The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP058 God Religion Life Death Soul Existence

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Transcript UnP058 God Religion Life Death Soul Existence

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 58 - God Religion Life Death Soul Existence
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00:00:00| welcome thanks for joining us we're gonna talk about meaning purpose guidance explaining the unknown Inca incomprehensible or origins in the terminus unfairness stress survival
00:00:16| success motivation morals goals aspirations things are indelible cannot be disproven faith control Corral convinced and command all those things relate to God we're gonna hit the big
00:00:32| one let's enjoy this one join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick post for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep
00:00:50| dive into our unique perspective the taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block babies we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty morning this
00:01:03| podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time that intro so beautiful no matter how many times I
00:01:30| hear it's good folks III oh mom Nick we all know I got a tag somewhere I'm damn good that goes to show these din mm-hmm it certainly does oh good evening Nick I'm a good time there yeah I think you
00:01:47| want goth with it um what does gothic mean it says is that an apathy or is that a diss disinterest or both I hate my dad make my father really hate him nice eyeliner did you have to borrow
00:02:05| your girlfriend's eyeliner or is that your your eyeliner from when you were 16 it's my own and it's from what was 24 and I was going through a rock-and-roll phase glamour rock you
00:02:17| know glam rock has that thing going on would you ever think of that are you in the glam rock I wouldn't ever I'm not really sure what that means is that like that I have no idea it's like
00:02:27| the the guys that kind of wear eyeliner and rock out and wear spandex pants and a lip I think there's a band name like Travis and they had like really trippy videos they were like trying to be
00:02:36| Rakesh mm-hmm like super I didn't say it's gonna bother me now you can look it up while I ever guys today we're talking about the big wand the gob spirituality the afterlife the ever life the ever
00:02:52| beginning the ever end we're gonna cover nips but PPS I think I have the wrong list and and everything in between what makes man man God God and the afterlife the afterlife we're gonna try and break
00:03:11| it down for you we're gonna mix and match it a little bit and then we're gonna give you our little sit and spin mm-hmm we'll see where we end up and I'm really curious if the name of that group
00:03:22| was Travis I'm really curious myself I can't find it it must have been never in a band named Travis yeah but it's not them well I'm gonna start off the podcast with so what what's actually the
00:03:39| name of the episode we call this one we're gonna talk call it God sold like death religion that's good that's good one religion in and of itself later uh-huh
00:03:54| right now we're trying to touch more on the spiritual elements the heavier ones really the bigger another heavy episode it is it's the the beefy one I think we I feel like we thought about this
00:04:08| episode before we even started the podcast I think we did I think we've always talked about this one we've always talked about this one we've always talked around it nibbled at the
00:04:18| edges today we're gonna dive in mm I just wanna share one definition with everyone Webster she's a beautiful girl purpose now the reason for which
00:04:32| something is done or created or for which something exists verb have as one's intention or objective purpose purpose they're meant to be one of the more important words we're going to
00:04:45| discuss today ma doesn't purpose is gonna be a running theme through a lot of what we do right now as I sound that's my fun yeah I'm gonna kick it off chronologically here so age of the
00:04:57| universe I think it stands at around 13 billion years and then roughly yeah yeah they know that somehow because like the orientation of all of the Tres extraterrestrial items the things
00:05:10| floating on the around in the universe how they are moving apart and that they were all kind of a centrally located in a big Big Bang so they estimate that you know that trajectory reverse-thread
00:05:20| trajectory would force them into one spot which would be about 13 billion years in the past I were to break down what you just said a little further make it more layman's e terms in yeah the
00:05:32| farthest we can see is roughly 13 billion light years away now in we can see other planets that are moving and by their change in position we could judge that they're all in one spot at one
00:05:46| point hmm roughly 13 billion years ago how do we know do you know enough about microwave radiation background radiation to give an explanation for that so it's it's
00:05:59| something about like a frequency yeah a resonation I I think it's the direction of things moving away but it was I believe it would be n at a time where everything had to be close together
00:06:10| because it stayed with everything as it moved away we'll have to talk about though in depth this is gonna be a big correction on space episode when we do space episode to talk about spiritual
00:06:21| episode yeah it was about radioactive decay or radio radio decay like I said Toba so yeah we know definitively so that's a theory is that 13 billion years ago Big Bang happened and everything
00:06:35| started everything was moving I started we don't know before that it might be cyclic it might be time reversal it might be like heat death that somehow it gets magically cured by the ones only
00:06:47| you're getting crazy here you're going too far because that stuff we're gonna come back to yeah and none other words it's crazy is we can all assume if science is correct we're gonna nod the
00:06:57| science tonight universe is roughly thirteen billion years old yeah and we have loaded at one spot ish going outwards and we're all waking up trying to figure out what's going on who our
00:07:11| neighbors are why we are and our purpose mm-hmm now did we just always have religions and ideas about this stuff like what's there a list we can go back do you have a number or no so I'm gonna
00:07:24| start with the origin of the earth Oh in comparison to what we know is factual evidence of the universe I didn't look this up four and a half bill yeah for a half bill point point I felt pretty good
00:07:41| here so yeah and then the origin the universe that we know of came from a meteorite that hit in Canyon Diablo that's what it's called is that the one in Mexico or no I think it was at rizona
00:07:56| yeah bérenger I never eat up now so that was the oldest known meteorite to hit the earth and they they can date it to be slightly older than 4.5 billion years it's like 330 billion no 30 million
00:08:12| years older than the earth okay so 4.53 is yeah but that's everything in the vicinity of the earth so that's like you could have debris that just kind of happens to hit you that is on the same
00:08:23| all right now I'm thinking crazy says sciency but so there are all these clouds of dust and everything going on in the universe a lot of rock a lot of ice a lot of um raw materials and when
00:08:35| they start clumping together when there's no gravity pretty sure yep thank you accretion discs they start gathering together and it gets so heavy they start to spin because that's a natural
00:08:45| progression and as they spin they kind of flatten out and form this big cloud so now there's this big spinning clock in space it's just gathering more and more dust more more ice more more
00:08:54| rockets or embryonic cloud certain spots are getting really dense and really heavy really high and they're pulling in a lot of the dust and here pulling in a lot dust and crazy stuff and you're
00:09:05| forming planets essentially these are solar systems being born so they think the earth via all these things that are run into each other people colliding asteroids meteorites people run into
00:09:17| each other it's like being in it of like a shopping mall on like Black Friday people oppose each other there are women who are like ripping children from their mothers and everyone from for an Xbox
00:09:32| eventually all this stuff super hot burning starts to cool off and we're left with the planets as they are and hey there's our earth spinning and then well we got our own moon check that out
00:09:42| that's pretty cool I like a mood so I'm leading into this as a reason for why why we're here and a reason for whenever you're looking back as how did we become so the people before us in an age that
00:09:55| was much different than our own had no idea of all of us they had no clue what was going on so they reached for things that were unknown they wanted to say it like fire and rocks that's it that's all
00:10:06| they had and they're trying to figure out what was going on why they were here and I found this guy Frank Drake he made an equation to determine how many planets would have life on them and
00:10:17| it's called Drake's equation so he combined all these two to show that there's a possibility for life it's not to be taken literally it's more of a thought experiment is this about the
00:10:29| Fermi paradox is tied in the air what do you use a Drake's equation Fermi paradox is um how many planets should have life versus M&E we find bingo okay so what's Drake's equation so he
00:10:40| takes the average rate of star formation a fraction of the stow stars that have planets the average number of planets that can support life planets like it support life that actually developed
