The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP150 Silence

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Transcript UnP150 Silence

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 150 - Silence
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00:00:09| i've got a song in my heart i've got a cell phone beeping i've got a child in the background i'm going to the store i can tell what car is driving by just
00:00:19| by its engine and googling the car hear that that's what we're going to talk about today silence so i'm dan and i'm nick folks we're old
00:00:43| friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered [Applause] each discussion here is a deep dive into
00:00:51| our exclusive perspective with taboo for business subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion we might even get a little bit
00:01:01| dirty warning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and it's for infotainment purposes only so join us have a good time open up your ear holes
00:01:14| because we're gonna fondle your [Music] follicles [Music] and i'm dan oh nick folks
00:01:39| wow actually uh i'm looking forward to this episode for a long time where are they on pandar's we're the impenders i'm sure you know you better know it i know
00:01:52| you better know it episode 10 ish no no ish i just like to sound humble you don't do very well so we're going to talk about the big
00:02:11| quiet i thought it would be really cool if we did a podcast where the entire thing we just sat for an hour looked around searched each other's souls through our
00:02:21| eyes good thing you're really blurry so i can't steal my soul i still can native american style if someone
00:02:32| takes your image it steals it forever part of the soul what does that have to do with silence nick well without a soul you don't make quite
00:02:44| the same sounds wouldn't you agree i don't know i've never been soulless before you've been soulless your whole life and maybe i've never had a soul
00:02:56| how do i know uh how would you know who how would you know so we like to start with uh definition or talk about silence like we wouldn't even
00:03:09| do i don't know how do you define silence how do you define silence how would i define it i would use wikipedia and they would say
00:03:19| it's the absence of ambient audible sound audible stuff you can hear low intensity that they do not draw attention to themselves or state of
00:03:29| having ceased to produce sounds that makes sense it says through speech or some other medium usually which also makes sense because yeah do
00:03:42| you do you have silence do you meditate do you i i don't but there is a thing on this wikipedia page
00:03:50| that you can press play and listen to 18 seconds of silence [Music] that's pretty good oh no i don't hear anything it's the end
00:04:04| of silence right here well you're silenced yeah do you think there's ever like silence in your house no i mean after this podcast is over and everyone's asleep
00:04:16| i have moments i tend to stay up late playing on my phone but that's still not silence no i'm purposely trying not to make this silent because there's noise in the
00:04:26| background that i'm trying to cover up with my own voice hi is it working i don't know like you can tell yeah really i can sort of tell i could
00:04:35| sort it though it's weird silence is one of those things that um we think we always hear but we never really hear because you can't hear it folks just
00:04:46| kidding so i had a moment of silence this past week i think it was saturday no no no something even better uh saturday i think it was we went to
00:05:02| our friend's house who got an above ground pool oh yeah and above ground pools i don't know they're not that much fun but like it was in the sun it was like
00:05:12| dusk timeline and i got in because my kid was in and he wanted to get out and i was just too lazy to move and it was like friday it was friday or saturday because
00:05:20| it was after a long week and i remember being in that pool and just floating and i had a beer but it was outside the pool and i was just like i'm just gonna float
00:05:27| and he was like i'm gonna get out there and i was like all right dude and i'm like sitting on it and sitting on it and everyone was at the far yard
00:05:35| because the pool was like farther away from everyone that's why i had to be down there because my kid and he left so it was just me in the pool and i fell asleep but it was one of
00:05:43| those sleeps where you're not really dreaming you're just you're out and in fact i know the people on the the porch saw this but
00:05:52| i woke up and did the jerk oh my god because i was floating i was literally floating in the front you thought you were about to drown i was i thought i didn't know but it was
00:06:03| and then i realized i was on a pool i realized no one was around and i was like i'm going back to sleep and i slept like at a party where they had company and friends and everything
00:06:11| else over and i was just in a pool sleeping and when i was done people arrow arrived had a ribbon a [Laughter]
00:06:27| it was just funny i didn't know them so i went over and introduced myself i was like i'm real sorry i just uh i don't get those moments very often and they're like oh we totally get it like
00:06:35| you look like you were passed out in the pool we saw you do this and i was like yeah you saw that and you're like yeah everybody left and i was like
00:06:40| that's awesome but uh yeah that was like my moment of like peace and it wasn't silent i mean i'm sure the water was moving a little bit probably some crickets and stuff but
00:06:51| i was as close to silence i've had for a long time that's like uh what's the joe rogan they have like the saltwater tank experience they have a name for him
00:07:01| immersion no deprivation deprivation chambers okay do you know my mom my mom had a free pass to one for 30 minutes and she gave it to me and she said you
00:07:10| have to use it by january or february oh the one that just passed yeah yeah i never got around to it now i'll name it perfect experience to share on the podcast
00:07:21| it would have been great i mean do you have a deprivation chamber going on back it seems a little loud oh my goodness that's probably why rogan has one i would like bury it in the ground like
00:07:32| in like a bunker and just like dive in so what did they say you um you float and it's the salt water makes it so that it's
00:07:42| more dense than regular water so you're kind of pushed up by it yeah you're kind of floating in it like total floating and that what do they do they shut it
00:07:51| you in it like they you have to sign a waiver or something and they close it so that like no light and no sound comes in i don't know if there's no sound i mean
00:08:02| they they describe it like that but i'm sure you can hear things like a machine humming gently in the background if you're floating your ears
00:08:10| are in the water i would assume you can hear more you can probably hear like saltwater though yeah like well same thing with waters like you hear all like the like noise travels faster
00:08:21| right so like you hear like a little yeah yeah creaks but it's denser than so maybe it's almost closer to regular sound not quite
00:08:33| that's pseudoscience and we don't approve of that here on the unpanderer's neck we do not no yes everything science by the books here
00:08:41| have you ever been in like um in the anacot chamber yeah what's that oh is that the soundproof one the sound was soundproof but
00:08:49| the intention is that you don't get any echoes at all and it's really unnerving i've been in a few of them because nasa has how big are they the one i was
00:08:58| in um closet or like a room i've been in both the closet and like a very large yeah room be weird in a large room it was yeah it's very strange
00:09:11| it was also really like uh dilapidated it was like they it was must have been like 50 years old and they were like mushrooms growing from the floor but it was like used for recording sounds
00:09:24| that were given off from different like equipment that was going to space but when you're in there it's weird not to have a voice like if you talk like
00:09:32| you don't really hear yourself like the reflection of your voice doesn't come back to you so you sound kind of like impotent like you don't you don't have like a strong
00:09:41| voice in that that environment really that'd be wild i kind of want to check that out it's also if you're like in there for longer periods of time your ears start
00:09:53| to adjust and you start to really hear your own like creaks and body noises and you start to like hear your breathing it becomes a little like yeah
00:10:03| and heartbeats and like when you blink you can hear your eyes blinking it's yeah i can see that that's funny because i was reading up on it and you kind of as long as you're alive you
00:10:13| can't hear complete silence because the blood is rushing through your body yeah noises we don't usually hear but that's why when you're terrified and your adrenaline's pumping and
00:10:22| everything's on edge and you think you're being hunted or hiding under the bed from a killer you can hear your blood pumping because a you're as quiet as can be your ears
00:10:31| are strained all your senses are pushed to the limit and guess what your blood's still pumping and it's pumping pretty fast so you can actually hear it you can hear
00:10:38| your heartbeat like that feeling when you're in a closet and you're hiding from someone or something so and you're breathing as well you're very aware of it
00:10:48| like you know what i mean and you're always breathing so you can never not hear anything uh there's a whole bunch of websites that dedicate like if you actually
00:10:57| experience true silence you would go crazy it drives a human mind mad and i think they're kind of bs but maybe a little bit right
