The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP134 Empire Building

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Transcript UnP134 Empire Building

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 134 - Empire Building
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00:00:05| have you ever done something so long it's systemic it's in the background it's white noise it's not even work anymore you've just trained yourself to do it
00:00:14| unconsciously let's talk about it young panders so I'm Dan and I'm Nick Bo's we're old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion
00:00:36| here is a deep dive into our unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't standar the popular opinion we might even get a little bit dirty
00:00:48| morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time okay so here we are once again I'm Dan I'm Nick folks and
00:01:27| were they on panderers together just this unlikely duo unlikely indeed I'm like I come from the same place being born around the same time sitting next to each other in classes several classes
00:01:50| back to back to back for several here so spontaneous like yeah it's so strange huh so let's talk about me pop it off mmm so I've been doing this thing for like years
00:02:09| so I sacred if I can't talk about now uh-uh trading trading bot which trading but you can trade like eBay I kind of probably would do that if I was five years older five years ago I might have
00:02:26| done an eBay trading but hey take from China so in the US money make sense yeah so what is this but different crypto your stock calling high-frequency trading but a little slower meeting see
00:02:40| trading frequency I think that's cool that's pretty interesting actually nice I wish I hope so mid frequency trading you're working on a bot that buys and sells stock sounds pretty risky
00:02:54| yep yeah I don't think so this is money you can chant who cares about money you like if you bought and held like you're pretty much flat like you might gain a bit you might
00:03:09| lose a bit but relative to how much you could possibly make it's almost like it's ignitable yeah interesting like my losses would come from the fees incurred while trading which I've been reduced
00:03:25| significantly through crypto as well as the stock brokers exchanges that don't charge you a fee so but I mean like a long time ago I made this thing and I've been doing it
00:03:39| for years like when I was 22 ish I like have spreadsheets that would like stick like check all the stock prices and I didn't have the skills or the know-how to make a program that would do it for
00:03:52| me it would take the technology as well yeah technology wasn't there like the computer that I I have built for this thing it didn't exist I don't think maybe until maybe four years ago that
00:04:04| you could build something like that do you want to talk about this build it'll hmm no well I guess I could why not it's like that's proprietary and actually it interests me as I built my own PC yeah
00:04:17| so I noticed you were buying parts I was like holy [ __ ] you want a what mm-hmm so you pull it what would you say you focus a little bit RAM here I am every a stock machine because it
00:04:30| was such a good price like Alienware I do not I do not endorse it I can do not you know it's not it's not great it comes with a whole bunch on idf's and it's really really shitty but when I
00:04:45| bought it the sum of the components was more than the computer actually was because I stacked on like five different rebates and then discounts on top of discounts so it was like it had an
00:04:55| overeating problem at one point but that's fine we're gonna skip right yeah yeah well I hadn't tweaked it like I always would I knew I could make it work hmm so yeah so I stuffed that thing full
00:05:05| Ram I added 64 gigs in there just a it's crazy I always wanted a reason so this is also part of its that I've always wanted to do things that are automated to take
00:05:16| care of the [ __ ] and minutiae that I didn't want to do and also I always wanted to be like towards technology in a way that like made sense of like buying and spending money on technology
00:05:27| so because I'm finally being able to like use like my program uses like 60 gigs of RAM when it runs good lord don't forget this is like one gig of ram let alone uses all that yeah so I don't
00:05:42| like that didn't exist I've kind of making me kind of curious now and then also like I'm starting to look into different things that just don't like you don't normally look at like
00:05:51| yesterday I was talking about getting a second internet connection as like a fail-safe thing and they make routers they're like failsafe so that either internet connection can work well how
00:06:03| does it guarantee that one's going to work out of curiosity because there's depend on the feed from outside if there are two different types of like wires coming in your house and one of them
00:06:15| fails it will have a backup but if both of the day I don't can't do anything yeah it will pick you okay okay okay the more act it's better connection yeah it'll load balance - I think it'll like
00:06:25| split between them which is kind of nuts to think about so so what what are you building some supercomputer that trades stock for you that were you're telling us yes simply
00:06:43| yeah yeah no it's a program that like constantly watches the prices and then does some sort of crazy math and analytics to figure out what it thinks is the best trade to make interesting
00:06:56| and it records how often does the buyer trade every five seconds every hour every day what are you talking it varies uh it's like usually it's monitoring like 14 different things 14 different
00:07:09| individual crypto currencies so it trades them like once or twice a day sometimes it folds onto them for like under 30 minutes sometimes it's like eight hours depends on what it was
00:07:20| looking at okay that make sense yeah like you said it's not high frequency it's mid frequency I like that and solute rating I guess stocks you could say day trading but
00:07:31| there's like a weird rhythm to stocks it like it opens in the morning there's a lot of activity and then run today pending one right by closing pull their money back and protect it and there's
