The UnPanderers: Transcript PRED007 Political Party Line Towers

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Transcript PRED007 Political Party Line Towers

UnP Transcript
Transcript of Episode 7 - Political Party Line Towers
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00:00:12| welcome aboard folks we're gonna do a little talk today about overly politicized individuals things and scenarios find yourself at the holiday dinner uh
00:00:21| maybe you're buying a car maybe you're just watching a sporting event maybe you're just minding your own business scrolling through facebook and there it is
00:00:28| the over-the-top political angle those damn we're not here to say one side or the other damn right that's not even what we're talking about we're not saying that one
00:00:39| side's wrong or one side's right we're saying why does every single thing have to be deeply rooted in it and then all your posts have to be it and you have to share as much misinformation
00:00:50| about the other side as you can and you won't buy cars from people who are the other side or you won't root for a team who's one player is openly one political side or another it's over
00:01:01| the top it's too much and i think we all know these people right the political predators yeah the political predator you're sitting there
00:01:12| and you're like sometimes they're commenting on your picture you know trump would do that he did that why doesn't anybody bring him to justice yeah oh my god
00:01:23| it's bizarre the worst is the worst is the fake ones that everyone knows are faking the bottom ones it goes both ways don't i don't even know if they're bothered but they're shared by real
00:01:31| people they're probably created by bots or copy-pasted real people but it's like share this if you believe in american schools and this is like a right version
00:01:40| of them there's left and right versions but it's like they're making the kids not say pledges allegiance anymore and they're all facing sharia law and going west
00:01:49| share this if you agree this is wrong and bring back america it's like i don't think that's happening this doesn't sound like any other no it doesn't sound like anything and
00:01:56| they're like fighting for it they're really fighting for it and you're like but then there's the other side that are like trump was recently accused of raping
00:02:06| four children or something and the government is just covering it up and it's like share this if you want more people to know his secret tapes are out and it's like
00:02:14| whoa i think the news would have got a hold of that one like do you know what i mean it's like yeah is this the source i'm gonna rely on
00:02:21| exactly why just share that facebook post it's gonna bring everyone to justice but the predator aspect of it um you can identify them right away i mean
00:02:34| you come into your new job uh you meet some new people you're at a party fraternizing and the first thing they bring up so how about the election and you're
00:02:43| like oh my god it's been three years uh i don't know this guy can you believe that he's still in there it's like oh yeah you're like oh that one oh jeez it's the left
00:02:53| okay and then you have to decide like is it worth saying i don't care to that person how offended would they be exactly it's almost like you're offending their way
00:03:05| of life so you know what you usually do right you just kind of be like the economy yeah yeah i got you and you kind of just you want to throw it under
00:03:14| the rug so we can move on but you can't you can't keep harping oh my god now they got you they're like oh he's on my side let's go to town baby let's
00:03:26| and they want to just bite into you they want to get it all out like right now they're like ah finally someone can you come with me to my next trump
00:03:34| rally my family thinks i'm crazy and you're like really busy it's bizarre because these people are like sprinkled throughout the
00:03:42| populace and like you'll hit one that's like a little landmine and then they don't stop like they keep bringing their opinion and usually it's along some crazy line
00:03:52| that has no rationality to it like if they believe in one thing then they believe that the party believes all the other things and they're gonna buy into all those other things and then they're
00:04:00| going to bring it up to you to try to convince you that you should do that i think that's the point of it is to get more people on their side
00:04:08| i mean that makes sense right you want more people on your team i get that yeah i don't know that i feel like those people don't make a rational decision so it's not like they're like
00:04:19| trying to say their point of view they're just reiterating things it's a lot of um i guess maybe it's self reaffirmation like you want you want other people to believe you're
00:04:30| absolutely right oh my god you are spot on i didn't even consider this but you are a genius the scary thing is how they flip-flop too
00:04:39| and how young it happens i like in college people who are like 18 and 19 would like bring this political stuff as like you just began to vote
00:04:48| and you have no money like there's no way that you are wealthy and concerned about you might be concerned about the environment or like people who are like