00:11:07| i i think that would it would i think it would drive me crazy because then you'd you'd just be so you wouldn't be in tune with yourself you'd start to like be too aware of yourself you wouldn't be
00:11:18| able to avoid listening to yourself as a kid did you ever um go through things or phases where you were like super conscious of your breathing like you realize when you breathe in and when
00:11:31| you breathe out and then you did it so many times in a row that you forgot how to automatically breathe that ever happened to you no i swear to god dude i would be like you
00:11:42| jerked awake and then i know and then i was like how do i automatic breathe and i like i couldn't remember because i was
00:11:50| counting my breaths and paying attention to my breathing and it got to the point where i was like [ __ ] i can't stop this i'll die okay i really thought i was gonna die or
00:11:59| like have to breathe for the rest of my life i think i was like seven or six or eight or somewhere in there but you'll never be able to focus on anything ever again
00:12:07| i'll be like i'll always be breathing it wasn't it wasn't as forced as that but i knew i was breathing i was like breathing in okay you're breathing in now you're breathing out okay breathing
00:12:18| out and then i was like oh [ __ ] how do i stop it's weird that you you bring that up because there was a monk describing meditation
00:12:26| and he said your monkey brain doesn't stop thinking so like what you have to do is give your monkey brain a task by focusing on your breathing you give the monkey brain a task so he can go off
00:12:34| and do his other thing while you can calm the rest of your body he's like that's how it kind of makes sense yeah so focus on your breathing it is
00:12:46| it's very relaxing it's probably the amount of oxygen you breathe in though it's just a false sense of it's probably related to it yeah there's no more peace
00:12:55| there's no way to get happy from this you can't manipulate yourself to feel better yeah you could maybe maybe not hard drugs
00:13:06| hell yeah the natural ones only yeah derived from leagues man made up buds earbuds so i don't know what i don't know why i pick silence i
00:13:22| think it's because i haven't had science because i'm always required to do something with somebody or have something around i actually had maybe that's because of this like for
00:13:30| the first time in a long time i had an hour where i was left alone in this house by myself and like there's a weird thing that happens when you're left alone
00:13:42| and you can choose what to do and i feel like if you only have a short time you end up doing exactly what you've always done because it's routine yes 100 uh this is there's an old rob
00:13:53| delaney tweet it was one of his originals and it was uh my wife and family left i'm i'm literally paralyzed no there what what should i do i'm
00:14:04| literally paralyzed between jerking off and eating an entire pizza help something to that effect and he was so excited that he had
00:14:12| free time that he wanted to do all his free time activities at once he wanted to order a pizza he wanted to jerk off he wanted to watch some stupid kung fu movie he wanted to
00:14:20| do all this stuff but he only had an hour of free time like which one to do and it was so excruciating that to pick the wrong one that it's like he was not enjoying his
00:14:29| free time anymore it was distressful and anxiety producing no what do i do this happens as you get older and maybe you accidentally do drugs let's say
00:14:42| and you're like really high or something and everyone goes to bed and you're like oh i could listen to my favorite album i could listen to a new album i could watch a really funny adult swim
00:14:52| show oh i could take a hot shower that's always awesome yo you know what i could do and you go through 40 different things that you
00:14:59| could do and you're like oh no i got to go to bed which one do i do like i'm not going to enjoy any of these now i think like that's just
00:15:08| getting older maybe i don't know yeah maybe what did you do in your house alone with your did you enjoy silence i forget the beginning part of it but it
00:15:20| was enjoyable yeah i went for a run did you oh look at you i didn't have to like sneak around the house and like try to get away from them
00:15:30| couldn't usually they track me down they hunt me like bloodhounds yes they do they know where you are they know when you have free time and they know when you're busy
00:15:40| because that's when they'll ask for something to yes when you're truly focused into something it will break your focus so without silence this i guess this is
00:15:50| the opposite of it is that if you're forced to like work with a group of people in a very tight space and you can't get silence then you fill it with white noise or you feel with
00:15:59| a podcast or some music like the things that bring you comfort are the things that you can like just kind of put on play and ignore or it's like
00:16:09| so like background noise back like rain i like my uh my room it it's like the roof is right there so like it doesn't have any thing on top of it so you can hear the
00:16:20| rain it's very very loud uh but it's comforting so like i'll wake up in the middle of the night with the rain pouring and i'll just like stay awake for an hour
00:16:30| listening to it and it doesn't bother me literally yeah it doesn't disrupt my like it disrupts my sleep but it doesn't disrupt my happiness so i'm just kind of
00:16:37| like it's like my own life like a legit hour yeah a lot of times like 40 minutes right don't know no
00:16:50| to me that's weird i don't care and that rain doesn't ever wake you up and you just like sit there and listen to it yeah maybe 15 minutes
00:16:59| me up for an hour you can't i don't know once you're there's a there's definitely like time frames where you're like you're awake if you're awake for like a minute or two
00:17:06| you can go back oh like um yeah yeah yeah yeah cycle and all that bull scientists what do they know what do they know science i'm the greatest
00:17:16| so ironically enough a week ago maybe i lost power and i was the oh it was the night that we recorded that's why so we recorded a podcast and the power
00:17:30| went out which it'll do time to time you know in a big storm and it came back on then i turned on my computer and started recording a podcast
00:17:38| and the power went out and then it went on and i started my computer and the power went out and then the power came on and i waited literally two minutes
00:17:47| i started my computer i continued my podcast and what did we get five minutes yeah it caught out again so that's another cut out again and stayed off is that at my work we have these devices
00:17:59| that make alarms that are constantly going off but all these electronics around us they have this like nice wine that you you can't avoid like
00:18:07| if you really were to make it silent you would hear like the monitor you're looking one or two of them going off somewhere or something yeah you could hear it
00:18:15| like the little like electrical like buzz it's just unavoidable so like when the power went out did you find that it was like something like strangely peaceful or is it
00:18:25| awkward so i went upstairs i said damn it we aren't going to finish that episode i was enjoying it and i went on my back deck and it wasn't raining
00:18:37| but it was lightning everywhere in all directions like that lightning that you light up everywhere yes so i made a drink or i had a drink
00:18:47| already i just poured more of it and i sat out on the back deck for like 15 minutes and just sat and looked at the lightning while the houses were all dark
00:18:54| except for like i think that's my east i'm not sure direction like but anyway to the east like half a block from there on they're all good and it was just really
00:19:04| it was peaceful but then i went inside and i i wanted to poop why not and i pooped by flashlight which was kind of interesting except my girlfriend got up and then she
00:19:19| opened the door because she didn't think anything was in there she had no clue power without and i was like i'm pooping can you please and she's like why do you have a and she closed the door
00:19:27| and i was like power's out but like can you imagine if the power wasn't out and i was just pooping with a flashlight she was like what are you doing i have one of those little night lights that's
00:19:39| motion sense so like whenever i do that at night it's never with the light actually turned on it's with the motion sense thing so like it turns off every 10 seconds so
00:19:47| if you're in there pooping it's just like and then you gotta like use back home you're on the toilet waving your arms around so like get it to turn back on
00:19:55| and it turns back on okay so after i was done pooping this is the last part of the story i went back into the living room and i was gonna watch tv but the power was out
00:20:06| so then i was gonna look at my phone but i was at five percent and i was like well whatever so then i thought what am i gonna do and i sat on my couch
00:20:14| and i took us with my drink and i put it down on the table and it made a real loud clang and i heard the ice and the drink and i was like
00:20:22| and i tried to be at peace but it was kind of warming up because the architecture wasn't working and i grabbed the glass again and i did another drink and i could hear the whole
00:20:29| drink and i can hear the ice cream and then i put it down yeah and then i put it down and it hit the table real loud and then it was like
00:20:37| just clinking there and i was like this is i wish someone else was up this is depressing i was like i can hear myself drinking and it was i was like i think i'm done
00:20:46| so i finished that drink and i was like this is it's like drinking drinking alone like i don't have the tv on i didn't have a phone to look at it was just depressing at some point i
