The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED004 Horrible Bosses

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Transcript PRED004 Horrible Bosses

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 4 - Horrible Bosses
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00:00:08| well welcome i'm nick and i'm dan tonight we're going to talk about everyone's favorite topic everyone's been talking to me about it on the
00:00:16| street it's called horrible bosses too horrible bosses comma t-o-o as in i have horrible bosses too as well we're gonna talk about the
00:00:26| horrible bosses they're predators we're going to talk about what they do to us what they make us feel how to pinpoint what's going on how to avoid the situation entirely
00:00:39| okay the good news for me is this is this is crazy because i always have a story never had a bad boss i don't even know anyone who's had a bad boss
00:00:50| like none of my friends none of my other co-workers talk about a bad boss we all love our boss but i did a little research for tonight's episode look at
00:01:02| of people in america hate their jobs fifty percent of those cite their boss huh that's number one wow so what's half of 75 no one knows if we could do the math we would 37.5
00:01:21| holy moly i'm working with a calculator here that's incredible he really did it on the fly did you have that prep that's incredible that's incredible yeah
00:01:30| thank you any anyway um horrible bosses they can make your life a living hell and i say that's sort of like a joke but you spend 40
00:01:43| waking hours a week at your job yeah i haven't had or more driving there yeah you know i haven't had a malicious boss i've had lazy bosses who are just not very good
00:01:54| at their job the closest i came was almost accepting a job i he talked to me on the phone told me how much it would be and i said i mean
00:02:03| look into it and then the next time i called up he said you accepted already i was like what no he didn't so i had to fight it out and say
00:02:11| there was no verbal agreement that would have been an awful boss i think i think probably i like how you said i think so many good bosses so many bad bosses
00:02:25| i'm trying like a malicious boss so my wife had a malicious boss where she got hired on her boss was awesome
00:02:34| and then i think he left for another job the person that replaced them was just going after my wife like 100 she was noting uh every time she would come in the office even though
00:02:46| like that boss wasn't there she would like note the times that she would leave when she was paying attention then she would ask her co-workers like what time did
00:02:54| did katie get in like she tried to figure out like did she spend enough time and then she kept like trying to get into her phone
00:03:05| so like after my wife quit her job because of this woman she had a special phone that saved all the messages so she wanted to take control over this
00:03:14| phone which was technically katie's property but she had to leave it there it's like a work blackberry or something yeah it was sort of like that not a
00:03:23| black part but i'm saying work blackboard because yeah it's not up to date but it's like one of those ones they give you and it's like hey here's how you train
00:03:30| talk to your coworkers just use this and then she was like i want it for myself it's actually covered under privacy laws like federal privacy laws dictated that the messages on that phone were
00:03:40| katie's property so i guess that's the nuance there so she wanted to get into those messages to listen to all of them so that she could say oh she was doing something whatever to
00:03:50| undermine me and then also she kept that phone connected for two years and said that katie still worked there for two years to say to make it look like she didn't
00:04:01| hate katie's type of people i guess since she's classified as a type of person sometimes so the that woman's a [ __ ] [Laughter]
00:04:16| yeah i would agree it seems like you're going way too hard yeah yeah she was a reason i don't know why yes all right you got it so i work for the liquor
00:04:30| store okay uh in pa it's just called the liquor store because it's it's state run it's a state job oh yeah you can't sell it at the
00:04:39| end of the state store you got to say yep got to say state store can't sell it at the local convenience stores or anything like that
00:04:47| so i worked there for a little bit and um at the end of the night you're responsible for your till because essentially it's just register job mostly then stop and stuff like that at
00:04:57| the end of the night you have to um count your money out and then count your change and there's one boss who is like real fat oh sorry heavy set real heavy set
00:05:09| and like really um i could tell he was in a reddit and i could tell he was like a nerd but he didn't make much with his life and he was real mean to everyone
