The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP126 Dan gets fired

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Transcript UnP126 Dan gets fired

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 126 - Dan gets fired
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00:00:01| have you ever been in a power situation one where there's a little bit of a subservience struggle a turbulence maybe your expert two expectations were - Oh unpredictable outcome gotta learn to
00:00:16| weather the storm and pull through it you never know when it's going to come so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all
00:00:32| covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective the taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion so it might even get a
00:00:46| little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time all righty
00:01:17| hey what's going on I'm Dan I'm Nick folks welcome to the podcast we're talking about weather and we're talking about storms what do we don't come about today yeah it's uh it's an interesting
00:01:30| one because there are floods Houston oh yeah storm again every time we do an episode or my good lord it's the beginnings yeah that's not not what we're covering
00:01:42| though so I see I'm gonna go back to the beginning no it's a long story so I guess ten months ago I switched jobs in the way I switched jobs is that got an offer I mentioned it to my
00:01:54| manager I said do you think you can do anything I said let me look they said no he can't I was like okay I'm gonna take this off her that's better I did you know I took about a month and then I
00:02:06| switched jobs everything was kosher hunky-dory and I start a new job good evil word yeah they call them job offers people are gonna start looking out for job hopper
00:02:16| yeah after being up that one job for almost a decade I jumped sorry that brings me to about a month ago recruiter found me give me a call set me up with somebody and had a job uh
00:02:31| uh interview took tests interviewed again I got through their levels they gave me an offer that was a match what I was making now and then I negotiated and then it was like twenty first how higher
00:02:43| than what I was making now so I got that offer on Tuesday night yesterday I Tuesday night was two days ago yesterday I brought it up to my employer I said I I'm considering an offer I'm not sure
00:03:03| you can do you can do anything let me know and then they had a discussion about whether I was unhappy which I wasn't I've done maybe like four four projects for them in like ten months so
00:03:18| I had no feedback whatsoever but I think I did a good job on them other people thought I did so things were positive sounds good he kept kind of like wondering why I was
00:03:29| leaving I was like cuz the money there's more being like one reason yeah there's a lot of money and he kept insisting like you could just like work overtime to get that like a 20% overtime you're
00:03:42| not getting it do you know no I don't think so so came in today and it meeting with them and I was fired finished in two weeks remember no they I didn't even get
00:03:57| my submit my two weeks is it because they don't want they don't want someone around who's already accepted another ya job I think so but the problem was that I didn't accept the other job I hadn't
00:04:09| accepted out of the job yet I was considering taking the other offer and I also hadn't given my two weeks so they fired me for considering another offer and then tell him how that I was
00:04:19| considering did you call him back and say please I hope you still have that job yes I'm good yeah sounds good I'm good I think that would be all yeah I lost everything but it
00:04:30| just brings up the one point that like I was in a business that it was fairly serious I did my work I was respected and it was going well you know wasn't nothing was wrong and then you run into
00:04:44| somebody that just has like a a weird spin on how business should be done and they don't either want you so this is these are the reasons that I came up with on why they would want to boot me
00:04:56| out a they thought I wasn't going to be professional and they thought I would not a complete work or something which for someone to tweak area it doesn't matter it anyway yeah they would still
00:05:07| make money off of the job off the hours that I was working and I would have worked through them too you don't want somebody around that's like gonna bring other people down or mmm like rub it in
00:05:18| their face they call it poison the well yeah so but or not even bad like what if you were like hey guys you could probably make more money doing something else yeah but that's like you don't I
00:05:29| mean in this day and age that doesn't make sense because I could just go on social media and then tell them anyway tell them anyway it's not like you had to physically be in the room with them
00:05:37| damn I was gonna tell so-and-so yeah yeah so that's in fact you would probably more than likely text them or something as opposed to tell them in the office yes because it's like if you're
00:05:48| telling them right yes bizarre and then the third thing I guess if you were more like malicious if you're gonna do something against them or but that's not gonna get right
00:05:58| Wiki no that's not me and they should have known that so it was one of those weird things that I sat down had that conversation that's like pretty much like I it's unlikely that you're gonna
00:06:12| match I understand that it's not what I'm looking for and then like all the good things buhbuh buhbuh blah and then he came back with like well today's your last day and
00:06:22| then I was like oh okay and I was like I said right nothing mean about it like that's not a while he was just straight forward with it so we're the 19th of the month what I was trying
00:06:33| to do was get to the first of the next month so I can get insurance I have a family it's expensive I was like what can I just like write out the next two weeks
00:06:42| so that I can get insurance for the next month and goes knock Oh bro take care of that Cobra is the extension for insurance that you would pay personally for whatever the plan they have you pay
00:06:52| the entire amount and you get it for another month so he said no and I was like no so he gave me two hours to pack up and leave so it was very weird and I'm just doing the two hours I
00:07:03| it was raining really hard so I talked to people I said bye to everybody made them aware that I was leaving abruptly without did my did people give you weird looks and stuff like were they like
00:07:16| you're leading thought I was joking so many people who were like AHA Dan like like no this isn't my choice to leave right now and so it was like semi awkward but you
00:07:31| can tell there's a divide between the people who are there just to like their pawns they just work there's other people that are thinking about it and are my friends and they're like what the
00:07:40| what the [ __ ] and then I guess the other group of people just don't care like they have their own agenda and like maybe they're doing their own thing so it's very strange and I slowly packed up
00:07:51| my stuff and then I'm like I went out with a group to lunch and I was still raining so I took my time I took like it's cool you did lunch yeah four hours long up slowly did you buy lunch did
00:08:04| anyone buy lunch no one bought lunch for me I paid for myself okay I don't strange too but maybe they knew how much I was making it the next job that I clocked this guy maybe like he's gonna
