The UnPanderers: Transcript UnP128 Angst Ennui

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Transcript UnP128 Angst Ennui

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 128 - Angst Ennui
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00:00:04| tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten angst tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten angst dinner in tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten tenten angst its angst folks and it's here for all of
00:00:24| us so I'm Dan and I'm Nick books for old friends dissecting one topic at a time people technology media we've got it all covered each discussion here is a deep dive in or who the nukes for aspects to
00:00:45| them taboos forbidden subjects they're all on the chopping block baby we don't pander to popular opinion you might even get a little bit dirty morning this podcast may contain mature language and
00:00:57| sexual content and this for entertainment purposes only so join us have a good time [Music] okay so that let's begin I'm damned I'm
00:01:27| Nick boats and we have a duo here that discusses every topic Under the Sun called the unmanned Durer's unpay nerves of son panderers s hi would like to coin us well that's pretty good because of
00:01:43| course sons and everything under the Sun interesting nice yeah I like it hmm well thanks thanks no I am I don't know when this episode will air with did you know daylight savings time has
00:02:00| recently happened on the East Coast yes I do know that Winnick angst I don't know is it really all over the United States I have no idea isn't looking at a clock like every time like he gives you
00:02:12| anks a little bit of angst every time you're like I'm supposed to be somewhere like there's something that you're supposed to be doing in the world and it's not happening a little bit but
00:02:21| mine's maybe reverse because like I'm angst at work cuz I'm like huh three more hours ah two more hours for lunch ah hour and a half I could pretend I'm working for
00:02:32| more hours bro pretend pretend I don't want to make-believe the whole time it's ridiculous I better find something real to do because I am bored of pretending to work yeah I'm gonna really work folks
00:02:43| Oh eggs is a creepy feeling but more of a dread really you got some definitions there term I did I looked them up but I didn't write them down but I don't look them up but uh I didn't save the
00:03:03| bookmarks it's a feeling of baby yeah Wow like dreadlocks how cool would it be if I just took this off and I threads and drew I was like what a coincidence I really would love to a revealed
00:03:24| dreadlock that way typically is it typically unfocused it's one about the human condition would say the oh man let's what did Wow that's persistent worry about something trivial
00:03:41| oh my god it's weird that it sighs the state of the world and something trivial it's like you just like worried but yeah is it long-term or short-term it has to be long-term right it's you don't feel
00:03:55| angst at something short-term I mean you're feeling the feeling is a long-term feeling like you can't be like um angsty for a minute and then you're not and I can't be like hunger like you
00:04:07| like I'm angsty for like it's a yeah yeah like I worry that I'm not gonna have like long-term it's like a gnawing thing that never quite goes away it's with always lurking Snapple rain like
00:04:20| I'm hang ste that I don't have that anymore but that's like a worldly thing like the world is changing I can't have yeah things well go with the elements they had rain fire and what was a third
00:04:32| one there's three that came out with they were in glass jars did you know this too do you recall this uh-huh so there were the elements it was rain which was a ghave something I don't
00:04:42| alysha's fire which was like dragging Andrew and then there was a third one then they came out with um the metal can doesn't tear off yeah they change something rain Sun and fire what was I
00:04:55| feel like that's wow that's kind of cool does it say on the bottle system the ball isn't I don't recall it's written in 91 so I can't read it now that gives me angst thinking about 90 spots I'm
00:05:10| like like grape come come come back this looks like boom budget but there's no way I can't it's like intended that you can't read it nice good call good call I missed those
00:05:24| drinks though I was telling my I really do miss those my 23 year old co-worker about those drinks and he's like - sound amazing like they would do really well right now
00:05:33| really good well I wonder what they were like made of were they just like a sugary drink I don't even know was it an iced tea product I have no idea it was an element it was actually probably know
00:05:44| between pipes it wasn't it it wasn't like a sports drink it wasn't a soda it wasn't like a juice and it wasn't a tea like it was between those four I would yeah
00:05:56| perfectly put it between those four the next vodka with that was like when we first started drinking we're either mix it with a Wawa iced tea or a nice fire and vodka mm-hmm we were
00:06:10| also like teens yes when you're you know drinking whatever smirnoff ice Oh Soph mixes it in baby makes this man of ice with more sugar yeah why not but thanks right there right in the vein of angst
00:06:28| thanks the ballpark so like teenage angst instead of like that's the thing that's the typical understanding bang straight I came across a term called angst bunny and I was like who's what it
00:06:41| takes it's funny it's the psychic coping mechanism it's a teenager who's into goth things like over-the-top like um all-black where's the goth outfit says I hate you dad like
00:06:52| the banks have to come down your your eyes yeah like that's a thing that's an angst bunny that's someone who like rebellion it's cute it's cute that they think they're so negative on the world
