The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED006 Parking Ticket Meter Maid Towed

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Transcript PRED006 Parking Ticket Meter Maid Towed

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 6 - Parking Ticket Meter Maid Towed
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00:00:00| [Music] [Music] hey so uh here's a little show where we talk about predatory things
00:00:16| predators people that may prey on other people things to look out for things look out for yourself tonight we're going to talk about towing
00:00:28| you've been telling me what telling is oh i've been toad have you been toad yeah i've been towed twice actually molasses really twice yeah one time it was like uh
00:00:42| new york and down here in texas wait the new york one sounds like such a horrible thing it was a college campus and the side of the road switched so like you can only
00:00:52| park on one side i didn't park my car someone else parked my car on the wrong side when i woke up my sister initial that's my sister ah damn it
00:01:03| okay yeah so that one was just like what the [ __ ] and i didn't pay because my sister [ __ ] it up and she paid she paid oh yeah yeah okay what was the process like though did you
00:01:15| know it was missing like you have to go find it i actually think she did most of the legwork because i was still like in high school at the time dude
00:01:24| yeah i did experience this in my 20s going to a movie theater where the movie theater had a garage and i was like i'll just park next door
00:01:34| to avoid like the three dollar parking fee and i parked one right across the street they have cameras they see where you go after you park
00:01:42| they must have an attendant who calls it in and then the tow truck comes within like a minute or two takes your car okay and it's gone they take it on the state there are
00:01:52| rules for this so tow truck drivers actually have rules we're all sitting at home thinking tow truck drivers they're the worst people on earth
00:02:02| i'm here to tell you yes that's actually absolutely yes tow truck drivers so when you drive for a living you drive differently than when you drive
00:02:16| for fun and then when you drive for going to and from work you're an expert driver i gather true so most of you people listening at home are what i call
00:02:27| jackoff drivers you drive to your friend's house you drive to work and then you drive home right like and then sometimes you drive the store sometimes you drive somewhere
00:02:34| else that's nothing no nothing yeah i drive to every location i drive back i drive shortcuts i got routes i gotta know how to route myself i gotta
00:02:45| know when i gotta double park i gotta know where i can secretly park i gotta know where i can park and not get towed okay because sometimes i'll just double
00:02:53| park in the middle of a two-lane street i'll do it i put my flashers on everyone has to go around me today i went to the king of prussian mall you know where i
00:03:03| the parked dock no you know where everyone walks and they have the trees that are on the side towards the mall yeah i parallel a park between two trees oh nice nobody getting me there
00:03:13| and there's just enough room for people to walk by no big deal because i don't fit in the parking garage so it saves me a lot of walking but what i notice is there's one group
00:03:22| of people two groups of people that drive more than i do cab drivers and tow truck drivers and they drive like maniacs tow truck drivers will
00:03:35| there's a line of cars sitting at the red they pull up along the right they come up to the red light they look both ways and they just go through it you're like oh my god that's incredible
00:03:46| because i get i get hot and bothered under the color i'm like that's he did it so there's something always thinking of doing it there's the type that'll
00:03:54| tell you from like a a shopping center and then the type that is showing you from like an accident to an accident scene which there is victimization there because of like
00:04:03| spiff's spiff is well they'll take your car to a certain garage that will charge more money and charge you money per day that your car is there it's in a rate
00:04:13| outrageous thing like the spiff could be like hundreds of dollars and then that place will charge you like 500 a day to keep your cars kickbacks for them to keep the
00:04:22| car there yes so states started figuring this out there are rules now very state to state the the best one is um california actually passed the uh
00:04:33| consumer action just read a couple of these one hour rule this would have applied to your movie move if you park somewhere illegally
00:04:42| they know you parked there illegally you know they parked there illegally they still have to wait one hour to tow your vehicle because who knows if you were just
00:04:50| my friend dropped off their keys i gotta go hand them their keys i'm just parking here to do this it's one hour the only exceptions are like uh
00:04:57| in a fire lane and blocking an exit or an entrance to a a place makes sense yeah unconditional release if um if it's on private property
00:05:09| and they start towing you you catch them they have to let you go unless they have this is the repo law right like if they're repossessing your car