00:08:15| buy US lunch uh-huh yeah so they all won't so what do you think about that it's weird it's a weird feeling because I oh it's very weird my old job I was just like I thought about I thought
00:08:28| about I come about walking out of my job today oh you did yeah I considered it because I have a fallback we all know that like so if I'm like people the only thing like us no no I guess not
00:08:40| the other thing to think of is in my line of work its sales we do mostly phone sales now um when people say that they're quitting or they're done they give him two weeks here there's time
00:08:53| they do they escort him out I think they give you the day to pack up your stuff and leave but I've only seen one person leave and his name was Nick and he was a month ahead of me in exactly what I'm
00:09:05| doing my train and this is about three weeks ago so in one week I'd be on the Nick pass he literally got up at like I'm out and he got up and walked out and it run was like oh where is he going and
00:09:21| he never came back in the building so like we're still picking up the pieces from the other Nick but today I was like man is stupid this is so [ __ ] dumb and someone was like hey you didn't get
00:09:33| enough line cards out you got to get up your dials I knew this you didn't follow up on a couple quotes and I was like this man this is [ __ ] gone I was like and I was like you say one more thing
00:09:44| and I'll quit but I said it in my head that's where he couldn't hear that and he was like but you're doing good I was like you should have said one more negative thing and I was gonna be like
00:09:55| peace dude off post so it's weird different jobs and it seems like your job should have given you the two weeks yeah I don't know because it's projects maybe it's - some of the information
00:10:07| they think you'll steal or give to someone else or I was in a wall so I guess it was easy to let me go because I wasn't actively working a project okay that makes I guess since cuz then what's
00:10:18| the point of starting you want any projects yeah well I could have done some small tasks there definitely had a lot of work for the software people to do and I was in the small group so I
00:10:26| could have done something and when I told people my managers that I was leaving that day that they were like they went straight down the office to be like without going on here because they
00:10:38| wanted to actually give me more work so it's kind of one of those things where you start to like look at other people's perspective the moment it he's like were you seeing your ripples going on they're
00:10:48| like yeah cuz my friends when I said like I'm leaving and it's not my choice to leave today they immediately were like they didn't give you two weeks like why wouldn't they yeah and it's like
00:10:59| what does that do for the people that me yeah what does it do for me I'm just a piece of me like if something's up with me are they just gonna be like cut you off boom
00:11:08| slice and dice I don't think I I mean I'm very professional in the way that I talk about things so like there should have been no reason to let me go immediately so like if I had my own
00:11:19| business I would never like someone go immediately unless they're malicious in some way how would you run a business that's such an abstract question that I don't even
00:11:30| know how to answer it like an angel I know but like it's so weird because the more more we talk on these podcasts about business the more I realize it's it's super cutthroat it's cut and dry in
00:11:41| especially the more I do sales the more I'm like it's literally just about numbers game like they want you to do XY and Z to get numbers and they're like yeah it's stupid but you'll get 4% more
00:11:52| sales and I'm like who cares I'm doing XY and Z it doesn't make any sense really will you get 4% more sales and it's like but it's so dumb and they're like and you'll get 4% more sales and
00:12:03| I'm like but all the extra work and everything for what was nothing yeah and they're like no it's 4% extra sales and I'm like oh you guys are literally about a number and it's weird because that's
00:12:15| what a business is it's literally about it's a numbers game and it's it's so weird that math isn't it doesn't mesh with humanity it doesn't mesh with your office space doesn't mesh with give you
00:12:27| two weeks it doesn't mesh with well it's common sense to let him ride out the month and then give them insurance respect him like that doesn't come into the few dozen what number does respect
00:12:36| get it doesn't it has zero which is so weird and the more I think about how businesses treat us as people that it's totally we should treat businesses like pieces of [ __ ] yeah and if we could hop
00:12:51| we should job hop yeah if we can job up do it don't feel bad for the business you can feel bad for the people there and have connections to them but if you can make more money or use the
00:13:01| businesses FM yeah right I think so because the business is an entity and it doesn't have any feelings and it will cut you in half or fire you for the hell of it
00:13:14| so in response to like how would I run a business like I would actually genuinely try to care about people I think there's certain things that like there's metrics
00:13:21| to be winthe in bounds and this is your like moving towards a positive goal for the company [ __ ] all like I don't give a [ __ ] like if you've got a lot of negative
00:13:30| marks as long as you're on the whole positive like I don't know why like why you would take me and say that I'm not gonna be productive over the next two weeks it's like so that does I mean
00:13:44| dhama unprofessional like I didn't get any good response right of them anyway so it's like I don't know so I have like a week of nothingness and it's gonna be here what are you what are you doing you
00:13:56| have nothing to do for like a week and a half or something I'm unemployed for the first time in like 11 years what's that how long how many days it's up until Tuesday of next the week after next is
00:14:11| that you're gonna catch up on Netflix what are you what are you gonna do it's gonna feel weird I think I'm gonna be like summer vacation after a few days and be like I'm free clear I kind of
00:14:25| want you to get laid off you're gonna want to do a podcast every night oh this is disgusting yeah you're gonna get back into gaming good lord
00:14:34| but like it doesn't I don't know as a business like that's not a good plan like it's not gonna plan to let someone go immediately for thinking about a job offer and for telling cuz like don't you
00:14:45| want your being a front yeah you're being honest yeah don't you want your employees to come to you and say like I have a job offer I'm considering it like negotiate with
00:14:54| me do whatever you can and it's so weird we talk about this stuff and that I spent so many years working it my parents company know where it's for people and like like you can never get
00:15:08| that no it seemed like that's why we have to let you go the metrics came back he's holding your number and clearly you're all of a sudden an infant baby he just tosses you the child the child is
00:15:26| not strong I'm into the pit yeah but uh what's wild is it's just the opposite like I talked to someone about this the other day cuz I was in a bakery near me that does like bangin Italian
00:15:43| food they do like hot sandwiches like pulled pork they do eggplant they do broccoli Bravo and everything like it's a super good bakery that does made-to-order stuff and we go to it and
00:15:55| I was in there and it's like got all the Italian food where you can't it's the labels aren't even in English and it's like cool I got a lot of those in the photo area there's a wall they have