00:07:03| when like you kind of can't before 20 but but then again maybe they were right like I don't know can you actually have angst at like 16 when you haven't even lived on your own how old do you have to
00:07:14| be to impact the world really you could do it at 10 or 12 somehow I mean I'm not sure that's a freak in a Fria circumstance so generally though Ryan sort of in your own eighty million
00:07:26| dollars I just throw that out there that kid gives me a value before he turns 18 I know it drug overdose Ryan story you smack review this one was totally the Dragon
00:07:47| I was gonna go further but I can joke about a five-year-old dying he's older than that now right he's like seven or eight or nine I have his videos he's captured his previous games really gets
00:07:59| angsty yes do this thing he's progressing faster and faster he's becoming a teenager at nine oh my god he's like a 24 year old at like aged 14 and by the time he's like 18 he's a 70
00:08:14| year old man just smoking cigarettes and he doesn't care about the world anymore he's been divorced three times oh babe you're not even 18 what so what's the opposite of revert like I
00:08:24| hope it reverts into the comic book guy from Simpsons he preferreds Range Rover --ts he's October yeah Probert he could lead a revolution how wild is that [ __ ] all the children yeah could he
00:08:45| I think about that my children whenever they like do something adult like I always imagined them in the wild with Spears stabbing things and I'm like they might be able to survive at this age
00:08:58| pretty sure they would I mean it depends how much help they had and the support system that's general what kind of food is available I mean is it you know very comparable area festive a lot of good
00:09:11| temperatures no storms yeah baby fine yeah do you think that's where like a biological Angus comes from because then you're supposed to be able to like fend for yourself good point I mean you are
00:09:22| strong enough as a teenager to like take down a boar here's the weird part I feel like the two are opposite and this was gonna come up later in the episode but I feel like being at one with nature and
00:09:35| worrying about dying is totally different than having it all and not knowing that feeling and it's like almost a angst at not knowing what you're like
00:09:45| the separation from the internal nature like the exact opposite I feel like when you're fighting to survive that's not cold axe that's just cold like stress or struggle in life but when you don't have
00:09:57| to struggle and everything's gifted to you and you can keep the air perfect temperature and you get all the gifts and nutrients you need whenever you want and they can
00:10:06| taste however you want there's a weird creeping sensation that it's fit you can do whatever you want but it's fake that's like that's thanks to me like that weird feeling that's behind at all
00:10:17| yeah you're gonna die so I've known people that grow like rope with a silver spoon and like they don't like they didn't do things themselves so they never feel like they've built up their
00:10:28| own strength is do they get it do you think they feel angst though they have to feel something weird I feel like we don't like everyday things like if you put some one of those people in like my
00:10:43| position they'd probably be very worried I think there's a lot of [ __ ] I don't know that I have to do but I have to figure it out and like I feel like a lot of people just collapse but that's not
00:10:52| angst that's just I feel like this is oh that's a lot I can't um I'm overwhelmed I'm done but it is angst if you think of it as like I don't know is it not not just like a singular thing that you have
00:11:03| to do is just like all the things they're this difficult that jobs require then you think about like all I don't know if I could do I don't know if I could work like that's that's an angsty
00:11:14| things like I don't know if I got to fit into the world of corporate ah like a little long I don't think I could belong sort of like I I'm not made to belong uh-huh I can't make myself alone I will
00:11:26| never fit here that's totally an egg thing and I think I began long term long term mm-hmm I think I picked this like topic because hey I went back home and yeah it like no one's give me a hug you
00:11:43| know the audience yeah mmm that guy got a hug big hug big yes yeah loving very loving I gave him an even I'm a lover I'm a giver to very generous lover in fact the picture we
00:12:01| know the scene much larger oh yeah those ladies at that other table they were they were their tanks were and they were angst on us you know I'm saying oh yeah oh yeah they're like wait a second we're
00:12:15| not oh oh hey but so like I very very rarely have time to myself and it reminded me when I did have time to myself in the hotel room and I was like I have like three hours free but with it
00:12:33| I want to do something with it so like there's a weird angst of like I should be doing something and that feeling only came back when I was up there because eighths [ __ ] dark up
00:12:44| there like there's no like there's like nothing around that's like easy to do which is weird it's not like you can just like go someplace and just like chill out like a bar or you come back
00:12:55| over here yeah like up there it gets super like dark and cold and like you kind of need to know also that's a very recent I mean you came up right when that started but it's your your defense
00:13:07| for six to eight months it is like that yes yeah so it reminded me if when I was younger and like as a teenager when you don't have anything to do and you know you're like supposed to be doing
00:13:18| something it's like it's all about the people that you know and like the places you're allowed to go which are minimal it's like you could go to a mall go to a movie and go play hockey or like spend