00:04:59| life well i will say this for there's a big part of the populace that can watch this and we'll say um the only people who can give zero shits about politics
00:05:10| is people who are fairly well off privileged and aren't going to be affected by it on a day to day they can buy their way out what i mean yeah or or it doesn't affect them as
00:05:18| much like you're not fighting for we're not fighting for uh rights for gay marriage right now because i'm afraid it's gonna be taken away from me and that's true i'm not like
00:05:26| i get that and so there will be a push from people who are totally disadvantaged that really care about it more than more than i will and i get caring about it more
00:05:35| those aren't even the people we're talking about though we're talking about like the they breathe it they live it they they base their friendship circles around it
00:05:44| they base where they go to breakfast around it like they are obsessed with it that's probably the best word for it obsessive
00:05:53| political they're enforcing it on you it's like the belief pushers but this i don't know if this is belief really i guess it is i don't really know it's
00:06:06| it is it's almost religious yeah it's almost religious but i think i get yeah i guess it's kind of on the same page you blindly follow it it's not like
00:06:15| you've ever met the guys involved right that's probably true i know people are gonna like political reality you're obsessed with um right but you don't meet them
00:06:25| obsessed with like um hollywood actors or actresses oh yeah the same way and then you meet them in person and they're completely different than what you thought
00:06:32| or their agenda is more varied and and uh different than used how about you don't know them but like you're in love with them and you take out clippings of them
00:06:40| and take pictures of them and you're obsessed with them and you're like do you love celine dion oh my god it's like you don't know slendy on either relax
00:06:49| i don't know so how do you games like you know how do you avoid these how do you manage yeah i don't know that you can avoid them because sometimes they surprise you
00:06:57| i actually say don't engage with them on my facebook or something like that yeah like i get it if you're like hey uncle charlie no um sharia law isn't coming around
00:07:07| it's not you're not going to convince them we already discussed this they're inconvinceable you you really can't sway their opinion they're rooted in it because
00:07:16| their personal identity is invested in that so to attack it is to attack their personal identity you're not gonna change their life who they think they are or when they share a picture of a
00:07:26| pencil sharpener like the old-fashioned kind and wrote kids kids nowadays don't know what this is and it's like okay i'm not going to change your life
00:07:34| rotary phone it's like what is that but whoa they also live in their own circle their own bubble too their own media outlets like the fox or cnn thing
00:07:45| like sometimes people are split news yep like even my parents like they like [ __ ] on cnn and like they watch fox news but i look at fastbox news i'm like
00:07:55| i don't think that's accurate at all product seems pretty slanted in one direction there's an authenticity that i think people who really analyze things can
00:08:04| just feel it doesn't it doesn't feel authentic and i'm not [ __ ] entirely on one or the other but there's a spin that you can sense
00:08:11| like you at least say there's a spin on this story i'm not going to take it figure out what's what seems like the truth right you're getting one piece of the story
00:08:23| and it's pretty obvious you're getting one side yes like you can feel the one side you're like we're leaving a whole section out here
00:08:30| and it just feels impartial um you had come across someone doing scientific research yeah so not you personally but god so candace evans was on joe rogan podcast
00:08:41| she was i think an aide or something to obama so she was on uh the democratic side and then she flipped and she went i think republican and it's interesting because she's a very
00:08:56| good speaker she's attractive and she's african-american and it seemed like she was an independent thinker sort of until like midway through and
00:09:04| then she started going along party lines without any kind of logic to it so she sided with global warming isn't real and we
00:09:14| shouldn't care about it and it's like but joe rogan was like but like 99 of scientists it might be 97 like believe that global warming is going to
00:09:23| be a terrible thing and we need to act now like a majority of scientific of the same like you can pretty much say the whole scientific
00:09:30| community believes that this needs to be taken care of more scientists are against global warming than recommend a particular toothbrush
00:09:39| yes exactly that's incredible yeah like four out of five are always like i like this one 40b go for it you know but like the fact that nine
00:09:48| and a half out of 10 scientists are like yeah it's globally is pretty real there's evidence her exact argument against it was the weirdest part it was when i started looking into this i felt
00:09:59| like all of these sources were very political in nature and he was like well just what did the scientists say like what did the science say what did the facts say