00:20:56| was like i'm done i could hear you say that if you're like passed out completely and like the first thing that comes to mind and you can't see your like like smell anything it's like i can
00:21:06| hear myself drinking and you're just just keep swallowing as you're passing out so yeah that was weird i did have a silence episode where i heard myself
00:21:18| drinking and it was weird and i was like this there's also something fearful in silence too like i've worked in buildings where it was just me
00:21:26| and like for the entire day it was just me and it's like really like i lock all the doors because it's i feel like so the silence is invasive that like anything around me
00:21:35| is like like especially waking up in the middle of the night you hear something like it breaks your focus so you're like you're constantly thinking that something else is coming in
00:21:45| i just got the uh the goosebumps so i know it's a good topic so when i worked at my parents place it was a building built in the 40s that was just carved out made for
00:22:00| storage so it was like a house that people lived in turned into storage in like the 60s mold on the walls there's steel beams that jut through the
00:22:12| concrete is falling apart it crumbles all over the floor there's there's some running water in some of the buildings but some not there's like a refrigerator from the 1940s that
00:22:22| doesn't work isn't plugged in but was sitting somewhere for 40 years when i would go through those buildings you could hear
00:22:30| a weirdness that was so quiet it was creepy like you could go into the basement of somewhere that was built in the 40s or no one had lived there except boxes
00:22:45| for like 30 years and we'll go down we'll move the boxes but that's all the the action it gets you know what i mean there's like a light in there but the air doesn't always move
00:22:54| it's dead it is dead but it's still there it's still alive sort of like it wants to be dead so you could hear really weird silences and correct me if i'm wrong what you're
00:23:08| just referencing but it's like silence can be really loud like where sometimes you you're like what you said when you're in a building alone the silence is like
00:23:18| whoa it's so loud this is weird it's i can hear how quiet it is right do you know that feeling yeah exactly it's like when someone's talking
00:23:27| and they just stop it really it draws you in and it makes you focus on the things you don't want to you don't have a choice because you're
00:23:38| sensory like you need stimulus so like if you don't have visual stimulus and you you're not doing anything else like your hearing is probably the most
00:23:48| attuned thing that can be like all around you like if you if everything in front of you was still but you heard something moving behind you how do you not look behind you oh you
00:23:59| would that's that's impossible yeah so i got the science for us we um talk about silence all the time but silence is very relative
00:24:09| so for human beings i think we can hear in the 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz frequency okay usually um zero to 120 decibels in loudness yeah this podcast is
00:24:23| actually shaped around human hearing so any of the high frequency stuff is cut out in any of them that's freaking um attenuate attenuation attenuation yes
00:24:46| got it pre-attenuation that was closed yeah so so um some humans can hear as low as negative 15 decibels because it goes negative because
00:24:56| whatever the zero is loudness um logarithmic let's see dogs hear 40 hertz to 60 kilohertz so their hearing is actually high frequency
00:25:08| higher than ours higher frequency right but also lower lower sound they can actually hear up to negative 20 decibels usually dolphins can hear 100 oh 100 kilohertz
00:25:20| in frequency so that's why they're a higher pitch sometimes they call each other's names and crap and it's all on higher pitch so absolute zero silence
00:25:30| doesn't really ever happen does it can we get into that so what do you mean by absolute silence are you talking like frequency-wise like i can't you can't
00:25:40| make a sound that has zero frequency it would be can you so if i'm in space space enough space like if i know you do if you change the pressure like barometric pressure
00:25:55| like doesn't have a sound to it like wind moving by might because it has a vibration but like if it just like slowly like the pressure rose
00:26:03| or dropped slowly or you couldn't hear the pressure if it went to kept getting lower and lower and lower and lower until you were in space and
00:26:14| had no pressure okay and leading you on a would you be able to hear so someone yelled in space you wouldn't space if you've ever
00:26:24| ever watched the videos of them doing like evas like they hear the clink of like the umbilical and then it's just like them breathing
00:26:35| so like it's really weird like you hear like the like the nylon like that and then like a metal like clink and then there's like there at the
00:26:43| end of the rope and then they're just like you can hear them like working with the metal but if you're completely unattached and
00:26:50| there's no sound like there's there's no pressure around you at all you can't transmit sound out of your like away from your body it's all contained within you you can't
00:27:00| make it vibrate so if you scream and space you scream in space nothing's vibrating to go exactly because nothing's vibrating across
00:27:08| the relay between you and whoever else you're screaming at or whatever so literally no one can hear you scream in space yeah there's also a neat thing if you were
00:27:18| like launched of a vehicle in space like people think like you're gonna die instantly but really what's gonna happen is that like you'll depressurize
00:27:28| so you're gonna like exhale and won't be able to inhale because you can't you like you can't pressurize yourself and then you lose pressure so like your
00:27:36| body cold like cools down like instantaneously does it explode or implode no no it like so like your lungs are filled with pressure and when you open your mouth
00:27:48| like all the air will be forced out and then when you lose pressure your body actually cools down so you will you will cool down to breathe yeah well you won't freeze to
00:27:58| death because after a certain point you'll you'll hit you'll be hit by like cosmic rays in the sun and radiation and stuff but you won't be able to get rid of any
00:28:05| of the heat that you're generating so you'll slowly warm up and it'll actually be like a heat death wouldn't you be dead from asphyxiation though before that
00:28:16| i think you would warm up before you get to that point i think it takes yeah it takes several minutes yeah that's wild that's kind of nuts
00:28:29| so these people on these missions do they have uh background noise at all going on at all and keep them from going crazy i think astronauts like play music all
00:28:38| the time a little like that i mean you also i'd be curious to know whether they use google play spotify or like apple music i'm just curious
00:28:50| it's like well you can get the official word i'm just curious yeah you know misophonia ah extreme reactions to a sound in most cases rage anxiety or disgust
00:29:16| and it happens to certain sounds nails aren't brown note no we're not talking with the brown out yet um we're talking about like nails on chalkboard ah yes yes
00:29:27| do you have any of those oh i don't yeah i don't like the nails on chalkboard i don't um i don't mind it you know you actually you don't it doesn't freak you out
00:29:36| no i mean i don't i don't like it i just said i don't mind it no it doesn't freak me out do you know what it does a fork or something on a metal bowl
00:29:44| like when you're scraping a metal bowl makes my skin crawl i don't like it i hate when i like if you're getting potato salad and doing that that's my ex-girlfriend had that and she
00:29:54| would get nuts about that oh my god it's like can you please like i've had those before or it's just like i have to turn up the the tv louder and louder until it's like i can't hear you
00:30:05| chewing because some people chew like they're like livestock they do the breeding uh you have to breathe while you're eating dude you don't have to breathe that loud
00:30:18| you know you can you can breathe and then chew you don't do both at the same time like that doesn't work so that that's problematic i think i don't know that there's any
00:30:29| other sounds that really drive me nuts i'm trying to think if there was another one for me and i kind of forgot it so metal on metal kind of bothers me especially like a fork on a metal bowl
00:30:42| i'm just kind of emptying it oh yeah freaks me out what about uh are there any singers or anything it makes you i don't know so i don't i watch a lot of x factor
00:30:53| because there's certain singers that like they hit it they hit that note it's really interesting the glass piercing the glass shattering one
00:31:01| it doesn't have to be like glass shattering it's just like i don't know what this is a variety of singers men women in different songs so
00:31:07| they hit a note so well maybe or they hit it just right that it it gives you goosebumps we've tried i think we've talked about this wait probably whitney houston uh the
00:31:17| bodyguard song i will go on i will survive whatever the hell it's called am i hitting it yeah i'm hitting it okay good
00:31:27| we'll always that's one of the craziest note hitting things that like really hits you and i'm like holy [ __ ] so what is it with singing uh it's a
00:31:42| timber a note uh a volume a frequency i mean it's gonna be a lot of things at once yeah we do i can't recall i didn't watch
00:31:53| it the human part of it do you think so like i have i have no idea what this actually looks like like mathematically like if there's a perfect like resonance in her voice when she
