The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP133 Loss Absence Nothing Nihilism

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Transcript UnP133 Loss Absence Nothing Nihilism

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 133 - Loss Absence Nothing Nihilism
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00:00:00| a wise man once stared into the abyss what's crazy is that he found that the abyss stared back tonight we're gonna talk about emptiness a lack thereof tonight we talk about that nothingness
00:00:18| join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep
00:00:38| dive into our unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion with mics and get a little bit dirty warning this podcast
00:00:51| may contain mature language and sexual content and then sport entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your earholes [Music]
00:01:16| welcome welcome welcome I'm next door and we are the unhand or purse we almost had it it's one of those things that we're gonna get it's the I think it's when
00:01:38| whenever you take a long pause the absence of speaking draws you in oh it does nothingness we're going to talk about the nothingness yep I watched was it never-ending sorta today we're
00:02:00| gonna talk about that super boring concrete subject we call nothing anything that's a great subject you picked it I did I most certainly do written is there a reason I would like
00:02:15| you've done and the absent was favor yeah well they have amounted to something I don't know what it is but it is something that's true do we have a definition I know we love
00:02:31| that I have a nothing definition but it doesn't mean anything I hope I hope this is good gimme gimme what we got I'll go by merriam-webster nothing not anything no
00:02:44| thing definition to know part one of no interest value or consequence we a definition of nothing adverb not at all in no degree nothing like the others I got nothing
00:03:02| the nail something that does not exist the absence of all magnitude or quantity also zero sense someone or something of no or slight value and yeah
00:03:18| to go first nothing immediately oh go ahead please go personal immediately when's the last time you felt like you had nothing or when you've felt the loss of something that it it drops you to a
00:03:31| point where you realized a that you had less than you previously had closer to nothing and that you had something in loss it I mean I think of um this might be towards the end of the episode but I
00:03:45| think of death a lot and now I mean it doesn't really matter whether you're homeless and covered in poop most of your life and addicted to crack cocaine or you run a small business and every
00:03:58| morning you tie your shoe left foot first right foot and you put your shoes on and shine them and like you have this regimen and you know so many people because eventually and like even just a
00:04:07| hundred short years you will be nothing you will be nothing and so will that homeless person covered in their own poop and it's like whoa it's crazy that we spent all this time on how we tie our
00:04:18| shoes or our work ethic or what we buy or something but really it really won't matter like to the point where you could die at age one and be like have a disease or like you could live 98 years
00:04:32| and be crazy you can be a terrible person you can literally just do all the things that make you feel good and never do one good deed for someone and it has the same some value as someone who could
00:04:43| spend their whole life trying to do good so the mail I mean I mean I went full-blown yeah that's like you dislike me in the end that you rank dust to dust the interesting part is that we come
00:04:54| from something we just don't know what we call it dust and then when we die we assume to go back yeah that we become dust again or go to some fantasy realm where happiness exists or something
00:05:06| yeah or it's actually heaven who knows so we're made from physical I mean atoms right obviously so in makeup certain things okay yeah but mostly space right because an atom is mostly space that's
00:05:23| wild ooh I didn't think of that like the amount of distance between like a nuclei and its electrons is like Isis equivalent of like I don't know like being in a city of you
00:05:34| better actually not to know yeah it's like the equivalent of like a city and like having like I feel like uh a one building in a city like the entire city is the electrons and they're all like
00:05:49| buildings also I think I've read somewhere there's a scale no there's an easy way to search that so the scale is that a nucleus if it were the size of a basketball then its lone electron would
00:06:01| be found about two miles away it's insane and it's and that's it's like a basketball and then two miles away is on electron it's a whole lot of nematic in the middle and that's the smallest thing
00:06:14| we know that's a whole lot of nothing a lot that is massive a massive amount of nothing and we're made of how many electrons littermates there 99.999% nothing you don't have the
00:06:29| other tattoo of like how much you are now I should maybe I should that's my right arm dude and I was just going with electrons that was a small singing bingo at the time but the atoms is a seven
00:06:43| billion billion billion okay billion billion billion yeah and that's just one individual person typical no human I don't know if they go first typical human yeah around so million
00:06:56| billion so are we talking like 77 grams which is what Condon ladies gonna show you five pounds yeah I made that number up dude I was basing it on nothing pretty funny that we are nothing I don't
00:07:15| even get the hundred fifty five times right okay seventy kilograms that's like you in high school I can see that yeah yeah a lot of space the space we chose a lot
00:07:28| of stakes we were talking about death and how you're not you turn to nothing it's kind of like I think if you gotta say right here we have lineage any of genetic build-up which gets transmitted
00:07:39| somehow with genetic memory and then if you're like Tom Hanks you're related everybody we're like Genghis Khan like Tom Hanks is what related to Abe Lincoln and also like mr. Rogers apparently was
00:07:52| like I think it is true that was like I thought that hype came out because he was playing mr. Rogers it was like something you'd see at the bottom of a website where it's like his son looks
00:08:00| like what this celebrity you'll never get that celebrities got these two celebrity dudes made love yeah yeah yeah and you're like whoa I gotta click this link it's like 40 pages you're like damn
00:08:12| I wish I could get to the end I'm gonna tell my friends I saw the news so I'm not sure I didn't know he was I the last article that I read seemed like it was possible mm-hmm but it might be like
00:08:26| that you or that guy that you're like the the atom and you made it with another miles away and then yeah aad am there's no Adam and Eve it was Adam and Steve have an ACO an ATO and science
00:08:44| technology that's what we're about here the entire psychology media um it's such a funny thing because nothing is defined like we were just talking about the space with an atom what's in that space
00:09:00| is it it's not air right because air is made up of atoms it's like we can't so there might be something there we just can't perceive it isn't something like see hear touch or feel is that a Incubus