00:10:51| life that has a ssin intelligent life easy and then the length of time they'd be alive hmm so and also that you can detect their existence so there's like six different things seven different
00:11:01| things in there nine but yeah so combine those all together and I think that the lowball is that there's probably 20 different planets that have life on them but we haven't found them
00:11:12| yet but again the number is very one what are you number onee total in the Milky Way galaxy Oh in the Milky Way okay I didn't know whose yeah applied toward galaxy oh that's pretty that's
00:11:25| really small egg Alec C yeah and there's about I think over a hundred billion planets in yeah you a galaxy so it sounds about right yeah that's the one stat I read was that
00:11:35| you know life itself on a planet as a one in sextillion chance which is a sextillion is a billion times a trillion what are the chances that life will create eyeliner life is crazy it just
00:11:58| comes a long Eric how would you feel if you saw an alien and he looked nothing like it but make know everybody's wearing eyeliner would you immediately be like yo I hate my father
00:12:15| don't we all my friend hmm so this is this thanks to the question of creationism how much how much was started what do you believe in did God do it does God still exists is he still
00:12:30| here is he helping is he paying attention if you're creationists do you have two choices one I believe science in the 13 billion number the earth is four and a half billion ish and God
00:12:41| created it mhm and that you also have the creationists were like no no no no no new Sciences wacky the earth was itself created by God as is in Genesis not to be computers with Sega Genesis
00:12:55| shout out there was a great tweet from one of our followers what the Famicon he said Sega Genesis was begger better than Genesis the book just wanted to bring that up that's that's a good one ought
00:13:08| to give it to between good so you can follow him at the others at Twitter check us out yeah but if you believe in the book of Genesis I think they figured out that
00:13:23| the earth is like 12 million years older or like wait less it's like 400,000 years old or something ridiculous whatever it is is completely off from what the estimates are from 4.5 billion
00:13:36| four hundred thousand percent number my big I have no ideas you not to laugh at your beliefs whatever you may believe but science tells us otherwise other people believe that God set that in
00:13:48| motion so maybe he set it in motion to be a creation of earth there's a cute little theory like that itself keeps itself in science and still does the job yes is this is what a person who truly
00:14:02| believes would say is that possibility for life on earth began when Genesis says they it earth may have existed but it was pointless without God ah good call Genesis member and not to be
00:14:17| confused with Peter Gabriel's side-project back in the late seventies Solsbury Hill sledge hammer no no that's Peter Guber feel like it is someone filming on a
00:14:31| sledge hammer I can picture the music video it's like stop-motion I don't know that's the classic painting a real it's Peter man you okay I was thinking Gabriel isn't the angel mm-hmm okay you
00:14:41| got me gotcha damn contrarian bent rarey and so what we can surmise is that the earth was created we are here the universe does exist I might assume I never really know his
00:15:00| life intelligent life we think there is intelligent life tuning into a podcast tonight probably check in discord the probably check in at which they're probably getting down I love it these
00:15:12| people these people really checking it out so how did humans become do we even know we do so do you believe in evolution I think it's we should science God who knows
00:15:29| so let's pretend we're not in theory of evolution so but we do believe the earth is four-and-a-half billion years old do we think it existed for like 4.4 billion years and then someone was like God was
00:15:44| like it's time something happened yeah magic dust just shot humans down there and he was like one of the crazy theories I had from a teacher in a Christian school was that things like
00:15:57| high school yeah no no this is before this is in grade school so they tried to brainwash me early she believes that dinosaur bones were put there by God to test our faith so
00:16:07| like things that were throw Jerry yeah it's amazing that's my favorite theory yeah they show I've seen some pamphlets that are cartoons like drone for children and
00:16:17| it's like a little minor guy with knockout archaeology hat like the celebrity and he's digging yeah he's digging and it's like oh right sore bones arrested and a little diagram next
00:16:30| to it says put there by God to test humans in their faith and it's like whoa he assumed assumed a lot in making a cohesive system of animal that seemed like it was alive and coincides with
00:16:47| other rock radio dated at the exact same time other parts of the world that looked similar and then also had like another ecosystem thing like where flowers and plants that they could eat
00:16:58| and then carnivores that could hunt them and bury these all assuming that we would eventually dig deep enough to find them put it together assume we figured it out as a test a test oh my god good
00:17:13| which is completely possible since God includes the attribute attributes of omniscience omnipotence oh wait presence and well Omni Babel benevolence so if he knows you can do
00:17:29| anywhere you can see everything can be any real hmm does he do you think he takes offense to that if you're questioning his pant he knows what's gonna happen he knows we
00:17:40| have free will yeah you're allowed to choose I'm glad to say I don't know if I believe in that you thinking he lose weight and he knows which one we would pick really free
00:17:51| distance do you think he pre dustin's what we choose do you think he sets her own fate it has to because you know everything and if we change the rules it would change the result and he wouldn't
00:18:01| know huh hence he has there is no free will hmm are you I mean right I guess we just did we either disprove free will or God that's terrible
00:18:13| that's pretty bad yeah is the free will in question where there you gonna go to Haley or hell like 20 minutes in the episode we just disapproved god yeah that's pretty bad good that's not good
00:18:23| this isn't gonna weigh well with the conservative crowd yeah it's probably not so for people what do you think people began it's so you but if you believe in evolution we came from a
00:18:34| series of maybe mistakes who changes flips and you know bits that fit into DNA that made us into more complex organisms maybe we came from - that's the probable
00:18:50| cause since our DNA does match monkeys like 97% no need this all of this is called am b oj necess the origin of life so it's how does how does life become out of non living matter or simple comp
00:19:10| radius question of all you know they used to try and recreate this in laboratories with the primordial soup it was like a song and we know acid some water some nitrogen you got a little a
00:19:24| carbon dioxide you put it on like a glass tube and they would like shoot it with electricity because for a while they thought lightning must have brought life cuz it's crazy ation that's sort of
00:19:36| energy some sort of flux maybe a little ambu genesis mixed in there i don't know if you can actually watch it i don't know how long it would take well we might imagine we've ever been
00:19:44| able to create life right it's still never done I don't know how do you how do you know like sure that nothing like once life begins how do you make sure that no
00:19:55| life exists in whatever you have you have to test every bit of possibility of life and prove that it's not there and then start your experiment well science is all about control right I mean you
00:20:05| can figure out the ear aminoacyl or amino acids considered alive no right mmm I don't know if it's a game by itself it's a building block of building a little building block of a protein but
00:20:19| it's not alive is that a biological waste though kind of is I mean I don't know if you can build that naturally Nix why I'm gonna assume that the science is hell that a naturally occurring amino
00:20:31| acid exists if you create an experiment that is intended to create life and you've never done it is that is that that actually is a proponent for God that God maybe it exists in that moment
00:20:42| to create that that one little change that makes it happen which I would believe actually I would believe the thing that a scientist by creating life in a way creates himself as God and
00:20:54| creates a chain reaction of events that could create life that could take millions of years and never really looks back on a scientist in a lab because I can never understand the life of a
00:21:03| science that's the life of a lab like the ingredients involved just that it began somewhere I'm with you on that is that the human lifespan is too short to start these things and and see them
00:21:14| through so I don't think they ever get too full you know 4.5 billion years later we finally made you know not living sleep now we don't know let's we don't it can
00:21:25| is assume pretty well they haven't but you know we don't know hmm so all of that evolution maybe creation I who knows we found ourselves here discussing higher level planes of thought and
00:21:39| trying to figure out maybe what happened what will happen what we are what we're supposed to do what we don't know how do we explain what we don't know all those things where do you go from you know
00:21:50| even struggles in your life how do you how do you deal with struggles how do you survive how do you excel and how do you keep going a lot of people rely on faith and God