00:32:02| hits those notes because that's that's the purest sound right as if it's like right if you can sing about these divs and they all fit within each other and there's no disruption
00:32:13| sure that's what i assume i'm hearing but like the human body might not work like that like the human body might actually be picking up on like human cues
00:32:20| it's like a robot could make that frequency right and it'd be disturbing to have a robot sing that song and adding like mini notes in between
00:32:36| them michael jackson a robot it would be wild no so like i don't i don't think a robot can sing like i don't think a robot can impart
00:32:53| that much a reaction in human beings the way like whitney houston wouldn't say that song or that other singers imitated i would i would totally agree with you
00:33:02| um at least not yet singing singing is different though i feel like that's and the reason i'll say this is because i feel like um
00:33:14| sometimes corpulent women or men sound better bigger bodied is that what you're talking about yeah that's what i'm saying and i think that has to do with your whole body
00:33:24| like the sound comes from your diaphragm your whole body is like an echo chamber and it's like going through you and then through your vocal cords which you can adjust as you wish and then out your
00:33:35| mouth so all of them are so imperfect that it may create the perfect engine or experience for you to yeah it's more personal like you could
00:33:48| make a machine that would make that noise but it wouldn't have the same cellulite it wouldn't have the same yeah you know [ __ ] up eye tooth over here and like
00:33:56| maybe smokers uh larynx over here yeah and all of those things actually make part of the music that you hear so maybe you're actually hearing a [ __ ] up larynx and uh a [ __ ] up
00:34:08| eye tooth and some cellulite here and that's part of the sound that you hear yeah which is my argument for why some people make better food than others
00:34:17| the oils in their fingers they share pieces of themselves they too think about it there's tiny bits in there would you would you agree it's like skin shavings or something
00:34:31| this is a great yeah human dust do you think wow this is you think there's dude do you think there's do you think there's no way that
00:34:40| you have absorbed any part of the cook or the chef this is like the beginning of cannibalism you're like this is fantastic
00:34:48| like just a tiny bit hi really quite a fetish to be like can i can i get my regards to the chef and then you like hit the piece suck his fingers
00:35:02| as salty as i might have thought you could come for dale oh my god wait what if you were like you're not the chef and they were like yeah but i was and then they showed the
00:35:16| mount there's a mouse with a chef's hat in the back yeah oh we're sued so but the sound that you hear of the sound i don't think i've ever had
00:35:27| like a whitney houston in front of me without a microphone like that what i'm hearing isn't actually her voice it's the reproduction of her voice but it still does it that's
00:35:35| true that's true well some people would also argue that her live version is better or whatever you have to be there to see it so i won't argue with that
00:35:43| so by the time you hear it it's been altered touched defected 10 times well maybe a couple times coded yeah so it could be 10 i mean it's also coming out of headphones or whatever
00:35:57| speaker you're listening to it on my speakers are not that great so like audio files i that's one of those monitors yeah monitors
00:36:06| this they're not speakers they're monitors they're monitors okay speakers have different resonance and weird ups and downs monitors are
00:36:14| flat expensive flat so they give you the sound quality as it's meant to be delivered to your ears actually all of you know apologies you're right and a hundred watt subwoofer that i
00:36:27| found at quite a bargain nice i did maybe else there we go not a big deal yeah i did have speakers with growing up but i like
00:36:39| would you have i literally like some bows that if i kind of like circuit city that were like decent okay i still have them they still work it's kind of amazing but well that's
00:36:48| funny i had the klitsch college speakers when we went to college knows about the clips 2.1 dude but is there a legendary status no they just i have two friends who i met one who
00:37:05| went to college with us and one who like i just talked to at random he's like yeah i clipped the 2.1 what you had them and they were it's
00:37:13| just funny that they were probably reasonably priced and really good but everyone knows about them and i was like yeah eclipse pro media 2.1
00:37:20| oh my god it just died like three years ago so oh sadness sadness sadness but but what we're getting at is we're talking about individual sound profiles
00:37:31| and sound reproducing machines like are you a headphone guy and [ __ ] like that it's kind of a strange thing because i have multiple setups and they
00:37:41| like i could play speakers over here or do your phone your earpiece yeah and whatever it is i don't know that it matters to me like
00:37:54| the quality of sound used to matter when i had like a sixth speaker set up and it was like oh this is the purest you can get but like after a while i was like
00:38:02| but it doesn't really add to the experience it's the same thing with like finishing returns it's the same thing with a giant ass tv that gives you like
00:38:13| it doesn't mean that you're more into the the show like you're mentally does not require like mentally it doesn't require that you have all that stuff to be
00:38:22| fully into it now you well think of this can someone from 1940 have enjoyed a radio show like the friggin world the shadow yeah okay
00:38:33| the shadow but the war of the worlds like can you in 2020 who has like the most ridiculous setup enjoy something more just because your
00:38:42| medium is better i mean not necessarily right except for vr like if you have vr something it could be shitty like
00:38:50| block of animation stuff and then you're still into it more because it's all encompassing but i disagree you disagree you're like this doesn't do
00:39:00| it you're just doing it as a spite nick it's a spike oh i'm just out of spite no and i'm i'm like vaguely an audiophile like not really like i'm like
00:39:11| into audiophile stuff but not like i won't buy it i'm like yo they sound dope and someone's like oh my god what kind do you have and i'm like whatever came
00:39:20| in the box so so your your microphone is probably the closest closest you've come to like trying to reproduce your like sound perfectly
00:39:30| right because you bought we did the same thing where we bought shitty microphones and then we learned how to actually use them and then realize that they couldn't do what we wanted them to do
00:39:40| and my microphone is actually twenty dollar microphone which was better than the forty dollar one i bought because i had a samsung radio which i
00:39:47| didn't didn't like at all i don't i did the uh snowball which a lot of people do the snowball to start and then um i did so then that was like 48 bucks
00:39:58| and then to upgrade when i was like it was for my birthday three years ago because or two years ago because it was shows of my time hop all the time i bought some sony sound
00:40:08| time whatever it was a discontinued model but it was like usually 198 and it was on sale for like 98 yeah but i mean it was discontinued and i was like let's get it
00:40:19| so it's a hundred dollars and it it does a good job but i don't know what to do again audio file yeah exactly i don't i'm not i don't have 14 mics and i'm not singing
00:40:32| yeah so i'm trying to reproduce my voice i guess as best it can sound so that's the other thing is that
00:40:40| for these i think what it's called a dynamic mic versus a condenser like a condenser is like a shorter field right so like this shitty mic surprises people because i filter it right and i like
00:40:52| for people that have done podcasts with us they're surprised that i don't have to change anything about the sound or edit it like this is naturally what it sounds
00:41:01| like when it gets recorded and we just like i just like pump it through like a an automated filter that does it attenuation helps microphones not being garbage but don't
00:41:12| have to be million dollar mics and you've actually come across the world of editing sound which is a thing that i've looked at and dabbled in
00:41:23| and started to do with music but it was too much so i kind of gave up and you kept going so i had to so when you're editing sounds
00:41:35| what are you actually editing so we have sound waves it's both of us speaking it's both of us talking it's frequencies up down down up uh decibels but it's all
00:41:44| probably within a range yeah and then you kind of clean it up so that it sounds good how do you do that do you cut out some high highs and low lows or
00:41:53| do you remember the beginning the first i do i do with our shitty mics there was a definitive wine and background noise and white noise and like i was trying to kill all that
00:42:06| so i had really bad audio that taught me that like you can't really filter out bad audio like you can make it
00:42:16| sound decent cover some of it up but you can't change it yeah like it clips out like some of it and then it would like you you'd miss
00:42:25| chunks and then you can compress it which is like kind of making it so that different frequencies are like accentuated and other ones are
00:42:34| like attenuated is that is that um taming the peaks and upping the valleys yeah yeah and for the longest time i would like
00:42:49| i would listen to it i think it'd be okay and then you had those ridiculous headphones that were like 600 bucks or something how much they spent on this yeah although
00:43:01| during a recording we did uh they were thrown against the wall are they still working good working yeah i mean all the the physical buttons on the outside
