The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP127 Grotesque Vile

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Transcript UnP127 Grotesque Vile

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 127 - Grotesque Vile
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00:00:03| there are certain things we just can't look away from we're drawn to them but we're repulsed by them they're disgusting they're distended they're distorted and yet we can't stop and it's
00:00:18| almost to the point of comedy it's hilarious it's gross it's it's grotesque those join us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media
00:00:40| we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or unique perspective taboo forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block babies we don't pander to popular opinion you
00:00:53| might even get a little bit dirty motor morning this podcast may contain mature language and sexual content and is for entertainment purposes only water pipe join us welcome back for another
00:01:23| installment of the unpaid errors with myself dan and himself myself Nick thanks for joining us gang as from the intro as is obvious we're gonna be talking about something that everyone is
00:01:39| talking about in politics today grotesque politics yeah so the definition of grotesque please do let's duel let's rock a wiki on this not well actually the wiki who redirects to the
00:01:52| architecture which is like our coils and like really detailed [ __ ] that is kind of yeah I um I saw this from dictionary or whatever doctor yeah no so Mary and moisture in the mullahs are absurd in
00:02:08| Congress was that does it make sense incongruous like out of distorted thank comically repulsively ugly or distorted it's just funny that we found comedy in there like over and over again
00:02:21| I was like what does to even define it as comedic in any way it did the one definition actually had comedic and I was like comically or repulsively ugly like so it's to the point where it's
00:02:37| plenty funny how just funny like someone yeah in a middle of a podcast stopped and sucked on a syringe hmm hmm something about that's grotesque cuz it just moved like jelly that's not a
00:02:56| liquid isn't it it's a jello shot in a syringe it's grotesque what did you actually make jello shots at some point this was for a children's birthday party you got those kids loaded yeah and so we
00:03:16| do squeeze it out into little globules I don't know just when the jello is warm you suck it up okay Joe makes a party was more like bring your children get smashed fantastic little grotesque
00:03:32| that's good yeah a little grotesque nobody could look away from it obviously it was very interesting entertaining but almost too entertaining too while too distorted I feel like far from reality
00:03:42| this like dark humor topic in the past and we didn't really hit the nail on the head but then I played that game and it was just obvious to me that like you and I crack up at the things that are just
00:03:56| ridiculous and awful like there's so many things on the game that are just like over-the-top ridiculous insanely ridiculous so we're talking about play through crap I breath the name of the
00:04:10| studio play no no oh shoot play dead stupid play dead yeah play dead studios their hit game from about five years ago or whenever what year 2018 2014
00:04:24| [Music] is a research before episodes only about the game like three years ago and I never played it I did it was played ed Studios came out that's absolutely
00:04:38| awesome it's one of my favorite games yeah one of my favorite games um you can get it on oh wow it's on Steam you get it on ps4 Xbox Nintendo switch it would be awesome on a switch computer you can
00:04:52| get it wherever it's it's like a and it's one of those games that's like a two-hour game three-hour game and it's like it's cheaper it's like you know 15 bucks I super would recommend it we're
00:05:03| gonna include a link in the bottom where you can buy it would we get money if people what from us mmm-hmm or do we have to be like rated beforehand it might happen in the future so yeah
00:05:15| they'd we definitely get money in the future cool eventually and buy it from us and I'm not kidding about this game because it's not like a regular game it's just
00:05:24| friggin it's a puzzle platformer 2d yeah side scroller yeah it dumb they don't make a lot of side scrollers anymore no that's really not like this so there's Crockett it's dark and very dark
00:05:38| dude yes the darkest game you ever played kind of it's dark in nature and dark in visuals and then yeah the way your character lighting has like and your character is a boy with a bright
00:05:48| red shirt and the rest of the world is dark assimilation learns like the girl with the red shirt yeah it kind of is but it's so funny it's like a little boy and
00:05:57| he's faceless and from the first 30 seconds there's no instructions yeah there's no instructions there's no they don't tell you a backstory there's no talking in the game there's no
00:06:08| dialogue there's no instructions you don't have a tutorial you're just all of a sudden you're running and you're like huh that's interesting I'll keep running five minutes later you're ripped apart
00:06:18| by dogs and you're like wow can't believe they showed that about three minutes later you're riddled with bullets by three grown men who find you with a spotlight and just shoot you yeah
00:06:29| that's fine it's almost like point-blank I thought they were gonna like pin me down or grab me area like yeah there's no they just they just shoot this small child would bullet well they did shots
00:06:38| like unloaded the whole thing yeah and then as you're playing you go into new rooms like I just played today and I ran into a room where it I saw a switch and I was running towards it and as I ran to
00:06:49| it a hooked barb just came down sliced through my body and pulled me up and I was like huh guess I died didn't see that one coming did you die by the the guy chasing you
00:07:02| to where he he chased me into the water and then he helped me down in the water and drown oh he drowns you while you're shaking it's pretty dark to stop I was like oh
00:07:11| who is this geared towards me no I yeah and the artwork is just freaking it's cool its stylized yeah guy that's just the way to put it I don't know there's probably fancier words for it
00:07:27| but it's it's really good and you were gonna touch on the light I think cuz like there's no like dark spots and there's like spotlights and then like the lighting is like foreground like
00:07:36| background ish and then there's like stuff happening in the background that is saw related and then it makes you stop and watch and you're like I do a darkness why something happened yeah
00:07:46| yeah it's nice it like exactly the right amount of attention you need to give it yeah it's very like the detail is just enough that you can be drawn in and not need anymore and I do love the dying
00:08:02| because the dying is like your instructions in the game like you just go into a room and they don't tell you what kind of puzzle it is they don't tell you anything like again it's very
00:08:11| hands-off it's like what's going on here why am i running why am i a little boy in a red shirt no one else has a red shirt I don't see any other kids and it's like it's just very bizarre and
00:08:21| they're like why are they not just shooting at me holding me underwater until I drown violently yeah it's like somebody questions and then you start the other
00:08:30| coolest thing I thought about this game was that the scale like when you're running and stuff like it can be within you know a close-up so that you take up like one quarter of the screen and
00:08:40| you're running and you can see your character right but then there are these scenes where you go outside and you see these super elaborate huge metal structures that you don't even know what
00:08:50| they are and now your character takes up like scale and you feel so small and like that's exempt you're very different okay if you just get seen you die
00:09:05| essentially inhabiting a bar boys just so you know it's cut and dry it's like instantaneous and then you get whisked off the screen yeah you done you dial on this um and it's if ever you run into
00:09:19| trouble you either have to hide from it or somehow dodge it nope like did you like the pig do you remember the pig yeah you ripped the tail off or hunk no it's not as tail that's like a worm
00:09:30| that's inside its butthole I thought it was his tail now it's a worm because there's just worms over all the cattle yeah I watch it 24:40 p75 inch screen I'm doing right on the pigs anus it came