00:22:00| theology to do that so what you're describing is life in general is a bitch using those exact words soft life is a bitch no matter how you slice it how you're born how you live how you die how
00:22:14| things happen to you it's kind of a struggle it's kind of a bitch it's kind of stressful it's kind of good it's kind of bad it's kind of crazy it's kind of unexplained it's kind of a lot of things
00:22:25| and to explain a lot of those things you would push yourself towards something that is undeniable or unarguable which might be God it could be God cuz it you can't say that Oh God doesn't exist
00:22:43| because really I don't know that you could prove that he doesn't or she doesn't know I think if you never say you never say God is an it which is weird yeah that is weird I guess it
00:22:57| always has a gender you always assume it's like you which is kind of a strange thing to do as well what's crazy is that sometimes I say to someone tell me all your thoughts on God
00:23:10| cuz I'm going there to meet her quoting a 1995 song from Dishwalla from Dishwalla counting blues it's wrong I think that's awesome I just know the song I didn't know the
00:23:27| artist ya know it's typical 90s I mean is pure nineties no I'm getting at own marketing kool-aid 10:38 hold on cuz it's your job interview hello wonderful [Laughter]
00:23:55| old on I want him freak MedicAlert bracelet she hung up on you I want it hey man go off on a quick aside sure hit it I've been getting telemarketer calls you know they all
00:24:10| have your area code which I find a little cray most people ignore these calls you'll get them sooner or later mmm so what's wild is that used to just
00:24:21| pick them up because I'm you know you don't know if it's someone from a business or an agency or someone at your work so you're like oh let's go hello and it's a it's a recording and you're
00:24:30| bummed out you're like everyone hangs up I thought I had a friend here not me I've started digging in a little deeper now when anyone calls me from a telemarketer a recording or something I
00:24:42| need to talk to a human I want to buy their product you would think that's insane right no but you can't giving it to a hold on you can't even buy the product so the other day I got a call
00:24:57| well I don't know the other day I got a call if you were a result or if you are a victim of a slip-and-fall and you're over 55 years of age yes and you I saw I it said press 1 now what do you think I
00:25:09| did I press 1 so hard and it went hold on while you're connected and I'm thinking oh boy this is it I'm good this is my big break it rang once ok at this new number it direct it to a new number
00:25:21| it rang and then it went doo doo doo the number you have reached is no longer in service and I said I was a victim of a slip-and-fall
00:25:31| felling if you're not selling what you're selling well the bots have taken over so I started I started trying to buy from every bot that calls me there's people trying to
00:25:43| give away free security there's people trying to give away car insurance for a car I don't have anymore they're like do you have a 1994 Lexus ES by the way it had 100,000 miles or
00:26:01| brag about it it was a beautiful car beautiful car okay anyway like when you try and buy these things these people just say gotta go click and like no one wants to sell you anything so what are
00:26:16| they selling and there's one of two answers either they can get only information by calling me which I don't think is true because they can't be like this is my mom was like they're probably
00:26:25| stealing your for me like see on your voice listening to your voice all those voice-activated passwords that we have now and then I thought or maybe a telemarketer company
00:26:40| is getting paid on coal volume and how cheap they are there how how much time they can keep you on the phone not necessarily um maybe but maybe maybe the other one think of this a we
00:26:52| guarantee we can robo called 300,000 calls in a day for the less than $900 for the whole package and you're like oh my god was incredible close that but really they're just robo
00:27:06| calls they don't leave anywhere they don't give you sales they don't lead to anything it's just a call and you'll be able to sell my product well I just said no I said it thousands of calls okay I
00:27:18| like it I'm sure she has thousands of calls and that's the only yeah I just need calls we're gonna get our name out there we're gonna call people what if people want to buy it well they didn't
00:27:32| really think that through they set up a whole system of bots to call you and then they talk to you and they don't even try to buy that's capitalism baby mmm
00:27:42| flown the system think about it both companies are we get the the cheapest telemarketers they're genius they can call so many people and it's verified calls button and the capitalist the
00:27:55| other the telemarketers are like is great we can call so many people I just got pays him to do nothing good so it's really a win-win right a win-win-win everyone wins except me me who's trying
00:28:09| verify my slip-and-fall after age 55 sorry moving back into the realm of God yeah it's a soul that was the next thing I was gonna hit on unless you got something else
00:28:23| no that's fine um I did want to say soul is one of my favorite things the idea that humans have a soul okay where do you think that soul resides it's clearly in this area that's in the central area
00:28:39| of your body it doesn't move from you you imagine if your soul was like in your left forearm you can amputate that arm so I know I would lose your soul nope still have my
00:28:55| soul I'm telling you cuz we're not in my left where would he go my life where would he go if you lost her arm where would he go I don't know that's why it's not anaphor gonna like hurt your
00:29:05| appendix no cuz you can remove that yeah what about your we say is I'm telling you it's in the bill water your body kidneys maybe maybe spleen stomach all those things you can remove you know
00:29:17| there's an old study that said when people died they weighed point zero zero one grams less or something because that was the soul leaving 21 i ramse is that movies about yeah that's exactly what
00:29:30| they movies about oh I had no idea I thought it was disproven actually because like you literally poop your pants as he everywhere mcdougal he actually tried this on a whopping number
00:29:42| of six patients and one of them lost 21 grams when they died in science we call this a homerun he finally got one guys we got it let's run with it folks it's on camera so I was kind of curious about
00:30:01| that one I was like well let's let's explain like maybe he missed measured okay maybe maybe the guy actually died it did lose his soul and it weighed 21 grams maybe he could have could have
00:30:12| could have or it could go like a maybe a fart a fart weighs about half a gram and exhale can weigh like two grams mm-hmm so if I mean and then I've a pound is about four here's a good
00:30:31| question so do you think moving blood through your body waste different than sitting blood in your body I almost feel like it does but I don't know how to explain that the only thing you could
00:30:41| explain it with is like increments and circuitry there's like Hall effect so if you have something flowing you have a current it creates like a counter current in a like a field around you so
00:30:51| if you're measuring something that won't go against that wouldn't it I might be good yes it might be it cuz the currents going against gravity mm-hmm no has nothing do with gravity okay so it's
00:31:02| like a circular flow around the the other flow so it's a constant circular field so like if you were measuring with electronics and you had some sort of you know field that was flowing circular
00:31:12| around you and your electronics were susceptible that maybe maybe it messes with your electronics when you boom you're dead and then you lose that field I would imagine that weighs more though
00:31:24| if that's what I would think so I was like you know a pound weighs about four in 50-ish grams um and I was lucky so it is I think it is I think that I think it's pretty accurate I know what's going
00:31:36| on with me I get like two numbers similar yeah you're fantastic tonight actually and I was like well if you're if your soul weighs 21 grams you know when you poop that might be a pound or
00:31:46| two or when you pee that's what I like two or three pounds a soul doesn't weigh as much as what are you defecate your feces is a little more important to us so what is the soul then I guess this
00:32:06| soul was the eyes stuff do you see behind your eyes is that your small so I would say it's what people are get you define like what it's the essence of life it's the it's the spirit that you
00:32:19| carry with you some people carry the spirit hold on your soul actually so animals have life but they don't have soul like a mosquito does not have a goddamn soul if you tell me a mosquito
00:32:29| has a soul I will literally log often there all this episode so Aristotle jumped into this he said that plants plants have a vegetative soul it's something about
00:32:39| reproduction and growth and then animals have a sensitive soul so they have mobility and sensation and then humans have a rational soul so they can think and reflect and humans encompass the
00:32:52| animals and the plants that's deep but it's bullshit I didn't get our so it was nice but that's it's yeah but he's looking at it from a very scientific method and delineating plants animals
00:33:08| and humans and saying oh these are different how can identify them it's like who has a soul bullshitting and he's like yeah they get this one and he gets both I mean really he's like it's
