The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP056 Career Job Interview Negotiate Salary

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Transcript UnP056 Career Job Interview Negotiate Salary

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 56 - Career Job Interview Negotiate Salary
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00:00:00| so we're the unpaid ORS today we're gonna talk about getting a job job interviews and how many people in the United States are missing a job right now it's actually six point six million
00:00:11| come along and join us and Nick and I discuss all of our opportunities career-wise so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time
00:00:27| people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block babies we don't pander to
00:00:42| popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good
00:00:54| time hey you everybody that's my song was kind of beautiful I love the ha you stole you still hide via the ringing bass notes from whoever and that's a genius yeah that guy could get a job
00:01:25| that's all yeah yeah that'll be the one key that makes us famous everyone be like that bass note you let this in the ring mm hmm hmm I have some Corrections from last time please do correct us we
00:01:42| tracked without our to Eddie the submarine to the Marianas Trench yeah yeah 60o yes incorrect okay and then James Cameron did it again you had a weird notes and like it only took it
00:01:55| took 50 years to go back yes it did James Cameron went back 50 years later so he didn't go back to the 6.8 mile deep range of the ocean until my recently well my old mucho recently that
00:02:09| weird and we went to space so many times oh whatever why wouldn't we I have no idea unless we found something we didn't want to find ah well that's
00:02:20| another curious thing they said it took about I think an hour to get down there and come back with that's wild I wouldn't do it oh you wouldn't do it you being a contaminant you couldn't pay me
00:02:30| enough no imagine if you have like a little leak or something or something went wrong and you're just 1100 atmosphere pressure on one little week wouldn't it because all the air in there
00:02:41| can you even go down with air I don't know how that works I don't I'm not a summary like some heavy nitrogen air or something or like air with more of a different chemical in it that makes it
00:02:51| way more or you just have ballast that's a lot of ballast dude I don't know how it works anyway if you do know we can have a correction for the next next episode when we talk about submarines
00:03:04| again yeah and we were also talking about tsunamis there was an island that Joe rawa people that survived in tsunamis based on myth and legend and said if if the ocean recedes to run away
00:03:19| from it as quickly as possible to high ground and that was like it's a good rumor hundred so there's old at that passed down through stories shut up the Johanna I had try yeah Jar Jar Jar wah
00:03:31| what I said that is what I say yeah rewind the tape that is what I said we hit a lot of water in this episode the previous one had I mentioned 33 feet of water that's as far as you can get
00:03:44| sucking water through a straw though the suction that you can produce the negative pressure doesn't exist it's actually zero pressure my lips it's the routine adventure the force
00:03:57| that can push a column of water through a straw at that at that height is 33 feet and also if you try to do that a little confused hold on if I tried to do it through a straw that was 34 feet long
00:04:10| you would not get water interesting and it also doesn't work on the moon you can't suck water through a straw and then why not it's less gravity because there's no pressure on the water to
00:04:23| force it in your mouth mmm there's a way I would draw it so you have a cup like this uh-huh and you have a thing inside the cup and the pressure of the air is coming down here and
00:04:39| pushing down on the water here now he's gonna do and your suction is going up the straw here up the middle shaft push down yeah up the middle shaft these dolls on the side
00:04:48| uh-huh give it a nice tight position right here and it'll purse your lips the pressure enough essentially what it looks like when you're drinking through a straw
00:04:58| yeah so the earth works that's interesting I forgot about air pressure I did yeah you did final facts of the corrections or clarification from last time the specific heat I called it a
00:05:10| thermal momentum it's actually you made a board yeah I yeah that's made up that's okay we're allowed to do that here is infotainment purposes we don't pander to scientists yeah
00:05:21| Scientologists or whatever they are but it is specific heat that is the change of temperature in a liquid and war water was way up there it's one of the highest it's not the highest but it's one of the
00:05:31| highest regular everyday ones right ammonia is actually the highest an ammonia they use on the space station to heat and cool it's like their AC yeah and that's probably why because it
00:05:41| absorbs a lot of lot of energy and you figure out changing yeah can you figure out why it has the least I don't know if we want to get delve into that but which one has the least specific key of a
00:05:53| liquid is it a common liquid it's pretty common after you think about a thermostat mercury yeah that's weird I almost said mercury before that why just changes temperature like crazy little
00:06:07| hasband and it's the most sensitive that's why they use it like if it will expand at one degree it'll get bigger ah how sexy mercury is a sexiest liquid I think sometimes I'll let my kid drink
00:06:20| mercury we have the old school thermometers back here like a whole bunch if he wants to I'll let him cool silvery glowy stuff he's crazy my kid can float I don't know how that's
00:06:32| possible but hmm get a good manuka cola nuka-cola folks okay let's jump into our job interview here hmm so now our job interview our I'm living through PI carry through Nick
00:06:46| because he has a job interview going up did you see my shave job oh yeah has anyone ever actually seen this part of my neck on this this podcast oh you know he left a little bit there oh you
00:06:57| know what I said that I said to my girl I said um I believe in this I think does look like whatever I was like it's me if I took it away I'd be like blank I look like a blankness
00:07:10| isn't that what employers want they want most generic worker that will do the job but not say anyhow you want a pretty generic person can I think they want to fund your percent generic what kind of
00:07:20| clothes are gonna wear so I'm gonna wear the whole tie and is gonna have Sukkot and in the summer oh yeah I guess maybe I shouldn't is that - oh I think it's too much for the summer
00:07:31| uh-oh so I look like that trihard yeah you know I want to be a brown-noser you just wear so I should just wear this suit or the the dress shirt with nice tie in the pants right yeah that's what
00:07:42| I would do can you button the sleeves unbutton them ah damn I'm not a good reference for this because I've been told by a char life to do all those proper things and I
00:07:53| don't do that at all of my job I haven't done it for a year I just golf shirts and jeans take it easy make it make it far as a little axe living rebel here yeah for you do you
00:08:05| ride a harley-davidson into the oh yeah this guy some dude had a scooter today he walked out of the building like the the doors just opened for him he just whips it out like console and just
00:08:20| that's awesome sounds like man I kind of I was like man that's kind of dork jealous and he's to be on they sped away and I was like damn it's also a jerk loser so why are you a
00:08:39| ninja new job uh future stability I think we've had at my current job like I want to say ten customers ten walk into the past like two days it's really bad usually it's like let's
00:08:53| have like 20 to 30 customers a day plus we're like I think I'd like 5 8 walkins and then the best is when I had three people walk in one ask for something we never had like do you guys make keys no
