The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED027 Negative Nancies Pessimists

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Transcript PRED027 Negative Nancies Pessimists

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 27 - Negative Nancies Pessimists
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00:00:07| [Laughter] [Music] hmm getting deep on it that was the tv cutout i think yeah
00:00:20| i'm not 100 sure i'm dan i'm nick and uh we have a little duo here what are we gonna do today um we're gonna talk about predators but predators in a different sense the ones
00:00:33| that drag you down pull you into their depths whoa there's no way to pull them up yeah my mind is walking through the concrete
00:00:45| there's a rain cloud above my head it just keeps thundering why is it always rain on me [Music] yeah yeah yeah which
00:00:58| was was that racist is that why you don't see swamp thing anymore i don't think so i think it just did have a big uh allure different colors it was like yellow
00:01:07| orange brown green yeah any slimy you don't want to swamp thing in hd maybe you think you're going to reduce in like five years that'd be amazing
00:01:19| who's like glistening they made them into like a hulky beefy swamp thing they probably will it's a whole new fetish
00:01:31| so negative people huh yeah you can't bring anything too because they're just going to knock it down a picture [ __ ] on it yeah i'm going to smear their crap all over
00:01:42| it and say [Music] [ __ ] heels yeah so why are these people predators they sat away your energy and your time
00:01:52| yeah they're an energy sucker yeah and they don't know anything you can't really bring them up you can't cheer them up really and they always
00:02:00| kind of like that sour taste in your mouth you can't brush it off do you think they ever have sex i'm sure they do i mean
00:02:12| i'm married to one and i haven't had sex in a while so i'm just kidding i had sex a few days ago a lot of it but like continuously
00:02:37| so these people these pessimists these swamp monsters these negative nancies they all kind of just drag are they slower not like slower mentally but like everything moves
00:02:50| slower for them be peppy negative person does that does that exist somebody who's so negative they're like i had this problem in that problem i guess there are
00:02:59| there are people that's going to need to work anxiety and that's not really i don't know that that's the same thing as negativity and like like downtrodden i think downtrodden
00:03:10| requires people to be kind of mellowed out you're yeah you're slow sludgy you're yeah then when you try to get in a conversation with them
00:03:31| abort abort abort get out of it as soon as possible oh yeah another thing this liquid it keeps draining out of my knee oh the doctors say it'll always be like
00:03:42| that that's great anyway did you do anything for the holiday how's everything going oh the knee it just aches every time it rains
00:03:49| i don't know they're saying this thing on my back could be cancer i don't know we gotta get a check on wednesday but health insurance so what's the one way to avoid them
00:04:12| never make eye contact uh look down at the floor make sure your shoulders nice and strong as you walk by them you have to be overly optimistic
00:04:26| so you you flip it and you go completely opposite and you say oh my gosh your nose is fantastic i can't believe can i touch it i want to see what that knee really looks like
00:04:35| can you flex it let's flex it together let's i want to see what my knee looks like next to yours can we see oh my god what's your healthcare that's kind of cool i guess can we share
00:04:46| doctors huh wow you think that we can't yeah well here it's kind of like um when you deal with customers who are going to be a real
00:04:54| pain so that they're answering questions there was one guy at work that uh i was working on a project with for like a year and he was like i did place
00:05:27| like paired with him like he was my manager but that he wasn't really no he just kind of was always complaining about things and whenever something came
00:05:34| around to do it he's just like oh god like he didn't work very fast and it's just like of course i just carved out my bubble and i kept like
00:05:43| shaving away at like the pieces that were like mutual i just kind of chopped those mutual pieces off so that i could take a chunk and just
00:05:51| i'll just be over here in my own little world so that you can't leave me yeah that's great don oh god go ahead and write up that tps report
00:06:08| put it on my right so they don't have these stories it was never like this one time in tijuana this girl came up to me and i was
00:06:20| like oh we were crazy with the whole thing that's usually when the story is like and that's when i got gonorrhea and it took ages it those pustules they
00:06:31| don't they take that you ever see those things and you're just like we got home and the dog died yeah it was pretty bad you're like oh yeah
00:06:43| that's pretty bad done let me tell you riveting um yeah try and avoid them the best you can you kind of try and move on and keep you going and i
00:06:54| don't know what about you you're negative are you ever negative nick what's the saddest you can be how much can you bring other people down
00:07:03| um is it like reverse empathy where you try to give people your emotions no it's the other one we're uh making it funny someone's like oh my god congratulations
00:07:14| it doesn't that satire is great the sarcasm where they're like wow i did a great job how did you do that i just like drugs like lots of drugs it's the only
00:07:49| way really drugs see um how do you know you are the person so you're listening right now there's people that just kind of like
00:08:00| fade away from you i mean that happens in normal conversation too but like when you bring up negative things people just kind of like they don't lace out a little bit and
00:08:10| they kind of shifted their seat and kind of wiggle back they want to commiserate i guess like they do want something like out of the experience it's not
00:08:20| like if you're sharing it somehow i guess i mean there is a like if you're mutual friends and you're venting and you're sharing the same sort of grief grief or grief gripes
00:08:34| nice nice a nice but i've never groped anybody while like riped yeah that would that could be a new thing too yeah groping gripers yeah
00:08:59| terrible hr nick i'm going to pull out your file here it says that you groped gripers no no i'm a griping groper oh
00:09:11| oh okay well you're bringing everyone down we'd like to pep it up can you wear more pieces of flare please did we help anybody today i don't know
00:09:37| that we gave anybody a solid answer on what to do no not at all i mean i think we're really just talking about predators and you know they're out there you know
00:09:44| they're there you know they're doing whatever they're writing at work they're prepping at school yeah the best part is that they're usually the same person so you can
00:09:53| you can peg them and say nope not you mm-hmm i'm going to turn one fake out i'm going to pretend like i have to go to the printer
00:10:02| i'm going to look at my paper before i even see where you are like you see me but oh there's i've misprinted this blank piece of paper i just need to go
00:10:10| back to the printer not my computer which you're about to go to i'm just going to you were about to finish up anyway yeah it's not it's not it's not pretty have
00:10:24| you had anybody negatively talk to you while you're trying to unload they sit down in the stall next to you they keep talking to you have you ever
00:10:31| had that oh not like negative right i've had some people talk to me and i'm trying to do my business but not like not like uh you should see what's coming
00:10:40| out of my [Music] yep body yeah probably i'd love to check it out sometimes i'm busy right now either way avoid those people like a
00:10:54| flag like [Music] spiders you

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