The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED025 Nosey People

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Transcript PRED025 Nosey People

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 25 - Nosey People
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00:00:14| hey today thanks for joining us today we're going to talk about something that hits us each and every one of us it's that one
00:00:21| co-worker that friend that someone that's it's nosy they get all up in your stuff let's talk about the privacy invaders yeah
00:00:32| do you have anyone in particular i can think of tons of them there are people who just always want to be in your business they want to be up your butt they're in your keister they want
00:00:41| to know all the dirty deeds and they didn't always they don't always deserve them did they work for that reward no some people just think they
00:00:50| they're owed it you know they come into you they show up they're like hey hey how about that messy divorce you're going through how's it working out
00:00:58| and it's like i don't really want to talk about it hey can i see the paperwork it's like no you can't see the paperwork and it's like what did the judge say and
00:01:07| it's like did you ever get arrested when you were 17 i don't know man let's let's relax okay i just work with you i've been here for three months let's let's calm down
00:01:19| you get those people right yeah this is the guy at the corner who's begging for money for some cause that probably is [ __ ] but then
00:01:26| he like reads your badge while it's sitting next to you in the car and he's like hey dan and it's like oh you know that's you can't read into information
00:01:37| that is readily available but somewhat secret you can't match you cross the line i think there's a there's like a pass a rite of passage a
00:01:47| timeline a an amount of time and sentences shared with people before you can open up about certain things trust i think the word you're looking for is trust i guess but this is yeah
00:01:58| sure information trust it's not just trust in general it's like trust with my secrets i guess letting your guard now letting them in yeah unlocking the door
00:02:08| to your keister whoa yeah i think letting them have a piece of that keister is kind of what they want and and i'm more than willing to share my
00:02:17| keister with tons of people but like you gotta earn it you can't just show up and all of a sudden be like what do your underwear smell like
00:02:24| i just met you if i knew you for years yeah that's hilarious that's funny that's cool destroyed it i mean because then you got look at this you weigh it like this like
00:02:35| you have friends that you've had and do podcasts with for years and like oh my god you shared so much cool stuff and fun stuff experiences quite fresh accounting
00:02:44| oh my god i just took a [ __ ] i can ask him about all those cool things and it's like he could tell me he doesn't have to but like he could and then like someone who i just met it's a new
00:02:55| co-worker or a friend of a friend like uh your your wife is dating my boyfriend or something it's like whoa well guess what we're best friends what uh what do you guys do on the
00:03:04| weekends i get [ __ ] up on tryptophan did you just say tryptophan you gotta lean in and be like did you did you tell me you distill it couple thousand turkeys
00:03:15| it's like dude this is too quick we gotta slow the roll i don't wanna put it all out there yet like they're everywhere right i mean it's like i said
00:03:24| social events a lot of work people i'm guilty of this because i am try like whenever i was when i was younger and i was trying to like date people i'd like to
00:03:34| like know them so like i try to like get to know them very few women when i was younger wanted to date me so like they were not into me
00:03:42| enough to keep asking questions and i'd like i guess i don't have a limit on like the amount of questions i can ask somebody so there's a point where they just like
00:03:50| think i'm like going through like a resume like an interview it's like i was like what about this what was that what about like what like people don't have
00:03:58| as many thoughts as i do apparently they don't analyze people the same way so there's some people out there that are naturally nosy and naturally inquisitive
00:04:08| i don't i don't know it's also naturally a progression too i mean certain people are ready before others certain i mean there's certain people who
00:04:16| are more willing to do that sooner but there is still there are rules you can't just go zero to a thousand miles an hour i mean you can't lean in on a first date and be
00:04:25| like when's the last time you pooped yourself that much if a girl said that to me i think it would be hilarious
00:04:36| you'd be like i don't know hold on i just like slipped the ring like onto her that's the answer to answer your question right now how did you know
00:04:55| yeah so i think there's a timeline on when you can and shouldn't share and there's also people who look like you just mentioned with yourself like i'm uh i'm a urinal sharer
00:05:05| i walk up to the urinal and there's my co-workers there like really i love to tell joke at the urinal like i'm i guess i'm like ah god i can't believe they paid me to
00:05:15| be here like they're trying to just pee and ignore me and i'm like can you believe it they gave me off today and i showed up anyway and they're
00:05:22| like just trying to pee and i'm like just waiting for them to either crack a smile be like are you serious most of the time they get i feel like it depends on the urinal certain urinals