00:33:18| just up a ladder Greeks and Romans and everybody back in the day loved the ladder theory where everything builds to a certain thing mm-hmm you work your way up we did right right right and they're
00:33:30| all related like this is all the base this is all the second part of the pyramid this is all a third part this is the top level everyone was always about that stuff back in the day because a
00:33:39| involves one familiar related piece that builds to something the top of the way term it is called a para minion or a capstone so it's building towards the pyramid II Hodge yeah yeah capstone baby
00:33:54| that's like a Keystone except the capstone that's kind of cool so there's it keeps to Keystone bottom left or bottom right depending on your handedness like he's done the beer when
00:34:11| anywhere in Delaware to the University of Keystone light is sponsored beer did you guys yeah we mostly that's the cheapest beer you could buy wait he's on it next to Tennessee holes
00:34:22| no no it's different for every school no the most doubt it will cheapest thing you could buy and I don't see you're wrong most schools in Pennsylvania are home to natural light Oh Maddie it's a
00:34:34| natural light Belt it travels up the east coast of Pennsylvania I think in Scranton it was the drink of hmm I'm together I don't know which one no I couldn't do slogans but um Delaware
00:34:50| we were piecing light why were you keystone light again we would Keystone Light or Geneseo natty ice that was Row three I spirited Wow well we don't we cut straight through
00:35:03| the shit and get to it you know we used to so freshman year we had our RA will call hidden Brett so he doesn't get arrested ra ra lived across the hall from us we
00:35:15| were 18 he was 21 then he was in charge of making sure we didn't drink well we'll call him Brett we became really good friends a bright after like a week and he would buy US beer office though
00:35:26| we would buy beasts ice huh and vodka papa vodka and mix them into one drink hmm like you would top off your Beast dice a little papa Bukka cuz you were trying to get there in a Harry I love
00:35:42| college howleen make her incredible weave into meeting your maker so so it's very of meeting your maker I think one of the big things that happens with having a
00:35:59| soul and all this other stuff is that people died mm-hmm once you were smart enough to realize you could carry on conversation talk about things remember things you realize that some people died
00:36:11| some things happened why and you think people are important they're better than animals forget Aristotle for a second I know I know
00:36:22| well he did put people above animals so okay okay so why do they die and what what happens afterwards like are they just gone I mean there were important people there
00:36:34| they're like me I'm new here I'm 20 whatever I'm ready to die cuz this is back in the day when 25 was old that's true well that nah man I'm here I'm important what happens to me when I'm
00:36:48| gone so there's a piece of you that's supposed to live on in your soul or in your spirit some religions say some religion believe that you have multiple souls and
00:36:58| that some of them are good some are bad some of them stay with your body so I'm leave some of them exist inside your body some of exist outside of your body so I'm gonna just around you I like
00:37:09| that idea that's pretty cool you're like a spirit that just kind of is your essence that you're born with a good or a bad or even a neutral soul and you're just supposed
00:37:18| to live with that yeah it's uh it's interesting we cover this in uh I think it was episode 35 pregnancy Oh remember the number yeah is at 14 days you are no longer capable of becoming a twin so
00:37:39| that is the medical definition of when you get a soul and when you cannot continue to perform medical experiments on I as you call it embryo at that point mm-hmm I would some not there's a
00:37:53| technical term birds like to say other otherwise a Cuban baby some might say so that's an interesting thing is like at at that moment at 14 days you you get your new soul brand-new
00:38:05| soul from where where does that come from it's not a combination soul right it's not like the DNA it's not like it's half mom soul have dad soul right nope no well the biblical stories say that
00:38:17| it's actually from the dad that you exist inside your dad until you are screw the screw the actual making of the physical body dad's got the soul in them so yeah
00:38:31| I don't think it's becoming a discipline daddy by the way it's like my new thing disciplined daddy what is that we're a little bit of BDSM in this household now and I'm the daddy that's why I dress
00:38:41| like yeah you're the big daddy I'm just a clarify any way any way suggest hair I can't focus when the chair you think I can't believe I will be the trim on that I got some nice man so you have to trim
00:38:59| the neck because when I wear a t-shirt so you go through Seeger ya know like the chest hair goes up to here like I'm telling you that's what I got to do let's go to your tongue twister for the
00:39:09| dad cave check this with me Christ's chiseled chest chops Christ she's my chest chops chops as Christ's chisels just shite Christ is love Jess Jobs Christ chisel chest chops Christ
00:39:24| chisel chest chops well I got through it pretty fast now you have to go to youtube video yeah I'll make you some nail you don't even have to click on the link in one of
00:39:50| these oh no where'd a major yeah my other drink oh I'm now right there so we're talking about the smoking room the dad the song the soul some people say it like it just exists like it just becomes
00:40:07| or it's like you have like you have like a pool of souls that already exist and somehow they're generating seven point eight billion souls at the beginning of time or more there's like I can't
00:40:19| imagine being a soul like you're like the fiftieth billion soul you just like come on someone's earth weight they never get they never get reused right that's the idea there's something like
00:40:35| where you get reincarnated I don't know how you how you switch out Souls there's probably like an algorithm that like okay you see what number do now and then you wait in line I mean make sense way
00:40:46| guys like Shh my favorite thing about that scene is that there's only like 10 people in that way yeah and the one guy has like 13 and the other guy has like 494 million three
00:41:07| hundred and seventy four thousand three hundred equations like where are the other people in between here I'm alone can you see a soul maybe there's a lot of souls in that room you just can't see
00:41:17| could be come back of me me one of the best theories mm-hmm so uh monism is that we all come from like someplace so we like when we're born like our soul comes from that place
00:41:31| and then we exist and then when we die or so goes back to that place is like the center of the universe the beginning it's not like it's not like heaven this is at OE in scientifical I don't know if
00:41:42| it's scientifical it's just like actually it's so difficult they say the universe I'm just thinking like it comes from the universe it goes here it comes back it goes here if you're what if it
00:41:52| was on another planet it would still hold true right I guess it would go to another place very generic for like a cell phone here yeah we were it's like a universal religion I kind of think it's
00:42:01| cute yeah it could be applied to a lot of different things if I actually find out that all souls come from Uranus or something you know no did you do that love Uranus - you read its joke until it
00:42:16| happens - fantastic one of my favorite writers is Ralph Waldo Emerson yeah for a detail you know go hey writes a lot of goddamn stuff I don't know if you've watched any
00:42:30| previous episodes I had to speak like Pruitt crude Proust process search of the Lost Time In Search of Lost Time I think I did very good I couldn't do ruff Waldo Emerson actually I could let's be
00:42:44| honest still wear eyeliner I could do anything wait no no I just have um he had a very famous poem si si it's an essay called self-reliance it's one of my favorite pieces by one of the
00:43:01| people of the time that used to go off and live in nature and talk about society and mankind and science and religion Ralph Waldo Emerson was one who's the other guy
00:43:10| he Texan guy yeah he did um against the law like he was living outside the law because he hated societal means oh my god he's like the big one it's Ralph Waldo on him or my two thieves I want to
00:43:27| say Wyatt Earp but that's wrong it's gonna make you triggers wrong as an English major I should throw this is a row thank you yes it was the road thank you know transcendence was yes thank you
00:43:41| holy crap I mean you googled it from Google I mean you could read it I would have been terrible yeah anyway um transcendentalists had one of my favorite takes on the whole thing
00:43:56| because these guys were brainiacs English majors in my opinion who would just go out into the woods and think for like 40 years at a time now when you think for 40 minutes before a podcast
00:44:08| like you could almost a great ideas imagine sitting outside for a day oh my god it's not like he was looking at his phone the whole time this guy was literally thinking about what I do
00:44:25| anyway he had my favorite quote it's in Latin I was literally thinking of getting this tattooed on myself somewhere this is not a joke oh it's not icky Severus I'm not gonna
00:44:38| pronounce alright extra you know that means al n it means do not seek for things outside of yourself it is si self-reliance and a little bit of what II surmise I'm gonna try and fast
00:44:52| forward it to my time and my interpretation of the piece because it's one of my favorite pieces sure is that everyone's a human you're human Dan over here might be a human were stretched as