00:07:40| rhythms to it but crypto happens all the time everywhere and it's really the prices are induced by like global things else what else all those people they're like stashing billions and billions of
00:07:51| dollars in crypto did you have to find out these patterns these are rhythms did you so there's I said this kind of started like back when I was 22 when I didn't have this like the skillset but I
00:08:04| had like the interest in it not necessarily the drive to do it but like I kind of like threw together spreadsheet really Oh interesting yeah like there's pieces there but there's no
00:08:14| way to do like mental calculations on this stuff like you yeah you kind of like eyeball it and then like the so the first iteration was a spreadsheet the second one was just like taking stocks
00:08:26| and then the third one was like taking all that data and just like crunching it and then doing statistics and then the version after that was like taking it and then like trying to like threshold
00:08:37| them and like figure out like if it's like above this or below that that doesn't work either hmm so it becomes very tricky it's just it's impossible to give hard
00:08:50| numbers on that sort of thing so I try to put trying to put facts and numbers and data on yeah the eyeball test well hard yeah you're trying to anytime you put hard numbers on this [ __ ] it
00:09:02| doesn't like someone's gonna game you in the end sure cuz then your numbers are out there and your numbers are an algorithm if someone knows the other than they can cheat you're out or them
00:09:11| exactly exactly so what I did next was I took like all of the known trading algorithms there's like 50 of them and I traded all of them because I thought there has to be one that works well so
00:09:27| better than the other two at least yeah yeah so I went through that list and like 40 of them were garbage like absolutely garbage at figuring shark just like [ __ ] whatever
00:09:39| there's so much garbage I bet what I think happened is somebody in the past coined an indicator and said that's what they were using but they really weren't using it I bet they put it out there so
00:09:48| other people would use it and then they could game those people could they I think that's what happened so that also failed because it was using like hard numbers so the next one I made was like
00:10:00| ultra dynamic in so many ways it like varies based on like from minute to minute it's different so it varies hence like 60 gigs of RAM mmhmm yeah holds on to all the possibilities so all the
00:10:16| possibilities from like months back interesting yeah so what's the whole goal here is this for you personally for people in general you want to sell something to an end-user bigwig it's for
00:10:30| me personally to make money off my own money and then there's going to be a website there's a website that will help other people trade - with a subscription fee oh yeah you get a few free like you
00:10:44| can look at them up to a certain number and then it gets cut off how do you know someone's not gaming your game and trying to decode your algorithm etc etc tected it's not there I'm gonna figure
00:10:56| it out how can they not not figure it out I mean what if they have super servers and supercooled etc and then put to work trying to figure out your secrets by the
00:11:09| time I have enough attention that someone else is trying to crack my code I will have me will be alright that I'll be fine yeah and it'll be like a I think it'll
00:11:17| point I'll just be like hot like the interesting you got it yeah thanks I think I'll be good it's weird so the only thing that tells me though is that this doesn't seem like
00:11:30| a full-time thing like a lifetime thing like here I could spend your life doing this or would you create a new one after that one got cracked let's say I have no idea
00:11:39| oh my goal I think in the beginning I was like I'll figure this out I'll get enough money and I'll retire like I'll be free and I'll do whatever I want I think I kind of want an empire it's the
00:11:50| sound okay commish well you you listen to this podcast where it's like what creates a genius or what creates a super person or Jeff beings us what he does it is day to
00:12:00| day jackoff the biggest [ __ ] in the room um you do tend to you do tend to enjoy the biggest [ __ ] in the room dungeon yeah that's my own uh-huh and you want to
00:12:12| know how it works and how it got there etc etc I'm right yeah so is this kind of like you're not fixation watches your fixation you love that big [ __ ] you love that big money [ __ ] but you you do it
00:12:26| interests you outside of just the money it's just it's an interesting thing to you a facet yeah there's something with the like the automation of things that like building something creating
00:12:39| something and laying it out in a plan that gets executed without me having to interfere or change things there's something about that that is just sex wired yeah it's like sexy it's like when
00:12:52| you set up Domino's and you watch all the Domino's oh Jesus Christ they're all full and right Goldberg machines just like it's awesome it's interesting like I have no desire for that in my
00:13:09| life I think we share a lot of things in common but I really don't I'm not like I wish I could do it and I'm like I don't even wish I could do that you don't wish you guys something create something and
00:13:20| then put it out there and then people like it and use it no I would love that like if music or something like that but like not like an automated program I don't know and I want to explore the
00:13:30| difference between those things so you want something that will like why is it based in money its money the thing is like the fastest moving thing in the world I think about it may I sure it's
00:13:44| the most desired thing in the world because it buys other things yeah it's a little the the portal to buy things right yeah it's I could provide you the most
00:13:52| stable to look at the most Israel look at it's probably the tallest mountain because the most people are trying to get it correct yeah yeah you want to conquer the biggest mountain you want to