00:13:29| time at a friend's house which is Bane Lee what I would do so like when I was standing there in that hotel room like everyone else is working I have three hours to kill and I'd like I wanted to
00:13:41| spend it with like half some meaning I felt that like weird angst enos like I didn't want to just stay there I love that I wondered I felt Restless I wanted to get out and do something but you
00:13:51| don't know what it is you want to do and you give no like target there's nothing there's like everything's available so you don't know what a nebulous yeah the nebula sness there was something I saw
00:14:06| that I wanted to talk about but the word angst makes the angsty I love angsty as a word anxiety fear dread apprehension worry perturbation foreboding trepidation malaise distress disquiet
00:14:23| disquietude disquietude is a real word ank's titude was a real word well thanks in tune as a word yes I was cracking up like something like it that was cracking up
00:14:33| here etymology it comes from German or a Danish or angst it's a tested since the 19th century it was individually capitalized in Germany it's like a Freud type thing um
00:14:44| it meant Angus not sure anyway it's like emotional term whew painful sadness Mel's like apprehension brought on by depression here we go angsty angst ridden angst with angst full angst bunny
00:15:05| Bert oh I'm glad they had this I don't know the point of this but there's an a list of anagrams for the word are you ready folks playing at home Nats strand aunts Stang pangs sang Nast
00:15:25| nests and tangs like with anything like that's kind of cool I'm gonna bring them up thank you for wasting our time Nick it's like like I don't know like it's like it's pushing its boundaries too far
00:15:44| it's like we're the master master of letters so we're gonna show you all the letters and how they fit together I guess so please click on the week's components like please and live on
00:15:59| podcast we're not someone say goodbye to me oh I hope she comes in and just like madly attacks you with love do you know how I feel right now I'm filled with eggs yeah I just saw a shadow drag but
00:16:16| don't worry it's coming for you oh thanks for coming on your ride is ready I meant the broom the broom there's a clever joke yeah there was a broom right there a black broom gonna get that joke
00:16:45| unless you rewound and watch very carefully it's been planted re very carefully there you know anyway you were saying something before I was saying um it's kind of interesting when you get
00:17:08| older and you're challenged and you exceed at those challenges that you kind of lose your sense of angst even now it's like once you have a cushion of money that you can just you know slide
00:17:19| right down on it uh it really it alleviates a lot of the worry in the world don't you think Nick maybe is there anything you worry about really
00:17:31| ironically enough no not really yeah well at least not with that like I don't worry about money because like I feel like I'll never catch it so it's almost like what is it like like here do
00:17:46| you worry that you'll never make it the NH L know like does even bother you know I'm already are you like it would be so cool if somehow I woke up with Rookie of the Year powers and I got I had a dream
00:17:59| that I had an empty netter in the NHL last night that'd be pretty cool right would you would you be against that no not at all how are you really really is it gonna affect your life that much
00:18:08| there's an empty netter and they were they were debating whether it went in and I was like what else you looking at cameras everywhere but it's like that I mean like I don't know like I yeah I
00:18:24| don't think I can worry about too many things like if you had to relive life I thought it's to worry about teenage stuff I guess I don't I mean if I didn't know better but I don't know do you
00:18:34| worry about which girls like you which whatever but that's not Hanks I guess that's more like like day-to-day worry or like petty worry but like I feel like a teenager would roll that into like
00:18:44| much our level [ __ ] like it'd be like does do doesn't anybody like me or like is any two women you're like are we all fake I feel like you don't have experiences
00:18:55| to back up like any sort of knowledge about it well the knowledge you have about it is literally it makes up the whole world but it's only been like three years you
00:19:05| being old enough to like hold your own wiener and like wipe your own ass and then basically everyone in the world on those three years when like hmm dude some mood swings last three to five
00:19:15| years some hairstyles are like still in some moustaches will last on the guy's face really my dear and you're gonna remember that kid that pissed himself - I was just going with you better live
00:19:26| longer than that guy's mustache before you start throwing around a mark but yeah like I don't know you can't know the world you might think you do but I don't think that's I guess is
00:19:40| thanks God can you be like happy angsty and happy that jerk so I'm always a nonconformist and always happy that I'm non conformist whenever people are like oh do this thing and I hear like
00:19:52| multiple times or just like [ __ ] you people it's like I'm just gonna go over here they're like don't rub hot sauce all over your balls don't rub chili powder on any open sores on your pee-pee
00:20:07| and Dan's like people everyone's like just don't do it he's like conformity I don't think so takes a big ol handful of chili nowadays so staying in the same place what do you know I was going with
00:20:32| me gun was derailed by your sin no I know there's no mana going nowhere I just dropped dollop of brain thought in your and your noggin you did and then you ran away and rub chili powder all
00:20:47| over it's my penis that you're thinking about yeah except these are dick mmm oh really gonna do that Observatory [ __ ] on women episode keep your body most of the heads of episode ever would