00:09:12| we do not we never have thank you all right so my name is for like plumbing parts I get that a lot because there's another place in the area that does plumbing stuff you look
00:09:21| like that guy from the plug and plumbing store yeah you guys do the plumbing no I have a great day and then anyone counting of these walk-ins as walk-ins yep this is of your idiot it's like hey
00:09:35| I might have been 10 I might be exaggerating but it's it should be like summer it's hot and everybody's walking around it's not the nicest neighborhood just walking it down and then deliveries
00:09:47| are down too so usually where the was a Thursday is Thursday we have a West Philly in North Philly in some Center City usually make up like 15 stops you try and line them together so there you
00:10:01| go all in a row and all the way back uh-huh I mean like six today maybe seven but like four of them were one customer any has different spots set up but I still like janitorial stuff said he's
00:10:14| janitor like all these big fancy places so like he asks us to drop it off for him and I'm like cool I'll do it huh so it's pretty much money and boredom and longevity a little bit I mean think of
00:10:28| this it's not just boredom like we don't get customers we don't get money we don't get I mean there won't get business in three three four years have you gotten a raise oh you been there
00:10:39| yeah yeah I get why do you broke stink father yeah they speak to you about my allowance what starting I dare say may I have a father more networks with his
00:10:55| dead I work with my father I do not recommend for a run actually um when it's all said and done and like he passes and I'm an old man I look back on it and it'll be it would be
00:11:10| one of the happiest things I ever did hmm have these things leaving they weren't having having worked with him no no I didn't work with him I hate his guts we argue all the time we like we
00:11:21| are you worse than a married couple most people come in we'll ask a question and my dad I'll say one thing I'll say look and I'll say no it's something else and it'll say no it's something else are
00:11:31| you in front of the customers because we're both a very similar type of person and he's old-school and I'm not and I think I think some people get a kick out of it so they purposely set us up to
00:11:43| argue but then he'll be like well someone didn't get the C folds last week and I'll be like well someone didn't work up mony folks last week and then we go back and forth it becomes this big
00:11:54| thing I'm like yep there were four back there like I said and then like he's like well have you got him in the first place and then you know it just goes like that and it's just funny and he'll
00:12:05| say good help is hard to find to the customer and I'll say everyone hates their boss to the customers the brothers prettier it's usually like some 45 year old guy who's
00:12:18| from the VFW or a church or something yeah somebody who's actually phenomenal right oh yeah dude customers come in just to talk sometimes I have customers come in and just they just want to vent
00:12:29| they want to talk about religion or like the know knows you're not supposed to talk about uh-huh like they committed about politics that's one of my favorites sports they talk their wives
00:12:39| or something they talk stuff in the news young people today it's a big one cuz most minor 45 year old african-american guys like young people today you don't know shit I'm like you told you looking
00:12:53| for something just making sure the one things off okay okay good good but anyway like I it's in a way it's the most fun you sit there you BS with guys you learned some old
00:13:04| school stuff you argue I don't always agree with most of my customers some of them are like Lakers fans Lakers I have Dallas Cowboys fans like Dallas cleaning chat out the Alex
00:13:18| cleaning he comes in he busy bust my balls' I bust his balls if I go outside I'm unloading the truck like it's some neighborhood that people just see me in they hunt they know it's thing I don't
00:13:29| even have to see the car is they raised man oh yes right son of a gun so when it all comes said and done and I move on I do something else I will miss it with my heart because there are no jobs like
00:13:42| this anymore there's no businesses like this that's true everything's kind of corporate or company or your tip a type of lip and you can't say your mind and write in
00:13:52| that word wesco ten year and we're basketball and we're basketball shorts or the t-shirt to work that's good and I carpool with my father all the times we argue about something or listen to
00:14:04| sports talker Ron you know the rock station or something something we can all agree on one of the things that good one of the things that Austin asked unless you get okay so one of the
00:14:18| questions was uh I think it was what has this podcast taught you and instead of what I thought was gonna be a normal answer you said it taught me that I need new job is there a reason why you trying
00:14:31| to mess with him yeah about no no no you guys were talking about uh just you make this and we don't have benefits at my company we don't have like we handwrite all our receipts or nurses we have
00:14:46| computers but they're more free surfing the internet and playing music like like when I look up a customer to see is pricing all that it's just on a piece of pieces of paper we file away
00:14:57| alphabetically you have to look up where a customer like his address is and then how much he paid previously all those bills yeah how do you charge people what if you have like delete debts and stuff
00:15:09| that happens a lot like it'll be like cuz it takes them 60 days to pay some people 30 days to pay so like it'll get crossed in the system I go back and grab his old slips because I figure price
00:15:21| hasn't changed in like six months and then like sometimes I look at my dad be like why'd you charge him 2795 now it's he's like well you go check me on page first and I'm like oh I didn't check the
00:15:32| on dates it's been this for a year 10 years some prices on summer items have stayed the same for like eight pinyin why don't you have it just like a spreadsheet that does this this is
00:15:42| different for every customer almost like a churches or different like and who's inputting it you know I mean this visual handwritten but like why wouldn't you take that and like print it and put it
00:15:56| in like a database or something just like save it on as a file or scan it or anything anything computers are wrong in this line of work like the only way it's efficient is in every item that
00:16:10| comes in is bar coded it is bar coded no they're not how are they not bet that's bad everything comes I have I have items a commit have no markings on them at all it's just like a brown box it's like
00:16:23| made in China some of the stuff some of them are paper towels that there's like knockoff pretends yeah exactly oh do paper towels come it's crazy
00:16:31| people think you just buy paper towels no there's like three 50-foot there's boxes that say 350 then on 350 foot they're just called like a P 350 to confuse you to make you think it's a 350
00:16:41| foot oh no that's our item number it's really call it oh you're lying without lying good call hmm hmm tricky business toilet paper you have different
00:16:53| flies you got you know each this one has it's a 500 sheet two-ply whatever boy you're like hovering of the sheets it's like three and a half inches by two point eight inches you're like that's a
00:17:05| cheater sheet dude I'm gonna shoot no one cares I'm like yeah but if it's half an inch longer and a quarter inch shorter for every sheet times 500 you're robbing people a paper like but and this
00:17:19| is me saying this and realizing when we're buying it in bulk the end user probably doesn't care the end users probably like boots from two Luber then I'll break it down to like cost per
00:17:29| pound of course now why would that do you when you buy toilet paper do you know I'll be honey well for now on them you know anyone can do it anyway um so it's it's really great