00:14:03| see like hey everyone's [ __ ] trying to win this what if I did like me myself I figured it out I crack the code is that kind of behind that I had no idea I think so too
00:14:13| so this is also like conquering myself and in college I took a route that would would have told like taught me programming and all this stuff but like the social aspect of it just made it so
00:14:25| it was like this doesn't feel right so I switched majors and then I kind of like ran into these people that were like the epitome of I guess software engineering the super not the super nerds cuz I like
00:14:40| some nerds I actually like but the people that put you down we use programming to like make like belittle you and that always got to me I never like I dropped it
00:14:51| from age like 19 until like 25ish when I started to pick it up again and then I like learned on my own and did it my way and I was like this makes more sense than other garbage that I've seen it's
00:15:03| weird I do podcasts with you I know you very personally I don't know what languages you know or don't know or how far into them you know like do you know a little bit of Python do you know a
00:15:12| little bit of all these things like do you know vaguely like you could recognize them or how's that work recognized I know I know Java the most I know so
00:15:21| grass Blas and C sharp and some other ones you know I could do code with them at all or no I code with Java and C++ every day oh okay so you're pretty familiar with them yeah it's not that
00:15:33| it's Simon by choice really I don't know if I would have if I like if this profession my profession didn't pay as much money as it does like I don't know that I would get into it the way I like
00:15:46| I wouldn't do it for a job I put that way there but your job happened to need them to be employed so occasionally you run into them in in big runs make sense you know and it's not that world to be
00:15:59| in because you get your own little bubble and you can like hide in it yeah like if no one it's a language it's literally a language it's something that's pretty specific either you know
00:16:10| the language or you don't you can't [ __ ] your way into a language haha I think I friggin know just a little : : weird parenthesis symbol uh bracket but like you can't [ __ ] it like it is
00:16:29| what you know or what you don't know yeah my um my current place of employment gives you a test and honestly to get employed there I took that test and I like failed the beginning part
00:16:42| hard and then the second question was just like something I do every day so like it was it it was like haha a nice solid hundred percent on fifty percent of it and I was like yeah I kind of
00:16:52| bunted it out of the park got a twenty percent of the other part and that's seventy you're hitting 7700 M the interesting part is that my job I guess my previous job was [ __ ] because I
00:17:07| programmed all the time and they didn't want anything more out of me this job they want everything out of me so now I'm like interviewing people I get to see the tests that other people do and
00:17:17| then I realize that like like some of these people are awful like they have an hour this is not [ __ ] on them they have an hour to do something and it's like just google it like I don't know
00:17:31| why these people don't search for an answer and like type in stuff because they don't they like type like what's equivalent of like two sentences in an hour and then quit and then get
00:17:42| zero and it's like you said you were like you could speak this language but obviously not and you don't even have the energy to go forth and like try to cheat a little bit it's not even
00:17:53| cheating I will say that the people who you're talking about probably feel like they are cheating and they don't want to do it that way but in your mind in your world and your way of looking at life
00:18:03| it's kind of like you're you should cheat because the result is the end goal however you get there whether it's people have designed a to B to C to D to F to G to get all the way to here if you
00:18:20| can find a shorter route like a to D what's it again like so even to like cheating it's no it's it's literally finding a short-term route or route depending on which company you deliver
00:18:31| toilet paper for yeah but the thing is and goal is the only important thing here so if company a wants you to do something B you find the quickest way to do it even if it might be cheating
00:18:44| biding whatever and I think that's it's interesting because some people will say they don't do that and it's like a highbrow thing like oh I would never take that route because it it skips a
00:18:55| step or two and it's like you're like no I just want to get to the end goal we're doing a quicker we're just trying to get there I'm doing it boom boom boom boom is that kind of how you look at that and
00:19:05| a lot of people waste a lot of time a lot of steps is that what you're saying a little bit so this also goes with like what I like my job 10 years ago like the job was not that hard so I did it and I
00:19:18| was just like there needs to be more and I started writing things to automate my own job so that was like right on my paper work for me and like order things for me and at a certain point like it
00:19:30| was all automated and like I looked around and all these other people like either they took up the whole time to do what I was doing in half the time not even with the bots or you know they're
00:19:42| walking around talking to people chat them up and just networking and stuff which is okay sure yeah but those people didn't have any playing like didn't have the skill
00:19:53| it's like didn't have to drive to try to do something else or try to do it in a way that like made it advantageous for them and the rewards like you start to reap them far far down the line so you
00:20:04| can't even like do this with the intention of getting rewards like you have to do it just kind of like because you like it and you can see a future in it maybe and then if it works out it
00:20:17| works out if it doesn't it doesn't I don't think I'd be where I am now without someone playing clash of clans and showing it to me and saying make like like I think you can write