00:10:09| and she was like well i started realizing they were all political and it's like they were all political like this sounds like a conspiracy theory they're all out
00:10:18| to get you yeah like they literally these people not just right-wing left-wing but these people who are so entrenched in their belief
00:10:27| will put science on hold and say that any anyone who finds sort of facts or discover something is lying or is they're the ones that are wrong they're outside their tribe outside their bubble
00:10:39| they're like this can't i don't believe it so i'm just gonna listen to the guy that's has more power yes it's so weird and agrees with me yeah i it's baffling it's baffling for
00:10:51| someone that's so convincing and like seems so rational to flip like that and then be like they're just going to toe the party line because maybe it's advantageous to them
00:10:59| maybe their career depends on towing the party line which that would make sense i mean that's a logical answer the only thing i think that would give
00:11:07| sense yeah if it did further your career and you care about money i mean what do you care about whether you're wrong or right about global warming
00:11:14| it's sad to think that people will judge you based on your own power like political leanings it shouldn't be that like if you are adamant about something and it's
00:11:24| a logical step like your work shouldn't like fire you because of it and you shouldn't be isolated or um just left out of the loop because of what you believe yeah yeah but you have
00:11:38| to be open to other people's opinions and how things you do and that's where a lot of them see i think now that we live in these in the phone world where we can
00:11:47| i still follow ignore everything i totally agree with me i can because i have 40 different sources of news i pick the one that i like the best i
00:11:55| mean let's be honest i pick the scientists i agree with the most i pick the music i listen to the most i pick the circle of friends i like the
00:12:02| most you have so many connections to so many people that you don't go up against a lot of diversity you don't have to mingle because most of the people you
00:12:11| follow listen to watch are part of agree with you and so we've created these different groups that split it splinters us and that's
00:12:19| in the sense how we separate ourselves and that in a sense is how there's going to be political predators among other things you know people that only listen to certain music
00:12:28| and stuff but right now we're talking about the political ones and no you can't avoid them yes i think you can minimize what happens between you and them i mean don't
00:12:37| engage them in the politics don't even bring them facts because it's just gonna say that fact is politically charged sure and i guess i always try to like
00:12:49| i'm too nice so like when they start talking to me i like listen to everything they have to say but they just keep going so like there's a point where you
00:12:56| just have to kind of like say uh-huh yeah i got and then just kind of like back away slowly oh i got my drink or something like a thirst ah
00:13:05| partial uh one i got a huge dump coming heart just i'm parched but you have to make it a little bit rude
00:13:14| just enough to know that either you weren't comfortable talking about it or you didn't want to yeah because they're gonna come right back at you oh he really had to dump he'll come
00:13:20| back oh wait excuse me you ready it's like no no no no did you flush it i think did you flush i thought i heard the
00:13:31| flush yeah so essentially jiggle the handle we will not avoid them we will not be able to escape them entirely um they will predator
00:13:42| us and sometimes we will be the predators they will date us before we date them it will predate us but the other thing to keep in mind is that sometimes you could
00:13:54| be the one yeah so the solution is really to be open-minded and accepting of political views tolerance i guess we're preaching
00:14:04| tolerance here i guess but didn't isn't it cool when someone punches a nazi not like like a semi-nazi like an actual person that believes
00:14:14| oh yeah oh my god so there's there's a weird line i guess we're crossing even just talking about it but you know i don't know and that's how you deal with overly
00:14:28| political situations folks you just leave it open-ended and say yeah you can do is that what we're doing is there anything else i gotta wrap up
00:14:38| i think that's i don't know that you could do very much else no i think uh if you state your opinion you're gonna get in a battle so but bow out bow out is a decent way
00:14:50| to fend them off depending on the situation i mean what if you're sticking up for someone um you stoke the fire and back out while
00:15:00| they're fighting uh i've done that before started that at work and then you could hear the two people like arguing and you just kind of like i'm around the corner like doing my
00:15:08| own work and just like go at it for you guys it's great real quick peace is that a birth his birthday yeah it's in kenya i gotta go
00:15:22| well yeah be careful folks there are political predators out there predators be warned predators predators

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