00:09:47| right out it came right out no because I just I literally played that scene before we got on today and I was like that's gonna tear it off his tail now it was it's a worm and that worm seems to
00:09:59| be in all these animals and like the brain-dead things that you're controlling I never watched I never saw any worms yeah there were worms dude especially if you do that farm scene
00:10:08| again but regardless like and then about the little girl that like our hairs everywhere water did you yeah did you freak out when she drowns you oh god
00:10:18| that's so freaky no when she drowns you that's part of the story now it's oh yeah yeah I was like I was like ah damn it I died again I thought I'd be - and I was so mad
00:10:28| stomach with that error thing yeah maybe that's that's why you breathe underwater and that's how she does it maybe she got steps so there's like let's talk about the different motifs going on here guys
00:10:39| there's like just different worlds yeah there's like an alien motif there's like parasite motif yeah the parasite that's what the worms are related to what you missed but you
00:10:49| got the motif yeah then there's like robots kinda oh yeah and I called you to list ik mechanical yeah and then there's um there's like a like it almost like dreamscape like you feel like the kid is
00:11:04| escaping something like a lot of like where the wild things are it's like the kid is dreaming a glass thing to escape things but it seems like it's not that like midway through you realize that
00:11:14| like I think he's like really experiencing something and like actually there and not dreaming it up yeah yeah yeah because for a while I was like this is gonna be a dream you find his parents
00:11:23| or some happy story I really did the picture to go cookie cutter pretty soon I was like it's gonna change it's gonna change kid's day this dark and then like halfway through it's just I can't figure
00:11:38| out why I'm doing what I'm doing I'm just going to the next scene and going the next scene and not in a bad way I don't think I needed direction it's almost creepier or dreamier as you said
00:11:48| to just keep doing is you're always wondering like why what's going on what am I going towards or away from there's a zombie motif too so like with those yeah those people that are really brain
00:12:00| dead it's like these things that you can control ironically enough right and then they I like how they do their puzzles because their puzzles are like you do a puzzle and then it's like a plus one and
00:12:10| they don't really like build on top of one another but there's like little intricacies and the way that women present it yeah 100% they're elements to earlier puzzles that you have to utilize
00:12:20| and they never have instructions there's only one spot I got stuck at for like half an hour cause I didn't realize I could move one of the chains or something and I was like god dammit what
00:12:30| is another puzzle there's two waters swinging back swinging one yeah I even like water so she can like they have you who didn't realize yeah that's why I'll dude that's crazy I was like I sounds
00:12:43| like she's gonna go towards it I thought that was just like a glitch where my feet would touch the water house like you can do that on purpose huh good call I died a lot there cuz I was like yeah
00:12:52| you can't leave tribal Angela's in trouble you're trying to like swim towards the door off to the right but like she's too close to you so like when the door closes it smashes you and her
00:13:01| horse she like drowned you before you answer that yes yeah I died a lot or the UM the game the puzzles when you figure out what you're supposed to do they're just hard enough to because it's not
00:13:14| like so are we at the time everything's so think that's annoying you're like I know what I'm supposed to do I'm like a quarter second off you have to just be
00:13:21| very good yeah we have the advantage I was where the dogs are on either side of the chain-link fence and they run to the background and then to the foreground and you're pulling boards off a door so
00:13:32| you can pull one door oh boy I forgot about that that's a cool one yeah that's the first time you're presented with like a yeah a delay my own background yeah puzzle yeah
00:13:42| that one's a cool puzzle I forgot about that a lot of these puzzles are really cool intuitive because like you use foreground background it's it's hard to
00:13:51| make a game in 2d I imagine like it's tough not to D but it's you don't I mean o to D was would simplify everything by one dimension so what do you mean it would be R which should be easier to
00:14:06| solve all the problems then it not make no comment on the the creator of the game to make something you make more puzzles fascinating yeah like even how about the sound machine wherever that
00:14:18| was but that would just blast last you away you rip you pass that sound yeah dude that was like interesting that like it started to play on like the timing of sliding down this thing so you to slide
00:14:29| down yeah yeah yeah well what was cool is so I just did that a minute like 10 minutes for this and you're in the room and there's all these like that's a it's just a second scheme like they are they
00:14:41| they want a people they're all test them ah I did get it I watched it 24:40 pay but their test dummies and they're all positioned in chairs in this room all perfectly set up and as soon as you come
00:14:52| in and hit the the button to open the shutters like these Sam it's like a concussive sound bomb that keeps going off every 5 seconds dummies feel like they get shaken a
00:15:03| little bit yeah dude I think it on rocks dude there's different parts of the scene that like the walls are coming off as you're doing the thing like they do really well with their background stuff
00:15:13| I noticed um even when I was running from some scientists and stuff they hear you closed doors and it's very little things but like how about later on when all of a sudden you're much farther
00:15:26| along in the game and everyone's running towards a yeah and now the scientists don't even care about you it's so weird that like the people you drowning you've been
00:15:35| hiding from yeah on site are now ignoring you and I was like timidly walking towards the glass that they were I was like okay let's what's going on here they're not gonna kill me I gotta
00:15:45| check this out and then they don't like you see we're kind of like oh they acknowledge you but they don't came yeah so this is what I just did this scene again and I the other much motif is the
00:15:57| like car in it yeah some type thing like yeah it is so yeah you notice that all of these zombie by people and like this girl with the hair are like failed experiments or something cuz there are
00:16:13| all these labs underground there's weird stuff going on it's just a real cool game everyone you know give it a playthrough don't we won't spoil we just did okay yeah and we're gonna and yeah
00:16:26| honestly if you're going to play it may we yeah well turn it off now yeah well we're gonna ruin it for you yeah yeah yeah well that's one thing right now lady just Ryback it was no sense at all
00:16:36| probably someone who's in this play because I want to talk about the ending which if you haven't played and you plan on playing just do it before you listen to this part yeah don't you come back
00:16:46| the part that makes the most sense even though it makes no sense at all oh it's it's ridiculous and I rather experience it without knowing about it and then hear about it because they'd almost
00:16:56| ruined it this is silver tusks parks crazy if you was playing inside it just don't play and go home back go play the game click the link come back come come back and join us it is 17 minutes there
00:17:06| you go there you go cool there you go you're back I hope you just enjoyed it so that game is insane so I started paying attention you're still hiding from the scientists and
00:17:15| they'll look over at you when you're lifting gates and stuff and climbing around because they would they would look over and I was like that's that's a cool touch like I like that kind of
00:17:23| stuff little minor stuff they can hear you moving around still and then all of a sudden I pulled that one lever and you know you can hear the music oh yeah and I knew like I was gonna I was like oh no
00:17:36| I'm going in there alright going in there aren't I like did you know like that's where you're going you always know you're going to the right side so you're pressing to the right
00:17:44| this time you like went all the way around and then back through to where you were so you inherently were going in the tank you were going in and what's crazy to me