00:20:30| something to make this game play itself and then do you want to talk about your classic land spot which was revolutionary by the way I was in the client thank you yes thank you
00:20:39| big Dukey real connection there that was hilarious those good clan yeah yeah it was insane is one of those things that there's a scheme is exactly like reality and jobs and all that [ __ ] cuz
00:20:57| there's a scheme that someone puts out there in a game that requires you to put in X amount of time to get you know a little bit further so I was like screw that I'm just gonna have it like collect
00:21:08| my money for me and then I said screw that I'm gonna have it attack and take money go miles mm-hmm and then I decided like I can help other people because I'm all I'm flushed with cash now so I
00:21:20| started making it so that other people can request troops and donate troops and it was kind of insane because that level of difficulty in programming like people don't normally like even now I look at
00:21:36| people like my own age and I go this sounds elitist but I go like you're not even like you're older than me and you don't get like these principles like the way things communicate how to make them
00:21:49| communicate better how to use things so their inherent like all that stuff is just kind of like very difficult to learn I guess unless you force yourself to do it all by
00:21:58| yourself and you realize that like in a company you're doing a very small little portion and you don't understand the effects of what you're doing outside of your little your little bubble not to
00:22:12| not to put layman's terms in here but you're talking about cheating cheating it's so weird to say that and I'm not even saying in a bad term cheating for a conference yeah yeah of cheating in
00:22:22| general you're talking about cheating you're talking about finding the shortcut your fine cutting out the middleman cutting the [ __ ] mm-hmm right would you say that and just
00:22:32| finding a way to make this automated finding a way to make this happen automatically just quicker make it happen faster everyone knows the steps here we're cutting out the middleman
00:22:43| we're trying to move quicker we're trying to move to the next step you're trying to advance it to the next area and it's funny that some people will call it cheating some people will say oh
00:22:52| that's not really the spirit of the game what's the spirit of the game you know what in general I mean this is my stew the job it supplies a clash of clans this applies to your BOTS this applies
00:23:02| to everything um you seem to love to whittle down the excess which is totally a unique thing it's definitely a positive thing it's a dantrain it is so I don't make
00:23:17| anything that automates anything in fact I've been known to take longer to do things and take the harder road and literally suffer more on purpose people like you can just do this and like no
00:23:28| it's fine I'm gonna do this like it's a a - straight well bowl no alcoholic that trait I call it where you have your tie that fits on sideways and you're wearing your suit that barely fits and you're
00:23:42| like no it's fine I'm gonna do it this way and Souls like you can you kind of take a shortcut here and I'm like nope let's go full bore and so I was like it's gonna be worse I'm like good like
00:23:54| there's something I do that's opposite the weirdness in what you said is the amount of time I put automating into automating things sometimes it definitely doesn't pay off it's not
00:24:07| shorter instantaneous of course it's not when you're making it it's not pays for you for you you're actually putting in the work so I mend that you're doing that to make work easier
00:24:18| either in the future or for other people or for other for other things yeah make sense and that kind of leads into like the empire building part of it because there's so many people out there
00:24:28| that like do you think like Google or Apple or Netflix or Nvidia like any of those people like any of those companies to CEOs like the CEOs aren't doing the work they're telling other people do the
00:24:41| work and what they're hoping is that other people find my ways of coming back and find shortcuts yeah and then make it automated and make it somehow like animal analytical so that it becomes
00:24:55| like almost an equation and you just plug in numbers and get the result for like the product that they provide maybe not Apple but because their products are pieces of [ __ ] but the programming yeah
00:25:10| yeah but you're doing the same thing with like an operating system it's like they're just hoping that they built so much into it that a the know how many competitors and B they can roll out new
00:25:20| versions over and over and over and over again proprietary t4 that'll work for pry entirety yeah they're they're just banging on that someone's gonna use
00:25:30| their nomenclature their code their world to make another product so that they've made a world so good and so easy to use that hey do you make the next stat or the human except and guess what
00:25:42| when you make that next step it's only proprietary to my system it doesn't equate to everyone so it's like hey thanks [ __ ] you yeah so what ultimately is a goal here what's what's going on
00:25:55| with the system here the weird things I've been doing it for so long that like almost every week of program like at night and that seems weird like I would add a curiosity I've never programmed at
00:26:07| night is this um everyone goes to bed you go downstairs or wherever you hit sit upstairs you sit in front of the computer and you pull up some stuff and you spreadsheets and you you get to work
00:26:20| you get to what is it like how like abstract and anymore Fitness's like well because I'm curious I really don't know it's usually that hey I don't want to do it so be I'm trying to progress me
00:26:34| in my mind I'm like I could do other things this literally is a hundred percent how it feels to work out but guys I don't understand no I'm like I don't want to do it I'm not still there
00:26:44| I'm gonna put it off you procrastinate you're like ah you set aside time for yourself you're like this yeah I'll do it at ten it's like 1001 and you're like just do one more thing and they'll do it