00:45:03| muscle in the human Leslie human everyone around you as a human everyone who's been alive before us as a human everyone who will come forward as a human we all get faced with the same
00:45:13| decisions we're all faced in the same life we all face a lot of the same struggles and so really we're all the same thing that's copied I'm a copy here I'm gonna copy in a different life I'm a
00:45:26| copy in a future life I'm copy in a past life we're an organism let's be honest right I'm a thing I came to be other things came to be other things will come to be everything's past came to be and
00:45:39| we all react to our surroundings in a certain way we like to think we're very unique but I haven't lived Dan's life so I don't know if I would act exactly like Dan online I haven't laid
00:45:51| someone from the 1800s or maybe we might be crazy you could be if I missed your exact trip well what if I lived your exact life I was born in your life treated exactly
00:46:01| the same way by your parents everything was the same and my genetic makeup was same because I was born by the same parents do you think I would end up being exactly like you I had no idea I
00:46:12| want to say no but maybe that's all it takes something you have the same environment and the same end as a genetic oh yeah yeah so genetics plus environment equals the same thing person
00:46:27| so what's interesting is that to be human you only have to look inside yourself you're everything a human can be you're everything a human could be five thousand years ago everything a
00:46:38| human could be five thousand years from now you were everything human and if you really sit in the woods and quit your job and think about it long enough you you can come across all these crazy
00:46:51| thoughts that a human can think of like you are God you are not God you are you you've run into these things where you've reached the limits of being a human almost you can experience almost a
00:47:08| whole human experience in yourself I know we're social creatures we need to interact but we're interacting with another us the human is me I'm everything human I can't ever other I
00:47:22| can't ever explore my whole brain I can't ever explore my whole physiology I can't ever think everything I'm gonna think so I'm Marcelo quote on this one oh please do we live in succession in
00:47:32| division in parts and particles meantime within man is the soul of the whole the why silence the view Universal Beauty to which every part and particle is equally related the eternal one I'm gonna cut it
00:47:43| off there but that's he's talking about like being being all the different tiny pieces and we're all work as one as a unison as an organism and then we're focused on like the future the beauty of
00:47:54| life the meaning of life the purpose we're all trying to decide what's happening and how to deal best with it but we're making it which is weird mm-hmm
00:48:05| so how does God play into that I guess the question is do you pray do you ever pray yeah when more I prayed women prayed I was gonna get my dove but I don't believe in
00:48:17| God it was more of a I'm sorry like I was now that's praying right yeah I mean early on someone told you if you really want something pray for it because maybe in your mind it you can
00:48:31| will it to happen like I don't Thomas Aquinas said it best when he said the best argument for God was why not so let's say there is a God there isn't a god right if there is a God and you
00:48:47| spend like 10 percent of your life praying to them or 10 percent of your life being like hey thumbs up dude and then you get eternal thanks you get eternal life you can eternal everything
00:48:57| he grants you the best afterlife in the world it was worth it if there's not a guide and you spent a few percentage points of your life Frankel it's not gonna matter anyway
00:49:08| I remember this bait like there's like much like four squares there's like if you if you if you believe them and there's no God then you don't lose out but if you believe and there's a god
00:49:19| then you win and if you believe there's a god it doesn't matter so why not believe it's like the mathematical reason to write it was a logical reason to have faith it was like why not if
00:49:32| you're wrong you sure did it doesn't matter and imagine if it's the other way like you're like I hate God I'm gonna give him the double middle things and then he turns out to be real you are
00:49:42| screwed [Music] you picked the wrong one it's I remember seeing this is like a quad chart it was literally like the most accepts logical
00:49:53| thing you could possibly present it was very weird yeah and I thought that's terribly wrong like why would you have faith and illogical pie chart to prove God yeah so
00:50:06| hold on oh I'll cut to the chase here do you believe in God I believe there is a God but you can't prove his existence I'm agnostic essentially
00:50:17| which I've learned through the various research that I did for the episode that I don't know enough and that there are different classifications which I've been saying oh I'm this but I'm actually
00:50:27| not I didn't actually think that was gonna be reinserted it's not you don't think I believe in God yeah I thought you're gonna be like no no no no that's why I want to be a robot
00:50:37| and living in computers so I I'd like to think that there is a like a higher power of purpose like something greater than what's going on that you can possibly conceive hold on that you would
00:50:54| like to think I mean it's convenient to believe that in times that you are either like scared or frightened or you don't know what's going on you need some support that doesn't reek it makes any
00:51:05| cake is the hospital really praying I really know and all I don't believe that he intercedes in anything we do so that's like a deist thought or like it's like believing that like he created
00:51:18| the earth and then it just left it he's like okay I'm going down here I'm gonna go build another earth a little 4 billion light years away so like maybe he did do all of that and maybe I mean
00:51:29| we don't know the scientists understand certain things and maybe there's an extra layer of understanding that just we don't know about yet but maybe he does exist but we I don't know that he's
00:51:39| ever done anything for me why we interesting I don't think like the way people always explain it it doesn't it's I think it's human nature try to fill in the gaps and maybe they use God for that
00:51:51| and then maybe they rely on God for that and I don't think you need to rely on God you just need to be like ok you know it's cool God Thanks high-five so so what does God do in your universe
00:52:05| if I may ask he doesn't intercede with anything he doesn't help suffering he doesn't help good things happen to you that's all science it's all logic it all makes
00:52:13| sense but there's something beyond this it underlies all the physics is that what you're gonna get some because we don't know all physics we don't know
00:52:22| everything in the universe like quantum so you're sure there's like weird stuff we don't get is that God yeah things we can if we give them physical definitions to it you a donhad
00:52:34| are you like no there's still more God okay where do you fall on that so we figure out quantum tunneling we figure out ghosts physics we figure out weird stuff we figure out that oh this is
00:52:45| what's outside the Big Bang would you be like okay madam like would you be I don't go is they could find out what happens if we still exist after we die like and that's the thing is if you have
00:52:55| heaven or hell like I don't I don't necessarily think I'm going either one I don't know what happens I'd like to have like a look back like a the statistics on your life like what what did you do
00:53:05| right what'd you do wrong like some greater thing that says you know oh you're good here but your shit person there you can you can enjoy the rest of
00:53:13| whatever life is but I'm not I'm not sure with without a doubt we can assume that after you die you can't come back and tell people anything right yeah cuz jamon would have already told us we
00:53:27| would have had some Dan telling going on and I'm not gonna believe that one gram I'll lit a candle somewhere in Mexico so like cuz to prove that she was there like that doesn't I mean there seems to
00:53:39| be more logical uses more I don't know different uses different things more bigger things to think of fish to thrive and light a candle somewhere in a house in and it changes the way the world
00:53:52| works right it seems very odd well I guess what's your belief in God what do you what do you think I don't think he this oh you an atheist they don't know God exists kind of think so I didn't
00:54:04| really thought about it entirely you know who died a Pappa theist which doesn't even care okay so I didn't have a spot for this but um if I were described my way the world kind of works
00:54:18| and make physics seem metaphysical make it sound fancy and pretty and crazy I would say every living thing every motion every atom every electron has a choice an energy and a power and some
00:54:38| I'm sure the let's say they all had a choice you know how an electron always jumps to a higher valence shell yes turn energy level he always does it just does it right yeah we've never seen it
00:54:50| not do it right right what if I told you that was free well still what if I told you it could not hold on but it's experience of being in its own world being alive the best choice in the
00:55:06| line maybe it's like he chooses to do it in a fight like a very small margin that he's like maybe not maybe in that okay deciding in that little good I mean it would be similar to let's say a human
