minutes of powers because you can't sleep with like 40 people in five minutes but you could right you'd have to give yourself two powers to be
00:17:27| likable and do whatever it is I'd be fun it's gonna be a good time no I think it's a lot of work the invisible thing um I guess enter your armored car from like a super wall it's like the best bet
00:17:45| have you you could just disappear from an armored truck after you stole it that have all cops around it and you they bust into it and then I know because you're the money
00:17:56| bags aren't visible anyway I got one for you all right you're alone in a public square I don't know if this is like a local playground or something devil on your shoulder appears he says uh see
00:18:18| that stupid kid over there you know like that you look and there's like zucchini kind of fat it's like four maybe five it comes back you get a million dollars if you let that keep drown you're like
00:18:33| drown Jesus I didn't even know theirs and you realize they're like oh there's a pool over there and then the devil disappears and it's guaranteed you're gonna get the million bucks all you have
00:18:41| to do is walk away look away you do it so you're not going to aid in any way you know allowed to tell somebody else no I mean the kids welkins where's the pool now no one else is around that's
00:18:54| why I said that but you don't have to forcibly do anything to the kids no I mean you want to go over and drown the kid that's disgusting you just know he's going towards the water and he probably
00:19:05| gonna fall face-first some reasons he's gonna drown that guy now you get awareness of that yeah I couldn't do that cuz I could see my own kid running that way and if
00:19:14| someone else were to take that choice now what if it was five minutes of glory what what the devil said hey buddy ten minutes ago you let a kid drown you didn't even know it was happening
00:19:26| here's a million bucks people like welcome Mike would you accept the money I guess you like I didn't know yeah you had your phones it huh I'm not sure but I mean really that is knowing is the big
00:19:40| difference then no way home to her knowing that yours didn't you didn't do anything either way oh I don't know let's maybe that's part of the question if I say no I gotta see the kid you know
00:19:51| what's that I'm feeling good nowadays not a big noise I said it's bad gonna make it more enticing okay but the kids doing some shooters here each to permanently design should I mention the
00:20:08| child is a huge racist Harvey Weinstein fan I always I guess he's pretty Nazi and is conventional in every single way except those that you don't except to blame I think that
00:20:30| exists actually I'm sure that's not okay for the kid he's sick he'll survive he's good good I'm gonna say maybe maybe brings us to the next segment which segment damn say I have one but if you
00:20:53| have one I would hear you you go ahead you got it okay hey Christopher Lockhart and anyone from the flock of seagulls I don't know I couldn't figure out one name of anyone
00:21:06| in that group but it just funniest are watching this today you're looking at me you're looking into my soul you're gonna dance all over there you're seeing this I challenge you guys I want you to find
00:21:18| your charity strings huh you know I'm saying put the money where your mouth is and I want both of you have a contest to shave us yeah yeah I wanna see one of them's gonna shame you one's gonna shave
00:21:36| me and we'll see who does it better huh did they have to how do they hunt okay break it oh no straightedge that's fine we'll find them they'll find them to be shaved they have to agree to shave
00:21:50| us and then this is how the John's ago with a straightedge a goal time barber style like the foam would you put it on with a little what happened to her after it Ally McBeal did
00:22:02| she die and I I don't know but it was she hated like a random celebrity maybe he's some guy that was separate a good cleaners of the George polluters you could say Chloe
00:22:14| we can get represent Georgia believe I shot of Bojack horseman you got here it's fine it's good stuff why the subtle I don't even know so it's a mix of all of that I've never seen it
00:22:35| I just know it's what's his face will ya will aren't it Oh Harrison Ford that's who she dated really yeah do that it's like our celebrity gossip our interesting oh wait no I thought he was
00:22:51| married though Mimi was at the time you're saying folks not here to Pender we're here to tell you that God then true too skinny for me but it's okay yeah I'm not gonna what I Drive honey
00:23:07| I'd rather shave me you get water guys for plotting seagulls we'll see which one yeah how do you judge the competition though better she was just the most hair whoever has the least
00:23:24| amount of hair remaining on their body oh it's a body I'll go I'll go full-bore I'm keeping this head hair she's three to be variety wait crowd let me one to get the power player filled by the
00:23:40| seagulls man may be dexterous you know her she could have a drinking problem maybe she's cheeks know what I'm saying did those books not here's to me that shaving makes me nervous she gets in
00:23:57| comes your eyes all right that's our celebrity challenge folks yeah if if you know Chrissa if you know anyone from truck is thinkable make sure they find out because we were like we're there for
00:24:17| you we ought to be able because you'll be able before we get to the main topic I know the main topics of juicy one that I just want quite into I can give it the old
00:24:27| and you don't about we did want to do the word of the day do you know what my word of the day is no I don't I don't know weird because you introduced me to it oh don't steal my word of the day I
00:24:45| hope you don't know it is it go ahead God like I was gonna I was gonna do two of them because I just used invigorate and said and a nerve eight virus which is the opposite of invigorate your and I