00:21:07| be pretty good yeah I'd it make me laugh I realize also that like dark humor people just don't like 90 May waiting humour 85 to 90 yeah we get that a little bit but Ryan's tour reviews like
00:21:24| a really dark ending to that like people would just like oh my godness I can't believe but I'd be like called it episode 132 yeah Oh hope everything's fine the thinking I do especially in the
00:21:45| future does he have a rough life he is because I hasn't even hit mirrors you have you have 80 million dollars and having a hit puberty yet like like I'm gonna be brick no you're gonna be
00:21:59| crashing Ferraris inclu what's gonna be he's gonna be doing the wildest [ __ ] known to man like your mom can only tell you know so many times when you make 80 million dollars and like you said you
00:22:09| haven't even grown hair on your balls like that's wild he's gonna hit phases like where he thinks he knows everything like you imagine if I had there's no Hardy million dollars at 13 even if you
00:22:20| do argue with him it's gonna make it worse like I feel like at 13 or a few things that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that just the rest of the world was [ __ ] up and I knew it and that was
00:22:30| like my angst but I would knew it like I wasn't just I didn't think it I knew it in the core of my being I think a little bit that's where angst is it's a knowing sensation it's not a think it's you're a
00:22:42| hundred percent into it and it's usually bad it's like hey I know I just [ __ ] up this or hey I know this is coming to [ __ ] us offer hey I know this is messed up in the world today and it's it's a
00:22:55| feeling that the wave is so big that you can't stop it like X is never like oh no I forgot to turn off the toaster and it could burn the house down oh I unplugged it
00:23:08| Thanks that's like worry angst is like I found out about this terrible thing that's gonna ruin my life or ruin my parents life or ruin society and it's so big we can't stop it like do you know
00:23:21| what I mean there's like a inevitability of angst yeah it's too big it's too powerful it's a persistent it's persistent and at scale so like you can't avoid thinking about how much you
00:23:35| might be like lacking like if you like have insurance and you think you don't have enough insurance it's like that persistent worry will always be there even if you buy more insurance you never
00:23:44| have enough you never protected yeah you always feel wonderful I mean you will I mean there's no way to mmm that's angst baby oh yeah thanks the word is very German and Danish isn't the
00:24:01| game yeah we take care we uh so like we started the episode what we did it on that music Tony you know can even be angsty right do-do-do-do-do-do didn't intend it a little bit but try not to
00:24:18| get like that copyright oh if that was dead on someone's ever because that was so far off huh what did that angsty write and make you feel like unease like something was off time yeah there's a
00:24:31| trepidation as all of it whoa off kilter on be changes change a phase a little bit oh I kind of wanna also toggle like like yeah I feel like the Hanks that I had when I was younger
00:24:46| like created me into being like a little bit stronger like it forces you to mention this in the text of good angst a good angle when I explain yeah so like it's constant it's constantly you need
00:25:00| to be pushed out of your comfort zone and like if you're in your comfort zone and you feel completely fine then you're probably gonna just continue in that area I don't think many people will push
00:25:10| themselves out of aside their comfort zone unless they feel like it's not comfortable are you great by yourself discomfort in general Gregor's angst yeah I think that's the goal of angst is
00:25:23| to just make you feel like constantly like you need to do something different even if you're doing everything a hundred percent right like you're still gonna double-check everything and make
00:25:33| sure that like when you're taking a test do you take up for the whole time like I had this experience recently where another guy didn't like because I go over my answers all the time - yeah I
00:25:45| review them I reread them I'm just kind of like okay I have time I'll just keep I'll take it easy do it oh yeah especially for big tests that have a lot right oh yeah
00:25:56| it's weirdly that I had a friend that took the same test as me recently it was an eight-hour test and he finished in half the time and he just like like okay it's good now I was like it's like that
00:26:10| tells me that that's bad I'd be like I didn't do that well I'm gonna ask something off I missed something let's go slow it down yeah I I just when I see that that guy I envisioned Josiah and
00:26:23| swim class throwing those floaties into the pool and feeling free and then the moment not realizing that you just [ __ ] yourself someone the teachers watching you you have no idea he just
00:26:38| was his name they're like mr. LeClair or something like curse like me up to that month or whatever yeah - a religious kid and just his look of shock that he had done it
00:27:00| literally was the worst thing he'd ever done yeah it made me feel good because he finally did something free yeah exactly thing you release is so heavy I feel it immediately
00:27:12| seconds of having a good time he was screamed at by a gym teacher of all one's a swim teacher good lord are you out of your goddamn mind son like sorry madam Lee a drill sergeant ha ha that
00:27:29| was the moment before yeah so I imagine that I don't know what his scores are but I assume that he's gonna get those scores and be like oh god damn it are you out
00:27:39| of your mind like he should have just sit there and finished the test right of being like legally like oh I thought that was this section oh damn yeah oh damn mm-hmm why it took you four