00:17:54| and I still I think it's hilarious that you end up in there naked yeah somehow a blast church clothes off clothes off I have no idea I was laughing I was like why is he gonna be naked oh wait this is
00:18:05| a bit much this is a bit of and then the scientists aren't even reacting I mean they're reacting to you but they're not freaking out they're like this oh there is there yeah and then you realize
00:18:18| what's in the tank how did you describe that I would say it's a blob of maybe a dozen people with hands and feet and arms and legs coming out yeah and then it was like Gillette like I had a sway
00:18:30| to it like it was tall enough to be like a person stretching with another sit on the top of them yeah it was like it's like 10 foot tall almost like two people tall yeah
00:18:41| person they have two people somewhere in there and it's it probably weighs like I would thousand pounds 1,200 pounds yeah it doesn't have edges it's just a bunch of humans form together and you're
00:18:56| trying to free it and you're pulling on these things and you see the arms reaching at you and then all of a sudden mark on the side and this is this is a tricky thing dude there's four plugs by
00:19:08| the time you get to the third one it's over yeah I guess you were yeah I don't remember going there is no you don't get the form I just didn't know and then you do intentionally sucked it suck yourself
00:19:20| like I don't think you get sucked in I think you do I don't know dude I have no idea huh so you get sucked into this blob we were just talking about and guess what you control it so you go
00:19:34| right over to the plug where all the scientists are watching you you pull it off and all sudden everyone who literally had the power to just look at you and strangle you kill you shoot you
00:19:45| on sight is now running further lives and you're just so big and come relining Wakita like like like this Oh distorted fat ugly nasty overweight
00:20:00| behemoth ballsack I would describe it as I would describe it as a ball sack and it's so funny cuz the the level where you were just prancing around and climbing like really only hits ya very
00:20:12| delicate you're literally a 10 foot through all the walls at one point you get on the elevator and it just drops like 12 floors and and there's there's a guy in an office he looks up and he's
00:20:26| like what off yeah he's like what and then that you just drop another 12 cores oh and you're talking about the boss yeah there's a boss yeah so you crash through that door and there's
00:20:37| immediately a boss because he's behind a huge desk and he's gonna be like wow what are you looking at and what are you gonna do you've had no power this whole game you run everybody's ass this to Ken
00:20:48| and you spiral out the building and just land on them and there's just blood and guts everywhere such a cool game and then you're solving puzzles as a blob and then people are helping you because
00:21:02| they want to get away from you they're like ass you're using them to open doors and they're like oh yeah get away from me get away get away the one dude he um it's such a nice touch he
00:21:12| says you over there and he wants you to go as far away from him as possible and he won't do it unless you go far away and when you do he runs over to the door and starts punching the code but he
00:21:21| keeps looking at you so it takes a long time and it's like oh yeah like you would he would run back leg so good yeah dude and all these people keep pointing to doors or like go go that way
00:21:35| good night don't want to touch it and they graded the thing they did and here's the other thing it's gross to control that thing it does have a weird feel to it because you like cuz you get
00:21:47| all back in and then you could lion you're like all these hands and legs and we didn't even talk about the controls the controls are just claw the arrow keys and control like it's only five
00:21:59| guns and jump jump is up right jump different key I had it as an actual button jump but maybe I'm use up as well I don't know either way I think it was just up but it's designed likes by
00:22:13| someone who played Nintendo a lot think about it they made use of the two dimensions Direction button jump action it's all the buttons to the whole game yeah and it was very uh I guess their
00:22:27| games were like you're trying to figure out the buttons and you get frustrated by like too many buttons or too many options like that the options are pretty simple straight forward here and they
00:22:35| had a lot of steel to them like oh they do there they're very refined very beautiful you know your jump buttons you know how far your character could fall before he dies how far before he rolls
00:22:45| and stuff like that yeah and even I guess like running like sometimes running in games feels slow and for some reason this feel like felt like it was like right the right pace
00:22:56| like I don't know if it's always the same piece of momentum ya know it's momentum based I think um because if you turn on a dime he shifts differently if you yeah and if you start running from a
00:23:07| stop you can start slower than if you were running full-speed it's like little details like that but when you but when you control that blob you can barely run in a straight line
00:23:19| your body is quivering and moving yeah and if you try and we're trying to pick up the stick I had so much trouble with that because like oh yeah it's like I don't know why he is trying to pick yeah
00:23:29| your body like picking it up handing it off it's like what the firemen's line you're like trying to pass yeah the way there's like 10 hands trying to grab it so wild so then ultimately what happens
00:23:41| they they trick you into going into that tank they trick you yeah you still have fall into another container and then you're in there and I forget what happens you break free any lines and you
00:23:55| find the little edges that you can pull on oh yeah if I'm gonna tank and then you pull apart the handles and then you can break through it and then you stumble around for a couple more feet
00:24:07| and then just fari onto a Ledge and then keep falling until you're down to the blink you yeah your body is on the beach that do we even know if it's dead or alive at that point
00:24:17| I think it's still alive at that point the sun is shining on it that's the other thing is whenever there was light shining I would always go towards the light unless it was like a spotlight
00:24:26| that yeah yeah that's a good point weird so there's like strange overtones I don't even know so like what do you think it was like in the middle of the game there's so many options that you
00:24:40| think I really thought it was like hailing and Douglas mind control okay where I can see Helen invasion I thought those things are trying to control you and maybe you were an alien
00:24:49| and I think you might have been I don't think you're an ant I think you're an experiment and you were the one of the pieces that got loose yeah I think so they just order you start way off in the
00:25:02| middle of nowhere though so this is the weird thing I think you're drawn to the hive whatever it is like this whole collective this weird thing and I think everyone knows that you were going to
00:25:14| come back to this hive so their orders were to kill you on sight before you could join in and make it whole again and cause chaos and run around and wreck things so you were technically the bad
00:25:24| guy and you were trying to get back inside even though your character didn't cognitively know he was trying to rejoin the hive he just was being drawn to the right if that make sense so he was
00:25:36| constantly running and getting closer and closer and it's they had all these defenses up and ways to try and stop him but ultimately you found your way back inside it's just so weird I felt like I
00:25:48| was running the whole game away from something but maybe you were running to something and when you joined it you were so persecuted so innocent so fragile and killed so many times you
00:25:59| became this killing thing it's I rot invincible you actually I don't think you can die if the blob could you know I don't know I don't think so there's no way to die you could just not
00:26:11| solve the puzzle but you wouldn't die which is crazy the whole game is dying and learning and then you become something that's invincible and ten foot tall and 2,000 pounds and is way too
00:26:22| many arms and legs and did you notice it makes the grossest sounds as you look like I loved it but oh my god then but then ultimately once you joined your whole
00:26:39| hive whatever it was called and we're invincible and causing all his casts dolls will you wanted to get back outside just be free unless I don't know it's look like what's to like what does