00:17:43| ulis we call some items things like I call a ninety one five nine eight one five oh Jesus Christ used to say 19150 on the box well that company got bought out once a
00:17:58| eight to ten years ago and then they have a new box but still one pie dinner napkin still cost the same still same them out in the box well we still call it a 98 went by
00:18:06| though the box is like four four to seven or something and then like the new guys like what do you want I'm like get a nine eight one five oh and he's like I don't know what that is I'm like it's
00:18:15| this box it's for 270 you're the crazy old guy that tells people the wrong thing but it's right even though it's not right it's been that way for 10 20 years and enemy and the minute I start
00:18:27| calling at 4 4 to 7 you know they're gonna just change it again and that would you say this is an inability to change yes 100% negative marks you are not getting this job business hasn't
00:18:42| changed I can change you haven't proven that through demonstration yet so does your job give you like flex does it give you time off what do they dock your pay you've build-up vacation time and hours
00:18:55| it's supposed to be you get two weeks and PTO did you file that away in a paper cabinet somewhere yeah we have a book it's a vacation book you write down any
00:19:09| time you're late a couple hours yeah okay that's official you got to get in the book so this new job with what's it gonna do it's gonna give you health
00:19:20| benefits it's gonna be probably more work I know maybe more stressful definitely more stress more stress not actually maybe less work I don't want to lug boxes all day and whatever mmm
00:19:32| debatable though it's a different kind of work maybe maybe some perks and a little more problem less flex time probably yeah to begin with I can't imagine they're like you get more flex
00:19:41| time hey you can do whatever you want you're a new guy right I think of me what farther away closer uh the traffic will make it farther away on bad traffic days and then the money would be better
00:19:53| that's the main motivator I would imagine be a little better I think to start but but eventually much better okay and future-proof so and put something on
00:20:06| resume it doesn't say handwrite receipts you know 19150 you know just something to beef up the old resume how did you find this job and how come you're not applying your your degree where could
00:20:21| you apply your decree which no one knows any newspaper in America English like to let everyone know I'm a newspaper writer on the newspaperman you're generally majeure no I get the hard facts I could
00:20:34| apply to any newspaper any magazine any publication I want except all the roads are going downhill they are and they aren't I mean I think they're all here's something interesting I didn't want to
00:20:49| go down this rabbit hole but I realized it yesterday the reason the world sucks today is because English majors are getting replaced 100% now he has is anecdotal no this is real so I was
00:21:03| thinking the other day my dad read something on Facebook that was like this Murray tried to try to sing the Pledge of Allegiance in his school and the school banned him and said we sing the
00:21:14| we praise Allah or something no no it was it was a Facebook thing yeah yeah like I was reading and he read it he said incredibly when he said it was like this marine tried to sing the stars but
00:21:26| you know whatever he tried to sing the American anthem yeah and that the school told him to stop it's offensive and right now we're doing pray to all a time and they told him he couldn't and it was
00:21:37| like for this to your best friends on Facebook to show that you're proud of America and our Marines and it got like all these likes my dad's like who believes it and I was like I was like
00:21:46| dad there aren't writers anymore this guy's a writer this guy's a writer this guy's adjure no this guy is an English major this guy write stories this guy writes memes this guy writes pieces this
00:21:58| guy writes a new news story that you never heard his name before but the news story is interesting I'll click it this guy does clickbait this newspaper sells clickbait everyone sells clickbait
00:22:08| everyone sells news stories and one's a blogger everyone's a logger everyone's a podcaster everyone is and think of this how much education integrity and working through the system
00:22:19| that any of these people have to do how much education do you think the average Facebook Mimar it goes through how much accountability do they have zero zero so everything you read is true everything
00:22:32| you read is fake it's all bullshit and that's a little bit what's wrong with our world and it's all because there used to be a profession where you would go learn how to write be accountable for
00:22:42| writing you have to claim your sources you can be fired for not writing well writing is a real job like think of this oh my god that's crazy right and now we don't have that at all there's no
00:22:54| accountability can write whatever the flying hell you want like Don Draper like a copywriter um they actually pay marketing pretty well so do you um copy editors what's the
00:23:08| other one technical writing sim pouring creative there's not a lot of creative writing the pace unless you hit it but like you have the creative Department like a
00:23:18| marketing creative department that would be cool but I guess most people majored in marketing so they already have an in I would have to the other thing is if I did one of these jobs I have to start at
00:23:28| the bottom rung and make less than I make now you know I have a kid I have car payments no midlife have a lifestyle what am I gonna do um yeah I'm 33 I'd like to apply for
00:23:37| your internship so I can work for free for a year I'm not gonna have it eventually maybe yeah are you doing that that's the one thing I did notice after we have the Twitter thing going we
00:23:48| gained probably 50 people actually dumpee up yeah twitter is up and off it's called a ton panderers or it's also at unbanned err Dan or run panda or dam we have three
00:24:04| and there's nothing school oudh yeah they're all the same and okay one thing I noticed is the people that actually join are mostly trying to sell you something have a service or they're
00:24:17| writing a book they've written a book or they're a podcaster or something else in the same vein it's kind of surprising that how many of them there are and how many different
00:24:27| flavors there are and how poorly all of it is written so I will semi agree with you that even the writers probably need to learn how to write right I wouldn't disagree and I don't think you can sell
00:24:39| a book nowadays I really don't think you could sell media you can but you nuts funny it's not good writing or anything it's celebrity writing or celebrity books
00:24:49| yeah itself it's been like license and then packaged with a celebrity on the face even my unko worker had Eat Pray Love which I don't believe had Julia Roberts in the original book but no it
00:25:02| was on the cover they put her face for my doll the Carmelites do the book based on the movie based on a book the best part as I told her about page 69 podcast and I don't think a good podcast we
00:25:17| should check it out next episode yeah we should check it out that actual page had half the page was an Italian and it was like watching the eye and then oh they translated it and it was all about her
00:25:29| making love and getting pounded just wow I in pound town yeah Italian about God bless if anyone's good with Italian pound town I'm gonna leave my social in the back
00:25:43| hashtag town hashtag town pound town downtown oh that's that's what's wrong with America in English majors yeah aren't enough of them I think we covered the reasoning for a while you're looking
00:25:57| for a new job and the advantages and disadvantages of your current job I want you want to add anything to that no no no it sounds about right I'm gonna miss everybody oh wait how do
00:26:07| you jump you didn't give you like they're gonna be like no you don't do anything you kind of job like I do everything sort of that's the way I feel to work even a I'll talk about so the