00:26:54| you know ya can't drink before you do it you can't do this before you do it it's like you have to set aside time it's in a room you being right do you know what I mean there's one can't be interrupted
00:27:05| yes 100% this is like working out is like oh I'm gonna do a run and it work out I can't drink oh I can't do this I can't do this I gotta set aside time let's not do it let's not do it let's
00:27:17| not do it [ __ ] I'm gonna do it so what happens so I I guess on the rough nights I usually sit down and there's usually like a problem or two that's already are already known and I kind of sit there a
00:27:29| little bit and think about it and then like I usually like slowly make changes and this is most prevalent when I like do something and stop and come back to it months later or like I feel even
00:27:42| though it's my own language and I've written all of it I'm Danny I get back into it is cumbersome me just like while you cursing yourself yeah you look don't feel like gotta sound work figure out
00:27:55| what was going on there's a reason why that I like I've done things the way I've done them and like to Reece walk over those steps it doesn't it takes just the same like if I were to change
00:28:09| like the main mechanism in my program it would take me a month to rewrite it it's not easy like and the way it's interconnected is my break like one of the chains it's gonna like be unwieldy
00:28:20| and not control pull so so why do you do this instead of play video games or text your friends or watch something new one Netflix honestly I don't want to work until I'm 60 see you'd rather work now
00:28:35| my goal is to start my own business and then if it makes enough money I could do whatever the [ __ ] I want that makes sense no this is totally cool
00:28:46| I but I guess my thought is that no matter what I did any point em worked extra hard and did something after our said it wouldn't negate me like not working from sixty to seventy one or
00:29:00| whatever at all no work till I think I realized they do and it's interesting you're planning ahead it's it's about future future proofing yeah so who would you be at that age though I'm just
00:29:11| really curious I don't know I'm not trying to not be able to do the things I want to do so are you seventy yet in my maturity what do you want talking god damn it just in age no if you doubled
00:29:24| your age three or seventy yeah Milly's no if you doubled read you're not 70 yet still no so isn't that [ __ ] weird you literally will live a whole nother life until you're that age that's awesome and
00:29:41| your assistant the Strummer this is like getting out of school when you're in grade school living like I have three months of forever to live so you're planning over these three months
00:29:50| but I will say you don't know who you're gonna be I'm not I'm not even telling I'm not trying to swayed you at all I think this is a great idea it's a great plan I just don't know who who are you
00:30:03| saving money for so this 70 year old you that's a little too old money you're my close so it's like five years from now five ten years okay a lot of people say they like when they retire or like when
00:30:18| you people who retire young they completely lose like the drive to play video games and all that stuff because they like I don't think it's just like empty for them for them so this is I
00:30:30| don't know like these people that are probably whiners but this is the this is the way I felt for a long time is that I wanted to just like do something and be successful and then like ride it out but
00:30:43| now I think if I have enough like revenue stream to support my other interests I now see that the like from your from the time you graduate college
00:30:54| up until now ish you really don't understand how people are using you like you feel corporations are using you but I see people that make you know 20 40 K less and they don't know that they could
00:31:08| make you know 20 20 K more so like it's easy to say like I could hire people out of college and they probably would do a good job and I'd be able to like build companies on that which is kind of a
00:31:23| shitty thing to do but everyone does it all the companies I worked for are doing exactly that so I don't think it's that hard to build a company that has revenue that is like cash flow positive and just
00:31:35| like have it keep like going so I think what I would want is an empire like I said before probably like a little media empire something that's like an online empire did multiple empires here the
00:31:51| trading thing and then merge it with like my love of video games like I'd like to make a video game studio and then merge that with some sort of like digital art or like some sort of like
00:32:03| animation studio because they all kind of like if you think about it they all become like you don't enjoy them at all is you have like computer graphics video games film you can do animation if you
00:32:15| can get all of those things in one place like I feel like that's gonna be magic it definitely feeds into itself and isn't a bad thing mm-hmm especially if they all communicate work
00:32:28| together etc etc yeah you're right I feel like that's the goal like do that and have it all in one building and own the building and just like you could go to every floor that would be like a
00:32:40| different company of mine and like check on it you know just come in Monday through Friday five different companies and see how they're doing interesting this is that what you're doing you're
00:32:51| coming in Monday through Friday so no of course not it's a half day I'm just gonna I'm the owner trying to take my check and leave right this is curious I would also probably like just have
00:33:03| like a a ridiculous office where I just play games like people would be like think I'm working really hard I just be like playing Minecraft waiting while you do
00:33:13| this um was like are you okay and you think I'm working screaming and people you're fired be good yeah that's why you're I'm right on the precipice of releasing this thing