00:09:18| science album amazing yes it was good reality is 90% that we cannot see taste or smell the electric tintin tintin tintin tintin yeah it's a good album so nothing I don't last time you felt
00:09:41| nothing can go back to that question I guess my grandfather passed away about huge loss six nine months ago now hmm but I mean you you face death a lot when someone a loved one passes so it's like
00:09:55| I guess that makes sense how about like um cuz it's weird you mentioned a thing you you didn't have anymore or something so like are you talking about when you you lost
00:10:06| something physical it's the realization well there's I guess there's a realization that like you can't understand all the stuff you have until you lose it so like all the stuff that
00:10:18| we take for granted it's no longer what it's no longer there you actually feel the absence of it like what like on potato peeler and you're like damn it and you're opening all your doors fine
00:10:29| let's go on it's wrong for me it was the end of college I was like leaving all my roommates like all those people that we hung out with then I hung out with it did you have them are we talking about a
00:10:40| different thing here have in your life I guess they're you know influence I mean like you can't possess them thank know what I get out of it yeah yeah but you understand that there's a what's the
00:10:59| damn word I don't know the nostalgia like the loss of the pain of memory that you know that you could be happier with those people hanging out but that moment is gone like that's fleeted and if you
00:11:13| grow up everyone's moved in different directions things have kept going you've already kind of crossed paths uh-huh the world yeah like it's all I have to keep yes is talk that says you have to keep
00:11:30| an eye out for all your musical references yeah right so there's a moment there where I'm the last one holding the keys and turning off the lights and then you get to say bye to a
00:11:38| house which means nothing they had all your friends in it which mean everything and in your parents so your house you grew up in yeah they did that's weird you don't have that anymore
00:11:48| you can't even go there you can't I mean you coolly I like about that actually can I just I just I used to sleep in this room and they're like can you get it out of the
00:11:58| room please call the cops I know every we will play hide and seek is over yeah I know somebody weighs into this house did you change the locks that window doesn't
00:12:13| close all the way I know it oh I know it steps creep out oh yeah I'm gonna pass this house no but you're exactly right is that the places that means so much the things the things stop meaning
00:12:26| whatever they meant so the like they really do mean not like looking at like I can think about I could look at my home my childhood home and go like I feel nothing the same thing with
00:12:37| employers like the past jobs I've had like I think about it mentally but emotionally nothing is there like I'm just like I was there it's something I did and it's done it's gone
00:12:48| no I feel not the opposite but when I go back to an old job or an old neighborhood or something I feel weird pang like I missed ouch yeah it's definitely nostalgia related but it's
00:13:03| like I used to run this joint I used to be able to walk down here and get my crappy coffee like I used to this used to be mine does that make sense like now I'm visiting like you don't have that
00:13:15| comfort of doing whatever you want or mocking it or putting it down like you're not allowed to because it's not yours anymore it's like I can't I can't walk in and give everyone the middle
00:13:23| finger at my old job I would do that and everyone would laugh I did that in my old job like while I was working there but it even six months went by and I went in and just gave everyone the
00:13:32| finger and I was like oh you want me to clock in with my finger I always use my middle finger right Reggie and he would laugh like now it's not the same I can't make that joke I can't I can't go there
00:13:42| and just make coffee for everyone I can't go there and I can't just wander the building it'll be weird I could physically do it but it's I don't it's not the same it's like I haven't earned
00:13:52| it I don't deserve it I'm not part of it kenapa you're out oh what's this person it's an eerie forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but it's
00:14:01| now abandoned and quiet so it's like an emotional cannot see is the emotional response that you get from those people is now not the same you couldn't like EVO me on st. videos ya
00:14:13| know and you don't you didn't earn it you're not part of it anymore it's like hey you're elsewhere dude you don't this isn't you anymore but but there's also this feeling that they never replaced
00:14:24| you so there was never a new you exactly it's just there's no more you it's gone you that worked at X place is now gone it's not like they have an exact replica that tells all your same jokes or
00:14:37| anything do you know what I mean yeah they're gone or coworkers leave I've had that happen multiple times where you create a core group of friends my one job I spent 10
00:14:49| years so I saw all the people that were like me and ambitious leave for more money and go elsewhere and thank you your your clique is no longer there your group is breaking apart and they just
00:15:01| you know they have their own lives they're doing their own thing it makes you feel not necessarily lonely but alone is that you're alone in this world yeah to choose and do your own thing
00:15:12| which is independence and it's great but eventually it makes you feel like you're isolated 100% like you ultimately you have these bonds with people and they're your best friends or you're awesome
00:15:28| they're your family they're whatever and family and like best friendship I think is deeper than just the average thing but it's still ultimately the end of the day you have to go and say hey I'm
00:15:38| getting a job overseas and you go get your job overseas and you kind of I mean it's whole different schedule different timeframe you could cut out your family your friends everyone you knew with your
00:15:50| whole life and their lives would go on and your life would go on and it's a weird thing to see that you you almost think that's not possible that something happens but no everyone would actually
00:16:02| carry on and be okay and that's a weird feeling it's baffling how many people there are that are living in their own lives and that you only like intercede their life for very short moments and
00:16:13| then everyone else is just they they could exist without you so it's like being alone in a crowd of people and that all those people are doing their own thing
00:16:22| and you're not necessarily needed well how about the German word or though whatever word for when you're at a stoplight and you see someone to the left and like you're ready to like try
00:16:36| and race them or something or like be like dammit they better not make a left dammit they made a left and then they eventually make a left turn like f to you pal and there's a realization that
00:16:44| that person has an entire life that person may have just broken up with his wife he may be struggling hurrying to reach his kids like they have they have their own life that's literally
00:16:54| could be 30 years of lore that has nothing to do with you and it's like it's just as important as your life and the only time you've interacted with them in their life and your life is this