00:25:00| said one thing I yeah sorry son is going to live I mean no I'm so I use the wrong word I love those opposite words that kind of sound the same like a emaciate I always got that
00:25:16| one wrong with one may see I don't know I always thought it was Matt emasculate oh okay let me see both bed so masculine could be like you're you're strong and man no oh it's taking away your
00:25:32| masculinity really I got both those wrong shit they're both bad but it can be different like you can make funnel and emasculate them be like Dan thanks ter
00:25:43| you look like you never had sex to a girl like really really less of them in right now I don't think I want you and when your heart may see Amy what was your other word though because this
00:26:12| could be my word that's I got four words in so you're good invigorate enter Baker emaciate and emasculate so we wrote a book oh I didn't even define them go ahead folks
00:26:27| my word is ferrite bead know what yeah I didn't steal it I told you I got it from you I guess I gave you knowledge which is where it used to be synched up came up in this and do a Gomez song I
00:26:53| wish I had one laying around the only one I have just a dance house is you man it's eating you I can't name anyway it's like you know the little skinny cord like you're looking at a cord you're
00:27:04| like this is a skinny little cord it's like you know it connects your stupid devices huh got one right there right now ain't none of 10 stars from the IMP Anders you know what it comes down on
00:27:20| listen and high-pitched whine sometimes here our episodes anymore that was my phone we hope we hope not anyway the ferrite bead probably got rid of that sound
00:27:29| you're welcome folks for constantly improving here at the offenders number one that the iTunes Store thee oh man we're gonna get laid a lot babe you're watching us expression yeah same with
00:27:50| damn yes yes it is expression yeah it's an expression don't worry about it we're we're good solid babes she's gonna get me don't worry right bead so so you bend over and
00:28:05| the girl oils you up and the thyroid be right here it stops the sound waves yeah high-pitched whine which is about to happen all those election electrical residences
00:28:20| they die inside I mean if you get used to it enough that meanwhile yet it's like the fair I beat just walks in it smooth like to get into some of our main topic of the note legit I think I was
00:28:44| like I think I would would you like to uh let's do this together or just have to slide yeah scroll wheel all the way down so I'm gonna ask you a question do you feel
00:29:02| like you're physically yes Bob yeah where's your physicality yet is it at maximum a peak no I'm trying to think though I don't think it's that bad I guess the peak left three years ago
00:29:15| maybe for romance I'm guessing where you have mentally I want to say I peaked eight years ago but I could peak again in two to four years okay you're you're double because well no no because
00:29:28| College really pushed my mental faculties but now in my everyday job it's not really challenging me mentally but I can see I'm not losing any mental edge I'm just not using it there's no
00:29:42| sighs no reason to practice right and I think for the next three to four years I couldn't see a problem that now be down the road at the freakin book so our topic today is unique human you did well
00:29:56| that's just yeah which actually I'm gonna end up a sidestep here please I was reading about lab-grown meat and if human meat is grown in the lab is it cannibalism yes but cannibalism really
00:30:13| implies that you're killing someone to eat them and they're human and the meat that you're growing in lab is not really human and you're not really killing it well here's my point
00:30:24| terribly if you could make meat tastes like or p-bass there well anything in a lab like you're literally making it for consumption why would you make it human but how it doesn't know you have this
00:30:36| one critic that doesn't the cannibal do that because they both may be up swirling his wine now this is this is really a debate that I feel like is silly because I feel like I know but I
00:30:49| don't you would know is human mean wouldn't you what if they're trying to grow a human organ like a heart and they're like wow lemon sauce dislocate a whole bunch of arms just chuck it in
00:31:00| size ooh needy succulent eyes that's succulents I just imagined Raquel Welch from Norfolk redemption that poster if she was thrown in a lab no my
00:31:18| god understand thank God cannibalism isn't legal because she'd be like different words once is cannibalism illegal if you were to freely I don't know can you freely give art to yourself
00:31:38| to be eaten I've no idea because you can't mess with a corpse there's nothing to do with tableau really survive without you trying except I get a good take chunks
00:31:46| out of you can they think you're liberal presented you so Kouros be like fog Rodin think there's a law with corpses into certain things book can't time to the roof your car and drive around town
00:31:59| oh look at it look at the Bernese Bernie's day out Bernie's weekend yeah let's look at that on the future episode so let's go down let's go back to P Newman I had to I had to sidestep I read
00:32:18| there are bananas like would you get for a human reaction mmm because there's like numbers go up and down they're all are right do you have stats on this I hope you have said no I just I just I
00:32:32| looked at one exact website that had 24 as the highest with your reaction time is the greatest like one of the I've seen those things that uh NHL players use they have like a board and they have
00:32:45| little things that light up and they're supposed to smack it and I've seen like Giroux do it and it's fantastically fast so I could see 24 seems reasonable I feel like I'm slower than that well then