00:05:17| they don't want to get shot that's three people do at least reasonable release fee is kind of cool so um it's the tower is entitled to no more than one
00:05:31| half his normal towing fee so he can't jack up the price for one toe job because he could tell your car and say this was a six hundred dollar cup and have no rules
00:05:40| so there are rules to what his fee is and what um there's also an off hours tow release so if you go to the wherever your car was towed to impound lot they
00:05:52| can't say yeah the impound lot they can't say oh it's after five uh usually we charge 40 bucks it's 700 to get it out after five did
00:06:00| you ever have to get your car out of an impound lot i did yeah you have to pay cash that's also in here they have to accept credit cards oh they do now
00:06:10| i don't remember them accepting california law well that's a good law you used to have to see you get screwed if you don't have cash and you have to keep your car there and it costs so much
00:06:18| money you get you know you can't even it's not even worth it to get your car at a certain point wow compliant if you comply within 24
00:06:26| hours and go to them with money they can only do a one-day maximum storage charge hmm because the storage charge was like 100
00:06:36| and something dollars for like 20 minutes a day a day yeah well i think they must cap it at a day for whatever reason um penalty for excessive charges any if
00:06:48| they find out you're charging like like if you usually charge 50 a day and they charge you a 400 release and you complain to them that's called exorbitant because it's not
00:07:00| equal to one half of your whatever they do some math where it's like all your numbers have to kind of coincide they can bust your man and you're entitled to four times as much
00:07:11| if the towing company isn't owned by one guy and he just changes his company llc and liquidates we have no cash until sorry yeah sorry so what i'm getting at with tow truck
00:07:24| drivers is they drive even more hardcore than i do i see them do stunts all the time that make me go damn
00:07:32| i should do that that's like there's something i do as a driver like i my store is on a one-way street that's very not very popular i drive up at the wrong way all the time
00:07:44| just to do a three-point turn sometimes i'll drive up it to go half a block because i need to turn around or something like i drive up one ways you'll spy that
00:07:52| ahead of time i do a little bit of left on red you know i do some left on red you know what i'm saying if i know the area i know what's going on
00:08:00| i know my surroundings i'm okay with that tow truck drivers just they they defy god itself when they drive and their vehicle is so strong and so
00:08:11| heavy they know you're not going to challenge them yeah it's one of the few professions i would not want to do because i know that those guys are like
00:08:18| maxing it out like in their heads they're they're calculating everything pretty pretty well pretty tight yeah i don't know i wouldn't want to
00:08:25| carry at this point in parts of philadelphia you have to i don't know when you're going to like if you get challenged like drivers must get challenged all the
00:08:35| time they must be used to it and like they could probably like pick up tails so they probably already it's like a fighter like a fighter already knows
00:08:43| who's huh yeah yeah the uh the funniest is is it men in black there's an alien they're towing the aliens truck
00:08:52| oh yeah it is it's men in black and it's my favorite actor in the entire world edgar yeah he goes i need sugar water sugar
00:09:05| anyway they're towing his car and it's the tow truck guy and he already got on the lift and he's like that's my car and he's like sorry pal you're in a two-hour limit and he goes i'm gonna do
00:09:16| this and he shows his alien things and the tow truck driver scoffs lifts his shirt and there's a gun underneath he's like yeah yeah and i'm like damn edgar got got
00:09:27| but tow truck drivers i put it this way when i was in college at the university um there was a famous part where all students lived in all the apartments courtyards
00:09:39| i parked my lexus at the time don't worry it was like a 15 year old lexus but i parked it at the top of the spot where like there was only this much room between the
00:09:51| tires and the sidewalk oh yeah don't ask how i got it in there not a real spot not a real spot but they can't even get to my front or my back to tell me
00:09:59| oh no they have tricks they have that little thing that they wheel anyway they i was sitting on the balcony drinking tequila which makes me go in robot mode where i
00:10:10| start making whoops i just make robot noises i don't even know that's why i don't do it to kill it i haven't in five years and uh i look out the window and they're
00:10:19| like nick isn't that your car and i was like and i looked and there it was getting pulled up put on the old tow truck
00:10:28| and i thought damn i drank a lot that night i made so many robot noises ah next day i was like that's ridiculous 100 for this 50 for towing feet 150 for overnight