00:26:18| jobs I apply to now they're either you thought we were actively applying still I do it all the time I don't there's an app called zip recruiter I'm not plugging in oh yeah I know awareness and
00:26:29| so I apply to ones that are either remote or they have a big price tag to them like they actually tell you what the salary is going to be and right if it's like a range of like 70 to
00:26:41| bullshit they're gonna give you 70 even if they if they ask you what your salary what salary would you like don't give him a number cuz they're connected lowball it like you asked for 65 we're
00:26:52| gonna get 60 is that close enough and you're like no maybe no I don't know should I is this a trick is that is that a common trick I've yeah definitely I've had interviews where I've been there for
00:27:04| the whole day they like you they really like you you know give you a really low number yeah or they ask you and like for me now I'm in a comfortable job that respected and I make a decent amount of
00:27:19| money and it's in a field that I actually studied for so where's me it's got yeah it's hitting my marks so when I start looking you can't put a price on some of it you can't put a price on some
00:27:31| of those X Factor's definitely I like the people I work with and like a lot of that is like really hard to find all of those pieces difficult to find so when I come at a company that's trying to hire
00:27:43| me I always poach yeah I throw at like were working in Houston they don't really believe that I make that much money excuses like a super cheap place to live
00:27:58| so like ik waiting to I had an interview in Denver like Denver's price is like the cost of living plus the 20 or 30% that I'm saying I need is a raise and like when they look at it they like they
00:28:10| like like are you sure and it's like yeah I'm fucking sure buddy I'm not doing that's Jack weed so that's that's where I'm at I apply to a whole bunch of different jobs I've had a
00:28:24| whole bunch of different interviews and it really it's like the the different types of interviews they can grade against me or not and we can cover like how did you watch did you have like a
00:28:34| phone interview with this guy before you set up like a real one yeah tomorrow's a real one in person and it could be up to five people 205 or you get round-robin or you get like a panel I think it's a
00:28:47| round-robin I don't know he um the one guy he's a VP Anu of a new department he's my friend he's I keep trying to pump in for a little information but not bother him I'm like
00:28:59| I'm like haha what shouldn't I do wear a brown tie is that like the bad thing LOL jk jk LOL he's like my and he keeps writing back in like a real carefree way and i don't know if it's good or bad
00:29:18| he's like just don't worry just show up like just come just show up Gilligan be re be good I'm like okay sometimes you think am I already hired do I need to carry anything it's like right and now
00:29:29| I'm like maybe he's more does he think up or does he really like think I have no chance that he's known and I'm like it could go either way yeah and all of the interviewers I've
00:29:41| ever talked to they always there never a negative like that wasn't really that great I'm sorry during your interview like the assembler and the interview was like I'm sorry that was me yeah you're
00:30:03| gonna have to leave I'm gonna to leave before the smell it's you I don't think this smells gonna hit me sir your eyes are watering and you're like [Laughter]
00:30:16| hmm I borrow your water I need to flush up guys this is singing my eyes no offense to you but your farts they burn just I'm just really cheered up as nothing doing the part that's some good
00:30:32| heat so I don't know the end of a sad movie ah so I don't know if you've had like day-long interviews no usually they're like 45 minutes to an hour I have you've toured the facility and
00:30:48| all that yeah there was once a seat tour facility let's hear it yeah was there anything about a water department and now I was really cool one than like it was a water department and they make
00:31:00| show me all the cool vehicles and this we call this a shitter room or whatever and I was like this is cool like these guys was this little interview yeah it was his aunt right after the interview I
00:31:11| interview for like 45 minutes all right let me give you a tour and the guys I mean it's a word apartment they were like guys guys like you know you mean like no and he didn't get that job no I
00:31:21| lost to a mechanic I heard hmm so get this cuz I guess because I'm their mechanic was like 80 I'm ready to retire so I think like they kind of wanted me but then this guy when
00:31:30| they were like well he's a mechanic and he's good we're gonna hire him and I lost out to him and I probably could have applied again but like I felt like so ashamed I was like I lost yeah it's
00:31:40| um it's a it's like ailing it's like a breakup and like yeah go back to that relationship thinking you'll do it better you know what's funny they didn't tell me I didn't get the job I called
00:31:49| and left the message twice I was like hey uh it's been five days you know I never never call anywhere I right so then I told my buddy who worked there and he's like they didn't tell you I
00:31:59| think they're hiring the other guy he's like that's messed up they should tell you and I was like well it's ok I was like kicking a rock at the time I was like no big deal they can hire whoever
00:32:07| and then he's like but they should tell you he's like just call him again in like three more days like give it a full week you know I mean like all right I called back I was like hey I'll have you
00:32:16| lost my number it's like oh it's me I by came up that's gonna work out or anything so I'm you know and he never called back I talked to him again he was like yeah they gave the job the other
00:32:31| guy and then he overheard an argument that they never called me back or whatever but they never did so yeah so actually I still could get the job mm-hmm-hmm they put a reminder for the
00:32:45| wrong year that's all you're good I'm gonna get the email a new second down you're gonna start on Monday yeah are you gonna show up or we're gonna put a checkmark next to your name be
00:33:03| checkmarks you get written up that is a weird thing that every company does it differently like I've I've had them call me the same day so like you're a good candidate but it's we found somebody
00:33:14| better and it's like what they already had somebody in mind or it's been like you know week and they thought you were the guy and then they don't care about you anymore it's like
00:33:23| they found they found a new guy he's like so you know what's really weird as we started this podcast I got an email from Merck Oh I applied to a job that I'm not qualified for I do that a long
00:33:36| time wait and right I was like who cares I got an email right before this podcast started I didn't realize it was like thank you for applying but we noticed none of it was like none of your
00:33:47| qualifications meet our so we're going to move in a different direction I was like I applied in that like a month ago in early it was like five weeks ago and I was like holy crap I forgot I have
00:33:57| Plus that's another thing is that a company needs you now or they don't need you until three months from now right that's another weary feeling or something
00:34:04| yeah like the company has all the power to so you're you're trying to figure out like where you can be flexible and the company's just like it's this and you're there's no you know back Friday you try
00:34:16| to play the person especially for like salary Association here's an interesting thing so when it works the other way how does it work like when you have a power well once you're hired
00:34:27| isn't it hard to fire someone in a big corporation in a small business you can kind of like just like kick someone out like you're like I hate you I hate you you're fired yeah if it's been privately