00:32:59| they broke it down to two segments I'm getting most of this from a reddit page so it's behind your back sure there are two kinds of reaction time simple reaction time and choice reaction time
00:33:13| ago so it doesn't get to your brain before you may the zoo when you touch the other way around simple reaction time is literally just
00:33:22| the nerves yep what you see he gets to your brain what you feel gives your brain what you smell gets your brain then there's a time between your brain getting it and then your brain has to
00:33:32| decide what to do with it through brain says hungry to move my damn hand or your brain says you know what that smells awful i'ma turn to the left like whatever your
00:33:41| brain wants to say your brain has to do something I think you're great I think it gets to like your central nervous system and it's like well the Highness DOE does to our parking yes to keep the
00:33:55| body safe from harm pain heat and certainly real extreme ones don't even make it all the way to the brain they stop like it there must be cut off you know you who
00:34:04| cut off man in baseball since you're cut off in a nervous system so you get halfway there and it's like heat yeah Porter dig our game although I don't think that changes over time I think
00:34:12| that stays the same actually that can change too that's simple reaction time can change and it gets slow over the age might not be much lower but the interesting is choice reaction time
00:34:23| where you decide what to do the information it was probably more important so for a while me and my college Dan friend we're really depressed because apparently like 22 21
00:34:38| is like when you're a peak for video games to join oh yeah like like Koreans and stuff playing counter-strike character like the best ones in the world are like 22 23
00:34:52| like literally 28 like they don't let them play like you're at a league and stuff like that and it's like Dan I'm too old to play video games well well yes
00:35:04| they were just measuring past which which you just said but they quickly yeah simple action time guess what bitches choice reaction time is at its peak just under 30 played
00:35:17| between 29 and 34 years are past your prime oh I'm already past my prime but not by eight years oh by one and a half - ish Oh God bring us oil that was a missing
00:35:33| part with my research here was it I was really looking at like physical exertion right which is important it's very important but it's not doubles and there's yeah there's like the almost
00:35:45| batched which there's sprinting and there's marathon runners so that we nad ifferent and there's still kinda Klein in performance when a marathon runner hits through late 20s but a separator
00:35:59| their shortest distance under like Olympic World Records this is the 23 to actually later than I thought because most people say that your your peaks in your early morning yeah right went
00:36:13| through whatever the world record average age is 26 for speed or speed put it where runners in general or for runners in general though these are sprinters and swimming though World
00:36:25| Records are all around 21 so like the swimming is kind of like the I would say it's like the peach sport for using all your muscles right so you're using more so it's very muscle based less brain day
00:36:37| yeah because we know a lot of swimmers that are just we mean they're rock-hard ABS yeah oh yeah sure so that's gonna that's kind of interesting so I if I were to pick up a
00:36:54| sport now it wouldn't be swimming because I'm already way past my prime but it would make me healthier it would and then sprinting and running they're a little too boring I guess I don't know I
00:37:07| all I know where you're going with this because I came across the same number you did in this next one he did it actually just past the prime I believe just for what right yeah yeah mental
00:37:20| game 800 yeah a mental game so which bring it down for folks so I'm gonna go through I'm gonna switch all the way to pure mental game which is supposed to be chess it's going to I think no no
00:37:32| there's a reason okay so I saw you throw down blink was the number you had 31.4 I want the point for it yeah I remember was specific what was my my article is a different from there's like a Business
00:37:48| Insider I think but Business Insider had a list of all the what you peek at in your age and the thing in question most could be so which was interesting because you wrote down 31.4 was for
00:38:03| chess and I thought the hell on curry number yes well guess what Business Insider said at age 31 you Pete it chess maybe two or maybe they'd still be exact same information I read or album well if
00:38:17| you think about chess you're analyzing all possible moves and a time frame and the way they do professional chess is they do they hit that clock so you want the time
00:38:25| Lizbeth spend two minutes I just you have a block of time and when you hit the clock here oh you're Tony block yeah so I think if you go over the time I don't I don't get
00:38:37| penalized or something yeah we're gonna have to do a correction on this but no no we're probably right yeah it's just the normal connections moving faster all your options that starts the peak at a
00:38:48| younger age than we are at now kind of size kinda does but hold on so the business inside article I thought was pretty cool because it visualized there's just one two three eight buses
00:39:03| there's a lot of nice graphics I'm going to sporting intelligence and SB Nation and if want want hockey I'm just gonna come up next well let me do this a few things I thought were interesting was
00:39:22| new language learned oh peak at age seven Wow so you knew languages everything and my theory is for the very first episode beyond panders we talked on how do you think in language right
00:39:37| and if by age seven you have your whole language pretty much down pat your original language now you're thinking at not in that language which makes it harder to what learn a new language
