The UnPanderers: KeyItems PRED005 Child Sexual Abuse Neverland

Thursday, April 15, 2021

KeyItems PRED005 Child Sexual Abuse Neverland

Keyword Timeline and Discussed Items

UnP TimeLine
The Keyword Timeline for Episode 5 - Child Sexual Abuse Neverland as well as items mentioned in the Episode are below.

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Episode Timeline:
00:00:00 | cajoled, child sex, jackson long, tonight the topic, michael jackson, leaving neverland, creepy and obvious
00:01:00 | same pinpointed, child predator, famous a rich, obvious, robin's childhood, retrospect, children
00:02:00 | familiar, metallica fame hadfield, james hadfield, guys mean, monster truck, james i mean, house sleeping, kid likes, popcorn every kid, different container
00:03:00 | trust, sex abuse, child sex, michael, imagine strangers, different locations, stay like ponies
00:04:00 | parents, michael jackson, vacation, ranch, spend my, want to spend, getting paid, four hours, documentary, obvious, leaving neverland
00:05:00 | completely oblivious, spend child, famous, adult, fun safe
00:06:00 | sexual abuse, protect me need, child sexual, feels good, child still, documentary i watched, penis, tell them abuser, moment well, wasn't really john, said sisters
00:07:00 | uses, own trust, abused, own children, happened, ricky ricardo
00:08:00 | children, find him abused, genuinely affection, guilty, stereotype perpetuate, attention, girlfriend is almost, leave almost, commercial your dollar, 's commercial, documentary, watching, avoiding
00:09:00 | manipulative, locked, kids, michael, mj thought, happened, sexual abuse looks, strangled, seems wrong, parent sees their child, fully still happy
00:10:00 | nothing happened, horse turds, hand feces, squeezing feces, trust, night field, protect, watch, helicopter parent, sandman james, entering the sandman
00:11:00 | yo let, red flag, weird situations, flag situations, parents, penises they call, age, sexuality, happened, sex abuse, stop joking
00:12:00 | michael jackson, my son, cherry pick, multiple times, cereal rapist, pattern, child molester, cereal or molester, even even, tell wow weird, moves reminded, dance like teach, must
00:13:00 | dance, mitch, teenage emotions, moves, good lord, slide it backwards
00:14:00 | lean forward, slide it backwards, mitch, dancer, revolutionized dance, hedberg joke, man i love, age man, love kids man, seven-year-olds laughter, completes, obviously, imagine watching the episode
00:15:00 | obviously contact, person should cut, react more harshly, cut you try, parent, child, weird way, isolating that person, real quick, summer kids, quarter you gotta, everybody sell, toll whatever
00:16:00 | kids, abuse child, sex offender list, registry sex, existed back, michael jackson, sexual offender, adult, watch like weird, people just meeting

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