00:16:07| where all their good customers that died they put up their obituaries or like if one of their biggest customers was like a the Bud Co plant or something they have up the news clip that says Bud coke
00:16:21| plant closing again it's a news clip and it's laminated and it's on a piece of glass and it's so weird when I saw that I said this is the only other place besides my old work or my family
00:16:33| business where I've seen that yeah cuz all the other environments are sterile it's so weird and I still know all the newspaper clippings of like customers that died
00:16:44| from my old work and it's it's the polar opposite of what we're talking about right now like I know one of the bar owners who got shot and tied up in his house and they robbed them and like we
00:16:56| have the newspaper clip but it's been hanging there for like 20 years this is 20 years ago it's still there when the bosses died we put up their obituaries like the old bosses like when
00:17:08| the one place closed down like we have up a newspaper clipping or like um one of our customers are just a neighbor who would come in like every three days or something like that just to get like a
00:17:17| gallon of bleach or who knows like we didn't see her for a month that it we didn't here for like a week I guess that someone came in and told us she died and I was like holy [ __ ] like it really hurt
00:17:30| me that she died like I didn't know her beyond her name and what she would buy and the jokes she would tell and everything but we needed that obituary piece and we got a little prayer card
00:17:40| and we put it on the glass thing and I don't know it was like a family in a weird way yeah which is an honor opposite of business yeah and it's just weird I don't know I had a handle
00:17:55| business versus family versus what should be personal versus what should be professional I really don't know I don't know where the line should be so there's like the two perspectives on where to
00:18:05| cover was like my other employees the other people I worked with my co-workers they like what should they do now like after seeing me let go immediately hey they should just take the offer and
00:18:16| not bring it up and then not give them two weeks and just disappear like take take a Friday and be like I'm leaving goodbye like you would have cut me loose anyway like so my position is like a
00:18:31| software engineer usually it's it's like I guess highbrow work it's like you know white-collar so like usually you get I would assume more respect because it's not as grunt work II yeah it's not like
00:18:46| an Amazon warehouse worker you know it's a complicated series of things you have to do with multiple layers and multiple softwares and multiple things interact with a lot of things yeah a lot
00:18:58| passwords there's a lot going on it's not just like I walk in I new boxes and I'm out right yeah so you would think that you would have you know at least some cash a map for the were - a cash a
00:19:10| for the amount of work that that person does or what work they've done you think they they would have like an exit interview asking you about like if I had what do you think can you give us
00:19:19| some input and what do you think we could do to better ourselves like something back yeah yeah but then didn't happen so it makes me wonder it like this business was only like maybe 30
00:19:30| people and there are three main owners and I talked to one of them mainly and this was the outcome and he kind of sprung it on me in a way that is just kind of duplicitous and I just don't
00:19:44| know like I guess I kind of felt he was like like to face a little bit but not so much that I thought he would just be like okay today's your last day I get out it's that is weird
00:19:59| is it a little bit like a breakup there's different ways to handle a breakup felt slighted so this is the interesting part is that the amount of money I got I don't think he could have
00:20:10| matched and there as a point where he asked me like if we did match exactly would you say yes so he's saying if we made a fake counteroffer to you would you take it like this imaginary
00:20:22| counteroffer would you take would you say to that by the way I was like there's so much to consider that I don't even know like I couldn't answer you right now because it's not in front of
00:20:31| me like it's not a real such scenario did you say that is there I didn't say it's a real spike the surreal so part yes you should have that's why I was curious cuz then does he say later on
00:20:45| finishing up a we'll talk okay later on I said I don't know how I would handle that situation because I don't believe the your would match exactly and like the that was in the today's meeting
00:20:57| and I said I said that and he responded with yeah well we wouldn't match that anyway so like he he presented me with a pinkie a fake scenario that he knew was false so that he could get a response
00:21:10| out of me which was kind of manipulating me to say more stuff so it's like you you were just you know in the end I should have probably just taken vacation and then showed up on the first a month
00:21:22| have been like oh oh yeah I was just gonna say how many vacation days to leave on the table I think I get those paid out actually okay that's nothing yes you can kind of
00:21:32| get him but I could have used them and gotten to the first a month and then me they'd be confused and then the things you don't know from employer if an employer is gonna treat you you also
00:21:43| didn't know they were going to shoot you like that well yeah take me out back and be like today's your last day sunny today's your last day you son-of-a-bitch how do you decorate your your office
00:21:54| area do you have pictures of your family or anything I have one picture of my family and I have three plants and then I have a bunch of crap I don't care about what kind of plants I have a
00:22:02| bamboo and then I have one of those back there behind me spider plant is that spider buddy that no they're wrong let's do the other one next to it I don't know what it is that
00:22:13| one's from my old work and it's dead I have two other ones that are very much alive it have any difference and deference plant that's good that's good yeah you lied you're paying attention I
00:22:29| I wait till the podcast is over and I slowly nurture it back to health nurture it the milk of the poppy yeah so yeah that's that's it so is raining really hard and I couldn't
00:22:42| really take those outside to put them in my car carefully so I'm gonna milked the crap out of staying for that that last four hours or something I do what you gotta do me yeah appreciate your respect
00:22:53| the hell's oh yeah so there's there's a lot that goes on at these like life-changing moments where you're just like yeah like it's like it keeps coming up in my mind like what the [ __ ]
00:23:04| like now I'm not offended by it but it's like it's just like something I mentally process every process I I put it to like when you get married it's like this big event that's coming it's like nine
00:23:18| months it's like 15 months coming they're planning so many details you're so sick of hearing about it you got a best man you got this you got to worry about your mother
00:23:28| someone's talking about this you don't know if the flowers are gonna arrive someone's telling you something's gonna be late the day shows up someone starts feeding you a little bit of alcohol all
00:23:37| these people are kissing you telling you you're beautiful all those people over here you're trying to have fun with your friends you see someone you haven't seen in eight years she's someone you haven't