00:27:51| hours yeah and when I finished that test that day legal substance CBD like I have some of it I did like a tincture so a little drop you know I got pot brownies in my house yeah oh yeah what pot
00:28:09| brownies in my house wow you do legal legal pot with legal pot brownies I mean by the time this episode airs it might be legal across yeah hope so anyway but like I don't there's a level of
00:28:24| stress that you constantly deal with that you might not know and I feel like when I do take CBDs sleep better I'm not gonna I don't know if it has restorative properties or whatnot but it's fantastic
00:28:34| but I've had any of the pot brownies I'd slept better food but I also think longer to wake up yeah the next day I'm a little delayed a little bit yeah but takes the edge off it makes you wonder
00:28:46| like what baseline you're at because I always I felt stressed studying and doing all sorts of stuff for like a straight month and then that weekend that's the whole time you don't even
00:28:58| know your stress that's just regular you said baseline yeah yeah but you can feel better oh I'm not disagreeing with you at all in fact I would say can you tell what
00:29:09| your baseline is by getting [ __ ] up on drugs and alcohol so the point where your body has no inhibitions and then you just realize your freedom for like a few hours that sounds fun even though
00:29:19| it's and even though it's a vaguely easy version of freedom you think you already go back and try to live like a college kid and like go to a bar and like it smashed like people would look at you
00:29:30| like you're the old dude that's going you be at home he's like addicted his stuff and he can't handle himself and he said no no luckily they have those I mean we have alcoholics our
00:29:41| neighborhoods our local bars like we have really hot Headz luckily we still have these people so if you did try it you just be one of them hmm I don't know that's a terrible thing I just think
00:29:52| it's a hell of a way to spend five straight years of your life maybe not yeah did you just wake up you're like what did I do you're like you're the town drunk oh
00:30:02| damn it I was joking everyone's like haha anyway you're gonna have to apply for a job and everyone knows you're the town drunk and go to counseling cuz you need help
00:30:13| you can quit anything you can change your life you can do whatever you can move whatever it's hard as [ __ ] but you can do it hmm what did you worry about I said well
00:30:22| what kind of worry do you get mostly my kid honestly just worried that me he's gonna believe get bullied her like he's gonna be lacking in some regard he's not the most academically savvy he's a
00:30:37| little he has ADHD it hasn't been diagnosed but I know it's coming like he is trouble focusing and stuff and I worry that he doesn't like school and he's not gonna be good at it and then
00:30:50| he's gonna it's gonna double-reinforced where now doesn't want to go to school he doesn't want to participate and he's not that fun and now he's not feeling good at school and I'm like just do good
00:31:01| enough to do good dude and then like he's gonna hate it and now all those classmates are getting along and he's kind of outcast I'm like oh [ __ ] you got to go make friends with all these people
00:31:11| oh yeah you're gonna hate him and yeah you'll be Facebook friends in like seven years you can just ignore their goddamn requests but for seven years dude they're your they're gonna be more a
00:31:20| part of your life than I am but I can't I can't make friends for it like do you know what I mean you kind of yeah I do worry about cuz I can make friends with whoever I'll be like yo
00:31:32| [ __ ] sweet dance what's up yo I got cherry bombs we can blow up a toilet like you know I mean I can pretend to be friends with any of these little shits he might not be able to do that and I
00:31:44| worry I'm like oh [ __ ] where he makes the wrong friend what if he does what if he doesn't make any friends what if he makes the friend it's like I hate
00:31:52| kids kids of Prag one piece is a friend's a druggie I'm like Jesus Christ dude drugs are cool but not at this age stop it like I don't know what to do I can't
00:32:02| control his life and that gives me angst hmm it's his life now my life I care less my life is over it's over Pete we're hitting the valley I'm done so I have two kids and one of the the older
00:32:20| one a lot of people have like thought he had like autism or something because he like it's really quiet when he talks and like he doesn't talk all that much so like it has been suggested by Mulder his
00:32:32| people and I don't he doesn't have autism but he like he'll go to class and just sit down quietly and like be in his own little world that's just like the way he functions and I worry about that
00:32:43| a little bit but my youngest one he he's only like one and a half but hid when he walks into the room he's just like like looks around at everybody this literally like we dropped him off in the older
00:32:57| ones classroom and he walked over to the teacher and the teacher loves him so she picked him up and she was giving him a hug and all of the kids in the classroom were like I want to give Jack a hug so
00:33:08| they all got up and got in line to give him a hug like one after another it's gonna give I know calming was a complex he's already showing him up he's already more popular in his class damn dude he
00:33:28| was in line to hug his own brother you don't know did you get this could you skip yeah thank you I got you yeah what I made sure to give give my oldest a hug at the end of that good yeah good
00:33:54| cuz I was like you can feel that thing as a parent that like there could be emotions brewing that building is something that like forges your character to something you can on the
00:34:03| forge it's really where you don't know which actions are the utmost importance of shaping someone's life for the rest of their life and which is just like a Wednesday