00:17:03| moment where you're both at the red light and you call them a jackoff what you don't even know them and there's it's such a big thing two lives and you're measuring them all in like this
00:17:12| one second span and you're like hey jagoff come on pal make a lot it's a word that you realize everyone that you interact with on a day-to-day basis like in public like you mentioned in the
00:17:25| grocery store when you bump into someone on the opposite of solace ISM there's on tops ISM yeah I think no one exists outside your bubble but then it's a really obvious a who exists every single
00:17:36| friggin person has their own friggin long-ass story you so want to figure out that that word is don't you do it's one of the ones that I feel like the video had a flame on it no that was a
00:17:48| different one where your flame yo you're hardening or I derived a different one yeah it was a very sad one is this the dictionary of obscure sorrows yes thank you yeah we used to reference them all
00:18:00| the time I'm sure we actually reference this one at one point but it's it's a weird feeling and I don't know in one hand it makes you feel more alone but I guess ultimately we can do this at the
00:18:14| end of the episode it makes you feel more connected because everyone's doing this everyone's living this like you're experiencing this experience but it's not just you everyone is also feeling
00:18:25| this and everyone has their own story everyone has this long tail you don't know what part you play like you could bump into someone on the the bus and like not give
00:18:34| them the seat but like you have really bad gas that day like that's not gonna make their story tonight I mean where you're like oh if I stand up I'm gonna fart so bad and everyone this bus is
00:18:43| gonna smell it and you're like I gotta stay my friend and they're like huh okay and then keep going like that guy's a jerk meanwhile you're like hoof I didn't fart on the
00:18:53| bus and like it's weird that those two things yes I've seen the opposite is that like a bunch of people are on a train and one person thinks like I can't wait to be rid of these drones and he
00:19:04| looks around and he's just like uh like no one's doing they're all ants and he's just sitting there doing nothing and they're all having the same thought like look at all these every train waiting
00:19:16| for something we all are I guess I don't know let's talk about the physical nature of nothing okay sound the back is nothing can't have sound correct exactly cannot AB sound right yeah cuz we rely
00:19:36| on the air to vibrate and push her mouth noises into the microphone so nothing the literal nothing is it the vacuum of space is that considered nothing that's where I I started to think about like I
00:19:53| guess there's all representations of nothing space is the best one because it's lonely you're isolated you can't hear in space like the things you hear are all you so there's no communication
00:20:05| it's internal gravity like if you've seen that movie they like the sounds and the like the quiet very focused ad astra I don't know go ahead god I did not see that Astra
00:20:21| you had mentioned in your text it would be great if I did I did not yes it was so ad astra is based on the premise that you're searching for alien life that they're searching for alien life out in
00:20:32| the borders of our solar system so he's heading to Neptune it just so happens that he accidentally kills everyone oops oh wait there spoiler Oh yeah so he accidentally kills everybody
00:20:46| and he goes to see his father who is like the pioneer and he gets there and his father says something to the effect of I never had any feelings for you or your mother and I still don't I wonder
00:21:04| if I still don't is that if that's a rough I guess it is that's the definition of nothing right there there's no emotional response from that guy you're not connected to any human
00:21:14| being and there's no way that you could be like reconnected to anybody and your goal he fails at his goal so his dad fails at like discovering life so he has nothing digestif looking to you oh I
00:21:30| just don't think you can be a person and have nothing like that I think that's like a fake character thing you don't think that that person will like start creating like if you're out
00:21:38| spatialization dentally yeah dude you'll start imagining things people have to create something generally you can exist with nothing otherwise would be no brain waves or you know nothing you'd be no
00:21:48| moving no you'd just be processing information I guess but even then you probably you skew it in some way or make it a game or make it a so they're gone that's an interesting perspective that
00:22:00| happens in an Astra is that the son tries to save his dad because he's a human being but the dead out in space or less he's he says I could by failed and see yeah yeah the perspective is they
00:22:15| the son realizes that it doesn't matter to communicate to him he's gone he's lost he doesn't give a [ __ ] but from the sons perspective he did like oh he has worlds of knowledge because he recorded
00:22:28| everything about these planets about all these inanimate objects it's the most knowledge that we've ever gained in the universe and he's just looking for life but that's only part of what you're
00:22:40| looking for so he takes all the scientific know-how that signing life but he found so much more other [ __ ] that they we can use it's information it's knowledge it's breakthroughs in
00:22:50| science it's kind of cool there's also another tangent here is that Kerbal space program video guess you've played I've played I don't know yet the whole object is to fling
00:23:06| yourself out into space and then to find other solar systems have you ever noticed like if you're just it takes forever so there's a fast-forward button but if you're just free-floating in your
00:23:16| capsule that you've built yourself with like tiny little lights and a little bit of gas and a little bit of energy from the Sun stored in batteries and it's really silent you hear like almost like
00:23:28| static no but now I want to so nothing there is like a break and the static of like garbled voices I like speaking different language or like it's not alien it's like someone trying to talk
00:23:45| to you but it's like one of the weirdest feelings in the world to be like silent for like almost like five minutes and then you perk up immediately because you think someone's talking to you it's like
00:23:57| a transmission that you received and then you're just like you're awoken by it oh that would probably uh be a real doozy if that really happened to you if you yes you're floating in space yeah
00:24:12| I'll buy a thank you yeah for like days at a time and you heard a voice clear as day just say like Robert DeNiro okay and you're like and then we had nothing for like five more days maybe
00:24:26| like maybe I just heard noise and then like met the word Roberts a hero is the opposite of noise it's a it's a focused sentence it's an individual and then you're like but who would say it in
00:24:37| space maybe it's in my brain you're you would start you could freak someone out too with just a word Robert DeNiro yeah do you would you so it's a weird this is kind of strange is that I think you
00:24:50| would be able to feel the rocket that you're on like the craft that you're floating in in space like all the little noises you become so tuned to them that it becomes almost like you I've only
