The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED015 Stubbornness

Thursday, June 24, 2021

KeyItems PRED015 Stubbornness

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 15 - Stubbornness as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | ground, wearing jean shorts, even further, dozens, minority, head's strong, head strong indignant
00:01:00 | resolute, indignant, pig-headed stubborn, small, change, jean shorts, life literally, said jean, important part, let people, gene shorts, assault
00:02:00 | wear jean shorts what's wrong, lives, commit weird
00:03:00 | standing, shorts, jean, bad guys
00:04:00 | click subscribe click, donate click, ground, stand, larger, keep it indefinitely, proselyting, petty petty, small stubborn
00:05:00 | gene short, telling my, pro-gene, tolerance preaching, nazis, ended, good message, making fun, juggalos gigolos
00:06:00 | message, clowns literally, accept, song, juggalos seems
00:07:00 | message flexibility, aggression whatever, juggalos, venn diagram, open-mindedness that important, nazis, standing and analyzing, different, inflexible bastards spellbs
00:08:00 | open-mindedness versus, scale mean, short, same, roads every, donut shop, route, earlier, value problem, quickest way
00:09:00 | turn left, quickest way, factored, see traffic, accept, lane back, final, strong decision, hitler's book
00:10:00 | hitler, poke, final, song called, scales people, year two, pretty resolute, longer
00:11:00 | different, change, bad decisions, always dwell, two years, year two, past year, one one
00:12:00 | bad relationship, important, unknown, route to work, jean shorts, tweak it going, anymore to tweak it anymore, going to tweak, getting shorts, afraid
00:13:00 | attire, longer, shorts must, foot eleven, define thigh, knee knee, fingertips end, mid forearm, stand upright
00:14:00 | nod need, keep thinking, sunny, short like reveal gene short, reveal i want, juarez family, speak family, remake, shorts cut, jean, fast motion
00:15:00 | good that's such a good, versus, unknown well, relationship is different, pooch epicurean, different every relationship, every experience, girlfriend, my hard
00:16:00 | one to tell, different, years same job, my father, every day, same exact road, shop, same roads, same way, same time, donuts anymore i dunkin
00:17:00 | feels sense, repeatability ingrained, good good good, different ways, take weird, take three, time good, minutes laughter, rush hour, unknown, afraid, dangerous and people
00:18:00 | different, change, million, idiosyncrasies

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