00:33:28| that will precipice that will like hopefully be really successful I've worked with it long enough that in the beginning I didn't have any faith in it like I don't like I thought it was gonna
00:33:40| like ruin me financially because it would like like do it were straight over it over and over and over again within minutes I'd see my account balance go to nothing but now I see the values that
00:33:50| it's producing and I'm thinking like I'm stupid for not doing this earlier like figuring it out now like I feel like I'd be old and younger in time have you traded with your own money yet with the
00:34:04| bunk with the bot Nell are you going to we're happening next week it's the big moment it's the handle yeah your own money that's where it gets serious right that's like legit yeah that's huge put
00:34:19| your money where your mouth is it's kind of interesting um are you also what's the idea who's whose it sell to the everyman company are you hoping just some company buys you and goes hey this
00:34:33| is great we're gonna buy it they could buy the website but I would don't think I'd ever sell like the algorithm like if you want to like my I guess my goal for like a separate revenue stream would be
00:34:44| people subscribing and then you'd get ad revenue from another exchange that would say like oh there's a trade available now it's like click here to trade on fidelity or or Schwab or budgets or
00:34:58| crypto whatever I feel like that is the way to make it a business like a standard traditional business but I don't know that I need that like I probably will make enough
00:35:10| money hopefully through the algorithm that I don't have to be held at all you know anybody here advertisement [ __ ] mmm interesting yeah what's it you mentioned something before we started where it was
00:35:23| like you've been working on this for 10 it as a habit as a something you just do it's like you don't really feel joy from doing it it's just something you've been it's a big project big projects require
00:35:39| you to do tedious check-ins Chitti is tedious um updates this largely doing all these sorts of stuff merging thing he's focusing the volume back debugging going back roll backs rewriting so at
00:35:54| this point you've said to me that you actually feel good about it yeah it's been like two years of I mean there's little little tiny ups and downs but like you can't really claim victory
00:36:09| during any of those and it's so much ahead of you that you think is probably not gonna happen and then we've done it so long that when it does happen you're kind of just like yeah it was supposed
00:36:21| to happen a long time ago like you feel like you've done it too long by the time you're finished Todd so you're just like you like I guilt myself for not having done this like five years ago because
00:36:32| maybe it was possible five years ago and I probably would have made all bunch of money already but you can't I don't think you can look at it that way at all here's a weird thing like you can't be
00:36:43| ahead of yourself in the moment you can't picture what it's like when it does work let's say it is going to work and that's fine that's awesome that's seriously ridiculous you can't you can't
00:36:57| create that motion before it happens you can't talk about how it makes you feel before it happens so weird yeah it's the I catch myself I've been catching myself this week with expectations of it
00:37:10| working and working extremely well and not like the five-year plan doesn't hinge on this but it would be nice to have that extra money to make it make sure that I can like do those businesses
00:37:24| build my Empire and all like stuff I know any people who do a podcast with you get first dibs on talking and maybe taking advantage of this 100% any time don't you don't know how many podcasts I
00:37:38| have them that's a good point what the pentacon if you got the link my view out of the other podcast I'm sorry I know because your place is insured by lots of money that you'll never appear
00:37:55| on the podcast again I'm sorry you're you're I'm buying all your friends and buying everything you've ever done yeah that's cool yeah but there was a moment last night where there was like like the
00:38:09| final like one of the final blocks I put in place I hit the button and it worked and then like I felt emotion for the first time in a long time that like it was it was there it was to a point where
00:38:22| I could probably just be like remove some of the roadblocks and just like it would go let it go but you were like I got a follow protocol the weird thing is that I could set it to probably run
00:38:34| indefinitely I think about this one I'm like if I were to ever die like I think that the bots would still be going and I imagine that my wife would be contacted by some exchange saying your husband has
00:38:48| X amount of money well yes dollars just sitting here what would you like to do with it Oh oh my god that's one of the things that's it's a weird lineage type of
00:39:01| thing because you could have all of these things running do you think all the programmers out there that like Bill like websites like if the website is still like Yahoo from 1999 everybody
00:39:13| want to call it like it do you think they still look at their like was it and go like only it's still alive like their house dust or sick of it I don't even know
00:39:24| they have to be like this is it's like a guy who is going to pop up oh the pop hook the pop up yeah god bless god bless his soul yeah and this was bet that will get off to be like who
00:39:38| made the pop up because I hate that guy he's making some good money right I figure the original reason was after no Dennis Aukerman I want to know why who what where was it weird
00:40:03| another sucker isn't like the forefront of technology is it because their names get called last is that why you waiting for your turn and plotting take these these Ackerman's down a a yard brixon
00:40:23| yeah you like a Bartleby - Swedish Parkinson's - that's it they are and that's a good one E so what's it feel like to complete something because technically it's not
00:40:40| complete but it's almost complete I'm just imagining all the time like I'll get back like I built up all that so like programming from 8:30 until midnight is draining it's physically