00:25:03| sent things and flexes of to hear something's that's here your entire existence that you're environmentally but you do grow custom that sort of thing so with the vacuum of
00:25:17| space I I thought this is weird there's no matter or in which the pressure so low that any particles in space do not affect any process is being carried on there so it's like what you
00:25:30| said with it won't transmit sound it won't transmit almost any other wave I guess I don't know that no processes said it again a vacuum of space in which there is no
00:25:44| matter or in which the pressure is so low that any particles in the space do not affect any processes being carried on there hmm so they can't transmit they can't be a medium because they're so far
00:25:57| apart from each other that's wild so is that even that's technically not nothing though right you know but like there's just a like magnetism in like gravity like gravity waves like they
00:26:08| still - yeah yeah and how do they turn as gravity travel if it's not from part of a particle it's on the fabric of space the only way we like Tesla this is through these like there's like these
00:26:22| like v-shaped like like channels like you're measuring the change of the flux of something from like really far away and they're what orthogonal is perpendicular so that you
00:26:37| can measure like the angle of gravity change in one and then not in other comports like a reversal yeah so you can like it's a very like miniscule flex and they have this thing in like Arizona
00:26:50| that has discovered that there are graduates like the change of gravity is discernable because of a supernova that happened like planets away right it affected our the gravity on a local
00:27:05| basis yeah it warped it yes so so what is gravely gravity traveling trinova traveling along just the fabric of space no one I don't think anyone knows so like there's like a substrate there that
00:27:19| allows the stuff to travel and but it's not particles obviously know how 97% of what we know there's nothing back to that then nothingness it's it's all around us Boop I mean you could be
00:27:34| surrounded by everything you could see nothing's feel nothing this is that nothing this a backdrop is it like a framework is it like a because that's a thing I don't know maybe maybe maybe
00:27:52| there's him we and we even picture and nothing so I did a little um every night I go through what's his name Jesus Christ philosophy hit it well you lots of her no I forgot that
00:28:04| philosophers named Greek no a new-age like a 5-10 years ago I think he died didn't say something no no talks about no no oh my god it's so annoying it's well my favorite so
00:28:21| you're having it all nothing was this dude a she's gonna bug me his name fill in space for one second my god no did you see Mike Tyson has his chatter up I have no idea who you're
00:28:38| going for I don't you didn't even give us a nugget you got it he made the game everything so here it's a theory of everything know the game everything they used all his quotes not even talking
00:28:51| everything there you go you know you know David Riley utility game into double fine Eastern philosophy where's this friggin name if you were loading a gun with this
00:29:12| knowledge that you're about to shoot out you would have been already been shot actually what's crazy is it's gonna just all so he really what's going on to a bang
00:29:21| your knowledge German we're a guy who said something one time I'm gonna fill this with nothingness Alan Watts Thank You Alan Watts how you knew that guy I know I'm worse on butts I'd literally do
00:29:45| no a parcel like no he died young yeah let's see when you had a binge of Alan Watts like two years ago where you're like oh I didn't burn in my cry sweat philosophy oh it's gonna go to my body
00:30:10| thinking it was like 10 20 years ago like my sense of time has changed as I got older he um he talks a lot about our connection to reality and what we perceive is what we are and what we do
00:30:27| and what happens to us and what happens to the world around us and we never we always stay connect disconnected like we always consider ourselves an individual everything I do is what I do everything
00:30:39| happens to the universe is unrelated but he he kind of he has this theory that like we're all connected to this and he also he talks for like a whole like half hour about what nothing could be and he
00:30:50| says you can't ever know what nothing it's because everything you experience everything you can think of is it thing he says nothing would sound like a fan getting really loud in the background of
00:31:01| a podcast yes nothing is a thing that like you can't even acknowledge because when we think of nothing we think of like a blackness or a darkness if you believe or nothing people would think
00:31:15| you were crazy because you couldn't prove it well think of it when we say the word nothing and picture nothing what do we think okay picture a blank space that's black and nothing moves in
00:31:26| it well that's a thing that's a black yeah empty campus we give it a color we literally give it a stillness we give it a state of nature like we give it all this stuff but nothing isn't anything
00:31:39| it's like you you can't picture nothing you can't fill it with something yes you always felt with something it's like don't picture an elephant it's like you're gonna picture an elephant you've
00:31:51| just so they don't it what whoo atheist think happens when you die turn to nothing disappear so what happens I don't even know does your your everything just cease to be does it go
00:32:06| somewhere is there like a trash heap where it goes is it like in pieces that don't make sense anymore is it an intellect that shatters your matter just get absorbed into primordial ooze I
00:32:19| guess answer is this this thinking I'm doing this this podcast this whole me versus the world so then you go back to the world I guess you go back to being just nature
00:32:32| sort of like from ways to us or maybe I don't know he talks a lot about it and it's it's one of my favorite pieces because it makes me think differently than I usually do I don't know that I
00:32:46| get anywhere from it but was there ever a time where you perceived that you were this is kind of the same so there's a moment when I was probably in college and you and I right now are so used to
00:33:02| being around other people like work home family there's people always in our lives and we're always doing something to further ourselves or other people so there's constantly something happening
00:33:14| or were sleeping um and there's there were moments there's just one particular moment in when I was in college when I had a little break and I went home and it was probably Christmas ish
00:33:29| and I went sledding with one of the neighbor kids he just stayed out for like maybe 30 minutes nieces like I'm tired I'm gonna go home and I just like kept sledding by myself there's a weird
00:33:43| like by myself mentality that happens and like I got to the bottom of the hill it was getting late at night and it was fresh snow so it was ultra quiet is one of
00:33:53| those like oh dude fresh snow so weird yeah weird silence so you just kind of look at everything and there's a natural there's I guess there's like in like a spirituality that happens that you're so
00:34:05| connected to like the universe and like what's going on and your movie area with less sound though is that it's kind of like the sensory deprivation tanks like you hear you just my mom has a coupon
