The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED029 Immunity

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Transcript PRED029 Immunity

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 29 - Immunity
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00:00:17| yeah that's good that's good well welcome i'm nick i'm dan this is another episode of predators today we're going to focus on immunity
00:00:30| diplomats they get away with everything they could i thought we were talking about white blood cells this is going to ruin the entire episode immunity phages
00:00:40| white blood cell count going through the roof um protection or exemption from something especially an obligation or penalty what we love definitions
00:00:51| so that that applies to people who were jack-offs right for the most part pretty much they never learn to be mature adults that can take care of their own crap
00:01:01| because they don't have to they have immunity mm-hmm they have people who shovel theirs everyone hates diplomats you know who else everyone hates the
00:01:11| boss's son right everyone hates the bosses immunity nepotism another one for immunity like someone who's like what are the professors that
00:01:21| have uh you can't fire them they wear like bermuda shorts and yeah who who likes a tenured professor not i folks they got immunity sort of
00:01:33| can a 10-year professor get fired i feel like you've molested a student he would not if he's tenured jeffrey epstein oh you're absolutely tenured he's pregnant he was maybe he was tenured i
00:01:45| believe he was committed suicide wink wink anyway back to immunity uh do we all know someone like that like i
00:01:58| feel like we have to these are the people that i kind of actually don't even really hate them i just think it's like annoying that they have this
00:02:04| power it's like um didn't we have like a way back when in high school we had uh uh uh reedman friedman son the cardio show he had community yeah yeah well he
00:02:17| wrecked a car parking spot and got a brand new car the next day yes he did it was like that year i mean we're dating ourselves it was like oh three or oh whatever the hell you
00:02:27| know what i mean he got a new one it's like damn that's kind of immunity from life because if you wreck your car or do something to it you should not be able to get a brand
00:02:34| newer car yes like two days later that's bullcrap do you know he also had a parking spot at our school did he really like a permanent one yeah like he had a parking spot like you
00:02:44| know we just had to park wherever like he had a spot a jerk what is that like why like i said do you like how there's a thing about people who have immunity
00:02:54| they're the jerk off i mean it's kind of not their fault and if you had a parking spot where would you park in your spot it's the same thing with the people who are
00:03:02| quote unquote disabled like they aren't really disabled but they have the placard so they can park a front but they get other cars and i'm
00:03:09| like i know specifically it's not like they aren't like it's not like they're really disabled and like they just like look like they're not like they're not disabled but they still park up front
00:03:16| and walk it's like it's not like the scene and me myself and irene where he sees the guy real quick park into the spot dive out of the car and he sees the guy and he
00:03:25| gets all crazy and he turns into hank and all of a sudden he's filling it with a trash can he's hitting the car detting it and he's
00:03:32| pissing in the gas tank and we see the guy who parked the car and drove real fast and jumped out with you know just flying out young guy and he's helping an old man in a
00:03:41| wheelchair with a neck brace out and he was just moving the car closer for him he's like god damn it get your [ __ ] out of my chrysler there's a certain thing where people who
00:03:54| have immunity tend to be jerks we can agree on that i mean if i had if i won the lottery i probably would turn into a jerk i think i'd be an
00:04:04| [ __ ] at that point like more right more yeah more so okay that's what i thought wow the uh it's like immunity is weird because you're free from punishment
00:04:16| you're free from penalties you're free from the obligations that other people in your circle or your environment are this happens a lot in
00:04:24| the workplace with like boss's sons as we mentioned like uh that's the boss's son he can't own the business yet so he's not an owner but he's at your level oh he's
00:04:34| your level of management and it's like oh is he and it's like he doesn't ever show up on time and he doesn't ever he never has to show up on the reports and i never
00:04:42| see him have to do the dials or the tps thing and it's like well yeah but he's the boss's son he doesn't have to and it's like well then i'll move up the ladder quicker
00:04:50| than you don't worry about it yeah he absolutely will regardless of his numbers and you know if i have a kid and he comes to my business and i have a
00:04:59| business guess what my kid's gonna move up quicker than everyone else too so i can't i can't do you know what i mean it's weird so immunity is like
00:05:07| it's like a free pass it's like why are you here you're wasting time you get it everywhere like in school we mentioned in workplace you kind of see it in law and stuff too
00:05:18| you ever have someone who's like the the police chief's daughter or something gets a dui and then all of a sudden the dui who is a police sergeant or something's
00:05:28| son right no i don't think wang uh he may have been but no it didn't really help him much he's
00:05:41| he needed it he needed it to be normal it's like what control with 99 lives like you would still need every night was it 99 yeah 99 yeah um what's weird is
00:05:53| sometimes immunity i guess it cannot you know what immunity is good for it can help you like explore things um financial security kind of that's i mean i'm sure you can do whatever
00:06:04| yeah and then it gives you immunity to play around find what you're good at slack for a couple days find out who you are um find your niche see if you like