00:55:17| lives a hundred years and you could you could have babies and nurture them for four years and stabbed them to death if you want to those are the murder and death who would tell I'm just saying who
00:55:30| would ever do that it doesn't make sense it's so logical either the law doesn't know right if you live I mean I understand if you do it two random things crazy whatever but if you have to
00:55:42| nurture something and do something for so long that at the end you have a decision every day you have a decision do you want to do this or this do you think anyone just in the right mind
00:55:54| would ever choose the opposite illogical answer what if that electron by transferring to a new valence shell gets a feeling that's like ten thousand orgasms it's like yo why would a guy
00:56:09| like Tron ever choose the other I wouldn't right I don't know I wouldn't ever ever I'm talking so good so everything is constantly moving in my idea of the universe to where it needs
00:56:25| to go know what you guys have women level though things get a little random sometimes you have people though right agree but I'm also I'm giving it you a human example of orgasm and feeling
00:56:37| whatever but electrons don't get orgasms to my knowledge they don't have feelings but maybe there's something going on with an electron in its electron life that will never understand
00:56:48| I can't experience but it wants to fulfill its purpose because we to be humans are the only creature with this ultimate power of understanding Henry's no the other the other way
00:57:03| around I think we're cursed with this thing where we flounder we have decisions to go left and Ray and right lats all who's talking
00:57:11| Dina oh yeah really she like Bennett [Laughter] pacify me mess me up dude but like what if humans are the ones that are cursed like an animal shits
00:57:29| it has sex it eats another animal it doesn't care that's just what it does a human right oh my god should we do this oh my gosh should we do this oh my god should we do
00:57:39| this oh my god should we do this it's almost like that's our strength but it's our weakness so how does this affinity your belief of non-existing a God not existing so go back to that I think
00:57:51| everything's controlled by just its natural everything in the world is natural i living in new universes natural it's self-contained God didn't have to make it it made itself and there
00:58:03| are reasons laws and explanations why everything does what everything does so because of the I guess all precursors all the experiences we've had it's gonna make us into something that necessitates
00:58:15| what we are that's what you're saying is we're gonna yes because Bible days do otherwise why would we to need you like creativity and maybe like I guess do you believe in life I'm getting what I was
00:58:27| getting in with Anthony's electrons and all this stuff is that they don't have the problem humans do and the humans have this need to make our need to yes no humans are the only exception to my
00:58:39| rule and they're not an exception so much is that's their strength weakness you follow me weights it again rephrase that she says you look women in cage on a good day
00:58:53| face off oh you look like John Travolta I just need to say you like John Nic Cage thank you for tuning in Dina Dina where does it say a dirge will dirge would thank you Dina dirge would
00:59:12| check her out on insta check her socials she's really good the dirge would third dirt would dirt would thank you thank you for checking us out no but let's say humans are the only animal plagued with
00:59:29| the decision over thinking so consciousness yeah yeah everything else just knows what it's doing and does it and so my logic applies to everything else there you know like it only the
00:59:43| human brain opens up all these possibilities and like one of these possibilities is just that we start creating these random things that explain things that can't be explained
00:59:50| over thinking over they make are you thinking like god it's like an over thought maybe yes 100% yeah makes sense to me so honey not God like hell like I know but um if we were to move
01:00:04| transition a little bit Alan Watts is one my favorite philosophers he kind of brought Western Eastern yeah the opposite of Western Eastern philosophy to the last one of my favorite things is
01:00:18| that he says that we over think we over create we try to control we make signifiers we create tags for things we're like well that's this it applies to us this way that son this it applies
01:00:30| to it this way aha that's this that's what that means to us and in a way we're creating the world for us when really we might have nothing to do with it Alan Watts is like
01:00:42| dude you it might have nothing to do with you what you're seeing you can't comprehend it has nothing to do with you just let it go he says it's interesting that existence
01:00:54| is spontaneous the Chinese word Zahran that's for nature actually translate it means that which happens to itself so really the world is happening human beings are trying to label it
01:01:10| they're trying to control it they're trying to do something with it but what ultimately what are they doing we all still die we I mean we can impact the world as much everyone we're going to
01:01:23| die or to finish we're gonna be kaput so you know I'm saying is but what happens when you die though what do you believe him when you die your cells your electrons
01:01:33| you go back into the earth primordial ooze do those cells electrons maybe some of your thoughts live on going another person but I don't think the only were special hmm like think about this
01:01:47| podcast might influence forty kids to do heroin don't but like I mean this podcast might influence people to do something that's my subconscious going on if my if the kids young and off
01:02:02| Alyssa never like yeah I like this guy this guy I'm influencing him for years to come and he might influence people ended up himself and touch people on a day-to-day existence my cells like going
01:02:13| to the earth and feed a plant my electrons like it used to and then power something really cool I'm pretty cool so let's talk about like the social aspect of God okay like the belief in a
01:02:26| religion helps because it has a morality to it has a goal it helps the people that probably maybe not don't have the level of thinking that help them through life so maybe it gives them a guidance a
01:02:35| goal 100 percent um what would you say to your parents or they religious yeah yeah one of them goes are you like do you try and tell them all feel like God's not real I mean I hadn't have been
01:02:50| like going to church real when I was when I was 10 I used to just run in the woods because I didn't wanna get taken away but I heard it to go into her and my mom's shirt to go to church yeah I'd
01:03:02| be in the human that would run into what literally yes Leslie that's not mean that's a hundred percent true but you'd see me sprinting in the backyard into the woods so it's like there's a there's
01:03:17| a weird belief system that's almost like blind faith or brainwashing or there's some sort of control element to it that I just never could get by you know the people that say dinosaur bones are real
01:03:26| because God put them there it's like what like why like why would that be the test that doesn't make sense so there's different terms that I've never learned before that I'm found in this
01:03:37| cheer so there's model arity monell arity or monolatry I don't know is it so that's a belief that there are multiple gods but yours is the best but you'll accept that there are like
01:03:48| that one like that like that one that's like a respect before inside actually I think Christians don't believe the other people I don't think they do either no I don't I've never been told that before
01:03:57| so there's like a belief that you have the right one but there's other ones that I'll be tolerant so tolerance is a thing and then there's like henotheism and a theism is that like we have
01:04:07| there's like you know doesn't different propective that's yeah you put it on your back and then don't you do it don't you know we fake henna because that's gonna poison
01:04:18| you and that's corny for life you've seen that picture I bet mmm no well I'm gonna post it somewhere so someone on our Twitter feed can see it oh it it's pretty disgusting was it a
01:04:29| bad henna and they're great chemicals and henna and then it not only does it destroy your skin and like permanently scars you so people so you get the tattoo anyway permanent but it's doesn't
01:04:40| know hello henotheism is like believing that like you have a variety of natural gods and they all essentially are equal they're the same God so you can believe that like the god of thunder got a
01:04:52| lightning God of crops and water and wind they're all they're all part of the same thing that you believe in but it can also apply to like other religions gods like if you believe that Islam or
01:05:04| Buddhism same as God same of Hindu same as all the gods all working on the same thing makes sense that's kind of the way I used to think yeah I actually I like that idea is that you are all basically
01:05:17| the same except when you decide that other people should die because you believe in your one true God so there's a point there where religion becomes like not so great because you
01:05:29| decide that you know the Crusades a good fight into something said earlier right what was that Corral control religions the most destructive tool ever are we gonna get into that so I was yeah I was
01:05:43| thinking about this there's the three main destructive things the most destructive things is probably like bacteria and viruses which i think is number one