00:05:30| are they're a cozy place a private place other ones have that tiny little divider that doesn't even like come out like if i have a foot and then or not at all
00:05:39| or it's just like like yeah chest area right here and then at that point i guess it's like hey i never leaned over no i never lean over i'm like what are you working with
00:05:48| pal you know what i mean hey check out this guy i never give any of them i'm not like a i think that's over the line but then
00:05:57| again maybe people think what i do is over the line so maybe it is potato potato yeah i also think that there's motive like the people with ill motives
00:06:05| they like to get in your business faster so like make sense anyone who's been like uh if you've been around people who are addicted to drugs like they'll try to befriend you so that
00:06:14| they can use you to like uh take them places where drugs are or like they try to find it in or like a person that has like connections or
00:06:24| they're always like also also more this too they want to know that you're on their side so hey man you smoke weed i don't know are you a cop
00:06:32| give me five minutes i just met you one minute ago and it's like anyway dude we're thinking of the devil's grass and it's like i get it
00:06:40| just let's let's give me a minute here i need to know if you're a cop i need to know if you're cool i need to know if you're you know into fetishes like i need to
00:06:48| know what's going on with you before i tell you this so i think what you mentioned is interesting because weed smokers or someone who's like a social weed
00:06:58| smoker we'll ask that because like maybe they want to smoke and they're like they want to make sure it's cool in the air for them to do it and that you're not a cop so
00:07:08| there's reasons for doing these things like you're airing it out you're kind of feeling the feelers out i get it there's a fine line between feeling it out
00:07:16| which i think is okay to a degree and overstepping and like making i don't know so how do you defend against the nosy people like you could be cool with it but it might not
00:07:28| be cool with you being around people that are constantly nosy and getting all in your business like you have to put up barriers what else like
00:07:36| how do you set rules because otherwise once you yeah once you're like a lot of times you shut the door too hard the divorce the divorce is going
00:07:44| terribly let me tell you a little bit she's such a [ __ ] and you go on and you kind of divulge maybe more than you should because you kind of there's also a nice
00:07:52| thing about being able to unload on a not stranger someone who isn't privy to that information like you're kind of giving it someone who's a third party because
00:08:01| it's not they're not as much connected to your life it's kind of cool it's like hey i can give these people information they're not privy to because it's not
00:08:08| going to come back on me right now yeah you can practice the telling of your stories and then you can get maybe honest feedback no bias and then
00:08:17| you can spin stories too if you'd like yeah you can do whatever the hell you want you're kind of in control so it's kind of cool when a nosy person's asking stuff like that you kind of attempted to
00:08:25| give them more than they want maybe or maybe that's what they want but you set this precedent where now you've just made them your super best
00:08:33| friend and they might think they're your super best friend and they might ask more questions the next time you see them they're like oh my god is that the [ __ ] is that your
00:08:41| wife and you're like shut the [ __ ] up and someone's like who's this and it's like it's my friend daryl from work and they're like i don't know daryl didn't you just start working there
00:08:51| three weeks ago and then you're like yeah daryl needed to know about the divorce i told him some stuff and the court documents he's like you [ __ ] yeah
00:09:00| it's like daryl play it cool yeah like someone like that has trouble playing it cool too do you know what i mean indeed there's also the individual gets too
00:09:10| amped up into the information and the gossip i don't know what about like neighborhood friends like that's sort of the same situation where i had like two friends that were like a
00:09:19| block away and they were like always coming over and always like bothering me essentially like i enjoyed hanging out with them but not like every day and they would just like show
00:09:28| up and be like hey and they just like walk in my room and like expect me to just like put their attent my attention on them and like play whatever they wanted to
00:09:36| play and go do something right right and you don't have personal time as much yeah they're waiting on your personal time indeed indeed
00:09:45| did you have that when you were younger invasive i didn't mind it at the time because i don't think my privacy was i wasn't practicing the base
00:09:54| or doing whatever when i was really young i was just like looking for yeah i mean i wasn't doing anything special before that i mean i was just doing whatever looking for friends i
00:10:05| think when you get to a certain age though you want that private time uh maybe i wanna i wanna post a thousand things on reddit uh demeaning the eat right community and just post on
00:10:15| there as an anonymous blogger who's constantly like needling them like maybe that's my thing let me do it when am i gonna do it i don't have time you're invading now i
00:10:23| gotta host friends and stuff i don't know for the record i don't even know if that's a reddit community but that would be hilarious i hope so i