00:34:36| owned is this so they don't do that privately owned businesses they can pretty much kick out any but they want especially in Texas it's a right-to-work state which means they can fire you for
00:34:44| no reason oh I didn't okay yeah I don't know if Pennsylvania's the same way I'm not sure I haven't heard of that so it strikes me as no but strikes me as maybe and maybe
00:34:54| know him anyway like I feel like oftentimes there are people who like like I just heard a crazy story that someone had a job in a government position government positions are pretty
00:35:05| stable you're I'm not gonna be fired where he would drive to work clock in leave and then come back at like four or five o'clock out and leave they never do this for five years oh how do you do
00:35:22| that for five years what do you do for five years you do a second job I would because I'd be compelled to do another government job at that point check it thank our chicken but just in general I
00:35:38| know it's I feel like it's hard to fire people because when you work in these big companies you see all these people were incompetent terrible their job don't do anything and don't get fired no
00:35:48| in your leg you're touching on one of my my gripes so there's probably what 300 people at my company and I'm saying that's specific to my company this is in general drink wink it's it's general so
00:36:02| they're like the average level of work you get out of like the average worker is extremely low like I don't feel like I push myself very hard but it's still like multitudes more than what the
00:36:13| average person does and then not only that but like all the crap that the average person doesn't want to do somehow it gets kicked towards me and I have to kick it back I just like get the
00:36:23| hell out of here so you have to deal with that crap all the time so when you're starting a new job if you do get the job I feel like all the shots gotta roll down yeah well done to you and
00:36:34| they're gonna test you out mm-hmm together figure out do you want to test it back like what do you kick back or just can't when you're new you have to pry yourself and if it's the first
00:36:46| shittiest thing that you get is the worst you have to eat it eat that piece of shit shit eat the poop yep oh no oh doing huh right I think I like all the previous interviews I've had like the
00:37:04| ones in high school weren't really there like can you do this job can you work a cash register can you be on time like I'm punctual and I can do math and they're like cool great testing you
00:37:15| could speak English it happens on Twitter now is people fresh out of college are applying for jobs and all that and no shame so they screenshot everything that they're doing screenshot
00:37:28| for what I'll hold on to they were playing for something and they were like some company like a pharmacy or a big company company has more than 300 employees right and they're applying and
00:37:41| then they say you know I have my bachelor's and something said we're looking for someone who has either beginnings of a doctorate or something higher what's between a doctor
00:37:52| and a bachelor like not an associate's degree associates bachelor master's degree masters they're looking for a master's in field X they're not sure if this person applies and then at the
00:38:06| bottom of the page says some starting salary is $15 an hour is a screen shot that crap and they're like this is the biggest load of horseshit ever but it's real that's it that's it a job like a
00:38:18| try lowball yeah that's insane no you have a dot like how could you pay you have bills that are more than $50 an hour I heard that doctorate so the jobs I had
00:38:29| in high school I made like six bucks an hour and then when I was doing a co-op or internship was paid and I was making something like $14 an hour until I got hired my first job out of college was
00:38:42| fifty eight thousand dollars a year all right they're just pretty good difference from and it's a big difference remember I don't want to guarantee it so you can
00:38:51| use sock your money away to do whatever you want it I'm gonna get your money hey wait till I die and then somehow wrangle it away now I'm gonna add this new company I'm gonna say I'm gonna sell
00:39:03| something to a guy in Texas I can't say what the item is but it rhymes with garble and it looks nice for a countertop mmm Eli the area led across state lines and install it yeah they're
00:39:17| try them one of the biggest ones in the tri-state area so that's cool hmm Marty yeah I've granted so I'm good I caused less than marble that's pretty embarrassing
00:39:30| should feel shame I feel shame anyway so what is one to do I guess should you always just pursue your like here I'll put this if you're younger than 21 and you're watching this and with a parent's
00:39:47| permission or whatever the flying balls you need would you suggest to someone to go to school for a thing try and get someone to pay for that school and then afterwards go right into it
00:39:58| and try and milk money from it somehow like what's the idea what's the idea behind life is that it so I guess the friends that I have are super successful they did a whole lot of work in college
00:40:10| and they gained the system a little bit they knew what they were doing beforehand so one of my friends got a bachelor's and a master's at the same time which I was like I know you can do
00:40:18| that and they graduated and he started making a whole lot of money like right off the bat cuz he not only did he have a bachelor's and a master's immediately after five years he shopped around and
00:40:29| then found the company where he wanted to work in the location he wanted to work or the most money's flowing um but that's crazy gaming too yeah the paying for schooling part is difficult because
00:40:40| a lot of places will pay a certain amount so you can only take like two or three classes but then they have you on the hook they say we know you have to stay for X many years after they do
00:40:51| there's usually like two to three years you have to stay so you end up it sucks that would be funny to screw up yeah if it were to take it if I were to take a masters with the terms my company
00:40:59| doesn't do that I mean they give you like almost nothing but like certain other companies will pay enough for two or three classes it'd probably take like what like ten classes maybe twelve
00:41:09| classes so that's probably yeah year and a half maybe so that'd be committing three to four years of my life to a certain company right at least which is worth it if you're young true and you're
00:41:24| willing to stay put right but you could probably make as much money jumping around and being smart about where you work if you can sell yourself right that make sense did we have a secondary topic
00:41:41| also I'm not leaving this topic I just always there were somewhere we wanted to move to or an email or something oh no wait no that's what I'm gonna bring that up at the end okay okay okay that's
00:41:51| where I was just talking about the different types of interviews so you're gonna say like I'm just a tricky interview yeah if the guy ever smirked at you and you were one-on-one with them
00:42:00| and this is a guy to guy thing and he showed you a picture of his wife what do you think instead huh would you hit that what do you say ah oh yeah with barbecue sauce sir
00:42:17| yeah that's what you have to say I think that's cuz then he laughs knowing it's a joke but also maybe are you calm as well go for workers baby put it on this baby that's part of the job you don't say
00:42:30| that and then he spits and screams that's my daughter the trick oh well then I'll I'll just take this all by myself sir no spit mmm-hmm there were any weird
00:42:52| questions like that I feel like some people the one thing I remember from like right after college sometimes they get like really friendly and nice and like they like start to be your buddy
00:43:04| somebody asked about in the news like real quick oh oh I got this job but not with the group that he was interviewing me for so we started talking about call of duty because he was super into it and