00:26:53| it do like it you don't know anything about what the objective is once you're there at the end of the game you still don't know anything more other than you again there's no that's so cool there's
00:27:03| no dialogue in this game you love the game so the donut dialogue like the fee is that another one that you said yeah right I do yeah I guess I do as an English major one who studied languages
00:27:14| whole career I have loved games without language like sometimes say the most I don't know it is one of my favorite games and I would recommend everyone to play it if you got you know a few bucks
00:27:24| it's usually not too much 10-15 so I don't know there's like an element of like with the animals like most the animals are dead so like I assume like there was also like a plague motif going
00:27:36| on that like yeah I think esteem something killing and like maybe like it spread so far as to get this kid that was probably like a town away and then he went through where the plague had
00:27:49| been to get to the center to the inside why I don't know you think he was under control of something else I don't think so because I felt like it was my character I was pretty free to move I
00:28:01| mean I guess you had to go to the ER he had to solve the puzzle so maybe not but I felt like it was my agency like I was like hey this is where I want to go and people are trying to stop me this is
00:28:10| where I want to go do you think the the kid went like back store do you have the kid that's where you know he's like eat like an eight-year-old too because it's like you feel well that was the weirdest
00:28:23| the Zinio son and getting old over and over oh my god and that's a part of grotesque sympathetic pity for this thing well right I mean watching him get killed like we mentioned his grotesque
00:28:36| someone's strangling an eight-year-old underwater like did you play limbo yeah I played limbo it's kind of like a similar game but without any story kind of it's just cool puzzles I think I
00:28:49| played that but I don't recall it yeah it's it's very similar totally same same company and I think inside were just like they're better version of it yeah like they cheat way they're really
00:28:59| sneaky Wow a hundred percent limo is like cool cool artwork cool puzzles but it's not like inside was what they should have done or I guess so I was like a game
00:29:10| developer has like a run up so like the first game they produce is just testing out some mechanics and like art styles and then the next one is like applying all the themes and refining and redoing
00:29:21| it yeah refining everything that's what I think inside was but again one of my solving inventive environmental puzzles and avoiding death I actually I feel like I've read a
00:29:32| couple essays on this after uh after I played it I was in love with it I don't know if it got any kind of Game of the Year award it got like nominated I think nothing of Game Critics Awards Game
00:29:45| Awards dice awards won a lot of rewards it got nominated a lot and won like half of those things that it was nominated for I forgot about this what so um there did you run into any of the yellow wires
00:30:06| there was a secret room I think there's actually seven of them there seven yeah but they're in weird spots and they're usually symbolized by a yellow wire that you can see somewhere if you go inside
00:30:23| them you turn on like a light bulb or something if you turn on all of them and then go to the one room in the cornfield once they're all developed or whatever you get an alternate ending I forgot
00:30:38| about this I did this just to see it was feeling as though ending so player TV activates the hidden light orbs and the various bunkers the boy returns to one of the bunkers this is the one under the
00:30:48| corn field and you get a new area he reaches an area includes a bank of computers and one of the mind control helmets powered by a nearby socket the boy pulls the
00:30:57| plug from the socket upon which case the character takes the same stance as the zombies and the game ends I'm watching the ending now the alternate one yeah oh damn it did win a lot of awards damn
00:31:11| I didn't realize that yeah I could I can talk about this game all day just because of the our style was ridiculous like the idea like just something about the game was really cool and as you're
00:31:22| watching it I know there's all these yellow wires the other thing we didn't even touch on was the music so I was doing the underwater scene and um there's a part where you see like all
00:31:34| the fish are following you it's such a small thing but it it it weirds me out but these fish are drawn to you after you can breathe underwater yeah and so the chickens right the
00:31:46| chicks the little birds yeah there are always kind of like your friends it's weird yeah these animals are drawn to because you're not human they also like there's a scene where you're in the barn
00:31:57| and you have to like suck the chicks into this machine I thought he wasn't gonna get ground they were gonna they didn't they didn't also like though the people hanging upside down upside down I
00:32:14| have no clue I have no explanation I have that chance or something it's like yeah above the wood or whatever but I don't get that I don't least bizarre it was bizarre enough to be really
00:32:24| interesting to play in like a the water is up scenario yeah that was cool I was like then you could change the gravity in a couple rooms or whatever with the water yeah I helped solve puzzles it was
00:32:36| kind of cool but then so again that tells me this is all scientific based so these scientists are messing with something they're creating something they're working with gravity they're
00:32:46| messing with humans or creating zombies for them to do work I guess and maybe these zombies were more human than they thought it's like they have a humanity even though Korea they created them to
00:32:57| do work they were talking like maybe they were take about something there were real people but then he never interacts with them as if they're real people no but it is
00:33:07| weird that you can control all the zombies you can create like an army zombies I always felt like that that was another level of detail is that the way they will help you and like carry you
00:33:17| and lift you up was for individuals yeah and it was older and they're individuals it's like one zombie is not the same as all the others like really grab your arm and they're like lifting yeah it's like
00:33:27| I don't know how they pro like program that but it was like aw it was very majestic in the way that it was done you feel very loved in that group of dead zombies yeah you do I'm telling you some
00:33:40| Helen you're related to these zombies whether it's because you are one you're the king zombie I don't know freeing of the huddle oh it's called a huddle interesting a lot of zombies as huh now
00:33:55| beyond the blob you turn into is called the huddle oh it's a concept art from Morton Bramson the art helped animate the huddle and drive inside art direction weird one theory is that the
00:34:09| boy is controlled by the huddle throughout most of the game leading him to take help free the huddle eventually come you know come in the game impresses that huddle has a magnetic like draw
00:34:20| that leads the boy to endanger himself and unquestionably enter the tank where the huddle is capped players speculate them theory of taking the alternate ending is working contrary to the
00:34:30| Huddle's goal and the act of unplugging the computers is to release the hunters can shuttles control of the boy hmm maybe a killer theory well it controls the kills the control over everyone well
00:34:42| maybe like like pulls the power to the plants of the huddle dies oh maybe similar theories boy being controlled by one or more scientists yeah that sounds stupid it's not a scientist - sir -
00:34:54| incorrect no busy no too busy typing and having you murdered they have no feel from emotion the boy is being controlled by renegade
00:35:05| force okay that makes sense so the pulling the plug thing the alternate ending is like kind of like the matrix thing it's pulling yourself out of the matrix
00:35:15| you are the act of pulling the plug in the final area is similar to concept of the matrix as described by PC gamers Tim Clark thanks Tim middle of explains the location of the alternate ending is only
00:35:26| known to the player with knowledge of the main ending and not to the huddle or the scientists with knowledge of the game's true ending achieving the alternate ending is to reach a
00:35:36| conclusion to the game that abstence ibly puts an end to the boy the blob and any inhumane experiments being conducted it is cool because the alternate ending is it like level 2 you have to go back