00:23:44| seen in 20 years you have someone you see every week who you wanted to have the best time of your life with you're doing this that day you starting to drink more there's all these people with
00:23:53| microphones they're supposed to pay attention to this you have pictures over here there's something going on over here in that period everything spins so fast when you get married folks listen
00:24:02| listen to me yeah the person who's ever been married no I've never been married literally just that's the funny part of really I'm like two seconds to talk to everybody
00:24:13| and then the rest of the yes exactly you're spinning you're trying to figure out if you didn't say goodbye to someone if you should do the dance if you're supposed to kiss someone you're supposed
00:24:21| to mice push put cake face I forget I don't remember there's pictures over here there's pictures over here someone said this you were supposed to pay the flower person you're like
00:24:29| good [ __ ] and then when it's all over you have to consummate the marriage and I've never had sex so much for about that yeah that's not the butt but that's like all these life-changing events like
00:24:42| you don't they happen and they're so thick they're so condensed there's so many moments and things going on it can it meaty rainy it's meaty dude and then by the time it's over you can think
00:24:56| about this for the next you could keep peeling that we cry you keep you on that onion and crying baby you can cry after you get married - that's I would cry yeah I think so but
00:25:07| that's what I compare it to because it's like it's like you want to take in all these things real slow but it's so many changing parts so many new experiences so many new feelings so many new yeah I
00:25:17| think saying goodbye to everyone of your work is weird like you don't get a day for each person it's like everyone at once hey I got two hours this is our entire life together
00:25:27| goodbye how did you react how did I react I don't remember see 90% of those people over again it's it's wild weird it is weird it um that was the weathering the storm
00:25:39| because you in the moment it happens you're just taking it like eat yeah sailing through it and you're just like I gotta get through it I gotta get to some safe shore and it's like I guess
00:25:50| some people I would like like to melt down but melting down isn't like in the books so at some point I would like to but it's not not gonna happen but I mean it's rough it's rough to take something
00:26:06| like that and to be here's to wonder why they actually made that decision because like a group of people decided that that would happen like did they there's all the owners
00:26:19| apparently Mesirow was there a pause between when you mention this and then when you were yeah cuz I mentioned it yes true okay but they definitely talk to everybody and then oh yeah he set up
00:26:29| a planning meeting and then let me go essentially so I guess for you when you you quit your previous job what was that like that was they gaming the full two weeks and they let
00:26:44| you ride so on yeah and I had a good time dude I was telling everyone I left with everyone I had my last moments with people I had lunches with people I told jokes I was the number one sales
00:26:55| rep for the whole company that month I went out on goddamn top goddamn right and they actually sent me my commission checks so getting credit no no no this company because I guess they were afraid
00:27:09| of getting sued so it was different because it was like a swan song I got to say goodbye everyone knew it was my last two weeks for two and a half weeks cuz they conned me in an extra three days
00:27:20| because they were gonna need me for the weekend and it was I enjoyed that because I hugged certain coworkers I told jokes with certain coworkers I had lunch with a guy who I
00:27:32| usually don't like missed I brought in food for everyone a couple days someone bought me lunch one like I like yeah there's a closure yeah and it was and I spread it out long enough where I could
00:27:45| I could take my time to say goodbye to some people like if something happens like in urine since hey you got two hours you can't say goodbye everyone in two hours you can't you lunches with one
00:27:56| notch your head is spinning it's a wild crazy thing even the two weeks wasn't long enough I mean there's still unfinished business I had with my co-workers or still stuff I miss but but
00:28:07| two weeks was more than the two hours which is exactly why if I was owning a business and I had to fire somebody well not fire somebody just like they had a different no matter or whatever it
00:28:17| was let's go choose let them do what they want to do and like they will go out graciously the thing it is is the company what's the time there are yeah we did a fired episode we're talk about
00:28:28| the while this ways people quit there so there are instances but no you're right I apologize I ruined it Oh taking your time and not kicking people at the door like lettin people say goodbye collect
00:28:40| their things like and there's a graison going out and my mama see I didn't want to tell someone I was a story but real quick my um roommate and a girlfriend sister she
00:28:54| worked at a Catholic University for 25 years Catholic University she went to school here for college and then like got her master's or whatever her bachelor's they um
00:29:07| they hired some new president for her division from outside source I forget where she was from it wasn't even a school or something else and they never really liked each other for like a year
00:29:16| and she was like she's gonna fire me and I was like you've been there for like years who the hell cares your records are exemplary they um the month like two months ago they wrote in a report that
00:29:28| she's not motivating her team enough or something in a report [ __ ] you know managers totally the worst thing ever like I mean four weeks later on a Friday this is now
00:29:40| five weeks ago they called her in and fired her and told her to leave on the spot they didn't allow her to gather her things or anything that's so I'll send them to her shed didn't know she had to
00:29:52| come back and get them a different day when no one was around and I was like actually cold yeah Gwynedd mercy universe oh sorry it's a small university we won't mention their name
00:30:07| anyway it's wild to me that you can work so for 25 years she knew all the maintenance people she knew she had everyone everywhere and I don't even know if she was granted her job but she
00:30:20| always got great reports she always showed up on time like she cared about her job yeah and it's weird to me the DES job especially a catholic university quinn of mercy or whatever can turn
00:30:31| around and terminate you based on nothing yeah they hired someone who is an outsider a year and a half ago and then they weren't doing well and boom so it's just weird cuz yes it's like they
00:30:46| treat you treat the job like family but it will never treat you like family this woman getting at yeah I definitely came home and gave my wife a hug and like thank you for digital me yeah being
00:30:57| there for me yeah it's it makes you realize like the important things because like the job there was to do a job and it was serious that you needed to get your project done
00:31:07| there was pressure on yourself and very little outside pressure unless I guess you were failing which I never was and to give me the two weeks I would have you know probably went out in the same
00:31:20| way I had always been like the ten months prior it would have been the same extension of that ten months so it's weird to think that someone is just gonna melt down or something I'd be