00:43:12| don't work as well but they're like volume and something else and i could just do that with my phone but it's still i don't forget it and just
00:43:21| keep yourself in your bubble keep you safe uh keep in mind they're noise canceling and i want to talk about that we will get oh right after this go ahead i know i know
00:43:31| that's good keep going so the way i would do it was that i was like exactly i would i would listen to something and i have shitty headphones
00:43:39| on and i pass it to you and you would say you would tell me how you felt about it because really the sound is important to us
00:43:45| and if we both agree it's probably okay for the people who don't give a [ __ ] about our sound or there's probably some guy that's like oh this is terrible i can't possibly
00:43:53| listen to this there is a point where we talked about this what if we had amazing content great back and forth but the sound quality was
00:44:03| [ __ ] yeah like at some point you're gonna be like i just can't like i'm i'll listen to something that's easier to listen to because
00:44:11| a i'm not listening to it like i'm listening to it as background noise and i want some nice background noise do you know what i mean that's what a lot of people listen to podcast exactly
00:44:20| okay yeah so i run the the share podcast or podcast sharing i don't even know what my own reddit is but it's on reddit so there's people that are all newbies
00:44:30| like posting their own episodes and they always ask me like oh how's this how's this i'll listen to it and like within the first five seconds it's like i can't
00:44:39| i can't like i'm the i'm the sound snob because i've experienced it for realize that i just can't it's not good enough yeah and people i mean there's probably 90
00:44:52| garbage out there that like they're talking about nothing their sound is crap and then it's like what kind of content what kind of information like what kind of
00:44:59| entertainment can i get out of it and i just i can't do it anymore i'm sorry it's over it's over between us yep their content was good
00:45:12| yeah i kind of want to have a website that will say like let me rate the sound in your podcast and like upload your file or like your sound is
00:45:20| this shitty or i'll fix your rig yo tell me what you're doing i'll tell you what you're doing wrong fix it here's a flat thing let me tweak it
00:45:29| uh you should check out what the famicom that's a podcast that's great yeah it's laughs you can never get it out without with a straight face i know so noise
00:45:40| canceling what actually happens there it's a frequency that um i believe the technology detects and it creates a counter frequency
00:45:49| to knock it out yeah that's kind of [ __ ] up yeah because a wave there hasn't been a positive and a negative right yeah and it literally inverts it
00:46:00| that's insane to me so i know some people are like on like a boat where they're like we don't know enough about sound canceling technology or noise canceling technology
00:46:10| where this could hurt your ears years down the road i mean you're dumping twice the amount of sound into your ear to make no sound kind of i don't know
00:46:19| about that because waves are additive unless they're subtractive i don't disagree with that but then you're
00:46:29| are you receiving twice as many waves or not no i don't think you're you're not like if it would be where are they where are they where is the
00:46:39| anti wave since the the beirut explosion is fresh on our minds if you've seen fresh on our minds if you had two of those happening at the same time and you met
00:46:49| exactly in the middle would you notice there was an explosion yeah because one's not an anti-explosion two explosions amplifies if you meant an anti-beirut explosion
00:47:04| but would you be pushed in a certain direction if you were directly in the middle yes you might feel the pressure difference on each side of you yeah but i don't
00:47:16| know that you'd be moved left or right that's a hell of a coincidence that's strange do you know something do you have fertilizer in your backyard ammonium nitrate
00:47:29| is that what what was it ammonium nitrate yeah it's either a fertilizer or a very dense explosive very massive catalyst and that's i was yeah sidebar is that like that explosion
00:47:45| was the biggest non-nuke explosion they say of like all time really yeah like the i mean it was huge when someone told me it was
00:47:54| ammonium nitrate or whatever they said it was i can't remember what i actually heard almost 3 000 tons metric tons yeah someone was like
00:48:03| it was ammonium nitrate i was like oh my god like that's impossible to make that big of an explosion they were like i was like 27 50 tons and i was like what i was like who has it sitting
00:48:14| around like where was it where was it i really never mind that might be another what it could be but the background stories they had that in
00:48:23| a warehouse from for six years from uh a freighter that broke down and they stored it there and didn't have any means of like they wanted i think they wanted to sell
00:48:32| it to somebody but they kept it there i don't think that much fits on one freighter does it i don't know how much freighters hold up i'm not afraid i'm thinking
00:48:41| i'm thinking that's like five freighters i know a lot of freight but i don't know about a freighter listen a fritter a freighter i'm having it in the morning i'm having a breakfast
00:48:52| i'm having it with my coffee the crazy thing is that there's like there's so many different angles if you watched a lot of these things this is a huge nine to 12 of them at
00:49:02| this point have you seen the one where it's like uh a nanny taking care of three kids not like what it's it's like um it's a mile away so it's not
00:49:11| like okay the kid gets nailed in the face with a pane of glass but he's fine like he's shocked but he's fine like kids are fine they're going to be all right
00:49:19| but they're just crazy don't tell them they're hurt oh you're fine you're fine they're crying they're like you're fine he's like oh i'm good don't react yeah
00:49:26| they read into your signals don't give them any signals don't acknowledge them look away look away look away painting glass slitting through the head be like us so
00:49:39| the kid was standing right in front of the painted glass they saw the burning part and they i guess they saw the explosion because light moves faster
00:49:46| the explosion traveled through the ground into the building and you could see like the blinds shake like ever so slightly before it actually like
00:49:56| hit them with the wave and then blew out the glass in their skyrise so is there air moving in front of the wave like it's being pushed well it's the same thing as like the density of
00:50:04| water it's like it it goes into the ground and then displaces faster than it would in the sky in the air right water yeah it moves through water faster
00:50:13| that's how they figure out where the p-zone and t-zone are pnt now p seismic waves yeah yeah p and we're
00:50:38| it's [Laughter] was yeah that was a p wave so like you could you could see it in the building when it
00:50:57| moved that like oh [ __ ] then the pressure came after yeah the fact yeah nuts all right and let's do a whole episode crazy the sound of it though crazy so
00:51:10| back to sound holy [ __ ] what right before covet hit um my company was redoing the office like rejoined the cubicles
00:51:26| they're going to be shorter so like there's going to be more open air and people are going off exposed to each other oh yeah baby open all this
00:51:33| yeah so you know what they were doing rumor was that they were installing white noise machines to drown out the talking and different people on phones and everything going on
00:51:44| they actually installed them wow does it work to find work because i know they're there and i forget about them after about five minutes of being there
00:51:57| but there's it sounds a little bit like the ocean meets static from a tv meets raindrops did you have the one that does raindrops it doesn't actually make raindrops sound
00:52:09| it makes i can't describe the sounds i actually can't i just know they're on because i feel like i'm underwater in my office yeah exactly i have to talk
00:52:17| louder to people to make things travel across the office strange that you can be invasive with that like is that that shouldn't be illegal
00:52:27| it's weird and i don't like it but i also we've had it so long that now i'm back in the office and i just talk over and ignore it
00:52:36| whatever but i don't like it the i had a white noise generator when i was in an office with one other guy that was noisy and another guy
00:52:48| one other person we're in it was a one-person office that they fit two people in but like everything he he did i could hear so i would listen to this one
00:52:59| website that would have that like watery like white noise sound with like occasional lightning and i was like oh that was great
00:53:07| and then they closed down the website and then i had to listen to that guy for like another three months until they moved me out of their office and then they moved me into a giant open
00:53:16| office with a bunch of people talking which if you have enough people i guess that sounds like white noise but it's also really weird because
00:53:24| like you could focus how [ __ ] up is it you could focus in on one conversation at any point in time and actually hear the words they're saying
00:53:34| isn't that weird that you're not actually listening and you're just piecing together like bits like bits you don't it's just really really weird and then if you were
00:53:42| like and then anyway sally said the other day but the other yeah it's something stupid you don't care about it but if you do focus your attention on it you
00:53:50| can hear it do you do rip farts in your cube really loud farts so we had a guy not really we had a guy in like a 30-person office