00:34:18| for one it's just want to do it and she's like it expires in two months and she text me every three weeks because it's gonna expire and like literally a month or two
00:34:27| she's like you need to do it you need to do it and I'm like I would love it it's kind of like a cool thing I just don't like have like a an hour and a half period where I'm like yeah I'm gonna go
00:34:35| sit your salt bath and not here like but I think I would think it was cool we got something I would enjoy trying especially because it's a coupon for a free session language hell yeah this I'm
00:34:46| you know a completely free session I'm sure there's like oh the town cost money oh you want to get out that's a release it's $20 so where it's probably very cheap we've tried a string or under
00:35:00| balls and and everything else is free but if you want your balls free we're gonna have to pay the ball this string is like an inch long and you're like you have to stay right up against the wall
00:35:11| or I'm sure there's some dummy si yeah whatever but I've never been in one and I really want to I feel like you have to be almost on something and also free of it like it's supposed to relieve stress
00:35:26| like all the weight of stuff because you get to think about it I don't know that that helps me to relieve stress cuz I still it's gonna be there there's there's stories that people falling
00:35:36| asleep in it and everything I just want to try it to feel that like I want to try it I think it'll be cool but I also am really lazy and don't let it go to the mall or wherever the hell it is and
00:35:46| sign up and fill out the paperwork and wait 20 minutes and then pay whatever I don't know but I might do it you know though I think although I better do it do it before and after
00:36:01| well where were we on with that you were mentioning sense there's activity there if you if you strip all your stuff down like if you essentially live in the sink down then that voice so you literally
00:36:14| you break everything else down and there's still that voice in your head it's still her self yeah the voice the consciousness a weight part that kind of feeds into like people like the people
00:36:28| who epitome epitome epitomize epitomize yeah epitomize don't tell mice you mentioned earlier like homeless people because those people they they absolutely have no home they have
00:36:41| minimal possessions they don't have anything to really do they might be aspiring or something but a lot of them probably I'll have any hope and then they don't get any respect from anybody
00:36:52| so they're cast aside they're ignored they're pretty much ignored which I don't know I don't like I've never been homeless I don't know what that feels like but if you were at the bottom that
00:37:06| most wrong and you have nothing and you don't think you can rise above nothing where does that put you I mean it would be tough to get out of because it puts you also in a different mind frame
00:37:19| I mean you becomes very successfully yeah socially not stunt you that's a weird word but like socially not develop you in the way that we are socially or like a people the Nexon yeah understand
00:37:35| yeah you do you're outside the norm you don't like like you develop a certain set of skills when you live our lives intervene and they are not part of that so they will not have those and they
00:37:48| everyone won't think that's weird yeah whoa you don't have those it's also that we've built up a society that protects us from a lot of the like the basic feelings so there's a like a base
00:37:59| essential need for food and shelter and heat and water all those things I'm pretty sure almost people feel more strongly to do yeah yeah a right yeah hundred percent
00:38:12| the solution is probably multiples more than I feel when I drink a cup of water that's weird having to poo at a McDonald's and then behave as if I effort and then being
00:38:28| told you're a pariah for pilling or shaving at a McDonald's like it's like tan I can't win it's a wild thing um what was the other tab I had open so what I came to was eternal oblivion mmm
00:38:44| it's a philosophical religious concept of one's consciousness permanently ceasing upon death you know I mentioned what a theist things happen so nihilism a little bit full nihilus would probably
00:38:56| believe this the brain is the base of the brain is the basis of subjective experience agency self-awareness and awareness of the surrounding natural world when brain death occurs all brain
00:39:09| function permanently ceases many people believe the death is a permanent cessation of consciousness and also believe the consciousness is dependent upon the functioning of the brain so
00:39:21| they're saying the rim reticular activity system of the head with illness guess what inhabitant folks once it's done there's nothing I like that you touched on like our consciousness not
00:39:36| being definable as a we believe it has something to do with like our several signals in the brain sure it's like where does that actually reside like if you're running a spiritual does that
00:39:48| like it could continue on because I agree like what if it physically was a part of our locale like the grounds I walk on every day isn't that weird to think that that somehow it decides for
00:40:04| something transfer into it a tree another living thing or a person I don't know trans I don't know like but I mean think about the trees around me that I see every day do affect my brain
00:40:15| activity somehow not not necessarily like make me think I want waffles or make me think I should buy Cheerios today maybe maybe but they are there every day there's
00:40:26| something I see it's another living thing like this is John Travolta and phenomenon where he's like he's so connected that he's like feeling the tree sway or like an earthquake about to
00:40:37| happen he's part of the world he's he's just sensing it because he's so attuned to it it's wild I guess we maybe we are and we block it out because it's so slow it's
00:40:49| so boring I think he imagined living like a tree I think we've mentioned this in a previous episode you're forcing for hundreds of years yeah yeah well like
00:41:00| every season is like a minute where you get to decide what to do I'm taking off all my clothes poof um bundle it up move I'm wearing something fancy wolf but like that's over season yeah yeah like
00:41:14| it's wild that we don't think in those timeframes that's like one of those like what General Sherman the Giant Sequoias I believe I always wanted to go to one of those national parks where it's
00:41:27| literally like 30 stories tall as a human being being like there's a fourteen-year-old on deep this like the giant tree will make you feel like nothing like your existence means
00:41:41| nothing to that tree because he's so massive or she or is whatever you want to call it it's so massive that like you couldn't even compare there's no like the weight of the tree would crush you
00:41:52| and kill you instantly it forgot the weight of the tree because it doesn't it's the age it's the the numbers it's uh I love that I wonder how old are those like General Sherman I think it's
00:42:09| like uh it's gotta be hundreds right if you google the oldest tree I want to say it's like a bob is that the one that's a baby top of the Jesus it's ugly a child like 2000 years old is about Joe yeah it
00:42:25| is it yeah some of them are a rumor to be like over 3,000 years old so like almost like the open before if you want to say Christ is a real thing before Christ sorry