00:31:30| fearful of them it doesn't make there probably are instances but they're super rare I would imagine uh-huh and you would maybe like a nutcase to do some of the
00:31:40| stuff I'm gonna sabotage the company I'm like who'd you just got a new job offer who cares about this company yeah like you're not leaving for a lower paying job it's like less opportune like hey
00:31:54| sorry I got a job offer for 80 percent less I might have to steal all your records like then why would you accept the job like Tina do you obviously you're accepting a job with
00:32:06| more so you're like I don't need you please so I guess that's why I offended him my must have offended him and - there's a scorned lover scorned lover yeah scorned lover
00:32:16| what like doing I don't know I feel like if you're in the position where you were living paycheck to paycheck it would have been like crushing to just be like let go immediately like you needed that
00:32:26| paycheck though it'd been brutal and then also if I had a job that the job offer that like I kind of was just using as a means of getting more salary like what did it didn't through it the under
00:32:41| fruition or whatever was like kinda like ooh we filled the position yesterday or if it was for like 5% more like if you're just going for like the extra 5% which I believe I've done in the past
00:32:56| likely to have someone let you go because you had an offer from somebody else it makes you a question like what kind of like what business are you building you're really building the one
00:33:07| that you can control people in like you want Altima control from what I can tell here's a question have you ever been in a position of hire and fire people kind
00:33:18| of what we're talking to work under me and I brightest I desired and then move from or fired them not fire them from the company no that's weird I've never had that power and I don't want it it's
00:33:31| I wouldn't I wouldn't want to fire somebody no I wouldn't either I think if firing people is your job the Bob's from like office space a little bit what would you say you do here good
00:33:47| I deal with the damn people I'm a people person I never got that good first time I saw that movie I must have been 14 or something so maybe he'll worry 18 oh yeah he's like I get the plans from the
00:34:01| engineers to the customers I need them so they don't have to talk to people I deal with the damn people I'm a people person it's a raven and they're like hmm why can't the engineers
00:34:20| hit it right to the common actually all space kind of everything we're talking about it's a comedy about everything we're doing right now all right really good movie I wanted somebody to say like
00:34:34| watch your cornhole bud I saw like here's another genius thing from all space that I didn't really realize they do so the whole thing's a joke at corporate America right and how it's
00:34:48| ridiculous it overstated and stupid they even talk about it at chotchkie's right yeah you do are you wearing why are you wearing your flair how many pieces do I have to wear Gary uh kevin has 32 and
00:35:08| she's like so do I need 32 pieces of flair and he's like well you don't need a certain number you just need to have more Flair so maybe you want me to have you know I love it
00:35:21| because it's it's it's like the lowest and job like you know blue-collar and my car it's all jobs are stupid is that what we're gonna say at the end whose episode I don't know come on what I hope
00:35:34| for my new job it's gonna be stupid you're just gonna get paid more that's true I mean do you really think it's gonna be your family or something the more you're paying they're paying you
00:35:46| the less their family and I guess the more stress that you need to endure that's how I'm sure maybe not necessarily because they could be miss evaluating things or whatever but the
00:35:58| more they can put stress on you not they will but they can or they can attempt to yes yes yes hey grace it's uh it's a weird thing I don't know or know okay like I don't understand so my first job
00:36:13| I stayed at there ten years and I was happy being there and then I had this offer for this previous job that just let me go immediately it seems very strange that like like I guess my
00:36:24| happiness is not monetary and there's a limit there's like the 75 grand limit like once you make that amount like making more doesn't matter I don't know that it matters how much you you make
00:36:33| after that point because I I definitely can cover like all of my family's expenses and then choose to retire relatively soon earlier or later right you stand up and there's a point where
00:36:49| the money is like just like a game like getting a higher offer it's just a game of like saying the right things and offering the right skills and true it becomes almost like fake money at that
00:37:02| point because like a 20% increase on the salary that I do have now it just seems ridiculous to me like that amount of money doesn't even make sense well this is another weird thing you mentioned it
00:37:13| retire early etc etc all your money game is becoming a time game but not for you now for you later I've years from now ten years from now we talked about this in the one
00:37:26| video game episode where you you save up all your money for potions at the very end of the game and now you buy all the potions your limit I'm save above your money all
00:37:36| summer and you buy both systems and you play a both you know enemy so you definitely have a pattern whatever have you uh-huh yeah it's called building up your
00:37:49| [ __ ] you money so that you can get her the [ __ ] you want and it doesn't matter so what's I guess what's [ __ ] you money you Nick um I'm in too much debt I probably couldn't get a few money for a
00:38:02| while what would it be though like if your current job you had X amount of dollars where would you be like [ __ ] you guys I'm out what if you were previous Nick the one that long on set three
00:38:12| weeks ago me and them in a week I want to want to record this let's see I think I'll do it in five weeks you think you're really gonna do it in five weeks yeah because this is gonna be because I
00:38:30| mean this is like a long game if I stayed at this company for three years I can make six figures very easily okay mmm that's a lot of money for someone like me I don't know the whole last
00:38:44| three years doing the dumbest [ __ ] [ __ ] in the world following up with customers and doing all their quotes and releasing orders and doing chat and all that [ __ ] oh I do chat you go to a
00:38:55| website and you chat with people I was gonna I'm responsible for that I'm gonna like tell you're connected with Nick today [ __ ] we Nick is like star hey wait if you do well once in a while manager
00:39:08| looks in and sees who were chatting with but huh yeah once in a while he probably is everything right waiting uh here so if you ever do chat on a website that person hates you okay number one number
00:39:22| two if you're rude to them or you want an answer real quick or you're like impatient do you know the coolest thing I find to do i misspelled your [ __ ] name oh it's not a typo trust me hey
00:39:35| Kevin and I spelled the end in the I backwards I'm like we're looking into that hold on and I spell wrong a second time oh it's so
00:39:44| good when you're like kV ein and you're like hey convene um we're not currently funding your product hold on oh yeah actually I'm not sure you see on your end probably either way