00:35:53| to go to the alternate ending so you have to know it's there you can't stumble upon it and figure that out so wait say the guy like you have to you have to play another okay and to get
00:36:00| there or yeah well after you beat the game you can load any chapter well so you have to go back to chapter 2 or 3 or whatever very early in the game to get the alternate ending so you are only
00:36:12| playing that to get the alternate and you can't stumble upon an alternate ending so it's weird and that it's meta I guess you have to know you're going to do it which is almost like saying no I
00:36:24| won't go to the control portion of the game I'm doing my own thing whatever where as deep as we can guess or when we should shift yeah it's wild anyway play this game and if you have
00:36:38| first-time reactions to becoming the giant ball sack like please let us know because that was the most fun I've had in the game so being that power I loved it and grotesque let's talk about like
00:36:54| why we liked that so much like hey you're not gonna see it normal life and never gonna see that normal light it's entirely unique it's something that you like you're trying to comprehend as
00:37:06| you're using it and there's no way to predict how it's actually going to interact the world and there's something yeah really got a rule about it like you feel all the pain
00:37:16| and like it's really yeah yeah has lovely bottling like motions and functions getting and again maybe it's because for two hours of gameplay I was a frail eight-year-old boy who is
00:37:30| getting strangled and like just blasted by things and killed non-stop and then I became this ridiculous invincible thing that could crush things I was yeah there's something yeah yeah there was
00:37:44| something so it like flipped a switch so hard like the ultimate flip like do you know what I mean I was now a monster and a terror and killing things I thought that was cool I
00:37:58| don't know and you loved it I did I loved being gross the funniest was seeing all your zombie friends try and lift you because you have no edges you're just a blob there's like eight of
00:38:11| you trying to help you up an elevator shaft or whatever and you were just like that's good stuff are there any other games that I would like this I mean so there's a game
00:38:25| coming out that's stranding that's destroyed yeah I know what you're talking about what's it called is opening it's from one of the guys from Metal Gear Solid right the guy who is
00:38:38| essentially responsible for Psycho Mantis I believe this is yeah so there's something weird of having a baby in this one and then doom it's like a baby it's like an abortion that's come to life and
00:38:51| keeps there's a lot of birth tropes going on in this one I've seen a lot of commercials it's like an adult man being born again and Bill achill cords everywhere blood everywhere like naked
00:39:01| man like dead bodies everywhere he's killing everyone zo what's his name kojima natsuki Okajima Kojima Kojima like oh like you did this like he's been doing it for
00:39:14| years I guess yeah yeah I can't quit and got a lucrative job to do it yes he he is the brainchild of I believe Metal Gear Solid he did Psycho Mantis which was kind of
00:39:26| the coolest idea for a bad guy do you know what they did for that if you remember metal your salsa Metal Gear Solid you get to Psycho Mantis he would read your mind a K read what was
00:39:37| on your memory card at the time in a Playstation so he would tell you the games you had saved etc on your PlayStation no other game had this feature so most people didn't even catch
00:39:48| the reference and then he would say now that I know I can read your mind with your controller you can't beat him so you go to punch him do anything to him and before you'd hit the button he would
00:39:59| disappear reappear elsewhere the way to beat him was to unplug your controller from port one and plug it into port two right yeah cuz then he says why can't I reach our mind but that was the whole
00:40:12| thing and I was like that's genius for PlayStation 1 game yeah it had technology I was like that's actually real methodology yeah right yes it's very genius so he's kind of a
00:40:22| genius he's kind of out there but all of this stop with all of this stuff has led him down an insane path where I feel like he's literally trying to make the most grotesque game of all time hmm you
00:40:38| seen any clips for that game there's one Holly or just Beach and like he looks down and greatest thing and I'm like it's blackness and then it like gets to his fingertips and into his veins up his
00:40:49| arms yeah dude I don't know again you have no context for what is really going on that's what you use so many questions that come up that you try to figure them out and there's nothing like there's
00:41:01| nothing to figure out like you will maybe figure it out when you play the game but you're not going to figure out through that trailer it's grotesque for the sake of being grotesque at the time
00:41:10| I believe so anything else that's like grotesque is a car is a car wreck grotesque yeah faces of death remember that's exactly what I was thinking before is it yeah but this
00:41:20| that's weird because it's like it's very finite it's like a thing that happened and you're just like there's like things that like those people who get and get killed another face of death but like
00:41:33| people were deliberately killed on camera it's like this like you've never seen those like um jihadists that's awful jihadist murders and stuff yeah tell them so that they can make an
00:41:45| impact on the world and it just makes everyone hate them so much oh that is weird I just remembered I saw some woman in Africa what country it was a country in Africa and she was
00:41:57| literally cut and sliced open from her throat and then killed like I watched her die and I was like that's Wow someone posted that it was in a different language and someone I didn't
00:42:09| follow posted it and reposted it and I was like oh I just watched uh that's a murder oka disturbing it's it's weird cuz I think I dabbled it maybe the faces of death for like a hot minute I want to
00:42:20| say 10 years ago but I haven't probably watched anyone actually die in a little bit and I saw that let's say two months ago and it kind of [ __ ] with me I was like oh yeah well there's um I I totally
00:42:33| watched it again to make sure it wasn't fake like that I wasn't in whatever but it wasn't and that made it works cuz and then i watched it twice yeah well there's an
00:42:41| element to it that like i think a majority of people like an excessive majority people want to believe like the world is good and everything happy and stuff is great and like yeah most of the
00:42:54| time it is but there's also this awful stuff that happens for no reason at all and that happens all the time too and like most people just can't deal with it so they don't pay attention to it but
00:43:04| they're i guess like the person who made faces of deaths make faces of death probably like wanted to show that these things happen and like some of these things are maybe preventable so there's
00:43:15| situations that like if you had seen them you might realize that like oh this is dangerous like um escalators have you ever seen like escalators fail no someone died on an escalator how oh my
00:43:28| god the steps of an escalator are heavy metal and they rotate and they kind of like fold into one another so what it's in case they overstep their bounds and the overlap is too much and they grab
00:43:41| you and pull you down yeah well you can like the little lip at the end I've seen people get shoes and feet stuck in them so they lose a I've heard of shoe laces it's not but really yeah and then the
00:43:53| there's like a hatch kind of thing that opens when they service it I saw a woman she had a toddler with her and as it came to the top like the hatch was open and it has just as like
00:44:06| grinding gears down there so like she got in at the top picked up her kid and threw her kid so that her kid was safe but she didn't make it
00:44:14| she got stuck eyed thing and like got ground up in an escalator and I was like what a just out of curiosity what angle is that from like a security footage sure you how much from top down so
00:44:26| you're looking at her like noticing it like you're seeing her own a kid and like her body language throws the kid and then she just disappears in the escalator like how did they not design
00:44:38| it so that can be avoided like that seems like it's tremendously deadly that is um what I would say is that even a car engine is tremendously deadly if you put your face into it I mean there's a
