The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED013 Healthcare

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Transcript PRED013 Healthcare

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 13 - Healthcare
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00:00:12| it's good yeah so what's today's topic uh medical bills pile it up folks yeah so let's talk about united states healthcare because it's
00:00:25| ridiculous and how much it costs compared to other nations i think it's pretty good oh yeah really i don't understand how it's so much and if you don't have insurance
00:00:38| how are you supposed to pay it so in general if you're gonna like ride an ambulance and go to the hospital when they're gonna do some scans or something
00:00:46| like what's the minimum there five grand seven grand really cost you what it should cost i'm saying like what they try to charge you oh yeah it's like five to seven
00:00:57| grand probably i would almost guess 10 for some reason i i couldn't tell you the reason but i feel like they're like it could be ten
00:01:03| if we you know yeah there's a ridiculous so there's some this is like an intricate topic where where are yeah well this is a whole episode at one point
00:01:13| we keep avoiding but where is the let's say it's ten thousand dollars where's the ten thousand because i could uber you there in an uber x let's get them the nice
00:01:24| uber and and let's rent a doctor for half an hour to drive with them yeah if you could run i mean actually like be like i just need your time
00:01:35| listen what's your hourly rate time you make a hundred hundred dollars an hour i just need for like 20 minutes boom i put a doctor into an uberx and then it's an uberx with some really
00:01:45| nice stuff and that ride is still not going to total like ten thousand bucks for the ambulance and so that's crap break down like a simple bill it's like
00:01:54| ambulance ride you got the room you got all the nurses you got the medication whatever shots they give you whatever machines they wheel in the doctors that come and look at you the
00:02:02| doctors that come in and don't really look at you but they're in there and then the scans and the testing and the blood all that crap ivs the needles phlebotomy
00:02:13| yeah all that stuff probably like 10 times the cost of what it actually is okay and then it gets put in a bill which you don't see you don't know you might not even be responsive so you
00:02:24| can't even say no i don't want this and then they're gonna put it all together and charge you over probably months even years they might even be
00:02:37| like oh wait a second like one of my recent bills from over a year ago that they go oh you still owe us 500 so i said what a year later they said yeah we can we
00:02:49| can look back at our records up to two years and charge you it's like did they do that too yeah this is like a week ago for my son's birth which my son is almost one and a half
00:03:03| and they that's wild you just got a bill for that dude i hope healthcare industry gets effed and they all go oh dude i would wish terrible
00:03:12| diseases on them except that they have access to healthcare that's the damn shame of it so if i didn't have insurance let's use my son's birth as an example
00:03:21| the bill would be somewhere between now keep in mind if you're actually uninsured do you know they don't charge you that exactly that's the number they would charge the
00:03:37| insurance company for someone who doesn't have insurance yeah or an or somebody who didn't know to respond to say no i'm not paying that they might even just say like okay
00:03:46| slowly over time all my life and that's for like a three-day visit a three-day stay so a you have no idea what you were really
00:03:57| built for b you don't even know who's on the bill you don't know what it's for and then even when you try to pay it off in full when you say is this the full
00:04:05| amount they go yeah sure and then you're like what am i paying for what am i what no i mean yeah no one knows no one knows what anything costs
00:04:15| if i asked any doctor what's an mri on my leg cost give me an aspirin anywhere from anywhere from 20 bucks to i don't know it's in there excuse me there's no fees
00:04:28| there's no rates for any of this stuff it's just the wild west they're charging whatever the hell they want because there's two companies making more than everyone
00:04:36| we're not going to get into it but it's the medical people the doctors and things that's why doctors are one of the highest paid professionals not that they shouldn't be but the
00:04:43| insurance companies to cover all these things and malpractice suits and all that so you have three players here what is it
00:04:51| insurance companies and everything else the middlemen sort of the doctors the medical the doctors hospitals medical staff and the people at home
00:04:59| and it's an arms race between the doctors and the medical staff and the insurance companies because they're all trying to win and they can raise their prices as much
00:05:07| as they want they can raise their premiums their numbers everything because that third player the individual is [ __ ] saddled with it so how'd the whole thing how do you