01:05:50| as war which is just nations go out after nations and then there's probably religious wars which feed into national Wars as well yeah I was gonna say war is kind of yeah so it might be a number one
01:06:04| so it's probably greed number one religion number two for what to find what your list is human controlling bad things are like human reasons for war I don't know reasons for killing another
01:06:20| person like me there we go yeah it'd be all those like what the seven deadly sins religion seems to be like two or three somewhere on the list it's up there no I I would agree that like
01:06:31| people kill people people try to impose because of religion 9/11 they flew they were literally suicide bombers which happening we're so Japanese I know right which is an odd thing for religion to
01:06:47| believe in killing another person I guess if it doesn't promote your own faith your own beliefs it scares you is your belief system is supposed to support me I guess there's a utilitarian
01:06:59| form of view where killing four people if it saves seven thousand lives is worth it would you say that or do you not even abide by that theory I'm going to come or ality class and the craziest
01:07:12| thing is we talked about every theory of morality because morality doesn't always coincide with your religion but your morality is would you kill an old person to save a young person if an old person
01:07:25| was sick and dying would you kill them if someone's on the train track and they were criminal and you have to run over two of them and kill them would you do that to save one good
01:07:34| person like there's all these questions that come up with morality class so you're saying 9/11 bombers the 9/11 bombers were deciding to attack us because it would prevent death of
01:07:44| their relatives greater greater dollars then a hundred percent I think they would think over good guys there was a stop anything no one ever does anything that crazy and kills people without
01:07:56| thinking there's a good guy but then on the other side they're also believing that they're going to go to heaven and have X number of virgins and like all those people probably believe that I
01:08:05| do you think that's just the story we tell to make us believe that like the religion of extremists is what caused this or do you think it's like really logical likes that guy got a guy more
01:08:15| logical I think he who ever really believed he was doing a greater good and fixing the world I don't think he cared that much about do you think he really was like I need the 72 virgins ha ha ha
01:08:29| I mean just think about it I mean really would that drive any one virgins are the worst so do you think those people were without religion that they didn't value human life at all what do you think they
01:08:38| valued they didn't value human life evenly they just weighed their own kind hire them or the opposite didn't they value human life equally so a hundred lives here is worth four thousand here
01:08:52| if if they were to believe they believed that they were going to save more than three thousand lives and the death of the World Trade Center towers on their own the only hat
01:09:02| they might really think they were saving millions of lives stopping America from killing so many people and being greedy in whatever I listen I'm not trying to justify it I'm saying anyone who does
01:09:12| something that egregious or that terrible usually thinks they're the good guy like Hitler he probably thought he was a good guy right I thought he was stopping the Jews from taking over the
01:09:23| world and making people starve I have no idea I'm not Hitler contrary to popular belief in the comments section here you know say Inori but anyway um it just everyone thinks they're the good guy
01:09:38| which makes me think that there must be a reward for being good so here's the sin so you're on child what are you gonna do to try to teach them the morals that you believe like how do you teach
01:09:51| somebody a whole set of morals do you teach them individually like how do you know that they're getting that kind of enforce upon them how do you make sure your you live life in a way there's your
01:10:01| easy thing I don't know that the world will change so much that my morals become dated so what I'm passing on is my idea of my morals like what would I do if in 400
01:10:14| years this is the new world do you know what I mean because it's not the same as today and I want my son my daughter my children my whoever I don't have them but why and son your souls I tie to you
01:10:28| right now so you sure is pretty God to tell tell you what they know it's weirdest so what we're talking about with our morals almost becomes the soul talk again yes passes on earlier ideas
01:10:39| which is the persistence of you right which is the complete way to live life is that you want you to live on right that's what this thing is about isn't it immoral in a way I think it kind of is
01:10:51| that you don't teach them to think critically to look at things from an objective point of view and that you think you can for the CLE and from an objective point of view and you would
01:11:00| pass that on though right I would try my best to make sure that people would think critically yes what if they hated some of the things you were doing had done what for
01:11:10| children hated technology right I don't know no I don't know I don't know that was just good games aren't good you picked out earlier if they believed a whole different belief I me a whole
01:11:24| different set of morals when I technology kept us further and further from learning become Mennonites they want to be Amish live out when eaten that would transcendentalism rang I mean
01:11:36| isn't that what they were all about in a way they lived for years in the woods just getting in touch with the human nature the element the there was no interruptions there was no distractions
01:11:47| there was no they literally cut to the core what being a person was so there I'm gonna bring in a random story here that's not so right so there was a Netflix special on chef's
01:11:58| table so it's a series of episodes there was one woman who was part of a family who decided at like age 14 that she was gonna become a monk so she became a monk so yeah she was in Korea South Korean
01:12:10| teacher modeling 1819 no no no she lived out an entire life as a monk and she became world renowned for cooking meals based on like a a simplistic monks way of life
01:12:21| the story it focuses on like the angry money yeah yeah the end she didn't you know I think it's communal money at that point I don't know how they had life with I don't think so her her father
01:12:32| actually came back he was concerned about her and he lived life with them for about a week to see how she was and this is how I feel like I would feel like my my son or daughter
01:12:44| I don't adore yet but yeah so I would feel like they may be wasted their life doing this one thing that maybe didn't reflects reason I know what my ideals were but he found that his daughter was
01:12:56| at peace that she enjoyed her life and that's all that really matters is that they're enjoying life their happiness is ongoing so he went visited and like within a week after he visited he died
01:13:09| he died they say he died happily asleep or whatever but like here's something crazy to think of let's see that's what you want weird kids probably right build a happy life to do something they but
01:13:22| ever and I'm saying whatever like I'm so yeah you want them to live a happy life what if your child's happy life was to live a shitty awful job working awful hours to raise money so their kid can
01:13:39| have a happy healthy life how do you feel about that I don't beat yourself up over yeah not I mean that sounds terrible doesn't it is that yeah I mean at that point you might as well be just
01:13:50| shitty I mean dick but they're doing the same thing you were doing put into it a further extent to the point where it made their life awful is that what would
01:14:03| you do well I mean you can't do anything right you're talking about like living on the lowest rung of classes and existing you know permanently I'm working 70 hours a week and I'm like
01:14:11| shitty and just like you don't even get to raise your kid properly like but you know the years prior being just enough money where they can go to any school they want they will have enough to take
01:14:20| care of they will be super intelligent you can have nannies take care of them you get their moms around it's not like you're not around for them so that's this kind of touches on Hindu religions
01:14:29| where you're like your future self is actually like you're your progeny it's not necessarily but you know if you live a good life that you'll become a higher class of
01:14:39| person so like in a way you're trying to make that your your child and your future children their grandchildren like have a higher life it's the same kind of idea so I could understand someone
01:14:52| trying to do better I would just feel bad for like if my son was in that position to try to make money and living this shit is life possible you would feel like you failed unless I have
01:15:03| probably as I was trying to do even though he's like no no you did fine I just I'm saving all that money I'm saving all this new money and you're like that's not the point of life but
01:15:13| that's what I did you know dude else I don't know hmm for nothing can't get dangerous drunk in college or like does that is the one thing with religion is that there are like some absolute rules
01:15:27| that if you were to kill somebody like the religion would say that you're evil every religion it's like come on man yeah so like the one thing that is a disconnect is that the mother who 100%
01:15:39| absolutely loves her child no matter what he does she always goes into a state of disbelief there's no way that my child did this like even though it's see there's gotta be like a 1 in 100 or