00:05:17| and he was he was a smart guy he was definitely smart but he wasn't like a genius and he would like be little people and my nickname become perfect till
00:05:27| because guess what i can do i can add and subtract it wasn't that hard i'm not bragging i'm just telling you because everyone's always like 48 cents
00:05:37| off or a dollar 39 or whatever who cares i was always spot on because it's pretty easy to do math in the dollars and cents category for me i know humble brag humble brac
00:05:46| yeah so he he wasn't mad that i was always right he was mad that i wasn't counting my change fast enough and the trick was you would take them off the table and he said you have to
00:05:57| use your pinky and your index finger with the pennies and you always count two at a time two four six eight ten fourteen one
00:06:06| [Music] because grabbing that many pennies and a sea of nickels and stuff you would run into them a lot uh but with the pinky and the this you could just
00:06:15| pull these two off the table these two off the table these two off the table sounds inadequate i mean no if you did it enough you'd figure out that it actually works pretty
00:06:23| well because if you did four you're gonna grab a nickel by accident and pull the nickel in and whatever because you put all your change out on the on the table and count it that way
00:06:32| anyway real [ __ ] just a nasty guy but he he didn't have anything against me because i guess i was like uh i was in his age group so i was
00:06:43| probably cool to him i guess i don't know like oh this guy says the word dude he's cool and um i just didn't i got a weird vibe from him and he always hated
00:06:53| my one african-american co-worker dre and i was like dude man he has it out for you so he's like that [ __ ] has a lawsuit against him for me and i was
00:07:02| like what he called him some racial tones oh and got to keep his goddamn job awkward he said [ __ ] about dre because
00:07:13| he couldn't count fast enough for this [ __ ] like he was telling him you know two at a time two at a time and listen i'm a smart individual who's well equipped and he was trying to give
00:07:22| me a hard time because i wasn't counting my change fast enough and everything he was calling my co-worker dre who was cool as [ __ ] some tone some real bad words so they
00:07:33| complained and they said he was guilty he was allowed to manage but not manage him individually and they were reviewing whether he would keep his job
00:07:43| and i was like oh [ __ ] i was like so what do you do can you like start [ __ ] with him i was like because he can't say anything to you right he's like watch this he's like yo and he said his
00:07:53| name he's like i'm going to the bathroom i'll be back in like an hour i was like what you can do he's like no i'll be back in like five minutes i just wouldn't give him [ __ ]
00:08:01| i was like that's awesome dude but like that's a [ __ ] boss i saw him six months ago the boss i randomly stopped in a liquor store bad boy you still there
00:08:14| he was a totally different store because i was stopping in to get wine we were going to a party or something and we needed to bring something stopped in to get wine i was like oh my
00:08:22| god it's you and he was like still fat and still like seemed better than everyone and um he was in the back so i went up to the registrar i
00:08:30| said oh you uh work for what's his name the manager and then he was like yeah and i was like being an [ __ ] the dude who i'd never met before just looked at me he was like
00:08:42| yeah and i was like cool because i used to work and he was a real dick he was like he laughed he was like ah yeah you get it you get it and i wanted to be like he also has a
00:08:52| lawsuit against him because he [Laughter] wanted to say all this but he was still working there so i guess he got his job i don't know
00:08:58| do you think the lower wage jobs have more [ __ ] associated with them therefore it makes the managers more asshole-ish maybe i think it all depends on the
00:09:08| amount of people you work with and the dynamics of the job so like that kind of a job is like clerical work it's like counting change it's like stuff like that like
00:09:19| you get stories out of counting change like you know you're not going to get that at a high ranking job so maybe there's more room for stories i don't know more room
00:09:29| for interaction more friction physical yeah more room for physical you're all doing the same work you're all battling over who does this [ __ ] work
00:09:38| [Music] i think that i probably haven't had a hard time can we get to the uh what are we on now what section is this
00:09:47| we're on um how to tell if you have a bad boss or if you're the bad boss yeah i might be the bad boss who knows i feel like i navigate social situations pretty well so i can see if someone's
00:09:57| pissed off or someone's going to be pissed off so i find a way around you're not i'm getting a feeling or not now oh i just changed my mind on you that's