00:05:18| avoid getting saddled with that well you don't ride a dirt bike yeah you don't get sick you don't get injured you don't get accidents yeah you don't have an accident don't
00:05:29| get sick don't have any health problems whatsoever so i guess the general part of it is live in a bubble or live healthy be aware be defensive don't do anything
00:05:43| stupid like riding a dirt bike riding don't know how although everyone has to ride a dirt bike the first time
00:05:52| when they're a kid that is written in their body and their parents insurance so now it comes back to insurance that's interesting yeah so it's interesting if you don't have insurance so you get the
00:06:02| bill like the first thing is you talk to the hospital and then you don't pay it and then you make them negotiate down i know
00:06:10| i had a seven thousand dollar bill earlier on that i shouldn't have paid i found out if you wait two or three months and it goes to quote unquote collections because the
00:06:18| hospitals have their own quote unquote collections agency which is [ __ ] you wait till it goes to them they'll give you like twenty percent off you wanna you should be like can i get
00:06:27| that twenty percent off they'd be like over a thousand bucks yeah sure let's take twenty percent so here's here's an interesting foible yeah i was injured on a dark bike my leg
00:06:37| was cashed had to go to the er did you pay um no say not yet not yet not yet um i sent them 50 the bill was for 500 bucks and i was like that's a lot but
00:06:50| whatever the interesting foible here is i went on the 28th of the month i still had health insurance oh yes hold on they just billed me as uninsured
00:07:01| and the number was within five dollars so i said who cares yeah well recently i got a new updated bill where they found an extra three hundred
00:07:09| dollars now they want eight hundred dollars and i'm like oh yeah i see that i'm like whoa well guess what now i should be like you should look i had insurance or
00:07:18| should i just tell them to try and haggle and find that number first and then figure out what it'd be for insurance this part just because they don't know i
00:07:25| had insurance this [ __ ] yeah it's the mo it's the biggest racket in the world because what industry says oh wait a second a year later and be like oh it was 500 more dollars
00:07:36| like you can't buy a car and then they'll have to come back and be like oh i'm sorry ding ding ding ding ding you missed a payment so am i missing payment oh i meant you needed an extra
00:07:46| payment that's what i meant that's what it's just money i mean it's money who cares about money so my first thing is don't pay it wait as long as possible if you can take a
00:08:01| hit to your credit by not paying it i would take the hit because really yeah i have excellent credit i have amazing credit
00:08:09| for being poor i have the best credit in the universe so quick use your credit and then let the insurance company and health care system just [ __ ] that
00:08:17| credit out of existence okay and then once they finally come up with a bill that makes sense and has it in itemized on a plan yeah itemized in total and you say this
00:08:28| is the bulk thing you can't charge me anymore i probably i think they told me it was two years they can actually go back i would wait like one year and 364 days
00:08:38| and then pay it and be like there you go mothers take that eat it and that's fine yeah i would negotiate the hell out of it and then also
00:08:50| the medical industry supposedly they will take small payments i literally had a conversation on the phone where i said well you take a dollar
00:08:57| every month for the rest of my life and they said sir and like wait i will tell you interestingly enough i tried to get on a payment plan for this
00:09:08| exact injury for twenty dollars a month yeah and i filled out all the credit card information i submitted it and it said we will not accept a uh an
00:09:17| amount per month less than fifty dollars well then what's the point of this then i just canceled so no i have not paid but i almost did and for 20 bucks a month i was gone but
00:09:27| if you had like a 50 000 surgery and you paid 50 a month for the rest of your life how long would that take to pay off 50 and fifty bucks i don't know no interest
00:09:38| on this assuming yeah so what is that thousand weeks months thousand months fifty bucks fifty thousand dollars thousand months
00:09:46| yeah yeah thousand months how many how many how many years is a thousand months let's get a question i have no idea what that might be like 100 years or something
00:09:55| that would be awesome i'd be like [ __ ] you hospital it would be uh 83 years oh perfect so that's good that's another suggestion pay it
00:10:08| off over time to a ridiculous amount if it's really is fifty thousand dollars eighty-three years you'll be paid off there
00:10:21| that's really it's genius though it's pretty good another thing is avoid avoid ambulances unless it's covered in your city my city covers ambulances i got an accident yeah cool it's part of
00:10:33| my property tax so another thing is uh if you're not local to where you are pretty much decline it if you can it sounds awful right
00:10:44| now and if they are like trying to help you or like hook you up to a machine or something to say like no no thank you i heard that if they actually do a procedure like they get you in the end