00:34:14| they will probably forget or not even believe you if you told them that it happened you'd be like I have no clue you're talking about I was three and you were like no it shaped your entire life
00:34:23| and I don't know like you don't know it's weird it's like twenty years from now I'd be like you didn't give me the Tootsie Roll and then it's like what are you talking about that's it I'm done
00:34:38| Wednesday the 14th just screaming at you and you're like I don't know what never bling Parcheesi again yeah now I know why I'm not happy oh my goodness that gives us angst I
00:34:56| guess huh hmm does that cover it is that everything you wanted to say no because I feel like there's a whole creepy part of banks like it's Hanks opening it the were in a haunted house and like taking
00:35:09| a long time to open that door is that is that angst because I mean it's like dread they're related I don't know if they're angst I don't know we like if you go down to
00:35:19| the base like fear of it what's your fear that someone's gonna harm you so fear so it's angst based on fear right now by the definition that you read interesting well you also read it with
00:35:36| me yes at the exact same time uh-huh we read it together we googled it right as the episode started I do recall mm-hm and then we both read it out loud to the
00:35:49| audience yeah there's something a jump-scare doesn't fall into the prolonged anxiety about the world itself thank you because I forgot the definition that I was hoping you would
00:35:59| get that hint mm-hmm so so what about the people who worry about like things like recycling or like the environment or like climate change like that that is every cycling dream I
00:36:13| have recycling eggs Thanks I think you care about the like you worry that the world going to die like the world is the thing that can you can kill and I think maybe
00:36:24| and and scientists like 97% of them say like yeah you're [ __ ] and then the world this is like why whatever probably not I got other things to do so the people who believe it are
00:36:36| filled with thanks because of it this angst attention it's a pension right yeah do you think there's like eco conservative people that I know a guy that has like his own straw that he
00:36:48| pulls from satchel I all yeah and I I mean good for him but I feel like maybe there's a piece of him that's just like maybe other people should do this and like maybe by doing it I'm gonna get
00:36:59| other people that's them yeah lead by example it gives me angst that I have to deal with that I cannot want to do that so he's worried about the planet failing and you're
00:37:12| worried about having to deal with no think about it yeah down I think I think he worries about other people not doing the same thing he does because I think in his
00:37:23| mind that's the way you should do it like the what's this that's the good thing for the planet but he must have inks because no one [ __ ] gives a [ __ ] and like I care a little bit and I'm
00:37:32| like we're probably [ __ ] but he must feel so much worse well think about it because if you look at it from his perspective ah bands on my side and he looks over and he has a recyclable
00:37:46| sorolla and you're just like doing this really Kyra - I like when the water hits my lips faster you're like I totally agree with you straws horn more I need more more more I
00:37:59| need more say can't you do with just want anything I'm like ah that doesn't feels good I just like it what I like things more Kylie I know I like it when I like things more to close it yeah
00:38:14| what I did just want to touch on we touched on it we've danced around it when you want to touch just there's probably a sickness that's coming for Humanity that's we're so far removed
00:38:26| from nature when we touched on with our perfect temperature houses and our linens that cover ourselves you know just our ability to have anything and everything we find at
00:38:38| all times yeah I don't have to struggle in nature one bit [ __ ] you know what I worry about the weather what I'm gonna look like in my outfit yeah what kind of help do I need to use on my Instagram to
00:38:51| make this yeah what kind what kind of gas am I putting in my Range Rover when I Drive over some dead animals like you have to worry about as humans but I think there's gotta be a repercussion
00:39:03| and I think I like that Hanks that you just touched on like I just had an unnatural I just had my father-in-law visit and he he complained about everything that was not in his cocoon so
00:39:15| like he could sleep on a couch but the couch wasn't comfortable enough so he bought up and comfy enough in an inflatable bed and then like he goes for a jog and like his shoes like this
00:39:27| [ __ ] thick and I go like if you just wear like regular shoes like flat-soled shoes your feet would be strong enough to support your own weight and so like having stuff like that just like the
00:39:43| comfort you weaker yeah it makes you weaker and it makes you frail and you end up hating like the way you feel like you can't deal with the world because the world is putting pressure on you
00:39:55| gravity and weight so what are we doing with these luxuries keeping that weight off of us for a while I have no idea creating our own little bubbles sure so you're pushing that weight that crushing
00:40:07| whatever but is ank's the feeling of knowing that that weight is out there and now my soft on ronk wish body once removed from my bubble will be just destroyed is that angst it's like was it
00:40:25| brain from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles he's just like inside that like metal mask right crank crank he is a brain yeah right ya know like what's yours what's your thing like that like for me
00:40:37| it's like really hot showers that lasts forever like wasting water and he held lectricity I'm just like ah I'm just gonna stay right here cuz it I'm in the zone right now with my