00:10:06| what a bad boss would say ah i totally have their social situations under my control i know when to avoid them i uh i did manage like a group of three
00:10:15| people at one point but the project we were working on didn't get funding so it just kind of filled it out okay so there was no real ramifications
00:10:26| kind of yeah there was never like some serious deadline that we needed to work towards it was just always like be prepared to work and then never
00:10:34| never actually became about so i don't think that i've ever bullied anybody as like a manager or anything so i don't know how you oh they do bully
00:10:47| yeah that's undermine you and then try to manipulate you into doing what they want well they're famous parodies and everyone jokes about them but the boss from um
00:10:58| office space yeah i'm gonna need you to come in on saturday and uh we're gonna need to work some overtime without the hours we're just behind a lot
00:11:09| so if you could just yeah that'd be cool that'd be great like that's that's a real kind of boss that expects you to do all this and like something with an l what's that guy's
00:11:20| name you [ __ ] love burger lumber lumberg [ __ ] her and they're talking about a different lumber yeah obviously yeah not obviously you know i uh spoiler
00:11:35| alert office space 1993 [Laughter] lumber is a different lumber yeah that's for an fbi
00:11:46| i'm gonna double check your um what's the other famous um horrible boss kevin spacey and horrible bosses that guy's a real dick oddly enough jennifer aniston
00:11:56| also shows up horrible bosses as a horrible boss because she sexually manipulates um charlie day charlie day is my favorite actor by the way
00:12:09| pretty good i was off by that much charlie's great because he plays himself i feel like he plays charlie kelly in everything he does very honest straightforward he's also in um
00:12:22| the movie with the pacific rim that's such a great movie you never seen pacific no i have you don't like it i know we're getting sidetracked i'm
00:12:32| just literally just want to make sure you like specific room it's okay it's decent it just doesn't make sense that really good see you're overdoing it because you
00:12:41| overthink it pacific graham is supposed to be mindless fun and that's what it is there's like heroic music there's bots punching through aliens
00:12:50| into a building like you know what i mean like there's water everywhere come on anyway i rest my case anyway back to predators and bosses
00:13:01| all my restaurant bosses were actually pretty cool all my state store bosses except for you don't really cool you don't know his name are you skipped over his name it's
00:13:13| okay i skipped over it a bunch in case the legal stuff isn't through i have no idea um my boss now where i work now um is greek and he's a cheapo
00:13:25| and oh dude all right i gotta tell you this guy so the guy who started a company i work for i won't name names he's greek right
00:13:38| yep oh that's it it's lost in paradise anyway i won't name names we'll call him thom thumb is a real jackass he's a real piece of work
00:13:59| i've heard he start his company by undercutting someone shredding paperwork and documents that said he had a partner taking sole proprietary of the company
00:14:08| and all this money and everything he hires people he treats him like [ __ ] he hired half his family he gives them like benefits bonuses they come in whatever
00:14:18| the hell they want there's no ramifications if you're related to related to any of his relatives the coolest thing about him and it's not
00:14:26| cool at all he um he owns everything so he gets up and when he's walking he walks and everyone sees the owner of the entire company and
00:14:35| they always go oh hey what's going on like they do the the super corny thing like hey what's going on even i do it and i'm not i'm not that kind of guy but i'm like oh hey
00:14:44| what's up it's tom hey tom and he does this and he doesn't he doesn't make eye contact and he keeps walking and you feel like a jackass you're like oh there he goes coolest
00:14:53| thing i saw him do the other day someone from uh the cad department was peeing we have three urinals in a row on the left journal and he walked right in front of me
00:15:04| and i was gonna play with my zit so i had to pretend i was paying so he just walked and walked right to the middle urinal right next to the dude from the kai department even though
00:15:12| there was a urinal open next to him broke the rules at this point i had to pretend oh but he didn't care he just went and started pissing and most of nine times out of ten i can
00:15:21| talk to people and be like crazy weather just start pain you know what i mean like that's my move or something just something to break shot bladder ice
00:15:29| stage oh no no i i'm having a great time it's more like breaking the ice so that everyone has a good time while we're paying i'm one of those guys i i walk over and