00:40:00| I spilled her name wrong every other time like it's a typo and I told all the other Chad people to start doing it and so it's our new thing anyway if I don't get fired um after you money though like
00:40:15| how long do you all say money now for a different job so I thought of this I got it this is like personal can we get into personal stuff I guess yeah definitely I had too much to drink and I was texting
00:40:30| my dad who is my old boss and helped he helped actually in giving birth to me he was 50% my mom pushed and pushed and pushed but um I was texting he asked me how my job was because I used I was his
00:40:47| number one worker I always liked his protege I was like it's gonna take over the business for him and I was like I really hate it um still doing my best whatever ball he was like hang in there
00:40:58| unless you don't want to I never know what my dad really wants because I think part of him is like I want you to come back with me but I want you to do your own thing
00:41:06| yeah so till we're dynamic we have where he's like listen I understand you guys do your own thing but if you want to come back but if you don't want don't come back give you sure you know are you
00:41:16| sure do your own and then he's like but if you wanna come back you come back and work with me well we're the best and they like but don't don't come back and work for me just because it worked for
00:41:24| me do your thing what if you wanna come back and it's a weird thing because I love my very sweet but very sweet yes so um I was inebriated and I was texting with him I
00:41:35| was like hate my effing job I blah blah blah blah blah me and you should open up a sandwich shop I said at one point because you make great sandwiches huh he was like listen just stick it out to
00:41:46| your thing and uh at the end of it he said um garbage everywhere I was going you forgot where you going talking about your dad really yeah well because I was always smiling like about it do
00:42:03| too handy not bitter enough when you're thinking about your dad saying hey anything works everything's fine oh he literally he sends him the texts he's like and then whenever you want go
00:42:14| to night classes and become a teacher Wow you know just choose your fate right there and I was like what no like what why did you say teacher cuz like I was like literally he picked it out of the
00:42:25| blue he just came out of blue like gonna be a teacher he's like you go with kids your mom thinks he could be a teacher it's something that would be fulfilling and I was like what and I stopped and I
00:42:36| honestly think I need to do something that fulfills me I think I can how much do you think our teachers made in high school cuz you could probably be the high school job I was just thinking
00:42:49| today I was like I was like maybe I should Google or start doing night classes and see what you need to become a teacher and I was like even if I didn't make more than I make now like if
00:42:58| I made the exact same and had chance making maybe a little more like it and it might go Turkish could make like 80 than I make now so it would be an increase in salary be summers off sort
00:43:11| of and this sounds stupid but doing a job where I sell wire and cable to companies who need wire and cable at a certain price is soul and you slowly die Sally does need your soul but doing it
00:43:31| full-time and making it your life and competing with numbers could never do yeah it's it's weird cuz it doesn't matter starts to change your mind eventually
00:43:41| and I think people who do yeah long it's not good yeah I'm worried about that and so that's something like that yeah i saying like why don't you do something meaningful or something where you affect
00:43:57| lives or and people might scoff at that or something but maybe that's what I should do like I feel like it would be worth the money that you were just mentioning how
00:44:08| a few money maybe not ever making six figures would be cool if I had a job where I loved it and I was changing lives and helping people it's an fu job it sounds hokey or like I
00:44:24| don't know whatever like oh I want a job where I change its life yeah but I there's something to be said where that's it's it's worth of value I don't know that it's worth uh I couldn't put a
00:44:37| number on it I don't [ __ ] know so I guess there's two things there there's my fu money and then my perspective change so like I'll talk about the Wommack perspective
00:44:49| change like I worked a job for ten years then I realized like I can work this job for another 20 years and retire like I could do could have done that it was fully possible and I was like life is
00:45:02| there to be experienced so that's why I switch jobs and that's precisely why I'm gonna switch jobs again is that I know what I bet I spent ten months at this job and I understand it 100 almost maybe
00:45:15| a hundred percent maybe 90 98 percent no subtract your comfort but give you 90 give me 90 oh you mean 90 so I know 90% of it and like the other 10% is probably not gonna
00:45:29| have that's what not negative it's just I already know what it's about this other new job like I don't know what it's about maybe you has something different to offer maybe I have an
00:45:38| experience so yet maybe I don't do for this a different is the new job is it mostly software suffer it's supposedly software stuff but I might become a manager and it's like small groups which
00:45:49| might grow and they might want to get a fire people do I have to learn how to fire people hopefully given two weeks I hope that it actually turns into something that like I can actually build
00:46:02| and grow because the difference the key differences which I did not mention was that the current job are the previous job that I recently got let go from they always wanted you to make
00:46:16| for a customer so like you're making their product for them a hundred percent a project for someone and there are stipulations yet their rules and their deadlines their targets their etc so
00:46:29| this new job is making our product for that company so it actually allows you to do it better so that it helps you later on so if you can make it so good that it makes your job easier later on
00:46:41| that's the better choice to make so to think long run yeah so there's like so many short-term projects that go the shitty route because like there's it's just the shortest path the shortest path
00:46:53| is good for people who don't want to spend money but the long path might be better in a long term because it's gonna make it easier on you later on and that's what I'm getting into I think I
00:47:03| hope I can build something that's rare there one day yes and I might hate is so weird but you never know until you try an experienced person life is meant to be
00:47:17| lived right you're supposed to just watch life you can't live it oh yeah that's a company like you no no you remain in your box and you stay in your box and if you try to get on rattle
00:47:34| decay here rattle the cage and get my shocker probably fifty years from a don't experience like just watching on TV stay there my god good point good point complete
00:47:46| the future Netflix [ __ ] you money hmm if I had lost my job like if they had fired me for yet ever reason which they shouldn't okay I think I could have probably survived for a long period of
00:48:02| time like maybe a year or even two on my wife working and the money that I had saved up and this is like a family for so I have enough money saved up that I could
00:48:15| make moves in a year's time and it probably might set me back for when I retire but I could still serve load it not to bring the pockets down but I think if I got fired tomorrow and it