00:53:59| yeah his giant room he'd rip the loudest and it would break everyone's like focus and we he i i guess it's in between feeling bad and like
00:54:10| yeah what are you doing it to be prideful i don't know what he ate or like why it came out like that but i i would assume that you would be able
00:54:18| to control like that loudness like that loudness just like let it go everyone in the office would like do the little look at each other and then they all start typing and
00:54:28| sending emails to each other like you did it again like chatting did you hear that one how far away did you hear that one that blast did you
00:54:38| feel it like number two yeah be rude too the um i guess this is apt as well so two days ago i was in work and uh i went
00:54:53| in the bathroom to pop a pimple this one right here i remember it well good thing it's blurry that's fine uh when i go in the bathroom it's two stalls two urinals
00:55:05| and like sinks and all that whatever and i wanted to make sure no one was in there because it's embarrassing to pop your pimples at work if you're a guy and whatever but i have a nice kerchief that
00:55:13| looks beautiful i look beautiful so i was in there i was doing my thing and like it wasn't popping it wasn't doing my thing and i was like sitting in there
00:55:21| it was like three o'clock i was like i don't know man so i was like might as well pee i go to pee i'm paying one of the guys from the warehouse came and i never see the
00:55:29| warehouse guy so i'm always like yo what's going on and he came there he's standing next to me he's like yo man what's going on i was like nothing man what are you doing he's like here
00:55:37| until four i was like oh cool and he's like are you a five o'clock or a 5 30 guy because different sales reps have different things i said i'm five o'clock or as we say in
00:55:46| the biz man i'm clocking out at 501 and i said that while i was finishing peeing and someone was in the stall two over the president of the company
00:55:57| and he goes 5.01 is that the president of the company he goes how are you going to make money clock it out at 5 00 oh and i was like
00:56:09| and i was like oh i just i gotta i gotta pick up my kid at five or on wednesdays and thursdays and he was like or i gotta pick up a kid at five on
00:56:18| wednesdays and thursdays and he was like whose kid is it and i was like it's it's my kid yes i guess that's okay but anyway he like
00:56:27| finished his business and i mumbled something else and left and i was like oh my god so i was popping a pimple while the president like was right there and they
00:56:34| didn't hear him white noise in the bathrooms usually no usually i can hear if someone's in the bathroom with me so
00:56:41| anyway pulled up his legs so that you couldn't see his feet and then he was like i didn't even lit look for it but like i was in there for like
00:56:52| hear a fart a cough a breath yeah a shuffle courtesy noise to let people know that you're in the area exactly do you want courteous president
00:57:02| god wait what's my what's my courtesy noise oh i sniff so if i'm in there and like someone else comes in i'm like i'll do the yeah yeah anyway
00:57:17| um the only person the company who actually cares that i [ __ ] out of 501 was the president of the company and that's who heard me so he probably wrote me down as
00:57:27| an empty bathroom that has like a dozen stalls like a nasa has a lot of those like giant bathrooms so like there's like no way you can really tell
00:57:36| so like i would always do that noise to break the silence and make sure people like don't sit next to you like if they if there's 12
00:57:44| open stalls and they sit next to you it's like wait come on dude like two or three man you got open yeah i gave you warning signs like you knew i was in there are you trying to be creepy
00:57:54| are you creepy or you're weirdo what are you doing and then you get silent i can't i just it's hard you can't shake that off when someone sits down directly next to your stall and just
00:58:08| he started looking over trying to figure out is this person [ __ ] with me it's weird because you can't see him you don't know it's like the grim reaper or
00:58:18| some [ __ ] could be your friend that saw you go in there but they just ah [ __ ] way yeah yeah or could not could be the president of the company could be the president of
00:58:26| the company he did not say the wrong thing so real quick let's do a moment of silence on the podcast and just see who breaks it first okay
00:59:02| hmm [Applause] i guess i took technically broke it because i was exhaling one you did you did i did grunt a subtle grunt yeah
00:59:26| it would be you i was rubbing my beard as far as i could hmm was like the game where you try to make other people laugh is there an actual
00:59:33| name to that stair game yeah which yeah i don't i guess that's what you call it it's interesting that kids pick up on these things and they
00:59:43| they play the games naturally without having an internet or something yeah they yeah you just know it purposely try to make you
00:59:53| feel or experience something there's a way of training you i guess it's the only biological sense i can make of it silence is weird it's like sometimes you
01:00:05| want it sometimes you don't want it have you ever tried to break the silence uh yourself like in a like you said a big house that was totally quiet and then it
01:00:14| made a real noise like hell yeah yeah yeah and it sounds fake like you're trying to break the silence and it makes it quieter you know empty city yelling
01:00:27| hell yeah i'm here oh yeah this is this is there's multiple reasons why we're talking about this is that we're watching sports and sports without an audience
01:00:39| weird yeah isn't it strange that like the crowd noise seems like it fits with the play like they i think they have a guy that's controlling like how much crowd noise happens during
01:00:49| certain plays but they don't do the uh [ __ ] like that so this is gonna sound conceited or like i planned it for this i can literally tell by
01:00:59| crowd noise at least in most hockey games what's happening on the play or if i'm in the other room what happened i know when there was a good shot and then it didn't score and then the puck
01:01:08| is frozen and then it's over and then like [ __ ] frozen i know when there's a goal i know when there is a goal the other way because the crowd
01:01:18| makes a weird noise where it's a muttering and then it's like that's people muttering right like you just said i know a short-handed goal versus a power play
01:01:29| goal there's a sound difference in the crowd this sounds insane but if you when i'm watching these events live and i have to leave the room to go in the
01:01:38| kitchen to get something or something for my kid or turn the other cheeks in football even i know when there's uh a really long incomplete pass
01:01:49| but it but i know it's a really long one because the crowd starts getting up oh my god that ball still goes in there ah it's different than the sound of a
01:01:58| two-yard run for a three-yard pass that was caught you know what i mean uh-huh 100 that's insane to me i can even hear an interception like
01:02:08| where the crowd like doesn't believe it and like hitting everyone and everyone [ __ ] goes nuts and then the crowd pumps the noise
01:02:15| and i'm like yo second down for the other team what happened is this did we recover the ball and i don't know if it was an interception or a fumble but i know there was a turnover
01:02:24| like crowd noise is a real thing and i how do you think it affects the players is like i i feel like they probably think it's
01:02:37| practice but it's and it's also not as vicious like nhl playoffs especially if you don't have the crowd being like like they're shouting like expletives
01:02:48| you don't have somebody forcing you to punch the guy down the only argument against crowd noise is that it's post eventual like it doesn't have until
01:02:58| after a lot of times so if you have a great goal or a takeaway do you think there's an anticipation there there's a little anticipation but
01:03:07| i don't think you hear it when you're going up in the air about even before the game starts like playoff games when they're like they have like the intro video and
01:03:16| it's like everyone's getting pumped yeah yeah i agree but i also would argue you're so in tune with the game and reacting
01:03:28| on instinct alone and not on like you're using your monkey brain more if we were to use a reference from earlier so that you don't necessarily overthink the noises you hear they are
01:03:40| background noise i would say now would i say that enough of it makes you feel a certain way or boosts your testosterone or might
01:03:50| heighten you or make you get the tingles i wouldn't disagree with that so maybe it does and are we in a world now without that does that kind of suck that's like a bit
01:04:01| yeah it looks like a little bit there was one goal from like keith primo it back when he wrapped it around that was in the the tampa bay series it
01:04:15| wasn't the five overtime one i actually know what goal you're talking about we got it but the the crowd noise in that it was insane like you if you were there
01:04:25| you know you'd be like right there with the entire crowd the entire crowd would be making the same exact noise of like the explosion of when he scored and when it happened and i
01:04:35| like i was watching on tv i literally like jumped up from the couch and then threw myself into a window and luckily they didn't break but like it was that enthralling that i was like
01:04:47| shouting and i was the only one like i was the only flyers flynn in in the room and like i was reacting like i was there and everyone else was like whoa dan
01:04:56| really likes this stuff like damn my man's into it he loves us okay all right only if you're into it one of the loudest things i ever heard was the um the flyer senator's brawl