00:43:14| like we're like vibing off each other you know talking about like the guns you could use like Oh plate right um do they ever do that to mess with you okay I was just curious
00:43:23| I don't know cuz I didn't get a job in his department it's the strange like can you imagine if they're like huh anyway I saw this meme ahead Hitler in it and you're like I saw like I mean that was
00:43:31| great and they're like the KKK is kind of cool and you're like yeah I guess so and you're like do you get the cult did you get the collector hood and you're like yeah yeah and then they go boom
00:43:41| you're arrested and you're like where the FBI I was just go along with it cuz I wanted the job but that's the feel I got from my god what if they were he was talking
00:43:53| up Call of Duty and I was totally into it and towards the end he just kind of like nodding and being quiet and then it just kind of ended awkwardly and I was just
00:44:00| like painting we had to already uh maybe he knew about the game enough to like disdain it and he just wanted to like mess with me I bet he's gonna talk about how he uses like triple grenades and
00:44:11| then like oh this cat was a trick or not what's your handle I was like I tell what I like he killed use a signifier in front of your name knife okay it's real quiet excuse me did
00:44:29| you say Kay and why why be plenty squiggle with the two lines limits she's been like never heard of that huh that's so weird cuz you described you said you could hook a grenade so well
00:44:42| maybe throw it and it wouldn't even a ground that everything of the greatest whoo all right this is a real way we have to say why well we're so good at this game
00:44:54| okay when we play call duty for we used to play just grenades and knives like we wouldn't use the guns no bullets we just wouldn't use them no balls that are no rule and we would we were pretty bad at
00:45:04| it for like a few weeks but then like somehow we gained there's some magic do it it's about how you move and bob and weave and you learn to the distance for your
00:45:13| stab which is a one-hit kill and you learned how to time the grenades in your bones yeah like I could time I could time a grenade today and throw it cook it in my hand just long enough and throw
00:45:24| it and it would probably right before it landed on the ground it would explode it like chest height perfectly where you're throwing multiple ones to force them into a corner and then they only have
00:45:33| one way to go and you're already there with a knife got them yeah there used to be I could duck around any building any corner any obstacle while people are shooting at you and then you just you do
00:45:46| that little that stutter step move or whatever and you getting closer to them and then they have to reload and you just lunge anyway kind of a real question for it
00:45:54| the best feeling in the world going like seventeen and five in a game with just knives and we need to match um here's a real question for you who do you think was better at that game Miriah Gavin
00:46:10| real let's say me so I'm cocky all right range who is better at cooking grenades there's no this it's Matt no I'm gonna say it's me you know I I got so good that to a point I can throw one straight
00:46:29| in the air and it would explode on the way down at the second floor where people were shooting at me we should do a test we should play this game and then see who can make a grenade
00:46:38| lands right as it touches the ground explodes that's perfect perfection right there like a pink okay like no pink it's just it just okay before it hits the ground before it hits
00:46:49| the ground or as it hits the ground there's a difference if it keep you could make it explode as it hits the ground that's a winner there's no better and you hear a sound like up a tree
00:46:59| falls in the forest in the woods we should look into the sound of the servers or so up alright fine who was it that's all yeah okay let's find my question here so yeah
00:47:11| I've had a bunch of weird questions when I'm going on interviews and I don't know like people try to throw out those weird questions to like confuse you like to eat or whatever what's your biggest
00:47:21| weakness like what what do you answer I already figured out I'm gonna say sometimes I think I try too hard and I overextend myself and end up trying to do so many things at once one relation
00:47:33| delineate my responsibilities to my team the linee oper delegate really you Delaney I guess you can its delegates more of a corporate word that I'll try delegate tomorrow how's that okay that's
00:47:45| one weakness guys my weakness I can show up to working late every day sometimes I drool and then people see it and then I have to pretend like I didn't drool and I can't accept that i drooled ik said
00:48:00| that I'm still drooling aren't I and they could you could be fired it would be a challenge have you like we have an opening for you we've been waiting for you a guy like you fit in with the
00:48:14| average worker we need a balance this place out a real go-getter sir the other thing is like when you show up and they ask you like what do you think you'll be doing here it's like that's your job to
00:48:23| tell me what you guys would know better than I would well they'll be like genuine j2ee s and I'm like why not right now no that could mean a lot of things I could make up acronyms all day
00:48:35| apparently that's your job to every every and each individual that's how you spell it why would you spell it wrong and then he's like it's offended
00:48:50| hmm other things I think of by tomorrow what if they got like really existential on you and I could go existential back I think yeah but wouldn't like it would go to like that weird place they'd be like
00:49:03| well who are you and you like guess I'm like sit-ins my thoughts my impulses which are shaped by other people I guess I'm other people whoa why are we when you answer that with a question I think
00:49:24| wow how and then the trick questions I guess the the engineering quick trick questions are kind of infamous like what other shapes could use for a manhole cover because circular manhole covers
00:49:38| won't fall under the into the sewer I don't know I think it's really a triangle wouldn't people I don't like a triangle would fall I think if you really set it up properly
00:49:51| it wouldn't fall anyway cuz hey what square I mean if it really baby set it up properly square can fall because the diagonal is longer than the side so if you held it upright and drop it straight
00:50:05| down okay mmm they wouldn't be able to get it out of the sewer because it'd be opinion yeah so wouldn't because I triangle win it would be just equal if you did an equilateral one yeah yeah
00:50:15| exactly well I don't interesting so that yeah stupid question they judge you on that sort of stuff so I've had interviews where people are trying these questions
00:50:26| on me and I just get frustrated I'm just like why are you like why you're wasting your time like this jobs I started yeah I started to think like this company is stupid if they allow
00:50:35| these questions and I even had like people like for a lot of the programming ones they're like like or even the circuitry ones some of the electrical stuff it's like draw this on a
00:50:45| whiteboard and it's like there's no way that I mean I can do it it's stupid because really we're gonna rely on a simulation to do it anyway or you're gonna run code and you're gonna you're
00:50:55| gonna change it on the fly because it doesn't you're not given anything by a bored yeah exactly it's not the way you would code you would never draw or draw a circuit on a whiteboard and be like
00:51:05| hmm it work yeah I think they run any more tests no we've got it it's perfect This Is It this is it folks so most of the time is those people that are there like the Guru they think they're the the
00:51:18| man like I've had I've had jobs hire me to replace the guy who was interviewing me and he's so cocky about his job that he does not appreciate anybody it will never never fair interview hmm like do
00:51:33| you know how to do this from 10 years ago which I changed and made it my own and it's like really why would I care to do that I'm just gonna change everything you just did because it's old deprecated