01:15:53| like dip you probably get it yeah I think she's like oh I knew we would there's a cigarette away yeah net sum bitch let me get my hands on him you'll be killing she's white by the way
01:16:10| let's go you guys go pick southern yeah yeah well because like you know I can't go wrong you go bro oh yeah I can't go wrong answer Thanks something I gotta do mix other
01:16:24| you know I mean I feel like I have relatives who are Hicks I learn actually in my uh my lineage my last name that's interesting hmm I think that's all I think we covered it pretty well I don't
01:16:40| know man I feel like I should talk about but there's always more yeah I'm warning gonna unload right now we're gonna drop so we don't know forty Souls right now I just think there's a
01:16:55| weird crossroads between religion morality spirituality finding yourself and I see it as like kind of an excuse for a lot of people just to say like oh I believe this so you don't question me
01:17:07| like it relies on a power you can't even see I've okay it's like almost like hey and I Dale free corner like why did you do this and you're like I'll check my religion kept it all written there you
01:17:17| check it out yeah leave me the hell alone god I don't disagree here's my thing so um let's say I don't believe in God I think it's kind of a waste of time like I had here going to church reading
01:17:32| a specific gospel kneeling it's the right time saying the right prayer at the right time folding your hands standing kneeling like all this in the right order and time is kind of a waste
01:17:42| of time mm-hmm like yeah there's no reat I don't know they were not judges you on that if he exists here's the other thing didn't Jesus was real and he did everything they said he did did he ever
01:17:57| say you gotta do the right of the sacraments right before we bless the wine in the water to make it wine in my blood and then right before that we got to read the first gospel it's always
01:18:07| it's an Old Testament one and then you got to read the second gospel and then before we do it just hear me out we got to do the homily like did Jesus ever say that can you imagine if it was like so
01:18:18| you it's the interpretation of what he said but no one who the hell picked it I to me it baffles my mind if you want to believe Jesus I got school he's it he's
01:18:30| one of the the greatest figures who everyone loves but no one imitates actually he's literally one of my favorite um religious figures like he turns the other cheek he dice to let you
01:18:44| live he preaches all the stuff that most Christians don't actually believe I'm not gonna get in that is one thing is if you leave a church and and they're preaching that you should help your
01:18:53| neighbor shouldn't all those people just be like what can I help you with I want to go home clean your house for you like that isn't bizarre like not to get into politics by the conservative party which
01:19:06| preaches Jesus right now is the farthest thing Jesus it's me his teachings I mean his teachings I don't know that's all that's a complicated issue it is bringing on another episode we should
01:19:20| all I'm saying is Jesus seems to be one of my favorites he's kind of a badass but people make him out to be like like if Jesus thought the police were bad and they were shooting african-americans at
01:19:36| an alarming rate do you think Jesus would he would break the law he would have a sit out he would do hunger strike or whatever I'm like dude I mean I had it right yeah that seems like sort of
01:19:47| write a memo but let's see if he was in the time now yeah like he and I'm not even your jawline you the beginning of religion was the first time that they could record documents and then be able
01:20:01| to like pass them on so like Jesus is a figure that existed in a time where they could actually record what was happening like how do I know that a Jesus doesn't exist now people were like that's a
01:20:10| sacrilege you might you know the like the idea the persona the the way there he lives life maybe he does exist now maybe those people out there if you tell us he's fully resisting or doing the
01:20:20| right things or they could he'll arrive I mean there's so many blogs out there how do you find the Jesus blog I mean honestly I didn't find the right the vlog you know what I mean like ah
01:20:31| and Jesus out there and someone's like ah for real what's his name they're like I didn't write it down he's really good look online type in Jesus like dude and he's following I don't know it there's a
01:20:45| lot of questions to be begged a lot of individuals to be questioned and I don't think we know all the answers and I think that's interesting hmm thumb I understand what that moved
01:20:58| me and saw it with it's been a good time I've been doing it to round it off a lot of people are asking this is a Gilda dogs Gilda dogs and it represents life and death at the exact same time
01:21:12| it's called stillborn it's dark what is that honest is that really what it is yeah it's an upside-down cross and the babies being born but it's dying but it's going to heaven and I think that
01:21:27| really symbolizes recycleable of life it's like you live you die you're both so real quick before we end the episode here mm-hmm what happens to like a kid who's one who dies this is another
01:21:42| belief that you have to be what baptized in order to go to heaven or some crap it's another IIIi see those many times a day before your back if he dies at 15 days what if he doesn't ever makes it
01:21:55| sure right well how about the day before the baptism he dies on the way I'm sure it's happened that's a terrible thing to put on a mother that just makes the mother feel more guilt so honestly like
01:22:06| oh now my baby will never make it to heaven like what what the hell what kind of religion makes you believe that like the terrible things that are going to happen
01:22:13| if you're a murderer or an axe wielder killer or whatever why would you ever do that not fair it's bothering me that those aren't real science yes they were I think I said I speak slowly American
01:22:29| Sign Language is that I speak slowly American Sign Language that's what yeah I said that order that's a real thing right there do it right now what's it I speak slowly nice I speak slowly I
01:22:44| should speak like Jesus Christ everyone rewind the tape did it say what I guess over your hand it's not a custom I thought it's over your honor it's not be sure
01:22:53| positive I'm watching some YouTube videos on ASL services slowly got this it's it's this like we'll get somebody to verify what I hold I say what you say I'm gonna be scolded and you will not be
01:23:09| scolded no there's no bearing on whether it's true or not yes it is so just to round it out to we anyone who has different beliefs like we would totally argue with you in the comment section
01:23:23| except that while we're doing our thing we don't get argue in the comments section yeah when we go through what's at what they said oh geez is there anything of
01:23:32| interest that we should promote talk about so exactly when you were talking about you went in deep about not being religious Idina said what the fuck hi you look like Nick Cage on a good day uh
01:23:45| Dina Dina Dina Dina I don't know what I said earth would she said hashtag Flat Earth I didn't want to bring that up damn Nick you're really on to something reincarnate I think she meant like
01:23:57| reincarnate right now Nick every now I actually wait and then we had another guy come in what the fuck ooh MTF w WTF what Famicon okay if we don't know what it meant
01:24:10| yeah what game is this and then I believe there's one source not under any religion y'all y'all locusts fuck actually we look like know that Jake Gyllenhaal so you got hotter as the
01:24:23| episode went on alright ah and I look like I'm gonna I'm gonna sleep Jake Gyllenhaal I'm the sleepy side um we'll say we're two sides of a coin Nick look at that put this around grab his foot on
01:24:43| top of each other yeah who gets the head what's the main topic hello you guys I need help need to borrow some money 50 bucks I'll pay you back your friends honorable goddamn
01:24:57| well we lonely speak our mind kind of do our thing if you believe differently I really have no problem that if you think I'm crazy you think he's crazy if you think we're full of crap if you think
01:25:10| the Bible says it all that's everything like I'm not even here to say that you're wrong I just I would argue with you and be like yeah let's go toe to toe and that's cool
01:25:18| you put that the comments you can write to it so you can come on as a guest are we doing another guest episode one day I'm trying um the one thing I will say is that
01:25:28| there's a version of religion called Omni ism soin omnis believes that everyone should get respect or like regardless what they believe you should be able to respect
01:25:36| all of them um and then if you'd like to know all of religions and take the pieces they think they call them like a cafeteria Catholic but this one's called syncretism like you take little pieces
01:25:48| you accrete little pieces of people's religions if you practice self it's a little bit like making a solar system accretion disk yeah if you want to pick and choose but you respect everyone
01:26:00| that's good to respectable yeah I I say try all the food and then figure out what the hell you like make your plate of what you want get the dessert after you're done and I'll tell you what we
01:26:10| like we like you folks we like you a lot yeah I'm a good night thanks for tuning in check our so she's uh what you like I don't offer matters Italian symbol for love it bellissimo Fantastico that's all
01:26:30| I got good night

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