00:40:48| waterproof headphones goddamn that's the best filling world especially if you have a few drinks in yeah I might do one tonight oh yeah that's my cocoon the other thing is the cool thing is my
00:41:01| favorite thing to do is to push my body to feel uncomfortable I love discomfort mmm I find that yeah I find that the healthiest thing I do in my life day to day light its pain to him
00:41:13| embrace pain discomfort and embarrassment and just embrace all the things that were kind of naturally recoil from yeah because because there's only a base value for it like you can
00:41:26| only get so uncomfortable or so in pain like it doesn't multiply times 10 you can't be in pain times 10 times 20 times already no it's just pain you can't be I'm uncomfortable times 10 I'm 20 times
00:41:39| already no it's just like you're just uncomfortable so if you embrace it you can like you can laugh like an evil piece of [ __ ] and I do I do ab workout
00:41:51| still it hurts and I'm like I'm gonna be in six-pack I just like I push it and I sweat out booze and I'm like I can still drink booze and work out hahaha like sometimes I just I do [ __ ] that
00:42:03| most people don't want to do and I'm like I just did it and I hate myself for it but I hate all of you more for it and it's a weird feeling I don't know it's probably healthy probably normal there's
00:42:15| a piece of me that uh I'd like the threshold like once you go past the threshold you realize that like you can overcome it but your body has to like push through it and then you also have
00:42:26| to stay there I think staying there I think most people don't do it yeah once they touch it they recoil it's like no just keep in there dude like if it's 90 outside don't turn on
00:42:37| your air conditioning there were times where I Drive my work band which has no air conditioning I roll up the windows on a hot day to see how much I sweat turn the heat on wet all down the
00:42:48| upholstery everywhere Dave my shirt would have back sweat and I'd be like there's something makes you do other people use that fan to you're like hey take down there yo it was that was my
00:43:00| van that was my bad boy hmm but if they did I wouldn't care hope they would bright care you're like oh this NICs wet oh oh this is I love it so much just scooping it up you just have to the anti
00:43:20| angst is rolling in it it's just punching it it's getting punched in the face and enjoying it banks is like being afraid of the punch in the face it's like knowing that it's coming it's
00:43:31| knowing that you deserve it it's knowing that it's going to hurt and feel bad so the antithesis is wanting to get punched in the face it's like Fight Club that's anti angst would you agree I do I
00:43:44| do like the most angsty thing that you can do is like when you finally realize that you like girls you have to like hit on a girl which is so weird because it's so out of the Nordic angsty part is
00:43:56| planning it and yeah about it and trying to figure it out which is all me it's all that it's cold overthinking yeah that's ank's dude the opposite is just doing it
00:44:08| and knowing that yeah you could probably screw it up you probably do terribly you can probably get rejected horribly but will you just do that outright again maybe you will get rejected and look
00:44:19| like a dumbass and etc etc but I don't know there's no angst than that hmm if you accept failure which most people don't I was even gonna simplify it even more it's
00:44:32| this super-ego versus the ego so when you overthink things you when you over complicate things when you over try to solve things when you overreach when you overanalyze you run into eggs if your
00:44:48| dumbest [ __ ] and you just do it you will not feel thanks hmm maybe so you're saying to avoid eggs just become dumb yeah super dough yeah do you think oh yeah the dumbest people in the world
00:45:02| feel angst I don't think so I don't think so no isn't that weird I've seen like autistic people like really like freaked out but I just think people are indifferent hism
00:45:14| isn't stupid that it's like inability to yeah you're like a different yeah a different spectrum yeah I think actually dumb people at no eggs in fact they're super competent I've seen dumb people be
00:45:32| supercoppa have you seen I don't well there's like so like different reddit groups that since died because they've gotten axed there's one of like watch people die like one of those like faces
00:45:46| of death one like the most confident guy I saw like prepared to run and jump over this giant pit and he just didn't make it and he think like why like what what are you proving and like what the hell
00:46:02| are you got like why do you I don't even know I don't even know like can you watch that person fall down that giant pit and you go he really thought he could make it he's overcome me do you
00:46:13| think he like lacked the angst about death I feel like people don't really care about death I would say he didn't have and about that situation well he may have but it wasn't enough to stop
00:46:24| him ank's is check and balance for intelligence I don't know hmm I know where we go from here I think we have to wrap it up probably up wrap it up sum it up tie it together bundle it take it off
00:46:43| up south make sure it's a little clean blow into it turn it into the condom balloon tie a knot make it into an animal and then put it back on and now you're doing it really doggy style I
00:47:01| don't know how that's safer it's not um next three weeks where we begin Germany in the 18th century probably yeah high school teenagers vampires glitter yeah all that teenage years is
00:47:23| when IX begins but again this is because that's when your intelligence blossoms and that's when you start thinking long term at eight or nine you're not really thinking about your long term romance