00:51:44| and we no longer need it I need be like hmm can't can't replace me that's impossible hmm what would you do if they ask you for like can you get me a cup of coffee
00:51:55| you're like sure sure you guys like dick flavor no we want coffee I'll be like gotcha I'm black they wouldn't trust you to get your coffee anymore with that wouldn't well you
00:52:18| wouldn't have to get a witch job Yeah right that's what I mean prevailing wind slash you aren't getting hired but that's fair but if they're like are you a racist yes what have we what if they
00:52:31| found your profile and it had like a whole bunch of like raunchy shit in it would you have to admit that was you or would you say no what would well I'm trying to think I like my profile has
00:52:42| some funny things or something or like my satire and irony so like sometimes I'll write like um today I may have made a joke from a locked account that ice members of ice are actually just regular
00:52:57| working Joe's and they're just trying to do the nine-to-five and that they're not actually bad people the bad people are the children in the cages and someone's you just kill all the children joke I
00:53:10| know but it about how bad Isis I don't know yes it comes but it might have a crawl people don't get it because they don't think it's sarcasm people think maybe like
00:53:21| cage if they saw that which is a lock to count when whatever I'd be like mmm I've never heard that line can you repeat it yeah doesn't sound like anyone sound like her no no no what's not my voice
00:53:43| there you recorded an audio version that's your voice yeah that it could be like I forgot that and what if it was like a panel interview and like the main guy was definitely control of it and
00:53:56| then there's like he's like what about Jane it's Jane attractive like what if he asked you like really weird personal questions was wearing a dress and I had to judge her physically like she's
00:54:09| sitting there next to let's call him Bob mm-hm Bob's like what Oh Jane would you do her you like yes uh-huh it depends I'm married to joy or no or
00:54:27| we don't we're helping get the job to roll around and barbecue sauce and have a tough life well sweet baby Ray's hmm I think that's all I got here hmm I don't know I'm curious if you get the job and
00:54:44| then if they don't see this episode we should be good are you gonna negotiate how much they offer you I don't know do you do it right there do you say can I sit on it oh well intake take the paper
00:54:57| and sit on it and say double so I've had interviewers as like they take my verbal like they call me up they say what the price will be and they say do you think uh you'll take the job you think you're
00:55:08| gonna take it and I say oh I have to think about it and then the somehow they think yeah he's taking the job so like a weird thing happens in college when I took a different job for like a dollar
00:55:19| more and a company I'd like more and the person who I declined who I said I'd think about it you ruk contract yeah broke verbal contract
00:55:28| they called the college they tried to make me work there anyway it's like well what do you think I'm gonna do am I gonna work for you after you do that you're just gonna try to pin something
00:55:36| on me and make it my fault so here's here's a weird question like this happens in big companies again not small companies mm-hmm let's say you disagree with your boss or they want to fire you
00:55:46| but they can't because they don't have grounds to they nitpick until you use what is working they're like like yeah it's did they just nitpick but then don't you care less and do worse at your
00:55:56| job it's almost like you're both doing work to each other to destroy you're destroying the company as you do that because you're bickering that happened to my way my wife had she so let me see
00:56:10| I'm trying to sum it up as quickly as possible and concisely as possible so she had a manager who has brand-new and she wanted to monitor all of her voicemails and she also wanted to
00:56:24| monitor all overtime and then like whenever she left for a meeting she wanted to know exactly when she left when she came back and then even though the manager wasn't there for like half
00:56:33| an afternoon almost all every afternoon she was like going to other co-workers to find out when Katie left when my wife left so like she was like tabulating everything and for some reason she just
00:56:46| did not like my wife I did like and she was trying to find reason to yeah hey those are the least something yeah I can't imagine that like I hate my co-workers but in like a fun lovey way
00:56:58| yeah I'll actually hate them like I love them please I have to legally yeah there's a weird pretense where people like want to see you work exactly eight hours or exactly nine hours or however
00:57:09| long you're supposed to work and that's not how work happens there's people that you'll never go I used to work at the liquor store and it's a state job like in Pennsylvania so like it's a State
00:57:20| Street over technically you're go yet in your government that's where you're gonna state state government you get like they try and make everyone part-time because if you're full-time
00:57:28| you get lots of benefit yeah yeah goodies so what's crazy is um one employee one manager it was real nerdy actually get his name I would drop on that
00:57:40| calming douche he would like be a little everyone he thought he was smarter in their own it was heavyset it video cleanse this or am I making that up used to play computer games and like he just
00:57:51| had this air about him where he was better than he was just a jackass but um we had an african-american worker who was like cool like every girl loved them he was like skinny and everything a
00:58:01| manager or just co-worker he was just a worker and I think he used to give him all the crappy jobs cuz he was you know athletic girls loved him like whatever he was a cool versus the opposite of
00:58:13| what the manager was uh-huh personality gotta be like I think he called him like something like racially whatever like it wasn't like he didn't say a racial word but it was like something like that it I
00:58:25| don't know what word it was it was like something else so gonna add right right but he sued and he won I think so he got money from whoever but they both still work danique so that's or we're six
00:58:41| employees like how do you you can't work around that right so then anytime she's still the boss look does he say go stocks shelf five or whatever and does he say okay cool like sometimes you just
00:58:54| be a weird air about them and I was like why do they like if you sue your company you shouldn't I want to say you shouldn't be able to work there anymore cuz but there are lots of employers who
00:59:04| sue their employees and sue their employer and end up staying there and I'm like how do you do that you're getting money from them every month of wrongdoing but you still work there but
00:59:15| I guess they can't take away your job it's a weird dynamic and I never got into it and I don't know if you came across anything like that no that's exactly what Katie had to deal with as
00:59:25| well after working she was yeah she didn't win any lawsuits or anything she was forced out and then she got workers comp and then they take workers comp away because it's in contention and then
00:59:37| you have to sit in front of your boss who happen to be a previous lawyer and another lawyer and then they pick apart what you said so they record everything you say so they can use it against you
00:59:46| so don't talk to HR Human Resources is not your friend they're just working for the company to save them copper's work a workers comp law C
00:59:55| confers work interesting so HR is bad yes I don't trust from the office that's why I'm hated a guy yeah huh he really was I always thought he just misunderstood
01:00:07| no I realize he was a real bad guy he is the bad guy don't trust anybody in company our corporate work so you can open up your email now you can open up one of those others so in a future