00:42:36| now the anti-religion is just right I don't know holdest oldest tree yeah this is interesting because I thought you're going with those trees the Christ read like three thousand years there is that
00:42:48| like the there's a symbolic yeah I know I don't there's why it doesn't look like it's alive but it's like still yeah hey it's a dead trees like I did agree but still I know she talked about I don't
00:42:59| know the name of that one though do you know they won't reveal the location and name of that tree and everything because they're afraid people will just destroy it just because like someone will do it
00:43:10| to get famous it's about destruction like the forced nothingness that people do like though I see this in my children all the time well they'll build something and then
00:43:20| violently destroy it oh they love it they leave that's destructions a whole episode accurately because destruction isn't nothing it's I'm in a way I guess it's direction towards nothing it's a
00:43:33| breakdown of building breaking what someone built the tree a gentle touch on them I think that's the one yeah yeah yeah and maybe it's a depiction a glorious dead look it's dead the whole
00:43:46| time I think it's a family sure you rather all these depictions look like tits yeah stained glass and very symbolic sure yeah whatever
00:44:00| but I know I don't think it's the same tree okay destruction um they were saying that how how much I think there's a vsauce episode on how much could you destroy something evidence or something
00:44:15| evidence or a fact it's just the you can't recover it this is so like the data data storage one so is it something counts so far that it can theoretically be pieced it back together you could
00:44:33| hack it to physically two pieces so you can boil it in acid you can do all this stuff to it you can shred it to like within one 1000 but couldn't someone find those pieces over thousands of
00:44:44| years piece them back together and then just retrace it whatever onto a fresh drive or a fresh whatever you're talking about sink it final it's pieces when a hard drive has erased it has a
00:44:55| mapping of where your data is and all that is happening is that the mapping of where the data is is being destroyed but is still the data is still there you just need to find the location of it so
00:45:08| there are programs that will delete your data and then erase it so they rewrite over the same data over and over again but the cells that hold that data they still have a memory of that data of what
00:45:22| they did exactly everything has a member of what it did so no matter how many times you erase it we just go to the first memory that you had where you erase the data and technically we don't
00:45:33| have the technology to do this but someone could theoretically invent that technology correct yeah and extract data from whatever you had if they know where to look and then you have to know a lot
00:45:44| and do a lot have technological craziness but it's theoretically very possible do you know the only thing in the universe that can actually destroy data entirely I believe is a black hole
00:45:55| ton or black hole well the black hole it was a theory on it what Hawking radiation is that the black is the only thing they emit that's based in any reality is the Hawking radiation because
00:46:09| there's no way that it is because we if we've existed for an infinite timeframe and we're at that end of the infinite timeframe now there would be nothing but black holes right we would all be bloody
00:46:22| think we might they think we might end up there so it's a theory one there's like that there's so many theories about like spring Theory like you're expanding in the universe and then you're dying in
00:46:35| the mirror like the heat death is that you're now decelerating or you're stuck or you're being pulled back into a black hole or like every crunch the big big freeze whatever the hell you want to
00:46:48| call it I don't understand how there can be matter and nothing and it just ends like there's no way that matter exists and it's not cyclic actually the one actually abide by maybe is the big
00:47:04| freeze they think everything's gonna expand too fast and that things are so far apart that even the vacuum of space is like point zero zero zero two Kelvin or something like that like it's never
00:47:16| zero because there's motion there's energy there's things moving vibrations they theorize that eventually all matter even atoms and the at the lowest phase like electrons yes because they all have
00:47:30| run through all their processes everything happening and I mean to move for motion for energy there has to be something pushing it right eventually over a long enough time frame I'm
00:47:43| talking like ten to the billion billion billion trillion trillion trillionth years that everything is hardened second billion billion billion trillion and Troy don't forget the twenty nine times
00:47:53| but it will go so far that it will just stop and everything will be at zero and everything is like a soup that's all the same temperature the same ingredients and just stop moving a full equilibrium
00:48:09| zero temperature same amount of matter in every direction so my counter to that is if there was a big punch big bang my show how did all the matter in the in the universe ever go to that one point
00:48:22| well who the [ __ ] knows that's the craziest question in the world that's literally the answering like I want to know okay so you have a big freeze right everything is literally slowly together
00:48:35| badly into itself maybe all it takes this one thing to move in a perfectly set theorem everything's perfectly spaced apart all the same matter everywhere if one thing shifted or was
00:48:49| different in one spot wouldn't it change everything where everything started moving gathering together I don't know theoretically I still think there's the nothingness that we don't know it has
00:49:03| something n s pulls us back to whatever the start was and that starts not not really it's a year ago yeah but we haven't we there's no way we would know because we're not on that scale
00:49:13| where are you on the what's on the outskirts of the observable universe thirteen point nine billion light-years now do you think there's more space and it's not a big deal or do you think
00:49:22| there's nothing so I'm trying to think about like what can you if you close your eyes and think about what's in your room you probably start thinking one at a time about different things in your
00:49:38| room like I have all these books behind me there's probably I was going to oh look yeah okay there's no way that I can recreate every single book I could probably name like three books so it's
00:49:51| like my mind is constantly making this like fake reality for me to make me feel comfortable like oh there are books there and I know which ones they are no II don't really know hundred-percent
00:50:02| no no you're not yeah well if you want to get [ __ ] up do you want to talk about you don't know where the arrangement of electrons atoms if you don't know [ __ ] about the electronic
00:50:11| like the real fine stuff you can't see arrangement but good it's like the screen that I'm looking at right now to talk to you is the electrons that I'm seeing that are being like transmitted
00:50:23| to the LEDs to show light those electrons are gone like every moment there's electrons that I will never see again they'll be gone forever oh you didn't memorize any of them did you