00:44:52| lot of things we use every day so I get it um and faces death I don't think was to prevent simple things I think it was literally just based on people will watch us if I put it on here but I
00:45:05| gathered look the dangerous thing isn't the things it's the other people because the other people are like suiciding on like trains are like like my police office or like other methods of dying
00:45:17| that like they could bring you down with them or like even like emotionally mess you up if that happens to you because you don't I don't think I've ever seen anybody die ever and like if I were to
00:45:30| see someone die in like a weird way it would just like shake me and I wouldn't I don't know that I'd be able to like let go like I think it went I'd keep things it's the point I mean you would I
00:45:40| think that's why I want that to happen but that's what would happen if you're a normal person ish yeah but I think that's why we're so interested in some of the grotesque
00:45:50| stuff like um it's as close to death or as close to the the the bizarre ultimate messy stuff yeah well whether it's not death its maiming or whatever it's also like movies like Halloween movies like
00:46:03| it if you've seen it there's a lot of freaky stuff that happens that is intertwined into it's almost like poltergeist two intertwined in the like our own fears
00:46:14| and like manipulating ourselves it's there are so many scenes than that to just freak you out because it's I don't know it makes us vulnerable in all the same way yeah like we're all the same
00:46:27| we're all meet yeah there's so many ways is you could damage yourself and forever die it's it's a repeat we're living in a weird age where all that stuff can be conveyed to us and like I don't think
00:46:40| most people could handle that knowledge it's weird it's the ultimate truth isn't it I mean what is it we live we die we pay taxes so I know that sounds like an old dodge and we think it's very plastic
00:46:53| and very fake but to the people five thousand years ago it's probably just as true as it is to us five thousand so a long time for taxes mm I'm just saying I think I think the truth is still there
00:47:09| no I mean we can see it now on a frigging video or uh it's being iPhone yeah that's so there's another part of like the insides of somebody like if they like it cut open it's like that
00:47:22| inherently like blood freaks people out and then like blood doesn't get me guts - guts yeah I don't like to see guts hmm if I see even TV shows with surgeries I guess it depends on the surgery like you
00:47:37| can be cutting someone's arm open and I'm like who cares if you're cut in any way open from like here to here it's weird I don't like it freaking out it's like the testicle chest of the pelvis
00:47:47| what no just like the way they used to have like like Colonial surgery and stuff they'd like get the person drunk or like knock them out or they just like strapped into a table and like make them
00:47:59| bite on like a leather strop well and then like they were paid based on how quickly they could do the surgery like a good surgery would do it more quickly because you couldn't endure the pain
00:48:08| that long like you would literally die on the table from pain so a surgeon would be like cut it out and you'd be good nasty stuff the UM the only good news in regards to that is I imagine
00:48:23| and I have never died and I've never been in that much extreme pain but it probably all feels the same I don't die it's like seeing full ya know because I think your senses can only take so much
00:48:35| I think it just feels like overwhelming sense and you can't process it and eventually you're either dead or you're recovering for seven years because you're maimed breaking an ankle like
00:48:46| breaking the ankle wasn't painful my adrenaline was overtaking my body so like I was everything surged on ya body is overdrive and you don't feel it but if you live and there's healing going on
00:49:00| you're gonna feel that for a while but with the process itself then it's probably how dying feels goddamnit why this whole episode turn into what's like to die well I feel like it is
00:49:16| something that no one really talks about and there's also an element that as you grow older you feel more vulnerable and yet in there if you have kids you feel that you feel their pain like you have
00:49:30| so much empathy for their own pain that it makes you more connected to the way other people live and feel pain too I don't I don't disagree at all okay I was gonna say no either way no no I don't
00:49:44| agree at all we don't disagree no no I'm I'm invincible like I don't care what happens to me I played hockey i abused my body I will get into fistfights I will drink in excess I will do stupid
00:49:59| stuff I will drive 400 miles an hour or not not drunk no Jesus Christ um I will do ridiculous things I will I will be an idiot I will never go to the doctors for an injury I have I will
00:50:12| fight any disease I have by myself without a doctor but once my kid has it sniffles I'm like we need to get you to dr. Frank on there yeah like it's so weird I'm like you hurt your elbow oh my
00:50:24| god are you okay we need to stop don't play that game you're gonna hurt yourself do not stand near the steps please whereas it's the total opposite of Who I
00:50:33| am do you know what I mean it's like that like you're men be a pair and it's like you can't you you can't you can't the same rules for yourself as your kid yeah you also can't
00:50:44| always protect them like how many times is your kid growing up hit his head and slipped falling you just like real hard you're like oh oh geez yeah oh that's not permanent it's just
00:50:57| something that I don't know maybe like the whole grotesque thing is teaching us a lot of what we don't know like maybe in that situation like if you were a little boy in the game inside would you
00:51:12| like if it happened now like everyone was gone and you had a drive to go to this place and then everyone was out to kill you would you take it more seriously if you had played inside like
00:51:24| would you assume that someone's gonna kill you immediately like I think I might like if there's people searching for me like I wouldn't I don't know that I'd give up at that point maybe the only
00:51:36| caveat is I hope I have multiple lives because I have to figure out the puzzles take a lot of yeah a lot of effort figuring out the puzzles you know yes well I have to really think them I guess
00:51:52| the other thing is with grotesque stuff you touched on it it's it's a little bit about that's what life is life is grotesque it's gross we live and we all die like
00:52:03| we don't like to think about it that way because like that's pretty downer but we all live our guts all stop our blood stopped pumping and it's like you gotta think that about your family members
00:52:14| yeah I think that about your kids you think bad about people your next-door neighbor yeah it's gonna happen everybody it's it's weird it's grotesque it's to the point of oh then there's
00:52:25| things that we do every day that we don't talk about like there's stuff that we probably like squeeze Anna pools or like pooping or something like stuff like that you don't even experience
00:52:35| unless you have it like a child or like someone's fairly open about what they're talking about like you might not even like everyone might experience it and just be like keeping it themselves maybe
00:52:45| it's part of sharing the human experience like I've got one for you like everyone used to say I mean it still says like Oh like they ate corn that day they could tell in
00:52:55| their poop and like I would just go along with it like oh yeah like I've seen like what I thought was corn in my poop and I thought what the hell was it look like sworn like not like real corn
00:53:06| good but like I always thought that you could tell it was corn this sounds really weird there's a finish it sounds weird cuz I'm I'm wondering if the exact I'm really ate in corn that's I've eaten
00:53:19| corn and I got pooped out but it wasn't like full kernels of corn oh yeah real corn like yellow perfect kernel of corn does exactly never saw this is exactly my point
00:53:31| no because I chew my [ __ ] food my uh my god damn corn a lot I make sure I chew every piece so my son ate corn and his diaper was loaded with corn and I was just like this is like whole corn
00:53:49| and it's like the whole thing and I was just like it dawned on me that all these people saying that all these who doesn't it was like court yeah it was legit yeah a porn it's not an exaggeration I
00:54:02| haven't seen ever pooped out like they were like might have been like a half one and embedded in my turd but it may be don't eat as much corner you process it's different than most people do I