00:10:43| like i don't know what you're doing i don't know how it could be so much because there aren't too many rules so got towed there and i think it got towed somewhere else i can't remember where
00:10:56| so what do you do if they they tow you illegally like you were parked you actually went to where you were going and you were supposed to be there as many
00:11:04| pictures as you can take pictures of where your car was take pictures of well you can't take a picture where your car was with the car in the picture keep your receipts if you went to some
00:11:12| place it was like a shopping center i bought a taco here yeah yeah that's not bad credit cards might be good for that um if you did pay for um parking yeah keep
00:11:24| that receipt too because you know if you picked the car up earlier that's the angle i guess if you forget the ticket on the dash like
00:11:31| i guess if you got to your car and the ticket was still there and they told you anyway maybe having a photo of it you'd probably have the time right maybe
00:11:42| they could show that you you got towed in the time frame that you had the ticket for it's possible possible tow truck driver might not take any pictures while he's
00:11:50| taking your car away no i'm talking about the tow truck driver talk about you when you come up to your car after you've paid for the fee that's outrageous and it has to
00:11:58| take it right there and then maybe so like this is the problem is that it costs enough that it pisses you off but not enough for you to spend a day
00:12:07| trying to get that money back in most cases philadelphia specifically had a show called um parking wars and it's based on the
00:12:17| philadelphia parking authority one of the most corrupt systems in uh in local politics um philadelphia park authority is in charge of um enforcing all these walls they have
00:12:29| their own tow team their own parking meter people stuff like that in 2015 i believe they um lost 87 million dollars how's that
00:12:39| possible is where it went um there's been big investigations uh it might have been 8.7 million maybe i'm exaggerating
00:12:48| either way it was a number that i've never seen do ppa uh missing money sorry for the clicks yeah um anyway they also did a tv show where it shows
00:13:00| them living their day-to-day lives one of my customers was actually famous for running outside of his own bar and uh screaming because they were towing the vehicle at the time and he
00:13:10| cursed them out but he was a bar owner and he um i guess he used to put quarters in every two hours is our number
00:13:20| i'm scanning 2016 2015 maybe 2017 i forget what it was anyway um there's a lot of missing money and uh shout out to the the ppa if they're checking in on this
00:13:34| we're on to you we're doing investigatory journalism where um we're sending our people there if anyone would like to donate to our patreon we will go down there and
00:13:44| we will plan a bomb we're gonna a truth bomb god we're going to let everyone know what's going on for real folks where the money's going the um
00:13:57| they showed the uh all the crazy stuff that goes on if you don't have your driver's license your insurance card your owner's card your proof of purchase you need like 14
00:14:10| forms just to get your vehicle released and if you don't have all the forms you can't get it released and they charge you for an extra day so a lot of what happens down at the
00:14:20| impound lot is that um these vehicles get stuck there forever and at this point a 400 600 vehicle it now has like 800 in fines i kind of want to have the really crappy vehicle
00:14:32| just leave it where it's not supposed to be and let them tow it like make it cost i wish like somehow you gained the system that way
00:14:40| yeah like if you no longer want a car and somehow it's not in your name anymore i was gonna say it's still tied to your name yeah the vin
00:14:48| which is like on the engine block on the outside of the car and outside of the car somewhere else somewhere secret when a bomb goes off a truth bomb in your car
00:14:58| the they could still find the bin they still can but um interesting i didn't know it was on the ending block
00:15:06| is it it's on yeah it's on like the biggest piece of metal inside your car you can't get too easily i didn't know that i know it's on the uh dashboard and all that
00:15:16| but these tow truck people they um some of them make a make a living off of just predatory towing where they it's called a spotter they have someone they work
00:15:26| in unison with who says i just saw someone park in chicken pete's parking lot um i'm pretty sure they're not going there head over and tow that bad boy now
00:15:35| like they have guys who are on the ground who are over there and they're circling around um one guy i know used to call support station
00:15:42| he says he used to hang out behind the bushes behind chickies and peeps in his tow truck just chilling waiting for someone to call him or someone to tell him do something he'll come out
00:15:50| tow it boom because it's easy money when you think about it if you don't get shot and if you don't get caught do you ever see the um there's a john
00:15:59| oliver on this where somebody was towing cars out of a mcdonald's and it was obvious they went directly in the mcdonald's they would tow the car before they got back