00:48:28| didn't have a fallback job I think I'd be out of money in three weeks that's tough that's a tough one it is so I better I have to watch my job's a little more carefully yeah does that stress you
00:48:40| out more though uh yes I know I've actually gotten to know a mindset of like [ __ ] it like like you can die at any minute like do you realize when you drive down the road like some a-hole can
00:48:53| pick up their phone start texting drive into the wrong lane of traffic and kill you on your way home you can kill you not not hurt you or mess up your car they can actually kill you and you'll be
00:49:03| dead on a Wednesday in like September where you had Eagles tickets for like three days from now and you're like I wasn't supposed to die is your date where he goes hanging on
00:49:14| anybody's wall no probably not in the business but I've gotta know that mindset about my financial situation so I am floating just above water I have great new Bluetooth headphones
00:49:29| and I do I'll do is an aside on that one so your blue two demons are probably because you're working in an office and you're trying to ignore ignore other people that are talking and with it it's
00:49:45| so easy so let's plug this product because it has a nice symbol I like that symbol it's a very leafy that's jaybird they make all their products have a symbol j-bird J bird and beast does
00:49:57| folks you spent time on that I did but guess what they do everything I can use one ear I can use no ears they fit comfortably they actually don't hurt they fit like snuggling I can run with
00:50:11| them I can jog with them I can do whatever they actually can't fall out it's like almost impossible to get them out of your ear like without pulling them out um their sound quality is
00:50:21| actually ridiculous like I'm not joking they're not quite as good as like a wired pair of headphones that like fit over a year and like look like a nerd has them like you know on the public
00:50:32| transportation some weird guy has a I better not mess with that guy he's way too into its music but it's it's damn close check this out look how frigging fits in my hand this charges them it's
00:50:43| nice so the last for like five or six hours and then put them back in the case it'll charge them for another like five or six hours and you can do it two or three times total
00:50:52| no each time I'm telling you and then you just plug it back in to your charger and I do like order the case has a charger on the exterior of it so you just plug it right in isn't that cool
00:51:03| cuz I haven't bought headphones in like do they have romantic snap like mine like would like hit like this yes like like it feels good the other thing is like their true Wireless so if when I'm
00:51:18| calling people and crap I put one ear in and then I leave the other in the goddamn case there's listening music on one ear and then the other ones still fully charged so I can switch ears like
00:51:30| halfway through the day it's like that but I never run out of battery because they're all like always at 60% this is the coolest part about these guys they're like ipx7 waterproof so you know
00:51:43| what I just swim with them tell me you could you could but bluetooth wouldn't travel under the water see so your headphones work but you couldn't get a signal so you know what I do with them i
00:51:55| frickin get drunk on the weekends and listen to music why Xiao er oh this sounds wild and like sample been doing three years love that I've never done it before I do it like all the time like I
00:52:09| feel like Nick I think you have a drinking problem like I have to drink and listen to mine Jake heard Vista's like and literally I put both ears in I get in a shower dude I'm soaping up and
00:52:21| I'm listening to Opeth I'm listening like tool most of wherever the hell I want oh my god it's so fun freedom I've never I've never showered with music on before
00:52:31| it's like real loud music and I know that sounds stupid and like you could have a speaker in the bathroom but never like this it's kind of cool I don't know there and there sweat proof waterproof
00:52:44| and rain proof whatever so cool I love podcasts on pot so there's a freedom in having your own like audio source that's that like there's an office so I was in a room of
00:52:55| like 20 people and there's so much going on that like you have to put your earphones in I ran out drown it up and I am owning a little nook and stuff and it felt good to have I had multiple ones so
00:53:07| like when one would die just swapping them out and it's oh when one would die they said a woman died and I just woman dies covered her but I'm busy yeah no that's your way slice of freedom
00:53:28| what did you put in your ears bluetooth you are bluetooth for an it's like an bez a and B s I don't know how you see it's a b c and i ves and it sounds good yeah it was like 35 bucks mmm that
00:53:48| brings me to how much for your snick because you always like to spend more than I expect 160 170 range listen now break it down there everyone says that but this is something I've used every
00:54:05| day since I bought it you do get your value out of it you're going to you like my value I mean these are the things I spend on my phone my audio equipment my computer maybe even its I don't spend it
00:54:18| on my clothes I don't spend it on food you know in the office really so getting through those hours of work before I quit hours I quit before I quit so here what's your dream job we'll
00:54:35| finish up the episode well I definitely want to go to my own business I'd like to make a business that competes with the business that just fired me and put it right across the street and then tell
00:54:46| people I will undercut whatever contract they get I was good it's a good business wait did they all make you sign a non-compete yet disclosure free yeah oh they got you well it's been 10 months
00:55:05| uh-oh I've been on less than a day zero days since fired oh you son oh you send another one yeah it's attached a year after you've been released from the job oh yeah that
00:55:18| was the trip that's weird I bought lottery tickets today and I was like hmm I don't usually spend $20.00 but this feels like a good day and then like if I won like a hundred million
00:55:29| dollars like I would have a business that would just be like I want you to waste as much money as possible [ __ ] these people screw this your job is to [ __ ] over this guy and then be
00:55:40| like it would just it'd be right in their face and they'd know it I love it I always think of that screw over business like you could lose money just yep - yeah ruin their business yeah is
00:55:52| it is it legal 1% and that capitalism is it hold on so a millionaire can screw anyone over could he yeah I mean if your laps on our Bezos any of the boys they could ruin anyone oh yeah pretty much I
00:56:10| set up ready to go straight ahead vert eyes it will sell for 5% less and do it what if it's cutting into our profits boss I don't care we're gonna grind them into the ground and you're like okay
00:56:23| that's weird that's that's weird I guess you could yeah I think my own business would just be like what you do is this I don't know like what you would ever say Mexican if
00:56:35| you you're creating something now would be fixing computers or some [ __ ] no I wouldn't do like a be sure spy by you should run spy by some people's computers like they wanna do like mail
00:56:48| them later that's all business model just doing some fun oh dude let's see let's see you had enough money to never work another day
00:56:59| in your life but you wanted to work as you're bored what would you do that's just a weird question because like right now at work if you didn't care like I think I would just like get my health in