00:06:13| something or don't yeah a little bit yeah because you don't have to struggle or go by the guidelines everyone else will think you're a jackoff rightfully so
00:06:23| in fact do you think there's everyone has immunity at some point in their life or something this is always worth that save rinse and repeat like in video
00:06:34| games whenever you can reload like pure immunity gives you a chance to experience it in every facet so you can try every possibility and plan out
00:06:44| quick save quick load guide oh yeah it's like so i didn't kill that guy like i wanted to kill him you play half-life right you know you're
00:06:53| going to a danger room or fallout or whatever the hell you're playing you quick save you go into a room that you know it's like a boss room it's got like eight guys there's a whole
00:07:01| bunch of environmental things you do it and you you survived you got you took some big hits a guy got a couple of lucky shots on you yeah you survived you used a lot of ammo
00:07:13| you wasted one grenade or something what do you do yeah i'm gonna just load into it again yeah are you like that yeah
00:07:22| i like the sequence i like to set it up and let it fall dominoes yeah all right so do i i will load it multiple times until i'm happy and i'm like
00:07:30| much better that's immunity right that's how you play the game you should have seen the way i knocked one enemy into the other and blew up a barrel and dropped a grenade precisely
00:07:43| where i needed it but it feels good doesn't it yeah immunity i guess let you explore a little bit so the i guess the predator here is not only the
00:07:52| people that have immunity it's immunity itself because hey it gives you like a false sense of pride i guess if you're especially
00:08:00| playing a video game like in real life you don't get retries so there's a weird like like lacking of of retries that you feel like you should
00:08:09| like you should maybe regret that you should have done it right but you can you don't have it real life right yeah well then also if you've been like
00:08:18| silver spooned or white gloved those are the sexual positions they should be um if you've been silver spooned or white glowing clumpy baby what do you do it's where you both put
00:08:29| on a british comedy and like watch it next to each other and fall asleep sipping some tea so it's also like a crutch like without the immunity you might not have
00:08:43| done those things you don't build up your own character you also don't become as strong a person and maybe you don't know yourself as well
00:08:51| so you get 34 years old and you realize that holy [ __ ] i haven't lived but now life has passed me by and there's nothing i can do because i'll always
00:09:01| have immunity and i'll always be protected like what's a judge's son do in like life or like i don't know i feel like you can almost commit more crimes
00:09:09| isn't that weird that sounds good yeah i can i can turn on red anywhere i want it's like what and it's like really shows that you were mooning her as
00:09:18| you turned right and out the window how did you do that while driving no one is sure how you could reach the pedal wow ah cruise control there's my lincoln yeah and he's like i have no
00:09:32| idea but guilt expunged it's weird i think these people you'll run into in your workplace or whatever like i said if they're on the same level as you maybe you're the same age as the
00:09:44| guy or the girl and they're being groomed for the position so you know no matter what you do you're not getting it ahead of them so there's a weird thing where you have
00:09:52| to kind of just make peace with it uh you might hate them they might be a douchebag they might be a douche nozzle a douche canoe uh douche i think we mentioned a few of these
00:10:04| so you kind of just let them be because there's nothing you can do to change their immunity good lord unless you you took down took down the confederacy
00:10:13| or the judge or the the whole federation like you could do that but maybe you want to scale it back and just be like whatever who cares right yeah we're not giving you [ __ ] is
00:10:24| probably the best plan yeah yeah i don't think you should upset yourself with nepotism or you know who's immune or who's not
00:10:33| even um when certain jobs are fired like you know oh this sales people are really probably going to get fired this quarter and it's like oh my god i'm sweating
00:10:41| and it's someone's like i'm the i.t guy they only have one of us and i'm pretty good it's like he has immunity and it's like weird that you hate him a little bit like son of a
00:10:49| [ __ ] but i think everyone's gonna have immunity at some point in some way in some walk of life and when you have it
00:10:58| maybe enjoy it and when you don't have it maybe just be like [ __ ] lucky bastard this is uh the last senior year of high school whenever when you have your
00:11:09| college picked out you've already you do have pretty much have your gpa do you know i did this in a grade school so i had a scholarship to high school right
00:11:19| and uh in eighth grade i was no no teachers liked me because i didn't put a lot of effort believe it or not folks and i had teachers literally threatened me in front of the whole class
00:11:28| you think because you have a scholarship to a high school you can just coast and i'd be like like ferris fueled a little bit maybe like you aren't guaranteed that and i'd
00:11:39| be like i was threatened a 12 year old at that point yeah i guess they were but all at the same time a 12 year old being a [ __ ]
00:11:49| yeah like you know i mean i was i was that person so immunity it comes around it goes around it's it's bosses sons it's people who get 99 lives in contra how to
00:12:02| avoid it don't how to stop it don't add anything don't it's just it's your time or it's not your time learn to take it build your character
00:12:14| build some character fill up your health bar by hitting reset and what i'd like to say is predators

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