00:54:11| don't know maybe I'm the next generation of human but I know I think it'll add shoe it was like my son doesn't chew horn no I thought thank you don't chew in your nose you chew your corn neck huh
00:54:23| everyone choose adults this happens to adults you're the only one it doesn't happen to cuz I properly chew my food how about this one like people are like all up in arms
00:54:34| about buttholes and stuff my kid poops his poop yeah is it's like this thick he holds up really two and a half days I'm like oh my God he's like it hurts that I'm like yeah yeah you're waiting two
00:54:51| and a half three and a half days to poop that's gonna be a big boy and it will rest of all you just eat more corn eat more corn just occurs to me that if your butthole
00:55:03| can do that bus everyone's can right yeah yeah I gotta get some poops so yeah I was younger days to get constipated and like it'd be like a trick oh and I'd be like that big like that's cut mouth
00:55:23| yeah and so think about that hey what can go into you're going to hear it in the pipes that you would clink but that sort of thing like no one comes about and like everyone poops and like you can
00:55:38| tell you like kids the way they react he's just like pure honesty like mmm I didn't know I had to poop like it's like that's something like a kid would say he's like what I had to poop every day
00:55:50| that's ridiculous like every single day I don't want to do that like data no I don't wanna not today that's all you have to poop you have an argument about to poop helping
00:56:06| them wipe and all that [ __ ] uh-huh so I mean let's sum it up where we going what's what's our goal here we listen I like your desk the next what the next game then is gonna be grotesque deaths
00:56:22| ranch stranding resident evils are allowed tasks yeah they are any game that really gives you too much blood and guts or like excessive gore yeah it's funny it's called comically cuz the ball
00:56:38| sack was comical I'm fine I'll form the huddle more up sort of well I don't know where this fits in it and I I'm sure we've touched on it but when the Mortal Kombat one came out and the fatality of
00:56:54| Kano ripping out the heart and it's just a circle yeah that drifts Radke it looks so crappy it's like people were up in arms that this was gonna cause school shootings or murderers or whatever like
00:57:08| on the rise it's not but is that because technology was where like could it now because it looks pretty good it's like a much better looking heart that pumps and you can
00:57:20| squish it like is that make it worse I have no idea I mean there's the idea of it ripping out someone's heart and squishing it and then there's the visual
00:57:29| representation what if someone did it like an actual pretty good representation graphically of someone ripping out a human heart and snow using his form the idea would it would make me
00:57:40| go like goof-goof we're gonna gets badass but too bad antigen so know much about know much about Kali ma and like a you got the pronunciations better what is it graphically based at that
00:57:59| point I I don't know or the idea is to it gasps is there a point is 1080p to cut off I mean you see mature yachty and all the else people gonna die because of virtual reality we need to look to see
00:58:13| if there's so many buddy who has died of fright I don't think anyone died of fright uh hold on there are people who have no fear like do you know about these people oh I have remembered there
00:58:27| yeah we did a podcast and on this they were literally unlisted because people will try and find them and scare them yeah which is wild so do you think there's the opposite people who have a
00:58:37| drink adrenal glands that are overdrive and like ID or heart rate would spike and anxiety and then if you tried to scare them they might freak out and die oh you Wild Bill like they just have
00:58:47| heart attacks I know people who get well that would be scared to death right I guess the UM Gerard Butler in the movie where he's the prisoner citizen um I know what
00:59:02| you're talking a yeah he um he kills the one guy with fear cuz he's he controls his heart rate and he can't move he paralyzes him but he can still feel fear and he has a just citizen you're right
00:59:15| right to kill citizen the kill anyway he um he's sawing off the do finally citizen oh that's such a good movie it's really good it's like it could have engine that road as it
00:59:29| people's deaths yeah he's grotesque grotesque he um he's sawing off people's fingers and crap because they can't move but they can finalising me so they stay alive oh yeah
00:59:40| baby Saw movies those please I think we're test score horror yeah they're grotesque as they're like you have to crawl through glass to find
00:59:49| the key that's in your mother's eye that unlocks your daughter's sexuality and she's only four and it's like what you just connected eight things that I don't think we need to go down what if what if
01:00:06| jigsaw was just like you need to look at child porn for an hour straight it's like jigsaw i I don't think so this is this is a bit dark for me and he's like do you want your father to
01:00:16| live and it's like I guess I don't know like where do you go that doesn't have any physical pain do it Nick so that would now be another movie I'm not going to say it's a psychological trauma pain
01:00:33| though are you saying you would not I can't believe you brought that up on the broadcast because it's disturbing like these grotesque is things we don't want to touch things me want to talk about
01:00:51| things we don't want to be near just like the cheese pizza thing I love cheese pizza yeah CP top part wait Kosmic Pizza Center code oh that was a code child porn is in
01:01:08| very alluring ways it was fake though wasn't it I don't know but these yeah because I know they must exist do somewhere well they don't must exist it could be a
01:01:22| trope where it constantly in quotes must exist but never does it's just what they put on people in power I have no idea they it could it could not yeah it could be a warping of reality so
01:01:35| that they bring those people down as well right you know right because it's the more life riding that we go I would hope but you don't know because no one ever talks about well I have no idea
01:01:43| yeah the dude who read it did a post on the schematics for the cosmic pizza or whatever that was all this mysterious stuff and um it went on reddit and that dude was like hey there's all these
01:01:58| secret rooms that were built into it that aren't in the blueprints or something and this one guy this is in the news said that's messed up that's where they're keeping his children this
01:02:10| is where they're doing the terrible stuff he went there with a gun and was demanding to see the secret rooms he didn't he he didn't exactly suit anyone would guess what
01:02:22| he probably got into a pizza place and was at demanding see the secret rooms where the child pornography stuff was and it was just like nope it was just some guy on reddit making that up
01:02:31| I don't know if that counts as grotesque because he was obsessed with it like he was like he wanted to do justice this is like a year and a half ago two years ago I think that's been a race from there so
01:02:44| there's another censorship that's where I think the other element of this because like the internet was free roam wild wild west good so you could find anything in the Internet but now I think
01:02:58| people are becoming more aware and more sensitive to it so they want to censor the Internet and I don't know that I mean they're trying to prevent that person with the gun doing something the
01:03:08| vigilante greatings their degree that's helping in some way but I don't know that it really needs to be censored because I think you want those people that believe in sanity all those crazies
01:03:22| you kind of want them to become known in very stupid ways so it's actually result-oriented like well that would do something even crazier later on because they're probably gonna like admitting
01:03:34| they're crazy so then we have a forum where we can see they're crazy and we can start checking them out let's say hey swag this guy let's check him out now
01:03:43| I guess there is a fine line between let's check this guy out and let's already sensor in or let's I don't know Wolfie is like a user and a place to post all this garbage and then they can
01:03:56| like hone in on them like not only check them out but like the history of what their psyche was like if they're sure could really start tracing where they've been and their private messages or dm's