00:10:54| you said no anything yeah they'll still bill you for it even though like a band-aid on so like an hour's worth of ambulance time or flavor it's like ridiculous
00:11:03| ambulance labor ambulance labor the ambulance is like tired it's exhausted it had a long day yes it is beyond the rest another funny thing is that uh if you
00:11:16| don't have health insurance and you get something like poison ivy on your balls you know what you gotta do tough afternoon tanactin
00:11:27| tough it out spray your balls with some weird adhesive like the open wounds just spray them who cares what what kind of whitish powder or something no i did use
00:11:36| um talcum not yucca uh cornstarch cornstarch cornstarch burning um so there's a spray that's made of the same stuff that's in i mean like
00:11:45| cornstarch like when you make chinese food you like put it in corn starch to like yeah i dipped my balls in corn starch to stop the weeping
00:11:54| well because it was so bad that they were weeping and i like how you had the mop motion with your hands like you're just like that wasn't a bop motion that was me
00:12:02| holding the [ __ ] dipping down yeah talking strawberries um my testicles were weeping into my clothing and just like
00:12:12| ugh you know those wet open wounds so to cauterize them i poison i spray them yeah because it was itching and oozing yes so to stop it there's like um the same
00:12:25| thing that's in calamine lotion the stuff that you would put on there to kind of dry it up huh it's an aerosol version and i would spray my balls with it
00:12:33| and this is a nine and a half avoid the pain is a nine and a half out of ten i would almost pass out every time i did it
00:12:44| and just shake for a few minutes and i would always do it in front of the mirror because where else are you gonna spray that how are they doing now uh better but not perfect like they're
00:12:52| so sensitive this is like a week and a half after the poison wait so i stopped doing that and when we got back home because i was on vacation when this happened
00:13:00| i um i decided i should take a steroid but i can't go to a doctor and get one prescribed for me don't because that would cause stupidness at home but
00:13:10| no no you can do this folks just trust me nick is the prime example steroid will clear up your poison sumac your poison oak
00:13:18| and you're dealing with a leg do you search this online a bit no um a friend of ours had for their dog a great dane that weighs over 150 dog poison ivy on its nuts well no
00:13:30| it just had it had issues where it needed something cleared up it was prescribed prednisone a steroid well i was taking dog prednisone for about a week straight
00:13:40| and uh it worked cleared everything up yeah cleared up sam the dog pregnancy works just as good as the human one and you know what i didn't have to pay a doctor anyone
00:13:49| don't do that everything's happy anyway so that's what health care does to you i'm here not paying the bill for a medical wound i'm here taking dog steroids and i'm spraying my
00:13:59| nuts with some kind of aerosol and that's that's healthcare in america baby i love it god forbid you shouldn't have a job for a period of time and not be
00:14:09| able to pay the thousand dollars a month it takes your job doesn't yeah your job doesn't cover it provide here is my cousin uh he moved to london right he was recently just diagnosed
00:14:29| with cancer um leukemia like some kind of like whatever you try to become yeah it's not oh it's not he already is because he's been over
00:14:38| there for like two and a half years yep national healthcare dude the day that he was found to have it they already had a plan in place he's
00:14:48| doing chemo he has like a six-month plan for chemo off chemo off this off this on off for six weeks do this for two weeks like it's this
00:14:58| crazy regimen i'm like he's gonna go broke michael's screws and they're like no he's gonna be okay and i was like excuse me i was like so worried about my cousin
00:15:08| then for a second i was like so mad at him i was like yeah i'm going to go bankrupt for riding a dirt bike he gets cancer and he's fine like that goddammit damn it damn it
00:15:24| but honestly it makes me think good thing he's over there because our country freaking sucks if he was here he'd be screwed you'd be probably bankrupt for the rest
00:15:35| of your life kind of yeah to be fair they probably charge a lot in taxes i don't know what the difference is but we'll get into that in another episode
00:15:41| we will in another episode but i'm guessing it's already better maybe not perfect obviously nothing's perfect yeah but at least you don't have to worry about it
00:15:48| so that's part of the thing it's like worrying about this stuff don't till it comes time to the very last moment then you're like either you got it or you don't and just
00:15:57| take the hits just do it nike just do it you want to jump off of some kind of building for to impress a girl just do it you ever jumped off anything really high
00:16:06| to impress a girl i feel like that's a thing not to impress a girl no oh boy i think one on that good night this is another episode of
00:16:24| predators you forgot the beat burgers

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