00:50:34| oh [ __ ] oh yeah then you only get like notional ideas of what's actually around you and for some reason with arm full of that because we've lived that way probably cuz of the
00:50:49| passage of time I guess the way it goes it's always moving it or it's always at the same rate I don't know so what are you getting at so where do you know about nothing where do those
00:51:01| electrons go I'm curious what other people understand about electricity well they can just get reignited I don't know I don't think they die or disappear I think they become so a photon is every
00:51:16| Toma one electron so it looks like their Energy's give an office of photon but the electron is like at a certain level and bring it gets brought down excitable
00:51:25| and unexcited and then it's pretty much grounded so it will be energized to your house and then de-energized and just dispersed and all these electrons are
00:51:37| just everywhere do they get dispersed or can it be reignited at some point when it just gets to a higher level I guess it's like water almost it's like it travels through it
00:51:47| sometimes it's excited sometimes not sometimes it's this it rains down it loses its like altitude and then it's absorbed back inside again until you pull it apart and say you're energized
00:51:57| again you're free so literally this whole episode we've been talking about nothing and we haven't we can't even find nothing we can't even describe nothing we're not even at nothing I'll
00:52:13| tell you what folks my credit score nothing right now actually I was very excited school I have a food credit I'm getting like some eight I was eight but uh recently it's dropped to seven ninety
00:52:28| and folks it's looking to drop the 780 maybe 760 I might be looking for I might be homeless real soon hmm so tell us about nothing I don't know I guess the curious thing is I think about my kids a
00:52:51| lot so if they were mining about your kids a lot though yeah if they were born into nothing like if you had no family structure if you had no parents you had no relatives there's a dorm in a wild
00:53:07| you were born a orphanage or whatever I don't I have no idea what that would feel like what that would be like what your emotional state would be if you would learn hardly anything so well I
00:53:22| guess what I'm getting at is that now that I was born with a silver spoon but I was born with like a structure and environment and given things learning there are people out there that are not
00:53:33| given anything they're given nothing and I guess the odds are stacked against them and I have no idea what that's like is that you are not given the opportunity to learn or grow or be
00:53:47| something so there's like the make something of yourself kind of argument that way I'm really touched on I don't know that it's I I just don't know that it's I think it possible I feel like
00:54:02| yeah odds and like the American like the American ideal the American Dream of like coming from nothing and becoming like a billionaire a millionaire or like wildly successful it's like those are
00:54:16| ideals that we like forced upon ourselves but I don't know that is really true like it might be in certain cases but like coming like if you literally came from nothing and had no
00:54:29| education and had no really or never you wouldn't get there a hundred percent agree with you and that it's probably some kind of weird illusion and that the people who we perceive have come from
00:54:41| nothing which by the way I couldn't name one could you didn't Trump say that like he 14th birthday that's not a very people mapping story for the people that say they come from nothing but they have
00:54:56| social capital you have the different different years of well there's ways wealth and success usually come by wealth and success or via a pathway now you can jump steps I feel like if you're
00:55:13| really good at something or if you get lucky but it don't feel like it just comes from nothing obviously and maybe that's a common sense statement but so there's another element it's like being
00:55:28| a creator which I think I'm a creator like I'm very much too geared towards building stuff and making staking making something yeah yeah have it work on its own and keep growing and adding layers
00:55:42| and manipulating it to be better where does that come from I have no idea I don't I don't know why I do that I do it with everything gets from somewhere isn't it I assume it my
00:55:56| parents will give it to me or like I played enough games to realize that like living at a certain like mode helps you so like creating stuff to help you is useful so so again you're coming at like
00:56:09| your influences made you do this but isn't there something else I I might say it's deep down like when people pick out a college major the reason I picked my like engineering major was because I
00:56:21| wanted to build and create things and that's always been the case so there's a deep down feeling of needing to do that that I don't like other people who don't have that desire to build and create and
00:56:35| manipulate I don't understand like I don't understand what they believe and maybe they don't really believe in anything I think believe in nothing haha I don't I don't they don't not believe
00:56:47| in anything they don't adhere to any policy or think about it I don't know there are people out there that I wonder what they're really thinking like what they're doing I feel like they're not
00:57:01| holding some about it is that a thing like people who wants to feel my podcast like this I guess so they're nothing this the thought of whatever we're talking about in this
00:57:13| podcast kind of yeah I guess it's like lack of the lack of stuff and to understand the lack of stuff you have to understand the stuff the stuff yeah or understand that you don't understand the
00:57:28| stuff but that makes sense yes hmm I'll end it on like so the dictionary of obscure sorrows they have a term called ellipse ISM mm-hmm which is the sadness one experiences when realizing that one
00:57:45| won't live to see the future so like they you won't be alive and that your future experiences won't be overturned by a giant fan that sits above this room it makes a lot of noise to writable
00:57:57| yeah future and makes a lot of right but that's the that's nothingness like you realize that you'll be missing out on experiences and the future because you will be nothing you won't be able to
00:58:11| perceive it that you had before you Nick no you have to be I mean that's the definition of the future I mean otherwise it would become a resident selves and like fly and well my thought
00:58:26| you were shelling the cultural things and what happens well who wins those well dwarf for three which one now I was thinking like what happens to like the human race in like five thousand years
00:58:36| like are we even working did we succumb yeah I'm just wondering when you go before you're like Moyles I'm lava I don't know that's weird and even then we're just talking about
00:58:48| human beings like can you imagine like going for five hundred thousand years and humans have been gone for like over four hundred thousand what say how funny would that be and there's like other
00:58:58| life forms that are like more primitive or whatever and you're like huh I didn't picture that it's like it's like yeah because you're very self-centered you're very thinking about humans and what they
00:59:09| did and then this and that but you didn't think of just the universe existing by itself I don't know there's a weird fragility of life that I think there's a so my idea of life like