01:00:22| episode we're gonna go over at page 57 for episode 57 coming up next looks that I can't wait to watch that and I'm gonna test your verbal skills so you can read a page from one of the three top works
01:00:37| of literature ever I think we have Don Quixote oh yeah I see daddy with the lyses and Proust in search of lost time turn to lost time I think number one is in search of lost time have you read any
01:00:51| of those before no I haven't actually actually that's really weird I even English major aren't you late aren't you an English major you supposed to read Ulysses I just did to cliff notes you
01:01:02| can do that I did that for an entire Shakespeare class hmm rather stingy or meager review thank you you can pick one of those three and then re page 57 and we'll we'll test how your reading skills
01:01:20| are deers are gonna be better I think we're gonna have you do it ah ha ha you want me to pull it up hello and I can do a test here grandfather what I was going to tell you
01:01:36| has more to do more to do than you might think with what you were asking me just now for in some respects there has been very little change I came across a passage in
01:01:46| Saint Simone this morning which would have amused you that is in the volume which covers his mission to Spain not one of the best a little more in fact than a journal but at least a
01:01:55| wonderfully well written journal which fairly distinguishes it from tedious journals we feel bound to read morning and evening I don't agree with you there are some days when I find reading
01:02:07| the papers very pleasant indeed my aunt flora broke in to show Swan that she had read the note about his Koro in the pyaar girl big ro tigress thanks yes and Selene went one better when they write
01:02:24| about things or people in whom we are interested I don't deny it answered Swan and some bewilderment the fault I find with our journalism is that it forces us to take an interest in some fresh drivel
01:02:35| T of every other day whereas only three or four books in a lifetime give us anything that is of real importance suppose that every morning when we tore the wrapper off our paper with fevered
01:02:48| hands a transmutation were to take place and we were to find inside it oh I don't know shall we say Pascal's a pen says-- he articulated the know your ticularly the
01:02:59| title with an ironic emphasis so as not to appear pedantic and then in the guilt and tooled volumes which we open in and that's that's page 57 yeah really crazy is he was just saying did
01:03:15| you catch that no I didn't see literally what we were talking about in today's episode the top three works no she was saying like I love reading the news it's not that boring as you might
01:03:28| make it out to be um it's interesting but it's not too interesting because if it were too interesting that's too much information for us almost why not we're not using engage and all that bringing
01:03:39| it all in a little bit but she said you can get a lifetime's worth of information and thought-provoking fodder in four books the great works it was almost like can you imagine if you
01:03:50| wrapped open the paper every day and you read something as thick and wonderful as renée's per whatever it was which is funny because that's what's happening today right now people are brain you ran
01:04:03| a 12-story that's huge and it's every day right that's the worst it's drowning out all the other median it's like 50% 60% of everything that's immediately posted it's all Trump
01:04:15| Trump Trump Wilde and it's news every day right that's really crazy that page the time to time to a and Search of Lost Time In Search of Lost Time thank you yes
01:04:32| anyway I'm rust bruised bust no one knows how to princess we're all impressed Proust rust roast so that's a an inkling that's crazy what we're gonna do we're gonna do
01:04:48| episode 57 page 57 where it might appear my hair is longer and might be or just after we do like them at all so we do we certainly do let's wrap it up here anything you know willing to bring into
01:05:06| light into darkness into hell no no I don't know if we have any words of wisdom for the people that are actually interviewing the one thing about not having a job
01:05:18| I'm going to do yeah if if you're a person who does not have a job and you're stuck taking whatever a shitty job comes your way you might have to take it I mean the only reason I have
01:05:27| power to negotiate is because I have a job already that pays pretty well getting pay yeah and if I didn't have a job I'd probably take the next job that paid the same or less
01:05:36| had to income it's kind of the way the world works so it kind of sucks in a way so you get a good job or you actually are enjoying yourself and making decent money where do you fall in this I have a
01:05:48| theory because I work at I work in a poor area where whatever I want it's kind of I own said a means to an end it's meager means physically right everything you know physical labor
01:06:01| all my customers I kind of know them all like everyone's a face a person I know when I apply to these jobs and these corporations and things all I see is bullshit like yeah I agree is made-up
01:06:15| terms that I have to memorize and learn when to regurgitate product I have to know when to say diversity and the this thing and then divulge upon the workplace and innovative and I have to
01:06:26| learn how to say synergy or something like I have to use it in a proper sentence did you know that I know and then I have to wear a fancy suit coat or a tie and like eight other things and
01:06:37| freshly shave and wear my hair a certain way and act a certain way pretend and pretend and it's just so weird and then when I do get the job there's still stipulations where I have to show up and
01:06:49| do certain things in certain ways that don't actually have to do with the job yeah but it almost feels like the reason that was set up is to keep either poor uneducated people out of it because it's
01:07:02| because they don't know how to pretend they know not right dealers now they don't know the key words they don't know it can't afford the fancy clothes and they don't know these key words and if
01:07:11| they do know them it's hard to use them in everyday sentence so the people that have the advantage are ones who have all this time and money and yeah time and money they get the better jobs I guess
01:07:22| the scary part is when an idiot gets a job and they take that persona and they continue it and then they become one of the people that is just a company she'll our corporation she'll and then they get
01:07:33| a manager and they become janitor Oh God they nitpick everything and there's no reason for it it's just can you do a function how are you doing that function yes so I won't get on your back about it
01:07:42| right some people do some people just don't take it too far and they think they can control you those jobs for the worst yeah you know I've made bad bosses too
01:07:54| no no I can usually tell which bosses are bad now cuz I've been with the company so long yeah if they say can you work with and then I go like wow I'll look at it and then I never I just avoid
01:08:06| them as quickly as possible I wait till they make their first mistake huh my step and I just danced around it I said I can't I was on a project previous so you have to get to I was trying to help
01:08:15| you with this but you didn't provide me with the details and quick enough time now the time frame is shifted and I just can't I'm too busy see you see how quickly that comes out and how honestly
01:08:25| it sounds it it's good it's an honest yeah well put total bullshit mm-hmm and then gonna bed brush up on my bullshit yeah get ready for your interview mmm well thank you for joining us we enjoy
01:08:42| your you're watching or listening you're reading however it fits into our schedule ever see how that looks Thursday next week what we do I was in though yeah good night thanks a lot
01:08:58| folks we like you we like y'all I check dem socials try and get me fired before I even get hired folks thanks

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