The UnPanderers: KeyItems UnP057 Lisa Jackson Malice Page57 Mystery Plot

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

KeyItems UnP057 Lisa Jackson Malice Page57 Mystery Plot

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 57 - Lisa Jackson Malice Page57 Mystery Plot as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:01:00 | alive, page
00:02:00 | poster, page, random book
00:04:00 | lisa, book, malice
00:05:00 | pages, malice, book, aptly, named folks, chapter end
00:06:00 | book, page, dude relax
00:07:00 | kid graduated
00:08:00 | flirtin heavy, age plays, page
00:09:00 | chapter end, hundred pages
00:10:00 | quick steps, shitting, symbolism
00:11:00 | small animal, alive
00:12:00 | oven let, upper hallway, quick steps, alive, hitched, light beam
00:13:00 | front doors, individual rooms, binoculars, left la, abandoned warehouse, engine, jennifer, peep
00:14:00 | girls probably, ben's, nearly gave, binoculars, abandoned warehouse
00:16:00 | lisa, book, jackson spoiler, hayes, bents, bad feeling
00:17:00 | swan, large cup, pier, escape method, hitched, eight creosote
00:18:00 | daylight hoping, detective, escape method, deacon city
00:19:00 | ibuprofen, worried
00:20:00 | santa monica, amusement park
00:21:00 | amusement, pier, beach strolled, webcam, vince, cop, technical issues, book
00:22:00 | improve, four pages, lisa
00:23:00 | represents human, darkness idea, webcam, ii look, intonation whatsoever, manager type
00:25:00 | shtick, andy kaufman
00:26:00 | minutes brought, interrogation room
00:27:00 | hayes, martinez
00:28:00 | understood procedure, good cop, hayes, jennifer
00:29:00 | team's murders
00:30:00 | interrogation room, book, author creates, going to keep
00:31:00 | mayor glass, died randomly
00:32:00 | strike means, page, martinez, sentence record
00:33:00 | four pages, hundred pages the past, eyes softened, martinez asked, good cop, fernando, kill anybody
00:34:00 | martinez, fernando, ben's, page
00:35:00 | page, distinct sound, engine
00:36:00 | jennifer's, alive
00:37:00 | credibly sexy, page
00:38:00 | published, poem
00:39:00 | poem
00:40:00 | malice, book, pages
00:41:00 | shitting, warehouse, heart beating, book, cop
00:42:00 | dust book, alive
00:44:00 | alive, invent cool, going god
00:45:00 | government back
00:47:00 | ago exactly, alive, improve
00:48:00 | toilet
00:49:00 | grow we want, improve, tours, predators
00:50:00 | good siliceous, symbolism
00:51:00 | toilet, clipart, gold bar, logo
00:52:00 | toilet
00:53:00 | probably build, different iteration
00:54:00 | logo, pay somebody, toilet probably
00:55:00 | gold bar, chips, sexy poker, real-life poker, coating
00:56:00 | kids money, took makes, worried, clicking well, chips
00:57:00 | flop, chips
00:58:00 | welcome buy, flop
00:59:00 | hendrix, janis joplin, linda jones
01:00:00 | eve alexander
01:02:00 | no-no, fart, question mark question, dan pay
01:04:00 | enclose sense, loves farts
01:05:00 | glass vials, fart, abu bakr
01:07:00 | street walked, long mile
01:08:00 | freaking good, bridget main
01:09:00 | worried, real games
01:10:00 | past whatever, shield, dumba, next week, mace use, every match, bay
01:11:00 | bridget escu
01:14:00 | toothpastes polymer, shtick, hung even
01:15:00 | kd k, call --, poker, driving and playing, business driving
01:16:00 | wrote please
01:17:00 | driving and playing
01:18:00 | justice help

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