00:39:48| because you're thinking in a different language right I'm curious if it's like learning multiple languages at a young age chooses you later in life I don't think
00:39:57| so I think usually good thing you understand different ways to analyze things I've been yeah I've been cursing if I kid in Spanish German as Puerto Rican Elena byrsa yeah that's just weird
00:40:09| no or we're gonna put a few toys over so he's worried this one's interesting and that same article do you know when you peek at remembering names I was always terrible this so guess what
00:40:24| ah the bone mass the geeks a certain age bone mass 30 30 we're not 30 yeah I mean think about your body still Stern losing muscle and bone and all sorts of important stuff okay I never long also
00:40:46| awesome people's around 26 27 but bone was 30 this one's good remembering faces when you you're the best at this age 32 everybody's faces anymore only it doesn't matter you'll remember
00:41:06| the names chances of winning a Nobel Prize go down after this age wait I got a pot or zero or enormity I'm thinking like I'm wondering what the stats are for people who get married before
00:41:26| they're 32 and after they're 32 like dude just the percentage dramatically change if you can't remember their their face or their name you remember your significant others name and based I
00:41:40| believe that takes a little more effort so arithmetic maxes at 50 check that oh yeah that's that somewhere in their last two vocabulary maxes at 71 hello yeah it's part of like worldly
00:41:58| knowledge right you keep getting smarter until my guess is it's 17 please you start getting stupid oh yeah for all our that might be suicidal and career-wise you're done
00:42:12| interact I'm sure it is something we can get different diseases and brain damage by like 50 and 60 cuz it's all new the only people that are mentally off or will be because you know anyway
00:42:24| God bring us to our next area in human so I was gonna go to baseball so the baseball peak which is a sport which mostly relies on I guess its scenario and it's I say down in distance
00:42:39| as a football term but it's a thing yes it's surreal exactly it's knowing how I guess most of its like hitting a ball which is more mental than anything it's not really
00:42:51| reactionary I think it's you know what they say about baseball beyond the most important elements of hitting the ball in general is vision vision like a hundred percent once your vision goes
00:43:03| you're screwed has done do it arm strength predictability knit helps being predictable but your visual you're trying to pick up cues from I guess his hand the pitcher as you can see it the
00:43:14| spin of the ball cuz you can kind of see which way the Reds are going whether it's this way or this way or this way or this way and from there you kind of memorize which ways that usually cut
00:43:22| ends that usually cut out is this one look like it's kind of higher than they usually are it's it's perfect and ie does I mean you have like what did they say it's like less than a two seconds to
00:43:36| decide if you're going to swing or not ridiculous and intensity and then you have to swing and hitting I'm gonna say one of our English teacher mr. Wallace ah ah she might say the hardest thing in
00:43:50| sports is to hit a baseball which I'll he is I think like if you were to somehow determine a scenario where you had to do this one thing like 90 right yeah there's bats wings are on a mana or
00:44:06| up I'm guessing like when's your I don't know when your vision is peak because you can now manipulate it well that's what did you know that that steroids are really helpful
00:44:16| oh so you're gonna increase your eye muscles no no it helps your help you focus and visualize it that's why the steroid era was fraught with so many homers and etc etc it was
00:44:27| very it helped our muscles I mean I hope their arms and you know biceps as big needy man biceps but uh but it was very very much actually improved their vision like like their sense of vision would
00:44:42| just make sense right says they're squeezing all the blood out of their arms and legs into their eyes their eyes are some of the best most interesting stats came from quantum hockey and it
00:45:06| all had to do with NHL stuff because they actually broke down like five on five points your peak eh what do you think your peak attorneys solve this and I don't remember soul knows 827 25
00:45:18| that's close sometimes there's a bit of a plateau to the 25 until 30 but mostly at 25 whoa and then it so it kind of breaks down into like when do you retire from the NHL and that's like forwards
00:45:34| defenseman goalies they had stats for yeah yeah which and this is probably people who don't like the kind of or floaters in the NHL - so great pride brings that rage sir
00:45:45| so forwards is 24 and knows wait retire for retirement forwards forwards my guess is you have annuals have the most forward so yeah who knows people thought right there I probably - and your your
00:45:57| your gam are you're counting on production you're not counting on something that's right Edmund doesn't have that right and then D is 24 to 32 so there's a plateau likely the the
00:46:08| forward one was like really a sharp decline in curve so there was a definite peak but the D cuz I was just nice and flat there's a woo yeah and then goalies who gives a shit about bullies because
00:46:23| it it was all over the place she had like a Tim Tyler she was like 40 interesting like it it seems like that would be the most reaction based vision I think again that was the vision yeah
00:46:33| so maybe it's it doesn't have anything to do with reactivating well I mean I would imagine it's both it could be reading the play and understanding like what the best option for the other team
00:46:45| is and positioning yourself accordingly and the most probably luck and your defenseman too right yeah your team strategy a little bit a lot defenseman positioning Aaron there's fewer of them