00:15:40| now i have to pick a urinal because he forced me to go to the outside one so i go to the other outside one and i'm going i'm like windy in here it wasn't windy i
00:15:50| was just trying to be funny the the cat dude laughs the thumb the owner didn't say [ __ ] he shook off turned around buttoned his zipper and just walked out and i was like
00:16:01| yo did thom not wash his hands he was like no he didn't and i was like did he just come next to you and pee and then the dude in the category was
00:16:10| like yeah i was i was taken aback and i was like that's a boss move that's a pretty boss move i respect him for that so i guess there's another version that's
00:16:23| indirect that we didn't really cover it's the boss that tells you you're going to raise or you're doing a great job and then you don't get positive reviews or you don't get the raise
00:16:32| so like the strength i got your dollar i got your dollar like that kind of thing yep yep so i guess the best thing to do in that situation is to move on
00:16:43| just leave that company get out of there right what if they suddenly offer you money when you're ready to leave when you actually have
00:16:50| like a counter offer they say that it's going to be like bitterness between the company and you so that they're never going to give you it's not much bitterness
00:16:59| it's like changing trash companies where you're like hey trash company i'm switching companies i can get 79 a month from so-and-so oh we can do that you can
00:17:10| because for the past six months you charged me 109. are we going to do anything about that 109 or no no we can do 79 now i'm like but you've been charging me 109.
00:17:22| already before we can do seven we can do this company is just offering me 79. why would i go with you now but we can do 79 now i'm like you know so out of spite you you would
00:17:36| learn to hate them to save the relationship between you and your trash company it's best if you just leave folks get out now i'd change the scenery could
00:17:46| be good i had a boss that strung me along for a few years and i don't blame that boss i think it's more like environment and contract
00:17:54| i'm a boss for that but you gotta know you have to feel that out and realize that you know you're stuck where you are to move on forget that boss that person can't
00:18:06| really affect you much into the future hopefully and you can just drop it and not worry about it most people i think most jobs most jobs most bosses i think so
00:18:19| ironically enough my father was my boss for five years i've never argued over the dumbest [ __ ] that i have with
00:18:33| my father more than i've ever argued with any other human being on earth so it's like being married you're dead yeah
00:18:46| so hey did you get those seafolds yeah i got them i think there's only two left well i thought we were giving them three remember well no no it wasn't said we were giving them three
00:18:56| we were going to maybe give them three well if you've read the slip it said three well we we don't always write on the slip but we're gonna give them
00:19:05| what we do for this customer not last week last week was different do you remember different i remember different like you remember the slip from three weeks ago
00:19:18| do you remember that one you wrote it up wrong i wrote up your exact order verbatim so maybe you wrote it up wrong maybe all of us are wrong who knows i only
00:19:32| started the company but anyway it feels oh it feels so good and we would do it while customers were there and they thought it was the best thing
00:19:44| ever i wish i could take my debt my dad and me as a play and just it would be us arguing about orders at work but um four hours later i would tell him you were wrong it was three
00:20:02| like it would happen and he would be i would get a text later and it would be like it would be a picture of a slip and like the original invoice
00:20:10| and i'd be like that's son of a [ __ ] and i can't explain it but he was the worst boss i ever had my dad yeah because he was all about like
00:20:21| well why don't you just pick it up and put it in their living room why don't you just carry 50 bags of ice melt and do all this why didn't you just but he was also the
00:20:30| best boss i ever had he's very open because i could and he taught me the the customer was number one and that he told me communication is the biggest
00:20:40| most important thing even so that's one of the key things that i was thinking about when you're talking about that bad boss at the state store so bad at communicating
00:20:49| yeah there's people out there that will refuse to communicate because it makes them look bad or shows what they don't know like i move right past that and like if
00:20:58| i don't know something i'll just be like i don't i don't know about my guys dan's a good boss he's a cool boy i'm excellent you wear do you let them wear jeans once a week
00:21:07| we can wear shorts and stuff now oh damn i could wear this shirt to work if i wanted to what i gotta wear a shirt and tie to sell marble yeah