01:04:10| where they're going if you can check their websites yeah though make sense yeah just it does run on two freedoms it does run into like infringing on what they're looking at versus what they're
01:04:25| doing I have no idea the walls because all these servers are private rent it's private I've no idea is it they move it they can choose what they hosts and what they don't host so they can kick people
01:04:40| so that means you shouldn't be able to read who's reading their stuff or something I've no idea was all I was actually I was just asking so whose right is it if they're saying it's a
01:04:50| private server they can know and composed they can tell the government to you know we're not going to tell you or is it the opposite no because that would be a public server I don't know
01:05:04| again you so you're like the person who wants a server can tell who and who cannot come onto the server so like reddit can say you're banned you're not allowed to post in this what the
01:05:15| government pumps to Reddit and says hey user xxx give me what they've been looking Inc they can subpoena them and force them to turn it over it's you know even though it is I've it like other
01:05:25| cities and I heard a confession it's like religiously based collisions there are some hazy cases where they did share what was going on featured that's what and that like
01:05:36| growing I was like both lemons yeah growing up that was one of the things that like the precess to keep it secret forever it's like I don't how's that that's real forever so funny word dude
01:05:47| it never holds up does it yeah okay weird I think it sums it up yeah giant Wow ball sack rolling through the corridors and bust and killing that one
01:06:03| dot that one dude I feel like Robbie that was the justice you were looking for is killing that one guy ironically I think that's the only guy you actually kill the one you focus on actually
01:06:14| killing yeah I don't know if you you might actually hit one other person put it's possible but I feel like no this game is very detail-oriented I feel like you don't kill anyone else I feel like
01:06:25| you only kill that guy and here's a kicker I've played the game three times you can let him live how if you just stand there in the room look at him I think things like 20 seconds which
01:06:38| sounds like not only mine but it yeah he creeps away from the window well and it just runs by but 20 seconds is a long time I did this because I I think I wanted to see if it would work or
01:06:51| whatever did you know I was literally wet to give up no good I don't he can go back to a little let's see I can't go back to left you go left but how wild is that weird I don't know what that even
01:07:02| says about me or the game see who wanted to know if it was truly trapped stuck in this game universe ready to die but but at the same time he's the only one you can kill and I do enjoy killing him yeah
01:07:17| I did it again when I play it again something about him felt like he was corporate he was a boss and he never worked a day in his life and he was in charge of a lot of things all the
01:07:26| decisions yeah yeah and I was like let's roll with a melody out the window and land on him with our 12-under pounds of legs arms and heads out a way to go I'll teach him do you know he's all over your
01:07:43| body for the rest of the game unless you go in the water let's tear laughs you mean like his remains to the blood yeah yes I'm a blood being on me and I was like oh let's gross thank if you have to
01:07:54| grab a log that's in the water so most of him washes off but if you you know you try to give him Anya oh yeah I'll keep that man entire MELAS let's go task that certainly is it's almost funny how
01:08:13| gross it is right I crack up but I'm not normal I don't think most people crack up with that I do they die maybe they just keep it to themselves maybe they're laughing on the inside they think this
01:08:25| is inappropriate laugh out loud so I'll keep it to myself but I'm still laughing all out so laughs would you say it loud is your goal that everyone is just like you and just not publicly so or is your
01:08:37| goal that they're not like you I think I'd like to unlock that piece in the other person cuz like if you find somebody that's like you I think it's a I think if the world was better I agree
01:08:51| but do you know what's weird I'm totally maybe numb to systick I hope most people don't laugh at that like they're not as funny as me they're not as oh all right yeah no well that's what their reaction
01:09:03| would be they'd be like oh this is awful they wouldn't even get to that point it builds up in such a way that you would never someone who is decided by I stopped running from death first cussing
01:09:15| someone just killing a year old getting trampled me they'd be like whoa this is disgusting Camille's not your own that's going in a red shirt that's a red shirt boy leave him alone I want to say I'd be
01:09:29| more glad if I'm in the minority maybe that says a lot about me what do you think like an epic woman would do playing that game well she'd be like oh my god he just got murdered
01:09:43| I can't she it really depends on the rest of her personality because I think some of them would keep playing to see what's going on and then get really confused and I can't really be like what
01:09:56| I really want to see people's reactions when they turn into the ball sack that's that's honestly such a big transition for a game they've spent making like it must been like two years to develop a
01:10:08| game that was like legitimately disturbing well two games right with the same lar style what's the next iteration I hoping that's a palawan this is kind of like um
01:10:22| oh [ __ ] what is that movie series Cloverfield overfilled does the same thing we've no clue what's going on it's just like episodic it's like you have one vignette one picture of somebody's
01:10:36| like take on what's going on and how they're coping really whoa let's do more hmm hmm that's grotesque yep episodes pooping mm-hmm and I've never
01:10:52| had corn coming out I don't I chew my food apparently all those other people never shoot corn comically disproportionate and distended oh okay like have a diet of corn like unchewed
01:11:07| corn for a day like how that like that come out you guys are a swamp when you're like a Gatling gun he's like in the bottom of the bowl I guess yeah folks we talked about death stranding we
01:11:24| talked about inside by play dead click the link below will get full credit or not everyone should play the game though um yeah you talked about people dying and escalators off you still think it's
01:11:40| not awful things teachers just something about getting on an escalator or taking the stairs and I'm not taking my kid on the escalators yeah just myself so I can jump it all the way no so we can jump
01:11:54| right into it um we talked about everything from life to death the mundane stuff that we deal with every day like push and poop out that butt hole we push that poop out that butt
01:12:06| hole escalator fail escalator failed we talked about Oh disgusting stuff do you see elevator fail no I don't want to know it's so sad you're smiling a little bit but the one
01:12:21| I know I was frowning is he proffers I didn't know what it was cuz I don't know what it was brown it's your frown show frown emotion ik I just found out um Batman
01:12:34| the one where I'm bein takes over the city uh-huh which I would call it's in the Dark Knight series I don't know which one we rounds probably hit anyway
01:12:46| Yankovic um when they do the football scene mm-hmm those were all Pittsburgh Steelers yeah I saw Bill Cowher I saw a Ben
01:12:55| Roethlisberger Hines Ward someone else yeah and I just saw him yesterday and I was watching TV and I was like that's Ben Roethlisberger I was like that's Bill Cowher
01:13:05| what the a times word actually I didn't realize that him to be in a game the playing game in a movie yeah okay I have no idea I it was in Pittsburgh so that's why I assume it make sense anyway we
01:13:24| talked about everything grotesque even the Pittsburgh Steelers which is a pretty grotesque team yeah by dead inside audible big words red shirt little boy ball sack limbo check the
01:13:41| links click them here thanks folks for joining us we can't believe you liked our socials there here here here you can click us here you can check us here you'll watch another episode we really
01:13:52| appreciate you coming out tonight dan did jello shots I did I didn't even have a drink so doing I've drank all that water its water really water water anyway thanks for joining us folks we
01:14:08| like you I like you a lot we like you good night [Music]

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