00:46:59| so it's like be careless which abilities new quickly interesting you brought up hockey because for my father's or Vegas where I'm taking them tomorrow oh nice office they have a huge wind
00:47:12| pink only Eagles so I predict we will see a one-up and shootout loss yeah because they spent all eight goals joins earth should have saved it for later will say the charge T major viruses are
00:47:30| pretty young it seems like he's really young maybe 24 maybe drop at a Mac drop one more I don't even know who but then you probably really dropped the whole age bracket I did him do we get to watch
00:47:44| so not to get off topic but a topic that occurred because of this topic yeah now you gonna do it yeah good so if you type in peak human condition and species you get an interesting result like peak
00:48:04| across all species please tell me there's that's what I thought and I hug her life I just look long way - look I was doing anyway I couldn't find that I was there's silicon peak
00:48:18| that's where you go what do you think I used you cannot go look at dog pile if you get its fighter 27 give us a montero tape sir sts-2 from the ones that we're like Mario or mama you mama
00:48:32| oh yeah like oh so many bikers one dogpile like that cuz everything there's one code like 12 spiders or something cracked me up 74 and they all shit results except for actually they
00:48:49| all did crap back then right prior are wool peak human condition is wood all the all the fictional characters that are like superheroes that's what they want so it's it's a
00:49:07| condition where your body doesn't age normally it runs on peak efficiency it never gets sick it's it's stronger than the average human but you would never consider its superhuman strength
00:49:18| so they try to cache people that look like they're this age no it's not no in the superhero themself in their lore has this condition so I'll give you an example to people Conan the Barbarian is
00:49:32| considered peak human condition because he's not superhumanly strong he's humanly strong liquid snake all the people in the watchmen Xena the warrior princess the Ninja Turtles are
00:49:45| considered human condition they make a character from doom Mario Batman Wolverine liquid snake Lara Croft the list goes on and on but it's essentially an anyone who's a superhero
00:49:58| and it isn't their superpower like someone who's super super strong who looks like buildings like that's not peak human that's weird or like in their they are for decades aren't they like
00:50:12| doing I mean they continue on right and that's the whole idea behind it is that somehow their cells don't age like ours and somehow there are their muscles work at 100% so they don't only
00:50:25| have to be working out their muscles just work at 100% it was a whole series of articles that deal with Marvel and DC and all other stuff and I was like it's not what I'm looking for but it had been
00:50:37| inched I was like oh so that's the old peak human condition yeah yeah I guess I would counter with Wolverine being really old he is but he stays young like for decades I mean he grew is he's like
00:50:55| mean think he is right so you've been around for since yeah it's the so yeah but how do they stay young doesn't have one age defying power he just his body works at a level that's like 100
00:51:09| percent his adrenaline is stronger his he never gets sick he doesn't age quite the same he's his muscles burn at 100% he his senses or always push the limits yeah I mean but this is with a lot of
00:51:22| his characters yeah I cracked up in Mario wasn't my now you know and they're like yeah cuz he can keep maintaining his health going all day he doesn't stop doing what jumping on muster motor
00:51:37| either way he feels really weird and none of the if you've watched like the Luigi Mario series like none of those guys are healthy any of the predictions of Mario because there's a that's an
00:51:52| interesting thing because he's the allure a fat Italian plumber with a funny mustache and I mean like like but you have to keep casting it exactly he's people valued speaking of that I'd like
00:52:11| to bring something I've noticed to this podcast oh yeah I made my first Italian meal tonight I've never made either two ingredients you're ready yeah hit me I bought a big ol juicy pork butt right
00:52:29| I bought a people freshening of broccoli rabe yeah and I cooked them and there did that though exactly up yeah you gotta prep them differently and I've never done it and like you gotta cook
00:52:44| down the broccoli rabe and I mean like the special based and like taste for the report but I've never done this before so I winged it what I do when I wing it especially cooking is I agreed for quick
00:52:58| recipes online and I combine all four into one so I like one was like four hours and 325 degrees one was like three hours at 330 degrees and was like five hours at 280 degrees
00:53:13| and I'm like that's like three hours at it all together it was like I did good I used uh they call these cloves of garlic friggin I busted open a corona and poured it all over that bitch Shh
00:53:32| I did a oh yeah Quran dude you got a beer bass a little bit I get that and then I put a bunch of the garlic cloves a blender I did olive oil I did Worcestershire sauce and your the
00:53:47| Worcestershire sauce yeah oh yeah man so what was your woman's reaction you didn't want because I never made this before I usually just stick to like grilled
00:53:56| burgers and chicken yeah and she's like okay and then the broccoli rabe I and just like read how you can break it down and I didn't blanch it I think I shoulda blanched it
00:54:07| well the blanching it will make it softer but uh lots of garlic olive oil with that bad boy a little sea salt some crack that bird get that bad boy turning look it down and then with the pork
00:54:24| after three and a half hours I just pull it apart so it was like boom pork yeah I threw that on rolls and have one super sharp like smelly stinky cheese so you get a roll you get this sharp provolone
