The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED028 Happy Smiling Positive People

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Transcript PRED028 Happy Smiling Positive People

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 28 - Happy Smiling Positive People
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00:00:13| hey i'm nick i'm dan good way to catch that today we're going to talk about a little something dangerous something crazy something that makes my heart go
00:00:23| oh my god it's the uber optimist it's mr cheerio it's mr pat these people are dangerous because they're too happy they're too
00:00:44| optimistic they're not grounded in reality they're psychopaths as they are to be avoided at all costs you know what i'm talking about
00:00:54| it's instead of murdering people they try to fill up a cheer and their version of cheer is dangerously scary
00:01:02| it's scary when it's out of place um i think we mentioned in a previous episode uh office the dude who works at uh what's the name pizza he just has so much flair all over
00:01:21| his body and he's like and he's so happy and you're like oh my god i hate that guy they make you feel even more negative than you actually are
00:01:32| hmm some people are too frigging positive it's like nobody at a funeral yeah yeah there's too much it's like too much of a good thing is a bad thing
00:01:49| so you know you don't want to be a downer see previous episode entitled [Music] i feel like those people even though
00:02:26| they're ill-equipped to handle like management tasks they get them anyway because they're trying to put a good foot forward they're the one that's always trying
00:02:34| it's like you know if the world was like working properly the people who are trying and failing they shouldn't be leading because
00:02:43| they're actually failing they literally are failing but they try and they're so happy when they do it [Music] is condition i mean if you can be
00:03:04| clinically diagnosed as depressed you could probably be clinically diagnosed as this is too happy yeah excessive happiness
00:03:12| it's interesting i mean there's just there's no room for reality if that's the case like there's no room to be grounded in anything or see something
00:03:21| that needs to change or see something where i feel like to be a complete human being you have to have the whole cycle i mean you have to be
00:03:29| able to be happy there's peace there that i guess we haven't touched very much is that like the the points in my life that i've grown have been the frustrating points
00:03:50| the points that require the most effort the most work the most pain the most stress and even when i was younger i remember like playing games and
00:03:59| we had those giant crt monitors that had glass screens i remember punching those things until like my hand hurt because i was mad at the game but
00:04:10| having pain and realizing and making that moment like really defined helps you like grow and become more focused and to not punch you because you were not good at a
00:04:20| video game yes is your moment of growth it's that sort of thing i'm not sure i'm not a fighter i don't know
00:04:58| um you need failure you need to be pissed off yeah uh dude if you bite it as hard as you can you feel weird it is there's like that has a nice like elastic feel to it when you get in
00:05:10| there and kind of like yeah but what did you learn from that nick did you grow past it no it did not help me grow up in fact i've been waiting to buy another
00:05:21| nintendo controller all these years but well i was going to bring up an example of like current day stress but that's too much for people that's too much for a minute
00:05:31| there are also people you know these people are stressed out i think they think it's anxiety that forces them to be happy and then when no one's around
00:05:39| they just turn you up like oh my god i'm gonna lose their job oh my god like they're like what is wrong with you they go home and they just sweat
00:05:50| on the drive home shaking they usually avoid fights and stuff like they're not [ __ ] kind of at all they're not i think that's another problem they don't really
00:05:59| fight for themselves yeah they're very happy yeah come out better for it we're going to do so much better for it but these people
00:06:24| how do you avoid them is that the next guy i don't know sometimes it's good to have them around i agree it's kind of
00:06:40| i guess the other way is to play off those negative people with the the positive people side by side [Laughter] that's just silly that's just silly i
00:07:07| think we should just do whatever the boss says we should walk extra can you imagine this job isn't pretty and jerry's gone
00:07:34| that's the problem is when they intercept like your life and then they take it for a ride it's usually in like a group meeting and we just keep like excuse me did you
00:07:43| uh you forgot to mention it's like i just want to get out of here as soon as possible could you shut up so they were the kids that raised their hand and said
00:07:53| you forgot what was teaching work yeah oh my goodness you you forgot to give us homework and the whole class just turns and it's like oh that look
00:08:03| have you ever accidentally done that or anything no i mean i'm not i'm not i'm not a good the reverse happened is when uh this was
00:08:33| like a sophomore year of high school when we had to research a book and then write biographies on the people in that book and there were like six people so i was like 10 pages of work and then
00:08:43| the teacher said uh it's okay we don't need those ebay no that's things things fall this was uh hiroshima i was the one that was like this is
00:08:58| [ __ ] i spent like a week writing this damn paper and the people who didn't get awful like away from it and so almost like if this is gonna
00:09:09| this is more work than i've ever done for any class ever because i actually wrote biographies for all these people and then i made sure that it was actually collected so
00:09:18| i did the parent to like dean route to down back to teacher and then the next day the teacher was like i'm gonna have to collect those it's like and i'm sitting there like
00:09:28| damn right you guys i told everyone i called it i knew you weren't the you forgot to assign yeah but anyway so these people pepe pepe
00:09:39| they make it a little bit at work too we didn't even touch on that we're like why can't he be happy like generally he's over there smiling and stamping things
00:09:47| as a [ __ ] idiot you're like you can't avoid it entirely you can only hope to contain that happiness what i like to do is just
00:10:22| like i'd like to separate myself by pulling myself apart from them and just start carving my way into my own little bubble so then he can separate and cutting
00:10:33| all pieces your mutual pieces it's like he's super happy but he does a [ __ ] job and here's my better job which one do you want it's like he's not gonna he's not gonna [ __ ] happiness all
00:10:44| over me i don't want to be covered in unicorn poop like that doesn't mean i'm better i want to be better be covered in unicorn poop that's a
00:10:53| great quote actually that's great thank you thank you well sum it up we're trying to avoid these people but that silver lining is coming to destroy
00:11:02| us all so that ray of sunshine predators

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