00:40:56| tiring but you kind of adjust to it and I wake up at like 6:30 every day so I get six and a half hours of sleep and I'm kinda used to it I guess other people maybe they have push your lives
00:41:09| and then when they hit these like little tiny bumps they like look destroyed but like you can't like if I sleep for hours it probably isn't that much different like right here like I could survive
00:41:20| yeah we really got programmed extra this night but it's not a big deal a lift yeah you you know exactly what I mean because you destroy yourself doing this podcast every night because you are an
00:41:31| hour later he would say that some people would say that yeah but you're chugging yeah you're going keep going so there's an element there that like I've beaten myself down so much that I think the
00:41:46| it's the it's the classic quote there's the sweet it's not as sweet without the sour so you're absolutely right so the amount of suffering you do kind of equates to the amount of joy you'll
00:41:58| get upon completion of a project yeah I think so I feel like that time will open up and then I could do other things and I'll have the energy and focus and well what did you do oh my motion I don't
00:42:10| even know what you would do with the extra time that's the best part is that the possibilities are endless no it's the worst part so I talked with the coworker today he was like yeah I loved
00:42:20| playing Zelda breath of the wild and I was like oh me too he's like it's just so so so tedious and I was like what do you mean and I got no conversation with him and when he gets half an hour free
00:42:33| he's a dad he barely make ends meet a difficult situation he hates his girlfriend hates everything and I was like good job one you pompe anyway he was like I can barely play the game
00:42:46| because every time I boot it up it's like it's a process I gotta remember was forever he's like this he's like I rub my head like this he does the temple press oh two fingers on each side is for
00:42:58| hit I was like oh no it's a cool game you'll like it he's like yeah but I get like 20 minutes and it's like by the time 20 minutes is up I've just actually made it myself to the game I found my
00:43:09| free time and I was like that's a good point because hey you're not used to free time be you love videogames but I mean in a busy schedule now I have I have a slot free from 8:45 p.m. to 9:15
00:43:26| we're gonna play video games okay and in your heart you're like I like video games but I didn't know if I wanted to play from 8:45 to 9:00 15 it seems like a bit of a gift to sign in and then
00:43:37| check it out yeah please put the game back in its holster yeah please put back and what if you didn't feel like playing at that time like he like I just won an unplug unwind
00:43:48| but this is the only time you had to play the game so you have to plug in clock in play the game and have fun you're like you're playing you're like this is terrible but it's a good game so
00:44:01| you're like this is okay it's just it's weird what happens with your free time as you get older I find yeah so what do you think I mean what's your free time gonna be like when you have it
00:44:13| I don't know I'm gonna play breath of the wild maybe no I can't I have multiple projects that are lined up so they're gonna I'm gonna start working okay you sound like work project part of
00:44:24| it is going to be work because I need to get through the next three months okay the kind of startup ish company that I work for and the other one is a website I need to finish the website portion and
00:44:35| then I wanna do the YouTube stuff do this and do our creditors podcast murders murder did good I guess I need to post that I need to make a little bit all work though are you this very much
00:44:50| delineating work and free time to do more work so there's no there's gonna be a valley in there does this bring me back bringing back to like college one so college I don't know what happened in
00:45:02| like two years we just like I had so much ridiculous fun and then the end like less that's five years of college so the fifth year of college all right had time and it was like we
00:45:13| moved off campus it was at a house with my buddies and it was extremely chill and then I started playing like games again because I hadn't like played video games the internet was getting very much
00:45:23| used by one individual in your house when I bit into it yeah but I played Bioshock so this is a analog here it's like Bioshock I got into so much that I felt a part of that world and I
00:45:36| haven't felt that like Escapist deep like love of some other like media or movie or video game in a long time and I want to get back to that but you can't you can't force it when you're too busy
00:45:48| like your friend like 8:45 to 9:15 if you weren't feeling it it's not gonna happen it just sours the whole thing so I want I want to have that time hmm that's why
00:45:58| I want to start my empire so that between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. I could be playing a game if I [ __ ] want to and no one's gonna be there to be like you need to be doing could you
00:46:12| please I'd be like no leave me alone you work for me you do your damn work I'll pay you my maintaining these big businesses with big money dollars it is ever it is time like the big CEOs aren't
00:46:27| like open up their phone playing clash clans or words with friends or some other game do you think they feel like they're not then I'll take a dump and look at the highlights of the last name
00:46:40| I gave him life there they might they might sort of watch some flyers highlights why they poop but I don't only do a lot of cooler stuff where they just stand around holding their coffee
00:46:49| or like checking out the day office secretin errands not to be fatalistic but I feel like they don't because that personality type is not like into gaming or hanging out or chilling or doing
00:47:01| nothing time I guess my question now is what what is my personality type am i that CEO type I don't think I think you're I think you're transitioning and I think you're getting a little bit into
00:47:12| that but I don't know that that's you forever yeah I don't know that says final me there's a weird going off course not there's the people like you and I are very fluid in our gender but