00:59:22| tonight I mean like it needs to think like me it needs to want to have sex it ain't still like it needs to have some drinkies with its friends it needs to be like yeah we play hockey I know it's
00:59:32| Sally cuz I'm gonna me not like life wouldn't feel like life without that to me put the printer simply the progression of technology also makes it so like things any faster or smaller
00:59:43| better more fragile was like this technology grows I'm at a repeater yeah mine mine is strong and furious and very slow and big well oh my god so the progression of technology makes it so
01:00:01| that it's even more fragile so like at a point we become so I guess precarious is that all of our knowledge that's being built up over like all of these people over all the
01:00:12| years it can be lost in like one little like electrical spark yeah Universal watching a sports integrated battle or not written on paper it it's written down in codes and
01:00:22| whatever and like it's not a the best you could recover it but it's interesting it is getting more fragile so it can be transported quicker everything etc etc I guess the fear of
01:00:33| becoming nothing is like the they're creating those like seed banks like there's like a new Scandinavian or new yeah and we we discussed this at one point where it's every seed of every
01:00:43| plant in the world like underground like hidden well there's a tablet I think in like Georgia that has it like itched like how to recreate like the basic of civilization how to tell time and how to
01:00:55| like grow crops and stuff it's etched on a stone well I need it knows folks or a plaque like we sent a gold edged back into the universe that tells like other people like where we are what we came
01:01:10| from I like how it shows man with like his arms like this and then like this so we know which way is arms flex and then his old ding-dong and say what we look like it's a pretty decent ding-dong
01:01:21| right I'm trying to remember it well let's take a look at his ding-dong because I haven't seen this picture in like I don't know probably five years ten years it's etched on old gold plaque
01:01:31| it's been sent out into space and some of the satellites it's like a picture of man a picture of woman a picture of like some math equations what else on record that what's called I actually don't see
01:01:42| a man with a giant penis oh maybe not maybe I'm just picturing a big wiener who's even has something I think doesn't that that you've been pink mother at all it just tells us our mapping and it
01:01:54| shows like I guess our like radio signals are like that we are where it has matter I want to make it so that like this is not naturally it's like there's no way that this golden disc
01:02:05| could be like created by nature I like how you just applied like a giant penis and like it should have been like you just see like a like an like an alien's open up the leg and it's just a dick and
01:02:16| they're just like whoa let's please guys are hot women like them way more than the aliens have like tiny penises and they look down there like and then we venture eyes are
01:02:29| like we're not gonna these guys are dead yeah and all day on the back of the disk is this is lol suck this that's an AOL suck this free AOL for six months and just like they sent us a well
01:02:45| three disks for years there's one of the most interesting things though it's not like it's like come find us we existed in this universe in this galaxy at this point I wonder like how we would feel
01:02:58| like if you found a disk like that from an alien what he'd be like this is worth money let's boil it down to like a solid ingot of gold I'll bet he was good some go up in here hmm maybe maybe maybe
01:03:16| nothing sums it up well did you ever want to have nice would it be rid of em yeah but I think eventually it kind of would be losses it restart no no forget restart forget you see you're applying
01:03:32| human existence in life to it I think at some point it probably is nice to have not as a child like with no goals like the goal is to have fun and like no stress no responsibilities I think
01:03:48| that's well known I think Oh with no connections and life dude to go through life as a lone wolf never know further I'm talking like to be on wild hunger no
01:04:02| to be dead and feel nothing 100% do you think people exist that have no feeling and no desires and do you think those people exist that they're robots you're just saying that everyone's a
01:04:15| robot but I don't think air a great feeling that's good you like it actually I wouldn't you wouldn't be able to dislike it would you I think about it again if you like it
01:04:30| literally is not like August as terrible as is boring no you you cease to exist if you were the dumbest thing autonomous human being on the planet you'd be still happy because you wouldn't be aware of
01:04:41| what you were missing I think the smartest person would be happy you don't know that you're visiting it I'm telling you you'd stop to exist if how would you know if you were aware of all the things
01:04:51| that were possible I feel like you would miss out on doing the things you can't do all at the same time you're done dude you're out you're you're sore cerebellums all done it's all screwed up
01:05:03| we [ __ ] it up in a car crash you're done it's like boom this is a Metallica song to me button yeah nothing else matters which one like this one right Oh doom doom doom good yes no perception
01:05:22| and no way to communicate he's in his own brain and he just wants it to end because he has nothing cuz he can't have anything I don't think it would be such a bad thing dude I think something would
01:05:34| happen to you where you just go back into being atoms and stuff and electrons and you start existing and like a super natural level like it's not as complicated as being a person where you
01:05:45| have feelings and emotions and all this cool stuff that I love but when you're he doesn't want to kill himself people but when you're an electron guess what dude you got two options excited state
01:05:58| if not excited state boom effect used by other things you don't have any choices I don't think it would bother you I think you're like yeah I'm defiant no I don't think electron cares about
01:06:09| defiance or anything like that and there's something beautiful about that too I mean it's what's every electron ten trillion for ten trillion on reacting the same way to the same
01:06:21| stimuli imagine if a nuclei or an electron was decided to be down yeah that always weirds me up though always be the same I don't know that we've proven that yet but maybe I think so
01:06:37| I don't know that's the way we simplified it well you have to nothing looks I think that covers everything about nothing it does covers nothing and everything I try you
01:06:54| talking about it we talked about that for an hour and you know lion or a wolf it's a wolf then nothing I try you thank you for joining us on nothing and thanks folks
01:07:12| can't believe you're still here we do feel something for you we kid we feel something so hard for you folks yeah are you we like you a lot yeah thanks for tuning in check out our
01:07:27| socials check out those check out our that come to our live show you don't have to do it hang bang bang bang we don't pander you can do another video that's finally
01:07:37| goodnight goodnight

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