00:21:16| eat a dick nick still got it upstairs can you please you need to bring on the podcast just the chocolate
00:21:32| all right so let's let's kind of rehash bosses here yeah bosses are in our day-to-day life sometimes they're telling you to do tps reports sometimes they're emailing you
00:21:43| because you didn't upload a contract sometimes they're telling you we need to sell more and we gotta hit our goals and then they walk into the back room delegate delegating yeah go ahead
00:21:58| there's a boss at this company i work for right now i had to interview with him personally to get my job everyone's like oh he's a good guy he's a good guy i was like oh
00:22:06| let's check it out interview with him we did this a lot just breathed a lot and i thought damn this guy's deep he's breathing in he's breathing and
00:22:21| everything at this company i saw him by the coffee maker after work there for four weeks he was like nick how do you like the job and i was
00:22:32| like this is my chance to tell them this is cool this isn't cool this is kind of nice i like this person like this is how it goes i like the rhythm of this and i had all
00:22:41| this stuff ready to go and i said well james it's really kind of i mean it's a mixed bag and i leaned over to him
00:22:49| and he just walked by me and he said just remember this and he put his hand on my shoulder like this and i was like oh damn he's gonna get real he went only you can determine how much you can
00:22:58| sell and he walked away it's like slogan are you a billboard are you fortune cookie papers left on your shoulder right there only you so i've
00:23:12| interacted with them like five more times in the past five months i only seen once a month and the one was like hey i hear you're doing really good out there and i was
00:23:21| like oh yeah i killed kathy last week kathy she had a 20 000 you believe it and he was like he kept walking and i was like you
00:23:30| didn't hear [ __ ] you were just making that up you son of a [ __ ] you got me he's playing and then and then the other time i was seven minutes late to work i'm usually
00:23:41| good day he doesn't know this because no one there's no checks and balances yeah i did so was the admin and she was terrified of him i was like it's this
00:23:49| dude he's corny she was like can you hand him in the paperwork so go to his office i knock on the door i was like yo james uh someone's here to see you i got
00:23:59| this for you the admin was busy here you go he goes thanks nick and it's nine and i was like uh you want me to tell them it's nine uh
00:24:08| the code to the door and there was two other people in the room i couldn't see them i saw their feet because the door was blocking one and like i couldn't see where and he
00:24:17| was like no we start at nine we expect ours house people to be there by nine and i was like i was like i was like oh i was like
00:24:26| i think it was 905 and i couldn't get in because there was a colonial truck there in the way good call and he was like we all have to deal with the same traffic
00:24:39| and i was like and then this is the third one the final one i'll give you i'm walking around um i didn't have my tie on because i have a nice dress shirt
00:24:52| that looks really good without a tie he went oh nick how you doing i said i said i'm doing great i'm doing wonderful i'm having the time of my life
00:25:00| i just had a sale the other day i wanted to tell you then he goes ooh are you working right now i said yeah yeah i'm on the clock and i said we need to have a tie on need to have
00:25:09| your tie on and he walked away [ __ ] i'm gonna beat you up after class i'm gonna find you by the big oak tree and just start beating you up bam bam bam
00:25:22| bam you know what the kicker is he doesn't wear a tie he's just it was a dress shirt without a tie oh he's showing his boss my old co-worker who has quit this job walked by he never
00:25:35| wears a tie he's in uh homosexual uh white beautiful mail and he refuses to wear a tie for work he was walking by the office like this
00:25:49| and this boss said hey hey john you can't do that john you have to have tie and john poked his head in the door and said
00:25:59| where's your tie and he just turned bright and red he was like you have to have a tie in sales and he went lead by example anyway and
00:26:10| he just walked away i love that man already and he was just oh so good anyway so yeah i do have a bad boss i forgot about that
00:26:24| hopefully by the time this airs i don't have the same boss because he may he wouldn't see this he doesn't have time for this he's watching motivational videos
00:26:31| so i was like dead boss can just drag you down yeah just remember one of my favorite fortune cookie readings is forbidden fruit creates many jams
00:26:46| i like that one i've never heard that yeah that's interesting did it do predators predators

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