00:47:28| now I know we're very fluid in it like we could become super workers super partiers super have fun super musicians everything you like to dabble in every part of life chameleons yeah we just
00:47:40| yeah I agree cuz it's nice to try every part of life it's not like we're stuck in our ways with all the same haircuts we don't the same shirts we were every day this is a
00:47:50| new shirt boom good band what but it's it's very much are you going to change are you willing to do something different and I think some people who do what you're talking about gets stuck in
00:48:08| that way and do not change and do not fulfill their happiness so not saying you will or won't I'm saying you should be cognizant that you're building a lifetime pattern that doesn't
00:48:23| equate itself to that like you're like I'm gonna build this Empire I'm gonna do this with the Empire well with an empire when you build it you have to check on it you have to baby it you have to
00:48:31| nurture it you have to be a part of it you have to like eight to five where you talk about like [ __ ] knowing I do it you you gotta check on it you get it be a part of it you got to make sure nobody's
00:48:44| [ __ ] up you got to make sure everything's okay like dinner what I mean and if you're like most people would be you of all people would like to check on it right but at that point if
00:48:55| you think about it it's not about like programming it or like writing code it's checking up on people eating it it's more of your personality you you would be like oh how you doing are you doing
00:49:10| there Bob let's see how much we co today huh you'd be like what you got what are you doing what are you gotten that's I mean how hard is it to really walk around the office and get a feel for how
00:49:20| people are working it shouldn't be an Ableton it would be hard work but I think it takes more time than you think some of these people fail is that they pick a company or a job or they be like
00:49:33| they're not repairable in this area that costs them too much - yeah it's Jeff Bezos chilling somewhere on an island guys what something's wrong with that guy is the dude who maybe a spaceship
00:49:45| that goes up and goes down lands come on moose Thank You Eli Moo's is he killing every day that guys also he's got some issues I think - is Bill Gates just chilling every day I think so actually
00:50:03| maybe I think it might be he might be he's like hanging with supermodels and he's like yeah it's cool I feel like I don't really gonna take this - Joe Rogan yeah I feel like he's challenged in his
00:50:16| ways I feel like some people hit it right and then they know like they know their limits and they go I'm not gonna I'm gonna say no to that step my bounds yeah that's fair
00:50:26| you gotta walk that tightrope I think you have to be on top of it but not on top of it so to round it out this algorithm this bot the singer great mm-hmm
00:50:37| you wanna really sit in the wild you want to let it go you want to go crazy you want to get real with it have you ever gone real with something like this before I don't think I've ever had real
00:50:48| money on the line is this the biggest thing in your life kind of technically that's there that my biggest the biggest thing in my technical life yes there are moments
00:50:59| when I like people so I interviewed somebody that brought up that they knew about a certain exchange and they were like dabbling in this and I was like holding back the floodgates because I
00:51:11| was like I can't tell people at my work that I do this thing cuz it's gonna be big and I don't want anybody else jumping on my wave their are [ __ ] in my wave make sense to me
00:51:29| someone's [ __ ] in your way trying to surf here trying to get up on your board and there's [ __ ] on the water is just carried in the wave it's disgusting it's cresting weird that's thing
00:51:41| the poop is cresting make sense yeah anything you want to add it's just one of those weird things where like I wasn't gonna have this podcast tonight because I was gonna fix something and
00:51:57| then I fixed it and I was like it works like I needed to test some things I need to like just make a few tweaks here and there and it feels really weird to say that like it's like less than a week
00:52:09| away like it is on schedule as planned I know what I'm gonna do and it's gonna happen and I've been pushing like all these other things like I need to go to the dentist I need to write a check to
00:52:21| my parents I need to do all sorts of random crap and I'm just like that's not nearly as important it's the first time exactly and if I feel like telling people you're busy mmm people don't buy
00:52:34| it like you get so many bullshitters that say I'm busy I'm doing I'm done I don't like I legitimately like if you waste five minutes of my time like I will not get
00:52:44| this might but it's back busy you're pushing my my bed time back five minutes by like interrupting me it feels weird that's gonna end soon I don't think people I like I see I'd
00:52:59| like to see what happens with your free time but for the most part let's wrap it up you gotta go we gotta go pee leave that all right you heard it either way we talked about some crazy stuff we um
00:53:14| literally covered your secret project that's been going on for years yeah then no one here find out about it we may or may not release this episode who knows yeah
00:53:25| maybe when I'm already successful and I'm my Empire it could be a huge episode oh it's gonna be great interesting I'm gonna call it Amazon OSHA or Brazil yeah Congo Congo money
00:53:44| glider either way it sounds interesting mm-hmm sounds very well-thought-out it sounds perfect to a team I hope it is successful companies are built on less I feel you're absolutely correct
00:54:01| we weren't yeah we're calling you out well have a good night thanks for joining us folks we like you we like you a lot we won't necessarily share any algorithms here but if you click the
00:54:18| like button we will like that and make sure you check out our other podcast predators crazy good night good

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