00:10:33| guess this is where like the core of you and i are very different like my growing up i always had like some sort of an
00:10:40| intense interest in something i was doing and building and creating and like it would make sure that there was a like a clear defi divide between what those people were
00:10:49| doing out there and what i was doing in my room that makes sense but it's funny because i have that now like i back then i probably didn't now
00:10:59| i'm like kind of like older i don't know i'm like more i want to do yeah a little bit this happens clearly and newsy people are interested nosy people are
00:11:09| interesting is it newsy or nosy that's also interesting it's nosey is it what's newsie people then
00:11:17| people who are up on the news no i think newsy people are people who want to know about your news i think it's the same is the same deal yeah i think you're going 100
00:11:31| please try i know you want to every time you start typing and clicking on that perfectly quiet keyboard god bless it could you hear it um i could but not because i was angrily typing
00:11:44| what a bastard i don't see any of those definitions which you are alluding to newsy and nosy are the exact same thing oh she's a newsie neighbor
00:11:57| it's the same thing they're very newsy it is it's probably colloquial you're probably from the suburbs i'm probably from the city it's probably that's probably what it is okay i'm
00:12:07| pretty sure you misheard g yet that's right i said did you eat yet in two syllables g g i saw that tweet yes well i've known it before it was a tweet
00:12:21| but anyway so back to newsy and nosy people i think they just maybe they want to be more involved and maybe they want to break down
00:12:28| boundaries and maybe they want to get involved more is that what it breaks down to they want more of your life i don't know i think what what pieces
00:12:38| what pieces can you give them of your life that would make their life better what pieces are they looking for i think figuring that out helps you deal with the nosy person
00:12:46| i feel like most of the time is drama because trauma's juicy i love drama i do love gossip i love gossip what did billy do with susie last night i don't know were you there did
00:12:55| you see it uh mine's mostly workplace guys if i love stuff like oh my god did you hear yeah he wants to fire him he totally can't there's a lawsuit pending against
00:13:04| like his other co-worker and it's like ah that's hilarious and it's like did you see what he did when he got up he came in the room and what's his name didn't even stand up he didn't even say
00:13:11| hello and i'm like but it's his boss and he's like yeah he wants him fired and i'm like how is he gonna do it and they're like he can't he's their number one sales rep
00:13:18| and it's like damn it this is great i can't wait till it comes in tomorrow i don't know i love that stuff little juicy stuff so if you if you wanted this is a little bit
00:13:28| sidetracked if you wanted to be nosy and you needed a piece of information and you wanted to approach somebody how do you do it how do you do it in a way that's like
00:13:36| not offensive you don't know them you're trying to like get this piece of information out of them is it obvious is it obvious that you're like can you be right is that too much you shouldn't
00:13:45| break no you break the mold a little bit you're like oh [ __ ] i don't know you tell him a joke or two you ask him uh
00:13:53| i sort of offensively using icebreakers yeah but not an icebreaker i've ever read anywhere i'm really good at icebreakers that just you just come back jesus
00:14:02| christ if you have to read about icebreakers it's not an icebreaker that's like reading a pickup line you can't read a pickup line and use it you
00:14:09| have to just have a pickup line it has to come to you and you have to say it and then you have to say be real this is like jokes
00:14:18| all this stuff oh that's great holy [ __ ] like you don't have to tell me in the bracelet really is there really a lawsuit pending i just heard it i'm not here i'm not here to gossip
00:14:28| tell me please oh my god i can't wait to pass it i love that i'm not here to gossip but please don't love it whatever you say completely
00:14:36| it's all between you and me you have to tell me to tell me now i guess sometimes we're all newsy sometimes we're all nosy sometimes we're
00:14:48| all looking for it and sometimes we're also on the other side where we don't want to share it we don't want it to get out so the passage of information can go one
00:14:57| way to the other up to down down to up no to not know and it's kind of it's interesting but we have to keep an eye out for the newsy people or the nosy people but
00:15:08| it just never see should have cut it there telling you no anyway so like i said uh nosy people are bad i guess they're just sometimes
00:15:19| they're annoying sometimes you don't want to share and that's okay and sometimes you do want to share and sometimes you want to be
00:15:25| nosy i think that's okay too so i hope this one hits home right on the news and i hope everyone at home is careful of their nosy relatives we didn't even
00:15:37| touch on relatives oh my god the aunt that wants to know your dating life inside and out yep anyway folks eventually i'm going to be that aunt
00:15:51| when i do the transition i get old enough you know yeah so like i said be careful out there sometimes you're the nose or sometimes you're the nosey
00:16:01| and in the words of the crystal method done writers

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