01:05:10| oh yeah the 10 by the time against 20 minutes of fat fighting by the time i get to the fifth stoppage of play people were just screaming at the top of their lungs
01:05:22| what what is the loudest thing you've ever heard i actually don't know i'm thinking about this is this weird like the generic like jet engines it's probably going to
01:05:31| be in that yeah have you heard some jet engines i'm pretty sure we've like stood next to an airport and like watched them take off okay the other thing is like music i
01:05:40| used to play music really loudly and like i didn't like i i don't know like the other people would say it was really loud but i didn't have the
01:05:47| um like what what's the the type that's like in here like the ones that yeah they were over here so there's over here in here on here there's like yeah
01:05:56| there's like 19 different kinds of the ones that don't like they don't contain the sound at all yeah that so like my the office mates would hear me play
01:06:05| really shitty music and they'd be like when like somebody like the president would walk by they'd be like you know they could hear that and i'd be like i don't care
01:06:14| but i don't know so it's all relative like you don't know how loud like something is to you and as you lose your hearing you make it louder and louder and louder
01:06:24| isn't that weird that's actually i guess maybe the loudest thing i may have ever heard was opeth and i was at a novice concert and
01:06:35| uh concerts get pretty freaking loud right in front of that speaker you get this i uh was pushed from behind and in the mosh
01:06:46| pit and a girl in front of me it was a girl she was younger than me was pushed backwards from in front of her and my nose the bridge of my nose
01:06:54| hit the back of her head like this part and i just remember the deepest darkest reddest blood coming out of my nose and that's it still broke to this day it broke it
01:07:03| and i remember just doing this and trying to to be a part of my favorite part of the song but really being like [ __ ] behind it no no no i wasn't trying to hide it i
01:07:15| was trying to be like i came here for this don't let my face ruin it and just uh the end of deliverance playing it did
01:07:33| that part so there's an element there as well as you get as you get older and you start to lose your hearing if you literally cannot hear sound you do hear
01:07:45| things like it's not like you lose your sound like your capability of hearing and you just it's like nothing moving sound waves
01:07:52| right so if the movement is big enough or deep enough like is that way we can hear base steel based you feel bass and depending on the functioning of your
01:08:00| ear you might be able to hear it but if you completely lost all hearing is it the higher pitches that you kind of lose your brain interpolates like something
01:08:12| so like tinnitus i heard interpolates interpolates you like that one i did actually it was really enjoyable it interprets interpolates
01:08:23| whatever it's trying to figure out it's like your brain is trying to like map something to your hearing and your your sense of hearing isn't there so like tinnitus is the perception of
01:08:32| noise or ringing and it's actually really really bad so you can't hear anything yeah your brain thinks there must be a noise there we'll
01:08:43| accentuate any sound we can find so it's like being in a dark room when you're quiet and you're you know your hearing is heightened because it's trying to find
01:08:52| different things it's like it must be noise here that's what you're talking about tinnitus i believe is your brain can't hear anything or at least from the nerves or from whatever
01:09:01| it is so it it almost amplifies this high-pitched sound because it thinks that must be the sound that's going on in the background here you go
01:09:10| have it you know i know a guy who has tonight does he complain about it constantly i don't know i fell asleep in his above round pool i had a good time
01:09:24| yeah but yeah he he can hardly hear he's always like what what and he's only like 40 38 somewhere in there
01:09:34| it's a shame i bet a lot of the people that were in the beirut blast have tinnitus now probably lose their hearing entirely yeah it's messed up it's messed up that
01:09:44| like you like you have something taken from you and it is replaced by something that's really really annoying and give you gives you that it's like really terrible
01:09:52| yeah it's like ah there's something that was a blessing that i never really gave credit to and it's been replaced with a curse yeah i um i know you know about this my
01:10:03| grandmother was deaf my wife is deaf i know one of the coolest things about being with a deaf person in general is that at least with her i
01:10:14| don't know if this applies to everyone is that you go through long swats swashes where you yeah and no one has to talk and it's almost like
01:10:24| this is cool yeah there's points where like the conversations annoying or whatever but but yeah there's certain things that a
01:10:35| normal person like the conversation is and sometimes there's a rhythm shut up shut up shut up you're my wife shut up shut up
01:10:50| anyway okay when when my wife's on the phone like there's usually like an interpreter in the way and like there's a delay and then the back and forth of people
01:11:00| like not expecting like how long the delay will be those are the start stop and there's a lot of silence in between and it's always cringe worthy really
01:11:09| listening to it it's just like i think i've gotten used to it after like 15 years but it really bothered like it's like oh like like you don't know how bad like
01:11:21| the conversation actually like you're extracting what you need to extract from it but like you have no idea that like a fluent conversation is this
01:11:28| and you've never experienced like super in-depth conversation where you're like oh did you know that aliens came to earth and then they probed me like i didn't know that
01:11:38| and then it has to get interpreted everyone's quiet and then he has to interpret it say it back and the other person has to hear it think about it and then all the
01:11:46| while that you're talking about aliens probing someone and there's just like silence that sounds like everyone's waiting for everyone to hear about and then a friend is like
01:11:52| aliens probed him and you're like damn it that's not way too long not a good amount of information yeah so the extended silence and
01:12:05| conversations is really strange too is that if you've ever had a conversation where someone was just like staring at you blankly you make these assumptions of like
01:12:14| they're not listening or they're drawing conclusions or like you start to be introspective and be like what did i did i offend you like what did and it's a really weird
01:12:23| thing to have like when you get into the give and take of a conversation like certain people have different expectations for give and take like certain people are like
01:12:32| oh i give 90 of the conversation usually just take i don't want to talk about this i want to talk about this i want to talk about this oh now it's your turn to talk about
01:12:39| this and then it's my turn to listen to this and then you're trying to talk about this and you're trying to listen my sister had a boss that was like a hawaiian
01:12:46| uh santa claus if you could imagine what what it looks like no i don't know what that dark skin tan with really like white hair
01:12:54| jackie but like when you would talk to him he always had this he was for some reason always sitting in a chair and like you'd ask him a question
01:13:03| and he would lean back and like he'd close his eyes and not say goodbye and just he'd be you just and then he would come back and answer
01:13:13| you and every time you have that conversation with them the first the first few times you're like are you
01:13:23| asleep are you dead do you need help and like you would snap back into it so after a while you just like you knew uses to like
01:13:33| i guess contemplate process i guess think about it accept it but it's a it's a trait it's a trait that you learn to accept and it's kind of funny because other people
01:13:44| don't do that like nine like i guess you it's not something that you you learn it's like the anti-learning like most people don't like a normal conversation like they learn to do it a
01:13:56| certain way and you can you pick up when some people just don't do it that way yeah so to summarize it um i want to finish with this is silence
01:14:08| inherently bad or scary or good because it's weird i think it's i don't know if it's western culture but i feel like it's like
01:14:18| bad if you were in the middle of a rock concert and it was very loud could you tell that people were hunting you like if you had to fend off an attacker
01:14:29| i would you'd be screwed yeah i'd be head-banging so you'd probably want silence if you were being tracked when you're being hunted if you're hiding under the bed
01:14:39| though check this when you hear total silence you feel like you're being hunted whether you are or aren't what's that like a paranoia that is involved with silence yeah this is
01:14:51| the abnormal see right you're not used to it so if it was always quiet do you think we wouldn't care about silence i don't know if you lived alone in the wilderness like a
01:15:02| hermit do you think you would probably think you always feel like you're being tracked that's way cracks here
01:15:11| i feel like you would have such an intimate sense of what like you could probably tell which animals were around you by like how heavy the footfall was or
01:15:19| like how heavy the crack was you could be so so silence itself isn't bad i guess it's just the
01:15:30| what you're used to versus what you're not used to is bad yeah maybe so what is silence so the other there's a point here where we talked about like receiving silence