00:54:41| aged sharp provolone expensive has to cost money you throw a little you serve some pestis father-in-law makes it's like sharp provolone pepper artichoke like it's a whole bunch of different
00:54:57| stuff if I can do a paste a red paste and it's like guys crushed red pepper in it yes a little bit everything in it peste up and then you throw down that broccoli rabe and that pulled pork
00:55:08| he's freaking squeezed that sandwich you put that bad boy in her mouth and I'm gonna taste up it's like mmm if I did it different I cook it a little longer a little slower and marinate it overnight
00:55:21| but I forgot I have a Flyers game to go to tomorrow so I had to do it tonight and I would have Blanche it's interesting right yeah anyway I did it I'm Italian so now I'm like so
00:55:36| birthday I forget about it Mario is me Louie D No would you say that your woman cooks more than you do mmm cooks Italian more than you do definitely she cooks better than
00:55:47| me I guess and it I cook two nights a week she probably cooks three nights a week and her sister cooks like a night or two a week hmm did your so it's like they split yeah
00:55:59| ever since I was little I've always liked cooking so I don't know if you know this part about me okay so just watch this Asian guy called Yan and his Yan can cook and my Paris
00:56:15| was a Dan can cook so they would encourage it but even now I cook for my wife and I usually make maybe like three or four meals a week and she makes maybe one and I either better depends because
00:56:30| I keep changing the recipes until they're like you know I could their bed and they don't remember it was good so I go back to what I thought was good but it's actually not what the recipe was go
00:56:40| off the beaten path I understand yeah feet off the pad yeah I beat off the PAP PAP so uh yeah she doesn't necessarily like what I make because her tastes change a lot wildly so it's purple yeah
00:56:54| definitely is because it stores interesting there were many um cool port but they're out there no I'll get your recipe on that one well I don't have recipe I could not
00:57:07| duplicate it I just get it it's exactly I am yeah oh I decided to combine different recipes for different things yeah that's what I do combination recipe Shawn just stuck with
00:57:18| one shit yeah that's the way to go and the games can't cook anymore I'm soft like weight pulling women turn off the podcast women this is all that is God dog games can't cook no more they belong
00:57:38| in the job place excuse my language in the kitchen he get back in the job place and sort of gave me enough money to buy a sandwich leader young matters he's loyal damage yeah please thanks for
00:57:58| changing it with women have been and jobs the workplace need that we're gonna do absurd by women I know we're going to and probably get them it's the only one that's gonna get us in trouble but is
00:58:07| what the back to our topic back on the topic you can do where's la interesting sure the Daily Mail it's a UK paper that literally publishes garbage I'm pretty sure yeah anything
00:58:23| they publish you just want clicks hits they're sensational it's like our version of that joke taps squeezes in already peaked as humans oh oh as a whole yes this is my best all is it the
00:58:42| Lansing again except revolution close the year 3000 we're going to split into two subspecies to be on top are we gonna be below who's to think we're the first group yes the first group will be taller
00:59:02| they will be more beautiful fair of skin thank you so more raise you they will live to hold on this 2007's and this is the Daily Mail I don't condone them in ten years ago most of those people who
00:59:16| live to be 120 years old and ran faster than me quote unquote in the article they will have deeper voices and bigger penises Wow and it always group reporter being
00:59:31| right listen the other group will be ugly and goblin-like weaker with worse immune systems because of their reliance on technology Wow so technology we can then the other people are very natural
00:59:46| still they don't adhere to the computers the internet and they don't do video John yeah anyway um looking at it right now as a major in English I'll say he just
01:00:00| described Lord of the Rings elves and dwarves thank thank you Daily Mail really that's literally what they did every way there Legolas sentiment and beautiful lift at 120 and I just just
01:00:14| whatever and then the other people will be ugly and Goblin like so dorbz they will probably what live on the ground and carry axes really or just the complet or they could just be caught
01:00:26| with your right because I hope the problems go against each other but the goblins don't rely on technology it's a there are many fantasy movies that rely on technology they move about
01:00:38| avatar kind of the humans it's the user not country this week right because the and they're only six foot tall the other the blue Navi yeah I'm more natural Oh natural and we all can acknowledge that
01:00:57| is just put the hottest told right in space right I actually watched Pocahontas to see about the wind or something you are not complete the wind and she's blowing the wind and a little
01:01:10| wishy things she's dating like her dad's the tribe leader and she's dating the other creature that's a man who came it's a one man mother what take down their trees in nature like that's
01:01:22| Pocahontas as well it is its Pocahontas to a team that's a root ball yeah that definitely is a big over ball anyway so let's go peak human ear peak human look big c'mon see if I can get this out of
01:01:40| my record keep getting that's appearing on yours I saw there's a notification but it doesn't matter I got it so there's a again I fixed the internet guys I fixed
01:01:51| it I clipped it's uh this did you the schedules yeah Wow we talked about fruit flies now yeah so you talk about this a little bit with processing speed