00:47:34| goals or anything like that yeah I did see I'm a reddit thread about which celebrity gives you the hardest boner um it's it was fantastic because every answer was a different variation of
00:47:50| Danny DeVito right yeah it was Frank Reynolds from that show yeah damn it mother effer I closed you so many times Frank Reynolds every answer was Danny DeVito I don't know how people could
00:48:13| possibly pull that off but they did and it was amazing like just the highest rating ones people loved it so much hmm Danny DeVito it's true though that's true I'm not
00:48:32| gonna deny it I actually like Rita Perlman yeah yeah yeah okay all right if you had little plastic boners I think you could give a lot of people boners like if you could hand them out I don't
00:48:47| think like physically they probably wouldn't have boners but you could give them physical you a boner give you a boner I've given you a boner I know you're a female but I've given you a
00:48:59| boner this one's from me half my bump nope what have my boner oh I think said half lengthwise her ah hmm good finish good finish um angst is for
00:49:24| smart people anxious for people who care about the future Hanks is for people who care about the planet they care about themselves they care about the whole loved ones they
00:49:32| care about something non angst a hey chi'lan is for all the cool villains that how many people do you think actually I care about like the big things and like have no incentive
00:49:42| otherwise to do it I'd say 50% but I mean what do you define as big I mean dude like in their life and like the retirement plans and all and someone who also cares about the world and someone
00:49:55| else's or or all or could care about the world are the people that they'll never know starving to an African I do think there's 50% of the population that does think of bigger things do you think
00:50:08| that's because he's like put on them to think about it like you're gonna be scorned by your god if you don't like support the good causes maybe maybe they listen to the ump aneurysm they never
00:50:19| thought about this [ __ ] yeah well but now they do and it's like whoa I didn't think of that I thinks that no one will who donate to us I'm gonna see a big zero and that's
00:50:28| that sighs you know I mean like do you have angst about that no thanks I don't have explain eggs yeah I think two years ago we it was like the invention I think actually two years about writing around
00:50:42| now is when we invented this this podcast that might have been in November wasn't yeah I think it was we could find the date on that but you know interesting probably could so I I don't
00:50:56| know going up or down since then way down yeah interesting there's a level of confidence here there's also like I've noticed that like my life has changed enough that like
00:51:10| I've experienced more jobs and more weird stress and things that don't make sense and just like all the random crap I just like just bundle that up and just like you know shrink it down make it
00:51:20| nice and fresh off to the side yeah we embrace it you get into the discomfort of it you get into the enough of it and then you just push through yeah navigating the world it's
00:51:32| uh how you be text kinda is embracing it doing it physically doing it doing it speeding Hanks banks is the act of not doing it yes I agree will recover Nick Reed of Parliament Daniel visa
00:51:51| Rita Pearlman Danny DeVito big dogs given up owners some bonus for everyone boners for days teenage boners boners and children's bones idols fear owners and fear
00:52:02| trendier boners Medicaid wakeful bum talking about medication boners for medication medication for bonus viagra do you think people so this is a big topic but do you think people should be
00:52:14| given medication to deal with anxiety when they're a teenager you know it easy to start younger like six yeah when they're born was IV drip of like I don't want him to cry ever oh my god oh that's
00:52:35| Daria sense of dread with that person dude you don't even know what they are afraid of that's [ __ ] oh we talked about did they would I feel like a person like that would hold their child
00:52:49| on a pedestal and be like well my child has never cried and like well I put down your child because they feel emotion like he doesn't feel those stupid things kind of little deep there well because
00:53:06| it's a whole nother episode yeah that's true so yeah we talked about everything from the origins of the word to the origins of the feeling to the origin so German when we get angsty angsty people
00:53:20| and people were angsty and all that stoner I hope that's my word up all that stuff long-term short-term embrace it don't embrace it avoid it dig into it up to your elbows in mid or like that's how
00:53:35| you get out of angst Jurassic Park yep so to sum it up um honestly check our socials check everything we do if you like this kind of an episode we get angst every night
00:53:50| that you guys aren't clicking enough likes clicking the heart button clicking donate if your parents have credit cards just use the credit card it's not a big deal
00:54:01| someone will pay off that debt I will let you own most of it well thank you for tuning in thank you for talking about angst if you guys have anything to add you can put it down in the comment
00:54:17| section above or below wherever it is right for the first 10 comments that say uh Willy Wonka's fantabulous I will send you a dollar in the mail a literal dollar postage include I'll cover the
00:54:32| postage I got it oh yeah I roll ER if you've made it this far you're willing to go a little further anyway thanks for joining us um we like you we like you a lot again socials get in here give us a
00:54:50| big old angsty hug and put one right here for daddy oh boy oh my goodness here he comes I can't I'm gonna hit my son

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