01:15:46| but we didn't talk about like being mute like inability to make noise uh it's so i don't know that we could live what like i don't know it'd be very tough to
01:16:00| not be able to speak i i agree um this is like off topic but it just happened yesterday what the um some five-year-old girl she was like
01:16:12| autistic with non-verbal abilities like right around the corner from my parents house and sort of by my house um she wandered out during the hurricane
01:16:25| that we have here on the east coast yeah left her house she's five years old and uh no one's 100 sure what happened but she ended up in the creek that leads past my
01:16:35| parents house and then goes to like where my aunt's house is and they found her at fisher park and dead and my girlfriend said to me she was all
01:16:44| messed up by it i was like listen like this stuff happens like i'm sad like i don't know like i can't process this kind of thing i don't know the girl i don't know the
01:16:52| kids i don't know like i know the scenario exactly and i understand usually but i also know the scenery i know the stream that it went down i know went
01:17:04| past my hair where i i know all these things but i'm like i don't know the kid i don't know the parents i don't know anyone and she was like do you think she cried
01:17:12| for help and i was like that's messed up [ __ ] i think she's just in pla like replacing that child with her own child
01:17:20| yes because ours is five yeah so right and i get that but super impressive yeah the situation but but think of this the child was non-verbal
01:17:31| autistic like did she cry for help i have no idea was she silent did she want to make noise and couldn't i have no idea
01:17:41| i i've never been in that situation where if i'm gonna die in some weird way i'm gonna yell i'm probably gonna scream or something
01:17:49| you don't have those dreams that like you try to yell and you can't i do but i'm pretty sure i'll be able to make the noises when i'm dying that's my that's my great piece so that
01:17:59| there's like two pieces here that like like there was the same thing happened to an autistic boy near me that he got away from a family party and like wandered into a pond
01:18:09| and just like he couldn't swim so he drowned and then the other thing how did he keep going into the water they lost track of him and he just like
01:18:18| i guess you just don't hello keep going into the water i guess you trip and you don't know how to like move towards the shore you just drift away that seems so weird
01:18:27| it's messed up because we know how to swim and we've known and swim no forget know how to swim if i didn't know how to swim i wouldn't like my son doesn't know how to swim
01:18:35| like he's a little okay at it like he can doggy paddle but if i threw him into the pond he wouldn't go into the deep end he would run to the shallow end like
01:18:46| i don't know maybe like a little dock a little deep spot and you can't grab on like my kids don't know how to grab on like they didn't recently they don't know how to grab onto the edge sure
01:18:54| would they go to the deep end would they jump in so this is the other well they think they can swim so they try and then oh okay would not here god damn it kids stop it
01:19:05| but this is the other aspect of it it's like people assume death is a certain thing because they see it in movies and someone always makes noise or they yell or they scream and like
01:19:15| there's some action that happens when someone dies because that's the way movies play out but like when a child drowns it's like people
01:19:23| are confused like didn't uh like there's i say like derek jeter didn't have as one of the baseball players that had like a a son that like fell our son our daughter that fell into
01:19:35| the water and the party um someone did it wasn't jeter i didn't think well i mean it could be i'm not gonna it was somebody like that someone big really high
01:19:43| profile and like it was at a pool party and people just lost track of the child and the child didn't make any noise yeah and there was like 50 to 100 people
01:19:50| there and then like well i mean it's it's that's the frightening thing is that you lose track in the silence of like
01:19:59| somebody in a crowd so like the silent i guess it's a silent majority it's just like yeah that's weird to say but yeah but like yeah it's there's an
01:20:09| expectation of noise and sound and commotion but when things go things are gone so there's another piece of this that's like
01:20:17| if you've known what it is to have like a full house of family and noise and kids running around and then it's gone the silence could be excruciating to you because there's a
01:20:26| mental anguish that happens there's a realization that like all of your loves is worthwhile and now you're gone like it's all like all that stuff is gone
01:20:35| and everyone talks about their family uh when we go to family outings with my family it's like loud everyone's crazy when you do it with my family it really kind of is it's like
01:20:46| my mom telling me to get this someone else told me this my dad's trying to talk to me about this the little cousin over here is saying uncle nicky want you to do this
01:20:53| and someone else is squirting me with a hose my own son literally calls me uncle nikki because it's the only way i'll answer them because
01:21:00| i'm so busy doing eight things and all the other kids are saying uncle dicky that he doesn't call me dada because i ignore him he says uncle nicky i'm like you're my
01:21:08| son what are you saying and then like all this stuff happens and there's like my dad being like oh by the way did you hear this there's a new one zeppelin so
01:21:16| oh dave matthews my mom's like oh by the way did you hear her and my girlfriend says this and then there's like 14 other people my aunt's coming and she wants to say hi she
01:21:23| hasn't seen me in three months and it's all this stuff happening at once and then when he comes oh my god and my little cousin my little niece and then my sister i haven't seen in a
01:21:31| while i was like by the way did you hear are you going to the party all that happens and it's so loud that silence is weird i think yeah silence is at one point at one point
01:21:45| when there's silence i won't know what to do with myself yeah my second year how do you live how do you die by the way how do you how do you come into this
01:21:58| world how do you go out it's i don't i don't know where you're going with us of the cry you know that's me smacking my girl's ass
01:22:11| yeah and you whining like a liar that's you getting the horseplay on yeah let's put the letters on let's get that's me getting win amp open baby no the same when you the same feedback
01:22:29| for like when i was in college the second year and it was the first time like i genuinely like it was mitch so like i spent in like
01:22:36| nine months with mitch and we're like that's the closest yeah well the other two roommates we had were were turds so it was like it was a huge bonding experience but
01:22:46| i remember the moment that they all left for the summer and i was left in the apartment all by myself and then like the emptiness is like creeps in there or the silence you're just like
01:22:54| everyone's gone there's because it was so loud before yeah there's no interactivity it's all it's dead it's a dead place like those what we're saying is silence is bad
01:23:09| why and what i want to say is it reminds us of death a little bit like i was in a room with someone who died and the only thing that changed is we
01:23:19| went from like six people in a room to five people in a room but no one moved it it was weird because i know that just sounds like a number
01:23:32| going to another number but it was weird it was like there were six people in this room and now there's only five it and no one like that person can never
01:23:42| talk again like that person is no longer making any noises do you think subconsciously you could hear them like their heart beating and
01:23:50| their breathing and the movement that they had and she was doing labor breathing like were you and it looks like a robot's breathing i was like
01:24:02| and then eventually it just stopped and then one more came and you were like okay they're still alive but then like you're waiting for the other one and it never came and it was like
01:24:12| like good and who was the first one to speak after that i actually don't know that's weird you think he's like all right i'm sorry
01:24:21| let's get out of here we're good anybody want a hoagie scene sorry a lot of people start crying like my my dad and my aunt cried it's really good but what i'm getting at
01:24:33| is like it's weird when you come to life people wait for you to smack some baby's ass and you cry you make some noise you're back baby you're making noise
01:24:41| you're crying you're making the loudness yeah making something happen when you die it's like the opposite it's like hey your voice is done you're dipping out
01:24:52| you've checked quiet it's real quiet and i wonder if that's kind of why we don't want quiet forever because that means
01:25:02| you're dead yeah right i think so that's a good way to wrap it up life and death baby we're making [ __ ] noise we're being annoying
01:25:13| we're being annoyed when you're dead you're neither nor well we like you alive folks folks if you like it live when you hear some feedback i want to hear it
01:25:29| vocally i want to hear it you can do sign language you can do whatever the hell you want you can do just make sure you give us feedback because otherwise we'll think you're
01:25:37| dead yeah please don't die on us because we like you don't die on us folks make some noise make some noise in the world when you stop making noise you
01:25:46| stop making imprints when you stop making imprints have a great night good night thanks guys

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