01:02:08| so there's a decline at twenty and then so that that's like quickness of rear of thinking is it's pretty much gone I mean it's defines it to say wait it's just winning real research what does the
01:02:24| current look like like is it twelve nanoseconds to 40 nanoseconds or is it like you reacted in eight seconds and now it's eight minutes like a slow now it's a slow fade it's a very fluid and
01:02:37| the house love like this does make a difference if the same pain is like okay interesting good only young f-bombs can go suck my yeah older to eat it's all saying okay it's right and then a
01:02:52| short-term memory declines at forty so you have some time in long-term memory declines at fifty that's like a teen you get ten years a long time large worldly knowledge flattens at 50 so you're
01:03:09| talking about vocabulary at 70 yeah that's just work stays stays flat until you start to actually die so when do you actually start to die I think it depends on the person but I think it's what
01:03:23| average age is 72 or eighty something we didn't run that range is that average age of death or average age of decline to death but you said I think death it's like eight interesting
01:03:36| well that's pushing out across the world set the world for United States third up to you I feel like that I don't know nine states it might be like not third world anybody with health care and
01:03:47| ability to fix problems okay so while we were discussing United Kingdom papers and articles we love to do that here I have found an article on independent co uk this was for 2012 Pickering's the
01:04:07| offer claims that reached peak human known that the client back hold on so he claims that on every generation roughly fifteen to twenty five years it's not
01:04:23| figuring out there are 25 to 65 patients that happen there doing that and that can pass along it's pretty beautiful there are way more than that but 25 to generation well we don't need to we
01:04:40| don't need the smarts and the wherewithal that we had when we were hunter-gatherers 10,000 years ago in fact he has a list of man as he sees fit and now it went hunter gatherer was very
01:04:53| good they were intelligent they moved around they had to think on their feet they're assessing their lives right and their lives depended on them being fairly intelligent and physically
01:05:01| capable the next phase which he says is peak peak peak human was the Athenian men around the time of Rome Greece you literally were at your philosophical peak as humans the next phase he
01:05:17| regarded probably in the next last 50 years couch potato man suffering flattering but thanks well he claims the next group which is coming in eros in 2012 is
01:05:30| coming out it's called the iPod iPad man and they're there even lazier than the couch potato because they do lots of stuff I'm sitting on their couches wiping their finger you know directing
01:05:41| traffic and buying things in there they're using their brain but not quite in sync with their bodies and it's just very in another thousand or so years it's just gonna be like the toilet human
01:05:53| I mean and I disagree with it but could've been a human and if there was you played the odds it wouldn't be now that would there be in the past the president now let's say
01:06:08| there was became past president now where would you put your money that it was it is right now we will be in like thousand years every good idea the problem is that you're thinking about
01:06:20| the average human so if the human has the human if we have enough free time to do what we like then there will be some people who actually have the drive to be physically able mentally able
01:06:34| and then probably reach areas that are just impossible because of lack of knowledge in the past I agree now isn't that called a nut ladder theory but the people a thousand years
01:06:48| ago didn't have the knowledge we do now so they had to discover their things and now we have that knowledge so we use that to build on top of that if you're you're constantly reaching off get
01:06:55| civilizational sure that's okay advanced advanced nation would um would you say invention is slowed down in the past hundred years oh no because I think there's like a there's a physics based
01:07:09| like invention of things and like that that might be slowing down but there's like a diamond building on top of human invention that is exploding you know there's so many things that are human
01:07:21| base now and that physics base that do it so is the advances in blog culture and video blogs like ours like is that really the next step and I would say it's more like programming and ways to
01:07:35| program and how to automate things and then intelligence artificial intelligence which is more human based right because it's not right it's but it's based on our intelligence it's not
01:07:44| anyone elses right yeah yeah which is kind of you think oh those annoyed that I do want to go to like career-wise like when are you value about most as a human being forty I don't know that is
01:08:00| actually one it plateaus and yeah actually yeah forty a time boat it breaks down to like people who are high school educated you know higher levels associates bachelor's master's PhD so
01:08:15| most of the people who have the lower education it kind of Peaks and that's bades you have a bachelor's it kind of stays the same forty and on or if you're
01:08:25| higher like the top ten percent educated it actually spikes that later on in life at 50mm I guess because you can do things mentally or writing wise or research wise after you're forty to
01:08:41| fifty because physically obviously if you do a physical trait you can't do that over forty fifty because you're physically not as capable as you are you know
01:08:49| mentally you're still pretty with it maybe you're capable and I think this society needs to pay you back for the time you spent learning so if you learn you still you're 30 and you're like a