00:57:09| order really I'd like go for a run and like see what like I probably Creed the you you know you can go for run at any point in any day I'm just saying it well it cost time
00:57:21| know that I think does cost time do that's the only thing it cost time yeah but I think I would create video games cuz video games don't necessarily know profit it might be a waste of money but
00:57:31| if you could create a sweet video game I think we'll be happy yeah it would it bother you that you're like the bottom rung video game creator and it's like gonna be really shitty and not like a
00:57:43| high-res call to the ladder I knew it you'd have some people working on the project that were a grade people okay what kind of game you makin I'm just curious
00:57:56| my ideas for games I have I guess three of them so no I'm I do I have this Fred time folks thanks Anders one I want to game that like touch screen it's almost like pipes you know
00:58:12| like one water flowing after redirect PI you have to click the screen in synchrony and then have them all kind of like go through this path and then land at the finish at the same time hmm so it
00:58:24| has like touches sounds like types it's very similar pipes okay looks like sounds cool and then I'll skip to the last one where I want to make a game that's like you're launched into space
00:58:35| and you have to like gather up resources and then like explore space that's just like a mobile game where you're constantly adding to your junk pile essentially which is your spacecraft and
00:58:47| then when you encounter other people other people are trying to steal your junk by ramming into you and breaking off pieces of your spaceship interesting that's a good idea
00:58:59| I know it is it's interesting hmm the whole thing is like trying to figure out how to crash you know the manage your chunk manage your jump look at my job people hmm
00:59:16| well but the whole goal of life isn't it manage you're drunk and add no I just tried to make a my dream job I think I wanna I think I want to work with kids I guess no [ __ ] ouch I know they need to
00:59:38| be like teenagers right yeah I'm not working with some snot-nosed five-year-old I can't figure out science it's weird I think I want to be a
00:59:47| science teacher I thought of being like hey listen pyroclastic flow am i right kids hey listen I don't want to be here you can call me mr. Nick and call you mr. city you can call me mr. Oh whatever
01:00:00| you want to call me we're gonna learn about volcanoes today I don't care it's gonna be on the test on Wednesday everyone I'm giving you answers right now listen up I don't care if y'all
01:00:12| hungover I don't care if you I had a rough night texting with so-and-so pay attention okay we're doing pyroclastic flow we doing volcanoes it's gonna be pretty easy write it all down
01:00:26| thank you mr. Nick is this gonna be on the test of course it is I just said it was on the test I don't know I'm imagining me like I'm from New York where is Long Island yeah
01:00:40| long I heard that's weird either way I think that would be cool no no the reality of the job would probably set in and he'd be like this is not what I thought it would be um I kind of don't
01:00:55| come it's any job you're right but selling wire and cable will never be important to me now is there are there jobs that are important to people I'm [ __ ] out I
01:01:11| definitely see some people that work too hard at their job so we may even cover that no no but I'm talking like something that where someone feels so strongly they're like I can't believe I
01:01:21| get paid I do this to help so-and-so like the suicide prevention hotline no but like flight controllers are like the people who like working 9 1 centers call centers yeah actually some we went to
01:01:37| high school with we'll call him Devon Quran um that's where he worked for like a year net and he'd liked it I don't know I don't even know what it would actually be didn't he didn't like
01:01:49| it I think ended up hating it and leaving but did I mean how important of a job is that like answering a 9-1-1 call being like hey you were trying to send help can you tell me your name and
01:02:04| you're like I think I just heard a murder like it's crazy yeah you would think that people would have like a big polar it'd be you'd get the most satisfaction I would help it yeah and
01:02:18| then not be even all mess you up most yeah because you probably hear prank calls you probably hear people actually getting murdered on the phone that's I didn't even think of that one you
01:02:33| probably hear friend your own food I don't I've gotten down it is thanks that's the audience situation well that's gay you're getting a clot in like a like a bear's claws like having
01:02:48| the deer like Yelp because there's like one of the most excruciating things to listen to because you you know there's no chance and helping that deer that deer is done for but you still have to
01:02:59| listen to it like you're forced to listen to it that's your job yeah it's the worst thing I could think of actually no that actually have a scenario attached to it [ __ ]
01:03:12| wild [ __ ] no matter what you have a jobs a job I mean it's gonna be something here's to end it I mean you spend so much time at a job yeah it's too much time
01:03:26| you better be feeling like you're doing something making a difference in some way that is positive it's too much time well is it forty hours a week is a average and everyone always averages old
01:03:38| no more I'm like 41 I have 42 hours it's like yeah that came up it was like I look back and you only worked very sparing overtime and I was like was doing other stuff overtime yeah dude
01:03:54| Toma sucking nose I don't know it's one of those metrics you're like look at their metrics and say I mean the curve be like you're not meeting the curve but all right kick you
01:04:12| to the curb that's right right all right folks if you have any job experiences that jump out at you or things that really made you feel like ah that's a that's a
01:04:26| good job or ah this is the worst job I ever had I worked at wah wah on 363 you're like just send it in let us know oh listen to that I've read every single one I would I
01:04:40| rude I read every quote - hey I do but seriously check out our socials donate to the patreon help us out we're trying to pay bills donate - just um pain your neck okay nick gets all the
01:05:01| proceeds until he gets other I would do that that's that's totally fine I don't think we're getting you know ah but seriously we'd love everyone listen we love every
01:05:14| input I mean if you have something to say we'd love to reach out and react to it so that's cool also if you have a soul-sucking job we don't respond to us we don't want to hear about dis little
01:05:28| robots no I'm just kidding let us know what's not what's going on let us know how your lives are and we talked about everything Horrible Bosses horrible people to fire
01:05:40| people Dan's new job he has to fire people that's crazy he's the new [ __ ] he quit a job from an [ __ ] to become an animal that's crazy um promotion but what do you make
01:05:52| exactly tell us everything tell us your social totally sure how much make tell us where you live how much would you make no but seriously thanks for tuning in
01:06:07| it's weird I get a little emotional do not your dad's a sweetheart my dad's a sweetheart I was thinking on that oh yeah Greg's pretending folks better cry I'm gonna cry right up folks
01:06:21| I we like your folks we like you a lot thanks for thanks a lot a lot

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