00:16:08| out so it was like you have scummy people doing this and like how do you argue when they already have your car in the truck they have your car
00:16:17| and then what if they say okay fine um we have no way of proving anything just give us the flat fee the 150 towing fee and we'll let your car go at that point you're almost relieved to
00:16:27| get your car back cash transactions how do they use transactions prove that is illegal it's the wild wild west oh no my dad texts me better not be
00:16:40| about so i don't see any of the philadelphia parking authority disappearing money there's money they could have collected and there's money
00:16:50| either way i'll i'll bring over the next pocket because i like to put them on blast sure everyone everyone hates a meter maid
00:16:57| they do that's one of the tougher jobs to do i imagine yeah i wouldn't again those types of jobs do you know how many dudes i've got um
00:17:07| probably dozens no i'm way better than that i'm quick i know how to hide my car i know where looks like a danger zone i know where to
00:17:17| keep a lookout for those people i know where they hot spot so if you have a delivery and every spot is taken every paid spot you're not going to double park on a
00:17:26| one-way in philadelphia you have to find an alleyway okay find an alleyway because there's certain alleyways where they don't go there's certain like philadelphia hall
00:17:37| says this thing we're in the double yellow lines in the middle of the road in south philly you can just park you just park and no one no double parking up i've seen streets like that
00:17:47| no one gives a [ __ ] yeah yep no one gives a [ __ ] the funniest parking rule in the world is at the chinese food restaurant in germantown
00:17:56| they have it set up so that there's a strip of land that's an island and you have to go into the island and come out like it's a little loop and the stores are in here right yeah
00:18:06| there's meters on here meter meter meter meter meter meter meter like that's where you're supposed to go in park park park park whatever wherever everyone i mean everyone there's
00:18:18| like 13 cars that usually park and go and come and go park on the outside of the island where there's no parking but no meters and they never get a ticket no one ever
00:18:29| parks by the meters and i'm always like who would pay that meter and it's like everyone just parks here and it's the funniest thing because there's then all the meters are empty because
00:18:42| no one's parking there and i'm like this is a good move good morning no one ever tickets them maybe because of where it is but like that's the whole thing with this
00:18:52| whole parking and towing they're related a little bit it's like there are rules to the road sometimes tow trucks help us they they get our battered vehicles and bring
00:19:01| it somewhere yeah they get the jackass and a maserati who double parks in front of a place and gives them a fatal ticket we love that right when it happens to us five seconds
00:19:12| after my time was up somewhere when i wasn't yeah or when you weren't parked illegally it hits you so hard too you're like what this is my most
00:19:21| expensive property that you can move and you took it it kind of is is it yeah you have to figure it out you feel like where did this thing go that cost tens of thousands of dollars get to it
00:19:33| yeah you no longer have the vehicle that you need god damn man it's a double hit so how do you look out for these people take pictures of everything folks take
00:19:43| pictures of your dang car it's like the edge of your vehicles like climbing over towards red a little bit take a picture this sounds ridiculous but i know people who've gone to court
00:19:52| and had that picture you gotta go traffic court to fight it and be like this your honor look i was literally this far over them most judges were like that's ridiculous why
00:20:01| would they tell it be like i film everything i do it was this this is this much it was this much and she screamed oh my it's in the red
00:20:10| so video things take a little picture who cares do credit cards see you at receipts you got timelines yeah how do you look out for meter people how
00:20:22| do you look out for tow truck you have to read every sign you have to make sure that you're in the right spot like even when there's like a handicap spot that's been like painted over
00:20:33| like i double checked to make sure that like is it still a handicap spot is there a sign anywhere does it say i can't park here for says expecting mother doesn't mean
00:20:45| me on my way to the gym she was expecting at one point in the past and we didn't use the spot then yeah recouping
00:20:56| old time it didn't say when we were expecting didn't say now expecting now yeah i could get your wife pregnant just to avoid the ticket
00:21:09| your honor clearly you could say i'd like to exhibit a pull out the stick we have a heartbeat yeah eat that your honor expecting
00:21:23| and i'm expecting this to be remiss thank you thank you thank you that's good yeah so keep your eye out for tow trucks
00:21:33| tow people anyone with toes really [Music] predators dude good predators

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