01:09:00| surgeon like you're your peak should probably be when you're 50 so you can make your money back and be you know well regarded not retired at 40 something interesting dead so what about
01:09:17| a sexual peak which is what we haven't touched on at all I saw that well I think that's almost common knowledge the younger you are the more you can rev it up
01:09:30| I don't know lease sexual you are yeah I mean what is it for men and women I saw it I didn't see I didn't surprise me with my it's Wow 73 for men they said that there's testosterone which peaks at
01:09:45| a certain time but it doesn't really correlate to sexuality okay because sexuality for women is more mental or psychological interesting so what's the women want it's a limited number most
01:09:58| the woman's number is like from 28 to like mid 30s or even okay in that area DMS yeah there's something comments below they're renderers calm please down below click here click hard so that
01:10:15| interesting it's an interesting it is interesting and for men they should you know if you're 18 you could probably much you know physically you're capable of going and go now and go was it
01:10:26| plowing than that sure it did but instead plow away factory period is minimized 18 Wow being elongated so that the peaks are all over the place for the men sexuality to is like 18 to 30 and
01:10:45| you would assume it'd be there because you know you're trying to make babies with the time period throat makes up look but the problem is that you're trained how did they how do you measure
01:10:55| all these things that were talking about I guess I guess you could measure testosterone which is hens do it right or we just discussed that it's not hundred percent
01:11:04| However yeah or you're relying on surveys and how often you write and that's that's as believable is bad for America hi yeah what's interesting is that people that would lie the most are
01:11:20| wow thanks together 3700 women a day that visit painful real quick not the sidebar but its its romance related listener of the podcast the huge game from grade school to Tierra peak
01:11:44| did anybody feel speak I bet all up he went but this is still a crazy story I probably didn't tell it but I will he went to grade school palm with one of the cuter girls said was that her school
01:11:58| really Nicole Nicole Nicole well anyway um he really messed up he screwed up I don't even I get into what happened on but uh it ended badly she doesn't want to talk tell me Morris he's in the ER
01:12:14| like Eddie Internet this is just two years ago so it's been ten fifteen years he finds out she lives in Florida he's got a friend in Florida so he hits this guy to stalk her on Facebook and like
01:12:29| start listening to her conversations and a hold on he says no not she disappeared so that's weird you told me was talking about her every day boyfriend is handicapped it's real weird
01:12:41| that guy fell in love with her oh no his stalker Mary it's good I think that's what I think he's been doing I think the who just listens to movies and pretends a real life because I don't
01:12:55| know that this really happened because then he told me he fell in love with her the guy and then he said that he's she's dating a guy who's handicapped it is an architect and I said Dan isn't Dan the
01:13:08| sounds exactly like the movie Something About Mary that's what I say then he said no dude ridiculous J I ever heard and I said I mentioned it what happened at prom do
01:13:18| you don't remember ladies it Burt got caught and I said damn didn't happen so I don't know what's going on with Dylan in 69 but shout out oh you're dating issues or whatever he's thinking over
01:13:33| the Florida he mentioned Brett Farve in a sentence I don't know I'm worried about you and yeah yeah it's just gonna pump the brakes bro something's wrong Chyna thanks for
01:13:51| listening on the podcast oh yeah you appreciate it we're gonna get them all Monday we're gonna discourage all this air all agree the exhibition I won't because
01:14:01| he's gives you everything it's scenario that we talked about we're gonna break them all down listen we from the advantage like to thank you well hold on um real quick
01:14:17| I saw a comment the other day I literally address it right so yeah the cover ears this is a first word but I have to read it as part of an actual comic book it is this from a cake buck
01:14:30| nasty seven I don't even know I need pronounce the wrong I hope I pronounced at all it's inappropriate he commented under the video get rich or die trying' you both eat shit I hope this is a real
01:14:46| comment I didn't see this one well it just said you both eat shit but I the shit was a dollar something I appreciate that thank you thanks okay it's the we don't we don't
01:15:02| care their betters no we do want to thank you for listening Google I say it to everybody though I guess great in yeah pretty much everybody except for fuck nasty well I still want thank you
01:15:14| and hold on I get it I realize I'm sponsoring an NHL team a little too much oh take this off sure like no wear this tomorrow - folks look
01:15:37| them up you look like you hold on to cups someone really needs the podcasts let's say they're real jerk they're saying also it's a big big time stuff they want to fight you they say they'll
01:15:52| beat us up you've gotta meet him in person in there 13 what do you do you win the fight there's no question you can't let the kids know shit we're a strong independent band I may rely on
01:16:09| you to go in a tag team listen dick he's like 5 foot 11 at home and really strong wraps it up tonight we touched a lot of things though we touched on a lot of you and you Nick did
01:16:29| you oh yeah you like it you like it guys we like you I used to come tonight yeah thanks have a good night you two other socials I'm Banerjee calm we have other things too you can find them we
01:16:50| believe in your intelligence unless you pass your peak take your next time

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